RES 1994-02T 0 TVVT N 0 F TR J_ E H Y CLUB) , TERAS r TTM-Ol,_4 If, 0 �_Jj� U 1 -1. 14 it -T's PtivT TTM-OT n," MTT" rnT ri zl� 1�1 ID k_� 11V I L. 114 Ur L.Fllm�l J.11jV,VTN CC)UNCIL OF THE TOWIN C)ltir n Mn��T"I TD � .0 I 17 �TUTE.XAS Ary'VIARDING A DID FOR. PAVEPIENTL REPAIRS P.T VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN THE TOW11i TO MASTIErR C"ONST RUICT ION & ENGINEERING. AUTHORIZING, THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN TO EXECUTE A MTT C 011 T R A C T TFOR 11-1E SAID PAVEMENT REPAIR WORK; P ZRR OYTj1 I D I IT MIG k'NT EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS , the Town of Trophy C-lub Texas ( t-fte "T own in C-LcCorl.:i th State law, "-eretofore ssued a request for nuance wiL,11 ou L_ sea.l.ed bids -IL:or pavement repair of various .Locations within the Town as set 'forth in the contract documents entitled Special Contract 'Documents 'Lor 1.9'Z3111 Pavement Repairs, kvarious loCations i (the 11contract"11 , a true and correct copy X_ - ch s on ti 'n -he o-1:f-ce o-'-- -he mown Secre-ary; and of will i L.L Llil L.L J_ L_ I " ,, IT iA qT­ =Jb, E.S, in accordance with the request for sea.1- ed ids t1he Town received six (G) bids on or before 10:oo a. -m., February 31, 1994; and WHEREAS, the request for bids required each bidder to submit a base contract bUIC-1 ( the ""I. -lase bid" ) and an auditive alternate. l -=m 01CL i_1 lie Tladditl ve a-Iternate Jbid"If with the base bid and the auditive a _1 ternate heli, bi-cli together cons t". tut ing ti -le totaiblCA1 for the Contract kithe base bl(ft and Lie Sldidltive a-iternate item bid belng hereinafter re-t-errefft to togetlier as tie "Did'11; and WHEREPS, U-1 -1 Lowest B'd received by the Town was that he U 1 Did submitted by Master Construction & Engineering, and; T.TT "An, r - I- I I_ i _-L having reviewed -s �_iie Town �'ou n c LiteLfte .0 -1 k -L L. ecu, receive- -he recoirtmendiation �-roim -1-e suoim, e and naving - J_ LL Ull Town C t a It 11 , in accordance with State Law now desires to award -lie d to "as�er �ons-ruc�L,ion � l Ill U 1-1 x Engineering. TTITT NOW, 111EIREFFORE, Dill -.1-m1 RrIIESOLVED 311 THE TOWN COUNCIL OF I ?tTTTTT ­ TTT� , MT"'A_ THE TOWIT OF T� I ki 114 -) J� r1k_)r"C11 I—LiLI'l3L2, 0 'e -- ion 1. Thar the above and -foregoing preamnhjlle iL Z true and correct is into ^' into tfte oo"y Uj_ 4z Peso-Lution as is. copiedcl herein in its entirety. I J-1. does hereby award the Did In, e c t i o n 2 . Tile Town Counc for pavement repairs of various iocations within the Town as set tort in tile contract documnents entit.-LeCl Special C_'ontract D,c)Cuiments for J.9941 Pavemnent Repairs, (Various Locations, the "Contract,T) to Master Construction A true anu Correct copy of the Contract is on f7i-le in the Ce ffice of Lhe Town Secret-ary. e c -L lo n "I Tile I'le Mayor -Is hereby autillorized andL empowered -L -D Ll -- I i I- Ell L� 1-1 Ll L, 1 (X execute -he -on�ract wi-l- Master �'cns�ruc-'on LEngi-neering, as set 'Lortfti herein. S J- "'ec-,on 4. That this Reso.-Lution shalil take ef--ec- 'rom, U L L- it after its date of passage. PASSE D ANID APPROVED I-jy tfte Town C-'ouncii of the Town ol- Trophy 'Clutd, Texas this 'Ll th day of February, a}%6r, Town of TrGD4Ty Club, Texas FAMNIINM Town Secretary, Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town lAttorney, Town of Trophy C-Iub, Texas