Agenda Packet TC 07/12/2016 - Supplemental Items Supplemental Item July 12, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution nominating one (1) member to serve on the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District; and providing an effective date (Staff). Supplemental Item July 12, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 14 Consider and take appropriate action regarding the design of the Veterans Memorial; discussion of same (Staff). Supplemental Item July 12, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO. 23 Workshop with Council to discuss all other funds in the Town budget and provide direction to Town Staff or take appropriate action (Staff). funding capacity for debt issuance of $7M in FY Constant I&S Tax Rate of $0.11 allows for Debt Service Fund 2017. • Includes completion of joint Town Hall / Police Facility and Streets projects including: Indian Creek Drive from Meadowbrook to Harmony Park and Phoenix Drive Capital Projects Fund Construction of Canterbury Hills Park Harmony Park Parking Lot Parks Monument Signs •••• $3 per citation fee restricted to provide court security Reimburses the General Fund for bailiff services Court Security Fund Provides training for Court Personnel ••• for annual InCode court module maintenance, online card $4 per citation fee restricted to provide court technology FY 17 includes a driver’s license scanner, new credit Court Technology Fund payment portal, and interface between ticket machine, and an electronic signature pad writers/Court/collections agency Pays Includes a transfer of $149,975 to cover debt service of 2016 CO building, $24,000 for outside services, $5,000 for uniforms, and FY 2017 Budget includes $125,000 for funding FFE for new ,000 for small equipment and replacement CCPD applicable to the new facility 47 $ current developments at Trophy Wood, potential incentives, and Budget includes a full year of incentive payments related to debt service related to $2.65M issue for land purchases for EDC 4B economic development. • Personnel Cost of 75% of Special Events and Communications Manager, 25% Construction of Veteran’s Memorial with parking lot and wayfinding signage of both the Recreation Superintendent and Recreation and Special Events Hotel Occupancy Overtime of other staff and entryway monumentation. th Coordinator, and July 4 cost th Full July 4 ••• Contributes $25,000 toward debt service Street Maintenance Sales Tax Includes $100,000 for panel/pavement Pays for 100% of a streets employee replacement ••• FY 16 Estimate includes expenditures related to TIRZ #1 updated incentive agreements • Recreation Program Fund Self funds recreation programs • Anniversary Fund No activity projected • $40,000 Transfer to General Fund to cover administrative costs Mosquito abatement and maintenance of drainage related Portion of debt related to 2007GO, 2013CO, and 2015 GO Drainage portion of Engineering and Capital Projects Storm Drainage Fund properties Refunding •••• Anticipated break even date may exceed 5 years at Major loss anticipated in FY 2016 due to flooding Trophy Club Park current programming level ••