ORD 2005-29TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2005-29 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF A NEW SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR THE TOWN RELATED TO NEW CONSTRUCTION BY INCORPORATION OF EXHIBIT "A", ENTITLED NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FEE SCHEDULE; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING A PUBLICATION CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club is a Home Rule Municipality acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 2004, the Town adopted the 2003 Edition of the International Building Code, (hereinafter "IBC"); and WHEREAS, Section 108.2 of the 113C calls for the governing authority to establish a Fee Schedule for all work requiring a permit; and WHEREAS, the Town has conducted a study of fees to insure the Town is accurately recovering the costs associated with the services provided; and WHEREAS, staff recommends Council approval of the complete fee schedule for new construction; and WHEREAS, the fees adopted hereby are set forth in Exhibit "A" and all schedules thereto (collectively referred to as "Exhibit `A"') are reasonable and reflect reimbursement for administrative costs incurred by the Town in providing various services to the public (A copy of Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference); and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES/PURPOSE The foregoing premises are hereby adopted in their entirety and there is hereby adopted a Schedule of Pees, including any schedule thereto, and incorporated herein for all purposes for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, the payment of which shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of any permit, any inspection or the provision of a copy of any ordinance, resolution or any other Town record or document. Such fees represent the reasonable administrative costs of the Town in providing services to the public. SECTION 3. APPLICABILITY/CONFLICT The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all fees established herein and shall be levied by the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, immediately upon the effective date of this Ordinance. Separately adopted ordinances may also address applicable fees for other permit requirements and services provided within the Town of Trophy Club. In the event there is a conflict between the amount of a fee enacted by a separately adopted Ordinance, the fee amount set forth herein shall apply unless the separately adopted Ordinance specifically provides that it controls. This Ordinance should not be construed to be all inclusive of required permits or fees within the Town of Trophy Club. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS When used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them: Accessory Building: A subordinate building or structure of masonry and/or wood construction, detached from the main building, and customarily incidental to the principal building. Addition: An extension or increase in floor area or height of a building or structure. Apartment: Any building, or portion thereof which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied as three (3) or more apartments or which is occupied as the home or residence of three (3) or more families living independently of each other and maintaining separate cooling facilities. Assembly Group: A building or portion of a building used for the gathering together of fifty (50) or more persons for such purposes as entertainment, education, worship, amusement, drinking or dining. Commercial Carport: A permanent roofed structure constructed on a commercially zoned tract of land, entirely open on at least two sides, designed or used to shelter not more than two private passenger vehicles. Condominium: The separate ownership of single units or apartments in a multiple unit structure or structures with common elements as defined in Article 1301a, Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated, as amended. Congregate Care: Any building or portion thereof that contains facilities for living, sleeping and sanitation that may include facilities for eating and cooling, for occupancy by other than a family. A congregate care building may be a convent or monastery, but does not include jails, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels or lodging houses. Day Care Facility: An establishment where more than three (3) unrelated children under fourteen (14) years of age are left for care, training, education, custody, or supervision during the day or any portion thereof. The term "day care center" shall not include overnight lodging, medical treatment, counseling, or rehabilitative services, and does not apply to any school, public or private, as herein defined. Such facility shall be operated in a manner as required by Chapter 42 of the Human Resources Code of the state of Texas, as amended, and in accordance with such standards as may be promulgated by the Texas Department of Human Resources. Educational Building: A building reserved for the use of primary and secondary students (ages 5 to 18). Guest House: A secondary structure on a lot which may contain dwelling accommodations for the temporary occupancy by guests and not for rent or permanent occupancy, and such building not having a separate utility meter. Hospital/Medical 24 Hour Care: A facility providing health services primarily for human in-patient medical or surgical care for the sick or injured and including related facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, training facilities, central services facilities, and staff offices that are an integral part of the facilities. Ilotel/Motel: A building or group of buildings designed and occupied as a temporary abiding place for individuals. To be classified as a hotel an establishment shall contain a minimum of six (6) individual guest rooms or units and may furnish customary services such as linen, maid service, telephone, use and upkeep of furniture. a. High Rise: Any building, as defined above, exceeding five stories. b. Low Rise: Any building, as defined above, with one to four stories. Orfice: Office space used for indeterminate purposes which may include corporate, governmental, medical, or other forms of usage. Medical/24 Hour Care: Refer to "Hospital'. Multi -Family Residential: A building or buildings containing or aggregating four or more single-family dwelling units. Repair Garage: A repair garage is any building or part thereof which is used for painting, body and fender work, engine overhauling or other major repair of motor vehicles. This occupancy shall not include motor vehicle service stations. Residential Garage: An accessory building or a portion of a main building for the storage or parking of motor vehicles as may be required in connection with the permitted use of the main building. A private garage shall be totally enclosed with the only exceptions being openings used for access or ventilation, shall be constructed of similar style and material as the main structure. Service Station: A retail place of business engaged primarily in the sale of motor fuels, but also supplying goods and services required in the operation and maintenance of automotive vehicles. These may include petroleum products, tires, batteries, automotive accessories and replacement items, washing and lubrication services, the performance of minor automotive maintenance and repair, and the supplying of other incidental customer services and products, but excluding major automotive repairs, painting, and body and fender work. Shell Building: The construction of a functioning building, including site work, the building envelope and public areas, with operating elevators and core utility systems, but excluding work in the areas reserved for tenant occupancy. Single Family: A portion of an enclosed building having accommodations for and occupied by only one family, attached to like units, which units may be sold individually provided that the entire building meets all lot area, front yard, side yard, rear yard, height and other zoning requirements. Tennant Improvement: The completion, remodeling or altering of a space within an existing building. SECTION 4. AMENDMENT The individual fees are subject to change to reflect the Town's actual costs and as such, the fees herein may be changed by the Town Council at any regular or scheduled public meeting through a simple majority vote in compliance with applicable law. SECTION G. CUMULATIVE REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances except for those instances where there are direct conflicts with the provisions of this Ordinance and where such other ordinances(s) does not specifically state that fees contained therein take precedence; provided however, that any Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinances or parts thereof in force at the time this Ordinance shall take effect and that are inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent that they are inconsistent with this Ordinance unless such ordinance specifically states that it controls over this Ordinance. Provided however, that any complaint, action, claim or lawsuit which has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to any such any such Ordinance on the date of adoption of this Ordinance shall continue to be governed by the provisions of such Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. SAVINGS All rights and remedies of the Town of Trophy Club are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of any Ordinances affecting fees and as to any and all claims or causes of action regarding any fees imposed by Ordinance or other Town regulation which have accrued prior to or at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending causes of action, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such Ordinances, same shall not be affected by this Ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION S. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity or unconstitutionality and that such remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 9. PENALTY CLAUSE It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. EXHIBIT "A" NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION REG SCHEDULE 56 Construction Types: I A.IB Construction Typos: II A. III A. VA Centime cIlon Typos: It B. III5, IV, VB IBCIIcc class ISCIICC Occupancy Type Pmloct $izv Threshold Baso Cost @ Thmshald St.. Cost for Each Additional 100 s.5' Bas. Cost@ Th,..hold St. Cost far Each Additional 100 s.L- Baso Cost @ Thmehold Biza Oast for Each Additional 100 ..f, - A-2 Assembly Group: Churches, reslounmis 500 52,616 546.74 52,160 530.95 51,744 531.15 A-3 2,500 $3,551 562.50 $2.959 $5215 52,367 $41,72 A4 5,000 55,115 $32.41 $4,263 527.01 53,410 $21.61 E _ 10,000 $6,735 531.20 55,613 $26.06 54.490 $20.05 25,000 511,427 524.49 $9,523 $20.41 57,610 516.33 50,000 517,550 $35.10 514.625 $2925 511,700 523.40 A Assembly Group - TI 250 $1,220 543.46 51.016 536.57 5613 $29.26 1,250 SI,650 5511.16 $1,392 546.47 $1,106 530.70 2,500 $2,366 $30.31 S11990 $25.20 51.590 520.21 5,000 53,143 520.23 $2,620 $24.35 S2,096 579.49 121500 55,336 $22.95 $4,446 519.13 53,557 $15.30 25,000 $6.205 532.62 56,639 527.35 S5.470 521.00 R-4 Congregate car. - Complete 11000 54.624 $40.55 53,853 $33.79 $3,063 52743 5,000 S6,246 $5545 55,205 $46.55 $4.154 537,24 Residenlial smalaasissled Irvine 10.000 59,030 526.47 57,533 523.73 $6.026 S16,9S more than S. less than 17 agents. 20,000 511,066 $27.45 59,905 522.66 57,924 510.30 50,000 520,123 521.32 Si6,759 517.76 $13,415 $14.21 100.0oo $30,760 530.70 $26,650 525.65 520,520 $20.52 E Educational Building - Complete 2,000 57,420 522.50 50,100 527.15 54,052 $21.72 R 10,000 510,034 544.95 $0,362 537.30 $6,690 $29.90 It -12, prwa a 20,000 514,520 522.07 $12.100 51946 59,000 $15.25 Oaycom Included elsewhere. 40,000 519,094 52246 515,912 S1036 $12,730 $14.70 100,000 532,320 517.11 $26,940 514.25 521,552 511.41 200,000 549.440 524.72 541.200 520,60 532,969 515.49 E Educali.nol Building - TI 250 51,220 543.00 $1.016 536.57 5613 529.26 6 1,250 $1.669 $56,16 51,302 540.47 51,106 530.70 2,500 52,306 530.31 51,060 $25.26 $1,500 $20.21 5,000 53,143 $29.23 $2,620 524.36 52.096 519.40 12,500 $5,336 522.96 $4,446 519.13 53,567 $15.30 25,000 50,205 $32.02 56,036 $2735 S5,470 521.66 R-1 Hotel LowlNlld Rise - Complete 1,000 54,662 540.92 53,902 534.10 53,121 $27.20 5,000 $6,319 556.65 $5,266 547.21 54,212 537]7 Hniel and metal Imv-dse 16.000 59,151 526.66 57,525 524.09 $6,101 $19.20 slam um of less than 5 floors, 20.000 512431 527.70 510,026 523.15 50,021 516.52 50,000 520,364 521.53 $16,970 517.04 513,576 $14.35 100,000 531,126 $31.13 525.940 525.94 520,752 $20.75 56 NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION RCE SCHEDULE 57 Construction Typos: I A. 15 Construction Typos. II A. III A. VA Construction Types: 118,111 B, 1V,VB IBCIICC Class H3CuCC Occupancy Typo Project Sieo Threshold Base Cont @ Threshold St. Cost for Each Additional 7005,- Baso Cost @ Thresholtl Sim Cost for Each Additional Ica S.1%, - Baso Cast @ Threshold Sic. Cost for Each Additlenal Ion eJ.- R-1 Hotel LovOhlid Rise - TI 250 51,906 565.77 51,589 554.61 51271 543X5 1.250 $2,554 $92,135 $2.137 577.30 $1,709 561.90 Hotel and metal lawnse 2,500 53,725 $46.70 $3.104 538.02 52,483 531.14 shutlum of less than 5 floats. 5.000 54,892 545.02 54,077 $37.52 $3,262 530.02 12,500 $6,270 $34.69 56,891 528.91 $5,513 523.13 25,000 512,606 $50.42 $10,605 $42.02 58.404 533.82 B Chase. etc. - Complete 1,000 54,457 530.51 53,714 $32.09 52,971 $25.60 5,000 $5.997 $54.21 54,990 545.18 53,999 S35.14 10,000 58,708 527.32 $7.256 $22.75 S5,805 51821 20.909 511.439 S26.35 $9,533 52195 57,626 517.56 50,000 519,343 $20.30 $16,119 51691 512,805 513.53 _ 1110,000 529,490 529.49 $24,575 S24.5a 510,660 S1956 B Offices, els. - TI 100 5605 $65.47 $571 $54.55 $457 54185 500 5947 $79.02 $709 $65.85 5631 552.60 1,000 51.342 543.47 51,119 53623 $895 528.98 2,000 $I'm $41.92 51,401 $34.93 51,185 527.95 5,000 53,035 $33.93 52,529 $28.28 $2,023 522.62 10,000 $4,731 $47.31 53,943 $39.43 53,154 53154 M R.1all Solos -Complete 500 53,067 554.91 52,555 $45.76 52,044 $35.61 2,500 $4,165 573.20 $3.471 561X6 $2,777 S40A5 5,000 55,997 530.04 54.998 $31.70 53,998 525.36 10,000 57,899 535.69 $6,583 $30.58 55,266 524AG 25,000 $13,403 5211.74 $11.159 $23.05 56,935 519.10 50,000 520,508 WAS $17,156 $34.31 $13,725 527.45 ht Retell Salus - TI 100 $605 565.47 5571 $54.56 $457 543.65 500 $947 579.02 $709 $65.65 $031 $5240 1,000 51,342 $43.47 51,119 53523 .5095 528.98 2,000 $1,777 $41.92 $1.401 $34.93 S1,105 $27.95 5,000 531035 533.93 52,529 $26.26 52,023 522.62 10,000 54,731 547.31 $3,943 $39.43 53,154 531.54 62 Hospital and mallu6onal-Complete 5,000 510,219 535,82 516,015 $29.05 512,813 523.80 25,000 526,303 WAS $21,905 537.46 517,589 529.97 Physical limitation based on age 50,800 537,520 $24.18 531,349 520.15 525.81 $15.12 or health. NOT capable of self 100,000 549,710 $23.31 541,423 $19.42 533,142 515.54 preservation. 250,000 584,075 510.63 $70,500 $15.62 555,453 $12.42 900.000 5131,250 $25.25 5109,371 $21.87 597,504 $17.50 57 58 C ... lruclion Type.: I A,IB C ... truclion Type.: It A. III A, VA C.a.1..AI.RTyp.s: 110, In B, IV, VB IBCIICC Class IBCIICC Occupancy Typo Project Sho Thmsholtl Baso Cost @ Threshold Sha Cosi for Each Additional 100sJJ Baso Cast @ Threshold St.. Coal for Each Additional 100 M.- Base Cosi Threshold Sho Cost for Each Additional 100s.L- 1-2 Hospital and Institutional - TI 11000 53,054 527.02 $2,554 523.10 $2,043 518.54 5,000 54,177 536.35 53,451 530.30 52.705 52424 _ Physical llmilalion based on age 10.000 55,995 519.09 54.996 $15.91 53,997 512.73 or health. NOT .,able of ..it 20,000 57,904 S18.42 $6,586 $15.35 $5.270 512.28 preservallon. 50,000 $13,430 514.54 511,191 512.12 $8,954 59.69 100,000 520,700 520.70 517.249 517.25 513,801 $13.80 1-1 fded1.1124 Hour Care - Complete 1,000 52,971 525.68 $2,475 $21.39 51,951 517.12 5.000 $3,990 535.14 53,332 530.12 S2,6G5 524.09 Physical limltativn bayed on age 10,000 55,005 51821 $4.837 $15.17 53,070 $12.14 or health, capable of salt 20,000 57,626 51].55 55,355 $14.64 $5,084 $11.71 pmservaiion with l] or mora 50,000 $12,895 513.53 510.745 511.27 58,597 59.02 100,000 519,560 519.65 SI6,383 $16.38 513,107 513.11 1-1 Medical/241 four Cara - TI 100 $457 543.65 5381 536,37 5305 529.10 500 $531 552.68 5525 $43.90 5421 535.12 Physical lindladon based on age 1.000 5005 528.96 5746 $24.15 5597 519.32 or health. .,able of self 2,000 $1,185 527.95 $907 523.29 5790 SI8.63 prese rvo0an will, 17 or .are 5,000 52,023 522.62 51,586 518.95 51,349 $15.00 10,000 53,154 $31.54 52,623 526.26 52,103 521.03 11 Oay C are Faculty - Complete 250 52,672 $93.93 52,227 5711.27 51,761 562.62 E 1,250 53,611 Sl21 53,10 5107.46 52,408 595.97 R-3 2,500 $5,223 565.07 54,353 554.89 53.482 543.91 Christ].] care on less than 24 5,000 56,070 503.53 $5,725 $52.94 $4,500 542.35 hour bests orally age. 12,500 511,634 549.37 59.095 541.14 S7,756 532.91 25,000 517,005 571.22 514,030 $59,35 $11,070 547A11 Int Day Cam Faculty -TI 100 $fi86 565.47 5571 $54.55 5451 543.65 E 500 5947 $79.02 5789 $55.85 5631 552.68 R-3 1.000 51,342 543.47 51,119 535.23 5095 520.98 Costadial care on less than 24 2,000 S1,7T1 $41.92 $1,981 $34.93 511185 527.95 hour basis .(any age. 5.000 $0.035 533.93 $2,529 528.28 52,023 522.62 10,000 54,731 547.31 53.943 $39.43 $3,154 531.54 R-2 CvndomlulumlApl.- Slanded Plan 1,000 $4,fi112 540.92 $3,902 $34.10 $3,121 527.211 5.000 56,319 556.65 $6.286 547.21 54.212 537.7] 5g It of entlre buildin0 not 10,000 59,151 528180 57,625 $24.00 $6,101 51920 ml.aw. to 4 of unlla 20,000 $12,031 527.70 810,026 $23.15 $0,021 510.52 50,005 $20,364 $21.53 $16.970 517.94 $13,575 514.35 100,000 $31,120 $31.13 525,940 525.94 520,752 520.75 R-2 C.rdamivWm/Apt. Unit Coniplelion-T1 100 $953 $96.12 $795 $80.10 5536 554.00 500 51,330 5195.50 $1,115 $98.75 SE92 $71.00 Used only when submilletl 1,000 51.1178 561.67 $1,559 551.39 51,247 591 Al separately Tram "Slantlartl Ploti permit. 2,000 52,40] 559.50 $2,073 549.58 $1,650 539.66 5,000 54,272 599.39 $3,550 541.15 52,045 532.93 10,000 55,742 557.42 $5,610 SSfi.10 $4,494 599.94 58 59 Constrgdl on Typos: I A, 19 Construction Typos: II A, III A. VA Construction Typo.: II B, III B, IV, VB ISCIICC of... ISCIICC Occupancy Type Project Slao Threshold Baso Coal @ Threshold Sbm Cost for Each Additional 100 s.f.- Base Cast@! Threshold Sho Cost for Each Addlllenal 100 sJ.- Base Cast @ Threshold 81. Coal for Each Atltl ilenal 1005.(.' R-2 Condominium/Apt. - Common Area -TI 100 5805 592.48 5736 577.05 5590 561.65 A-2 500 511255 595.62 51,046 $80.52 SB37 564.42 S Used snly when submitted 1,000 51,778 550.02 51,449 548.35 51,159 530.60 separately from"Slandard Plan" commit. 2,000 52,31B _ 555.98 51,932 546.55 $1.545 537.32 ' 5,000 $3,990 547.27 $3,332 539.39 $2,665 531.51 10,000 1 56,361 563.61 ....____......_.__......_ $5,301 553.01 54,241 542.41 IRC SFD Single penally- Standard Plan 1,000 $3,184 510.59 52,651 50.01 $2,129 S7.05 1.500 53.247 $35.71 $2,705 $29.76 $2,164 523.01 (includes townhouses, duplaees, 2,000 $3,425 55.30 52,854 54.41 52,283 53.53 poached residences, sic.) 3,000 $3.470 522.49 $2,890 $18.74 52,319 514.99 5,000 $3.928 519.58 $3,273 516.31 52,619 $13.05 10,000 54,907 549.07 54,080 540.69 53,271 532.71 IRC SFD Single-Famlly- Cusl.. 1,000 53,293 53.90 $2,744 53.31 52,195 52.65 1,500 $3,313 535.68 52,761 529.74 52,208 523.79 2,000 53,491 55.31 52,909 54.43 52,327 53.54 3,000 $3,544 522.40 52,954 510.73 52,363 514.99 5,000 53,994 516.92 53,328 515.76 52,663 $12.61 10,000 $4,940 549.40 54,116 541.16 $3,293 532.93 IRC SFD Guest Flags- Custom 100 51,498 5135.00 SI,2481 511250 5990 $90.00 500 52,038 $170.31 SUM 5140.69 51,358 $110.87 1,000 52,920 593.11 52,441 $77.59 51,953 $52.07 2.000 see single family U Residenllol Garage 50 5505 599.90 $471 $113.25 5377 565.60 250 5765 5135.85 5637 5113.21 $510 $9857 son 51,104 $69.74 5920 $50.11 5736 546.49 1,000 51,453 $67.29 51,211 556.00 5959 $44.86 2,500 52,462 552.44 S2,052 $43.70 51,642 534.96 5,000 53,773 575.47 $3,144 $62.69 52,516 550.31 U-1 Accessory Budding- Commercial 50 5564 5102.14 5470 505.12 5376 $611.09 250 5760 5134.19 5641 $111.83 $513 589.46 Fire pump, at,..., storage, 500 51,104 57025 5920 558.54 5738 $46.03 mainmainance, ala. 1,000 51,455 567.77 51.213 $55.40 $970 545.10 Include those associated with 2,500 52.472 553.40 52,060 544.50 $1.648 535.50 5,000 53,607 576.14 $3,173 $53.45 52,538 550.76 U-1 Commercial Careen 50 5446 50264 5372 $68.66 5297 555.09 5-2 250 5611 $104.64 $509 $07.20 5407 569.76 Site and structure revlew- 500 5073 555.97 5727 $46.64 5582 537.31 Comm. BMF developments 1,000 $1,153 $53.99 5901 $44.99 5760 535.99 2,500 51.952 543.04 $1,635 $35.86 51.308 528.69 5,000 $3.038 560.77 $2,532 550.84 52,026 540.51 Single-Fa Single-Famlly Rmldentlal- Addition 50 5]60 $13522 5640 Si 12.60 5512 590.15 250 $1.038 $185.07 5865 515423 5692 5123.30 500 51,501 $94.60 51,251 S78.90 $1.001 563.12 1,000 51,974 $91.33 51,645 576.11 51.315 560.65 2,500 $3,344 $71.04 52,787 559.20 S2,230 $47.36 S,aao $5.120 5102.41 54,267 585.34 $3,414 Sfi0.27 59 NEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FEE SCHEDULE Ench additional 100 square feel, or portion Ihecof, up to the next highest project size threshold, Fees not listed will be determined based on anticipated costs to the municipality. 60 Construction Types: I A,IB Construction Types: It A. III A. VA Constr.. Ian Type.: II B, III B, IV, VB IBCIICC Class IBCIICC Occupancy Type Proloct Span Threshold Baa. Cost@ Threshold St.. Coat for Each Additional 100 s.G' Baso Cost@ Threshold Size Best for Each Addlllonel 100 s.l.- Base Cost@ Threshold 51. Cast for Each Additional 109 n.1.' R-2 Multi-Fancly Residential - Plaited 50 5760 $13522 5640 $112.68 5512 590.15 250 $1,030 5185.87 $855 5154.23 5692 5123.38 500 51,501 594.60 51,251 570.90 $1,001 583.12 1.000 51,974 $91.33 S1,645 $76.11 51,316 550.89 2,500 53,344 $71.04 52.707 559.20 52,230 547.36 5,000 1 $5,120 S102-411 54,267 585.34 53,414 559.27 U-1 Accessory 6u11ding- R.sidenlld 50 5555 $99.90 5471 $63.25 $377 566.60 250 5765 5135.86 $637 5113.21 5510 590.57 500 $1,104 569.74 $020 $50.11 $738 546.49 toucan, playhouso, cabana, 06 1,000 $1,453 567.29 51,211 556.09 $959 544.56 typically with SFR. 2,500 $2,462 551" $2,052 543.70 $1,042 $34.00 5,000 53,773 575.47 $3,144 562.89 52.516 550.31 SHELL All Shell Oulldinas 1,000 52,355 S21.50 51,963 517.91 51.570_ 514.33 5,000 $3,215 527.80 52,679 523.21 $2,144 S105! 10,000 54,600 514.70 _ $3,840 $12,25 $3,072 59.80 20,000 56,070 514.19 $5,065 511.83 54,052 59.46 50,000510,335 51122 8,6 513 59.35 $6,890 $7.46 100,000 515,045 $15.05 $13,286 513.29 510.630 510.63 IRC SFO Strule Famlly -TI Irecod.l, etc.) 300 I I I 1 $2501 S19.50 Ench additional 100 square feel, or portion Ihecof, up to the next highest project size threshold, Fees not listed will be determined based on anticipated costs to the municipality. 60 SECTION 10. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 11. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the exact Caption and Effective Date in the minutes of the Town Council and by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 12. EFFECTIVE DATE That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its date of passage and publication, in accordance with law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 5`h day of December, 2005. Mayor Effective Date: December 10, 2005 ATTEST: n I1n (\(b Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM: 7'�'-n,tC lel ;(IGEGil1i;1 Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL]