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Class): ·Fall Festival ·Highway 114 Sound Wall Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 1: Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and provide input regarding same (T. Class): Fall Festival Highway 114 Sound Wall Town CouncilPage 6 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-444-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated September 12, 2017 (H. Fimbres). Attachments:Draft TC Regular Session Minutes September 12, 2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 2: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSessionMinutesdatedSeptember12,2017 (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 7 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2017, 7:00 P.M. LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS SVORE MUNICIPAL BUILDING BOARDROOM The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, September 12, 2017. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Rhylan Rowe Mayor Pro Tem, Place 3 Alicia Fleury Council Member, Place 1 Eric Jensen Council Member, Place 2 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 Greg Lamont Council Member, Place 5 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Tom Class Town Manager Amber Karkauskas Director of Finance Amber KarkauskasAmber KarkauskasDirector of Finance David Dodd Town Attorney Sherri Lewis PIO/Communications Manager PIO/Communications Manager Sherri LewisSherri Lewis Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Mike Pastor Mike Pastor Information Technology Manager Patrick Arata Police Chief Jonathan Phillips Director of Administrative Services Jonathan Jonathan PhillipsPhillips Director of Administrative Services Director of Administrative Services Wade Carroll Fire Chief John Zagurski Budget Manager John ZagurskiJohn Zagurski Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, September 12, 2017, called the Town Council to order and announced the date of TuesdaySeptember 12September 12 2017 announced the date of Tuesday , , announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. p.mp.m .. The Invocation was offered by Budget Manager Zagurski. Budget Manager ZagurskiBudget Manager Zagurski by by fered fered . The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Fleury. and Texas FlagTexas Flag The Pledges to the American FlagThe Pledges to the American Flagwere led bywere led by and (Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; (Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; (Town Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen Presentations; Announcements and Reports; Consent Agenda; Agenda Item No. 7; Public Hearings; Agenda Items No. 10 and 11; Announcements and Reports; Consent Agenda; Agenda Item No. 7; Public Hearings; Agenda ItemAnnouncements and Reports; Consent Agenda; Agenda Item No. 7; Public Hearings; Agenda Item Agenda Item No. 15; Agenda Items No. 12 through 14; Agenda Item No. 16; Executive Session; and Agenda Items Agenda Item No. 15; Agenda ItemAgenda Item No. 15; Agenda Itemthrough No. 12No. 12 through s No. 18 and 19) )and 19 and 19and 19 CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS CITIZEN PRESENTATIONSCITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not itThis is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss anyThe Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to concerning an item not listed on theconcerning an item not listed on the the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to Council addressing those items. You may speak up to Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. There were no citizen presentations. Town CouncilPage 8 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff): Emergency Deployment – The Fire Department was demobilized on September 11, 2017 in support of the Hurricane Harvey relief effort. Over the course of 14 days, two (2) teams changed out and served in three (3) cities in the Houston area: League City; an unincorporated area of Harris County; and Port Arthur. They averaged about seven (7) calls per day with a total of 93 calls. Fire Chief Patrick Ship, with the Webster Fire Department, commended the Trophy Club Fire Department for their professionalism. Town Hall – Staff successfully moved into the new facility over the past weekend; the phone system was operational; the Information Technology was functioning at approximately 90 percent; and the approximately approximately landscaping would be installed at a later date. He recognized the current Council and prior Council for current Council and current Council and their vision and commitment for producing a quality facility, and he thanked the residents for their for producing a quality facility, and he thanked the residents for for producing a quality facility, and he thanked the residents for support. Additionally, he advised that the Building Dedication Ceremony was tentatively scheduled for Dedication Ceremony Dedication Ceremony was tentatively scheduled for was tentatively scheduled for October 21, 2017. 2. Receive an update from the Council Subcommittee that was tasked with the review of Council Chambers, Receive an update from the Council Subcommittee that was tasked with the review of Council Chambers, Receive an update from the Council Subcommittee that was tasked with the review of Council Chambers, Public Art and Decorations/Furnishings for the Foyer and/or Council Chambers; and provide guidance lic Art and Decorations/Furnishings for the Foyer and/or Council Chambers; and provide guidance lic Art and Decorations/Furnishings for the Foyer and/or Council Chambers; and provide guidance (Mayor Sanders). Council Member Fleury provided three (3) mockup examples of brushed aluminum lettering to be placed on the three (3) mockup examples of brushed aluminum of brushed aluminum lettering to be placed on the wall behind the Council dais, along with a couple of cost estimates. There were two (2) choices for mounting the (2) with a couple of cost estimateswith a couple of cost estimatesThere were two There were two choices for mounting the . . lettering; the first option was to mount the letters on the wall with brackets leaving a small space between the wall the letters on the wall with brackets leaving a small space between the wall the letters on the wall with brackets leaving a small space between the wall and letters, and the other option would be for the letters to be adhered directly to the wall. The letters would be or the letters or the letters be adhered directly to the wall. The letters be adhered directly to the wall. The letters to approximately 18 inches in height and the span would be about 16 feet. Her preference was to use the lettering approximately 18 inches in height and the span would be about 16 feet. approximately 18 inches in height and the span would be about 16 feet. Her preference wHer preference w that adhered to the wall. She added that the Town seal would be installed in the back portion of the Council he seal would be inseal would be in stalled installed inthe back portion Town Town the back portion She added that t Chambers along with the flags to allow for a photography area. to allow for a photography areato allow for a photography area . . Council Member Kurtz recommended the post mounting option since the wall was rounded and there would be Council Member Kurtz recommended the post mounting optionCouncil Member Kurtz recommended the post mounting optionsince the wall was rounded and there would be potential that the adhesive letters would fall off over the long term. adhesive letters would falladhesive letters would fallffffover the long termover the long term o o . Mayor Sanders received consensus from the Council to proceed with the following lettering style “TOWN of received consensus from the Council to proceed with the following lettering style “TOWN received consensus from the Council to proceed with the following lettering style “TOWN TROPHY CLUB” to be used on the wall behind the Council dais. TROPHY CLUB” to be used on the wall behind the Council dais.TROPHY CLUB” to be used on the wall behind the Council dais. Mayor Sanders advised that the Council Subcommittee was in the process of retrieving photographs of the past advised that the Council Subadvised that the Council Sub committee Mayors to be displayed in an 8”x10” frame and a photograph of the first Council was reproduced to be displayed in ”” ” frameframeand Mayors to be displayed in an 8Mayors to be displayed in an 8photograph of the first Council was r x10 a an 8”x10” frame. They began searching for photographs of all prior Council’s since 1985, but were unsuccessful. frame. They began searching for photographs of all prior Council’s since 1985, but were unsuccessful. frame. They began searching for photographs of all prior Council’s since 1985, but were unsuccessful. He requested guidance if the Council would like to display photographs of prior Councils since 2007 or to move requested grequested guidance if the Council would like to display if the Council would like to display forward with the display of only the first Council and the current Council. forward with the display of forward with the display of only only the first Council and the current Councilthe first Council and the current Council Mayor Sanders received consensus from the Council to proceed with only displaying a photograph of the first Mayor Sanders received consensus from the Council to proceed withMayor Sanders received consensus from the Council to proceed with Council and the current Council. current Council.current Council. Mayor Sanders remarked that an enlarged aerial photo would be displayed in the Community Conference Room, remarked that aremarked that a EOC Training Room, and the Administration Conference Room. They intended to have historical items exhibited in the lobby area by the Permitting Department. Council Member Shoffner recommended taking action for furnishings and decorations through Agenda Item No. 13, regarding furnishings for the new Trophy Club Town Hall facility, for a not to exceed amount of $10,000. Mayor Sanders commented that the Council Subcommittee discussed placing benches in the foyer area and in the lobby area by the Permitting Department, as well as having a piece of furniture in the center of the rotunda area for the public to sit. Additionally, there was the ability to install sound baffling material that would appear to be artwork in the rotunda area in order to absorb some of the echo. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 2 of 10 Town CouncilPage 9 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Council Member Jensen believed that the Council should set a budget for furnishings in the rotunda area and allow the Town Manager to decide on furnishings. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated August 8, 2017 (Staff). (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packetTown Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated July 2017 (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated July 2017 (Staff).Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated July 2017 (Staff). 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and Valley Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and Valley Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and Valley View Consulting, LLC for Investment Advisory Services; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to View Consulting, LLC for Investment Advisory Services; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to View Consulting, LLC for Investment Advisory Services; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 2017-06, authorizing Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 2017Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 201706, authorizing 06, authorizing -- participation in various cooperative purchasing programs, and adopting a new resolution authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs, and adopting a new resolution authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs, and adopting a new resolution authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs in accordance with the Town’s Procurement participation in various cooperative purchasing programs in accordance with the Town’s Procurement participation in various cooperative purchasing programs in accordance with the Town’s Procurement Policies and Procedures; authorizing execution of any and all necessary agreements for participation in the es and Procedures; authorizing execution of any and all necessary agreements for participation in the es and Procedures; authorizing execution of any and all necessary agreements for participation in the cooperative programs by the Mayor or his designee; approving related contracts and the payment of cooperative programs by the Mayor or his designee; approving related contracts and the payment of cooperative programs by the Mayor or his designee; approving related contracts and the payment of related fees in accordance with the budget; and providing an effective date (Staff). g an effective date (Staff).g an effective date (Staff). related fees in accordance with the budget; and providin related fees in accordance with the budget; and providin 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town of Trophy Club and the EST Group for operations in the Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town of Trophy Club and the EST Group for operations in the Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town of Trophy Club and the EST Group for operations in the Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Council Member Shoffner requested to remove Agenda Item No. 7 from the Consent Agenda. requested to remove requested to remove Agenda from the Consent Agenda Item No. Item No. 7 Motion: Motion made by Council Member Kurtz, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to approve Consent Agenda Items 3 Council Member Council Member seconded by seconded by KurtzKurtzMayor Pro Mayor Pro , , through 6. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Motion passed unanimouslyMotion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 7-0-0. REGULAR SESSION REGULAR 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a replacement Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town of Trophy Club and the EST Group for operations in the Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town Storage Area Network (SAN) between the Town Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary Information Services Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). documents (Staff).documents (Staff). Council Member Shoffner believed that there should be a plan to migrate to the Cloud for storage, such as Council Member Shoffner Council Member Shoffner believed that there should be a plan to migrate to the Clbelieved that there should be a plan to migrate to the Cl Laserfiche, instead of purchasing additional storage. , instead of purchasing additional storage. , instead of purchasing additional storage. Discussion took place that fundamentally there were advantages to establishing a plan to use the Cloud for storage. Information Technology Manager Pastor remarked that currently three (3) host servers housed 30 virtual servers. Council Member Shoffner inquired if this size of storage would be needed if a plan was established to have certain items stored in the Cloud and have the remaining items stored locally. Information Technology Manager Pastor responded that the current SAN was at the end of its life and that there would need to be a detailed plan involved Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 3 of 10 Town CouncilPage 10 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 redesigning items to be stored in the Cloud; there could be additional cost associated with either increased bandwidth or technical issues with the remote route. Additional conversation took place regarding the current storage capability and maintenance issues, the proposed SAN being double the amount of storage than what was currently used, and reviewing a plan to be established for possibly moving some items to the Cloud. No action was taken on this item. PUBLIC HEARING 8. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 budget Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 budget Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the proposed fiscal year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 budget pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures (Staff). pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures (Staff).pursuant to Section 9.05 of the Town Charter; making appropriations and providing for expenditures (Staff). Mayor Sanders convened into a Public Hearing at 7:36 p.m. and announced that the Budget would be considered announced that the Budget would be considered announced that the Budget would be considered at the September 26, 2017 Council meeting. There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item. There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the itemThere were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item . . 9. Conduct the Second Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2017 to Conduct the Second Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2017 to Conduct the Second Public Hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate (Staff). September 30, 2018, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the voSeptember 30, 2018, and Mayor to announce the date, time and place of the vote on the tax rate (Staff). Mayor Sanders announced that the vote for the proposed tax rate of $0.457124 per $100 valuation would be held $0.457124 per $100 valuation would be held $0.457124 per $100 valuation would be held Mayor Sanders announced that the vote for the proposed tax rate of Mayor Sanders announced that the vote for the proposed tax rate of on September 26, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. on September 26, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262.on September 26, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item. There were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the itemThere were no individuals present that wished to speak regarding the item . Mayor Sanders reconvened into Regular Session at 7:38 p.m. Mayor Sanders reconvened into Regular Session at 7:387:38 p.m.p.m. REGULAR SESSION REGULARREGULARSESSIONSESSION 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing September 2017 as Suicide Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Council Member Fleury).Council Member Fleury). Mayor Sanders advised that representatives were unable to attend the Council meeting to accept the Mayor Sanders advised that representatives were unable to Mayor Sanders advised that representatives were unable to Proclamation; therefore the Proclamation would be presented at the September 26, 2017 Council meeting. Proclamation; therefore the Proclamation Proclamation; therefore the Proclamation would be presented at No action was taken on this item. No action was taken on this item.No action was taken on this item. 11. Receive an update from Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District, Receive an update from Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District, Receive an update from Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District, regarding an annual District overview; discussion of same (Mayor Sanders). regarding an annual District overview; discussion of same (Mayor Sanders).regarding an annual District overview; discussion of same (Mayor Sanders). Dr. Ryder Warren, Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District (NISD), provided their State of the Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District (NISD),Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District (NISD), District update, which included the following: NISD Board of Trustees; Vision; Priority Goals; Geographic School District update, which included the following: NISD Board of Trustees; Vision; District update, which included the following: NISD Board of Trustees; Vision; District Map; NISD Statistics; Student Enrollment; Annual Closing Distribution 2Q17; Ten-Year Enrollment Forecast; NISD Statistics; NISD Statistics; Projected and Actual Enrollment; Growth/Infrastructure Concerns; Managing Growth; Leo Adams Middle School; Elementary No. 18; Upcoming Projects for Trophy Club Area; Samuel Beck Elementary Addition; Anticipated Schedule for Upcoming Projects; 85th Legislative Session; and Legislative Changes Impacting Education. Council Member Shoffner inquired about the future capacity for Beck Elementary. Dr. Warren responded that the District intended to have Beck Elementary at a capacity of 850 and Lakeview Elementary at a capacity of 650. No action was taken on this item. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 4 of 10 Town CouncilPage 11 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 12. Provide direction to Town Staff regarding the Grand Opening event for the new Trophy Club Town Hall facility (Mayor Sanders). Mayor Sanders advised that the Grand Opening event was tentatively scheduled for October 21, 2017. Additionally, he commented that the dais in the Council Chambers was in the process of being reinstalled. Town Manager Class advised that the current balance of the Contingency Fund was $52,075.59. He received a change order in the amount of $12,237.86 for the dais revision, going from eleven (11) panels to seven (7) panels, the installation of the chair rail, and the installation of a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enclosure panel at the podium. Mayor Sanders remarked that the dais revision would not be completed by the anticipated Grand Opening date n would not be completed by the anticipated Grand Openingn would not be completed by the anticipated Grand Opening because it would take approximately eight (8) weeks to complete the work. Mayor Pro Tem Rowe was not in favor of the Town spending additional funds for a design and workmanship issue. was not in favor of the Town spending additional funds for a design and was not in favor of the Town spending additional funds for a design and workmanship issue Council Member Fleury agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Rowe and stated that the architect did not rescale the dais and stated that and stated that the architect did not rescale the dais the architect did not rescale the dais when the size of the Council Chambers was reduced. She commented that the millwork was poor and that the She commented that the millwork was poor and that the She commented that the millwork was poor and that the corner miters did not line up together. Town Manager Class advised that the millwork subcontractor’s opinion was that the revision of an eleven (11) that the that the revision of an eleven (11) contractor’scontractor’s opiopinion was nion was panel dais to a seven (7) panel dais was a redesign requiring a deconstruction of the entire dais. deconstructideconstructiof of redesign requiring athe entire dais. onon Mayor Sanders was not in favor of spending additional funds for the dais and he believed that the subcontractor not in favor of spending additional fundsfor the dais andfor the dais andhe believed not in favor of spending additional funds should correct the poor workmanship. Council Member Shoffner believed that the podium being noncompliant with ADA requirements was an error of podium podium Council Member Shoffner believed that the being noncompliant with ADA requirements being noncompliant with ADA requirements the architect, and Mayor Sanders believed that it was the architect’s responsibility to remove the handrails that believed that it was the architect’s responsibility tbelieved that it was the architect’s responsibility t were installed because they were not required. were installed because they were not required were installed because they were not required . Council Member Jensen suggested moving the Grand Opening date to November 14, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. to allow suggested moving suggested moving the Grand Opening the Grand Opening date to November 14, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. to allow efficient time to plan the event. an the event.an the event. Council Member Shoffner believed that the Grand Opening should be consistent with the date that would be Council Member Shoffner believed that Council Member Shoffner believed that the Grand Opening should the Grand Opening should placed on the Building Dedication Plaque, which was October 21, 2017. placed on the Building Dedication Plaque, which was October 21, 2017placed on the Building Dedication Plaque, which was October 21, 2017 Council Member Lamont was in favor of having the Grand Opening once the Council Chambers was completed and Council Member Council Member was in favor of having the was in favor of having the Lamont Lamont Council Member Fleury commented that most likely the furniture would not be received by October 21, 2017. Council Member Fleury Council Member Fleury commented that most likely the commented that most likely the Mayor Sanders directed Staff to plan for the event to be held later in the year. Additionally, he requested guidance directed Staff to plan for to plan for the event to Sanders Sanders if the Council was in favor of providing handouts at the event, such as stemless wine glasses or tumblers with the if the Council was in favor of providing hif the Council was in favor of providing h Town logo. Mayor Pro Tem Rowe commented that if the consensus was to move forward with providing handouts, then it commented that if the consensus was to move forward with providing handoutcommented that if the consensus was to move forward with providing handout Rowe Rowe would be appropriate to set a modest budget for the items. to set a modest budget for the itemsto set a modest budget for the items No action was taken on this item. 13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding furnishings for the new Trophy Club Town Hall facility and review of the construction contingency fund (Mayor Sanders). Main Motion: Main Motion made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, to approve a not to exceed amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture and decorations for the rotunda area, public areas, and Council Chambers. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 5 of 10 Town CouncilPage 12 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Discussion took place regarding items that would be included with the motion, which was the lettering behind the dais, the framed photographs of past Mayors, and furniture in the foyer. Call the Question: Call the Question made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Shoffner, to close the debate and move for the vote on the Main Motion. Call the Question carried 4-3-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Rowe and Council Members Jensen, Lamont and Shoffner voting for, and Mayor Sanders and Council Members Fleury and Kurtz voting against. The vote for the Main Motion was taken, to approve a not to exceed amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 to approve a not to exceed amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 to approve a not to exceed amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture and decorations for the rotunda area, public areas, and Council Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture and decorations for the rotunda area, public areas, Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture and decorations for the rotunda area, public areas, Chambers. Main Motion failed for lack of majority 2-5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Rowe and Council Member Shoffner voting and Council Member Shoffner voting and Council Member Shoffner voting for, and Mayor Sanders and Council Members Fleury, Jensen, Kurtz and Lamont voting against. and Mayor Sanders and Council Members Fleury, Jensen, Kurtz and Lamontand Mayor Sanders and Council Members Fleury, Jensen, Kurtz and Lamont voting voting against. against. Mayor Sanders discussed funding options to use towards furniture and decorations for the new Town Hall facility. Mayor Sanders discussed funding options to use towards furniture and decorationsMayor Sanders discussed funding options to use towards furniture and decorationsfor the new Town Hallthe new Town Hallfacility Motion: Motion made by Council Member Jensen, seconded by Council Member Lamont, to approve a not to exceed Member Lamont, Member Lamont, n, seconded by Counciln, seconded by Councilto approve a not to exceed to approve a not to exceed amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture in the rotunda area. amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture amount of $10,000 from the Fiscal Year 2017 Facility Maintenance Budget for furniture the rotunda area. in Council Member Fleury inquired if the cost was known for the reception desk. Director of Administrative Services Council Member Fleury inquired if the cost was known for the reception desk. Council Member Fleury inquired if the cost was known for the reception desk. Director of Administrative Services Phillips responded that Staff would be seeking bids from a vendor listed in the Town’s Cooperative Purchasing Staff would be seeking bids from a vendor listed in the Town’s Cooperative Purchasing from a vendor listed in the Town’s Cooperative Purchasing Staff would be seeking bids Program for the desk and benches in the rotunda area, which would not be custom milled pieces of furniture. , which would not be custom milled pieces of furniture, which would not be custom milled pieces of furniture rotunda areaarea Council Member Jensen clarified that the motion was to allow the Town Manager to decide on the furniture in the Council Member Jensen clarified that the motion was to allow the Town Manager to decide on the furniture in the Council Member Jensen clarified that the motion was to allow the Town Manager to decide on the furniture in the rotunda area and it did not include the common areas. the common area s. s. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 7-0-0 7-0-0 . Town Manager Class requested clarification regarding how to proceed with the contractor, GSBS, and Steele & requested clarification regarding how to proceed with the contractor, GSBS, and Steele & requested clarification regarding how to proceed with the contractor, GSBS, and Steele & Freeman, Inc. regarding the dais. Freeman, Inc. regarding the dais.Freeman, Inc. regarding the dais. Mayor Pro Tem Rowe preferred to move forward with the contractor completing the workmanship issues but not preferred to move forward with preferred to move forward with Rowe Rowe Mayor Pro Tem Mayor Pro Tem address the design changes. the design the design changeschanges . . Council Member Fleury believed that the issues should not merit a change order when the contractor had to Council Member Council Member Fleury believed that thebelieved that the issues issues correct the paneling and miter issues anyways. Town Manager Class responded that their stance was that the correct the paneling and miter issues anywayscorrect the paneling and miter issues anyways paneling was a design change. paneling was a design changepaneling was a design change . Council Members Jensen and Kurtz agreed that the contractor should correct the workmanship issues at no and Kurtz and Kurtz Jensen Jensen s s additional cost and that the Town be responsible for the installation of a new ADA enclosure panel at the podium that that the Town the Town in order to be compliant. compliantcompliant . RECESSED AT 8:47 P.M. FOR A BREAK RECONVENED AT 8:57 P.M. INTO REGULAR SESSION 14. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget (Mayor Sanders). Budget Manager Zagurski advised that the main items that were changed since the last review of the Budget were the decrease in the tax rate and the financing for the purchase of the ambulance. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 6 of 10 Town CouncilPage 13 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Council Member Shoffner discussed his recommended changes to the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget that would reflect a reduction of $71,563 from the Budget from the following line items: Manager's Office - cut $27,660 62100 – Elections - $8,000 (cut $7,000) 63551 – Schools and Training - $1,440 (cut $740) 68100 – Dues and Memberships - $16,495 (cut $200) 68200 – Travel and Per Diem - $4,185 (cut $310) 68600 – Meetings - $2,809 (cut $115) 70600 – Mayor and Council - $23,344 (cut $4,295) 79900 – Contingency - $122,083 (cut $15,000) Police - cut $3,000 63200 – Advertising - $5,000 (cut $3,000) Streets - cut $1,228 68200 – Travel and Per Diem - $0.00 (cut $1,228) Recreation - cut $3,058 60800 – Software and Support - $2,582 (cut $358) 63200 – Advertising - $2,999 (cut $200) 63250 – Printing - $1,500 (cut $1,500) 70300 – Postage - $1,000 (cut $1,000) Community Events - cut $700 63200 – Advertising - $600 (cut $700) $700) Finance - cut $22,000 60100 – Professional Outside Services - $29,400 (cut $16,900) $29,400$29,400$16,900)$16,900) (cut(cut Professional Outside Services - Professional Outside Services 63250 – Printing - $1,000 (cut $4,000) $1,000 (cut$1,000 (cut$4,000)$4,000) 70300 – Postage - $1,000 (cut $1,100) $1,100)$1,100) $1,000 (cut$1,000 (cut Administrative Services - cut $12,475 cut $12,475cut $12,475 ve Servicesve Services - - 60100 – Professional Outside Services – Cut Staff Photos $31,100 (cut $500) Professional Outside Services Professional Outside Services Cut Staff Photos Cut Staff Photos – – 63200 – Advertising - $4,350 (cut $4,400) $4,350 (cut$4,350 (cut$4,400) Advertising - 68200 – Travel and Per Diem - $2,500 (cut $2,775) $2,500$2,775) Travel and Per Diem Travel and Per Diem (cut – – - - $2,500 78500 – Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 - $1,200 (cut $4,800) Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 $1,200 (cut 78500 78500 – – - Information Services - cut $1,442 cut $1,442cut $1,442 formation Servicesformation Services - 68200 – Travel and Per Diem - $3,363 (cut $1,442) $3,363 (cut Travel and Per Diem Travel and Per Diem 6820068200 – - Budget Manager Zagurski advised that Line Item 60100, Professional Outside Services, was for the services of Eddie Budget Manager Budget Manager Zagurski Zagurski advised that advised that Peacock to assist with end of year processes and the transition of banking services. to assist with to assist with end of year processes and end of year processes and Director of Finance Karkauskas remarked that the Town’s auditor would prepare the Comprehensive Annual KarkauskasKarkauskas Financial Report (CAFR). Mayor Pro Tem Rowe asked how much would be reduced, with the recommended cut of $16,900, for services from Mr. Peacock to assist with the end of year processes. Director of Finance Karkauskas responded that approximately $15,000 was budgeted for Mr. Peacock’s services. The EZTransparency was a supplemental item for approximately $4,000, which was an online portal that provided an easy to understand budget for residents. Council Member Shoffner commented that he left $2,100 for Mr. Peacock’s services, which was the same amount for prior years, and he remarked that Line Item 60100 had ballooned for outgoing years. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 7 of 10 Town CouncilPage 14 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Mayor Pro Tem Rowe supported removing the EZTransparency because it was introduced as a supplemental item and not a recurring cost and it had not benefited the residents for lack of publicity of it going live last year. Mayor Sanders and Council Members Lamont and Jensen recommended that the Council Budget Subcommittee meet with the Town Manager and Staff to review the proposed changes and present a Subcommittee proposed budget. Council Member Jensen commented that he was in favor of implementing a homestead exemption next year for the Town, which would be of benefit for homeowners since they would receive a larger tax break rather than an overall tax break for everyone. Mayor Pro Tem Rowe suggested that the Council Budget Subcommittee review the unspent funds in the current the unspent the unspent Fiscal Year for the Information Technology Department vulnerability security evaluation item, in the amount of security evaluationsecurity evaluationitem, in the amount of $15,000, and recommended rolling the item into the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year, as opposed to taxing the residents as opposed to as opposed to ing tax again for it. Council Member Shoffner requested elimination of the Advertising line item, in the amount of $56,500, and Dues line item, in the amount of $56,500, and Dues line item, in the amount of $56,500, and Dues and Membership line item, in the amount of $3,300, within the Hotel Occupancy Budget. ccupancy Budgetccupancy Budget OO otel otel . Mayor Pro Tem Rowe supported removal of the Advertising line item from the Hotel Occupancy Budget. line item from the Hline item from the Hotel Occupancy Budgetotel Occupancy Budget Discussion took place that another option to achieving a reduction to the overall budget was to set the desired tax reducthe overall budget was to set the the overall budget was to set the tion tion toto rate and then allow Staff to make the appropriate reductions to the budget. and then allow Staff to make the appropriate reductions to the budget.and then allow Staff to make the appropriate reductions to the budget. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to direct the Town Manager to meet Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to direct the Town Manager to meet Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Jensen, to direct the Town Manager to meet with the Council Budget Subcommittee as soon as reasonably possible to review the proposed changes to allow as soon as reasonably possible to review the proposed changes to allow as soon as reasonably possible to review the proposed changes to allow the Subcommittee to present a recommended Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget for potential adoption at the the Subcommittee to present a recommended Fiscal Year 2017the Subcommittee to present a recommended Fiscal Year 2017Budget Budget 2018 2018 - September 26, 2017 Council meeting. September 26, 2017 Council meeting. September 26, 2017 Council meeting. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 0.0. -0--0- 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution accepting an Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed Assessment Roll; setting a date for Public Hearing; No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed AsNo. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed As authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date (Staff). provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date (Staff).provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date (Staff). Mitch Mosesman, Managing Director with David Taussig & Associates, stated that this item was specific to the Mitch Mosesman, Mitch Mosesman, Managing Director with David Taussig Managing Director with David Taussig Service and Assessment Plan for the Emergency Services component of the Public Improvement District (PID) No. ervice and ervice and lan for the Emergency Serviceslan for the Emergency Services AP ssessment 1. He advised that there were two assessments levied each year for the PID No. 1, one was for the Emergency He advised that there He advised that there re tre t assessments wewo wo Services and the other was for Bonds that financed the Infrastructure. Additionally, he noted that the Emergency Services and the other was for Bonds that financeServices and the other was for Bonds that finance Services assessment rate per $100 taxable valuation decreased from the prior year. er $100 taxable valuationer $100 taxable valuation Services assessment Services assessment rate p Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to approve Resolution No. 2017-18, Mayor Pro Tem RoweMayor Pro Tem Rowe accepting an Annual Service and Assessment Plan Update for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), and the proposed Assessment Roll; setting a Public Hearing to be on September 26, 2017, with the assessment rate of $0.06870 per $100 taxable valuation; authorizing the publication of notice and directing the mailing of notices as required by law; enacting other provisions relating thereto; and providing an effective date of September 12, 2017. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 8 of 10 Town CouncilPage 15 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 16. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the September 26, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff). This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. A) Item No. 2 - Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (4-March 14, 2017) (5-September 12, 2017) Mayor Sanders advised that the next Metroport Cities Partnership meeting was scheduled for September 21, 2017 Mayor Sanders advised that the next Metroport Cities Partnership meeting was scheduled for September 21, 2017 Mayor Sanders advised that the next Metroport Cities Partnership meeting was scheduled for September 21, 2017 and this item was on their agenda to be discussed. Additionally, he requested to have Item No. 3 from the Town to have Item No. to have Item No. from the Town 3 Additionally, he requested Additionally, he requested Council Future Agenda Items list, regarding common areas maintained by the Town, be delayed for an update from Council Future Agenda Items list, regarding common areas maintained by the Town, be delayed for an update from Council Future Agenda Items list, regarding common areas maintained by the Town, be delayed for an update from Staff due to budget preparation and the move to the new Town Hall facility. Staff due to budget preparation and the move to the new Town Hall facility. Staff due to budget preparation and the move to the new Town Hall facility. EXECUTIVE SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSIONEXECUTIVE SESSION 17. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following:(Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on ection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on ection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subs a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act: of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act:of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act: Enforcement of Ordinances (Staff) forcement of Ordinances (Staff) B) Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee:employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors (Staff) Appraisal District Board of Directors (Staff)Appraisal District Board of Directors (Staff) CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 9:37 P.M. CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION START TIME START TIME 9:379:37 9:379:37 P P – – - - RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 10:28 P.M. START TIME RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION – - RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSIONRECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 18. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council nominating one candidate Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council nominating one candidate Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council nominating one candidate for each of the five positions to be filled on the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors; and for each of the five positions to be filled on the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors; and for each of the five positions to be filled on the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors; and providing an effective date (Staff). providing an effective date (Staff).providing an effective date (Staff). Motion: Motion made by Council Member Lamont, seconded by Council Member Fleury, to approve Resolution No. 2017- Motion made by Council Member Motion made by Council Member 17, nominating Charles Stafford, Connie Smith, David Terre, Mike Hassett, and Robert Gallagher for each of the five Charles Stafford, Connie Smith, David Terre, Mike Hassett, and Robert Gallagher for each of the five Charles Stafford, Connie Smith, David Terre, Mike Hassett, and Robert Gallagher for each of the five positions to be filled on the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors; and providing an effective date of September 12, 2017. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. 19. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. No action was taken on this item. Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 9 of 10 Town CouncilPage 16 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 ADJOURN Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rowe, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously 7-0-0. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes September 12, 2017 Page 10 of 10 Town CouncilPage 17 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-445-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated August 2017 (A. Karkauskas). Attachments:Financial Report August Fiscal Year 2017.pdf All Fund Budget Report - Monthly Financials.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 3: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the financial and variance report dated August 2017 (A. Karkauskas). Town CouncilPage 18 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Monthly Financial Statement August 2017 Town CouncilPage 19 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% OriginalRevised RevenuesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Property Tax$ 6,185,631 $ 6,185,631$ 6,274,658$ 89,027101% Licenses and Permits 552,200 552,200 300,199 (252,001)54% Franchise Fees 986,798 986,798 875,270 (111,528)89% Sales Tax 900,395 900,395 822,670 (77,725)91% Fines and Fees 361,907 361,907 336,666 (25,241)93% Intergovernmental713,184 532,659 (180,525)75% - Charges for Service 279,964752,201 788,317 36,116105% Investment Income 30,000 30,000 46,435 16,435155% Miscellaneous Income 144,394144,394 117,288 (27,106)81% Total Revenues$ 9,441,289 $ 10,626,710 $ 10,094,162$ (532,548)95% OriginalRevised Other SourcesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfers In$ 63,000$ 63,000$ 47,250 (15,750)75% Total Available Resources$ 9,504,289 $ 10,689,710 $ 10,141,412$ (548,298)95% OriginalRevised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Manager's Office$ 801,974$ 801,974$ 504,038 $ 297,93663% Legal 130,663 130,663 92,053 38,61070% Police 2,353,452 2,353,452 1,826,641 526,81178% Emergency Medical Services 1,022,642 1,022,642 825,798 196,84481% Fire 1,104,001 893,562 210,43981% - Streets 423,931423,931 333,988 89,94379% Parks 1,838,826 1,838,826 1,496,124 342,70281% Recreation 678,362 678,362 633,023 45,33993% Community Events 46,178 46,178 30,328 15,85066% Community Development 656,220 656,220 448,045 208,17568% Finance 451,778 451,778 382,455 69,32385% Municipal Court 83,775 83,775 70,416 13,35984% Human Resources 198,268 198,268 137,850 60,41870% Information Services 663,244 663,244 439,252 223,99266% Facilities Maintenance 148,671 148,671 106,806 41,86572% Total Expenditures$ 9,497,984 $ 10,601,985 $ 8,220,379$ 2,381,60678% OriginalRevised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfers Out$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 707,484 457,484283% Includes one-time transfer for Town Hall (as per budget) and interfund transfers from operations. Total Outflows of Resources$ 9,747,984 $ 10,851,985 $ 8,927,863$ 2,839,09082% Town CouncilPage 20 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY CONTINUED Original Revised Fund Balance Year-to-Date Budget Budget Beginning fund balance$ 3,833,171 $ 3,833,171$ 4,194,162 +Net increase (Decrease) (243,695) (162,275) 1,213,549 Ending Fund Balance$ 3,589,476 $ 3,670,896$ 5,407,711 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. OriginalRevised Fund Balance DetailYear-to-Date Budget Budget Reserve Fund balance (30% of Total Expenditures)$ 2,849,395 $ 3,180,596$ 2,466,114 Committed Fund Balance 189,475 189,475 189,475 Unassigned Fund Balance in Excess (Deficit) of 30% 982,825 982,825 2,752,122 Total Fund balance$ 4,021,695 $ 4,352,896$ 5,407,711 General Fund Sales Tax Receipts FY 2016FY 2017 60,94264,588 OCT 100,000 79,04389,177 NOV 90,000 56,54666,291 DEC 80,000 64,78066,245 JAN 70,000 83,06892,923 FEB 60,000 FY 2016 56,32572,321 50,000 MAR 40,000 53,84159,612 APR FY 2017 30,000 63,12376,132 MAY 20,000 60,54564,862 JUN 10,000 65,33466,080 JUL 0 73,40277,833 AUG OCTNOVDECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEP 70,513 SEP Town CouncilPage 21 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% General Fund Summary CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 6,294,967$ 7,133,630$ 5,623,646$ 1,509,98479% Services & Supplies 2,542,602 2,762,104 1,979,868 782,23672% Capital 660,415 706,251 616,866 89,38587% Total$ 9,497,984$ 10,601,985 $ 8,220,379$ 2,381,60678% Manager's Office CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 619,236 $ 619,236 $ 429,365 $ 189,871 69% Services & Supplies 182,738 182,738 74,672 108,06641% Total$ 801,974$ 801,974$ 504,038$ 297,93663% Legal CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies 130,663 130,663 92,053 38,61070% Total$ 130,663$ 130,663$ 92,053$ 38,61070% Police CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 2,056,122$ 2,056,122$ 1,520,898$ 535,224 74% Services & Supplies 261,330 261,330 210,092 51,23880% Capital 36,000 36,000 95,652 (59,652)266% Total$ 2,353,452$ 2,353,452$ 1,826,641$ 526,81178% Capital purchase SUV (as per budget) and radio antenna. (FY 16 encumberance budgeted). EMS CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 840,582 $ 840,582 $ 705,821 $ 134,761 84% Services & Supplies 150,060 150,060 88,367 61,69359% Capital 32,000 32,000 31,611 38999% Total$ 1,022,642$ 1,022,642$ 825,798$ 196,84481% Town CouncilPage 22 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS CONTINUED Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Fire CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ -$ 838,663 $ 710,460 $ 128,203 85% Services & Supplies 219,502 154,140 65,36270% - Capital 45,836 28,962 16,87463% - Total$ -$ 1,104,001$ 893,562$ 210,43981% Vehicle and building maintenance expenses incurred for repairs. Streets CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 242,793 $ 242,793 $ 204,173 $ 38,62084% Services & Supplies 181,138 181,138 129,815 51,32372% Total$ 423,931$ 423,931$ 333,988$ 89,943 79% Parks CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 843,587 $ 843,587 $ 665,200 $ 178,387 79% Services & Supplies 615,337 615,337 485,600 129,73779% Capital 379,902 379,902 345,324 34,57891% Total$ 1,838,826$ 1,838,826$ 1,496,124$ 342,70281% Capital items include: irrigation pump; Harmony Park shed; Indy West Scoreboards; Lakeview fencing; Toddler playground; Top Dresser & Ditch Witch purchases. Recreation CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 420,190 $ 420,190 $ 367,429 $ 52,76187% Services & Supplies 172,872 172,872 169,012 3,86098% Capital 85,300 85,300 96,583 (11,283)113% Total$ 678,362$ 678,362$ 633,023$ 45,339 93% Community Events CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies$ 46,178$ 46,178$ 30,328$ 15,85066% Total$ 46,178$ 46,178$ 30,328$ 15,85066% Community Development CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 506,801 $ 506,801 $ 367,982 $ 138,819 73% Services & Supplies 149,419 149,419 80,063 69,35654% Total$ 656,220$ 656,220$ 448,045$ 208,17568% Town CouncilPage 23 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS CONTINUED Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Finance CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 303,870 $ 303,870 $ 277,760 $ 26,11091% Services & Supplies 147,908 147,908 104,695 43,21371% Total$ 451,778$ 451,778$ 382,455$ 69,32385% Municipal Court CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 74,721$ 74,721$ 66,808$ 7,91389% Services & Supplies 9,054 9,054 3,608 5,44640% Total$ 83,775 $ 83,775 $ 70,416 $ 13,359 84% Human Resources CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 159,393 $ 159,393 $ 113,374 $ 46,01971% Services & Supplies 38,875 38,875 24,476 14,39963% Total$ 198,268$ 198,268$ 137,850$ 60,41870% Information Services CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Personnel$ 227,672 $ 227,672 $ 194,375 $ 33,29785% Services & Supplies 308,359 308,359 226,143 82,21673% Capital 127,213 127,213 18,734 108,47915% Total$ 663,244$ 663,244$ 439,252$ 223,99266% Facilities Maintenance CategoryOriginal BudgetRevised BudgetYear-to-DateVariance % Used Services & Supplies$ 148,671 $ 148,671 $ 106,806 $ 41,86572% Total$ 148,671$ 148,671$ 106,806$ 41,86572% Annual property insurance prepayment Town CouncilPage 24 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT DEBT SERVICE FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenuesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Property Tax$ 1,886,194$ 1,886,194$ 1,906,017$ 19,823101% Interest Income 2,000 2,000 7,927 5,927396% Total Revenue$ 1,888,194 $ 1,888,194 $ 1,913, 944$ 25,750101% Original Revised Other SourcesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfers In$ 201,862$ 201,862$ 343,411$ (141,549)170% Total$ 201,862$ 201,862$ 343,411$ (141, 549)170% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Principal Payments$ 1,263,000$ 1,263,000$ 1,363,000$ (100,000)108% Interest Payments 696,678 696,678 747,719 (51,041)107% Paying Agent Fees 7,500 7,500 8,178 (678)109% Total Expenditures$ 1,967,178 $ 1,967,178 $ 2,118, 898$ (151, 720)108% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 129,647$ 129,647$ 143,174 +Net Increase (Decrease) 122,878 122,878 138,458 Ending Fund Balance$ 252,525$ 252,525$ 281,632 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 25 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenuesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Interest Income$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 75,637$ 65,637756% Total$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 75,637$ 65,637756% Original Revised Other SourcesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Bond Proceeds$ 7,000,000$ 7,000,000$ 4,613,159$ (2,386,841)66% Transfer In 250,000 250,000 707,484 457,484283% Total$ 7,250,000 $ 7,250,000 $ 5,320, 643$ (1,929,357)73% Includes one-time transfer for Town Hall (as per budget) and interfund transfers from operations to Capital Projects Fund. Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget (59,138)53% Bond Issuance Costs 125,000 125,000 65,863 Capital Outlay 9,816,900 9,816,900 7,278,509 (2,538,391)74% Total$ 9,941,900 $ 9,941,900 $ 7,344, 372$ (2,597,528)74% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfer to Debt Service$ -$ -$ 7,454$ 7,454 0% Total$ -$ -$ 7,454$ 7,4540% 2017 CO Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 4,956,385$ 4,956,385$ 8,764,936 +Net Increase (Decrease) (2,681,900) (2,681,900) (1,955,547) Ending Fund Balance$ 2,274,485 $ 2,274,485 $ 6,809, 389 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 26 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Park Revenue$ 165,000$ 165,000$ 155,633$ (9 ,367)94% Total Revenue$ 165,000$ 165,000$ 155,633$ (9,367)94% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Salaries$ 19,094 $ 19,094 $ 13 ,069$ 6,02568% Social Security Taxes 1,184 1,184744363% 9 5 Medicare Taxes18 8868% 2 772 77 9 Unemployment Taxes 711138% 1 851 85 4 Workman's compensation301567% 4 594 59 6 3 Pre-employment Testing- - 21(20% 1) Total Personnel Services$ 21,199$ 21,199$ 14,405$ 6,79468% Professional Outside Services$ 2,500$ 2,500$ -$ 2,5000% Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000- 100% Software & Support 4,212 4,212 3,2769378% 6 Advertising81(1130% 6 256 25 0 85) Printing 1,000 1,000158515% 0 0 Schools & Training30(1160% 1 901 90 4 14) Service Charges & Fees 9,000 9,000 12,791 (3,791)142% Electricity 2,800 2,800 1,546 1,25455% Water 4,225 4,225 3,222 1,00376% Telephone 1,900 1,900 1,936(3102% 6) Communication/Pagers/Mobiles395343% 9 339 33 9 4 Insurance 1,200 1,200 1,211(1101% 1) Property Maintenance 10,500 10,500 17,180 (6,680)164% Equipment Maintenance 5,384 5,384 1,827 3,55734% Independent labor 28,600 28,600 27,163 1,43795% Portable Toilets 8,400 8,400 3,848 4,55246% Dues & Membership- 110% 1 151 15 5 Travel & Per Diem- 150% 1 501 50 0 Office Supplies 1,044 1,044- 0% 1,044 Postage- 320% 3 273 27 7 Fuel 1,092 1,092 10 1,0821% Uniforms204630% 6 706 70 1 9 Community Events 8,200 8,200 7,6465593% 4 Small tools 1,400 1,40014 1,25910% 1 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 2,999 2,999 3,774(7126% 75) Maintenance Supplies157417% 9 009 00 1 9 Miscellaneous Expense 2,997 (2,697)999% 3 003 00 Total Services & Supplies$ 99,666$ 99,666$ 91,583$ 8,08492% Credit from the previous year for phones coded out of TCP. Includes new brochure holders, message boards, new spike installation, restroom repairs, and flood damage repairs. FEMA 2007 true-up. Total Expenses$ 120,865$ 120,865$ 105,988$ 14,87788% Town CouncilPage 27 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND CONTINUED Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Park Administration Transfer$ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 15 ,000$ 5,00075% Total Other Uses$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 15,000$ 5,00075% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ (143,913)$ (143,913)$ (62,055)(1 59) +Net Increase (Decrease) 24,135 24,135 34,645 89 Ending Working Capital$ (119,778)$ (119,778)$ (27,410)(70 ) Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 28 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Storm Drainage Fees$ 427,406$ 427,406$ 420,113$ (7,293)98% Interest Income 500 500 1,849 1,349370% Total Revenue$ 427,906$ 427,906$ 421,962$ (5,944)99% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Operating Expenses 202,600 202,600 31,116 171,48415% Debt Service 176,775 176,775 176,775100% - Total Expenses$ 379,375$ 379,375$ 207,891$ 171,48455% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer to Debt Service$ 66,887$ 66,887$ 54,168$ 12,71981% Total Other Uses$ 66,887$ 66,887$ 54,168$ 12,71981% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 274,523$ 274,523$ 913,956 737 +Net Increase (Decrease) (18,356) (18,356) 159,903 129 Ending Working Capital$ 256,167$ 256,167$ 1,073,859 866 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 29 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 209,849$ 209,849$ 196,369$ (13,480)94% Interest Income 100 100 128 28128% Total Revenue$ 209,949$ 209,949$ 196,497$ (13,452)94% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Services & Supplies$ 76,000$ 76,000$ 49,217$ 26,78365% Capital Expenses 125,000 125,000 125,000100% - Total Expenditure$ 201,000$ 201,000$ 174,217$ 26,78387% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer To Debt Service$ 149,975$ 149,975$ 96,866$ 53,10965% Total Other Uses$ 149,975$ 149,975$ 96,866$ 53,10965% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 180,269$ 180,269$ 202,403 +Net Increase (Decrease) (141,026) (141,026) (74,586) Ending Fund Balance$ 39,243$ 39,243$ 127,817 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 30 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 223,754$ 223,754$ 199,016$ (24,738)89% Interest Income - - 32 32N/A Total Revenue$ 223,754$ 223,754$ 199,048$ (24,738)89% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Operating Expenditures$ 176,975$ 176,975$ 74,909$ (102,066)42% Total Expenses$ 176,975$ 176,975$ 74,909$ 102,06642% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Transfer To Debt Service$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 12,500$ 12,50050% Total Other Uses$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 12,500$ 12,50050% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 2,080 $ 2,080 $ (5,017) +Net Increase (Decrease) 21,779 21,779 111,638 Ending Fund Balance$ 23,859$ 23,859$ 106,621 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 31 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Fines & Fees$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 3,020$ (980)75% Total Revenue$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 3,020$ (980)75% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Purchased Services$ 8,133$ 8,633$ 4,501$ 4,13252% Total Expenditure$ 8,133$ 8,633$ 4,501$ 4,13252% Incode annual Court maintenance. Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 20,270$ 20,270$ 19,097 +Net Increase (Decrease) (4,133) (4,133) (1, 482) Ending Fund Balance$ 16,137$ 16,137$ 17,615 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 32 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT SECURITY FUND Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Municipal Court Security Fee$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,265$ (735)75% Total Revenue$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,265$ (735)75% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Purchased Services$ 2,294$ 2,294$ 250$ 2,04411% Total Expenditure$ 2,294$ 2,294$ 250$ 2,04411% Original Revised Other UsesYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Transfer to General Fund$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,250$ 75075% Total Other Uses$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,250$ 75075% Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 21,643$ 21,643$ 20,571 +Net Increase (Decrease) (2,294) (2,294) (235) Ending Fund Balance$ 19,349$ 19,349$ 20,336 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 33 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT HOTEL OCCUPANCY Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Hotel Occupancy Tax$ 443,400$ 443,400$ 442,900$ (500)100% 4th of July Revenue 5,000 5,000 12,733 7,733255% Interest income 500 500 5,046 4,5461009% Total Revenue$ 448,900$ 448,900$ 460,679$ 11,779103% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Personnel $ 136,406 $ 136,406 $ 105,654$ 30,75277% 120,925 120,925 76,525 44,400 63% Services & Supplies Capital Outlay 380,000 380,000 475,126 (95,126)125% Total Expenditures$ 637,331$ 637,331$ 657,305$ 75,152103% Veteran's Memorial. Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 420,523$ 420,523$ 564,363 +Net Increase (Decrease) (188,431) (188,431) (196,626) Ending Fund Balance$ 232,092$ 232,092$ 367,737 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 34 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Recreational Programs$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 10,865$ 2,865136% Total Revenue$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 10,865$ 2,865136% Original Revised ExpendituresYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Recreational Programs$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 8,579$ (579)107% Total Expenditures$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 8,579$ (579)107% Includes kickball, archery and babysitting classes. Original Revised Fund BalanceYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Fund Balance$ 3,395$ 3,395$ 2,269 +Net Increase (Decrease) - - 2, 286 Ending Fund Balance$ 3,395$ 3,395$ 4,555 Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 35 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Sales Tax$ 447,509$ 447,509$ 398,032$ 255,57989% Interest Income 1,500 1,500 3,529 1,637235% Total Revenue$ 449,009$ 449,009$ 401,561$ 257,21589% Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget Professional Outside Services$ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 500$ 1,500 25% Auditing 1,000 1,000 1,000100% - Advertising 4,200 4,200 480 3,72011% Printing 250 250 2500% - Schools & Training 1,000 1,000 1,0000% - Dues & Membership 1,050 1,050 2,500(1, 450)238% Travel & Per Diem 422 422 4220% - Office Supplies 250 250 30 22012% Miscellaneous Expense 3,500 3,500 3,535 (35)101% EDC Projects 15,950 15,950 17,018 (1, 068)107% Incentive Programs 206,820 206,820 129,042 77,77862% Paying Agent Fee 400 400 200 20050% Debt Service 202,423 202,423 202,4230% - Total Expenses$ 439,265$ 439,265$ 356,727$ 82,53881% Original Revised Operating Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudgetDays Beginning Working Capital$ 544,191$ 544,191$ 561,247 460 +Net Increase (Decrease) 9,744 9,744 44,833 37 Ending Working Capital$ 553,935$ 553,935$ 606,080$ 497 Alliance Development Forum Debris clean-up near Hampton Inn. Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 36 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 2017 FINANCIAL REPORT TIRZ #1 Percent of Budget Year Transpired: Year-to-Date August 201792% Original Revised RevenueYear-to-DateVariance% Received BudgetBudget Propety Tax$ 80,174 $ 80,174 $ 29,125$ (51,049)36% Sales Tax 12,500 12,500 2, 530$ ( 9,970)20% Total Revenue$ 92,674$ 92,674$ 31,655$ (61,019)34% Transferred quarterly. Original Revised ExpensesYear-to-DateVariance% Used BudgetBudget 0% Incentive Programs $ - $ - $ 7,268$ ( 7,268) Total Expenses$ -$ -$ 7,268$ (7,268)N/A Original Revised Working CapitalYear-to-Date BudgetBudget Beginning Working Capital $ (379,235) $ (383,632)$ (383,632) +Net Increase (Decrease) 92,674 92,674 24,387 Ending Working Capital $ (354,848) $ (290,958)$ (290,958) Per the FY15-16 CAFR. Town CouncilPage 37 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 2017 10, October Date: Meeting 128 of 38 Page Council Town Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_17.43 %103.51 %21.19 %7.32 %291.71 %22.83 %327.75 %4.36 %6.97 %123.86 %0.00 %92.01 %101.17 %4.80 %76.05 %60.41 %68.87 %65.25 %65.25 %154.78 %54.78 %0.00 %0.00 %25.00 %25.00 %293.32 %193.32 %5.13 %5.13 %DGMK 2 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-2,288.661,205.70-2,942.44-1,071.7810,544.00-799.00683.26-43.57-25,241.50 37,938.210.00-7,361.095,539.30 36,116.42-41,825.80-28,178.52-70,004.32-11,093.06-11,093.06 16,435.41 16,435.41 4,210.60 4,210.60-15,750.00-15,750.00 49,780.76 49,780.76-548,297.36-548,297.36 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 10,841.3435,545.7010,945.5613,573.2216,044.002,701.00983.26956.43 336,665.50 196,912.21112,990.00638.91477,776.30 788,317.42 13,174.2018,465.48 31,639.68 5,906.94 5,906.94 46,435.41 46,435.41 4,210.60 4,210.60 47,250.00 47,250.00 75,530.76 75,530.7610,141,412.6410,141,412.64 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 950.00210.00175.003,499.770.0020.00194.2676.39 49,811.17 31,882.640.000.00358.29 32,240.93 375.471,178.68 1,554.15 116.50 116.50 3,418.89 3,418.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,003.09 2,003.09339,812.78339,812.78 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 13,130.0034,340.0013,888.0014,645.005,500.003,500.00300.001,000.00 361,907.00 158,974.00112,990.008,000.00472,237.00 752,201.00 55,000.0046,644.00 101,644.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 63,000.00 63,000.00 25,750.00 25,750.0010,689,710.0010,689,710.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 13,130.0034,340.0013,888.0014,645.005,500.003,500.00300.001,000.00 361,907.00 158,974.00112,990.008,000.000.00 279,964.00 55,000.0046,644.00 101,644.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 63,000.00 63,000.00 25,750.00 25,750.009,504,289.009,504,289.00 39 Page BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 44 - B`Xh_\]i ^fh Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 45 - P\]eji RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 46 - BfejhaYkjafei Xe\[ CfeXjafei RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 48 - QXc\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 51 - LaiZ\]ccXe\]fki RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc: C_hnih/SZllZhn Biohns - DLR/Ecl_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Oifc\]_ Q_p_ho_ B_ff Siq_l K_Zm_ Q_p_ho_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Q_p_ho_ MHRC BihnlZ\]n `il RQN Rqcg S_Zg OlialZgm OHC Ecl_ @mm_mmg_hn BXj\]_fhn: 46 - BfejhaYkjafei Xe\[ CfeXjafei OHC Q_cg\[olm_g_hn Q_\]l_Zncih Q_hnZfm Bihp_hc_h\]_ E__m Oiif Bih\]_mmcihm @koZnc\] OlialZgm BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i @hcgZf BihnlifHhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ @o\]ncih RZf_m Oiif Q_hnZfm BXj\]_fhn: 44 - B`Xh_\]i ^fh Q\]hlaZ\]i DLR QohmSlZhm`_l Hh BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] CihZncihm BXj\]_fhn: 51 - LaiZ\]ccXe\]fki BXj\]_fhn: 45 - P\]eji BXj\]_fhn: 48 - QXc\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-000-4332501-000-4333001-000-4333501-000-4334001-000-4342501-000-4360001-000-4365001-000-4380001-000-4400001-000-4400101-000-4400301-000-4400401-000-4510001-000-4515001-000-4600001-000-4700001-000- 4800801-000-4922001-000-51012 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-182.99 %37.45 %-36.99 %-36.99 %29.05 %83.99 %-100.00 %30.34 %66.77 %62.96 %52.23 %40.72 %18.58 %30.45 %85.88 %40.68 %0.00 %41.67 %-1,244.62 %30.66 %82.87 %39.74 %87.61 %71.70 %29.17 %65.17 %34.28 %27.78 %64.58 %43.37 %24.32 %81.96 %64.97 %DGMK 3 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-457,483.87183,648.25-273,835.62-273,835.62 131,902.431,023.00-2,250.0021,760.5630,976.761,759.76124.84943.974,320.812,020.16587.40468.17-666.452,500.00-5,600.81 189,870.60 34,805.001,057.139,636.7514,411.521,721.18928.021,732.75750.001,162.509,335.691,652.486,701.01 83,894.03 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 707,483.87306,684.75 1,014,168.621,014,168.62 322,223.57195.004,500.0049,964.4415,414.241,035.24114.161,374.0318,933.194,614.8496.60682.83666.453,500.006,050.81 429,365.40 7,195.001,602.871,363.255,688.484,178.82495.983,322.251,950.00637.5012,191.315,141.521,474.99 45,241.97 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 299,244.880.00 299,244.88299,244.88 36,152.370.000.005,759.351,661.68114.9614.10179.332,202.30515.062.960.000.00500.000.00 47,102.11 0.00136.500.000.001,016.500.001,780.00225.000.009 36.642,017.59240.00 6,352.23 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 250,000.00490,333.00 740,333.00740,333.00 454,126.001,218.002,250.0071,725.0046,391.002,795.00239.002,318.0023,254.006,635.00684.001,151.000.006,000.00450.00 619,236.00 42,000.002,660.0011,000.0020,100.005,900.001,424.005,055.002,700.001,800.0021,527.006,794.008,176.00 129,136.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 250,000.00408,913.00 658,913.00658,913.00 454,126.001,218.002,250.0071,725.0046,391.002,795.00239.002,318.0023,254.006,635.00684.001,151.000.006,000.00450.00 619,236.00 42,000.002,660.0011,000.0020,100.005,900.001,424.005,055.002,700.001,800.0021,527.006,794.008,176.00 129,136.00 40 Page BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: SlZhm`_l ni Eonol_ Q_jfZ\]_g_hn Q_m_lp_ Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih M_qmf_nn_l/X_Zl-ch-Q_pc_q Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Q_\]il^m LZhZa_g_hn Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Dgjfis__ Q_fZncihm RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns Hh^_j_h^_hn KZ\[il R\]biifm & SlZchcha RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m @oni @ffiqZh\]_ BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i SlZhm`_l Non Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] Df_\]ncihmL__ncham Olchncha C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-000-9915001-000-9950001-140-5010001-140-5014001-140-5014501-140-5120001-140-5121001-140-5121501-140-5121601-140-5121801-140-5222001-140-5222501-140-5225001-140-5226001-140-5229001-140-5295001-140- 5296001-140-6010001-140-6080501-140-6150001-140-6210001-140-6320001-140-6325001-140-6355101-140-6440001-140-6700001-140-6810001-140-6820001-140-68600 Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_36.69 %29.24 %28.35 %25.98 %0.00 %-97.50 %57.39 %45.68 %33.38 %100.00 %100.00 %37.15 %14.14 %14.14 %-65.08 %98.14 %52.32 %8.81 %50.32 %16.54 %26.04 %-4.53 %13.88 %35.76 %27.42 %24.05 %34.47 %35.36 %25.27 %30.92 %27.04 %27.19 %82.44 %DGMK 4 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])733.87515.7646.505,962.70-1,299.55-195.005,738.973,243.34 14,746.59 9,425.00 9,425.00297,936.22 17,251.00 17,251.00-84.6149.074,386.008.81 4,359.2721,610.27 378,709.93-2,488.88968.005,900.002,549.8445,855.7351,194.583,599.86301.722,622.0325,276.806,077.353,750.21 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.0017,000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 1,266.131,248.24117.5016,986.301,299.55395.004,261.033,856.66 29,430.41 0.00 0.00504,037.78 87,749.00 87,749.00 214.610.933,997.0091.19 4,303.7392,052.73 1,075,848.0757,488.886,005.001 0,600.006,750.16144,811.2797,330.426,581.14892.285,858.9768,203.2016,271.65798.79 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 9.994.690.001,550.700.000.004,261.030.00 5,826.41 0.00 0.0059,280.75 8,500.00 8,500.00 31.410.000.000.00 31.418,531.41 88,883.326,879.770.000.00675.0012,620.239,033.38620.7981.48562. 925,733.611,340.905.52 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 2,000.001,764.00164.0022,949.000.00200.0010,000.007,100.00 44,177.00 9,425.00 9,425.00801,974.00 122,000.00 122,000.00 130.0050.008,383.00100.00 8,663.00130,663.00 1,454,558.0055,000.006,973.0016,500.009,300.00190,667.00148,525.0010,181.001,194.008,481.0093,480.0022,349.004,549.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 2,000.001,764.00164.0022,949.000.00200.0010,000.007,100.00 44,177.00 9,425.00 9,425.00801,974.00 122,000.00 122,000.00 130.0050.008,383.00100.00 8,663.00130,663.00 1,454,558.0055,000.006,973.0016,500.009,300.00190,667.00148,525.0010,181.001,194.008,481.0093,480.0022,349.004,549.00 41 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 160 - K\]_Xc RfjXc: Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihmOo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m Eolhcnol_/Dkocjg_hn<$5,000 LZsil/Bioh\]cf Drj_hm_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l RZfZlc_m - B_lnc`c\]ZncihTh_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Bihncha_h\]s Drj_hm_ Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns Hh\]_hncp_ OlialZgm RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ RgZff Dkocjg_hn C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_mN``c\]_ Rojjfc_m Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i OimnZa_OimnZa_ BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]iBXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 160 - K\]_Xc BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-140-7010001-140-7030001-140-7040001-140-7060001-140-7840001-140-7850001-140-7990001-140-7999901-140-8720001-160-6010001-160-7010001-160-7030001-160-7040001-160-7999901-251-5010001-251-5013001-251- 5014001-251-5014501-251-5016001-251-5120001-251-5121001-251-5121501-251-5121601-251-5121801-251-5222001-251-5222501-251-52250 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_40.68 %-90.97 %4.16 %26.03 %22.04 %3.59 %51.66 %79.37 %-7.31 %19.18 %17.77 %20.38 %47.23 %-111.11 %85.53 %17.38 %-7.65 %1.78 %82.14 %6.63 %28.98 %-3.10 %5.19 %-20.42 %-10.36 %94.03 %19.43 %30.94 %0.00 %40.60 %100.00 %31.69 %-75.94 %-2.51 %57.90 %21.76 %0.00 %DGMK 5 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])12,676.60-1,819.3549.97 535,224.39 3,269.6235.893,099.42555.62-724.032,570.63184.773,356.493,778.69-22,222.463,164.501,842.32-152.91553.005,750.00176.003,042.62-15.50 8,264.67-479.98-57.001,504.526,154.305,073.71-1,020.172,801.30750.002,059.79-1,746.55-57.72868.46 15,850.66-22,012.40 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00,746.930. 3,746.93,000.00-6,824.030.000.00-5,824.03-31,966.83 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 18,488.403,819.351,150.03 1,520,897.61 11,563.38964.112,900.58144.3810,624.0310,829.37855.2313,115.514,221.3142,222.46535.505,010.752,152.9130,447.001,250.002,479.007,457.38515.50 147,288.40 2,829.98607.0095.4825,525.7011,326.291,020.174,098.700.003,440.2110,870.582,357.72631.54 62,803.37 53,979.23 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00553.50100.00 127,090.42 1,320.000.001,070.250.002,825.001,321.560.001,238.050.002,366.270.00817.900.000.000.0050.00706.350.00 11,715.38 172.7765.700.002,597.64136.800.00176.130.0 0250.00112.620.0029.96 3,541.62 0.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 31,165.002,000.001,200.00 2,056,122.00 14,833.001,000.006,000.00700.009,900.0013,400.001,040.0016,472.008,000.0020,000.003,700.0010,600.002,000.0031,000.007,000.002,655.0010,50 0.00500.00 159,300.00 2,350.00550.001,600.0031,680.0016,400.000.006,900.00750.006,500.002,300.002,300.001,500.00 72,830.00 0.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 31,165.002,000.001,200.00 2,056,122.00 14,833.001,000.006,000.00700.009,900.0013,400.001,040.0016,472.008,000.0020,000.003,700.0010,600.002,000.0031,000.007,000.002,655.0010,50 0.00500.00 159,300.00 2,350.00550.001,600.0031,680.0016,400.000.006,900.00750.006,500.002,300.002,300.001,500.00 72,830.00 0.00 42 Page BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih CcmjZn\]b - C_hnih Biohns Dg_la_h\]s LZhZa_g_hn Dkocjg_hn LZchn_hZh\]_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Q_\]il^m LZhZa_g_hn Hhp_mncaZncp_ LZn_lcZfm LZchn_hZh\]_ Rojjfc_m Aocf^cha LZchn_hZh\]_ U_bc\]f_ LZchn_hZh\]_ PoZfc`scha Drj_hm_m Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Hh^_j_h^_hn KZ\[il Bfinbcha @ffiqZh\]_ R\]biifm & SlZchchaOlin_\]ncp_ Bfinbcha Fif` BZln Rnc\]e_lm RgZff Dkocjg_hn SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g @hcgZf Bihnlif N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m BZjcnZf NonfZs BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha Df_\]nlc\]cns L__ncham Thc`ilgm OimnZa_ Olchncha VZn_l Eo_f BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-251-5226001-251-5229001-251-5294001-251-6010001-251-6080501-251-6320001-251-6325001-251-6355101-251-6400001-251-6410001-251-6440001-251-6520001-251-6530001-251-6535001-251-6620001-251-6625001-251- 6650001-251-6700001-251-6810001-251-6820001-251-6860001-251-7010001-251-7030001-251-7040001-251-7100001-251-7210001-251-7215001-251-7240001-251-7275001-251-7710001-251-7840001-251-7910001-251-7999901 -251-83700 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_76.54 %1.16 %24.15 %13.97 %10.73 %0.34 %47.40 %22.92 %16.33 %20.85 %20.46 %21.60 %32.62 %22.84 %24.30 %90.31 %40.68 %0.00 %16.03 %87.96 %-0.53 %44.96 %89.05 %73.28 %28.46 %13.30 %-9.75 %-65.61 %55.01 %73.11 %-38.81 %6.82 %44.49 %4.98 %79.33 %33.00 %30.34 %DGMK 6 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])22,349.97 337.57559,677.29 77,010.775,390.7219.255,687.501,237.4313,108.9214,261.17981.57103.481,201.658,671.982,200.151,324.794,054.98-493.25 134,761.11 13,193.50-96.19478.831,780.904,253.692,105.80345.92-316.65-1,312.225,060.597,969.24-970.24174.00727.00176.001,844.5233.00561.33 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00-31,966.83-34,043.93 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 6,850.03 60,829.261,791,818.64 474,213.2344,846.285,598.756,312.504,162.5767,155.0854,152.833,815.43375.522,482.3529,302.026,854.85142.215,914.02493.25 705,820.89 1,806.5018,096.19586. 17219.101,551.315,294.202,254.083,563.653,312.224,139.412,930.763,470.242,376.00907.003,359.75480.4867.001,288.67 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 1,660.71 1,660.71144,008.13 40,666.402,692.610.000.00412.506,028.604,929.61351.5634.37243.732,515.80588.500.720.00-343.00 58,121.40 0.001,866.8755.350.000.00689.780.00369.25533.22212 .460.000.000.00685. Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 29,200.00 29,200.002,317,452.00 551,224.0050,237.005,618.0012,000.005,400.0080,264.0068,414.004,797.00479.003,684.0037,974.009,055.001,467.009,969.000.00 840,582.00 15,000.0018,000.001,065.002,000.005,805.007,400.002,600.003,247.002,000.009,200.0010,900.002,500.002,550.001,634.003,535.752,325.00100.001,850.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 29,200.00 29,200.002,317,452.00 551,224.0050,237.005,618.0012,000.005,400.0080,264.0068,414.004,797.00479.003,684.0037,974.009,055.001,467.009,969.000.00 840,582.00 15,000.0018,000.001,065.002,000.005,805.007,400.002,600.003,247.002,000.009,200.0010,900.002,500.002,550.001,634.003,535.752,325.00100.001,850.00 43 Page BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m OlialZgm & Rj_\]cZf Olid_\]nm VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih CcmjZn\]b - C_hnih Biohns Dg_la_h\]s LZhZa_g_hn Dkocjg_hn LZchn_hZh\]_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l RZfZlc_m - B_lnc`c\]ZncihTh_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Aocf^cha LZchn_hZh\]_ U_bc\]f_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ R\]biifm & SlZchcha RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ GZtgZn CcmjimZf SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ RZ`_ns OlialZgm Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_mEfZam & Q_jZclm Biff_\]ncih E__m Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i Df_\]nlc\]cns L__ncham QZ^cim VZn_l C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-251-8710001-255-5010001-255-5013001-255-5014001-255-5014501-255-5016001-255-5120001-255-5121001-255-5121501-255-5121601-255-5121801-255-5222001-255-5222501-255-5225001-255-5226001-255-5229001-255- 6010001-255-6200001-255-6220001-255-6345001-255-6355101-255-6400001-255-6410001-255-6440001-255-6520001-255-6530001-255-6535001-255-6625001-255-6650001-255-6810001-255-6819001-255-6820001-255-6860001 -255-68700 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_100.00 %39.83 %-106.32 %78.30 %94.74 %20.24 %33.16 %50.00 %39.95 %54.72 %-11.67 %78.51 %100.00 %-553.68 %43.17 %19.83 %13.87 %10.73 %0.34 %0.00 %22.92 %16.07 %20.57 %20.27 %22.09 %32.62 %22.48 %22.50 %90.34 %40.68 %80.79 %-67.96 %15.29 %66.27 %63.85 %50.00 %DGMK 7 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])870.00 36,879.02-239.2178.303,707.251,117.113,149.796,375.001,997.421,258.45-716.379,032.05300.00-1,245.77 24,814.02196,454.15 76,459.825,391.0019.25-6,312.501,237.45 12,925.5414,072.93972.48105.821,201.708,536.321,998.321,325.354,054.987,097.75-883.51 128,202.70 4,373.501,600.11250.00 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 0.00 55,702.73 464.2121.70205.754,402.896,350.216,375.003,002.581,041.556,856.372,472.950.001,470.77 32,663.98794,187.60 474,764.1844,846.005,598.756,312.504,162.5567,508.4654,341.073, 824.52373.182,482.3029,437.686,882.68141.655,914.021,687.252,183.51 710,460.30 2,226.50905.89250.00 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 5,253.73 0.000.00205.75593.050.000.00212.2770.00215.58672.950.001,000.00 2,969.6066,344.73 40,758.572,692.560.000.00412.506,047.004,935.67351.6434.11243.492,521.02589.450.720.00 851.000.00 59,437.73 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 870.00 92,581.75 225.00100.003,913.005,520.009,500.0012,750.005,000.002,300.006,140.0011,505.00300.00225.00 57,478.00990,641.75 551,224.0050,237.005,618.000.005,400.0080,434.00 68,414.004,797.00479.003,684.0037,974.008,881.001,467.009,969.008,785.001,300.00 838,663.00 6,600.002,506.00500.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 870.00 92,581.75 225.00100.003,913.005,520.009,500.0012,750.005,000.002,300.006,140.0011,505.00300.00225.00 57,478.00990,641.75 0.00 44 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Socncih Q_cg\[olm_g_hn Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l LZchn_hZh\]_ Rojjfc_m RZfZlc_m - B_lnc`c\]ZncihTh_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m CcmjimZ\[f_ Rojjfc_m Ri`nqZl_ & Rojjiln RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ RgZff Dkocjg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zf Bihnlif L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m Hhmj_\]ncih E__m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i ObZlgZ\]s Thc`ilgm OimnZa_ Nrsa_h Eo_f BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-255-6911001-255-7010001-255-7030001-255-7040001-255-7100001-255-7210001-255-7220001-255-7222001-255-7225001-255-7250001-255-7840001-255-7910001-255-7999901-256-5010001-256-5013001-256-5014001-256- 5014501-256-5016001-256-5120001-256-5121001-256-5121501-256-5121601-256-5121801-256-5222001-256-5222501-256-5225001-256-5226001-256-5229001-256-5324001-256-6010001-256-6080001-256-63200 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_46.48 %0.00 %29.38 %20.66 %-87.85 %100.00 %13.21 %100.00 %-8.74 %-0.66 %78.79 %-91.88 %58.32 %1.14 %-8.55 %63.41 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %33.30 %-63.04 %-2.74 %0.07 %29.88 %72.19 %0.00 %0.00 %25.22 %100.00 %72.69 %-75.36 %13.37 %36.81 %100.00 %45.70 %18.89 %DGMK 8 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])230.06-167.102,315.501,378.74-1,054.1550.001,433.3016,513.00-1,048.77-132.2518,412.33-918.813,324.00178.00-260.752,587.61-47.17-3,375.08500.00 46,142.07-315.19-1.370. 256,308.8622,479.98-158.43-23,881.354,300.67750.001,090.38-753.56 9,820.24 16,873.547,500.00 24,373.54208,538.55 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.001,900. 1,900.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.001,900.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 264.94167.103,664.505,294.262,254.150.009,417.700.0013,048.7720,132.254,957.671,918.812,376.0015,404.003,310.751,493.3947.173,375.080.00 90,508.93 815.1951.37349.7514,802.148,660.02158 .4323,881.3512,749.330.00409.621,753.56 63,630.76 28,962.460.00 28,962.46893,562.45 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.000.001,385.00689.790.000.00837.310.00933. 3,845.36 0.000.00205.75383.950.000.000.00649.980.000.001,000.00 2,239.68 0.000.00 0.0065,522.77 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 495.000.007,880.006,673.001,200.0050.0010,851.0016,513.0012,000.0020,000.0023,370.001,000.005,700.0015,582.003,050.004, 138,551.00 500.0050.00350.0021,111.0 031,,050.00750.001,500.001,000.00 73,451.00 45,836.007,500.00 53,336.001,104,001.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 45 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] RfjXc: RZ`_ns Dkocjg_hn/Olin_\]ncp_ Bfinbcha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm OlialZgm & Rj_\]cZf Olid_\]nm CcmjZn\]b - C_hnih Biohns Dg_la_h\]s LZhZa_g_hn Dkocjg_hn LZchn_hZh\]_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Rojjfc_m Aocf^cha LZchn_hZh\]_ U_bc\]f_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj R\]biifm & SlZchcha RgZff Dkocjg_hnBZjcnZf Drj_hm_m SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g RZ`_ns OlialZgm EfZam & Q_jZclm Hhmj_\]ncih E__m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m S_f_jbih_ ObZlgZ\]s HhmolZh\]_ Df_\]nlc\]cnsGZl^qZl_ L__ncham Thc`ilgm OimnZa_ Olchncha QZ^cim VZn_l Eo_f BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-256-6325001-256-6345001-256-6355101-256-6400001-256-6410001-256-6430001-256-6440001-256-6500001-256-6520001-256-6530001-256-6535001-256-6625001-256-6650001-256-6810001-256-6819001-256-6820001-256- 6860001-256-6870001-256-6911001-256-7010001-256-7030001-256-7040001-256-7100001-256-7210001-256-7222001-256-7230001-256-7840001-256-7860001-256-7910001-256-7999901-256-8370001-256-87100 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_14.74 %58.18 %0.03 %-23.33 %15.14 %18.07 %14.86 %15.41 %23.70 %19.14 %19.81 %88.95 %40.68 %0.00 %15.91 %100.00 %21.14 %25.44 %0.00 %-23.95 %23.36 %0.00 %68.22 %100.00 %100.00 %27.07 %20.03 %93.44 %72.16 %81.72 %72.32 %0.00 %0.00 %12.33 %DGMK 9 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])25,812.571,745.260.50-350.003,612.962,951.83261.4628.04267.582,137.24521.66456.331,477.74-303.45 38,619.72 5,000.00296.0041,402.23-1,128.02-440.04712.41-21.47438.001, 269.00150.00 47,678.11 60.0993.442,265.771,225.85 3,645.15-37,687.50-37,687.5052,255.48 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,687.50 37,687.5037,687.50 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 149,344.431,254.741,927.501,850.0020,247.0413,382.171,497.54153.96861.429,027.762,111.3456.672,155.26303.45 204,173.28 0.001,104.00121,347.771,128.022,277.042,337.5921.47204.000.000.00 128,419.89 239.916.56874.23274.15 1,394.85 0.00 0.00333,988.02 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 10,696.34375.110.000.001,468.07866.70118.8811.4464.70635.33148.580.000.000.00 14,385.15 0.001,104.0012,028.790.00199.290.0021.470.000.000.00 13,353.55 31.400.000.00115.43 146.83 0.00 0.0027,885.53 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 175,157.003,000.001,928.001,500.0023,860.0016,334.001,759.00182.001,129.0011,165.002,633.00513.003,633.000.00 242,793.00 5,000.001,400.00162,750.000.001,837.003,050.000.00642.0 01,269.00150.00 176,098.00 300.00100.003,140.001,500.00 5,040.00 0.00 0.00423,931.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 175,157.003,000.001,928.001,500.0023,860.0016,334.001,759.00182.001,129.0011,165.002,633.00513.003,633.000.00 242,793.00 5,000.001,400.00162,750.000.001,837.003,050.000.00642.0 01,269.00150.00 176,098.00 300.00100.003,140.001,500.00 5,040.00 0.00 0.00423,931.00 46 Page BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Oli`_mmcihZf R_lpc\]_m - OHC TncfcnsBiggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Dkocjg_hn LZchn_hZh\]_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ R\]biifm & SlZchcha RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ Rcahm & LZlechamBZjcnZf Drj_hm_m SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m RgZff Siifm Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i Df_\]nlc\]cns L__ncham Thc`ilgm OimnZa_ VZn_l C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-360-5010001-360-5013001-360-5014001-360-5014501-360-5120001-360-5121001-360-5121501-360-5121601-360-5121801-360-5222001-360-5222501-360-5225001-360-5226001-360-5229001-360-6010001-360-6355101-360- 6400001-360-6410001-360-6440001-360-6535001-360-6551001-360-6810001-360-6820001-360-6860001-360-7010001-360-7030001-360-7210001-360-7820001-360-83700 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_18.72 %44.16 %21.65 %1.16 %44.44 %20.35 %29.83 %34.71 %21.24 %29.21 %21.24 %22.35 %75.61 %40.68 %0.00 %21.15 %-43.17 %56.55 %18.13 %25.29 %32.82 %-1.34 %75.25 %-60.58 %-47.37 %22.65 %6.61 %71.39 %74.36 %42.27 %67.05 %100.00 %100.00 %14.60 %46.26 %100.00 %18.83 %DGMK 10 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])107,392.696,624.611,253.50100.001,600.0015,375.9226,609.451,974.86142.321,131.607,875.611,966.281,739.095,604.32-1,003.25 178,387.00-259.032,508.007,579.8738,108.494, 142.85-2,755.892,633.91-6,058.25-4,736.6522,556.66737.706,339.73580.00500.89502.911,200.0010,000.00 83,581.19 185.0525.0094.15 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00,519.450.000.000.0016,324.500. 30,843.95 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 466,240.318,375.394,537.508,525.002,000.0060,183.0862,585.553,714.14527.682,742.4029,201.396,829.72560.918,173.681,003.25 665,200.00 859.031,927.0034,220.13112,551.518,479.15193,621.44 866.0916,058.2514,736.6560,718.8410,422.302,540.27200.00684.11247.090.000.00 458,131.86 214.950.00405.85 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 41,724.36611.570.000.00200.005,336.205,534.14336.4449.20240.922,550.15596.394.070.00134.45 57,317.89 0.000.002,838.54869.05703.118,116.380.00407.140.003,375. 00.00 16,309.22 31.400.000.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 573,633.0015,000.005,791.008,625.003,600.0075,559.0089,195.005,689.00670.003,874.0037,077.008,796.002,300.0013,778.000.00 843,587.00 600.004,435.0041,800.00150,660.0012,622.002 05,385.003,500.0010,000.0010,000.0099,600.0011,160.008,880.00780.001,185.00750.001,200.0010,000.00 572,557.00 400.0025.00500.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 573,633.0015,000.005,791.008,625.003,600.0075,559.0089,195.005,689.00670.003,874.0037,077.008,796.002,300.0013,778.000.00 843,587.00 600.004,435.0041,800.00150,660.0012,622.002 05,385.003,500.0010,000.0010,000.0099,600.0011,160.008,880.00780.001,185.00750.001,200.0010,000.00 572,557.00 400.0025.00500.00 47 Page BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Dkocjg_hn LZchn_hZh\]_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l RZfZlc_m - B_lnc`c\]ZncihTh_gjfisg_hn SZr_mOlij_lns LZchn_hZh\]_ Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Aocf^cha LZchn_hZh\]_ U_bc\]f_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns Hh^_j_h^_hn KZ\[il RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ R\]biifm & SlZchcha RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m RnilZa_ Q_hnZfOilnZ\[f_ Sicf_nm N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m RZ`_ns OlialZg Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i Df_\]nlc\]cns L__nchamSl__ Bcns OimnZa_ VZn_l BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-400-5010001-400-5013001-400-5014001-400-5014501-400-5016001-400-5120001-400-5121001-400-5121501-400-5121601-400-5121801-400-5222001-400-5222501-400-5225001-400-5226001-400-5229001-400-6320001-400- 6355101-400-6400001-400-6410001-400-6440001-400-6510001-400-6520001-400-6530001-400-6535001-400-6700001-400-6721001-400-6735001-400-6810001-400-6820001-400-6860001-400-6870001-400-6910001-400-7010001 -400-7030001-400-70400 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_0.26 %44.68 %60.96 %67.44 %100.00 %62.75 %35.79 %27.03 %27.03 %19.67 %9.15 %18.44 %-0.44 %-66.58 %24.12 %52.59 %53.70 %40.85 %42.38 %10.67 %11.05 %81.52 %40.68 %-81.65 %12.56 %19.33 %-20.27 %100.00 %-177.00 %-56.26 %-104.42 %19.49 %13.29 %-28.46 %26.28 %29.35 %DGMK 11 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])38.954,117.848,473.632,089.34100.00188.24 15,312.20 35,808.95 35,808.95313,089.34 30,402.31700.68-5.13-674.504,863.3111,011.19738.4153.51442.432,232.34541.811,416.833 ,246.74-2,208.68 52,761.25 715.11-402.05269.00-3,497.61-3,938.00-2,746.152,475.412,525.77-6,512.72503.721,147.19 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00-155,165.56-155,165.56-124,321.61 0.00,441. Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 15,201.055,099.165,426.371,008.660.00111.76 27,467.80 251,856.61 251,856.611,402,656.27 301,906.693,099.321,183.131,687.5015,296.699,926.81636.5977.49601.5718,679.664,363.19321.174,735 .264,913.68 367,428.75 2,984.892,385.910.005,473.616,497.005,376.1510,224.5916,474.2329,392.721,412.722,761.81 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 1,721.340.0077.4820.280.000.00 1,850.50 0.00 0.0075,477.61 51,886.1048.750.000.00726.51443.6227.703.7731.923,240.77752.5448.690.000.00 57,210.37 1,145.00201.720.0095.840.000.002,794. 952,253.970.00141.29114.04 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 15,240.009,217.0013,900.003,098.00100.00300.00 42,780.00 132,500.00 132,500.001,591,424.00 332,309.003,800.001,178.001,013.0020,160.0020,938.001,375.00131.001,044.0020,912.004, 905.001,738.007,982.002,705.00 420,190.00 3,700.001,983.86269.001,976.007,000.002,630.0012,700.0019,000.0022,880.001,916.443,909.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 15,240.009,217.0013,900.003,098.00100.00300.00 42,780.00 132,500.00 132,500.001,591,424.00 332,309.003,800.001,178.001,013.0020,160.0020,938.001,375.00131.001,044.0020,912.004, 905.001,738.007,982.002,705.00 420,190.00 3,700.001,983.86269.001,976.007,000.002,630.0012,700.0019,000.0022,880.001,916.443,909.00 48 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m Eolhcnol_/Dkocjg_hn<$5,000 R_lpc\]_ BbZla_m Zh^ E__m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Ri`nqZl_ & Rojjiln RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ R\]biifm & SlZchcha G_Zfnb Hhmj_\]ncihm RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl RZ`_ns Dkocjg_hn L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ BZjcnZf Drj_hm_m C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m RgZff Siifm Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i S_f_jbih_ Df_\]nlc\]cns Thc`ilgm Olchncha VZn_l Eo_f C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-400-7100001-400-7210001-400-7820001-400-7830001-400-7850001-400-7999901-400-8370001-450-5010001-450-5013001-450-5014001-450-5014501-450-5120001-450-5121001-450-5121501-450-5121601-450-5121801-450- 5222001-450-5222501-450-5225001-450-5226001-450-5229001-450-6010001-450-6080001-450-6230001-450-6320001-450-6325001-450-6355101-450-6380001-450-6400001-450-6410001-450-6430001-450-64400 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-253.91 %18.42 %20.46 %41.82 %9.44 %19.60 %-12.20 %-66.41 %-91.16 %88.58 %0.00 %1.76 %29.94 %-64.09 %15.75 %39.92 %0.00 %39.23 %100.00 %82.26 %91.67 %38.95 %39.41 %22.16 %-69.00 %-69.00 %3.88 %76.44 %95.83 %31.20 %37.91 %100.00 %19.57 %DGMK 12 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-11,425.751,473.851,822.172,181.4575.511,529.12-13,803.98-863.32-1,242.52310.04-8.48169.355,688.70-3,204.61751.32660.65-587.661,282.68300.007,248.631,833.33767.35118. 22 13,223.68-27,599.59-27,599.5924,581.36 2,522.611,150.019,145.84 12,818.46 800.002,205.01 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 4,441.00 0.00 18,384.79 18,384.7922,825.79 0.00 0.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 15,925.756,526.157,084.833,034.55724.496,270.88 122,550.28 2,163.322,605.5239.968.489,425.6513,311.308,204.614,018.68994.35587.661,987.320.001,563.37166.671,202.65181.78 46,461.32 49,214.80 49,214.80585,655.15 777.3949.9920,166.16 20,993.54 0.009,060.99 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 1,674.86385.630.002,204.29172.992,326.38 13,510.96 228.930.000.000.00961.761,057.771,622.671,168.830. 5,132.91 0.00 0.0075,854.24 36.770.00791.00 827.77 0.000.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 4,500.008,000.008,907.005,216.00800.007,800.00 113,187.30 1,300.001,363.00350.000.009,595.0019,000.005,000.004,770.001,655.000.003,270.00300.008,812.002,000.001,970.00300.00 59,685.00 40,000.00 40,000.00633,062.30 3,300.001,200.0029,312.00 33,812.00 800.0011,266.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 4,500.008,000.008,907.005,216.00800.007,800.00 113,187.30 1,300.001,363.00350.000.009,595.0019,000.005,000.004,770.001,655.000.003,270.00300.008,812.002,000.001,970.00300.00 59,685.00 40,000.00 40,000.00633,062.30 3,300.001,200.0029,312.00 33,812.00 800.0011,266.00 49 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm Eolhcnol_/Dkocjg_hn<$5,000 Dkocjg_hn Q_hnZf/K_Zm_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Rojjfc_m Olij_lns LZchn_hZh\]_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Biggohcns Dp_hnm RZ`_ns Dkocjg_hn OlialZg Rojjfc_mOlialZg Rojjfc_m RgZff Dkocjg_hnBZjcnZf Drj_hm_m SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m Rj_\]cZf Dp_hnm Dp_hn Q_hnZfm Bih\]_mmcihm C\]gXhjd\]ej: 460 - Bfddkeajn Dl\]eji BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha Ec_f^ SlcjmBb_gc\]Zfm GZl^qZl_ L__ncham Thc`ilgmThc`ilgm OimnZa_ Olchncha Eo_f BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]iBXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-450-6510001-450-6710001-450-6810001-450-6820001-450-6860001-450-6875001-450-7010001-450-7030001-450-7040001-450-7100001-450-7210001-450-7230001-450-7260001-450-7270001-450-7690001-450-7695001-450- 7830001-450-7840001-450-7850001-450-7860001-450-7910001-450-7999901-450-8370001-460-6320001-460-6325001-460-6730001-460-7210001-460-72700 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_8.78 %24.51 %34.32 %26.54 %81.63 %2.95 %-16.67 %26.85 %29.74 %35.95 %23.80 %34.52 %27.38 %28.26 %77.42 %40.68 %0.00 %27.39 %0.00 %50.24 %100.00 %0.00 %55.80 %0.13 %4.90 %71.50 %93.84 %9.78 %0.00 %33.29 %37.14 %92.65 %42.32 %86.25 %36.40 %46.33 %DGMK 13 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])26.34 3,031.3515,849.81 95,701.834,081.4675.00-750.0013,146.5012,035.78812.0275.68801.956,251.091,527.36794.364,283.56-17.45 138,819.14-500.0050,235.385,000.00-3,000. 003,850.0010.0063.75500.513,753.60335.00-58.901,502.221,114.201,211.00804.03207.00109.21 65,137.00 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 273.66 9,334.6530,328.19 264,928.17918.542,465.005,250.0035,822.5028,438.221,446.98242.321,521.0516,575.913,876.64231.646,247.4417.45 367,981.86 500.0049,764.620.003,000.003,050.007,99 0.001,236.25199.49246.403,090.0058.903,009.781,885.8096.001,095.9733.00190.79 75,447.00 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 0.00827.77 22,867.2490.860.000.003,044.272,598.28174.2824.68137.541,368.74320. 30,625.99,820.000.00249.560.000.0045.690.000.0 0 2,115.25 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 300.00 12,366.0046,178.00 360,630.005,000.002,540.004,500.0048,969.0040,474.002,259.00318.002,323.0022,827.005,404.001,026.0010,531.000.00 506,801.00 0.00100,000.005,000.000.00 6,900.008,000.001,300.00700.004,000.003,425.000.004,512.003,000.001,307.001,900.00240.00300.00 140,584.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 300.00 12,366.0046,178.00 360,630.005,000.002,540.004,500.0048,969.0040,474.002,259.00318.002,323.0022,827.005,404.001,026.0010,531.000.00 506,801.00 0.00100,000.005,000.000.00 6,900.008,000.001,300.00700.004,000.003,425.000.004,512.003,000.001,307.001,900.00240.00300.00 140,584.00 50 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 460 - Bfddkeajn Dl\]eji RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih SlZmb Q_gipZf/Q_\]s\]fcha Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m OfZh Q_pc_q R_lpc\]_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m U_bc\]f_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns C\]gXhjd\]ej: 522 - Bfddkeajn C\]l\]cfgd\]ej Hhmj_\]ncih R_lpc\]_m RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ R\]biifm & SlZchcha G_Zfnb Hhmj_\]ncihm RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m OfZn Ecfcha E__m @\[Zn_g_hnm Dhach__lcha Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i @jjlZcmZf L__ncham Olchncha Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-460-7999901-522-5010001-522-5013001-522-5014001-522-5014501-522-5120001-522-5121001-522-5121501-522-5121601-522-5121801-522-5222001-522-5222501-522-5225001-522-5226001-522-5229001-522-6010001-522- 6050001-522-6060001-522-6110001-522-6230001-522-6235001-522-6320001-522-6325001-522-6350001-522-6355101-522-6420101-522-6440001-522-6530001-522-6810001-522-6820001-522-6860001-522-69105 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-2.50 %10.23 %77.90 %43.53 %74.43 %88.48 %47.75 %31.72 %8.98 %15.72 %-46.67 %5.28 %7.85 %12.78 %2.13 %15.67 %12.23 %13.08 %87.63 %40.67 %0.00 %8.59 %67.10 %-20.88 %23.72 %2.40 %73.54 %5.40 %67.97 %13.30 %16.67 %22.63 %65.48 %-43.39 %29.96 %DGMK 14 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-37.5151.16779.011,410.461,484.96530.87 4,218.95208,175.09 20,575.00125.00-1,050.001,526.871,656.09178.933.38207.321,743.21440.25599.39229.81-125.45 26,109.80 26,069.60-4,500.0011,987.3088.603,088.50269.851,977.881,356.20300.00310.002,027.23-43.39 42,931.77 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.00 0.00 2, 2,000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 1,537.51448.84220.991,829.54510.0469.13 4,616.05448,044.91 208,515.00670.003,300.0027,374.1319,427.911,221.07155.621,115.6812,509.792,925.7584.61335.19125.45 277,760.20 10,780.4026,050.0038,539.703,596.401,111.504,730.15932.128,843.801,500.001,060.001,068.77143.39 98,356.23 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 446.7338.800.00143.760.000.00 629.2933,370.53 21,521.360.000.002,853.742,294.88116.7018.96125.741,260.96294.902.060.000.00 28,489.30 560.00 1,717.42 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 1,500.00500.001,000.003,240.001,995.00600.00 8,835.00656,220.00 229,090.00795.002,250.0028,901.0021,084.001,400.00159.001,323.0014,253.003,366.00684.00565.000.00 303,870.00 38,850.0021,550.0050,527.003,685.004,200.005,000.002,910.0010,200.001,800.001,370.003,096.00100.00 143,288.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 1,500.00500.001,000.003,240.001,995.00600.00 8,835.00656,220.00 229,090.00795.002,250.0028,901.0021,084.001,400.00159.001,323.0014,253.003,366.00684.00565.000.00 303,870.00 38,850.0021,550.0050,527.003,685.004,200.005,000.002,910.0010,200.001,800.001,370.003,096.00100.00 143,288.00 51 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 522 - Bfddkeajn C\]l\]cfgd\]ej RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih R_lpc\]_ BbZla_m & E__m Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns R\]biifm & SlZchcha SZr @^gchcmnlZncih RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i @jjlZcmZf L__ncham Thc`ilgm OimnZa_ @o^cncha Olchncha Eo_f C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-522-7010001-522-7030001-522-7040001-522-7100001-522-7210001-522-7999901-611-5010001-611-5014001-611-5014501-611-5120001-611-5121001-611-5121501-611-5121601-611-5121801-611-5222001-611-5222501-611- 5225001-611-5226001-611-5229001-611-6010001-611-6020001-611-6110001-611-6115001-611-6320001-611-6325001-611-6355101-611-6380001-611-6440001-611-6810001-611-6820001-611-68600 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_2.67 %3.75 %100.00 %-1,754.14 %-37.20 %14.90 %10.22 %0.00 %16.65 %10.34 %11.79 %12.39 %12.27 %19.46 %9.00 %10.20 %93.60 %40.67 %10.59 %100.00 %40.00 %91.76 %100.00 %29.41 %0.00 %63.40 %34.00 %0.00 %77.00 %-10.09 %15.95 %29.15 %100.00 %DGMK 15 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])57.5178.79250.00-2,104.97-1,718.6767,322.90 5,580.200.00199.79768.40633.2041.155.5274.33311.2483.63159.1256.13 7,912.71 1,890.001,800.001,789.25144.0050.00-186.99 5,486.26 101.99-219.3677.00-40.3713,358.60 30,158.1480.00 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.002,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 2,092.492,021.210.002,224.97 6,338.67382,455.10 49,039.80750.001,000.216,664.604,737.80290.8539.48307.673,148.76736.3710.8881.87 66,808.29 0.002,700.00160.750.00120.00186.99 3,167.74 198.01219.3623.00 440.3770,416.40 73,299.860.00 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 31.4176.130.002,059.21 2,166.7532,373.47 4,315.360.00100.00585.48443.6027.703.7629.34273.7664.030.000.00 5,843.03 84.61 31.4147.820.00 79.236,006.87 5,769.600.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 2,150.002,100.00250.00120.00 4,620.00451,778.00 54,620.00750.001,200.007,433.005,371.00332.0045.00382.003,460.00820.00170.00138.00 74,721.00 1,890.004,500.001,950.00144.00170.0 00.00 8,654.00 300.000.00100.00 400.0083,775.00 103,458.0080.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 2,150.002,100.00250.00120.00 4,620.00451,778.00 54,620.00750.001,200.007,433.005,371.00332.0045.00382.003,460.00820.00170.00138.00 74,721.00 1,890.004,500.001,950.00144.00170.0 00.00 8,654.00 300.000.00100.00 400.0083,775.00 103,458.0080.00 52 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 615 - LkeaZagXc Bfkhj RfjXc: Oo\[fc\]Zncihm/Aiiem/Ro\[m\]lcjncihm Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Io^a_'m Bigj_hmZncih RZfZlc_m - B_lnc`c\]ZncihTh_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZlRZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_mN``c\]_ Rojjfc_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 630 - GkdXe P\]ifkhZ\]i Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]iBXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i Iols E__m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 615 - LkeaZagXc Bfkhj OimnZa_OimnZa_ Olchncha BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]iBXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-611-7010001-611-7030001-611-7040001-611-7999901-615-5010001-615-5014501-615-5016001-615-5120001-615-5121001-615-5121501-615-5121601-615-5121801-615-5222001-615-5222501-615-5225001-615-5226001-615- 6010001-615-6030001-615-6325001-615-6630001-615-6810001-615-6820001-615-7010001-615-7030001-615-7999901-630-5010001-630-50140 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-100.00 %50.00 %20.07 %26.91 %21.78 %26.93 %39.30 %26.47 %27.01 %72.53 %40.67 %0.00 %-0.91 %66.28 %34.08 %28.87 %39.27 %100.00 %100.00 %12.92 %41.67 %9.19 %60.65 %100.00 %38.29 %-49.19 %75.75 %-31.34 %30.47 %15.37 %-0.76 %-23.33 %11.60 %12.57 %12.53 %12.27 %DGMK 16 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-750.00599.952,460.991,445.3272.3212.12198.491,719.00413.27248.06100.05-68.95-101.968,450.86981.60 46,019.26 12,211.48100.00150.00407.00375.0062.001,213.05100.00 14,618.53-295.1375.75-219.3860,418.41 27,112.40-15.00-350.002,423.701,350.4083.3011.04 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 1,500.00600.059,799.013,925.68259.6832.88306.514,775.001,116.7393.94145.9568.9511,251.964,299.141,898.40 113,373.74 18,888.520.000.002,743.00525.00613.00786.950.00 23,556.47 895.1324.25 919.38137,849.59 149,229.601,995.001,850.0018,472.309,391.60581.7078.96 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.000.00765.04650.7259.445.7234.00343.0680.245.760.000.00339.050.000.00 8,052.63 2,591.660.000.00450.0075. 3,116.66 94.690.00 94.6911,263.98 11,966.900.000.001,586.8287 9.2055.407.52 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 750.001,200.0012,260.005,371.00332.0045.00505.006,494.001,530.00342.00246.000.0011,150.0012,750.002,880.00 159,393.00 31,100.00100.00150.003,150.00900.00675.002,000.00100.00 38,175.00 600.00100.00 700.00198,268.00 176,342.001,980.001,500.0020,896.0010,742.00665.0090.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 750.001,200.0012,260.005,371.00332.0045.00505.006,494.001,530.00342.00246.000.0011,150.0012,750.002,880.00 159,393.00 31,100.00100.00150.003,150.00900.00675.002,000.00100.00 38,175.00 600.00100.00 700.00198,268.00 176,342.001,980.001,500.0020,896.0010,742.00665.0090.00 53 Page BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 630 - GkdXe P\]ifkhZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Dgjfis__ @mmcmnZh\]_ OlialZgOli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Socncih Q_cg\[olm_g_hn Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l RZfZlc_m - B_lnc`c\]ZncihTh_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Dgjfis__ Q_fZncihm RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns R\]biifm & SlZchcha RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i Q_ncl_g_hnQ_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i L__ncham OimnZa_ Olchncha BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-630-5014501-630-5016001-630-5120001-630-5121001-630-5121501-630-5121601-630-5121801-630-5222001-630-5222501-630-5225001-630-5226001-630-5229001-630-5296001-630-5324001-630-5328001-630-6010001-630- 6040001-630-6325001-630-6355101-630-6440001-630-6810001-630-6820001-630-6860001-630-7010001-630-7030001-640-5010001-640-5014001-640-5014501-640-5120001-640-5121001-640-5121501-640-51216 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_21.17 %14.37 %15.06 %75.57 %40.68 %14.62 %10.74 %38.13 %78.42 %61.71 %17.26 %98.50 %1.50 %58.33 %55.87 %100.00 %23.61 %47.62 %10.16 %100.00 %13.76 %51.64 %41.28 %63.33 %63.33 %21.93 %62.40 %88.99 %-12.37 %47.24 %38.06 %52.39 %25.22 %5.42 %DGMK 17 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])194.531,588.25392.66323.43181.83 33,296.54 20,363.85514.723,270.006,780.935,517.6826,593.75136.88210.002,314.22122.00 65,824.03 343.33762.01250.0017.2010,839.22 12,211.76 9,500.00 9,500.00120,832.33 15,600.016,940.97-7,291.987,085.379,572.802,619.42 34,526.59 542.14 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 4, 4,180.00 0.00 5,500.00 5,500.009,680.00 0.00 6,371.27 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 724.479,467.752,214.34104.57265.17 194,375.46 164,986.65835.28900.004,207.0726,456.32406.258,999.12150.001,827.780.00 208,768.47 377.676,737.990.00107.8010,150.78 17,374.24 0.00 0.00420,518.17 9,399.99859.0366,262.987,914.6315,577.202,380.58 102,394.41 3,086.59 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 69.04739.78173.020.000.00 15,477.68 2,387.39835.280.000.001,557.770.000.00150.000.000.00 4,930.44 31.41484.670.000.001,025.84 1,541.92 0.00 0.0021,950.04 1,056.780.000.00851.211,182. 00190.08 3,280.07 0.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 919.0011,056.002,607.00428.00447.00 227,672.00 189,530.501,350.004,170.0010,988.0031,974.0027,000.009,136.00360.004,142.00122.00 278,772.50 721.007,500.00250.00125.0020,990.00 29,586.00 15,000.00 15,000.00551,030.50 25,000.007,800.0058,971.0015,000.0025,150.005,000.00 136,921.00 10,000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 919.0011,056.002,607.00428.00447.00 227,672.00 189,530.501,350.004,170.0010,988.0031,974.0027,000.009,136.00360.004,142.00122.00 278,772.50 721.007,500.00250.00125.0020,990.00 29,586.00 15,000.00 15,000.00551,030.50 25,000.007,800.0058,971.0015,000.0025,150.005,000.00 136,921.00 10,000.00 54 Page BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m Eolhcnol_/Dkocjg_hn<$5,000 VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Aocf^cha LZchn_hZh\]_ Bijc_l Q_hnZf/K_Zm_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Ri`nqZl_ & Rojjiln Hh^_j_h^_hn KZ\[il R\]biifm & SlZchcha Bf_Zhcha R_lpc\]_m SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g Jcn\]b_h Rojjfc_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 710 - EXZacaja\]i LXeX_\]d\]ej L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m Olchn_l Rojjfc_m N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m BZjcnZf NonfZs BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]iBXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i S_f_jbih_ HhmolZh\]_ GZl^qZl_Df_\]nlc\]cns L__ncham Thc`ilgm R_\]olcnsOimnZa_ VZn_l BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]iBXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-640-5121801-640-5222001-640-5222501-640-5225001-640-5226001-640-6080001-640-6090001-640-6355101-640-6430001-640-6440001-640-6700001-640-6715001-640-6810001-640-6820001-640-6860001-640-7010001-640- 7020001-640-7030001-640-7210001-640-7860001-640-8370001-710-6400001-710-6410001-710-6500001-710-6520001-710-6540001-710-6580001-710-78500 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_24.30 %8.23 %23.87 %17.68 %764.34 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %100.00 %100.00 %100.00 %100.61 %6.42 %6.42 %128.40 %28.40 %6.41 %6.41 %DGMK 18 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])425.19 967.3335,493.921,921,758.101,373,460.74 252.07 252.07252.07252.07 41,000.00 41,000.0041,000.0041,000.0041,252.07-13,480.04-13,480.04 28.40 28.40-13,451.64-13,4 51.64 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 6,371.276,371.27-60,900.9860,900.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 1,324.81 4,411.40106,805.819,008,545.431,132,867.21 252.07 252.07252.07252.07 0.00 196,368.96 196,368.96 128.40 128.40196,497.36196,497.36 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 108.21 108.213,388.28931,330.99-591,518.21 35.24 35.2435.2435.24 0.00 19,158.20 19,158.20 8.98 8.9819,167.1819,167.18 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 1,750.00 11,750.00148,671.0010,869,402.55-179,692.55 0.00 41,000.00 41,000.0041,000.0041,000.00-41,000.00 209,849.00 209,849.00 100.00 100.00209,949.00209,949.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 1,750.00 11,750.00148,671.009,683,981.55-179,692.55 0.00 41,000.00 41,000.0041,000.0041,000.00-41,000.00 209,849.00 209,849.00 100.00 100.00209,949.00209,949.00 55 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 710 - EXZacaja\]i LXeX_\]d\]ej RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 01 - FDMDP@K ESMC Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 03 - R@U MNRDQ 2010 Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc: LZchn_hZh\]_ Rojjfc_m RZf_m SZr - BBOC BZjcnZf Drj_hm_m Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\]BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi Eke\[: 03 - R@U MNRDQ 2010 BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i Eke\[: 04 - BBOC ESMC Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 01-710-7910003-000-4700003-400-8370004-000-4035004-000-47000 P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-4.17 %-4.17 %31.91 %36.37 %35.94 %8.80 %8.80 %35.41 %35.41 %23.31 %23.31 %48.47 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %37.45 %37.45 %37.45 %37.45 %DGMK 19 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-1,000.00-1,000.00 1,595.7017,095.00 18,690.70 11,000.00 11,000.00 53,109.37 53,109.3781,800.0781,800.0768,348.43 0.00,648.25-183,648.25-183,648. 25-183,648.25 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.007,092.00 7,092.00-11,000.00-11,000.00 0.00 0.00-1,908.00-1,908.001,908.00-15,366.43-15,366.43-15,366.43-15,366.43-15,366.43 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 23,000.00 23,000.00 3,404.3022,813.00 26,217.30 125,000.00 125,000.00 96,865.63 96,865.63271,082.93271,082.93-74,585.57 15,366.43 15,366.4315,366.4315,366.4315,366.43 306,684.75 306,684.75306,684.75306,684.75 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,153.900.00 1,153.90 0.00 0.00 96,865.63 96,865.63101,019.53101,019.53-81,852.35 0.00 0.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 24,000.00 24,000.00 5,000.0047,000.00 52,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 149,975.00 149,975.00350,975.00350,975.00-141,026.00 0.00 490,333.00 490,333.00490,333.00 490,333.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 24,000.00 24,000.00 5,000.0047,000.00 52,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 149,975.00 149,975.00350,975.00350,975.00-141,026.00 0.00 408,913.00 408,913.00408,913.00 408,913.00 56 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 04 - BBOC ESMC Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 05 - ANMC ESMC - FN 2010 O@PJQ RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc: SlZhm`_l Hh - Eonol_ Q_jfZ\]_g_hn Q_m_lp_ Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m SlZhm`_l ni C_\[n R_lpc\]_ RgZff Dkocjg_hnBZjcnZf Drj_hm_mBZjcnZf Drj_hm_m BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i Eke\[: 07 - B@OHR@K PDOK@BDLDMR ESMC BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i Eke\[: 05 - ANMC ESMC - FN 2010 O@PJQ BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i Thc`ilgm C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXcBXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 04-251-6010004-251-7210004-251-7840004-251-8370004-251-9940005-400-8370007-000-49290 P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-72.15 %-72.15 %-72.15 %-17.10 %-17.10 %-17.10 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %62.22 %62.22 %62.22 %-4.56 %-4.56 %-4.56 %0.00 %0.00 %41.94 %41.94 %38.79 %31.30 %204.58 %DGMK 20 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-25,973.30-25,973.30-25,973.30-5,472.12-5,472.12-5,472.12-15,936.00-15,936.00-15,936.00 153,934.18 153,934.18153,934.18-2,067.75-2,067.75-2,067.75-3,530.00-3,530.00 47,059.89 47,059.8943,529.89148,014.90-35,633.35 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 27,151.05 27,151.0527,151.05 5,861.60 5,861.605,861.60 15,936.00 15,936.0015,936.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 49,949.00 49,949.0049,949.0098,897.65-98,897.65 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 34,822.25 34,822.2534,822.25 31,610.52 31,610.5231,610.52 0.00 0.000.00 93,467.82 93,467.8293,467.82 47,367.75 47,367.7547,367.75 3,530.00 3,530.00 15,204.11 15,204.1118,734.11226,002. 4580,682.30 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 7,022.34 7,022.347,022.347,022.34-7,022.34 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 36,000.00 36,000.0036,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.0032,000.00 0.00 0.000.00 247,402.00 247,402.00247,402.00 45,300.00 45,300.0045,300.00 0.00 0.00 112,213.00 112,213.00112,213.0047 2,915.0017,418.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 36,000.00 36,000.0036,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.0032,000.00 0.00 0.000.00 247,402.00 247,402.00247,402.00 45,300.00 45,300.0045,300.00 0.00 0.00 112,213.00 112,213.00112,213.0047 2,915.00-64,002.00 57 Page BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 07 - B@OHR@K PDOK@BDLDMR ESMC Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): BZjcnZf Drj_hm_mBZjcnZf Drj_hm_mBZjcnZf Drj_hm_mBZjcnZf Drj_hm_mBZjcnZf Drj_hm_mBZjcnZf Drj_hm_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i GZl^qZl_ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXcBXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXcBXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXcBXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXcBXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXcBXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 07-251-8370007-255-8370007-256-8370007-400-8370007-450-8370007-640-7840007-640-83700 Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_99.84 %99.84 %99.84 %99.84 %99.84 %5.68 %5.68 %5.68 %5.68 %31.55 %0.00 %36.75 %31.60 %61.49 %33.25 %0.00 %32.05 %100.00 %0.00 %22.23 %-29.59 %85.00 %-60.00 %-42.12 %44.79 %23.73 %-1.90 %DGMK 21 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])143,573.50 143,573.50143,573.50143,573.50143,573.50-9,367.03-9,367.03-9,367.03-9,367.03 6,024.860.00435.1587.53113.76152.61-20.58 6,793.33 2,500.000.00936.18-184.9385 0.00-114.00-3,790.771,253.991,002.68-36.12 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 229.50 229.50229.50229.50229.50 155,632.97 155,632.97155,632.97155,632.97 13,069.140.00748.85189.4771.24306.3920.58 14,405.67 0.001,000.003,275.82809.93150.00304.0012,790.771,546.013,2 22.321,936.12 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 8,625.00 8,625.008,625.008,625.00 202.87-132.60-48.822.930.200.000.00 24.58,272.48113.970.00172.68 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 143,803.00 143,803.00143,803.00143,803.00143,803.00 165,000.00 165,000.00165,000.00165,000.00 19,094.000.001,184.00277.00185.00459.000.00 21,199.00 2,500.001,000.004,212.00625. 001,000.00190.009,000.002,800.004,225.001,900.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 143,803.00 143,803.00143,803.00143,803.00143,803.00 165,000.00 165,000.00165,000.00165,000.00 19,094.000.001,184.00277.00185.00459.000.00 21,199.00 2,500.001,000.004,212.00625. 001,000.00190.009,000.002,800.004,225.001,900.00 58 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 08 - R@U MNRDQ 2012 RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Ol_-_gjfisg_hn Obsmc\]Zfm/S_mncha Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_mOli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih R_lpc\]_ BbZla_m & E__m Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Ri`nqZl_ & Rojjiln R\]biifm & SlZchcha RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m OZle Q_p_ho_m Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]iBXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i S_f_jbih_ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] Df_\]nlc\]cns @o^cncha Olchncha VZn_l BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i Eke\[: 09 - RPNOGV BKSA O@PJ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi Eke\[: 08 - R@U MNRDQ 2012 Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 08-140-6010009-000-4335009-400-5010009-400-5120009-400-5222009-400-5222509-400-5225009-400-5226009-400-5229009-400-6010009-400-6020009-400-6080009-400-6320009-400-6325009-400-6355109-400-6380009-400- 6400009-400-6410009-400-64300 P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_57.22 %-0.94 %-63.62 %66.07 %5.03 %54.20 %100.00 %100.00 %7.34 %100.00 %100.00 %99.13 %69.95 %6.76 %89.93 %-25.84 %83.17 %-899.07 %11.88 %25.00 %25.00 %14.11 %14.11 %-43.55 %11.06 %11.06 %0.00 %0.00 %11.04 %11.04 %DGMK 22 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])533.88-11.22-6,679.993,557.051,437.414,552.38115.00150.00 6,071.54 1,044.00327.001,082.48468.67554.451,259.04-774.97748.51-2,697.22 2,011.96 5,000.00 5,000.0019,876.8319,876.8310,509.80-24,738.01-24,738.01 31.63 31.63-24,706.38-24,706.38 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 399.121,211.2217,179.991,826.9527,162.593,847.620.000.00 76,662.46,645.55140.963,773.97151.492,997.22 14,920.04 15,000.00 15,000.00120,988.17120,988.1734,644.80 199,015.99 199,015.99 31.63 31.63199,047.62199,047.62 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 53.610.00837.440.00440. 2,890.18 8.94 0.00 0.002,923.702,923.705,701.30 19,458.29 19,458.29 11.04 11.0419,469.3319,469.33 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 933.001,200.0010,500.005,384.0028,600.008,400.00115.00150.00 82,734.00 1,044.00327.001,092.00670.008,200.001,400.002,999.00900.00300.00 16,932.00 20,000.00 20,000.00140,865.001 40,865.0024,135.00 223,754.00 223,754.00 0.00 0.00223,754.00223,754.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 933.001,200.0010,500.005,384.0028,600.008,400.00115.00150.00 82,734.00 1,044.00327.001,092.00670.008,200.001,400.002,999.00900.00300.00 16,932.00 20,000.00 20,000.00140,865.001 40,865.0024,135.00 223,754.00 223,754.00 0.00 0.00223,754.00223,754.00 59 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 09 - RPNOGV BKSA O@PJ Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc: Biggohc\]Zncihm /OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m RZf_m SZr - Rnl__n LZchn_hZh\]_ OZle @^gchcmnlZncih SlZhm`_l Eolhcnol_/Dkocjg_hn<$5,000 Dkocjg_hn LZchn_hZh\]_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ LZchn_hZh\]_ Rojjfc_m Olij_lns LZchn_hZh\]_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Hh^_j_h^_hn KZ\[il Biggohcns Dp_hnm Eke\[: 10 - QRPDDR L@HMRDM@MBD Q@KDQ R@U SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g OilnZ\[f_ Sicf_nm Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RgZff Siifm BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] HhmolZh\]_ Thc`ilgm OimnZa_ Eo_f C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 09-400-6440009-400-6500009-400-6510009-400-6535009-400-6700009-400-6735009-400-6810009-400-6820009-400-7010009-400-7030009-400-7100009-400-7210009-400-7695009-400-7820009-400-7850009-400-7910009-400- 7999909-400-9920010-000-4035010-000-47000 P\]l\]ek\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_63.55 %0.00 %0.00 %60.00 %62.70 %63.16 %69.45 %65.65 %61.65 %64.51 %65.29 %106.86 %33.25 %61.67 %19.64 %73.56 %-37.02 %57.91 %9.51 %91.70 %18.94 %50.00 %50.00 %56.72 %56.72 %-412.60 %1.71 %1.71 %DGMK 23 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])21,083.93-326.550.00450.002,807.174,962.75495.1545.30149.811,332.81322.52182.73669.58 32,175.20 726.7273,560.68-5,552.29 68,735.11 513.37641.91 1,155.28 12,500.00 12,500.00114,565.59114,565.5989,859.21-7,293.04-7,293.04 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 12,092.07326.55145.00300.001,669.832,894.25217.8523.7093.19733.19171.48-11.731,344.42 19,999.80 2,973.2826,439.3220,552.29 49,964.89 4,886.6358.09 4,944.72 12,500.00 12,500.0087,409.41 87,409.41111,638.21 420,112.96 420,112.96 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 2,819.36295.130.000.00412.98443.6027.703.7620.28193.1045.160.000.00 4,261.07 14.25323.500.00 337.75 375.6858.09 433.77 0.00 0.005,032.595,032.5914,436.74 33,303.21 33,303.21 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 33,176.000.00145.00750.004,477.007,857.00713.0069.00243.002,066.00494.00171.002,014.00 52,175.00 3,700.00100,000.0015,000.00 118,700.00 5,400.00700.00 6,100.00 25,000.00 25,000.00201,975.00201,975.0021,779.00 427,406.00 427,406.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 33,176.000.00145.00750.004,477.007,857.00713.0069.00243.002,066.00494.00171.002,014.00 52,175.00 3,700.00100,000.0015,000.00 118,700.00 5,400.00700.00 6,100.00 25,000.00 25,000.00201,975.00201,975.0021,779.00 427,406.00 427,406.00 60 Page BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 10 - QRPDDR L@HMRDM@MBD Q@KDQ R@U Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc: VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih SlZhm`_l ni C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Rnilg ClZchZa_ E__m U_bc\]f_ LZchn_hZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns Rnl__n LZchn_hZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ Rcahm & LZlecham C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RgZff Siifm Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i Eke\[: 11 - QRNPL CP@HM@FD SRHKHRV Eo_f BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 10-360-5010010-360-5013010-360-5014010-360-5014510-360-5120010-360-5121010-360-5121510-360-5121610-360-5121810-360-5222010-360-5222510-360-5225010-360-5226010-360-6530010-360-6550010-360-6551010-360- 7100010-360-7820010-360-9940011-000-43250 P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_369.86 %269.86 %1.39 %1.39 %44.07 %95.34 %13.05 %70.47 %53.86 %50.00 %74.04 %19.02 %19.02 %57.27 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %50.03 %-67.80 %24.50 %24.50 %24.50 %24.50 %DGMK 24 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])1,349.32 1,349.32-5,943.72-5,943.72 16,042.4076,274.44261.008,456.0011,850.00100.00 112,983.84 12,718.68 12,718.68125,702.52 0.00 0.000.00125,702.52119,758.80-980.12- 980.12-980.12-980.12 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00,500.000.00 8,500.00 0.00 0.008,500.00 0.00 0.000.008,500.00-8,500.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 1,849.32 1,849.32421,962.28421,962.28 20,357.603,725.561,739.003,544.001,650.00100.00 31,116.16 54,168.32 54,168.3285,284.48 31,775.00 31,775.0031,775.00117,059.48304,902.80 3,019.88 3,019.883,019.883,019.88 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 251.79 251.7933,555.0033,555.00 1,593.300. 1,593.30 24,168.32 24,168.3225,761.62 14,981.25 14,981.2514,981.2540,742.87-7,187.87 276.13 276.13276.13276.13 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 500.00 500.00427,906.00427,906.00 36,400.0080,000.002,000.0012,000.0022,000.00200.00 152,600.00 66,887.00 66,887.00219,487.00 31,775.00 31,775.0031,775.00251,262.00176,644.00 4,000.00 4,000.004,000.004,000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 500.00 500.00427,906.00427,906.00 36,400.0080,000.002,000.0012,000.0022,000.00200.00 152,600.00 66,887.00 66,887.00219,487.00 31,775.00 31,775.0031,775.00251,262.00176,644.00 4,000.00 4,000.004,000.004,000.00 61 Page BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 365 - ChXaeX_\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 11 - QRNPL CP@HM@FD SRHKHRV Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc: Lohc\]cjZf Bioln S_\]bhifias E__m Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m SlZmb Q_gipZf/Q_\]s\]fcha Dhach__lcha/Bihmnlo\]ncih Aih^ Hhn_l_mn - 2013 BN Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Hh^_j_h^_hn KZ\[il Rnl__n Rq__jcha Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i SlZhm`_l Non BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\]Eke\[: 12 - BNSPR RDBGMNKNFV C\]gXhjd\]ej: 365 - ChXaeX_\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 11-000-4700011-365-6010011-365-6055011-365-6420111-365-6552011-365-6700011-365-6810011-365-9940011-601-9100012-000-43120 P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-4.73 %-4.73 %100.00 %100.00 %23.99 %23.99 %23.49 %24.50 %24.50 %24.50 %24.50 %68.75 %100.00 %89.10 %25.00 %25.00 %52.78 %52.78 %89.75 %11.06 %11.06 %DGMK 25 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-279.14-279.14 2,230.00 2,230.001,950.861,950.86970.74-735.12-735.12-735.12-735.12 550.001,494.00 2,044.00 750.00 750.002,794.002,794.002,058.88-49,477.05-49,477.05 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 1,680.70 1,680.70 0.00 0.001,680.701,680.70-1,680.70 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 4,501.44 4,501.44 0.00 0.004,501.444,501.44-1,481.56 2,264.88 2,264.882,264.882,264.88 250.000.00 250.00 2,250.00 2,250.002,500.002,500.00-235.12 398,031.95 398,031.95 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 99.00 99.00 0.00 0.0099.0099.00177.13 207.09 207.09207.09207.09 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 38,916.58 38,916.58 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 5,903.00 5,903.00 2,230.00 2,230.008,133.008,133.00-4,133.00 3,000.00 3,000.003,000.003,000.00 800.001,494.00 2,294.00 3,000.00 3,000.005,294.005,294.00-2,294.00 447,509.00 447,509.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 5,903.00 5,903.00 2,230.00 2,230.008,133.008,133.00-4,133.00 3,000.00 3,000.003,000.003,000.00 800.001,494.00 2,294.00 3,000.00 3,000.005,294.005,294.00-2,294.00 447,509.00 447,509.00 62 Page BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 261 - Bfkhj R\]Z`efcf_n RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 12 - BNSPR RDBGMNKNFV Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 271 - Bfkhj Q\]Zkhajn RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 13 - BNSPR QDBSPHRV Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i RfjXc: Eke\[: 15 - DBNMNLHB CDTDKNOLDMR BNPONP@RHNM 4A Lohc\]cjZf Bioln R_\]olcns E__m SlZhm`_l ni F_h_lZf Eoh^ RZf_m SZr - F_h_lZf Ri`nqZl_ & Rojjiln R\]biifm & SlZchcha SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]iBXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 261 - Bfkhj R\]Z`efcf_n GZl^qZl_ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 271 - Bfkhj Q\]Zkhajn BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i Eke\[: 13 - BNSPR QDBSPHRV BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 12-261-6080012-261-7860013-000-4311013-271-6355113-271-6820013-271-9910015-000-40300 P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_235.24 %135.24 %10.57 %10.57 %0.00 %0.00 %88.58 %100.00 %100.00 %-138.10 %100.00 %39.73 %88.00 %-1.00 %4.93 %-6.69 %37.61 %34.43 %50.00 %50.00 %0.00 %0.00 %18.45 %18.45 %-344.72 %DGMK 26 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])2,028.55 2,028.55-47,448.50-47,448.50 0.000.003,720.25250.001,000.00-1,450.00422.00 3,942.25 220.00-35.00 185.00-1,067.8177,778.12 76,710.31 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.0081,037.5681,037.5633,589.06 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 1,500. 1,500.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001,500.001,500.00-1,500.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 3,528.55 3,528.55401,560.50401,560.50 500.001,000.00479.750.000.002,500.000.00 4,479.75 30.003,535.00 3,565.00 17,017.81129,041.88 146,059.69 200.00 200.00 202,423.00 202,423.00356,727.44356,727.4444,833.06 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 545.60 545.6039,462.1839,462.18 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.0011,731.08 11,731.08 0.00 0.00 202,423.00 202,423.00214,154.08214,154.08-174,691.90 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 1,500.00 1,500.00449,009.00449,009.00 2,000.001,000.004,200.00250.001,000.001,050.00422.00 9,922.00 250.003,500.00 3,750.00 15,950.00206,820.00 222,770.00 400.00 400.00 202,423.00 202,423.00439,265.00439,265.009,744.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 1,500.00 1,500.00449,009.00449,009.00 2,000.001,000.004,200.00250.001,000.001,050.00422.00 9,922.00 250.003,500.00 3,750.00 15,950.00206,820.00 222,770.00 400.00 400.00 202,423.00 202,423.00439,265.00439,265.009,744.00 63 Page BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 951 - DCB 4A RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 15 - DBNMNLHB CDTDKNOLDMR BNPONP@RHNM 4A Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): Oli`_mmcihZf Nonmc^_ R_lpc\]_m SlZhm`_l ni C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Lcm\]_ffZh_iom Drj_hm_ Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj Hh\]_hncp_ OlialZgm R\]biifm & SlZchcha OZscha @a_hn E__ SlZp_f & j_l ^c_g Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ N``c\]_ Rojjfc_m DCB Olid_\]nm BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] @o^cncha Olchncha BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 951 - DCB 4A BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 15-000-4700015-951-6010015-951-6020015-951-6320015-951-6325015-951-6355115-951-6810015-951-6820015-951-7010015-951-7999915-951-8715015-951-8720015-951-9200015-951-99400 Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_0.11 %0.11 %254.66 %154.66 %1,009.28 %909.28 %2.62 %2.62 %6.73 %74.41 %-1.13 %-25.00 %29.71 %35.86 %38.44 %24.44 %26.91 %28.16 %29.29 %75.36 %33.25 %22.54 %100.00 %0.00 %0.00 %-7.75 %74.35 %44.08 %DGMK 27 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-500.28-500.28 7,733.00 7,733.00 4,546.42 4,546.4211,779.1411,779.14 5,499.7614,882.38-5.87-187.504,019.873,131.92215.6415.15145.061,784.80437.27161.26652.29 30,752.03 44,000.00-61.48-1,215.56-3,627.942,305.00 41,400.02 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 442,899.72 442,899.72 12,733.00 12,733.00 5,046.42 5,046.42460,679.14460,679.14 76,202.245,117.62526.87937.509,511.135,601.08345.3646.85393.944,553.201,055.7352.741,309.71 105,653.97 0.0061.481,215.5650,452.94795.00 52,524.98 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 36,725.74 36,725.74 200.00 200.00 401.10 401.1037,326.8437,326.84 6,850. 8,952.56 0.0011.5690.110.000.00 101.67 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 443,400.00 443,400.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00448,900.00448,900.00 81,702.0020,000.00521.00750.0013,531.008,733.00561.0062.00539.006,338.001,493.00214.001,962.00 136,406.00 44,,825.003,100.00 93,925.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 443,400.00 443,400.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 500.00448,900.00448,900.00 81,702.0020,000.00521.00750.0013,531.008,733.00561.0062.00539.006,338.001,493.00214.001,962.00 136,406.00 44,,825.003,100.00 93,925.00 64 Page BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc: Biggohc\]Zncihm/OZa_lm/Li\[cf_m VilegZh'm Bigj_hmZncih R_lpc\]_ BbZla_m & E__m Kc`_ HhmolZh\]_ & Nnb_l Th_gjfisg_hn SZr_m Ri\]cZf R_\]olcns SZr_m Gin_f N\]\]ojZh\]s SZr Co_m & L_g\[_lmbcj 4nb i` Iofs Q_p_ho_RZfZlc_m - Kiha_pcns RZfZlc_m - Np_lncg_ RZfZlc_m - Q_aofZl L_^c\]Zf HhmolZh\]_ RZfZlc_m - Rncj_h^ C_hnZf HhmolZh\]_ Ucmcih HhmolZh\]_ L_^c\]Zl_ SZr_m Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ Dp_hn Q_hnZfm Q_ncl_g_hn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i @^p_lncmcha BXj\]_fhn: 50 - O\]hifee\]c Q\]hlaZ\]i BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 370 - Gfj\]c NZZkgXeZn Eke\[: 16 - GNRDK NBBSO@MBV R@U BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 16-000-4040016-000-4331516-000-4700016-370-5010016-370-5013016-370-5014016-370-5014516-370-5120016-370-5121016-370-5121516-370-5121616-370-5121816-370-5222016-370-5222516-370-5225016-370-5226016-370- 6320016-370-6380016-370-6440016-370-6730016-370-68100 P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_11.11 %11.11 %-25.03 %-25.03 %-3.13 %-3.13 %-4.35 %135.81 %35.81 %35.81 %35.81 %-7.24 %-7.24 %-7.24 %-7.24 %0.00 %63.67 %79.76 %65.84 %65.84 %65.84 %DGMK 28 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])3,000.00 3,000.00-95,125.91-95,125.91-19,973.86-19,973.86-8,194.72 2,864.50 2,864.502,864.502,864.50-578.97-578.97-578.97-578.972,285.53-51,049.30-9,970.12-61,019.42- 61,019.42-61,019.42 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 24,000.00 24,000.00 475,125.91 475,125.91657,304.86657,304.86-196,625.72 10,864.50 10,864.5010,864.5010,864.50 8,578.97 8,578.978,578.978,578.972,285.53 29,124.702,529.88 31,654.5831,654.5831,654.58 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.009,054.239,054.2328,272.61 1,350.00 1,350.001,350.001,350.00 72.46 72.4672.4672.461,277.54 0.000.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 27,000.00 27,000.00 380,000.00 380,000.00637,331.00637,331.00-188,431.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.008,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.008,000.000.00 80,174.0012,500.00 92,674.0092,674.0092,674.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 27,000.00 27,000.00 380,000.00 380,000.00637,331.00637,331.00-188,431.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.008,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.008,000.000.00 80,174.0012,500.00 92,674.0092,674.0092,674.00 65 Page BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 370 - Gfj\]c NZZkgXeZn RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 16 - GNRDK NBBSO@MBV R@U Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 17 - PDBPD@RHNM OPNFP@LQ Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc: Q_\]l_Zncih OlialZg - Drj_hm_m Olij_lns SZr_m SHQY#1 Q_\]l_Zncih OlialZgm RZf_m SZr - SHQY#1 Iofs 4 B_f_\[lZncih BZjcnZf NonfZs BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i Eke\[: 17 - PDBPD@RHNM OPNFP@LQ BXj\]_fhn: 43 - Eae\]i & E\]\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 70 - Qkggca\]i BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i Council Eke\[: 60 - RHPW #1 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 16-370-7670016-370-8370017-000-4330017-450-6010060-000-4010060-000-40300 P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %73.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %101.06 %47.33 %168.41 %1.05 %396.36 %296.36 %50.00 %450.16 %0.00 %DGMK 29 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-7,268.02-7,268.02-7,268.02-7,268.02-68,287.44 2,100.61 2,100.612,100.612,100.612,100.61 202,423.00 202,423.00 19,900.73-2,129.392,051.74 19,823.08 5,927.25 5,927.25-12,500.0094,146.957,454.13 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 7,268.02 7,268.027,268.027,268.0224,386.56 2,100.61 2,100.612,100.612,100.612,100.61 202,423.00 202,423.00 1,898,596.732,369.615,050.74 1,906,017.08 7,927.25 7,927.25 12,500.00121,033.957,454.13 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 0.00 202,423.00 202,423.00 1,857.6516.53117.19 1,991.37 1,179.13 1,179.13 0.00121,033.950.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.00,674.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,878,696.004,499.002,999.00 1,886,194.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 25,000.0026,887.000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.00,674.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,878,696.004,499.002,999.00 1,886,194.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 25,000.0026,887.000.00 66 Page BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 60 - RHPW #1 Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 42 - Hej\]h_fl\]hed\]ejXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 72 - FP@MR ESMC-PDHLASPQD@AKD-ONKHBD RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 10 - BXi` Xe\[ Hel\]ijd\]eji RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc: SlZhm`_l Hh - Rnl__n LZchn_hZh\]_ RZf_m SZr Olij_lns SZr_m/O_hZfns & Hhn_l_mn SlZhm`_l Hh - BZjcnZf Olid_\]nm SlZhm`_l Hh - Rnilg ClZchZa_ Olij_lns SZr_m/C_fchko_hn Eke\[: 72 - FP@MR ESMC-PDHLASPQD@AKD-ONKHBD SlZhm`_l Hh - DCB 4A SBKDNRD Q_p_ho_ Hh\]_hncp_ OlialZgm BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_ Olij_lns SZr_m BXj\]_fhn: 10 - BXi` Xe\[ Hel\]ijd\]eji BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] BXj\]_fhn: 42 - Hej\]h_fl\]hed\]ejXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc BXj\]_fhn: 40 - RXm\]i Eke\[: 79 - CDAR QDPTHBD Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 60-140-8720072-251-4251079-000-4921079-000-4010079-000-4012579-000-4015079-000-4700079-000-4923079-000-4924079-000-49260 P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_100.00 %30.16 %8.00 %8.00 %-7.92 %-7.33 %-9.04 %-7.71 %-7.71 %-7.71 %-12.68 %753.84 %653.84 %36.50 %0.00 %282.99 %26.61 %25.67 %25.67 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %DGMK 30 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-149,975.00-60,873.92167,299.41167,299.41-100,000.00-51,041.21-678.34-151,719.55-151,719.55-151,719.5515,579.86 65,384.49 65,384.49-2,555,000.00168,158.65457,483.87-1 ,929,357.48-1,863,972.99-1,863,972.99-108,997.24-108,997.24-16,946.25-16,946.25-125,943.49 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 0.00 140,988.082,257,355.412,257,355.41 1,363,000.00747,719.218,178.34 2,118,897.552,118,897.552,118,897.55138,457.86 75,384.49 75,384.49 4,445,000.00168,158.65707,483.87 5,320,642.525,396,027.015,396,027.01 108,997.24 108,997.24 16,946.25 16,946.25125,943.49 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 121,033.95326,627.45326,627.45 1,288,000.00356,547.02600.00 1,645,147.021,645,147.021,645,147.02-1,318,519.57 8,857.48 8,857.48 0.000.00299,244.88 299,244.88308,102.36308,102.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 149,975.00 201,862.002,090,056.002,090,056.00 1,263,000.00696,678.007,500.00 1,967,178.001,967,178.001,967,178.00122,878.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,000,000.000.00250,000.00 7,250,000.007,260,000.007,260,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 149,975.00 201,862.002,090,056.002,090,056.00 1,263,000.00696,678.007,500.00 1,967,178.001,967,178.001,967,178.00122,878.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,000,000.000.00250,000.00 7,250,000.007,260,000.007,260,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 67 Page BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 79 - CDAR QDPTHBD Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:P\]l\]ek\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc: Oli`_mmcihZf R_lpc\]_m OZscha @a_hn E__m SlZh`_l Hh - BBOC BXj\]_fhn: 49 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ QfkhZ\]i KZh^ @\]kocmcncih Hhn_l_mn Hh\]ig_Aih^ Oli\]__^m Aih^ Olch\]cjZf Aih^ Ol_gcog Aih^ Hhn_l_mn BXj\]_fhn: 60 - OkhZ`Xi\]\[ Q\]hlaZ\]i SlZhm`_l Hh BXj\]_fhn: 47 - Hel\]ijd\]ej HeZfd\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] Eke\[: 89 - B@OHR@K OPNIDBRQ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 79-000-4927079-601-9000079-601-9100079-601-9200089-000-4700089-000-4900489-000-4900589-000-4922089-140-6010089-140-78550 P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_0.00 %32.10 %0.00 %27.30 %27.30 %47.31 %47.31 %0.00 %0.00 %41.35 %26.21 %27.66 %86.84 %DGMK 31 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-254,433.883,151,632.37-217,064.40 2,680,134.092,680,134.09 59,137.50 59,137.50-7,454.13-7,454.1351,683.372,605,873.97741,900.982,533,132.70 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 7, 7,250.007,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.007,250.00-7,250.00-39,652.94 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 247,183.886,665,267.63217,064.40 7,129,515.917,129,515.91 65,862.50 65,862.50 7,454.13 7,454.1373,316.637,328,776.03-1,932,749.02-344,221.91 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 35,587.57187,275.250.00 222,862.82222,862.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00222,862.8285,239.54-2,045,445.05 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.009,816,900.000.00 9,816,900.009,816,900.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 0.00125,000.009,941,900.00-2,681,900.00-2,917,007.55 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.009,816,900.000.00 9,816,900.009,816,900.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 0.00125,000.009,941,900.00-2,681,900.00-2,998,427.55 68 Page P\]gfhj Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 89 - B@OHR@K OPNIDBRQ Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): SlZhm`_l Si C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Eoh^ Aih^ HmmoZh\]_ Bimn BZjcnZf Drj_hm_m BXj\]_fhn: 99 - Nj`\]h EaeXeZae_ Si\]i Bihmnlo\]ncih Dhach__lcha BXj\]_fhn: 90 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji BXj\]_fhn: 80 - BXgajXc Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 89-360-8370089-360-8375089-360-8630089-611-9310089-611-99400 Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 Fhfkg QkddXhn O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-0.16 %23.62 %25.31 %6.97 %-4.80 %68.87 %65.25 %-54.78 %0.00 %25.00 %-193.32 %5.13 %5.13 %-36.99 %-36.99 %30.66 %64.97 %33.38 %100.00 %37.15 %14.14 %50.32 %16.54 %26.03 %5.19 %21.76 %1.16 %24.15 %16.03 %DGMK 32 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])11,302.39-363,529.06-180,525.00-25,241.5036,116.42-70,004.32-11,093.0616,435.414,210.60-15,750.0049,780.76-548,297.36-548,297.36-273,835.62-273,835.62 189,870.6083,894.0314,746.599,425.00 297,936.22 17,251.004,359.27 21,610.27 535,224.398,264.6715,850.66337.57 559,677.29 134,761.11 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00,,746.93-5,824.03-31,966.830.00,000.00-34,043.93 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 7,097,328.391,175,468.94532,659.00336,665.50788,317.4231,639.685,906.9446,435.414,210.6047,250.0075,530.76 10,141,412.6410,141,412.64 1,014,168.62 1,014,168.62 429,365.4045,241.9729,43 0.410.00 504,037.78 87,749.004,303.73 92,052.73 1,520,897.61147,288.4062,803.3760,829.26 1,791,818.64 705,820.89 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 84,434.51117,259.5448,974.0049,811.1732,240.931,554.15116.503,418.890.000.002,003.09 339,812.78339,812.78 299,244.88 299,244.88 47,102.116,352.235,826.410.00 59,280.75 8,500.0031.41 8,531.41 127,090.4211,715.383,541.621,660.71 144,008.13 58,121.40 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 7,086,026.001,538,998.00713,184.00361,907.00752,201.00101,644.0017,000.0030,000.000.0063,000.0025,750.00 10,689,710.0010,689,710.00 740,333.00 740,333.00 619,236.00129,136.0044 ,177.009,425.00 801,974.00 122,000.008,663.00 130,663.00 2,056,122.00159,300.0072,830.0029,200.00 2,317,452.00 840,582.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 7,086,026.001,538,998.000.00361,907.00279,964.00101,644.0017,000.0030,000.000.0063,000.0025,750.00 9,504,289.009,504,289.00 658,913.00 658,913.00 619,236.00129,136.0044,177.009 ,425.00 801,974.00 122,000.008,663.00 130,663.00 2,056,122.00159,300.0072,830.0029,200.00 2,317,452.00 840,582.00 69 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 160 - K\]_Xc RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc: C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] 46 - Bihnlc\[oncihm Zh^ CihZncihm 49 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Riol\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m 44 - BbZla_m `il R_lpc\]_m 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 160 - K\]_Xc 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m 41 - Kc\]_hm_m & O_lgcnm 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ 42 - Hhn_laip_lhg_hnZf Eke\[: 01 - FDMDP@K ESMC C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ 51 - Lcm\]_ffZh_iom 43 - Ech_m & E__m Council 70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 40 - SZr_m 45 - Q_hnm 48 - RZf_m BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_39.83 %43.17 %19.83 %15.29 %33.30 %13.37 %45.70 %18.89 %15.91 %27.07 %72.32 %0.00 %12.33 %21.15 %14.60 %35.79 %27.03 %19.67 %12.56 %-12.20 %22.16 %-69.00 %3.88 %37.91 %24.51 %34.32 %27.39 %46.33 %47.75 %31.72 %8.59 %29.96 %DGMK 33 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])36,879.0224,814.02 196,454.15 128,202.7046,142.079,820.2424,373.54 208,538.55 38,619.7247,678.113,645.15-37,687.50 52,255.48 178,387.0083,581.1915,312.2035,808.95 313,089.34 52,761.25-13,803.9813,223.68-27,599.59 24,581.36 12,818.463,031.35 15,849.81 138,819.1465,137.004,218.95 208,175.09 26,109.8042,931.77 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i,900.,687.500.0030,843.950.00-155,165.560.004,441.000.0018,384.790.,000.00 0.001,900.0037,687.50-124,321.6122,825.790.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 55,702.7332,663.98 794,187.60 710,460.3090,508.9363,630.7628,962.46 893,562.45 204,173.28128,419.891,394.850.00 333,988.02 665,200.00458,131.8627,467.80251,856.61 1,402,656.27 367,428.75122,550.2846,461.3249,214.80 585,655.15 20,993.549,334.65 30,328.19 367,981.8675,447.004,616.05 448,044.91 277,760.2098,356.23 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 5,253.732,969.60 66,344.73 59,437.733,845.362,239.680.00 65,522.77 14,385.1513,353.55146.830.00 27,885.53 57,317.8916,309.221,850.500.00 75,477.61 57,210.3713,510.965,132.910.00 75,854.24 827.770.00 827.77 30,625.992,115.25629.29 33,370.53 28,489.301,717.42 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 92,581.7557,478.00 990,641.75 838,663.00138,551.0073,451.0053,336.00 1,104,001.00 242,793.00176,098.005,040.000.00 423,931.00 843,587.00572,557.0042,780.00132,500.00 1,591,424.00 420,190.00113,187.3059,685.0040,000.00 633,062.30 33,812.0012,366.00 46,178.00 506,801.00140,584.008,835.00 656,220.00 303,870.00143,288.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 92,581.7557,478.00 990,641.75 0.00 242,793.00176,098.005,040.000.00 423,931.00 843,587.00572,557.0042,780.00132,500.00 1,591,424.00 420,190.00113,187.3059,685. 0040,000.00 633,062.30 33,812.0012,366.00 46,178.00 506,801.00140,584.008,835.00 656,220.00 303,870.00143,288.00 70 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 460 - Bfddkeajn Dl\]eji RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 522 - Bfddkeajn C\]l\]cfgd\]ej RfjXc: C\]gXhjd\]ej: 522 - Bfddkeajn C\]l\]cfgd\]ej C\]gXhjd\]ej: 460 - Bfddkeajn Dl\]eji C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] Council 70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town BXj\]_fho Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-37.20 %14.90 %10.59 %63.40 %-10.09 %15.95 %28.87 %38.29 %-31.34 %30.47 %14.62 %23.61 %41.28 %63.33 %21.93 %25.22 %8.23 %23.87 %17.68 %764.34 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %100.00 %100.00 %100.00 %100.61 %DGMK 34 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-1,718.67 67,322.90 7,912.715,486.26-40.37 13,358.60 46,019.2614,618.53-219.38 60,418.41 33,296.5465,824.0312,211.769,500.00 120,832.33 34,526.59967.33 35,493.921,921,758.101,373,460.74 252.07 252.07252.07 41,000.00 41,000.0041,000.0041,252.07 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i,180.000.005,500.000.006,371.27-60,900.9860,900.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 2,,680.006,371.270.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 6,338.67 382,455.10 66,808.293,167.74440.37 70,416.40 113,373.7423,556.47919.38 137,849.59 194,375.46208,768.4717,374.240.00 420,518.17 102,394.414,411.40 106,805.819,008,545.431,132,8 67.21 252.07 252.07252.07 0.00 0.000.00252.07 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 2,166.75 32,373.47 5,843.0384.6179.23 6,006.87 8,052.633,116.6694.69 11,263.98 15,477.684,930.441,541.920.00 21,950.04 3,280.07108.21 3,388.28931,330.99-591,518.21 35.24 35.2435.24 0.00 0.000.0035.24 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 4,620.00 451,778.00 74,721.008,654.00400.00 83,775.00 159,393.0038,175.00700.00 198,268.00 227,672.00278,772.5029,586.0015,000.00 551,030.50 136,921.0011,750.00 148,671.0010,869,402.55-179,692.55 0.00 0.000.00 41,000.00 41,000.0041,000.00-41,000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 4,620.00 451,778.00 74,721.008,654.00400.00 83,775.00 159,393.0038,175.00700.00 198,268.00 227,672.00278,772.5029,586.0015,000.00 551,030.50 136,921.0011,750.00 148,671.009,683,981.55-179,692.55 0.00 0.000.00 41,000.00 41,000.0041,000.00-41,000.00 71 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 615 - LkeaZagXc Bfkhj RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 630 - GkdXe P\]ifkhZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 710 - EXZacaja\]i LXeX_\]d\]ej RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 01 - FDMDP@K ESMC Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 03 - R@U MNRDQ 2010 Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): C\]gXhjd\]ej: 710 - EXZacaja\]i LXeX_\]d\]ej C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 630 - GkdXe P\]ifkhZ\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 615 - LkeaZagXc Bfkhj C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi Eke\[: 03 - R@U MNRDQ 2010 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ Council 70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_6.42 %-28.40 %6.41 %6.41 %-4.17 %35.94 %8.80 %35.41 %23.31 %23.31 %48.47 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %37.45 %37.45 %37.45 %-72.15 %-72.15 %-17.10 %-17.10 %DGMK 35 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-13,480.0428.40-13,451.64-13,451.64-1,000.0018,690.7011,000.0053,109.37 81,800.0781,800.0768,348.43 0.00,648.25-183,648.25-183,648.25-25,973.30-25,97 3.30-5,472.12-5,472.12 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.00 0.00 2,000.007,092.00-11,000.000.00-1,908.001,908.00-15,366.43-15,366.43-15,366.43 0.00 0.00 27,151.055,861.60 0.00-1,908.00-15,366.430.0027,151.055,861.60 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 196,368.96128.40 196,497.36196,497.36 23,000.0026,217.30125,000.0096,865.63 271,082.93271,082.93-74,585.57 15,366.43 15,366.4315,366.4315,366.43 306,684.75 306,684.75306,684.75 34,822.25 34,822.25 31,610.52 31,610.52 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 19,158.208.98 19,167.1819,167.18 3,000.001,153.900.0096,865.63 101,019.53101,019.53-81,852.35 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 209,849.00100.00 209,949.00209,949.00 24,000.0052,000.00125,000.00149,975.00 350,975.00350,975.00-141,026.00 0.00 490,333.00 490,333.00490,333.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 209,849.00100.00 209,949.00209,949.00 24,000.0052,000.00125,000.00149,975.00 350,975.00350,975.00-141,026.00 0.00 408,913.00 408,913.00408,913.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 72 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 04 - BBOC ESMC Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 05 - ANMC ESMC - FN 2010 O@PJQ RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ RfjXc: Eke\[: 07 - B@OHR@K PDOK@BDLDMR ESMC Eke\[: 05 - ANMC ESMC - FN 2010 O@PJQ 49 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Riol\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\]C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 255 - DLQ Eke\[: 04 - BBOC ESMC Council 70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 40 - SZr_m BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_0.00 %0.00 %62.22 %62.22 %-4.56 %-4.56 %0.00 %41.94 %38.79 %31.30 %204.58 %99.84 %99.84 %99.84 %99.84 %5.68 %5.68 %5.68 %32.05 %7.34 %11.88 %25.00 %14.11 %14.11 %-43.55 %DGMK 36 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-15,936.00-15,936.00 153,934.18 153,934.18-2,067.75-2,067.75-3,530.0047,059.89 43,529.89148,014.90-35,633.35 143,573.50 143,573.50143,573.50143,573.50-9,367.03-9,367. 03-9,367.03 6,793.336,071.542,011.965,000.00 19,876.8319,876.8310,509.80 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 15,936.,949.00 98,897.65-98,897.65 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 15,936.000.000.0049,949. Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 0.00 0.00 93,467.82 93,467.82 47,367.75 47,367.75 3,530.0015,204.11 18,734.11226,002.4580,682.30 229.50 229.50229.50229.50 155,632.97 155,632.97155,632.97 14,405.6776,662.4614,920.0415 ,000.00 120,988.17120,988.1734,644.80 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.007,022.34 7,022.347,022.34-7,022.34 0.00 8,625.00 8,625.008,625.00 24.582,890.188.940.00 2,923.702,923.705,701.30 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.00 0.00 247,402.00 247,402.00 45,300.00 45,300.00 0.00112,213.00 112,213.00472,915.0017,418.00 143,803.00 143,803.00143,803.00143,803.00 165,000.00 165,000.00165,000.00 21,199.0082,734.0016,932.0020,000.00 140,865.00140,865.0024,135.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 0.00 0.00 247,402.00 247,402.00 45,300.00 45,300.00 0.00112,213.00 112,213.00472,915.00-64,002.00 143,803.00 143,803.00143,803.00143,803.00 165,000.00 165,000.00165,000.00 21,199.0082,734.0016,932.0020,000.00 140,865.00140,865.0024,135.00 73 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 07 - B@OHR@K PDOK@BDLDMR ESMC Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 08 - R@U MNRDQ 2012 RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 09 - RPNOGV BKSA O@PJ Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): C\]gXhjd\]ej: 640 - He^fhdXjafe Q\]hlaZ\]i C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe Eke\[: 09 - RPNOGV BKSA O@PJ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbiC\]gXhjd\]ej: 400 - OXhbi Eke\[: 08 - R@U MNRDQ 2012 C\]gXhjd\]ej: 256 - Eah\] 43 - Ech_m & E__m Council 70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_11.06 %0.00 %11.04 %11.04 %61.67 %57.91 %18.94 %50.00 %56.72 %56.72 %-412.60 %1.71 %-269.86 %1.39 %1.39 %74.04 %19.02 %57.27 %0.00 %0.00 %50.03 %-67.80 %DGMK 37 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-24,738.0131.63-24,706.38-24,706.38 32,175.2068,735.111,155.2812,500.00 114,565.59114,565.5989,859.21-7,293.041,349.32-5,943.72-5,943.72 112,983.8412,718.68 125,702.52 0.00 0.00125,702.52119,758.80 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 8,500.000.000.00 8,500.00-8,500.00,500.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 199,015.9931.63 199,047.62199,047.62 19,999.8049,964.894,944.7212,500.00 87,409.4187,409.41111,638.21 420,112.961,849.32 421,962.28421,962.28 31,116.1654,168.32 85,284.48 31,775.00 31,775.00117,059.48304,902.80 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 19,458.2911.04 19,469.3319,469.33 4,261.07337.75433.770.00 5,032.595,032.5914,436.74 33,303.21251.79 33,555.0033,555.00 1,593.3024,168.32 25,761.62 14,981.25 14,981.2540,742.87-7,187 .87 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 223,754.000.00 223,754.00223,754.00 52,175.00118,700.006,100.0025,000.00 201,975.00201,975.0021,779.00 427,406.00500.00 427,906.00427,906.00 152,600.0066,887.00 219,487.00 31,775.00 31,775.00251,262.00176,644.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 223,754.000.00 223,754.00223,754.00 52,175.00118,700.006,100.0025,000.00 201,975.00201,975.0021,779.00 427,406.00500.00 427,906.00427,906.00 152,600.0066,887.00 219,487.00 31,775.00 31,775.00251,262.00176,644.00 74 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 10 - QRPDDR L@HMRDM@MBD Q@KDQ R@U Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd \]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 365 - ChXaeX_\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 11 - QRNPL CP@HM@FD SRHKHRV Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): Eke\[: 10 - QRPDDR L@HMRDM@MBD Q@KDQ R@U Eke\[: 11 - QRNPL CP@HM@FD SRHKHRV C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 365 - ChXaeX_\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ 43 - Ech_m & E__m 90 - C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Council 70 - Rojjfc_m 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 40 - SZr_m BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_24.50 %24.50 %24.50 %-4.73 %100.00 %23.99 %23.99 %23.49 %24.50 %24.50 %24.50 %89.10 %25.00 %52.78 %52.78 %89.75 %11.06 %-135.24 %10.57 %10.57 %39.73 %4.93 %34.43 %DGMK 38 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-980.12-980.12-980.12-279.142,230.00 1,950.861,950.86970.74-735.12-735.12-735.12 2,044.00750.00 2,794.002,794.002,058.88-49,477.052,028.55-47,448.50-47,448.50 3,942.25185.0076,710.31 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 1,680.700.00 1,680.70-1,680.70 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 1,500.000.000.00 0.001,680.700.000.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 3,019.88 3,019.883,019.88 4,501.440.00 4,501.444,501.44-1,481.56 2,264.88 2,264.882,264.88 250.002,250.00 2,500.002,500.00-235.12 398,031.953,528.55 401,560.50401,560.50 4,479.753,565.00146,059.69 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 276.13 276.13276.13 99.000.00 99.0099.00177.13 207.09 207.09207.09 0.000.00 0.000.00207.09 38,916.58545.60 39,462.1839,462.18 0.000.0011,731.08 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 4,000.00 4,000.004,000.00 5,903.002,230.00 8,133.008,133.00-4,133.00 3,000.00 3,000.003,000.00 2,294.003,000.00 5,294.005,294.00-2,294.00 447,509.001,500.00 449,009.00449,009.0 0 9,922.003,750.00222,770.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 4,000.00 4,000.004,000.00 5,903.002,230.00 8,133.008,133.00-4,133.00 3,000.00 3,000.003,000.00 2,294.003,000.00 5,294.005,294.00-2,294.00 447,509.001,500.00 449,009.00449,009.0 0 9,922.003,750.00222,770.00 75 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 261 - Bfkhj R\]Z`efcf_n RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 12 - BNSPR RDBGMNKNFV Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej : 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 271 - Bfkhj Q\]Zkhajn RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 13 - BNSPR QDBSPHRV Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): Eke\[: 15 - DBNMNLHB CDTDKNOLDMR BNPONP@RHNM 4A C\]gXhjd\]ej: 261 - Bfkhj R\]Z`efcf_n C\]gXhjd\]ej: 271 - Bfkhj Q\]Zkhajn Eke\[: 12 - BNSPR RDBGMNKNFV C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 951 - DCB 4A Eke\[: 13 - BNSPR QDBSPHRV 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ 43 - Ech_m & E__m43 - Ech_m & E__m Council 70 - Rojjfc_m70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 40 - SZr_m BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_50.00 %0.00 %18.45 %18.45 %-344.72 %0.11 %-154.66 %-909.28 %-2.62 %-2.62 %22.54 %44.08 %11.11 %-25.03 %-3.13 %-3.13 %-4.35 %-35.81 %-35.81 %-35.81 %-7.24 %-7.24 %-7.24 %0.00 %DGMK 39 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])200.000.00 81,037.5681,037.5633,589.06-500.287,733.004,546.42 11,779.1411,779.14 30,752.0341,400.023,000.00-95,125.91-19,973.86-19,973.86-8,194.72 2,864.50 2,864.502,864.50-578.97-578.97-578.972,285.53 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.00 1,500.00-1,500.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 1,500. Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 200.00202,423.00 356,727.44356,727.4444,833.06 442,899.7212,733.005,046.42 460,679.14460,679.14 105,653.9752,524.9824,000.00475,125.91 657,304.86657,304.86-196,625.72 10,864.50 10,864.5010,864.50 8,578.97 8,578.978,578.972,285.53 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00202,423.00 214,154.08214,154.08-174,691.90 36,725.74200.00401.10 37,326.8437,326.84 8,952.56101.670.000.00 9,054.239,054.2328,272.61 1,350.00 1,350.001,350.00 72.46 72.4672.461,277.54 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 400.00202,423.00 439,265.00439,265.009,744.00 443,400.005,000.00500.00 448,900.00448,900.00 136,406.0093,925.0027,000.00380,000.00 637,331.00637,331.00-188,431.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.000.00 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 400.00202,423.00 439,265.00439,265.009,744.00 443,400.005,000.00500.00 448,900.00448,900.00 136,406.0093,925.0027,000.00380,000.00 637,331.00637,331.00-188,431.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.008,000.000.00 76 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 951 - DCB 4A RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 15 - DBNMNLHB CDTDKNOLDMR BNPONP@RHNM 4A Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 370 - Gfj\]c NZZkgXeZn RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 16 - GNRDK NBBSO@MBV R@U Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 17 - PDBPD@RHNM OPNFP@LQ Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): C\]gXhjd\]ej: 370 - Gfj\]c NZZkgXeZn Eke\[: 17 - PDBPD@RHNM OPNFP@LQ Eke\[: 16 - GNRDK NBBSO@MBV R@U C\]gXhjd\]ej: 450 - P\]Zh\]Xjafe C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 50 - O_lmihh_f R_lpc\]_m 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ 43 - Ech_m & E__m43 - Ech_m & E__m 90 - C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Council 70 - Rojjfc_m 80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 40 - SZr_m BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_65.84 %65.84 %65.84 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %73.69 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %-1.05 %-296.36 %30.16 %-8.00 %-8.00 %-7.71 %-7.71 %-7.71 %-12.68 %DGMK 40 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])-61,019.42-61,019.42-61,019.42-7,268.02-7,268.02-7,268.02-68,287.44 2,100.61 2,100.612,100.612,100.61 202,423.0019,823.085,927.25-60,873.92 167,299.41167,299.41-151,7 19.55-151,719.55-151,719.5515,579.86 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 31,654.58 31,654.5831,654.58 7,268.02 7,268.027,268.0224,386.56 2,100.61 2,100.612,100.612,100.61 202,423.001,906,017.087,927.25140,988.08 2,257,355.412,257,355.41 2,118,897.55 2,118,897.552,118,897.55138,457.86 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 202,423.001,991.371,179.13121,033.95 326,627.45326,627.45 1,645,147.02 1,645,147.021,645,147.02-1,318,519.57 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 92,674.00 92,674.0092,674.00 0.00 0.000.0092,674.00 0.00 0.001,886,194.002,000.00201,862.00 2,090,056.002,090,056.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.001,967,178.00122,878.0 0 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 92,674.00 92,674.0092,674.00 0.00 0.000.0092,674.00 0.00 0.001,886,194.002,000.00201,862.00 2,090,056.002,090,056.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.001,967,178.00122,878.0 0 77 Page C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 60 - RHPW #1 Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):Eke\[: 72 - FP@MR ESMC-PDHLASPQD@AKD-ONKHBD Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 79 - CDAR QDPTHBD Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): Eke\[: 72 - FP@MR ESMC-PDHLASPQD@AKD-ONKHBD C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 601 - C\]Yj Q\]hlaZ\] 49 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Riol\]_m 10 - BZmb Zh^ Hhp_mng_hnm C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXcC\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc C\]gXhjd\]ej: 251 - OfcaZ\] 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ 42 - Hhn_laip_lhg_hnZf Eke\[: 79 - CDAR QDPTHBD 90 - C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Council Eke\[: 60 - RHPW #1 80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town 40 - SZr_m40 - SZr_m BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\]P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\]Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 O\]hZ\]ejP\]dXaeae_-653.84 %26.61 %25.67 %25.67 %0.00 %0.00 %0.00 %27.30 %27.30 %47.31 %0.00 %41.35 %26.21 %27.66 %86.84 %DGMK 41 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])65,384.49-1,929,357.48-1,863,972.99-1,863,972.99-108,997.24-16,946.25-125,943.49 2,680,134.09 2,680,134.09 59,137.50-7,454.13 51,683.372,605,873.97741,900.982,533,132 .70 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.007, 7,250.00-7,250.00-39,652.94 0.000.007,250.000.00 Meeting EaiZXc@Zjalajn 75,384.495,320,642.52 5,396,027.015,396,027.01 108,997.2416,946.25 125,943.49 7,129,515.91 7,129,515.91 65,862.507,454.13 73,316.637,328,776.03-1,932,749.02-344,221.91 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn 8,857.48299,244.88 308,102.36308,102.36 0.000.00 0.00 222,862.82 222,862.82 0.000.00 0.00222,862.8285,239.54-2,045,445.05 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 10,000.007,250,000.00 7,260,000.007,260,000.00 0.000.00 0.00 9,816,900.00 9,816,900.00 125,000.000.00 125,000.009,941,900.00-2,681,900.00-2,917,007.55 128 of Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 10,000.007,250,000.00 7,260,000.007,260,000.00 0.000.00 0.00 9,816,900.00 9,816,900.00 125,000.000.00 125,000.009,941,900.00-2,681,900.00-2,998,427.55 78 Page P\]gfhj Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):P\]l\]ek\] Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj):C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji RfjXc:C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] RfjXc:Dmg\]ei\] RfjXc:Eke\[: 89 - B@OHR@K OPNIDBRQ Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): C\]gXhjd\]ej: 140 - LXeX_\]h'i N^^aZ\] 49 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Riol\]_m Eke\[: 89 - B@OHR@K OPNIDBRQ C\]gXhjd\]ej: 000 - F\]e\]hXc 99 - Nnb_l EchZh\]cha Tm_m C\]gXhjd\]ej: 611 - EaeXeZ\] C\]gXhjd\]ej: 360 - Qjh\]\]ji 60 - Ool\]bZm_^ R_lpc\]_m 47 - Hhp_mng_hn Hh\]ig_ 90 - C_\[n R_lpc\]_ Council 80 - BZjcnZf80 - BZjcnZf 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town BXj\]_fho P\]l\]ek\] Dmg\]ei\] Efh EaiZXc: 2016-2017 O\]haf\[ De\[ae_: 08/31/2017 Eke\[ QkddXhn DGMK 42 RL 42 2017 TXhaXeZ\]EXlfhXYc\](Se^XlfhXYc\])1,373,460.7441,252.0768,348.430.00-35,633.35143,573.5010,509.8089,859.21119,758.80970.742,058.8833,589.06-8,194.722,285.53-68,287.442,100.6115,579.86741,900.98 2,533,132.70 10, October Date: DeZkdYhXeZ\]i 60,900.980.001,908.0015,366.43-98,897.650.000.000.00-8,500.00-1,680.700.00-1,500.,250.00-39,652.94 Meeting 1,132,867.21252.07-74,585.57-15,366.4380,682.30-229.5034,644.80111,638.21304,902.80-1,481.56-235.1244,833.06-196,625.722,285.5324,386.562,100.61138,457.86-1,932,749.02-344,221.91 EaiZXc@Zjalajn -591,518.2135.24-81,852.350.00-7,022.340.005,701.3014,436.74-7,187.87177.13207.09-174,691.9028,272.611,277.540.000.00-1,318,519.5785,239.54-2,045,445.05 O\]haf\[@Zjalajn -179,692.55-41,000.00-141,026.000.0017,418.00-143,803.0024,135.0021,779.00176,644.00-4,133.00-2,294.009,744.00-188,431.000.0092,674.000.00122,878.00-2,681,900.00-2,917,007.55 Bkhh\]ejRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 128 of -179,692.55-41,000.00-141,026.000.00-64,002.00-143,803.0024,135.0021,779.00176,644.00-4,133.00-2,294.009,744.00-188,431.000.0092,674.000.00122,878.00-2,681,900.00-2,998,427.55 Nha_aeXcRfjXc Ak\[_\]j 79 Page 05 - ANMC ETMC - FN 2010 O@QJR07 - B@OHS@K QDOK@BDLDMS ETMC10 - RSQDDS L@HMSDM@MBD R@KDR S@W11 - RSNQL CQ@HM@FD TSHKHSX15 - DBNMNLHB CDUDKNOLDMS BNQONQ@SHNM 4A16 - GNSDK NBBTO@MBX S@W17 - QDBQD@SHNM OQNFQ@LR72 - FQ@MS ETMC-QDHLATQRD@AKD-ONKHBD P\]gfhj Qkhgcki (C\]^aZaj): 12 - BNTQS SDBGMNKNFX 09 - SQNOGX BKTA O@QJ 89 - B@OHS@K OQNIDBSR 13 - BNTQS RDBTQHSX 03 - S@W MNSDR 201008 - S@W MNSDR 2012 01 - FDMDQ@K ETMC 79 - CDAS RDQUHBD 04 - BBOC ETMC 60 - SHQY #1 Eke\[ Council 10/2/2017 2:34:45 DC Ak\[_\]j P\]gfhj Town Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-455-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:9/29/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a new Police SUV Patrol vehicle and a Police SUV Administrative vehicle between the Town of Trophy Club and Silsbee Ford for operations in the Police Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (P. Arata). Attachments:Staff Report - Police Vehicles.pdf Requisition Request.pdf Vehicle Quotes.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 4: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaRequisitionRequestforprocurementofanewPoliceSUVPatrol vehicleandaPoliceSUVAdministrativevehiclebetweentheTownofTrophyClubandSilsbeeFordforoperationsinthe Police Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (P. Arata). Town CouncilPage 80 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Patrick Arata, Police Chief CC: Thomas M. Class, Sr., Town Manager Amber Karkauskas, Director of Finance Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Requisition Approval for two Police Vehicles Town Council Meeting, October10, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Requisition Request for procurement of a new Police SUV Patrol vehicle and a Police SUV Administrative vehicle between the Town of Trophy Club and Silsbee Ford for operations in the Police Department; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (P. Arata). Explanation: The Police Department is requesting approval of the purchase of two Police vehicles from Silsbee Ford, an SUV Patrol vehicle and an SUV Administrative vehicle. The two vehicles total cost is $58,412.55 ($28,650.75 (CCPD), $29,761.80 (GF)). The vehicles are quoted from the approved Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with GoodBuy. One of the vehicles is funded from the CCPD (04) funds and the second is from the General Fund (01), as approved in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. Attachments: Requisition Request Vehicle Quotes Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of the purchase. Council Approval: _____________________________ Mayor Nick Sanders, or designee Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 81 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 2017 10, October Date: Meeting 128 of 82 Page Council Town Town CouncilPage 83 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 84 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-452-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 2017 as Bullying Prevention Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Fleury). Attachments:PRO 2017-09 - Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 5: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingOctober2017asBullying PreventionAwarenessMonthinTrophyClub;andprovidinganeffectivedate(MayorSandersandCouncilMember Fleury). Town CouncilPage 85 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-09 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTING OCTOBER 2017 AS BULLYING PREVENTION AWARENESS MONTHIN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bullying is the repeated physical, verbal, sexual, and/or emotional harm or intimidation intentionally directed at a person or group of people; and WHEREAS, bullying occurs in neighborhoods, playgrounds, schools, and through technology, such as the Internetand cell phones; and WHEREAS, bullying is the most common form of violence, affecting millions of U.S. children and adolescents with28% of students in grades 6–12 having experienced bullying, approximately 30% of studentsadmittingto bullying others and70.6% of young people say they have seen bullying in their schools; and WHEREAS, children who bully are at greater risk of engaging in more serious violent behaviors; and children who witness bullying often feel less secure, more fearful, and intimated; and WHEREAS, researchers and child psychologists believe educating our children while they are young, helps them to copeadversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, andsignificant sources of stress; and WHEREAS, more than 50% of bullying situations stop within 10 seconds when a peer intervenes and school-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25%; and WHEREAS, studies show adults can help prevent bullying by talking about bullying, modeling kindness and respect, and encouraging children to get help when theyand/or others are involved in bullying. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: OCTOBER 2017 AS BULLYING PREVENTION AWARENESS MONTH Town of Trophy Clubschools, students, parents, recreation programs, Section 1. religious institutions, and community organizations be encouraged to engage in a variety of awareness and prevention activities designed to make our communities safer for all children and adolescents. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 10th day of October2017. ______________________________________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town SecretaryC. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 86 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-458-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/2/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 2017 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:PRO 2017-11 - Breast Cancer Awareness Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 6: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingOctober2017asBreast Cancer Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 87 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-11 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTINGOCTOBER 2017 AS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United Statesaccounting for 30% of newly diagnosed cancers; and WHEREAS, in 2017, about 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women and 2,370 cases will be diagnosed in men in the United States; and WHEREAS, every 2 minutes, one case of breast cancer is diagnosed in a woman in the United Statesandone in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime; and WHEREAS, mammography, an “x-ray of the breast,” is recognized as the single most effective method of detecting breast changes long before physical symptoms can be seen or felt. Early detection and improved treatment is believed to have significantly reduced the number of deaths caused by breast cancer; and WHEREAS, researchers, scientists, and numerous nonprofit organizations, are dedicated to discovering the cure for breast cancer. During the month of October, we acknowledge the extraordinary commitment and effort invested in this cause; and WHEREAS, we recognize that over two and a half million Americans are breast cancer survivors that give us hope of a better future. NOW, THEREFORE, IMAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH , THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: OCTOBER 2017 AS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Extendingour deepest respect for survivors and those advocating for Section 1. prevention and a cure. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 10thday of October2017. __________________________ ____________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 88 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-460-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/4/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 2017 as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:PRO 2017-12 - National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 7: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingOctober2017as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 89 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-12 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTING OCTOBER 2017 AS NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, for the past thirty-seven years, Denton County Friends of the Family has provided compassionate, comprehensive services those impacted by rape, sexual abuse, and domestic violence in the Denton community while partnering with the community to promote safety, hope, healing, justice, and prevention; and WHEREAS, by working together, shelters, affiliated programs, municipalities, and concerned individuals can change social attitudes about, and the response to, intimate partner violence; and WHEREAS, all persons have the right to live without fear, abuse, or oppression; and WHEREAS, one in three Texans will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes; and WHEREAS, Denton County Friends of the Family received more than 3,000 crisis calls from victims of domestic violence and provided 7,801 days of emergency shelter to women and children in the past year; and WHEREAS, the Denton County Friends of the Family individuals and groups with over 10,000 hours of services through counseling, advocacy, case managementand support services; and WHEREAS, domestic violence is not confined to any specific group or people, but affects people of all races, backgrounds, economic levels, education levels, family structures, ages and religions; and WHEREAS, the crime of domestic violence violates members of our community’s privacy, dignity, security and humanity in the form of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, religious, and economic abuse; and WHEREAS, advocates, professionals, volunteers and community members concerned with domestic violence will devote the month of October to raising awareness about the causes, interventions and prevention of this devastating crime. Town CouncilPage 90 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM OCTOBER 2017 AS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH Reaffirmingthis Town’s commitment to ending domestic violencein Section 1. our community. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 10th day of October 2017. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas PRO 2017-12Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 91 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-461-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/4/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 22, 2017 as the Bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:PRO 2017-13 - Bicentenary of Baha'u'llah.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 8: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingOctober22,2017asthe Bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 92 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB,TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-13 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, RECOGNIZING OCTOBER 22, 2017 ASTHE BICENTENARYOFTHEBIRTHOFBAHÁ’U’LLÁH IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, October22,2017marksthetwo-hundredthAnniversaryoftheBirth ofBahá’u’lláh,theFounderoftheBahá’íFaith;and WHEREAS, Bahá’u’lláh’steachingspromotethe onenessof humanity, the elimination of allformsof prejudice, a spiritualsolutiontoeconomic problems, andthe equalityofwomenand mentobe a healingbalmtotheailmentsoftheworld;and WHEREAS, theUnitedStateshasbeenbestowed a loftydestinytobecome a landofspiritualdistinctionandleadership, a championof justice andunityamongall peoplesandnations; and WHEREAS, theBahá’ícommunityofTrophyClub, Texasispromotingthe teachingsofBaha’u’llahbyengagingincommunity-buildingactivitiesthatempower participantsofallagesto serve asagentsofsocialchange,workingtogetherforthe bettermentofthiscommunityandtheworld;and WHEREAS, theBahá’ísofTrophyClubandtheirfamilies,friends,neighbors, andcolleaguesarecommemoratingthisbicentenary,alongwithBahá’ísacrossthe UnitedStatesandaroundtheworld. NOW,THEREFORE,I,MAYORC.NICKSANDERS,INCONJUNCTIONWITH THETOWNCOUNCILOFTHETOWNOFTROPHYCLUB,TEXAS,DOHEREBY RECOGNIZE: OCTOBER22,2017ASTHE BICENTENARYOFTHEBIRTHOFBAHÁ’U’LLÁH Urgingalltoresolveonthisday,topromotequalitiesandattributes Section1. thatwillhelpbringabouttherecognitionoftheonenessofhumanity;toembrace diversity;andtoworkforunityinourlocalcommunity,inourcountry,andintheworld. PASSEDANDAPPROVED bytheTownCounciloftheTownofTrophyClub, Texas,this10thdayofOctober2017. _______________________________ ________________________________ HollyFimbres,TownSecretary C.NickSanders,Mayor TownofTrophyClub,TexasTownofTrophyClub,Texas Town CouncilPage 93 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-446-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of the Town Council recognizing October 8-14, 2017 as Fire Prevention Week in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Attachments:PRO 2017-10 - Fire Prevention Week.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 9: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTownCouncilrecognizingOctober8-14,2017as Fire Prevention Week in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (W. Carroll). Town CouncilPage 94 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2017-10 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, SUPPORTING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 8- 14, 2017 ASFIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all those living in and visiting the Town of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS, U.S. fire departments responded to 365,500 home fires in 2015, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA); and WHEREAS, U.S. home fires resulted in 2,560 civilian deaths in 2015, representing the majority (78 percent) of all U.S. fire deaths; and WHEREAS, newer homes are built with lightweight materials that burn faster than older home constructions; and WHEREAS, many of today’s products and furnishings produce toxic gases and smoke when burned, making it impossible to see and breathe within moments; and WHEREAS, these conditions contribute to a much smaller window of time for people to escape a home fire safely, with people having as little as one to two minutes to escape from the time the smoke alarm sounds; and WHEREAS, a home fire escape plan provides the skill set and know-how to quickly and safely escape a home fire situation; and WHEREAS, a home fire escape plan includes two exits from every room in the home; a path to the outside from each exit; smoke alarms in all required locations; and a meeting place outside where everyone in the home will meet upon exiting; and WHEREAS, home fire escape plans should be developed by all members of the household; and WHEREAS, practicing a home fire escape plan twice a year ensures that everyone in the household knows what to do in a real fire situation;and WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club’sfirst responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of home fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education; and Town CouncilPage 95 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club’sresidents are responsive to public education measures and are able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire, especially in their homes; and WHEREAS, the 2017 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Every Second Counts: Plan 2 Ways Out!” effectively serves to educate the public about the vital importance of developing ahome fire escape plan with all members of the household and practicing it twice a year. NOW, THEREFORE, IMAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH , THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS,DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: OCTOBER 8-14, 2017 AS FIRE PREVENTION WEEK I urge all the people of Trophy Clubto find develop a home fire Section 1. escape plan with all members of the household and practice it twice a year, and to participate in the many public safety activities and efforts of Trophy Club’sfire and emergency services during Fire Prevention Week 2017. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 10thday of October2017. ________________________________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas PRO 2017-10Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 96 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-459-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:10/3/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Case #ME-17-001 (HG Sply Co. Development Sign) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Meritorious Exception for a development sign proposal located at 2980 E SH 114, the property being located in the PD 25 zoning district (T. Uzee). Attachments:Staff Report - HG Sply Co Development Sign.pdf Exhibit A – Application and Exhibits Provided by Applicant.pdf Exhibit B – Location Maps.pdf Exhibit C – Meritorious Exception Application Package.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 10: Case #ME-17-001 (HG Sply Co. Development Sign) ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaMeritoriousExceptionforadevelopmentsignproposallocatedat2980 E SH 114, the property being located in the PD 25 zoning district (T. Uzee). Town CouncilPage 97 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Tommy Uzee, Director of Community Development CC: Thomas M. Class, Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Lisa Payne, Town Planner Re: Case #ME-17-001 Town Council Meeting, October 10, 2017 Agenda Item: Case #ME-17-001 (HG SplyCo. Development Sign) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Meritorious Exception for a development sign proposal located at 2980 E SH 114, the property being located in the PD 25 zoning district (T. Uzee). Explanation: Section4.10 Sign Regulations – Meritorious Exceptions and Appeals, of the Town’s Code of Ordinances allows an interested party to make a request to the Town Council, upon recommendation by the Planning and ZoningCommission, to considerproposals that are nonconforming to the sign regulations but may have obvious merit and may be appropriate for a particular location. OldTownDevelopment, on behalf of HG SPLY Co., is requesting an exception to the development sign requirementsin orderto place a 4’ x 8’ development sign (attached) on the property where the future restaurant will be located. According to the definitionsin the signregulations a development is “a temporary, on-site promotional sign pertaining to the development of land or construction of buildings on the site where the sign is erected. In residential districts, the intent of the sign shall be to promote a subdivision and not any particular builder”. According to the table shown in Section 4.06(B) in the sign regulations, a development sign cannot exceed 32 squarefeetin area and five feet in height. Although the proposed sign area is in compliance, the proposed height of eight feet exceeds the maximum height by three feet. The sign will be located two feet above the ground effectively creating a total height of ten feet from the ground. The sign will be located on the western corner of the property facing theintersection of Trophy Wood Drive and SH 114. Town CouncilPage 98 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning & Zoning Commission considered this request on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Commissioners had concerns about this item being fast-tracked and being placed on Town Council’s consent agenda before the Commission had a chance to make a recommendation. Some Commissioners also questioned the hardship that the height restriction poses. A motion was made to recommend denial of the request, but a second was not received. A second motion was made to recommend approval of the request, subject to the development sign’s removal at or before the first permanent sign is installed. The motion passed with a vote of 4 in favor and 2 opposed. Staff Recommendation: The proposedsign is locatedin a primarily commercial area along SH 114 and will promote the location of a future destination restaurant in the Town. The increased height of the sign will serve to increase the visibility of the sign to vehicular traffic. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit A – Application and Exhibits Provided by Applicant Exhibit B – Location Maps Exhibit C – Meritorious Exception Application Package Town CouncilPage 99 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 100 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 101 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 102 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 103 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 104 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 105 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 106 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-453-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/27/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Review of and take appropriate action regarding amending the Town’s Zoning Map (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Shoffner). Attachments:Staff Report - 2017 Zoning Map Update.pdf Official Town Zoning Map May 2011.pdf Loop Road Connection Map February 28, 2014.pdf Official Town Zoning Map October 2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 11: ReviewofandtakeappropriateactionregardingamendingtheTown’sZoningMap(MayorSandersandCouncilMember Shoffner). Town CouncilPage 107 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Tommy Uzee, Director of Community Development CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Official Town Zoning Map Update including proposed Loop Road Town Council Meeting, October 10, 2017 Agenda Item: Review of and take appropriate action regarding amending the Town’s Zoning Map (Mayor Sanders and Council Member Shoffner). Explanation: At the direction of the Council at the September 26, 2017 Council meeting, staff was asked to add an item to allow the discussion of amending the Official Town Zoning Map by adding the loop road. Attachments: Official Town Zoning Map May 2011 Loop Road Connection Map February 28, 2014 Official Town Zoning Map October 2017 Recommendation: Respectfully request Council deliberation and provide direction to staff Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 108 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town CouncilPage 109 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 October 201710, Date: Meeting 110 128of Page Town October 201710, Date: Meeting Page 128of 111 Town Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-447-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding proposed Town Council meeting dates for November and December 2017 (H. Fimbres). Attachments:Staff Report - November and December Council Meetings.pdf November and December 2017 Calendar.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 12: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingproposedTownCouncilmeetingdatesforNovemberandDecember2017 (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 112 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 To:Mayor and Town Council From: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO CC: Thomas M. Class, Sr., Town Manager Re: November and December 2017 Town Council Meetings Town Council Meeting, October 10, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding proposed Town Council meeting dates for November and December 2017 (H. Fimbres). Explanation: Staff believes that it could be appropriate to cancel the November 28th and December 26th Council meetings due to the holiday season and lack of agenda items during this timeframe. Attachments: November and December 2017 Calendar Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 113 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 7 Dec 201 Town Hall Dedication 2017 10, Sat October Date: 185 4112 Meeting Closed Fri 074 3112 hanksgiving Closed Thu T 6330 ~ 2912 7 ~ November 201 128 of 114 Wed Page 5229 1812 Council Meeting g Council Meetin ay 7pm D Tue lection – 7am E 4128 712 Mon 307 6122 Council Sun Town 7 Oct 201 2196 512 8 Jan 201 2017 10, Sat October Date: 630 29123 Meeting Fri 5229 1812 Thu 418 ~ 7122 7 ~ December 201 128 of 115 Wed Page 307 6122 Council MeetingCouncil Meeting Closed Tue 2196 512 hristmas Closed Mon ay D C 185 4112 ear’s hristmas Council Sunveve Y Town EE 7 ew Nov 201 C N 07431 3112 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-449-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the October 24, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Attachments:October 24, 2017 Proposed Agenda.pdf Items for Future Agendas updated 10-05-2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 13: DiscussionofitemsforFutureAgendastoincludeagendaitemsforconsiderationontheOctober24,2017Council agenda and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 116 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Meeting Date: October 24, 2017 Regular Session Start Time 7:00 p.m. Announcements & Reports No. Receive Town Manager Class' update regarding the following, discussion and 1Town Mgr provide input regarding same (T. Class): Town Hall Dedication Receive Town Council Liaison update; discussion of same (H. Fimbres): 2Town Sec *Parks and Recreation Board, October 16, 2017 Council Liaison – Council Member Philip Shoffner STAFF No. ConsentRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheTownCouncilRegularSession 3Town Sec Minutes dated September 26, 2017 (H. Fimbres). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending the Town’s Code of Ordinances relating to allowable pool barrier locking mechanisms 4Com Dev (T. Uzee). Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council 5Finance adopting an investment policy; and providing an effective date (A. Karkauskas). Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Entryway Monumentation and 6Finance Medians for the Town of Trophy Club (J. Zagurski). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the November 14, 2017 Council agenda and items from the Town Council 7Town Sec Future Agenda Items list (H. Fimbres): Item No. 3 - Staff to review land that: (A) The Town owns for the possibility of residents to acquire the land; and (B) Is maintained by the Town but not owned. A) (Lamont 3/28/2017) (1-June 27, 2017) (2-October 24, 2017) STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 8Town Mgr executive session to discuss the following: STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. 9Town Sec Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 117 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 10/5/2017) 1. *Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on and the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016)(2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) (6-May 23, 2017) (7-May 22, 2018) *Discussion after May 2018 election 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2/20/2017 – Council moved this item to be discussed during the February 25, 2017 Council Retreat. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders added the maintenance building by the Wastewater Treatment Plant to this item. 5/23/2017 - Mayor Sanders advised that his intent was that the Annex Building would be utilized for Town storage after Staff relocated into the new Town Hall facility . 2. Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114.(Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (4-March 14, 2017) (5-September 12, 2017) (6-December 26, 2017) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 12/13/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 3/28/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that he wanted to pursue moving forward with this item because this grant greatly assisted with the beautification of Davis Boulevard through the Town of Westlake. 6/13/2017 – Mayor Sanders requested to delay this item for an update because the Metroport Cities Partnership was attempting to secure a Regional Green Ribbon Grant for the beautification of the State Highway 114 corridor through Westlake, Trophy Club, North Lake, and Roanoke. 9/12/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that the next Metroport Cities Partnership meeting was scheduled for September 21, 2017 and this item was on their agenda to be discussed. 9/26/2017 – Mayor Sanders advised that Metroport Cities Partnership would be moving forward with a grant application for beautification Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 118 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 3. Staff to review land that: (A) The Town owns for the possibility of residents to acquire the land; and (B) Is maintained by the Town but not owned. (Lamont 3/28/2017) (1-June 27, 2017)(2-October 24, 2017) 6/27/2017 – Staff provided information on the common areas that are maintained by the Town. Council directedStaff to draft a proposed course of action to be distributed to Council and if need be the item could come back for Council’s consideration. 9/12/2017 – Mayor Sanders requested to have this item delayed for an update from Staff due to budget preparation and the move to the new Town Hall facility. 4. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding the Veterans Memorial. (Jensen 8/22/2017) (1-November 28, 2017) 5. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding Ordinance14.02.352 Landscaping regulations to consider Artificial Turf as an allowable option in Town. (Shoffner and La- mont 9/15/2017) (1-December 12, 2017) 6. Discussion of and take appropriate action regarding sales tax allocation and HB 157. (Rowe 10/5/2017) (1-January 9, 2018) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 119 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-451-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section 551.071 Consultation With Attorney under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Pending Litigation (D. Dodd) B)Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person and Section 551.087 Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive (Council Member Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) C)Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Economic Development Corporation 4B (Mayor Sanders) 2.Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board (Mayor Sanders) Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 14: PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Section551.071ConsultationWithAttorneyunderSubsection(2)toconsultwiththeTownAttorneyonamatterin whichthedutyoftheattorneytothegovernmentalbodyundertheTexasDisciplinaryRulesofProfessionalConduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Pending Litigation (D. Dodd) B)Section551.072DeliberationregardingRealPropertytodiscussordeliberatethepurchase,exchange,lease,or valueofrealpropertyifdeliberationinanopenmeetingwouldhaveadetrimentaleffectonthepositionofthe governmentalbodyinnegotiationswithathirdpersonandSection551.087DeliberationregardingEconomic DevelopmentNegotiationsunderSubsection(2)todiscussordeliberatetheofferoffinancialorotherincentivestoa business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: Town CouncilPage 120 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 File #:2017-451-T,Version:1 North of Highway 114, east of Trophy Club Drive (Council Member Shoffner and Council Member Kurtz) C)Section551.074PersonnelMatterstodiscussordeliberatetheappointment,employment,evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Economic Development Corporation 4B (Mayor Sanders) 2.Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoning No. 1 Board (Mayor Sanders) Town CouncilPage 121 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-456-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/29/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action repealing Resolution 2017-22 and adopting a new Resolution, filling one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term on the Economic Development Corporation 4B; reaffirming existing appointments and the Town Council Liaison; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:RES 2017-29 - EDC 4B Vacant Position Appointment.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 15: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionrepealingResolution2017-22andadoptinganewResolution,fillingone(1)vacant positionfortheremainderofanunexpiredtermontheEconomicDevelopmentCorporation4B;reaffirmingexisting appointments and the Town Council Liaison; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 122 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO.2017-22 AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION, FILLING ONE (1)VACANT POSITION FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM ONTHE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B; REAFFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS AND THE TOWNCOUNCIL LIAISON; DESIGNATING TERMS OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is responsiblefor making appointments to the Boards, Commissions, and Corporationsserving the Town; and WHEREAS, onSeptember 26, 2017, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club adopted Resolution No. 2017-22,making new citizen volunteer appointmentsand reaffirming current appointmentsto serve on the Economic Development Corporation 4B, as well as designating a member of the Town Council to serve as the Council Liaisonfor the 2017-2018 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, by passage of this Resolution, the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-22 andadoptsthis Resolution, filling one (1) vacantpositionfor the remainder of an unexpired termandreaffirmingcurrent appointments to serve on the Economic Development Corporation 4B, as well as reaffirming the designatedmember of the Town Council to serve as the Council Liaison for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE , TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as if written word for word. Section 2.That the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-22 and adoptsthis Resolution to fill one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term and reaffirm, as applicable, the following individuals to serve on theEconomic Development Corporation 4Bwith respective terms of service ending on September 30 of the year specified below for each individualandreaffirm the TownCouncil Liaison for the 2017-2018 fiscal year: Town CouncilPage 123 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Economic Development Corporation 4B 1.Sean Bone(2019)5._____________(2018) 2.Steve Flynn(2019)6.David Brod(2018) 3.Travis Inge(2019)7.Cory McDonald(2018) 4.Michael Richmond(2019) Council Liaison: Mayor Pro TemRhylan Rowe Section 3.This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 10thday of October 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-29 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 124 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-457-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/29/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action repealing Resolution 2017-26 and adopting a new Resolution, filling one (1) vacant position for the remainder of an unexpired term on the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1; reaffirming existing appointments and the Chairperson; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:RES 2017-30 - TIRZ1 Vacant Position Appointment.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 16: ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionrepealingResolution2017-26andadoptinganewResolution,fillingone(1)vacant positionfortheremainderofanunexpiredtermontheTaxIncrementReinvestmentZoneNo.1;reaffirmingexisting appointments and the Chairperson; and providing an effective date (Mayor Sanders). Town CouncilPage 125 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2017-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-26 AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION, FILLING ONE (1)VACANT POSITION FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM ONTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 1, TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB; REAFFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTSAND THE CHAIRPERSON;DESIGNATING TERMS OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDINGAN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is responsiblefor making appointments to the Boards, Commissions, and Corporationsserving the Town; and WHEREAS, onSeptember 26, 2017, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club adopted Resolution No. 2017-26, making new citizen volunteer appointmentsand reaffirming current appointmentsto serve on theBoard of Directors of Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Town of Trophy Club for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, as well as appointing theChairperson; and WHEREAS, state law mandates that one person be appointed to serve as the Chairperson for the Board of Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Town of Trophy Club with a term of service for theChairperson being for one (1) year and commencing on January 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the term of service for the currently designated Chairperson for the Board expires on December 31, 2017; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 2017, the Town Council reappointed David Brod to serve as a Chairperson with a term commencing on January 1, 2018 and expiring on December 31, 2018; and WHEREAS, by passage of this Resolution, the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2017-26 and adopts this Resolution, filling one (1) vacantpositionfor the remainder of an unexpired termand reaffirming current appointments to serve on the Board of Directors of Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Town of Trophy Clubfor the 2017-2018 fiscal year, as well as reaffirming the Chairperson for the period commencing January 1, 2018 and expiring on December 31, 2018. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Town CouncilPage 126 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Section 1.That the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as if written word for word. Section 2. That the Town Council herebyrepealsResolution No.2017-26 and adopts this Resolutionto fill one (1) vacant positionfor the remainder of an unexpired termand reaffirm, as applicable, the following individuals to serve onthe Board of Directors of Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Town of Trophy Clubwith respective terms of service ending on September 30 of the year specified below for each individualand reaffirm the Chairperson: Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 1._______________(2018)4.Travis Inge(2019) 2.David Brod(2018) (EDC-4B)5.Rebecca Barksdale(2019) (Tarrant County Official) 3.Cory McDonald(2018) Current ChairpersonDavid Brod appointment to expire December 31, 2017 Chairperson David Brodappointment to expire December 31, 2018 Section 3.That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with the law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, on this 10thday of October 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town ofTrophy Club, Texas ATTEST:\[SEAL\] Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2017-30 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 127 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2017-450-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:9/26/2017 In control:Town Council On agenda:10/10/2017 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Agenda Item No. 17: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session (H. Fimbres). Town CouncilPage 128 of 128Meeting Date: October 10, 2017