Agenda Packet TC 05/27/1985NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING CITY OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS TO: THE CITY OF TROPHY CLUB, OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND ALL OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS. Notice is hereby given ',t at the City of Trophy Club will meet in Regular Session on 19 at (.JI The meeting will be hel a the TFoffice of be Municipal Utility District, Trophy Club, Texas, within the boundaries of the City. 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance led by David Nolte. 4. Review and approve Minutes of the May 13, 1985 Regular Meeting. 5. Items to be reviewed by the Council. 1. Moped presentation. A. Tragic results- Roger Unger. B. Laws relating to moped operation- David Nolte. 6. Presentation by Citizens. 7. Update of recent Council action: A. Planning & Zoning Committee Resolution and appointments. B. Security Study Committee Resolution and appointments. C. Park and Recreation Study Committee Resolution and appointments D. Appointment and assignment of; City Identification Committee. 8. Adoption of Resolution/Ordinances. A. Explain procedure. B. Discussion of above. C. Vote on above Resolutions and/or Ordinances. 9. Explain duties of City Treasurer- Mayor Carter. A. Solicitation of nominees. 10. Adjourn into Executive Session. 11. Open Session. 12. Adjourn. o n elsh