Agenda Packet TC 01/10/2017Town Council Town of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Svore Municipal Building Boardroom7:00 PMTuesday, January 10, 2017 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM INVOCATION PLEDGES Pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. Pledge of allegiance to the Texas Flag. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1.2016-715-T Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). ·May 6, 2017 General Election Dates CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 2.2016-716-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated December 13, 2016 (Staff). Draft TC Regular Session Minutes December 13, 2016.pdfAttachments: 3.2016-718-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017 (Staff). Staff Report - FY 2017 1st QTR Investment Reports.pdf 1st QTR 2017 Inv Report.pdf Attachments: Town Council Page 1 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 January 10, 2017Town Council Meeting Agenda 4.2016-719-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town, appointing a presiding judge and an alternate judges for the Trophy Club Municipal Court of Record No. 1 and providing an effective date (Staff). ORD 2017-01 Appointing Municipal Court Judges.pdfAttachments: 5.2016-721-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town repealing Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances and adopting a new Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule including the removal of outdated fees, updating existing fees, and adding fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings and providing an effective date (Staff). Staff Report - Amending PD Fee Schedule.pdf Texas Administrative Code Section 70_13.pdf ORD 2017-02 Amending A1_011 Police Dept Fees.pdf Attachments: REGULAR SESSION 6.2016-720-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding Town Council's participation in the "It’s Time Texas - Community Challenge" (Mayor Sanders). 2017_Pledge_Council.pdfAttachments: 7.2016-722-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Processing and Holding Area of the new Police Department Facility (Staff). Holding & Processing Modification Package.pdfAttachments: 8.2017-02-T Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the possible location and uses of a Storage Facility on Town property (Mayor Pro Tem Lamont). Town Hall Planting Plan (L1.1).pdfAttachments: 9.2017-03-T Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the relocation of the dog run on the Town property (Mayor Pro Tem Lamont). 10.2016-724-T Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for January 24, 2017 meeting and discussion of Future Agenda Items, to include discussion of the below items from the Future Agenda list (Staff): ·Item No. 3 - Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2-October 11, 2016) (3-January 10, 2017) ·Item No. 4 - Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) (2-January 10, 2017) Items for Future Agendas updated 12-13-2016.pdf January 24, 2017 Proposed Agenda Items.pdf Attachments: Town Council Page 2 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 January 10, 2017Town Council Meeting Agenda ADJOURN * The Town Council may convene into executive session to discuss posted items as allowed by the Texas Open Meeting Act, LGC.551.071 CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Thursday, January 5, 2017 by 6:00 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-831-4600, 48 hours in advance, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board was removed by me from the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of ______________________, 2017. ________________________________, Title: ___________________________ Town Council Page 3 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-715-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). ·May 6, 2017 General Election Dates Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 1: Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). ·May 6, 2017 General Election Dates Town Council Page 4 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-716-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated December 13, 2016 (Staff). Attachments:Draft TC Regular Session Minutes December 13, 2016.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 2: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated December 13, 2016 (Staff). Town Council Page 5 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 MINUTES FROM TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Special Session on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 Jim Parrow Council Member, Place 1 Garrett Reed Council Member, Place 2 Rhylan Rowe Council Member, Place 3 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B MEMBERS PRESENT: Gregory Wilson President (attended via Skype) Eric Jensen Vice President Angela Newell Treasurer/Secretary arrived at 6:56 p.m. Sean Bone Director David Brod Director Cory McDonald Director Michael Richmond Director STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Patrick Arata Acting Town Manager Steven Glickman Assistant Town Manager/CFO David Dodd Town Attorney Shannon Montgomery Acting Town Secretary Adam Adams Parks and Recreation Director Pat Cooke Development Services Manager Mike Pastor Information Systems Director Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, December 13, 2016, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 6:32 p.m. President Wilson turned the meeting over to Vice President Jensen. Vice President Jensen announced the date of Tuesday, December 13, 2016, called the EDC 4B Board to order and announced a quorum at 6:32 p.m. Jensen stated that Director Newell was absent and that President Wilson was attending the meeting via Skype. JOINT SESSION WITH TROPHY CLUB EDC 4B 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding parking solutions for area in the northeast corner of Plaza Drive and Trophy Wood Drive. Mayor Sanders thanked everyone for coming together on short notice to discuss and read Agenda Item No. 1 and stated that both Council and EDC 4B may discuss, but it really is an EDC4B decision to make. Town Council Page 6 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Town Council Special Session Minutes December 13, 2016 Page 2 of 7 Acting Town Manager Patrick Arata stated that Staff is working on a gravel lot to provide 50 to 100 parking spots, across the street from Bread Winners on Plaza Drive at the intersection of Plaza Drive and Trophy Wood Drive. The lot would be constructed of roadbed with a cut curb with an apron to drive into the lot. Staff is recommending to put the apron directly across from the current access to Bread Winners so as customers pull in, they can drive straight in and turn left or right to park and then walk straight to the restaurant. It is the hope to limit people crossing the road at any other area than at this specific location. Arata stated that they are expecting the project to take seven to ten days; the Town would rent the equipment and utilize in-house Staff to complete the project. Staff would add parking bumpers to designate parking spaces. The project would start the first week of January, after the steel for the new Town Hall facility is moved from that location. Motion: Motion made by Director Jensen, seconded by Director Bone, to authorize Acting Town Manager Arata to spend a maximum of $30,000 for building and maintaining the lot as he deems necessary. Director Bone requested clarification of the placement of the parking lot. Arata stated that the lot would be in between Bread Winners and Town Hall. The spot is currently being used as construction storage for Town Hall and once the steel is removed, construction on the lot can commence. Acting Town Manager Arata requested that EDC4B place a time limit on how long the lot can stay. Development Services Manager Pat Cooke clarified the lot would be constructed of flexbase with a depth of approximately six inches, and is similar to what was placed at Harmony Park and requires little maintenance. Director Bone asked what time frame Staff is recommending for the lot. Arata stated before Staff would have to come back to Council and EDC4B for continued approval would be 18 months. Bone then asked what the price difference would be to place gravel instead of flexbase. Cooke stated that gravel for that amount of space could run approximately $60,000-$70,000. Vice President Jensen stated that the temporary lot gets the cars off Plaza Drive, allows the Town Hall facility to be completed, which will allow for permanent parking spaces that the restaurants can utilize. EDC4B recognizes that the restaurants have the ability to serve more than they can park at this point, so if EDC4B can provide better parking, those people will be served at the restaurant, which will have a direct impact economically which is what the Board does. Director Bone asked if this was considered a site improvement, in which TIRZ could pay for. Assistant Town Manager Glickman stated yes; however, TIRZ does not have the available funds. Mayor Sanders added that this is a temporary structure, which TIRZ would not be able to fund. Vice President Jensen stated that this is temporary, which allows the Board time to consider what they want to do long-term. Discussion ensued regarding the length of time needed to include in the motion. Town Attorney David Dodd stated that it would be for a maximum of 18 months. Vice President Jensen changed his motion to include temporary parking for a maximum of 18 months and asked Director Bone if this was acceptable. Director Bone accepted the change of the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding pursuing ownership of Plaza Drive. Mayor Sanders explained the process needed to allow for the change of ownership in regards to platting, surveys, and expenses on part of the landowners and gave a brief update of the street construction. Town Council Page 7 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Town Council Special Session Minutes December 13, 2016 Page 3 of 7 Council Member Rowe asked if anyone had done research to see who exactly owns the land. Denton County Appraisal District lists the owners as the Holiday Inn Operator and Old Time Development (“OTD”) and those two pieces are separate parcels already platted along the 25-foot Right of Way along the street. Rowe continued by recommending that EDC4B should take action indicating their intention as landowners of that street. Mayor Sanders reiterated that this item was placed on the Agenda to openly discuss the issue that has been in existence since 2000. In the early days, there was no construction and no one worried about it. Now, that construction started happening, the Town knew there was a problem. OTD knew about this when they purchased the land and planned to dedicate the street to the Town. EDC4B President Wilson hopes that Bread Winners will reduce their staff as training is completed and with the addition of the temporary lot, that the parking issue will be reduced. Wilson does not believe that the parking issue will go away, but be significantly better than what it currently is. Council Member Rowe stated, in his opinion, that the primary issue is visibility at the corner of Trophy Wood and given that OTD owns the curb, including a fire hydrant that they need to maintain, he would ask OTD if they could paint a portion of the curb red, to help alleviate a portion of the visibility issue. Council Member Shoffner asked for clarification - is the Town sure that OTD has not already dedicated the land on paper. Development Services Manager Cooke stated that Staff has not found a record of any dedication. Council Member Rowe stated that the Tarrant County Appraisal website states the portion of Plaza Drive from Plaza Branch through to Trophy Wood at this point does show that the Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation owns it, so the dedication may have occurred and turned over to EDC4B rather than the Town. Motion: Motion made by Director Jensen seconded by Director Bone, that all EDC4B owned land being Plaza Drive, including the curb, be deeded, quick claimed, or transferred to the Town of Trophy Club. Motion passed unanimously. Vice President Jensen announced the arrival of Director Newell at 6:56 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION 3. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council and EDC 4B Board will convene into Executive Session to discuss the following: Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Town Council and EDC 4B Board will convene into Executive Session to discuss the following: Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney under Subsection (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act; Section 551.087 Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations under Subsection (2) to discuss or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business prospect; and Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding Real Property to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person: Economic Development in the area and possible real estate transactions and receive legal advice Mayor Sanders asked that future Town Manager Tom Class be in attendance; Council and EDC 4B approved the attendance of Mr. Class. CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 7:00 P.M. RECONVENED INTO JOINT SESSION - START TIME 7:44 P.M. Town Council Page 8 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Town Council Special Session Minutes December 13, 2016 Page 4 of 7 RECONVENE INTO JOINT SESSION 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Motion: Motion made by Director Brod, seconded by Director Jensen, to direct Staff to create a Request for Information (“RFI”) for the development of EDC4B owned property in the Trophy Wood Development for review at the next EDC4B meeting as discussed in Executive Session. Motion passed unanimously. EDC 4B TO ADJOURN Motion made by Director Jensen, seconded by Director Bone, to adjourn the Joint Session at 7:45 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION – IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING JOINT SESSION The Invocation was offered by Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams. The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Rowe. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. There were no citizen presentations. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 5. Acting Town Manager Arata’s update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding the same (Staff): • Plaza Drive Cross Walk Flashers • Council Retreat proposed dates: January 26 & 27, 2017 • Announcement of new Town Manager Acting Town Manager Arata updated the Council and addressed questions; no action was taken. 6. Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): • Economic Development Corporation 4B; Nov 11, 2016 - Council Member Rowe • Parks & Recreation Board; Nov 21 & Dec 5, 2016 - Council Member Shoffner Council Members Rowe and Shoffner updated the Council and addressed questions; no action was taken. 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding Mayor Sanders’ participate in the “It’s Time Texas - Community Challenge” (Mayor Sanders). Mayor Sanders explained the Challenge, read the Mayor’s Pledge, and took a picture with the Council showing the pledge. Parks and Recreation Board Chair Tiffany Nimphius spoke about the Board’s ideas for Challenge events and thanked the Mayor and Council for their participation. Town Council Page 9 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Town Council Special Session Minutes December 13, 2016 Page 5 of 7 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated October 25, 2016 (Staff). 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session Minutes dated November 2, 2016 (Staff). 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session Minutes dated November 3, 2016 (Staff). 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated November 8, 2016 (Staff). 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session Minutes dated November 10, 2016 (Staff). 13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Special Session Minutes dated November 22, 2016 (Staff). 14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated October 2016 (Staff). 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Section 12.03.042 of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to increase the length of a school zone and to standardize all school limit times of operation and provide an effective date (Staff). 16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution providing for adoption of a written policy authorizing the Town to accept applications for primary bank depository services from eligible financial institutions not doing business within the Town (Staff). 17. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award of the Trophy Club Park Debris Removal RFP to Ceres Environmental in an amount not to exceed amount of $81,475; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 8 through 17. Motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION 18. Council to receive the Parks and Recreation Board Park signage recommendation, discussion of same, and provide direction to Staff (Town Council). Parks and Recreation Board Chair Tiffany Nimphius showed five sign options to Council, expressing the Board’s wish to keep the signage clean and make it accessible to change out, if the logo changed. Discussion ensued regarding whether to place the hours of operation and “Trophy Club, A Great Place to Call Home” on the signs. Council Member Rowe liked the blue signs and was pleased with the general direction the Board is going and wanted to make sure that the Board would have a consistent theme throughout the Town. Acting Town Manager Arata thanked Chair Nimphius and stated that the options would be taken to the Signage Sub-Committee in January. Mayor Sanders thanked the Board for their work on the Signage options. Town Council Page 10 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Town Council Special Session Minutes December 13, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Council member Shoffner stated that every Park with the exception of Independence Park will utilize the signs and that the Board did a good job. Discussion only; no action taken. 19. Discussion of items for Future Agendas to include agenda items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for January 10, 2016 and items from the Town Council Future Agenda Items List, to include discussion of the below item(s) (Staff): • Item No. 2 - Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) • Item No. 5 - Review of any conflicts within the golf cart ordinance (Ordinance No. 2016-23) related to allowing motorized carts to travel on all park and linear trails. (Lamont 9/27/2016) (1-December 27, 2016) Mayor Sanders requested to keep Item No. 2 on the list; he received no objection from Council. Consensus was to remove Item No. 5 from the list and leave the remaining items on the Future Agenda Items List. Acting Town Manager Arata stated that the January 10, 2017 Agenda may include the following items: • Discussion of new Police Department Facility’s Processing and Holding Area • Landscaping Options for the new Town Hall Facility EXECUTIVE SESSION 20. Pursuant of the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into Executive Session to discuss the following: Section 551.074 Personnel Matters under Subsection (1) to discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Ethics Review Commission (Town Council) Mayor Sanders asked that future Town Manager Tom Class attend; Council approved the attendance of Mr. Class. CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 8:20 P.M. RECONVENED INTO JOINT SESSION - START TIME – 8:31 P.M. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 21. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Reed, to approve Resolution 2016-36 repealing Resolution 2016-26 and adopting a new Resolution making annual appointments to serve on the Ethics Review Commission as follows, appointing Cory Williamson to a term expiring 2018, appointing David DeHaven to a term expiring 2018, appointing Jared King to a term expiring 2017, appointing Brandon Blake to a term as alternate expiring 2017, and appointing Reece Bautista to a term expiring 2017 as an alternate effective immediately. Motion passed unanimously. Town Council Page 11 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Town Council Special Session Minutes December 13, 2016 Page 7 of 7 ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Reed, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. _____________________________________________ ___________________________________ Shannon Montgomery, TRMC, Acting Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 12 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-718-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017 (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - FY 2017 1st QTR Investment Reports.pdf 1st QTR 2017 Inv Report.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 3: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the First Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017 (Staff). Town Council Page 13 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Shannon Montgomery, Acting Town Secretary Re: Fiscal Year 2017 – 1st Quarter Investment Report Town Council Meeting, January 10, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the 1st Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017 (Staff). Explanation: The Town’s current interest bearing accounts have an ending balance of $15,655,826.11 as of December 31, 2016, which is an increase from $15,059,562.17 on October 1, 2016. The increase can be primarily attributed to property tax collections offset by bond proceeds distributed related to Town Hall construction. Interest earnings for the quarter total $28,605.05 – which is an increase of $22,784.89 or 491% from the first quarter investment report in FY 2016. The first quarter investment earnings were from the following investments: $173.62 was earned from an interest bearing account at First Financial Bank, $1,403.08 was earned from investment accounts at TexPool, $1,643.86 was earned from investment accounts at LOGIC, $24.17 was earned from investment account at First Public, $20,981.06 was earned from investment accounts at Texas CLASS, $0.74 was earned on investment accounts with Dryfus, and $4,378.52 was earned from Certificates of Deposit. The total average yield for the first quarter was 0.75% which is 34% higher than the average 6-month Treasury-Bill yield of 0.56% for the same time period. The average yield for interest bearing accounts during the quarter was 0.15% at First Financial, .41% at TexPool, 0.84% at LOGIC, 0.72% at First Public, 0.85% at Texas CLASS, 0.31% at Dryfus, and 0.84% on Certificates of Deposit. The Town’s deposits at First Financial Bank and Comerica Bank are collateralized by government securities. Attachments: • 1st QTR 2017 Investment Report Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the 1st Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2017. Town Council Page 14 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 First Financial Bank Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield First Financial ‐ Pooled Cash 609,990.02$           4,106,124.14$       (4,406,327.40)$       173.62$             309,960.38$                  1 0.15%          First Financial Totals 609,990.02$           4,106,124.14$       (4,406,327.40)$       173.62$             309,960.38$                  1 0.15% TexPool Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield TexPool ‐ Interest and Sinking Account 150,541.23$           765,609.49$           ‐$                           296.19$             916,446.91$                  1 0.41% TexPool ‐ Designated Account 9,350.01                  3,231,371.08          (3,146,045.86)          243.86               94,919.09                       1 0.41% TexPool ‐ Grant Fund 99.86                       ‐                            ‐                             ‐                      99.86                               1 0.41% TexPool ‐ 2010 Tax Notes 41,257.54               ‐                            ‐                             42.93                 41,300.47                       1 0.41% TexPool ‐ Utility Drainage Account 291,435.08             31,938.44               (38,259.60)               289.58               285,403.50                     1 0.41% TexPool ‐ EDC 4B Operating 458,569.82             94,839.40               ‐                             515.60               553,924.82                     1 0.41% TexPool ‐ 2015 CO EDC 4B 14,257.63               ‐                            ‐                             14.92                 14,272.55                       1 0.41%          TexPool Totals 965,511.17$           4,123,758.41$       (3,184,305.46)$       1,403.08$         1,906,367.20$              1 0.41% LOGIC Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield LOGIC ‐ Designated 1,159,046.00$       ‐$                         (680,000.00)$           1,643.86$         480,689.86$                  1 0.84%          LOGIC Totals 1,159,046.00$       ‐$                         (680,000.00)$          1,643.86$         480,689.86$                  1 0.84% First Public Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield First Public ‐ Designated 48,740.16 ‐                            (48,000.00)               24.17 764.33 1 0.72%          First Public Totals 48,740.16$             ‐$                         (48,000.00)$             24.17$               764.33$                          1 0.72% Texas CLASS Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield Texas CLASS ‐ 2016 GO 5,157,390.72$       ‐$                         (1,227,937.82)$       10,011.81$       3,939,464.71$               1 0.85% Texas CLASS ‐ Designated 224,695.89             3,227,937.82          (1,177,790.22)          907.20               2,275,750.69                 1 0.85% Texas CLASS ‐ Hotel Occupancy 543,194.69             77,790.22               ‐                             1,217.69            622,202.60                     1 0.85% Texas CLASS ‐ 2016 CO 4,136,584.89          ‐                            ‐                             8,844.36 4,145,429.25 1 0.85%          First Public Totals 10,061,866.19$     3,305,728.04$       (2,405,728.04)$       20,981.06$       10,982,847.25$            1 0.85% Dryfus Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield Sweep Money Market Fund 435.63$                   1,443.94$               (435.63)$                   0.74$                 1,444.68$                       1 0.31% Dryfus Totals 435.63$                   1,443.94$               (435.63)$                  0.74$                 1,444.68$                       1 0.31% Certificates of Deposit Beginning Ending Life Investment Description Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance (days) Yield Comerica Bank (General Fund) 1,009,855.84$        ‐$                          ‐$                           1,808.56$         1,011,664.40$               133 0.72% Santander Bank (General Fund)241,474.52              ‐                            (241,564.27)             89.75                  ‐                                   0 0.65% Ally Bank (General Fund)240,899.84              ‐                            (1,022.79)                  514.18               240,391.23                     105 0.85% Centurion Bank (General Fund)241,224.99              ‐                            (1,383.78)                  695.67               240,536.88                     288 1.15% Wells Fargo Bank (General Fund)240,069.04              ‐                            (628.27)                     635.18               240,075.95                     468 1.05% Capital One Bank (General Fund)240,448.77              ‐                             ‐                             635.18               241,083.95                     567 1.05% Discover Bank (General Fund)‐                            240,000.00              ‐                             98.63                 240,098.63                     720 1.50%          Certificate of Deposit Totals 2,213,973.00$       240,000.00$           (244,599.11)$          4,378.52$         1,973,752.41$              330 0.84% Total Cash & Investments 15,059,562.17$     11,777,054.53$     (10,969,395.64)$     28,605.05$       15,655,826.11$            42 0.75% (1) (2) INVESTMENT OFFICER DATE Steven Glickman, CPA, CGFO Assistant Town Manager/CFO 1/4/2017 Town of Trophy Club Quarterly Investment Report For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2016 The undersigned serves as the Investment Officer for the Town of Trophy Club. I certify that all instruments held in the Town's investment portfolios for the period October 1,  2016 through December 31, 2016 (a) met the investment guidelines and complied with the investment strategies as authorized by the Town's Investment Policies, and (b) did not  violate any applicable provisions of section 2256 of the Government Code of Texas. (1) Weighted average life ‐ For purposes of calculating weighted average life, pool and bank account investments are assumed to have a one day maturity. (2) Weighted average yield to maturity ‐ The weighted average yield to maturity is based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses are not considered. Town Council Page 15 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-719-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town, appointing a presiding judge and an alternate judges for the Trophy Club Municipal Court of Record No. 1 and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:ORD 2017-01 Appointing Municipal Court Judges.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 4: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town, appointing a presiding judge and an alternate judges for the Trophy Club Municipal Court of Record No. 1 and providing an effective date (Staff). Town Council Page 16 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A PRESIDING JUDGE AND TWO (2) ALTERNATE MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES WITH TWO (2) YEAR TERMS EACH, SUCH TERMS COMMENCING UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE CURRENT TERM AND EXPIRING ON JANUARY 31, 2019; FINDING THAT THE PERSONS IDENTIFIED HEREIN TO SERVE MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE AS A MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE PURSUANT TO STATE LAW AND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town’s Home Rule Charter provides for Council appointment of one or more persons to serve as Municipal Court Judges for the Trophy Club Municipal Court of Record No. 1 for two (2) year terms; and WHEREAS, the Council has been presented with the names of three (3) individuals who possess the requirements specified by state law and in Section 4.11 of the Town’s Charter to serve as Judges for the Trophy Club Municipal Court of Record No. 1 (the “Court”); and WHEREAS, the three (3) individuals named in this Ordinance currently serve the Town as Judges, and upon approval of this Ordinance and pursuant to state law, will continue to serve as Judges for the Court until January 31, 2019; and WHEREAS, each of the individual hereby appointed are Texas residents who are attorneys licensed to practice in the State of Texas, in good standing with the State Bar of Texas, and have two (2) or more years of experience practicing Texas law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. Incorporation of Premises. That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 2. Appointment of Judges and Term of Office. The Town Council hereby finds that the following persons possess all qualifications necessary to serve as Judges of the Trophy Club Municipal Court, that such persons currently serve in the capacity as designated below, and the Town Council hereby appoints such persons to serve as Judges of the Trophy Club Municipal Court of Record No. 1 in the capacity as set forth below for the period of two (2) years, with such term expiring on January 31, 2019: Presiding Judge Mark D. Chambers, Jr. Alternate Judge Warren A. Bradley Alternate Judge Eric G. Ransleben Town Council Page 17 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ORD 2017-01 Page 2 of 2 Section 3. Effective Date. That this Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with the law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, on this 10th day of January, 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd III, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 18 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-721-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Consent Agenda File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town repealing Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances and adopting a new Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule including the removal of outdated fees, updating existing fees, and adding fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Amending PD Fee Schedule.pdf Texas Administrative Code Section 70_13.pdf ORD 2017-02 Amending A1_011 Police Dept Fees.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 5: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town repealing Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances and adopting a new Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule including the removal of outdated fees, updating existing fees, and adding fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings and providing an effective date (Staff). Town Council Page 19 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Shannon Montgomery, Executive Secretary/Records Analyst CC: Patrick Arata, Acting Town Manager Re: Amendment to Police Department Fee Schedule Town Council Meeting, January 10, 2017 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town repealing Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances and adopting a new Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule including the removal of outdated fees, updating existing fees, and adding fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: Rule §70.13 of the Texas Administrative Code, effective November 24, 2016, provides for the fee for obtaining a copy of the body warn camera recording pursuant to §1701.661 of the Government Code. To collect this Fee, the Town needs to adopt the Fee by Ordinance. Subsection (l) of the proposed Ordinance references this Fee. While preparing a new Ordinance for adopting, Staff reviewed the existing Police Department Fee Schedule and recommends including the following changes to the Police Department Fee Schedule: • Remove Subsections (e) and (f) titled “Reserved” • Remove Subsections (g) and (h) as these services are no longer provided • Revise Subsection (i), “Temporary Parking” to match our current Ordinances • Revise Subsection (n) from “CHL Class” to “License to Carry (LTC) Class” and reduce the Fee from $50 to $35 • Remove Subsection (p) to match our current Ordinances • Renumber Section A1.011 in its entirety to allow for the deletion of subsections Exhibit “A” is a tracked changes version of the proposed amendments to Section A1.011. Attachments: • Texas Administrative Code Rule §70.13 • Ordinance No. 2017-02 Town Council Page 20 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Exhibit A Sec. A1.011 Police department (a) Accident reports: $6.00. (b) Administrative fee for abatement of weeds: $100.00. (c) Good conduct record: $5.00. (d) Fingerprints: $10.00/per card. (e) Reserved. (f) Reserved. (g) Annual renewal per vehicle: $10.00. (h) Transfer fee (not to extend the term of the permit): $10.00. (ie) Temporary parking: (1) 90-Day Non Transferable Temporary Parking Permit: $50.00. (2) Existing grandfathered Annual Parking Permit Renewal fee: $100.00. (jf) Soliciting permit: (1) Commercial: $50.00. (2) Charitable: $10.00. (kg) Alarm fees: (1) Permit for single-family: $50.00. (2) Multifamily: $50.00 + $5.00 per permit for each unit. (3) Commercial: $100.00. (lh) False alarm service fees: (1) Each false alarm notification emitted from an alarm site that is in excess of five (5) false alarms: $25.00. (2) Multifamily dwelling issued as one protected property for each false alarm notification in excess of ten: $25.00. (mi) Overweight vehicle transport: $50.00. (nj) CHL classLicense to Carry (LTC) Class: $5035.00 per person. (ok) Home firearms safety class: $15.00 per person. (p) Motorized carts: (1) Initial inspection by police department: $25.00 (includes permit/sticker). (2) Reinspection by police department (if a motorized cart fails the initial inspection): $10.00. (3) Bi-annual renewal of the permit: $25.00. (4) Replacement sticker: $10.00. (l) Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70, Rule §70.13 provides the fee for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recording pursuant to §1701.661 of the Government Code. Town Council Page 21 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 (1) Section 1701.661 of the Government Code is the sole authority under which a copy of a body worn camera recording may be obtained from a law enforcement agency under the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, and no fee for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording from a law enforcement agency may be charged unless authorized by this section. (2) This section does not apply to a request, or portions of a request, seeking to obtain information other than a copy of a body worn camera recording. Portions of a request seeking information other than a copy of a body worn camera recording are subject to the charges listed in §70.3 of this chapter. The charge for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording shall be: (1) $10.00 per recording responsive to the request for information; and (2) $1.00 per full minute of body worn camera video or audio footage responsive to the request for information, if identical information has not already been obtained by a member of the public in response to a request for information. A law enforcement agency may provide a copy without charge, or at a reduced charge, if the agency determines waiver or reduction of the charge is in the public interest. If the requestor is not permitted to obtain a copy of a requested body worn camera recording under §1701.661 of the Government Code or an exception in the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, the law enforcement agency may not charge the requestor under this section. Town Council Page 22 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 <<Prev Rule Texas Administrative Code Next Rule>> TITLE 1 ADMINISTRATION PART 3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CHAPTER 70 COST OF COPIES OF PUBLIC INFORMATION RULE §70.13 Fee for Obtaining Copy of Body Worn Camera Recording (a) This section provides the fee for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recording pursuant to §1701.661 of the Government Code. (1) Section 1701.661 of the Government Code is the sole authority under which a copy of a body worn camera recording may be obtained from a law enforcement agency under the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, and no fee for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording from a law enforcement agency may be charged unless authorized by this section. (2) This section does not apply to a request, or portions of a request, seeking to obtain information other than a copy of a body worn camera recording. Portions of a request seeking information other than a copy of a body worn camera recording are subject to the charges listed in §70.3 of this chapter. (b) The charge for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording shall be: (1) $10.00 per recording responsive to the request for information; and (2) $1.00 per full minute of body worn camera video or audio footage responsive to the request for information, if identical information has not already been obtained by a member of the public in response to a request for information. (c) A law enforcement agency may provide a copy without charge, or at a reduced charge, if the agency determines waiver or reduction of the charge is in the public interest. (d) If the requestor is not permitted to obtain a copy of a requested body worn camera recording under §1701.661 of the Government Code or an exception in the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, the law enforcement agency may not charge the requestor under this section. Source Note: The provisions of this §70.13 adopted to be effective November 24, 2016, 41 TexReg 9099 Next Page Previous Page List of Titles Back to List ||| Town Council Page 23 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2017-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS REPEALING SECTION A1.011, “POLICE DEPARTMENT” OF ARTICLE A1.000, “GENERAL PROVISIONS” OF APPENDIX A, “FEE SCHEDULE” OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES AND ADOPTING A NEW SECTION A1.011, “POLICE DEPARTMENT” OF ARTICLE A1.000, “GENERAL PROVISIONS” OF APPENDIX A, “FEE SCHEDULE” TO UPDATE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT’S FEE SCHEDULE INCLUDING THE REMOVAL OF OUTDATED FEES, UPDATING EXISTING FEES, AND ADDING FEES FOR OBTAINING A COPY OF BODY WORN CAMERA RECORDINGS; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PUBLICATION CLAUSE; PROVIDING THAT A VIOLATION SHALL BE A CLASS “C” MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH VIOLATION; PROVIDING AN ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Charter of the Town, State law, and its inherent police powers, the Town Council of the Town is empowered to adopt ordinances and rules that are for the good government of the Town; and WHEREAS, due to changes in State Law and Town provided services, the Town Council has determined that there is a need to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule to include removing outdated fees, update existing fees, and to add fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings; and WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby finds that repealing section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances and adopting a new Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule including the removal if outdated fees, updating existing fees, and to add fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings as further specified herein serves the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Town Council Page 24 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ORD 2017-02 Page 2 of 5 SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” is hereby repealed and a new Section A1.011, “Police Department” of Article A1.000, “General Provisions” of Appendix A, “Fee Schedule” is hereby adopted to update the Police Department’s Fee Schedule including the removal of outdated fees, updating existing fees, and to add fees for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recordings, to be and read in its entirety as follows: “APPENDIX A FEE SCHEDULE ARTICLE A1.000 GENERAL PROVISIONS . . . SECTION A1.011 POLICE DEPARTMENT (a) Accident reports: $6.00. (b) Administrative fee for abatement of weeds: $100.00. (c) Good conduct record: $5.00. (d) Fingerprints: $10.00/per card. (e) Temporary parking: (1) 90-Day Non-Transferable Temporary Parking Permit: $50.00. (2) Existing grandfathered Annual Parking Permit Renewal fee: $100.00. (f) Soliciting permit: (1) Commercial: $50.00. (2) Charitable: $10.00. (g) Alarm fees: (1) Permit for single-family: $50.00. Town Council Page 25 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ORD 2017-02 Page 3 of 5 (2) Multifamily: $50.00 + $5.00 per permit for each unit. (3) Commercial: $100.00. (h) False alarm service fees: (1) Each false alarm notification emitted from an alarm site that is in excess of five (5) false alarms: $25.00. (2) Multifamily dwelling issued as one protected property for each false alarm notification in excess of ten: $25.00. (i) Overweight vehicle transport: $50.00. (j) License to Carry (LTC) Class: $35.00 per person. (k) Home firearms safety class: $15.00 per person. (l) Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70, Rule §70.13 provides the fee for obtaining a copy of body worn camera recording pursuant to §1701.661 of the Government Code. (1) Section 1701.661 of the Government Code is the sole authority under which a copy of a body worn camera recording may be obtained from a law enforcement agency under the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, and no fee for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording from a law enforcement agency may be charged unless authorized by this section. (2) This section does not apply to a request, or portions of a request, seeking to obtain information other than a copy of a body worn camera recording. Portions of a request seeking information other than a copy of a body worn camera recording are subject to the charges listed in §70.3 of this chapter. The charge for obtaining a copy of a body worn camera recording shall be: (1) $10.00 per recording responsive to the request for information; and (2) $1.00 per full minute of body worn camera video or audio footage responsive to the request for information, if identical information has not already been obtained by a member of the public in response to a request for information. Town Council Page 26 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ORD 2017-02 Page 4 of 5 A law enforcement agency may provide a copy without charge, or at a reduced charge, if the agency determines waiver or reduction of the charge is in the public interest. If the requestor is not permitted to obtain a copy of a requested body worn camera recording under §1701.661 of the Government Code or an exception in the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, the law enforcement agency may not charge the requestor under this section.” SECTION 3. SAVINGS AND REPEALER This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting setting Fee Schedules and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish the Caption, Penalty Clause, and Effective Date Clause of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. Town Council Page 27 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ORD 2017-02 Page 5 of 5 SECTION 6. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined, upon conviction, not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). SECTION 7. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 10th day of January, 2017. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] ATTEST: Shannon Montgomery, TRMC Acting Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: J. David Dodd, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Page 28 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-720-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding Town Council's participation in the "It’s Time Texas - Community Challenge" (Mayor Sanders). Attachments:2017_Pledge_Council.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 6: Consider and take appropriate action regarding Town Council's participation in the "It’s Time Texas - Community Challenge" (Mayor Sanders). Town Council Page 29 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 In Support of the 2017 IT’S TIME TEXAS Community Challenge, We, the City Council of _____________________________, Texas Pledge to: Our community is up to the Challenge! We recognize that a healthy community is more united, more productive, and more prosperous. We are committed to the health of our community and pledge to make our community a model for others to follow. Kick off the IT’S TIME TEXAS Community Challenge by declaring our support and encouraging our constituents to participate! To Earn Challenge Points For Our Community, We Will: Declare our support by signing this Pledge and uploading a picture of the group holding the pledge on the Challenge site (2,500 Points) Encourage our Mayor to sign the Mayor Pledge (10,000 Points) Work with our Mayor to establish or strengthen a Mayor’s Health and Fitness Council or similar Citywide Health Collaborative (20,000 Points) Date: ___________ Council Members Signatures: ________________________ , ________________________ , ________________________ ________________________ , ________________________ , ________________________ Let your community know you’ve signed your pledge by taking a photo holding your signed pledge and posting it to social media with the hashtag #CommunityChallenge! www.ittcommunitychallenge.com This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program CITY COUNCIL PLEDGE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB January 10, 2017 Town Council Page 30 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-722-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Processing and Holding Area of the new Police Department Facility (Staff). Attachments:Holding & Processing Modification Package.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 7: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Processing and Holding Area of the new Police Department Facility (Staff). Town Council Page 31 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Project: Trophy Club Joint Town Hall & Police Facility Trophy Club SFI Job No.: 4822 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Proposed Change No:22 Date:12/29/2016 Submitted To Submitted By Nick Palluth Brian Hennington GSBS Architects Steele & Freeman, Inc. 7291 Glenview Drive 1301 Lawson Road Fort Worth, Tx 76180 Fort Worth, Texas 76131 Subject Cost Impact Qty Unit Rate Labor (A) Material (B) Equip (C)Sub (D) 1 LS $381.55 1 LS $3,644.00 1 LS $0.00 1 LS $850.00 1 LS $250.00 1 LS $495.00 1.50%$85.59 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,706.14 SUBTOTAL A,B,C,D *5,706.14 TOTAL AMOUNT DEDUCTED/CREDITED TO CONTINGENCY Mark-up on Subcontractors 2.5%56.21 Mark-up on self-performed 2.5%0.00 Payment/Perf. Bond Fee 0.880%51.37 General Liability Fee 0.29%16.93 Builder's Risk Insurance Fee 0.11%6.42 SUBTOTAL Owner Protective Ins., Liability & Builders Risk Insurance, CM Fee 130.92 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT 5,837.06 The Contract Time will be by 0 Days SUBMITTED BY: ______________________________________ AUTHORIZED BY: ______________________________________ AUTHORIZED BY: ______________________________________ Town of Trophy Club Subguard Insurance GSBS Architects Proposed Change Processing Area 161 Modifications as requested by GSBS Unchanged PD _____ PC _____ P _____ SFI Office Use Only: Wall Mounted Bench - Norix Framing - Vaden's Metal Panels Primed - Texas One Source VCT - Business Flooring Light Fixture - Current Bench Installation - SFI Brian Hennington, Project Manager Town Council Page 32 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1 1 E A 5 . 4 8 A 5 . 4 1 0 A 5 . 4 1 1 A 8 . 1 9 A 8 . 1 8 163A 1 6 4 A 1 6 9 A 1 6 1 A 1 6 1 B S T O R A G E 1 6 2 S H O R T T E R M H O L D I N G 1 6 3 P R O C E S S I N G 1 6 1 F I R E R I S E R 1 6 9 J A N I T O R 1 6 4 4'-0"1'-8" 1 ' - 8 " F L O O R D R A I N E L . - 3 / 4 " D F I R E R I S E R R E , P L U M B I N G C . . .SLOPE . . .SLOPE S L O P E . .. F L O O R D R A I N E L . - 3 / 4 " M O P S I N K R E : P L U M B A 5 . 4 1 7 9 A 9 . 2 C O N C . B E N C H G R A B B A R 1 6 0 B E Q E Q 3'-0" 6'-0" CLEAR M E T A L D E T E N T I O N B E N C H 1 2 " W X 1 8 " H X 5 ' - 0 " L , S E C U R E W I T H S E C U R I T Y S C R E W S 1 0 G A . S T E E L P L A T E ( 4 ' X 8 ' S H E E T S ) A T T A C H W I T H S E C U R I T Y S C R E W S A T 1 2 " O . C . I N T O M E T A L S T U D W A L L . 1 1 / 2 " R O U N D P I P E R A I L I N G , 4 2 " H I G H , W I T H E X P O S E D F L A N G E A N C H O R W I T H S E C U R I T Y S C R E W S I N T O W A L L A N D F L O O R . Town Council Page 33 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 12/21/2016 Shane Gorrell 60706 Trophy Club Joint Town Hall & Police Admin. Facility / RFP 161 Changes 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Steele-Freeman 1301 Lawson Road Fort Worth, TX 76131 Acct # 101 817 232-4742 Fax 817 232-9113For:Job Site Labor Description Type Quantity Product Description Color / Item Number Price Total Room Quote # Customer PO Date Sales Person1 Sales Person2 Contract # Quote Carpet Tile Bigelow Carpets Sector BT2858SqYd $24.10 $192.80Materials Carpet Tile Labor - Over 500 yds C28SqYdLabor 7879 Basalt Wall Base Johnsonite 4” Rubber Cove Base Group 3 120 LnFt $1.15 $138.00Materials Base - Rubber, Vinyl Base - 2.5î and 4î RB1 & RB2120LnFtLabor 80 Fawn & 63 Burnt Umber Underlayment CX Level Prep - 10 lb Bag (stocked)1 Each $50.75 $50.75Materials Standard Feather Finish Prep - 25 bags or less 1 BGLabor Page 1 Quote # 60706 12/21/2016 2:08:12 PMQ2-40 Town Council Page 34 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Continuation For: Steele-Freeman, Quote # 60706 Labor Description Type Quantity Product Description Color / Item Number Price Total Room A well-planned maintenance program that includes both preventative maintenance and regular, proper cleaning is key to making sure your carpet retains its appearance over time. Please contact your salesman or our Maintenance Department at 817-282-1600 for more details. STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS A sales tax exempt certificate or resale certificate is required before we can proceed with your order. Upon credit approval, Business Flooring Specialists will furnish, deliver and install the above material in accordance with all transmitted plans, specifications and general conditions for the listed price. All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. This contract supersedes any other documents. Job site is to be broom swept and ready for floor coverings with other trades' materials and trash removed. Unless specifically included or addressed in this proposal: excludes all demolition, repair or take up of existing floors, double layers of flooring; excludes vacuuming, damp mopping, buffing, waxing or floor protection; excludes floor floating, leveling or repair; excludes sealing of floor, cleaning or removal of oil, grease, solvents, paints, plaster, or other foreign substances; excludes asbestos control abatement; includes no attic stock of material beyond installation overage; includes work only during regular hours and for a single phase job; excludes any furniture moving; excludes any addenda beyond the base bid; Floor Preparation will be billed on a time and material basis. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above this estimate. Client is subject to payment for stored materials. Any material held over 2 weeks will be invoiced as a material draw. Business Flooring Specialists will not accept charge backs of damage or cleaning without the option to inspect claim (s) to repair or without the option to make arrangements for acceptable repairs at their expense. Monies from this contract may not be withheld to satisfy other contracts. Business Flooring Specialists is not responsible for any claims that might result from product delivery date changes beyond their control. If a manufacturer requires a deposit to manufacture/ship certain items, client will pay amount required. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Payments not paid with above mentioned terms will be charged a maximum interest allowable by law, including any collection and attorney fees, to secure full payment of the hereunder. This proposal is valid for thirty (30) days. Full payment is due fifteen (15) days from receipt of invoice unless otherwise specified. Buyer_______________________________________Date_____________Seller_______________________________________Date____________ PLEASE SEE STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS BELOW FOR EXCLUSIONS. ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS: EXCESSIVE FLOOR PREP, FLOOR LEVELING, OVERTIME LABOR, PHASE WORK, MULTIPLE TRIPS, FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT MOVE/LIFT, MOISTURE MITIGATION SYSTEMS, FLOORING PROTECTION, WT1, TB1, TB2, TB3, T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, TZ-1, TZ-2, SC, TAX. Information Grand Total $100.45 $281.10 $381.55 Deposit Date Ck # Totals Labor Materials Sales Tax $381.55Contract Total Page 2 Quote # 60706 12/21/2016 2:08:12 PMQ2-40 Town Council Page 35 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 910 Trinity Drive Mansfield, TX 76063 December 16, 2016 Steele & Freeman 1300 Lawson Rd Fort Worth, Texas 76131 Attn: Tracy Heslink Pricing to :Pricing to install 10 ga. plate This price includes the following: 1. Includes plate on 2 walls of the processing area 2. The plate will be prime painted. 3. Holes will be drilled and counter sink for security screws in both wall and ceiling panels. 4. 5. We are including security screws with this price. 6. All necessary detailing. Price Furnish and deliver plate for the processing area $1,368.00 Labor to install Processing area $2,276.00 Sub Total $3,644.00 Payment Terms NET 30 days Exclusions: 1. Permits, payment and performance bonds are excluded. 2. Any work not specifically listed in the above scope will be completed on a T&M basis only after written approval. 3. Labor hours are based on 8 hour days and a 5 day work week. Holiday and overtime rates will apply to work outside of normal business hours. 4. Sales Tax is excluded. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Donnie Steppick 817-600-8454 Donnie .Steppick@texas-onesource.com 2 walls of the Processing area. Town Council Page 36 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 From: Russell Owen [mailto:rowen@vadensacoustics.com] Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 1:34 PM To: Tracy Heslink Subject: RE: 4822-6 Trophy Club Town Hall, Extension to Processing 161 RFP Tracy, No cost, Merry Christmas Thank You, Russell Owen Project Engineer QUALITY. PERFORMANCE. RELIABILITY. 8795 Harmon Road | Fort Worth, TX 76177 main 817.847.8822 | fax 817.847.5999 direct 817.847.8822 | mobile 817.538.6443 website | vCard | map | email From: Tracy Heslink [mailto:theslink@steelefreeman.com] Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 1:37 PM To: Russell Owen Subject: RE: 4822-6 Trophy Club Town Hall, Extension to Processing 161 RFP Russell, I don't see that you responded to the comments that you and Brian discussed with regard to this area. It's our believe that there should be no costs associated with this as you hadn't used the most recent drawings. Please confirm. Thank you, Tracy M. Heslink Assistant Project Manager C: 817-480-4479 Projects: Trophy Club Town Hall & Police Station Town Council Page 37 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Norix Group, Inc 1800 W. Hawthorne Lane Suite N - West Chicago, IL 60185- Phone: 630-231-1331 - Fax: 630-231-4343 - Email: furniture@norix.com Q U O T E To: Fort Worth, TX 76131 Steele & Freeman, Inc. 1301 Lawson Rd. Phone: Fax: Email: Re: 817-480-4479 Ext. theslink@steelefreeman.com Trophy Club Town Hall & Police Date 12/22/2016 Quoted By Jessica Becker Terms Subject to Credit Approval Quote # TX1216-18A Ship Via Custom Tracy Heslink Qty Item ID Item Name / Description Unit Net Price Ext. Price 1 $690.00IBW-0601812-12CS-001 Bench, Ironman, 60 x18, Steel Top, 12Ga, Wallmount, 2 Cuff Rings, Grey $690.00 Prices quoted based on qty. If qty changed please call Norix for updated pricing. $160.00 TOTAL $850.00 Shipping and Handling:Trophy Club, TX Standard dock delivery to Attention: Freight includes Shipping and Handling charges for common carrier with standard dock delivery and requires the use of your personnel and equipment for unloading. If you require 24 hour notification, exact day delivery, unloading assistance, inside delivery, or special assistance, please contact Norix before the scheduled shipment date as there will be additional charges. This Quotation is valid for 30 days and subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions stated in the Norix Group Price List. Thank you for allowing Norix the privilege of quoting your requirements. Lead-time:9 weeks ARO, or sooner. Your Local Representative: Ship To: __________________________________Accepted By: ______________________________ Address: __________________________________P.O. Number: ______________________________ __________________________________Tax Exempt? (please circle) Yes or No Contact: __________________________________Tax Exempt #: _____________________________ Phone: ___________________________________Requested Delivery Date: ____________________ Bill To (if different from above): ___________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Contact: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________ Does not include applicable taxes. PROVCO, Mike Provencher, 817-905-5406, mike@provco.us 12/22/2016 Quote # TX1216-18A Page 1 of 1 SFI Installation $250.00 Town Council Page 38 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1 Tracy Heslink From:Gene Hacker [ghacker@voltatallc.com] Sent:Thursday, December 22, 2016 1:02 PM To:Tracy Heslink Subject:RE: 4822-6 Trophy Club Town Hall, Extension to Processing 161 RFP Tracy, The cost of the (1) type B fixture would be $ 495.00 Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device Town Council Page 39 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-02-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/4/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the possible location and uses of a Storage Facility on Town property (Mayor Pro Tem Lamont). Attachments:Town Hall Planting Plan (L1.1).pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 8: Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the possible location and uses of a Storage Facility on Town property (Mayor Pro Tem Lamont). Town Council Page 40 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 E x h i b i t A Town Council P a g e 4 1 o f 4 6 M e e t i n g D a t e : T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 0 , 2 0 1 7 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12017-03-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/4/2017 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the relocation of the dog run on the Town property (Mayor Pro Tem Lamont). Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 9: Discuss and provide direction to Staff regarding the relocation of the dog run on the Town property (Mayor Pro Tem Lamont). Town Council Page 42 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12016-724-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:12/29/2016 Town Council On agenda:Final action:1/10/2017 Title:Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for January 24, 2017 meeting and discussion of Future Agenda Items, to include discussion of the below items from the Future Agenda list (Staff): · Item No. 3 - Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2- October 11, 2016) (3-January 10, 2017) · Item No. 4 - Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) (2-January 10, 2017) Attachments:Items for Future Agendas updated 12-13-2016.pdf January 24, 2017 Proposed Agenda Items.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Agenda Item No. 10: Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for January 24, 2017 meeting and discussion of Future Agenda Items, to include discussion of the below items from the Future Agenda list (Staff): ·Item No. 3 - Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2-October 11, 2016) (3-January 10, 2017) ·Item No. 4 - Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) (2-January 10, 2017) Town Council Page 43 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Page 1 of 1 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 12/13/2016) 1. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016) (2-May 10, 2016) (3-August 9, 2016) (4-November 8, 2016) (5-February 14, 2017) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 5/10/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 8/9/2016 - Mayor Sanders advised that several items have taken precedence and that this item can remain on the list until the applicable time to deal with it. 9/19/2016 – This item was scheduled to be placed on a future Joint Meeting agenda, tentatively for January 2017, with the TCMUD No. 1 Board of Directors. 11/8/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 2. Discussion of Green Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) (2-September 13, 2016) (3-December 13, 2016) (5-March 14, 2017) 6/14/2016 – Mayor Sanders advised that when the sound wall along State Highway 114 is installed, this item would assist with shrubbery and landscaping through a grant application. 9/13/2016 – Mayor Sanders received consensus to leave this item due to the upcoming construction of the sound wall. Town Manager Seidel advised that it could be accomplished through a tri-city partnership with Westlake and Roanoke. 12/13/2016 – Council consensus was to leave this item on the Future Agenda Items list. 3. Detail review of the nuisance ordinance. (Rowe 4/12/2016) (1-July 12, 2016) (2-October 11, 2016) (3-January 10, 2017) 7/12/2016 - Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 10/11/2016 – Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 4. Consider repealing Section 14.02.253(3)(A) related to tree houses. (Shoffner 7/12/2016) (1-October 11, 2016) (2-January 10, 2017) 10/11/2016 – Council Member Shoffner advised that he would work with the Town Attorney about appropriate changes to the Code of Ordinances. Town Council Page 44 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 No. Workshop - 6:00 P.M.STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Discuss PD-30 Site Plan Updates Planning No. Announcements & Reports STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC Receive Acting Town Manager Arata's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff).Town Mgr Receive Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff): Town Sec No. Consent STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated January 10, 2017 (Staff).Town Sec Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated November 2016 (Staff). No. Public Hearing STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right - of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Planning Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right - of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff). Planning Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff).Planning Public Hearing regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Exhibit C, Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). Planning No. Regular Session STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Referred Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the design of Entryway Monumentation, Medians, Wayfinding, and Parks Signage for the Town of Trophy Club; and authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Town Council). Finance Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive (Staff).Planning Meeting Date 1/24/2017 WORKSHOP 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION - 7:00 P.M. Town Council Page 45 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Meeting Date 1/24/2017 WORKSHOP 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION - 7:00 P.M. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right -of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive (Staff).Planning Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH114 and Trophy Lake Drive (Staff). Planning Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Exhibit C, Section A (1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004- 11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive (Staff). Planning Receive an Update regarding PD Planned Development District No. 30 Site Plan (Staff).Planning Consider and take appropriate action regarding Landscaping Options for the new Town Hall Facility (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club ordering and calling a General Election to be held on May 6, 2017 for the purpose of electing one (1) mayor and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 1 and one (1) Councilmember to Place No. 2 on the Trophy Club Town Council, each for a term of three (3) years respectively and providing an effective date (Staff). Town Sec Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 2017 Town Council meetings (Staff).Town Sec Start Council Retreat and convene at a date certain in February 2017 (Staff).Town Sec TC Poet Laureate Proposal Resident No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List Update STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for February 14, 2017 meeting and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff).Town Sec No. Executive Session STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: Town Sec No. Regular Session STAFF RPT RES ORD PROC File ID Dept Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session.Town Sec Town Council Page 46 of 46 Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2017