Agenda Packet TC 08/09/2016 - Supplemental ItemsSupplemental Item August 9, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 12 Introduction of Dr. Ryder Warren, the new Superintendent with Northwest Independent School District; and receive an update regarding the District and Samuel Beck Elementary; discussion of same (N. Sanders and G. Reed). Samuel Beck Elementary School Building Accommodation Plan No rt h we st INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT For the 2016-2017 school year, Northwest ISD will need to make accommodations at Samuel Beck Elementary School in order to accommodate the addition of two classroom spaces. The campus is expecting 849 students for the coming school year, with a building capacity designed to accommodate 850 students. First- through third-grade enrollment will exceed the allotted number of classroom spaces for those grade levels. Northwest ISD's intent remains to place a portable building once a temporary use permit has been approved by the Town of Trophy Club. Immediate Internal Building Accommodations Two music teachers co -teach and share a single music room, and two art teachers co -teach and share a single art room • Two fourth-grade classes placed in the vacant art room and music room Parent Communication Plan o All parents to receive information regarding the co -teach model in art and music o Parents of the classes placed in the art and music rooms to receive information regarding plan Addition of a Portable Building Pending Approval of Temporary Use Permit • Following approval of the permit, one portable building containing two classrooms placed behind Beck Elementary within five weeks, see Attachment A • Install covered sidewalk connecting portable to the main building • Install fence along play area, providing security barrier between public sidewalk and portable • Principal meeting with staff reviewing Portable Safety and Security Plan Parent Communication Plan o All parents receive information regarding the temporary portable o Parents of fourth-grade classes located in portable receive timeline for the transition, safety plan for portables, and FAQ about portables o Parent meeting to discuss the transition, safety plan, and answer questions o Open House held for parents once the portable is in place Future Considerations • NISD to review attendance boundaries for all elementary schools, including Beck Elementary, in Spring 2017 • NISD to include building addition solutions in Long -Range Planning Committee discussions (Fall 2016) to be prioritized and presented to the NISD Board of Trustees for May 2017 bond referendum Attachment A Beck Elementary School 2016-17 Proposed Portable Building Site Plan Supplemental Item August 9, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 15 Consider and take appropriate action regarding the design of the Veterans Memorial; receive a presentation from Teague Nall & Perkins; discussion of same (Staff). w 4�tnp teague nail & perkins C*7 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB VETERANS MEMORIAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING August 9, 2016 Veteran's Memorial — Location Map w 44tnp teague nail & perkins c*::: AN � o aoo 4o0 *; tnp --- league® null &perkins t�, w 4�tnp League nail $ perkins Design Renderings MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - OPTION 2 TROPHY CLUB CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE SEAT WALL LANDSCAPE AREA EX. FLAG POLE b - SERVICE TOWERS DEDICATION PAVERS CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL PROPOSED SHADE TREE 20 10 0 20 TC* 0 0 AUGUST 2016 1 FUTURE PARKING LOT ----\ �tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL TROPHY CLUB CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL PROPOSED ORNAMENT. SEAT WALL LANDSCAPE AREA EX. FLAG POLE 6 - SERVICE TOWERS DEDICATION PAVERS CONNECTION TO EX. 10 5 0 10 T(7* f A PROPOSED SHADE TREE AUGUST 2016 �tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL TROPHY CLUB PERSPECTIVE ELEVATION TC* A 1 e 1'-6" SEATWALL 1'-6" WIDE CAST STONE CAP STONE VENEER 2" OVERHANG V-6" WIDE CAST STONE CAP STONE VENEER AUGUST 2016 �tnp league nail & perkins Service Towers R"h, w 4�tnp League nail $ perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - SERVICE TOWERS TROPHY CLUB Tc* A 011 1� FRONT X-011 MR on SIDE OPTION 1 AUGUST 2016 � tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - SERVICE TOWERS TROPHY CLUB Tc* A V-6" 2'-0" �,✓J F 3'-g„ OVERHANG 2'-3" W44 L FRONT SIDE OPTION 2 AUGUST 2016 �tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - SERVICE TOWERS TROPHY CLUB T(:*7f 0 2'_3A FRONT 2'-0" i OVERHANG -4" SIDE OPTION 2 X-8" AUGUST 2016 tnp league null & perkins �L� "-01 `;. 4'-0„ 4._0.. FRONT SIDE OPTION 1 2'_3A FRONT 2'-0" i OVERHANG -4" SIDE OPTION 2 X-8" AUGUST 2016 tnp league null & perkins Questions R"h, w 4�tnp League nail $ perkins w 4�tnp League nail $ perkins C TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB w 4�tnp teague null & perkins w 4�tnp teague null & perkins W 4�tnp League nail $ perkins Service Tower Photos ti v i �T - - -__-- _y�_W w -�F, .. .. ..' 1�^ - ' Orig final Sketch w 4�tnp teague nail $ perkins Town Council Page 115 of 129 Meeting Date: September 4, 2012 tt 1lE�Ci� LV1 a.Y�Ci• � vY1 Ce is l� e�� ,� -TG I AL AAA le- ama, zq a ! pot iue4e•;- c- f nW,4"or, cwt cj wG1e. QO' -�I- 'y G % a Town ouno� � Q) i Doe Page 116 of 129 Meeting Date- September a, 2012 MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - OPTION 1 TROPHY CLUB CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE SEAT WALL PROPOSED SHRUB BED €X. FLAG POLE 6 - GRANITE OBELISK DEDICATION PAVERS SECTION A CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL PROPOSED SHADE TREE 20 10 0 20 6T(7* f - s` - 0 0 JULY 2016 1 FUTURE PARKING LOT �tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - OPTION 1 TROPHY CLUB PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE EX. FLAG POLE 6 - OBELISK PROPOSED SHRUB BED TURF 9" WIDE MOW BAND OUTER WALK DEDICATION PAVERS SEATWALL CENTER TC* .k , v JULY 2016 � tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - OPTION 2 TROPHY CLUB CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL SEAT WALL LANDSCAPE AREA €X. FLAG POLE 6 - GRANITE OBELISK DEDICATION PAVERS SECTION A CONNECTION TO EX. TRAIL 20 10 0 20 TC* 0 0 JULY 2016 1 FUTURE PARKING LOT ----\ tnp league nail & perkins MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL - OPTION 2 TROPHY CLUB PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE EX. FLAG POLE 6 - OBELISK PROPOSED SHRUB BED TURF 9" WIDE MOW BAND OUTER WALK DEDICATION PAVERS SEATWALL CENTER TC* .k , JULY 2016 � tnp league nail & perkins w 4�tnp teague nail $ perkins Existing Site Photos .° Y Al _ .A y - a MILITARY VETERANS MEMORIAL IN HONDR OF THE MEN An WOMEN WHO SERVED IN THE - pNaD STATES ARMED FORCES .. tlIXCXTEU fq1 EMBf% Id. IN2 1XpMY GRX[KIJEXI 9E TCW( v _ -- w 4�tnp League nail $ perkins Photos TIP. C tit ly P_ i FK* "pow 16 MW11-A AL N11 0 Ked Bud lowprinc a w - - w i l rem�itt ♦ a -. r r .4 Fr. ' ♦ I R iii