Agenda Packet TC 01/24/2017Town Council Town of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Svore Municipal Building Boardroom7:00 PMTuesday, January 24, 2017 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM INVOCATION PLEDGES Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1.2017-04-T Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). ·Parking Lot Update ·New Town Manager Transition ·May 6, 2017 General Election ·PD30 Plat and Site Plan ·Fire Department Work Schedule ·Fire Station Maintenance 2.2017-05-T Receive Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): ·January 16 Park Board Meeting; Council Member Shoffner ·January 23 EDC4B Meeting; Council Member Rowe CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. Town Council Page 1 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 January 24, 2017Town Council Meeting Agenda 3.2017-07-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated November 2016 (Staff). Financial Report November FY17.pdf All Funds Budget Report.pdf Attachments: 4.2017-08-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club ordering and calling a General Election to be held on May 6, 2017 for the purpose of electing one (1) mayor and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 1 and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 2 on the Trophy Club Town Council, each for a term of three (3) years respectively and providing an effective date (Staff). Staff Report - Calling May Election.pdf ORD 2017-03 Calling May 2017 General Election.pdf Attachments: 5.2017-10-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Service Contract by and between the Town and the Crime Control and Prevention District providing for an increase in the payment contribution from the Crime Control and Prevention District for the debt associated with the series 2016 Certificates of Obligation; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Staff Report - CCPD ILA.pdf Service Contract.pdf Attachments: REGULAR SESSION 6.2017-11-T Case RP-16-002 (SH114 ROW, Tract A-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Staff Report - RP-16-002 – SH 114 ROW, Tract A-R.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Attachments: 7.2017-12-T Case RP-16-003 (SH114 ROW, Tract C-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Staff Report - RP-16-003 – SH114 ROW, Tract CR.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Attachments: Town Council Page 2 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 January 24, 2017Town Council Meeting Agenda 8.2017-13-T Case PD-AMD-16-053 (PD-21 Window Signage) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). Staff Report - PD-AMD-16-053 – PD-21 Window Signage.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf ORD 2017-04 PD21 Window Signage.pdf Attachments: 9.2017-14-T Case PD-AMD-16-054 (PD-23 Baylor Addition) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A (1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). Staff Report - PD-AMD-16-054 – PD-23 Baylor Addition.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf Exhibit F.pdf ORD 2017-05 PD23 Baylor Amendment.pdf Attachments: 10.2017-28-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2016/2017 CIP Street Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive; approving the Authorization for Professional Services between the Town and Teague, Nall and Perkins; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents for professional services (Staff). Staff Report - FY 2017 TNP CIP contract .pdf Prop - Trophy Club 2016-17 CIP.pdf Attachments: 11.2017-15-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding Landscaping Options for the new Town Hall Facility (Staff). Staff Report - Town Hall Landscaping.pdfAttachments: Town Council Page 3 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 January 24, 2017Town Council Meeting Agenda 12.2017-16-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 2017 Town Council meetings (Staff). February 2017 Meeting Calendar.pdfAttachments: 13.2017-17-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the start of the Town Council Retreat and convene to a date certain in February 2017 (Staff). 14.2017-18-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a proposal for a Trophy Club Poet Laureate (R Eddins, Resident). 15.2017-19-T Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on upcoming Regular Session Council Agendas for February 2017 meetings and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff). Items for Future Agendas updated 01-10-2017.pdf February 2017 Proposed Agenda Items.pdf Attachments: EXECUTIVE SESSION 16.2017-29-T Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 "Consultation with Attorney" under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Possible Conflict of Interest for Town Attorney on a Personnel Matter B) Section 551.087 Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: Economic Development Incentives C) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Possible Purchase or Sale of Real Estate RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 17.2017-30-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. ADJOURN Town Council Page 4 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 January 24, 2017Town Council Meeting Agenda * The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Thursday, January 19, 2017 by 8:30 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-831-4600, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board was removed by me from the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of ______________________, 2017. ________________________________, Title: ___________________________ Town Council Page 5 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-04-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Announcements & Reports File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). · Parking Lot Update · New Town Manager Transition · May 6, 2017 General Election · PD30 Plat and Site Plan · Fire Department Work Schedule ·Fire Station Maintenance Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 1: Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). ·Parking Lot Update ·New Town Manager Transition ·May 6, 2017 General Election ·PD30 Plat and Site Plan ·Fire Department Work Schedule ·Fire Station Maintenance Town Council Page 6 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-05-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Announcements & Reports File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Receive Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): · January 16 Park Board Meeting; Council Member Shoffner ·January 23 EDC4B Meeting; Council Member Rowe Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 2: Receive Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): ·January 16 Park Board Meeting; Council Member Shoffner ·January 23 EDC4B Meeting; Council Member Rowe Town Council Page 7 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-07-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated November 2016 (Staff). Attachments:Financial Report November FY17.pdf All Funds Budget Report.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 3: Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated November 2016 (Staff). Town Council Page 8 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Monthly Financial Statement November 2016 Photo Credit:  Mayor Pro Tem Lamont  2016 Town Council Page 9 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenues Original Budget Revised  Budget  Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Property Tax 6,185,631$           6,185,631$      317,297$        (5,868,334)$    5% Licenses and Permits 552,200                552,200            49,984            (502,216)          9% Franchise Fees 986,798                986,798            105,919          (880,879)          11% Sales Tax 900,395                900,395            158,661          (741,734)          18% Fines and Fees 361,907                361,907            37,573            (324,334)          10% Intergovernmental ‐                         713,184            108,406          (604,778)          15% Charges for Service 279,964                752,201            61,156            (691,045)          8% Investment Income 30,000                  30,000              4,634               (25,366)            15% Miscellaneous Income 144,394                144,394            23,420            (120,974)          16% Total Revenues 9,441,289$           10,626,710$    867,050$        (9,759,660)$    8% Other Sources Original Budget Revised  Budget  Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Transfers In 63,000$                63,000$            ‐$                 (63,000)            0% Total Available Resources 9,504,289$           10,689,710$    867,050$        (9,822,660)$    8% Expenditures Original Budget Revised  Budget  Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Manager's Office 801,974$              801,974$         64,861$          737,113$         8% Legal 130,663                130,663            9,154               121,509           7% Police 2,353,452             2,353,452        243,215          2,110,237        10% Emergency Medical Services 1,022,642             1,022,642        110,860          911,782           11% Fire ‐                         1,104,001        147,502          956,499           13% Streets 423,931                423,931            43,295            380,636           10% Parks 1,838,826             1,838,826        365,961          1,472,865        20% Recreation 678,362                678,362            40,116            638,246           6% Community Events 46,178                  46,178              10,681            35,497              23% Community Development 656,220                656,220            66,059            590,161           10% Finance 451,778                451,778            51,690            400,088           11% Municipal Court 83,775                  83,775              10,146            73,629              12% Human Resources 198,268                198,268            23,607            174,661           12% Information Services 663,244                663,244            97,188            566,056           15% Facilities Maintenance 148,671                148,671            71,218            77,453              48% Total Expenditures 9,497,984$           10,601,985$    1,355,553$    9,246,432$      13% Other Uses Original Budget Revised  Budget  Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Transfers Out 250,000$              250,000$         86,591$          (163,409)          35% Total Outflows of Resources 9,747,984$           10,851,985$    1,442,144$    9,083,023$      13% Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 10 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SUMMARY CONTINUED Fund Balance  Original Budget   Revised  Budget  Year‐to‐Date  Beginning fund balance 3,833,171$           3,833,171$      3,833,171$       + Net increase (Decrease)(243,695)               (162,275)          (575,094)          Ending Fund Balance 3,589,476$           3,670,896$      3,258,077$     Fund Balance Detail Original Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Reserve Fund balance                        (30% of Total Expenditures)2,849,395$           3,180,596$      406,666$         Committed Fund Balance 189,475                189,475            189,475           Unassigned Fund Balance in                Excess (Deficit) of 30%982,825                982,825            2,661,936        Total Fund balance 4,021,695$           4,352,896$      3,258,077$     FY 2016 FY 2017 OCT 60,942 64,588 NOV 79,043 89,177 DEC 56,546 JAN 64,780 FEB 83,068 MAR 56,325 APR 53,841 MAY 63,123 JUN 60,545 JUL 65,334 AUG 73,402 SEP 70,513 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP General Fund Sales Tax  Receipts FY 2016 FY 2017 Town Council Page 11 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 6,294,967$           7,133,630$           743,499$               6,390,131$           10% Services & Supplies 2,542,602             2,762,104             440,098                 2,322,006             16% Capital 660,415                 706,251                 171,956                 534,295                 24% Total 9,497,984$           10,601,985$         1,355,553$           9,246,432$           13% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 619,236$               619,236$               49,491$                 569,745$               8% Services & Supplies 182,738                 182,738                 15,370                   167,368                 8% Total 801,974$              801,974$              64,861$                 737,113$              8% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Services & Supplies 130,663                 130,663                 9,154                     121,509                 7% Total 130,663$              130,663$              9,154$                   121,509$              7% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 2,056,122$           2,056,122$           209,636$               1,846,486$           10% Services & Supplies 261,330                 261,330                 33,579                   227,751                 13% Capital 36,000                   36,000                   ‐                         36,000                   0% Total 2,353,452$           2,353,452$           243,215$              2,110,237$           10% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 840,582$               840,582$               93,616$                 746,966$               11% Services & Supplies 150,060                 150,060                 17,244                   132,816                 11% Capital 32,000                   32,000                   ‐                         32,000                   0% Total 1,022,642$           1,022,642$           110,860$              911,782$              11% Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Manager's Office Legal General Fund Summary Police EMS Town Council Page 12 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS CONTINUED Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel ‐$                       838,663$               93,699$                 744,964$               11% Services & Supplies ‐                         219,502                 53,803                   165,699                 25% Capital ‐                         45,836                   ‐                         45,836                   0% Total ‐$                       1,104,001$           147,502$              956,499$              13% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 242,793$               242,793$               28,976$                 213,817$               12% Services & Supplies 181,138                 181,138                 14,319                   166,819                 8% Total 423,931$              423,931$              43,295$                 380,636$              10% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 843,587$               843,587$               90,191$                 753,396$               11% Services & Supplies 615,337                 615,337                 103,814                 511,523                 17% Capital 379,902                 379,902                 171,956                 207,946                 45% Total 1,838,826$           1,838,826$           365,961$              1,472,865$           20% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 420,190$               420,190$               25,102$                 395,088$               6% Services & Supplies 172,872                 172,872                 15,014                   157,858                 9% Capital 85,300                   85,300                   ‐                         85,300                   0% Total 678,362$              678,362$              40,116$                 638,246$              6% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Services & Supplies 46,178$                 46,178$                 10,681$                 35,497$                 23% Total 46,178$                 46,178$                 10,681$                 35,497$                 23% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 506,801$               506,801$               60,806$                 445,995$               12% Services & Supplies 149,419                 149,419                 5,253                     144,166                 4% Total 656,220$              656,220$              66,059$                 590,161$              10% Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Parks Recreation Community Events Fire Streets Community Development Town Council Page 13 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REPORTS CONTINUED Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 303,870$               303,870$               38,198$                 265,672$               13% Services & Supplies 147,908                 147,908                 13,492                   134,416                 9% Total 451,778$              451,778$              51,690$                 400,088$              11% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 74,721$                 74,721$                 9,500$                   65,221$                 13% Services & Supplies 9,054                     9,054                     646                        8,408                     7% Total 83,775$                 83,775$                 10,146$                 73,629$                 12% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 159,393$               159,393$               17,754$                 141,639$               11% Services & Supplies 38,875                   38,875                   5,853                     33,022                   15% Total 198,268$              198,268$              23,607$                 174,661$              12% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel 227,672$               227,672$               26,530$                 201,142$               12% Services & Supplies 308,359                 308,359                 70,658                   237,701                 23% Capital 127,213                 127,213                 ‐                         127,213                 0% Total 663,244$              663,244$              97,188$                 566,056$              15% Category Original Budget Revised Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Services & Supplies 148,671$               148,671$               71,218$                 77,453$                 48% Total 148,671$              148,671$              71,218$                 77,453$                 48% Annual property insurance prepayment Human Resources Information Services Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Facilities Maintenance Finance Municipal Court Town Council Page 14 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB  NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT DEBT SERVICE FUND Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenues Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Property Tax 1,886,194$     1,886,194$     96,123$          (1,790,071)$   5% Interest Income 2,000               2,000               114                  (1,886)             6% Total Revenue 1,888,194$     1,888,194$     96,237$          (1,791,957)$   5% Other Sources Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Transfers In 201,862$        201,862$        ‐$                 201,862$        0% Total 201,862$        201,862$        ‐$                 201,862$        0% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Principal Payments 1,263,000$     1,263,000$     ‐$                 1,263,000$     0% Interest Payments 696,678          696,678          ‐$                 696,678          0% Paying Agent Fees 7,500               7,500               ‐$                 7,500               0% Total Expenditures 1,967,178$     1,967,178$     ‐$                 1,967,178$     0% Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 129,647$        129,647$        129,647$         +Net Increase (Decrease)122,878          122,878          96,237              Ending Fund Balance 252,525$        252,525$        225,884$         Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 15 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenues Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Interest Income 10,000$          10,000$          12,636$          2,636$               126% Total 10,000$          10,000$          12,636$          2,636$              126% Other Sources Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Bond Proceeds 7,000,000$     7,000,000$      ‐$                     (7,000,000)$     0% Transfer In 250,000          250,000           ‐                       (250,000)           0% Total 7,250,000$     7,250,000$     ‐$                     (7,250,000)$     0% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Bond Issuance Costs            125,000             125,000 ‐                       (125,000)           0% Capital Outlay 9,816,900       9,816,900       150,540          (9,666,360)        2% Total 9,941,900$     9,941,900$     150,540$        (9,791,360)$     2%    Includes Town Hall construction planning costs. Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 7,638,285$     7,638,285$     1,694,546$      +Net Increase (Decrease) (2,681,900)      (2,681,900)      (137,904)          Ending Fund Balance 4,956,385$     4,956,385$     1,556,642$      Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 16 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB SEPTEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Park Revenue 165,000$        165,000$        30,296$           (134,704)$       18% Total Revenue 165,000$        165,000$        30,296$          (134,704)$       18% Expenses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Salaries 19,094$           19,094$           1,701$             17,393$           9% Social Security Taxes 1,184               1,184               105                   1,079               9% Medicare Taxes 277                   277                   25                     252                   9% Unemployment Taxes 185                   185                   32                     153                   17% Workman's compensation 459                   459                   ‐                   459                   0% Total Personnel Services 21,199$          21,199$          1,863$             19,336$          9% Professional Outside Services 2,500$             2,500$             ‐$                 2,500$             0% Auditing 1,000               1,000               ‐                   1,000               0% Software & Support 4,212               4,212               2,698               1,514               64% Advertising 625                   625                   76                     549                   12% Printing 1,000               1,000               ‐                   1,000               0% Schools & Training 190                   190                   ‐                   190                   N/A Service Charges & Fees 9,000               9,000               1,724               7,276               19% Electricity 2,800               2,800               132                   2,668               5% Water 4,225               4,225               497                   3,728               12% Telephone 1,900               1,900               202                   1,698               11% Communication/Pagers/Mobiles 933                   933                   (162)                 1,095                ‐17% Insurance 1,200               1,200               1,200               ‐                   100% Property Maintenance 10,500             10,500             6,131               4,369               58% Equipment Maintenance 5,384               5,384               1,103               4,281               20% Independent labor 28,600             28,600             965                   27,635             3% Portable Toilets 8,400               8,400               921                   7,479               11% Dues & Membership 115                   115                   ‐                   115                   0% Travel & Per Diem 150                   150                   ‐                   150                   0% Office Supplies 1,044               1,044               ‐                   1,044               0% Postage 327                   327                   ‐                   327                   0% Fuel 1,092               1,092               10                     1,082               1% Uniforms 670                   670                   ‐                   670                   0% Community Events 8,200               8,200               2,861               5,339               35% Small tools 1,400               1,400               ‐                   1,400               0% Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 2,999               2,999               ‐                   2,999               0% Maintenance Supplies 900                   900                   ‐                   900                   0% Miscellaneous Expense 300                   300                   ‐                   300                   0% Total Services & Supplies 99,666$          99,666$          18,358$          81,308$          18%    Includes new brochure holders and message boards. Total Expenses 120,865$        120,865$        20,221$          100,644$        17% Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 17 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB SEPTEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT TROPHY CLUB PARK FUND CONTINUED Other Uses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Park Administration Transfer 20,000$           20,000$            ‐$                 20,000$           0% Total Other Uses 20,000$          20,000$           ‐$                 20,000$          0% Working Capital Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Operating Days Beginning Working Capital (143,913)$       (143,913)$       (143,913)$       (368)                  +Net Increase (Decrease)24,135             24,135             10,075             26                      Ending Working Capital (119,778)$       (119,778)$       (133,838)$       (342)                  Town Council Page 18 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND  Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Storm Drainage Fees 427,406$        427,406$        104,777$        (322,629)$       25% Interest Income 500                  500                  178                  (322)                 36% Total Revenue 427,906$        427,906$        104,955$        (322,951)$      25% Expenses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Operating Expenses 202,600          202,600          3,290               199,310          2% Debt Service 176,775          176,775          ‐                   176,775          0% Total Expenses 379,375$        379,375$        3,290$            376,085$        1% Other Uses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Transfer to Debt Service 66,887$          66,887$          ‐$                 66,887$          0% Total Other Uses 66,887$          66,887$          ‐$                 66,887$          0% Working Capital Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Operating  Days Beginning Working Capital 274,523$        274,523$        274,523$        221                   +Net Increase (Decrease)(18,356)           (18,356)           101,665          82                     Ending Working Capital 256,167$        256,167$        376,188$        303                   Drainage Capital Projects Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Funding Source Operating Funds              50,000               50,000 ‐                         Project Detail Town Hall 50,000             50,000             ‐                         Remaining Funding ‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                      Percent of Budget Year Transpired Town Council Page 19 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Sales Tax 209,849$        209,849$        37,872$          (171,977)$       18% Interest Income 100                  100                  26                    (74)                   26% Total Revenue 209,949$        209,949$        37,898$          (172,051)$       18% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Services & Supplies 76,000$          76,000$          9,808$             66,192$          13% Capital Expenses 125,000          125,000          ‐                   125,000          0% Total Expenditure 201,000$        201,000$        9,808$            191,192$        5% Other Uses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Transfer To Debt Service 149,975$        149,975$        ‐$                 149,975$        0% Total Other Uses 149,975$        149,975$        ‐$                 149,975$        0% Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 180,269$        180,269$        180,269$         +Net Increase (Decrease)(141,026)         (141,026)         28,090              Ending Fund Balance 39,243$          39,243$          208,359$         Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 20 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX FUND Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Sales Tax 223,754$        223,754$        38,441$          (185,313)$       17% Interest Income ‐$                 ‐$                 4$                    4$                    N/A Total Revenue 223,754$        223,754$        38,445$          (185,313)$       17% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Operating Expenditures 176,975$        176,975$        22,450$          (154,525)$       13% Total Expenses 176,975$        176,975$        22,450$          154,525$        13% Other Uses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Transfer To Debt Service 25,000$          25,000$          ‐$                 25,000$          0% Total Other Uses 25,000$          25,000$          ‐$                 25,000$          0% Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 2,080$             2,080$             2,080$              +Net Increase (Decrease) 21,779             21,779             15,995              Ending Fund Balance 23,859$          23,859$          18,075$           Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 21 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Fines & Fees 4,000$             4,000$             601$                (3,399)$           15% Total Revenue 4,000$            4,000$            601$                (3,399)$           15% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Purchased Services 8,133$             8,633$             3,631$             5,002$             42% Total Expenditure 8,133$            8,633$            3,631$            5,002$            42%    Incode annual Court maintenance. Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 20,270$          20,270$          20,270$           +Net Increase (Decrease)(4,133)             (4,133)             (3,030)              Ending Fund Balance 16,137$          16,137$          17,240$           Percent of Budget Year Transpired:   Town Council Page 22 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT COURT SECURITY FUND Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Municipal Court Security Fee 3,000$             3,000$             450$                (2,550)$           15% Total Revenue 3,000$            3,000$            450$                (2,550)$           15% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Purchased Services 2,294$             2,294$             350$                1,944$             15% Total Expenditure 2,294$            2,294$            350$                1,944$            15% Other Uses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Transfer to General Fund 3,000$             3,000$             ‐$                 3,000$             0% Total Other Uses 3,000$            3,000$            ‐$                 3,000$            0% Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 21,643$          21,643$          21,643$           +Net Increase (Decrease)(2,294)             (2,294)             100                   Ending Fund Balance 19,349$          19,349$          21,743$           Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 23 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COPORATION 4B Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Sales Tax 447,509$        447,509$        76,883$          370,626$        17% Interest Income 1,500               1,500               317                  1,183               21% Total Revenue 449,009$        449,009$        77,200$          371,809$        17% Expenses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Professional Outside Services 2,000$             2,000$             ‐$                 2,000$             0% Auditing 1,000               1,000               ‐                   1,000               0% Advertising 4,200               4,200               ‐                   4,200               0% Printing 250                  250                  ‐                   250                  0% Schools & Training 1,000               1,000               ‐                   1,000               0% Dues & Membership 1,050               1,050               ‐                   1,050               0% Travel & Per Diem 422                  422                  ‐                   422                  0% Office Supplies 250                  250                  30                    220                  12% Miscellaneous Expense 3,500               3,500               3,500               ‐                   100% EDC Projects 15,950             15,950             ‐                   15,950             0% Incentive Programs 206,820          206,820          23,460             183,360          11% Paying Agent Fee 400                  400                  ‐                   400                  0% Debt Service 202,423          202,423          ‐                   202,423          0% Total Expenses 439,265$        439,265$        26,990$          412,275$        6%             Working Capital Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Operating  Days Beginning Working Capital 544,191$        544,191$        544,191$        446                   +Net Increase (Decrease)9,744               9,744               50,210             41                     Ending Working Capital 553,935$        553,935$        594,401$        487$                 Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 24 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT FY 2016 FY 2017 OCT 30,471$          32,294$           NOV 39,522$          44,588$           DEC 28,273$           JAN 32,390$           FEB 41,534$           MAR 28,162$           APR 26,920$           MAY 31,562$           JUN 30,272$           JUL 32,667$           AUG 36,701$           SEP 35,256$          0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 EDC 4B Sales Tax  Comparative FY 2016 FY 2017 Town Council Page 25 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT HOTEL OCCUPANCY Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Hotel Occupancy Tax 443,400$        443,400$        83,504$          (359,896)$       19% 4th of July Revenue 5,000               5,000               3,694               (1,306)             74% Interest income 500                  500                  787                  287                  157% Total Revenue 448,900$        448,900$        87,985$          (360,915)$       20% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Personnel  $        136,406  $        136,406 12,840$          123,566$        9% Services & Supplies 120,925          120,925          6,521               114,404          5% Capital Outlay 380,000          380,000          6,345               373,655          2% Total Expenditures 637,331$        637,331$        25,706$          237,970$        4% Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 420,523$        420,523$        420,523$         +Net Increase (Decrease) (188,431)         (188,431)         62,279              Ending Fund Balance 232,092$        232,092$        482,802$         Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 26 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Recreational Programs 8,000$        8,000$        815$             (7,185)$       10% Total Revenue 8,000$        8,000$        815$             (7,185)$       10% Expenditures Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Recreational Programs 8,000$        8,000$        455$             7,545$         6% Total Expenditures 8,000$        8,000$        455$             7,545$        6%     Includes kickball and archery expenses. Fund Balance Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Fund Balance 3,395$        3,395$        3,395$           +Net Increase (Decrease)‐                ‐               360                Ending Fund Balance 3,395$        3,395$        3,755$          Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 27 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT TIRZ #1 Year‐to‐Date November 2016 17% Revenue Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Received Propety Tax 80,174$      80,174$      ‐$                    (80,174)$         0% Sales Tax 12,500        12,500        ‐                      (12,500)$         0% Total Revenue 92,674$     92,674$     ‐$               (92,674)$         0% Expenses Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Variance % Used Incentive Programs  $                ‐   $                ‐ 7,268$           (7,268)$            N/A Total Expenses ‐$            ‐$            7,268$           (7,268)$            N/A Working Capital Original  Budget Revised  Budget Year‐to‐Date Beginning Working Capital (383,632)$  (383,632)$  (383,632)$      +Net Increase (Decrease) 92,674        92,674        (7,268)             Ending Working Capital (290,958)$  (290,958)$  (390,900)$      Percent of Budget Year Transpired:  Town Council Page 28 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 1 of 32 Budget Report Town of Trophy Club, TX Account Summary For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fund: 01 - GENERAL FUND Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Property Taxes 6,153,131.00 315,464.37 -5,837,666.63 94.87 %279,957.8601-000-40100 6,153,131.00 Property Taxes/Delinquent 15,000.00 1,446.37 -13,553.63 90.36 %418.9701-000-40125 15,000.00 Property Taxes/Penalty & Interest 17,500.00 386.12 -17,113.88 97.79 %129.1101-000-40150 17,500.00 Sales Tax - General 876,267.00 153,765.20 -722,501.80 82.45 %89,176.8301-000-40300 876,267.00 Mixed Beverage Tax 24,128.00 4,895.98 -19,232.02 79.71 %0.0001-000-40360 24,128.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:475,958.04369,682.777,086,026.00 7,086,026.00 -6,610,067.96 93.28 % Category: 41 - Licenses & Permits Electric Franchise 420,214.00 0.00 -420,214.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-41050 420,214.00 Gas Franchise 91,800.00 12,812.08 -78,987.92 86.04 %12,812.0801-000-41100 91,800.00 Telecommunication Franchise 48,906.00 13,196.27 -35,709.73 73.02 %13,129.8501-000-41150 48,906.00 Cable Franchise 230,518.00 50,414.09 -180,103.91 78.13 %8,753.5101-000-41200 230,518.00 Refuse Franchise 195,360.00 29,496.26 -165,863.74 84.90 %15,105.4101-000-41250 195,360.00 Building Permits 366,000.00 25,094.45 -340,905.55 93.14 %12,550.8801-000-41300 366,000.00 Fire Permits/Sprinkler 0.00 675.00 675.00 0.00 %475.0001-000-41320 0.00 Miscellaneous Permits 186,200.00 24,214.24 -161,985.76 87.00 %15,133.5701-000-41330 186,200.00 Category: 41 - Licenses & Permits Total:155,902.3977,960.301,538,998.00 1,538,998.00 -1,383,095.61 89.87 % Category: 42 - Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Transfer MUD 713,184.00 108,406.00 -604,778.00 84.80 %48,974.0001-000-42100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 -713,184.00 Category: 42 - Intergovernmental Total:108,406.0048,974.000.00 713,184.00 -604,778.00 84.80 % Category: 43 - Fines & Fees City Vehicle Registration Fees/Child S…12,500.00 9,337.66 -3,162.34 25.30 %9,337.6601-000-43002 12,500.00 Records Management Revenue 500.00 27.30 -472.70 94.54 %18.0001-000-43011 500.00 Municipal Court Fines/Fees 108,070.00 17,720.91 -90,349.09 83.60 %5,849.1001-000-43100 108,070.00 Municipal Court - Child Safety Fees 4,200.00 1,993.64 -2,206.36 52.53 %872.0901-000-43105 4,200.00 Zoning Fees 0.00 3,726.60 3,726.60 0.00 %2,755.6001-000-43220 0.00 Platting Fees 1,000.00 2,817.80 1,817.80 281.78 %2,817.8001-000-43225 1,000.00 Developer Fees 5,000.00 0.00 -5,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43230 5,000.00 P&Z Administrative Fees 1,500.00 30.00 -1,470.00 98.00 %30.0001-000-43240 1,500.00 Day Camp Programs 63,580.00 0.00 -63,580.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43310 63,580.00 Pool Entry Fees 79,254.00 0.00 -79,254.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43320 79,254.00 Pool Rentals 13,130.00 700.00 -12,430.00 94.67 %700.0001-000-43325 13,130.00 Swim Team Programs 34,340.00 0.00 -34,340.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43330 34,340.00 Aquatic Programs 13,888.00 0.00 -13,888.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43335 13,888.00 Pool Concessions 14,645.00 0.00 -14,645.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43340 14,645.00 Denton/Tarrant County - EMS/Fire 5,500.00 0.00 -5,500.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-43425 5,500.00 Animal Control 3,500.00 770.00 -2,730.00 78.00 %440.0001-000-43600 3,500.00 Miscellaneous Police Revenue 300.00 210.00 -90.00 30.00 %200.0001-000-43650 300.00 Convenience Fees 1,000.00 239.47 -760.53 76.05 %74.4201-000-43800 1,000.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:37,573.3823,094.67361,907.00 361,907.00 -324,333.62 89.62 % Category: 44 - Charges for Services EMS Runs 158,974.00 35,445.49 -123,528.51 77.70 %16,500.1801-000-44000 158,974.00 NISD Contract for SRO 112,990.00 0.00 -112,990.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-44001 112,990.00 PID Reimbursement 8,000.00 638.91 -7,361.09 92.01 %638.9101-000-44003 8,000.00 Town Council Page 29 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 2 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget PID Fire Assessment 472,237.00 25,071.75 -447,165.25 94.69 %22,474.2801-000-44004 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 -472,237.00 Category: 44 - Charges for Services Total:61,156.1539,613.37279,964.00 752,201.00 -691,044.85 91.87 % Category: 45 - Rents Recreation Rentals 55,000.00 429.92 -54,570.08 99.22 %156.8001-000-45100 55,000.00 Cell Tower Lease Revenue 46,644.00 3,536.04 -43,107.96 92.42 %175,265.4001-000-45150 46,644.00 Category: 45 - Rents Total:3,965.96175,422.20101,644.00 101,644.00 -97,678.04 96.10 % Category: 46 - Contributions and Donations Donations 17,000.00 155.00 -16,845.00 99.09 %55.0001-000-46000 17,000.00 Category: 46 - Contributions and Donations Total:155.0055.0017,000.00 17,000.00 -16,845.00 99.09 % Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 30,000.00 4,634.20 -25,365.80 84.55 %929.3501-000-47000 30,000.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:4,634.20929.3530,000.00 30,000.00 -25,365.80 84.55 % Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Transfer In 63,000.00 0.00 -63,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-49220 63,000.00 Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Total:0.000.0063,000.00 63,000.00 -63,000.00 100.00 % Category: 51 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Revenue 25,750.00 19,298.76 -6,451.24 25.05 %19,411.6201-000-51012 25,750.00 Category: 51 - Miscellaneous Total:19,298.7619,411.6225,750.00 25,750.00 -6,451.24 25.05 % Department: 000 - General Total:867,049.88755,143.289,504,289.00 10,689,710.00 -9,822,660.12 91.89 % Revenue Total:867,049.88755,143.289,504,289.00 10,689,710.00 -9,822,660.12 91.89 % Expense Department: 000 - General Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Transfer Out 250,000.00 86,590.90 163,409.10 65.36 %86,590.9001-000-99150 250,000.00 Transfer to Future Replacement Rese…490,333.00 0.00 490,333.00 100.00 %0.0001-000-99500 408,913.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 81,420.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:86,590.9086,590.90658,913.00 740,333.00 653,742.10 88.30 % Department: 000 - General Total:86,590.9086,590.90658,913.00 740,333.00 653,742.10 88.30 % Department: 140 - Manager's Office Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 454,126.00 33,259.44 420,866.56 92.68 %22,172.9601-140-50100 454,126.00 Salaries - Longevity 1,218.00 0.00 1,218.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-50140 1,218.00 Salaries - Stipend 2,250.00 4,500.00 -2,250.00 -100.00 %4,500.0001-140-50145 2,250.00 Retirement 71,725.00 4,814.31 66,910.69 93.29 %3,400.7901-140-51200 71,725.00 Medical Insurance 46,391.00 3,400.05 42,990.95 92.67 %2,050.7001-140-51210 46,391.00 Dental Insurance 2,795.00 188.88 2,606.12 93.24 %125.9201-140-51215 2,795.00 Vision Insurance 239.00 19.86 219.14 91.69 %13.2401-140-51216 239.00 Life Insurance & Other 2,318.00 172.98 2,145.02 92.54 %115.3201-140-51218 2,318.00 Social Security Taxes 23,254.00 2,172.27 21,081.73 90.66 %1,541.1801-140-52220 23,254.00 Medicare Taxes 6,635.00 508.02 6,126.98 92.34 %360.4301-140-52225 6,635.00 Unemployment Taxes 684.00 0.00 684.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-52250 684.00 Workman's Compensation 1,151.00 0.00 1,151.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-52260 1,151.00 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing 0.00 435.00 -435.00 0.00 %435.0001-140-52290 0.00 Auto Allowance 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-52950 6,000.00 Employee Relations 450.00 20.73 429.27 95.39 %20.7301-140-52960 450.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:49,491.5434,736.27619,236.00 619,236.00 569,744.46 92.01 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 42,000.00 3,270.00 38,730.00 92.21 %3,270.0001-140-60100 42,000.00 Town Council Page 30 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 3 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Records Management 2,660.00 252.00 2,408.00 90.53 %126.0001-140-60805 2,660.00 Newsletter/Year-in-Review 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-61500 11,000.00 Elections 20,100.00 0.00 20,100.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-62100 20,100.00 Advertising 5,900.00 1,026.00 4,874.00 82.61 %0.0001-140-63200 5,900.00 Printing 1,424.00 49.99 1,374.01 96.49 %0.0001-140-63250 1,424.00 Schools & Training 5,055.00 217.25 4,837.75 95.70 %140.0001-140-63551 5,055.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 2,700.00 150.00 2,550.00 94.44 %150.0001-140-64400 2,700.00 Independent Labor 1,800.00 116.25 1,683.75 93.54 %116.2501-140-67000 1,800.00 Dues & Membership 21,527.00 5,502.00 16,025.00 74.44 %4,256.0001-140-68100 21,527.00 Travel & per diem 6,794.00 921.00 5,873.00 86.44 %771.6601-140-68200 6,794.00 Meetings 8,176.00 553.27 7,622.73 93.23 %27.4701-140-68600 8,176.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:12,057.768,857.38129,136.00 129,136.00 117,078.24 90.66 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 2,000.00 470.63 1,529.37 76.47 %277.6101-140-70100 2,000.00 Postage 1,764.00 18.25 1,745.75 98.97 %18.2501-140-70300 1,764.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 164.00 426.25 -262.25 -159.91 %426.2501-140-70400 164.00 Mayor/Council Expense 22,949.00 2,306.95 20,642.05 89.95 %1,389.9601-140-70600 22,949.00 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-78500 200.00 Contingency Expense 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-79900 10,000.00 Miscellaneous Expense 7,100.00 90.00 7,010.00 98.73 %90.0001-140-79999 7,100.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:3,312.082,202.0744,177.00 44,177.00 40,864.92 92.50 % Category: 80 - Capital Incentive Programs 9,425.00 0.00 9,425.00 100.00 %0.0001-140-87200 9,425.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.009,425.00 9,425.00 9,425.00 100.00 % Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:64,861.3845,795.72801,974.00 801,974.00 737,112.62 91.91 % Department: 160 - Legal Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 122,000.00 8,500.00 113,500.00 93.03 %8,500.0001-160-60100 122,000.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:8,500.008,500.00122,000.00 122,000.00 113,500.00 93.03 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 130.00 32.58 97.42 74.94 %0.0001-160-70100 130.00 Postage 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 %0.0001-160-70300 50.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 8,383.00 571.00 7,812.00 93.19 %571.0001-160-70400 8,383.00 Miscellaneous Expense 100.00 49.99 50.01 50.01 %0.0001-160-79999 100.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:653.57571.008,663.00 8,663.00 8,009.43 92.46 % Department: 160 - Legal Total:9,153.579,071.00130,663.00 130,663.00 121,509.43 92.99 % Department: 251 - Police Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 1,454,558.00 146,615.36 1,307,942.64 89.92 %95,912.6901-251-50100 1,454,558.00 Salaries - Overtime 55,000.00 2,512.25 52,487.75 95.43 %1,209.4701-251-50130 55,000.00 Salaries - Longevity 6,973.00 0.00 6,973.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-50140 6,973.00 Salaries - Stipend 16,500.00 10,600.00 5,900.00 35.76 %10,600.0001-251-50145 16,500.00 Salaries - Certification 9,300.00 675.00 8,625.00 92.74 %675.0001-251-50160 9,300.00 Retirement 190,667.00 18,965.26 171,701.74 90.05 %12,930.9301-251-51200 190,667.00 Medical Insurance 148,525.00 16,103.12 132,421.88 89.16 %9,871.9601-251-51210 148,525.00 Dental Insurance 10,181.00 994.03 9,186.97 90.24 %666.3801-251-51215 10,181.00 Vision Insurance 1,194.00 132.64 1,061.36 88.89 %89.0801-251-51216 1,194.00 Life Insurance & Other 8,481.00 847.75 7,633.25 90.00 %564.3201-251-51218 8,481.00 Social Security Taxes 93,480.00 9,358.83 84,121.17 89.99 %6,248.9701-251-52220 93,480.00 Medicare Taxes 22,349.00 2,240.06 20,108.94 89.98 %1,512.7501-251-52225 22,349.00 Unemployment Taxes 4,549.00 316.72 4,232.28 93.04 %210.6601-251-52250 4,549.00 Workman's Compensation 31,165.00 0.00 31,165.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-52260 31,165.00 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing 2,000.00 125.45 1,874.55 93.73 %125.4501-251-52290 2,000.00 Clothing Allowance 1,200.00 150.00 1,050.00 87.50 %100.0001-251-52940 1,200.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:209,636.47140,717.662,056,122.00 2,056,122.00 1,846,485.53 89.80 % Town Council Page 31 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 4 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 14,833.00 5,633.00 9,200.00 62.02 %0.0001-251-60100 14,833.00 Records Management 1,000.00 257.73 742.27 74.23 %0.0001-251-60805 1,000.00 Advertising 6,000.00 425.00 5,575.00 92.92 %425.0001-251-63200 6,000.00 Printing 700.00 0.00 700.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-63250 700.00 Schools & Training 9,900.00 1,357.53 8,542.47 86.29 %460.0001-251-63551 9,900.00 Electricity 13,400.00 1,434.47 11,965.53 89.30 %1,434.4701-251-64000 13,400.00 Water 1,040.00 172.96 867.04 83.37 %88.4701-251-64100 1,040.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 16,472.00 2,059.68 14,412.32 87.50 %1,179.8801-251-64400 16,472.00 Building Maintenance 8,000.00 66.00 7,934.00 99.18 %0.0001-251-65200 8,000.00 Vehicle Maintenance 20,000.00 6,954.74 13,045.26 65.23 %2,882.8301-251-65300 20,000.00 Equipment Maintenance 3,700.00 99.80 3,600.20 97.30 %99.8001-251-65350 3,700.00 Qualifying Expenses 10,600.00 0.00 10,600.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-66200 10,600.00 Emergency Management 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-66250 2,000.00 Dispatch - Denton County 31,000.00 0.00 31,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-66500 31,000.00 Independent Labor 7,000.00 200.00 6,800.00 97.14 %0.0001-251-67000 7,000.00 Dues & Membership 2,655.00 0.00 2,655.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-68100 2,655.00 Travel & per diem 10,500.00 2,782.44 7,717.56 73.50 %2,782.4401-251-68200 10,500.00 Meetings 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-68600 500.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:21,443.359,352.89159,300.00 159,300.00 137,856.65 86.54 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 2,350.00 1,032.96 1,317.04 56.04 %321.0601-251-70100 2,350.00 Postage 550.00 0.00 550.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-70300 550.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 1,600.00 0.00 1,600.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-70400 1,600.00 Fuel 31,680.00 4,315.93 27,364.07 86.38 %2,189.1701-251-71000 31,680.00 Uniforms 16,400.00 27.40 16,372.60 99.83 %27.4001-251-72100 16,400.00 Investigative Materials 6,900.00 25.67 6,874.33 99.63 %25.6701-251-72400 6,900.00 Golf Cart Stickers 750.00 0.00 750.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-72750 750.00 Animal Control 6,500.00 752.45 5,747.55 88.42 %250.0001-251-77100 6,500.00 Small Equipment 2,300.00 5,108.04 -2,808.04 -122.09 %1,830.0101-251-78400 2,300.00 Maintenance Supplies 2,300.00 0.00 2,300.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-79100 2,300.00 Miscellaneous Expense 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 %0.0001-251-79999 1,500.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:11,262.454,643.3172,830.00 72,830.00 61,567.55 84.54 % Category: 80 - Capital Radar 0.00 280.00 -280.00 0.00 %280.0001-251-83625 0.00 Programs & Special Projects 29,200.00 592.97 28,607.03 97.97 %592.9701-251-87100 29,200.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:872.97872.9729,200.00 29,200.00 28,327.03 97.01 % Department: 251 - Police Total:243,215.24155,586.832,317,452.00 2,317,452.00 2,074,236.76 89.51 % Department: 255 - EMS Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 551,224.00 58,740.02 492,483.98 89.34 %38,627.4401-255-50100 551,224.00 Salaries - Overtime 50,237.00 5,738.37 44,498.63 88.58 %3,070.5801-255-50130 50,237.00 Salaries - Longevity 5,618.00 0.00 5,618.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-50140 5,618.00 Salaries - Stipend 12,000.00 6,312.50 5,687.50 47.40 %6,312.5001-255-50145 12,000.00 Salaries - Certification 5,400.00 450.00 4,950.00 91.67 %450.0001-255-50160 5,400.00 Retirement 80,264.00 8,411.67 71,852.33 89.52 %5,870.5801-255-51200 80,264.00 Medical Insurance 68,414.00 8,308.78 60,105.22 87.86 %5,149.4501-255-51210 68,414.00 Dental Insurance 4,797.00 551.38 4,245.62 88.51 %368.3601-255-51215 4,797.00 Vision Insurance 479.00 55.75 423.25 88.36 %37.2601-255-51216 479.00 Life Insurance & Other 3,684.00 351.81 3,332.19 90.45 %235.1401-255-51218 3,684.00 Social Security Taxes 37,974.00 3,802.44 34,171.56 89.99 %2,665.8301-255-52220 37,974.00 Medicare Taxes 9,055.00 889.58 8,165.42 90.18 %623.6701-255-52225 9,055.00 Unemployment Taxes 1,467.00 3.42 1,463.58 99.77 %3.4201-255-52250 1,467.00 Workman's Compensation 9,969.00 0.00 9,969.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-52260 9,969.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:93,615.7263,414.23840,582.00 840,582.00 746,966.28 88.86 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 15,000.00 1,876.50 13,123.50 87.49 %0.0001-255-60100 15,000.00 Town Council Page 32 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 5 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Collection Fees 18,000.00 0.00 18,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-62000 18,000.00 Hazmat Disposal 1,065.00 105.66 959.34 90.08 %0.0001-255-62200 1,065.00 Radios 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-63450 2,000.00 Schools & Training 5,805.00 25.00 5,780.00 99.57 %25.0001-255-63551 5,805.00 Electricity 7,400.00 159.63 7,240.37 97.84 %0.0001-255-64000 7,400.00 Water 2,600.00 581.15 2,018.85 77.65 %581.1501-255-64100 2,600.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 3,247.00 381.04 2,865.96 88.26 %228.2501-255-64400 3,247.00 Building Maintenance 2,000.00 99.32 1,900.68 95.03 %99.3201-255-65200 2,000.00 Vehicle Maintenance 9,200.00 817.54 8,382.46 91.11 %63.8401-255-65300 9,200.00 Equipment Maintenance 10,900.00 0.00 10,900.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-65350 10,900.00 Emergency Management 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 60.00 %0.0001-255-66250 2,500.00 Dispatch - Denton County 2,550.00 2,376.00 174.00 6.82 %0.0001-255-66500 2,550.00 Dues & Membership 1,634.00 0.00 1,634.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-68100 1,634.00 Flags & Repairs 3,535.75 2,960.75 575.00 16.26 %0.0001-255-68190 3,535.75 Travel & per diem 2,325.00 116.64 2,208.36 94.98 %116.6401-255-68200 2,325.00 Meetings 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-68600 100.00 Safety Programs 1,850.00 29.52 1,820.48 98.40 %29.5201-255-68700 1,850.00 Inspection Fees 870.00 0.00 870.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-69110 870.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:10,528.751,143.7292,581.75 92,581.75 82,053.00 88.63 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 225.00 644.05 -419.05 -186.24 %98.2901-255-70100 225.00 Postage 100.00 10.41 89.59 89.59 %10.4101-255-70300 100.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 3,913.00 0.00 3,913.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-70400 3,913.00 Fuel 5,520.00 656.18 4,863.82 88.11 %268.6201-255-71000 5,520.00 Uniforms 9,500.00 651.23 8,848.77 93.14 %629.2301-255-72100 9,500.00 Medical Control 12,750.00 0.00 12,750.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-72200 12,750.00 Pharmacy 5,000.00 889.95 4,110.05 82.20 %138.0401-255-72220 5,000.00 Oxygen 2,300.00 112.00 2,188.00 95.13 %56.0001-255-72250 2,300.00 Disposable Supplies 6,140.00 1,846.28 4,293.72 69.93 %1,367.7701-255-72500 6,140.00 Small Equipment 11,505.00 1,800.00 9,705.00 84.35 %0.0001-255-78400 11,505.00 Maintenance Supplies 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 %0.0001-255-79100 300.00 Miscellaneous Expense 225.00 105.08 119.92 53.30 %80.0901-255-79999 225.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:6,715.182,648.4557,478.00 57,478.00 50,762.82 88.32 % Department: 255 - EMS Total:110,859.6567,206.40990,641.75 990,641.75 879,782.10 88.81 % Department: 256 - Fire Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 551,224.00 58,739.71 492,484.29 89.34 %38,627.2201-256-50100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 551,224.00 Salaries - Overtime 50,237.00 5,738.28 44,498.72 88.58 %3,070.5201-256-50130 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 50,237.00 Salaries - Longevity 5,618.00 0.00 5,618.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-50140 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 5,618.00 Salaries - Stipend 0.00 6,312.50 -6,312.50 0.00 %6,312.5001-256-50145 0.00 Salaries - Certification 5,400.00 450.00 4,950.00 91.67 %450.0001-256-50160 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 5,400.00 Retirement 80,434.00 8,446.92 71,987.08 89.50 %5,869.9801-256-51200 0.00 Town Council Page 33 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 6 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 80,434.00 Medical Insurance 68,414.00 8,337.83 60,076.17 87.81 %5,148.2901-256-51210 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 68,414.00 Dental Insurance 4,797.00 553.01 4,243.99 88.47 %367.9001-256-51215 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 4,797.00 Vision Insurance 479.00 55.55 423.45 88.40 %36.9401-256-51216 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 479.00 Life Insurance & Other 3,684.00 352.26 3,331.74 90.44 %234.2401-256-51218 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 3,684.00 Social Security Taxes 37,974.00 3,817.44 34,156.56 89.95 %2,665.3901-256-52220 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 37,974.00 Medicare Taxes 8,881.00 892.51 7,988.49 89.95 %623.1601-256-52225 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 8,881.00 Unemployment Taxes 1,467.00 3.42 1,463.58 99.77 %3.4201-256-52250 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 1,467.00 Workman's Compensation 9,969.00 0.00 9,969.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-52260 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 9,969.00 Physicals/Testing 8,785.00 0.00 8,785.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-52290 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 8,785.00 Tuition Expense 1,300.00 0.00 1,300.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-53240 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 1,300.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:93,699.4363,409.560.00 838,663.00 744,963.57 88.83 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 6,600.00 1,876.50 4,723.50 71.57 %0.0001-256-60100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 6,600.00 Software and Support 2,506.00 506.69 1,999.31 79.78 %297.7701-256-60800 0.00 Town Council Page 34 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 7 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 2,506.00 Advertising 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-63200 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 500.00 Printing 495.00 25.00 470.00 94.95 %0.0001-256-63250 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 495.00 Schools & Training 7,880.00 0.00 7,880.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-63551 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 7,880.00 Electricity 6,673.00 159.63 6,513.37 97.61 %0.0001-256-64000 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 6,673.00 Water 1,200.00 581.14 618.86 51.57 %581.1401-256-64100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 1,200.00 Telephone 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-64300 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 50.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 10,851.00 1,306.05 9,544.95 87.96 %690.7501-256-64400 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 10,851.00 Insurance 16,513.00 16,513.00 0.00 0.00 %0.0001-256-65000 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 16,513.00 Building Maintenance 12,000.00 488.72 11,511.28 95.93 %488.7201-256-65200 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 12,000.00 Vehicle Maintenance 20,000.00 1,626.37 18,373.63 91.87 %0.0001-256-65300 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 20,000.00 Equipment Maintenance 23,370.00 1,547.50 21,822.50 93.38 %0.0001-256-65350 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 23,370.00 Emergency Management 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 %0.0001-256-66250 0.00 Town Council Page 35 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 8 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 1,000.00 Dispatch - Denton County 5,700.00 2,376.00 3,324.00 58.32 %0.0001-256-66500 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 5,700.00 Dues & Membership 15,582.00 14,749.00 833.00 5.35 %0.0001-256-68100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 15,582.00 Flags & Repairs 3,050.00 2,960.75 89.25 2.93 %0.0001-256-68190 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 3,050.00 Travel & per diem 4,081.00 1,052.31 3,028.69 74.21 %737.6401-256-68200 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 4,081.00 Safety Programs 0.00 2,957.72 -2,957.72 0.00 %74.9301-256-68700 0.00 Inspection Fees 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-69110 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 500.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:49,726.382,870.950.00 138,551.00 88,824.62 64.11 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 500.00 149.56 350.44 70.09 %98.2901-256-70100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 500.00 Postage 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-70300 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 50.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 350.00 0.00 350.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-70400 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 350.00 Fuel 21,111.00 751.69 20,359.31 96.44 %414.9501-256-71000 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 21,111.00 Uniforms 31,140.00 2,961.00 28,179.00 90.49 %629.2401-256-72100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 31,140.00 Pharmacy 0.00 158.43 -158.43 0.00 %0.0001-256-72220 0.00 Small Equipment 17,050.00 0.00 17,050.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-78400 0.00 Town Council Page 36 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 9 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 17,050.00 Hardware 750.00 0.00 750.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-78600 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 750.00 Maintenance Supplies 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-79100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Expense 1,000.00 55.15 944.85 94.49 %55.1501-256-79999 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 1,000.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:4,075.831,197.630.00 73,451.00 69,375.17 94.45 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 45,836.00 0.00 45,836.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-83700 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 45,836.00 Programs and Special Projects 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 100.00 %0.0001-256-87100 0.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 7,500.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total: 53,336.00 53,336.00 100.00 % Department: 256 - Fire Total:147,501.6467,478.140.00 1,104,001.00 956,499.36 86.64 % Department: 360 - Streets Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 175,157.00 19,875.62 155,281.38 88.65 %13,250.4101-360-50100 175,157.00 Salaries - Overtime 3,000.00 190.12 2,809.88 93.66 %190.1201-360-50130 3,000.00 Salaries - Longevity 1,928.00 0.00 1,928.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-50140 1,928.00 Salaries - Stipend 1,500.00 1,850.00 -350.00 -23.33 %1,850.0001-360-50145 1,500.00 Retirement 23,860.00 2,794.25 21,065.75 88.29 %1,949.5401-360-51200 23,860.00 Medical Insurance 16,334.00 2,254.87 14,079.13 86.20 %1,569.1401-360-51210 16,334.00 Dental Insurance 1,759.00 219.87 1,539.13 87.50 %146.5801-360-51215 1,759.00 Vision Insurance 182.00 22.80 159.20 87.47 %15.2001-360-51216 182.00 Life Insurance & Other 1,129.00 126.42 1,002.58 88.80 %84.2801-360-51218 1,129.00 Social Security Taxes 11,165.00 1,275.08 9,889.92 88.58 %882.8401-360-52220 11,165.00 Medicare Taxes 2,633.00 298.21 2,334.79 88.67 %206.4801-360-52225 2,633.00 Unemployment Taxes 513.00 21.23 491.77 95.86 %0.0001-360-52250 513.00 Workman's Compensation 3,633.00 0.00 3,633.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-52260 3,633.00 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing 0.00 48.00 -48.00 0.00 %0.0001-360-52290 0.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:28,976.4720,144.59242,793.00 242,793.00 213,816.53 88.07 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Services - PID Utility 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-60100 5,000.00 Schools & Training 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-63551 1,400.00 Electricity 162,750.00 12,306.52 150,443.48 92.44 %12,201.6201-360-64000 162,750.00 Water 0.00 174.02 -174.02 0.00 %87.0101-360-64100 0.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 1,837.00 317.04 1,519.96 82.74 %232.7001-360-64400 1,837.00 Vehicle Maintenance 0.00 376.71 -376.71 0.00 %376.7101-360-65300 0.00 Equipment Maintenance 3,050.00 0.00 3,050.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-65350 3,050.00 Dues & Membership 642.00 204.00 438.00 68.22 %0.0001-360-68100 642.00 Town Council Page 37 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 10 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Travel & per diem 1,269.00 0.00 1,269.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-68200 1,269.00 Meetings 150.00 0.00 150.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-68600 150.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:13,378.2912,898.04176,098.00 176,098.00 162,719.71 92.40 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 300.00 32.58 267.42 89.14 %0.0001-360-70100 300.00 Postage 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-70300 100.00 Fuel 0.00 907.23 -907.23 0.00 %907.2301-360-71000 0.00 Uniforms 3,140.00 0.00 3,140.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-72100 3,140.00 Small Tools 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 %0.0001-360-78200 1,500.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:939.81907.235,040.00 5,040.00 4,100.19 81.35 % Department: 360 - Streets Total:43,294.5733,949.86423,931.00 423,931.00 380,636.43 89.79 % Department: 400 - Parks Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 573,633.00 57,007.80 516,625.20 90.06 %38,360.8701-400-50100 573,633.00 Salaries - Overtime 15,000.00 2,043.90 12,956.10 86.37 %1,008.8601-400-50130 15,000.00 Salaries - Longevity 5,791.00 0.00 5,791.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-50140 5,791.00 Salaries - Stipend 8,625.00 8,525.00 100.00 1.16 %8,525.0001-400-50145 8,625.00 Salaries - Certification 3,600.00 200.00 3,400.00 94.44 %200.0001-400-50160 3,600.00 Retirement 75,559.00 7,736.86 67,822.14 89.76 %5,581.3501-400-51200 75,559.00 Medical Insurance 89,195.00 8,391.49 80,803.51 90.59 %5,086.3301-400-51210 89,195.00 Dental Insurance 5,689.00 466.18 5,222.82 91.81 %310.7901-400-51215 5,689.00 Vision Insurance 670.00 63.92 606.08 90.46 %42.6101-400-51216 670.00 Life Insurance & Other 3,874.00 354.48 3,519.52 90.85 %236.3201-400-51218 3,874.00 Social Security Taxes 37,077.00 4,024.49 33,052.51 89.15 %2,863.4301-400-52220 37,077.00 Medicare Taxes 8,796.00 941.31 7,854.69 89.30 %669.7501-400-52225 8,796.00 Unemployment Taxes 2,300.00 172.98 2,127.02 92.48 %120.2401-400-52250 2,300.00 Workman's Compensation 13,778.00 0.00 13,778.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-52260 13,778.00 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing 0.00 262.90 -262.90 0.00 %189.9001-400-52290 0.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:90,191.3163,195.45843,587.00 843,587.00 753,395.69 89.31 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Advertising 600.00 250.00 350.00 58.33 %250.0001-400-63200 600.00 Schools & Training 4,435.00 280.00 4,155.00 93.69 %280.0001-400-63551 4,435.00 Electricity 41,800.00 4,357.33 37,442.67 89.58 %2,921.9401-400-64000 41,800.00 Water 150,660.00 26,959.17 123,700.83 82.11 %13,710.5701-400-64100 150,660.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 12,622.00 1,984.91 10,637.09 84.27 %1,220.6301-400-64400 12,622.00 Property Maintenance 205,385.00 40,951.34 164,433.66 80.06 %20,447.0701-400-65100 205,385.00 Building Maintenance 3,500.00 100.00 3,400.00 97.14 %0.0001-400-65200 3,500.00 Vehicle Maintenance 10,000.00 1,068.01 8,931.99 89.32 %753.9501-400-65300 10,000.00 Equipment Maintenance 10,000.00 3,572.76 6,427.24 64.27 %3,154.7701-400-65350 10,000.00 Independent Labor 99,600.00 11,129.36 88,470.64 88.83 %8,641.6801-400-67000 99,600.00 Storage Rental 11,160.00 5,755.66 5,404.34 48.43 %5,172.3301-400-67210 11,160.00 Portable Toilets 8,880.00 846.75 8,033.25 90.46 %564.5001-400-67350 8,880.00 Dues & Membership 780.00 0.00 780.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-68100 780.00 Travel & per diem 1,185.00 24.48 1,160.52 97.93 %24.4801-400-68200 1,185.00 Meetings 750.00 123.30 626.70 83.56 %123.3001-400-68600 750.00 Safety Program 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-68700 1,200.00 Tree City 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-69100 10,000.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:97,403.0757,265.22572,557.00 572,557.00 475,153.93 82.99 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 400.00 32.58 367.42 91.86 %0.0001-400-70100 400.00 Postage 25.00 0.00 25.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-70300 25.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-70400 500.00 Fuel 15,240.00 2,007.57 13,232.43 86.83 %1,063.6901-400-71000 15,240.00 Uniforms 9,217.00 2,104.57 7,112.43 77.17 %2,104.5701-400-72100 9,217.00 Small Tools 13,900.00 2,109.06 11,790.94 84.83 %319.0601-400-78200 13,900.00 Safety Equipment 3,098.00 143.91 2,954.09 95.35 %0.0001-400-78300 3,098.00 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-400-78500 100.00 Town Council Page 38 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 11 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Miscellaneous Expense 300.00 12.82 287.18 95.73 %12.8201-400-79999 300.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:6,410.513,500.1442,780.00 42,780.00 36,369.49 85.02 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 132,500.00 171,956.29 -39,456.29 -29.78 %65,334.0001-400-83700 132,500.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:171,956.2965,334.00132,500.00 132,500.00 -39,456.29 -29.78 % Department: 400 - Parks Total:365,961.18189,294.811,591,424.00 1,591,424.00 1,225,462.82 77.00 % Department: 450 - Recreation Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 332,309.00 17,564.77 314,744.23 94.71 %12,469.9801-450-50100 332,309.00 Salaries - Overtime 3,800.00 396.01 3,403.99 89.58 %396.0101-450-50130 3,800.00 Salaries - Longevity 1,178.00 0.00 1,178.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-50140 1,178.00 Salaries - Stipend 1,013.00 1,687.50 -674.50 -66.58 %1,687.5001-450-50145 1,013.00 Retirement 20,160.00 2,085.30 18,074.70 89.66 %1,518.0201-450-51200 20,160.00 Medical Insurance 20,938.00 1,586.76 19,351.24 92.42 %1,036.7801-450-51210 20,938.00 Dental Insurance 1,375.00 96.51 1,278.49 92.98 %67.7901-450-51215 1,375.00 Vision Insurance 131.00 11.27 119.73 91.40 %7.9901-450-51216 131.00 Life Insurance & Other 1,044.00 96.36 947.64 90.77 %70.7001-450-51218 1,044.00 Social Security Taxes 20,912.00 1,162.94 19,749.06 94.44 %865.1101-450-52220 20,912.00 Medicare Taxes 4,905.00 271.98 4,633.02 94.46 %202.3201-450-52225 4,905.00 Unemployment Taxes 1,738.00 57.69 1,680.31 96.68 %57.6901-450-52250 1,738.00 Workman's Compensation 7,982.00 0.00 7,982.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-52260 7,982.00 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing 2,705.00 84.45 2,620.55 96.88 %36.4501-450-52290 2,705.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:25,101.5418,416.34420,190.00 420,190.00 395,088.46 94.03 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 3,700.00 0.00 3,700.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-60100 3,700.00 Software & Support 1,983.86 487.90 1,495.96 75.41 %388.9001-450-60800 1,983.86 Health Inspections 269.00 0.00 269.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-62300 269.00 Advertising 1,976.00 1,057.99 918.01 46.46 %1,057.9901-450-63200 1,976.00 Printing 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-63250 7,000.00 Schools & Training 2,630.00 1,000.00 1,630.00 61.98 %1,000.0001-450-63551 2,630.00 Service Charges and Fees 12,700.00 30.80 12,669.20 99.76 %22.0001-450-63800 12,700.00 Electricity 19,000.00 2,441.68 16,558.32 87.15 %1,096.9301-450-64000 19,000.00 Water 22,880.00 3,629.48 19,250.52 84.14 %2,042.9501-450-64100 22,880.00 Telephone 1,916.44 141.32 1,775.12 92.63 %141.3201-450-64300 1,916.44 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 3,909.00 682.54 3,226.46 82.54 %468.2601-450-64400 3,909.00 Property Maintenance 4,500.00 420.32 4,079.68 90.66 %0.0001-450-65100 4,500.00 Equipment Rental/Lease 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-67100 8,000.00 Dues & Membership 8,907.00 336.83 8,570.17 96.22 %336.8301-450-68100 8,907.00 Travel & per diem 5,216.00 28.85 5,187.15 99.45 %28.8501-450-68200 5,216.00 Meetings 800.00 0.00 800.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-68600 800.00 Field Trips 7,800.00 0.00 7,800.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-68750 7,800.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:10,257.716,584.03113,187.30 113,187.30 102,929.59 90.94 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 1,300.00 1,380.99 -80.99 -6.23 %1,298.4001-450-70100 1,300.00 Postage 1,363.00 0.00 1,363.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-70300 1,363.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 350.00 0.00 350.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-70400 350.00 Uniforms 9,595.00 0.00 9,595.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-72100 9,595.00 Chemicals 19,000.00 3,058.50 15,941.50 83.90 %2,436.0001-450-72300 19,000.00 Concessions 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-72600 5,000.00 Program Supplies 4,770.00 0.00 4,770.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-72700 4,770.00 Special Events 1,655.00 0.00 1,655.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-76900 1,655.00 Safety Equipment 3,270.00 0.00 3,270.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-78300 3,270.00 Small Equipment 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-78400 300.00 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 8,812.00 317.00 8,495.00 96.40 %317.0001-450-78500 8,812.00 Hardware 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-78600 2,000.00 Maintenance Supplies 1,970.00 0.00 1,970.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-79100 1,970.00 Town Council Page 39 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 12 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Miscellaneous Expense 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-79999 300.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:4,756.494,051.4059,685.00 59,685.00 54,928.51 92.03 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-450-83700 40,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.0040,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 100.00 % Department: 450 - Recreation Total:40,115.7429,051.77633,062.30 633,062.30 592,946.56 93.66 % Department: 460 - Community Events Category: 60 - Purchased Services Advertising 3,300.00 0.00 3,300.00 100.00 %0.0001-460-63200 3,300.00 Printing 1,200.00 49.99 1,150.01 95.83 %49.9901-460-63250 1,200.00 Event Rentals 29,312.00 7,542.96 21,769.04 74.27 %3,598.5401-460-67300 29,312.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:7,592.953,648.5333,812.00 33,812.00 26,219.05 77.54 % Category: 70 - Supplies Uniforms 800.00 0.00 800.00 100.00 %0.0001-460-72100 800.00 Program Supplies 11,266.00 3,088.54 8,177.46 72.59 %3,088.5401-460-72700 11,266.00 Miscellaneous Expense 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 %0.0001-460-79999 300.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:3,088.543,088.5412,366.00 12,366.00 9,277.46 75.02 % Department: 460 - Community Events Total:10,681.496,737.0746,178.00 46,178.00 35,496.51 76.87 % Department: 522 - Community Development Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 360,630.00 40,180.83 320,449.17 88.86 %24,840.1101-522-50100 360,630.00 Salaries - Overtime 5,000.00 205.01 4,794.99 95.90 %0.0001-522-50130 5,000.00 Salaries - Longevity 2,540.00 0.00 2,540.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-50140 2,540.00 Salaries - Stipend 4,500.00 5,250.00 -750.00 -16.67 %5,250.0001-522-50145 4,500.00 Retirement 48,969.00 5,818.59 43,150.41 88.12 %3,836.5101-522-51200 48,969.00 Medical Insurance 40,474.00 5,335.32 35,138.68 86.82 %3,236.8801-522-51210 40,474.00 Dental Insurance 2,259.00 224.37 2,034.63 90.07 %149.5801-522-51215 2,259.00 Vision Insurance 318.00 39.72 278.28 87.51 %26.4801-522-51216 318.00 Life Insurance & Other 2,323.00 264.13 2,058.87 88.63 %176.6601-522-51218 2,323.00 Social Security Taxes 22,827.00 2,763.66 20,063.34 87.89 %1,822.7401-522-52220 22,827.00 Medicare Taxes 5,404.00 646.34 4,757.66 88.04 %426.2901-522-52225 5,404.00 Unemployment Taxes 1,026.00 60.65 965.35 94.09 %60.6501-522-52250 1,026.00 Workman's Compensation 10,531.00 0.00 10,531.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-52260 10,531.00 Pre-employment Physicals/Testing 0.00 17.45 -17.45 0.00 %17.4501-522-52290 0.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:60,806.0739,843.35506,801.00 506,801.00 445,994.93 88.00 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 0.00 500.00 -500.00 0.00 %0.0001-522-60100 0.00 Engineering 100,000.00 932.77 99,067.23 99.07 %932.7701-522-60500 100,000.00 Plan Review Services 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-60600 5,000.00 Health Inspections 6,900.00 0.00 6,900.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-62300 6,900.00 Inspection Services 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-62350 8,000.00 Advertising 1,300.00 128.25 1,171.75 90.13 %0.0001-522-63200 1,300.00 Printing 700.00 49.99 650.01 92.86 %49.9901-522-63250 700.00 Abatements 4,000.00 246.40 3,753.60 93.84 %146.4001-522-63500 4,000.00 Schools & Training 3,425.00 665.00 2,760.00 80.58 %665.0001-522-63551 3,425.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 4,512.00 506.14 4,005.86 88.78 %290.5701-522-64400 4,512.00 Vehicle Maintenance 3,000.00 46.58 2,953.42 98.45 %6.0001-522-65300 3,000.00 Dues & Membership 1,307.00 265.00 1,042.00 79.72 %135.0001-522-68100 1,307.00 Travel & per diem 1,900.00 986.78 913.22 48.06 %986.7801-522-68200 1,900.00 Meetings 240.00 0.00 240.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-68600 240.00 Plat Filing Fees 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-69105 300.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:4,326.913,212.51140,584.00 140,584.00 136,257.09 96.92 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 1,500.00 308.73 1,191.27 79.42 %224.0201-522-70100 1,500.00 Postage 500.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-70300 500.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-522-70400 1,000.00 Town Council Page 40 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 13 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fuel 3,240.00 369.82 2,870.18 88.59 %199.8101-522-71000 3,240.00 Uniforms 1,995.00 245.99 1,749.01 87.67 %210.9901-522-72100 1,995.00 Miscellaneous Expense 600.00 1.25 598.75 99.79 %1.2501-522-79999 600.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:925.79636.078,835.00 8,835.00 7,909.21 89.52 % Department: 522 - Community Development Total:66,058.7743,691.93656,220.00 656,220.00 590,161.23 89.93 % Department: 611 - Finance Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 229,090.00 26,075.44 203,014.56 88.62 %17,456.7001-611-50100 229,090.00 Salaries - Longevity 795.00 0.00 795.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-50140 795.00 Salaries - Stipend 2,250.00 3,300.00 -1,050.00 -46.67 %3,300.0001-611-50145 2,250.00 Retirement 28,901.00 3,616.44 25,284.56 87.49 %2,557.7501-611-51200 28,901.00 Medical Insurance 21,084.00 2,712.24 18,371.76 87.14 %1,648.1601-611-51210 21,084.00 Dental Insurance 1,400.00 175.05 1,224.95 87.50 %116.7001-611-51215 1,400.00 Vision Insurance 159.00 19.86 139.14 87.51 %13.2401-611-51216 159.00 Life Insurance & Other 1,323.00 146.58 1,176.42 88.92 %97.7201-611-51218 1,323.00 Social Security Taxes 14,253.00 1,728.78 12,524.22 87.87 %1,225.2501-611-52220 14,253.00 Medicare Taxes 3,366.00 404.31 2,961.69 87.99 %286.5501-611-52225 3,366.00 Unemployment Taxes 684.00 19.22 664.78 97.19 %13.2301-611-52250 684.00 Workman's Compensation 565.00 0.00 565.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-52260 565.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:38,197.9226,715.30303,870.00 303,870.00 265,672.08 87.43 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 38,850.00 0.00 38,850.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-60100 38,850.00 Auditing 21,550.00 8,730.00 12,820.00 59.49 %750.0001-611-60200 21,550.00 Appraisal 50,527.00 2,822.57 47,704.43 94.41 %2,822.5701-611-61100 50,527.00 Tax Administration 3,685.00 0.00 3,685.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-61150 3,685.00 Advertising 4,200.00 0.00 4,200.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-63200 4,200.00 Printing 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-63250 5,000.00 Schools & Training 2,910.00 0.00 2,910.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-63551 2,910.00 Service Charges & Fees 10,200.00 1,357.96 8,842.04 86.69 %671.4001-611-63800 10,200.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 1,800.00 150.00 1,650.00 91.67 %150.0001-611-64400 1,800.00 Dues & Membership 1,370.00 0.00 1,370.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-68100 1,370.00 Travel & per diem 3,096.00 136.18 2,959.82 95.60 %136.1801-611-68200 3,096.00 Meetings 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-68600 100.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:13,196.714,530.15143,288.00 143,288.00 130,091.29 90.79 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 2,150.00 295.93 1,854.07 86.24 %85.2201-611-70100 2,150.00 Postage 2,100.00 0.00 2,100.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-70300 2,100.00 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 250.00 0.00 250.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-70400 250.00 Miscellaneous Expense 120.00 0.00 120.00 100.00 %0.0001-611-79999 120.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:295.9385.224,620.00 4,620.00 4,324.07 93.59 % Department: 611 - Finance Total:51,690.5631,330.67451,778.00 451,778.00 400,087.44 88.56 % Department: 615 - Municipal Court Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 54,620.00 6,346.31 48,273.69 88.38 %4,230.8701-615-50100 54,620.00 Salaries - Stipend 750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 %750.0001-615-50145 750.00 Salaries - Certification 1,200.00 100.00 1,100.00 91.67 %100.0001-615-50160 1,200.00 Retirement 7,433.00 917.54 6,515.46 87.66 %647.8201-615-51200 7,433.00 Medical Insurance 5,371.00 745.40 4,625.60 86.12 %443.6001-615-51210 5,371.00 Dental Insurance 332.00 41.55 290.45 87.48 %27.7001-615-51215 332.00 Vision Insurance 45.00 5.64 39.36 87.47 %3.7601-615-51216 45.00 Life Insurance & Other 382.00 42.96 339.04 88.75 %28.6401-615-51218 382.00 Social Security Taxes 3,460.00 446.18 3,013.82 87.10 %315.0201-615-52220 3,460.00 Medicare Taxes 820.00 104.34 715.66 87.28 %73.6701-615-52225 820.00 Unemployment Taxes 170.00 0.00 170.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-52250 170.00 Workman's Compensation 138.00 0.00 138.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-52260 138.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:9,499.926,621.0874,721.00 74,721.00 65,221.08 87.29 % Town Council Page 41 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 14 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 1,890.00 0.00 1,890.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-60100 1,890.00 Judge's Compensation 4,500.00 600.00 3,900.00 86.67 %300.0001-615-60300 4,500.00 Printing 1,950.00 0.00 1,950.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-63250 1,950.00 Jury Fees 144.00 0.00 144.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-66300 144.00 Dues & Membership 170.00 0.00 170.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-68100 170.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:600.00300.008,654.00 8,654.00 8,054.00 93.07 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 300.00 45.78 254.22 84.74 %0.0001-615-70100 300.00 Miscellaneous Expense 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-615-79999 100.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:45.780.00400.00 400.00 354.22 88.56 % Department: 615 - Municipal Court Total:10,145.706,921.0883,775.00 83,775.00 73,629.30 87.89 % Department: 630 - Human Resources Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 103,458.00 11,972.78 91,485.22 88.43 %8,003.6401-630-50100 103,458.00 Salaries - Longevity 80.00 0.00 80.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-50140 80.00 Salaries - Stipend 750.00 1,500.00 -750.00 -100.00 %1,500.0001-630-50145 750.00 Salaries - Certification 1,200.00 100.00 1,100.00 91.67 %100.0001-630-50160 1,200.00 Retirement 12,260.00 1,601.61 10,658.39 86.94 %1,135.7401-630-51200 12,260.00 Medical Insurance 5,371.00 745.40 4,625.60 86.12 %443.6001-630-51210 5,371.00 Dental Insurance 332.00 41.55 290.45 87.48 %27.7001-630-51215 332.00 Vision Insurance 45.00 5.64 39.36 87.47 %3.7601-630-51216 45.00 Life Insurance & Other 505.00 54.69 450.31 89.17 %36.4601-630-51218 505.00 Social Security Taxes 6,494.00 818.00 5,676.00 87.40 %579.7501-630-52220 6,494.00 Medicare Taxes 1,530.00 191.30 1,338.70 87.50 %135.5801-630-52225 1,530.00 Unemployment Taxes 342.00 19.20 322.80 94.39 %13.2101-630-52250 342.00 Workman's Compensation 246.00 0.00 246.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-52260 246.00 Employee Relations 11,150.00 320.20 10,829.80 97.13 %320.2001-630-52960 11,150.00 Tuition Reimbursement 12,750.00 0.00 12,750.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-53240 12,750.00 Employee Assistance Program 2,880.00 383.60 2,496.40 86.68 %193.2001-630-53280 2,880.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:17,753.9712,492.84159,393.00 159,393.00 141,639.03 88.86 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 31,100.00 5,183.32 25,916.68 83.33 %2,591.6601-630-60100 31,100.00 Physicals/Testing 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-60400 100.00 Printing 150.00 0.00 150.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-63250 150.00 Schools & Training 3,150.00 299.00 2,851.00 90.51 %299.0001-630-63551 3,150.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 900.00 75.00 825.00 91.67 %75.0001-630-64400 900.00 Dues & Membership 675.00 199.00 476.00 70.52 %199.0001-630-68100 675.00 Travel & per diem 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-68200 2,000.00 Meetings 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-68600 100.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:5,756.323,164.6638,175.00 38,175.00 32,418.68 84.92 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 600.00 96.46 503.54 83.92 %0.0001-630-70100 600.00 Postage 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 %0.0001-630-70300 100.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:96.460.00700.00 700.00 603.54 86.22 % Department: 630 - Human Resources Total:23,606.7515,657.50198,268.00 198,268.00 174,661.25 88.09 % Department: 640 - Information Services Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 176,342.00 18,893.54 157,448.46 89.29 %12,675.7001-640-50100 176,342.00 Salaries - Longevity 1,980.00 0.00 1,980.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-50140 1,980.00 Salaries - Stipend 1,500.00 1,850.00 -350.00 -23.33 %1,850.0001-640-50145 1,500.00 Retirement 20,896.00 2,507.12 18,388.88 88.00 %1,750.0401-640-51200 20,896.00 Medical Insurance 10,742.00 1,478.80 9,263.20 86.23 %879.2001-640-51210 10,742.00 Dental Insurance 665.00 83.10 581.90 87.50 %55.4001-640-51215 665.00 Vision Insurance 90.00 11.28 78.72 87.47 %7.5201-640-51216 90.00 Life Insurance & Other 919.00 102.36 816.64 88.86 %68.2401-640-51218 919.00 Town Council Page 42 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 15 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Social Security Taxes 11,056.00 1,282.84 9,773.16 88.40 %898.4201-640-52220 11,056.00 Medicare Taxes 2,607.00 300.04 2,306.96 88.49 %210.1301-640-52225 2,607.00 Unemployment Taxes 428.00 20.52 407.48 95.21 %15.2001-640-52250 428.00 Workman's Compensation 447.00 0.00 447.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-52260 447.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:26,529.6018,409.85227,672.00 227,672.00 201,142.40 88.35 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Software & Support 189,530.50 59,147.70 130,382.80 68.79 %35,597.8001-640-60800 189,530.50 Security 1,350.00 0.00 1,350.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-60900 1,350.00 Schools & Training 4,170.00 0.00 4,170.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-63551 4,170.00 Telephone 10,988.00 906.56 10,081.44 91.75 %452.2601-640-64300 10,988.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 31,974.00 4,796.58 27,177.42 85.00 %2,473.2901-640-64400 31,974.00 Independent Labor 27,000.00 406.25 26,593.75 98.50 %0.0001-640-67000 27,000.00 Copier Rental/Lease 9,136.00 882.18 8,253.82 90.34 %437.8901-640-67150 9,136.00 Dues & Membership 360.00 0.00 360.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-68100 360.00 Travel & per diem 4,142.00 0.00 4,142.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-68200 4,142.00 Meetings 122.00 0.00 122.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-68600 122.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:66,139.2738,961.24278,772.50 278,772.50 212,633.23 76.27 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 721.00 42.57 678.43 94.10 %9.9901-640-70100 721.00 Printer Supplies 7,500.00 1,857.62 5,642.38 75.23 %1,857.6201-640-70200 7,500.00 Postage 250.00 0.00 250.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-70300 250.00 Uniforms 125.00 0.00 125.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-72100 125.00 Hardware 20,990.00 739.13 20,250.87 96.48 %739.1301-640-78600 20,990.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:2,639.322,606.7429,586.00 29,586.00 26,946.68 91.08 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Outlay 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-640-83700 15,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.0015,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 100.00 % Department: 640 - Information Services Total:95,308.1959,977.83551,030.50 551,030.50 455,722.31 82.70 % Department: 710 - Facilities Management Category: 60 - Purchased Services Electricity 25,000.00 918.65 24,081.35 96.33 %918.6501-710-64000 25,000.00 Water 7,800.00 217.46 7,582.54 97.21 %122.2001-710-64100 7,800.00 Insurance 58,971.00 64,873.56 -5,902.56 -10.01 %0.0001-710-65000 58,971.00 Building Maintenance 15,000.00 2,065.56 12,934.44 86.23 %1,317.1701-710-65200 15,000.00 Cleaning Services 25,150.00 2,859.00 22,291.00 88.63 %1,418.0001-710-65400 25,150.00 Kitchen Supplies 5,000.00 284.29 4,715.71 94.31 %92.7501-710-65800 5,000.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:71,218.523,868.77136,921.00 136,921.00 65,702.48 47.99 % Category: 70 - Supplies Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 100.00 %0.0001-710-78500 10,000.00 Maintenance Supplies 1,750.00 0.00 1,750.00 100.00 %0.0001-710-79100 1,750.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:0.000.0011,750.00 11,750.00 11,750.00 100.00 % Department: 710 - Facilities Management Total:71,218.523,868.77148,671.00 148,671.00 77,452.48 52.10 % Expense Total:1,440,263.85852,210.289,683,981.55 10,869,402.55 9,429,138.70 86.75 % Fund: 01 - GENERAL FUND Surplus (Deficit):-573,213.97-97,067.00-179,692.55 -179,692.55 -393,521.42 -219.00 % Fund: 03 - TAX NOTES 2010 Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 0.00 26.92 26.92 0.00 %13.5203-000-47000 0.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:26.9213.520.00 0.00 26.92 0.00 % Department: 000 - General Total:26.9213.520.00 0.00 26.92 0.00 % Revenue Total:26.9213.520.00 0.00 26.92 0.00 % Town Council Page 43 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 16 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Expense Department: 400 - Parks Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 41,000.00 0.00 41,000.00 100.00 %0.0003-400-83700 41,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.0041,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 100.00 % Department: 400 - Parks Total:0.000.0041,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 100.00 % Expense Total:0.000.0041,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 100.00 % Fund: 03 - TAX NOTES 2010 Surplus (Deficit):26.9213.52-41,000.00 -41,000.00 41,026.92 100.07 % Fund: 04 - CCPD FUND Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Sales Tax - CCPD 209,849.00 37,872.19 -171,976.81 81.95 %21,793.2104-000-40350 209,849.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:37,872.1921,793.21209,849.00 209,849.00 -171,976.81 81.95 % Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 100.00 25.90 -74.10 74.10 %3.5004-000-47000 100.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:25.903.50100.00 100.00 -74.10 74.10 % Department: 000 - General Total:37,898.0921,796.71209,949.00 209,949.00 -172,050.91 81.95 % Revenue Total:37,898.0921,796.71209,949.00 209,949.00 -172,050.91 81.95 % Expense Department: 251 - Police Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 24,000.00 3,000.00 21,000.00 87.50 %2,000.0004-251-60100 24,000.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:3,000.002,000.0024,000.00 24,000.00 21,000.00 87.50 % Category: 70 - Supplies Uniforms 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00 %0.0004-251-72100 5,000.00 Small Equipment 47,000.00 6,808.00 40,192.00 85.51 %0.0004-251-78400 47,000.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:6,808.000.0052,000.00 52,000.00 45,192.00 86.91 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 125,000.00 0.00 125,000.00 100.00 %0.0004-251-83700 125,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.00125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 100.00 % Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Transfer to Debt Service 149,975.00 0.00 149,975.00 100.00 %0.0004-251-99400 149,975.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:0.000.00149,975.00 149,975.00 149,975.00 100.00 % Department: 251 - Police Total:9,808.002,000.00350,975.00 350,975.00 341,167.00 97.21 % Expense Total:9,808.002,000.00350,975.00 350,975.00 341,167.00 97.21 % Fund: 04 - CCPD FUND Surplus (Deficit):28,090.0919,796.71-141,026.00 -141,026.00 169,116.09 119.92 % Fund: 05 - BOND FUND - GO 2010 PARKS Expense Department: 400 - Parks Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 0.00 15,366.43 -15,366.43 0.00 %0.0005-400-83700 0.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43 0.00 % Department: 400 - Parks Total:15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43 0.00 % Expense Total:15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43 0.00 % Fund: 05 - BOND FUND - GO 2010 PARKS Total:15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43 0.00 % Town Council Page 44 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 17 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fund: 07 - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Transfer In - Future Replacement Res…490,333.00 0.00 -490,333.00 100.00 %0.0007-000-49290 408,913.00 Budget Adjustments Number Date Description Adjustment 10/25/2016BA0000034 Budget Amendment #1 -81,420.00 Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Total:0.000.00408,913.00 490,333.00 -490,333.00 100.00 % Department: 000 - General Total:0.000.00408,913.00 490,333.00 -490,333.00 100.00 % Revenue Total:0.000.00408,913.00 490,333.00 -490,333.00 100.00 % Expense Department: 251 - Police Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 36,000.00 0.00 36,000.00 100.00 %0.0007-251-83700 36,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.0036,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 100.00 % Department: 251 - Police Total:0.000.0036,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 100.00 % Department: 255 - EMS Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 32,000.00 0.00 32,000.00 100.00 %0.0007-255-83700 32,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.0032,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 100.00 % Department: 255 - EMS Total:0.000.0032,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 100.00 % Department: 400 - Parks Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 247,402.00 0.00 247,402.00 100.00 %0.0007-400-83700 247,402.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.00247,402.00 247,402.00 247,402.00 100.00 % Department: 400 - Parks Total:0.000.00247,402.00 247,402.00 247,402.00 100.00 % Department: 450 - Recreation Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 45,300.00 0.00 45,300.00 100.00 %0.0007-450-83700 45,300.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.0045,300.00 45,300.00 45,300.00 100.00 % Department: 450 - Recreation Total:0.000.0045,300.00 45,300.00 45,300.00 100.00 % Department: 640 - Information Services Category: 70 - Supplies Hardware 0.00 1,880.00 -1,880.00 0.00 %0.0007-640-78400 0.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:1,880.000.000.00 0.00 -1,880.00 0.00 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Expenses 112,213.00 0.00 112,213.00 100.00 %0.0007-640-83700 112,213.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:0.000.00112,213.00 112,213.00 112,213.00 100.00 % Department: 640 - Information Services Total:1,880.000.00112,213.00 112,213.00 110,333.00 98.32 % Expense Total:1,880.000.00472,915.00 472,915.00 471,035.00 99.60 % Fund: 07 - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Surplus (Deficit):-1,880.000.00-64,002.00 17,418.00 -19,298.00 110.79 % Fund: 08 - TAX NOTES 2012 Expense Department: 140 - Manager's Office Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 143,803.00 0.00 143,803.00 100.00 %0.0008-140-60100 143,803.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00 100.00 % Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00 100.00 % Expense Total:0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00 100.00 % Fund: 08 - TAX NOTES 2012 Total:0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00 100.00 % Town Council Page 45 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 18 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fund: 09 - TROPHY CLUB PARK Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Park Revenues 165,000.00 30,296.00 -134,704.00 81.64 %17,182.0009-000-43350 165,000.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:30,296.0017,182.00165,000.00 165,000.00 -134,704.00 81.64 % Department: 000 - General Total:30,296.0017,182.00165,000.00 165,000.00 -134,704.00 81.64 % Revenue Total:30,296.0017,182.00165,000.00 165,000.00 -134,704.00 81.64 % Expense Department: 400 - Parks Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 19,094.00 1,700.60 17,393.40 91.09 %1,060.6509-400-50100 19,094.00 Social Security Taxes 1,184.00 105.43 1,078.57 91.10 %65.7609-400-52220 1,184.00 Medicare Taxes 277.00 24.66 252.34 91.10 %15.3809-400-52225 277.00 Unemployment Taxes 185.00 32.31 152.69 82.54 %20.1509-400-52250 185.00 Workman's Compensation 459.00 0.00 459.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-52260 459.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:1,863.001,161.9421,199.00 21,199.00 19,336.00 91.21 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-60100 2,500.00 Auditing 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-60200 1,000.00 Software & Support 4,212.00 2,698.20 1,513.80 35.94 %26.6009-400-60800 4,212.00 Advertising 625.00 75.58 549.42 87.91 %75.5809-400-63200 625.00 Printing 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-63250 1,000.00 Schools & Training 190.00 0.00 190.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-63551 190.00 Service Charges & Fees 9,000.00 1,723.38 7,276.62 80.85 %923.1409-400-63800 9,000.00 Electricity 2,800.00 131.75 2,668.25 95.29 %131.7509-400-64000 2,800.00 Water 4,225.00 497.24 3,727.76 88.23 %266.3609-400-64100 4,225.00 Telephone 1,900.00 202.37 1,697.63 89.35 %202.3709-400-64300 1,900.00 Communications /Pagers/Mobiles 933.00 -161.51 1,094.51 117.31 %69.2509-400-64400 933.00 Insurance 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 %0.0009-400-65000 1,200.00 Property Maintenance 10,500.00 6,131.16 4,368.84 41.61 %5,331.1609-400-65100 10,500.00 Equipment Maintenance 5,384.00 1,102.83 4,281.17 79.52 %0.0009-400-65350 5,384.00 Independent Labor 28,600.00 965.00 27,635.00 96.63 %0.0009-400-67000 28,600.00 Portable Toilets 8,400.00 921.27 7,478.73 89.03 %307.0909-400-67350 8,400.00 Dues & Membership 115.00 0.00 115.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-68100 115.00 Travel & per diem 150.00 0.00 150.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-68200 150.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:15,487.277,333.3082,734.00 82,734.00 67,246.73 81.28 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 1,044.00 0.00 1,044.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-70100 1,044.00 Postage 327.00 0.00 327.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-70300 327.00 Fuel 1,092.00 9.52 1,082.48 99.13 %9.5209-400-71000 1,092.00 Uniforms 670.00 0.00 670.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-72100 670.00 Community Events 8,200.00 2,861.27 5,338.73 65.11 %925.3409-400-76950 8,200.00 Small Tools 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-78200 1,400.00 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 2,999.00 0.00 2,999.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-78500 2,999.00 Maintenance Supplies 900.00 0.00 900.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-79100 900.00 Miscellaneous Expense 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-79999 300.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:2,870.79934.8616,932.00 16,932.00 14,061.21 83.05 % Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Park Administration Transfer 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 100.00 %0.0009-400-99200 20,000.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:0.000.0020,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 100.00 % Department: 400 - Parks Total:20,221.069,430.10140,865.00 140,865.00 120,643.94 85.65 % Expense Total:20,221.069,430.10140,865.00 140,865.00 120,643.94 85.65 % Fund: 09 - TROPHY CLUB PARK Surplus (Deficit):10,074.947,751.9024,135.00 24,135.00 -14,060.06 58.26 % Town Council Page 46 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 19 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fund: 10 - STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Sales Tax - Street Maintenance 223,754.00 38,441.30 -185,312.70 82.82 %22,294.2110-000-40350 223,754.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:38,441.3022,294.21223,754.00 223,754.00 -185,312.70 82.82 % Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 0.00 3.64 3.64 0.00 %3.6410-000-47000 0.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:3.643.640.00 0.00 3.64 0.00 % Department: 000 - General Total:38,444.9422,297.85223,754.00 223,754.00 -185,309.06 82.82 % Revenue Total:38,444.9422,297.85223,754.00 223,754.00 -185,309.06 82.82 % Expense Department: 360 - Streets Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 33,176.00 3,770.88 29,405.12 88.63 %2,513.9210-360-50100 33,176.00 Salaries - Overtime 0.00 31.42 -31.42 0.00 %31.4210-360-50130 0.00 Salaries - Longevity 145.00 0.00 145.00 100.00 %0.0010-360-50140 145.00 Salaries - Stipend 750.00 300.00 450.00 60.00 %300.0010-360-50145 750.00 Retirement 4,477.00 523.04 3,953.96 88.32 %362.7810-360-51200 4,477.00 Medical Insurance 7,857.00 1,369.31 6,487.69 82.57 %859.5410-360-51210 7,857.00 Dental Insurance 713.00 89.16 623.84 87.50 %59.4410-360-51215 713.00 Vision Insurance 69.00 8.58 60.42 87.57 %5.7210-360-51216 69.00 Life Insurance & Other 243.00 27.39 215.61 88.73 %18.2610-360-51218 243.00 Social Security Taxes 2,066.00 215.73 1,850.27 89.56 %150.6710-360-52220 2,066.00 Medicare Taxes 494.00 50.46 443.54 89.79 %35.2410-360-52225 494.00 Unemployment Taxes 171.00 0.00 171.00 100.00 %0.0010-360-52250 171.00 Workman's Compensation 2,014.00 0.00 2,014.00 100.00 %0.0010-360-52260 2,014.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:6,385.974,336.9952,175.00 52,175.00 45,789.03 87.76 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Vehicle Maintenance 3,700.00 25.50 3,674.50 99.31 %25.5010-360-65300 3,700.00 Street Maintenance 100,000.00 10,111.99 89,888.01 89.89 %2,169.9410-360-65500 100,000.00 Signs & Markings 15,000.00 5,327.06 9,672.94 64.49 %1,763.4010-360-65510 15,000.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:15,464.553,958.84118,700.00 118,700.00 103,235.45 86.97 % Category: 70 - Supplies Fuel 5,400.00 599.35 4,800.65 88.90 %-25.9710-360-71000 5,400.00 Small Tools 700.00 0.00 700.00 100.00 %0.0010-360-78200 700.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:599.35-25.976,100.00 6,100.00 5,500.65 90.17 % Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Transfer to Debt Service 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 100.00 %0.0010-360-99400 25,000.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:0.000.0025,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 100.00 % Department: 360 - Streets Total:22,449.878,269.86201,975.00 201,975.00 179,525.13 88.88 % Expense Total:22,449.878,269.86201,975.00 201,975.00 179,525.13 88.88 % Fund: 10 - STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX Surplus (Deficit):15,995.0714,027.9921,779.00 21,779.00 -5,783.93 26.56 % Fund: 11 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Storm Drainage Fees 427,406.00 104,776.83 -322,629.17 75.49 %34,173.4411-000-43250 427,406.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:104,776.8334,173.44427,406.00 427,406.00 -322,629.17 75.49 % Town Council Page 47 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 20 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 500.00 178.63 -321.37 64.27 %83.8811-000-47000 500.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:178.6383.88500.00 500.00 -321.37 64.27 % Department: 000 - General Total:104,955.4634,257.32427,906.00 427,906.00 -322,950.54 75.47 % Revenue Total:104,955.4634,257.32427,906.00 427,906.00 -322,950.54 75.47 % Expense Department: 365 - Drainage Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 36,400.00 1,264.30 35,135.70 96.53 %0.0011-365-60100 36,400.00 Engineering/Construction 80,000.00 0.00 80,000.00 100.00 %0.0011-365-60550 80,000.00 Trash Removal/Recycling 2,000.00 376.00 1,624.00 81.20 %0.0011-365-64201 2,000.00 Street Sweeping 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 100.00 %0.0011-365-65520 12,000.00 Independent Labor 22,000.00 1,650.00 20,350.00 92.50 %1,650.0011-365-67000 22,000.00 Dues & Membership 200.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 %0.0011-365-68100 200.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:3,290.301,650.00152,600.00 152,600.00 149,309.70 97.84 % Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Transfer Out 66,887.00 0.00 66,887.00 100.00 %0.0011-365-99400 66,887.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:0.000.0066,887.00 66,887.00 66,887.00 100.00 % Department: 365 - Drainage Total:3,290.301,650.00219,487.00 219,487.00 216,196.70 98.50 % Department: 601 - Debt Service Category: 90 - Debt Service Bond Interest - 2013 CO 31,775.00 0.00 31,775.00 100.00 %0.0011-601-91000 31,775.00 Category: 90 - Debt Service Total:0.000.0031,775.00 31,775.00 31,775.00 100.00 % Department: 601 - Debt Service Total:0.000.0031,775.00 31,775.00 31,775.00 100.00 % Expense Total:3,290.301,650.00251,262.00 251,262.00 247,971.70 98.69 % Fund: 11 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Surplus (Deficit):101,665.1632,607.32176,644.00 176,644.00 -74,978.84 42.45 % Fund: 12 - COURT TECHNOLOGY Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Municipal Court Technology Fees 4,000.00 600.59 -3,399.41 84.99 %227.3612-000-43120 4,000.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:600.59227.364,000.00 4,000.00 -3,399.41 84.99 % Department: 000 - General Total:600.59227.364,000.00 4,000.00 -3,399.41 84.99 % Revenue Total:600.59227.364,000.00 4,000.00 -3,399.41 84.99 % Expense Department: 261 - Court Technology Category: 60 - Purchased Services Software & Support 5,903.00 3,631.44 2,271.56 38.48 %75.0012-261-60800 5,903.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:3,631.4475.005,903.00 5,903.00 2,271.56 38.48 % Category: 70 - Supplies Hardware 2,230.00 0.00 2,230.00 100.00 %0.0012-261-78600 2,230.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:0.000.002,230.00 2,230.00 2,230.00 100.00 % Department: 261 - Court Technology Total:3,631.4475.008,133.00 8,133.00 4,501.56 55.35 % Expense Total:3,631.4475.008,133.00 8,133.00 4,501.56 55.35 % Fund: 12 - COURT TECHNOLOGY Surplus (Deficit):-3,030.85152.36-4,133.00 -4,133.00 1,102.15 26.67 % Town Council Page 48 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 21 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fund: 13 - COURT SECURITY Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Municipal Court Security Fees 3,000.00 450.42 -2,549.58 84.99 %170.5213-000-43110 3,000.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:450.42170.523,000.00 3,000.00 -2,549.58 84.99 % Department: 000 - General Total:450.42170.523,000.00 3,000.00 -2,549.58 84.99 % Revenue Total:450.42170.523,000.00 3,000.00 -2,549.58 84.99 % Expense Department: 271 - Court Security Category: 60 - Purchased Services Schools & Training 800.00 350.00 450.00 56.25 %0.0013-271-63551 800.00 Travel & per diem 1,494.00 0.00 1,494.00 100.00 %0.0013-271-68200 1,494.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:350.000.002,294.00 2,294.00 1,944.00 84.74 % Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Transfer to General Fund 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 100.00 %0.0013-271-99100 3,000.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:0.000.003,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 % Department: 271 - Court Security Total:350.000.005,294.00 5,294.00 4,944.00 93.39 % Expense Total:350.000.005,294.00 5,294.00 4,944.00 93.39 % Fund: 13 - COURT SECURITY Surplus (Deficit):100.42170.52-2,294.00 -2,294.00 2,394.42 104.38 % Fund: 15 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Sales Tax - General 447,509.00 76,882.59 -370,626.41 82.82 %44,588.4115-000-40300 447,509.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:76,882.5944,588.41447,509.00 447,509.00 -370,626.41 82.82 % Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 1,500.00 317.21 -1,182.79 78.85 %163.4815-000-47000 1,500.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:317.21163.481,500.00 1,500.00 -1,182.79 78.85 % Department: 000 - General Total:77,199.8044,751.89449,009.00 449,009.00 -371,809.20 82.81 % Revenue Total:77,199.8044,751.89449,009.00 449,009.00 -371,809.20 82.81 % Expense Department: 951 - EDC 4B Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Outside Services 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-60100 2,000.00 Auditing 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-60200 1,000.00 Advertising 4,200.00 0.00 4,200.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-63200 4,200.00 Printing 250.00 0.00 250.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-63250 250.00 Schools & Training 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-63551 1,000.00 Dues & Membership 1,050.00 0.00 1,050.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-68100 1,050.00 Travel & per diem 422.00 0.00 422.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-68200 422.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:0.000.009,922.00 9,922.00 9,922.00 100.00 % Category: 70 - Supplies Office Supplies 250.00 30.00 220.00 88.00 %30.0015-951-70100 250.00 Miscellaneous Expense 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 %0.0015-951-79999 3,500.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:3,530.0030.003,750.00 3,750.00 220.00 5.87 % Category: 80 - Capital EDC Projects 15,950.00 0.00 15,950.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-87150 15,950.00 Incentive Programs 206,820.00 23,460.16 183,359.84 88.66 %11,729.0815-951-87200 206,820.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:23,460.1611,729.08222,770.00 222,770.00 199,309.84 89.47 % Category: 90 - Debt Service Paying Agent Fee 400.00 0.00 400.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-92000 400.00 Category: 90 - Debt Service Total:0.000.00400.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 % Town Council Page 49 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 22 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Transfer to Debt Service 202,423.00 0.00 202,423.00 100.00 %0.0015-951-99400 202,423.00 Category: 99 - Other Financing Uses Total:0.000.00202,423.00 202,423.00 202,423.00 100.00 % Department: 951 - EDC 4B Total:26,990.1611,759.08439,265.00 439,265.00 412,274.84 93.86 % Expense Total:26,990.1611,759.08439,265.00 439,265.00 412,274.84 93.86 % Fund: 15 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B Surplus (Defici…50,209.6432,992.819,744.00 9,744.00 40,465.64 -415.29 % Fund: 16 - HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Hotel Occupancy Tax 443,400.00 83,504.47 -359,895.53 81.17 %46,075.1616-000-40400 443,400.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:83,504.4746,075.16443,400.00 443,400.00 -359,895.53 81.17 % Category: 43 - Fines & Fees 4th of July Revenue 5,000.00 3,694.00 -1,306.00 26.12 %0.0016-000-43315 5,000.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:3,694.000.005,000.00 5,000.00 -1,306.00 26.12 % Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 500.00 787.28 287.28 157.46 %406.4716-000-47000 500.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:787.28406.47500.00 500.00 287.28 57.46 % Department: 000 - General Total:87,985.7546,481.63448,900.00 448,900.00 -360,914.25 80.40 % Revenue Total:87,985.7546,481.63448,900.00 448,900.00 -360,914.25 80.40 % Expense Department: 370 - Hotel Occupancy Category: 50 - Personnel Services Salaries - Regular 81,702.00 8,885.97 72,816.03 89.12 %6,217.3216-370-50100 81,702.00 Salaries - Overtime 20,000.00 131.99 19,868.01 99.34 %131.9916-370-50130 20,000.00 Salaries - Longevity 521.00 0.00 521.00 100.00 %0.0016-370-50140 521.00 Salaries - Stipend 750.00 937.50 -187.50 -25.00 %937.5016-370-50145 750.00 Retirement 13,531.00 1,196.38 12,334.62 91.16 %856.1316-370-51200 13,531.00 Medical Insurance 8,733.00 802.81 7,930.19 90.81 %497.5316-370-51210 8,733.00 Dental Insurance 561.00 44.98 516.02 91.98 %31.1516-370-51215 561.00 Vision Insurance 62.00 6.13 55.87 90.11 %4.2416-370-51216 62.00 Life Insurance & Other 539.00 55.02 483.98 89.79 %38.8416-370-51218 539.00 Social Security Taxes 6,338.00 615.71 5,722.29 90.29 %450.6416-370-52220 6,338.00 Medicare Taxes 1,493.00 143.97 1,349.03 90.36 %105.3816-370-52225 1,493.00 Unemployment Taxes 214.00 19.22 194.78 91.02 %19.2216-370-52250 214.00 Workman's Compensation 1,962.00 0.00 1,962.00 100.00 %0.0016-370-52260 1,962.00 Category: 50 - Personnel Services Total:12,839.689,289.94136,406.00 136,406.00 123,566.32 90.59 % Category: 60 - Purchased Services Advertising 44,000.00 0.00 44,000.00 100.00 %0.0016-370-63200 44,000.00 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 0.00 446.11 -446.11 0.00 %227.8116-370-64400 0.00 Event Rentals 46,825.00 6,075.00 40,750.00 87.03 %6,075.0016-370-67300 46,825.00 Dues & Membership 3,100.00 0.00 3,100.00 100.00 %0.0016-370-68100 3,100.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:6,521.116,302.8193,925.00 93,925.00 87,403.89 93.06 % Category: 70 - Supplies July 4 Celebration 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 100.00 %0.0016-370-76700 27,000.00 Category: 70 - Supplies Total:0.000.0027,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 100.00 % Category: 80 - Capital Capital Outlay 380,000.00 6,345.37 373,654.63 98.33 %6,345.3716-370-83700 380,000.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:6,345.376,345.37380,000.00 380,000.00 373,654.63 98.33 % Department: 370 - Hotel Occupancy Total:25,706.1621,938.12637,331.00 637,331.00 611,624.84 95.97 % Expense Total:25,706.1621,938.12637,331.00 637,331.00 611,624.84 95.97 % Fund: 16 - HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX Surplus (Deficit):62,279.5924,543.51-188,431.00 -188,431.00 250,710.59 133.05 % Town Council Page 50 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 23 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Fund: 17 - RECREATION PROGRAMS Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Recreation Programs 8,000.00 815.00 -7,185.00 89.81 %800.0017-000-43300 8,000.00 Category: 43 - Fines & Fees Total:815.00800.008,000.00 8,000.00 -7,185.00 89.81 % Department: 000 - General Total:815.00800.008,000.00 8,000.00 -7,185.00 89.81 % Revenue Total:815.00800.008,000.00 8,000.00 -7,185.00 89.81 % Expense Department: 450 - Recreation Category: 60 - Purchased Services Recreation Program - Expenses 8,000.00 455.38 7,544.62 94.31 %167.3817-450-60100 8,000.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:455.38167.388,000.00 8,000.00 7,544.62 94.31 % Department: 450 - Recreation Total:455.38167.388,000.00 8,000.00 7,544.62 94.31 % Expense Total:455.38167.388,000.00 8,000.00 7,544.62 94.31 % Fund: 17 - RECREATION PROGRAMS Surplus (Deficit):359.62632.620.00 0.00 359.62 0.00 % Fund: 60 - TIRZ #1 Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Property Taxes TIRZ#1 80,174.00 0.00 -80,174.00 100.00 %0.0060-000-40100 80,174.00 Sales Tax - TIRZ#1 12,500.00 0.00 -12,500.00 100.00 %0.0060-000-40300 12,500.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:0.000.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -92,674.00 100.00 % Department: 000 - General Total:0.000.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -92,674.00 100.00 % Revenue Total:0.000.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -92,674.00 100.00 % Expense Department: 140 - Manager's Office Category: 80 - Capital Incentive Programs 0.00 7,268.02 -7,268.02 0.00 %0.0060-140-87200 0.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:7, 0.00 -7,268.02 0.00 % Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:7, 0.00 -7,268.02 0.00 % Expense Total:7, 0.00 -7,268.02 0.00 % Fund: 60 - TIRZ #1 Surplus (Deficit):-7,268.020.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -99,942.02 107.84 % Fund: 79 - DEBT SERVICE Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 40 - Taxes Property Taxes 1,878,696.00 95,595.15 -1,783,100.85 94.91 %84,835.6379-000-40100 1,878,696.00 Property Taxes/Delinquent 4,499.00 428.32 -4,070.68 90.48 %126.2979-000-40125 4,499.00 Property Taxes/Penalty & Interest 2,999.00 99.93 -2,899.07 96.67 %30.7479-000-40150 2,999.00 Category: 40 - Taxes Total:96,123.4084,992.661,886,194.00 1,886,194.00 -1,790,070.60 94.90 % Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 2,000.00 113.78 -1,886.22 94.31 %63.7579-000-47000 2,000.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:113.7863.752,000.00 2,000.00 -1,886.22 94.31 % Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Transfer In - Street Maintenance Sales…25,000.00 0.00 -25,000.00 100.00 %0.0079-000-49230 25,000.00 Transfer In - Storm Drainage 26,887.00 0.00 -26,887.00 100.00 %0.0079-000-49240 26,887.00 Tranfer In - CCPD 149,975.00 0.00 -149,975.00 100.00 %0.0079-000-49270 149,975.00 Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Total:0.000.00201,862.00 201,862.00 -201,862.00 100.00 % Department: 000 - General Total:96,237.1885,056.412,090,056.00 2,090,056.00 -1,993,818.82 95.40 % Revenue Total:96,237.1885,056.412,090,056.00 2,090,056.00 -1,993,818.82 95.40 % Town Council Page 51 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 24 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Percent Remaining Current Total Budget Period Activity Original Total Budget Expense Department: 601 - Debt Service Category: 90 - Debt Service Bond Principal 1,263,000.00 0.00 1,263,000.00 100.00 %0.0079-601-90000 1,263,000.00 Bond Interest 696,678.00 0.00 696,678.00 100.00 %0.0079-601-91000 696,678.00 Paying Agent Fees 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 100.00 %0.0079-601-92000 7,500.00 Category: 90 - Debt Service Total:0.000.001,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 100.00 % Department: 601 - Debt Service Total:0.000.001,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 100.00 % Expense Total:0.000.001,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 100.00 % Fund: 79 - DEBT SERVICE Surplus (Deficit):96,237.1885,056.41122,878.00 122,878.00 -26,640.82 21.68 % Fund: 89 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Revenue Department: 000 - General Category: 47 - Investment Income Interest Income 10,000.00 12,609.15 2,609.15 126.09 %6,093.6489-000-47000 10,000.00 Category: 47 - Investment Income Total:12,609.156,093.6410,000.00 10,000.00 2,609.15 26.09 % Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Bond Proceeds 7,000,000.00 0.00 -7,000,000.00 100.00 %0.0089-000-49004 7,000,000.00 Transfer In 250,000.00 86,590.90 -163,409.10 65.36 %86,590.9089-000-49220 250,000.00 Category: 49 - Other Financing Sources Total:86,590.9086,590.907,250,000.00 7,250,000.00 -7,163,409.10 98.81 % Department: 000 - General Total:99,200.0592,684.547,260,000.00 7,260,000.00 -7,160,799.95 98.63 % Revenue Total:99,200.0592,684.547,260,000.00 7,260,000.00 -7,160,799.95 98.63 % Expense Department: 140 - Manager's Office Category: 60 - Purchased Services Professional Services 0.00 21,006.18 -21,006.18 0.00 %10,519.0089-140-60100 0.00 Category: 60 - Purchased Services Total:21,006.1810,519.000.00 0.00 -21,006.18 0.00 % Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:21,006.1810,519.000.00 0.00 -21,006.18 0.00 % Department: 360 - Streets Category: 80 - Capital Construction 9,816,900.00 145,178.45 9,671,721.55 98.52 %145,178.4589-360-83750 9,816,900.00 Engineering 0.00 5,361.05 -5,361.05 0.00 %5,361.0589-360-86300 0.00 Category: 80 - Capital Total:150,539.50150,539.509,816,900.00 9,816,900.00 9,666,360.50 98.47 % Department: 360 - Streets Total:150,539.50150,539.509,816,900.00 9,816,900.00 9,666,360.50 98.47 % Department: 611 - Finance Category: 90 - Debt Service Bond Issuance Cost 125,000.00 0.00 125,000.00 100.00 %0.0089-611-93100 125,000.00 Category: 90 - Debt Service Total:0.000.00125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 100.00 % Department: 611 - Finance Total:0.000.00125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 100.00 % Expense Total:171,545.68161,058.509,941,900.00 9,941,900.00 9,770,354.32 98.27 % Fund: 89 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Surplus (Deficit):-72,345.63-68,373.96-2,681,900.00 -2,681,900.00 2,609,554.37 97.30 % Report Surplus (Deficit):52,304.71 -308,066.27-2,998,427.55 -2,917,007.55 2,608,941.28 89.44 % Town Council Page 52 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 25 of 32 Group Summary Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining Fund: 01 - GENERAL FUND Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 475,958.04369,682.777,086,026.00 7,086,026.00 -6,610,067.96 93.28 % 41 - Licenses & Permits 155,902.3977,960.301,538,998.00 1,538,998.00 -1,383,095.61 89.87 % 42 - Intergovernmental 108,406.0048,974.000.00 713,184.00 -604,778.00 84.80 % 43 - Fines & Fees 37,573.3823,094.67361,907.00 361,907.00 -324,333.62 89.62 % 44 - Charges for Services 61,156.1539,613.37279,964.00 752,201.00 -691,044.85 91.87 % 45 - Rents 3,965.96175,422.20101,644.00 101,644.00 -97,678.04 96.10 % 46 - Contributions and Donations 155.0055.0017,000.00 17,000.00 -16,845.00 99.09 % 47 - Investment Income 4,634.20929.3530,000.00 30,000.00 -25,365.80 84.55 % 49 - Other Financing Sources 0.000.0063,000.00 63,000.00 -63,000.00 100.00 % 51 - Miscellaneous 19,298.7619,411.6225,750.00 25,750.00 -6,451.24 25.05 % 867,049.88755,143.289,504,289.00 10,689,710.00 -9,822,660.12Department: 000 - General Total:91.89 % 867,049.88755,143.289,504,289.00 10,689,710.00 -9,822,660.12Revenue Total:91.89 % Expense Department: 000 - General 99 - Other Financing Uses 86,590.9086,590.90658,913.00 740,333.00 653,742.10 88.30 % 86,590.9086,590.90658,913.00 740,333.00 653,742.10Department: 000 - General Total:88.30 % Department: 140 - Manager's Office 50 - Personnel Services 49,491.5434,736.27619,236.00 619,236.00 569,744.46 92.01 % 60 - Purchased Services 12,057.768,857.38129,136.00 129,136.00 117,078.24 90.66 % 70 - Supplies 3,312.082,202.0744,177.00 44,177.00 40,864.92 92.50 % 80 - Capital 0.000.009,425.00 9,425.00 9,425.00 100.00 % 64,861.3845,795.72801,974.00 801,974.00 737,112.62Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:91.91 % Department: 160 - Legal 60 - Purchased Services 8,500.008,500.00122,000.00 122,000.00 113,500.00 93.03 % 70 - Supplies 653.57571.008,663.00 8,663.00 8,009.43 92.46 % 9,153.579,071.00130,663.00 130,663.00 121,509.43Department: 160 - Legal Total:92.99 % Department: 251 - Police 50 - Personnel Services 209,636.47140,717.662,056,122.00 2,056,122.00 1,846,485.53 89.80 % 60 - Purchased Services 21,443.359,352.89159,300.00 159,300.00 137,856.65 86.54 % 70 - Supplies 11,262.454,643.3172,830.00 72,830.00 61,567.55 84.54 % 80 - Capital 872.97872.9729,200.00 29,200.00 28,327.03 97.01 % 243,215.24155,586.832,317,452.00 2,317,452.00 2,074,236.76Department: 251 - Police Total:89.51 % Department: 255 - EMS 50 - Personnel Services 93,615.7263,414.23840,582.00 840,582.00 746,966.28 88.86 % 60 - Purchased Services 10,528.751,143.7292,581.75 92,581.75 82,053.00 88.63 % 70 - Supplies 6,715.182,648.4557,478.00 57,478.00 50,762.82 88.32 % 110,859.6567,206.40990,641.75 990,641.75 879,782.10Department: 255 - EMS Total:88.81 % Department: 256 - Fire 50 - Personnel Services 93,699.4363,409.560.00 838,663.00 744,963.57 88.83 % 60 - Purchased Services 49,726.382,870.950.00 138,551.00 88,824.62 64.11 % 70 - Supplies 4,075.831,197.630.00 73,451.00 69,375.17 94.45 % 80 - Capital 53,336.00 53,336.00 100.00 % 147,501.6467,478.140.00 1,104,001.00 956,499.36Department: 256 - Fire Total:86.64 % Department: 360 - Streets 50 - Personnel Services 28,976.4720,144.59242,793.00 242,793.00 213,816.53 88.07 % 60 - Purchased Services 13,378.2912,898.04176,098.00 176,098.00 162,719.71 92.40 % 70 - Supplies 939.81907.235,040.00 5,040.00 4,100.19 81.35 % 43,294.5733,949.86423,931.00 423,931.00 380,636.43Department: 360 - Streets Total:89.79 % Department: 400 - Parks 50 - Personnel Services 90,191.3163,195.45843,587.00 843,587.00 753,395.69 89.31 % Town Council Page 53 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 26 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining 60 - Purchased Services 97,403.0757,265.22572,557.00 572,557.00 475,153.93 82.99 % 70 - Supplies 6,410.513,500.1442,780.00 42,780.00 36,369.49 85.02 % 80 - Capital 171,956.2965,334.00132,500.00 132,500.00 -39,456.29 -29.78 % 365,961.18189,294.811,591,424.00 1,591,424.00 1,225,462.82Department: 400 - Parks Total:77.00 % Department: 450 - Recreation 50 - Personnel Services 25,101.5418,416.34420,190.00 420,190.00 395,088.46 94.03 % 60 - Purchased Services 10,257.716,584.03113,187.30 113,187.30 102,929.59 90.94 % 70 - Supplies 4,756.494,051.4059,685.00 59,685.00 54,928.51 92.03 % 80 - Capital 0.000.0040,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 100.00 % 40,115.7429,051.77633,062.30 633,062.30 592,946.56Department: 450 - Recreation Total:93.66 % Department: 460 - Community Events 60 - Purchased Services 7,592.953,648.5333,812.00 33,812.00 26,219.05 77.54 % 70 - Supplies 3,088.543,088.5412,366.00 12,366.00 9,277.46 75.02 % 10,681.496,737.0746,178.00 46,178.00 35,496.51Department: 460 - Community Events Total:76.87 % Department: 522 - Community Development 50 - Personnel Services 60,806.0739,843.35506,801.00 506,801.00 445,994.93 88.00 % 60 - Purchased Services 4,326.913,212.51140,584.00 140,584.00 136,257.09 96.92 % 70 - Supplies 925.79636.078,835.00 8,835.00 7,909.21 89.52 % 66,058.7743,691.93656,220.00 656,220.00 590,161.23Department: 522 - Community Development Total:89.93 % Department: 611 - Finance 50 - Personnel Services 38,197.9226,715.30303,870.00 303,870.00 265,672.08 87.43 % 60 - Purchased Services 13,196.714,530.15143,288.00 143,288.00 130,091.29 90.79 % 70 - Supplies 295.9385.224,620.00 4,620.00 4,324.07 93.59 % 51,690.5631,330.67451,778.00 451,778.00 400,087.44Department: 611 - Finance Total:88.56 % Department: 615 - Municipal Court 50 - Personnel Services 9,499.926,621.0874,721.00 74,721.00 65,221.08 87.29 % 60 - Purchased Services 600.00300.008,654.00 8,654.00 8,054.00 93.07 % 70 - Supplies 45.780.00400.00 400.00 354.22 88.56 % 10,145.706,921.0883,775.00 83,775.00 73,629.30Department: 615 - Municipal Court Total:87.89 % Department: 630 - Human Resources 50 - Personnel Services 17,753.9712,492.84159,393.00 159,393.00 141,639.03 88.86 % 60 - Purchased Services 5,756.323,164.6638,175.00 38,175.00 32,418.68 84.92 % 70 - Supplies 96.460.00700.00 700.00 603.54 86.22 % 23,606.7515,657.50198,268.00 198,268.00 174,661.25Department: 630 - Human Resources Total:88.09 % Department: 640 - Information Services 50 - Personnel Services 26,529.6018,409.85227,672.00 227,672.00 201,142.40 88.35 % 60 - Purchased Services 66,139.2738,961.24278,772.50 278,772.50 212,633.23 76.27 % 70 - Supplies 2,639.322,606.7429,586.00 29,586.00 26,946.68 91.08 % 80 - Capital 0.000.0015,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 100.00 % 95,308.1959,977.83551,030.50 551,030.50 455,722.31Department: 640 - Information Services Total:82.70 % Department: 710 - Facilities Management 60 - Purchased Services 71,218.523,868.77136,921.00 136,921.00 65,702.48 47.99 % 70 - Supplies 0.000.0011,750.00 11,750.00 11,750.00 100.00 % 71,218.523,868.77148,671.00 148,671.00 77,452.48Department: 710 - Facilities Management Total:52.10 % 1,440,263.85852,210.289,683,981.55 10,869,402.55 9,429,138.70Expense Total:86.75 % -573,213.97-97,067.00-179,692.55 -179,692.55 -393,521.42Fund: 01 - GENERAL FUND Surplus (Deficit):-219.00 % Fund: 03 - TAX NOTES 2010 Revenue Department: 000 - General 47 - Investment Income 26.9213.520.00 0.00 26.92 0.00 % 26.9213.520.00 0.00 26.92Department: 000 - General Total:0.00 % 26.9213.520.00 0.00 26.92Revenue Total:0.00 % Town Council Page 54 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 27 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining Expense Department: 400 - Parks 80 - Capital 0.000.0041,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 100.00 % 0.000.0041,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00Department: 400 - Parks Total:100.00 % 0.000.0041,000.00 41,000.00 41,000.00Expense Total:100.00 % 26.9213.52-41,000.00 -41,000.00 41,026.92Fund: 03 - TAX NOTES 2010 Surplus (Deficit):100.07 % Fund: 04 - CCPD FUND Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 37,872.1921,793.21209,849.00 209,849.00 -171,976.81 81.95 % 47 - Investment Income 25.903.50100.00 100.00 -74.10 74.10 % 37,898.0921,796.71209,949.00 209,949.00 -172,050.91Department: 000 - General Total:81.95 % 37,898.0921,796.71209,949.00 209,949.00 -172,050.91Revenue Total:81.95 % Expense Department: 251 - Police 60 - Purchased Services 3,000.002,000.0024,000.00 24,000.00 21,000.00 87.50 % 70 - Supplies 6,808.000.0052,000.00 52,000.00 45,192.00 86.91 % 80 - Capital 0.000.00125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 100.00 % 99 - Other Financing Uses 0.000.00149,975.00 149,975.00 149,975.00 100.00 % 9,808.002,000.00350,975.00 350,975.00 341,167.00Department: 251 - Police Total:97.21 % 9,808.002,000.00350,975.00 350,975.00 341,167.00Expense Total:97.21 % 28,090.0919,796.71-141,026.00 -141,026.00 169,116.09Fund: 04 - CCPD FUND Surplus (Deficit):119.92 % Fund: 05 - BOND FUND - GO 2010 PARKS Expense Department: 400 - Parks 80 - Capital 15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43 0.00 % 15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43Department: 400 - Parks Total:0.00 % 15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43Expense Total:0.00 % 15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43Fund: 05 - BOND FUND - GO 2010 PARKS Total:0.00 % Fund: 07 - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Revenue Department: 000 - General 49 - Other Financing Sources 0.000.00408,913.00 490,333.00 -490,333.00 100.00 % 0.000.00408,913.00 490,333.00 -490,333.00Department: 000 - General Total:100.00 % 0.000.00408,913.00 490,333.00 -490,333.00Revenue Total:100.00 % Expense Department: 251 - Police 80 - Capital 0.000.0036,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 100.00 % 0.000.0036,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00Department: 251 - Police Total:100.00 % Department: 255 - EMS 80 - Capital 0.000.0032,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 100.00 % 0.000.0032,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00Department: 255 - EMS Total:100.00 % Department: 400 - Parks 80 - Capital 0.000.00247,402.00 247,402.00 247,402.00 100.00 % 0.000.00247,402.00 247,402.00 247,402.00Department: 400 - Parks Total:100.00 % Department: 450 - Recreation 80 - Capital 0.000.0045,300.00 45,300.00 45,300.00 100.00 % 0.000.0045,300.00 45,300.00 45,300.00Department: 450 - Recreation Total:100.00 % Department: 640 - Information Services 70 - Supplies 1,880.000.000.00 0.00 -1,880.00 0.00 % Town Council Page 55 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 28 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining 80 - Capital 0.000.00112,213.00 112,213.00 112,213.00 100.00 % 1,880.000.00112,213.00 112,213.00 110,333.00Department: 640 - Information Services Total:98.32 % 1,880.000.00472,915.00 472,915.00 471,035.00Expense Total:99.60 % -1,880.000.00-64,002.00 17,418.00 -19,298.00Fund: 07 - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Surplus (Deficit):110.79 % Fund: 08 - TAX NOTES 2012 Expense Department: 140 - Manager's Office 60 - Purchased Services 0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00 100.00 % 0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:100.00 % 0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00Expense Total:100.00 % 0.000.00143,803.00 143,803.00 143,803.00Fund: 08 - TAX NOTES 2012 Total:100.00 % Fund: 09 - TROPHY CLUB PARK Revenue Department: 000 - General 43 - Fines & Fees 30,296.0017,182.00165,000.00 165,000.00 -134,704.00 81.64 % 30,296.0017,182.00165,000.00 165,000.00 -134,704.00Department: 000 - General Total:81.64 % 30,296.0017,182.00165,000.00 165,000.00 -134,704.00Revenue Total:81.64 % Expense Department: 400 - Parks 50 - Personnel Services 1,863.001,161.9421,199.00 21,199.00 19,336.00 91.21 % 60 - Purchased Services 15,487.277,333.3082,734.00 82,734.00 67,246.73 81.28 % 70 - Supplies 2,870.79934.8616,932.00 16,932.00 14,061.21 83.05 % 99 - Other Financing Uses 0.000.0020,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 100.00 % 20,221.069,430.10140,865.00 140,865.00 120,643.94Department: 400 - Parks Total:85.65 % 20,221.069,430.10140,865.00 140,865.00 120,643.94Expense Total:85.65 % 10,074.947,751.9024,135.00 24,135.00 -14,060.06Fund: 09 - TROPHY CLUB PARK Surplus (Deficit):58.26 % Fund: 10 - STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 38,441.3022,294.21223,754.00 223,754.00 -185,312.70 82.82 % 47 - Investment Income 3.643.640.00 0.00 3.64 0.00 % 38,444.9422,297.85223,754.00 223,754.00 -185,309.06Department: 000 - General Total:82.82 % 38,444.9422,297.85223,754.00 223,754.00 -185,309.06Revenue Total:82.82 % Expense Department: 360 - Streets 50 - Personnel Services 6,385.974,336.9952,175.00 52,175.00 45,789.03 87.76 % 60 - Purchased Services 15,464.553,958.84118,700.00 118,700.00 103,235.45 86.97 % 70 - Supplies 599.35-25.976,100.00 6,100.00 5,500.65 90.17 % 99 - Other Financing Uses 0.000.0025,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 100.00 % 22,449.878,269.86201,975.00 201,975.00 179,525.13Department: 360 - Streets Total:88.88 % 22,449.878,269.86201,975.00 201,975.00 179,525.13Expense Total:88.88 % 15,995.0714,027.9921,779.00 21,779.00 -5,783.93Fund: 10 - STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX Surplus (Deficit):26.56 % Fund: 11 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Revenue Department: 000 - General 43 - Fines & Fees 104,776.8334,173.44427,406.00 427,406.00 -322,629.17 75.49 % 47 - Investment Income 178.6383.88500.00 500.00 -321.37 64.27 % 104,955.4634,257.32427,906.00 427,906.00 -322,950.54Department: 000 - General Total:75.47 % 104,955.4634,257.32427,906.00 427,906.00 -322,950.54Revenue Total:75.47 % Expense Department: 365 - Drainage 60 - Purchased Services 3,290.301,650.00152,600.00 152,600.00 149,309.70 97.84 % Town Council Page 56 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 29 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining 99 - Other Financing Uses 0.000.0066,887.00 66,887.00 66,887.00 100.00 % 3,290.301,650.00219,487.00 219,487.00 216,196.70Department: 365 - Drainage Total:98.50 % Department: 601 - Debt Service 90 - Debt Service 0.000.0031,775.00 31,775.00 31,775.00 100.00 % 0.000.0031,775.00 31,775.00 31,775.00Department: 601 - Debt Service Total:100.00 % 3,290.301,650.00251,262.00 251,262.00 247,971.70Expense Total:98.69 % 101,665.1632,607.32176,644.00 176,644.00 -74,978.84Fund: 11 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY Surplus (Deficit):42.45 % Fund: 12 - COURT TECHNOLOGY Revenue Department: 000 - General 43 - Fines & Fees 600.59227.364,000.00 4,000.00 -3,399.41 84.99 % 600.59227.364,000.00 4,000.00 -3,399.41Department: 000 - General Total:84.99 % 600.59227.364,000.00 4,000.00 -3,399.41Revenue Total:84.99 % Expense Department: 261 - Court Technology 60 - Purchased Services 3,631.4475.005,903.00 5,903.00 2,271.56 38.48 % 70 - Supplies 0.000.002,230.00 2,230.00 2,230.00 100.00 % 3,631.4475.008,133.00 8,133.00 4,501.56Department: 261 - Court Technology Total:55.35 % 3,631.4475.008,133.00 8,133.00 4,501.56Expense Total:55.35 % -3,030.85152.36-4,133.00 -4,133.00 1,102.15Fund: 12 - COURT TECHNOLOGY Surplus (Deficit):26.67 % Fund: 13 - COURT SECURITY Revenue Department: 000 - General 43 - Fines & Fees 450.42170.523,000.00 3,000.00 -2,549.58 84.99 % 450.42170.523,000.00 3,000.00 -2,549.58Department: 000 - General Total:84.99 % 450.42170.523,000.00 3,000.00 -2,549.58Revenue Total:84.99 % Expense Department: 271 - Court Security 60 - Purchased Services 350.000.002,294.00 2,294.00 1,944.00 84.74 % 99 - Other Financing Uses 0.000.003,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 % 350.000.005,294.00 5,294.00 4,944.00Department: 271 - Court Security Total:93.39 % 350.000.005,294.00 5,294.00 4,944.00Expense Total:93.39 % 100.42170.52-2,294.00 -2,294.00 2,394.42Fund: 13 - COURT SECURITY Surplus (Deficit):104.38 % Fund: 15 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 76,882.5944,588.41447,509.00 447,509.00 -370,626.41 82.82 % 47 - Investment Income 317.21163.481,500.00 1,500.00 -1,182.79 78.85 % 77,199.8044,751.89449,009.00 449,009.00 -371,809.20Department: 000 - General Total:82.81 % 77,199.8044,751.89449,009.00 449,009.00 -371,809.20Revenue Total:82.81 % Expense Department: 951 - EDC 4B 60 - Purchased Services 0.000.009,922.00 9,922.00 9,922.00 100.00 % 70 - Supplies 3,530.0030.003,750.00 3,750.00 220.00 5.87 % 80 - Capital 23,460.1611,729.08222,770.00 222,770.00 199,309.84 89.47 % 90 - Debt Service 0.000.00400.00 400.00 400.00 100.00 % 99 - Other Financing Uses 0.000.00202,423.00 202,423.00 202,423.00 100.00 % 26,990.1611,759.08439,265.00 439,265.00 412,274.84Department: 951 - EDC 4B Total:93.86 % 26,990.1611,759.08439,265.00 439,265.00 412,274.84Expense Total:93.86 % 50,209.6432,992.819,744.00 9,744.00 40,465.64Fund: 15 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B Surplus (Defici…-415.29 % Town Council Page 57 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 30 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining Fund: 16 - HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 83,504.4746,075.16443,400.00 443,400.00 -359,895.53 81.17 % 43 - Fines & Fees 3,694.000.005,000.00 5,000.00 -1,306.00 26.12 % 47 - Investment Income 787.28406.47500.00 500.00 287.28 57.46 % 87,985.7546,481.63448,900.00 448,900.00 -360,914.25Department: 000 - General Total:80.40 % 87,985.7546,481.63448,900.00 448,900.00 -360,914.25Revenue Total:80.40 % Expense Department: 370 - Hotel Occupancy 50 - Personnel Services 12,839.689,289.94136,406.00 136,406.00 123,566.32 90.59 % 60 - Purchased Services 6,521.116,302.8193,925.00 93,925.00 87,403.89 93.06 % 70 - Supplies 0.000.0027,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 100.00 % 80 - Capital 6,345.376,345.37380,000.00 380,000.00 373,654.63 98.33 % 25,706.1621,938.12637,331.00 637,331.00 611,624.84Department: 370 - Hotel Occupancy Total:95.97 % 25,706.1621,938.12637,331.00 637,331.00 611,624.84Expense Total:95.97 % 62,279.5924,543.51-188,431.00 -188,431.00 250,710.59Fund: 16 - HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX Surplus (Deficit):133.05 % Fund: 17 - RECREATION PROGRAMS Revenue Department: 000 - General 43 - Fines & Fees 815.00800.008,000.00 8,000.00 -7,185.00 89.81 % 815.00800.008,000.00 8,000.00 -7,185.00Department: 000 - General Total:89.81 % 815.00800.008,000.00 8,000.00 -7,185.00Revenue Total:89.81 % Expense Department: 450 - Recreation 60 - Purchased Services 455.38167.388,000.00 8,000.00 7,544.62 94.31 % 455.38167.388,000.00 8,000.00 7,544.62Department: 450 - Recreation Total:94.31 % 455.38167.388,000.00 8,000.00 7,544.62Expense Total:94.31 % 359.62632.620.00 0.00 359.62Fund: 17 - RECREATION PROGRAMS Surplus (Deficit):0.00 % Fund: 60 - TIRZ #1 Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 0.000.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -92,674.00 100.00 % 0.000.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -92,674.00Department: 000 - General Total:100.00 % 0.000.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -92,674.00Revenue Total:100.00 % Expense Department: 140 - Manager's Office 80 - Capital 7, 0.00 -7,268.02 0.00 % 7, 0.00 -7,268.02Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:0.00 % 7, 0.00 -7,268.02Expense Total:0.00 % -7,268.020.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -99,942.02Fund: 60 - TIRZ #1 Surplus (Deficit):107.84 % Fund: 79 - DEBT SERVICE Revenue Department: 000 - General 40 - Taxes 96,123.4084,992.661,886,194.00 1,886,194.00 -1,790,070.60 94.90 % 47 - Investment Income 113.7863.752,000.00 2,000.00 -1,886.22 94.31 % 49 - Other Financing Sources 0.000.00201,862.00 201,862.00 -201,862.00 100.00 % 96,237.1885,056.412,090,056.00 2,090,056.00 -1,993,818.82Department: 000 - General Total:95.40 % 96,237.1885,056.412,090,056.00 2,090,056.00 -1,993,818.82Revenue Total:95.40 % Expense Department: 601 - Debt Service 90 - Debt Service 0.000.001,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 100.00 % Town Council Page 58 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 31 of 32 Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Period ActivityCategor… Current Total Budget Original Total Budget Percent Remaining 0.000.001,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.00Department: 601 - Debt Service Total:100.00 % 0.000.001,967,178.00 1,967,178.00 1,967,178.00Expense Total:100.00 % 96,237.1885,056.41122,878.00 122,878.00 -26,640.82Fund: 79 - DEBT SERVICE Surplus (Deficit):21.68 % Fund: 89 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Revenue Department: 000 - General 47 - Investment Income 12,609.156,093.6410,000.00 10,000.00 2,609.15 26.09 % 49 - Other Financing Sources 86,590.9086,590.907,250,000.00 7,250,000.00 -7,163,409.10 98.81 % 99,200.0592,684.547,260,000.00 7,260,000.00 -7,160,799.95Department: 000 - General Total:98.63 % 99,200.0592,684.547,260,000.00 7,260,000.00 -7,160,799.95Revenue Total:98.63 % Expense Department: 140 - Manager's Office 60 - Purchased Services 21,006.1810,519.000.00 0.00 -21,006.18 0.00 % 21,006.1810,519.000.00 0.00 -21,006.18Department: 140 - Manager's Office Total:0.00 % Department: 360 - Streets 80 - Capital 150,539.50150,539.509,816,900.00 9,816,900.00 9,666,360.50 98.47 % 150,539.50150,539.509,816,900.00 9,816,900.00 9,666,360.50Department: 360 - Streets Total:98.47 % Department: 611 - Finance 90 - Debt Service 0.000.00125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 100.00 % 0.000.00125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00Department: 611 - Finance Total:100.00 % 171,545.68161,058.509,941,900.00 9,941,900.00 9,770,354.32Expense Total:98.27 % -72,345.63-68,373.96-2,681,900.00 -2,681,900.00 2,609,554.37Fund: 89 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Surplus (Deficit):97.30 % Report Surplus (Deficit):52,304.71 -308,066.27-2,998,427.55 -2,917,007.55 2,608,941.28 89.44 % Town Council Page 59 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Budget Report For Fiscal: 2016-2017 Period Ending: 11/30/2016 1/16/2017 9:05:02 AM Page 32 of 32 Fund Summary Fiscal Activity Variance Favorable (Unfavorable)Fund Period Activity Current Total Budget Original Total Budget 01 - GENERAL FUND -573,213.97-97,067.00-179,692.55 -179,692.55 -393,521.42 03 - TAX NOTES 2010 26.9213.52-41,000.00 -41,000.00 41,026.92 04 - CCPD FUND 28,090.0919,796.71-141,026.00 -141,026.00 169,116.09 05 - BOND FUND - GO 2010 PARKS -15,366.430.000.00 0.00 -15,366.43 07 - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND -1,880.000.00-64,002.00 17,418.00 -19,298.00 08 - TAX NOTES 2012 0.000.00-143,803.00 -143,803.00 143,803.00 09 - TROPHY CLUB PARK 10,074.947,751.9024,135.00 24,135.00 -14,060.06 10 - STREET MAINTENANCE SALES TAX 15,995.0714,027.9921,779.00 21,779.00 -5,783.93 11 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY 101,665.1632,607.32176,644.00 176,644.00 -74,978.84 12 - COURT TECHNOLOGY -3,030.85152.36-4,133.00 -4,133.00 1,102.15 13 - COURT SECURITY 100.42170.52-2,294.00 -2,294.00 2,394.42 15 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B 50,209.6432,992.819,744.00 9,744.00 40,465.64 16 - HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX 62,279.5924,543.51-188,431.00 -188,431.00 250,710.59 17 - RECREATION PROGRAMS 359.62632.620.00 0.00 359.62 60 - TIRZ #1 -7,268.020.0092,674.00 92,674.00 -99,942.02 79 - DEBT SERVICE 96,237.1885,056.41122,878.00 122,878.00 -26,640.82 89 - CAPITAL PROJECTS -72,345.63-68,373.96-2,681,900.00 -2,681,900.00 2,609,554.37 Report Surplus (Deficit):52,304.71 -308,066.27-2,998,427.55 -2,917,007.55 2,608,941.28 Town Council Page 60 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-08-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club ordering and calling a General Election to be held on May 6, 2017 for the purpose of electing one (1) mayor and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 1 and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 2 on the Trophy Club Town Council, each for a term of three (3) years respectively and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Calling May Election.pdf ORD 2017-03 Calling May 2017 General Election.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 4: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club ordering and calling a General Election to be held on May 6, 2017 for the purpose of electing one (1) mayor and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 1 and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 2 on the Trophy Club Town Council, each for a term of three (3) years respectively and providing an effective date (Staff). Town Council Page 61 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 1 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Re: Calling the May 6, 2017 General Election Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club ordering and calling a General Election to be held on May 6, 2017 for the purpose of electing one (1) mayor and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 1 and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 2 on the Trophy Club Town Council, each for a term of three (3) years respectively and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: The Ordinance orders the May 6, 2017 General Election. Once Denton County and Tarrant County provide the Town with their Joint Election Contracts, Council will be able to consider them and, as the Ordinance allows, attach them as exhibits to this Ordinance. Attachment: • ORD 2017-03 Calling May 2017 General Election Town Council Page 62 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ORDERING AND CALLING A JOINT GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB (“TOWN”) TO BE HELD ON MAY 6, 2017 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING ONE (1) MAYOR FOR A THREE (3) YEAR TERM AND ONE (1) COUNCIL MEMBER FOR PLACE NO. 1 AND ONE (1) COUNCIL MEMBER FOR PLACE NO. 2 TO THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR A THREE (3) YEAR TERM EACH; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; SPECIFYING THE DATE OF ELECTION; SPECIFYING THE PURPOSE OF THE ELECTION; SPECIFYING ELIGIBILITY FOR CANDIDACY; PROVIDING FOR AN APPLICATION FOR A PLACE ON THE BALLOT FOR THE JOINT GENERAL ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR A RUNOFF ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGE AND AN ALTERNATE PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGE; ESTABLISHING OTHER PROCEDURES FOR CONDUCTING THE ELECTION; ESTABLISHING A DATE FOR CANVASSING RETURNS; PROVIDING FOR NECESSARY ACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION OF A JOINT ELECTION BY BOTH TARRANT COUNTY AND DENTON COUNTY; PROVIDING AN AGREEMENT WITH DENTON COUNTY AND AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH TARRANT COUNTY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE ELECTION; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 41.001 (a)(2) of the Texas Election Code establishes the first Saturday in May as a Uniform Election Date for the purposes of conducting a Joint General Election; and WHEREAS, Section 3.004 of the Texas Election Code provides that the governing body of a municipality shall be the authority to order a Joint General Election; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds and declares that the meeting at which this Ordinance is considered is open to the public as required by law, and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of such meeting was given as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to and hereby calls a Joint General Election for the purpose of electing one (1) Mayor for a three (3) year term and one (1) Council Member for Place No. 1 and one (1) Council Member for Place No. 2 for a three (3) year term each; and Town Council Page 63 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 2 of 11 WHEREAS, Section 3.005 of the Texas Election Code provides that an election ordered by an authority of a municipality shall be ordered not later than the 78th day before Election Day; and WHEREAS, because the Town of Trophy Club is located in both Denton County and Tarrant County, the Town will enter into an Election Services Contract with Denton County and an Election Services Contract with Tarrant County so that those entities will provide election services for Denton County and Tarrant County residents of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS, the Election shall be conducted in accordance with the Code under the jurisdiction of the Denton County Elections Administration (the “Denton County Elections Administrator”) pursuant to an Election Services Contract (the “Contract”) by and among Denton County Elections Administration (“DCEA”), and other participating entities, if any, described in a Contract between the Town and Denton County, a copy of which Contract will be incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” upon its final approval and execution by the Town; and WHEREAS, the Election shall be conducted in accordance with the Code under the jurisdiction of the Tarrant County Elections Administration (the “Tarrant County Elections Administrator”) pursuant to an Election Services Contract (the “Contract”) by and among Tarrant County Elections Administration (“TCEA”), and other participating entities, if any, described in the Contract between the Town and Tarrant County. Tarrant County has advised the Town that it will not submit a contract for Election Services until sometime during the month of April when the determination of participating entities and cost per entity is available. Upon Town Council approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County, a copy of that agreement shall be incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit “B”; and WHEREAS, Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code provides that an election order and the election notice must state the location of the main early voting polling place; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that upon the canvassing of the returns of the May 6, 2017 election, this Ordinance and election order, shall be enacted as set forth in this Ordinance; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES All of the above premises are true and correct and are hereby incorporated in the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Town Council Page 64 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 3 of 11 All resident, qualified voters of the Town shall be eligible to vote at the Election. SECTION 2. DATE OF ELECTION It is hereby ordered that a Joint General Election (collectively the "Election") shall be held in and throughout the Town of Trophy Club on Saturday, May 6, 2017 using a combined ballot. SECTION 3. PURPOSE OF ELECTION General Election. The purpose of the Joint General Election is to elect one (1) Mayor for a three (3) year term and one (1) Council Members for Place No. 1 and one (1) Council member for Place No. 2, each for a three (3) year term on the Town of Trophy Club Town Council; SECTION 4. ELIGIBILITY FOR CANDIDACY As set forth in Section 141.001 of the Texas Election Code, no person shall be eligible for a public elective office of this state, unless that person is a United States citizen, has not been determined mentally incompetent by a final judgment of a court, has not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities, and has resided continuously in the State of Texas for twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of the regular filing deadline for the candidate’s application for a candidate whose name is to appear on the general election ballot, or the date of the election at which the candidate’s name is written in for a write in candidate. Additional requirements are set forth in Article III, Section 3.02, of the Trophy Club Town Charter and are as follows: (a) Each person who becomes a candidate for Mayor or Council member shall meet the following qualifications: (1) be at least eighteen (18) years of age on the first day of the form to be filed; (2) be a citizen of the United States; (3) be a qualified voter of the Town; (4) reside and have resided for at least twelve (12) months preceding the election within the corporate limits of the Town; (5) no candidate may file for more than one office or position number per election; (6) no employee of the Town shall continue in such position after becoming a candidate for a Town elective office; and, (7) If any sitting Council member files to become a candidate for another public office, he shall resign his current seat upon filing for the new office. Town Council Page 65 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 4 of 11 SECTION 5. APPLICATION FOR A PLACE ON THE BALLOT General Election. For the purpose of the May 6, 2017 Joint General Election and pursuant to Section 143.007 of the Texas Election Code, any eligible and qualified person may have that person's name printed upon the official ballot as a candidate for the office hereinbefore set forth by filing the person's sworn application with the Town Secretary not earlier than January 18, 2017 and not later than 5:00 p.m. on February 17, 2017. Each such application shall be on a form as prescribed by the Texas Election Code. The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing by the Town Secretary as provided by Section 52.094 of the Texas Election Code. Notice of the time and place for such drawing shall be given in accordance with Section 52.094(c) and (d) of the Texas Election Code. SECTION 6. RUNOFF ELECTION If no candidate receives a majority of all votes cast for all of the candidates for his or her office at such election as required to be lawfully elected, there shall be a runoff election held. The runoff election shall be conducted as required by the Town Charter and the Texas Election Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the runoff election date has tentatively been set for June 10, 2017. SECTION 7. VOTING PRECINCTS The voting precincts for the Election are designated by their respective county precinct numbers. The proposed times and locations of early voting for Denton County and Tarrant County are set forth in Exhibit “C”, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Exhibit “C” shall be amended to include the final schedule of times and locations of early voting for both Town of Trophy Club Denton and Tarrant County residents upon announcement by the Denton County Elections Administrator and the Tarrant County Administrator. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the early voting times and locations set forth in Exhibit “C” may be changed without further action of the Town Council if so directed by the Elections Administrator for Denton County or the Elections Administrator for Tarrant County. In addition to the early voting polling locations within the Town, all Denton County Trophy Club voters may vote at all early voting polling locations as designated and maintained by Denton County throughout the County. Tarrant County Trophy Club voters may only vote at all early voting polling locations as designated and maintained by Tarrant County throughout the County. The Denton and Tarrant County Elections Administrators are hereby authorized and directed to make such changes in polling locations as may be necessary for the proper Town Council Page 66 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 5 of 11 conduct of the Election. Each polling place shall be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. SECTION 8. ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION 8.1 Denton County. The Denton County Elections Administrator, Frank Phillips, is hereby appointed as Denton County Early Voting Clerk for the Election. Deputy early voting judges/clerks will be appointed as needed to process early voting mail and to conduct early voting. Early voting by mail shall be conducted in conformance with the requirements of the Code. Ballot applications and ballots voted by mail shall be sent to: Early Voting Clerk, 701 Kimberly Drive, Suite A101, Denton, Texas 76208. The Elections Administrator and/or the Early Voting Clerk are hereby authorized to appoint the members of the Early Voting Ballot Board and the presiding judge and alternate judge in accordance with the requirements of the Code. Early voting by personal appearance shall be conducted at the times on the dates and at the locations designated on Exhibit “C” hereto. The main early voting polling place is hereby designated to be 701 Kimberly Drive, Suite A101, Denton, Texas 76208. Early voting shall be conducted by the Early Voting Clerk, at the main early voting polling location listed above, and at the locations designated on Exhibit “C” hereto; such locations may be changed or additional early voting locations may be added by the Denton County Elections Administrator, without further action of the Town Council, as is necessary for the proper conduct of the Election. 8.2 Tarrant County. The Tarrant County Elections Administrator, Stephen Vickers, is hereby appointed as Tarrant County Early Voting Clerk for the Election. Deputy early voting judges/clerks will be appointed as needed to process early voting mail and to conduct early voting. Early voting by mail shall be conducted in conformance with the requirements of the Code. Ballot applications and ballots voted by mail shall be sent to: Early Voting Clerk, 2700 Premier Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76111. The Elections Administrator and/or the Early Voting Clerk are hereby authorized to appoint the members of the Early Voting Ballot Board and the presiding judge and alternate judge in accordance with the requirements of the Code. Early voting by personal appearance shall be conducted at the times on the dates and at the locations designated on Exhibit “C” hereto. The main early voting polling place is hereby designated to be Tarrant County Election Center, 2700 Premier Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76111. Early voting shall be conducted by the Early Voting Clerk, at the main early voting polling location listed above, and at the locations designated on Exhibit “C” hereto; such locations may be changed or additional early voting locations may be added by the Tarrant County Elections Administrator, without further action of the Town Council, as is necessary for the proper conduct of the Election. Town Council Page 67 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 6 of 11 SECTION 9. COMPENSATION Compensation for election judges and alternate judges for their service in the Election shall be determined by the Denton County Elections Administrator and the Tarrant County Elections Administrator. E-slate, a Direct Record Electronic (DRE) System shall be used for early voting by personal appearance, and in the May 6, 2017 election at Denton County and Tarrant County Polling Sites. Paper ballots, which are optically scanned, shall be used for early voting by mail. In the May 6, 2017 election, the Denton County and the Tarrant County Elections Administrator shall cause ballots to be prepared in the form of the ballot first above prescribed, being in both English and Spanish, and shall furnish election officials such ballots, in such form, together with any other forms or blanks, in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Trophy Club, the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and any amendments thereto, insofar as same are applicable. SECTION 10. EARLY VOTING In addition to the early voting polling location located within the Town, Trophy Club Denton County voters may vote at all early voting polling locations as designated and maintained by Denton County throughout the County per the Joint Election Agreement and Contract for Election Services with Denton County. Trophy Club Tarrant County voters may only vote at the early voting polling location designated and maintained by the Tarrant County Elections Administrator throughout the County. SECTION 11. ELECTION MATERIALS The election materials enumerated in the Code shall be printed in both English and Spanish for use at the polling places and for early voting for the Election and provisions shall be made for oral assistance to Spanish-speaking voters. SECTION 12. ELECTION RETURNS The election officers shall make returns for the Election in the manner required by law, and the ballots that are properly marked in conformance with the provisions of the Code for votes cast both during the period of early voting and on the day of the Election shall be counted in the manner required by law. Town Council Page 68 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 7 of 11 SECTION 13. NOTICE OF ELECTION PUBLICATION Notice of the Election shall be given by posting a notice containing a substantial copy of this Ordinance in both English and Spanish at the Town Hall on the bulletin board used for posting notices of the meetings of the Town Council and by publication of said notice one time in a newspaper of general circulation published within the Town, the date of the publication to be not earlier than the 30th day or later than the 10th day before election day. SECTION 14. CANVASS OF ELECTION Pursuant to Section 67.002 of the Texas Election Code, the Town Council will canvass the Election not earlier than May 9, 2017 and not later than May 17, 2017. Notice of the time and place for canvass shall be posted on the official bulletin board in the same manner as required by the Open Meetings Act for other Town Council meetings in accordance with the Chapter 551 of the Local Government Code. SECTION 15. VOTING RIGHTS ACT The Mayor and the Town Secretary of the Town, in consultation with the Town Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code and the Federal Voting Rights Act in carrying out and conducting the Election, whether or not expressly authorized herein. SECTION 16. SEVERABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intent of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council without incorporation of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 17. ELECTION CONTRACTS The Town Manager or the Town Manager’s designee is authorized to amend or supplement any and all contracts for the administration of the May 6, 2017 Election to the extent required for the Election to be conducted in an efficient and legal manner as determined by the Denton County and/or Tarrant County Elections Administrator. Upon Town Council Page 69 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 8 of 11 approval by the Town Council, a Joint Election Agreement between the Town and the Denton County Elections Department shall be incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit “A”. Upon approval by the Town Council, a Joint Election Agreement between the Town and the Tarrant County Elections Department shall be incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit “B”. SECTION 18. ENGROSSMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance as required by the Town Charter. SECTION 19. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 24th day of January 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 70 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 9 of 11 EXHIBIT A JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS and DENTON COUNTY Incorporated By Reference Town Council Page 71 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 10 of 11 EXHIBIT B JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS and TARRANT COUNTY Incorporated By Reference Town Council Page 72 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-03 Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT C NOTICE FOR EARLY VOTING Incorporated By Reference Trophy Club Denton County voters may only vote at the early voting polling locations as designated and maintained by Denton County throughout the County. Trophy Club Tarrant County voters may only vote at the early voting polling locations as designated and maintained by Tarrant County throughout the County. The Order of Election will be amended at a later date to include early voting sites added due to joint elections with other political subdivisions. Denton County Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at: Locations designated by Denton County: Monday, April 24 Tuesday, April 25 Wednesday, April 26 Thursday, April 27 Friday, April 28 Saturday, April 29 Monday, May 1 Tuesday, May 2 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tarrant County Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at: Locations designated by Tarrant County: Monday, April 24 Tuesday, April 25 Wednesday, April 26 Thursday, April 27 Friday, April 28 Saturday, April 29 Sunday, April 30 Monday, May 1 Tuesday, May 2 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Town Council Page 73 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-10-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Service Contract by and between the Town and the Crime Control and Prevention District providing for an increase in the payment contribution from the Crime Control and Prevention District for the debt associated with the series 2016 Certificates of Obligation; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - CCPD ILA.pdf Service Contract.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 5: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Service Contract by and between the Town and the Crime Control and Prevention District providing for an increase in the payment contribution from the Crime Control and Prevention District for the debt associated with the series 2016 Certificates of Obligation; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Town Council Page 74 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: CCPD Service Contract Town Council Meeting, January 24th, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Service Contract by and between the Town and the Crime Control and Prevention District providing for an increase in the payment contribution from the Crime Control and Prevention District for the debt associated with the series 2016 Certificates of Obligation; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Explanation: In May 2016 the Town issued $4.21M in Certificates of Obligation of which $2.26M was for the purpose of assisting in the construction of the police department portion of the new Town Hall. Both the Town Council and CCPD Board agreed that CCPD would reimburse the Town for the portion related to the Town Hall construction and this service contract formalizes that mutual agreement. Originally, Staff anticipated being able to issue $2M with an annual debt service payment of $150,000 per year for 20 years for a total of $3M paid from the CCPD. The Town’s AA+ credit rating along with an advantageous market allowed the debt issuance to far exceed those expectations. The par amount of the bonds was $2.26M, total interest was $727,675, and the average overall annual payment is $149,384. In addition, the CCPD portion of the debt netted a premium on the sale of $143,261 which resulted in total proceeds after issuance costs of $2,348,575. Attachments: • Partially executed Service Agreement Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of the service contract as presented. Town Council Page 75 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 SERVICE CONTRACT THIS SERVICE CONTRACT ("Contract") executed by and between the Town of Trophy Club, a home rule municipality located within Denton and Tarrant Counties (hereinafter "Town") and Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District (hereinafter "CCPD"). WITNESS ETH WHEREAS, in 2016, the Town issued a certificates of obligation (hereinafter "2016 Bond Issuance") of which $2,260,000 was for the purpose of constructing and equipping police station (hereinafter "Project"); and WHEREAS, the CCPD and Police Department are anticipated to benefit greatly from the completion of the Project; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto find it necessary and appropriate to enter into this Contract to evidence the duties and responsibilities of the respective parties for the continued debt seNice of the Project; and. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein made, and subject to the conditions herein set forth, the Town and the CCPD agree as follows: I. Incorporation of Findings/Premises The foregoing findings and premises are found to be true and correct and are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Contract for all purposes. Terms and expressions used in this Contract, unless the context shows clearly otherwise, shall have meanings set forth herein, including terms defined in the foregoing Premises. 11. Obligations of CCPD I Effective Date and Term 2.1. Obligations of CCPD. CCPD shall pay an amount not to exceed $2,987,675.13 (TWO MILLION NINE HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE AND 13/100 DOLLARS) over the term of this Contract, which amount includes both principal and interest, in semi-annual installments as set forth in Exhibit "A" and subject to the terms of this Contract. A copy of Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The first payment shall be due on March 1, 2017, and all payments hereunder shall be subject to CCPD's annual budgeting and appropriations, and shall be subordinate to and subject to the requirements for CCPD's bond resolutions, if any, authorizing CCPD bonds. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that CCPD desires to fund other eligible projects authorized by state law, and its' obligations under this Contract would preclude or inhibit its participation in such other eligible projects, the Town agrees that it will consider Town Council Page 76 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 waiving, forbearing, or otherwise delaying the payment date of one or more payments by CCPD under this Contract and/or reducing the amount of or excusing one or more of CCPD's payment obligations hereunder as Town determines appropriate to allow CCPD to fund an eligible project. 2.2. Effective Date and Term. The effective date of this Contract shall be the date of last signature below, after approval by the respective governing body of each party hereto. The term of this Contract shall be for a period of twenty (20) years from the effective date; provided however, If a waiver, extension, or forbearance of payment date or a waiver or reduction of payment is authorized by Town in accordance with Section 2.01 above, the term of this Contract shall automatically be extended by the period for which the waiver, extension, or forbearance of payment date is granted. Section Ill. Consideration The parties agree that sufficient consideration for this Contract exists and is found in the agreements of the Parties set forth above and other good and valuable consideration paid and received pursuant to this Contract. Each of the parties hereto shall make such payments only from current revenues legally available to the paying party, and each agrees that the promises and obligations herein are fair and equitable. Section IV. Termination and Release/Non-Waiver Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, upon final payment to Town, this Contract shall automatically terminate without further action being required of the Parties. All rights, remedies and privileges permitted or available to any party under this Contract or at law or equity shall be cumulative and not alternative, and the election by a party of any such right, remedy or privilege shall not constitute a waiver or exclusive election of rights, remedies or privileges with respect to any other permitted or available right, remedy or privilege for that party. Additionally, one instance of forbearance by the any party in the enforcement of any such right, remedy or privilege against another party, shall not constitute a waiver of any other or such right, remedy or privilege by the forbearing party. A default by any party under this Contract shall not result in a forfeiture of any rights, remedies, or privileges under this Contract by such defaulting party. V. Severability In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract shall for any reason be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Contract, and this Contract shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been included in this Contract. Service Contract 2016 Certificates of Obligation for CCPD Page 2 of 5 Town Council Page 77 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 VI. Amendment/Modification/Assignment This Contract may not be amended, modified, or assigned unless such amendment, modification, or assignment is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each of the parties hereto. Additionally, any such amendment, modification, or assignment signed by the parties shall only be valid if done pursuant to the vote of the respective governing body of each party authorizing such amendment to, modification to or assignment of this Contract. VII. Construction of Document This Contract is a negotiated document and shall be deemed drafted equally by all Parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Contract shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. VIII. Immunity The fact that the parties individually and/or collectively accept certain responsibilities relating to Project under this Contract or any previous contract relative to the subject matter of this Contract as part of their rights, obligations and responsibilities as an entity makes it imperative that the performance of the obligations imposed under this Contract be recognized as governmental functions and that the doctrine of governmental immunity shall be, and it is hereby, invoked to the extent possible under the law. Neither party hereto waives any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising from the exercise of governmental powers and functions. IX. Force Majeure Neither Town nor CCPD shall be required to perform any term, condition, or covenant in the Contract so long as performance is delayed or prevented by force majeure, which shall mean acts of God, strikes, lockouts, material or labor restrictions by any governmental authority, civil riots, floods, and any other cause not reasonably within the control of CCPD or Town and which by the exercise of due diligence CCPD or Town is unable, wholly or in part, to prevent or overcome. X. Entire Agreement This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether oral or written, covering the same subject matter. This Contract may not be modified or amended except in writing mutually approved in accordance with the express terms herein. Service Contract 2016 Certificates of Obligation for CCPD Page 3 of 5 Town Council Page 78 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 XI. Applicable Law I Venue This · Contract is entered into under and made pursuant to, and is to be construed and enforceable in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Exclusive venue for any action to enforce or construe this Contract shall lie in Denton County, Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation and the Town, acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this Contract to be duly executed by the respective parties and shall become effective on the date of the last signature hereto. Date: Date: ATTEST: Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary TROPHY CLUB CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT ~£ir, ~D Board TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS C. Nick Sanders, Mayor J. David Dodd Ill Town Attorney Service Contract 2016 Certificates of Obligation for CCPD Page 4 of 5 Town Council Page 79 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit "A" Trophy Club Crime Control and Prevention District Payment Schedule for Retirement of 2016 Certificates of Obligation The payment schedule below illustrates the semi-annual amount due for the payment of $2,987,675.13. The principal amount ($2,260,000) plus interest ($727,675.13) is to be paid over 20 years in accordance with the Town's debt payment schedule on March 1st and September 1st each year. Date Principal Interest Total March 1, 2017 $ 53,109.38 $ 53,109.38 September 1, 2017 $ 65,000.00 $ 31,865.63 $ 96,865.63 March 1, 2018 $ 31,215.63 $ 31,215.63 September 1, 2018 $ 85,000.00 $ 31,215.63 $ 116,215.63 March 1, 2019 $ 29,940.63 $ 29,940.63 September 1, 2019 $ 90,000.00 $ 29,940.63 $ 119,940.63 March 1, 2020 $ 28,140.63 $ 28,140.63 September 1, 2020 $ 95,000.00 $ 28,140.63 $ 123,140.63 March 1, 2021 $ 26,240.63 $ 26,240.63 September 1, 2021 $ 95,000.00 $ 26,240.63 $ 121,240.63 March 1, 2022 $ 24,340.63 $ 24,340.63 September 1, 2022 $ 105,000.00 $ 24,340.63 $ 129,340.63 March 1, 2023 $ 22,765.63 $ 22,765.63 September 1, 2023 $ 105,000.00 $ 22,765.63 $ 127,765.63 March 1, 2024 $ 21,190.63 $ 21,190.63 September 1, 2024 $ 110,000.00 $ 21,190.63 $ 131,190.63 March 1, 2025 $ 19,540.63 $ 19,540.63 September 1, 2025 $ 110,000.00 $ 19,540.63 $ 129,540.63 March 1, 2026 $ 17,890.63 $ 17,890.63 September 1, 2026 $ 110,000.00 $ 17,890.63 $ 127,890.63 March 1, 2027 $ 16,515.63 $ 16,515.63 September 1, 2027 $ 115,000.00 $ 16,515.63 $ 131,515.63 March 1, 2028 $ 15,293.75 $ 15,293.75 September 1, 2028 $ 115,000.00 $ 15,293.75 $ 130,293.75 March 1, 2029 $ 14,071.88 $ 14,071.88 September 1, 2029 $ 120,000.00 $ 14,071.88 $ 134,071.88 March 1, 2030 $ 12,721.88 $ 12,721.88 September 1, 2030 $ 125,000.00 $ 12,721.88 $ 137,721.88 March 1, 2031 $ 11,237.50 $ 11,237.50 September 1, 2031 $ 125,000.00 $ 11,237.50 $ 136,237.50 March 1, 2032 $ 9,675.00 $ 9,675.00 September 1, 2032 $ 135,000.00 $ 9,675.00 $ 144,675.00 March 1, 2033 $ 7,987.50 $ 7,987.50 September 1, 2033 $ 135,000.00 $ 7,987.50 $ 142,987.50 March 1, 2034 $ 6,131.25 $ 6,131.25 September 1, 2034 $ 135,000.00 $ 6,131.25 $ 141,131.25 March 1, 2035 $ 4,275.00 $ 4,275.00 September 1, 2035 $ 140,000.00 $ 4,275.00 $ 144,275.00 March 1, 2036 $ 2,175.00 $ 2,175.00 September 1, 2036 $ 145,000.00 $ 2,175.00 $ 147,175.00 Total $ 2,260,000.00 $ 727,675.13 $ 2,987,675.13 Service Contract 2016 Certificates of Obligation for CCPD Page 5 of 5 Town Council Page 80 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-11-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Case RP-16-002 (SH114 ROW, Tract A-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of -way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - RP-16-002 – SH 114 ROW, Tract A-R.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 6: Case RP-16-002 (SH114 ROW, Tract A-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Town Council Page 81 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Lisa Reich, Town Planner CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: RP-16-002 – SH114 ROW, Tract A-R Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Case RP-16-002 (SH114 ROW, Tract A-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right - of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Request: The applicant, Town of Trophy Club, is requesting approval of a replat for the purpose of declaring right-of-way (ROW) on Town property so the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has the legal ability to build the sound wall required by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This proposal does not affect property lines or location of easements. Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. Location: The subject property is located north of SH114, south of Lake Forest Village subdivision, west of Lake Cities Church of Christ, and east of the PD-30 property. Zoning: The subject property is currently zoned R-12, but is not capable of developing as such. The sound wall will be allowed by-right. History: The final plat, Lake Forest Village, Phase Three, which included our subject property, Tract A, plus 44 residential lots, was recorded on December 17, 1979. The final plat shows Tract A running along SH114 and containing a 35’ utility easement. Town Council Page 82 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Staff Review: Approval of the proposed replat will enable TxDOT to start construction on the coming sound wall that has become necessary due to the noise pollution caused by SH114. Declaration of right-of-way on this land abutting residential lots is needed for an entity such as TxDOT to legally build a structure for this purpose. The subject property will remain in the Town’s name and is proposed to be declared as Town ROW; TxDOT is not taking ownership of this property, as noted on the replat. There is an existing 35’ utility easement that is being used by several utility companies that will remain in place. Additional easements may be present on the subject property, but not shown, as it is not required for a surveyor to research easements that have been independently created since the time of the final plat recording. TxDOT is working closely with the utility companies to ensure there is no future interruption of service. TxDOT is eager to start construction once this replat is recorded with Denton and Tarrant Counties. Staff Recommendation: The proposed replat has been reviewed for compliance with the Town’s Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommends approval. Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this request on January 5, 2017. There was discussion regarding the location of other possible easements and ownership of the land. A motion was made to recommend approval of the Replat, subject to obtaining information of other possible easements and making a note on the plat that the subject property is not changing ownership, by a vote of five (5) in favor to one (1) opposed. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Proposed Replat • Exhibit C – Recorded Final Plat Town Council Page 83 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit A Town Council Page 84 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 E x h i b i t B Town Council P a g e 8 5 o f 1 6 0 M e e t i n g D a t e : T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 Exhibit C Town Council Page 86 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-12-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Case RP-16-003 (SH114 ROW, Tract C-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of -way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - RP-16-003 – SH114 ROW, Tract CR.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 7: Case RP-16-003 (SH114 ROW, Tract C-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Town Council Page 87 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Lisa Reich, Town Planner CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: RP-16-003 – SH114 ROW, Tract C-R Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Case RP-16-003 (SH114 ROW, Tract C-R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right - of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of declaring right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Request: The applicant, Town of Trophy Club, is requesting approval of a replat for the purpose of declaring right-of-way (ROW) on Town property so the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has the legal ability to build the sound wall required by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This proposal does not affect property lines or location of easements. Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. Location: The subject property is located north of SH114, south of Trophy Club, Section 8 subdivision, west of 7-Eleven, and east of Walgreen’s. Zoning: The subject property is currently zoned R-9, but is not capable of developing as such. The sound wall will be allowed by-right. History: The final plat, Trophy Club, Section 8, which included our subject property, Tract C, plus 98 residential lots, was recorded on October 3, 1977. The final plat shows Tract C running along SH114 and containing a 35’ utility easement. Town Council Page 88 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Staff Review: Approval of the proposed replat will enable TxDOT to start construction on the coming sound wall that has become necessary due to the noise pollution caused by SH114. Tract C has been broken into two tracts (CR-1 & CR-2) to ensure ROW declaration is only granted where necessary, in an effort to leave the tract to the west (CR-1) as is, considering it is consumed by floodway. Declaration of ROW on Tract CR-2, which abuts residential lots, is needed for an entity such as TxDOT to legally build a structure for this purpose. The length of Tract CR-2 is directly correlated to the length of the future sound wall. The entire subject property will remain in the Town’s name, but only Tract CR-2 is proposed to be declared as Town ROW; TxDOT is not taking ownership of this property, as noted on the replat. There is an existing 35’ utility easement that is being used by several utility companies that will remain in place. Additional easements may be present on the subject property, but not shown, as it is not required for a surveyor to research easements that have been independently created since the time of the final plat recording. TxDOT is working closely with the utility companies to ensure there is no future interruption of service. TxDOT is eager to start construction once this replat is recorded with Denton County. Staff Recommendation: The proposed replat has been reviewed for compliance with the Town’s Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommends approval. Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this request on January 5, 2017. There was discussion regarding the location of other possible easements, ownership of the land, and ROW declaration in the floodway. A motion was made to recommend approval of the Replat, subject to obtaining information of other possible easements, making a note on the plat that the subject property is not changing ownership, and separating the floodway from the declared ROW, by a vote of six (6) in favor to zero (0) opposed. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Proposed Replat • Exhibit C – Recorded Final Plat Town Council Page 89 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit A Town Council Page 90 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 E x h i b i t B Town Council P a g e 9 1 o f 1 6 0 M e e t i n g D a t e : T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 Exhibit C Town Council Page 92 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-13-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Case PD-AMD-16-053 (PD-21 Window Signage) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - PD-AMD-16-053 – PD-21 Window Signage.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf ORD 2017-04 PD21 Window Signage.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 8: Case PD-AMD-16-053 (PD-21 Window Signage) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). Town Council Page 93 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 3 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Lisa Reich, Town Planner CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: PD-AMD-16-053 – PD-21 Window Signage Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Case PD-AMD-16-053 (PD-21 Window Signage) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). Request: The applicant, Sunwest Real Estate Group, is requesting approval to amend the sign package controlling the PD-21 properties. The request includes allowing LED “OPEN” signs and window signage as permitted by the Code of Ordinances. History: The subject property is zoned PD-21 and includes Walgreen’s, Bank of America, Tom Thumb, and many smaller businesses in a retail strip center. The original PD was approved by Town Council on July 6, 1999, but has been amended several times for various reasons. However, the ordinance has only been amended once before for signage revisions. In 2013, the ordinance was revised to allow LED signage at Tom Thumb fuel center and to allow taller monument signs. Current Conditions and Zoning: The applicant wishes to amend the ordinance to allow the businesses on the subject property to use LED “OPEN” signs and to be able to install window signage that covers up to 25% of the total window square footage, just as the Code of Ordinances allows (see Exhibit D - Signage Criteria Table). The reason for this request is due to tenants’ concern that customers cannot tell if the businesses are open or closed. Permission to add the business name and hours of operation are a common request. Section B(7)(b) and Section B(7)(e) of the PD 21 development standards state: Town Council Page 94 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 2 of 3 b. “LED Signage – Allowed for Tom Thumb fuel signage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. No other LED signage is allowed in the Plaza Shopping Center without approval of the Town Council upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission.” e. “No signage and/or advertising of any type shall be displayed in window areas of any building. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening.” The applicant requests that the language be revised to say: b. “LED Signage – Allowed for Tom Thumb fuel signage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage, not to exceed one per business, shall also be permitted and calculated as window signage, per the Code of Ordinances, for all other businesses, including the use of “OPEN” signs. Chasing, blinking, strobing, moving, and changing lights are prohibited on all LED signs. LED string lights are strictly prohibited. Exposed neon is strictly prohibited.” (Deletion of the sentence prohibiting other businesses to have LED signage and addition of permitted LED sign use in windows, subject to restrictions.) e. “No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening.” (Deletion of the first sentence prohibiting window signage.) After discussion at the January 5, 2017 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission requests that the language be revised to say: b. “LED Signage – Allowed for Tom Thumb fuel signage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013.” (Deletion of the original sentence in the approved PD, prohibiting other businesses to have LED signage, and deletion of the applicant’s requested language allowing LED signage.) Town Council Page 95 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 3 of 3 e. “No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening.” (Deletion of the first sentence prohibiting window signage, as agreed upon by the Commission and applicant.) i. “No other illuminated/LED window signage is allowed in the Plaza Shopping Center without approval of the Town Council upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Non-illuminated window signs meeting the applicable ordinance of the Town are allowed.” (Addition of entire Section B(7)(i) to clearly prohibit illuminated/LED window signage without authority of Town Council, and to allow non-illuminated/non-LED window signage as allowed by the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, as amended.) To summarize, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommends allowing non-illuminated window signage up to the amount set in the Code (currently 25% of windows), but prohibiting illuminated/LED window signage, unless permitted by obtaining a Specific Use Permit (SUP) from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council. Staff Review and Recommendation: The applicant’s proposed amendment to the signage section of the development standards of PD-21 in Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z are logical and necessary due to the confusion of operating hours and individual business entrance locations in the retail center. The allowance of LED and 25% window signage will be a helpful tool for customers and good for the economy. When considering permitting LED signage, take note that nearly all signs (including monument and wall signs) are lit by LED, as contractors and business owners are moving away from neon and fluorescent, and towards a choice that’s long-lasting, low-temperature, durable, and compact. LED signs are commonly thought of as blinking, color-changing distractions, but they can be set to a static mode, which I would recommend, if deliberated. Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. Staff recommends approval of the PD amendment. Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning & Zoning Commission considered this request on January 5, 2017. There was discussion over the aesthetics of LED signage and window signage, and to what effect the PD development standards should regulate it. A motion was made to recommend approval of the PD amendment, subject to revising language in the PD development standards that support window signage, but does not support LED signage, by a vote of six (6) in favor to zero (0) opposed. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Application and Letter of Intent • Exhibit C – Revised PD-21 Development Standards • Exhibit D – Signage Criteria Table per the Code of Ordinances • ORD No. 2017-04 P&Z Town Council Page 96 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit A SH 114 Tr o p h y La k e Dr . Walgreen Town Council Page 97 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Application for a Zoning Ch ange I Site Plan I Misc Zone Change/ Application Type-Check the appropriate box below D Straight Zone Change D Planned Development (PD) District D Special/Con ditional Use Permit (CUP/SUP) D Temporary Use Permit D Site Plan D Meritorious Exception 181 Amendment to PD, Site Plan, CUP/SUP DETAILS OF REQUEST Proposed Zoning Change: PD f\me C\.C\.d)e t)-\-Current Zoning:-~,,__})_..· -...z:2:;;:;..\~--- Description of Request: 1:'\'1,0 c\.\ ( '--\ 5 '1€)0 £.....!~-\-· ~;::;..._;.~-:\ __ 0-_______________ _ Property Address: 30 \-So\ \I· OQh'-1 \,...C\.\<e \)r··,vc Total Acres : \~ ,G\L;, \~L(L~ Legal Description: -yX'-bv\\'----\ C \'vLD ·v'\c.GM 1 '0\oC\<¥\ \ \ .-C.?\s \(?.. l 2. G..Y\c,\ 3 Current Use of Property: ?rcf-c~J b'O.O \ ~ ~ rXSS Qnd \;,-e. \.~~, \ APPLICANT/ OWNER INFORMATION Applicant Owner lit Different} Name: \\l\l\(C. 0t'D9:-ke\(~ Address: \ L\\\Q 0D<A\\0{2 XO.r K'ift._\J ~ 1CQ state/z1P: Tu\ \Cls 11X 1'22-l?Y 1 Name: Teo \)b~ C h Jo \ 2-) klC \ Address: \, 2-Y \ \ Ve.JI\ b \!{Cl"\ Bl vd State/ZIP: S\\J.(\,b c A~ I c A C\ \ Lp oc\ Phone: C\1) -di t--\ - \ OCJJ Phone: ~\~ .. -sos--lq\J:J Email: \l)N c , ~yo~s(~ \(\ (£-SPDwts\· -(L .(o\·v) Email: f'oe.\ \·{::s>--ti.QlJ y-01 , LD'D Signature: =jMc_, ~ Signature ~ }-iJ.tYo G.. L\ L~ · NOTE: The property owner must sign the application or submit a notarized letter of authorization. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS • All required information, plans and signatures shall be completed prior to applica tion su b- mittal. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. • In a addition to this application form, a detailed description of the request including all rele- vant project details shall be attached on a separate sheet to this application . • • All required application fees shall be paid upon submittal of this application . Other plans and exhibits may be required to be submitted with thi s application per the re - quirements of the Town Code of Ordinances. It is recommended that a preliminary confer- ence with a member of Town staff be conducted prior to the submittal of this application . PaymentType/C eek#:~/ Rece ipt n: P{?--A/1v (2 .1&·v~S Case#: _____ r __ t __ _ DRC Mtg. Date: _ __._/ __ vi-/ ..... ~---- ( Exhibit B Town Council Page 98 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ~SUNWEST RE AL ESTATE GROUP October 6, 2016 Mr. Ron Ruthven, Town Planner Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Re: Proposed amendment to PD 21Ordinance1999-17 P&Z Dear Mr. Ruthven, W~©ll:iCW Jill OCT 1 1 2016 BY=--""~~;;;:z::;~ On behalf of Trophy Club 12, LLC, please consider our application to amend the above referenced PD. Weare proposing the following changes to PD 21Ordinance1999-17 P&Z: 1. Deletion of the first sentence in Section B(7)e of Exhibit C in Ordinance 1999-17 P&Z (page 21 of the attached document). The sentence in questions reads as follows: "No signage and/or advertising of any type shall be displayed in window areas of any building." 2. Addition of the following language to the PD 21 Sign regulations: "Illuminated window signs shall be permitted per the provisions of the Town Sign Regulations contained in the Code of Ordinances not to exceed one sign. per commercial lease ~pace. Neon signs including sign.s advertising any alcohol or tobacco related items shall be prohibited. " As background, the signage criteria outlined in Exhibit C of PD 21 restricts any signage and/or advertising displayed in window areas of any building unless the sign is specifically approved by the Town Council and Planning & Zoning Commission. Additionally, the PD restricts all LED signage except for the Tom Thumb fuel station. Our tenants desire to continue to use window signage to market their businesses and post hours of operation. Additionally, they desire to continue to use illuminated "OPEN" signs to make patrons aware that they are open. Article 3 .09 of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances outlines regulations for Commercial and Institutional Signs which allows for these signs. We are asking that the PD be amended so that our tenants can follow the regulations of the Code of Ordinances for window signs and illuminated signs and not be subject to more restrictions in the PD. If you have any questions about this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at 972.822.9779 or mare. grossfeld(Zl)s unwest-re .com. Sincerely, Marc Grossfeld Principal, Sunwest Real Estate Group As authorized agent for Trophy Club 12, LLC SUNWEST REAL ESTATE GROUP 1 14160 Dallas Parkway Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75254 sunwest-re.com I TF 972.284 .1000 972.284 .1011 Town Council Page 99 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 1 of 9 EXHIBIT C DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SHOPPING CENTER TROPHY LAKE DRIVE & TROPHY CLUB DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS The development of the Land described in the legal description consisting of approximately 13.07 acres of land shall be in accordance with the PD Site Plan of the development, all other Exhibits attached to or to be made a part of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Trophy Club, and the following Development Standards, conditions and requirements: A. Purpose: This Planned Development is designed to accommodate a variety of retail commercial uses. For development purposes, the Land is divided into three tracts (Tracts 1 2 & 3), and the use and development of each of the tracts shall be in accordance with the following: 1. Tracts 1, 2 & 3 (Retail uses): The following standards shall apply to Tracts 1, 2 & 3: (a) Size of tracts: Tract 1 shall contain approximately 10.99 acres of land. Tract 2 shall contain approximately 1.14 acres of land. Tract 3 shall contain approximately 1.85 acres of land. (b) Uses generally: In the development and use of Tracts 1, 2 & 3, no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other than the following: (c) Permitted uses: (i) All uses listed in Section 13 of the Use Table in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance under Divisions E-Professional, F-Business, and G-Retail. (ii) Other uses permitted include: Antiques Store Audio, Video, Stereo (no arcade games or adult rentals) Bank Building & Drive Through Bath Shop Book Stores Cameras/Fi1m Processing Cards and Gifts Children's Wear China and Glassware Town Council Page 100 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 2 of 9 Computer/Software Cosmetics/Beauty Supply Curtains and Drapes Electronic Cigarette Supplies Store Fitness/Workout Facility (Ordinance No. 2007-26 P&Z, October 1, 2007) Floor Coverings Food Service Formal Wear/Rental Fuel Station Accessory to Grocery Store or Other Anchor Type Use (Only allowed in Tract 1) (Ordinance No. 2012-02 P&Z, January 23, 2012) Furniture Grocery Store Ice-cream Store Juice Store Kitchen Store Lamps Laundry and Dry Cleaning (on-site dry cleaning facility limited to Exxon DF-2000 or equivalent). This facility shall not provide equipment or services for another laundry or dry cleaning location. (Ordinance No. 2000-14 P&Z, July 18, 2000) Liquor Store (with SUP and only allowed in Tract 1) (Ordinance No. 2011-27 P&Z, July 18, 2011) Luggage and Leather Mailing And Packaging/Post Office; Men's Wear Nail Salon Newspaper/magazine Office Supplies Party Supplies Pharmacy Picture Framing Records and Tapes Restaurants Shoe Repair Shoes Sporting Goods Store Stationery-School Supplies Tailor Telephone Store Tobacco Toys Women's Ready-To-Wear/Women's Specialty (iii) Outdoor pay phones shall not be permitted. Town Council Page 101 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 3 of 9 (d) *General Provisions: The Landlord and tenant of said dry cleaning facility agree to assume jointly and severally liability in regards to any clean-up costs, fines, or penalties assessed or incurred as related to the spillage or release of any substance into the waterways. (e) Conditional uses: Conditional uses may be permitted in accordance with regulations provided in Section 6.01, Conditional Use Permit, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (f) Limitation of uses: Any use not expressly permitted herein or allowed by permit is prohibited. (g) Area and building regulations: (i) Maximum building coverage: The combined area of all main and accessory buildings shall not exceed 21% of the total site area. (ii) Maximum floor area, number of buildings: The maximum combined square footage of all main and accessory buildings shall be 126,563 square feet. No more than six (6) buildings shall be constructed or located in Tracts 1, 2 & 3. No building shall contain more than 64,100 square feet. (Ordinance No. 2012-02 P&Z, January 23, 2012) (iii) Maximum impervious area: The combined area occupied by all buildings, structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the total site area. (iv) Minimum open space: All areas (but in any event at least twenty percent (20%) of the total site area) not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs, or other suitable landscape material. (v) Depth of front yard, feet*: There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than thirty (30) feet. (vi) Depth.of rear yard, feet*: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten (10) feet. (vii) Width of side yard on each side, feet*: A minimum of a ten (10) foot side yard shall be required. (viii) Height: No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height (1 story maximum) to the eave line and a maximum of forty-five (45) feet to the gable or ridge line. Building and/or structure heights shall be measured from the adjacent finished sidewalk elevation. Town Council Page 102 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 4 of 9 * All yards shall comply with Section 5.05, "Required Yards," of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (h) Parking, loading regulations: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be one (l) space for each 215 square feet of building area. In all other respects, off-street parking shall comply with Section 7.04, Off- Street Parking Requirements of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Off-street loading shall be in accordance with Section 7.05, Off-Street Loading Regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Landscaped islands shall, on an overall site plan average, be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces. Handicapped parking, including van accessible spaces, shall be provided according to Town standards. B. Additional development standards applicable to this Planned Development District: 1. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 7.03, Landscaping Regulations," of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and with the following: (a) Berming shall be utilized along street frontages, when possible, to screen parking from public view. (b) All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. (c) Landscaping shall be maintained by the developer/owner of the Land. Any dead plant material shall be removed and replaced within three (3) months. (d) All plant materials must be selected from the mandatory plant list attached hereto as Exhibit "F". (e) Landscaping shall be provided and maintained in the street rights-of-way abutting the development as part of the total landscaping package. Said landscaping shall consist of that area and material as indicated on the Landscape Plan (LP-1). (f) In addition, off-site landscaping shall be installed as part of this development, and in the initial stage of this development, in the west right- of-way of Trophy Lake Dr., extending from Village Trail Drive to Shasta Drive. Particular attention shall be paid to the general vicinity of the cul- de-sacs of Paint Rock Ct. and Round Rock Ct. A total of fifty-seven (57) trees shall be planted between and adjacent to Paint Rock Court and Round Rock Court. Town Council Page 103 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 5 of 9 (1) Landscaping shall consist of live tree planting consisting of 4" caliper trees planted a maximum of 15 feet on centers. Trees shall include the Bradford Pear variety, providing rapid growth and dense foliage, as well as evergreen type trees such as Live Oaks which bear leaves year round. Tree planting material shall be integrated and spaced such that Paint Rock Ct. and Round Rock Ct. are screened and maintained with significant foliage during the winter mouths. Screening for these courts may be achieved by utilizing a decorative masonry wall in coordination with live screening. Effective height of combined screening shall be six (6) feet measured from the top of curb on Trophy Lake Drive. Screening for Paint Rock Court and Round Rock Court each shall consist of sixty (60) lineal feet of shrubbery and decorative masonry wall with five-gallon, container-grown, Nellie R. Stevens holly planted three (3) feet on center. Decorative masonry wall, when used, shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in length. (2) Screening consisting of tree material, at a minimum, shall be placed along the side property lines of residences to augment the screening capability of existing fences. Said screening shall be presented as an integrated and coordinated landscape system. (3) Maintenance of the landscaping at this location shall be the responsibility of the developer/owner for a period of twelve months from the completion of the planting. The Town of Trophy Club shall assume maintenance and care after 12 months. The irrigation for the off-site landscaping shall, after the initial installation, be the responsibility of the Town of Trophy Club. (g) The caliper of a tree is defined as the diameter of the tree trunk as measured at a point twelve (12) inches above the finished grade in accordance with standard nursery practice. The Landscape Concept Plan has been included with this Ordinance to generally illustrate the intent and location of landscaping tree massing. Trees shall be 3- 1/2”– 4-1/2” minimum caliper, as the case may be, at the time of installation. Detailed landscape plans, sealed by a registered landscape architect, shall be provided on each tract at the time of final Site Plan submittal. 2. Median cut. The developer/owner of the Land has voluntarily agreed to and shall provide one new median cut and one modification median cut in Trophy Lake Drive as shown on the Site Plan. 3. Hours of operation of uses: Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. except the Grocery Store, Pharmacy, Town Council Page 104 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 6 of 9 Fuel Station Accessory to Grocery Store or Other Anchor Type Use, and Fitness/Workout Facility shall be twenty four (24) hours. No outside sales of any kind shall be conducted, including but not limited to, truck lot, pedestrian walkway, tent or other sales. Hours of delivery services shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Ordinance No. 2012-02 P&Z, January 23, 2012) 4. Building materials: All main and accessory buildings shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred percent (100%) of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of stone, concrete or other masonry or material of equal characteristics in accordance with the Town's Building Code and Fire Code. All buildings and structures shall be veneered with stone, texture coated concrete, a dull finish metal type roof, EIFS trim and wood brackets. All windows and doors shall be of aluminum construction. Typical elevations are provided with this Ordinance to illustrate the conceptual architectural style and detail. Alternate materials may be used if approved by Planning & Zoning Commission. Color selection for roof material shall be approved by the Town Council upon recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to issuing of the building permit. 5. Development schedule: Tracts 1, 2 & 3 shall be developed in accordance with the following schedule submitted by the developer/owner: Start Construction: Summer 1999 Occupy Space: Summer 2000 If, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council, the developer/owner has failed to meet the approved development schedule, the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council may initiate proceedings to amend all or part of the zoning on the Land or to amend the provisions of this Ordinance. Upon receiving the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, after all hearings have been held as required by law, the Town Council may amend all or part of the zoning of the Land and/or amend the provisions of this Ordinance to extend the development schedule or adopt such new development schedule as may be indicated by the facts and conditions then existing. 6. Lighting: All parking lot lighting shall be located approximately as shown on the PD Site Plan. Poles shall be a maximum of 30 feet in height on 24" concrete bases in the parking lots, and 12 feet ornamental street lights at the perimeter drive approaches. Pole lighting shall be oriented down and away from all adjacent properties. Building lighting shall be mounted to building face or in ground fixtures and oriented to wash building with light. Wall mounted down directional lights will be on the rear of buildings A & B. Perimeter lights will be shielded to minimize overspill. Town Council Page 105 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 7 of 9 7. Signs: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Land or any part thereof, an overall sign plan, accompanying the final site plan for the Land, shall have been approved by the Town Council. Upon approval of the sign plan, the plan shall become a part of this ordinance as if copied herein in its entirety. The signs reflected on the sign plan shall conform to applicable ordinances of the Town and with the following: a. Monument signs -- Four (4) Monument type signs located within landscaped area as shown on the PD Site Plan. Three of the signs located at the entrances/exits of Trophy Lake Drive to be a maximum of eight (8) feet in height, above finish grade of the adjacent concrete curb within the highway right-of-way and twelve (12) feet in length. The monument sign along Highway 114 will be taller than 6' above the adjacent grade to get the sign 6' above Highway 114 street grade. b. LED Signage – Allowed for Tom Thumb fuel signage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. c. Building Signage – Internally lighted aluminum channel letters with plexiglass fronts, type signage shall be permitted on the building face. d. Directional Signage -all directional, safety and handicapped signage shall be of a character so as to complement the project and conform to Town standards. e. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening. f. All signage shall be located so as to avoid traffic obstructions and outside of any sight easements. g. Special sign considerations may be approved by the Town Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission. h. This planned development shall provide two (2) illuminated school crossing signs on Trophy Lake Drive in the vicinity of Village Trail at locations to be determined by the Director of Public Safety of the Town of Trophy Club. i. No other illuminated/LED window signage is allowed in the Plaza Shopping Center without approval of the Town Council upon Town Council Page 106 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 8 of 9 recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Non-illuminated window signs meeting the applicable ordinance of the Town are allowed. 8. Fire lanes: Fire lanes are as shown on the site plan. Location and detail shall be provided at the time of Final Site Plan approval and shall be approved by the fire department. 9. Final Site Plan: Any Final Site Plan shall include, among other things: (a) The detailed site plan per Town standards; (b) The final architectural elevations and materials; (c) The final landscape and irrigation plans. Upon approval, the said Site Plan shall become a part of this Ordinance. 10. Outdoor storage: No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal shall be permitted on the land. A dumpster may be located or relocated at a convenient location on any lot. Such location shall be subject to the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Dumpsters are to be enclosed on all sides with Masonry walls and gates of similar architectural style of the buildings. Minimum height of the enclosures shall be determined by the height of the dumpster. When possible, landscaping shall provide additional screening for the enclosure. Operating hours for trash service shall be in accordance with the Town of Trophy Club standards. 11. Outdoor Display: Outdoor display is allowed only on the sidewalk in front of the grocery store as shown on the PD Site Plan, and as expressly set forth below: Outdoor display of propane, for sale inside the store, at Walgreen #06047, 541 Trophy Lake Dr. is allowed. No more than two cabinets allowed (maximum size of each cabinet shall be 80” length, 27” depth and 71.5” height). Cabinets shall remain on sidewalks, may be placed on either side of the front entry, and shall be in compliance with all ADA requirements. (Ordinance No. 2010-20 P&Z, August 2, 2010) 12. Mechanical and electrical equipment: Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall be designed, installed and operated to minimize noise impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view. 13. Amendments to the Site Plan: Amendments to the Site Plan for items that are not determined to be substantial by the Planning & Zoning Administrator shall be permitted. The Planning & Zoning Administrator shall determine items as not substantial. Town Council Page 107 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 With Amendments through ORD 2017-04 P&Z Page 9 of 9 14. On all building elevations, the tenant signs shown are included for purposes of illustration only and, with the exception of Tom Thumb Grocery, are not intended to identify a specific tenant. 15. Traffic impact analysis will be subject to the approval of the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits. Town Council Page 108 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit D Signage Criteria Table Sign Type Maximum Number Maximum Size & Height Maximum Duration Zoning District Permanent/ Temporary A-frame/sandwich board Prohibited Apartment 1 per entry 50 sq. ft. Life of permit Residential Permanent Awning Prohibited Bandit Prohibited Banner, feather flag, tear drop flag, wind device, bow flag 1 per premises or lease space no more than 2 times annually 36 sq. ft. N/A 30 days Nonresidential Temporary Billboard Along property which abuts State Highway 114 To be determined by the town council upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission Nonresidential Permanent Builder/contractor 2 per premises 6 sq. ft. 4 ft. Removed upon sale, lease, rental All districts Temporary Bulletin board To be determined by the town council upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission Residential Permanent Canopy 25 sq. ft. or 10% of the face of the canopy of which it is a part of or to which it is attached, whichever is greater Life of structure Nonresidential Permanent Contractor service No limit provided total combined sq. footage does not exceed 6 sq. ft. 6 sq. ft. 4 ft. 14 days after completion of service All districts Temporary CEVMS 1 per premises with approval of the town council upon recommendation of the planning and zoning commission; not allowed on billboards 50 sq. ft. 4 ft. Life of permit All districts Permanent Development 1 per project/premises 32 sq. ft. 5 ft. Residential: 90% of all lots/houses sold Commercial: Completion of project All districts Temporary Directional 6 sq. ft. 3 ft. Life of permit All districts Permanent Directional temporary real estate Prohibited except as allowed with a special event permit Temporary Directory 1 per premises To be determined by the town council upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission Nonresidential Permanent Electronic message boards 1 per premises with approval of the town council upon recommendation of the planning and zoning commission; not allowed on billboards 50 sq. ft. 4 ft. Life of permit All districts Permanent Town Council Page 109 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Fence Prohibited Flashing Prohibited Government permanent No limit - as required All districts Permanent Government temporary Restricted Temporary Ground 1 per entry/premises 16 sq. ft. 4 ft. Life of permit All districts Permanent Illuminated 1 per premises 50 sq. ft. Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent Inflatable 1 per premises To be determined by the town council upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission All districts Temporary Institutional 1 per entry/premises 50 sq. ft. 4 ft. Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent Model home 1 per model home 16 sq. ft. 4 ft. Removed upon sale, lease, rental Residential districts Temporary Monument 1 per entry/premises 50 sq. ft. 10 ft. Life of permit All districts Permanent Nameplate 1 per lease space 2 sq. ft. 1 ft. Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent Off-premises Prohibited Political 36 sq. ft. 8 ft. 60 days All districts Temporary Portable Restricted Projecting Prohibited Protective 2 per premises 1 sq. ft. 2 ft. Life of structure All districts Temporary or Permanent Real estate Restricted Rider Allowed with real estate sign Roof Prohibited Special purpose 1 per premises/lot 6 sq. ft. 4 ft. 14 days prior/24 hr following All districts Temporary Temporary pole 1 per premises/lot 32 sq. ft. 5 ft. 1 year from temporary permit issuance All districts Temporary Wall 1 per lease space 40 sq. ft. or the product of 2 times the lineal width of the wall, whichever greater. Shall not exceed 75% of the width or the height of the available wall area or store frontage for a tenant’s space Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent Window No limit provided total combined sq. footage does not exceed 25% of the visible window area available in the absence of any signs Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent Town Council Page 110 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-04 P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2013-39 P&Z OF THE TOWN, THE SAME BEING PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 21; ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BY REVISING SECTION (B)(7) ENTITLED “SIGNS”; PROVIDING THAT SUCH TRACT OF LAND SHALL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDNG FOR AN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO APPLICABLE REGULATIONS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner of the tract of land (the “Land”), described as a 13.97 acre tract of land currently zoned PD Planned Development No. 21 for Professional, Business and Retail uses, said tract generally known as the Trophy Club Plaza and as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, filed an application (Exhibit B) with the Town Planning and Zoning Commission requesting an amendment to PD-21 Development Standards (Exhibit C) to allow for LED and window signage in accordance with Ordinance No. 2000-06 P&Z of the Town (the “Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, all legal notices, requirements and conditions having been complied with, the amendment to PD-21 came before the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council; and WHEREAS, after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public hearings were conducted, and after considering the information submitted at public hearings and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of the amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after due deliberations and consideration of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the information and other materials received at the public hearing, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interests of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas and of the public health, safety and welfare. Town Council Page 111 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-04 Page 2 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z of the Town, the same being the Town’s PD Planned Development No. 21, an amendment to the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2000-06 P&Z of the Town, is hereby amended with the following particulars, and all articles, chapters, sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words are not amended but are hereby ratified and affirmed: A. Exhibit C entitled “Revised Development Standards”, Section B(7) entitled “Signs”, Letter (b) is amended to read as follows: b. LED Signage – Allowed for Tom Thumb fuel signage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. B. Exhibit C entitled “Revised Development Standards”, Section B(7) entitled “Signs”, Letter (e) is amended to read as follows: e. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening. C. Exhibit C entitled “Revised Development Standards”, Section B(7) entitled “Signs”, Letter (i) is added to read as follows: i. No other illuminated/LED window signage is allowed in the Plaza Shopping Center without approval of the Town Council upon recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Non- illuminated window signs meeting the applicable ordinance of the Town are allowed. Town Council Page 112 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-04 Page 3 of 4 SECTION 3. SAVINGS This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting the regulation of land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY The sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases, clauses and words of this Ordinance are severable, and if any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 7. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the exact Caption, Penalty and Effective Date in the minutes of the Town Council and by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. Town Council Page 113 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-04 Page 4 of 4 SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 24th day of January, 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 114 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-14-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Case PD-AMD-16-054 (PD-23 Baylor Addition) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A (1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - PD-AMD-16-054 – PD-23 Baylor Addition.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf Exhibit F.pdf ORD 2017-05 PD23 Baylor Amendment.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 9: Case PD-AMD-16-054 (PD-23 Baylor Addition) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A (1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). Town Council Page 115 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 3 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Lisa Reich, Town Planner CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: PD-AMD-16-054 – PD-23 Baylor Addition Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Case PD-AMD-16-054 (PD-23 Baylor Addition) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Development Standards Section A (1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). Request: The applicant, Baylor Medical Center of Trophy Club, is requesting approval to amend the site plan, elevations, and parking language of PD-23 in order to build an addition onto the hospital. The request is primarily to change the parking ratio to the State standard for health-related uses. Current Conditions And Zoning: The subject property is zoned PD-23 and includes a medical office building (Part 1) and a hospital (Part 2) run by Baylor Health. The original PD was approved by Town Council on August 19, 2002 to establish development standards and site criteria for a medical plaza. In 2004, the ordinance was revised in reference to landscape screening along residentially zoned properties and hours of operation. The applicant wishes to amend the ordinance to allow the hospital to add onto the existing building so more hospital beds for extended stay can be added. The building addition extends to the north (back side of the building) into the closest row of parking spaces and takes out a few ornamental trees with it. The applicant has agreed to replace the disturbed trees, and an Town Council Page 116 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 2 of 3 additional requirement for landscaping has been added to the development standards. With the construction of a new section of the building will come new elevations, but they conform to the existing PD standards and have an equivalent appearance to the existing façade. The hospital may add onto its existing building by-right, thus, the effect on parking is the reason for the proposed amendment to the PD. The existing parking standards calculate according to the size of the surgery and imaging centers, and even the kitchen. Currently, the parking lot is not fully utilized or necessary. The proposed parking calculation comes from the Texas Department of State Health Services, and their published rules look to the number of people on shift at one time plus the maximum number of hospital patients. The State’s required parking ratio is: “One space shall be provided for each day shift employee + one space for each patient bed.” Because of this State law, the applicant requests revising the off-street parking section of PD-23 from the current ratio: (2) “Parking Ratio for Phase 2 – Extended Stay Surgery Center – (Surgery Center – 1/345, Imaging Center – 1/390, Kitchen/Dining – 0)” To this proposed parking ratio: (2) “Parking Ratio for Phase 2 – Extended Stay Surgery Center – (1 space per day shift employee, 1 space per patient bed)” The site plan will be revised with the updated parking ratio as well. Due to the building addition being located over the site of some ornamental trees, the following will be added to the development standards: (xiii) “All landscaping within and surrounding the parking lot is required to be replaced on site, within forty-five (45) days, with comparable species and size of removed or dead landscaping.” Staff Review and Recommendation: The proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z is a reasonable request to allow the hospital to continue to thrive. The introduction of the State’s parking standards for this particular use, plus an added landscaping requirement, provides for a site that continues to have a logical flow and a conscious effort to maintain pleasing aesthetics. The new elevations are planned to blend seamlessly with the existing façade. Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. Staff recommends approval of the PD amendment. Town Council Page 117 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning & Zoning Commission considered this request on January 5, 2017. There was little discussion as all members agreed that the subject property is currently over-parked. A motion was made to recommend approval of the PD amendment, by a vote of six (6) in favor to zero (0) opposed. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Application • Exhibit C – Existing Site Plan • Exhibit D – Proposed Site Plan • Exhibit E – Existing and Proposed Elevations • Exhibit F – Revised PD-23 Development Standards • Ordinance No. 2017-05 P&Z Town Council Page 118 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit A Town Council Page 119 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 E x h i b i t B T o w n C o u n c i l P a g e 1 2 0 o f 1 6 0 M e e t i n g D a t e : T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 E x h i b i t C Town Council Page 121 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 E x h i b i t D Town Council Page 122 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 E x h i b i t E Town Council Page 123 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Exhibit F PLANNED DEVELOPMENT No. 23. TROPHY CLUB MEDICAL PLAZA TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Revised Development Standards January 24, 2017 Exhibit F Ord 2017-05 P&Z Exhibit "C" Development Standards Town Council Page 124 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 2 of 11 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TROPHY CLUB MEDICAL PLAZA TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS The development of the Land described in Exhibit "A" - Legal Description (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein) consisting of approximately 7.842 acres of land shall be in accordance with Exhibit "B" - Development/Site Plan of the development (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein), all other Exhibits attached to or incorporated herein, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Trophy Club, and the following Development Standards, conditions and requirements: In the event of a conflict between the terms and requirements of this Ordinance and the foregoing, the requirements of this Ordinance shall control. A. Purpose: The purpose of the Planned Development is to provide locations to accommodate low intensity business or professional offices that are designed and sited to be compatible with nearby residential uses and which primarily provide services to residents of the community. The use and development of Phase 1 and 2 as shown on Exhibit "B" - Development/Site Plan, shall be in accordance with the following: 1. Tract 1: The following standards shall apply: (a) Size of Tract: Tract 1 shall contain approximately 341,604 SF (7.842 acres) of land. (b) Uses Generally: In the development and use of Tract 1, no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other than the following: (i) Permitted Uses: (1) Phase 1 shall be used as a Medical Office Building that will incorporate a Cancer Clinic, other Health Care Related Uses, and a Banking Facility. (2) Phase 2 shall be used as an Extended Stay Surgery Center and other Health Care Related Uses. (ii) Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within Tract 1 in accordance with the regulations provided in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 44, Conditional Permit. (c) Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. Town Council Page 125 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 3 of 11 (d) Area, Building and Site Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required, measured from property lines. I (i) Density Regulations: None (ii) Height Regulations: (1) Phase 1 - No building shall exceed forty-six (46) feet or three stories in height + ten (10) feet of mechanical screening or parapets. (2) Phase 2 - No building shall exceed thirty-four (34) feet or two stories in height + ten (10) feet of mechanical screening or parapets. (iii) Open Space: At least twenty percent (20%) of the total lot area shall be devoted to non-vehicular open space. (iv) Maximum Building Coverage: The combined area covered by all main and accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the total lot area. (v) Maximum Impervious Area: The combined area occupied by all buildings, structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the lot area. (vi) Depth of front yard: Tract 1 - Thirty (30) foot minimum (vii) Depth of rear yard: Tract 1 - Thirty (30) foot minimum. (viii) Width of side yard on each side: Tract 1 - Fifteen (15) foot minimum each side. (ix) Buffered Area Regulations: North Property Line: Whenever located adjacent to an existing residential development or an area zoned for residential purposes, without an existing fence or wall, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of forty (40) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain only off-street parking, fencing, as specified in Exhibit "J" - Fence Criteria, (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein), berms or trees to provide visual and acoustical privacy and to adequately buffer adjoining uses as required by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 28, "CG" Commercial General District Regulations. Town Council Page 126 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 4 of 11 West Property Line: Whenever located adjacent to an existing residential development or an area zoned for residential purposes with an existing fence or wall, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of forty (40) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain only off-street parking and trees to supplement the existing fence. North and West Property Lines: The landscape buffer adjacent to a residential development shall contain large shade trees and/or large shrubs and/or ornamental trees and shall be evergreen to provide adequate screening year- round. (e) Off-Street Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 48, Off- Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town, except as defined below: (1) Parking Ratio for Phase 1 - Medical Office Building (1/250), Cancer Clinic (1/250), other Health Care Relate Uses (1/250) and Banking Facility (1/250) (2) Parking Ratio for Phase 2 – Extended Stay Surgery Center – (1 space per day shift employee, 1 space per patient bed) (i) Parking lots shall be designed with compartmentalized parking lots for all areas of over one hundred (100) spaces. Island requirement will be maintained as per item (viii) in this section. (ii) Access to individual developments shall be obtained through mutual access and cross access drives on-site as indicated on Exhibit "B" - Development/Site Plan. (iii) Total driveway entrances shall not exceed three (3) entrances for Phase 1 & 2 cumulative. (iv) Driveways shall have a minimum separation of one hundred fifty (150) feet. (v) Driveway access will be subject to review, approval, and permitting by TxDOT. (vi) Parking spaces shall not be permitted within the building line setback areas unless noted on Exhibit "B" - Development/Site Plan. Drive lanes shall only be permitted in building line setback area when crossing setback area. Town Council Page 127 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 5 of 11 (vii) A minimum of ten percent of the gross parking areas shall be devoted to living landscaping which includes grass, ground cover, plants, shrubs and trees, as specified in Exhibit "F" - Landscape Plan & Plant List (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein). Gross parking area is to measure from the edge of the parking and/or driveway paving and sidewalk. (viii) There shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) consecutive spaces between planter islands with at least one four (4) inch caliper tree in each island. Interior planter islands shall have a minimum size of nine by eighteen feet. Landscaping in the islands shall include a combination of ground cover in addition to the required tree. Such landscaping shall be as specified in Exhibit "F". (ix) A raised curb shall be required for all parking and driving surfaces. (x) Curb stops shall be required on all parking spaces that "head-in" to any landscaped area. These curb stops shall be placed such that the overhang of a vehicle is contained totally within the limits of the parking space. (xi) All entrance drives shall be accented with scored and colored concrete, as detailed on the Landscape Plan. (xii) Crosswalks, when provided, shall be marked similar to decorative street pavement. (xiii) All landscaping within and surrounding the parking lot is required to be replaced on site, within forty-five (45) days, with comparable species and size of removed or dead landscaping. (f) Off-Street Loading: Off-street loading shall be provided as required by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 49, Off Street Loading Requirements. (g) Landscaping Requirements: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 47, Landscaping Regulations, except as defined below: (i) The owner/developer of the land shall maintain landscaping. Any dead landscaping material shall be removed and replaced within forty-five (45) days. (ii) All trees shall be nursery-grown containerized trees. Town Council Page 128 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 6 of 11 (iii) A front setback area shall be devoted to a landscape buffer. Only drive crossings that provide ingress and egress will be allowed. (iv) The front landscape buffer (Tract 1) shall contain trees of four (4) inch caliper measured twelve (12) inches from the ground and shall be twelve (12) feet in height planted on thirty (30) foot centers. In addition, shrubs and/or berms, or a combination thereof, shall be provided between the trees such that a screen of a minimum of three feet in height shall screen the parking areas. (v) The back landscape buffer (Tract 1) shall contain trees of four (4) inch minimum caliper measured twelve (12) inches from the ground and shall be twelve 12 feet in height planted on thirty (30) foot centers. In addition, the plant material adjacent to R-9 and PD-10 shall be large shade trees, large shrubs, and ornamental trees and shall be evergreen to aid in year-round screening. (vi) The west side landscape buffer shall contain trees of four (4) inch minimum caliper measured twelve (12) inches from the ground and shall be twelve (12) feet in height planted on thirty (30) foot centers. (vii) All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. (viii) All plant material must be selected from the mandatory plant list attached hereto as Exhibit "F" - Landscape Plan and Plant List Exhibit "F" - Landscape Plan and Plant List has been included with this Ordinance to generally illustrate the intent and location of landscaping tree massing. Trees shall be four (4) inch minimum caliper at the time of installation. Detail landscape plans, as illustrated in Exhibit "F", sealed by a registered landscape architect, shall be provided for approval on each tract at the time of final Site Plan submittal. (h) Tree Preservation: All protected trees will be preserved. In the event that is it necessary to remove a protected tree, the tree will be replaced at a minimum three (3) inch caliper one and one-half (1 %) times the total inches removed. Trees will be a minimum of seven (7) feet in height when planted. Town Council Page 129 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 7 of 11 (i) Design Requirements: (i) All trash receptacles shall be screened with a masonry and wood fence of material similar to the main structure, with appropriate landscaping on three sides and shall have a screening gate, which shall remain closed except when being serviced. (ii) Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall be designed, installed, and operated to minimize noise impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view with flat metal panel or masonry screening. All ground- mounted equipment shall be screened from view with masonry and/or wood construction similar to the primary structure or landscape screening. Line of sight drawings as shown on Exhibit "E" - Site Line Studies (a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein) will be required to illustrate that adequate screening is provided. (iii) Parking lot lighting has been included with this Ordinance to generally illustrate the intent and location as shown on Exhibit "H" - Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures, (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein). Exterior lighting shall conform to the requirements as specified in Exhibit "H". a) Exterior lighting fixtures shall be mounted on twenty-five (25) foot poles on two (2) foot concrete bases, measured from the adjacent ground, shall direct light toward the ground, and shall be shielded. Exterior lighting fixtures shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty-seven (27) feet total. Perimeter lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential area. b) Building lighting shall be mounted to building face or in ground fixtures and oriented to wash building with light. c) Ceiling mounted lights will be provided at the entry canopies and porte-cochere. d) Spillover lighting shall not exceed 0.25-foot - candles at any residential property line. e) The maximum foot-candles on site shall not exceed twenty (20) foot-candles. f) All freestanding parking lot lights shall have a maximum cut-off of eighty degrees. Town Council Page 130 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 8 of 11 g) The final site plan shall provide a photometric plan of the site for approval. (iv) Design of structures shall include relief to walls and roofs. The roof of structures shall be a flat roof construction, but may provide a variation of roofline. (v) The entry canopy system shall provide columns constructed of similar or complimentary masonry material as the primary structure. (vi) Uniform architectural treatment shall be provided to all sides of the structure. (vii) All principal and accessory buildings and structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows, porches, balconies, canopies, and mechanical screening, constructed of brick or synthetic limestone. E.l.F.S and/or metal panels shall be used only as an accent material and screening. All windows and doors shall be of aluminum construction. Typical elevations are provided with this Ordinance as Exhibit "D" - Building Elevations (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein to illustrate the architectural style and detail. (j) Pedestrian Circulation: (i) The Site Plan shall indicate future access between properties. (ii) The pedestrian connections shall access public open green space corridors, where appropriate. Town Council Page 131 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 9 of 11 (k) Signs: (i) Monument Signs: A Monument Sign shall be located at the primary entrance to the development, the central landscape feature and the secondary entrance as shown in Exhibit "B" - Development/Site Plan. The primary entrance monument sign shall be a maximum of six (6) feet in height, above finish grade of the adjacent concrete curb and maximum of twenty (20) feet in length. The central monument sign shall be a maximum of six (6) feet in height, above finish grade of the adjacent concrete curb and maximum of sixty (60) feet in length. The secondary entrance monument sign shall be a maximum of four (4) feet in height, above finish grade of the adjacent concrete curb and maximum of twelve (12) feet in length. The Monument Signs shall be placed on a masonry stone wall of material similar to the main structure, as illustrated in Exhibit "I" - Sign Criteria (a copy of which is attached hereto an incorporated herein). (ii) Medical Office Building Signage, Cancer Clinic Building Signage & Extended Stay Surgery Center Building Signage: Applied back lit; cast aluminum letters shall be permitted on the building face as indicated in Exhibit "I" - Sign Criteria. (iii) Bank Building Signage & Pharmacy Building Signage: Applied back lit, channel letters shall be permitted on the building face as indicated in Exhibit "I" - Sign Criteria. (iv) Extended Stay Surgery Center: Any signs required by the Texas Department of Health and other licensing entities. (v) Directional Signage: Directional signage shall be located in close proximity to the primary entrance to the development and along the West side of Phase I and East side of Phase II to help route traffic. (vi) Construction Sign: A Construction sign will be permitted during construction. The Construction sign will be constructed from painted %" thick exterior grade plywood on a suitable wood frame and will not exceed one hundred twenty (120) SF. The sign will be supported on a minimum of two 4 x 4 posts securely embedded and braced to resist wind load. The surface of the sign, frame, and supports will be painted with two (2) coats of exterior oil paint. The sign shall be lettered by a qualified sign painter and shall be maintained in good condition for the duration of the job. The Construction sign will be located along State Highway 114 to the west of the proposed main entry. Town Council Page 132 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 10 of 11 (vii) Lease Sign: A Lease sign will be permitted during and after construction until the building is leased. The Lease sign will be constructed from painted ¾” thick exterior grade plywood on a suitable wood frame and will not exceed one hundred twenty (120) SF. The sign will be supported on a minimum of two 4 x 4 posts securely embedded and braced to resist wind load. The surface of the sign, frame, and supports will be painted with two (2) coats of exterior oil paint. The sign shall be lettered by a qualified sign painter and shall be maintained in good condition. The Lease sign will be located along State Highway 114 to the west of the proposed main entry. (viii) No signage and/or advertising of any type shall be displayed in window areas of any building. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening if the permanent sign is not available at opening. Banner signs shall be permitted in accordance with the allowable time regulations as outlined in the Town's sign ordinance. (I) Screening Standards: (i) New perimeter screening at the North Property Line and trash receptacle screening shall be constructed of a decorative masonry and wood fence consisting of masonry posts at eight-foot intervals. The wooden insets shall be constructed of cedar or redwood. The vertical surface of which is not more than thirty percent (30%) open. (ii) Landscaped earth berms may, when appropriate in scale, be used as a screening element in conjunction with a fence, hedge, or other dense planting material in a landscape buffer area. (iii) Exterior appliances and equipment shall be screened so as not to be visible from any street. All utility and mechanical equipment at roof level shall be screened with flat metal panels or E.l.F.S. All ground- mounted equipment shall be screened from view with masonry and/or wood construction similar to the primary structure or landscape screening. (m) Fire Lanes: Fire lanes are shown on Exhibit "G" Civil Site Plan, (a copy of which is attached hereto an incorporated herein). Location and detail shall be provided at the time of Final Site Plan approval and shall be approved by the fire department. Town Council Page 133 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 PD-23 Development Standards Page 11 of 11 (n) Mechanical and Electrical Equipment: Mechanical and Electrical equipment shall be designed installed and operated to minimize noise impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view as illustrated in Exhibit "D" - Building Elevations. (o) Construction Trailer: A Construction Office used temporarily by contractors during the improvements and/or construction of the site, shall be permitted for a period of and in connection with the construction of the project, but in no event shall the Developer have such right for a period in excess of that permitted by the Town of Trophy Club. A permit for the Construction Office shall be renewed annually. (p) Hours of Operation: (i) Phase 1: Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Deliveries and service calls are allowed only between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ATM & Bank Drive-Thru lanes shall be open between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. No outside sales of any kind shall be conducted, including but not limited to truck lot, pedestrian walkway, tent, or other sales. (ii) Phase 2: Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall be twenty-four hours a day. (q) Development Schedule: Phase 1 and Phase II shall be developed in accordance with The Development Schedule - Exhibit "K" (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein). Town Council Page 134 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017–05 P&Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2004-11 P&Z, THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2002-29 P&Z, THE SAME REPEALING ORDINANCE NO 2002-17 P&Z, THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2000-06 P&Z OF THE TOWN THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS FOR PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 23, KNOWN AS TROPHY CLUB MEDICAL PLAZA, A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS A 7.842 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED GENERALLY TO THE NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114, EAST OF PD NO. 7, THE PLANTATION APARTMENTS, AN D SOUTH OF HERITAGE COURT SOUTH; ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS TO AMEND THE SITE PLAN BY CHANGING THE PARKING CALCULATION; ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS TO AMEND THE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS; ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BY CHANGING SECTION (A)(1)(E) ENTITLED “OFF-STREET PARKING”, TO PROVIDE NEW STANDARDS FOR PARKING CALCULATIONS; AND ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS TO AMEND THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS BY CHANGING SECTION (A)(1)(E) ENTITLED “OFF- STREET PARKING”, TO PROVIDE NEW STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPING; PROVIDING THAT SUCH TRACT OF LAND SHALL BE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS OR CONTINUES; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), is authorized and empowered by law, in accordance with Chapter 212 of the Texas Local Government Code, to regulate the subdivision of land and property development within the Town; and WHEREAS, on March 15, 2004, the Town adopted Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z amending Ordinance No. 2002-29 P&Z, adopted August 19, 2002, an amendment to Ordinance No. 2000-06 P&Z of the Town, the same being the Comprehensive Zoning Town Council Page 135 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-05 Page 2 of 4 Ordinance, by changing the zoning on a certain tract of land described as a 7.842 acre tract of land generally known as Trophy Club Medical Plaza; and WHEREAS, due to a planned addition to the hospital which will impact parking spaces, it is proposed to implement the required parking calculation as advised by the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), and reflect as such on the site plan and in the development standards; and WHEREAS, due to a planned addition to the hospital which will impact the exterior elevations of the building, it is proposed to revise the exterior elevations plans which comply with the PD-23 development standards; and WHEREAS, due to a planned addition to the hospital which will impact the landscaping, it is proposed to add a landscaping requirement to the development standards which will involve maintenance and replacement; and WHEREAS, after due deliberation and consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas at properly posed hearings, the Town Council now deems it necessary to adopt this Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z to revise the site plan, exterior elevations, and development standards in order to revise a parking calculation and landscaping requirement; having concluded that such adoption is in the best interest of the Town and of the public health, safety and welfare; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z of the Town, the same being the Town’s PD Planned Development No. 23, an amendment to the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 2000-06 P&Z of the Town, is hereby amended with the following particulars, and all articles, chapters, sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words are not amended but are hereby ratified and affirmed: A. Exhibit C entitled “Existing Site Plan” is amended to be replaced with Exhibit D entitled “Proposed Site Plan” due to a revised parking calculation for the hospital. Town Council Page 136 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-05 Page 3 of 4 B. Exhibit E entitled “Existing and Proposed Elevations” is added to update the hospital’s exterior elevations plan. C. Exhibit F entitled “Revised Development Standards”, Section A(1)(e) entitled “Off-Street Parking”, Number (2) is amended to read as follows: (2) Parking Ratio for Phase 2 – Extended Stay Surgery Center – (1 space per day shift employee, 1 space per patient bed) D. Exhibit F entitled “Revised Development Standards”, Section A(1)(e) entitled “Off-Street Parking”, Roman Numeral (xiii) is added to read as follows: (xiii) All landscaping within and surrounding the parking lot is required to be replaced on site, within forty-five (45) days, with comparable species and size of removed or dead landscaping. SECTION 3. CUMULATIVE REPEALER That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances except for those instances where there are direct conflicts with the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. SAVINGS All rights and remedies of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of any other Ordinance affecting regulations governing and regulating the zoning, platting, and subdivision of land which have secured at the time of the effective date of this Ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such Ordinances same shall not be affected by this Ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Town Council Page 137 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ORD 2017-05 Page 4 of 4 SECTION 6. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision hereof shall be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 8. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the exact Caption, Penalty and Effective Date in the minutes of the Town Council and by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 24th day of January, 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 138 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-28-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/16/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2016/2017 CIP Street Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive; approving the Authorization for Professional Services between the Town and Teague, Nall and Perkins; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents for professional services (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - FY 2017 TNP CIP contract .pdf Prop - Trophy Club 2016-17 CIP.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 10: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2016/2017 CIP Street Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive; approving the Authorization for Professional Services between the Town and Teague, Nall and Perkins; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents for professional services (Staff). Town Council Page 139 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: Teague, Nall and Perkins Authorization for Professional Services Town Council Meeting, January 24th, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 2016/2017 CIP Street Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive; approving the Authorization for Professional Services between the Town and Teague, Nall and Perkins; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents for professional services (Staff). Explanation: Included in the FY 2017 budget is reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive from Meadowbrook to Harmony Park and reconstruction of Phoenix Drive. The majority of the funding for these projects comes from the 2016 Certificates of Obligation while the remainder comes from bonds proposed in the 2017 budget. Anticipated construction would begin in late spring or early summer. Any improvements or reconstruction of the drainage system along these roadways is included in the scope of the project. The total proposed fixed fee for the Indian Creek project is $230,000 and the total proposed fixed fee for the Phoenix Drive project is $110,000. Both proposed fixed fee amounts are exclusive of reimbursable expenses Teague, Nall and Perkins may incur in relation to the project. Attachments: • Proposal Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of the Authorization for Professional Services as presented. Town Council Page 140 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 1100 Macon Street  Fort Worth, Texas 76102  817.300.6152 phone TBPE Firm No. 230 www.tnpinc.com TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROJECT NAME: Trophy Club 2016-17 CIP Street Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive Trophy Club, Texas TNP PROJECT NUMBER: TRO16284 CLIENT: Town of Trophy Club Steve Glickman, Assist. Town Manager ADDRESS: 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Trophy Club (CLIENT) hereby requests and authorizes Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., (CONSULTANT) to perform the following services: Article I SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES: Provide Surveying and Civil Engineering for reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive and Phoenix Drive. A detailed scope of services is included as Attachment 'A' and is made a part hereto. Article II COMPENSATION to be on a basis of the following: 1. BASIC SERVICES: The CLIENT agrees to pay the CONSULTANT a fixed fee as follows: Indian Creek Drive Topographic Survey: Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000); Engineering (Design, Bidding & Construction Admin.): One Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($170,000); Construction Staking: Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) Phoenix Drive Topographic Survey: Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000); Engineering (Design, Bidding & Construction Admin): Eighty Three Thousand Dollars ($83,000); Construction Staking: Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) All CIVIL ENGINEERING (referred to herein as BASIC SERVICES) are outlined in Attachment”A”. 2. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES will consist of printing, reproduction, CAD plotting costs, delivery charges, mileage, parking fees, submittal fees, and application fees. Standard reimbursable expenses are outlined in Attachment “D”. Town Council Page 141 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 2 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 3. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall be any service provided by the CONSULTANT which is not specifically included in BASIC SERVICES as defined above or delineated in Attachment ‘A’. ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall include, but shall not be limited to: a.) Subcontract charges not described in BASIC SERVICES or Attachment ‘A’; b.) Environmental Assessments; c.) Property Rezoning; d.) Restriction Variances; e.) Abandonment or vacations of Easements; f.) Preparation of Easements, or Agreements; g.) Abstract Services or Easement Research; h.) Public Water or Sanitary Sewer Improvements (performed under TCMUD Agreement) i.) Trips and meetings beyond a 75-mile radius of Fort Worth; ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall be considered additional work and shall be reimbursed at standard TNP hourly rates or TNP standard rates for items provided in-house, or direct expenses times a multiplier of 1.10 for non-labor, subcontract or mileage items. Article III SCHEDULE: The proposed services shall begin within 5 working days of authorization to proceed. Article IV CONTRACT PROVISIONS: Contract provisions are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Please execute and return a signed copy for our files. Receipt of an executed copy of this contract will serve as notice to proceed. No work shall commence on the project until an executed copy of this contract is received by CONSULTANT. By signing below, the signer warrants that he or she is authorized to execute binding contracts for the CLIENT for the services indicated. Approved by CLIENT: Accepted by CONSULTANT: Trophy Club Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. By: By: Tom Rutledge Title: Title: Principal Date: Date: January 3, 2017 Town Council Page 142 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 3 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT 'A' ITEMIZED SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT DESCRIPTION As part of the Town’s street maintenance and management program, the Town has elected to reconstruct two streets that are showing signs of distressed and failing pavement. Those streets are Indian Creek Drive (Meadowbrook Ln. to Harmony Park) and Phoenix Drive. The streets will be reconstructed to the same width using updated Town standards for drainage and pavements sections. Existing waterlines will be replaced and reconstructed to meet Municipal Utility District standards. This effort is being performed under a separate agreement with the Trophy Club Municipal District and is not part of the scope of this agreement; that work will be coordinated with the proposed street and drainage improvements. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Prepare a topographic survey for the limits of the roadway and drainage improvements showing one foot contour intervals with an accuracy of 0.1 feet. Survey the existing improvements and all visible features that are necessary for engineering. Locate all existing water, sewer and drainage utilities vertically and horizontally using the City’s GPS monuments as control. ENGINEERING Contract Document Upon completion of the topographic design survey, TNP will begin design for street reconstruction and drainage studies to identify drainage improvements. The Engineer will coordinate his work as necessary to interface with the Town and provide periodic updates as well as meet with Town staff to review scope, estimates and schedules. Once final plans have been completed, the Consultant will deliver original plan documents with Engineer’s seal and signature, sufficient for printing and distribution for bidding. TNP will prepare final cost opinions upon delivery of final contract documents to confirm project budget. TNP will present to the Town council the overall project design, cost and schedule as necessary prior to bidding. Bidding Once plans are approved to move forward to bidding, TNP will reproduce the contract documents for distribution to perspective bidders. TNP will represent the plans and answer questions to perspective bidders and issue addendums as necessary. TNP will represent the Town at the bid opening to receive and open bids and prepare a bid tabulation of the bids. TNP will review all bids and evaluate the apparent low bidder and make recommendation in writing to the Town Council as well a present the bid to the Council in public hearing as necessary. Construction Phase TNP will facilitate the execution of the contract documents by the approved low bidder. Once the contracts are executed, TNP will prepare for and facilitate a preconstruction conference with the contractor, his subcontractor and Town staff. TNP will provide construction administration to represent the Town during construction and provide onsite representation once each week to administer the contract (not inspect) as necessary and to facilitate the oversight of construction. It is anticipated that the Town will provide their own site inspections during construction. TNP will provide written responses to RFI’s, Change Orders or other written documents required for completion of the work as well as review pay applications from the contractor. At the completion of the work and upon notification from the Client, the Consultant will prepare a written punch list with a follow up to any outstanding items or issues until Final Acceptance of the work is given. Town Council Page 143 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 4 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT 'B' PROJECT SCHEDULE . Project Schedule: TNP shall endeavor to accomplish the work in accordance with the schedule requested by the CLIENT. However, prior to beginning work on this assignment, TNP shall be advised of the anticipated schedule for the project, including specific dates for various submittals and reviews by the CLIENT and/or others. TNP shall inform CLIENT of any conflicts with the proposed schedule within five (5) days of receipt of this information. It is understood and agreed that the objective of all involved in this project is produce and provide quality and complete information and deliverables, which requires a considerable amount of coordination and cooperation, as well as adequate time for research, analysis and development. It is also understood that TNP’s ability to perform our scope of services is dependent upon information being provided and reviewed by others in a timely manner, and that adjustments in schedule may be required should information or reviews be delayed. During the process of design and plan deliverables, TNP will provide updated project schedules. Town Council Page 144 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 TBPE Firm No. 230 Page 5 TBPLS Firm No. 100116-00 ATTACHMENT 'C' PROVISIONS 1. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Signing this agreement shall be construed as authorization by CLIENT for TNP, Inc. to proceed with the work, unless otherwise provided for in this agreement. 2. LABOR COSTS TNP, Inc.'s Labor Costs shall be the amount of salaries paid TNP, Inc.'s employees for work performed on CLIENT’s Project plus a stipulated percentage of such salaries to cover all payroll-related taxes, payments, premiums, and benefits. 3. DIRECT EXPENSES TNP, Inc.'s Direct Expenses shall be those costs incurred on or directly for the CLIENT's Project, including but not limited to necessary transportation costs including mileage at TNP, Inc.'s current rate when its, or its employee’s, automobiles are used, meals, lodging, laboratory tests, computer services, telephone, printing and binding charges times a multiplier of 1.10. Reimbursement for these expenses shall be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on the basis of usual commercial charges when furnished by TNP, Inc. 4. OUTSIDE SERVICES When technical or professional services are furnished by an outside source, an additional amount of 10% (actual cost times a multiplier of 1.10) shall be added to the cost of these services for TNP, Inc.'s administrative costs. 5. OPINION OF PROBABLE COST In providing opinions of probable cost, the CLIENT understands that TNP, Inc. has no control over construction costs or the price of labor, equipment, or materials, or over the Contractor’s method of pricing, and that the opinions of probable cost provided to CLIENT are to be made on the basis of the design professional’s qualifications and experience. TNP, Inc. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of such opinions as compared to bid or actual costs. 6. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS TNP, Inc. shall be responsible, to the level of competency presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers in the same type of work in the State of Texas, for the professional and technical soundness, accuracy, and adequacy of all design, drawings, specifications, and other work and materials furnished under this Authorization. TNP, Inc. makes no other warranty, expressed or implied. 7. TERMINATION Either CLIENT or TNP, Inc. may terminate this authorization by giving 10 days written notice to the other party. In such event CLIENT shall forthwith pay TNP, Inc. in full for all work previously authorized and performed prior to effective date of termination. If no notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations created by this Authorization shall be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this Authorization. 8. MEDIATION In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, the CLIENT and the ENGINEER agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. The CLIENT and the ENGINEER further agree to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with independent contractors and consultants retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and consultants retained also to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. 9. LEGAL EXPENSES In the event legal action is brought by CLIENT or TNP, Inc. against the other to enforce any of the obligations hereunder or arising out of any dispute concerning the terms and conditions hereby created, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party such reasonable amounts for fees, costs and expenses as may be set by the court. 10. PAYMENT TO TNP, INC. Monthly invoices will be issued by TNP, Inc. for all work performed under the terms of this agreement. Invoices are due and payable on receipt. If payment is not received within 30 days of invoice date, all work on CLIENT’s project shall cease and all work products and documents shall be withheld until payment is received by TNP. Time shall be added to the project schedule for any work stoppages resulting from CLIENT’s failure to render payment within 30 days of invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1½% per month will be charged on all past-due amounts, unless not permitted by law, in which case, interest will be charged at the highest amount permitted by law. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TNP, Inc.'s liability to the CLIENT for any cause or combination of causes is in the aggregate, limited to an amount no greater than the fee earned under this agreement. 12. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Services not specified as Basic Services in Scope and Attachment ‘A’ will be provided by TNP, Inc. as Additional Services when required. The CLIENT agrees upon execution of this contract that no additional authorization is required. Additional services will be paid for by CLIENT as indicated in Article II, Compensation. 13. SALES TAX In accordance with the State Sales Tax Codes, certain surveying services are taxable. Applicable sales tax is not included in the fee set forth and will be added on and collected when required by state law. Sales tax at the applicable rate will be indicated on invoice statements. 14. SURVEYING SERVICES In accordance with the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act of 1989, the CLIENT is informed that any complaints about surveying services may be forwarded to the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building A, Suite 156, MC-230, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-5263. 15. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SERVICES The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners has jurisdiction over complaints regarding the professional practices of persons registered as landscape architects in Texas. The CLIENT is informed that any complaints about landscape architecture services be forwarded to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, Hobby Building: 333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-350, Austin, Texas 78701, Telephone (512) 305-9000, Fax (512) 305-8900. 16. INVALIDITY CLAUSE In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held illegal, the enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not be impaired thereby. 17. PROJECT SITE SAFETY TNP, Inc. has no duty or responsibility for project site safety. Means and methods of construction and jobsite safety are the sole responsibility of the contractor. 18. DRAINAGE CLAUSE The parties to this Agreement recognize that the development of real property has the potential to increase water runoff on downstream properties, and that such increase in runoff increases the possibility of water damage to downstream properties. The CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold the ENGINEER harmless from any and all claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, from water or drainage damage to downstream properties resulting from the development and construction of the Project. CLIENT shall not be required to reimburse ENGINEER for any claims or expenses arising out of the Project if it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that ENGINEER was negligent in the performance of its duties and obligations, and that ENGINEER’s negligence was the direct cause of damage to a property downstream of the Project. 19. CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS AND JOBSITE SAFETY Means and methods of construction and jobsite safety are the sole responsibility of the contractor. Town Council Page 145 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ATTACHMENT ‘A’ TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Standard Rate Schedule for Time and Expense Contracts Effective January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017* Engineering /Landscape Architecture/ROW From - To Principal $200 - $240 Per Hour Team Leader $170 - $220 Per Hour Senior Project Manager $160 - $220 Per Hour Project Manager $120 - $175 Per Hour Senior Engineer $180 - $225 Per Hour Project Engineer $95 - $160 Per Hour Engineer III/IV $105 - $140 Per Hour Engineer I/II $ 90 - $110 Per Hour Landscape Architect / Planner $110 - $200 Per Hour Landscape Designer $80 - $110 Per Hour Senior Designer $105 - $150 Per Hour Designer $100 - $130 Per Hour Senior CAD Technician $90 - $120 Per Hour CAD Technician $70 - $110 Per Hour IT Consultant $100 - $170 Per Hour Clerical $50 - $90 Per Hour Resident Project Representative $75 - $125 Per Hour ROW Manager $100 - $140 Per Hour Senior ROW Agent $90 - $125 Per Hour ROW Agent $75 - $100 Per Hour Relocation Agent $90 - $120 Per Hour Senior Utility Coordinator $90 - $130 Per Hour Utility Coordinator $80 - $125 Per Hour Intern $40 - $60 Per Hour Surveying Survey Manager $150 - $220 Per Hour Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) $130 - $180 Per Hour Field Coordinator $90 - $110 Per Hour S.I.T. or Senior Survey Technician $70 - $110 Per Hour Survey Technician $65 - $100 Per Hour 1-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $125 Per Hour 2-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $150 Per Hour 3-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $170 Per Hour 4-Person Field Crew w/Equipment** $190 Per Hour Flagger $40 Per Hour Abstractor (Property Deed Research) $85 Per Hour Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Hourly Rate SUE Project Manager $185 SUE Engineer $160 Sr. Utility Location Specialist $ 95 Utility Location Specialist $ 75 1-Person Designator Crew w/Equipment $115 2-Person Designator Crew w/Equipment $135 2-Person Vacuum Excavator Crew w/Equipment $220 (Travel and Stand-by) SUE QL-A Test Hole (0 < 4 ft)*** $900 per hole SUE QL-A Test Hole (>4 < 6 ft)*** $1,100 per hole SUE QL-A Test Hole (>6 < 8 ft)*** $1,310 per hole SUE QL-A Test Hole (>8 < 10ft)*** $1,530 per hole SUE QL-A Test Hole (>10 < 12ft)*** $1,770 per hole SUE QL-A Test Hole (>12 < 14ft)*** $2,000 per hole All subcontracted and outsourced services shall be billed at rates comparable to TNP’s billing rates above or cost times a multiplier of 1.10. * Rates shown are for calendar year 2017 and are subject to change in subsequent years. ** Equipment may include Truck, ATV, Robotic Total Station, GPS Units and Digital Level. *** Pricing includes 2-Person crew, designating for excavation, vehicle costs, and field supplies. Town Council Page 146 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 ATTACHMENT ‘A’ TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Standard Rate Schedule for Time and Expense Contracts Reimbursed Direct Cost Items Effective January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017* Direct Cost Reimbursables Photocopies: $0.154/sf letter, legal and 11” x 17” size bond paper, B&W $0.7701/sf letter, legal and 11” x 17” bond paper, color Prints: $0.154/sf letter, legal and 11” x 17” bond paper, B&W $0.7701/sf letter, legal and 11” x 17” bond paper, color Plots: $0.154/sf letter, legal and 11” x 17” bond paper, B&W $0.7701/sf letter, legal and 11” x 17” bond paper, color $0.50/sf 22” x 34” and larger bond paper or vellum, B&W $1.00/sf 22” x 34” and larger mylar or acetate, B&W Mileage $0.535/mile Plans on CD $20/each Town Council Page 147 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-15-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding Landscaping Options for the new Town Hall Facility (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Town Hall Landscaping.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 11: Consider and take appropriate action regarding Landscaping Options for the new Town Hall Facility (Staff). Town Council Page 148 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 1 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Adam Adams, Parks and Recreation Director CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: Town Hall Landscaping Town Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding Landscaping Options for the new Town Hall Facility (Staff). Explanation: Town staff has eliminated the Purple Wintercreeper groundcover in the landscaping design which reduces the landscaping costs to approximately $33,760.00. Town Council Page 149 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-16-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 2017 Town Council meetings (Staff). Attachments:February 2017 Meeting Calendar.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 12: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 2017 Town Council meetings (Staff). Town Council Page 150 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 February 2017 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 P&Z (Cancelled) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 EDC 4B 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Park Board MUD Meeting Proposed Date for Council Retreat 26 27 28 Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting Town Council Page 151 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-17-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the start of the Town Council Retreat and convene to a date certain in February 2017 (Staff). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 13: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the start of the Town Council Retreat and convene to a date certain in February 2017 (Staff). Town Council Page 152 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-18-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a proposal for a Trophy Club Poet Laureate (R Eddins, Resident). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 14: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a proposal for a Trophy Club Poet Laureate (R Eddins, Resident). Town Council Page 153 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-19-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on upcoming Regular Session Council Agendas for February 2017 meetings and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff). Attachments:Items for Future Agendas updated 01-10-2017.pdf February 2017 Proposed Agenda Items.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 15: Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on upcoming Regular Session Council Agendas for February 2017 meetings and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff). Town Council Page 154 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Page 1 of 1 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 1/10/2017) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016) (2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2. Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (5-March 14, 2017) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 12/13/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 3. Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2-October 11, 2016) (3-January 10, 2017) (4-April 11, 2017) 7/12/2016 - Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 10/11/2016 – Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 1/10/2017 – Town Staff is working on this item. 4. Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) (2-January 10, 2017) (3-April 11, 2017) 10/11/2016 – Council Member Shoffner advised that he would work with the Town Attorney about appropriate changes to the Code of Ordinances. 1/10/2017 – Town Staff is working on this item. Town Council Page 155 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 No. Announcements & Reports STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC 1 Receive Town Manager Class's update regarding the following; discussion and  provide input regarding same (Staff).Town Mgr 2 Receive Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff):  Town Sec No. Consent STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept No. Public Hearing STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept No. Regular Session STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List Update STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration  on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for February 28, 2017 meeting;  and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include  discussion of the below items from the Future Agenda list: Town Sec No. Executive Session STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code,  Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into  executive session to discuss the following:    Town Sec No. Regular Session STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session.Town Sec Meeting Date: FEBRUARY 14, 2017 Town Council Page 156 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 No. Consent STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept 1 Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated January 10,  2017 (Staff).Town Sec 2 Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated January 24,  2017 (Staff).Town Sec 3 Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report  dated December 2016 (Staff).Finance 4 Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report  dated January 2017 (Staff).Finance 5 Receive Annual Racial Profiling Report.Police No. Regular Session STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept 6 Consider and take appropriate action regarding a  request from Stars and Stripes  for funds.Events 7 Receive an Update regarding PD Planned Development District No. 30 Site Plan  (Staff). Planning 8 Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election  Agreement between the Town and Denton County for administration of the May  6, 2017 Town General Election (Staff). Town Sec 9 Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election  Agreement between the Town and Tarrant County for administration of the May  6, 2017 Town General Election (Staff). Town Sec 10 Consider and take appropriate action regarding PD30 Final Plat (Staff)Planning 11 Consider and take appropriate action regarding PD25 Final Plat (Staff)Planning 12 Consider and take appropriate action regarding PD25 Site Plan amendment  (Staff)Planning Planning No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List Update STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration  on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for February 14, 2017 meeting  and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff).Town Sec No. Executive Session STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code,  Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into  executive session to discuss the following:    Town Sec No. Regular Session STAFF  RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session.Town Sec Meeting Date: FEBRUARY 28, 2017 Town Council Page 157 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-29-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Executive Session File created:In control:1/18/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 "Consultation with Attorney" under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Possible Conflict of Interest for Town Attorney on a Personnel Matter B) Section 551.087 Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: Economic Development Incentives C) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Possible Purchase or Sale of Real Estate Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 16: Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A) Section 551.071 "Consultation with Attorney" under Subsection (2) to consult with the Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, specifically: Possible Conflict of Interest for Town Attorney on a Personnel Matter B) Section 551.087 Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect that the Town seeks to have locate within the territory of the Town: Economic Development Incentives C) Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to discuss or deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Possible Purchase or Sale of Real Estate Town Council Page 158 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 File #:2017-29-T,Version:1 Town Council Page 159 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-30-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/18/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/24/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 17: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Town Council Page 160 of 160 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017