ORD 2011-29TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE NO . 2011-29 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AM ENDIN G T HE FY 2 0 10-20 11 BUDGET O F THE T OWN OF TR OPH Y CLU B , TEXAS ; PROVID I NG FOR T HE I NC ORPORAT IO N OF PREM ISES; PROVIDING FOR AN AM ENDMENT TO APPROPRIATE FUN D S NEEDED TO PAY FOR T HE PURCHASE OF INCODE MUN ICIPAL SOFTWARE FRO M TYLE R TECHNOLO G Y (B UDGET A MENDMENT NO .4 MAKING A SUPP LEM ENTAL APPROPRIAT IO N IN A CCORDANCE WITH T HE TOWN CHART ER); PROVIDIN G A S AVIN GS AND REP E A LE R CLAUS E; PR OVID ING FO R SEVE RAB I LITY; P ROVID IN G FO R E NGROSSME NT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFE CTIVE DATE. W HE RE AS. the T own of Tro phy Club, Texas Fiscal Year 20 10-2011 Budget was adopted within the t ime and in the manner required by State Law (here inafter "Bu dget"); and WHEREAS , since the adoption of the Budget , the To wn experienced sign ificant malfunctions with the softwa re system presently being used by To wn Staff; and WHE RE AS , Town Council id ent ifi ed a need to purchase Tyl er Techno logy - Ineode mun icipal so ftware in order to resolve soft ware issues and to increase staff efficiency and system re liability; and WHER EAS , th e Town Council has determined that the purchase of the software in Fisca l Year 2010-2011 is ne cessary in order to have the new software operationa l by January 31 " 2012; and WH EREAS , the Town Counci l has determined that there are sufficient funds existing in the Town 's Genera l Fund -Fu nd Balance t hat it may appropriate the cost of t he soft ware from the General Fund-Fund Balance during the FY 2010-20 11; an d WH E REAS , the Town Council of the T own of T ro phy Club, Texas hereby finds and determ ines that it is prudent to amend specific line it ems due to t he unforeseen costs of changing software systems and which impacted the line items spec ified be low; and WH E REAS , the Town Council of the Town of Trophy C lu b , Texas further f inds that the amendment, as set forth in Exhibit "A", will serve the p ublic interest and is necessary t o suppo rt Town ope rations ; and WH EREAS, the Town Counc il of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas finds and determines t hat t he change in the Budget for the stated municipal purpose se rv es best interests of the taxpayers , is necessary and warrants act ion at this time; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNC IL OF THE TOWN OF T ROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES Tha t th e above and foregoing premises are true and co rr ect and are incor porated here in and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT The T own of Trophy Cl ub, Te xas. Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Bu dget is he reby amended to fund the line items as st ated in Exhibit "A". a copy of w hi ch is attached hereto and incc rporat ed herein. This Amendment No.4 (Exhibit" A") to the Orig inal Bud ge t of t he Town of Troph y Club , Te xas, for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 shall be attached to and made part of the Original Budget by t he Town Secretary and sha ll be file d in ac cordance wi th State La w. This Ordinance is hereby adopted and s hall constitute the fourth budget amendment that has occurred since the October 1, 2010 effe ctive date of the To wn's Fiscal Year 20 1 0-2011 Budget. SECTION 3, SAVINGS AND REPEALER That th is Ordinance sha ll be cumu lat ive of a ll othe r Ordin ances of the Town affecting th e Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget of the To wn and shall not repeal any of th e provisions of such Ordinances except in those instances where provisions of th ose Ord inances are in direct conflict w ith the provis ions of this Ordinance; whether suc h Ord inances are codified or uncodified , and all other provisions of t he Ordinances of the To wn of T rop hy C lub , codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of th is Ord inance, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTI ON 4. SEVERABILITY If an y section , article, paragraph , sentence, clause , phrase or word in th is Ord inance, o r application thereof to any person or Circumstance, is held invalid or un co nstitut ional by a Court of competent jurisdiction , such holding shall not aHec t the va li di ty of the remaini ng portions of the Ordinance, and the Town Council he reby dec lares it w ould have passed such remain ing portions of the Ordinance despite such inval idity, wh ich remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. ORO 2011·29 Page 2 of 4 SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the T ow n of T ro phy Clu b is hereby directed to engross and enrol l t his Ordin a nce in the Ord inance records of the Town and to properly record t hi s Ordinan ce in accordance w ith the Tow n Cha rter . SECTIONS. EFFECTIVE DATE T his Ord ina nce sha ll take effect from and after its date of passa ge in accorda nce wi th law, and it is so or da in ed. PASSED AND APPROVED by the T ow n Counc il of t he To w n of Trop hy Club , T exas, this the 1 5~ day of Aug ust , 20 11 . ATTEST: (~annon DePrater;T own Secreta ry Tow n of T rop hy C lub , Texa s APPROVE D TO AS FOR M : ~~ Patr icia A. A dams, T own A tt orne y T ow n of Trophy Club, T exas ORO 20 11·29 Conn ie W hite, Mayo r To w n of Trophy Club, Te xas [SEAL] Pa ge 3 0 14 Exhi bit "A" To w n of Trophy Cl ub B u dget Amendment No.4 The Fiscal Year 2010·201 1 Genera l Fund Expend it ure B udget Increas e specif ied be low is a result of cost s associat ed with t he purchase of Tyler Tec hnology -Incode Muni c ipal Softw are and wi ll be funde d from a n appropriation f ro m the Town 's Gene ral Fund-F und Bal ance . Or igina l Budge t Amendm e nt Am end ed B u dget Sof tw are and S upport $ ·0· $ 188 ,854 .00 $ 188,854.00 O RO 20 1 1·29 Page 4 of 4