Agenda Packet TC 04/12/2016 - Notice of Possible Quorum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own CouncilPage 1 of 4 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-210-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/7/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town of Trophy Club Town Council may be in attendance at the Texas Department of Transportation noise barrier workshop to be held at Medlin Middle School located at 601 Parkview Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. The Town Council will not deliberate or take any action. Attachments:Noise Workshop Notification.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult NoticeisherebygiventhataquorumoftheTownofTrophyClubTownCouncilmaybeinattendanceattheTexas DepartmentofTransportationnoisebarrierworkshoptobeheldatMedlinMiddleSchoollocatedat601ParkviewDrive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262 scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. The Town Council will not deliberate or take any action. Town CouncilPage 2 of 4 4777 US HIGHWAY 80 EAST | MESQUITE, TEXAS 75150-6643 | (214) 320-6100 | WWW.TXDOT.GOV RE: Notice of SH 114 Traffic Noise Barriers Proposal CSJs:0353-02-074 and 0353-03-093 Denton and Tarrant Counties, Texas The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is planning roadway improvements in your area. The project noise analysis indicated that two traffic noise barriers would be necessary to lower traffic noise at the adjacent properties. If constructed, these traffic noise barriers would be located within City of Trophy Club right-of-way. A noise barrier workshop will be held at 5:30 p.m. on April 12, 2016 at Medlin Middle School, 601 Parkview Lane, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. The purpose of the meeting is to provide property owners the opportunity to ask questions and provide input regarding the construction of the proposed traffic noise barriers adjacent to their property sites. The discussion will include an explanation of the traffic noise analysis and the specific location and the dimensions of the proposed traffic noise barriers. Whether or not the proposed traffic noise barriers are constructed will be determined by a simple majority vote of property owners located directly adjacent to the traffic noise barriers.This simple majority vote is based on the total number of property owners located directly adjacent to the proposed traffic noise barriers. A map showing the proposed project location and noise workshop meeting location has been included with this notice. If additional information is required, please contact Mr. George Reeves at (214) 320-6158. OUR GOALS MAINTAIN A SAFE SYSTEM ADDRESS CONGESTION CONNECT TEXAS COMMUNITIES BEST IN CLASS STATE AGENCY An Equal Opportunity Employer Town CouncilPage 3 of 4 SH 114 and SH 170 bƚźƭĻ ‘ƚƩƉƭŷƚƦ \[ƚĭğƷźƚƓ aĻķƌźƓ aźķķƌĻ {ĭŷƚƚƌ ‘źķĻƓźƓŭ Freeway SH 114 from Trophy Lake Drive to Kirkwood Boulevard ƩƚƦŷǤ SH 170 from Roanoke Road to wƚğƓƚƉĻ /ƌǒĬ west of SH 114 Interchange DƩğƦĻǝźƓĻ \[ğƉĻ Noise DƩğƦĻǝźƓĻ {ƚǒƷŷƌğƉĻ Workshop Tuesday April 12, 2016 5:30 PM Medlin Middle School 601 Parkview Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 bƚźƭĻ ‘ƚƩƉƭŷƚƦ \[ƚĭğƷźƚƓ aĻķƌźƓ aźķķƌĻ {ĭŷƚƚƌ Parking Available FromSH114: TakeSH114towardTrophyClubandexitTrophyLakeDrive.Turn leftontoTrophyLakeDrive.TakeTrophyLakeDrivetoTrophyClubDrive.TurnLeft onTrophyClubDrive.TakeTrophyClubDrivetoBobcatBlvd.TurnleftonBobcat Blvd.TurnleftonParkviewDrive.MedlinMiddleSchoolisontheright. Town CouncilPage 4 of 4