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Class): *Fire Academy *Staffing Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 1: Receive Town Manager Class' update and provide input regarding the following (T. Class): *Fire Academy *Staffing Town CouncilPage 6 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-351-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): *Economic Development Corporation 4B, July 26, 2018 Council Liaison - Council Member Rhylan Rowe Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 2: Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): *Economic Development Corporation 4B, July 26, 2018 Council Liaison - Council Member Rhylan Rowe Town CouncilPage 7 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-352-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes dated July 24, 2018 (H. Fimbres). Attachments:Draft TC Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 3: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilJointandRegularSessionMinutesdatedJuly24,2018 (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 8 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL JOINT AND REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2018, 6:30 P.M. LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS SVORE MUNICIPAL BUILDING BOARDROOM The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Joint and Regular Session on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Philip Shoffner Mayor Pro Tem, Place 6 Alicia L. Fleury Council Member, Place 1 Eric Jensen Council Member, Place 2 Rhylan Rowe Council Member, Place 3 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 Greg Lamont Council Member, Place 5 TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT (TCMUD) NO. 1 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT DURING THE JOINT SESSION: Gregory Wilson President Bill Rose Vice President Steve Flynn Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Castonguay Director Mark Chapman Director TCMUD NO. 1 STAFF PRESENT DURING THE JOINT SESSION: John Carman General Manager Laurie Slaght District Secretary Steven Krolczyk Finance Manager STAFF PRESENT: Tom Class Town Manager Lisa Payne Town Planner David Dodd Town Attorney Jonathan Phillips Director of Administrative Services Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Patrick Arata Police Chief Steve Woodard Police Captain Wade Carroll Fire Chief John Zagurski Budget Manager Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Zieverink Information Technology Specialist Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, July 24, 2018, called the Town Council Joint Session meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:30 p.m. JOINT SESSION 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Fire Protection Services Fiscal Year 2019 Budget. Fire Chief Carroll presented the Fire Protection Services Fiscal Year 2019 Budget that included outstanding debt for the Fire Station and T681. The estimated revenue to be generated from Fire Department fees was $195,000, specifically from PD 30 construction. Personnel expenses equated to $993,982 that included the creation of a part- time Fire Inspector position to oversee the PD 25 and PD 30 developments, as well as all new construction inspections and plan review. Additional items that contributed to the increase in personnel expenses were: a full year’s salary for the Fire Chief; shared expense of an Administrative Assistant; and change in holiday pay from overtime to straight time within the pay cycle in which it was incurred. He explained that overtime was being restructured due to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandating that six hours of overtime be compensated to fire personnel per pay period since they averaged 56 hours per week. Town CouncilPage 9 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Other factors that caused an increase in personnel expenses were: Medical insurance; Pre-employment physicals and annual testing for cancer screening; and Tuition reimbursement. Service and Supply expenses equated to $379,192, which included an Exhaust Reclamation System for the apparatus bay and half a set of extrication tools with the other half expected to be purchased in Fiscal Year 2020. He went into detail that there was a need for the new Exhaust Reclamation System because there was an issue of fire personnel being exposed to fumes while doing their morning checks that could ultimately cause cancer after being exposed over an extended period of time. Additional factors for the increase to Services and Supplies were the truing up software and support; increased training and associated travel expenses; vehicle and equipment maintenance; and dispatching fee increase due to increase in call volume. Fire Chief Carroll briefly discussed future expenses planned for subsequent fiscal years that included: Adding a sixth man per shift during Fiscal Years 2019-2021; Creating an Assistant or Deputy Chief position in Fiscal Year 2020-2021; Replacing E681 with a Quint in Fiscal Year 2022 for approximately $1.3 to $1.4 million; Technology replacement scheduled in Fiscal Year 2020 for $10,000 and $19,000 in Fiscal Year 2025; Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) replacement in Fiscal Year 2025 for $120,000; Extrication equipment in Fiscal Year 2025 for $35,000; and Radio replacement to begin in Fiscal Year 2025 in 4 consecutive years for $20,000. Future planning included: a shared Emergency Manager with Roanoke, Westlake, and Trophy Club; possible shared station with Roanoke; best practices accreditation; and reduction in the Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating. Mayor Sanders clarified that the Council Finance Subcommittee had not seen this presentation prior to the Joint Session meeting. Council Member Jensen asked what the current ISO rating was. Fire Chief Carroll believed that the current rating was 4. Council Member Jensen inquired if it would be beneficial to incorporate the hiring of emergency medical technicians (EMT’s) instead of only hiring paramedics based on the calls that the Fire Department responded to. Fire Chief Carroll responded that only paramedics were hired because the majority of the calls required paramedic intervention. Despite there being four paramedics on shift, it would be difficult to ensure an adequate ratio of EMT’s and paramedics based on scheduling. Council Member Jensen questioned why the TCMUD No. 1 handout showed $65,000 in revenue related to fire permits/sprinkler and plan review for PD 30, when the Town had not been including PD 30 in their projections. Budget Manager Zagurski responded that the Town’s initial standpoint was to be conservative but due to the large increase to expenditures the PD 30 source of revenue needed to be shown, which could begin to be realized in October 2018. He stated that following the Joint Session, Town Staff would begin forecasting PD 30 revenue in the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget. Council Member Jensen pointed out that the TCMUD No. 1 handout had an incorrect number of $85,723 for medical insurance in Fiscal Year 2018 that should reflect the Town’s handout in the amount of $62,650. Additionally, he asked where funding would come from if medical insurance exceeded the projected increase of 15 percent. Director of Administrative Services Phillips responded that 15 percent was a highly conservative estimate and that the actual percentage should be lower. Council Member Jensen inquired about the large increase in building maintenance. Fire Chief Carroll responded that the increase was due to the Exhaust Reclamation System for the apparatus bay in the amount of $75,000. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 2 of 12 Town CouncilPage 10 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Council Member Jensen questioned the decrease for the budgeted amount for water in Fiscal Year 2019 because rates had increased. Budget Manager Zagurski responded that a decrease would be realized based on the actual usage and that he had been conservative with a 20 percent estimate. Council Member Jensen asked how the fuel line item remained flat when the Town projected fuel to be increased. Budget Manager Zagurski advised that this was determined based on monthly fuel usage reports. Mayor Sanders commented that there was a recent incident where the Town had issues with their radios not being compatible with a responding city’s radio. He inquired if the future requested radios would assist in alleviating that incident from occurring again. Fire Chief Carroll advised that the new radios would offer better reception and would be dual band to help with communications with other cities. Additionally, with recent radio programming, new channels have been added for any Texas municipality to move to one of the interoperable channels. Council Member Lamont asked if the Fire Department was requesting a second ladder truck in 2022 because there had seemed to be an issue with the current ladder truck navigating down certain streets. Fire Chief Carroll responded that they would propose to replace E681 with a Quint in 2022. This would be a single axle Quint meaning it would be shorter in length and there would be no issue navigating it down streets, unless the street was double parked. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner noted that the current ISO rating was actually a 3 rating. He inquired why there were no funds earmarked in the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget for radios although approximately $1,500 was spent for radios according to the Town’s financial and variance report for May. Fire Chief Carroll responded that the $1,500 would be recoded to a different line item, equipment maintenance, because there was not a radio line item within the TCMUD No. 1 Budget. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner mentioned that $9,419 was budgeted for flags and repair in Fiscal Year 2019 but no funds were shown for out years. Fire Chief Carroll responded that the $9,419 would cover three years under their new contract. Council Member Kurtz inquired what would be a decent ISO rating and the timeframe to obtain such a rating. Fire Chief Carroll commented that he preferred to have an ISO rating of 2, which could possibly be obtained in approximately three to four years. Council Member Rowe asked if the mentioned future expenses would begin to be programmed in the Town’s Capital Replacement Fund. Budget Manager Zagurski stated that those items could start to be programmed into that fund. Council Member Rowe inquired if it would be beneficial to stagger the SCBA replacement as opposed to a full replacement in 2025. Fire Chief Carroll responded that most of them were purchased at the same time and would have to be removed from service during the same year and therefore would need to be replaced at the same time, but there was a possibility to stagger the purchase. Fire Chief Carroll responded to questions asked by the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors specific to mandatory FLSA; expected revenues; annual true-ups at the end of each year; and the projected Fire tax rate. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner, to approve the proposed Fire Protection Services Fiscal Year 2019 Budget as presented at the dais. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors discussed a potential funding source for the Exhaust Reclamation System for the apparatus bay and the rollback Fire tax rate. The proposed budget was approved by the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. JOINT SESSION ADJOURNED AT 7:35 P.M. AND COUNCIL CONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION AT 7:45 P.M. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 3 of 12 Town CouncilPage 11 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 The Invocation was offered by Director of Parks and Recreation Jaramillo. The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Rowe. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. There were no citizen presentations. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 2. Receive Town Manager Class' update and provide input regarding the following (T. Class): July 4th Celebration – Successful event with 488 participants registered for the 5K/Fun Run, 49 float participants, and an estimated 4,500 were in attendance at Independence Park East for the evening event and fireworks. He thanked the Council, Stars and Stripes Committee, and Staff for their hard work and dedication. PD 30 – Broke ground June 4th, infrastructure continues with the sanitary sewer system, drainage and storm sewer, and fire lanes. Staff was working with the developer’s engineer to resolve a conflict with the proposed access points along State Highway 114 due to power line poles that were not originally th accounted for in the original plans. On June 27, the retaining walls, contained in the retail section, were submitted for structural review, then sent to the Planning Department for material verification, and on July 6th a permit was issued for construction. On July 3rd, plans were received for the five retail shell buildings, totaling 47,456 square feet, and the review process was anticipated to be completed by the end of the week. Council Member Jensen commented that he was pleased with the success of the July 4th Celebration. Mayor Sanders mentioned that the best vantage point at the Country Club for viewers to watch the fireworks was their patio. Council Member Fleury commended the volunteers and Staff for their hard work and efforts because there was an overwhelming positive response from residents and guests. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner thanked Communications and Marketing Manager Lind for the response that she sent out regarding the delay in the fireworks display. Regarding PD 30, Mayor Sanders remarked that no plans had been submitted for the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner inquired if Beck Boulevard would extend to Indian Creek Drive. Town Planner Payne confirmed that it would go to Indian Creek Drive. Council Member Rowe mentioned that this was the first time he had seen an office designation in Block A, in terms of the use, and that it appeared that the building foot prints may be in different places. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 4 of 12 Town CouncilPage 12 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 3. Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): *Parks and Recreation Board, July 16, 2018 Council Liaison - Council Member Alicia L. Fleury Council Member Fleury advised that a citizen expressed their appreciation for the accessible items in the toddler area at Harmony Park. The Board discussed replacing the existing large playground equipment with accessible playground equipment and to install a unitary surface. Potential sites were reviewed for a new football flag league in the Fall. The large blue shade structure that was damaged by a storm in June would be replaced with a tan tarp and hunter green metal poles. Future planning included repurposing the smaller structure’s blue tarp to the Community Pool and replace the blue tarp at Harmony Park with a tan tarp and hunter green metal poles. Lastly, the Board examined ideas for the Trophy Club Park Master Plan such as a floating fishing dock, kayak lessons, and tent camping. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner requested to have an item come before the Council to discuss options for the Trophy Club Park Master Plan. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated June 26, 2018 (H. Fimbres). (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated May 2018 (J. Phillips). 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement for Ad Valorem Tax Collection between the Town and Denton County for Tax Year 2018; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement for Assessment Collection between the Town and Denton County for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 for 2018 (Infrastructure Assessment); and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). 8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement for Assessment Collection between the Town and Denton County for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 for 2018 (Emergency Services Assessment - Fire Service); and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (J. Phillips). 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Town and Denton County for Public Safety Application Support and Maintenance for the Police Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (P. Arata). 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the Town and Denton County for Public Safety Application Support and Maintenance for the Fire Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2017 Consumer Confidence Report for the Public Improvement District (T. Uzee). 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of various street panels for the Town of Trophy Club; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Uzee). Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner requested to remove Agenda Item No. 5 from the Consent Agenda. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 5 of 12 Town CouncilPage 13 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 4 and 6 through 12. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. REGULAR SESSION 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated May 2018 (J. Phillips). Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner requested that Staff begin notating items within a Staff Report in order to easily identify items that had been recoded. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to approve the financial and variance report dated May 2018. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 13. Case PD-AMD-18-001 (BNHS Addition Ph 1) A) Conduct a public hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007-22 P&Z, Planned Development District No. 28, in order to provide a site plan package and revised language in the Development Standards for a proposed field house that will also serve as a storm shelter, and a proposed parking lot addition, at Byron Nelson High School, within the Northwest Independent School District boundaries, on a property containing approximately 93 acres of land and generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits (L. Payne). Mayor Sanders opened the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. Town Attorney Dodd advised that typically Site Plans were approved administratively by Staff but in this particular development, PD 28’s development standards specifically required a change in the Site Plan to go before the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission and Town Council. The proposed ordinance change was presented in order to include the revised Site Plan. Town Planner Payne remarked that the P&Z Commission considered this item at their July 5, 2018 meeting and recommended approval with conditions as listed in the Staff Report. Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. B) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007-22 P&Z, Planned Development District No. 28, in order to provide a site plan package and revised language in the Development Standards for a proposed field house that will also serve as a storm shelter, and a proposed parking lot addition, at Byron Nelson High School, within the Northwest Independent School District boundaries, on a property containing approximately 93 acres of land and generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits (L. Payne). P&Z Commissioner Beach was present to address any questions. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner inquired if the public hearing was necessary based on the fact that Northwest Independent School District (NISD) could have built a building that was two stories or more without changing the PD. Town Attorney Dodd responded that what was being proposed met the ordinance requirements and that no text amendments were required. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 6 of 12 Town CouncilPage 14 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to approve Ordinance No. 2018-13 P&Z, amending Ordinance No. 2007-22 P&Z, Planned Development District No. 28, in order to provide a site plan package for a proposed field house that will also serve as a storm shelter, and a proposed parking lot addition, at Byron Nelson High School, within the NISD boundaries, on a property containing approximately 93 acres of land and generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner inquired if the Council needed to accept the changes to the Site Plan that had been included in the agenda packet, specific to the removal of the ramp and box jumps, since the P&Z Commission did not consider those changes. Town Planner Payne responded that no special action was necessary because it was a minor change. A brief discussion took place that despite conversation that the P&Z Commission had regarding the appearance; the Site Plan met the zoning and building standards. Council Member Kurtz asked when the project was expected to be completed. Patrick Glenn, Principal with Glenn Partners, responded that the intent was to open in the Fall of 2019. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner asked if the P&Z Commission had an issue with the south elevation that would face Bobcat Boulevard. Town Planner Payne confirmed that the P&Z Commission felt that the southern elevation was plain and they suggested adding more trees or signage and NISD decided to add more trees. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 14. Case TUP-18-008 (BNHS Construction Trailer) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer at Byron Nelson High School, generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits (L. Payne). Town Planner Payne advised that on behalf of NISD, Northstar Builders submitted a Temporary Use Permit request for a construction trailer. The application proposed a six feet (6’) tall chain link fence that would be covered by a black wind screen. Storage boxes were planned to be located inside the construction fencing and temporary toilets would be located near each phase of construction. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner, to approve Case TUP-18-008 (BNHS Construction Trailer), a Resolution approving a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a construction trailer at Byron Nelson High School, generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award of bid for parking lot improvements to serve Trophy Wood Business Center; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary bid documents. (T. Uzee). Director of Community Development Uzee stated that a total of ten contractors provided bids on the project. A comprehensive review of the bid packages revealed that Reyes Group met all of the requirements, and submitted the lowest qualified bid of $413,560.25; which was based on specific qualifications that included application completeness, similar project experience, calendar days to complete, references, and price. Council Member Jensen inquired what the appropriate action would be since Staff’s recommendation was to fund the full amount through the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) 4B Fiscal Year 2019 Budget. Town Attorney Dodd recommended awarding the bid and funding to be contingent upon approval of the EDC 4B. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 7 of 12 Town CouncilPage 15 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to award the bid to Reyes Group in an amount not to exceed the qualifying bid amount of $413,560.25, contingent upon funding through the EDC 4B Fiscal Year 2019 Budget. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner inquired what the original estimate had been. Philip Varughese, with Teague Nall & Perkins, responded that the original estimate was $525,000. Council Member Rowe appreciated the criteria base for the evaluation system used as opposed to just recommending an award based on the lowest bid. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding acceptance of the budget adopted by the Crime Control and Prevention District and ordering a public hearing August 14, 2018 on the budget to be held in accordance with state law (J. Phillips). Police Chief Arata stated that the Crime Control Prevention District (CCPD) approved the proposed budget at their July 23, 2018 meeting, which included a transfer of $100,000 from the Town’s General Fund to CCPD’s Budget. To maintain a level debt model, Staff decreased the CCPD debt service payment for two years until the Town issued new debt for street improvements. Mayor Sanders asked if the transfer of $100,000 was being treated as income. Budget Manager Zagurski responded that the transfer was to assist in reducing the debt service payment for the next two years. It should not cause a spike in taxation when those expenditures would be reintroduced into the General Fund in two years. Council Member Jensen noted that services/supplies and capital had been increased. Budget Manager Zagurski commented those line items had increased because CCPD would be using those funds. Council Member Jensen asked if there were any funds forecasted from CCPD to assist with the proposed Capital Replacement Fund. Budget Manager Zagurski responded that $43,000 was budgeted in Fiscal Year 2019 but not in out years. Council Member Rowe commented that part of the discussion that the Council Finance Subcommittee had with Staff was that they wanted to be able to evaluate options each year to help build up the Capital Replacement Fund. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner remarked that he preferred to have the CCPD Budget presented to the Council earlier in the year because there seemed not to be adequate time for review and comments since they were under time constraints to accept and approve the budget. Discussion took place that due to the growth in new properties for the past two years, the $0.11/$100 interest and sinking (I&S) tax rate has generated enough revenue to grow the Debt Services Fund balance each year. Council Member Lamont recommended adding another page to the CCPD Budget that broke out expenditures. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Lamont, to accept the Fiscal Year 2019 budget adopted by the CCPD and order a public hearing on August 14, 2018 for the budget to be held in accordance with State law. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 8 of 12 Town CouncilPage 16 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 17. Consider and take appropriate action regarding All Other Funds for the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget; discussion of same (J. Phillips). Director of Administrative Services Phillips introduced the item and commented that the presentation included other funds and options for a Capital Replacement Fund. Budget Manager Zagurski provided a presentation related to other funds and reviewed budget strategies that were presented at the June 26, 2018 Council meeting. Capital expenditures increased due to the start of three new projects: Trophy Club Drive, Meadowbrook Lane, and Sundance Court. Debt Service Fund expenditures increased by approximately $100,000 due to decreasing CCPD’s debt service contribution by the same amount. The Court Security Fund was expected to have an increase in revenue and the Court Technology Fund had an increase in expenditures due to the one-time purchase of a new recording device for court proceedings. CCPD Fund would have a reduction in Debt Service by $100,000 for two years and Operational Expenditures were moved to CCPD to provide property tax relief to the General Fund, and a replacement vehicle was budgeted in Fiscal Year 2019. The EDC 4B Fund balance continues to grow and funding for the temporary parking lot for HG Sply Co has been included. Revenue has increased in the Hotel Occupancy Fund with the opening of the Holiday Inn; projections did not include the hotel planned within the PD 30 development. Personnel and the July 4th Celebration were removed for two years to build the fund balance for the Phase III parking garage. Approximately $50,000 was budgeted for Entryway Monumentation and Wayfinding signage. Areas of change for the Street Maintenance Fund included personnel costs shifted from the General Fund to provide property tax relief and $75,000 was allocated for street maintenance/panel replacement. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner was in favor of budgeting closer to $125,000 for street panel replacement since panel replacement increased the life span by approximately five to ten years. This would also assist in saving additional funds by not having to repair an entire street such as Creekmere Drive. Budget Manager Zagurski discussed the TIRZ No.1 Fund that would realize a decrease in fund balance due to $300,000 paid for incentives in Fiscal Year 2018. Future incentives would be paid out based on 35 percent of incremental revenue plus interest accrued on developers note. The TIRZ No. 1 Fund was projected to break-even in Fiscal Year 2026. The Recreational Program Fund was intentionally designed as a wash fund for recreational programs that were designed to recuperate their full costs. The Parkland Dedication Fund has two projects budgeted in Fiscal Year 2019 for Harmony Park accessible playground equipment and Musco lighting at Harmony Park. Trophy Club Park’s Fund balance was no longer negative and the fund will have two years’ worth of operating revenues in fund balance by Fiscal Year 2026. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner preferred to have a dedicated Trophy Club Park Fund balance in order to identify specifically what that fund balance was intended for. He was interested in hearing from the Parks and Recreation Department what their estimate would be to get Trophy Club Park fully operational after flooding occurred in order to avoid having to wait for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He suggested that Staff meet with the Parks Subcommittee because their Board discussed ideas for the Trophy Club Park Master Plan that potentially would be large expenditures. Additionally, he recommended that Staff evaluate having a portion of the July 4th Celebration, such as the 5K/Fun Run, go through Trophy Club Park so the fund could assist with the event. Council Member Lamont pointed out that the term “net increase” should not be used because in the lease agreement the government had the right to take profit. Budget Manager Zagurski continued the presentation related to the Storm Drainage Utility Fund. The primary expenditures for this fund were mosquito prevention and fogging, storm water plan and permitting, cat tail and beaver dam removal from drainage areas, and street sweeping. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 9 of 12 Town CouncilPage 17 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Mayor Sanders remarked that Plaza Drive would need to be extended to accomplish the parking required in that area. He recommended Staff review forecasting an item within this fund for possible drainage issues to extend Plaza Drive, which was currently a private road. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner requested that funding be included to have Freese and Nichols update their Storm Water Master Plan. Budget Manager Zagurski discussed the creation of a Capital Replacement Fund that would provide a stable funding source for equipment replacement, accurately forecast replacements based on replacement program parameters, and create a long-term outlook for capital needs outside of Capital Projects. The fund would be based on two components, which were percent funded and annual depreciation. The General Fund would fund this item but the depreciation could be based on individual departments or the fund as a whole for items that had up to a 20 year useful life. Percent funded would be zero and total funding costs as of October 1, 2017 was $2,878,341. The current annual depreciation was $433,244. He explained the possibility to use a fund stabilization option through a seven to 10 year tax note but that would offer a high debt service payment. He recommended a true-up system using either a useful life cycle of 10 years or 20 years. Funding sources could include utilizing the Sales Tax Fund, CCPD Fund, budget savings, and budget scrubs. Council Member Rowe commented that it was important to program assets with a 20 year useful life and for those assets to be part of the long term financial goal to be included in the fund. He encouraged Staff to review as many potential funding options as possible for this year’s budget and subsequent years. He expected that each year would present different opportunities and as the process evolved, the budget process should have some leverage to allow for flexibility before a tax rate would be adopted. Mayor Sanders inquired if big ticket maintenance items for the Pool/Splash Pad area would be included, such as re- plastering the pool. Budget Manager Zagurski responded that re-plastering the pool would fit into the criteria being used based on the useful life cycle. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner asked how Staff was accounting for useful life cycle. Budget Manager Zagurski responded that accounting was based on inflation, accumulated depreciation, and economy of scales. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner suggested that Staff proceed with a departmental approach similar to what the City of Addison implemented that listed what each department was putting into the fund and the projection for out years. Budget Manager Zagurski commented that the City of Addison’s fund was based on a fully funded model and that the Town could replicate their model when the Capital Replacement Fund was fully funded. Discussion took place that the Town had a fixed asset list that was broken out by department. No action was taken on this item. 18. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the August 14, 2018 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 10 of 12 Town CouncilPage 18 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 A) Item No. 2 from Future Agenda Items list - Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (4-March 14, 2017) (5-September 12, 2017) (6-April 10, 2018) (7-July 24, 2018) Mayor Sanders provided an update and advised that Metroport Cities Partnership was in the process of pursuing a Regional Green Ribbon Grant through the Texas Department of Transportation, which could take up to a year for the grant to be awarded. Council Member Lamont requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding amending the Town’s sign ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Trophy Club Park Master Plan. Mayor Sanders requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of and possible action between the Town and EDC 4B regarding long range planning to use the parcel between Bread Winners and Trophy Club Town Hall. EXECUTIVE SESSION 19. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: 1. Breach of Contract Issues, Procedures, and Claims (D. Dodd) 2. Procedures for PID Assessment (D. Dodd) B) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) C) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee: 1. Quarterly Goals and Objectives for Council Appointed Employees (Town Council) 2. Contract Review of Town Manager (Mayor Sanders) 3. Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers (H. Fimbres) CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 9:17 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 10:52 P.M. Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 11 of 12 Town CouncilPage 19 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 20. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council voting for one (1) nominee to be appointed to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District; and providing an effective date (H. Fimbres). Motion: Motion made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to approve Resolution No. 2018- 11, voting for Jim Carter to be appointed to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District; and providing an effective date of July 24, 2018. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 21. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). No action was taken on this item. ADJOURN Mayor Sanders adjourned the meeting at 10:57 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Joint and Regular Session Minutes July 24, 2018 Page 12 of 12 Town CouncilPage 20 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-353-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Third Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2018 (J. Phillips). Attachments:Staff Report - Third Quarter Investment Report FY 2018.pdf Third Quarter Investment Report FY 2018.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 4: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Third Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2018 (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 21 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Jonathan Phillips, Director of Administrative Services CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO April Duvall, Chief Financial Analyst Re: Third Quarter Investment Report Town Council Meeting, August 14, 2018 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Third Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2018 (J. Phillips). Background and Explanation: The Town’s current interest bearing accounts have an ending balance of $17,444,858 as of June 30, 2018, which is a decrease of $1,032,792 since March 31, 2018. This is primarily due to an increase in operational needs this time of year. The portfolio is very liquid with a weighted average life of 75 days. Interest earnings for this quarter total $84,413 which is an increase of $16,765 from the first quarter investment report as of March 31, 2018.The total average yield for this quarter was 1.95% which is higher than the averagerolling 6-month Treasury-Bill yield of 1.92% for the same time period. Account activity was eventful this quarter because of interest rate opportunities which resulted in rolling the CD maturing 8/1 with LegacyTexas to a 6-month CD at the 2.36%, and the funds in the money market fund with FNC transferred to InterBank money market account that is earning 2.20%. Financial Considerations: Interest earnings for this quarter total $84,413 which is an increase of $16,765 from the first quarter investment report as of March 31, 2018. Legal Review: Not applicable. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 22 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Third Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2018. Attachments: ThirdQuarter Investment Report FY 2018 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 23 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 24 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 25 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 26 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 27 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 28 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 29 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 30 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 31 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 32 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 33 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 34 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 35 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 36 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 37 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 38 Page Council Town Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-354-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Agreement between the Town and Tarrant County for Mutual Aid in Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services; and authorize the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). Attachments:Staff Report - Tarrant County Mutual Aid Agreement.pdf Tarrant County Mutual Aid Agreement.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 5: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganAgreementbetweentheTownandTarrantCountyforMutualAidin FireProtectionandEmergencyMedicalServices;andauthorizetheMayororhisdesigneetoexecuteallnecessary documents (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 39 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Wade Carroll, Fire Chief CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Tarrant County Mutual Aid Agreement Town Council Meeting, August 14, 2018 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Agreement between the Town and Tarrant Countyfor Mutual Aid in Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services; and authorize the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (W. Carroll). Background and Explanation: This Mutual Aid Agreement between Tarrant County and the Trophy Club Fire Department allows for available fire department equipment and personnel to be dispatched in aid of requesting Member Local Entities to any point within a reasonable distance of the jurisdictional limits of the responding Local Entity. Each Member Local Entity shall be solely responsible for the payment of its costs associated with providing fire department equipment and personnel under this Agreement for up to twelve (12) consecutive hours of a Mutual Aid. Any response over 12 hours will be invoiced to the requesting Local Entity. Financial Considerations: The costs associated with the Tarrant County Mutual Aid Agreement are only incurred if/when an event in which mutual aid is requested lasts longer than 12 hours. Any event that requires units and personnel over a 12 hour time period is eligible for TIFMAS (Texas Intrastate Mutual Aid System) activation and response and therefore state reimbursement. Most events that do not require TIFMAS activation and last 12 or more hours would require the rotation of crews and therefore would not incur associated costs for personnel and equipment according to this agreement. Legal Review: The Mutual Aid Agreement was reviewed by the Fire Chief and the Town Attorney, David Dodd. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 40 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Tarrant County Mutual Aid Agreement. Attachments: Tarrant County Mutual Aid Agreement Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 41 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 The State of Texas County of Tarrant Agreement for Mutual Aid in Fire Protection And Emergency Medical Services This Agreement is entered into by and between the agencies signatory to this agreement, hereinafter referred to as “Member Local Entity,” “Parties,” or “Party.” W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the governing body of the Member Local Entities, organized under the general laws of the State of Texas, desire to secure for each Member Local Entitythe benefits of mutual aid in the protection of life and property from fire and in firefighting and emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Agreement: (A) For purposes of this contract, “Member Local Entity” means a: (1) county, municipality, special district, or other political subdivision of this state or a state that borders this state; or (2) volunteer fire department constituted under state law. (B) For purposes of this contract, “mutual aid” refers to reciprocal assistance by emergency services under a prearranged plan. 2. That upon request by the Fire Chief or his/her designee or by the fire alarm operator of one Member Local Entityto the fire department of the other Member Local entity, available fire department equipment and personnel will be dispatched in aid of the requesting Member Local Entityto any point within a reasonable distance of the Town CouncilPage 42 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 jurisdictional limits of the responding Local Entity, subject to the conditions hereinafter stated. The Fire Chief of each Member Local Entityshall designate what constitutes a reasonable travel distance outside the jurisdictional limits of the Local Entity. It is hereby declared and agreed that an emergency condition shall exist within the corporate limits of a requesting Member Local Entitywhen one or more emergencies are in progress. When such an emergency exists, upon request of the Fire Chief, or his/her designee, or by the fire alarm operator of a Member Local Entityin which the emergency condition exists (the “requesting Local Entity”) to the fire department of another Member Local Entity(the “responding Local Entity”), the Fire Chief or designee of the responding Local Entitywill dispatch such fire department equipment and personnel to the aid of the requesting Local Entityas he/she deems advisable subject to the conditions hereinafter set out. 3. Any dispatch of fire departmentequipment and personnel pursuant to this Agreement is subject to the following conditions: A.It is expressly understood and agreed that before responding in accordance with this Agreement that each Member Local Entitywill have an ordinance, resolution, rule, or order adopted before the effective date of this Agreement which sets out the standard of care for emergency action which substantially states the following: “Every officer, agent or employee of the Member Local Entityand every officer, agent or employee of an authorized provider of emergency services, including, but not limited to every unit of government or subdivision thereof, while responding to emergency calls or reacting to emergency situations, regardless of whether any declaration of emergency has been declared or proclaimed by a unit of government or subdivision thereof, is hereby authorized to act or not to act in such a manner to effectively deal with the emergency. An action or inaction is ‘effective’ if it in any way contributes or can reasonably be thought by the provider of such emergency service to contribute to preserving any lives or property. This Section shall prevail over every other ordinance, resolution, rule, or order of the Member Local Entityand, to the extent to which theMember Local Entityhas the authority to so authorize, over any other law establishing a standard of care in conflict with this section. Neither the Member Local Entity nor the employee, agent or officer thereof, or other unit of government or subdivision thereof or its employees, agents or officers shall be liable for failure to use ordinary care in such emergency. It is the intent of the Member Local Entity, by passing this ordinance, resolution, rule, or order to assure effective action in emergency situations by those entrusted with the responsibility of saving lives and property by protecting such government units from liability, and their employees, agents and offices from nonintentional tort liability to the fullest extent permitted by statutory and constitutional law, this ordinance, resolution, Town CouncilPage 43 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 rule or order shall be liberally construed to carry out the intent of the Member Local Entity.” B. Any request for assistance under this Agreement shall specify the amount and type(s) of fire department equipment needed, the MAPSCO location, and the street address to which the equipment and personnel are to be dispatched. Upon a request for mutual aid assistance by a Member Local Entity, under the terms of this agreement, the typical response set for personnel and equipment would be as follows: one unit of firefighting apparatus, pumper (engine) or aerial (ladder), with a minimum of three personnel, or a brush truck or water supply vehicle with a minimum of two personnel, or an ambulance with a minimum of two personnel. However, variances to the typical response set for personnel may be agreed upon at the time of the mutual aid request. The Fire Chief of the responding Local Entityor his/her designee may dispatch additional equipment and personnel. Responding personnel must meet the minimum firefighting standards as established by their jurisdiction or by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection whichever is applicable. Texas Department of Health certified personnel (Emergency Care Attendant, Emergency Medical Technician, and Paramedic) may provide emergency medical services to the degree allowed by their certification and Medical Control. Supervisory personnel, support equipment and personnel, or additional fire department equipment and personnel may also be dispatched to the Member Local Entityby direction of the Fire Chief of the responding Local Entity or his/her designee. C.The requesting Local Entitymust have a command system in place and an incident commander in charge of the incident. D.The senior fire representative from the responding Local Entityshall report to and be under the direction of the requesting Local EntityIncident Commander, and will direct the utilization of his/her resources to assist in mitigating the emergency in accordance with accepted procedures. However, if a member of a responding Local Entity is requested to perform a task that is in conflict with the responding Local Entity’s internal policies, the responding Local Entity retains the right to advise the officer in charge that the task cannot be completed. If agreement cannot be reached on the issue, the responding Local Entity has the option of leaving the scene. Each Party to this Agreement shall at all times be and remain legally responsible for the conduct of their respective fire department employees regardless of whether such employees were performing duties under this Agreement at the request of the requesting Town CouncilPage 44 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Local Entity and regardless of whether such employees were acting under the authority, direction, suggestion or orders of an officer of the requesting Local Entity. This assignment of civil liability is specifically permitted by section 791.006(a-1) of the Texas Government Code (“Code”) and is intended to be different than the liability otherwise assigned under section 791.l006 (a) of the Code. Each Party hereby waives all claims against the other Party for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a consequence of the performance of the Agreement. E.Fire department equipment and personnel from the responding Local Entityshall be released by the Incident Commander as soon as they are no longer needed or when their services are needed within their normal fire protection area. F.In areas where common Member Local Entityjurisdictional lines exist, accurate determination of jurisdiction may not be possible upon receipt of an alarm. In these cases, the Local Entityreceiving the alarm will dispatch its fire department equipment and personnel and notifythe other affected Local Entityof the alarm. If the emergency is not within the jurisdictional limits of the responding Local Entity, it is agreed that the services provided will be considered to have been provided pursuant to this Agreement. 4. EachLocal Entitywaives all claims against the other Local Entityfor compensation for any loss, property damage, personal injury or death occurring as a consequence of the performance of this Agreement. Neither Member Local Entityshall be reimbursed by the other for costs incurred pursuant to this Agreement, with the exception of supplies and consumable items. 5. All equipment used by the responding fire department in carrying out this agreement will, at the time of action hereunder, be owned by it; andpersonnel who perform duties pursuant to this agreement shall receive the same payment, salary, pension, injury or death benefits, workers’ compensation benefits, payment of expenses, and all other compensation and rights for the performance of those duties, as they would have received for their regular duties in the service of the Member Local Entitywhich they serve. Each Member Local Entityshall be solely responsible for the payment of its costs associated with providing fire department equipment and personnel under this Agreement for up to twelve (12) consecutive hours of a Mutual Aid. Thereafter, upon receipt of an invoice, all costs associated with the provision of Mutual Aid lasting more than twelve consecutive hours shall be paid by the responding Local Entity andreimbursed by the requesting Local Entity, to the extent permitted by law. Such costs include, but are not limited to: compensation for personnel; operation and Town CouncilPage 45 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 maintenance of equipment; damage to equipment; and food, lodging and transportation expenses. Formulary to assist cost determination will be based on the most current FEMA reimbursement schedules set by the Stafford Act and chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code. (1)Requests for reimbursement must be submitted as soon as practicable but no later than sixty days after the return of all personnel deployed under this Agreement. Failure to submit a request for reimbursement within the specified time frame will result in the responding Local Entitynot being reimbursed for the Mutual Aid provided unless the requesting Local Entityextends the deadline for filing requests for reimbursement or the Federal or State Government extends the deadline for filing request for reimbursement. Such requests shall specifically identify all personnel, equipment, and resources provided; dates of issuance or duration of deployment, and the unit cost and total costs associated with each. (2)The responding Local Entityshall be responsible for creating and maintaining a record of all costs incurred, bothreimbursed and unreimbursed costs, in providing Mutual Aid under this Agreement. The record shall be kept for a period of three years from the date the incident is closed. (3)In the event federal or state funds are available for costs associated with the provision of Mutual Aid, the Parties agree that the requesting Local Entityshall make the claim for the eligible costs of the responding Local Entityon its subgrant application and will disburse the federal or state share of funds to the responding Local Entity. (4)Reimbursement under this Section will be made by the requesting Local Entity no later than: (1) one-hundred eighty days after receipt of the request for reimbursement; or (2) ninety days after the requesting Local Entityreceives reimbursement from the federal or state government, whichever is sooner. 6. It is expressly understood that when an employee or volunteer of the responding Local Entityis performing duties under the terms of this agreement, that person is considered to be acting in the line of duty for the purposes of 42 U.S.C.A., Section 3796; is considered to be in performance of duties within the provisions of Article 6228f, V.T.C.S., and Chapter 142, Texas Local Government Code; and shall be entitled to any other benefits whichaccrue under law as a result of injury, death, or loss which occurs while in the line of duty. 7. It is further understood and agreed that, in the execution of this Agreement and contract, neither Member Local Entitywaives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. Town CouncilPage 46 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 8. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas. The venue for any lawsuit arising out of this Agreement will be the Fort Worth Division of the Northern District of Texas if the lawsuit arises in Federal Court or Tarrant County, Texas if the matter arises in State Court. 9. The validity of this Agreement and of any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the Parties hereunder, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 10. Each Member Local Entitymay terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other Member Local Entity. 11. In case one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be for any reason held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained in the Agreement. 12. This Agreement contains all commitments and agreements of the Member Local Entities regarding mutual fire protection and emergency medical service assistance, and no other prior oral or written commitments shall have any force or effect. 13. This Agreement shall become effective between the Parties hereto on the day after it is fully executed and shall continue ineffect for twelve (12) months from the effective date. This Agreement shall renew automatically for a period of one year upon the completion of the initial term and each subsequent term thereafter unless and until such time as the governing body of a Party terminates its participation prior to the date of automatic renewal or as prescribed in Section 10 of this Agreement. 14. This Agreement may be amended or modified by the mutual agreement of the Parties hereto, in writing, to be attached to and incorporated into this Agreement. Town CouncilPage 47 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 15. The undersigned Member Local Entitiesagree and certify they have complied with one of the following provisions of this section based on if they area Governmental Entity or Volunteer Fire Department: 1.The Parties claiming to be exempt from the Form 1295 requirement acknowledge that they are governmental entities and not businessentities as those terms are defined in Tex. Gov’t Code 2252.908, and therefore, no disclosure of interested parties pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Section 2252.908 are required. 2.The Volunteer Fire Departmentacknowledges and agrees that ithas fully, accurately, and completely disclosed all interested parties in the attached Form 1295, and has acknowledged the completeness of this disclosure by filing the Form 1295, attached as Exhibit A, with the Texas Ethics Commission as required by law. 16. This Agreement shall be executed by the duly authorized official(s) of the Party as expressed in the approving ordinance, resolution, rule or order of the governing body of such Party, a copy of which is attached hereto. Executed this day of , 2018. Name of Local Entity Name of Local Entity Nameand Title C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Approved as to form: Approved as to form: Title J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Attest: Attest: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town CouncilPage 48 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Exhibit A Current Signatories City of Bedford City of Benbrook City of Blue Mound City of Colleyville City of Crowley City of Dalworthington Gardens Dido Volunteer Fire Department City of Euless City of Everman Town of Flower Mound Tarrant County Fire Marshal’s Office City of Forest Hill City of Grapevine City of Hurst City of Keller City of Mansfield NAS-Joint Reserve Base, Fort Worth City of North Richland Hills North Tarrant County Rural Fire District Town of Pantego City of Richland Hills City of River Oaks City of Sansom Park City of Saginaw City of Trophy Club City of Trophy Club, MUD #1 City of Watauga City of Westlake City of WestworthVillage Town CouncilPage 49 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-375-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:8/1/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding designating an Acting Town Manager in compliance with Section 4.06, Acting Town Manager, of the Trophy Club Town Charter (T. Class). Attachments:Acting Town Manager Designation Letter.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 6: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingdesignatinganActingTownManagerincompliancewithSection4.06, Acting Town Manager, of the Trophy Club Town Charter (T. Class). Town CouncilPage 50 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town CouncilPage 51 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-357-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September 2018 as Blood Cancer Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:PRO 2018-11 Blood Cancer Awareness Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 7: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingSeptember2018as Blood Cancer Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 52 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2018-11 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTINGTHE LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY IN PROCLAIMING SEPTEMBER 2018 AS BLOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTHIN TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in the United States, an estimated 1,237,824 people are living with, or are in remission from, leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or other form of blood cancer, with an estimated 171,550 new casesexpected to be diagnosed in 2017; and WHEREAS, leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancers will kill an estimated 58,320 people in the United States this year alone; and WHEREAS, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), exists to find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients; and WHEREAS, LLS maintains an office in North Texas to help improve the quality of life for blood cancer patients and their families in the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the State of Texas is similarlycommitted to the eradication of these diseases and supports the treatment of blood cancer patients and their families; and WHEREAS, the Townof Trophy Club encourages private efforts to enhance research funding and education programs that are saving lives not someday, but today. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM SEPTEMBER 2018 AS: BLOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Section 1.The Townof Trophy Club joins with LLS in designating the month of September 2018 as Blood Cancer Awareness Month to educate its residentsabout the need for finding cures and creating access to treatments for all types of blood cancers; and Section 2.Encourages its residents to get involved with LLS, from participation in fundraising campaigns, to making a donation or volunteering; and to fund lifesaving research to advance breakthrough therapies for blood cancer patients. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 14th day of August 2018. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 53 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-356-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 submitted to the Town Council by the CCPD Board (J. Phillips). Attachments:CCPD 5-Year Forecast.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 8: ConductaPublicHearingregardingtheTrophyClubCrimeControlandPreventionDistrict(CCPD)BudgetforFiscal Year 2018-2019 submitted to the Town Council by the CCPD Board (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 54 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Trophy Club CCPD - Five Year Forecast CCPD FY 18FY 19FY 20FY 21FY 22FY 23 EstimateProposedPlanningPlanningPlanningPlanning Five Year Forecast Beginning Fund Balance$ 61,373$ 57,811 $ 56,520 $ 138,035 $ 183,685 $ 237,001 Revenue: Sales Tax 196,209 204,010 208,090 212,252 216,497 220,827 Interest Revenue 10 - - - - - Total Revenue 196,219 204,010 208,090 212,252 216,497 220,827 Expenditures: Debt Service 147,431 49,881 51,281 147,481 153,681 150,531 Services/Supplies 45,350 112,420 73,294 17,121 7,500 46,500 Capital 7,000 43,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Expenditures 199,781 205,301 126,575 166,602 163,181 199,031 Net Increase (Decrease) (3,562) (1,291) 81,515 45,650 53,316 21,796 Ending Fund Balance$ 57,811$ 56,520$ 138,035 $ 183,685 $ 237,001 $ 258,796 Fund Balance as % of Expenditures28.94%27.53%109.05%110.25%145.24%130.03% Town CouncilPage 55 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-358-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Receive an update from Teague Nall & Perkins regarding Capital Improvement Projects related to Trophy Club Drive, Meadowbrook Lane, Sundance Court (T. Class). Attachments:2018 CIP Project Schedule.pdf 2018 CIP Exhibits.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 9: ReceiveanupdatefromTeagueNall&PerkinsregardingCapitalImprovementProjectsrelatedtoTrophyClubDrive, Meadowbrook Lane, Sundance Court (T. Class). Town CouncilPage 56 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 TROPHY CLUB DRIVE (Bobcat to Durango), MEADOWBROOK LANE & SUNDANCE COURT PROJECT SCHEDULE 06/11/2018 03.19.18 10.31.18: Engineering Design 11.01.18: Let for Bid (Min. 21-Days for Bidding to meet TCMUD Requirements) 11.29.18: Open Bids 11.29.18-12.04.18: Evaluation of Bids and Contractor References 12.11.18: Council Meeting Award 12.18.18: MUD Board Award Water Contract 12.18.18 01.04.19: Contracts, Bonds and Insurance 01.07.19: Pre-Construction Meeting 01.10.19: Citizen Meeting 01.21.19: Start Construction Notice to Proceed 01.21.20: Substantial Completion (360-calendar days) 02.21.20: Final Acceptance (30-days to complete punch list) 1. Construction time will take approximately 360-days. Construction will occur during the 2018- 2019/2019-2020 school year. 2.Last day of school is May 31, 2019and first day of school is August26, 2019 (estimated) Fort Worth 5237 N. Riverside Drive, Suite 100 Fort Worth, Texas 76137817.336.5773 Allen 825 Watters Creek Boulevard, Suite M300Allen, Texas 75013214.461.9867 Denton 1517 Centre Place Drive, Suite 320Denton, Texas 76205940.383.4177 Registered by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, Firm No. F-230 Registered by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, Firm No. 100116-00 Town CouncilPage 57 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 August 201814, Date: Meeting 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com Page 228of 58 Town August 201814, Date: Meeting 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com Page 228of 59 Town August 201814, Date: Meeting 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com Page 228of 60 Town August 201814, Date: Meeting 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com Page 228of 61 Town August 201814, Date: Meeting Meadownbrook Lane Trophy Club, Texas 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Reconstruction TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com Page 228of 62 Town August 201814, Date: Meeting Trophy Club, Texas Sundance Court 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Reconstruction TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com Page 228of 63 Town Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-359-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Receive an update from Teague Nall & Perkins and take appropriate action regarding traffic control for the following intersections: Bobcat Boulevard and Trophy Club Drive; Parkview Drive and Bobcat Boulevard; and Durango Drive and Trophy Club Drive (T. Class). Attachments:Intersection Traffic Study - Trophy Club.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 10: ReceiveanupdatefromTeagueNall&Perkinsandtakeappropriateactionregardingtrafficcontrolforthefollowing intersections:BobcatBoulevardandTrophyClubDrive;ParkviewDriveandBobcatBoulevard;andDurangoDriveand Trophy Club Drive (T. Class). Town CouncilPage 64 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS INTERSECTION TRAFFIC STUDY FOR BOBCAT BOULEVARD & PARKVIEW DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB DRIVE & BOBCAT BOULEVARD & TROPHY CLUB DRIVE & DURANGO DRIVE Prepared for Prepared By: 5237 N. Riverside Drive, Suite 100 Fort Worth, TX 76137 TBPE Registration No. F-230 TNP NO. TRO18006 August 2018 Town CouncilPage 65 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club July 2018 INTRODUCTION Teague Nall & Perkins Inc., has been retained to evaluate the three existing unsignalized intersections in the Town of Trophy Club, TX. These include Bobcat Boulevard at Parkview Drive, Trophy Club Drive at Bobcat Boulevard and Trophy Club Drive at Durango Drive. The location of the study intersections is shown in Figure 1. EXISTING CONDITIONS Bobcat Boulevard & Parkview Drive is a three leg intersection. Bobcat Boulevard is considered as the major street and Parkview Drive is considered as the minor street. Bobcat Boulevard is a four-lane roadway with a left turn bay in the westbound direction. Parkview Drive is a two lane undivided roadway. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. At the intersection, Parkview Drive consists of two-lanes, one lane each for left- and right-turns and it is currently controlled by a stop sign. This intersection is a key entrance for Medlin Middle School Traffic. There are two crossing guards assigned to this intersection during peak/school hours to direct traffic movement and assist students in crossing streets. Long queues of vehicles waiting to turn left were observed to form on Bobcat Boulevard (westbound) and Parkview Drive approaches. Trophy Club Drive & Bobcat Boulevard is a three leg intersection. Trophy Club Drive is considered as the major street and Bobcat is considered as the minor arterial in this study. Trophy Club Drive is a four-lane divided roadway with two through lanes in each direction and a left turn bay to Bobcat Boulevard. Bobcat Boulevard is a four-lane undivided roadway. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. At the intersection, Bobcat Boulevard consists of two lanes in the eastbound direction for left- and right-turns and this approach is controlled by a stop sign. This intersection serves traffic associated with Beck Elementary School, Medlin Middle School and Byron Nelson High School. There are two crossing guards assigned to this intersection during peak/school hours to direct traffic movement and assist students in crossing streets. Long queues were observed of vehicles waiting to turn left on Bobcat Boulevard and Trophy Club Drive (northbound) approaches. Trophy Club Drive & Durango Drive is a three leg intersection. Trophy Club Drive is considered as the major street and Durango Drive is considered as the minor collector in this study. Trophy Club Drive is a four-lane divided roadway with two lanes in each direction. Durango Drive is a two lane undivided roadway. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. At the intersection, Durango Drive consists of two lanes in the eastbound direction for left- and right-turns and it is controlled by a stop sign. There are two crossing guards assigned to this Page 2 Town CouncilPage 66 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club July 2018 intersection during peak/school hours to direct traffic movement and assist students in crossing streets. Long queues of vehicles waiting to turn left were observed to form on Durango Drive and Trophy Club Drive (northbound) approaches. Byron Nelson N High School 1 Medlin Middle School 2 Samuel Beck Elementary School 3 Lakeview Elementary School Figure 1: Site Location Page 3 Town CouncilPage 67 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club July 2018 PROPOSED OPTIONS TNP evaluated the three intersections with 4 different options that included: 1) No improvements to the intersections (existing condition/control), 2) Provide all-way stop control at the intersection, 3) install traffic signals at each intersection and 4) construct a roundabout at each intersection The pros/cons and costs were developed for each options. BOBCAT BOULEVARD & PARKVIEW DRIVE OPTION 1 NO IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INTERSECTION (EXISTING CONTROL) (Exhibit 1) Pros Continuous traffic flow for Bobcat Boulevard No maintenance costs or installation costs Cons Longer delay for Parkview Drive Increase the likelihood of right-angle crashes Difficult to cross for pedestrian without school guard Costs None OPTION 2 ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL Pros Helps with pedestrian crossing Better relief for Parkview Drive Reduce right angle and turning collisions Reduce through and turning speeds No right-of-way acquisition is required Relatively low installation and maintenance costs Cons Will create delays for Bobcat Boulevard Not suitable at intersection with unbalanced approach volumes Costs Approximately $5,000 per intersection for STOP signs and pavement markings Page 4 Town CouncilPage 68 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club July 2018 OPTION 3 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Pros Increase traffic capacity of an intersection Improve safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic Reduce the frequency and severity of right angle collisions Provide for orderly movement of traffic Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other vehicles or pedestrians to cross Cons Increased installation and maintenance costs Increase rear-end collisions Excessive disobedience of the signal indications Costs Estimate $175,000 per intersection for installation and not including maintenance costs OPTION 4 ROUNDABOUTS (Exhibit 1A) Pros Provides continuous flow of traffic Reduction in delay Provides traffic calming (reduce speed) Reduce overall number of crashes and crash severity Cons Increased installation costs Require acquisitions of additional right-of-way at intersections Marginalizes pedestrian (esp. handicapped people) and bicycle traffic Page 5 Town CouncilPage 69 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 August 201814, Date: Trophy Club, Texas Meeting Bobcat Blvd. & tnp project number TRO 18006 1 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Parkview Dr. 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 TBPE Registration No. F-230 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com www.tnpinc.com August 8, 2018 Page 228of 70 Town Exhibit 1A August 201814, Date: Trophy Club, Texas Meeting Bobcat Blvd. & tnp project number TRO 18006 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Parkview Dr. 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 TBPE Registration No. F-230 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com www.tnpinc.com August 8, 2018 Page 228of 71 Town Town of Trophy Club July 2018 TROPHY CLUB DRIVE & BOBCAT BOULEVARD OPTION 1 NO IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INTERSECTION (EXISTING CONTROL) (Exhibit 2) Pros Continuous traffic flow for Trophy Club Drive No maintenance costs or installation costs Cons Longer delay for Bobcat Boulevard Increase the likelihood of right-angle crashes Difficult to cross for pedestrian without school guard Costs None OPTION 2 ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL Pros Helps with pedestrian crossing Better relief for Bobcat Boulevard and Trophy Club Drive on left turn queues Reduce right angle and turning collisions Reduce through and turning speeds No right-of-way acquisition is required Relatively low installation and maintenance costs Cons Will create delays for Trophy Club Drive Not suitable at intersection with unbalanced approach volumes Costs Approximately $5,000 per intersection for STOP signs and pavement markings OPTION 3 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Pros Increase traffic capacity of an intersection Improve safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic Reduce the frequency and severity of right angle collisions Provide for orderly movement of traffic Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other vehicles or pedestrians to cross Page 6 Town CouncilPage 72 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club July 2018 Cons Increased installation and maintenance costs Increase rear-end collisions Excessive disobedience of the signal indications Costs Estimate $175,000 per intersection for installation and not including maintenance costs OPTION 4 ROUNDABOUTS (NOT A FEASIBLE OPTION) (Exhibit 2A) Pros Provides continuous flow of traffic Reduction in delay Provides traffic calming (reduce speed) Reduce overall number of crashes and crash severity Cons Increased installation costs Require acquisitions of additional right-of-way at intersections Marginalizes pedestrian (esp. handicapped people) and bicycle traffic Page 7 Town CouncilPage 73 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 August 201814, Date: Trophy Club, Texas Trophy Club Dr. & Meeting 2 tnp project number TRO 18006 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Bobcat Blvd. TBPE Registration No. F-230 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com www.tnpinc.com August 8, 2018 Page 228of 74 Town Exhibit 2A August 201814, Date: Trophy Club, Texas Meeting Trophy Club Dr. & tnp project number TRO 18006 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Bobcat Blvd. TBPE Registration No. F-230 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com www.tnpinc.com August 8, 2018 Page 228of 75 Town Town of Trophy Club July 2018 TROPHY CLUB DRIVE & DURANGO DRIVE OPTION 1 NO IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INTERSECTION (EXISTING CONTROL) (Exhibit 3) Pros Continuous traffic flow for Trophy Club Drive No maintenance costs or installation costs Cons Longer delay for Durango Drive Increase the likelihood of right-angle crashes Difficult to cross for pedestrian without school guard Costs None OPTION 2 ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL Pros Helps with pedestrian crossing Better relief for Durango Drive Reduce right angle and turning collisions Reduce through and turning speeds No right-of-way acquisition is required Relatively low installation and maintenance costs Cons Will create delays for Trophy Club Drive Not suitable at intersection with unbalanced approach volumes Costs Approximately $5,000 per intersection for STOP signs and pavement markings OPTION 3 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Pros Increase traffic capacity of an intersection Improve safety and efficiency of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic Reduce the frequency and severity of right angle collisions Provide for orderly movement of traffic Interrupt heavy traffic at intervals to permit other vehicles or pedestrians to cross Page 8 Town CouncilPage 76 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club July 2018 Cons Increased installation and maintenance costs Increase rear-end collisions Excessive disobedience of the signal indications Costs Estimate $175,000 per intersection for installation and not including maintenance costs OPTION 4 ROUNDABOUTS (NOT A FEASIBLE OPTION) (Exhibit 3A) Pros Provides continuous flow of traffic Reduction in delay Provides traffic calming (reduce speed) Reduce overall number of crashes and crash severity Cons Increased installation costs Require acquisitions of additional right-of-way at intersections Marginalizes pedestrian (esp. handicapped people) and bicycle traffic Page 9 Town CouncilPage 77 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 August 201814, Date: Trophy Club, Texas Trophy Club Dr. & Meeting 3 tnp project number TRO 18006 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Durango Dr. TBPE Registration No. F-230 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com www.tnpinc.com August 8, 2018 Page 228of 78 Town August 201814, Date: Trophy Club, Texas Trophy Club Dr. & Meeting 3A tnp project number TRO 18006 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 817.336.5773 ph 817.336.2813 fx 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 5237 N. Riverside Drive Suite 100 Durango Dr. TBPE Registration No. F-230 TBPE Registration No. F-230 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Fort Worth, Texas 76137 www.tnpinc.com www.tnpinc.com August 8, 2018 Page 228of 79 Town Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-360-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Receive an update from Republic Services and take appropriate action regarding an Agreement for Recycling Services options; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Class). Attachments:Recycling Market and Industry Challenges and Impacts 2018.pdf 2018 Rate Comparison.pdf Trophy Club Recycling Model - May 2018.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 11: ReceiveanupdatefromRepublicServicesandtakeappropriateactionregardinganAgreementforRecyclingServices options; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Class). Town CouncilPage 80 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 - Poll Question 4 The Recycling Life Cycle 7 Lightweighting of Material 9 Market Impacts of China Sword 10 China Sword Immediate Impacts 15 Next Steps Based on today’s information, which est describes your thoughts? Poll Question(s) b • 17 /ƌǒĬ‘ğƷğǒŭğ 10/1/20159/1/2014 RSWCRSRSPROG YesNoYES N/A ЏіЊЉіЊЋіЊЉіЊЉіЊЋіЊЉі 7 9 А .В 9͵ В $2018 υ Iźƌƌƭ{ğŭźƓğǞ{ƚǒƷŷƌğƉĻƩƚƦŷǤ 77 14, 35 Ѝ . .В 22 ͵ 1 Ѝ Њ August 10/1/2018 $ $ υ CPI 2 0 89 Ћ ..А 93͵ Ќ Њ Date: 12/1/2017 $$ υ N/A 1 6 Њ .Џ 1͵ 1 Њ Meeting Њ 9.743.80 ЊЌ͵ЎЍ Chg $ 2/1/20182/1/2021 υ \[ğƉĻbwIwźĭŷƌğƓķ 2.75%MarketYes υ $$ 9.214.02 ЊЌ͵ЋЌ Yes RS υ $$ 10.373.46 ЊЌ͵БЌ 10/1/2017 Yes WC 5ğƌƌğƭ\[ğƓƷğƓğbƚƩƷŷ υ $$ 16.81 ЊЏ͵БЊ N/AN/AN/A RS υ $ 45.75 ЍЎ͵АЎ QTR WM PER ‘ƚƩƷŷ\[ğƉĻ υ $ В͵ЉЉ 9.00 9/1/20154/1/2017 WC Џі /ƩĻĻƉIǒƩƭƷWǒƭƷźƓYĻƌƌĻƩ\[ğƉĻ $υ 9.111.72 ЊЉ͵БЌ CWD ЊЉі $$υ 11.19 ЊЊ͵ЊВ N/C WC 228 /ƚƒƦğƩźƭƚƓ of $υ 98 8.033.97 ЊЋ͵ЉЉ Page CPI Yes ЊЉі RS wğƷĻ $$υ wĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌ 12.56 ЊЋ͵ЎЏ N/A RSWCRSWM /źƷǤIğƩǝĻƭƷIźĭƉĻƩǤ ЋЉЊБ $υ 5/1/2021 2/28/201810/1/20185/1/20165/1/2016 3.00%CPICPI3.00% OptionsYes 40 07 Ѝ ..А 14 ͵ 1 Ў Њ 8.111.93 ЊЉ͵ЏЍ $$ υ ЊЉіЊЋіБі hğƉ9ǒƌĻƭƭDƩğƦĻǝźƓĻIğƌƷƚƒ OptionsYesYes $$ υ 89 61 А ..Б 03͵ 1 Ќ Њ 9.54 В͵ЎЍ $$ υ RSCWDCWDWMRS ProposedYesYesBINYes A / $υ N 11.744.61 ЊЏ͵ЌЎ .ğƩƷƚƓǝźƌƌĻ.ĻķŅƚƩķ/ƚƌƌĻǤǝźƌƌĻ/ƚƩźƓƷŷ5ƚǒĬƌĻ $$υ Б͵ЉЌ 5.382.65 4/1/20174/1/2018 $ $υ 12.63 ЊЋ͵ЏЌ 3.75%CPI n/a ВіБі $$υ 5/1/2018 88 9 7 Џ .. А 73 ͵ Њ Њ Council 11.486.4217.90 $$ υ WC Town $ $ $ Date Fee Recycle Date Date PI FranchiseCompany Renewal of PI Recycle PI Total TrashCarts Next Type Last 2018 14, August Date: 1038.871163.53 /ƌǒĬ‘ğƷğǒŭğ 57.32110.37173.79267.51377.41512.1273.27153.94242.45370.28526.48714.4187.95184.72290.94444.35631.76857.31114.86241.06382.43507.37865.92128.57270.12405.92568.27745.86 Meeting ЊЉ і 7193964133579185203802 ‘ƚƩƷŷbƚƩƷŷƌğƉĻbwI{ğŭźƓğǞ{ƚǒƷŷƌğƉĻƩƚƦŷǤ 63945680 ЊЋ 998877876543864209630730506162 ........................... ... і 335791571593717394199888570471 741853865310998877235791483716 2234123451234512341245 15778 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 677271938978494114150507196761 ЊЉ 333445850628479470131863679135 .............................. і 012323767564770023482737543109 15937840628075296633221802467 7 1112212233112334123456134567 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ 4157100804575541723303 48217410 263260163488883265820552440217 Б ........................... ... 315327455386864190533647929193 і 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53.9988.88108.25131.53152.28179.9871.99110.76145.39193.81224.27263.0288.59146.74189.66256.12289.35346.09106.80199.36250.59292.12373.79436.09131.53250.59330.83373.79442.95539.92 IźƌƌƭDƩğƦĻǝźƓĻIǒƩƭƷΫΫIğƌƷƚƒ Б /ƚƒƦğƩźƭƚƓ і $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 130.85196.25261.67327.11392.52152.53228.80305.04381.32457.60174.23261.32348.43435.56522.68110.61217.61326.39435.20544.00652.82132.31260.99391.47521.96652.45782.98 67.2478.0888.93 ЊЉ wğƷĻ і /ƚƒƒĻƩĭźğƌ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 70.54118.90159.25223.93290.73336.2880.20132.41189.98252.72317.32360.05101.77163.56229.03291.61355.87389.40121.09204.21286.85368.89462.58535.57624.81150.89254.83364.70466.20569.17648.57756.68 ЊЋ і ЋЉЊБ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 118.24150.26184.21218.14170.12221.02268.07323.79161.82227.76293.71359.65431.39116.31214.28273.68373.74473.43554.02152.18280.21385.12493.88594.90699.80 53.3184.3172.1697.0497.81 .ĻķŅƚƩķ/ƚƌƌĻǤǝźƌƌĻ/ƚƩźƓƷŷ9ǒƌĻƭƭwźĭŷƌğƓķ ЊЋ і $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 62.77118.12157.29229.53277.96321.7189.06155.75205.73274.28338.20386.97107.59188.43260.01339.20409.49467.67136.29258.21365.79476.98589.95670.40157.80317.39442.91561.26704.71805.99 ЊЉ і $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 117.78118.42150.79142.18180.51178.84212.43238.8050.09113.3796.04160.7129.33205.83153.23253.14200.81298.27257.45138.68141.57194.83195.12247.64251.69305.49358.82364.30127.6891.70184.92148.60257.55207.7 0331.29273.54405.05323.28478.79402.46144.18103.07235.55187.17328.00258.60419.35337.16510.71417.77604.26498.20 45.3287.2372.80 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ 303.79 55.0386.9569.0986.65 Б Council і ƩğƷĻƭ week65.13week126.72190.05week253.42316.78380.14week75.62147.73221.58week295.43369.28week443.16week86.11168.73week253.07337.44week421.79week506.19107.13week210.75316.09421.48526.85632.20128.14252.7537 9.12505.50631.87758.24 Ʒƚ Town ğķķĻķ В і CĻĻ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ wĻĭƚǝĻƩǤ 3/2018 weekweekweekweekweekweekweekweekweekweek weeweeweeweeweeweeweeweeweeweewee Fe 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AA6/A 4 6 Meeting $ 286.15 28.63 NegoN/ A $$ 657.22 e dd u l Inc $ 8 N/N/ 8 N . AA4/A 4 6 $ N/N/N/ N AAA/A 397.24382.29 30.35 NegoNegoN/ A $$$ 496.01 NegoNego N /A 228 $ of 649.21 102 e dd u l Page Inc $ N/N/N/ N AAA/A 599.92 e NegoNegoNegoNego dd u l Inc $ 808.77 e dd u l Inc $ N/N/N/ N AAA/A N/N/N/ N AAA/A 141.31667.25 e Nego dd u l Inc $$ Council ƩğƷ Ļ Ʒƚ Town ğķķĻķ /ƚƒ Ʀ CĻĻ —5 Haul/Dispos wĻĭƚǝĻƩǤ ЍЋ Rental/monthl ato per yn l Updated Delivery CǒĻƌ Disposa Total ΫΫ # of # of Debris Box Size UnitsPulls/Week 20 11 25 -- 30 44 40 42 50 -- Compactors 10 - - 13 - - 15 - - 16 - - 20 - - 25 - - 27 - - 28 - - 29 - - 30 1 1 31 - - 32 - - 35 - - 37 - - 38 - - 40 1 1 42 1 1 Town CouncilPage 103 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 ЍͲЌЊЎ͵ЉЉЍ͵ЌЌЊЊ͵ЍВЊЉА͵ЌББЌ͵БЌЍͲБЋЉΛВВЋΜ ЌͲБЋБ ЌЎ͵ЏЎΛЍБ͵ЊБΜЉіΛЎͲЊАЍΜ 1.20 υ 2018 B$ Ώ υ υ υ 5 υ υ υ 5 14, 5 5 5 5 5 August 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Date: υ wĻǝ ŅƩƚƒ /ƚƒƒƚķźƷǤ Meeting wĻƭźķǒğƌ /ƚƭƷƭ bĻƷ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ Net Processing Value/Charge - Model for Annual Rate Review Trophy Club ΛЋВ͵ЊЎΜ ЏЎ͵АЋ wğƷĻ υ АЌ͵ЌЍЌЍ͵ЉЍ ƚƓƭ aƚƓƷŷƌǤ bĻƷ tƩƚĭĻƭƭźƓŭ ğƌǒĻ ΛwĻĬğƷĻ ƚƩ bĻƷ tƩƚĭĻƭƭźƓŭ tƚƭźƷźƚƓ ǣ ƚƓƭ ƦĻƩ aƚƓƷŷΜ ЏБіЌЋі wĻĭǤĭƌĻ tƩƚĭĻƭƭźƓŭ wğƷĻ ƦĻƩ ƚƓ ŅƚƩ wĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌ {ƷƩĻğƒ ΛŅƩƚƒ awC /ƚƓƷƩƚƌƌĻƩΜ 228 і of 104 Rate Adjustment to Reconcile Commodity Market Value Page bĻƷ tƩƚĭĻƭƭźƓŭ tƚƭźƷźƚƓ Λ/ƚƒƒƚķźƷǤ ğƌǒĻ ƒźƓǒƭ tƩƚĭĻƭƭźƓŭ wğƷĻΜ wĻƭźķǒğƌ ƷƚƓƭ {ŷğƩĻ ǞźƷŷ /źƷǤ ΛźŅ ĭƚƒƒƚķźƷǤ ǝğƌǒĻ ĻǣĭĻĻķƭ ƦƩƚĭĻƭƭźƓŭ ĭƚƭƷƭΜ /ƚƒƒƚķźƷǤ ğƌǒĻ ΛbĻƷ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ ķźǝźķĻķ ĬǤ ƚƓƭ ƦĻƩ aƚƓƷŷΜ ƚƓƭ ƭƚƌķ /źƷǤ wĻĬğƷĻ ΛƦĻƩ ƚƓΜ tƚǒƓķƭ ƦĻƩ ƭĻƷ ƚǒƷ tźĭƉǒƦƭ ƦĻƩ aƚƓƷŷ bǒƒĬĻƩ ƚŅ IƚƒĻƭ ƚƓƭ ƦĻƩ aƚƓƷŷ Council Town Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-371-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/31/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Discussion of and provide direction to Town Staff regarding the replacement of playground equipment at Harmony Park, the addition of one shade structure at the Community Pool, and revised color selections for the two shade structures at Harmony Park. (T. Jaramillo). Attachments:Staff Report - Playground Equipment and Shade Structure Color Selection.pdf Accessible playground equipment pictures and quote.pdf Pictures of playground shade structures at Harmony and Dino playground.pdf Aerial of new potential shade structure location at the Community Pool.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 12: DiscussionofandprovidedirectiontoTownStaffregardingthereplacementofplaygroundequipmentatHarmonyPark, theadditionofoneshadestructureattheCommunityPool,andrevisedcolorselectionsforthetwoshadestructuresat Harmony Park. (T. Jaramillo). Town CouncilPage 105 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Tony Jaramillo, Parks and Recreation Director CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Playground equipment and shade structure color selection at Harmony Park and the Community Pool Town Council Meeting, August 14, 2018 Agenda Item: Discussion of and provide direction to Town Staff regarding the replacement of playground equipment at Harmony Park, the addition of one shade structure at the Community Pool, and revised color selections for the two shade structures at Harmony Park. (T.Jaramillo). Background and Explanation: a)The large playground equipment at Harmony Park was installed in 1998. Several components are no longer manufactured, which makes it increasingly challenging to repair or replace when necessary. Staff recommends replacing the existing equipment with new accessible playground equipment which will be developmentally appropriate for children, regardless of abilities, and which will encourage physical and social play for all. b)The large blue shade structure fabric at Harmony Park was destroyed by weather on June 20, 2018 and needs to be replaced following an insurance settlement with TML. c)Adjacent to the large destroyed shade structure in Harmony Park is a small undamaged blue shade structure. Following a Parks Board recommendation, staff proposes to repurpose the small blue shade fabric at the Community Pool should Council approve the installation of an additional shade structure frame in the future. A new frame utilizing the repurposed blue fabric from Harmony Park would blend in well with the existing Community Pool shade structures. Page 1 of 3 Town CouncilPage 106 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Financial Considerations: a)Cost for the replacement of the existing playground equipment with accessible playground equipment is $235,817.19. This cost includes the removal and disposal of the existing playground and installation of new playground, and new rubber surface. The removal of the existing wood chips will be performed in-house for a savings of approximately $5,000.00. b)The cost to replace the destroyed shade structure fabric at Harmony Park, after insurance settlement, is approximately $2,300.00, andwill be paid for with existing Property Maintenance funds. c)The cost of new small shade structure fabric to match the new large shade structure fabric at Harmony Park is approximately $19,000.00, and includes repainting the frame. d)The cost to install a new shade structure at the Community pool to accommodate the repurposed shade fabric from Harmony Park is estimated at $66,000. The approximate total cost for all four projects is: $323,117.19. Legal Review: Not applicable Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Board met on July 16, 2018, and unanimously recommended the following: Replacing the large playground equipment with a new accessible playground and rubber surface utilizing Parkland Dedication funds; Changing both the large and small shade structure fabrics color to tan at Harmony Park, and repainting the existing shade structure frames hunter green to match the Dino Playground at Freedom Dog Park; and Installing a new shade structure at the Community Pool utilizing the repurposed blue shade fabric from the smallplayground at Harmony Park. Staff Recommendations: Staff echoes the Parks and Recreation Board recommendations of July 16, 2018and: Recommends changing the Harmony Park shade structure color scheme from blue and black to tan and hunter green to match the playground at the Dino Playground; Recommends purchasing the Harmony Park small shade structure fabric ($19,000.00) utilizing FY-18 savings from Community Events and Recreation budgets; and Recommends installing a new shade structure at the Community Pool ($66,000.00) with the repurposed blue shade fabric from the small playground at Harmony Park, utilizing the remaining 2010 tax note funds of $41,919.21 and FY-18 salary savings from the Parks Department budget. Page 2 of 3 Town CouncilPage 107 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Attachments: Accessible playground equipment pictures and quote Pictures of playground shade structures at Harmony and Dino playground Aerial of new potential shade structure location at the Community Pool Page 3 of 3 Town CouncilPage 108 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 109 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 110 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 111 Page Council Town Town CouncilPage 112 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town CouncilPage 113 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town CouncilPage 114 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 115 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 116 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 117 Page Council Town 2018 14, August Date: Meeting 228 of 118 Page Council Town Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-374-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/1/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget (J. Phillips). Attachments:Fiscal Year 2019 All Funds Overview.pdf Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Budget.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 13: Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 119 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Budget Popular Annual Financial Report- FY 2016 1 Town CouncilPage 164 1 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town Manager’s Message Dear Mayor, Counciland Residents, For the past eighteen monthsit has been my honor to serve the Town of Trophy Club asits Town Manager. The Town of Trophy Club is synonymous with home, for me and 12,000+ other residents.Being apublic servant and citizenincites a calling that has echoed for over millennia,“Thus in all these ways, we will transmit this City \[Town\] not only, not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.” The Athenian oath of citizenship rings true even today. With your support, Ihave been able to strategically realign this organization to better serve its residents. This has been accomplished through therestructuringofthe organization, the recruitment of a experiencedmanagement staff, and through the implementation of a performance drivenemployee evaluation system based on five core values: StewardshipAccountability Service Leadership Teamwork This system places an emphasis on rewarding those that exemplify the values of the organization. Ultimately this shiftsupports theTown’s vision, aids in decision-making processes, and isthe foundation for the organization’s culture.With these values at the forefront staff proposes a budget that meets the Town Council’s goals expressed during the budget planning process. The main objectives for FiscalYear 2019 are: Provide property tax relief through the use of special revenue funds Maintain $0.11/$100 Interest & Sinking (I&S) rate Establish a Capital Equipment Replacement fund Prepare for Phase 3 of the Trophy Wood Development This budget is presented to the Town Council and residents in accordance with State of Texas Local Government Code and the Town Charter. It was prepared utilizing advanced planning methods, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB 34) provisions, and complying with the adopted Fund Balance Policy. The adopted budget includes total revenues of $16,200,045 and expendituresof$19,671,357. Expenditures exceed revenues by $3,209,811due to $3,218,030of improvements in the Capital Projects Fund (for which debt was issued in prior periods),$382,000 in capital projects in the Parkland Dedication Fund, and$50,000 of improvements in the Hotel Occupancy Fund. Excluding capital improvements, the overall budget contains a surplus (revenues over expenditures) of $440,219. The fund balance of the General Fund is anticipated to decrease $405,874. This letter discusses, the major issues addressed in the FY19 budget. Town CouncilPage 165 2 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 The FY19 budget highlights include: Personnel • Police Shift Differential(Police) Equipment Replacement & Capital • Exhaust Reclamation System (Fire) • Extraction Tools (Fire) • Dolphin Vacuum (Recreation) • Round-A-Bout Christmas Tree Replacement (Recreation) nd • Ambulance (2Year Lease Payment)(EMS) • Command Patrol Vehicle(Police) • Repainting Splash Pad Surface(Recreation) • Repainting Splash Pad Features(Recreation) • Replace Pool Pump Shade Structure(Recreation) • MS4 5-Year Plan(Streets) Capital Improvement Projects totaling $3,650,030including: • Indian Creek Drive • Phoenix Drive • Trophy Club Drive (Durango Drive to Bobcat Blvd.) • Meadowbrook Lane • Sundance Court • Wayfinding signage, entryway monumentation and public art • HarmonyPark playground replacement ADA accessible FY19BUDGET DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS There is no accurate means by which we can see into the future, thus we have to rely on macro and micro economic indicators to drive our predictions. National, state, and regional economic conditions factor into our out-year projections and operations. National Economy -The United States is in a period of growth with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) staying between 1%-3% for the past five years, unemployment rates dropping from an average of 8.1% in 2012 to 4.0%inthe first six months of 2018(according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics), the Federal Reserve increasing the federal funds rate to 2.00%, and inflation rates arebelow 1.5% (according to the World Bank). The United States economy is seeing a new period of economic growth, key indicators of this is the rise in the federal funds rate, the drop inunemployment, and low inflation. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) has risen 2.9% over the past twelve months. The Town of Trophy Club has seen large increases in services and supplies due to thechange in value of prices of utilities. Town CouncilPage 166 3 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 State Economy - The outlook at a national level is improving,and the Texas economy continues to be a national leader ingrowth.Texas CPI is 0.4% higher than the US CPI, whichcombined with national inflation levels,is causing a rise in the price of goods. Consumer Confidence Index is 2.8% higher for Texas, primarily due to the strengthof the Texas economy. Regional Economy -The Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) economy differs from most of Texas as a whole due to its lower reliance on the oil and gas industry. One of the largest drivers of new growth in the region is the relocation of corporate offices to the DFW area. In the Alliance and Hwy114 corridors, twonew companies (Charles Schwab, and TD Ameritrade) are driving housing demand and home values for the area. Existing property appraisal values rose 5.61% over last year. The stable Texas economy has insulated the DFW area from the slow growth economy that has beenseen around the U.S. overthe past decade. The Town has capitalized on the housing and economic growth by decreasing the tax rate and offering economic incentives to attract award winning restaurants. Recent regional growth of corporate relocations has ledto a scarcity of housing in the area. The Town of Trophy Club is close to build-out and is seeing an increase in housing redevelopment. To better control the future of the Town, staff will work to improve development standards and encourage targeted redevelopment. FUTURE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES With regard to the long and short term, the most significant challenge Trophy Club faces is heavy reliance on property tax revenue. In the FY19 budget, 63.62% of the General Fund revenue for the Town was property tax revenue; by FY23it is projected to be 63.92%. The Town endeavorsto maintain a mix of revenue where property tax does not exceed 65.00% of total revenuegenerated in the General Fund. The Town is only a few years away from build-out, which has already decreased permitting revenue and has pushed the Town into an even deeper reliance on property tax revenue. Town Council and staff are focused on a multifaceted solution to address the revenue issue. On the Economic Development front, the Town has been working to recruit and develop new opportunities for destination restaurants that will increase the Town’s sales tax revenues. The first steps were taken by creating a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ#1) in the Trophy Wood District in FY13. Next, the Town entered into a public-private partnership with Old Town Development, to bring about high-end, destination eateries within TIRZ#1. The first of these restaurants to sign a lease was Bread Winners Cafe & Quarter Bar. The eatery/bar features classic architectural touches, a courtyard feel, a rooftop space, and old-world charm. The restaurant is a strong addition to the region anda great place for our residents to eat, drink, and mingle. Additionally, acclaimed BBQ restaurant Meat U Anywhere opened its doors in June 2016 on the corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114. This is a regionally and state recognized, award-winning BBQ destination that is a great place to eat for Trophy Club residents and is drawing in diners from around the metroplex and beyond. The newest addition to the areais HG Sply Co. a restaurant that serves natural, wholesome food defined not by trends. The eatery will feature three district concepts in one Town CouncilPage 167 4 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 space: the HG Sply CO, Base Camp, and the Mudsmith coffee shop. The restaurant is scheduled toopen by winter of 2018. Over the past year and with the aid of Council, we were able to come to an agreement with Beck Ventures regarding parkland dedication funding from the PD-30 development. As a result the construction of the PD-30 development is under way. The construction of approximately 45,000 square feet of retail space is slated to start constructionbeginning next year. This will further aid in the Towns revenue diversification efforts, by increasing the sales tax base. The Town of Trophy Club is working with Old Town Development, the developers that attracted both Bread Winners and HG Sply Co., to develop the next stage of the Trophy Wood district called Phase 3. This phase will be a mix of public space, retail, office space, entertainment, and dining. Though this is still in the initial planning process it is the goal of the Town to further enhance the sales tax base to reduce reliance on property taxes. SUMMARY & CONCLUSION The Town of Trophy Club is slated to have another prosperousfiscal year. This year’s FY19 budget represents a collective effort by the Town Council and the Town staff to meet challenges facing our community. This budget is more than a financial document; it is a policy document that lays the groundwork for a continuation of current services and stabilizes the future financial position in order to carry on the Town’s duties and responsibilities, while meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Town’s strategy map. Town staff will continue to work to review, evaluate, and innovate to improve service delivery. I appreciate the opportunity to lead an organization that provides our community with exceptional services, strong public safety, and an excellent quality of life. I would like to thank the Town Council and residents for volunteering their time to serve their community and providing leadership to continue to make the Town of Trophy Club “a great place to call home!” Sincerely, Thomas M. Class, Sr. Town Manager Town CouncilPage 168 5 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 3,650,030 15,541,618 0 $ 803,710 263,497192,500805,088845,113305759,305828,665600,000000144678,939603,939127,230589,804250,2311,377,097828717,650586938729517,770350512,780999340,577657,453 012,929- 428658,428)3,209,811)332,3 99 169,589,824,176,662,97,637,658, 955,123, Total 1,1,2, 9,2,1, ( 13, 19,10, ( $ $ $ $ $ Program Fund -- Recreation 500500 3078,500500$ $ 307 8,8, 7,8,7, $ $ $ $ 2018 14, August 261,500) - Dedication 500120,000382,000 270120,500$ 000770 Parkland 470,208, 382, Fund $ $ ( $ $ $ Date: 593,324)540,080) - 048359 96,407 43,164 164$ 244 Meeting 82,14, TIRZ #1 53, 43, $ $ $ (( $ $ - - - - 786$ $ $ 786 $ Grants Fund 7,7, $ $ 3,000) (3,000)550) 600150 7073,600150157 Court Security 3,1, 19,1,19, ( $ Fund ( $ $ $ $ $ 4,245) Technology - 2008,445 5574,200$ 312 445 Court 4, 15,8,11, Fund $ $ ( $ $ $ - - All Funds Summary - Fiscal Year 2019 Occupancy 600,000 00020,40050,000 413605,000400$ 600236,013 - Hotel 5, 701,70,534, Fund $ 1, $ $ $ $ 20,000) (20,000) Trophy Club 000418 842170,000418582424 Park Fund 170,112, 127,112,165, 37, ( $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 66,937) (66,937)228 - 432,754500057275 767433,254332985752 of Drainage - Stormwater Utility Fund 179, 153, 411,332,33,445, 169 ( $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 Page - 678337 706226,678337$ 341047 - Street Maint. 226,204, 204,119, 96,22, Fund $ $ $ $ $ 204,023) (204,023)384,842) 635,775400 356000 708455,356175866 EDC 4B Fund 453,2, 805,636,420, ( $ $ $ ($ $ $ 49,881)1,291) (49,881) - 204,010420 811204,010420520 CCPD Fund 155, 155, 57,56, ( ( $ $ $ $ $ $ Replacement - - - - -- 126,452 128,985 59,150587 587314,58700 $ $ $ $ Capital 314, 314, Fund $ $ Debt Service 2,477,778 2,250,206000841 5592,260,206477,778280,841269829 -- 10,280, 453,63,516, Fund $ 2, $ $ $ $ $ (3,158,030) - 3,218,030 60,000 6,285,51560,0003,218,0303,127,485 $ -- - Capital Projects Fund $ $ $ $ $ (314,587)(251,587)(405,874) The General 6,931,243192,500805,088946,711336,251759,305828,66545,00049,144603,939127,2302,434,3841,123,7801,377,097232,4341,605,232687,101156,538662,729517,77087,755512,780578,849340,57763,000 4,936,08610,893,90711,048,1944,530,212 Fund $ $ $ $ Council $ $ Total Other Sources (Uses)Town Emergency Medical Services Community Development Total Expenditures Net Increase (Decrease) Beginning Fund Balance Administrative Services Total Revenue Miscellaneous Income Other Sources (Uses): General GovernmentFacility Management Licenses and Permits Information Services Ending Fund balance Intergovernmental Investment Income Charges for Service Community Events Streets & Drainage Manager's Office Capital - Projects Municipal Court Occupancy Tax Franchise FeesFines and Fees Property Tax Transfers Out Debt Issuance Expenditures Debt Service Recreation Transfers In Sales Tax Revenue Finance Legal Police Parks Fire The General Fund FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 RevenuesFY 18 ESTIMATE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Property Tax $ 5,205,437 $ 5,769,797 $ 6,267,051 $ 6,439,666 $ 6,460,500 $ 6,931,243 $ 7,114,815 $ 7,176,744 Licenses and Permits 697,378 598,586 333,780 243,100 328,500 192,500 113,500 113,500 Franchise Fees 811,052 953,622 888,863 869,631 829,313 805,088 791,675 778,677 Sales Tax 751,510 821,227 883,612 964,299 905,462 946,711 966,045 985,778 Fines and Fees 574,558 356,307 349,503 341,824 377,602 336,251 339,503 343,306 Intergovernmental 126,134 - 581,633 608,896 608,896 759,305 782,084 805,547 Charges for Service 282,956 300,337 806,815 776,330 774,602 828,665 850,057 872,056 Investment Income 7,829 33,477 48,503 40,000 50,000 45,000 47,500 50,000 Miscellaneous Income 88,993 259,315 117,186 85,144 85,986 49,144 49,144 49,144 Grant Revenue 73,343 - - - - - - - Total Revenues $ 8,619,191 $ 9,092,668 $ 10,276,946 $ 10,368,890 $ 10, 420,861 $ 10,893,907 $ 11,054,323 $ 11,174,752 FOOT$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 ExpendituresFY 18 ESTIMATE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Manager's Office $ 1,030,977 $ 826,562 $ 577,140 $ 626,131 $ 521,385 $ 603,939 $ 620,304 $ 629,162 Legal 176,384 307,245 110,140 129,988 119,424 127,230 127,350 130,230 Police 1,974,596 2,223,459 2,092,872 2,367,813 2,322,484 2,434,384 2,491,133 2,590,219 Emergency Medical Services 865,699 923,247 979,623 1,090,360 1,125,818 1,123,780 1,170,086 1,193,559 Fire - - 1,031,700 1,082,563 1,098,895 1,377,097 1,336,260 1,319,575 Streets 397,770 356,472 381,756 398,831 334,843 232,434 241,212 250,419 Medians 323,438 - - - - - - - Parks 968,919 1,340,468 1,748,111 1,542,115 1,422,941 1,605,232 1,605,525 1,641,232 Recreation 520,979 632,364 675,994 587,333 567,788 687,101 686,028 700,789 Community Events 19,008 26,155 34,006 47,619 22,631 156,538 132,049 37,037 Community Development 562,496 576,508 507,011 642,283 541,382 662,729 657,224 667,288 Finance 345,775 400,642 442,798 523,132 506,981 517,770 527,007 539,204 Municipal Court 80,754 75,421 81,377 82,013 81,211 87,755 88,752 90,237 Administrative Services 99,862 159,216 170,404 385,805 384,632 512,780 520,018 533,318 Information Services 509,301 478,364 490,098 677,271 600,612 578,849 578,953 578,654 Facilities Maintenance 108,065 99,528 127,330 219,250 237,197 340,577 340,773 347,269 Total Expenditures $ 7,984,023 $ 8,425,653 $ 9,450,360 $ 10,402,506 $ 9,888,223 $ 11,048,194 $ 11,122,674 $ 11,248,192 FOOT$ 2.00$ 2.00$ (1.00)$ ( 0.80)$ 0.00$ (0.00) FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Other Sources (Uses)FY 18 ESTIMATE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Transfers In $ 11,000 $ 111,702 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 63,000 Transfers Out - (275,744) (707,484) - (35,817) (314,587) (552,302) (225,900) Total Other Sources (Uses) $ 11,000 $ (164,042) $ (644,484)$ 63,000$ 27,183 $ (251,587) $ (489,302)$ (162,900) FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Fund BalanceFY 18 ESTIMATE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund balance $ 3,045,021 $ 3,691,189 $ 4,194,162 $ 4,115,087 $ 4,376,264 $ 4,936,086 $ 4,530,212 $ 3,972,558 Net increase (Decrease) 646,168 502,973 182,102 29,384 559,821 (405,874) (557,653) (236,340) Ending Fund Balance $ 3,691,189 $ 4,194,162 $ 4,376,264 $ 4,144,471$ 4,936,086 $ 4,530,212 $ 3,972,558 $ 3,736,218 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Fund Balance DetailFY 18 ESTIMATE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Reserve Fund balance 2,395,207 2,527,696 2,835,108 3,120,752 2,966,467 3,314,458 3,336,802 3,374,458 Assigned Fund Balance 228,138 - - - - - - Committed Fund Balance 200,000 189,475 183,855 171,855 182,863 170,863 158,863 134,863 Unassigned Fund Balance in 867,844 1,476,991 1,357,302 851,865 1,786,756 1,044,890 476,893 226,898 Excess (Deficit) of 30% Total Fund Balance $ 3,691,189 $ 4,194,162 $ 4,376,264 $ 4,144,471$ 4,936,086 $ 4,530,212 $ 3,972,558 $ 3,736,218 Town CouncilPage 170 7 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 MANAGER'S FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 OFFICE ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 675,545 $ 507,107 $ 363,140 $ 415,264 $ 292,981 $ 398,947 $ 420,198 $ 425,962 Overtime - - 444 - - - - - Longevity 1,883 1,175 195 310 175 398 548 698 Stipend 4,000 3,000 4,500 - - - - - Retirement 126,385 79,022 56,898 50,645 37,846 48,909 49,910 50,931 Medical Insurance 43,011 40,310 17,286 10,550 13,161 6,638 6,638 6,638 Dental Insurance 2,975 3,137 1,125 797 913 332 332 332 Vision Insurance 606 533 126 90 105 79 79 79 Life Insurance & Other 2,954 3,200 1,574 1,613 1,316 1,430 1,430 1,430 Social Security Taxes 31,152 26,388 21,492 16,120 18,176 14,187 14,331 14,478 Medicare Taxes 9,737 7,060 5,208 4,401 4,251 4,103 4,187 4,273 Unemployment Taxes 2,024 878 114 513 495 428 428 428 Workers' Compensation 1,459 1,088 910 768 671 716 730 745 Pre-Employment 113 - 666 - - - - - Auto Allowance 7,660 6,054 4,250 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Employee Relations 652 2,632 6,051 450 450 450 450 450 Total Personnel $ 910,155 $ 681,583 $ 483,982 $ 507,521 $ 376,540 $ 482,617 $ 505,261 $ 512,444 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 5,925 $ 6,117 $ 7,195 $ 225 $ 225 $ 3,440 $ 1,440 $ 1,440 TC Magazine 13,050 - - - - - - - Records Management 1,750 2,912 2,004 3,325 3,635 2,512 2,562 2,613 Newsletter/Year-In-Review 9,788 5,438 1,363 - - - - - Elections 12,685 36,098 6,567 15,000 13,000 14,200 14,480 14,770 Meals on Wheels - - - - - - - - Advertising 3,089 10,256 4,465 5,000 4,000 4,000 4,080 4,162 Printing 1,027 864 896 4,200 1,000 600 620 640 Schools & Training 3,893 3,499 3,612 2,180 2,400 10,335 2,095 2,375 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,891 3,590 2,325 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Independent Labor 1,577 1,473 874 - - - - - Dues & Membership 20,533 17,845 17,691 16,695 14,011 16,909 17,205 17,608 Travel & Per Diem 5,466 2,644 5,238 4,495 4,550 3,500 4,400 4,550 Meetings 4,555 2,755 1,688 2,924 3,349 3,660 3,770 3,660 Office Supplies 1,814 811 1,557 2,000 2,200 2,200 2,240 2,281 Postage 1,318 2,072 4,078 1,464 1,464 750 765 780 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 25 988 118 250 420 420 422 425 Mayor/Council Expense 13,674 21,535 19,748 23,344 21,566 20,288 22,165 22,315 Small Equipment - - 1,300 - 1,300 - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 465 - 395 1,000 400 1,000 1,000 1,000 Contingency Expense 14,333 15,266 6,453 25,000 60,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Miscellaneous Expense 1,966 10,816 5,592 - 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 Incentive Program - - - 9,708 9,425 9,708 9,999 10,299 Total Services/Supplies $ 120,822 $ 144,978 $ 93,159 $ 118,610 $ 144,845 $ 121, 322$ 115, 043$ 116, 718 Total Expenditures $1,030,977 $ 826,562 $ 577,140 $ 626,131 $ 521,385 $ 603,939 $ 620,304 $ 629,162 Town CouncilPage 171 8 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 Legal ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED PROJECTED PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 117,433 $ 168,093 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Longevity 1,058 1,148 - - - - - - Stipend 750 750 - - - - - - Retirement 24,900 33,849 - - - - - - Medical Insurance 5,570 3,906 - - - - - - Dental Insurance 389 280 - - - - - - Vision Insurance 81 55 - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 693 497 - - - - - - Social Security Taxes 7,388 8,873 - - - - - - Medicare Taxes 1,728 2,440 - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes 9 171 - - - - - - Workers' Compensation 261 262 - - - - - - Total Personnel $ 160,259 $ 220,324 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 6,632 79,365 1 05,835 1 26,000 1 18,200 1 26,000 1 26,120 1 29,000 Schools & Training 299 - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 466 392 - - - - - - Dues & Membership 465 - - - - - - - Travel & Per Diem 1,376 - - - - - - - Office Supplies 117 223 2 16 2 50 2 03 2 00 2 00 2 00 Postage 60 25 1 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 6,709 6,916 3 ,997 3 ,588 8 80 8 80 8 80 8 80 Miscellaneous Expense - - 9 1 1 00 9 1 1 00 1 00 1 00 Total Services/Supplies $ 16,125 $ 86,921 $ 110,140 $ 129,988 $ 119,424 $ 127,230 $ 127,350 $ 130,230 Total Expenditures $ 176,384 $ 307,245 $ 110,140 $ 129,988 $ 119,424 $ 127,230 $ 127,350 $ 130,230 Town CouncilPage 172 9 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Police ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 1,165,261 $ 1,275,122 $ 1,224,169 $ 1,488,834 $ 1,413,329 $ 1,577,996 $ 1,609,625 $ 1,641,883 Overtime 55,386 80,503 64, 143 55, 000 81, 325 57, 200 57, 200 57, 200 Longevity 12,073 11,105 6, 005 8, 298 7, 108 6, 530 7, 640 8, 750 Stipend 16,600 15,750 10, 600 - - - - - Certification 12,297 11,929 8, 100 9, 300 5, 400 9, 300 9, 300 9, 300 Holiday Pay 19,836 23,658 - - - - - - Retirement 167,155 172,155 163, 707 191, 386 186, 300 195, 314 199, 324 203, 411 Medical Insurance 109,093 107,728 111, 183 163, 972 173, 675 197, 191 197, 191 197, 191 Dental Insurance 8,645 9,198 7, 507 11, 428 10, 770 10, 112 10, 112 10, 112 Vision Insurance 1,891 1,842 1, 016 1, 389 1, 453 1, 320 1, 320 1, 320 Life Insurance & Other 8,967 10,137 6, 703 8, 875 7, 521 9, 145 9, 145 9, 145 Social Security Taxes 76,509 84,510 77, 511 94, 862 93, 816 100, 364 102, 201 104, 074 Medicare Taxes 17,894 19,866 18, 443 22, 504 21, 941 23, 809 24, 280 24, 761 Unemployment Taxes 1,208 5,955 830 5, 175 5, 688 4, 643 4, 643 4, 643 Workers' Compensation 31,310 24,469 24, 651 31, 410 58, 871 33, 360 34, 027 34, 708 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 2,537 4,992 4,626 1, 500 1, 938 - - - Clothing Allowance 1,235 1,186 1, 250 1, 200 - 1, 200 1, 200 1, 200 Total Personnel $ 1,707,897 $ 1,860,105 $ 1,730,446 $ 2,095,133 $ 2,069,135 $ 2,227,484 $ 2,267,208 $ 2,307,698 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services 8,370 40,491 11, 563 7, 000 7, 500 1, 000 2, 000 9, 000 Records Management 277 925 1, 178 - - - - - Advertising 154 4,976 2, 901 2, 000 2, 700 2, 000 2, 000 4, 000 Printing 590 779 144 700 700 700 600 800 Abatements - - - - - - - - Schools & Training 4,774 12,422 11, 674 9, 800 12, 000 - - 13, 400 Electricity 15,591 14,781 13, 359 - - - - - Water 835 823 1, 036 - - - - - Telephone - - ------ Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 10,347 15,063 15, 240 14, 700 12, 129 16, 932 17, 270 17, 616 Building Maintenance 16,374 7,287 5, 940 - - - - - Vehicle Maintenance 20,808 37,375 45, 664 26, 400 43, 000 27, 900 30, 000 31, 750 Equipment Maintenance 3,357 4,579 536 4, 425 4, 150 4, 375 4, 550 3, 950 Cleaning Services 197 - - - - - - - Qualifying Expenses 4,475 12,424 8, 430 9, 900 12, 200 1, 000 1, 000 17, 300 Emergency Management 1,000 54 2, 153 - 2, 153 - - - Dispatch - Denton County 36,816 32,369 30, 447 42, 000 30, 447 39, 338 44, 000 46, 000 Independent Labor 4,450 2,750 2, 650 6, 000 4, 000 - - 8, 000 Dues & Membership 985 1,707 3, 279 2, 505 2, 710 3, 855 4, 055 3, 905 Travel & Per Diem 7,906 8,089 7, 804 9, 000 9, 400 10, 500 11, 500 11, 500 Meetings 451 1,064 516 600 500 700 700 700 Office Supplies 3,677 3,886 4, 777 2, 100 3, 500 2, 500 2, 300 2, 300 Postage 407 461 626 550 500 550 550 550 Publications/Books/Subscription 226 537 95 1, 000 1, 100 1, 000 1, 600 1, 000 Fuel 27,205 26,010 28, 388 40, 000 36, 000 43, 500 46, 000 46, 000 Uniforms 24,261 22,304 17, 183 22, 900 30, 250 22, 000 22, 300 22, 500 Protective Clothing 6,826 1,530 1, 020 - - - - - Investigative Materials 8,416 6,376 6, 037 5, 000 6, 700 5, 000 6, 500 6, 500 Animal Control 5,708 5,104 3, 690 6, 500 6, 600 7, 750 8, 500 8, 750 Small Equipment 15,118 26,904 11, 760 1, 900 8, 250 2, 000 4, 000 3, 200 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 2,640 385 - - - - - - Maintenance Supplies 3,066 2,308 2, 368 - 2, 500 - - - Miscellaneous Expense 2,391 6,096 2, 415 2, 000 1, 700 2, 000 2, 200 3, 000 Programs & Special Projects 24,844 16,138 5, 410 16, 700 12, 660 12, 300 12, 300 20, 800 Prompt Payment Interest - - ------ Total Services/Supplies $ 262,540 $ 315,993 $ 248,283 $ 233,680 $ 253,349 $ 206,900 $ 223,925 $ 282,521 Capital Capital Outlay 4,160 47,362 114, 143 39, 000 - - - - Total Capital $ 4,160 $ 47,362 $ 114,143 $ 39,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 1,974,596 $ 2,223,459 $ 2,092,872 $ 2,367,813 $ 2,322,484 $ 2,434,384 $ 2,491,133 $ 2,590,219 Town CouncilPage 173 10 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Emergency Medical FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Services ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $477,487 $512,086 $537,397 $ 548,375 $ 562,719 $ 600,464 $ 612,473 $ 624,722 Overtime 41,515 58,919 68, 555 50, 122 72, 000 80, 762 80, 974 81, 192 Longevity 5,291 5,730 5, 599 5, 879 5, 856 6, 566 7, 226 7, 886 Stipend 11,250 9,750 6, 313 - - - - - Certification 5,129 5,140 4, 988 4, 950 4, 597 4, 950 4, 950 4, 950 Holiday Pay 14,461 14,718 - - - - - - Retirement 75,464 73,242 78, 959 79, 810 83, 243 90, 511 92, 187 93, 895 Medical Insurance 57,450 58,498 61, 733 63, 384 63, 369 85, 791 85, 791 85, 791 Dental Insurance 4,381 4,620 4, 365 4, 285 4, 756 4, 998 4, 998 4, 998 Vision Insurance 768 858 431 433 558 536 536 536 Life Insurance & Others 3,828 4,140 2, 855 3, 674 3, 094 4, 068 4, 068 4, 068 Social Security Taxes 31,805 33,612 34, 461 36, 920 39, 977 42, 511 43, 297 44, 097 Medicare Taxes 7,440 7,863 8, 057 8, 634 9, 350 9, 942 10, 126 10, 313 Unemployment Taxes (5) 1,514 159 1, 424 1, 719 1, 542 1, 542 1, 542 Workers' Compensation 8,425 7,969 7, 885 9, 945 8, 695 10, 786 11, 001 11, 222 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 421 800 1, 291 4, 600 4, 000 7, 794 8, 027 8, 268 Total Personnel $745,108 $799,459 $823,046 $ 822,435 $ 863,933 $ 951,221 $ 967,196 $ 983,480 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services - 2,231 1, 907 - 125 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 Collection Fees 13,942 21,004 20, 877 23, 432 23, 432 23, 432 24, 603 28, 294 Hazmat Disposal 931 608 642 1, 065 900 240 247 254 Radios 82 2,486 219 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 3, 090 3, 182 Schools & Training 814 2,476 1, 701 4, 508 4, 500 6, 425 5, 541 5, 597 Electricity 6,920 5,766 6, 446 8, 140 7, 300 8, 000 8, 400 8, 800 Water 1,575 1,925 2, 758 4, 648 3, 167 3, 800 4, 000 4, 200 Telephone - - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,984 4,558 4, 616 6, 500 6, 500 2, 780 2, 836 2, 892 Building Maintenance 812 657 2, 779 2, 000 2, 000 3, 000 3, 500 4, 000 Vehicle Maintenance 6,437 4,979 12, 137 15, 645 15, 600 13, 845 16, 030 16, 528 Equipment Maintenance 4,835 315 3, 148 10, 096 8, 917 11, 958 11, 120 11, 286 Emergency Management 2,180 1,746 3, 470 13, 430 4, 650 6, 330 6, 689 6, 799 Dispatch - Denton County 2,216 2,472 2, 376 2, 723 2, 762 3, 481 3, 655 4, 204 Dues & Membership 651 1,249 907 3, 879 3, 642 3, 296 4, 166 3, 296 Flags & Repairs 2,210 2,728 3, 360 7, 412 7, 400 9, 919 500 500 Travel & Per Diem 605 2,115 480 3, 910 3, 700 7, 170 7, 150 7, 505 Meetings 33 - 110 750 750 750 772 795 Safety Programs - - 1, 289 1, 700 1, 700 1, 700 2, 001 1, 802 Inspection Fees - - - - - - - - Office Supplies 117 252 464 500 511 500 514 530 Postage 159 45 28 100 100 100 103 106 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - 3, 201 300 300 300 309 318 Fuel 5,776 3,452 4, 895 8, 987 5, 500 11, 738 12, 090 12, 452 Uniforms 2,403 8,661 6, 956 6, 687 6, 500 5, 907 6, 079 6, 002 Medical Control 6,959 12,799 12, 750 8, 007 12, 957 16, 988 17, 496 18, 021 Pharmacy 3,442 5,482 3, 119 7, 920 7, 920 6, 300 6, 489 6, 683 Oxygen 1,125 1,084 1, 112 2, 820 1, 500 2, 000 2, 060 2, 121 Disposable Supplies 8,283 7,791 7, 927 11, 400 11, 400 11, 400 11, 742 12, 094 Small Equipment 4,787 9,817 2, 473 3, 900 3, 900 3, 900 36, 854 36, 909 Maintenance Supplies 91 - - 300 300 300 309 318 Miscellaneous Expense 404 1,003 336 1, 500 1, 500 1, 000 1, 545 1, 591 Total Services/Supplies $ 79,772 $107,702 $112,481 $ 165,258 $ 152,433 $ 172,559 $ 202,890 $ 210,079 Capital Capital Outlay 40,818 16,086 44, 097 102, 667 109, 452 - - - Total Capital $ 40,818 $ 16,086 $ 44,097 $ 102,667 $ 109,452 $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $865,699 $923,247 $979,623 $1,090,360 $1,125,818 $1,123,780 $ 1,170,086 $1,193,559 Town CouncilPage 174 11 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Fire ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ 537,947 $ 558,792 $ 562,718 $ 642,064 $ 655,061 $ 668,323 Overtime - - 68, 555 50, 122 72, 000 73, 688 73,688 73,688 Longevity - - 5, 599 5, 879 5, 856 6, 566 7,226 7,886 Stipend - - 6, 313 - - - - - Certification - - 4, 988 4, 950 4, 550 4, 950 4,950 4,950 Retirement - - 79, 312 81, 248 83, 243 90, 511 92,187 93,895 Medical Insurance - - 61, 919 62, 650 63, 360 85, 791 85,791 85,791 Dental Insurance - - 4, 373 4, 285 4, 753 4, 998 4,998 4,998 Vision Insurance - - 429 433 554 536 536 536 Life Insurance & Others - - 2, 853 3, 746 3, 087 4, 068 4,068 4,068 Social Security Taxes - - 34, 596 37, 565 39, 977 44, 123 44,941 45,774 Medicare Taxes - - 8, 084 8, 785 9, 349 10, 319 10,510 10,705 Unemployment Taxes - - 158 1, 424 1, 717 1, 628 1,628 1,628 Workers' Compensation - - 7, 885 10, 139 8, 865 11, 269 11,495 11,725 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - 2, 917 4, 600 4, 300 7, 794 8,027 8,268 Tuition Reimbursement - - 2, 184 5, 075 5, 075 9, 600 10,000 12,000 Total Personnel $ - $ - $ 828,111 $ 839,693 $ 869,404 $ 997,905 $ 1,015,106 $ 1,034,235 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services - - 2, 327 - 125 3, 000 3,000 3,000 Software & Support - - 608 6, 943 5, 544 12, 813 12,888 12,965 Advertising - - 398 500 500 750 750 750 Printing - - 265 250 250 250 257 265 Radios-- 167 ----- Schools & Training - - 3, 825 15, 670 14, 000 24, 090 23,434 25,624 Electricity - - 6, 446 8, 140 7, 300 8, 000 8,400 8,800 Water - - 2, 758 4, 648 3, 167 3, 800 4,000 4,200 Telephone - - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - 11, 235 13, 245 13, 046 8, 925 9,104 9,286 Building Maintenance - - 13, 758 16, 750 16, 700 93, 000 18,465 18,943 Vehicle Maintenance - - 23, 053 46, 000 46, 000 48, 500 49,975 51,494 Equipment Maintenance - - 5, 214 17, 240 17, 100 21, 900 19,115 20,244 Emergency Management - - 1, 919 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 1,000 1,000 Dispatch - Denton County - - 2, 376 2, 723 3, 046 3, 481 3,655 4,204 Dues & Membership - - 15, 404 19, 295 19, 243 20, 417 21,889 21,889 Flags & Repairs - - 3, 311 3, 500 2, 000 9, 419 - - Travel & Per Diem - - 1, 979 7, 066 7, 280 13, 507 14,006 14,426 Meetings-- 71 ----- Safety Programs - - 3, 375 - - - - - Inspection Fees-------- Office Supplies - - 815 250 290 250 258 265 Printer Supplies - - - 1, 400 1, 400 1, 400 1,442 1,485 Postage - - 57 50 50 100 103 109 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - 350 350 200 350 360 372 Fuel - - 15, 614 13, 613 9, 000 13, 933 14,350 14,781 Uniforms - - 9, 266 6, 687 6, 500 5, 907 6,084 6,266 Medical Control - - - - - - - - Pharmacy-- 158 ----- Oxygen-------- Safety Equipment/Protective Clothing - - 27, 815 30, 200 30, 000 31, 600 33,064 34,644 Disposable Supplies-------- Small Equipment - - 17, 681 5, 000 5, 499 25, 800 22,650 5,300 Hardware - - - 1, 100 850 4, 200 3,358 2,167 Maintenance Supplies - - 410 1, 500 1, 400 1, 500 1,545 1,592 Miscellaneous Expense - - 767 6, 000 5, 000 6, 000 6,180 6,365 Programs & Special Projects - - 3, 206 13, 750 13, 000 15, 300 14,572 14,904 Total Services/Supplies $ - $ - $ 174,626 $ 242,870 $ 229,490 $ 379,192 $ 293,904 $ 285,340 Capital Capital Outlay - - 28, 962 - - - 27,250 - Total Capital $ - $ - $ 28,962 $ - $ - $ - $ 27,250 $ - Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ 1,031,700 $ 1,082,563 $ 1,098,895 $ 1,377,097 $ 1,336,260 $ 1,319,575 Town CouncilPage 175 12 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Streets ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 129,912 $ 136,318 $ 164,319 $ 144,414 $ 124,668 $ 42,449 $ 43,298 $ 44,164 Overtime 1,859 1,525 1 ,412 3 ,000 1 ,223 2 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 Longevity 1,961 1,748 1 ,928 8 26 7 62 1 12 1 60 2 08 Stipend 2,015 1,710 1 ,850 - - - - - Retirement 18,906 18,327 2 2,254 1 9,268 1 6,351 5 ,816 5 ,933 6 ,053 Medical Insurance 18,053 16,667 1 4,596 1 8,479 1 5,915 - - - Dental Insurance 1,281 1,438 1 ,664 1 ,854 1 ,809 5 71 5 71 5 71 Vision Insurance 273 271 1 70 1 78 1 77 5 5 5 5 5 5 Life Insurance & Other 1,091 1,143 9 52 9 40 7 23 3 11 3 11 3 11 Social Security Taxes 7,676 8,160 9 ,916 9 ,191 7 ,852 2 ,763 2 ,818 2 ,875 Medicare Taxes 1,795 1,908 2 ,314 2 ,149 1 ,836 6 46 6 59 6 72 Unemployment Taxes (1) 540 7 1 4 45 5 50 1 37 1 37 1 37 Workers' Compensation 3,927 3,473 2 ,874 5 ,688 4 ,973 2 ,577 2 ,629 2 ,681 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 10 207 3 03 - 2 48 - - - Total Personnel $ 188,757 $ 193,437 $ 224,622 $ 206,432 $ 177,087 $ 57,437 $ 58,571 $ 59,727 Services/Supplies Professional Services-PID Utility - 2,419 - - - - - - Schools & Training 785 76 1 ,104 1 ,224 8 00 2 ,336 2 ,061 2 ,061 Electricity 145,878 149,454 1 45,589 1 81,500 1 48,800 1 63,680 1 72,000 1 80,000 Water - 599 1 ,428 - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,877 2,025 2 ,611 1 ,900 2 ,090 2 ,466 2 ,515 2 ,566 Property Maintenance-- 867 ----- Vehicle Maintenance - 9 - - - - - - Equipment Maintenance 1,019 2,296 2 ,569 3 ,000 3 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 Signs & Markings - 58 2 1 - - - - - Dues & Membership 294 403 2 04 6 42 - - - - Travel & Per Diem 592 - - 1 ,228 - 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 Meetings - 109 2 0 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Office Supplies 117 532 2 72 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Postage 2 0 7 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Uniforms 1,655 2,877 1 ,428 2 ,355 2 ,355 2 ,805 2 ,355 2 ,355 Small Tools 1,612 2,178 1 ,014 - 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 Total Services/Supplies $ 153,831 $ 163,035 $ 157,134 $ 192,399 $ 157,755 $ 174,997 $ 182,641 $ 190,692 Capital Capital Outlay 55,181 - - - - - - - Total Capital $ 55,181 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 397,770 $ 356,472 $ 381,756 $ 398,831 $ 334,843 $ 232,434 $ 241,212 $ 250,419 Town CouncilPage 176 13 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Parks ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 387,421 $ 496,451 $ 533,362 $ 555,058 $ 546,852 $ 590,782 $ 602,598 $ 614,650 Overtime 18,772 23,638 10, 135 15, 000 8, 236 20, 000 20, 000 20, 000 Longevity 3,490 4,010 4, 538 4, 299 4, 166 4, 544 5, 309 6, 074 Stipend 7,375 7,875 8, 525 - - - - - Certification 1,792 2,443 2, 300 1, 500 1, 100 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 Retirement 58,264 67,244 68, 800 70, 423 49, 490 75, 409 76, 954 78, 529 Medical Insurance 63,009 64,728 71, 121 83, 408 93, 829 110, 480 110, 480 110, 480 Dental Insurance 4,287 5,500 4, 248 5, 106 6, 060 5, 487 5, 487 5, 487 Vision Insurance 986 1,095 604 762 811 796 796 796 Life Insurance & Other 3,516 4,631 3, 120 3, 734 3, 316 3, 996 3, 996 3, 996 Social Security Taxes 24,212 31,619 33, 387 35, 703 34, 742 37, 933 38, 713 39, 508 Medicare Taxes 5,663 7,395 7, 804 8, 350 8, 125 8, 871 9, 054 9, 240 Unemployment Taxes 135 2,399 585 2, 309 2, 596 2, 394 2, 394 2, 394 Workers' Compensation 11,680 10,730 10, 898 13, 332 12, 092 13, 730 14, 005 14, 285 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 316 940 1, 076 - 48 - - - Total Personnel $ 590,919 $ 730,698 $ 760,502 $ 798,984 $ 771,465 $ 875,922 $ 891,286 $ 906,939 Services/Supplies Software & Support 453 - - - - - - - Advertising 2,681 290 916 500 859 500 500 500 Schools & Training 4,041 1,845 2, 613 2, 105 2, 830 4, 740 4, 240 4, 310 Electricity 30,134 35,804 39, 445 45, 980 53, 911 55, 461 58, 233 61, 145 Water 61,067 122,475 155, 498 195, 858 189, 979 227, 973 239, 371 251, 340 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 7,896 10,413 9, 320 7, 300 5, 866 10, 303 10, 509 10, 719 Property Maintenance 137,545 239,546 229, 871 235, 400 188, 400 239, 680 209, 690 210, 386 Building Maintenance 3,639 3,066 985 1, 000 1, 000 3, 500 1, 000 1, 000 Vehicle Maintenance 10,441 12,649 16, 259 8, 955 18, 561 13, 905 14, 124 14, 397 Equipment Maintenance 10,942 5,001 16, 469 10, 500 10, 500 10, 500 11, 000 11, 500 Independent Labor - 70,320 89, 977 104, 312 85, 146 94, 632 96, 564 98, 546 Storage Rental 14,903 11,018 11, 589 7, 008 10, 708 6, 204 6, 204 6, 304 Portable Toilets - 3,126 2, 540 3, 405 4, 226 3, 405 3, 507 3, 612 Dues & Membership 811 2,153 200 470 300 1, 030 1, 050 1, 070 Travel & Per Diem 1,935 3,390 684 120 1, 390 1, 540 1, 540 1, 600 Meetings 995 156 247 750 750 750 750 750 Safety Program 703 1,055 - - - - - - Tree City - 9,926 2, 625 10, 000 10, 000 10, 000 10, 000 10, 000 Office Supplies 520 1,008 460 500 500 500 300 300 Postage 46 32 - 25 30 25 25 25 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 714 509 444 500 500 700 700 700 Fuel 13,789 13,514 17, 379 15, 875 15, 000 20, 350 20, 757 21, 172 Uniforms 6,979 9,422 5, 211 8, 420 9, 432 8, 172 8, 335 8, 501 Median Banners - - - - - - - - Small Tools 6,867 10,393 6, 511 15, 000 10, 000 11, 675 12, 000 12, 500 Safety Equipment 4,976 2,981 1, 367 2, 250 3, 500 3, 765 3, 840 3, 916 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - 6,309 - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 3,817 1,181 112 - - - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 325,893 $ 577,580 $ 610,723 $ 676,233 $ 623,388 $ 729,310 $ 714,239 $ 734,293 Capital Capital Outlay 52,106 32,191 376, 886 66, 898 28, 089 - - - Total Capital $ 52,106 $ 32,191 $ 376,886 $ 66,898 $ 28,089 $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 968,919 $ 1,340,468 $ 1,748,111 $ 1,542,115 $ 1,422,941 $ 1,605,232 $ 1,605,525 $ 1,641,232 Town CouncilPage 177 14 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 MEDIANS ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 102,289 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Overtime 5,977 - - - - - - - Longevity 200 - - - - - - - Stipend 2,000 - - - - - - - Retirement 14,844 - - - - - - - Medical Insurance 16,239 - - - - - - - Dental Insurance 1,277 - - - - - - - Vision Insurance 267 - - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 950 - - - - - - - Social Security Taxes 6,783 - - - - - - - Medicare Taxes 1,586 - - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes 86 - - - - - - - Workers' Compensation 2,104 - - - - - - - Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 70 - - - - - - - Total Personnel $ 154,672 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services/Supplies Electricity 1,501 - - - - - - - Water 45,788 - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,080 - - - - - - - Property Maintence 92,610 - - - - - - - Vehicle Maintenance 4,775 - - - - - - - Equipment Maintenance 2,326 - - - - - - - Meetings 54 - - - - - - - Safety Program 149 - - - - - - - Tree City 9,240 - - - - - - - Office Supplies 285 - - - - - - - Fuel 1,969 - - - - - - - Uniforms 2,560 - - - - - - - Small Tools 6,430 - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 168,766 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 323,438 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Town CouncilPage 178 15 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Recreation ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 296,585 $ 314,555 $ 321,067 $ 306,389 $ 283,275 $ 360,703 $ 367,917 $ 375,275 Overtime 2,300 834 3, 028 3, 800 - 3, 800 3, 800 3, 800 Longevity 901 1,144 1, 183 695 559 795 942 1, 089 Stipend 1,575 1,575 1, 688 - - - - - Certification - - 100 - 600 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 Retirement 19,373 19,156 16, 465 17, 091 36, 720 21, 090 21, 519 21, 958 Medical Insurance 12,929 13,912 10, 760 14, 460 14, 704 25, 499 25, 499 25, 499 Dental Insurance 990 1,056 690 1, 006 1, 141 1, 604 1, 604 1, 604 Vision Insurance 199 193 84 102 122 172 172 172 Life Insurance & Other 1,134 1,197 654 947 728 1, 107 1, 107 1, 107 Social Security Taxes 18,374 19,251 19, 874 19, 368 17, 635 22, 741 23, 198 23, 663 Medicare Taxes 4,297 4,502 4, 638 4, 530 4, 124 5, 319 5, 425 5, 534 Unemployment Taxes 488 3,454 330 1, 685 1, 642 1, 837 1, 839 1, 840 Workers' Compensation 6,589 6,831 6, 314 7, 359 6, 434 8, 664 8, 837 9, 014 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 2,814 3,617 4, 934 2, 705 1, 660 2, 705 2, 705 2, 705 Total Personnel $ 368,548 $ 391,276 $ 391,808 $ 380,137 $ 369,344 $ 457,536 $ 466,064 $ 474,760 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services - - 4, 974 3, 600 2, 500 4, 450 4, 450 4, 450 Software & Support 3,480 3,847 3, 516 2, 940 3, 300 3, 027 3, 042 3, 057 Health Inspections - - - 300 300 300 300 300 Advertising 1,920 2,085 5, 708 2, 609 1, 687 4, 012 2, 784 3, 762 Printing 2,701 3,321 6, 497 3, 000 2, 250 1, 000 1, 000 1, 200 Schools & Training 1,849 2,043 5, 626 5, 505 8, 285 7, 975 6, 385 6, 190 Service Charges & Fees 12,605 10,772 10, 387 10, 800 10, 800 10, 800 10, 800 10, 800 Electricity 14,323 13,779 18, 481 20, 900 23, 000 25, 300 26, 565 27, 893 Water 10,936 23,649 37, 556 52, 000 45, 000 52, 200 54, 810 57, 551 Telephone 1,704 1,733 1, 699 1, 807 1, 807 - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,577 3,126 3, 019 2, 050 2, 094 4, 562 4, 653 4, 746 Property Maintenance 13,890 7,779 15, 926 8, 000 13, 800 18, 280 14, 580 14, 880 Independent Labor 309 ---- - - - Equipment rental/Lease 480 7,800 7, 262 8, 400 8, 400 8, 600 8, 800 9, 000 Dues & Membership 7,231 5,415 7, 185 5, 930 5, 885 6, 095 6, 095 6, 095 Travel & Per Diem 5,796 3,864 3, 035 2, 878 2, 778 3, 013 3, 063 3, 113 Meetings 870 529 791 800 750 850 850 850 Field Trips 13,105 7,472 7, 526 8, 200 8, 200 8, 400 8, 600 8, 800 Office Supplies 1,678 955 2, 196 1, 700 2, 485 2, 000 1, 650 1, 650 Postage 1,324 1,348 2, 619 2, 000 2, 606 2, 606 2, 606 2, 606 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 273 169 40 200 200 200 200 200 Fuel - 16 8 - - 1, 875 1, 875 1, 875 Uniforms 9,310 7,868 9, 426 10, 134 9, 730 9, 750 10, 660 10, 680 Chemicals 17,091 18,177 21, 208 18, 000 18, 000 22, 000 22, 440 22, 888 Concessions 8,382 9,452 8, 636 9, 500 9, 500 9, 500 9, 500 9, 500 Program Supplies 2,391 4,284 4, 163 4, 300 5, 020 4, 600 4, 900 4, 900 Special Events 2,758 1,529 1, 503 1, 105 - - - - Community Events 150 - 588 - - 1, 200 1, 200 1, 200 Safety Equipment 1,170 892 2, 530 1, 170 1, 100 1, 170 1, 620 1, 170 Small Equipment 448 691 - 300 300 4, 250 250 250 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 7,279 4,445 6, 945 5, 900 4, 712 5, 900 4, 600 4, 700 Hardware 3,561 2,356 314 - 1, 700 4, 000 - - Maintenance Supplies 2,744 1,339 1, 235 1, 260 1, 956 1, 350 1, 386 1, 423 Miscellaneous Expenses 92 1,277 182 300 300 300 300 300 Total Services/Supplies $ 152,431 $ 152,012 $ 200,779 $ 195,588 $ 198,445 $ 229,565 $ 219,964 $ 226,029 Capital Capital Outlay- 89,074 83, 406 11, 608 - - - - Total Capital $ - $ 89,074 $ 83,406 $ 11,608 $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 520,979 $ 632,364 $ 675,994 $ 587,333 $ 567,788 $ 687,101 $ 686,028 $ 700,789 Town CouncilPage 179 16 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Community FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Events ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Services/Supplies Advertising $ 1,814 $ 2,175 $ 777 $ 1,300 $ 1,740 $ 4,700 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 Printing - - 5 0 1 ,200 5 0 6 00 6 00 6 00 Schools & Training 200 - - - - - - - Event Rentals 8,273 10,695 2 3,816 3 5,424 1 4,547 7 5,288 7 7,689 2 3,469 Dues & Membership 205 - - - - - - - Travel & Per Diem 485 480 - - - - - - Uniforms - 1,029 - - - - - - Program Supplies 7,384 11,517 9 ,089 9 ,695 6 ,020 7 5,950 5 1,960 1 1,168 Miscellaneous Expense 647 259 2 74 - 2 74 - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 19,008 $ 26,155 $ 34,006 $ 47,619 $ 22,631 $ 156,538 $ 132,049 $ 37,037 Total Expenditures $ 19,008 $ 26,155 $ 34,006 $ 47,619 $ 22,631 $ 156,538 $ 132,049 $ 37,037 Town CouncilPage 180 17 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Community FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Development ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 270,692 $ 323,740 $ 300,808 $ 363,334 $ 310,579 $ 363,291 $ 370,557 $ 377,968 Overtime 7,190 11,607 1 ,221 5 ,000 1 17 5 ,000 5 ,000 5 ,000 Longevity 1,530 1,805 2 ,465 2 ,310 2 ,168 1 ,065 1 ,335 1 ,605 Stipend 4,000 3,563 5 ,250 - - - - - Retirement 39,395 44,189 4 0,620 4 8,175 4 0,391 4 8,210 4 9,194 5 0,196 Medical Insurance 32,705 33,951 3 2,335 3 9,882 3 5,723 6 1,107 6 1,107 6 1,107 Dental Insurance 2,220 2,569 1 ,708 2 ,556 2 ,346 3 ,137 3 ,137 3 ,137 Vision Insurance 491 537 2 79 3 65 3 31 3 77 3 77 3 77 Life Insurance & Other 2,348 2,822 1 ,727 2 ,330 1 ,673 2 ,300 2 ,300 2 ,300 Social Security Taxes 16,977 20,563 1 8,756 2 2,980 1 9,398 2 2,900 2 3,367 2 3,844 Medicare Taxes 3,971 4,809 4 ,381 5 ,374 4 ,537 5 ,356 5 ,465 5 ,576 Unemployment Taxes 90 983 2 46 1 ,026 9 72 1 ,026 1 ,026 1 ,026 Workers' Compensation 2,617 8,727 8 ,330 1 ,946 1 ,701 4 ,601 4 ,693 4 ,786 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 65 - 1 7 - - - - - Total Personnel $ 384,291 $ 459,864 $ 418,145 $ 495,278 $ 419,935 $ 518,370 $ 527,558 $ 536,922 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 21,431 - 5 00 - - - - - Engineering 77,544 86,838 5 4,027 9 0,000 9 0,000 9 0,000 7 5,000 7 5,000 Plan Review Services 2,145 - - - - - - - Appraisal-- 3,000 ----- Health Inspections 6,025 6,325 6 ,300 7 ,300 4 ,000 4 ,500 4 ,719 4 ,955 Inspection Services - - 7 ,990 2 5,500 1 0,370 2 5,500 2 5,500 2 5,500 Advertising 3,322 2,642 1 ,293 2 ,500 6 00 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 Printing 795 57 1 99 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 Computer Mapping-------- Abatements 340 3,930 6 21 3 ,000 2 ,000 3 ,000 3 ,000 3 ,000 Schools & Training 2,499 1,569 3 ,225 3 ,005 2 ,430 4 ,230 3 ,685 3 ,685 Service Charges & Fees - 2 - - - - - - Trash Removal/Recycling-- 59 ----- Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 5,065 4,198 3 ,334 2 ,950 2 ,908 3 ,840 3 ,917 3 ,995 Vehicle Maintenance 2,412 486 1 ,886 2 ,005 1 ,200 1 ,225 1 ,250 2 ,575 Dues & Membership 581 1,127 1 46 1 ,010 1 ,050 1 ,379 1 ,050 1 ,050 Travel & Per Diem 1,133 435 1 ,097 2 00 1 ,123 2 00 2 00 2 00 Meetings 46 76 3 3 2 50 7 5 2 50 2 50 2 50 Plat Filing Fees 388 222 2 63 7 00 2 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Office Supplies 1,810 1,410 1 ,603 1 ,500 1 ,081 1 ,200 1 ,000 1 ,000 Postage 782 1,053 4 61 - 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 547 1,884 2 21 1 ,000 5 00 1 ,000 2 ,000 1 ,000 Fuel 3,180 2,204 2 ,028 3 ,250 1 ,700 3 ,000 3 ,060 3 ,121 Uniforms 1,290 1,667 5 10 1 ,635 5 10 1 ,635 1 ,635 1 ,635 Miscellaneous Expense 410 519 6 9 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 Total Services/Supplies $ 131,745 $ 116,643 $ 88,866 $ 147,005 $ 121,447 $ 144,359 $ 129,666 $ 130,366 Capital Capital Outlay 46,461 - - - - - - - Total Capital $ 46,461 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 562,496 $ 576,508 $ 507,011 $ 642,283 $ 541,382 $ 662,729 $ 657,224 $ 667,288 Town CouncilPage 181 18 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Finance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 184,716 $ 207,446 $ 240,797 $ 279,789 $ 274,468 $ 283,566 $ 289,238 $ 295,022 Overtime - - ------ Longevity 200 390 6 70 1 ,005 9 75 1 ,430 1 ,730 2 ,030 Stipend 1,500 2,250 3 ,300 - - - - - Retirement 20,371 27,239 3 1,655 3 6,496 3 5,560 3 7,199 3 7,979 3 8,773 Medical Insurance 17,652 19,812 2 2,870 3 1,749 2 8,298 3 7,425 3 7,425 3 7,425 Dental Insurance 1,254 1,605 1 ,418 2 ,685 1 ,939 2 ,685 2 ,685 2 ,685 Vision Insurance 264 304 1 84 2 28 2 34 2 28 2 28 2 28 Life Insurance & Other 1,185 1,710 1 ,304 1 ,722 1 ,534 1 ,739 1 ,739 1 ,739 Social Security Taxes 8,494 12,276 1 4,422 1 7,409 1 7,077 1 7,670 1 8,040 1 8,417 Medicare Taxes 1,986 2,871 3 ,368 4 ,072 3 ,994 4 ,132 4 ,219 4 ,307 Unemployment Taxes 46 513 9 9 6 84 6 48 6 84 6 84 6 84 Workers' Compensation 424 449 4 47 7 09 6 20 7 19 7 33 7 48 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 74 - 1 25 - - - - - Total Personnel $ 238,167 $ 276,866 $ 320,659 $ 376,548 $ 365,347 $ 387,477 $ 394,700 $ 402,058 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 5,645 7,497 1 0,687 3 1,500 3 0,368 1 5,400 1 5,600 1 4,960 Auditing 22,750 35,000 2 6,050 2 9,485 2 7,935 2 6,640 2 5,365 2 8,110 Appraisal 46,831 48,118 5 0,445 5 3,053 5 0,203 5 2,713 5 5,348 5 8,116 Tax Administration 3,291 3,444 3 ,596 3 ,869 4 ,104 4 ,268 4 ,439 4 ,617 Advertising 4,840 3,325 1 ,344 4 ,250 2 ,140 2 ,247 3 ,631 4 ,221 Printing 1,408 4,560 4 ,730 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 Schools & Training 4,646 1,697 3 ,667 2 ,975 2 ,830 7 ,010 5 ,430 3 ,870 Service Charges & Fees 12,566 8,966 9 ,624 1 0,950 1 4,100 1 0,800 1 1,538 1 1,538 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 284 1,441 1 ,800 9 00 9 75 9 00 9 00 9 00 Dues & Membership 1,410 1,387 1 ,283 2 ,984 1 ,146 1 ,381 1 ,430 1 ,530 Travel & Per Diem 877 4,203 1 ,069 1 ,628 2 ,163 3 ,364 2 ,886 3 ,364 Meetings 160 181 3 36 1 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Office Supplies 2,141 2,079 2 ,655 2 ,350 2 ,900 2 ,600 2 ,770 2 ,950 Postage 659 1,768 2 ,628 1 ,000 8 00 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 Furniture/Equipment <$5000 99 - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 0 110 2 ,224 2 40 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 Total Services/Supplies $ 107,608 $ 123,776 $ 122,139 $ 146,584 $ 141,634 $ 130,293 $ 132,307 $ 137,146 Total Expenditures $ 345,775 $ 400,642 $ 442,798 $ 523,132 $ 506,981 $ 517,770 $ 527,007 $ 539,204 Town CouncilPage 182 19 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Municipal Court ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 52,058 $ 50,929 $ 55,513 $ 56,100 $ 55,087 $ 57,221 $ 58,365 $ 59,533 Longevity - 145 - 100 - 165 225 285 Stipend 750 750 750 - - - - - Certifications 1,934 1,116 1, 200 1, 200 1, 100 1, 200 1, 200 1, 200 Retirement 7,429 6,857 7, 549 7, 461 7, 254 7, 647 7, 804 7, 964 Medical Insurance 5,555 4,218 5, 401 5, 275 5, 278 6, 638 6, 638 6, 638 Dental Insurance 389 380 332 332 334 332 332 332 Vision Insurance 81 74 45 45 47 45 45 45 Life Insurance & Other 508 476 352 386 357 390 390 390 Social Security Taxes 3,381 3,277 3, 582 3, 559 3, 484 3, 632 3, 707 3, 783 Medicare Taxes 791 767 833 832 815 849 867 885 Unemployment Taxes 3 327 25 171 162 171 171 171 Workers' Compensation 114 113 109 142 124 145 148 151 Total Personnel $ 72,993 $ 69,428 $ 75,692 $ 75,603 $ 74,041 $ 78,435 $ 79,892 $ 81,377 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 1,321 507 - - 600 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 Judge's Compensation 4,050 3,300 3, 600 3, 900 3, 900 3, 900 3, 900 3, 900 Advertising - - - 500 500 500 - - Printing 923 1,100 1, 308 1, 100 1, 100 1, 100 1, 100 1, 100 Schools & Training 288 119 - - - - - - Jury Fees 36 - - - - - - - Dues & Membership - 60 120 60 120 120 160 160 Travel & Per Diem - 60 191 - - - - - Office Supplies 347 392 212 500 500 250 250 250 Postage 460 415 231 200 200 200 200 200 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - 50 50 50 50 50 Furniture/Equipment <$5000 200 - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 136 39 23 100 200 200 200 200 Total Services/Supplies $ 7,762 $ 5,992 $ 5,685 $ 6,410 $ 7,170 $ 9,320 $ 8,860 $ 8,860 Total Expenditures $ 80,754 $ 75,421 $ 81,377 $ 82,013 $ 81,211 $ 87,755 $ 88,752 $ 90,237 Town CouncilPage 183 20 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Administrative FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Services ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 58,547 $ 83,561 $ 87,765 $ 229,199 $ 227,993 $ 295,749 $ 301,664 $ 307,697 Overtime - - - - 402 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 Longevity - - - 146 148 265 445 625 Stipend - - 1, 500 - - - - - Certifications - 800 600 - 450 - - - Retirement 8,176 11,598 11, 717 29, 809 29, 563 38, 637 39, 433 40, 244 Medical Insurance 4,289 4,799 11, 481 21, 851 22, 226 29, 686 29, 686 29, 686 Dental Insurance 317 463 366 1, 510 1, 302 1, 759 1, 759 1, 759 Vision Insurance 62 87 44 194 153 182 182 182 Life Insurance & Other 397 669 386 1, 401 1, 152 1, 743 1, 743 1, 743 Social Security Taxes 3,476 5,420 5, 637 14, 219 14, 198 18, 353 18, 731 19, 116 Medicare Taxes 813 1,268 1, 318 3, 326 3, 320 4, 292 4, 381 4, 471 Unemployment Taxes (137) 181 110 556 548 684 684 684 Workers' Compensation 116 163 195 959 838 750 765 780 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 605 65 69 - 15 4, 000 4, 000 4, 000 Auto Allowance - - ------ Employee Relations 8,838 12,728 12, 252 14, 700 23, 700 43, 600 43, 600 43, 600 Tuition Reimbursement 9,163 10,616 4, 299 15, 000 15, 000 11, 400 11, 800 13, 800 Employee Assistance Program 2,103 2,514 1, 898 2, 400 2, 400 2, 400 2, 400 2, 400 Flexible Benefits Administration - - - - - 2, 400 2, 400 2, 400 Total Personnel $ 96,766 $ 134,934 $ 139,637 $ 335,270 $ 343,409 $ 457,400 $ 465,173 $ 474,687 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services - 14,524 24, 072 31, 100 31, 600 31, 610 32, 795 33, 981 Physicals/Testing 93 144 - - - - - - Advertising 761 618 300 4, 350 - 1, 150 1, 150 1, 150 Printing - 447 - - 500 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Schools & Training 313 2,999 2, 743 4, 350 2, 300 4, 945 2, 750 2, 750 Organizational Employee Training - - - 2, 000 2, 000 5, 000 7, 500 10, 000 Telephone - - ------ Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 656 992 750 1, 680 1, 744 2, 700 2, 700 2, 700 Dues & Membership 320 874 706 1, 025 620 1, 225 1, 300 1, 350 Travel & Per Diem - 1,496 787 3, 250 790 5, 650 3, 800 3, 800 Meetings - 71 66 - - 800 550 600 Office Supplies 837 2,087 1, 319 500 569 900 900 900 Postage 116 31 24 100 100 300 300 300 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - - - 100 100 100 Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - - - 2, 000 1, 000 - - - Miscellaneous Expenses - - - 180 - - - - Total Services/Supplies $ 3,096 $ 24,282 $ 30,767 $ 50,535 $ 41,223 $ 55,380 $ 54,845 $ 58,631 Total Expenditures $ 99,862 $ 159,216 $ 170,404 $ 385,805 $ 384,632 $ 512,780 $ 520,018 $ 533,318 Town CouncilPage 184 21 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Information Services ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ 140,533 $ 159,799 $ 167,180 $ 155,563 $ 152,542 $ 158,683 $ 161,857 $ 165,094 Longevity 1,635 1,815 1, 995 2, 160 2, 175 2, 340 2, 520 2, 700 Stipend 1,500 1,500 1, 850 - - - - - Retirement 19,949 19,754 20, 853 20, 500 19, 974 21, 018 21, 455 21, 901 Medical Insurance 11,145 10,888 10, 710 10, 550 10, 675 13, 276 13, 276 13, 276 Dental Insurance 778 829 665 665 692 665 665 665 Vision Insurance 163 161 90 90 93 90 90 90 Life Insurance & Other 1,119 1,188 828 919 834 929 929 929 Social Security Taxes 8,907 10,087 10, 632 9, 779 9, 592 9, 983 10, 191 10, 403 Medicare Taxes 2,083 2,359 2, 487 2, 287 2, 243 2, 335 2, 383 2, 433 Unemployment Taxes 18 548 119 342 324 342 342 342 Workers' Compensation 313 394 354 394 344 402 410 418 Total Personnel $ 188,142 $ 209,323 $ 217,762 $ 203,249 $ 199,490 $ 210,063 $ 214,118 $ 218,251 Services/Supplies Software & Support 148,433 165,017 168, 028 213, 418 210, 814 258, 248 260, 280 254, 698 Security 1,232 376 1, 370 1, 350 1, 672 2, 257 2, 257 2, 257 Schools & Training 800 534 900 3, 650 450 4, 510 4, 510 4, 510 Telephone 5,889 6,269 5, 577 1, 000 - 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,803 31,235 35, 737 43, 042 83, 668 40, 576 40, 576 40, 576 Building Maintenance - - - - - - - - Independent Labor 1,523 846 1, 336 30, 000 7, 500 23, 400 23, 400 23, 400 Copier Rental/Leases 8,741 11,645 11, 116 10, 188 10, 651 10, 651 10, 651 11, 751 Dues & Membership 300 257 150 460 150 350 350 350 Travel & Per Diem 2,680 443 1, 919 3, 363 580 6, 191 3, 708 3, 708 Meetings 67 25 - 122 - 122 122 122 Office Supplies 623 721 805 721 721 921 921 921 Printer Supplies 9,032 7,174 6, 860 7, 500 7, 500 7, 500 7, 500 7, 500 Postage 539 16 - 300 31 300 300 350 Publication/Books/Subscriptions - - - - - - - - Uniforms 156 83 108 195 125 - - - Hardware 29,904 9,816 16, 685 8, 720 12, 260 12, 760 9, 260 9, 260 Total Services/Supplies $ 212,723 $ 234,455 $ 250,589 $ 324,029 $ 336,122 $ 368,786 $ 364,835 $ 360,403 Capital Capital Outlay 108,437 34,585 21, 747 149, 993 65, 000 - - - Total Capital $ 108,437 $ 34,585 $ 21,747 $ 149,993 $ 65,000 $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 509,301 $ 478,364 $ 490,098 $ 677,271 $ 600,612 $ 578,849 $ 578,953 $ 578,654 Town CouncilPage 185 22 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Facilities FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Maintenance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 39,998 $ 40,798 $ 41,614 Overtime - - - - - 1 ,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 Longevity - - - - - 1 10 1 70 2 30 Stipend - - - - - - - - Retirement - - - - - 5 ,235 5 ,347 5 ,462 Medical Insurance - - - - - 9 ,317 9 ,317 9 ,317 Dental Insurance - - - - - 7 13 7 13 7 13 Vision Insurance - - - - - 6 9 6 9 6 9 Life Insurance & Other - - - - - 2 93 2 93 2 93 Social Security Taxes - - - - - 2 ,487 2 ,540 2 ,594 Medicare Taxes - - - - - 5 82 5 94 6 07 Unemployment Taxes - - - - - 1 71 1 71 1 71 Workers' Compensation - - - - - 6 59 6 72 6 86 Total Personnel $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,634 $ 61,684 $ 62,756 Services/Supplies Schools & Training $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 Electricity 10,171 11,004 1 1,569 3 5,000 5 8,335 6 2,520 6 4,750 6 6,980 Water 922 1,036 9 90 1 5,600 1 3,940 1 6,728 1 7,650 1 8,500 Insurance 54,292 53,323 6 6,263 7 0,150 8 5,042 9 4,397 9 5,000 9 7,000 Building Maintenance 16,362 15,827 1 1,989 2 0,000 1 6,400 1 7,598 1 7,649 1 7,701 Equipment Maintenance 468 - - - - - - - Cleaning Services 14,755 17,292 1 8,951 4 8,000 4 0,600 5 5,200 5 7,400 5 9,600 Kitchen Supplies - - 2 ,806 8 ,000 4 ,000 8 ,000 8 ,000 8 ,000 Travel & Per Diem - - - - 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Office Supplies - - - 1 5,000 8 ,500 1 0,500 5 ,550 5 ,550 Fuel - - - - 2 ,680 4 ,500 4 ,590 4 ,682 Vending Machine Supplies - - - - - 2 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 9,668 59 1 3,144 5 ,000 5 ,000 5 ,000 3 ,000 1 ,000 Maintenance Supplies 1,427 989 1 ,617 2 ,500 2 ,500 2 ,500 2 ,500 2 ,500 Total Services/Supplies $ 108,065 $ 99,528 $ 127,330 $ 219,250 $ 237,197 $ 279,943 $ 279,089 $ 284,513 Total Expenditures $ 108,065 $ 99,528 $ 127,330 $ 219,250 $ 237,197 $ 340,577 $ 340,773 $ 347,269 Town CouncilPage 186 23 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Capital Projects FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Fund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 4,505,273 $ 1,694,546 $ 8,764,936 $ 5,186,363 $ 6,285,515 $ 6,285,515 $ 3,127,485 $ 6,673,845 Revenue Contributions/Grants $ 200,061 $ 26,237 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Interest Revenue 2,066 28,335 83, 988 20, 000 80, 000 60, 000 30, 000 80,000 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - - Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - - - - - Prior Year Adjustment - - - - - - - - Total Revenue$ 202,127 $ 54,572$ 83,988$ 20,000$ 80,000$ 60,000$ 30,000$ 80,000 Expenditures General Government $ 38,558 $ 13,602 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Bond Issuance Costs - 198,650 - - - - 50, 000 - Capital Outlay 2,974,296 3,010,864 7, 850,206 2, 908,740 536, 000 3, 218,030 1, 433,640 1, 679,400 Total Expenditures $ 3,223,116 7, $ 536,000 3,$ 1,483,640 1, $ 3,012,854$ 850,206$ 2,908,740$ 218,030$ 679,400 Other Sources (Uses) Debt Proceeds $ - $ 9,455,000 $ 4,445,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000,000 $ - Bond Premium - 537,946 128, 317 - - - - - Transfer In - 265,283 720, 934 - 35, 817 - - - Transfer Out - (19,295) ( 7,454) - - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)$ - $ 10,238,934 $ - $ 35,817$ - $ 5, 000,000$ - $ 5,286,797 Net Increase (Decrease)$ (2,810,727)$ 7,070,390$ (2,479,421)$ (2,888,740)$ (420,183)$ (3,158,030)$ 3,546,360 $ (1,599,400) Ending Fund Balance $ 1,694,546 $ 8,764,936 $ 6,285,515 $ 2,297,623 $ 5,865,332 $ 3,127,485 $ 6,673,845 $ 5,074,445 Town CouncilPage 187 24 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Debt Service ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 118,092 $ 118,542 $ 143,174 $ 289,351 $ 309,043 $ 453,559 $ 516,829 $ 586,569 Revenue Property Taxes $ 1,491,185 $ 1,688,798 $ 1,900,203 $ 2,083,707 $ 2,096,583 $ 2,243,706 $ 2,303,361 $ 2,323,842 Property Taxes/Delinquent 9,305 3,651 3,421 2,000 3,200 2,000 2,000 2,000 Property Taxes/Penalty & Interest 6,784 5,205 5,443 4,500 4,400 4,500 4,500 4,500 Intergovernmental Transfer EDC - - - - - - - - Interest Income 350 3,032 7,940 2,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Revenue$ 1,507,624 $ 1,700,686 $ 1,917,007 $ 2,092,207 $ 2, 116,183$ 2,260,206 $ 2,319,861$ 2, 340,342 Expenditures Bond Principal $ 1,088,000 $ 1,378,000 $ 1,263,000 $ 1,563,000 $ 1,563,000 $ 1,718,000 $ 1,823,000 $ 1,938,000 Bond Interest 428,529 390,300 688,726 842,317 801,930 752,278 700,740 653,614 Paying Agent Fees 3,550 14,255 8,728 7,500 7,200 7,500 6,750 16,750 Bond/CO Issuance cost 42,736 - - - - - - - Total Expenditures$ 1,562,815 $ 1,782,555 $ 1,960,454 $ 2,412,817 $ 2,372,130 $ 2,477,778 $ 2,530,490$ 2, 608,364 Other Sources (Uses) Bond Proceeds $ 2,030,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Bond Proceeds- Premium - - - - - - - - Refund Cost (2,026,710) - - - - - - - Transfer In 52,350 106,501 209,316 400,463 400,463 280,841 280,369 378,155 Total Other Sources (Uses)$ 55,640$ 106,501$ 209,316$ 400,463$ 400,463$ 280,841$ 280,369$ 378,155 Net Increase (Decrease)$ 450 $ 24,632$ 165,869$ 79,853$ 144,516$ 63,269$ 69, 741$ 110,134 Ending Fund Balance $ 118,542 $ 143,174 $ 309,043 $ 369,204 $ 453,559 $ 516,829 $ 586,569 $ 696,703 Town CouncilPage 188 25 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Capital Replacement PROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ 0 $ (0) Expenditures Police Capital Replacement $ - $ 150,200 $ 126,000 EMS Capital Replacement 126,452 136,252 312, 000 Streets Capital Replacement - - - Parks Capital Replacement - 61,500 31, 500 Recreation Capital Replacement $ 128,985 $ 78,200 $ - Community Development Replacement - - - Information Services Replacement $ 59,150 $ 126,150 $ 61,400 Total Expenditures 314,587 552,302 530, 900 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In 314,587 552,302 225, 900 Total Other Sources (Uses) 314,587 552,302 225, 900 Net Increase (Decrease) $ 0 $ 0 $ (305,000) Ending Fund Balance $ 0 $ (0) $ (305,000) Town CouncilPage 189 26 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Court Security ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 22,293 $ 21,903 $ 20,571 $ 19,191 $ 19,893 $ 19,707 $ 19,157 $ 18,607 Revenue Municipal Court Security Fee $ 2,610 $ 2,620 $ 2,572 $ 2,000 $ 3,600 $ 3,600 $ 3,600 $ 3,600 Total Revenue$ 2,610 $ 2,620 $ 2, 572$ 2, 000$ 3, 600$ 3, 600$ 3, 600$ 3, 600 Expenditures Schools and Training $ - $ - $ 250 $ 1,200 $ 631 $ 550 $ 550 $ 550 Small Equipment - 952 - - - - - - Travel and Per Diem - - - 600 155 600 600 600 Total Expenditures$ - $ 952$ 250$ 1, 800$ 786$ 1, 150$ 1,150$ 1,150 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfer Out (3,000) (3,000) ( 3,000) ( 3,000) ( 3,000) ( 3,000) ( 3,000) (3,000) Total Other Sources (Uses)$ (3,000) $ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000) Net Increase (Decrease)$ (390) $ (1,332)$ ( 678)$ (2,800)$ ( 186)$ ( 550)$ (550)$ (550) Ending Fund Balance $ 21,903 $ 20,571 $ 19,893 $ 16,391 $ 19,707 $ 19,157 $ 18,607 $ 18,057 Town CouncilPage 190 27 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Court Technology ACTUALACTUALBUDGETACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 23,958 $ 21,519 $ 20,270 $ 19,097 $ 16,100 $ 17,926 $ 15,557 $ 11,312 $ 8,237 Revenue Municipal Court Technology Fee $ 3,480 $ 3,481 $ 4,200 $ 3,429 $ 3,000 $ 4,200 $ 4,200 $ 4,200 $ 4,000 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - - - Total Revenue$ 3,480$ 3,481$ 4,200$ 3,429$ 3,000$ 4,200$ 4,200$ 4,200$ 4, 000 Expenditures Software & Support$ 5,118 $ 5,904 $ 7, 275$ 4, 600$ 6, 169$ 6, 569$ 6, 945$ 7, 275$ 7,609 Hardware 803 - - - - - 1,500 - - Total Expenditures$ 5,921$ 5,904$ 7,275$ 4,600$ 6,169$ 6,569$ 8,445$ 7,275$ 7, 609 Net Increase (Decrease)$ (2,441)$ (2,423)$ (3,075)$ (1,171)$ (3,169)$ (2,369)$ (4,245)$ (3,075)$ (3,609) Ending Fund Balance $ 21,519 $ 19,097 $ 17,195 $ 17,926 $ 12,931 $ 15,557 $ 11,312 $ 8,237 $ 4,628 Town CouncilPage 191 28 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 CCPD ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 93,745 $ 134,265 $ 202,403 $ 59,428 $ 61,373 $ 57,811 $ 56,520 $ 138,035 Revenue Sales Tax $ 169,906 $ 196,157 $ 209,200 $ 209,475 $ 196,209 $ 204,010 $ 208,090 $ 212,252 Interest Income 130 71 142 100 10 - - - Total Revenue$ 170,036$ 196,228$ 209,343$ 209,575$ 196,219$ 204,010$ 208,090$ 212, 252 Expenditures Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ 24,500 $ - $ - $ 25,270 $ 25,344 $ 4,621 Schools & Training - - - - - 14,500 13,700 - Qualifying Expenses - - - - - 17,650 15,250 - Uniforms - - 3,404 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Small Equipment 13,646 25,221 47,493 12,000 40,350 50,000 14,000 7,500 Total Services & Supplies$ 13,646$ 25,221$ 75,397$ 17,000$ 45,350$ 112,420$ 73, 294$ 17,121 Capital Capital Outlay $ 115,872 $ 102,869 $ 125,000 $ 45,000 $ 7,000 $ 43,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Total Capital$ 115,872$ 102,869$ 125,000$ 45,000$ 7,000$ 43,000$ 2, 000$ 2,000 Total Expenditures$ 129,518$ 128,090$ 200,397$ 62,000$ 52,350$ 155,420$ 75, 294$ 19,121 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out $ - $ - $ (149,975) $ (147,431) $ (147,431) $ (49,881) $ (51,281) $ (147,481) Total Other Sources (Uses)$ - $ - $ (149,975)$ (147,431)$ (147,431)$ ( 49,881)$ (51,281)$ (147,481) Net Increase (Decrease)$ 40,518$ 68,139$ (141,030)$ 144 $ ( 3,562)$ (1,291)$ 81, 515$ 45,650 Ending Fund Balance $ 134,265 $ 202,403 $ 61,373 $ 59,572 $ 57,811 $ 56,520 $ 138,035 $ 183,685 Town CouncilPage 192 29 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Trophy Club CCPD - Five Year Forecast CCPD FY 18FY 19FY 20FY 21FY 22FY 23 EstimateProposedPlanningPlanningPlanningPlanning Five Year Forecast Beginning Fund Balance$ 61,373$ 57,811 $ 56, 520$ 138, 035$ 183, 685$ 237, 001 Revenue: Sales Tax 196,209 204,010 208,090 212,252 216,497 220,827 Interest Revenue 10 - - - - - Total Revenue 196,219 204,010 208,090 212,252 216,497 220,827 Expenditures: Debt Service 147,431 49,881 51,281 147,481 153,681 150,531 Services/Supplies 45,350 112,420 73,294 17,121 7,500 46,500 Capital 7,000 43,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Expenditures 199,781 205,301 126,575 166,602 163,181 199,031 Net Increase (Decrease) (3,562) (1,291) 81,515 45,650 53,316 21,796 Ending Fund Balance$ 57,811$ 56,520$ 138, 035$ 183, 685$ 237, 001$ 258, 796 Fund Balance as % of Expenditures28.94%27.53%109.05%110.25%145.24%130.03% Town CouncilPage 193 30 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 EDC 4B ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Working Capital $ 339,714 $ 406,525 $ 561,248 $ 640,716 $ 713,274 $ 805,708 $ 420,866 $ 461,046 Revenue Sales Tax - General $ 365,764 $ 400,621 $ 426,862 $ 465,501 $ 436,021 $ 453,356 $ 462,423 $ 471,671 NTX Magazine Revenue - - - - - - - - Interest Income 537 1,289 3,918 2,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Revenue$ 366,302 $ 401,910 $ 430, 779$ 467, 501$ 441, 021$ 455, 356$ 464,423$ 473, 671 Expenses Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ - $ 1,470 $ 1,544 $ 1,621 Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Advertising 2,780 95 480 1,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Printing 450 - - 200 - 200 200 200 Schools & Training 270 345 - 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 Dues & Membership 270 - 2,500 1,150 1,050 1,150 1,150 1,200 Travel & Per Diem 30 30 - 422 392 422 422 422 Office Supplies 15 - 30 250 100 200 200 200 Miscellaneous Expense 7,641 2,500 3,535 3,000 2,550 3,000 3,000 3,000 EDC Projects 3,590 3,500 17,018 1,950 - 416,560 3,000 3,000 Incentive Programs 93,849 140,773 140,773 205,773 140,773 205,773 205,773 205,773 Transfer to General Fund 89,964 - - - - - - - Transfer to Debt Service - - - 200,823 200,823 204,023 201,555 203,668 Bond Principal - - - - --- Bond Interest 1,883 98,745 111,018 - - - - - Debt Issue Cost 97,351 - - - - - - - Paying Agent Fees 400 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 Total Expenses$ 299,492 $ 247,188 $ 278, 753$ 417, 968$ 348, 588$ 840, 198$ 424,244$ 426, 484 Net Increase (Decrease)$ 66,809$ 154,722 $ 152, 026$ 49,533$ 92,433$ (384,842)$ 40,179$ 47,188 Ending Working Capital $ 406,525 $ 561,248 $ 713,274 $ 690,250 $ 805,708 $ 420,866 $ 461,046 $ 508,234 Town CouncilPage 194 31 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Hotel Occupancy ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 283,480 $ 475,748 $ 564,363 $ 394,822 $ 399,883 $ 701,413 $ 1,236,013 $ 1,766,013 Revenue Hotel Occupancy Tax $ 264,708 $ 302,374 $ 487,489 $ 477,994 $ 560,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 600,000 July 4th Revenue - 3,310 12, 733 5, 000 5, 000 - - 5,000 Interest Income 519 763 5, 407 700 4, 000 5, 000 500 500 Total Revenue$ 265,227$ 306,447$ 505,629$ 483,694$ 569,000$ 605,000$ 600,500$ 605,500 Expenditures Personnel Salaries $ - $ - $ 84,911 $ 80,933 $ 89,014 $ - $ - $ - Overtime - - 5, 118 20, 000 - - - - Longevity - - 527 456 444 - - - Stipend - - 938 - - - - - Retirement - - 10, 666 13, 178 11, 549 - - - Medical insurance - - 6, 373 7, 065 14, 357 - - - Dental Insurance - - 394 466 930 - - - Vision Insurance - - 53 62 102 - - - Life Insurance & Other - - 449 532 425 - - - Social Security Taxes - - 5, 091 6, 286 5, 546 - - - Medicare Taxes - - 1, 182 1, 470 1, 297 - - - Unemployment Taxes - - 67 214 266 - - - Workers' Compensation - - 1, 746 1, 944 1, 700 - - - Pre-Employement Physicals/Testing - - - - 45 - - - Total Personnel$ -$ -$ 117,515$ 132,606$ 125,675$ -$ -$ - Services & Supplies Auditing $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Advertising 2,350 - - 56, 500 6, 000 13, 000 13, 000 19,000 Service Charges & Fees - - 61 - 50 - - - Printing 14,150 - - - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - 1, 306 - 421 - - - Event Rentals 56,460 72,961 50, 453 1, 500 48, 325 1, 500 1, 500 48,500 Dues & Membership - - 795 3, 300 - 3, 900 4, 000 4,000 July 4 Celebration - - 24, 000 88, 000 87, 000 - - 91,000 Total Services & Supplies$ 72,960$ 72,961$ 76,615$ 149,300$ 141,796$ 20,400$ 20, 500$ 164,500 Capital Capital Outlay $ - $ 44,871 $ 475,979 $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total Capital$ -$ 44,871$ 475,979$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ 50, 000$ 50,000 Total Expenditures$ 72,960$ 117,832$ 670,109$ 331,906$ 267,470$ 70,400$ 70, 500$ 214,500 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out $ - $ (100,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Other Sources (Uses)$ -$ (100,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ 192,267$ 88,615$ (164,480)$ 151,788$ 301,530$ 534,600$ 530,000$ 391,000 Ending Fund Balance$ 475,748$ 564,363$ 399,883$ 546,610$ 701,413$ 1,236,013$ 1,766,013$ 2,157,013 Town CouncilPage 195 32 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Street Maintenance ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 39,915 $ 65,306 $ (5,017) $ 35,504 $ 92,856 $ 96,706 $ 119,047 $ 144,372 Revenue Sales Tax $ 182,882 $ 200,310 $ 213,431 $ 232,750 $ 218,010 $ 226,678 $ 231,211 $ 235,836 Interest Income 21 30 35 - - - - - Total Revenue$ 182,903$ 200,340$ 213,466$ 232,750$ 218,010$ 226,678$ 231,211$ 235, 836 Expenditures Personnel Salaries $ 20,995 $ 23,249 $ 17,391 $ 64,459 $ 58,546 $ 47,782 $ 48,737 $ 49,712 Overtime 827 - 470 - 1,929 - - - Longevity - - 145 1,362 1,158 1,078 1,180 1,282 Stipend 360 540 300 - - - - - Retirement 3,078 3,088 2,391 8,555 7,957 6,377 6,515 6,656 Medical Insurance 4,964 5,363 3,646 7,328 7,777 6,638 6,638 6,638 Dental Insurance 381 507 271 618 622 475 475 475 Vision Insurance 96 96 31 73 73 59 59 59 Life Insurance & Other 214 234 130 472 385 350 350 350 Social Security Taxes 1,165 1,273 1,065 4,081 3,821 3,029 3,095 3,162 Medicare Taxes 273 298 249 954 894 708 724 739 Unemployment Taxes 83 122 ( 12) 239 290 205 205 205 Workers Compensation 1,185 1,162 1,793 3,143 2,748 2,901 2,959 3,018 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing - - - - 12 - - - Total Personnel$ 33,621$ 35,931$ 27,871$ 91,284$ 86,210$ 69,602$ 70, 937$ 72,296 Services & Supplies Water $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - 15 ---- Vehicle Maintenance 3,663 3,218 3,102 3,520 2,200 3,235 3,300 3,365 Street Maintenance 53,423 149,493 28,420 75,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Signs & Markings 34,705 16,204 25,890 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Fuel 6,344 4,871 5,237 5,625 3,750 7,500 7,650 7,803 Small Tools 731 737 58 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Miscellaneous Expense 25 - - - - - - - Total Service & Supplies$ 98,891$ 174,523$ 62,723$ 106,145$ 102,950$ 134,735$ 134,950$ 135, 168 Capital Capital Outlay $ - $ 35,208 - - - - - - Total Capital$ - $ 35,208$ - $ - $ - $ - $ -$ - Total Expenditures$ 132,512$ 245,662$ 90,594$ 197,429$ 189,160$ 204,337$ 205,887$ 207, 464 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out (25,000) (25,000) ( 25,000) ( 25,000) ( 25,000) - - - Total Sources Other (Uses)$ (25,000) $ (25,000) $ ( 25,000)$ ( 25,000)$ ( 25,000)$ - $ -$ - Net Increase (Decreases)$ 25,391$ (70,322) $ 97,872$ 10,321$ 3,850$ 22,341$ 25, 324$ 28,372 Ending Fund Balance $ 65,306 $ (5,017) $ 92,856 $ 45,826 $ 96,706 $ 119,047 $ 144,372 $ 172,743 Town CouncilPage 196 33 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019 TIRZ#1 ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSED Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ 10,273 $ (379,235) $ (330,420) $ (593,324) $ (593,324) Revenue Property Tax $ 10,273 $ 10,492 $ 46,083 $ 76,796 $ 76,238 $ 82,048 Sales Tax - - 6 ,305 1 0,300 5 ,808 1 4,359 Total Revenue$ 10,273$ 10,492$ 52,389$ 87,096$ 82,046$ 96,407 Professional Outside Services $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ 1,470 Incentive Programs - 400,000 7 ,268 3 50,000 3 47,052 4 1,694 Total Expenditures$ -$ 400,000 $ 7,268$ 3 50,000$ 3 47,052$ 43,164 Net Increase (Decrease)$ 10,273$ (389,508)$ 45,121$ (262,904)$ (265,006)$ 53,244 Ending Fund Balance $ 10,273 $ (379,235) $ (334,114) $ (593,324) $ (858,330) $ (540,080) Town CouncilPage 197 34 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Recreation FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Program Fund ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,813 $ 3,395 $ 2,269 $ 2,271 $ 7,307 $ 7,307 $ 7,307 $ 7,307 Revenue Recreation Programs $ 10,054 $ 10,398 $ 13,715 $ 8,500 $ 8,000 $ 8,500 $ 9,000 $ 9,500 Total Revenue$ 10,054$ 10,398$ 13,715$ 8,500$ 8,000$ 8,500$ 9,000$ 9,500 Expenditures Recreation Programs $ 9,471 $ 11,523 $ 8,677 $ 8,500 $ 8,000 $ 8,500 $ 9,000 $ 9,500 Total Expenditures$ 9,471$ 11,523$ 8,677$ 8,500$ 8,000$ 8,500$ 9,000$ 9,500 Net Increase (Decrease)$ 583 $ (1,125) $ 5,038$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Ending Fund Balance $ 3,395 $ 2,269 $ 7,307 $ 2,271 $ 7,307 $ 7,307 $ 7,307 $ 7,307 Town CouncilPage 198 35 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Parkland FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 ESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Dedication Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ 470,270 $ 208,770 $ 87,270 Revenue Interest Income $ 200 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Miscellaneous Revenue - 120,000 - - Park Revenues 500,000 - 150, 000 100,000 Total Revenue$ 500,200 $ 120,500$ 150,500$ 100,500 Expenditures Capital Expenditures $ 29,930 $ 382,000 $ 272,000 $ - Total Expenditures$ 29,930$ 382,000$ 272,000$ - Net Increase (Decrease)$ 470,270 $ 100,500 $ (261,500)$ (121,500) Ending Fund Balance $ 470,270 $ 208,770 $ 87,270 $ 187,770 Town CouncilPage 199 36 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Trophy Club Park ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Working Capital $ 1,830 $ (52,106) $ (62,055) $ (30,381) $ (20,169) $ 127,842 $ 165,424 $ 205,418 Revenue Park Revenue $ 77,503 $ 46,270 $ 178,362 $ 165,000 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 $ 175,000 Interest Income 6 - 1 - - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - 61,106 - - 94,521 - - - Total Revenue$ 77,509$ 107,376$ 178,363$ 165,000$ 264,521$ 170,000$ 170,000$ 175,000 Expenses Personnel Salaries $ 35,078 $ 37,622 $ 14,807 $ 19,094 $ 17,951 $ 19,094 $ 19,476 $ 19,866 Longevity 112 204 - 130 - 194 259 324 Stipend 900 300 - - - - - - Retirement 3,550 3,386 - - 2,317 - - - Medical Insurance 2,527 2,780 - - 521 - - - Dental Insurance 219 216 - - 39 - - - Vision Insurance 33 30 - - 5 - - - Life Insurance & Other 209 211 - - 26 - - - Social Security Taxes 2,183 2,250 857 1,192 1,113 1,196 1,224 1,252 Medicare Taxes 510 526 215 279 260 280 286 293 Unemployment taxes 74 229 87 185 98 185 185 185 Workers' Compensation 915 926 409 459 401 459 468 477 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - - - - - - - Total Personnel$ 46,310$ 48,680$ 16,374$ 21,339$ 22,731$ 21,408$ 21, 898$ 22, 397 Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 2,470 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Software & Support 6,670 8,041 3,276 4,212 4,242 4,255 4,255 4,255 Advertising 737 638 810 625 1,000 1,900 1,900 1,900 Printing 1,244 - 150 600 150 3,080 600 600 Schools & Training 199 - 304 - - - - - Service Charges & Fees 6,104 7,120 13,577 9,680 1,680 9,680 9,680 9,680 Electricity 2,485 2,060 1,777 2,200 1,860 2,046 2,148 2,256 Water 2,907 3,088 5,346 3,900 3,900 4,680 4,914 5,160 Telephone 1,860 2,183 2,283 - - - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,650 1,734 453 2,580 2,167 933 952 971 Insurance - 1,200 1,211 1,200 1,211 1,200 1,200 1,200 Property Maintenance 17,839 4,138 17,188 7,000 7,000 10,000 10,200 10,204 Equipment Maintenance 817 1,442 1,827 3,500 3,500 3,750 3,500 3,500 Independent Labor 6,610 10,508 29,662 28,600 26,723 28,600 28,600 28,600 Portable toilets 4,200 3,193 3,848 4,020 4,182 4,250 4,250 4,250 Dues & Membership 30 - - 115 140 140 140 140 Travel & Per Diem 505 324 - - - - - - Office Supplies 1,272 312 85 1,075 955 1,075 1,107 1,140 Postage 63 94 - 336 120 336 346 356 Fuel 776 215 10 975 500 1,170 1,193 1,217 Uniforms 310 356 201 475 475 415 423 424 Community Events 12,202 4,391 7,646 8,200 8,200 9,700 9,700 9,700 Small Tools 56 177 141 300 300 300 300 300 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 2,267 5,997 3,774 - 3,774 800 - - Maintenance Supplies 901 23 151 400 400 400 400 400 Miscellaneous Expense 154 - 2,997 300 300 300 300 300 Depreciation Expense - Machinery 1,808 2,411 2,387 - - - - - Total Services & Supplies$ 77,135$ 60,645$ 100,103$ 81,293$ 73,779$ 91,010$ 88, 108$ 88, 553 Total Expenses$ 123,445$ 109,325$ 116,477$ 102,632$ 96,511$ 112,418$ 110,006$ 110,950 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out $ (8,000) $ (8,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) $ (20,000) Total Other Sources (Uses)$ (8,000) $ (8,000)$ ( 20,000)$ ( 20,000)$ ( 20,000)$ ( 20,000)$ (20,000)$ (20,000) Net Increase (Decrease)$ (53,936) $ (9,949)$ 41,886$ 42,368$ 148,010$ 37,582$ 39, 994$ 44, 050 Ending Working Capital $ (52,106) $ (62,055) $ (20,169) $ 11,987 $ 127,842 $ 165,424 $ 205,418 $ 249,468 Town CouncilPage 200 37 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Storm Drainage FY 2015 FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020FY 2021 Utility ACTUALACTUALACTUALBUDGETESTIMATEPROPOSEDPROJECTEDPROJECTED Beginning Working Capital $ 199,618 $ 234,000 $ 242,387 $ 351,406 $ 330,449 $ 411,767 $ 445,752 $ 516,458 Revenue Storm Drainage Fee $ 407,371 $ 420,665 $ 418,158 $ 432,754 $ 430,000 $ 432,754 $ 436,519 $ 440,884 Hazardous Waste Stipend - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - - - - - Interest Income 137 914 2,086 500 750 500 500 500 Total Revenue$ 407,508$ 421,579$ 420,244$ 433,254$ 430,750$ 433,254$ 437,019$ 441,384 Expenses Personnel Services Salaries $ 16,716 $ 22,991 $ - $- $- $- $ - $ - Overtime 243 - - - - - - - Longevity 394 65 - - - - - - Stipend 375 188 - - - - - - Retirement 2,464 2,989 - - - - - - Medical Insurance 1,404 1,036 - - - - - - Dental Insurance 98 104 - - - - - - Vision Insurance 20 20 - - - - - - Life Insurance & Other 127 151 - - - - - - Social Security Taxes 1,082 1,412 - - - - - - Medicare Taxes 253 330 - - - - - - Unemployment Taxes (25) 43 - - - - - - Workers Compensation 1,306 108 - - - - - - Total Personnel$ 24,457$ 29,436$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 24,334 $ 36,685 $ 20,358 $ 23,000 $ 21,500 $ 58,400 $ 29,400 $ 30,400 Engineering/Construction 68,037 20,922 3,896 20,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Trash Removal/Recycling 1,692 2,115 1,739 2,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 Street Sweeping- 6,344 3,544 7,488 5,616 7,637 7,780 7,936 Independent Labor 17,306 9,897 12,521 53,820 53,820 53,820 54,000 55,000 Dues & Membership 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 Fuel 446 - - - --- - Miscellaneous Expense 12,764 - - - - - - - Depreciation Expense 30,851 43,460 51,083 - - - - - Total Services & Supplies$ 155,530$ 119,523$ 93,241$ 106,508$ 104,136$ 153,057$ 123,380$ 125,536 Capital Transfer to Drainage Capital Projec - $ 36,488 - $ - - - - - Total Capital$ -$ 36,488$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Debt Service Principal $ 140,000 $ 140,000 $ 145,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 155,000 $ 155,000 $ 160,000 Interest 25,788 25,540 27,054 28,088 28,088 24,275 20,400 16,462 Total Debt Service$ 165,788$ 165,540$ 172,054$ 178,088$ 178,088$ 179,275$ 175,400$ 176,462 Total Expenses$ 345,775$ 350,987$ 265,295$ 284,596$ 282,224$ 332,332$ 298,780$ 301,998 Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out $ (27,350) $ (62,206) $ (66,887) $ (67,209) $ (67,209) $ (66,937) $ (67,533) $ (67,006) Total Other Sources$ (27,350)$ (62,206)$ (66,887)$ (67,209)$ (67,209)$ (66,937)$ (67,533)$ (67,006) Net Increase (Decrease)$ 34,382$ 8,386$ 88,062$ 81,449$ 81,318$ 33,985$ 70,706$ 72,380 Ending Working Capital $ 234,000 $ 242,387 $ 330,449 $ 432,855 $ 411,767 $ 445,752 $ 516,458 $ 588,838 Town CouncilPage 201 38 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-361-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a record vote on a not-to-exceed Fiscal Year 2019 Ad Valorem Tax Rate and to schedule two public hearings to meet Truth in Taxation requirements and/or as required by the Charter and related matters (J. Phillips). Attachments:Staff Report - Fiscal Year 2019 Tax Rate.pdf 2018 Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 14: Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardingarecordvoteonanot-to-exceedFiscalYear2019AdValoremTaxRate andtoscheduletwopublichearingstomeetTruthinTaxationrequirementsand/orasrequiredbytheCharterandrelated matters (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage 202 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Jonathan Phillips, Director of Administrative Services CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Ad Valorem Tax Not to Exceed Rate Town Council Meeting, August 14, 2018 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a record vote on a not-to-exceed Fiscal Year 2019 Ad Valorem Tax Rate and to schedule two public hearings to meet Truth in Taxation requirements and/or as required by the Charter and related matters (J. Phillips). Background and Explanation: The proposed Fiscal Year 2019 budget includes an Ad Valorem Tax Rate of $0.451442 per $100 of valuation. Of the $0.451442/$100 tax rate $0.341442/$100 is for maintenance and operations and $0.11/$100 is to service the Town’s debt requirements for the upcoming fiscal year. The effective tax rate for Fiscal Year 2019 is $0.435349/$100 and the rollback rate is $0.464446/$100. A proposed tax rate above either the effective or rollback rates (whichever is lower) must be approved via a record vote and also triggers the requirement to holdtwo public hearings. Legal Review: Not applicable Board/Commission/ or Committee Recommendation: Not applicable Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends setting a Not to Exceed Rate of $0.451442/$100 Ad Valorem Tax Rate and setting two public hearings for Tuesday, August 28, 2018 and Tuesday, September 11, 2018. Attachments: 2018 Effective Tax Rate Worksheet Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 203 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 2018Effective Tax Rate Worksheet TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB See pages 13 to 16 for an explanation of the effective tax rate. 1.2017 total taxable value. Enter the amount of 2017 taxable value on the 2017 tax roll today. Include any adjustments since last year's certification; exclude Section 25.25(d) one-third over-appraisal corrections from these adjustments. This total includes the taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in line 2) and the captured value for tax increment financing (will deduct taxes in line 1 $1,972,368,536 14). 2.2017 tax ceilings. Counties, Cities and Junior College Districts. Enter 2017 total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings. These include the homesteads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Other units enter "0" If your taxing units adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2017 or prior year for homeowners age 65 or 2 $273,632,113 older or disabled, use this step. $1,698,736,423 3.Preliminary 2017 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 2 from line 1. $0.451442/$100 4.2017 total adopted tax rate. 5.2017 taxable value lost because court appeals of ARBdecisions reduced 2017 appraised value. A.Original 2017 ARB values:$47,877,256 B.2017 values resulting from final court decisions:- $37,609,533 C. 3 $10,267,723 2017 value loss. Subtract B from A. 6.2017 taxable value, adjusted for court-ordered reductions. $1,709,004,146 Add line 3 and line 5C. 7.2017 taxable value of property in territory the unitdeannexed after January 4 $0 1, 2017.Enter the 2017 value of property in deannexed territory. 8.2017 taxable value lost because property firstqualified for an exemption in 2017.Note that lowering the amount or percentage of an existing exemption does not create a new exemption or reduce taxable value. If the taxing unit increased an original exemption, use the difference between the original exempted amount and the increased exempted amount. Do not include value lost due to freeport, "goods-in-transit" exemptions. A.Absolute exemptions. Use 2017 market value:$58,197 B.Partial exemptions. 2018 exemption amount or 2018 percentage exemption times 2017 value:+ $4,280,783 C. 5 $4,338,980 Value loss. Add A and B. 1 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(14) 2 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(14) 3 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13) 4 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) 5 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) Town CouncilPage 204 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018Effective Tax Rate Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 9.2017 taxable value lost because property firstqualified for agricultural appraisal (1-d or 1-d-1), timber appraisal,recreational/scenic appraisal or public access airport special appraisal in2018.Use only those properties that first qualified in 2018; do not use properties that qualified in 2017. A.2017 market value:$0 B.2018 productivity or special appraised value:- $0 C. 6 $0 Value loss. Subtract B from A. $4,338,980 10.Total adjustments for lost value. Add lines 7, 8C and 9C. $1,704,665,166 11.2017 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 10 from line 6. $7,695,574 12.Adjusted 2017 taxes. Multiply line 4 by line 11 and divide by $100. 13.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2017. Enter the amount of taxes refunded by the taxing unit for tax years preceding tax year 2017. Types of refunds include court decisions, Tax Code § 25.25(b) and (c) corrections and Tax Code § 31.11 payment errors. Do not include refunds for tax year 2017. This line 7 $1,772 applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2017. 14.Taxes in tax increment financing (TIF) for tax year 2017. Enter the amount of taxes paid into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone as agreed by the taxing unit. If the unit has no 2018 captured appraised value in Line 16D, enter 8 $45,595 "0". 15.Adjusted 2017 taxes with refunds and TIF adjustment. Add lines 12 and 13, 9 $7,651,751 subtract line 14. 16.Total 2018 taxable value on the 2018 certifiedappraisal roll today.This value includes only certified values and includes the total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings (will deduct in line 18). These homesteads includes 10 homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. A.Certified values only:$2,092,245,601 B.Counties: Include railroad rolling stock values certified by the Comptroller's office:+ $0 6 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) 7 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13) 8 Tex. Tax Code § 26.03(c) 9 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(13) 10 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(15) Town CouncilPage 205 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018Effective Tax Rate Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 16.C.Pollution control exemption: Deduct the value of (cont.)property exempted for the current tax year for the first time as pollution control property:- $0 D.Tax increment financing: Deduct the 2018 captured appraised value of property taxable by a taxing unit in a tax increment financing zone for which the 2018 taxes will be deposited into the tax increment fund. Do not include any new property 11 value that will be included in line 21 below.- $11,798,000 E.Total 2018 value. Add A and B, then subtract C $2,080,447,601 and D. 17.Total value of properties under protest or notincluded on certified 12 appraisal roll. A.2018 taxable value of properties underprotest. The chief appraiser certifies a list of properties still under ARB protest. The list shows the appraisal district's value and the taxpayer's claimed value, if any or an estimate of the value if the taxpayer wins. For each of the properties under protest, use the 13 lowest of these values. Enter the total value.$7,132,284 B.2018 value of properties not under protest or included on certified appraisal roll.The chief appraiser gives taxing units a list of those taxable properties that the chief appraiser knows about but are not included at appraisal roll certification. These properties also are not on the list of properties that are still under protest. On this list of properties, the chief appraiser includes the market value, appraised value and exemptions for the preceding year and a reasonable estimate of the market value, appraised value and exemptions for the current year. Use the lower market, appraised or taxable value (as appropriate). Enter the total 14 value.+ $39,186 11 Tex. Tax Code § 26.03(c) 12 Tex. Tax Code § 26.01(c) 13 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04 and 26.041 14 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04 and 26.041 Town CouncilPage 206 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018Effective Tax Rate Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 17.C.Total value under protest or not certified. Add A $7,171,470 (cont.)and B. 18.2018 tax ceilings. Counties, cities and junior colleges enter 2018 total taxable value of homesteads with tax ceilings. These include the homesteads of homeowners age 65 or older or disabled. Other taxing units enter "0". If your taxing units adopted the tax ceiling provision in 2017 or prior year for 15 $303,551,243 homeowners age 65 or older or disabled, use this step. $1,784,067,828 19.2018 total taxable value. Add lines 16E and 17C. Subtract line 18. 20.Total 2018 taxable value of properties in territory annexedafter January 1, 2008.Include both real and personal property. Enter the 2018 value of property 16 $0 in territory annexed. 21.Total 2018 taxable value of new improvements and newpersonal property located in new improvements.New means the item was not on the appraisal roll in 2017. An improvement is a building, structure, fixture or fence erected on or affixed to land. New additions to existing improvements may be included if the appraised value can be determined. New personal property in a new improvement must have been brought into the taxing unit after January 1, 2017 and be located in a new improvement. New improvements do include property on 17 $26,458,658 which a tax abatement agreement has expired for 2018. $26,458,658 22.Total adjustments to the 2018 taxable value. Add lines 20 and 21. $1,757,609,170 23.2018 adjusted taxable value. Subtract line 22 from line 19. 24. 18 $0.435349/$100 2018 effective tax rate. Divide line 15 by line 23 and multiply by $100. 25.COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the effective tax rates for each type of tax the 19 $/$100 county levies. The total is the 2018 county effective tax rate. 15 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(6) 16 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(17) 17 Tex. Tax Code § 26.012(17) 18 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(c) 19 Tex. Tax Code § 26.04(d) A county, city or hospital district that adopted the additional sales tax in November 2017 or in May 2018 must adjust its effective tax rate. on page 39 sets out this adjustment. Do not forget to The AdditionalSales Tax Rate Worksheet complete the if the taxing unit adopted the additional sales tax on these dates. Additional Sales Tax Rate Worksheet Town CouncilPage 207 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018 Rollback Tax Rate Worksheet TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB See pages 17 to 21 for an explanation of the rollback tax rate. $0.341442/$100 26.2017 maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate. $1,704,665,166 27.2017 adjusted taxable value. Enter the amount from line 11. 28.2017 M&O taxes. A.Multiply line 26 by line 27 and divide by $100.$5,820,442 B.Cities, counties and hospital districts with additional sales tax:Amount of additional sales tax collected and spent on M&O expenses in 2017. Enter amount from full year's sales tax revenue spent for M&O in 2017 fiscal year, if any. Other units, enter "0." Counties exclude any amount that was spent for economic development grants from the amount of sales tax spent.+ $0 C.Counties: Enter the amount for the state criminal justice mandate. If second or later year, the amount is for increased cost above last year's amount. Other units, enter "0."+ $0 D.Transferring function: If discontinuing all of a department, function or activity and transferring it to another unit by written contract, enter the amount spent by the unit discontinuing the function in the 12 months preceding the month of this calculation. If the unit did not operate this function for this 12- month period, use the amount spent in the last full fiscal year in which the unit operated the function. The unit discontinuing the function will subtract this amount in H below. The unit receiving the function will add this amount in H below. Other units, enter "0."+/- $0 Town CouncilPage 208 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018Rollback Tax Rate Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 28.E.Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2017: (cont.)Enter the amount of M&O taxes refunded during the last budget year for tax years preceding tax year 2017. Types of refunds include court decisions, Section 25.25(b) and (c) corrections and Section 31.11 payment errors. Do not include refunds for tax year 2017. This line applies only to tax years preceding tax year 2017.+ $1,360 F.Enhanced indigent health care expenditures: Enter the increased amount for the current year's enhanced indigent health care expenditures above the preceding tax year's enhanced indigent health care expenditures, less any state assistance.+ $0 G.Taxes in tax increment financing (TIF): Enter the amount of taxes paid into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment zone as agreed by the taxing unit. If the unit has no 2018 captured appraised value in Line 16D, enter "0."- $45,595 H.Adjusted M&O Taxes. Add A, B, C, E and F. For unit with D, subtract if discontinuing function and $5,776,207 add if receiving function. Subtract G. 29.2018 adjusted taxable value. $1,757,609,170 Enter line 23 from the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet. 30.2018 effective maintenance and operations rate. $0.328640/$100 Divide line 28H by line 29 and multiply by $100. 31.2018 rollback maintenance and operation rate. Multiply line 30 by 1.08. (See lines 49 to 52 for additional rate for pollution control $0.354931/$100 expenses. Town CouncilPage 209 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018Rollback Tax Rate Worksheet (continued) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 32. Total 2018 debt to be paid with property taxes andadditional sales tax revenue. "Debt" means the interest and principal that will be paid on debts that: (1) are paid by property taxes, (2) are secured by property taxes, (3) are scheduled for payment over a period longer than one year and (4) are not classified in the unit's budget as M&O expenses. A:Debt also includes contractual payments to other taxing units that have incurred debts on behalf of this taxing unit, if those debts meet the four conditions above. Include only amounts that will be paid from property tax revenue. Do not include appraisal district budget payments. List the debt in Schedule B: Debt Service.$2,661,253 B:Subtract unencumbered fund amount used to reduce total debt.-$247,300 C:Subtract amount paid from other resources.-$460,116 D:Adjusted debt. Subtract B and C from A. $1,953,837 33.Certified 2017 excess debt collections. Enter the amount certified by the $0 collector. $1,953,837 34.Adjusted 2018 debt. Subtract line 33 from line 32. 35.Certified 2018 anticipated collection rate. Enter the rate certified by the 100.000000% collector. If the rate is 100 percent or greater, enter 100 percent. $1,953,837 36.2018 debt adjusted for collections. Divide line 34 by line 35. $1,784,067,828 37.2018 total taxable value. Enter the amount on line 19. $0.109515/$100 38.2018 debt tax rate. Divide line 36 by line 37 and multiply by $100. $0.464446/$100 39.2018 rollback tax rate. Add lines 31 and 38. 40.COUNTIES ONLY. Add together the rollback tax rates for each type of tax the $/$100 county levies. The total is the 2018 county rollback tax rate. A taxing unit that adopted the additional sales tax must complete the lines for the . A taxing Additional Sales Tax Rate unit seeking additional rollback protection for pollution control expenses completes the Additional Rollback Protection . for Pollution Control Town CouncilPage 210 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] 2018 Notice of Effective Tax Rate Worksheet for Calculation of Tax Increase/Decrease Entity Name:Date: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 07/26/2018 1. 2017 taxable value, adjusted for court-ordered reductions. Enter line 6 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.$1,709,004,146 2. 2017 total tax rate. Enter line 4 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.0.451442 3. Taxes refunded for years preceding tax year 2017. Enter line 13 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.$1,772 4. Last year's levy. Multiply Line 1 times Line 2 and divide by 100. To the result, add Line 3.$7,716,934 5. 2018 total taxable value. Enter Line 18 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet.$1,784,067,828 6. 2018 effective tax rate. Enter line 23 of the Effective Tax Rate Worksheet or Line 46 of the Additional Sales Tax Rate Worksheet.0.435349 7. 2018 taxes if a tax rate equal to the effective tax rate is adopted. Multiply Line 5 times Line 6 and divide by 100.$7,766,921 8. Last year's total levy. Sum of line 4 for all funds.$7,716,934 9. 2018 total taxes if a tax rate equal to the effective tax rate is adopted. Sum of line 7 for all funds.$7,766,921 10. Tax Increase (Decrease). Subtract Line 8 from Line 9.$49,987 Town CouncilPage 211 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 http://www.truth-in-taxation.com/PrintForms.aspx\[7/26/2018 10:33:53 AM\] Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-384-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:8/7/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance, amending Article 8.02, Noise, within the Town’s Code of Ordinances to amend work allowed on Sundays; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Lamont). Attachments:Article 8.02 Noise.pdf Construction Hours or Noise.pdf Copy of Copy of Construction Work Hours Chart; Towns in Area 2.0.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 15: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinance,amendingArticle8.02,Noise,withintheTown’sCodeof OrdinancestoamendworkallowedonSundays;andprovidinganeffectivedate(MayorSandersandCouncilMember Lamont). Town CouncilPage 212 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 * ARTICLE 8.02 NOISE Sec. 8.02.001 Penalty Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. (Ordinance 88-27, sec. V, adopted 12/12/88; Ordinance 1999-19, sec. V, adopted 7/20/99; 2006 Code, ch. 8, sec. 1.05) Sec. 8.02.002 Injunctive relief In addition to the fines and penalties set forth in section 8.02.001hereof for the enforcement of the provisions of this article, the town may enforce the provisions hereof by injunctive relief through an appropriate court of competent jurisdiction.(Ordinance 88-27, sec. IV, adopted 12/12/88; Ordinance 1999-19, sec. IV, adopted 7/20/99; 2006 Code, ch. 8, sec. 1.04) Sec. 8.02.003 Declaration of nuisance (a) The following acts, among others, are declared to be nuisances in violation of this article, but said enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive: (1) The playing of any radio, phonograph, tape player or other electronic device of a similar nature, or any musical instrument, in such manner or with such volume, during the hours between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities in any dwelling or other type of residence, such persons being indoors or outdoors at any such location. (2) The use of any loudspeaker or amplifier of such intensity that annoys or disturbs persons of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity thereof, except by permit issued by the town manager or designee in accordance with section 8.02.005 of this article. (3) The running of any automobile, motorcycle, or vehicle so out of repair or so loaded, or operating a vehicle in any such manner, as to create loud or unnecessary grating, grinding, jarring, or rattling noise or vibrations. (4) The discharge into the open air of the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, motor vehicle engine or boat engine, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom. (5) The use of any mechanical device operated by compressed air, unless the noise to be created is effectively muffled and reduced to prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom. (6) The erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair work on any building, other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on or during the weekdays of Monday through Saturday and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on or during Sunday, inclusive, except in case of an urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and convenience, and then only by permit from the town manager or designee in accordance with section 8.02.005 of this article, specifying the nature of the emergency and the days and hours such work is to be allowed, which permit may be renewed by the town manager or designee during the time the emergency exists. (7) The operation of any heavy equipment, machinery or apparatus for excavation, construction, grading, earth moving, paving, cement laying or pouring, drilling or work of any nature, or the operation Town CouncilPage 213 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 of any chain saw, within 1500 lineal feet of any occupied residential dwelling, other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on or during the weekdays of Monday through Saturday and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on or during Sunday, inclusive, except in case of an urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and convenience, and then only by permit from the town manager or designee in accordance with section 8.02.005 of this article, specifying the nature of the emergency and the days and hours such work is to be allowed, which permit may be renewed by the town manager or designee during the time the emergency exists. (8) As a part of any business, other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Saturday, and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Sunday, inclusive, within 1500 linear feet of any occupied residential dwelling, the operation of any heavy equipment, truck or machinery which emits noises of such intensity or loudness that annoy or disturb persons of ordinary sensibilities within such distance, except in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and convenience, and then only by permit from the town manager or designee in accordance with section 8.02.005 of this article, specifying the nature of the emergency and the dates and hours such work is to be allowed, which permit may be renewed by the town manager or designee during the time the emergency exists. (9) Construction work performed on any of the following holidays: New Year೉s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. (b) Notwithstanding any of the above, the town manager or designee shall have the authority to and may issue a permit in accordance with section 8.02.005 of this article for alteration or repair work or for new construction in connection with owner-occupied residences when the particular work is to performed by the owner-occupant of the premises where the work is to be performed and when such work is to be performed between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. (Ordinance 88-27, sec. I, adopted 12/12/88; Ordinance 1999-19, sec. I, adopted 7/20/99; 2006 Code, ch. 8, sec. 1.01; Ordinance 2012-14, secs. 2.01–2.03, adopted 6/18/12; Ordinance adopting Code; Ordinance 2018-11 adopted 6/12/18) Sec. 8.02.004 Exception for lawn equipment and agricultural equipment This article is not intended to prohibit and shall not prohibit in any way the operation of power lawnmowers or other lawn equipment or any equipment used for agricultural purposesor golf course or lawn maintenance. (Ordinance 88-27, sec. II, adopted 12/12/88; Ordinance 1999-19, sec. II, adopted 7/20/99; 2006 Code, ch. 8, sec. 1.02) Sec. 8.02.005 Permit Any exemption from the provisions of this article by permit issued by the town manager or designee must be in writing by the applicant at least 48 hours prior to the requested issuance date and time, unless the emergency circumstances are such, upon determination by the town manager or designee, that a shorter time should be allowed. Thereafter, upon issuance of the permit by the town manager or designee, such permit shall be displayed at all times during the performance of the work, upon the premises to which such permit applies, in clear view for the inspection by the public lawenforcement officials of the town. No permit for an exemption to the provisions of this article shall be issued or renewed by the town manager or designee for a period exceeding three (3) months. Any requested period exceeding three (3) months must be approved by the town council. (Ordinance 88-27, sec. III, adopted 12/12/88; Ordinance 1999-19, sec. III, adopted 7/20/99; 2006 Code, ch. 8, sec. 1.03; Ordinance adopting Code) Town CouncilPage 214 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Flower Mound: Operating or permitting to be operated in a residential district, or within 500 feet of any residence, any equipment used in commercialconstruction, repair, alteration or demolition work on buildings, structures, streets, alleys or appurtenances thereto and/or the erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building in a residential district, or within 500 feet of any residence, at times other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Roanoke: Construction equipment or machinery.The operation ofconstructionequipment or machinery of any type within six hundred (600) feet of a residence, church, hospital, hotel, or motel between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. in such a manner as to causenoise, as defined. Argyle: Exemptions - The following uses andactivities shall be exempt from thenoiselevel regulations herein specified. 1.Noises not directly under control of the property user. 2.Noises emanating from construction and maintenance activities between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (daylight hours). * “Daytime” shall refer to the hours between sunrise and sunset on any given day. Justin, TX: Constructionmeans any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration, demolition, or similar action, for or of public or private rights-of-way, structures, utilities or similar property. Construction non-peak hoursmeans thosehoursbefore 7:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and before 9:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Keller, TX: Sec. 4-130. - Permittedconstructionworkhours. The erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration, repair or related work,of any building or structure in residential or nonresidential districts, excluding any inside work done in an enclosed building or structure in nonresidential districts, is prohibited other than between thehoursof6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekends, except in the caseofurgent necessity and in the interestofpublic safety, for which a permit shall be obtained from the building official. (Ord. No. 857, § 1, 5-20-97) Town CouncilPage 215 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Haslet: (9) Constructionwork. Engaging inconstructionother than during the daytime, Monday through Saturday, except in case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and convenience, and then only by permit from the mayor. (Daytime. The daylight hours from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset with exact times of sunrise and sunset as designated by the U.S. Naval Observatory for this regional time zone.) Addison, TX: Unlawful activity.It shall be unlawful for a person, firm or corporation to excavate, erect, build,construct, alter, repair or demolish any building or structure which has been issued or which is required to be issued a building permit by the Town of Addison between thehoursof 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and between thehoursof 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday,if such activity is performed within a residential, apartment or townhouse zoned area, or within three hundred (300) feet of an occupied residence, except in cases of urgent necessity or in the interest of public safety and convenience, and then only by permission of the city manager. Decatur, TX: No person shall allow, make or cause to be made any unreasonably loud or disturbing noise that is offensive to the sensibilities of a reasonable prudent person, renders the enjoyment of life or property uncomfortable, interferes with public peace and comfort, or causes a noise disturbance as defined. Construction/maintenance work between sundown and sunup,the operating or permitting to be operated any equipment used in construction, maintenance, repair, alteration or demolition work on building, structures, streets, alley, lawns, golf courses or appurtenances thereto and/or the erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building within a residential district or quiet zone, or within five hundred (500) feet of any residence or quiet zone, in such a manner as to cause a noise disturbance. Saginaw, TX: The erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair work, on or of any building other than between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, except in case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and convenience, and then only by permit from the city council, which permit may be renewed by the city council during the time the emergency exists and conditioned in such manner as the city council shall determine to be most in the public interest. Town CouncilPage 216 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Burleson: Constructionwork.Noisecreated byconstructionwork within 300 feet of an occupied residential structure involving the erection, excavation, demolition, alternation, or repair of any building, structure, flatwork or public works facility, is prohibited as follows: Before 7:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. Monday—Friday Before 9:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. on Saturday—Sunday Unless expressly authorized by the city manager or his designee to meet a site specificconstructionrequirement. Arlington: Section 1.12 Hours of Construction Outdoor construction activities for projects supervised by building permits shall be prohibited, if located within three hundred (300’) feet of property used for residential purposes, during the following times: (1) During the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Central Standard Time. (2) During the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Central Daylight Savings Time. EXCEPTION: Homeowners performing work when acting as their own contractor. Highland Village: Constructionactivity and deliveries prohibited at certain times (a) Prohibited hours and days. (1) The erection, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair work, on any building or building site, atany time other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on a weekday, and 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, is declared a public nuisance and is unlawful. (2) The delivery ofconstructionmaterials, including lumber, drywall, concrete, cabinets, bricks, etc., at any time other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday is hereby declared a public nuisance and is unlawful. (3) Constructionactivity and the delivery of construction materials as regulatedin this section shall be prohibited on designated city holidays. A list of all designated holidays observed by the city shall be on file with the city secretary. (b) Exceptions. Town CouncilPage 217 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 (1) On days other than Sunday,constructionactivity may take place at times other than that permitted in subsection (a) of this section. Such activity shall be restricted to the inside of the structure. The structure shall screen theconstructionactivity from sight and suppress the sound and odors of such activity from adjacent property and rights-of-way. (2) In emergency conditions and in the interest of public safety and/or public necessity, the city manager or authorized official may permitconstructionactivity during other times. Such emergency conditions include,but are not limited to, natural disasters and remedial action to dangerous structures. (3) Constructionactivity in the form of ordinary residential maintenance is permitted. Carrollton: The operation of construction equipment or machinery within 1,000 feet of any residence any time except during the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The operation of construction equipment or machinery within 1,000 feet of any residence on Sundays and the following holidays, regardless of the day of week: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday Christmas Day Town CouncilPage 218 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 9:00 AM8:00 AM7:00 AM6:00 AM 10:00 PM9:00 PM8:00 PM7:00 PM6:00 PM5:00 PM4:00 PM3:00 PM2:00 PM1:00 PM12:00 PM11:00 AM10:00 AM Carrollton Saturday 2018 14, August Weekdays Highland Village Date: Saturday Meeting Weekdays Arlington Weekends Weekdays Burleson Weekends Weekdays Saginaw No work on weekends.Weekends Weekdays Addison Weekends Weekdays 228 of Daytime, the daylight hours from one-half Haslet 219 hour before sunrise to one half hour after Weekends sunset. Page Daytime, the daylight hours from one-half hour before sunrise to one half hour after Weekdays sunset. Keller Weekends Weekdays Justin Weekends Weekdays Argyle Weekends Weekdays Roanoke Weekends Weekdays Flower Mound Weekends Weekdays Council Trophy Club Town Sunday Mon - Sat 10:00 PM9:00 AM8:00 AM7:00 AM6:00 AM 9:00 PM8:00 PM7:00 PM6:00 PM5:00 PM4:00 PM3:00 PM2:00 PM1:00 PM12:00 PM11:00 AM10:00 AM 10:00 PM12:00 PM11:00 AM10:00 AM9:00 AM8:00 AM7:00 AM6:00 AM 9:00 PM8:00 PM7:00 PM6:00 PM5:00 PM4:00 PM3:00 PM2:00 PM1:00 PM 2018 Carrollton 14, Saturday August Weekdays Highland Village Date: Saturday Meeting Weekdays AddisonSaginawBurlesonArlington Weekends Weekdays Weekends Weekdays Weekends Weekdays Weekends Weekdays 228 of 220 Daytime, the daylight hours from one-half Trophy ClubFlower MoundRoanokeArgyleJustinKellerHaslet hour before sunrise to one half hour after Weekends Page sunset. Daytime, the daylight hours from one-half hour before sunrise to one half hour after Weekdays sunset. Weekends Weekdays Weekends Weekdays Weekends Weekdays Weekends Weekdays Weekends Council Weekdays Town Sunday Mon - Sat 10:00 PM12:00 PM11:00 AM10:00 AM9:00 AM8:00 AM7:00 AM6:00 AM 9:00 PM8:00 PM7:00 PM6:00 PM5:00 PM4:00 PM3:00 PM2:00 PM1:00 PM Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-362-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the August 28, 2018 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Attachments:August 28, 2018 Proposed Agenda.pdf Town Council Future Agenda Items List updated 08-07-2018.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 16: DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheAugust28,2018Councilagenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 221 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Meeting Date: August 28, 2018 Regular Session Start Time 7:00 p.m. Announcements & Reports No. Receive Town Manager Class' update and provide input regarding the following (T. 1Town Mgr Class): Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): 2Town Sec STAFF No. ConsentRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSession 3Town Sec Minutes dated August 14, 2018 (H. Fimbres). Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardingthefinancialandvariancereport Finance 4 dated June 2018 (J. Phillips). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganAmendmenttotheInterlocal AgreementbetweentheTownandNorthwestIndependentSchoolDistrictfor 5Police SchoolResourceOfficerservicesforFiscalYear2019;andauthorizingtheMayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (P. Arata). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council authorizing the creation of an employee benefits trust; designating members to be trustees of said trust; and authorizing the trust to purchase various forms of 6Admin Ser insurance for the benefit of city officers, employees, qualified retirees, and their dependents (J. Phillips). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an extension to the Interlocal Agreement for participation in the City of Fort Worth's Household Hazardous 7Com Dev Waste program for Fiscal Year 2019; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (T. Uzee). STAFF No. Public HearingRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 budget pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making 8Finance appropriations and providing for expenditures (J. Phillips). Conduct the First Public Hearing for the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place 9Finance of the vote on the tax rate (J. Phillips). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Z-18-001 Unzoned Parcels 10Com Dev Town CouncilPage 222 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a Town-initiated request to zone approximately 2.15 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located northeast of SH 114 and 114 Business; to zone approximately 12.81 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 125 feet west of W. Hillside Place; to zone approximately 0.18 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located southwest of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; to rezone A) approximately 0.57 acres of land from R-10 Single Family District to GU Governmental Use District, generally located west of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; and to zone approximately 0.51 acres of land to R-10 Single Family District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 30 feet east of Troon Drive, within Trophy Club’s town limits (L. Payne). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Town-initiated request to zone approximately 2.15 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located northeast of SH 114 and 114 Business; to zone approximately 12.81 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 125 feet west of W. Hillside Place; to zone approximately 0.18 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located southwest of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; to rezone B) approximately 0.57 acres of land from R-10 Single Family District to GU Governmental Use District, generally located west of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; and to zone approximately 0.51 acres of land to R-10 Single Family District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 30 feet east of Troon Drive, within Trophy Club’s town limits (L. Payne). Case SP-AMD-18-001 (Fellowship United Methodist Church) 11Com Dev Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Fellowship United Methodist Church, generally located northwest of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 140 feet southwest of Indian Creek Drive (L. Payne). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Section 14.02.352, Landscaping Regulations, of Division 7, Development and Design 12Com Dev Standards, of Chapter 14, Zoning, of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances in order to allow artificial turf in backyards, front yards, and side yards (T. Uzee). Town Council Future Agenda Item No. 3 13Com Dev Receive an update from Town Staff and take appropriate action regarding Entryway Monumentation, Wayfinding signage, and Parks signs for the Town of Trophy Club (L. Payne). Town Council Future Agenda Item No. 9 14Parks Receive an update from Town Staff and take appropriate action regarding the Trophy Club Park Master Plan (T. Jaramillo). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval or rejection of the Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Budget for Fiscal Year 15Finance 2019 submitted to the Town Council by the CCPD Board (J. Phillips). Town CouncilPage Page 2 of 3 223 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Receive a presentation from Town Staff regarding the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget and 16Finance provide appropriate direction (J. Phillips). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the September 11, 2018 Council agenda and items from the Town Council 17Town Sec Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Item No. 1 from the Future Agenda Items list: Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater A) Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016) (2-May 10, 2016) (3- August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) (7- May 22, 2018) (8-August 28, 2018) STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 18Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of A) the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Breach of Contract Issues, Procedures, and Claims (D. Dodd) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open B) meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or C) dismissal of a public officer or employee: Crime Control and Prevention District Board (H. Fimbres) STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 2018-04 and adopting a new Resolution making annual appointments, 19Town Sec reaffirming existing appointments, and providing an effective date (H. Fimbres). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. 20Town Sec Fimbres). Town CouncilPage Page 3 of 3 224 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 08/07/2018) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016)(2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) (7-May 22, 2018) (8-August 28, 2018) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2/20/2017 – Council moved this item to be discussed during the February 25, 2017 Council Retreat. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders added the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant to this item. 5/23/2017 - Mayor Sanders advised that his intent was that the Annex Building would be utilized for Town storage after Staff relocated into the new Town Hall facility . 5/22/2018 – Direction was given to place the above items on the Joint Session agenda between Council and the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors that would occur in July 2018. 2. Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114.(Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (4-March 14, 2017) (5-September 12, 2017) (6-April 10, 2018) (7-July 24, 2018) (8-October 23, 2018) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 12/13/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that he wanted to pursue moving forward with this item because this grant greatly assisted with the beautification of Davis Boulevard through the Town of Westlake. 6/13/2017 – Mayor Sanders requested to delay this item for an updatebecause the Metroport Cities Partnership was attempting to secure a Regional Green Ribbon Grant for the beautification of the State Highway 114 corridor through Westlake, Trophy Club, North Lake, and Roanoke. 9/12/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that the next Metroport Cities Partnership meeting was scheduled for September 21, 2017 and this item was on their agenda to be discussed. 9/26/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that Metroport Cities Partnership would be moving forward with a grant application for beautification. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 225 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 12/12/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that there was currently no new information to provide. 4/10/2018 – Mayor Sanders attended a Texas Department of Transportation meeting where the following topics were discussed: construction of feeder roads along the highway that did not currently exist; installation of a Texas U-turn at Solana Boulevard and Kirkwood Boulevard; changing exit and entrance directions; and installation of irrigation equipment. 7/24/2018 – Mayor Sanders provided an update and advised that Metroport Cities Partnership was in the process of pursuing a Regional Green Ribbon Grant through the Texas Department of Transportation, which could take up to a year for the grant to be awarded. 3. Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and Landscaping for the Town of Trophy Club. (Sanders 2/27/2018) (1-May 22, 2018) (2-August 28, 2018) 5/22/2018 – Town Planner Payne provided an update regarding Entryway Monument signs, Wayfinding signs, and Parks signs. Council gave direction to bring back a plan for repairing and updating Parks monument signs and a plan for standardizing trailhead signs. 4. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Parkland Dedication Fund. (Jensen 6/12/2018)(1-September 11, 2018) 5. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding updating the Town’s Storm Water Master Plan. (Shoffner 6/12/2018) (1-September 11, 2018) 6. Discussion of and take appropriate action to establish a restrictive Capital Replacement Fund with a long term funding policy. (Rowe 6/26/2018) (1-September 25, 2018) 7. Receive an update from Staff and take appropriate action regarding the possibility to al- low attached forward facing garages. (Rowe 6/26/2018) (1-September 25, 2018) 8. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding amending the Town’s sign ordinance. (Lamont 7/24/2018) (1-October 23, 2018) 9. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Trophy Club Park Master Plan. (Shoffner 7/24/2018) (1-October 23, 2018) 10.Discussion of and possible action between the Town and EDC 4B regarding long range planning to use the parcel between Bread Winners and Trophy Club Town Hall. (Sanders 7/24/2018) (1-October 23, 2018) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 226 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-363-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: 1.Breach of Contract Issues, Procedures, and Claims (D. Dodd) 2.Loop Road B)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: North of State Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive and west of Town limits (Mayor Pro Tem Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 17: PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.071ConsultationwithAttorneyunderSubsection(2)toconsultwiththeTownAttorneyonamatterin whichthedutyoftheattorneytothegovernmentalbodyundertheTexasDisciplinaryRulesofProfessionalConduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: 1.Breach of Contract Issues, Procedures, and Claims (D. Dodd) 2.Loop Road B)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmental body in negotiations with a third person: NorthofStateHighway114,eastofTrophyClubDriveandwestofTownlimits(MayorProTemShoffnerandCouncil Member Kurtz) Town CouncilPage 227 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-364-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:7/24/2018 In control:Town Council On agenda:8/14/2018 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 18: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 228 of 228Meeting Date: August 14, 2018