Complete Agenda Packet - 12/08/2020Town Council Town of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Council Chambers7:00 PMTuesday, December 8, 2020 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM INVOCATION led by Pastor Jeff Brooks, Lake Cities Church of Christ PLEDGES led by Council Member Monger Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT(S) This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Presiding Officer. Each Speaker must complete the Speaker's Form that includes the topic(s) to be presented. You may also submit an email to mayorandcouncil@trophyclub.org PROCLAMATION 1.2020-358-T Issuance of Proclamation 2020-12 recognizing Dennis Sheridan for receiving the 2020 Congressional Veteran's Commendation (Mayor Fleury). PROC. 2020-12 - Dennis Sheridan - Congressional Veteran Commendation.pdfAttachments: ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 2.2020-372-T Receive Town Manager Norwood’s Update and Reports (S. Norwood) *Business Spotlight - Vinny’s Italian Restaurant CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion of these items will be held. Items removed from the consent agenda will be considered individually. 3.2020-366-T Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated November 17, 2020 (L. Vacek). (DRAFT) - TC Regular Session Minutes - November 17, 2020.pdfAttachments: Town Council Page 1 of 103 December 8, 2020 December 8, 2020Town Council Meeting Agenda 4.2020-343-T Take appropriate action for the Replacement of 11 Laptops for Police Vehicles from VersaTrust in the amount of $36,969.90 (P. Arata). Staff Report Final - Police Vehicles - Laptop and Computer replacement request.pdf VersaTrust quote for PD laptops.pdf US_QUOTE_3000072104911.1.pdf Attachments: 5.2020-359-T Designating Mayor Alicia L. Fleury as Emergency Management Director and Fire Chief Taylor as Emergency Coordinator for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (W. Carroll). Staff Report - Emergency Management Director.pdf TDEM-147-Dec-2019-Ver-2.pdf Attachments: 6.2020-344-T Take appropriate action for an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke for Inspection Services not to exceed $25,000 (W. Carroll). Staff Report - ILA with Roanoke for Inspection Services.pdf Roanoke - Interlocal Agreement - with Trophy Club - Inspection Services.pdf Attachments: 7.2020-364-T Take appropriate action for the replacement of 8 Drinking Fountains within the Town’s Parks' System with ADA Compliant, Touchless Fountains from Total Recreation Products in the amount of $38,732.88 (T. Jaramillo). Staff Report - Parks and Recreation Replacment of Drinking Fountains.pdf Touchless Drinking Fountains Estimate.pdf Attachments: INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 8.2020-369-T Receive a presentation and provide direction for a possible location and use of future, dedicated Pickleball Courts at Independence Park (T. Jaramillo). Staff Report - Pickleball Court.pdfAttachments: 9.2020-355-T Take appropriate action for the replacement of an ambulance with a 2021 Ford F550 Road Rescue Ambulance for operations in the Fire Department from Siddons-Martin Emergency Group in the amount of $327,672 (J. Taylor). Staff Report - 2021 Road Rescue Ambulance.pdf Trophy Club Proposal - 2021 Road Rescue with trade in.pdf 2007 Ambulance-Town of Trophy Club Vehicle Replacement Policy.pdf Attachments: 10.2020-360-T Take appropriate action for the replacement of Equipment for the Fire Department Training/Public Meeting Room from Electro Acoustics in the amount of $45,394.82 (J. Taylor). Staff Report - FD Training Room.pdf Trophy Club Fire Station-Single Display Conference room Rve 1 2020 10 29 rw.pdf Attachments: Town Council Page 2 of 103 December 8, 2020 December 8, 2020Town Council Meeting Agenda 11.2020-319-T Take appropriate action for the replacement of three (3) Servers and three (3) Firewalls from VersaTrust in the amount of $71,126.43 to be funded from the IT Equipment Replacement Fund (W. Carroll). Staff Report - IT Infrastructure Purchase-Replacement.pdf VT-ToTC Server and Firewall Quote.pdf DIR quote for 3 servers.pdf Dell DIR Firewall Quote.pdf Attachments: 12.2020-368-T Take appropriate action for the consideration of an Engineering Contract with Teague Nall & Perkins for Phase 1 of Indian Creek Drainage not to exceed $106,738.75 which would include work that has been performed to date, drainage study and surveying, and preliminary engineering yet to be billed (S. Norwood). Staff Report - Indian Creek Drainage Project.pdf Proposal - Indian Creek Drainage.pdf Attachments: 13.2020-365-T Creation of a Strategic Partnership Committee to engage with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 regarding the expiration, renewal and/or amendment of the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services with the Town of Trophy Club (S. Norwood). 14.2020-356-T Withdrawal by Applicant of a request to amend PD Planned Development District No. 30 (PD-30) to add “Pet Services (SUP Required for Outdoor and Overnight Uses)” to the list of Permitted Uses at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located on the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114. (S. Norwood). No Action Necessary. Withdrawal of PD 30 TCTC.pdfAttachments: 15.2020-371-T Take appropriate action on a Comprehensive Citizen Survey (Mayor Fleury). 16.2020-367-T Discussion of Future Agenda Items (S. Norwood). Future Agenda Items - December 8 2020..pdfAttachments: EXECUTIVE SESSION Town Council Page 3 of 103 December 8, 2020 December 8, 2020Town Council Meeting Agenda 17.2020-354-T Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: 1) Discussion and possible action - Deliberate the duties and employment of the Municipal Court Judge pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss the appointment of a public officer (personnel matters (Mayor Fleury). a) Reappointments of Municipal Court Judge & Associate Judges 2) Discussion and possible action - Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 Economic Development (S. Norwood). 3) Discussion and possible action - Consult with Attorney regarding legal issues with TRMS and a former employee pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney (D. Dodd). RECONVENE FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION 18.2020-370-T Take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (S. Norwood). ADJOURN * The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Government Code Section 551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, December 4, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Secretary/RMO If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-237-2900, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Members of the Town Council may be participating remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Town Council Rules of Procedure, or under the provisions provided by the Governor of Texas in conjunction with the Declaration of Disaster enabled March 13, 2020. Town Council Page 4 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-358-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/18/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Issuance of Proclamation 2020-12 recognizing Dennis Sheridan for receiving the 2020 Congressional Veteran's Commendation (Mayor Fleury). Attachments:PROC. 2020-12 - Dennis Sheridan - Congressional Veteran Commendation.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Issuance of Proclamation 2020-12 recognizing Dennis Sheridan for receiving the 2020 Congressional Veteran's Commendation (Mayor Fleury). Town Council Page 5 of 103 December 8, 2020 Proclamation 2020-12 Town of Trophy Club, Texas WHEREAS, The Congressional Veteran Commendation is a nominations-based program designed to recognize the wartime sacrifices and peacetime community involvements of residents in Texas. The Honorees selected are exceptional Americans in every way. To be nominated for this Award, a Veteran must currently reside within their Congressional District of Texas, served in active duty, retired or honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces, or a reservist called to active duty. The nomination process includes information about the Veteran’s heroism while in the military, and community involvement; and WHEREAS, Mr. Dennis Sheridan is a Resident of Trophy Club, served in the US Army as a 2nd Lieutenant and was assigned to the Bravo Company in the Vietnam Conflict. In December of 1969, Mr. Sheridan was re-assigned to the 2nd Platoon, Alpha Company, No Slack as a Platoon Leader. His Exemplary Leadership was recognized and he was designated as the Executive Officer, followed by Commanding Officer of Alpha Company, and ended his distinguished career with the US Army at the rank of Captain in 1972; and WHEREAS, In recognition of his Valor and Leadership, Captain Sheridan received many military awards including Combat Infantry Badge, Army Commendation Medal, Bronze Star with V Device, and Bronze Star with Oak Leaf; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sheridan has dutifully served Trophy Club as Commissioner on the Planning and Zoning Commission for 16 years, with the last four serving as Chairman, in addition to chairing the Charter Review Commission; and WHEREAS, Mr. Sheridan is an active member of the DFW United Service Organizations and has assisted countless service members at the DFW USO Canteen, visiting the Dallas VA Hospital and bringing words of encouragement, food, and gifts for our Wounded Warriors. Mr. Sheridan’s actions are consistent with the finest traditions of the US Army and reflect extraordinary credit upon himself, the State of Texas, and the United States of America. Mr. Sheridan holds himself to the highest standard of serving his Country and the Town of Trophy Club with pride and honor. NOW, THEREFORE, I Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, do hereby recognize and honor Dennis Sheridan for receiving the: “2020 Congressional Veteran Commendation” PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club this 8th day of December 2020. _____________________________ Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor ATTEST: Town of Trophy Club, Texas ______________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Secretary/RMO Town Council Page 6 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-372-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:12/2/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Receive Town Manager Norwood’s Update and Reports (S. Norwood) *Business Spotlight - Vinny’s Italian Restaurant Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Receive Town Manager Norwood’s Update and Reports (S. Norwood) *Business Spotlight - Vinny’s Italian Restaurant Town Council Page 7 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-366-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/23/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated November 17, 2020 (L. Vacek). Attachments:(DRAFT) - TC Regular Session Minutes - November 17, 2020.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated November 17, 2020 (L. Vacek). Town Council Page 8 of 103 December 8, 2020 November 17, 2020 Page 1 of 6 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020; 7 P.M. The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Sean Bone Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 (via teleconference) ABSENT: Philip Shoffner Mayor Pro Tem STAFF PRESENT: Steve Norwood Town Manager Wade Carroll Assistant Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Jill Lind Communications/Marketing Manager Haley Archer Human Resources Manager CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and noted a quorum with Council Members Bone, Monger, and Geraci denoting that Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner was out of town on business and had submitted documentation. INVOCATION The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Edlen Cowley of Fellowship United Methodist Church. Rev. Cowley thanked Mayor Sanders for his 15 years of service to the community and also thanked Eric Jensen for his service as a great chapter of leadership comes to a close. He added he was grateful for the new chapter in leadership and service to Trophy Club that begins tonight. He prayed for blessings upon incoming Mayor Alicia Fleury and Council Members Greg Wilson, and Greg Lamont. He prayed for continued blessings for Council Members Bone, Geraci, Monger, and Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner as this new chapter begins. Rev. Cowley prayed that our community be a bright shining beacon as it is suppose to be. Lastly, he prayed for all Trophy Club Community Leaders in this season of Covid19 and that we overcome. PLEDGES The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Bone. PUBLIC COMMENT Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there was only one speaker. Mayor Sanders called upon Dr. Wanda Franklin to speak. Dr. Franklin of 4 Turnbury Court spoke that in November she saw a man in their yard with their sign that read “Trump” which did not state Vote or Elect Trump. She noted that it was on her property and not city right of way. She added that when her husband went outside, their sign was by the bags of leaves that were placed for pickup the next day in front of her driveway. She called the city and was told by the City Manager that according to the City Ordinance all signs must be removed after election day. She added that she was told that the Town of Trophy Club Town Council Page 9 of 103 December 8, 2020 November 17, 2020 Page 2 of 6 Council wanted to keep the Town as nice as possible and therefore, their sign was removed and placed on their lawn. She added that they owned their own home, were not in an HOA and all their property taxes were paid and up to date. She added that she carries a constitution handbook in her purse for reference and being a 9th generation Texican, whose father was a Texas Ranger for 37 years; one should not come onto private property and remove a personal sign without knocking on the door letting that person know why their sign is being removed; which is called trespassing. Additionally, she stated that now she is aware of the Sign Ordinance and that it should have been provided to all residents that have signs in their lawns to allow the residents to remove their own signs. She stated that according to her attorney; it should not have been removed in this manner and if this should happen again she will file a lawsuit against the Town of Trophy Club and City Council. She added that she would require that every sign that is offensive to her be removed in order to show beauty for our community and gave several examples of “my son is #45 on the Football Team or my daughter is in the Honor Society; Trophy Club Garage Sale, to Early Voting starts Today signs, perhaps the Halloween and Christmas Decorations too”. She asked the Town of Trophy Club provide an apology for their actions. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT Business Spotlight – The Ship Shop (S. Norwood) Mr. Dave Sanders, owner of the Ship Shop thanked the Mayor and Council for allowing him time to speak regarding the services offered at the Ship Shop. He stated that they are located between Vinny’s and Christina’s and are the resource for shipping/shipping material. He added that he and his wife purchased the Ship Shop in 2019 after retiring from GM. He noted that they have added new inventory, implemented a new point of sales system and hired two employees, which he had to let go due to Covid19. Mayor Sanders thanked Dave Sanders for the information on the Ship Shop. PRESENTATIONS Recognition of Former Council Members Alicia Fleury and Eric Jensen (Mayor Sanders). As is customary, Mayor Sanders presented Alicia L. Fleury a Crystal Award for her dedication and service to the Town of Trophy Club as a Former Council Member from May 2017 through February 2020. It was stated that Eric Jensen would not be present and the award would be delivered to him. CONSENT AGENDA 1.Take appropriate action on the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated October 27, 2020 (L. Vacek) 2.Take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2020-22 amending Subsection 1, Annual Capital Improvement and Maintenance Charge of Section A1.014 Water and Wastewater Fees for Public Improvement District No. 1, within Appendix A, Fee Schedule, of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, to adopt a monthly surcharge for PID Residents; providing for an effective date (M. Erwin). 3.Take appropriate action regarding the Fourth Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2020 (M. Erwin). 4.Take appropriate action approving Resolution 2020-20 for the Annual Updating of the Town’s Investment Policy (M. Erwin). 5.Take appropriate action to approve the purchase of Microsoft Licensing for Microsoft 365 and VMware support and subscription production from SHI Government Solutions in an amount not to exceed $47,966.08 (W. Carroll). Council Member Bone moved to approve Consent Items 1 through 5. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by those present. Motion: 4-1-0 Town Council Page 10 of 103 December 8, 2020 November 17, 2020 Page 3 of 6 Mayor Sanders spoke at this time stating that this was his last Council Meeting as Mayor and thanked Town Staff as they have always worked in a professional manner and have always been very responsive and was very appreciative. He also thanked the Council for their continued stewardship of Trophy Club. Although not present, he also thanked Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner who served with him for the past 6 years on Council and appreciated his thoroughness, guidance, and leadership. He thanked the citizens of Trophy Club who participated in the parades, flag planting, board/commissions or volunteered time on an event. Mayor Sanders also thanked everyone that offered food, support, and condolences to he and Lynda after the passing of their son, Wade, to Covid. He thanked everyone and prayed all will be blessed for their kindness. Lastly, he gave a very special thanks to his wife, Lynda Sanders for putting up with elections and elected official events and things. He indicated that they joke about her shopping at Tom Thumb quickly; it is never quick. He expressed his appreciation to Lynda for her support. Mayor Sanders recognized newly elected Mayor Alicia Fleury, Council Member Greg Wilson, and Council Member Greg Lamont. He prayed that they have divine wisdom as they make their decisions on Council. INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 6. Take appropriate action adopting Ordinance 2020-20 Canvassing the Official Returns and declaring the Election Results of the Town’s General/Special Elections held on November 3, 2020 for the purpose of electing one (1) Mayor, one (1) Council Member for Place No. 1, and one (1) Council Member for Place No. 2 for full terms of office expiring May 2023 (L. Vacek). COUNCIL MEMBER PL. 1 DENTON EARLY VOTES DENTON ABSENTEE VOTES DENTON ELECTION DAY VOTES TARRANT EARLY VOTES TARRANT ABSENTEE VOTES TARRANT ELECTION DAY VOTES TOTAL VOTES Greg Lamont 3,883 271 236 168 16 16 4,590 Rhylan Rowe 2,211 135 124 61 3 7 2,541 COUNCIL MEMBER PL. 2 DENTON EARLY VOTES DENTON ABSENTEE VOTES DENTON ELECTION DAY VOTES TARRANT EARLY VOTES TARRANT ABSENTEE VOTES TARRANT ELECTION DAY VOTES TOTAL VOTES Greg Wilson 4,682 322 296 200 14 21 5,535 MAYOR DENTON EARLY VOTES DENTON ABSENTEE VOTES DENTON ELECTION DAY VOTES TARRANT EARLY VOTES TARRANT ABSENTEE VOTES TARRANT ELECTION DAY VOTES TOTAL VOTES Alicia Fleury 3,469 271 216 145 14 16 4,131 Eric Jensen 2,918 149 164 93 6 9 3,339 7. Take appropriate action adopting Ordinance 2020-21 Canvassing the Official Returns and declaring the Election Results of the Town’s Special Charter Amendment Election held on November 3, 2020 (L. Vacek). PROPOSITION A DENTON EARLY VOTES DENTON ABSENTEE VOTES DENTON ELECTION DAY VOTES TARRANT EARLY VOTES TARRANT ABSENTEE VOTES TARRANT ELECTION DAY VOTES TOTAL VOTES For 4,066 308 241 149 14 13 4,791 Against 1,859 103 108 90 6 11 2,177 Town Council Page 11 of 103 December 8, 2020 November 17, 2020 Page 4 of 6 PROPOSITION B DENTON EARLY VOTES DENTON ABSENTEE VOTES DENTON ELECTION DAY VOTES TARRANT EARLY VOTES TARRANT ABSENTEE VOTES TARRANT ELECTION DAY VOTES TOTAL VOTES For 3,157 218 195 138 8 12 3,728 Against 2,785 197 159 97 14 13 3,265 PROPOSITION C DENTON EARLY VOTES DENTON ABSENTEE VOTES DENTON ELECTION DAY VOTES TARRANT EARLY VOTES TARRANT ABSENTEE VOTES TARRANT ELECTION DAY VOTES TOTAL VOTES For 4,457 343 261 163 14 18 5,256 Against 1,228 62 83 51 5 6 1,435 Mayor Sanders addressed items 6 and 7 concurrently and asked Town Secretary Vacek to present. Mrs. Vacek reported that Trophy Club had 9,801 voters in Denton County and 360 voters in Tarrant County for a total of 10,161 registered voters. Of the registered in Denton County; 7,938 voted while 283 voters cast ballots registered in Tarrant County for a total of 8,221 votes cast in Trophy Club which is above what was anticipated. Mrs. Vacek announced the official totals for each race and each of the three propositions on the ballot for the Charter Amendment Election and recommended approval for the adoption of Ordinance 2020-20 for Item 6 and Ordinance 2020-21 for Item 7. Council Member Monger moved to adopt Ordinance 2020-20 and Ordinance 2020-21 as presented. Council Member Bone seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by those present. Motion: 4-1-0 8. Issuance of Certificates of Election (Mayor Sanders). *Council Member Place 1, Greg Lamont *Council Member Place 2, Greg Wilson *Mayor, Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Sanders individually presented Council Member Lamont, Council Member Wilson, and Mayor Fleury their Certificate of Election. He announced that a reception would be held in the EOC with refreshments and cake. 9. Ceremonial Swearing-In of Greg Lamont, Town of Trophy Club Council Member Place 1 (Mayor Sanders). 10. Ceremonial Swearing-In of Greg Wilson, Town of Trophy Club Council Member Place 2 (Mayor Sanders). 11. Ceremonial Swearing-In of Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor of Trophy Club (Mayor Sanders). Mayor Sanders ceremonially administered the Oath of Office to Greg Lamont, Greg Wilson, and Alicia Fleury individually. It was noted that the Statement of Elected Officer had been administered by Town Secretary Vacek. After the administration of the Oath; the newly elected Mayor and Council Members took their place on the dais. Mayor Fleury recognized Council Member Lamont to speak. Council Member Lamont thanked Mayor Nick Sanders for his many years of service to Trophy Club. He noted that he will always remember the respect showed whether they agreed or disagreed on an issue or vote. He officially congratulated Alicia Fleury as Mayor and noted she would bring harmony and a good working relationship to the Council for the betterment of Trophy Club. With regard to his election; he stated that he would like to thank everyone and for the 4,590 voters that voted for him. Lastly, he thanked his lovely wife, Janet with all his heart, for campaigning; especially the 22 days of Early Voting in which she stood by his side greeting voters and having conversations with voters which made the day go by quickly. He mentioned two of the best comments made to him Town Council Page 12 of 103 December 8, 2020 November 17, 2020 Page 5 of 6 and Janet was from a voter who cast his ballot for him because they had “kind eyes” and the other was the voter that stated to Greg Lamont, “tell your son that I voted for him”. He stated that he was proud of Trophy Club for electing a truly diverse Council; an Asian-American Woman, an African-American, and a really old guy from New York City. Council Member Greg Wilson thanked all that voted for him even though he was unopposed. He especially thanked his Wife and Daughter who were encouraging and supportive throughout the election. He thanked the Town for their confidence and trust in him to serve in making decisions on their behalf. He requested prayers for the Council. He also thanked Mayor Nick Sanders and Lynda for their service and support. He requested a prayer now that the election concluded that all the election chaos be over with. Mayor Fleury recognized Council Member Lamont and his love of Trophy Club. She expressed looking forward to working with him as he always has had the best interest of the Town at heart. She welcomed Council Member Wilson to the Council and glad he made the jump from the MUD. She also expressed working alongside current Council Members Monger, Geraci, Shoffner, and Bone. She stated this time of year is the perfect time to reflect upon what we are grateful for by recognizing her family. She thanked the residents of Trophy Club that voted for her. She stated it was not easy since the election season turned into 9 months from the typical 2-month process and noted she could have birthed a child and that would have been less painful. She stated that we cannot control what others say and do but can control what one does and says and with that she focused on positivity by staying active within the community as she had done since moving to Trophy Club with her sons one decade ago. She referenced various Mayoral duties from the Texas Municipal League of presiding, head of ceremonial events, issue proclamations, support local businesses; appear at regular events, and as her Mom would say; “Alicia was born for this”. She added that the Mayor serves as spokesperson for the Town; is interviewed and photographed; serves as featured speaker before clubs and organizations, and facilitates communication. Mayor Fleury promised to fulfill these duties to the best of her ability and to work with our Town Manager (CEO) and look out for the best interest at heart of our Residents (Shareholders). She thanked Mayor Nick Sanders, her friend, for his leadership, guidance, and support and explained he will be missed. She added that he would continue to remain involved and thanked Lynda Sanders for her support of same as it is a team effort. She ended by stating that we are all neighbors no matter our political views locally or nationally, as we are in this together. Lastly, she stated that it is our job on Council to represent all of Trophy Club. Council Member Monger recognized Mayor Sanders for his calm, even-keel demeanor, and the twinkle in his eye no matter the situation. He thanked Mayor Sanders for his grace and also thanked Lynda for instilling these attributes into him. He welcomed both Gregs to Council and was delighted to have another Veteran on the Council; and thanked Council Member Wilson for his service. He congratulated Mayor Fleury and recalled placing her opponent’s door hanger on her front door when she ran for Council Member. He stated that he is delighted to know and has the utmost respect for Alicia, which is a great example of disagreeing with someone and becoming friends. He noted that he was looking forward to working with her and the Council as we are all in this together. 12. Take appropriate action regarding the Mayor Pro Tem Selection (Mayor Fleury). Mayor Fleury addressed the Mayor Pro Tem position pointing out that in the past said item had been discussed in executive session. She stated that she felt very strongly of the qualities and duties stated for the Mayor Pro Tem position from the Texas Municipal League to perform all of the duties in the absence of the Mayor of which key duties include presiding over Council Meetings, attending meetings within our region. She added that organizations it is most helpful and serves the Town best that the Mayor Pro Tem has the knowledge, desire, and most importantly; the time to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Monger moved to nominate Greg Lamont as Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Bone seconded the motion. Mayor Fleury asked for any other nominations. There being none, Mayor Fleury called for the vote to appoint Greg Lamont as Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Fleury noted the vote was unanimous. The motion carried unanimously by those present. Motion: 4-1-0 Town Council Page 13 of 103 December 8, 2020 November 17, 2020 Page 6 of 6 It was noted that Council Member Geraci was having technical difficulties and could not be heard. At this time, Melissa Geraci addressed Mayor Fleury and Council on behalf of Council Member Geraci as he looked on via teleconference. Mrs. Melissa Geraci thanked Mayor Sanders for his service and wished him the best of luck in his future endeavors. She congratulated Greg Lamont on his election and stated that he looked forward to continue to serve with him. She welcomed Greg Wilson and thanked him for his service on the MUD and more importantly, his service to our country. Lastly, she congratulated Mayor Fleury on her election and noted her involvement within the community, the PTA and in promoting local businesses. She added that he looks forward to what they can accomplish together for Trophy Club. Council Member Geraci smiled and waved to all. Mayor Fleury thanked Melissa Geraci for Council Member Geraci’s comments. Council Member Bone congratulated Greg Lamont and Greg Wilson on their election to Council and congratulated Alicia as Mayor, noting that many good things will be accomplished for the Town of Trophy Club with the willingness to serve during this interesting time. He mentioned Mayor Nick Sanders who did not see eye to eye on many things and thanked him for his grace throughout. Council Member Bone thanked Mayor Sanders for his generosity, kindness, and all the things he had done for Trophy Club, and looked forward to seeing him in the future. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting to convene in executive session at 7:58 pm to address the following item. 13. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: a) Discussion and possible action – Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 (economic development matters). 14. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting at 8:28 pm and announced no action was taken. a) Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. None ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:28 pm. __________________________________ ___________________________________ Leticia Vacek, TRMC/CMC/MMC Alicia L. Fleury, Mayor Town Secretary/RMO Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 14 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-343-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:10/29/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:11/17/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for the Replacement of 11 Laptops for Police Vehicles from VersaTrust in the amount of $36,969.90 (P. Arata). Attachments:Staff Report Final - Police Vehicles - Laptop and Computer replacement request.pdf VersaTrust quote for PD laptops.pdf US_QUOTE_3000072104911.1.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for the Replacement of 11 Laptops for Police Vehicles from VersaTrust in the amount of $36,969.90 (P. Arata). Town Council Page 15 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Patrick Arata, Police Chief CC: Steve Norwood, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: New Laptops and Equipment purchase Town Council Meeting, December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the replacement of the Police Department laptops and printer equipment for emergency response vehicles (P. Arata). Strategic Link: Safety & Security: Achieve exceeding high standards for public safety and low crime rate. Background and Explanation: The Police Department is requesting the approval for the purchasing of 10 new ruggedized laptops and vehicle printer equipment for the patrol fleet. Currently, the Department’s in car laptop computers are all more than 5 years old, with the average age being around 8 years. This has caused compatibility issues and the computers have deteriorated to a point where they are unreliable and officers are having issues doing their jobs in the field requiring their return to the station to fill out reports. VersaTrust has identified a Dell model, that being 5424 Rugged Laptop, as the best replacement for the computers, as well as a Zebra 500 series printer. My request includes replacing the outdated vehicle computers, printers and mounts. The new Dell Laptops will be equipped with the new FirstNet cellular network cards; This Government funded cellular network for first responders will operate during natural disasters and other emergencies as well as will provide the officers with reliable service while out on patrol. We have the VersaTrust quote and a quote from the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR). The VersaTrust quote is lower than the DIR quote (See attached Quotes). The computers will cost $36,969.90. Financial Considerations: As the Town Manager previously explained the additional fund balance due to CARES funding offsetting public safety expenses will be used for COVID related one-time capital purchases, with the possibility for a FEMA reimbursement grant. Town Council Page 16 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 A future budget amendment (January 2021) will move this expenditure to the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. The pricing offered by VersaTrust is slightly below the DIR pricing and the installation costs are through a BuyBoard vendor. Legal Review: This requires two purchases because we have two vendors. One purchase is for $36,969.90 which requires council approval. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the request. Attachments: • VersaTrust quote • DELL quote Town Council Page 17 of 103 December 8, 2020 Police Rugged Laptops Quote # 000320 Version 1 Prepared for: Town of Trophy Club Wade Carroll (*) wcarroll@trophyclub.org We have prepared a quote for you Town Council Page 18 of 103 December 8, 2020 6310 South West Blvd Ste 110 Fort Worth, TX 76109 www.versatrust.com (817) 595-0111 Description Price Qty Ext. Price Hardware Dell Rugged Laptops Dell Latitude 5424 Laptop, 14: Touchscreen, Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD Drive, Wifi w/ Bluetooth, ATT Air Card, GPS, 5Yr Prosupport Warranty w/ Accidental Damage $3,095.39 11 $34,049.29 Dock Dell Thunderbolt Dock WD19TB w/ 5Yr Advanced Exchange Service $265.51 11 $2,920.61 Subtotal:$36,969.90 Page: 2 of 3Quote #000320 v1 Town Council Page 19 of 103 December 8, 2020 6310 South West Blvd Ste 110 Fort Worth, TX 76109 www.versatrust.com (817) 595-0111 1 Trophy Club Dr Trophy Club, TX 76262 Wade Carroll (*) (817) 223-1541 wcarroll@trophyclub.org Town of Trophy Club Danny Owens (817) 616-0949 danny@versatrust.com VersaTrust Prepared by:Prepared for:Quote Information: Quote #: 000320 Version: 1 Delivery Date: 11/02/2020 Expiration Date: 11/30/2020 Police Rugged Laptops Description Amount Quote Summary Hardware $36,969.90 Total:$36,969.90 Taxes, shipping, handling and other fees may apply. We reserve the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. VersaTrust Signature: Name:Wade Carroll (*) Date: Signature: Name:Danny Owens Title:CEO Date:11/02/2020 Town of Trophy Club Page: 3 of 3Quote #000320 v1 Town Council Page 20 of 103 December 8, 2020 A quote for your consideration. Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we’ve created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order . Quote No.3000072104911.1 Total $37,002.90 Customer #3346495 Quoted On Nov. 02, 2020 Expires by Dec. 02, 2020 Deal ID 21007828 Sales Rep Jonny LaComb Phone (800) 456-3355, 6178997 Email Jonathan_LaComb@Dell.com Billing To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Jonny LaComb Shipping Group Shipping To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 (682) 237-2900 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Product Unit Price Qty Subtotal Dell Latitude 5424 $3,096.95 11 $34,066.45 Dell Thunderbolt Dock- WD19TB $266.95 11 $2,936.45 Page 1 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 21 of 103 December 8, 2020 Subtotal: Shipping: Non-Taxable Amount: Taxable Amount: Estimated Tax: Total: $37,002.90 $0.00 $37,002.90 $0.00 $0.00 $37,002.90 Special lease pricing may be available for qualified customers. Please contact your DFS Sales Representative for details. Page 2 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 22 of 103 December 8, 2020 Shipping Group Details Shipping To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 (682) 237-2900 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Qty Subtotal Dell Latitude 5424 Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 19, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $3,096.95 11 $34,066.45 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal Dell Latitude 5424 Rugged, CTO 210-AQPY -11 - 8th Gen Intel Core i5-8350U Processor (Quad Core, 6M Cache, 1.7GHz,15W, vPro)379-BDHC -11 - Win 10 Pro 64 English, French, Spanish 619-AHKN -11 - No Microsoft Office License Included – 30 day Trial Offer Only 658-BCSB -11 - Intel Core i5-8350U Processor Base with Integrated Intel UHD 620 Graphics 338-BPVI -11 - Intel vPro Technology Advanced Management Features 631-ABWJ -11 - 8GB, 2x4GB, 2666MHz DDR4 Non-ECC 370-AEVI -11 - M.2 256GB PCIe NVMe Class 40 Solid State Drive 400-BBTW -11 - 14" FHD WVA (1920 x 1080) Embedded Touch, Outdoor-Readable Screen 391-BDVP -11 - Dell Top Case and Palmrest with Security, no NFC 346-BFXW -11 - Regulatory Label for Keyboard 389-DOPO -11 - Sealed Internal RGB Backlit English Keyboard 580-ABYR -11 - Intel Dual Band Wireless AC 8265 (802.11ac) 2x2 + Bluetooth 4.2 Driver 555-BEPE -11 - Intel Dual Band Wireless AC 8265 (802.11ac) 2x2 555-BDGD -11 - WLAN Bracket 575-BBYW -11 - Qualcomm Snapdragon X20 (DW5821e) ATT 556-BBZI -11 - WWAN Bracket 575-BBYX -11 - 3 Cell 51Whr ExpressCharge Capable Battery 451-BCHG -11 - 90 Watt AC Adapter 492-BCNQ -11 - No Anti-Virus Software 650-AAAM -11 - OS-Windows Media Not Included 620-AALW -11 - E5 US Power Cord 537-BBBD -11 - Setup and Features Guide 340-CHMZ -11 - Factory Installed Rigid handle tied sku 540-BCIH -11 - Dummy Airbay Cover 325-BDEH -11 - SERI Guide (English/Spanish)340-AGIN -11 - Regulatory Label included 389-BEYY -11 - Page 3 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 23 of 103 December 8, 2020 TPM Enabled 340-AJPV -11 - System Driver, Dell Latitude 5424 640-BBRP -11 - Shuttle SHIP Material 328-BCXL -11 - Directship Info Mod 340-CKTD -11 - Intel Core i5 vPRO Label 389-BREQ -11 - No Option Included 340-ACQQ -11 - CMS Software not included 632-BBBJ -11 - No Resource USB Media 430-XXYG -11 - ENERGY STAR Qualified 387-BBNJ -11 - BTO Standard shipment Air 800-BBGF -11 - No Additional IO Ports 590-TEYX -11 - Primary HD Only, 5424 590-TEYH -11 - No Optical Drive 429-AAYP -11 - Dedicated u-blox NEO-MQN GPS Card 540-BCIG -11 - RGB Camera 319-BBFN -11 - Express Card Slot with Security Bundle 590-TEYW -11 - ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 2 Years Extended 808-6796 -11 - ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite, 3 Years 808-6797 -11 - Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Initial Year 808-6805 -11 - ProSupport Plus: Accidental Damage Service, 5 Years 808-6826 -11 - ProSupport Plus: Keep Your Hard Drive, 5 Years 808-6827 -11 - ProSupport Plus: 7X24 Technical Support, 5 Years 808-6845 -11 - Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Extended Year(s)975-3461 -11 - Thank you for choosing Dell ProSupport Plus. For tech support, visit www.dell.com/contactdell or call 1-866-516-3115 997-8367 -11 - Qty Subtotal Dell Thunderbolt Dock- WD19TB Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 16, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $266.95 11 $2,936.45 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal Dell Thunderbolt Dock- WD19TB 210-ARIK -11 - Advanced Exchange Service, 5 Years 824-3987 -11 - Dell Limited Hardware Warranty 824-3993 -11 - Subtotal: Shipping: Estimated Tax: Total: $37,002.90 $0.00 $0.00 $37,002.90 Page 4 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 24 of 103 December 8, 2020 Important Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote (“Supplier”) and the entity to whom this Quote was issued (“Customer”). Unless otherwise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reserves the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing errors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certificate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com , as applicable. Governing Terms : This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer’s affiliate and Supplier or a Supplier´s affiliate to the extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extent there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell’s Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a-Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the “Governing Terms”). Different Governing Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions : Customer’s use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/customer-services/product-warranty-and-service-descriptions.htm. Offer-Specific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms : Customer’s use of third-party software is subject to the license terms that accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specific terms stated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms (“Offer Specific Terms”). In case of Resale only : Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable software license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end-user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request from Supplier. In case of Financing only : If Customer intends to enter into a financing arrangement (“Financing Agreement”) for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier (“FS”), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. If issued to FS, Supplier will fulfill and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer’s use (and Customer’s resale of and the end-user’s use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that title shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. If FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Government funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier’s compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Government procurement. For certain products shipped to end users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer’s invoice. Supplier encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. ^Dell Business Credit (DBC): OFFER VARIES BY CREDITWORTHINESS AS DETERMINED BY LENDER. Offered by WebBank to Small and Medium Business customers with approved credit. Taxes, shipping and other charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payments are the greater of $15 or 3% of account balance. Dell Business Credit is not offered to government or public entities, or business entities located and organized outside of the United States. Page 5 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 25 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-359-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/18/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Designating Mayor Alicia L. Fleury as Emergency Management Director and Fire Chief Taylor as Emergency Coordinator for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (W. Carroll). Attachments:Staff Report - Emergency Management Director.pdf TDEM-147-Dec-2019-Ver-2.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Designating Mayor Alicia L. Fleury as Emergency Management Director and Fire Chief Taylor as Emergency Coordinator for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (W. Carroll). Town Council Page 26 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Wade Carroll, Assistant Town Manager CC: Steve Norwood, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Appointment of Emergency Management Director/Coordinator Town Council Meeting December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action to appoint Mayor Alicia Fleury as the Town of Trophy Club’s Emergency Management Director and Fire Chief J. Taylor as her Emergency Management Coordinator effective 12-8-2020 Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. Safety and Security- Achieve exceedingly high standards for public safety and low crime rates. Background and Explanation: The Mayor of each municipality and the County Judge of each county are designated by Texas law as the Emergency Management Directors for their respective jurisdictions. Emergency Management Directors may designate an Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) to administer the emergency management program. It is also required that Mayors notify Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) the identity the person who manages the program, and furnish additional information required by the Division. This requirement is satisfied when a TDEM-147 form is completed by a Mayor and submitted to TDEM in the event of a change in Mayors, EMC or contact information of either party. Financial Considerations: Not applicable Town Council Page 27 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Legal Review: I have reviewed the report and agenda item and it is ready for the Council Packet Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the completion and signing of form TDEM-147 Attachments: • TDEM-147 Town Council Page 28 of 103 December 8, 2020 TDEM-147 Rev 12/2019 Page EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR/COORDINATOR NOTIFICATION Section 418.101 of the Texas Government Code states: “The presiding officer of the governing body of each political subdivision will notify the Division of Emergency Management of the manner in which the political subdivision is providing or securing an emergency management program, identify the person who heads the agency responsible for the program, and furnish additional pertinent information.” This form is used to make the required notification to TDEM in accordance with Governor Executive Order GA-05 submitted annually by the 1st of February of each year or within 30 days of any change of elected or appointed officials.The information on this form may be released to those inquiring about local emergency management programs pursuant to the Texas Open Records Act. Hence, TDEM recommends that you provide business addresses and mobile telephone numbers rather than home addresses and telephone numbers. COUNTY: (Required) Jurisdiction: (City or County Name) Official’s Title: (Mayor/Judge) Name: (First & Last Name) Mailing Address: (The best address to receive mail) City, State, Zip: Office Number: Cell Number: Fax Number: E-mail:(Please include – this is a back-up for mailing) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM APPOINTMENT STATUS I HAVE NOT appointed an Emergency Management Coordinator and will personally direct the local emergency management program. I HAVE appointed/re-appointed the Emergency Management Coordinator identified below to conduct the emergency management program for this jurisdiction. The effective date of the appointment is: __________ We share our EMC with __________________________________ (name of jurisdiction). If the COUNTY Emergency Management Coordinator has been appointed to other jurisdictions within the county, the County Judge and the participating City Mayors must sign this form. (See the third page for additional signature blocks.) The EMC for this jurisdiction is (please select one): Paid, Full Time, EMC only Paid, Full Time, EMC and other job duties (Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, Police Chief, EMS Director, Etc.) (please specify other duty/duties) ________________________________________________________ Paid part time, EMC only Paid, Part Time, EMC and other job duties (Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, Police Chief, EMS Director, Etc.) (please specify other duty/duties) ________________________________________________________ Unpaid/volunteer EMC only Unpaid/Volunteer, EMC and other volunteer job duties (Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, Police Chief, EMS Director, Etc.) (please specify other duty/duties) _____________________________________________ Other (please describe) _________________________________________________________________ 24 Hr Contact #: Town Council Page 29 of 103 December 8, 2020 TDEM-147 Rev 12/2019 Page EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR Coordinator Asst Coordinator Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Office Phone: Cell Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: 24 Hr Contact #: Judge’s or Mayor’s Signature Date PLEASE RETURN TO: Texas Division of Emergency Management Operations Section P.O. Box 15467 Austin, TX 78761 Phone: (512) 424-2208 Email: soc2@dps.texas.gov Emergency Operations Center #: Check this box if the information above contains personal information pertaining to a law enforcement official such as personal home or cellular phone number, and/or home mailing or personal email address. Town Council Page 30 of 103 December 8, 2020 TDEM-147 Rev 12/2019 Page FOR SHARED EMC USE ONLY By signing this form, you agree the appointed Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) listed on page two is also your EMC. If you have a separate EMC, you must submit the first and second pages for your jurisdiction. Mayor City: Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Office Phone: Cell Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Signature: Mayor City: Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Office Phone: Cell Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Signature: Mayor City: Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Office Phone: Cell Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Signature: Town Council Page 31 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-344-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:10/29/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:11/17/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke for Inspection Services not to exceed $25,000 (W. Carroll). Attachments:Staff Report - ILA with Roanoke for Inspection Services.pdf Roanoke - Interlocal Agreement - with Trophy Club - Inspection Services.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke for Inspection Services not to exceed $25,000 (W. Carroll). Town Council Page 32 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Wade Carroll, Assistant Town Manager CC: Steve Norwood, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Interlocal Agreement with the City of Roanoke for inspection services Town Council Meeting December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action to approve an Interlocal agreement (ILA) between the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke for inspection services not to exceed $25,000 (W. Carroll) Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. Administrative & Financial Services- Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: In the past staff has utilized a private firm to perform inspection services when in house inspectors were unavailable. The private firms generally charge approximately $85 per inspection. Our Code Enforcement Officer has assisted with minor inspections such as covered porch additions, fences, roofs, and some concrete work but is in training to be able to be able to assist with all inspections. Until his training is complete and the position of Director of Community Development is filled staff is requesting that an ILA be established with the City of Roanoke to complete the more complex inspections within Town limits. Roanoke has agreed to charge $50 per inspection address instead of the going rate of $85 per inspection, meaning multiple inspection at a single address would only cost the Town $50. This would be a significant savings to the Town and will ensure that we continue to provide the inspection services that are required to serve our residents and contractors working in the Town. The ILA is for a 7 month term with the ability to auto renew the agreement for 4 additional terms of 1 year each if both parties agree. The agreement can be terminated by either party with a 30 day notice. Financial Considerations: Funding is available in the Community Development Approved Budget under line item for Inspection Services, ($25,500). Town Council Page 33 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Legal Review: I have reviewed the agreement and report. The item is ready for the Council Packet Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of the ILA with the City of Roanoke for inspection services. Attachments: • Interlocal Agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and the City of Roanoke for inspection services Town Council Page 34 of 103 December 8, 2020 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DENTON § INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AND THE CITY OF ROANOKE FOR PROVISION OF INSPECTION SERVICES WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (hereinafter called “Town”), and the City of Roanoke (hereinafter called “City”), desire to enter into an interlocal agreement for the purpose of City providing Inspection Services to Town. WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into by the authority of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, V.T.C.A., Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, authorizing governmental units, such as cities and counties, to enter into agreements for the purpose of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of local governments. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the agreements contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Town and City agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated into the body of this Agreement and shall be considered part of the mutual covenants, consideration and promises that bind the Parties. SECTION 2. TERM. (a) This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date, as defined herein, and shall continue thereafter for seven (7) months until July 31, 2021, unless terminated sooner under the provisions hereof. If agreed to by both parties, the Agreement may be continued for four (4) additional one-year terms. (b) This Agreement may be terminated by either party with thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party. SECTION 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. (a) The Town needs inspection services on an as requested basis to enforce the International Codes adopted by the Town. Town covenants and agrees to pay an amount not to exceed Twenty-Four Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($24,000.00) annually to the City. The amount shall be invoiced monthly and paid by Town within 30 days of invoice. The costs for services are as follows: $50 per requested address. Town Council Page 35 of 103 December 8, 2020 (b) The City shall provide all necessary personnel, equipment, and vehicles in providing the inspection services specified in this Agreement. SECTION 4. MISCELLEANOUS PROVISIONS. The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of this Agreement: (a) Amendments. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties as to the matters set forth in this Agreement. No alteration of or amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless given in writing and signed by the Party or Parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment. (b) Applicable Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the Parties created hereunder are performable in Denton County, Texas. Venue for any action arising under this Agreement shall lie in the state district courts of Denton County, Texas. (c) Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned without the express written consent of the other Parties. (d) Binding Obligation. This Agreement shall become a binding obligation on the signatories upon execution by all signatories hereto. The City warrants and represents that the individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City has full authority to execute this Agreement and bind the City to the same. The Town warrants and represents that the individual executing this Agreement on the Town’s behalf has full authority to execute this Agreement and bind it to the same. (e) Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Agreement are for convenience purposes only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisions of this Agreement. (f) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same document. (g) Effective Date. The words “Effective Date” mean the date of the latter to execute this Agreement by and between the City and the Town. (h) No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The terms and provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of the parties hereto and not for the benefit of any third party. It is the express intention of City and Town that any entity other than City or Town receiving services or benefits under this Agreement shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. This Agreement is intended only to set forth the contractual right and responsibilities of the parties to this Agreement. (i) No Waiver of Immunity. It is expressly understood and agreed that, in the execution of this Agreement, the Town and City do not waive, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive any Town Council Page 36 of 103 December 8, 2020 immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to or against claims arising in the exercise of governmental functions relating hereto or otherwise. (j) Notices. Any notice or other communication required or permitted by this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”) is effective when in writing and (i) personally delivered either by facsimile (with electronic information and a mailed copy to follow) or by hand or (ii) three (3) days after notice is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, postage prepaid, certified with return receipt requested, and addressed as follows: if to Town: Town of Trophy Club, Texas 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Attn: Town Manager Phone Number: (682) 237-2900 If to the City: City of Roanoke, Texas 500 S. Oak Street Roanoke, Texas 76262 Attn: Scott Campbell, City Manager Phone Number: (817) 491-2411 (k) Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable. If any paragraph, section, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law or contrary to any rule or regulation have the force and effect of the law, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall be enforced as if the invalid provision had never been included. (l) Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. [The Remainder of this Page Intentionally Left Blank] Town Council Page 37 of 103 December 8, 2020 THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE PARTIES AGREE TO ITS TERMS. THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE AS DEFINED HEREIN. CITY: CITY OF ROANOKE, TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality By: Carl E. Gierisch, Jr., Mayor Date Signed: ATTEST: April S. Hill, City Secretary TOWN: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality By: Alicia Fleury, Mayor Date Signed: ATTEST: Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Town Council Page 38 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-364-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/23/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for the replacement of 8 Drinking Fountains within the Town’s Parks' System with ADA Compliant, Touchless Fountains from Total Recreation Products in the amount of $38,732.88 (T. Jaramillo). Attachments:Staff Report - Parks and Recreation Replacment of Drinking Fountains.pdf Touchless Drinking Fountains Estimate.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for the replacement of 8 Drinking Fountains within the Town’s Parks' System with ADA Compliant, Touchless Fountains from Total Recreation Products in the amount of $38,732.88 (T. Jaramillo). Town Council Page 39 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Tony Jaramillo, Parks and Recreation Director CC: Town Manager Steve Norwood and Town Secretary Leticia Vacek Re: The replacement of the drinking fountains within the town’s parks system with touchless bottle filling stations December 8, 2020 Town Council Meeting Agenda Item: Take appropriate action regarding the replacement of eight drinking fountains within the town’s parks system in the amount of $38,732.88 (T. Jaramillo) Strategic Link: Nature & Beatification – Maintain Town assets, services, and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. Background and Explanation: During the global pandemic, it has been suggested by the CDC that high touch points pose a high risk of spreading germs. Staff is requesting to move forward with a responsible alternative by replacing the existing drinking fountains with touchless bottle filler fountains in order to provide enhanced safety features for our patrons. Currently there are various drinking fountains attached with dog fountains within our town’s park system which are considered high touch surfaces. Replacing our current drinking fountains with touchless bottle filler fountains will assist with alleviating the high risk of spreading viruses by having the option to refill your personal bottle. The new fountains will still be equipped with dog fountains and in order to meet ADA Compliant standards, each fountain is equipped with a cantilevered unit and comply with accessible standards. The following parks will need drinking fountain replacements Locations Quantity Harmony Park Two Independence Park Two Freedom Dog Park Three Trophy Club Park One Town Council Page 40 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Financial Considerations: Funding is available in the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund under the Parks Capital Equipment Replacement. Staff obtained a quote from Total Recreation Products, a Buy Board vendor. As the Town Manager previously explained the additional fund balance due to CARES funding offsetting public safety expenses will be used for COVID related one-time capital purchases, with the possibility for a FEMA reimbursement grant. A future budget amendment (January 2021) will increase this expenditure in the Park’s Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. Legal Review: The item has been reviewed and is ready for the Council packet. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of purchasing eight touchless bottle filler/barrier-free & pet fountains stations in order to replace the existing drinking fountains currently within our parks system. Attachments: • Total Recreation Products, Inc Quote Town Council Page 41 of 103 December 8, 2020 Town of Trophy Club Attn: Marvin Athans #1 Trophy Club Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Phone: 817-881-0457 mathans@trophyclub.org Ship to Zip 75126 Quantity Part # Description Unit Price Amount 8 7219-SS Dog-On-It - Stainless Steel Bottle Filler with Barrier-Free Fountain & Pet Fountain- Price includes discount of $5,706.00 $4,041.75 $32,334.00 1 INSTALL Dog-On-It - Installation- Installation of Above Equipment Only; No other site work, demolition or concrete work included. Acquisition of any and all permits is the sole responsibility of the customer. Standard installation does not include any extra or additional machinery, drillers, etc., for rock excavation. If rock conditions are encountered, additional charges will apply. Installation of the fountain assumes customer will run the water supply to the site and set up/install the drain system for the fountain. These items are not included in the installation pricing provided. $2,693.88 $2,693.88 1 INSTALL Dog-On-It - Demolition- Removal and haul away 8 Existing Water Fountains; No other site work, demolion or concrete work included. $897.96 $897.96 Contract: Buy Board Contract #592-19 Sub Total $35,925.84 Freight $2,807.04 Total $38,732.88 Comments Freight Calculated to Installer Address Important Terms & Conditions - Please Review To place an order, you must provide one of the following: a Purchase Order assigned to Total Recreation; or this Price Quotation, signed by an authorized purchaser, with a check made payable to Total Recreation. This quotation explicitly excludes any and all items not expressly specified or identified above. No other product, equipment, or service is included, regardless of any Contract Document, Contract Section, Plans, Specifications, Drawing, or Addendum. Delivery for most equipment is approximately 5-6 weeks after all order documents have been received and payment terms have been approved. A current, approved credit application is required for N30 terms. To place an order, you must provide a purchase order or a signed Total Recreation Products, Inc. (hereafter described as TRP) quote, assigned to TRP. Neither general contractor nor subcontractor contracts can be accepted. Purchase documents that contain indemnity or hold harmless conditions cannot be accepted. Retainage is not permitted. The following must be received before your order can be processed: complete billing and shipping addresses, a contact name and phone #, and all color choices. Manufacturer's colors may vary from year to year. You are responsible for ensuring that any required submittal approvals are completed before placing your order for processing. TRP reserves the right to limit submittals to one copy. Shop drawings, bluelines, sepias, are not available. Closeout documents may be limited to TRP standard issue. If Sales Tax Exempt, a copy of your tax exemption form or resale certificate must accompany your order, or any applicable sales tax, will be added to your invoice. TRP cannot hold orders or store equipment. Equipment is invoiced when shipped. If a cash sale, your payment must be received in full before the order will be processed. Contractors must also provide copies of current, fully executed bid/performance/payment bonds, as applicable. Pricing shown does not include any charges for permits, bonding, prevailing wage, or additional insured certifications. Unless otherwise noted, any quantity of surfacing or playcurbs quoted has been calculated specifically for the equipment and layout shown. No additional surfacing or curbing is included, and no allowance has been made, for an unleveled, convoluted or larger site, or for a different layout. TRP is NOT responsible for any surface, curbing, border, or drain that is provided by others. Also please confirm that your area is adequate for the equipment that you are purchasing. Total Recreation Products, Inc. 17802 Grant Road Cypress, Texas 77429 Phone: 281-351-2402 Toll Free: 800-392-9909 Fax: 281-351-2493 11/11/2020 Quote #100871-01-01 TP-11033-20 Town of Trophy Club - Barrier Free Fountain & Pet Fountains Page 1 of 3Town Council Page 42 of 103 December 8, 2020 Installation charges, if quoted, are for a "standard" installation unless specifically noted to be otherwise. Installation charges are due upon completion. Standard installations are based upon a soil work site, that is freely accessible by truck, (no fencing, tree/landscaping or utility obstacles, etc.), and level, (+/- 1-2% maximum slope). An accessible water source must be available to the installer. Any site work that is not expressly described is excluded. Standard installation does not include any extra or additional machinery, drillers, etc., for rock excavation. If rock conditions are encountered, additional charges will apply. Standard installations generally require from 2-10 business days to complete, depending upon the amount and type of equipment, site conditions, weather, and the installer's schedule. Work may or may not be performed in consecutive days. Playcurbs are staked in, not set in concrete. Engineered wood fiber and shredded rubber surfacings are spread, not compacted, rolled, or watered. Landscape timbers are not warranted. The Customer is responsible for locating and clearly marking all underground utilities in the installation area before any installation work can begin. The installer is not responsible for damages, repairs, or discontinuance of business due to damaged utilities. If applicable, sprinkler system locates, re-working and repairs are excluded from installation charges. Installation of all products, (equipment, borders, fall surfacing and amenities) are as quoted and approved by acceptance of quotes and drawings. As a precautionary measure, work in progress areas will be taped off at the end of the workday. Pier spoils from installation shall be spread at site, site will be left rough grade. Trash disposal is the responsibility of the Customer. The installer is not responsible for any damages or re-work resulting from after hours events or activities during the work in progress period. Temporary fencing is only provided by specific request, and additional charges will apply. Collectively and/or individually, not the manufacturer, TRP, their representatives, nor the installation company shall be held liable for any damages resulting from misuse, vandalism, or neglect. Any deviations from approved and accepted placement of all items, along with additional work, over and above quoted items, will be chargeable to the customer. Once work is completed the customer will be notified if present at the job site, and all responsibility of any new work will be transferred to the customer. The customer is responsible for maintaining the integrity of completed installation work until all components have seated and/or cured (concrete footings, etc.). Your project site must be completely prepared and ready to receive your equipment before any installation work begins. Acquisition of any and all permits is the sole responsibility of the customer. Additional charges may be billed for any extra hours or trips needed as a result of the work site not being ready. Neither the installation contractor, TRP will NOT be responsible for delays caused by shortages, incorrect parts, weather conditions, other contractors, or lack of site readiness. If you are receiving your equipment, you are responsible for unloading and accepting delivery from the freight company and reporting any damaged freight or shortages on the freight bill at the time. You will also be responsible for a complete inventory of your received equipment and reporting any discrepancies to us immediately. Neither the freight company nor the manufacturer will resolve shipment discrepancies that are not reported immediately. Make sure that all items have been received before any type of installation work is scheduled. The freight carrier will be instructed to call your designated contact 24 hours before delivery to arrange a delivery appointment. Once accepted, orders can only be changed or canceled with the consent of TRP, and on terms that will indemnify them against loss. Changed or canceled orders are subject to a $100.00 service charge. Additionally, canceled orders are subject to a 25% restocking fee, plus freight charges (to and from). Built-to-order equipment orders are non-cancelable. Changes to orders that have been shipped and invoiced are subject to the above $100.00 service charge plus additional restocking/return charges of 25%. Non-returnable items shall be charged at full invoice value. Any return transportation charges shall be for the Buyer's account. Replacement parts are also subject to the cancellation/returns policy. Please carefully review any research information that has been sent to you and confirm that you are ordering the correct replacement parts for your equipment. This quotation is valid 30 days. After 30 days, please request an updated quote. Prices may be subject to material and fuel surcharges at the time of shipment and are subject to change without notice. Current prices will apply at the time of shipment. Acceptance of this quote indicates your agreement to TRP'S credit terms, which are net 30 days, FOB shipping with approved credit. Any deviations from this proposal may invalidate the quoted pricing and/or terms. Payment terms: net 30 days for tax supported governmental agencies. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be imposed on all past due accounts. Equipment shall be invoiced separately from other services and shall be payable in advance of those services and project completion. Retainage not accepted. Please complete and return with your required form of payment: Acceptance of quotation: Accepted By (printed): _________________________________ P.O. No: _____________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Facsimilie: __________________________________________ Purchase Amount: $38,732.88 Total Recreation Products, Inc. 17802 Grant Road Cypress, Texas 77429 Phone: 281-351-2402 Toll Free: 800-392-9909 Fax: 281-351-2493 11/11/2020 Quote #100871-01-01 TP-11033-20 Town of Trophy Club - Barrier Free Fountain & Pet Fountains Page 2 of 3Town Council Page 43 of 103 December 8, 2020 Order Information: Bill To: _____________________________________________ Ship To: _________________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________ Company: ________________________________________ Attn: ________________________________________________ Attn: ____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: ___________________________________ Contact: ______________________________________________ Contact: _________________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________________ Email Address:_____________________________________ Tel: _________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________ For non-taxable purchases: Please also provide a copy of your Sales Tax Exemption Certificate or Resale Certificate. Total Recreation Products, Inc. 17802 Grant Road Cypress, Texas 77429 Phone: 281-351-2402 Toll Free: 800-392-9909 Fax: 281-351-2493 11/11/2020 Quote #100871-01-01 TP-11033-20 Town of Trophy Club - Barrier Free Fountain & Pet Fountains Page 3 of 3Town Council Page 44 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-369-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:12/2/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Receive a presentation and provide direction for a possible location and use of future, dedicated Pickleball Courts at Independence Park (T. Jaramillo). Attachments:Staff Report - Pickleball Court.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Receive a presentation and provide direction for a possible location and use of future, dedicated Pickleball Courts at Independence Park (T. Jaramillo). Town Council Page 45 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Tony Jaramillo, Parks and Recreation Director CC: Town Manager, Steve Norwood Town Secretary Leticia Vacek Re: Pickleball Court Location and Use Town Council Meeting, December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Receive a presentation and provide direction for a possible location and use of future dedicated pickleball courts at Independence Park (T. Jaramillo). Strategic Link: Nature & Beautification – Improve the aesthetic and recreational value of the Town Background and Explanation: Staff is requesting direction on the possible location and usage of future pickleball courts in Trophy Club and if so directed will bring forward a recommendation on the employment of a consultant during the January 12, 2020 Town Council meeting. The pickleball players in town presented their interest in the construction of new dedicated pickleball courts at the February 25, 2020 Town Council meeting and at the January 20, 2020 Parks and Recreation Board meeting and continue to express their interest for dedicated pickleball courts in town. Currently the town has a set of courts with blended lines at Harmony Park and Independence Park. Currently both courts are heavily utilized between tennis players and pickle ball players with pickleball players consisting of 60% or more of playtime on the courts. The increased use of the blended line courts has resulted in increased waiting times. Staff has identified a potential location for newly constructed pickleball courts and presented the idea to Park Board at the November 19, 2020 meeting. The Parks and Recreation Board made the recommendation for staff to work with a consultant/designer in an effort to research the possibility of constructing a minimum of eight pickleball courts at Independence Park East for both resident and tournament play. Staff is providing two possible locations and two different use models. Town Council Page 46 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit “A” provides a pickleball facility that meets the needs of our citizens for dedicated court space while being attractive to pickleball players across the greater DFW region and beyond for the hosting of tournament play and weekend clinics to help offset the costs of installation and annual maintenance. Exhibit “B” demonstrates four lighted pickleball courts that are designed to simply meet our own citizen’s needs. If the option for more courts and tournament play is chosen, staff seeks direction from council to employ a consultant to determine the best location, number of courts, and a design to attract both sanctioned and non-sanctioned tournaments. A Consultant will also assist in a needs assessment in such areas as parking, walkways, seating, grading, drainage considerations, potential existing building modifications, lighting and other elements to ensure that the site chosen fulfills the needs of our community. Financial Considerations: Funding sources will be identified once the scope of the project is determined. Legal Review: Not applicable Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Board made the recommendation for staff to present to Council and to employ a qualified consultant for the installation of a minimum of eight pickleball courts at Independence Park East. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends employing a qualified consultant to assist staff with the research necessary to move forward the installation of pickleball courts. Attachments: • Presentation Town Council Page 47 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-355-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/18/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for the replacement of an ambulance with a 2021 Ford F550 Road Rescue Ambulance for operations in the Fire Department from Siddons-Martin Emergency Group in the amount of $327,672 (J. Taylor). Attachments:Staff Report - 2021 Road Rescue Ambulance.pdf Trophy Club Proposal - 2021 Road Rescue with trade in.pdf 2007 Ambulance-Town of Trophy Club Vehicle Replacement Policy.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for the replacement of an ambulance with a 2021 Ford F550 Road Rescue Ambulance for operations in the Fire Department from Siddons-Martin Emergency Group in the amount of $327,672 (J. Taylor). Town Council Page 48 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: J.G. Taylor III, Fire Chief CC: Town Manager Steve Norwood and Town Secretary Leticia Vacek Re: 2021 Ford F550 Road Rescue Ambulance December 8, 2020 Town Council Meeting Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action by Town Council to approve a requisition request for the purchase of a 2021 Ford F550 Road Rescue Ambulance for operations in the Fire Department at a total cost of $327,672.00; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents. (J. Taylor) Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. Safety and Security- Achieve exceedingly high standards for public safety and low crime rates. Administrative & Financial Services- Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Background and Explanation: The Fire Department is requesting approval for the purchase of a 2021 Ford F550 Road Rescue Ambulance. This purchase meets the replacement standards within the Town of Trophy Club vehicle replacement policy for the replacement of a 2007 Chevrolet Kodiak Ambulance. This replacement policy requires a score of 11 points or more to qualify. The 2007 ambulance scored 13 evaluation points. The replaced 2007 Chevrolet Kodiak Ambulance would be traded in to Siddons-Martin Emergency Group for a value of $8,000. The 2018 Road Rescue ambulance will be moved to reserve status upon delivery of the 2021 model. This will provide a safe and reliable Ambulance fleet moving forward, and allow for a more timely fleet rotation. Town Council Page 49 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Financial Considerations: As the Town Manager previously explained, the additional fund balance due to CARES funding offsetting public safety expenses, will be used for COVID related one-time capital purchases with the possibility of a FEMA reimbursement grant. A future budget amendment (January 2021) will move this expenditure to the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. The purchase will be made through Siddons-Martin Emergency Group utilizing H-GAC pricing. Legal Review: I have reviewed the proposal and the item is ready for Council Packet Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of A 2021 Ford 550 Road Rescue Ambulance per the Town of Trophy Club vehicle replacement policy for the replacement of a 2007 Chevrolet Kodiak Ambulance. Attachments: • Trophy Club Proposal- 2021 Road Rescue Ambulance • Town of Trophy Club Vehicle Replacement Policy- 2007 Ambulance Town Council Page 50 of 103 December 8, 2020 Proposal 2021 Road Rescue Ultramedic 1 Page 1 of 2 November 19, 2020 Siddons Martin Emergency Group, LLC 3500 Shelby Lane Denton, TX 77073 GDN P115891 TXDOT MVD No. A115890 December 2, 2020 Jack Taylor TROPHY CLUB FIRE DEPARTMENT 295 TROPHY CLUB DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 Proposal For: 2021 Road Rescue Ultramedic 1 Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, LLC is pleased to provide the following proposal to TROPHY CLUB FIRE DEPARTMENT. Unit will comply with all specifications attached and made a part of this proposal. Total price includes delivery FOB TROPHY CLUB FIRE DEPARTMENT and training on operation and use of the apparatus. Description Amount Qty. 1 - 10-0004 - Road Rescue Ford F 550 Type 1 (Unit Price - $318,618.00) Delivery within 12-13 months of order date QUOTE # - SMEG-0001403-2 Vehicle Price $318,618.00 Lucas Device $16,054.00 Trade in 2007 AEV Chevy Kodiak 10-0004 - UNIT TOTAL $334,672.00 ($8,000.00) SUB TOTAL $326,672.00 HGAC AM10-20(EMS) $1,000.00 TOTAL $327,672.00 Price guaranteed until 1/1/2021 Additional: The delivery of this unit(s) is subject to chassis availability and signed work order confirmation by the Trophy Club Fire Department and Siddons-Martin Emergency Group. This proposal includes final inspection at the factory for two individuals designated by the customer. Taxes: Tax is not included in this proposal. In the event that the purchasing organization is not exempt from sales tax or any other applicable taxes and/or the proposed apparatus does not qualify for exempt status, it is the duty of the purchasing organization to pay any and all taxes due. Balance of sale price is due upon acceptance of the apparatus at the factory. Town Council Page 51 of 103 December 8, 2020 Proposal 2021 Road Rescue Ultramedic 1 Page 2 of 2 November 19, 2020 Late Fee: A late fee of .033% of the sale price will be charged per day for overdue payments beginning ten (10) days after the payment is due for the first 30 days. The late fee increases to .044% per day until the payment is received. In the event a prepayment is received after the due date, the discount will be reduced by the same percentages above increasing the cost of the apparatus. Cancellation: In the event this proposal is accepted and a purchase order is issued then cancelled or terminated by Customer before completion, Siddons-Martin Emergency Group may charge a cancellation fee. The following charge schedule based on costs incurred may be applied: (A) 10% of the Purchase Price after order is accepted and entered by Manufacturer; (B) 20% of the Purchase Price after completion of the approval drawings; (C) 30% of the Purchase Price upon any material requisition. The cancellation fee will increase accordingly as costs are incurred as the order progresses through engineering and into manufacturing. Siddons-Martin Emergency Group endeavors to mitigate any such costs through the sale of such product to another purchaser; however, the customer shall remain liable for the difference between the purchase price and, if applicable, the sale price obtained by Siddons-Martin Emergency Group upon sale of the product to another purchaser, plus any costs incurred by Siddons-Martin to conduct such sale. Acceptance: In an effort to ensure the above stated terms and conditions are understood and adhered to, Siddons -Martin Emergency Group, LLC requires an authorized individual from the purchasing organization sign and date this proposal and include it with any purchase order. Upon signing of this proposal, the terms and conditions stated herein will be considered binding and accepted by the Customer. The terms and acceptance of this proposal will be governed by the laws of the state of Texas. No additional terms or conditions will be binding upon Siddons -Martin Emergency Group, LLC unless agreed to in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of Siddons-Martin Emergency Group, LLC. Sincerely, Randy Overton I, _____________________________, the authorized representative of TROPHY CLUB FIRE DEPARTMENT, agree to purchase the proposed and agree to the terms of this proposal and the specifications attached hereto. __________________________________________________________ Signature & Date Town Council Page 52 of 103 December 8, 2020 Town of Trophy Club Fleet Replacement Policy General Policy It is the policy of the Town of Trophy Club to provide staff with the tools needed to do the job in a professional, competent, and safe manner. Among the biggest “tools” in accomplishing the task are motor vehicles. In addition, these items are a very substantial financial investment and need to be handled in the most economic manner to the Town, both in their operation and in maximizing their disposal value. Each vehicle has a number of “lives”. Vehicles have a service life, which is the amount of time a vehicle is capable of rendering service. Vehicles have a technological life, which is the amount of time a vehicle is capable of rendering service. Vehicles have a technological life, which represents the relative productivity decline of the unit as compared to newer models. Most important, a vehicle has an economic life, which is the length of time the average total vehicles cost is at a minimum. The unit expenses and costs should be considered in determining fleet replacement recommendations; the following is a list of those expenses/costs: 1. Fuel Costs 2. Operation Costs 3. Maintenance Costs, to include parts availability 4. Downtime 5. Technological Obsolescence 6. Condition 7. Safety The realities of the budget process, monetary restrictions, and administrative policies will limit the replacement that can be made each year, and that priorities must be set to determine which vehicles to replace with available funds. The purpose of this policy is to set forth an outline for user departments, in cooperation with the Finance Department to establish these priorities for recommendation to management. Equipment Replacement Evaluation and Criteria Vehicles will be evaluated by four criteria: age, mileage, operation & maintenance cost, condition of body, and mechanical components. A baseline is set for each criterion and points are assigned, depending on how the item’s data compares to the base standard. The ratings are low, base (equal to the standard), high and extreme. Points are assigned as follows: 1-low, 2-base, 3-high, and 4-extreme. Any point total equaling or exceeding eleven (11) indicates that the vehicle should be recommended for replacement. The point total is used to rank its replacement priority, and the larger the number the higher the replacement priority will be. A priority ranking Town Council Page 53 of 103 December 8, 2020 will be developed for the entire fleet by class of vehicle regardless of departmental assignment. Priority ranking is intended to serve as a guide and should be considered along with manager recommendation. Special circumstances might present themselves such that a vehicle may not meet the criteria for recommendation to replace, but due to circumstances not captured in the policy a department head may recommend to replace early. Or on the contrary, a vehicle may meet the criteria for replacement but the manager might recommend delaying replacement because they feel the vehicle can still be of use with little maintenance costs. The following is a brief explanation of the rating criteria: Age: based on the experience in the class of equipment and industry standards as recommended by the Government Services Administration, State standards, other cities, etc., and intended to reflect the least cost and highest resale value to the Town. Mileage/Hours: based on the experience in the class of equipment and industry standards as recommended by the Government Services Administration, State standards, other cities, etc., and intended to reflect the least cost and highest resale value to the Town. Maintenance Cost: The base cost will be a total of maintenance and repair costs as a percentage of the original purchase price. Accident and warranty repairs are not to be included in this total. Condition: a physical evaluation made for each vehicle that meets or exceeds the base standards for age, mileage, and maintenance costs. The criteria would be an assignment of a repair cost as a percentage of the book value of the vehicle. Vehicle history, such as accidents would also be considered at this point. Comments and Other Considerations: This is where the Department Manager can comment on vehicle history, costs, technological changes, safety items, etc.; that should be considered in the evaluation. Town Council Page 54 of 103 December 8, 2020 Replacement Parameters Age Condition Points Below base replacement age 0 < 1 year over base 1 1-2 years over base 2 3-4 years over base 3 4+ years over base 4 Mileage Condition Points Below base replacement mileage 0 Base + < 10,000 miles (600 hours) 1 Base + 10,000-20,000 miles (600-1,200 hours) 2 Base + 20,000 miles (+1,200 hours) 3 Maintenance Cost Condition Points < 5% of the purchase cost 1 5% to 12% of purchase cost 2 13% to 25% of purchase cost 3 > then 25% of purchase cost 4 Condition Evaluation Condition Points Repair cost <6% of the book value 2 Repair cost 6% to 18% of book value 3 Repair cost >18% of book value 4 Town Council Page 55 of 103 December 8, 2020 Equipment Replacement Base Criteria Item Age Mileage/Hours Truck (non-diesel) 5 80,000 Truck (diesel) 7 90,000 Ambulance 7 75,000/7,500 Police Vehicle 3 60,000 Police Admin Vehicle 5 80,000 Town Council Page 56 of 103 December 8, 2020 Vehicle/Equipment Evaluation Summary Report Item #: M-5764 Evaluation/Report Date: 12/1/2020 Department Assignment: Fire Department Reserve Ambulance Year: 2007 Make: Chevrolet Model: Kodiak Description/Use: Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) Ambulance, AEV 14ft. Module Summary Values Age 13 Base Age from Policy 7 Points: 4 Mileage 75,445 Base Mileage 75,000 Points: 1 Purchase Cost: $146,932 Total M&R: $60,000+ Points: 4 Book Value: $8,000 Est. Repair Cost: $12,500 Points: 4 Total Points 13 Comments and other considerations: This unit has served the community well, however, repeated repairs have made it unreliable for patient transport. In November 2020, this ambulance broke down with a patient inside to be transported. Fortunately, this was not a critical situation and the patient was quickly transferred to another ambulance. This is a big concern moving forward due to the age of this ambulance and wear and tear over 13 years. Maintenance records were found only back to 2014, which totaled $44,653. This figure alone places the unit over a score of 4 for Maintenance and Repair compared to original purchase cost. If this unit is kept for an ongoing period, there is an estimated minimum of $10,500 in needed repairs to keep this unit functioning. This minimum estimation also grades as a 4. Town Council Page 57 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-360-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/18/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for the replacement of Equipment for the Fire Department Training/Public Meeting Room from Electro Acoustics in the amount of $45,394.82 (J. Taylor). Attachments:Staff Report - FD Training Room.pdf Trophy Club Fire Station-Single Display Conference room Rve 1 2020 10 29 rw.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for the replacement of Equipment for the Fire Department Training/Public Meeting Room from Electro Acoustics in the amount of $45,394.82 (J. Taylor). Town Council Page 58 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: J.G. Taylor III, Fire Chief CC: Town Manager Steve Norwood and Town Secretary Leticia Vacek Re: Fire Department Training Room Upgrade December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding Town Council approval for the Fire Department Training Room Audio/Visual equipment upgrade in the amount of $45,394.82, to replace obsolete and inoperable equipment. (J. Taylor) Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. Safety and Security- Achieve exceedingly high standards for public safety and low crime rates. Administrative & Financial Services- Exercise fiscal discipline in all Town operations. Administrative & Financial Services- Provide strong internal and external marketing and communications. Employee Development- Develop and retain a skilled workforce. Background and Explanation: The Fire Department is requesting approval to upgrade the audio/visual (AV) equipment in their Training Room/Backup Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Training Room is routinely used to accommodate the public as a meeting place and as the Town’s backup EOC with adequate presentation capabilities. However, this equipment was originally installed in 2011 and has become obsolete and unable to facilitate the virtual meetings and presentations that we are now faced with on a frequent basis. Upgrading this Training Room will provide better service and accessibility to our community groups that utilize this facility on a regular basis. Improving interactive capabilities and presentation editing will provide a quality meeting place for our community and fire department personnel. This will also greatly enhance our Fire Department Community Risk Reduction (CRR) programs by providing quality, safe access to our targeted outreach audiences. The challenges Town Council Page 59 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 of COVID-19 have made these type of meetings a normal way of meeting now, and into the future. This equipment is high-quality and expected to remain functional for many years. Financial Considerations: As the Town Manager previously explained the additional fund balance due to CARES funding offsetting public safety expenses will be used for COVID related one-time capital purchases, with the possibility for a FEMA reimbursement grant. A future budget amendment (January 2021) will move this expenditure to the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. Three quotes were obtained from quality electronics and audio/visual companies. Through due diligence, non-partisan technical professionals, all independently agreed that the quote offered by Electro Acoustics was of the best quality and would provide long-term functionality, resulting in the best return. The total cost of equipment purchase, installation, and training is $45,394.82. Legal Review: Not applicable Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of this needed upgrade to the Fire Department Training Room/ backup EOC facility. This equipment upgrade to the audio/visual components in the amount of $45,394.82 will also provide improved service to community groups that routinely use the facility. Attachments: • Electro Acoustics Proposal for Trophy Club Fire, Project #NEG-9902 Town Council Page 60 of 103 December 8, 2020 Expertise That Inspires Proposal To: Trophy Club Trophy Club TX, For:: Trophy Club Fire - Single Display Project # NEG-9902 Version - Proposal 2 October 29, 2020 By: Ryan Walker: Town Council Page 61 of 103 December 8, 2020 SYSTEMS TOTAL $44,850.06 $544.76 PROJECT SUMMARY LOCATIONS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTAL TRAINING/CONFERENCE ROOM $17,431.01 $1,903.48 $19,334.49 EQUIPMENT RACK $11,007.79 $2,565.44 $13,573.23 CABLE $778.44 $930.00 $1,708.44 GENERAL PROJECT COSTS $496.80 $9,737.10 $10,233.90 SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT LABOR TOTAL AUDIO $5,791.15 $1,419.81 $7,210.96 VIDEO $19,436.15 $2,260.86 $21,697.01 CONTROL $3,013.38 $1,162.94 $4,176.32 RACKS AND FURNITURE $976.56 $555.31 $1,531.87 GENERAL PROJECT COSTS $496.80 $9,737.10 $10,233.90 SHIPPING $544.76 Quote # NEG-9902 Trophy Club Fire - Single Display Version Proposal 2 October 29, 2020Page 2 of 5Town Council Page 62 of 103 December 8, 2020 TRAINING/CONFERENCE ROOM AUDIO QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $3,418.86 $169.73 $3,588.59 VIDEO QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 2 $1,080.00 $346.83 $1,426.83 1 $29.99 $30.07 $60.06 3 $1,800.00 $243.55 $2,043.55 1 $5,398.80 $301.67 $5,700.47 1 $268.56 $58.13 $326.69 1 $0.00 $77.50 $77.50 1 $2,664.00 $189.30 $2,853.30 CONTROL QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $840.00 $119.74 $959.74 1 $1,140.00 $119.74 $1,259.74 RACKS AND FURNITURE QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $790.80 $247.23 $1,038.03 EQUIPMENT RACK AUDIO QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $275.59 $164.93 $440.52 1 $855.00 $559.31 $1,414.31 1 $1,138.86 $215.85 $1,354.71 VIDEO QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $6,480.00 $470.44 $6,950.44 1 $336.00 $126.81 $462.81 1 $238.80 $107.92 $346.72 1 $600.00 $135.24 $735.24 1 $540.00 $173.41 $713.41 CONTROL Shure MXA910W-A Ceiling Array Microphone Crestron DM-RMC-4KZ-100-C DigitalMedia 8G 4K60 4 4 4 HDR Receiver Room Controller Logitech 920-004536 Wireless Combo MK270 Crestron DM-TX-4KZ-100-C-1G-W-T DigitalMedia 8G+ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Wall Plate Transmit… Sharp PN-LE901 90" Commercial LCD TV Chief XTM1U Micro-Adjust Tilt Wall Mount X-Large EAVI OFE Install owner furnished computer Panasonic AW-HE40HWPJ9 White HDMI out sub-compact HD integrated Pan-Tilt Camera Crestron TSW-760-W-S 7” Touch Screen, White Smooth Crestron TSS-10-W-S-LB KIT 10.1 Room Scheduling Touch Screen White Smooth With M… AVFI CR2-WM Credenza - Dual Rack Wall Mounted Equipped with 3 space racks mounte … Lab.gruppen CA2402 2 x 240 Watt Commercial Amplifier with Energy Star Certification BSS BLU-50 4 analog mic line input 4 analog output networked signal p Shure P300-IMX DANTE AUDIO CONFERENCING PROCESSOR WITH INTELLIMIX AEC, 10-IN… Crestron DMPS3-4K-350-C-AIRMEDIA 3-Series 4K DigitalMedia Presentation System 350… Denon DN-500BDMKII Blu-Ray, DVD & CD/SD/USB Player Apple MP7P2LLA Apple TV 4K 64GB Crestron DM-TX-4KZ-100-C-1G-B-T DigitalMedia 8G+ 4K60 4:4:4 HDR Wall Plate Transmit… Crestron DM-RMC-4KZ-100-C DigitalMedia 8G 4K60 4 4 4 HDR Receiver Room Controller Version Proposal 2 October 29, 2020Page 3 of 5Quote # NEG-9902 Trophy Club Fire - Single Display Town Council Page 63 of 103 December 8, 2020 QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $262.20 $215.85 $478.05 1 $95.58 $87.62 $183.20 RACKS AND FURNITURE QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $185.76 $308.08 $493.84 CABLE AUDIO QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $102.84 $310.00 $412.84 CONTROL QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 1 $675.60 $620.00 $1,295.60 GENERAL PROJECT COSTS GENERAL PROJECT COSTS QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXT LABOR EXT TOTAL 32 $0.00 $3,925.12 $3,925.12 7 $0.00 $595.00 $595.00 5 $0.00 $387.50 $387.50 2 $0.00 $155.00 $155.00 414 $496.80 $0.00 $496.80 8 $0.00 $620.00 $620.00 4 $0.00 $310.00 $310.00 4 $0.00 $310.00 $310.00 4 $0.00 $490.64 $490.64 24 $0.00 $2,943.84 $2,943.84 Cisco SG350-10P-K9-NA Cisco SG350-10P 10-Port Gigabit PoE+ (62W) Middle Atlantic PD-915RC-20 PD-915R W/20' POWER CORD Middle Atlantic BRK16-22 16SP 28 RACK 22 DEEP West Penn Wire 25225BGY0500 1P 16G STRD UNSHLD PLENII Belden 2413F 23-4P F UTP-CMP SOL BC FEP LSPVC BLK Plenum EAVI System Design Services System Design Services EAVI Project Management EAVI Project Management EAVI Project Planning Planning of the Project by the Lead Technician EAVI Travel Travel time to project from EAVI office EAVI Hardware Misc. Hardware EAVI Installation Testing Finish (Testing) EAVI Training On-Site Training on System Operation and Maintenance EAVI First Use Technical Support for First Use EAVI System Commissioning System Testing Adjustment Verification EAVI Programming Programming of Control Devices Version Proposal 2 October 29, 2020Page 4 of 5Quote # NEG-9902 Trophy Club Fire - Single Display Town Council Page 64 of 103 December 8, 2020 PAYMENT SCHEDULE To be determined EQUIPMENT TOTAL $29,714.04 LABOR TOTAL $15,136.02 SHIPPING $544.76 TOTAL TAX (TAX EXEMPT)$0.00 PROJECT TOTAL $45,394.82 ACCEPTANCE FINANCIAL TERMS TermsTerms: Net 10 Days or per contract PricesPrices: Valid 30 Days Does Not IncludeDoes Not Include: Power, conduit, back boxes, pull strings, taxes, mill work, acoustical treatment, grille cloth, structural steel support for mounting of technical devices, etc. unless specifically listed otherwise. WarrantyWarranty: System installation is guaranteed for one year against defects in materials & workmanship. Expendables, such as light bulbs, are not included in the warranty. Confidentiality: Confidentiality: No part of this proposal may be disclosed to competitors of Electro Acosutics, Inc. in any form. This includes equipment lists, prices, concepts and solutions. Thank you for honoring this! Accepting for Trophy ClubAccepting for Trophy Club Trophy Club TX Trophy Club TX Printed Name: ________________________________________________Printed Name: ________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________Signature: ________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________Title: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________Date: ________________________________________________ Electro Acoustics, Inc.Electro Acoustics, Inc. 2905 Suffolk Dr. Suite 200 Fort WorthTX76133 www.eavi.com ph (817) 924-2756 Version Proposal 2 October 29, 2020Quote # NEG-9902 Trophy Club Fire - Single Display Page 5 of 5 Town Council Page 65 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-319-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:10/14/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:10/27/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for the replacement of three (3) Servers and three (3) Firewalls from VersaTrust in the amount of $71,126.43 to be funded from the IT Equipment Replacement Fund (W. Carroll). Attachments:Staff Report - IT Infrastructure Purchase-Replacement.pdf VT-ToTC Server and Firewall Quote.pdf DIR quote for 3 servers.pdf Dell DIR Firewall Quote.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for the replacement of three (3) Servers and three (3) Firewalls from VersaTrust in the amount of $71,126.43 to be funded from the IT Equipment Replacement Fund (W. Carroll). Town Council Page 66 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 3 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Wade Carroll, Assistant Town Manager CC: Steve Norwood, Town Manager Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: IT Infrastructure Replacement/Upgrade Town Council Meeting, December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action regarding for the replacement of three (3) Servers and three (3) firewalls and associated equipment as replacements for outdated and/or inadequate Information Technology equipment in the amount of $71,126.43 (W. Carroll). Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. Administrative & Financial Services – Provide high value technology and information services Administrative & Financial Services – Provide strong internal and external marketing and communications. Background and Explanation: Staff is seeking approval for the purchase of replacement servers and firewalls for the Town’s IT infrastructure. During the recent IT transition VersaTrust was initially tasked with ensuring the security of our system and evaluating our current infrastructure. During the evaluation VersaTrust has been reorganizing our systems to meet industry best practices and has been optimizing our infrastructure to better serve our council, staff and citizens by upgrading our internet services to better accommodate more virtualization. VersaTrust has also identified several areas in our infrastructure in need of replacement. All replacement equipment will be purchased from Dell through their Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) pricing satisfying all bidding requirements OR through VersaTrust when pricing can be either matched or found to be lower than Dell’s DIR pricing for government agencies. Town Council Page 67 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 3 • Server Replacements o The current physical virtualization servers (virtual environment) are going out of warranty in March 2021 and are currently running with high resource utilization for the number of servers that are currently running on them. We don’t recommend performing physical hardware upgrades on 3+ year old servers to accommodate the needs. o There are several 5+ year old (1 10+) physical servers that need to be decommissioned, and their server operating systems will need to be moved to the virtual environment. To support this, we need more powerful servers that run the virtual environment. o In order to maximize the Town’s server uptime, our preference would be that each physical server in the virtual environment would be able to host all virtual servers should one of the physical servers fail. This also requires more powerful physical servers. o Historically at the Town, refurbished physical servers have been purchased and put into production. VersaTrust believes in investing in new, unused tier 1 (Dell) hardware, fully supported by the manufacturer at all times and under 24x7x4 warranty. We have standardized on Dell equipment due to their history of equipment stability, support availability and response capability. While we do believe in maximizing the technology investment over time to provide a good return, we don’t recommend stretching it to the point of increasing risk. • Firewall replacements o The current firewall that provides Internet to the Town, connection to Denton County for public safety, connectivity from the fire department, pool and maintenance barn is not capable of processing the new 1GB Internet connection and the 200Mb connection to Denton County. A new firewall is required to be able to handle the new Internet and Denton County connection speeds. o VersaTrust recommends replacing the current firewall with a highly available hardware configuration at Town Hall and the fire department, consisting of a primary firewall and a secondary high availability firewall. This will help minimize downtime for the Denton County connection, the fire department to Town Hall, as well as provide more stability for pool, the maintenance barn and remote workers in the event that the primary firewall hardware fails. o The proposed Sonicwall firewall includes real-time security services, including anti-malware and Intrusion Protection which are additional cybersecurity layers of protection. o Remote workers are currently experiencing remote VPN issues and the new Sonicwall firewall will provide better remote worker stability. It will also allow us to implement multi-factor authentication for remote access, which is a CJIS requirement for the police department. Financial Considerations: Funding in the amount of $125,000.00 is available in the IS Capital Equipment Replacement Fund as approved in the FY21 Budget. Purchasing through and/or in comparison to DIR meets the requirements for a competitive bid process. The quote from VersaTrust includes both equipment ($58,626.43) and labor ($12,500). The quotes from DIR includes equipment only ($59,856.79). Town Council Page 68 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Legal Review: After review and discussion this item is ready for Council. Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of purchase of IT infrastructure equipment from VersaTrust and Dell. Attachments: • Quote from VersaTrust for purchase and installation of IT infrastructure. Town Council Page 69 of 103 December 8, 2020 Servers, Firewalls Quote # 000298 Version 1 Prepared for: Town of Trophy Club Wade Carroll (*) wcarroll@trophyclub.org We have prepared a quote for you Town Council Page 70 of 103 December 8, 2020 6310 South West Blvd Ste 110 Fort Worth, TX 76109 www.versatrust.com (817) 595-0111 Description Price Qty Ext. Price Server Replacements Less than DIR-Dell PowerEdge Server, Chassis with up to 16 2.5" Drives, 2x Intel XEON Gold 6230 Processors-20Core, 384GB RAM, PERC H740P RAID Controller, iDRAC9 Enterprise Remote Access Card, Broadcom Dual -Port 10GB/Dual Port 1GB Ethernet, Broadcom Quad P $14,625.85 3 $43,877.55 Project Project labor: Pre-configure servers, update firmware, configure disks, Install virtualization software, Install servers onsite and configure networking, Migrate all virtual servers from existing host servers to new $125.00 80 $10,000.00 Subtotal:$53,877.55 Description Price Qty Ext. Price Firewall Replacement-Town Hall 13179565 DIR Match-Sonicwall NSA3650 Secure Upgrade Plus Primary Firewall- Advanced Security Edition-3Year Warranty and Security ServicesSupports up to 1Gigabit Internet connection $7,779.70 1 $7,779.70 13179665 DIR Match-Sonicwall NSA3650 High Availability Appliance-Used in conjunction with a primary Sonicwall NSA3650 firewall for hardware fail -over capability $2,464.00 1 $2,464.00 10542089 DIR Match-Sonicwall Stateful High Availability Upgrade for Sonicwall NSA3600 Firewalls-Allows for Site to Site VPN tunnels to retain connectivity in the event of a hardware failover $699.60 1 $699.60 Project Project LaborPre-configure the firewall set with current firmware, Manually move the current Watchguard firewall configuration to the new Sonicwall, Implementation onsite and test. $125.00 12 $1,500.00 Subtotal:$12,443.30 Description Price Qty Ext. Price Firewall Replacement-Fire Dept 12307632 DIR Match-Sonicwall TZ400 Firewall -Firewall-Secure Upgrade Plus- Advanced Security Edition-3Year Warranty and Security Services $1,782.88 1 $1,782.88 Project Project Labor,Pre-configure the firewall with current firmware, Manually move the current Watchguard firewall configuration to the new Sonicwall, Implementation onsite and test. $125.00 4 $500.00 Subtotal:$2,282.88 Page: 2 of 4Quote #000298 v1 Town Council Page 71 of 103 December 8, 2020 6310 South West Blvd Ste 110 Fort Worth, TX 76109 www.versatrust.com (817) 595-0111 Description Price Qty Ext. Price Firewall Replacement-Maint Barn and Pool 13584277 DIR Match-Sonicwall TZ350 Firewall-Secure Upgrade Plus-Advanced Security Edition-3Year Warranty and Security Services $1,011.35 2 $2,022.70 Project Project Labor, Pre-configure the Maint Barn and Pool firewalls with current firmware, Manually move the current Watchguard firewall configurations to the new Sonicwalls, Implementation onsite and test. $125.00 4 $500.00 Subtotal:$2,522.70 Page: 3 of 4Quote #000298 v1 Town Council Page 72 of 103 December 8, 2020 6310 South West Blvd Ste 110 Fort Worth, TX 76109 www.versatrust.com (817) 595-0111 1 Trophy Wood Dr Trophy Club, TX 76262 Wade Carroll (*) (817) 223-1541 wcarroll@trophyclub.org Town of Trophy Club Jennifer Ferguson (817) 616-0944 jferguson@versatrust.com VersaTrust Prepared by:Prepared for:Quote Information: Quote #: 000298 Version: 1 Delivery Date: 11/11/2020 Expiration Date: 11/30/2020 Servers, Firewalls Description Amount Quote Summary Server Replacements $53,877.55 Firewall Replacement-Town Hall $12,443.30 Firewall Replacement-Fire Dept $2,282.88 Firewall Replacement-Maint Barn and Pool $2,522.70 Total:$71,126.43 Taxes, shipping, handling and other fees may apply. We reserve the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. VersaTrust Signature: Name:Wade Carroll (*) Date: Signature: Name:Jennifer Ferguson Title:Sales Support Specialist Date:11/11/2020 Town of Trophy Club Page: 4 of 4Quote #000298 v1 Town Council Page 73 of 103 December 8, 2020 A quote for your consideration. Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we’ve created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order . Quote No.3000071938100.1 Total $43,902.81 Customer #3346495 Quoted On Oct. 29, 2020 Expires by Nov. 28, 2020 Solution ID 13291775 Sales Rep Eddie Spencer Phone (800) 456-3355, 6179679 Email Edmund_Spencer_iv@Dell.com Billing To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Eddie Spencer Shipping Group Shipping To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 (682) 237-2900 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Product Unit Price Qty Subtotal PowerEdge R740 - [amer_r740_12248]$14,634.27 3 $43,902.81 Page 1 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 74 of 103 December 8, 2020 Subtotal: Shipping: Non-Taxable Amount: Taxable Amount: Estimated Tax: Total: $43,902.81 $0.00 $43,902.81 $0.00 $0.00 $43,902.81 Special lease pricing may be available for qualified customers. Please contact your DFS Sales Representative for details. Page 2 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 75 of 103 December 8, 2020 Shipping Group Details Shipping To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 (682) 237-2900 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Qty Subtotal PowerEdge R740 - [amer_r740_12248] Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 13, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $14,634.27 3 $43,902.81 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal PowerEdge R740 Server 210-AKXJ -3 - PowerEdge R740/R740XD Motherboard 329-BEIK -3 - Trusted Platform Module 2.0 461-AAEM -3 - Chassis with up to 16 x 2.5" SAS/SATA Hard Drives for 2CPU Configuration 321-BCSN -3 - PowerEdge R740 Shipping 340-BLKS -3 - PowerEdge R740 Shipping Material 340-CORZ -3 - PowerEdge R740 CE, CCC, BIS Marking 389-DSWP -3 - Intel Xeon Gold 6230 2.1G, 20C/40T, 10.4GT/s, 27.5M Cache, Turbo, HT (125W) DDR4-2933 338-BRVN -3 - Intel Xeon Gold 6230 2.1G, 20C/40T, 10.4GT/s, 27.5M Cache, Turbo, HT (125W) DDR4-2933 338-BRVN -3 - Additional Processor Selected 379-BDCO -3 - Standard 1U Heatsink 412-AAIQ -3 - Standard 1U Heatsink 412-AAIQ -3 - 3200MT/s RDIMMs 370-AEVR -3 - Performance Optimized 370-AAIP -3 - RAID 1 780-BCDN -3 - PERC H740P RAID Controller, LP Adapter 405-AAML -3 - VMware ESXi 6.7 U3 Embedded Image on Flash Media (License Not Included)634-BRIM -3 - iDRAC9,Enterprise 385-BBKT -3 - iDRAC Group Manager, Disabled 379-BCQY -3 - iDRAC,Legacy Password 379-BCSG -3 - Riser Config 2, 3 x8, 1 x16 slots 330-BBHB -3 - Broadcom 57416 Dual Port 10GbE BASE-T & 5720 Dual Port 1GbE BASE-T, rNDC 540-BBUK -3 - IDSDM and Combo Card Reader 385-BBLE -3 - Redundant SD Cards Enabled 385-BBCF -3 - 64GB microSDHC/SDXC Card 385-BBKI -3 - 64GB microSDHC/SDXC Card 385-BBKI -3 - Page 3 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 76 of 103 December 8, 2020 DVD ROM, SATA, Internal 429-ABBU -3 - 6 Performance Fans forR740/740XD 384-BBPZ -3 - Dual, Hot-plug, Redundant Power Supply (1+1), 750W 450-AJSC -3 - PowerEdge 2U Standard Bezel 325-BCHU -3 - Dell EMC Luggage Tag 350-BBKG -3 - No Quick Sync 350-BBJV -3 - Performance BIOS Settings 384-BBBL -3 - ReadyRails Sliding Rails With Cable Management Arm 770-BBBR -3 - No Systems Documentation, No OpenManage DVD Kit 631-AACK -3 - Declined Remote Consulting Service 973-2426 -3 - Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Plus On-Site Service 813-9119 -3 - ProSupport Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service with Emergency Dispatch, 3 Years 813-9123 -3 - ProSupport Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service with Emergency Dispatch, 2 Years Extended 813-9124 -3 - ProSupport Mission Critical: 7x24 HW / SW Technical Support and Assistance, 5 Years 813-9132 -3 - Dell Limited Hardware Warranty Plus Service, Extended Year(s)975-3462 -3 - Thank you choosing Dell ProSupport. For tech support, visit //www.dell.com/support or call 1-800- 945-3355 989-3439 -3 - On-Site Installation Declined 900-9997 -3 - 64GB RDIMM, 3200MT/s, Dual Rank 370-AEVP -18 - 300GB 15K RPM SAS 12Gbps 512n 2.5in Hot-plug Hard Drive 400-ASGQ -6 - No Media Required 421-5736 -3 - Broadcom 5719 Quad Port 1GbE BASE-T Adapter, PCIe Full Height 540-BBCW -3 - Power Cord - C13, 3M, 125V, 15A (North America, Guam, North Marianas, Philippines, Samoa, Vietnam)450-AALV -6 - Subtotal: Shipping: Estimated Tax: Total: $43,902.81 $0.00 $0.00 $43,902.81 Page 4 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 77 of 103 December 8, 2020 Important Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote (“Supplier”) and the entity to whom this Quote was issued (“Customer”). Unless otherwise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reserves the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing errors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certificate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com , as applicable. Governing Terms : This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer’s affiliate and Supplier or a Supplier´s affiliate to the extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extent there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell’s Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a-Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the “Governing Terms”). Different Governing Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions : Customer’s use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/customer-services/product-warranty-and-service-descriptions.htm. Offer-Specific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms : Customer’s use of third-party software is subject to the license terms that accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specific terms stated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms (“Offer Specific Terms”). In case of Resale only : Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable software license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end-user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request from Supplier. In case of Financing only : If Customer intends to enter into a financing arrangement (“Financing Agreement”) for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier (“FS”), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. If issued to FS, Supplier will fulfill and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer’s use (and Customer’s resale of and the end-user’s use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that title shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. If FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Government funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier’s compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Government procurement. For certain products shipped to end users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer’s invoice. Supplier encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. ^Dell Business Credit (DBC): OFFER VARIES BY CREDITWORTHINESS AS DETERMINED BY LENDER. Offered by WebBank to Small and Medium Business customers with approved credit. Taxes, shipping and other charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payments are the greater of $15 or 3% of account balance. Dell Business Credit is not offered to government or public entities, or business entities located and organized outside of the United States. Page 5 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 78 of 103 December 8, 2020 A quote for your consideration. Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we’ve created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order . Quote No.3000072208489.1 Total $15,953.98 Customer #3346495 Quoted On Nov. 03, 2020 Expires by Dec. 03, 2020 Sales Rep Jonny LaComb Phone (800) 456-3355, 6178997 Email Jonathan_LaComb@Dell.com Billing To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Jonny LaComb Shipping Group Shipping To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 (682) 237-2900 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Product Unit Price Qty Subtotal SonicWall NSA 3650 - Advanced Edition - security appliance - Secure Upgrade Plus $7,779.20 1 $7,779.20 SonicWall NSA 3650 High Availability - Security appliance - 10 GigE, 2.5 GigE - 1U - rack-mountable $2,464.00 1 $2,464.00 STATEFUL HA UPG 3500 AND 3600 $699.60 1 $699.60 SonicWall TZ400 - Advanced Edition - security appliance - 7 ports - GigE - SonicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Program (3 years option) $1,782.88 1 $1,782.88 Page 1 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 79 of 103 December 8, 2020 SonicWall TZ350 - Security appliance - GigE - SonicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Program (3 years option) $1,011.35 2 $2,022.70 SRA VIRTUAL APPL WITH 5U LICS $435.60 1 $435.60 SRA VIRTUAL APPL ADD 25U $770.00 1 $770.00 Subtotal: Shipping: Non-Taxable Amount: Taxable Amount: Estimated Tax: Total: $15,953.98 $0.00 $15,953.98 $0.00 $0.00 $15,953.98 Special lease pricing may be available for qualified customers. Please contact your DFS Sales Representative for details. Page 2 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 80 of 103 December 8, 2020 Shipping Group Details Shipping To STEVE ZIEVERINK TX TROPHY CLUB ENTITIES 1 TROPHY WOOD DR TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262-9700 (682) 237-2900 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Qty Subtotal SonicWall NSA 3650 - Advanced Edition - security appliance - Secure Upgrade Plus Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 12, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $7,779.20 1 $7,779.20 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal SonicWall NSA 3650 - Advanced Edition - security appliance - Secure Upgrade Plus AA141501 -1 - Qty Subtotal SonicWall NSA 3650 High Availability - Security appliance - 10 GigE, 2.5 GigE - 1U - rack-mountable Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 12, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $2,464.00 1 $2,464.00 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal SonicWall NSA 3650 High Availability - Security appliance - 10 GigE, 2.5 GigE - 1U - rack-mountable AA141452 -1 - Qty Subtotal STATEFUL HA UPG 3500 AND 3600 Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 30, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $699.60 1 $699.60 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal STATEFUL HA UPG 3500 AND 3600 A7483765 -1 - Qty Subtotal SonicWall TZ400 - Advanced Edition - security appliance - 7 ports - GigE - SonicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Program (3 years option) Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 12, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $1,782.88 1 $1,782.88 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal SonicWall TZ400 - Advanced Edition - security appliance - 7 ports - GigE - SonicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Program (3 years option)A9287475 -1 - Qty Subtotal SonicWall TZ350 - Security appliance - GigE - SonicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Program (3 years option) Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 12, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $1,011.35 2 $2,022.70 Page 3 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 81 of 103 December 8, 2020 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal SonicWall TZ350 - Security appliance - GigE - SonicWALL Secure Upgrade Plus Program (3 years option)AA535284 -2 - Qty Subtotal SRA VIRTUAL APPL WITH 5U LICS Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 30, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $435.60 1 $435.60 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal SRA VIRTUAL APPL WITH 5U LICS AA001999 -1 - Qty Subtotal SRA VIRTUAL APPL ADD 25U Estimated delivery if purchased today: Nov. 30, 2020 Contract # C000000006841 Customer Agreement # DIR-TSO-3763 $770.00 1 $770.00 Description SKU Unit Price Qty Subtotal SRA VIRTUAL APPL ADD 25U AA002002 -1 - Subtotal: Shipping: Estimated Tax: Total: $15,953.98 $0.00 $0.00 $15,953.98 Page 4 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 82 of 103 December 8, 2020 Important Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote (“Supplier”) and the entity to whom this Quote was issued (“Customer”). Unless otherwise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reserves the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing errors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certificate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com , as applicable. Governing Terms : This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer’s affiliate and Supplier or a Supplier´s affiliate to the extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extent there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell’s Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a-Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the “Governing Terms”). Different Governing Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions : Customer’s use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/customer-services/product-warranty-and-service-descriptions.htm. Offer-Specific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms : Customer’s use of third-party software is subject to the license terms that accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specific terms stated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms (“Offer Specific Terms”). In case of Resale only : Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable software license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end-user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request from Supplier. In case of Financing only : If Customer intends to enter into a financing arrangement (“Financing Agreement”) for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier (“FS”), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. If issued to FS, Supplier will fulfill and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer’s use (and Customer’s resale of and the end-user’s use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that title shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. If FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Government funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier’s compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Government procurement. For certain products shipped to end users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer’s invoice. Supplier encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. ^Dell Business Credit (DBC): OFFER VARIES BY CREDITWORTHINESS AS DETERMINED BY LENDER. Offered by WebBank to Small and Medium Business customers with approved credit. Taxes, shipping and other charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payments are the greater of $15 or 3% of account balance. Dell Business Credit is not offered to government or public entities, or business entities located and organized outside of the United States. Page 5 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Town Council Page 83 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-368-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:12/2/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action for the consideration of an Engineering Contract with Teague Nall & Perkins for Phase 1 of Indian Creek Drainage not to exceed $106,738.75 which would include work that has been performed to date, drainage study and surveying, and preliminary engineering yet to be billed (S. Norwood). Attachments:Staff Report - Indian Creek Drainage Project.pdf Proposal - Indian Creek Drainage.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action for the consideration of an Engineering Contract with Teague Nall & Perkins for Phase 1 of Indian Creek Drainage not to exceed $106,738.75 which would include work that has been performed to date, drainage study and surveying, and preliminary engineering yet to be billed (S. Norwood). Town Council Page 84 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Steve Norwood, Town Manager CC: Leticia Vacek, Town Secretary Re: Consideration of Phase 1 Indian Creek Drainage Project Town Council Meeting December 8, 2020 Agenda Item: Take appropriate action for the consideration of an Engineering Contract with Teague Nell & Perkins for Phase I of Indian Creek Drainage not to exceed $106,738.75 which would include work that has been performed to date, drainage study and surveying, and preliminary engineering yet to be billed (S. Norwood). Strategic Link: This item relates primarily to the following strategic priorities and goals of the Town’s strategy map. Infrastructure & Development – Maintain and improve all Town infrastructure Background and Explanation: Over the past several years major rainfall events have had a negative impact on several homes throughout our community with the greatest impact being felt at 5 residences on Indian Creek Dr. and Fair Green Dr. on the North end of Indian Creek Dr. near Harmony Park. Several of these homes have had flood damage on multiple occasions in past years and many of the residents effected have come before Council to present their flood issues. In 2019 this portion of Indian Creek Dr. was reconstructed however only nominal drainage improvements were made however ultimate improvements were not completed due to budgetary constraints. Over the past 3 to 4 months staff has had 3 meetings with the impacted residents including a site visit with property owners and consulting engineers from Teague, Nall and Perkins (TNP). TNP has recommended a two phase approach to mitigating the flooding issue at the intersection of Indian Creek and Hillside Place which is causing the majority of the damage to the properties. Phase I of the project, most impactful to the residents, is expected to minimize and eliminate home flooding in this area. Phase II of the project would bring greater improvements but would Town Council Page 85 of 103 December 8, 2020 Page 2 of 2 also cost significantly more and is expected to minimize flooding on properties and in streets. The priority at this point is to proceed with the solution that will minimize flooding to homes by increasing pipe size, adding inlets and other enhancements. Although engineers are confident that Phase 1 improvements will negate the damage that has occurred on multiple occasions, the construction project will be challenging due to the need to place a six foot wide box culvert underground between six homes and relocating a sewer line in a small drainage easements. Staff will be working closely with the 6 home owners most effected all throughout the construction process to keep them informed on the construction process itself while guiding expectations. Financial Considerations: Funding for the contract is available in the Capital Projects Fund through remaining Series 2017 bond proceeds. Legal Review: Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of engineering costs associated with the Phase 1 Indian Creek Drainage Project as described. Attachments: • Proposal for Indian Creek Drainage Town Council Page 86 of 103 December 8, 2020 N Riverside Drive, Suite 100 • Fort Worth, Texas 76137 • 817.336.5773 phone • 817.332.7756 fax TBPE Firm No. 230 www.tnpinc.com TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROJECT NAME: Town of Trophy Club Indian Creek Drainage Improvements Trophy Club, Texas TNP PROJECT NUMBER: TRO__________ CLIENT: Town of Trophy Club Steve Norwood, Town Manager ADDRESS: 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Trophy Club (CLIENT) hereby requests and authorizes Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., (CONSULTANT) to perform the following services: Article I SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES: Provide Civil Engineering for Drainage Improvements to relieve flooding at Indian Creek Drive and north to Trophy Club Golf Course. A detailed scope of services is included as Attachment 'A' and is made a part hereto. Article II COMPENSATION to be on a basis of the following: 1. BASIC SERVICES: The CLIENT agrees to pay the CONSULTANT a fixed fee as follows: Indian Creek Drainage Improvements Engineering (Design & Bidding): Thousand Dollars ($55,000); Construction Administration: Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) All CIVIL ENGINEERING (referred to herein as BASIC SERVICES) are outlined in Attachment “A”. 2. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES will consist of printing, reproduction, CAD plotting costs, delivery charges, mileage, parking fees, submittal fees, and application fees. Standard reimbursable expenses are outlined in Attachment “D”. Town Council Page 87 of 103 December 8, 2020 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 2 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 3. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall be any service provided by the CONSULTANT which is not specifically included in BASIC SERVICES as defined above or delineated in Attachment ‘A’. ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall include, but shall not be limited to: a.) Subcontract charges not described in BASIC SERVICES or Attachment ‘A’; b.) Environmental Assessments; c.) Property Rezoning; d.) Restriction Variances; e.) Abandonment or vacations of Easements; f.) Preparation of Easements, or Agreements; g.) Abstract Services or Easement Research; h.) Public Water Improvements i.) Trips and meetings beyond a 75-mile radius of Fort Worth; ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall be considered additional work and shall be reimbursed at standard TNP hourly rates or TNP standard rates for items provided in-house, or direct expenses times a multiplier of 1.10 for non-labor, subcontract or mileage items. Article III SCHEDULE: The proposed services shall begin within 5 working days of authorization to proceed. Article IV CONTRACT PROVISIONS: Contract provisions are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Please execute and return a signed copy for our files. Receipt of an executed copy of this contract will serve as notice to proceed. No work shall commence on the project until an executed copy of this contract is received by CONSULTANT. By signing below, the signer warrants that he or she is authorized to execute binding contracts for the CLIENT for the services indicated. Approved by CLIENT: Accepted by CONSULTANT: Trophy Club Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. By: By: Tom Rutledge Tom Rutledge Title: Title: Principal Date: Date: December 1, 2020 Town Council Page 88 of 103 December 8, 2020 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 3 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT 'A' ITEMIZED SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Town has been experiencing localized flooding at Indian Creek Drive (east of Harmony Park), north between existing residence, through Fair Green Drive and to the Trophy Club Golf Course. In response to the Town’s request to explore a solution to mitigate the flooding, TNP was engaged to perform a drainage study of the overall drainage shed. The initial drainage study incorporated the entire water shed south of Indian Creek Drive up to and around Harmony Park. The overall process included preparation of design options, preparation of cost opinions and meetings with staff and residence. Based on preliminary studies, a portion of pubic sanitary sewer north of Fair Green Drive will need to be relocated to the east to accommodate the new drainage system. ENGINEERING Contract Document TNP will utilize the drainage study previously performed as the basis of the design. The Engineer will coordinate his work as necessary to interface with the Town and provide periodic updates as well as meet with Town staff to review scope, estimates and schedules. Engineering plans will include plan and profile of the proposed drainage system and all necessary improvements. The Engineer will deliver original plan documents with Engineer’s seal and signature, sufficient for printing and distribution for bidding. TNP will prepare final cost opinions upon delivery of final contract documents to confirm project budget. TNP will present to the Town council the overall project design, cost and schedule as necessary prior to bidding. Bidding Once plans are approved to move forward to bidding, TNP will reproduce full detailed contract documents to complete the bid package for distribution to perspective bidders. TNP will represent the plans and answer questions to perspective bidders and issue addendums as necessary. TNP will represent the Town at the bid opening to receive and open bids and prepare a bid tabulation of the bids. TNP will review all bids and evaluate the apparent low bidder and make recommendation in writing to the Town Council as well a present the bid to the Council in public hearing as necessary. Construction Phase TNP will facilitate the execution of the contract documents by the approved low bidder. Once the contracts are executed, TNP will prepare for and facilitate a preconstruction conference with the contractor and Town staff. TNP will provide construction administration to represent the Town during construction and provide onsite representation once each week to administer the contract as necessary and to facilitate the oversight of construction. It is anticipated that the Town will provide their own daily site inspections during construction. TNP will provide written responses to RFI’s, Change Orders or other written documents required for completion of the work as well as review pay applications from the contractor. At the completion of the work and upon notification from the Client, the Consultant will prepare a written punch list with a follow up to any outstanding items or issues until Final Acceptance of the work is given. Town Council Page 89 of 103 December 8, 2020 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 4 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT 'B' PROJECT SCHEDULE . Project Schedule: TNP shall endeavor to accomplish the work in accordance with the schedule requested by the CLIENT. However, prior to beginning work on this assignment, TNP shall be advised of the anticipated schedule for the project, including specific dates for various submittals and reviews by the CLIENT and/or others. TNP shall inform CLIENT of any conflicts with the proposed schedule within five (5) days of receipt of this information. It is understood and agreed that the objective of all involved in this project is produce and provide quality and complete information and deliverables, which requires a considerable amount of coordination and cooperation, as well as adequate time for research, analysis and development. It is also understood that TNP’s ability to perform our scope of services is dependent upon information being provided and reviewed by others in a timely manner, and that adjustments in schedule may be required should information or reviews be delayed. During the process of design and plan deliverables, TNP will provide updated project schedules. Town Council Page 90 of 103 December 8, 2020 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 5 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT 'C' PROVISIONS 1. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Signing this agreement shall be construed as authorization by CLIENT for TNP, Inc. to proceed with the work, unless otherwise provided for in this agreement. 2. LABOR COSTS TNP, Inc.'s Labor Costs shall be the amount of salaries paid TNP, Inc.'s employees for work performed on CLIENT’s Project plus a stipulated percentage of such salaries to cover all payroll-related taxes, payments, premiums, and benefits. 3. DIRECT EXPENSES TNP, Inc.'s Direct Expenses shall be those costs incurred on or directly for the CLIENT's Project, including but not limited to necessary transportation costs including mileage at TNP, Inc.'s current rate when its, or its employee’s, automobiles are used, meals, lodging, laboratory tests, computer services, telephone, printing and binding charges times a multiplier of 1.10. Reimbursement for these expenses shall be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on the basis of usual commercial charges when furnished by TNP, Inc. 4. OUTSIDE SERVICES When technical or professional services are furnished by an outside source, an additional amount of 10% (actual cost times a multiplier of 1.10) shall be added to the cost of these services for TNP, Inc.'s administrative costs. 5. OPINION OF PROBABLE COST In providing opinions of probable cost, the CLIENT understands that TNP, Inc. has no control over construction costs or the price of labor, equipment, or materials, or over the Contractor’s method of pricing, and that the opinions of probable cost provided to CLIENT are to be made on the basis of the design professional’s qualifications and experience. TNP, Inc. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of such opinions as compared to bid or actual costs. 6. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS TNP, Inc. shall be responsible, to the level of competency presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers in the same type of work in the State of Texas, for the professional and technical soundness, accuracy, and adequacy of all design, drawings, specifications, and other work and materials furnished under this Authorization. TNP, Inc. makes no other warranty, expressed or implied. 7. TERMINATION Either CLIENT or TNP, Inc. may terminate this authorization by giving 10 days written notice to the other party. In such event CLIENT shall forthwith pay TNP, Inc. in full for all work previously authorized and performed prior to effective date of termination. If no notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations created by this Authorization shall be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this Authorization. 8. MEDIATION In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, the CLIENT and the ENGINEER agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. The CLIENT and the ENGINEER further agree to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants retained also to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. 9. LEGAL EXPENSES In the event legal action is brought by CLIENT or TNP, Inc. against the other to enforce any of the obligations hereunder or arising out of any dispute concerning the terms and conditions hereby created, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party such reasonable amounts for fees, costs and expenses as may be set by the court. 10. PAYMENT TO TNP, INC. Monthly invoices will be issued by TNP, Inc. for all work performed under the terms of this agreement. Invoices are due and payable on receipt. If payment is not received within 30 days of invoice date, all work on CLIENT’s project shall cease and all work products and documents shall be withheld until payment is received by TNP. Time shall be added to the project schedule for any work stoppages resulting from CLIENT’s failure to render payment within 30 days of invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1½% per month will be charged on all past-due amounts, unless not permitted by law, in which case, interest will be charged at the highest amount permitted by law. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TNP, Inc.'s liability to the CLIENT for any cause or combination of causes is in the aggregate, limited to an amount no greater than the fee earned under this agreement. 12. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Services not specified as Basic Services in Scope and Attachment ‘A’ will be provided by TNP, Inc. as Additional Services when required. The CLIENT agrees upon execution of this contract that no additional authorization is required. Additional services will be paid for by CLIENT as indicated in Article II, Compensation. 13. SALES TAX In accordance with the State Sales Tax Codes, certain surveying services are taxable. Applicable sales tax is not included in the fee set forth and will be added on and collected when required by state law. Sales tax at the applicable rate will be indicated on invoice statements. 14. SURVEYING SERVICES In accordance with the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act of 1989, the CLIENT is informed that any complaints about surveying services may be forwarded to the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building A, Suite 156, MC-230, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-5263. 15. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SERVICES The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners has jurisdiction over complaints regarding the professional practices of persons registered as landscape architects in Texas. The CLIENT is informed that any complaints about landscape architecture services be forwarded to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, Hobby Building: 333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-350, Austin, Texas 78701, Telephone (512) 305-9000, Fax (512) 305-8900. 16. INVALIDITY CLAUSE In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held illegal, the enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not be impaired thereby. 17. PROJECT SITE SAFETY TNP, Inc. has no duty or responsibility for project site safety. Means and methods of construction and jobsite safety are the sole responsibility of the contractor. 18. DRAINAGE CLAUSE The parties to this Agreement recognize that the development of real property has the potential to increase water runoff on downstream properties, and that such increase in runoff increases the possibility of water damage to downstream properties. The CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold the ENGINEER harmless from any and all claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, from water or drainage damage to downstream properties resulting from the development and construction of the Project. CLIENT shall not be required to reimburse ENGINEER for any claims or expenses arising out of the Project if it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that ENGINEER was negligent in the performance of its duties and obligations, and that ENGINEER’s negligence was the direct cause of damage to a property downstream of the Project. 19. CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS AND JOBSITE SAFETY Means and methods of construction and jobsite safety are the sole responsibility of the contractor. Town Council Page 91 of 103 December 8, 2020 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 2 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT ‘C’ Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. 2019 - 2020 Standard Hourly Rates Effective January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020 Hourly Engineering/Landscape Architecture/ROW Billing Rate Principal $250 Team Leader $230 Senior Project Manager $220 Project Manager $175 Senior Engineer $230 Project Engineer $160 Engineer III/IV $135 Engineer I/II $125 Landscape Architect / Planner $160 Landscape Designer $120 Senior Designer $140 Designer $130 Senior CAD Technician $125 CAD Technician $110 IT Technician $170 Clerical $80 ROW Manager $190 Senior ROW Agent $160 ROW Agent $125 Relocation Agent $160 ROW Admin $70 Intern $70 Hourly Surveying Billing Rate Survey Manager $230 Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) $195 Field Coordinator $140 S.I.T. or Senior Survey Technician $140 Survey Technician $110 1-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $145 2-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $175 3-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $200 4-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $220 Flagger $50 Abstractor (Property Deed Research) $90 Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) Equipment Use $250 (4 hr. min.) Terrestrial Scanning Equipment $50 Town Council Page 92 of 103 December 8, 2020 Direct Cost Reimbursables Any permit fees, filing fees, or other fees related to the project and paid on behalf of the client by TNP to other entities shall be invoiced at 1.10 times actual cost. Notes: All subcontracted and outsourced services shall be billed at rates comparable to TNP’s billing rates above or cost times a multiplier of 1.10. * Rates shown are for 2019 and 2020 and are subject to change in subsequent years. ** Survey equipment may include truck, ATV, Robotic Total Station, GPS Units and Digital Level. *** Includes crew labor, vehicle costs, and field supplies. Town Council Page 93 of 103 December 8, 2020 ATTACHMENT ‘D’ Project Scope Town Council Page 94 of 103 December 8, 2020 Town Council Page 95 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-365-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/23/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Creation of a Strategic Partnership Committee to engage with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 regarding the expiration, renewal and/or amendment of the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services with the Town of Trophy Club (S. Norwood). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Creation of a Strategic Partnership Committee to engage with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 regarding the expiration, renewal and/or amendment of the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services with the Town of Trophy Club (S. Norwood). Town Council Page 96 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-356-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/18/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Withdrawal by Applicant of a request to amend PD Planned Development District No. 30 (PD-30) to add “Pet Services (SUP Required for Outdoor and Overnight Uses)” to the list of Permitted Uses at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located on the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114. (S. Norwood). No Action Necessary. Attachments:Withdrawal of PD 30 TCTC.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Withdrawal by Applicant of a request to amend PD Planned Development District No. 30 (PD-30) to add “Pet Services (SUP Required for Outdoor and Overnight Uses)” to the list of Permitted Uses at Trophy Club Town Center, generally located on the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114. (S. Norwood). No Action Necessary. Town Council Page 97 of 103 December 8, 2020 From:Leticia Vacek To:Sharon David Subject:Withdrawal of PD 30 TCTC Date:Tuesday, December 1, 2020 5:18:13 PM From: Grant Gold <ggold@beckventures.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 12:07 PM To: Lisa Payne <lpayne@trophyclub.org> Cc: Yochoua Arrouas <yarrouas@beckventures.com> Subject: PD 30 TCTC Lisa, We are going to withdraw our proposed Amendment for PD 30 at TCTC. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please let us know. Thanks! GRANT GOLD | Executive Managing Director | Beck Ventures 13101 Preston Road | Dallas, TX 75240 469.533.5024 phone | 214.415.8080 mobile -- Attention: Please note any correspondence, such as e-mail or letters, sent to Town staff or officials may become a public record and made available for public/media review. -- Public Officials: A "reply to all" of this e-mail may lead to violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Please reply only to the sender. [020415] Town Council Page 98 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-371-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:12/2/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action on a Comprehensive Citizen Survey (Mayor Fleury). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action on a Comprehensive Citizen Survey (Mayor Fleury). Town Council Page 99 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-367-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:12/2/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Discussion of Future Agenda Items (S. Norwood). Attachments:Future Agenda Items - December 8 2020..pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Discussion of Future Agenda Items (S. Norwood). Town Council Page 100 of 103 December 8, 2020 Revised by LVacek December 2, 2020 Future Agenda Items December 8, 2020 Future Agenda Items will be divided into 3 Categories: 1) Current listing of all future agenda items requested by Council that have not been addressed. 2) Items that have been researched and are scheduled for a report to Council (first 2-4 weeks). 3) Items that Council has requested additional research/staff time on and will be brought back for public discussion at a Council Meeting. Council will be provided updates on items that require significant time. The Future Agenda Items list will be placed on the Council Meeting agenda to provide a status on all items. The current list will be reviewed and as items are completed; said items will be removed. The Council may add items as needed to the list. 1) Receive an update regarding Entryway Monumentation/Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. As reported at the September 8th Council Meeting; bids came in over budget. The Council rejected the bids. Will look at possibly re-bidding the item in Late Fall/Early Winter of FY21. Bids rejected; possible re-bid in FY21 2) Develop a strategic plan for the Town addressing future goals with budgetary needs for each department. Said item was re-emphasized at the February Council Retreat and will be budgeted in FY21. Delayed to 2021 3) Town Staff to draft and implement a citizen’s survey. Due to budget constraints, item was eliminated from the budget and delayed until FY21. Delayed to 2021 4) Freese & Nichols Hazardous Mitigation Plan with MUD. After contacting Freese and Nichols and the Council of Governments (COG), they indicated that it is not a requirement, nor any enforcement is imposed if the update is not done after 5 years (update due in 2020). The COG recommended that the Town NOT update our plan but rather contact Denton County and be part of their update which would be significantly less expensive, and possibly at no cost. In addition, the COG stated that FEMA looks more favorably when an update is part of a regional approach, not a single city. We are contacting Denton County to join them and will also inform the MUD of our plans. In Progress Town Council Page 101 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-354-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:11/18/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: 1) Discussion and possible action - Deliberate the duties and employment of the Municipal Court Judge pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss the appointment of a public officer (personnel matters (Mayor Fleury). a) Reappointments of Municipal Court Judge & Associate Judges 2) Discussion and possible action - Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 Economic Development (S. Norwood). 3) Discussion and possible action - Consult with Attorney regarding legal issues with TRMS and a former employee pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney (D. Dodd). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: 1) Discussion and possible action - Deliberate the duties and employment of the Municipal Court Judge pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss the appointment of a public officer (personnel matters (Mayor Fleury). a) Reappointments of Municipal Court Judge & Associate Judges 2) Discussion and possible action - Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087 Economic Development (S. Norwood). 3) Discussion and possible action - Consult with Attorney regarding legal issues with TRMS and a former employee pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney (D. Dodd). Town Council Page 102 of 103 December 8, 2020 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12020-370-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Draft File created:In control:12/2/2020 Town Council On agenda:Final action:12/8/2020 Title:Take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (S. Norwood). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (S. Norwood). Town Council Page 103 of 103 December 8, 2020