Agenda Packet TC 08/14/2018 - Supplemental ItemsTOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 1 Diophy Wood Dive I Rophy Club, TX 76262 1 682.237.2900 Town Council Meeting August 14, 2018 Supplemental Item AGENDA ITEM NO. 9 Receive an update from Teague Nall & Perkins regarding Capital Improvement Projects related to Trophy Club Drive, Meadowbrook Lane, Sundance Court (T. Class). 1�tnp 4 teague nail & perkins C TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 2018 CIP Trophy Club Drive Southbound (Durango to Bobcat), Meadowbrook Drive (11 Meadowbrook to 23 Meadowbrook) Sundance Court TOWN COUNCIL MEETING a, August 14, 2018 Overview Map A I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins 0 Trophy Club Drive (West Section) from Durango Dr. to Bobcat Blvd. A I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins 1�tnp 4 teague nail & perkins AML--ri MEA Dp LAkEDR. '` 0 GL i I I Lq Ek fl, a OOD IR - GLEN HURST CT. W �µp �.• r. r s r. psC'OwDR, ... \ \` �--""'r•- 6RIARWOOD CT. RIDGEWOOD DR. "_, --- 0511 "IMF 0 ALISA �r s _ r , � � /,:, - � � .r% � _ - ��� � • � - �' sue. , STRATHFIELD LN. - .. Wti�'' P>@ • � -�.' i � '�. -'7�1 .. r .... "`�� -.�- .- _ — 10�,M"�F •w-�' ..w•-ws .a�. \� - LAK,ewool) OR Sidewalk? .... ... ....... 7ROP14V Cj - ---- ---- UR 4 - OW .......... ... .. .......... ...... .... .. ......... --- --- ------ .......... ........... --------------- ----- ....... .......... ...... .. .... ti .... ... ... ... ............ . . ... . .... . ... ...... . GLASGOW U4 - 3 #. a LU to-�4 4, --. - BRIARWOOD CT. RIDGEWOOD DR. Sidewalk? -------- ---------------------- -- - -- - TROPHY CLUB DRIVE .... ... -----_---- - - - - -1 - .... - --.. .... ..... .... .... -- .... -__-- -_------------ ri-- - - -- - ----- __--_-- - 41 m L2 Z":2 '. -M-�-. n 71. man m MMMEMMI, :isting lewa I k A W AW .mm Fp- AT =4 Aim qp AL,_3 dh • .4h 1 + rd n �E•' qF M •9tl i u � k -�4 _ � �i • 1 i s a PIP- mr__ AFW -4diP 0 0 ppppp*- -- � �� �,___-- f� - a� $. +�� �"�' �� Y-C h6l~ a� IM6 `L- N � ago 'Lie A M 4 Tarp �� — s•�, loopti ' - - Shp. Meadowbrook Lane (11 Meadowbrook to 23 Meadowbrook) A I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins a. 1, i � p�. •�'.' , �°'� . yam. � I.;! ... � �:x 'y � { p'el[ t '4i �. w .�y.. OL jr 0 000 Leo •"� 1 1 { � 1yrr E .tN- � (• ,�` A. ,�-� ,ire 1�.' �, '�Y �• 1, •"� r •• # � � �. �-p 1� >� � �F 1 .IL AnpIYN' "'L1�r. - c 3L ►y arE �I'I , �y'`.�"'�v i - L - yl y -.' - y • 'k + I 7 r�'�""�f A.. TROPHY' OLJ2 - i `k'11 ���,�r^•,•J' iErMIN 11 CsB. P. 1 '379 :3BP 'y Pup D r.T, � �I yiy i � � �I ,Da2 '� j y� � nw•::� z:=T 1313 MEADOWBROOK LANE 134a I.349 IZ43 4PT Ij'9 TRPPKT CLUB SECTION 1P w. B. MCE 18@ �-R.R.C.T- MEADOWBROOK LANE I I I ' � I I � III I I III 1345 'I_ I a ,a r rAw rIF i Molldf rr v 4� —+_ — viol kP t4F 1 .. ' >7M i — a7 _ • a�� 3 rt y � r �At10. . rr +�* 4 ~#i't1' 'ice.• / � '� - ac � -g. - c lip FAr rTv. --A _ - MAN � z i „t I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins Sundance Court Arm SUNDAN IN ■ e Z77 7�-� y LZE Schedule ^A I�tnp 0 teague nail & perkins TROPHY CLUB DRIVE (Bobcat to Durango), MEADOWBROOK LANE & SUNDANCE COURT PROJECT SCHEDULE 06/ 11 /2018 03.19.18 — 10.31.18: Engineering Design 1 1.01.18: Let for Bid (Min. 21-Days for Bidding to meet TCMUD Requirements) 1 1.29.18: Open Bids 1 1.29.18-12.04.18: Evaluation of Bids and Contractor References 12.1 1.18: Council Meeting Award 12.18.18: MUD Board Award Water Contract 12.18.18 — 01.04.19: Contracts, Bonds and Insurance 01.07.19: Pre -Construction Meeting 01.10.19: Citizen Meeting 01.21.19: Start Construction — Notice to Proceed 01.21.20: Substantial Completion (360-calendar days) 02.21.20: Final Acceptance (30-days to complete punch list) 1. Construction time will take approximately 360-days. Construction will occur during the 201 8- 201 9/201 9-2020 school year. 2. Last day of school is May 31, 2019 and first day of school is August 26, 2019 (estimated) Questions ^A I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins C TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB A I�tnp 4 teague nail & perkins I�tnp 0 teague nail & perkins I�tnp 0 teague nail & perkins I�tnp 0 teague nail & perkins I�tnp 0 teague nail & perkins tnp teague nail & perkins OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PROJECT: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB - CIP PROJECTS DATE: 211712077 TNP JOB # TR017006 ITEM DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION COST ENGINEERING FEES SURVEYING FEES CONSTRUC77ON STAKING TOTAL PROJECT COST immi 3 TROPHY CLUB DR. (SOUTHBOUND- DURANGO TO BOBCAT) $1,136,000 $137,000 $35,000 $35,000 i $1,343,000 4 MEADOWBROOK LANE $312,000 $38,000 $10,000 $10,000 $370,000 5 SUNDANCE COURT $171,000 $21,000 $6,000 $6,000 $204,000 6 TROPHY CLUB DR. (1122 TROPHY CLUB DRIVE TO CARNOUSTIE DRIVE) $1,083,000 $130,000 $33,000 $33,000 $1,279,000 7 INVERNESS COURT $269,000 $33,000 $9,000 $9,000 $320,000 8 TROPHY CLUB DR. (MEADOWCREEK CT TO ROUNDABOUT) $604,000 $73,000 $19,000 $19,000 $715,000 9 1CREEKMERE DRIVE $570,000 $69,000 $18,000 $18,000 $675,000 10 SKYLINE $461,000 $56,000 $14,000 $14,000 $545,000 11 ROUND ROCK COURT $140,000 $17,000 $5,000 $5,000 $167,000 12 TROPHY LAKE DR. (VILLAGE TRAIL TO SH 11A) $1,181,000 $142,000 $36,000 $36,000 $1,395,000 TOTALS $7,972,000 962,000 $247,000 $247,000 9,428,000.00 * The above cost does not include additional streetlights. *x Cost includes all bonds and Veneral conditions. *ss Construction must be sequenced in such a manner to allow traffic flow. ss* Cost does not indude easement purchase. **�* Cost does not include any franchise utility relocations. LEGEND Basis tar Casf Projecflon 1yQj ❑ No Design Completed 2017 - 2018 CIP ❑ Preliminary Design 2018 - 2019 CIP Final Design I�tnp 0 teague nail & perkins TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 1 Diophy Wood Dive I Rophy Club, TX 76262 1 682.237.2900 Town Council Meeting August 14, 2018 Supplemental Item AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 Receive an update from Teague Nall & Perkins and take appropriate action regarding traffic control for the following intersections: Bobcat Boulevard and Trophy Club Drive; Parkview Drive and Bobcat Boulevard; and Durango Drive and Trophy Club Drive (T. Class). 1�tnp 4 teague nail & perkins C TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Intersection Traffic Study for Bobcat Boulevard/Parkview Drive, Trophy Club Drive/Bobcat Boulevard, & Trophy Club Drive/Durango Drive TOWN COUNCIL MEETING August 14, 2018 Study Locations ^A I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins Byron Nelson i4l H11,h chool 0 Medllin cl Middle B06CC II'd Scho2 t� 0 Samuel Beck Elementary School a` A Lakeview Elementary School I Proposed Options Evaluated 41�tnp A teaque nail & perkins > Option 1: No Improvements to the Intersection ** Option 2: All -way Stop Control Option 3: Traffic Signal > Option 4: Roundabout Bobcat Dr. & Parkview Dr,, A^ I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins _ram- t .p \ �.y +� -- _ ---- 4 57 — D Lam, - -_ - Existing o-r Option 1 — No Improvements to the Intersection Option 1 — No improvements to the Intersection Pros Continuous traffic flow for Bobcat Boulevard No maintenance costs or installation costs Cons Longer delay for Pa rkview Drive Potential of right-angle crashes A 6tnp teaque nail & perkins Difficult to cross for pedestrian without school guard Costs None Option 2 —All-way STOP control Pros Helps with pedestrian crossing Better relief for Pa rkview Drive Reduce right angle and turning collisions Reduce through and turning speeds No right-of-way acquisition is required Relatively low installation and maintenance costs Cons 41�tnp A teaque nail & perkins Will create delays for Bobcat Boulevard !� Not suitable at intersection with unbalanced approach volumes Costs Approximately $5,000 per intersection for STOP signs and ,, pavement markings I. d 1 I f� �t� I Traffic Signa I f i 41�tnp Option 3 — Traffic S�•nals A P tea ue nail & erkins � Pros Increase traffic capacity of an intersection i Improve safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic 0 Reduce the frequency and severity of right angle collisions ! Provide for orderly movement of traffic Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other vehicles or pedestrians to cross 4 Cons Increased installation and maintenance costs Increase rear -end collisions Disobedience of signal indications + Costs Estimate $175,000 per intersection for installation and not including ,, maintenance costs a � a e .y I I z IIf a IkV- f Option 4 — Roundabout I � Option 4 — Roundabout Pros Provides continuous flow of traffic 46tnp A teaque nail & perkins i? Reduction in delay �? Provides traffic calming (reduce speed) » Reduce overall number of crashes and crash severity Cons Increased installation costs �? Require acquisitions of additional right-of-way at intersections �? Marginalizes pedestrian (esp. handicapped people) and bicycle traffic I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins Trophy Club Dr. & Bobcat Blvd. ^A erp, 14 Existing , 4F i++ 'Il / k Option 1 — No Improvements to the Intersection Option 1 — No improvements to the Intersection Pros Continuous traffic flow for Trophy Club Drive No maintenance costs or installation costs Cons Longer delay for Bobcat Boulevard Potential of right-angle crashes A 6tnp teaque nail & perkins Difficult to cross for pedestrian without school guard Costs None a, 4 �\ l ExistingI' V.0,1 i Option 2 —All-way STOP control ^t n p Option 2 — AII-wa STOP control ik P tea ue nail & erkins � Pros Helps with pedestrian crossing Better relief for Bobcat Blvd./Trophy Club Dr. on left turn queues Reduce right angle and turning collisions Reduce through and turning speeds No right-of-way acquisition is required Relatively low installation and maintenance costs Cons Will create delays for Trophy Club Drive !� Not suitable at intersection with unbalanced approach volumes Costs Approximately $5,000 per intersection for STOP signs and pavement markings Option 3 Traffic Signal 41�tnp Option 3 — Traffic S�•nals A P tea ue nail & erkins � Pros Increase traffic capacity of an intersection i Improve safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic 0 Reduce the frequency and severity of right angle collisions ! Provide for orderly movement of traffic Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other vehicles or pedestrians to cross 4 Cons Increased installation and maintenance costs Increase rear -end collisions Disobedience of signal indications + Costs Estimate $175,000 per intersection for installation and not including ,, maintenance costs f 1 rF: jJr i �✓ J f / Option 4 — Roundabout } Option 4 — Roundabout Pros Provides continuous flow of traffic 46tnp A teaque nail & perkins i? Reduction in delay �? Provides traffic calming (reduce speed) » Reduce overall number of crashes and crash severity Cons Increased installation costs �? Require acquisitions of additional right-of-way at intersections �? Marginalizes pedestrian (esp. handicapped people) and bicycle traffic I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins Trophy Club Dr. & Durango Dr. ^A LOT A, B_,<. 1g /-K-S 0- TROPHY CLUB, PH 1 CAB V, PAGE 94 F .R.D.C.T. Option J'. !% P M THE HICHLANDS N-'-3 & 4 Existing i ,. �'14 � _ ' iQ A/ F"C1]j I ! 1 — No Improvements to the Intersection Option 1 — No improvements to the Intersection Pros Continuous traffic flow for Trophy Club Drive No maintenance costs or installation costs Cons Longer delay for Bobcat Boulevard Potential of right-angle crashes A 6tnp teaque nail & perkins Difficult to cross for pedestrian without school guard Costs None f i * i ,+ THE HICHLANDS ` a N —3 & 4 001- �� ar LOT A, B_,<, 1g 1Ak-S 0- TROPHY CLUB, PH 1 CAB V, PAGE 94 F .R.D.C.T. Existing i �' IL —A i Option 2 —All-way STOP control - ^t n p Option 2 — AII-wa STOP control ik P tea ue nail & erkins � Pros Helps with pedestrian crossing Better relief for Bobcat Blvd./Trophy Club Dr. on left turn queues Reduce right angle and turning collisions Reduce through and turning speeds No right-of-way acquisition is required Relatively low installation and maintenance costs Cons Will create delays for Trophy Club Drive !� Not suitable at intersection with unbalanced approach volumes Costs Approximately $5,000 per intersection for STOP signs and pavement markings LOT A, B_ . 1 g L AI<-S 0- TROPHY Cl LB, PH 1 CAB. N, PACE 94 F .R.I'IT. I T 'E IIGHL ANDS HI; -T & 4 JL I - � M Option 3 Traf f ic i nal v�7 A Y -,VV -- �A^ 41�tnp Option 3 — Traffic S�•nals A P tea ue nail & erkins � Pros Increase traffic capacity of an intersection i Improve safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic 0 Reduce the frequency and severity of right angle collisions ! Provide for orderly movement of traffic Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other vehicles or pedestrians to cross 4 Cons Increased installation and maintenance costs Increase rear -end collisions Disobedience of signal indications + Costs Estimate $175,000 per intersection for installation and not including ,, maintenance costs _ a i f •� W. 1 i TI—IL HICHLANDS ! r NI-1-3 & C�aCo� DID _ l t �4 f _ � o $,i r LOT A, IPLK. 18 4f L AKFS OF TPCPHY DUN, f PH. 1 CA5. N, PACE 94 P.H.D.C.T. _ ff Option 4 — Roundabout Option 4 — Roundabout Pros Provides continuous flow of traffic 46tnp A teaque nail & perkins i? Reduction in delay �? Provides traffic calming (reduce speed) » Reduce overall number of crashes and crash severity Cons Increased installation costs �? Require acquisitions of additional right-of-way at intersections �? Marginalizes pedestrian (esp. handicapped people) and bicycle traffic Questions ^A I�tnp 0 teaque nail & perkins C TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB A I�tnp 4 teague nail & perkins