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discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). *May 24, 2016 Council meeting *Mosquito Management Kickoff *Early Voting Dates *Events Update Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same (Staff). *May 24, 2016 Council meeting *Mosquito Management Kickoff *Early Voting Dates *Events Update Town CouncilPage 6 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-178-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff). *Economic Development Corporation 4B, April 4, 2016 Council Liaison - Council Member Rhylan Rowe Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff). *Economic Development Corporation 4B, April 4, 2016 Council Liaison - Council Member Rhylan Rowe Town CouncilPage 7 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-179-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated March 8, 2016 (Staff). Attachments:Draft TC Minutes March 8, 2016.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated March 8, 2016 (Staff). Town CouncilPage 8 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, March 8, 2016. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Nick Sanders Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 Jim Parrow Council Member, Place 1 Garrett Reed Council Member, Place 2 Rhylan Rowe Council Member, Place 3 Tim Kurtz Council Member, Place 4 arrived at 7:18 p.m. Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Stephen Seidel Town Manager Patricia Adams Town Attorney Steven Glickman Assistant Town Manager/CFO Holly Fimbres Town Secretary/RMO Adam Adams Parks and Recreation Director Patrick Arata Police Chief Pat Cooke Development Services Manager Mayor Sanders announced the date of Tuesday, March 8, 2016, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 7:00 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Council Member Parrow. The Pledges were led by Council Member Rowe. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Jim Thomas, 7 Meadowbrook Lane, advised that the comments that he was about to make were solely of his own and not of the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (TCMUD) No. 1. He commented that he had been frustrated regarding the difficulties of communication between the Town and TCMUD No. 1, which began with the TCMUD No. 1 wastewater treatment plant. He thanked Mayor Sanders and TCMUD No. 1 President Moss for coming up with a plan that allowed the permit to be issued for the wastewater treatment plant. He stated that he was in full agreement with the statements that were made by the Council at the end of their January 26, 2016 meeting. He stated that the TCMUC No. 1 needed to establish a fair market value for the Fire Department land, building, and equipment and allow the Town to buy the items from the District, while assuming the associated debt. He Town CouncilPage 9 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 believed that this is the right thing to do now, based on the Westlake Entrada development plan. He stated that he requested an item regarding this be placed on the next TCMUD No. 1 agenda. He concluded by giving his support for the Town to buy, own, and run the Fire Department to protect the safety and welfare of the citizens. Ted Powell, 12 Reading Court, stated that he received a message from Parks and Recreation Director Adams that resolved most of his concerns regarding the Community Garden. He expressed appreciation to the Council and Parks and Recreation Director Adams for their time spent and effort addressing his concerns. He requested that the area be returned to a green space after the garden is removed. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide input regarding same. *Trophy Club Women’s Club Garage Sale - Tentative Dates *RFQ for entryways, signage, etc. *Town Hall Groundbreaking Event Date *Volunteer Dinner Town Manager Seidel updated the Council and addressed questions, no action was taken on this item. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated January 29 and 30, 2016. (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated February 9, 2016. (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated February 19, 2016. (Town Secretary Note: Approved as presented in the Town Council agenda packet) 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving the submission to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, of a Grant Application for the Regional Mobile Crime Scene Unit Program for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year: authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents. 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving the submission to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, of a Grant Application for the Security Video Management System Program for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year: authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to approve the Consent Agenda Items 2 through 6. Motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding design modifications of Trophy Club Town Hall; discussion of same. Tom Batenhorst, Principal with GSBS, provided the Trophy Club Town Hall update regarding items that were Town Council Minutes March 8, 2016 Page 2 of 7 Town CouncilPage 10 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 discussed at the February 23, 2016, Council meeting. He reviewed the proposal of putting the ramping system inside the Council Chambers, which would save five feet from being taken from the actual building and save approximately $51,000 in funds. Town Manager Seidel provided a handout specific to available revenue sources and items for consideration based on available funding. Council Member Reed pointed out that the facility was originally over budget by approximately $1 million and that the Council challenged Staff to reduce the budget, resulting with the facility to currently be under budget by approximately $125,000. Discussion took place regarding action that the Crime Control and Prevention District Board took at their last meeting for funding of the new Police Department, which included secured fencing. Town Manager Seidel advised that tree mitigation funds could be applied to the landscaping. Mr. Batenhorst discussed the possibility of installing Terrazo flooring in the lobby area, which should last the life of the building, and alternative flooring would be porcelain tile, which should last approximately 30 years. He suggested taking the items that were being reconsidered and bid the items as add alternates to identify the true cost of the items. Council Member Shoffner commented that he was in favor of using tree mitigation funds. Council Member Rowe was not in favor of using tree mitigation funds for landscaping because he believed the funds should be applied toward Town entryways and beautification. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to authorize the Town Manager to proceed with front landscaping, lobby flooring switching to Terrazo, lobby brick wall, Police Department secure fencing, Council Chambers interior, and retaining wall – east side (PD) based upon available funding. Mayor Sanders commented that Town Staff have done their due diligence to reduce the overall cost of the facility. Council Member Shoffner spoke against the motion because it included all the items for reconsideration and he believed that the amount for being under budget should be increased. Council Member Rowe commented that he was not in favor of increasing the funding for the Council Chambers interior. The vote was taken. Motion failed for lack of majority 2-5-0 with Mayor Sanders and Council Member Parrow voting for, and Mayor Pro Tem Lamont and Council Members Reed, Rowe, Kurtz, and Shoffner voting against. Main Motion: Motion made by Council Member Rowe, seconded by Council Member Reed, to authorize Staff to move forward with the lobby flooring switching to Terrazo, lobby brick wall, Police Department secure fencing, and retaining wall on the east side with having the option of bollards to replace the wall, and additional 14 parking spaces over the required number using hotel occupancy tax funds. Motion to Amend: Motion to Amend made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Mayor Sanders, that the Police Department retaining wall be funded by the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Town Council Minutes March 8, 2016 Page 3 of 7 Town CouncilPage 11 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Discussion took place that Main Motion encompassed the Police Department secured fencing. The vote for the Motion to Amend was taken, that the Police Department retaining wall be funded by the Crime Control and Prevention District Board. Motion to Amend failed for lack of majority 1-6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Lamont voting for, and Mayor Sanders and Council Members Parrow, Reed, Rowe, Kurtz, and Shoffner voting against. Motion to Amend: Motion to Amend made by Council Member Shoffner, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to include front landscaping using tree mitigation funds and Tree City funding. Motion to Amend carried 5-2-0 with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Council Members Parrow, Kurtz, and Shoffner voting for, and Council Members Reed and Rowe voting against. The vote for the Main Motion as Amended was taken, to authorize Staff to move forward with the lobby flooring switching to Terrazo, lobby brick wall, PD secure fencing, and retaining wall on the east side with having the option of bollards to replace the wall, and additional 14 parking spaces over the required number using hotel occupancy tax funds; and to include front landscaping using tree mitigation funds and Tree City funding. Main Motion as Amended passed unanimously. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to approve the suggested plan of removing five feet from the building and the redesign of the ramping system to be in the Council Chambers. Motion passed unanimously. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, seconded by Council Member Parrow, to approve the interior upgrades for the Council Chambers. Mayor Sanders commented that this item could be bid out as an option, which would include for protective coating on the walls, stone or wood products behind the Council dais, and ceiling lighting in the Chambers. The vote was taken. Motion failed for lack of majority 3-4-0 with Mayor Sanders, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Council Member Parrow voting for, and Council Members Reed, Rowe, Kurtz, and Shoffner voting against. Discussion took place that the design contractors had under estimated the inflation cycle that the community is experiencing, which is expected to continue. 8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Subsection f, Community Pool Fees, within Section A1.012, Parks and Recreation and Special Events, of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club; and providing an effective date. Assistant Town Manager/CFO Glickman recommended removing the pavilion reservation of $100 from the nonresident rental rates. Motion: Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Kurtz, to approve Ordinance No. 2016-08, amending Subsection f, Community Pool Fees, within Section A1.012, Parks and Recreation and Special Events, of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club; and providing an effective date of March 8, 2016, with the removal of pavilion reservation of $100 from the Nonresident Rental Rates. Motion passed unanimously. Town Council Minutes March 8, 2016 Page 4 of 7 Town CouncilPage 12 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 9.Consider and take appropriate action regarding proposed amendments to the Town Council Rules of Procedure and provide direction to staff regarding related ordinance amendments. A) Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance repealing Division 2, Meetings and Rules of Procedure, of Article 1.03, Town Council, of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances; and adopting a new Division 2, Meetings and Rules of Procedure, of Article 1.03, Town Council; and providing an effective date. Mayor Sanders requested to add “Topics of presentations should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority” at the end of item f of Section 1.03.035, Order of business, agenda. Discussion took place that it is the Chairs discretion to allow for additional time for speakers during presentation by citizens or representative(s) of organized groups. Council Member Shoffner requested to add “or his designee” within Section 1.03.035, Order of business, agenda, (g) (4) so that it reads: Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted by the presiding officer, who shall direct the chief of police or his designee to remove such offenders from the room. Mayor Sanders received consensus from the Council to have the necessary corrections made and placed on the March 22, 2016, consent agenda. 10. Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for March 22, 2016 meeting; and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below items from the Future Agenda Items list: This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. A)Item No. 1 - Consider and take appropriate action regarding signage in medians at Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Wood Drive, Indian Creek and possibly Bobcat. (Sanders 7/22/2014) (1-Oct 28, 2014) (2-Feb 10, 2015) (3-May 12, 2015) (4-August 11, 2015) (5-December 8, 2015) (6-March 8, 2016) Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. B)Item No. 2 - Review ordinances regarding Town Homes, Condos and apartments. (Sanders 8/4/2014) (1-Nov 13, 2014) (2-Feb 24, 2015) (3-May 26, 2015) (4-August 11, 2015) (5-December 8, 2015) (6-March 8, 2016) Mayor Sanders advised that he placed this item on the Future Agenda Items list because he was contacted by a citizen who was concerned about multiple individuals living in a single apartment. He believed that possible restrictions could be implemented to address the concern, as well as other items for high density development such as parking garages. Discussion took place that if the Code of Ordinances were to be changed; those changes would not affect PD 30 because that development is governed by its approved planned development document. Additional discussion ensued that this item could be addressed during the Comprehensive Plan process and to include the following items when the process begins: renting of rooms from a residence and renting of a residence as a bed and breakfast. Town Attorney Adams advised that there are regulations in place for home occupations, that the Town has a rental property ordinance, and that the Town is regulated by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Town Council Minutes March 8, 2016 Page 5 of 7 Town CouncilPage 13 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Dennis Sheridan, Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission, was in favor of the review and stated that the Town already has adopted an occupancy code, the Property Maintenance Code, and the International Building Code. C)Item No. 3 - Discussion of possible uses of hotel occupancy tax funds, including the ability to use the funds for Trophy Club Park. (Lamont and Kurtz 4/14/2015) (1-July 14, 2015) (2-December 8, 2015) (3-March 8, 2016) Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. D) Item No. 4 - Discussion and action related to town garage/special/estate/moving sales, etc. (Sanders 4/28/2015) (1-July 28, 2015) (2-December 8, 2015) (3-March 8, 2016) Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. E) Item No. 5 - Establish a reserve policy for Trophy Club Park. (Sanders 5/26/2015) (1-August 25, 2015) (2-December 8, 2015) (3-March 8, 2016) Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. Mayor Sanders requested to add the following items to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Discussion of form liners for the sound wall along State Highway 114. Discussion of Blue Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. Council Members Shoffner and Reed requested to add the following item to the Town Council Future Agenda Items list: Explore regulations and guidelines to allow for golf cart use and parking in Town parks. Council Member Shoffner was in favor of removing the presentation from Patrick Prather with Municipal Mosquito from the March 22, 2016 Council agenda, and having the information posted on the Town’s website to allow for public access. EXECUTIVE SESSION 11. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, Council will convene into closed executive session as authorized by: A. Section 551.071 “Consultation with Attorney” under Subsection (1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and Subsection (2) for consultation with its attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act (551.071(1) and (2)). Legal advice regarding fire and emergency medical services, Interlocal Agreements with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 for Fire Department Services and related matters. CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME – 9:03 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME – 9:50 P.M. Town Council Minutes March 8, 2016 Page 6 of 7 Town CouncilPage 14 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Motion: Motion made by Mayor Sanders, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, to authorize the Town Manager to make the Council’s suggested changes to the proposed Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services, based upon legal advice, and submit to the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1. Council Member Rowe commented that he believed that the Council did productive work regarding the item, which will hopefully assist in getting the document approved. The vote was taken. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Parrow, seconded by Council Member Rowe, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Council Minutes March 8, 2016 Page 7 of 7 Town CouncilPage 15 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-207-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:4/4/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Joint Election Agreement between the Town and the Tarrant County Elections Administrator for administration of the Town’s May 7, 2016 General and Special Election; authorizing the payment of fees; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Attachments:Tarrant County Elections Joint Agreement for May 2016 Election.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganInterlocalJointElectionAgreementbetweentheTownandtheTarrant CountyElectionsAdministratorforadministrationoftheTown’sMay7,2016GeneralandSpecialElection;authorizing the payment of fees; and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Town CouncilPage 16 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT FOR ELECTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT for election services is made by and between the Tarrant County Elections Administrator and the following political subdivisions located entirely or partially inside the boundaries of Tarrant County: City of Arlington City of Sansom Park City of Azle City of Watauga City of Bedford Town of Edgecliff Village City of Blue Mound Town of Pantego City of Colleyville City of Westlake City of Dalworthington Gardens Town of Westover Hills City of Euless City of Westworth Village City of Forest Hill Arlington ISD City of Fort Worth Azle ISD City of Grand Prairie Crowley ISD City of Haltom City Eagle Mountain/Saginaw ISD City of Haslet Grapevine-Colleyville ISD City of Hurst Keller ISD City of Keller Town of Trophy Club City of Kennedale Lewisville ISD City of Lake Worth Town of Flower Mound City of Pelican Bay Trophy Club MUD 1 City of Richland Hills City of River Oaks This contract is made pursuant to Texas Election Code Sections 31.092 and 271.002 and Texas Education Code Section 11.0581 for a joint May 07, 2016 election to be administered by Frank Phillips, Elections Administrator, hereinafter referred RECITALS Each participating authority listed above plans to hold a general and/or special election on May 07, 2016. The County owns an electronic voting system, the Hart InterCivic eSlate/eScan Voting System (Version 6.2.1), which has been duly approved by the Secretary of State pursuant to Texas Election Code Chapter 122 as amended, and is compliant with the accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities set forth by Texas Election Code Section 61.012. The contracting political subdivisions desire for such use and to share in certain other expenses connected with joint elections in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapters 31 and 271 of the Texas Election Code, as amended. Page 1 of 10 Town CouncilPage 17 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements, and benefits to the parties, IT IS AGREED as follows I. ADMINISTRATION The parties with each other in accordance with Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code and this agreement. The Tarrant County Elections Administrator shall coordinate, supervise, and handle all aspects of administering the Joint Election as provided in this agreement. Each participating authority agrees to pay the Tarrant County Elections Administrator for equipment, supplies, services, and administrative costs as provided in this agreement. The Tarrant County Elections Administrator shall serve as the administrator for the Joint Election; however, each participating authority shall remain responsible for the decisions and actions of its officers necessary for the lawful conduct of its election. The Elections Administrator shall provide advisory services in connection with decisions to be made and actions to be taken by the officers of each participating authority as necessary. system and polling places, and it is agreed that the Elections Administrator may enter into other contracts for election services for those purposes on terms and conditions generally similar to those set forth in this contract. In such cases, costs shall be pro-rated among the participants according to Section XI of this contract. At each polling location, joint participants shall share voting equipment and supplies to the extent possible. The participating parties shall share a mutual ballot in those polling places where jurisdictions overlap. However, in no instance shall a voter be permitted to receive a ballot containing an office or proposition stating a measure on which the voter is ineligible to vote. Multiple ballot styles shall be available in those shared polling places where jurisdictions do not overlap. II. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Each participating authority shall be responsible for the preparation, adoption, and publication of all required election orders, resolutions, notices, and any other pertinent documents required by the Texas Election Code and/or the participating authorityng body, charter, or ordinances, except that the Elections Administrator shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of all voting system testing notices that are required by the Texas Election Code. Preparation of the necessary materials for notices and the official ballot shall be the responsibility of each participating authority, including translation to languages other than English. Each participating authority shall provide a copy of their respective election orders and notices to the Tarrant County Elections Administrator. III. VOTING LOCATIONS The Elections Administrator shall select and arrange for the use of and payment for all election day voting locations. Voting locations will be, whenever possible, the usual voting location for each election precinct in elections conducted by each participating city, and shall be compliant with the accessibility requirements established by Election Code Section 43.034 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The proposed voting locations are listed in Attachment A of this agreement. In the event that a voting location is not available or appropriate, the Elections Administrator will arrange for use of an alternate location with the approval of the affected participating authorities. The Elections Administrator shall notify the participating authorities of any changes from the locations listed in Attachment A. If polling places for the May 07, 2016 joint election are different from the polling place(s) used by a participating authority in its most recent election, the authority agrees to post a notice no later than May 6, 2016 at the entrance to any previous polling places in the jurisdiction stating that the polling location h polling place names and addresses in effect for the May 07, 2016 election. This notice shall be written in both the English and Spanish languages. Page 2 of 10 Town CouncilPage 18 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 IV. ELECTION JUDGES, CLERKS, AND OTHER ELECTION PERSONNEL Tarrant County shall be responsible for the appointment of the presiding judge and alternate judge for each polling location. The Elections Administrator shall make emergency appointments of election officials if necessary. Upon request by the Elections Administrator, each participating authority agrees to assist in recruiting polling place officials who are bilingual (fluent in both English and Spanish). In compliance with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, each polling place containing more than 5% Hispanic population as determined by the 2010 Census shall have one or more election official who is fluent in both the English and Spanish languages. If a presiding judge is not bilingual, and is unable to appoint a bilingual clerk, the Elections Administrator may recommend a bilingual worker for the polling place. If the Elections Administrator is unable to recommend or recruit a bilingual worker, the participating authority or authorities served by that polling place shall be responsible for recruiting a bilingual worker for translation services at that polling place. The Elections Administrator shall notify all election judges of the eligibility requirements of Subchapter C of Chapter 32 of the Texas Election Code, and will take the necessary steps to insure that all election judges appointed for the Joint Election are eligible to serve. The Elections Administrator shall arrange for the training and compensation of all election judges and clerks. The Elections Administrator shall arrange for the date, time, and place for presiding election judges to pick up their election supplies. Each presiding election judge will be sent a letter from the Elections Administrator notifying him of his appointment, the time and location of training and distribution of election supplies, and the number of election clerks that the presiding judge may appoint. Each election judge and clerk will receive compensation at the hourly rate established by Tarrant County pursuant to Texas Election Code Section 32.091. The election judge will receive an additional sum of $25.00 for picking up the election supplies prior to election day and for returning the supplies and equipment to the central counting station after the polls close. Election judges and clerks who attend voting equipment training and/or procedures training shall be compensated at the same hourly rate that they are to be paid on election day. The Elections Administrator may employ other personnel necessary for the proper administration of the election, including such part-time help as is necessary to prepare for the election, to ensure the timely delivery of supplies during early voting and on election day, and for the efficient tabulation of ballots at the central counting station. Part-time personnel working as members of the Early Voting Ballot Board and/or central counting station on election night will be compensated at the hourly rate set by Tarrant County in accordance with Election Code Sections 87.005, 127.004, and 127.006. V. PREPARATION OF SUPPLIES AND VOTING EQUIPMENT The Elections Administrator shall arrange for all election supplies and voting equipment including, but not limited to, official ballots, sample ballots, voter registration lists, and all forms, signs, maps and other materials used by the election judges at the voting locations. The Elections Administrator shall ensure availability of tables and chairs at each polling place and shall procure rented tables and chairs for those polling places that do not have tables and/or chairs. At each polling location, joint participants shall share voting equipment and supplies to the extent possible. The participating parties shall share a mutual ballot in those precincts where jurisdictions overlap. However, in no instance shall a voter be permitted to receive a ballot containing an office or proposition stating a measure on which the voter is ineligible to vote. Multiple ballot styles shall be available in those shared polling places where jurisdictions do not overlap. The Elections Administrator shall provide the necessary voter registration information, maps, instructions, and other information needed to enable the election judges in the voting locations that have more than one ballot style to conduct a proper election. Page 3 of 10 Town CouncilPage 19 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Each participating authority shall furnish the Elections Administrator a list of candidates and/or propositions showing the order and the exact manner in which the candidate names and/or proposition(s) are to appear on the official ballot (including titleinted). Each participating authority propositions. The joint election ballots that contain ballot content for more than one joint participant because of overlapping territory shall be arranged in the following order: Independent School District, City, Water District(s), College District, and other political subdivisions. Early Voting by Personal Appearance shall be conducted exclusively on Tarrant County system. On election day, voters shall have a choice between voting on the eSlate electronic voting system or by a paper ballot that is scanned at the polling place using Tarrant County day will be cast only on the eSlate electronic voting system to prevent the possibility of paper provisional ballots from being immediately counted via the eScan ballot scanner. The number of paper ballots printed for election day voting shall be, at a minimum, equal to the same election day turnout as in the last comparable election plus 25 percent of that number, with the final number of ballots ordered per polling place or precinct adjusted upward to end in a number divisible by 50. The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for the preparation, testing, and delivery of the voting equipment for the election as required by the Election Code. The Elections Administrator shall conduct criminal background checks on relevant employees upon hiring as required by Election Code Section 129.051(g). VI. EARLY VOTING The participating authorities agree to conduct joint early voting and to appoint the Election Administrator as the Early Voting Clerk in accordance with Sections 31.097 and 271.006 of the Texas Election Code. Each participating authority agrees ing clerks. The participating authorities further agree that the Elections Administrator may appoint other deputy early voting clerks to assist in the conduct of early voting as necessary, and that these additional deputy early voting clerks shall be compensated at an hourly rate set by Tarrant County pursuant to Section 83.052 of the Texas Election Code. Deputy early voting clerks who are permanent employees of the Tarrant County Elections Administrator or any participating authority shall serve in that capacity without additional compensation. document. Any qualified voter of the Joint Election may vote early by personal appearance at any of the joint early voting locations. As Early Voting Clerk, the Elections Administrator shall receive applications for early voting ballots to be voted by mail in accordance with Chapters 31 and 86 of the Texas Election Code. Any requests for early voting ballots to be voted by mail received by the participating authorities shall be forwarded immediately by fax or courier to the Elections Administrator for processing. The Elections Administrator shall post on the county website each participating authorityearly voting report on a daily basis and a cumulative final early voting report following the close of early voting. In accordance with Section be posted to the county website no later than 10:00 AM each business day. Page 4 of 10 Town CouncilPage 20 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 VII. EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD AND SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE Tarrant County shall appoint an Early Voting Ballot Board (EVBB) to process early voting results from the Joint Election. The Presiding Judge, with the assistance of the Elections Administrator, shall appoint two or more additional members to constitute the EVBB. The Elections Administrator shall determine the number of EVBB members required to efficiently process the early voting ballots. The Elections Administrator shall determine whether a Signature Verification Committee is necessary, and if so, shall appoint the members. VIII. CENTRAL COUNTING STATION AND ELECTION RETURNS The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for establishing and operating the central and remote counting stations to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and of this agreement. The participating authorities hereby, in accordance with Section 127.002, 127.003, and 127.005 of the Texas Election Code, appoint the following central counting station officials: Counting Station Manager: Stephen Vickers, Assistant Elections Administrator Tabulation Supervisor: Eric Leija, Tarrant County Elections Operations Manager Presiding Judge: Kelley Roberson Alternate Judge: Emma Allen The counting station manager or his representative shall deliver timely cumulative reports of the election results as precincts report to the central and remote counting stations and are tabulated. The manager shall be responsible for releasing unofficial cumulative totals and precinct returns from the election to the joint participants, candidates, press, and general public by distribution of hard copies at the central counting station and by posting to the Tarrant County web site. To ensure the accuracy of reported election returns, results printed on the tapes produced by Tarrant County equipment will not be released to the participating authorities at the remote collection sites or by phone from individual polling locations. The Elections Administrator will prepare the unofficial canvass reports that are necessary for compliance with Election Code Section 67.004 after all precincts have been counted, and will deliver a copy of these unofficial canvass reports to each participating authority as soon as possible after all returns have been tabulated. Each participating authority shall be responsible for the official canvass of its respective election(s). The Elections Administrator will prepare the electronic precinct-by-precinct results reports for uploading to the Secretary of State as required by Section 67.017 of the Election Code. The Elections Administrator agrees to upload these reports for each participating authority unless requested otherwise. The Elections Administrator shall be responsible for conducting the post-election manual recount required by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code unless a waiver is granted by the Secretary of State. Notification and copies IX. PARTICIPATING AUTHORITIES WITH TERRITORY OUTSIDE TARRANT COUNTY Each participating authority with territory containing population outside Tarrant County agrees that the Elections Administrator shall administer only the Tarrant County portion of those elections. Page 5 of 10 Town CouncilPage 21 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 X. RUNOFF ELECTIONS Each participating authority shall have the option of extending the terms of this agreement through its runoff election, if applicable. In the event of such runoff election, the terms of this agreement shall automatically extend unless the participating authority notifies the Elections Administrator in writing within 3 business days of the original election. Each participating authority shall reserve the right to reduce the number of early voting locations and/or election day voting locations in a runoff election. Each participating authority agrees to order any runoff election(s) at its meeting for canvassing the votes from the May 07, 2016 election and to conduct its drawing for ballot positions at or immediately following such meeting in order to expedite preparations for its runoff election. Each participating authority eligible to hold runoff elections agrees that the date of the runoff election, if necessary, shall be Saturday, June 18, 2016. XI. ELECTION EXPENSES AND ALLOCATION OF COSTS The participating authorities agree to share the costs of administering the Joint Election. Allocation of costs, unless specifically stated otherwise, is mutually agreed to be shared according to a formula which is based on the average cost per election day polling place (unit cost) as determined by adding together the overall expenses and dividing the expenses equally among the total number of polling places. Costs for polling places shared by more than one participating authority shall be pro-rated equally among the participants utilizing that polling place. It is agreed that charges for election day judges and clerks and election day polling place rental fees shall be directly charged to the appropriate participating authority rather than averaging those costs among all participants. If a participating authority charges or fees allocated to the participating authority for the cost of election day polling places in which the authority has fewer than 50% of the total registered voters served by that polling place, except that if the number of registered voters in all of polling places is less than the 50% threshold, the participating authority shall pay a pro-rata share of the costs associated with the polling place where it has the greatest number of registered voters. Costs for Early Voting by Personal Appearance shall be allocated based upon the actual costs associated with each early voting site. Each participating authority shall be responsible for a pro-rata portion of the actual costs associated with the early voting sites located within their jurisdiction. Participating authorities that do not have a regular (non- temporary) early voting site within their jurisdiction shall pay a pro-rata portion of the nearest regular early voting site. Costs for Early Voting by Mail shall be allocated according to the actual number of ballots mailed to each Participating authorities having the majority of their voters in another county, and fewer than 500 registered voters in Tarrant County, and that do not have an election day polling place or early voting site within their jurisdiction shall pay a flat fee of $400 for election expenses. Each participating authority agrees to pay the Tarrant County Elections Administrator an administrative fee equal to ten percent (10%) of its total billable costs in accordance with Section 31.100(d) of the Texas Election Code. The Tarrant County Elections Administrator shall deposit all funds payable under this contract into the appropriate fund(s) within the county treasury in accordance with Election Code Section 31.100. XII. WITHDRAWAL FROM CONTRACT DUE TO CANCELLATION OF ELECTION Any participating authority may withdraw from this agreement and the Joint Election should it cancel its election in accordance with Sections 2.051 - 2.053 of the Texas Election Code. The withdrawing authority is fully liable for any Page 6 of 10 Town CouncilPage 22 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 expenses incurred by the Tarrant County Elections Administrator on behalf of the authority plus an administrative fee of ten percent (10%) of such expenses. Any monies deposited with the Elections Administrator by the withdrawing authority shall be refunded, minus the aforementioned expenses and administrative fee if applicable. It is agreed that any of the joint election early voting sites that are not within the boundaries of one or more of the remaining participating authorities, with the exception of the early voting site located at the Tarrant County Elections Center, may be dropped from the joint election unless one or more of the remaining participating authorities agree to fully fund such site(s). In the event that any early voting site is eliminated under this section, an addendum to the contract shall be provided to the remaining participants within five days after notification of all intents to withdraw have been received by the Elections Administrator. XIII. RECORDS OF THE ELECTION The Elections Administrator is hereby appointed general custodian of the voted ballots and all records of the Joint Election as authorized by Section 271.010 of the Texas Election Code. Access to the election records shall be available to each participating authority as well as to the public in accordance with applicable provisions of the Texas Election Code and the Texas Public Information Act. The election records shall be stored at the offices of the Elections Administrator or at an alternate facility used for storage of county records. The Elections Administrator shall ensure that the records are maintained in an orderly manner so that the records are clearly identifiable and retrievable. Records of the election shall be retained and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Section 66.058 of the Texas Election Code. If records of the election are involved in any pending election contest, investigation, litigation, or open records request, the Elections Administrator shall maintain the records until final resolution or until final judgment, whichever is applicable. It is the responsibility of each participating authority to bring to the attention of the Elections Administrator any notice of pending election contest, investigation, litigation or open records request which may be filed with the participating authority. XIV. RECOUNTS A recount may be obtained as provided by Title 13 of the Texas Election Code. By signing this document, the presiding officer of the contracting participating authority agrees that any recount shall take place at the offices of the Elections Administrator, and that the Elections Administrator shall serve as Recount Supervisor and the participating authority official or employee who performs the duties of a secretary under the Texas Election Code shall serve as Recount Coordinator. The Elections Administrator agrees to provide advisory services to each participating authority as necessary to conduct a proper recount. XV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. It is understood that to the extent space is available, other districts and political subdivisions may wish to Elections Administrator may contract with such other districts or political subdivisions for such purposes and that in such event there may be an adjustment of the pro-rata share to be paid to the County by the participating authorities. Page 7 of 10 Town CouncilPage 23 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 2. The Elections Administrator shall file copies of this document with the Tarrant County Judge and the Tarrant County Auditor in accordance with Section 31.099 of the Texas Election Code. 3. Nothing in this contract prevents any party from taking appropriate legal action against any other party and/or other election personnel for a breach of this contract or a violation of the Texas Election Code. 4. This agreement shall be construed under and in accord with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the parties created hereunder are performable in Tarrant County, Texas. 5. In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. 6. All parties shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of the State of Texas, all local governments, and any other entities with local jurisdiction. 7. The waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this agreement shall not operate as or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach. 8. Any amendments of this agreement shall be of no effect unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto. XVI. COST ESTIMATES AND DEPOSIT OF FUNDS The total estimated obligation for each participating authority under the terms of this agreement is listed below. Each participating authority agrees to pay the Tarrant County Elections Administrator a deposit of approximately 75% of this estimated obligation within 15 days after execution of this agreement. The exact amount of each participating May 07, 2016 election (or runoff election, if applicable), and if the as total obligation exceeds the amount deposited, the authority shall pay to the Elections Administrator the balance due within 30 days after the receipt of the final invoice from the Elections Administrator. However, if the amount of ess than the amount deposited, the Elections Administrator shall refund to the authority the excess amount paid within 30 days after the final costs are calculated. Page 8 of 10 Town CouncilPage 24 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 The total estimated obligation and required deposit for each participating authority under the terms of this agreement shall be as follows: Political SubdivisionActual Billed #EstimatedDeposit #PollsPollsCostDue City of Arlington 28 16.50 $64,980 $48,800 City of Azle 1 0.50 $3,489 $2,700 City of Bedford 1 1.00 $12,320 $9,300 City of Blue Mound 1 0.50 $8,201 $6,200 City of Colleyville 1 0.50 $5,714 $4,300 City of Dalworthington 1 0.50 $3,188 $2,400 Gardens Town of Edgecliff Village 1 0.50 $3,641 $2,800 City of Euless 1 1.00 $9,734 $7,400 Town of Flower Mound 1 0.00 $400 $400 City of Forest Hill 1 1.00 $5,944 $4,500 City of Fort Worth 119 111.50 $369,945 $277,500 City of Grand Prairie 2 1.50 $13,897 $10,500 City of Haltom City 1 1.00 $79,554 $59,700 City of Haslet 1 1.00 $9,532 $7,200 City of Hurst 1 1.00 $9,953 $7,500 City of Keller 2 1.00 $6,288 $4,800 City of Kennedale 1 1.00 $9,217 $7,000 City of Lake Worth 1 1.00 $5,593 $4,200 Town of Pantego 1 0.50 $3,198 $2,400 City of Pelican Bay 1 0.50 $3,455 $2,600 City of Richland Hills 1 1.00 $9,354 $7,100 City of River Oaks 1 1.00 $4,558 $3,500 Town of Westover Hills 1 1.00 $4,396 $3,300 City of Sansom Park 1 1.00 $5,834 $4,400 City of Westworth Village 1 1.00 $4,566 $3,500 Town of Trophy Club 1 0.00 $400 $400 City of Watagua 1 1.00 $5,527 $4,200 Town of Westlake 1 0.50 $8,111 $6,100 Arlington ISD 33 15.00 $58,224 $43,700 Azle ISD 4 2.00 $6,923 $5,200 Crowley ISD 18 5.00 $22,968 $17,300 Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD 13 4.00 $15,941 $12,000 Grapevine-Colleyville ISD 6 1.50 $29,159 $21,900 Keller ISD 15 4.00 $23,806 $17,900 Lewisville ISD 1 0.00 $400 $400 Trophy Club MUD 1 1 0.00 $400 $400 TOTALS 181 181 $838,235 $630,700 Page 9 of 10 Town CouncilPage 25 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 XVII. JOINT CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL IN TESTIMONY HEREOF, this agreementhas been executed on behalf of the parties hereto as follows, to-wit: (1)It has on the _______day of _______________,2016 been executed by the Tarrant County Elections Administrator pursuant to the Texas Election Code so authorizing; (2)It has on the _______ day of _______________, 2016 been executed on behalf of the Town of Trophy Clubpursuant to an action of the Town of Trophy Club Town Council so authorizing; ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY THE TARRANT COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR: APPROVED: ___________________________________________ Frank Phillips Elections Administrator ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO BY THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL: APPROVED: ATTEST: _____________________________________________________________________________________ C. NICK SANDERS, MAYOR HOLLY FIMBRES, TOWN SECRETARY Page 10of 10 Town CouncilPage 26 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 3900 Southwest Green Oaks BoulevardBoulevard City of Arlington South Service Center 2016 12, Election Day Polling Location April Bebensee Elementary School City of Arlington Senior Center 1100 Southwest Green Oaks Atherton Elementary School Date: 2015 Craig Hanking Drive 2800 South Center Street Boles Junior High School High School Berry Elementary School Ditto Elementary School Texas 76013 Texas 76018 Texas 76010 Texas 76010 Texas 76017 Arlington, Texas 76017 Arlington, Texas 76016 2101 Overbrook Drive 76014Texas 76017Texas 76014 Meeting 2411 Winewood Lane 5200 Kelly Elliott Road 5900 Inks Lake Drive Bob Duncan Center 1800 Joyce Street 6) Texas Corey Academy 3001 Quail Lane /1 Junior 30 , , , , , , , , (as of 3/ Arlington Arlington Arlington ArlingtonArlingtonArlington Arlington Arlington Bailey total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations 445 of 27 Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD 1 Page FWISD 3 Arlington ISD Kennedale ISDKennedale ISD City of Arlington 3, Arlington ISD City of Arlington 4, Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Mansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISD , , , , , TCC 3,TCC 3, TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Arlington 3, , City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4 City of Arlington 2 City of Arlington 3 Entities 2660252124032428, 2461 , , , 2309250523932553 , , , , , Precincts at Site 2235, 2320, 2659 256922052210235822692263251925062464 Council No Election , , , , , , , , , Town 2302, 2381 202721812541214520282268265821692553235623062029, 250622662220, 2464 , , , , , , , , , , , , 2002205823832383210026732007235825052226251325132134267523042304202922202319 600 Southeast Green Oaks Boulevard 1601 Northeast Green Oaks Boulevard Imogene Gideon Elementary School 2016 Kenneth Davis Elementary School Janet Brockett Elementary School 6401 West Pleasant Ridge Road 12, Election Day Polling Location April Fitzgerald Elementary School Ferguson Education Center Was Northeast Branch Library Webb Road Elzie Odom Athletic Center Date: 810 Dove Meadows Drive Gunn Junior High School Miller Elementary School 3000 South Fielder Road Texas 76018 Texas 76018 Texas 76002 Texas 76015 Texas 76002 Texas 76001 Duff Elementary School 5201 Creek Valley Drive Meeting Arlington, Texas 76013Arlington, Texas 76006Arlington, Texas 76016 3100 Lynnwood Drive 6) 900 Eden Road - 1201 Mansfield /1 30 , , , , , , (as of 3/ Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 3 445 of 28 Arlington ISDISDArlington ISD 2 Viridian Municipal Management District Page Arlington B ISD FWISD 3 3 , Kennedale ISD FWISD TCC 3Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Arlington ISD Mansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISD - E - 3 FWISD 3 H , , , , TRWD, TCC 3,TCC 3, FWISD TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3 TRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Arlington 4, City of Arlington 4, City of Arlington 4, City of Arlington 4, City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 3 City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 3 City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 3City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 4City of Arlington 4 City of Arlington 4 Entities , 244225252520 , , 2310, 2606231625232318246224252474 , , 2315, , , , , , Precincts at Site 230323102450244926352267240523052425, 2609 Council No Election , , , , , , , , , Town 22802303222424482438261322292401, 245126452341221923052600 , 1605, 1441, , , , , , , , , , 21711514148944223532354244926352031217425572030258121732556221921731211 2 Courthouse in Arlington R. F. Patterson Elementary School 2016 12, Election Day Polling Location South Davis Elementary School High School April Sherrod Elementary School 2201 Ascension Boulevard High School Date: Young Junior High School 1200 North Cooper Street Webb Elementary School Pope Elementary School 2001 South Davis Drive 2000 North Fielder Road Texas 76006 Texas 76012 Texas 76006 Texas 76013 Texas 76010 Texas 76011 Texas 76016 700 East Abram Street Meeting Arlington, Texas 76001Arlington, Texas 76012 Kelly Elliott Road 3200 Woodside Drive - 901 Chestnut Drive Tarrant County Sub Junior 2626 Lincoln Drive 6) Junior /1 Shackelford 30 , , , , , , , (as of 3/ Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Nichols 6621 total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Arlington ISD 445 of 29 ) Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD, Arlington ISD 3 (Unincorporated voters Page B ISD 3 , Kennedale ISD FWISD Arlington ISD TCC 3Arlington ISD Mansfield ISD - E - H , , , , , , , TCC 3,TCC 3,TCC 3, TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3TCC 3 TRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Arlington 4, City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 22City of Arlington 2City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 5City of Arlington 1City of Arlington 4 City of Arlington Kennedale ISD Entities 253622812656 , , , 24672616253520552655 , , , 1380, 1463, 1631, , Precincts at Site 240225712522, 231721682190 Council No Election , , , , , Town 227425612522, 252223572217, 2246163121472161214826702468 , , , , , , , , , 2657, 2313, 222525372307226223072262200314202228160715642143205220262314 in Novemberin NovemberNovember Not Contracting with Tarrant County Contracting with the City of Godley 2016 12, Contracting with Parker County Election Day Polling Location April in Bransford Elementary School South Blue Mound Road conducted conducted conducted Blue Mound, Texas 76131 Date: Colleyville, Texas 76034 601 Southeast Parkway Texas 76022 Meeting -B Central Drive Blue Mound City Hall 76020 6) B. J. Clark Annex 601 Glade Road Pat May Center City Elections City Elections City Elections /1 Azle, Texas 30 (as of 3/ , Bedford 1849301 total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Saginaw ISD Colleyville ISD , Burleson ISD, TRWD (no voters) 1024, 1345, 1431, 1578, 1642 Burleson ISD (voters in the City of Fort Worth) - Burleson ISD (voters in the City of Crowley) Eagle Mountain 445 of (Unincorporated voters) 30 4 Burleson ISD (Unincorporated voters) ) Page Birdville ISD - Keller ISD voters Godley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Carroll ISD Grapevine Aledo ISD (Unincorporated voters) ISD 4065, 4284, 4340, 4373 Azle ISD (Unincorporated voters) B ISDB ISD B (City of Reno - Burleson ISD E - Azle ISD-- , EE H FWISD 7FWISD 77 , , , , , --TCC 1 FWISD HH TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 , TCC 2, TCC 3 , , TRWD City of Blue Mound, , , , , , , , , City of ColleyvilleCity of ColleyvilleCity of ColleyvilleCity of ColleyvilleCity of Colleyville City of Bedford, City of BenbrookCity of BenbrookCity of Benbrook Azle ISDAzle ISD , City of BurlesonCity of Burleson City of Bedford , City of Azle Entities , , TRWDTRWD , 4532 3516, 3517, 3539, 3562 4395, 437132543368344344803390, 3669 , , 3327, 3334, , , 3322, , 43404340320012081627333136633562 , , 3212, 3249, , 1394, 1418, , , , 4284,4284, Precincts at Site 43953157, 4230120633303562, 3539, 3663 Council No Election 4375, , , , , 4242, Town 4047, 1111, 1348 1111, 1348 4395315632831337, 11111024, 1418332335103330, 351033313562 , , , , , , , 3193, 4046,4047,4047, 1271, 4373303732603183357410091021463013394222143112943558319334213193 Texas 76016 , page 21 Not Contracting with Tarrant County Center Crowley ISD Administration Building Edgecliff Village Community Center 2016 Dalworthington Gardens City Hall 12, Election Day Polling Location Edgecliff Village, Texas 76134 April Convention location Date: , Texas 76140 Everman City Hall Annex Texas 76140 Dalworthington Gardens Crowley, Texas 76036 Crowley, Texas 76036 See City of Grapevine Meeting 213 North Race Street 2600 Roosevelt Drive 201 East Main Street 201 North Ector Drive Euless Public Library Euless, Texas 76039 1605 Edgecliff Road 6901 Wichita Street 512 Peach Street Crowley City Hall 6) & Forest Hill Civic /1 30 , , Forest Hill (as of 3/ Everman total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Colleyville ISD Crowley ISD FWISD 6 Everman ISD Colleyville ISDColleyville ISD Arlington ISD 4 Lewisville ISD FWISD Crowley ISD (voters in the City of Crowley) - 445 , , Grapevine of City of Crowley (voters in Burleson ISD) B ISD 31 TCC 1TCC 1 City of Crowley (voters in Crowley ISD) 5 , , Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Library DistrictLibrary District - , , E -- - , B ISDGrapevineGrapevine B ISDB ISD , , TRWDTRWD H City of Dalworthington Gardens, Unincorporated) TCC 2TCC 2 Everman ISD TCC 3 - -- E , EE , - -- , , Town of Edgecliff VillageTown of Edgecliff Village H HH , , , , , Town of Flower MoundTown of Flower Mound TCC 2, FH FH TCC 3TCC 3TCC 2 TRWDTRWD , , , City of Forest HillHill City of Everman , City of Euless, City of Euless, City of Euless, , City of Euless, ( City of Forest City of EulessCity of Euless Everman ISD Entities 3335, 3336, 3389, 3391, 3446 33293216, 3322, 3335, 3389, 35111301 , , 3183, 3216, 1293 , Precincts at Site , 1501 , 1501 1023, 1103, 1294 , 35741244 Council No Election , Town 129412941175, 1547, 3160, 35661295, 135213011153 , , , , , 102312941023222311891189160330363511324735743216102512443321332111531013 Sr. Elementary School Rosen Heights Baptist Church Family Church 2016 SchoolNorthside Family Resource Center 12, United Methodist Church Election Day Polling Location Diamond Hill Community Center 2519 Prairie Avenue April River Oaks United Methodist Northside Community Center Church Street 1701 Northeast 36th Street Date: Early Childhood Street Fort Worth, Texas 76114 Texas 76164 Texas 76164 Texas 76164 Texas 76106Texas 7616476164Texas 76106Fort Worth, Texas 76106 4800 Ohio Garden Road 2011 Prospect Avenue Meeting 2804 Prospect Avenue 1412 Denver Avenue Azle Avenue Baptist , th 2901 Azle Avenue Texas Rufino E. Mendoza th 1100 Northwest 18 6) 215 Northeast 14 /1 Life Center, 30, , , , , , , is Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort Worthort WorthFort Worth l Harvest El M. G. total F Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations -- Eagle MountainEagle Mountain Lake Worth ISDLake Worth ISDberry ISDLake Worth ISDCastleberry ISDCastleberry ISDLake Worth ISD FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 19FWISD 1FWISD 1FWISD 1 FWISD Lake Worth ISD 445 e Castl of 32 6 Page FWISD 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,, TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TCC 1TCC 1 TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 22222City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2 City of Fort Worth City of Fort WorthFort WorthCity of Fort WorthCity of Fort Worth Entities City of , 4565, 4568, 4598 , 4687, 4687 Precincts at Site , 451241224487 4125, 4512, 4592 Council No Election , 4073, Town , 4689 , 4051, 4685, 468540924563412543974122 , , , , , , 40484050405040504067406840684685408740934093409341104121412246884017401741384686 JPS Health Center Viola M. Pitts/Como Branch Library 2016 12, Election Day Polling Location St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Decatur Avenue Baptist Church Northbrook Elementary School April 4701 Bryant Irvin Road North 2500 Cantrell Sansom Road Date: Street 3401 Bellaire Drive South 2700 McPherson Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76109 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Texas 76106 Texas 76109 Northwest Branch Library Texas 76106Fort Worth, Texas 76131Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Trinity Episcopal Church 6228 Crystal Lake Drive 3715 Decatur Avenue Meeting 00 Jarvis Lower Level, Suite 1 th 1300 Northeast 35 6) /1 / Diamond Hill 30, , , Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort Worth total Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD 181 (Unincorporated voters) Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Saginaw ISDSaginaw ISD Saginaw ISD -- MountainEagle Mountain Lake Worth ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Northwest ISD Keller ISD FWISD 11FWISD 9-- - FWISD Eagle MountainEagle Mountain Lake Worth ISD Eagle Mountain Eagle 445 Northwest ISD of 33 7 Keller ISD Page FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 5 FWISD 9 , , , , , , , , Saginaw ISD TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TCC 1TCC 1 TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD - Mountain , , , City of Fort Worth 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2Fort Worth 2Fort Worth 2of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3 Eagle Entities , City of City of City of TCC 1 City Precincts at Site 44994666 Council No Election , 4650, Town 4452, 459146504232, 4650, 4498, 1676 4222, 4232, , 41234231424542454452445244524452459142324551455145514650108111171120 2016 12, Western Hills United Methodist Election Day Polling Location Tanglewood Elementary School Evans Community Center Southcliff Baptist Church Annex 3060 Overton Park Drive West Bethel United Methodist Church April 5000 Southwest Boulevard Was Redeemer Bible Church Date: 3900 Southwest Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76132 Fort Worth, Texas 76108 Texas 76116 Texas 76109 Texas 76116 Texas 76109 Texas 76116 7601 Bellaire Drive South Fellowship Texas 76116 2730 South Cherry Lane501 Academy Boulevard Meeting Agape Baptist Church Country Inn & Suites 3242 Lackland Road 4833 Selkirk Drive 6) Chapel Creek /1 30, , , , , , Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort Worth R. D. Was total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations White Settlement ISDWhite Settlement ISDWhite Settlement ISD voters) 445 City of Fort Worth 3, TRWD, Crowley ISD of (Unincorporated voters) Crowley ISD 34 8 (voters in the City of Benbrook) (Unincorporated Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) FWISD 7FWISD 7FWISD 65FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 77 FWISD FWISD (Unincorporated voters) FWISD 7FWISD 7 , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , White Settlement ISD ,,City of Fort Worth 3, of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 33City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3 City of Fort Worth TRWD , Entities FWISD 7FWISD 7 TRWD City City , 14234534 , 4369, Precincts at Site 1296, 12084630 Council No Election , Town 1208,1296, 1423 111141364135423042764276, 4369 1021, , 1337, 1339, 4128, 1111, 1111111111114129463041634163417941794182420342031337 entary School Briarhaven Road Atwood McDonald Elementary School 2016 United Methodist Church 12, Election Day Polling Location April Riverside Community Center 4551 Southwest Boulevard Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76112 Texas 76116 3700 East Belknap Street Eastern Hills High SchoolTexas 76112 Elem Texas 76109Texas 76116Birchman Baptist ChurchWorth, Texas 76116Fort Worth, Texas 76111Fort Worth, Texas 76112 3020 Bigham Boulevard Meeting Faith Lutheran Church East Regional Library Annex Building, 4917 5701 Shelton Drive Mary Louise Phillips 6301 Bridge Street 1850 Barron Lane 6) 2700 Dale Lane /1 30, , , , Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort WorthFort Worth Arborlawn Fort total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations White Settlement ISDWhite Settlement ISD FWISD 9 445 of rowley ISD Birdville ISDBirdville ISD 35 9 (voters in the City of Benbrook) Page FWISD 7FWISD 5FWISD 6FWISD 7FWISD 7FWISD 5FWISD 7FWISD 5FWISD 9FWISD 23FWISD 2FWISD 9 FWISD TCC 1, (Unincorporated voters) C FWISD 7 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 44City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4 City of Fort Worth Entities FWISD 7 TRWD , 1622 1460 1151, 1199, 1277, Precincts at Site 4343, 425244971622 Council No Election , 4020, 4204, 1199, 1430, Town 41301472, 43434456, 41784069, 4480, 44804069, 44801198, 16251623, 43621491 1366, , , 1366 434241304118411541784069449744801082114627916791430 1 Meadowbrook Community Center Riverside High School 2016 Riverside Applied Learning Center 12, Election Day Polling Location April D. McRae Elementary School 8250 Parkwood Hill Boulevard Parkview Elementary School Library 4205 Basswood Boulevard Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76112 Texas 76111 Texas 76137 Texas 76105 9100 North Beach Street Fort Worth, Texas 7624476111Fort Worth, Texas 76137Fort Worth, Texas 76137 Hillwood Middle School Meeting Branch 3301 Yucca Avenue 6900 Bayberry Drive 6201 Beaty Street Fort Worth, Texas Northpark YMCA 6) 3600 Fossil Drive 3316 Avenue N /1 -len Amon Carter 30, , , Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/ g - Summer Handley total Saginaw ISD 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Saginaw ISD - Eagle Mountain Birdville ISD Keller ISD 9FWISD 9FWISD 9- FWISD Eagle Mountain 445 Northwest ISD of Birdville ISD 36 10 Keller ISDISD, Keller ISDKeller ISD Page FWISD 32 FWISD , , , , , TCC 1, Keller Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters) TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 Northwest ISD Birdville ISD Keller ISD Keller ISD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 4, , , , , , City of Fort Worth 4, , , , , City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 44City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4City of Fort Worth 4ity of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5 Fort Worth Entities City of City of C , 3647, 46821407, 1414 Precincts at Site , 3637, 3647 3637, 4540 , 4596, 4604 Council No Election , 3570, Town , 1099, 4485452845085884234, 4588 4 , , , , 355235523637355241014162460243744250426142504250454045402344588458810121074 4 Church Martin Luther King Community Center School Universalist Paul Laurence Dunbar High School 2016 Baptist Church 12, W. M. Green Elementary School Election Day Polling Location S. S. Dillow Elementary School River Trails Elementary School April McMillian Elementary 3324 House Anderson Road ourthouse 4612 David Strickland Road Date: Texas 76105 Texas 76112 Texas 76112 Texas 76119 Texas 76112 Texas 76119 First Jefferson Unitarian Fort Worth, Texas 76119Fort Worth, Texas 76118 Meeting 5700 Ramey Avenue Euless, Texas 76040 Missionary 5565 Truman Drive 3409 Stalcup Road Avenue 1959 Sandy Lane C 6) - 4000 Avenue N 8850 Elbe Trail Sub /1 30, , , , , , Poly 3212 Miller Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/ St. John - Sunrise - Griffin total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Arlington ISD B ISD 445 of - Arlington ISD Birdville ISD 37 11 E - B ISDB ISD Page 23FWISD 34FWISD 24FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3 H FWISD FWISD FWISD FWISD , TCC 3, TCC 2 -- EE -- B ISD HH FWISD 3 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD - E - H , , , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 5, City of Fort Worth 5, , , , , , City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 55City of Fort Worth 5 City of Fort Worth Entities Precincts at Site 1586, 1589, 3653, 3654 Council No Election Town 1278, 2601, 26001197, 1610 , 1064, , 10981126112711061132114911841184142015891175340935601188119711971211 Water damage; moved to1142 (see below) St. Matthew United Methodist Church 2016 Bruce Shulkey Elementary School 12, ChurchWestminster Presbyterian Church Election Day Polling Location April s Lutheran Church Elementary School Date: Handley United Methodist Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Texas 76112 Texas 76119 Texas 76112 Texas 76105 Texas 76133 Anderson BoulevardCandlewood Suites Hotel Worth, Texas 76120 Texas 7615576133 Center 5709 Wedgwood Drive 5533 Whitman Avenue Meeting Pantego Bible Church 2929 Forest Avenue 7001 Trail Lake Drive 4910 Dunbar Street 4200 Reggis Court Texas 3800 Anglin Drive Precinct 1022 was 2414 Hitson Lane 6) Brighter Outlook /1 30, , , , , , , A. M. Pate St. Matthew Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort Worth 8001 Fort total 181 Colleyville ISD Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations - Grapevine B ISD FWISD 3 445 of - Crowley ISD 38 12 E - B ISD Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 3FWISD 2FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6 H FWISD 3 FWISD , , TCC 3, Crowley ISD TCC 3TCC 3 (Unincorporated voters) - E - FWISD 3FWISD 3 H , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TCC 3, TCC 3 TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , City of Fort Worth 5, City of Fort Worth 5, City of Fort Worth 5, , , , City of Fort Worth 5, , , , , City of Fort Worth 5, , , , , , City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 5Fort Worth 5City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6 City of Fort Entities FWISD 7 City of , 1490, 1518, 16513336 , 33291641 , 1348, Precincts at Site 1348, 1424, 1641 15141603 Council No Election , 1489, 1388, 1404, Town , 1641 , 1437, 241913471119, 13471142 , , 1022, 1227260615181651127012971311148913461415160314041022111913471348 Trinity Cumberland Presbyterian Church 2016 Genesis United Methodist Church 12, Fort Worth Education Association Election Day Polling Location Road April Southwest Community Center Sidney Poynter Elementary Grade School Oakmont Elementary School Courthouse Date: Crowley 7120 West Cleburne Road Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Fort Worth, Texas 76132 Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Texas 76133 7635 South Hulen Street Fort Worth, Texas 76133Fort Worth, Texas 76132 Meeting Burleson, Texas 76028 6021 Westcreek Drive Precinct One Garage 6551 Granbury Road Oakmont Trail 4212 Belden Avenue 6300 Welch Avenue 800 East Rendon 6) - Southwest Sub th /1 Wedgwood 6 30, Fort Worth (as of 3/ Was 6651 total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Burleson ISD) (Burleson ISD voters) 8FWISD 6 FWISD City of Fort Worth 6, (Burleson ISD voters) Crowley ISD 445 and Mansfield ISD of Everman ISD Crowley ISDCrowley ISDCrowley ISDCrowley ISDCrowley ISDCrowley ISD 39 13 Page Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 7 , Burleson , TCC 1TCC 1 City of Fort Worth 6, Crowley ISD Crowley ISD Crowley ISD (Unincorporated voters) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , voters in the City of TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,Worth 6, City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 6 City of Fort Entities FWISD 7 ( TRWD , 1642 Precincts at Site 13771642 1024, 1345, 1431 Council No Election 1071, 1186, , 1436, Town , 1639 , 1431 , 4070126412651255, 16391071, 13771034, 15041418 , 1255, 1024, 120712071207120712381459124140701167100412571105126412941639107111861186102410241345 Woodland Springs Elementary School Sendera Ranch Elementary School Elementary School 2016 North Hi Mount Elementary School 12, Election Day Polling Location 12120 Woodland Springs Drive School April Roanoke Road Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76262 Texas 76107 Texas 76107 1216 Diamondback Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76244Fort Worth, Texas 76107 201 North Bailey Avenue John M. Tidwell Middle 4101 Birchman Avenue Meeting Haslet, Texas 76052 3801 West 7th Street 6) South Hi Mount Jo Kelly School /1 - 3937 Haslet 30, , Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/ total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD (Unincorporated voters) Castleberry ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD (Unincorporated voters) 1FWISD 5FWISD 5 FWISD 445 Northwest ISDNorthwest ISDNorthwest ISD of 40 14 (Unincorporated voters)(Unincorporated voters) Keller ISDKeller ISD Page FWISD 5FWISD 1FWISD 5 , , , , Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters) Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters) TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 Northwest ISDNorthwest ISDNorthwest ISD Keller ISD City of Fort Worth 7, Keller ISD (Newark voters) , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD Northwest ISD , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 7, , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 77City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 77City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7 City of Fort Worth City of Fort Worth Northwest ISDNorthwest ISDNorthwest ISD Entities , TRWD 40443185, 3192, 3372, 3417, 3646 , 35673648 3363, , Precincts at Site , 35673646, 36463486 Council No Election 3152, , 3417, 3465, Town , 4694 , 4694 3372, 3417 , 31524044, 4371, 34173465 3043, 3240, , 304335673567356743714371337233723372364632403465348634654016435043504086411641374243 Allegra Nance Elementary School Versia L. Williams Elementary School Guinn Elementary School Arlington Heights Christian Church 2016 12, West Bailey-Boswell Road Election Day Polling Location April Date: W. E. Boswell High School Fort Worth, Texas 76135 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Texas 76111 Lake Patrol Headquarters Fort Worth, Texas 76179Worth, Texas 76131Texas 76104 Meeting 901 Baurline Avenue 701 Tierra Vista Way 501 Missouri Avenue 4629 Bryce Avenue 7501 Surfside Drive 6) /1 30, , and - Van Zandt Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort Worth Sonny 5805 Fort total Saginaw ISD 181 (Unincorporated voters) Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations ISDSaginaw ISDISD Saginaw ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD (Unincorporated voters) Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD (Unincorporated voters) Saginaw-Saginaw Eagle Mountain City of Fort Worth 7, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD White Settlement ISDSettlement ISD ---FWISD 4 - Mountain Eagle MountainEagle Mountain Lake Worth ISD Eagle Mountain 445 Northwest ISD of 41 15 Keller ISD Page FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 54FWISD 44 Azle ISD, , Saginaw ISD Northwest ISD White Eagle FWISDFWISD TCC 1TCC 1 Northwest ISD Keller ISD FWISD 5 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TCC 1 TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD - Eagle Mountain , , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 7, , City of Fort Worth 7, City of Fort Worth 7, , City of Fort Worth 7, , , , , , ,,, City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7rth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 3City of Fort Worth 7Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 7City of Fort Worth 8Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 8 City of Fort Wo Entities , City of City of TRWD , 42844532 , , 42724429 , Precincts at Site 4044, 4375, 4429 42424285437544291550 Council No Election , , , , , Town 4285, 4373 284, 437341134113, 427240454375, 453246384599, 463814441544 4053, 4091, , 4045, 4599, , , 405340534091411340654053434440444375404444544454437545994599459945991005167740061008 4 Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ Community Christian Church Education Precinct 1090 was at Greater Progressive Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church 1720 Vickery Boulevard East 2016 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 12, Election Day Polling Location I. M. Terrell Elementary School April Sycamore Recreation Center 960 East Baltimore Avenue 1063 East Rosedale Street 2525 East Rosedale Street 201 South Sylvania Avenue Date: Texas 76104 Texas 76111 Texas 76102 Texas 76104 Texas 76102 Texas 76103 Texas 76105 Texas 76104 Texas 76105 2900 Mitchell Boulevard 1411 I. M. Terrell Circle Church 3201 Purington Avenue Meeting 1816 Delga Street Greenway Church 6) Christ Cathedral /1 30, , , , , , , , , Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/ , Building total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 99 FWISD 445 of 42 16 Page 4944FWISD 99FWISD 2244 , , FWISDFWISDFWISDFWISDFWISDFWISDFWISDFWISD TCC 1TCC 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8Fort Worth 8 Entities City of City of Precincts at Site 1617 Council No Election , Town 1236, 16721075, 1090 , , 101010191476105610591061106110661479101110791080 Beth Eden Missionary Baptist Church 2016 Sagamore Hill Elementary School Meadowcreek Elementary School 12, Election Day Polling Location Morningside Elementary SchoolVictory Temple Worship Center Carter Park Elementary School April 701 South Hughes Avenue Date: 1204 East Broadus Avenue Country Creek Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76123 Texas 76119 Texas 76103 Texas 76104 Texas 76119 Texas 76103 2001 Oakland Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76134Fort Worth, Texas 76115 2601 Timberline Drive 3309 Wilbarger Street Meeting New Hope Fellowship 2601 Evans Avenue 6410 South Freeway 6) Bradley Center /1 30, , , , , Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/ 2801 total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Everman ISD FWISD 4FWISD 4D 8 445 Crowley ISD of FWIS Everman ISDEverman ISD 43 17 Page 2244FWISD 4442 FWISD , , , , FWISDFWISDFWISDFWISDFWISDFWISD TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 Crowley ISD FWISD 4 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8 Entities , 1628 Precincts at Site , 16191652 , 1549, 1559 Council No Election , Town 1089, 1559, 15491576 1078, , 1083108811041150115015431154115444951652155515551597117012511251 St. Luke Cumberland Presbyterian Church 2016 12, Highland Hills Community Center Was Hanmaum International Baptist Election Day Polling Location April Greenbriar Elementary School Glen Park Elementary School Building Everman Parkway 1404 Sycamore School Road Parkway Elementary School Date: Church Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Fort Worth, Texas 76119 Fort Worth, Texas 76134 Texas 76102 2633 Altamesa Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76134Fort Worth, Texas 76133 1605 Grady Lee Street Meeting Tarrant County Plaza 1600 Glasgow Road Southwood Baptist 3601 Pecos Street 201 Burnett Street 6) /1 30, est Fort Worth (as of 3/ W 320 total 1 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Crowley ISD (Burleson ISD voters) Crowley ISD FWISD 698 FWISD FWISD Kennedale ISD Crowley ISD 445 Crowley ISD of Everman ISDEverman ISD Crowley ISD 44 18 Unincorporated voters) voters)Page 4FWISD 4FWISD 6FWISD 6FWISD 2FWISD 1 , , , TCC 1,, FWISD Kennedale ISD TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 Everman ISD Unincorporated FWISD 4FWISD 4 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , City of Fort Worth 8, City of Fort Worth 8, City of Fort Worth 8, City of Fort Worth 8, City of Fort Worth 8, , City of Fort Worth 8, , , , , , , , , , , , , , City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 8City of Fort Worth 6City of Fort Worth 89City of Fort Worth 2City of Fort Worth 9 City of Fort Worth ( ( Kennedale ISD Everman ISD Entities 1439, 1577, 1578, 1621, 2474 1025, 1084, 1244, 1291, 1295 Precincts at Site , 2474, 4458 , 1577, 1578 Council No Election Town 12912474, 14391300, 1482376, 1237 1 1244, 1244, 1189, , 2911291247415781578130110841244118913781378137813781440144012921477100144941014 1 Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences Fort Worth Harvest Baptist Church 2016 Elementary School E. M. Daggett Elementary School 12, Election Day Polling Location April School De Zavala Elementary School El Buen Pastor Baptist Church 1501 West Seminary Drive 3001 Forest Park Boulevard Date: R. L. Paschal High School Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Fort Worth, Texas 76115 Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Fort Worth, Texas 76115 Texas 76107 Texas 76102 Texas 76104 Rosemont Middle School 620 North Chandler Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76110 2000 Park Place Avenue Meeting South Hills Elementary 1419 College Avenue 3813 Valentine Street 4800 Merida Avenue 3009 Bilglade Road 958 Page Avenue 1600 Texas Street 6) Lily B. Clayton Terrace /1 30, , , Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/ Trinity total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 1FWISD 9FWISD 5FWISD 8FWISD 8FWISD 9FWISD 188FWISD 9FWISD 1FWISD 9 FWISD FWISD 445 of 45 19 Page FWISD 5FWISD 5FWISD 6FWISD 8 , , , , , TCC 1,TCC 1,,,,,, TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9 Entities City of , 4573 , 1455, 1457, 1608, 1611 1434, 1633 , 1416, 1473, 4503 Precincts at Site , 14454634 Council No Election , 1408, 4496, Town 4077, 4096 , 1684, 1674, 10951165, 15944492 1133, , , 10151094106210761095108511081298129811091241273405744934060 4 Church Curtis Larson Elementary Ministry Center, 2740 South Freeway George C. Clarke Elementary SchoolRichard J. Wilson Elementary School Elementary School Charles E. Nash Elementary School 2016 Worth Heights Elementary School Heights Community Center 12, Election Day Polling Location April Macedonia Missionary Baptist 3300 South Henderson Street Texas 75050 Texas 75051 Street Southside Church of Christ Date: 2505 W. E. Roberts Street Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76110 Texas 76115 Texas 76104 3551 New York Avenue Texas 76102 519 East Butler Street 900 West Fogg Street Meeting 1333 West Spurgeon Hemphill Street 401 Samuels Avenue Heights 6) UAW Local #276 2620 Avenue K , , /1 Grand Prairie Grand Prairie and 30, , , , , , , , Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth (as of 3/Fort Worth Hubbard Worth Myrtice 2101 total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations FWISD 8FWISD 9FWISD 8FWISD 899FWISD 8FWISD 4 FWISD FWISD Arlington ISDArlington ISDArlington ISD 445 of 46 20 Page FWISD 9FWISD 1FWISD 99 FWISD , , , , , ,,, TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1TCC 1 , , , TCC 3TCC 35 FWISD 9 , , , , , , , , , , , , TCC TRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWDTRWD , , , City of Grand Prairie 1City of Grand Prairie 12 City of Grand Prairie , , , , , , , , , ,,,, City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9City of Fort Worth 9 Entities 2616 , 4615, 4640, 46832546 , Precincts at Site 44782158 Council No Election , 4475, 1382, 1404, Town 2680, 2681 410741954432425645872411 1412, 4155, , 1481, , , , 409743124201423343704253457216781351428821802413 Anna May Daulton Elementary School 2607 North Grand Peninsula Drive 2016 Starrett Elementary School 12, Election Day Polling Location April Grand Prairie, Texas 75052 Haltom City Northeast Center Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 Date: Haltom City, Texas 76117 Haslet Community Center Texas 76051 Meeting REC of Grapevine Haslet, Texas 76052 2675 Fairmont Drive Municipal Way 3201 Friendly Lane 6) 105 Main Street /1 30 , (as of 3/ Grapevine James 1175 The total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations ) Colleyville ISD City of Southlake Colleyville ISD Lewisville ISD - 445 Grapevine of Northwest ISD(voters in the 47 21 Birdville ISDBirdville ISD (Unincorporated voters) (Unincorporated voters) Page City of Grand Prairie 4, Arlington ISD - Mansfield ISDMansfield ISD Carroll ISD GrapevineFWISD 9 , Arlington ISDISD , , , Arlington Birdville ISD Keller ISD TCC 2TCC 2 Northwest ISD , , TCC 1, , , , TCC 1TCC 2 Colleyville ISD TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 , , , , Town of Flower MoundTown of Flower Mound City of Grand Prairie 2City of Grand Prairie 646 City of Grand Prairie City of Grand Prairie , City of Haltom City, , , , , , , City of Haltom CityCity of Haltom CityCity of Haltom CityCity of Haltom City City of GrapevineCity of GrapevineCity of Grapevine , Northwest ISD City of Haslet Mansfield ISD - Grapevine Entities 4239, 4362, 4399, 4410, 4533 24663321339635424191, 4218, 4290 , 2453, 2488, 2612, 2618 , , , , , 2438, 311433903542338441413363 , , , , 1199, 1622, 4042, 3192, Precincts at Site 793039338535303039415944853417 Council 2275, 2349, 23 No Election , , , 3038, 4102, 4141, 4483, , 3185, Town , 2488 , 4485 3192, 2299, 2644303833843470, 33213470, 3542 , , , , , 3185, 2381248422992379264426443035336134693035303533213321463243284102462044103152 2016 12, Shady Grove Elementary School Election Day Polling Location School Kennedale Community Center April 9830 Confederate Park Road Date: 1400 Sarah Brooks Drive 801 Bear Creek Parkway Kennedale, Texas 76060 901 Precinct Line Road Bear Creek Intermediate Texas 76108 Meeting Texas 76053 316 West 3rd Street Lakeside Town Hall Texas 76248 Keller, Texas 76248 Hurst Public Library 6) /1 30 , (as of 3/ Lakeside , , Keller Hurst total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations lle ISD (Unincorporated voters) ) Richland Hills Colleyville ISD (Unincorporated voters) 445 ) ted voters)Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters) of of Southlake voters) 48 22 White Settlement ISD North Page Northwest ISD Keller ISD (Unincorporated voters) Kennedale ISD City of Kennedale, Arlington ISD Birdville ISD - Mansfield ISD Carroll ISD City of (Unincorporated , Keller ISD Grapevine B ISD Keller ISD (UnincorporaKeller ISDKeller ISD Keller ISD City FWISD 4 Colleyvi Azle ISD - City of Keller, Keller ISD Ethe in the - H , , , , , , , TCC 2, voters in White Settlement ISD TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 TRWD TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 , , , - , voters , Grapevine City of KennedaleCity of KennedaleCity of Kennedale Town of LakesideTown of Lakeside Kennedale ISD , , City of Keller, , , , , , , City of KellerCity of KellerCity of KellerCity of Keller City of HurstCity of HurstCity of HurstCity of Hurst (( Keller ISDKeller ISD Entities , , , TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 3282358431723560, 35023554, 2522 , , , , , 32483583316632823665342234712474 3049, 3209, 3387, 3447 , , , , , , , , 2262, 2305, Precincts at Site 31963582366231563213339236713365, 2474 90, 3653, 3654 Council No Election , , , , , , 3585, 3661, 3240, Town 3176357535823139319633863240, 3671307236243579, 36261427, 15152029, 2262 , 3433, , , 3176, , , , , 303232483248303232483248304036683422364832403054358036243624202920292474425942594065 35 Keller ISD voters moved to Shady Grove, pg 22 Bursey Road Senior Adult Center Pantego Town Hall Council Chambers Donna Shepard Intermediate School 2016 Texas 76180 Contracting with Parker County North Richland Hills Public Library North Richland Hills, Texas 76180North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 12, Election Day Polling Location April J. L. Boren Elementary School 6651 Lake Worth Boulevard Date: Texas 76020 Courthouse 1614 South Bowen Road 1401 Country Club Drive Lake Worth, Texas 76135 Mansfield, Texas 76063 Texas 76063 1100 East Broad Street Texas 76063Texas 76013 Meeting 1280 FM Road 1187 , Pelican Bay City Hall 9015 Grand Avenue 6801 Glenview Drive 1300 Pelican Circle North Richland Hills Dan Echols Center 7301 Bursey Road 6) - /1 Mansfield Sub , 30 Pelican Bay , , (as of 3/ , Mansfield Mansfield Former Pantego total 181 Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Birdville ISDBirdville ISDBirdville ISDBirdville ISD B ISD Keller ISD Lake Worth ISD 445 of - 49 23 Birdville ISDBirdville ISD E Arlington ISD (Unincorporated voters) - Page H ISD , , , , , TCC 1, Lake Worth ISD TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 City of Reno (voters in Azle ISD) Azle Mansfield ISDMansfield ISDMansfield ISD , , , , , , , , , , North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland HillsRichland HillsCity of North Richland HillsCity of North Richland Hills , TRWD TRWD TCC 3 , , , , City of Pelican Bay , City of Lake WorthCity of Lake WorthCity of Lake Worth, , , Town of Pantego City of MansfieldCity of MansfieldCity of Mansfield City of North Mansfield ISD Entities City of 2618, 26432355, 2645, 46293575, 35823387 , , 2308254834473367 , 3215, 3289, 4399 , 2360, 2614, 2258, , , , , Precincts at Site , 424225243333338732093584 3214, 3324, 3364 Council No Election , , , , , Town 2221,, 2636 3583, 3664 4047, 4395 4091230824353289, 46293325, 33263041, 31773664320930633527 4053, 1034, , , , , , , 4091428520332357225824263140304130493049350721124047 Shady Grove, see page 22; Precinct 3545 moved moved to 4 , page 2 Center , see page 21 Was Richland Hills Community Center 2016 12, Precincts 3579 and 3626 1501 West Southlake Boulevard Election Day Polling Location Citizen April Fire Department Training Room location Texas 76118 Was Svore Municipal Building Library Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Sansom Park, Texas 76114 4900 River Oaks Boulevard Date: Carroll Senior High School 405 South Belmont Street Texas 76114 o Westlake, see page 25 Texas 76092 GCISD moved to The REC Saginaw Senior See Town of Westlake Sansom Park City Hall Meeting Saginaw, Texas 76179 Drive Public River Oaks City Hall 5705 Azle Avenue 295 Trophy Club 6) 6724 Rena Drive , Richland Hills /1 Richland Hills , 30 , River Oaks (as of 3/ Keller ISD Southlake City of total t 181 Northwest ISD Carroll ISD Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations Saginaw ISD Colleyville ISD Castleberry ISD , , TCC 2TCC 2 FWISD 1 Saginaw ISD Castleberry ISDLake Worth ISD 445 Castleberry ISD of , FWISD 9 Birdville ISD- , 50 Eagle Mountain 24 Northwest ISD Town of Trophy Club, Trophy Club MUD MUD Northwest ISD 1 Page - TCC 1, Carroll ISD FWISDGrapevine , Keller ISD Trophy Club TCC 1 FWISD 9 Birdville ISD- , Eagle Mountain Northwest ISDTCC 1 , , , , TCC 1, TCC 2 TCC 1TCC 1 TRWD , , , , , , TCC 1 TRWD , , , , TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2TCC 2 TCC 2 TCC 1TCC 1 TRWD , , City of Richland Hills, , , , , Trophy Club City of Richland Hills City of Sansom ParkCity of Sansom ParkCity of Sansom ParkCity of Sansom Park , City of River Oaks, , , , , City of River Oaks , , , , , , City of SouthlakeSouthlakeCity of Southlakeuthlake RoanokeCity of Roanoke of SaginawCity of SaginawCity of SaginawSaginaw City of So Entities own of City of City ofCity of City T , 4620, 4649, 46913529 , 34064687, 4531, 4690459535263579 , , , , , Precincts at Site 332542024499, 46384593459334703558, 3626 Council No Election , , , , , , , Town , 4693 31641199, 31644125, 459844544044, 433844004400459333593545354235793529 , , , , , , , , , , , 313141214202342236464018466640934245413846924138413844873039353834703545303935003500 Was Ponder Elementary at 12350 Rendon Road White Settlement ISD Administration Eagle Mountain Elementary School 2016 Elementary School 12, Texas 76114 Election Day Polling Location 9700 Morris Dido Newark Road Lane White Settlement, Texas 76108 April Texas 76107 6065 Retta Mansfield Road Building, 401 South Cherry Westworth Village City Hall Date: Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Westover Hills Town Hall 5824 Merrymount Road Texas 76148 Burleson, Texas 76028 Westlake, Texas 76262 Meeting Westlake Town OfficesSolona Office Complex 311 Burton Hill Road 7105 Whitley Road , Watauga City Hall Westworth Village 6) , 3 Village CircleTarver Rendon Westover Hills /1 30 , (as of 3/ Watauga total 181 Saginaw ISD (Unincorporated voters) Attachment A, May 7, 2016 Election Day Polling Locations White Settlement ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD (Unincorporated voters) White Settlement ISD Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD (Newark voters) White Settlement ISD 5 445 ) of City of Southlake5 FWISD Northwest ISD 51 25 Northwest ISD FWISD (Unincorporated voters) Page Carroll ISD Keller ISD , , 5 , ISD , TRWDTRWD FWISD TRWD Northwest ISD TRWD Northwest Keller ISD Birdville ISD , , TCC 2,, , , , , , TCC 2TCC 2 Keller ISD (voters in the City of Westworth VillageCity of Westworth Village , - SettlementCity of White SettlementCity of White Settlement TCC 2 Eagle Mountain Town of Westover Hills , , , Town of Westlake, , , Town of WestlakeTown of WestlakeTown of Westlake, , City of WataugaCity of RoanokeCity of Roanoke , 3509, 4261 City of Watauga City of White Mansfield ISD Entities , TRWD , 3509 3398, 2262 , Precincts at Site 33323398, 350241281504 4020, 4128, 4204 Council No Election , , 4113, , 1352, Town 31943287, 350034223422, 364643714371 , , , , 4044, 3286,3286, 3187366731873286337235453422364641154144414440204144404443711034 EARLYVOTINGFORMAY7,2016 (VOTACIÓNADELANTADADE7DEMAYODE2016) JOINTGENERALANDSPECIALELECTIONS (ELECCIÓNESGENERALESYESPECIALESCONJUNTAS) This schedule of early voting locations, dates and times applies to voters in the following cities, towns, schools, library and water districts ( 9ƭƷĻŷƚƩğƩźƚķĻĭğƭĻƷğƭķĻǝƚƷğĭźƜƓğķĻƌğƓƷğķğͲƭǒƭŅĻĭŷğƭǤƷźĻƒƦƚƭğƦƌźĭğƓğǝƚƷğƓƷĻƭĻƓƌğƭƭźŭǒźĻƓƷĻƭĭźǒķğķĻƭͲƦǒĻĬƌƚƭͲ : Arlington, Azle, Bedford, Blue Mound, Colleyville, Dalworthington Gardens, Edgecliff Village, Euless, ĻƭĭƚƌğƩĻƭͲķźƭƷƩźƷƚƭķĻĬźĬƌźƚƷĻĭğǤğŭǒğΜ Flower Mound, Forest Hill, Fort Worth, Grand Prairie District 4, Haltom City, Haslet, Hurst, Keller, Kennedale, Lake Worth, Pantego, Pelican Bay, Richland Hills, River Oaks, Sansom Park, Trophy Club, Watauga, Westlake, Westover Hills, Westworth Village, Arlington ISD, Azle ISD, Crowley ISD, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, Keller ISD, Lewisville ISD, Forest Hill Library District and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.1 EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE DAYS AND HOURS (DÍAS Y HORAS DE VOTACIÓN TEMPRANO POR APARICIÓN PERSONAL) April25Α29MondayΑFriday8:00a.m.Α5:00p.m. (Abril)(LunesViernes) April30Saturday7:00a.m.Α7:00p.m. (Abril)(Sábado) May1Sunday11:00a.m.Α4:00p.m. (Mayo)(Domingo) May2Α3MondayΑTuesday7:00a.m.Α7:00p.m. (Mayo)(LunesΑMartes) LocationAddressCity ZipCode Λ/Ɯķźŭƚ Λ ĬźĭğĭźƜƓΜΛ5źƩĻĭĭźƜƓΜΛ/źǒķğķΜ ƦƚƭƷğƌΜ BobDuncanCenter2800SouthCenterStreetArlington76014 1 2ElzieOdomAthleticCenter1601NEGreenOaksBoulevardArlington76006 CenterforCommunityService 34002WestPioneerParkwayArlington76013 JuniorLeagueofArlington SouthServiceCenter1100SWGreenOaksBoulevardArlington76017 4 TarrantCountySubCourthouseinArlington700E.AbramStreetArlington76010 5 TarrantCountyCollegeSECampus 62100SoutheastParkwayArlington76018 EMBΑCPortableBuilding BJClarkAnnex 603SoutheastParkwayAzle76020 7 Room4 8BedfordPublicLibrary2424ForestRidgeDriveBedford76021 9ColleyvilleCityHall100MainStreetColleyville76034 CrowleyISDAdministrationBuilding512PeachStreetCrowley76036 10 11EulessPublicLibrary201NorthEctorDriveEuless76039 ForestHillCivicandConventionCenter6901WichitaStreetForestHill76140 12 th 13AllSaintsCatholicChurchParishHall200N.W.20StreetFortWorth76164 th 14DiamondHill/JarvisBranchLibrary1300Northeast35StreetFortWorth76106 15GriffinSubCourthouse3212MillerAvenueFortWorth76119 16HandleyMeadowbrookCommunityCenter6201BeatyStreetFortWorth76112 17JamesAvenueServiceCenter5001JamesAvenueFortWorth76115 JPSHealthCenterViolaM.Pitts/Como 184701BryantIrvinRoadN.FortWorth76107 LowerLevelΑSuite100 19SouthsideCommunityCenter959EastRosedaleStreetFortWorth76104 20SouthwestSubCourthouse6551GranburyRoadFortWorth76133 21SummerglenBranchLibrary4205BasswoodBoulevardFortWorth76137 TarrantCountyElectionsCenter 222700PremierStreetFortWorth76111 MainEarlyVotingSite (Principalsitiodevotaciónadelantada) 23TarrantCountyPlazaBuilding201BurnettStreetFortWorth76102 VillagesofWoodlandSprings 12209TimberlandBoulevardFortWorth76244 24 AmenityCenter WorthHeightsCommunityCenter3551NewYorkAvenueFortWorth76110 25 2615W.PioneerParkway 26AsiaTimesSquareGrandPrairie75051 (CornerPioneerPkwyandGreatSouthwestPkwy) 27LakeParkOperationsCenter5610LakeRidgeParkwayGrandPrairie75052 28GrapevineColleyvilleISDAdminBuilding3051IraEWoodsAvenueGrapevine76051 29TheRECofGrapevine1175MunicipalWayGrapevine76051 3/29/2016 8:54:11 AM Town CouncilPage 52 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 EARLYVOTINGFORMAY7,2016 (VOTACIÓNADELANTADADE7DEMAYODE2016) JOINTGENERALANDSPECIALELECTIONS (ELECCIÓNESGENERALESYESPECIALESCONJUNTAS) ListofEarlyVotinglocationscontinued Λ\[źƭƷğķĻĭğƭĻƷğƭķĻǝƚƷğĭźƜƓğķĻƌğƓƷğķğĭƚƓƷźƓǒƜΜ LocationAddressCity ZipCode Λ/Ɯķźŭƚ Λ ĬźĭğĭźƜƓΜΛ5źƩĻĭĭźƜƓΜΛ/źǒķğķΜ ƦƚƭƷğƌΜ GrapevineElementarySchool 1801HallJohnsonRoadGrapevine76051 30 Gymnasium HaltomCityNortheastCenter3201FriendlyLaneHaltomCity76117 31 HasletPublicLibrary100GammilStreetHaslet76052 32 33HurstRecreationCenter700MaryDriveHurst76053 34KellerTownHall1100BearCreekParkwayKeller76248 rd 35KennedaleCommunityCenter316W3StreetKennedale76060 36{ŷĻƩźŅŅ͸ƭOfficeNorthPatrolDivision6651LakeWorthBoulevardLakeWorth76135 37RichlandHillsPublicLibrary6724RenaDriveRichlandHills76118 RiverOaksCityHall4900RiverOaksBoulevardRiverOaks76114 38 EagleMountainSaginawISDAdministration 391200OldDecaturRoadSaginaw76179 Building6ΑTrainingRoom 40WataugaCityHall7105WhitleyRoadWatauga76148 SolanaOfficeComplexWestlakeTownOffices 411301SolanaBoulevardWestlake76262 Bldg.4CouncilChamber2ndFloor TemporaryLocationwithSpecialDaysandHours Λ\[źƭƷğķĻ/ğƭĻƷğĻƒƦƚƩğƌĭƚƓ5żğƭǤIƚƩğƭ9ƭƦĻĭźğƌĻƭΜ April(Abril)26Α28TuesdayΑThursday(MartesΑJueves)8:00a.m.Α5:00p.m. UTAΑUniversityofTexasatArlington 500W.NeddermanDriveArlington76019 A MaverickActivitiesCenter ApplicationforaBallotbyMailmaybedownloadedfromourwebsite:www.tarrantcounty.com/elections (SolicitudparaBoletaporCorreosepuededescargardenuestrositioweb):ǞǞǞ͵ƷğƩƩğƓƷĭƚǒƓƷǤ͵ĭƚƒΉĻƌĻĭƷźƚƓƭ Informationbyphone:TarrantCountyElectionsAdministration,8178318683 (Informaciónporteléfono):(AdministracióndeEleccionesdelCondadodeTarrant8178318683) ApplicationsforaBallotbyMailmaybesubmittedbetweenJanuary1,2016andApril26,2016bymail,faxor emailto: (SolicitudesparaunaBoletaporCorreopuedensersometidasentreel1deEnerode2016y26deAbrilde2016 porcorreo, faxoemaila): EarlyVotingClerk(SecretarioDeVotaciónAdelantada) POBox961011 FortWorthTX761610011 Fax:8178316118 Email:votebymail@tarrantcounty.com 3/29/2016 8:54:11 AM Town CouncilPage 53 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-180-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Second Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2016 (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - FY 2016 2nd Quarter Investment Reports.pdf Second Quarter 2016 Investment Report.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Second Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2016 (Staff). Town CouncilPage 54 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Fiscal Year 2016 – 2nd Quarter Investment Report Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Second Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2016 (Staff). Explanation: The Town’s current interest bearing accounts have an ending balance of $10,621,665.91 as of March 31, 2016, which is an increase from $9,720,031.09 on January 1, 2016. The increase can be primarily attributed to collection of property tax revenue offset by cash distributed related to current capital improvement projects. Interest earnings for the quarter total $12,437.35 – which is an increase of $9,996.81 from the secondquarter investment report in FY 2015. The average yield of a 6 month treasury bill, which the Town uses as a performance benchmark, for the 2ndquarter was .44%, while Town investments earned .49% for the 2ndquarter. The 2nd quarter investment earnings were from the following investments: $171.15 was earned from an interest bearing account at First Financial Bank, $2,613.37 was earned from investment accounts at TexPool, $1,010.21was earnedfrom investment accounts at LOGIC, $4,479.71 was earnedfrominvestment accounts at First Public, and $4,162.91wasearned from Certificates of nd Deposit. The averageyield for interest bearing accounts during the 2quarter was 0.15% at First Financial, .30% at TexPool, 0.47% at LOGIC, 0.44% at First Public, and 0.68% on Certificates of Deposit. The Town’s deposits at First Financial Bank and Comerica Bank are collateralized by government securities. Attachments: Second Quarter 2016 Investment Report Recommendation: nd Staff recommends approval of the 2 Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2016. Town CouncilPage 55 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town of Trophy Club Quarterly Investment Report For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2016 First Financial Bank Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield First Financial - Pooled Cash$ 448,261.41$ 2,970,069.72$ (3,062,244.18)$ 171.15$ 356,258.10 10.15% First Financial Totals$ 448,261.41$ 2,970,069.72 $ (3,062,244.18) $ 171.15$ 356,258.10 10.15% TexPoolBeginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield TexPool - Interest and Sinking Account$ 1,032,277.47$ 934,266.53$ (731,028.92)$ 1,049.15 $ 1,236,564.2310.30% TexPool - Designated Account 2,741,084.60 3,337,826.54 (5,931,587.36) 357.39 147,681.1710.30% TexPool - Grant Fund 99.86 - - - 99.8610.30% TexPool - 2010 Tax Notes 41,152.30 - - 30.68 41,182.9810.30% TexPool - 5M Park Bond 2010 15,346.44 - - 11.43 15,357.8710.30% TexPool - 2012 Tax Notes 11,974.13 - (11,974.13) - - 10.30% TexPool - 2013 CO 66,977.43 4,104.91 - 51.04 71,133.3810.30% TexPool - Utility Drainage Account 264,551.95 44,600.00 (167,344.66) 158.61 141,965.9010.30% TexPool - 2014 CO 993,068.77 - (226,950.09) 650.91 766,769.5910.30% TexPool - EDC 4B Operating 386,887.82 58,693.03 (63,467.33) 280.53 382,394.0510.30% TexPool - 2015 CO EDC 4B 36,398.74 - (22,190.47) 23.63 14,231.9010.30% TexPool Totals$ 5,589,819.51 $ 4,379,491.01 $ (7,154,542.96) $ 2,613.37$ 2,817,380.93 10.30% LOGIC Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield LOGIC - Designated$ 154,386.64$ 1,100,139.00$ -$ 1,010.21 $ 1,255,535.8510.47% LOGIC Totals$ 154,386.64$ 1,100,139.00 $ -$ 1,010.21$ 1,255,535.85 10.47% First Public Beginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield First Public - 2014 Tax Note$ 163,105.60 $ - $ (75,500.59) $ 147.31 $ 87,752.32 10.44% First Public - Designated918,210.02 3,571,785.47 (840,000.00) 4,332.403,654,327.8910.44% First Public Totals$ 1,081,315.62 $ 3,571,785.47 $ (915,500.59)$ 4,479.71$ 3,742,080.21 10.44% Certificates of DepositBeginning EndingLife Investment DescriptionBalanceDepositsWithdrawalsInterestBalance(days)Yield Comerica Bank (General Fund)$ 1,004,409.45$ -$ -$ 1,799.40 $ 1,006,208.854160.72% Santander Bank (General Fund) 240,303.45 - - 388.93 240,692.382030.65% Mizuho Bank (General Fund) 240,233.42 - - 299.18 240,532.601110.50% Ally Bank (General Fund) 240,391.23 - - 508.61 240,899.843870.85% Centurion Bank (General Fund) 240,536.88 - - 688.11 241,224.995701.15% Capital One Bank (Hotel Occupancy Fund) 240,186.74 - - 239.34 240,426.08210.40% Beal Bank (50% EDC 4B, 50% Drainage Utility) 240,186.74 - - 239.34 240,426.08200.40% Certificate of Deposit Totals$ 2,446,247.91 $ - $ -$ 4,162.91$ 2,450,410.82 3000.68% Total Cash & Investments$ 9,720,031.09 $ 12,021,485.20$ (11,132,287.73)$ 12,437.35$ 10,621,665.91 700.49% (1)(2) (1) Weighted average life - For purposes of calculating weighted average life, pool and bank account investments are assumed to have a one day maturity. (2) Weighted average yield to maturity - The weighted average yield to maturity is based on adjusted book value, realized and unrealized gains/losses are not considered. The undersigned serves as the Investment Officer for the Town of Trophy Club. I certify that all instruments held in the Town's investment portfolios for the period January 1, 2016 through March 31, 2016 (a) met the investment guidelines and complied with the investment strategies as authorized by the Town's Investment Policies, and (b) did not violate any applicable provisions of section 2256 of the Government Code of Texas. INVESTMENT OFFICERDATE 04/04/2016 Steven Glickman Assistant Town Manger/CFO Town CouncilPage 56 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-198-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:4/1/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution with Texas CLASS Investment Pool allowing the Town to invest its funds with Texas CLASS; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Texas CLASS Investment Pool.pdf RES 2016-10 - Texas CLASS Investment Pool.pdf TX_Registration_Packet.pdf Texas CLASS Trust Agreement.pdf Representative Listing Of Texas CLASS City and Other Participants.pdf S&P Rating for Texas CLASS March 2015.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionwithTexasCLASSInvestmentPoolallowingtheTownto invest its funds with Texas CLASS; and providing an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 57 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Investment Resolution with Texas Class Investment Pool. Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution with Texas CLASS Investment Pool allowing the Town to invest its funds with Texas CLASS; and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: Established in 1996, the Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System Trust (the "Trust"), was created as an investment pool for its Participants pursuant to Section 2256.016 of the Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code. According to State Code, entities may pool any of their funds, or funds under their control, in order to preserve principal, to maintain the liquidity of the funds, and to maximize yield. The Texas CLASS Trust Agreement is an agreement of indefinite term regarding the investment, reinvestment and withdrawal of local government funds. The parties to the Trust Agreement are Texas local government entities that choose to participate in the Trust (the “Participants”), Public Trust Advisors LLC (PTA) as Program Administrator, and Wells Fargo Bank Texas, N.A. as Custodian. Texas CLASS is currently paying 0.56% in interest – the Town’s other authorized investment pools are paying between 0.346% and 0.5268%. Investing with Texas CLASS would give the Town another option to increase yield, while maintaining the same level of safety and liquidity. Attachments: Resolution No. 2016-10 TX Registration Packet Texas CLASS Trust Agreement Representative Listing Of Texas CLASS City and Other Participants S&P Rating for Texas CLASS March 2015 Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval of theTexas CLASS Investment Pool Resolution. Town CouncilPage 58 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN INVESTMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS CLASSINVESTMENT POOL, DESIGNATING THE POOL AS AN AGENCY AND INSTRUMENTALITY, APPROVING INVESTMENT POLICIES OF THE POOL, APPOINTING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES, AND DESIGNATING INVESTMENT OFFICERS. WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, as amended (the “Interlocal Act”), permits any “local government” to contract with one or more other “local governments” to perform “governmental functions and services,” including investment of public funds (as such phrases are defined in the Interlocal Act);and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Act authorizes the contracting parties to any interlocal agreement to contractwith agencies of the State of Texas, within the meaning of Chapter 771 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code, as amended (the “PFIA”), authorizes the entities described in Subsection (a) of the PFIA to invest their funds in an eligible public funds investment pool;and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of this governmental unit (“Applicant”) to invest its funds jointly with other Texas local governments in the Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System (Texas CLASS) in order better to preserve and safeguard the principal and liquidity of such funds and to earn an acceptable yield; and WHEREAS , Applicant is authorized to invest its public funds and funds under its control in TEXAS CLASSand to enter into the participation agreement authorized herein;and WHEREAS, the Government Entity is a Government Entity as defined in the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.The form of application for participation in Texas CLASSattached to this resolution is approved. The officers of Applicant specified in the application are authorized to execute and submit the application, to open accounts, to deposit and withdraw funds, to agree to the terms for use of the website for online transactions,to Town CouncilPage 59 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 designate otherauthorized representatives, and to take all other action required or permitted by Applicant under the Agreement created by the application, all in the name and on behalf of Applicant. Section 2.This resolution will continue in full force and effect until amended or revoked by Applicant and written notice of the amendment or revocation is delivered to the Texas CLASSBoard Section 3.Terms used in this resolution have the meanings given to them by the application. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, on this 12th day of April2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2016-10Page 2 of 3 Town CouncilPage 60 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 EXHIBIT A Texas CLASS Enrollment Packet 2016 RES 2016-10Page 3 of 3 Town CouncilPage 61 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Registration Packet Town CouncilPage 62 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Welcome to Texas CLASS We believe you have made a sound financial decision in choosing Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System (Texas CLASS). We look forward to being your trusted provider and are excited to connect with you to make your investment process a positive, easy experience. Texas CLASS is a short-term, highly liquid investment program, designed specifically for public-sector funds. It provides the opportunity to invest funds on a cooperative basis in short-term investments which are carefully selected to provide maximum safety and liquidity while generating a competitive yield. This packet contains all of the materials necessary to set up your Texas CLASS account(s). If you have any questions about the registration process or about your Texas CLASS account(s) please do not hesitate to contact us. The Texas CLASS Client Service team can be reached by phone toll-free at 800-707-6242 or by email at clientservices@texasclass.com. The Texas CLASS Team can be reached any business day, 8:30am to 5pm Central Time. Thank you for choosing Texas CLASS! Sincerely, The Texas CLASS Board of Trustees 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 63 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 1 Registration Procedures To participate in Texas CLASS, please complete the following: 1)Read the Trust Agreement (you may access a copy from the Document page on www.texasclass.com) 2)Pass the resolution authorizing participation in Texas CLASS (page 3 and 4) 3)Adopt the Trust Agreement by signing Exhibit D (page 5) 4)Complete the Entity Registration (page 6) 5)Complete the Authorized Contacts Form (page 7) 6)Complete the Account to be Established form; you may open as many account as you wish (page 8) 7)Keep the original forms for your records and send the completed packet to the Texas CLASS Client Service Team by fax 855-848-9910 or by email clientservices@texasclass.com Questions, please contact us; we would love to hear from you: Texas CLASS Client Service Team T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 64 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 2 Town CouncilPage 65 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: That the form, terms and provisions of the Trust Agreement, a draft of which was presented and reviewed at this meeting, providing for the creation of the Program and for the rights of the Program participants and the duties and responsibilities of the Administrator, be and the same are hereby approved and adopted; and that the Investment Officer be and he or she is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Administrator and the Custodian in the name and on behalf of the Local Government, a participation certificate evidencing the agreement of the Local Government to be bound by the Trust Agreement substantially in the form of the Trust Agreement reviewed and approved at this meeting, together with such changes therein as may be approved by the said officer, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution thereof; and be it further Resolved, that the investment program established by the Trust Agreement is hereby found and determined to be consistent with the Policy, and to preclude imprudent investment activities arising out of investment transactions conducted between the Local Government and the Program; and be it further Resolved, that the Governing Body hereby officially finds and determines that the facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this Resolution are true and correct; and be it further Resolved, that the Governing Body hereby finds and declares that written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted was posted for the time required by law preceding this meeting, and that such meeting was open to the public as required by law at all times during which this Resolution and the subject matter thereof were discussed, considered and formally acted upon, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended, and the Act; and be it further Resolved, that the officers of the Local Government, and each of them, shall be and each is expressly authorized, empowered and directed from time to time to do and perform all acts and things and to execute, acknowledge and deliver in the name and under the corporate seal and on behalf of the Local Government all certificates, instruments and other papers, whether or not herein mentioned, as they may determine to be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the terms and provisions of this Resolution and of the Trust Agreement hereby authorized and approved, such determination to be conclusively evidenced by the performance of such acts and things and the execution of any such certificate, financing statement, instrument or other paper; and be it further Resolved, that this Resolution shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon and after its passage. Signature of Board President Date Printed Name Signature of Secretary Date Printed Name 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 66 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 4 Exhibit D Participation Certificate The undersigned does hereby request that it be admitted as a Participant pursuant to Section 2.3 of the Sixth Amended and Restated by and between the Participants, Wells Fargo Bank, as Custodian, and Public Trust Advisors, LLC. By executing this Participation Certificate, the undersigned agrees that, upon the execution hereof by the Program Administrator, it will become subject to the same obligations and shall have the same rights as if it had executed the Agreement. The undersigned hereby certifies that is the duly designated Representative of the undersigned as required by the Agreement. The undersigned hereby certifies that its governing body has taken all actions required by Section 2256.016 of the Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code, in order for it to participate in the Trust created by the Agreement. Entity Name Signature Date Title Accepted by Administrator (to be completed by Texas CLASS): Signature Date Title 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 67 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 5 Trust Registration Entity Information Entity Name (Participant) Entity Type City/TownCounty School District Special District Other (Specify) Mailing Address County City Zip Tax ID Fiscal Year (Month/Day) Texas CLASS is hereby authorized to honor any telephone, faxed or electronic request, believed to be authentic, for withdrawal of funds. The withdrawal proceeds can be sent only to the bank(s) indicated below unless changed by written instructions. Each local government is responsible for notifying Texas CLASS of any changes to its account. Banking Information Bank Name Bank Routing Number (ABA) Account Title Account Number Bank Contact Additional Banking Information (Optional) Bank Name Bank Routing Number (ABA) Account Title Account Number Bank Contact 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 68 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 6 Authorized Contacts Key Contact and Authorized Signer Permissions Email Notifications Online Account 4 Additional Contact (Optional) Permissions Email Notifications Online Account Additional Contact (Optional) Permissions Email Notifications Online Account 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 69 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 7 Accounts to be Established Entity Name Desired Texas CLASS Subaccount Name(s) Account Number (assigned by Texas CLASS) TX-01- TX-01- TX-01- TX-01- TX-01- TX-01- TX-01- 999 18th Street, Suite 1230 T 800-707-6242 clientservices@texasclass.com Denver, CO 80202 F 855-848-9910 www.texasclass.com Town CouncilPage 70 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Page 8 Town CouncilPage 71 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 72 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 73 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 74 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 75 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 76 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 77 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 78 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 79 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 80 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 81 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 82 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 83 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 84 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 85 of 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445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 104 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 105 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 106 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 107 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 108 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 109 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 110 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 111 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 112 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 113 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 114 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 115 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 116 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 117 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 118 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 119 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 120 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Representative Listing of City Participants ** City of Alpine City of Aransas Pass City of Balch Springs City of Bedford City of Boerne City of Brownsville City of Cibolo City of Cleburne City of Conroe City of DeSoto City of Greenville City of Friendswood City of Haltom City City of Lancaster City of Longview City of Lubbock City of Mansfield City of Mesquite City of McKinney City of Pasadena City of Port Aransas City of Shertz City of San Marcos City of Weatherford Representative Listing of other Texas CLASS Participants ** • Harris County • Denton County • Montgomery County • Collin County • Fort Bend County • Hidalgo County • Grand Prairie Independent School District • Irving Independent School District • Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District • Mansfield Independent School District • Dallas Independent School District • Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District • Northside Independent School District • Fort Worth Independent School District • Katy Independent School District • Garland Independent School District • Pasadena Independent School District • Conroe Independent School District • United Independent School District **Texas CLASS currently has over 500 participants.** Town CouncilPage 121 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 POOL PROFILE March 31, 2015 Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System About the Pool AAAm A fund rated 'AAAm' demonstrates AAAm extremely strong capacity to maintain principal stability Portfolio Composition as of March 31, 2015 and to limit exposure to principal losses due to credit risk. 'AAAm' is the highest principal stability fund rating assigned by Standard & Poor's. AAm A fund rated 'AAm' demonstrates very strong capacity to maintain principal stability and to limit exposure to principal losses due to credit risk. It differs from the highest-rated funds only to a small degree. Am A fund rated 'Am' demonstrates strong capacity Rationale to maintain principal stability and to limit exposure to principal losses due to credit risk, but is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than funds in higher-rated categories BBBm A fund rated 'BBBm' demonstrates adequate capacity to Overview maintain principal stability and to limit exposure to principal losses due to credit risk. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a reduced capacity to maintain principal stability. BBm A fund rated 'BBm' demonstrates speculative characteristics and uncertain capacity to maintain principal stability. It is vulnerable to principal losses due to credit risk. While such funds will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these may be outweighed by Management large uncertainties or major exposures to adverse conditions. Dm A fund rated 'Dm' has failed to maintain principal stability resulting in a realized or unrealized loss of principal. Portfolio Assets Plus (+) or Minus (-) Standard & Poor's Analyst: The ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or Participants should consider the investment objectives, risks and charges and expenses of the pool before investing. The investment guidelines minus (-) sign to show which can be obtained from your broker-dealer, contain this and other information about the pool and should be read carefully before relative standing within the rating categories. investing. Town CouncilPage 122 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 AAAm Data Bank as of March 31, 2015 A Standard & Poor's principal stability fund rating, also known as a "money market fund rating", is a * Weighted Average Maturity (Reset) ** Weighted Average Maturity (Final) forward-looking opinion about a fixed income fund's capacity Net Assets, WAM (R) and WAM (F) to maintain stable principal Portfolio Maturity Distribution as of March 31, 2015 (net asset value). When assigning a principal stability rating to a fund, Standard & Poor's analysis focuses primarily on the creditworthiness of the fund's investments and counterparties, and also its investments' maturity structure and management's ability and policies to maintain the fund's stable net asset value. Principal stability fund ratings are assigned to funds that seek to maintain a stable or an accumulating net asset value. Generally, when faced with an unanticipated level of redemption requests during periods of high market stress, the manager of any fund may suspend redemptions for up to Portfolio Credit Quality as of March 31, 2015 * Portfolio 7 Day Net-Yield Comparison * five business days or meet redemption requests with payments in-kind in lieu of cash. A temporary suspension of redemptions or meeting redemption requests with distributions in-kind does not constitute a failure to maintain stable net asset values. However, higher rated funds are expected to have stronger capacities to pay investor redemptions in cash during times of high market stress because they generally comprise shorter maturity and higher quality investments. Principal stability fund ratings, or money market fund ratings, are identified by the 'm' suffix (e.g., 'AAAm') to distinguish the principal stability rating from a Standard The yield quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not & Poor's traditional issue or issuer credit rating. A guarantee future results. Current yield may be lower or higher than the yield traditional issue or issuer quoted. credit rating reflects Standard & Poor's view of a borrower's ability to meet its financial obligations. Principal stability fund ratings are not commentaries on yield levels. Standard & Poor's is neither associated nor affiliated with the fund. Copyright ¨ 2015 by Standard & PoorÓs Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved. No content (including ratings, credit-related analyses and data, valuations, model, software or other application or output therefrom) or any part thereof (Content) may be modified, reverse engineered, reproduced or distributed in any form by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Standard & PoorÓs Financial Services LLC or its affiliates (collectively, S&P). The Content shall not be used for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes. S&P and any third-party providers, as well as their directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents (collectively S&P Parties) do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of the Content. S&P Parties are not responsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, for the results obtained from the use of the Content, or for the security or maintenance of any data input by the user. The Content is provided on an Ðas isÑ basis. S&P PARTIES DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, FREEDOM FROM BUGS, SOFTWARE ERRORS OR DEFECTS, THAT THE CONTENTÓS FUNCTIONING WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR THAT THE CONTENT WILL OPERATE WITH ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CONFIGURATION. In no event shall S&P Parties be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs or losses caused by negligence) in connection with any use of the Content even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Credit-related and other analyses, including ratings, and statements in the Content are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact. S&PÓs opinions, analyses and rating acknowledgment decisions (described below) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security. S&P assumes no obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format. The Content should not be relied on and is not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such. While S&P has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P does not perform an audit and undertakes no duty of due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives. To the extent that regulatory authorities allow a rating agency to acknowledge in one jurisdiction a rating issued in another jurisdiction for certain regulatory purposes, S&P reserves the right to assign, withdraw or suspend such acknowledgement at any time and in its sole discretion. S&P Parties disclaim any duty whatsoever arising out of the assignment, withdrawal or suspension of an acknowledgment as well as any liability for any damage alleged to have been suffered on account thereof. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is not available to other S&P business units. S&P has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. S&P may receive compensation for its ratings and certain analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of securities or from obligors. S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites, www.standardandpoors.com (free of charge), and www.ratingsdirect.com and www.globalcreditportal.com (subscription), and may be distributed through Town CouncilPage 123 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 other means, including via S&P publications and third-party redistributors. Additional information about our ratings fees is available at www.standardandpoors.com/usratingsfees. STANDARD & POORÓS, S&P, GLOBAL CREDIT PORTAL and RATINGSDIRECT are registered trademarks of Standard & PoorÓs Financial Services LLC. Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-182-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation proclaiming May 7, 2016 as Arbor Day in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:PRO 2016-05 - Arbor Day Recognition.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationproclaimingMay7,2016asArborDayinTrophyClub; and providing an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 124 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PROCLAMATION NO. 2016-05 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, TO RECOGNIZE MAY 7, 2016 AS ARBOR DAY; RECOGNIZING THAT 2016 IS THE 144THANNIVERSARYOF THE HOLIDAY OF ARBOR DAY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS , in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set asidefor the planting of trees, and WHEREAS , this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and WHEREAS ,2016 is the 144thanniversary of the holiday and Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and WHEREAS , trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife, and WHEREAS , trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires, and beautify our community, and WHEREAS , trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: Section 1.In the Town of Trophy Club, the Mayor and Council urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands, and Section 2. The Mayor and Council urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-being of this and future generations. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this12th day of April 2016. _______________________________________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 125 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-190-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Consent Agenda File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances by adding Supplement No. 1 to the existing Code of Ordinances; providing a penalty ranging from $1.00 to $2,000.00 for each offence and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Code of Ordinances Supplement No. 1.pdf ORD 2016-13 - Adopting Code Supplement 1.pdf Exhibit A – Supplement No. 1 to the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceamendingtheTownofTrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesby addingSupplementNo.1totheexistingCodeofOrdinances;providingapenaltyrangingfrom$1.00to$2,000.00for eachoffenceandaseparateoffenseshallbedeemedcommittedeachdayduringoronwhichaviolationoccursor continues; and providing an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 126 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Re: Supplement No. 1 to the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances by adding Supplement No. 1 to the existing Code of Ordinances; providing a penalty ranging from $1.00 to $2,000.00 for each offence and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues; and providing an effective date (Staff). Explanation: On February 9, 2016, Council adopted a new Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, which included ordinances that had been approved through December 31, 2014. The codifer has provided Supplement No. 1 to the Code of Ordinances, which includes ordinances from January 2015 to March 8, 2016. Since there were approximately a year’s worth of ordinances that were not included with the initial adoption of the new Code of Ordinances, Staff felt that it would be appropriate to present Supplement No. 1 for approval to the Council. Subsequent supplements are not necessary for approval because the supplements include approved ordinances. As previously approved by Council at the November 13, 2014, Council meeting, the Code will be updated online monthly and printed supplements will be prepared quarterly. Once Supplement No. 1 has been approved, the online code will be updated and placed on the Town’s website. Attachments: Ordinance 2016-13 Exhibit A – Supplement No. 1 to the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club Town CouncilPage 127 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2016-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AMENDING THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO THE EXISTING CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT “A”; PROVIDING A REPEALER AND SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; SETTING FORTH APPROPRIATE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF EACH CODIFIED ORDINANCE AS SPECIFIED FOR EACH SUCH ORDINANCE PROVIDED THAT WHERE A PENALTY OR FINE IS NOT PROVIDED, THERE SHALL BE IMPOSED A MAXIMUM FINE OF $200 FOR VIOLATIONS OF TRAFFIC LAWS AND A MAXIMUM FINE OF $500 FOR VIOLATIONS OF ORDINANCES OR POLICE REGULATIONS, EXCEPT WHERE SUCH VIOLATION IS FOR A RULE, ORDINANCE, OR POLICE REGULATION THAT GOVERNS FIRE SAFETY, ZONING, OR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION, INCLUDING DUMPING OF REFUSE, AND THEN THE MAXIMUM FINE SHALL BE TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE FOR EACH DAY OR PART OF A DAY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club is a Home Rule Municipality acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, Chapter 53 of the Texas Local Government Code authorizes a municipality to adopt by Ordinance a codification of its civil and criminal Ordinances, together with appropriate penalties for violation of the Ordinances; and WHEREAS, since the Town’s incorporation in 1985, the Town has enacted numerous Ordinances for the benefit of the public health, safetyand welfare; and WHEREAS, in an effort to make those Ordinances more accessible to the public, the Town has compiled existing Town ordinances as specified herein into the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club Texas (hereinafter referred to as “Code of Ordinances”); and WHEREAS , the Code of Ordinances has the force and effect of an Ordinance regularly adopted in accordance with law, provides a record of the codified Ordinances and establishes the content of those Ordinances; and Town CouncilPage 128 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 WHEREAS, since the adoption of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances containing all adopted ordinances through December 31, 2014, the Town has approved more Ordinances for the benefit of the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, those Ordinances are hereby adoptedtosupplement the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinancesto include ordinances adopted from January 1, 2015 through March 8, 2016; and WHEREAS , through the passage of this Ordinance, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club hereby directs the Town Secretary to have printed a copy of Code of Ordinances as amended by Supplement No. 1 to the Code that is authenticated and approved by the Mayor’s signature and attested by the Town Secretary; and WHEREAS, the effect of the printed Code of Ordinances is toprovide prima facie evidence of the existence and regular enactment of the Ordinance adopting the Code of Ordinances and the printed Code is authorized by state law to be admitted into court without further proof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO CODEOF ORDINANCES Supplement No. 1, consisting of amendments to the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinancesis attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and is incorporated herein for all intents and purposes, has been established and is hereby adopted by the Town Council. Such Code of Ordinances shall be treated and considered as a new and original comprehensive Ordinance, which shall supersede all other general and permanent Ordinances passed by the Town Council on or before March 8, 2016, to the extent and with the exceptions as more specifically provided in this Ordinance. “Code of Ordinances” or “Code” as used herein shall refer to the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances adopted under the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. ORD 2016-13Page 2 of 5 Town CouncilPage 129 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 SECTION 3. REPEALER AND SAVINGS That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Ordinances of the Town affecting fees and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such Ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those Ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such Ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any complaint, action, cause of action or claim which prior to the effective date of this Ordinance has been initiated or has arisen under or pursuant to such repealed Ordinance(s) shall continue to be governed by the provisions of that Ordinance and for that purpose the Ordinance shall be deemed to remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter. SECTION 6. PENALTY 6.01Penalty Assessed. Whenever in the Code of Ordinances or any Ordinance of the Town previously adopted by the Town Council, an act is prohibited or is made or declaredto be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or wherever in such Code or Ordinances the doing of an act is required or prohibited or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful or prohibited and no specific penalty is provided therefore, the violation of any such rule, ordinance or police regulation contained in Code or any such Ordinance shall be punished by a maximum fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) except that: ORD 2016-13Page 3 of 5 Town CouncilPage 130 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (a)For violations of a rule, Ordinance, or police regulation thatgoverns fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse, the maximum fine shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense for each day or part of a day; and (b)For violations of traffic laws, whether by ordinance or state law, which are punishable as a Class C misdemeanor, the maximum fine shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) per offense except as otherwise provided by law. 6.02Penalty Consistent with State Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State of Texas. Each day or part of a day any violation of such Code of Ordinances or any ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense unless otherwise designated. 6.03Civil Action for Enforcement. In addition to or in lieu of the criminal penalty assessed under any ordinance in the Code, the Town may bring a civil action for the enforcement of any such ordinance for the preservation of public health, safety, or welfare, or as otherwise authorized by law. As used herein “authorized by law” shall mean where such civil action is either expressly or impliedly authorized or not prohibited by law. 6.04General Penalty Applicable. In the case of amendment of any Article or Sectionof the Code of Ordinances for which a penalty is not provided, the general penalty as provided in Section 6 of this Ordinance shall apply to the Article or Section as amended, or, in case such amendment contains provisions for which a penalty other than that general penalty set forth in Section 6 is provided, the penalty so provided in the amendment to the Article or Section shall be held to relate only to the Article or Section so amended, unless the penalty is specifically repealed therein. SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish, the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date Clause of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. ORD 2016-13Page 4 of 5 Town CouncilPage 131 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption as provided by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 12th day of April2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2016-13Page 5 of 5 Town CouncilPage 132 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 INSTRUCTION SHEET Looseleaf SupplementNo. 1 TrophyClubCode ofOrdinances ThissupplementcontainsallordinancesdeemedappropriatetobeincludedinthisCodeof Ordinances asenactedthroughOrdinanceNo. 2016-08 adopted3/8/16. REMOVEOLD PAGESINSERTNEW PAGES TableofCurrent PagesTableofCurrent Pages TOC-1,TOC-2TOC-1,TOC-2 TOC-5,TOC-6TOC-5,TOC-6 1-1through1-31-1through1-4 1-11through 1-141-11through 1-14.2 1-27through 1-301-27through 1-30 1-45through 1-481-45through 1-48 2-312-31 3-1through3-43-1through3-5 3-87through 3-963-87through 3-92 3-109through 3-1343-109through 3-134.7 3-1973-197through 3-205 11-111-1 ---11-13 12-1, 12-212-1, 12-2 12-13through 12-2812-13through 12-26 12-31through 12-3412-31through 12-34 14-1, 14-214-1, 14-2 14-113, 14-11414-113through 14-114.1 \[Continued ontheback ofthispage.\] Town CouncilPage 133 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 REMOVEOLD PAGESINSERTNEW PAGES 14-173through 14-17614-173through 14-176 AppendicesAppendices A-1A-1 A-27throughA-35A-27throughA-35 B-3,B-4B-3,B-4 C-5,C-6C-5,C-6 C-39,C-40C-39,C-40 C-43,C-44C-43,C-44 C-53,C-54C-53throughC-56 IndexIndex I-1throughI-6I-1throughI-6.1 I-11throughI-14I-11throughI-14 I-25throughI-28I-25throughI-28 I-31,I-32I-31,I-32 Pleaseplacethisinstructionsheet behindthetitle page. 243520thStreet Lubbock,Texas79411 806.797.8281 Town CouncilPage 134 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TABLEOFCONTENTS TROPHYCLUBCODEOFORDINANCES HOMERULECHARTER.......................................................................................................C-1 CHAPTER1:GENERALPROVISIONS................................................................................1-1 Article 1.01Code ofOrdinances............................................................................................1-7 Article 1.02Administration and Finance..............................................................................1-12 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................1-12 Division2.BudgetAdministrationandDevelopment........................................................1-13 Article 1.03TownCouncil................................................................................................1-14.1 Division1.Generally.......................................................................................................1-14.1 Division2.Meetings andRulesof Procedure..................................................................1-14.1 Article 1.04Boards,CommissionsandCommittees(Reserved)..........................................1-21 Article 1.05Code ofEthicsandConduct.............................................................................1-22 Article 1.06EmergencyManagement..................................................................................1-36 Article 1.07Records.............................................................................................................1-39 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................1-39 Division2.RecordsManagement.......................................................................................1-39 Division2.OpenRecords...................................................................................................1-45 Article 1.08Parks and Recreation........................................................................................1-45 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................1-45 Division2.Parks and RecreationBoard.............................................................................1-45 Division3.ParkRegulations...............................................................................................1-49 Division4.TrophyClub Park.............................................................................................1-53 PartI.InGeneral.........................................................................................................1-53 PartII.SpecialEvent Permit........................................................................................1-62 Article 1.09SpecialEvents..................................................................................................1-65 Article 1.10EnvironmentalProtection.................................................................................1-75 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................1-75 Division2.WaterConservationandDroughtResponse.....................................................1-75 PartI.InGeneral.........................................................................................................1-75 PartII.Lawn and LandscapeIrrigationConservation..................................................1-75 PartIII.DroughtContingency Plan...............................................................................1-78 CHAPTER2:ANIMALCONTROL........................................................................................2-1 Article 2.01General Provisions..............................................................................................2-7 Article 2.02Impoundment....................................................................................................2-21 Article 2.03DangerousWildAnimals.................................................................................2-24 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................2-24 Division2.CertificateofRegistration................................................................................2-27 Article 2.04Animal ShelterAdvisoryBoard.......................................................................2-30 TOC-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 135 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesTableofContents CHAPTER3:BUILDINGREGULATIONS...........................................................................3-1 Article 3.01General Provisions..............................................................................................3-7 Article 3.02BuildingOfficial.................................................................................................3-7 Article 3.03Technical and ConstructionCodes and Standards..............................................3-7 Division1.Generally............................................................................................................3-7 Division2.BuildingCode.....................................................................................................3-8 Division3.ResidentialCode...............................................................................................3-25 Division4.ElectricalCode.................................................................................................3-38 Division5.MechanicalCode..............................................................................................3-43 Division6.PlumbingCode.................................................................................................3-47 Division7.EnergyConservationCode...............................................................................3-56 Division8.PropertyMaintenanceCode.............................................................................3-57 Division9.FuelGasCode..................................................................................................3-58 Division10.FireCode..........................................................................................................3-64 Article 3.04Job SiteMaintenance........................................................................................3-87 Article 3.05Dangerousor SubstandardBuildings...............................................................3-88 Article 3.06RoofingRequirements......................................................................................3-97 Article 3.07Swimming Pools and Spas...............................................................................3-98 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................3-98 Division2.Permit.............................................................................................................3-103 Division3.Standards........................................................................................................3-104 Article 3.08MobileHomes,ManufacturedHomes,Trailersand Similar Structures.........3-107 Division1.Generally........................................................................................................3-107 Division2.MobileHomes andManufacturedHomes......................................................3-108 Division3.StorageandOccupancy ofTrailers,Boats,CommercialVehicles and RecreationalVehicles............................................................................3-109 Article 3.09Signs...............................................................................................................3-110 Division1.Generally........................................................................................................3-110 Division2.Temporary Signs............................................................................................3-129 Division3.Commercial andInstitutional Signs............................................................3-134.2 Article 3.10ApartmentComplexLicensing....................................................................3-134.5 Article 3.11Single-FamilyResidenceLicensing...............................................................3-139 Article 3.12Hotels..............................................................................................................3-145 Article 3.13FloodDamage Prevention..............................................................................3-155 Article 3.14RunoffControl,ErosionControlandDischargestoStormDrainage System..........................................................................................................3-171 Article 3.15Building StandardsCommission....................................................................3-197 CHAPTER4:BUSINESSREGULATIONS............................................................................4-1 Article 4.01General Provisions..............................................................................................4-7 Article 4.02Alarm Systems....................................................................................................4-7 Division1.Generally............................................................................................................4-7 Division2.Permit...............................................................................................................4-12 Article 4.03Peddlersand Solicitors.....................................................................................4-15 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................4-15 Division2.Commercial Solicitation...................................................................................4-18 TOC-2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 136 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesTableofContents CHAPTER 12:TRAFFICANDVEHICLES........................................................................12-1 Article 12.01General Provisions............................................................................................12-7 Article 12.02Traffic-ControlDevices..................................................................................12-11 Division1.Generally........................................................................................................12-11 Division2.Locations........................................................................................................12-14 Article 12.03Operation ofVehicles.....................................................................................12-26 Division1.Generally........................................................................................................12-26 Division2.SpeedRegulations..........................................................................................12-26 Article 12.04Parking............................................................................................................12-30 Article 12.05CommercialVehicles.....................................................................................12-35 Division1.Generally........................................................................................................12-35 Division2.OverweightVehicles......................................................................................12-35 Article 12.06Motor-Assisted Scooters,Mini-Motorbikes and PocketBikes......................12-40 Article 12.07MotorizedCarts..............................................................................................12-42 CHAPTER 13:UTILITIES.....................................................................................................13-1 Article 13.01General Provisions............................................................................................13-7 Article 13.02SolidWaste.......................................................................................................13-7 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................13-7 Division2.ScavengingRefuse.........................................................................................13-12 Article 13.03StormwaterDrainageUtility..........................................................................13-13 Division1.Generally........................................................................................................13-13 Division2.Fees.................................................................................................................13-15 Article 13.04Management of PublicRight-of-WayUsed byUtility Providers...................13-21 CHAPTER 14:ZONING.........................................................................................................14-1 Article 14.01General Provisions............................................................................................14-7 Article 14.02ZoningOrdinance.............................................................................................14-7 Division1.Generally..........................................................................................................14-7 Division2.Definitions......................................................................................................14-10 Division3.Establishment ofDistricts...............................................................................14-28 Division4.DistrictRegulations........................................................................................14-33 Division5.SupplementaryDistrictRegulations...............................................................14-95 Division6.Conditionaland SpecificUses......................................................................14-139 Division7.Development and Design Standards.............................................................14-145 Division8.Administration andEnforcement..................................................................14-166 Division9.Illustrations...................................................................................................14-176 Article 14.03Oil andGasWells.........................................................................................14-181 Division1.Generally......................................................................................................14-181 Division2.Drilling and ProductionStandards...............................................................14-183 TOC-5Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 137 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesTableofContents APPENDIXA:Fee Schedule...................................................................................AppendixA-1 APPENDIXB:CodeComparativeTable...............................................................AppendixB-1 APPENDIXC:OrdinanceDispositionTable........................................................AppendixC-1 INDEX..........................................................................................................................................I-1 TOC-6Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 138 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 CHAPTER1 GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1.01 CODEOFORDINANCES.................................................................................1-7 Sec. 1.01.001Adoption................................................................................................1-7 Sec. 1.01.002Designationandcitationofcode...........................................................1-7 Sec. 1.01.003Catchlinesofarticles,divisions andsections........................................1-7 Sec. 1.01.004Definitions andrulesof construction.....................................................1-7 Sec. 1.01.005Severability of parts ofcode................................................................1-10 Sec. 1.01.006Repeal ofordinances...........................................................................1-10 Sec. 1.01.007Amendments or additionsto code.......................................................1-10 Sec. 1.01.008Supplementation of code.....................................................................1-10 Sec. 1.01.009General penaltyforviolations ofcode; continuingviolations.............1-11 ARTICLE 1.02 ADMINISTRATIONANDFINANCE............................................................1-12 Division1.Generally.............................................................................................................1-12 Sec. 1.02.001Signature authority ofmayor and townmanager.......................................1-12 Division2.BudgetAdministrationandDevelopment............................................................1-13 Sec. 1.02.031Generalregulations..............................................................................1-13 Sec. 1.02.032Revenue policies..................................................................................1-14 Sec. 1.02.033Councilsubcommittee.........................................................................1-14 ARTICLE 1.03 TOWNCOUNCIL.........................................................................................1-14.1 Division1.Generally............................................................................................................1-14.1 Division2.Meetings and RulesofProcedure......................................................................1-14.1 Sec. 1.03.031Authority..........................................................................................1-14.1 Sec. 1.03.032Generalrules.....................................................................................1-14.1 Sec. 1.03.033Typesofmeetings................................................................................1-15 Sec. 1.03.034Chairman.............................................................................................1-15 Sec. 1.03.035Orderof business; agenda...................................................................1-16 Sec. 1.03.036Ordinances,resolutionsandmotions...................................................1-19 Sec. 1.03.037Rulesof decorum.................................................................................1-19 Sec. 1.03.038Parliamentarymotions andprecedence...............................................1-20 Sec. 1.03.039Creationofcommittees, boardsandcommissions..............................1-21 ARTICLE 1.04 BOARDS,COMMISSIONSANDCOMMITTEES(Reserved).....................1-21 ARTICLE 1.05 CODEOFETHICSANDCONDUCT.............................................................1-22 Sec. 1.05.001Policy; applicability.............................................................................1-22 Sec. 1.05.002Principlesofconduct...........................................................................1-22 Sec. 1.05.003Definitions...........................................................................................1-23 Sec. 1.05.004Standards ofconduct; prohibited acts..................................................1-25 Sec. 1.05.005Disclosureofinterest; abstentionfromvoting....................................1-27 Sec. 1.05.006Ethicsreview commission...................................................................1-28 Sec. 1.05.007Dispositionofallegedviolations.........................................................1-29 Sec. 1.05.008Requestforreview ofallegations........................................................1-35 Sec. 1.05.009Culpability...........................................................................................1-35 1-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 139 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions Sec. 1.05.010False complaints..................................................................................1-35 Sec. 1.05.011Penalties...............................................................................................1-36 ARTICLE 1.06 EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT....................................................................1-36 Sec. 1.06.001Organization........................................................................................1-36 Sec. 1.06.002Powersand dutiesof emergencymanagement director......................1-36 Sec. 1.06.003Emergencymanagement plan..............................................................1-38 Sec. 1.06.004Interjurisdictionalprogram..................................................................1-38 Sec. 1.06.005Override...............................................................................................1-38 Sec. 1.06.006Liability...............................................................................................1-38 Sec. 1.06.007Commitment offunds..........................................................................1-38 Sec. 1.06.008Offenses...............................................................................................1-39 Sec. 1.06.009Penalty.................................................................................................1-39 ARTICLE 1.07 RECORDS........................................................................................................1-39 Division1.Generally...............................................................................................................1-39 Division2.RecordsManagement...........................................................................................1-39 Sec. 1.07.031Policy...................................................................................................1-39 Sec. 1.07.032Definitions...........................................................................................1-40 Sec. 1.07.033Townrecords declared publicproperty...............................................1-41 Sec. 1.07.034Designationofrecordsmanagement officer........................................1-41 Sec. 1.07.035Recordsmanagement planto be developed; approvalof plan; authority ofplan................................................................................1-42 Sec. 1.07.036Duties ofrecordsmanagementofficer.................................................1-42 Sec. 1.07.037Records controlschedulesto be developed; approval;filingwith state....................................................................................................1-43 Sec. 1.07.038Implementation ofrecordscontrolschedules; destruction of recordsunderschedule......................................................................1-44 Sec. 1.07.039Destructionof unscheduledrecords....................................................1-44 Sec. 1.07.040Records center.....................................................................................1-44 Sec. 1.07.041Alternativestoragemethods................................................................1-44 Division2.OpenRecords........................................................................................................1-45 Sec. 1.07.061Use offacsimileorprotected documentformatfor providing information........................................................................................1-45 Sec. 1.07.062Thirty-six hourtimelimit....................................................................1-45 ARTICLE 1.08 PARKSANDRECREATION..........................................................................1-45 Division1.Generally...............................................................................................................1-45 Division2. Parks andRecreationBoard..................................................................................1-45 Sec. 1.08.031Definitions...........................................................................................1-45 Sec. 1.08.032Boardestablished;membership;meetings..........................................1-46 Sec. 1.08.033Powersand duties................................................................................1-47 Sec. 1.08.034Procedures...........................................................................................1-49 Division3. ParkRegulations...................................................................................................1-49 Sec. 1.08.061Park propertygenerally;prohibited acts..............................................1-49 Sec. 1.08.062Vehicularregulations...........................................................................1-51 Sec. 1.08.063Rollerskates,roller blades,in-lineskates,skateboards,coasters, scooters and bicycles.........................................................................1-52 Sec. 1.08.064Use oftobaccoproducts......................................................................1-52 1-2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 140 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions Sec. 1.08.065Unshellednuts andseeds.....................................................................1-52 Sec. 1.08.066FreedomDog Park...............................................................................1-52 Sec. 1.08.067Exemptions..........................................................................................1-53 Division4.TrophyClub Park.................................................................................................1-53 PartI.InGeneral..................................................................................................................1-53 Sec. 1.08.091Definitions...........................................................................................1-53 Sec. 1.08.092Hours opento public;signage.............................................................1-55 Sec. 1.08.093Generalprohibitions............................................................................1-55 Sec. 1.08.094Exemptions..........................................................................................1-59 Sec. 1.08.095Adoption ofadditionalregulations......................................................1-59 Sec. 1.08.096Operation ofvehiclesgenerally...........................................................1-59 Sec. 1.08.097All-terrainvehicles,motorcycles,mopeds and motor-driven cycles..1-60 Sec. 1.08.098Usagefees............................................................................................1-61 PartII. SpecialEvent Permit................................................................................................1-62 Sec. 1.08.121Application..........................................................................................1-62 Sec. 1.08.122Denial;conditionsorrestrictions.........................................................1-63 Sec. 1.08.123Appeals................................................................................................1-64 ARTICLE 1.09 SPECIALEVENTS..........................................................................................1-65 Sec. 1.09.001Definitions...........................................................................................1-65 Sec. 1.09.002Specialeventscoordinator...................................................................1-66 Sec. 1.09.003Permitrequired; exemptions................................................................1-67 Sec. 1.09.004Applicationforpermit.........................................................................1-68 Sec. 1.09.005Permitfee;reimbursable costs.............................................................1-69 Sec. 1.09.006Indemnification,insuranceand bonding.............................................1-70 Sec. 1.09.007Denial orrevocation ofpermit............................................................1-71 Sec. 1.09.008Appeals................................................................................................1-72 Sec. 1.09.009Number of events; hoursof operation;duration..................................1-73 Sec. 1.09.010Parkingrequirements;firelanes..........................................................1-73 Sec. 1.09.011Miscellaneousrequirements................................................................1-74 ARTICLE 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION..............................................................1-75 Division1.Generally...............................................................................................................1-75 Division2. WaterConservationandDroughtResponse.........................................................1-75 PartI.InGeneral..................................................................................................................1-75 PartII.Lawn and LandscapeIrrigationConservation.........................................................1-75 Sec. 1.10.061Penalty.................................................................................................1-75 Sec. 1.10.062Restrictions..........................................................................................1-75 Sec. 1.10.063Rain-sensing devices andfreezegauges..............................................1-76 Sec. 1.10.064Variances.............................................................................................1-76 Sec. 1.10.065Appeals................................................................................................1-77 Sec. 1.10.066Exemptions..........................................................................................1-77 PartIII.DroughtContingency Plan.....................................................................................1-78 Sec. 1.10.091Policy, purpose andintent;applicability.............................................1-78 Sec. 1.10.092Policystatement;year-roundwatermanagement and conservationrequirements.................................................................1-78 Sec. 1.10.093Definitions...........................................................................................1-79 1-3Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 141 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions Sec. 1.10.094Enforcement;penalty...........................................................................1-81 Sec. 1.10.095Notificationof drought conditions......................................................1-81 Sec. 1.10.096Restrictions during Stage1..................................................................1-82 Sec. 1.10.097Restrictions during Stage2..................................................................1-84 Sec. 1.10.098Restrictions during Stage3..................................................................1-85 Sec. 1.10.099Terminationofrestrictions..................................................................1-86 \[Nextpageis 1-7.\] 1-4Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 142 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (b)Inpreparingasupplementtothiscode,allportionsofthecodewhichhavebeenrepealed shall beexcludedfromthecode by omissionthereoffromreprintedpages. (c)Whenpreparingasupplementtothiscode,thecodifier(meaningtheperson,agencyor organizationauthorizedtopreparethesupplement)maymakeformal,nonsubstantivechangesin ordinancesandpartsofordinancesincludedinthesupplement,insofarasitisnecessarytodoso to embodytheminto a unified code. Forexample,thecodifiermay: (1)Organizetheordinancematerialinto appropriatesubdivisions; (2)Provideappropriatecatchlines,headingsandtitlesforarticles,sectionsandother subdivisionsofthecodeprintedinthesupplementandmakechangesinsuch catchlines, headings andtitles; (3)Assignappropriatenumberstoarticles,sectionsandothersubdivisionstobeinserted inthecodeand,wherenecessarytoaccommodatenewmaterial,changeexisting articleorsectionorothersubdivision numbers; (4)Changethewords“thisordinance”orwordsofthesamemeaningto“thischapter,” “thisarticle,”“thissection,” “thissubsection,”etc.,asthecasemay be; and (5)Makeothernonsubstantivechangesnecessarytopreservetheoriginalmeaningof ordinancematerialinsertedintothecode,butinnocaseshallthecodifiermakeany changeinthemeaningoreffectofordinancematerialincludedinthesupplementor already embodiedinthe code. (Ordinance adoptingCode) Sec. 1.01.009Generalpenaltyforviolationsof code;continuing violations (a)Wheneverinthiscodeorinanyordinanceofthetownanactisprohibitedorismadeor declaredtobeunlawfuloranoffenseoramisdemeanororwheneverinthiscodeorsuch ordinancethedoingofanyactisrequiredorthefailuretodoanyactisdeclaredtobeunlawful, andnospecificpenaltyisprovidedtherefor,theviolationofanysuchprovisionofthiscodeor anysuch ordinanceshallbe punished by a fine ofnotexceedingfive hundreddollars($500.00). (b)Afineorpenaltyfortheviolationofarule,ordinanceorpoliceregulationthatgovernsfire safety,zoningorpublichealthandsanitation,includingthedumpingofrefuse,maynotexceed twothousand dollars($2,000.00). (c)Apersonconvictedofanoffenseundertitle7,subtitleC,TransportationCode(the UniformActRegulatingTrafficonHighways)forwhichanotherpenaltyisnotprovidedshallbe punishedbyafineofnotlessthanonedollar($1.00)ormorethantwohundreddollars($200.00) plussuchother penaltiesand costsasmay be providedbysuchsubtitleC. (d)Unlessotherwisespecificallystatedinthiscode,anyviolationofthiscodeorofany ordinancethatispunishablebyafinethatdoesnotexceedfivehundreddollars($500.00)does notrequireaculpablementalstate,andaculpablementalstateisherebynotrequiredtoprove anysuch offense.Unless otherwisespecificallystatedinthiscode, anyviolationofthis code orof anyordinancethatispunishablebyafinethatexceedsfivehundreddollars($500.00)shall require a culpablementalstate. 1-11Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 143 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (e)Nopenaltyshallbegreaterorlessthanthepenaltyprovidedforthesameorasimilar offenseunderthelaws ofthestate. (f)Unlessotherwisestatedinthis code orin any ordinance, each day anyviolationofthis code or ofany ordinanceshall continueshall constitute a separateoffense. (g)Intheeventthatanysuchviolationisdesignatedasanuisanceundertheprovisionsofthis code,suchnuisancemaybesummarilyabatedbythetown.Inadditiontothepenaltyprescribed above,thetownmaypursueotherremediessuchasabatementofnuisances,injunctivereliefand revocationoflicenses or permits. (Ordinance adoptingCode) Statelawreferences– Penaltiesforviolations,V.T.C.A.,LocalGovernmentCode,sec.54.001;penaltyfor classCmisdemeanor,V.T.C.A.,PenalCode,sec.12.23;requirementofculpability,V.T.C.A.,PenalCode, sec.6.02. * ARTICLE 1.02 ADMINISTRATIONANDFINANCE Division 1. Generally Sec. 1.02.001Signatureauthorityofmayorandtownmanager (a)Mayor.Themayorofthetownordesignee(hereinafter“mayor”)isherebyauthorizedto executeall documents asauthorized bythetown’s homerule charter. (b)Townmanager.Thefollowingcontractsmaybeenteredintoandexecutedonbehalfofthe townbythetownmanagerordesignee(hereinafter“townmanager”)withoutfurthercouncil authorization: (1)Contractsforthepurchaseofgoodsorservicesequaltoorlessthantwenty-five thousanddollars($25,000.00)forwhichfundshavebeenbudgetedoranticipatedin thefiscalyear duringwhich paymentisdue; (2)Contractsforthepurchaseofgoodsorservicesinexcessoftwenty-fivethousand dollars($25,000.00)forwhichfundshavebeenbudgetedinthefiscalyearduring whichpaymentisdueandwhicharepurchasedfromacooperativepurchasing vendorapprovedbyresolutioninaccordancewiththetown’sprocurementpolicies and procedures; (3)Contractsforgoodsorserviceswhichdonotrequireanexpenditureoffundsand whicharedeterminednecessaryfortheefficientoperationofthetownandthe implementation ofthefinalbudget; (4)Contractsfortheuseoftown-ownedfacilities; * Charterreferences– Formofgovernment,section1.02;powersofthetown,articleII;administrative services,article IV;fiscalyear,section9.01. 1-12Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 144 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (5)Anindividualcontractchangeorderforanamountoftenthousanddollars ($10,000.00)orlessormultiplecontractchangeorderswithacumulativetotalof twenty-fivethousand dollars($25,000.00)orless; (6)Settlement agreements after approvalbythetown council; (7)Contractsforpurchasesmadepursuanttotheemergencymanagementpolicyand procedureforthetownin effectatthetime ofthe purchase; and (8)Contractsforwhichthetowncouncilhasotherwiseexpresslyprovidedauthorization forexecution bythetownmanager. (Ordinance 2011-22 adopted 6/6/11) Secs. 1.02.002–1.02.030Reserved Division 2.BudgetAdministration and Development Sec. 1.02.031Generalregulations (a)Submission.Thetownmanagershallsubmittothecouncilaproposedbudgetand accompanyingmessageinaccordancewiththetowncharterorasrequiredbystatelaw.The councilshallreviewtheproposedbudgetandreviseitasdeemedappropriatepriortogeneral circulationforpublichearing(chartersection 9.04). (b)Publichearingonbudget.Thecouncilshallholdapublichearingonthebudgetandshall provideadequatepublicnoticeofsuchhearing,includingpublicationofnoticeasrequiredby statelaw. (c)Truthintaxation.Budgetdevelopmentproceduresshallbeinconformancewiththestate lawoutlinedinthetruthintaxationprocess.Intheeventofataxincrease,noticesshallbe providedandrequired hearing(s) heldin conformancetothisstatelaw. (d)Adoption.Thecouncil,bymajorityvote,shalladoptthebudgetbyordinancenolaterthan the30thdayofSeptember.Adoptionofthebudgetshallconstituteappropriationsoftheamount specifiedasexpendituresfromthefundindicated.Ifthecouncilfailstoadoptabudgetbythe beginningofthefiscalyear,thebudgetcurrentlyinplacefortheprecedingyearshallremainin place on amonth-to-month basis untilsuchtime as a new budget hasbeenadopted. (e)Amendment.Thecouncil,byordinance,maymakesupplementalappropriationsforthe year.Toaddressapublicemergencyaffectinglife,health,property,orthepublicpeace,the councilmayalsomakeemergencyappropriations.Suchappropriationsmaybemadeby emergencyordinance.Thelevelofbudgetarycontrolforamendmentsshallbe,ataminimum, made on a fundlevel. (f)Transfers.Atanytimeduringorbeforethefiscalyear,thecouncilmay,byresolution, transferpartoralloftheunencumberedappropriationbalancefromonedepartment,fund, service,strategyororganizationalunittotheappropriationforotherdepartmentsor organizationalunitsoranewappropriation.Thetownmanagermaytransferfundsamong programswithinadepartment,fund,service,strategy,ororganizationalunitandshallreportsuch transferstothecouncilinwritinginatimelymanner. 1-13Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 145 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (g)Reductionofappropriations.Ifatanytimeduringthefiscalyearitappearsprobabletothe townmanagerthattherevenuesorfundbalancesavailablewillbeinsufficienttofinancethe expendituresforwhichappropriationshavebeenauthorized,thetownmanagershallreporttothe councilwithoutdelay,indicatingtheestimatedamountofthedeficit,anyremedialactiontaken bythetownmanagerandrecommendationsastoanyotherstepstobetaken.Thecouncilshall thentakesuchfurtheractionasitdeemsnecessarytopreventorreduceanydeficitandforthat purposeitmay by ordinancereduceoreliminate oneormore appropriations. (h)Publicrecords.Thebudget,budgetmessage,andallsupportingschedulesshallbeina publicrecordintheoffice ofthetownsecretaryandshallbepublicrecords availabletothepublic forinspectionuponrequest. (i)Balancedbudgetrequired.Thetownshalldevelopbalancedbudgetsinwhichcurrent resources(currentrevenues plusfundbalance)shall equalor exceedcurrent expenditures. (j)Fundingofcurrentexpenditureswithcurrentrevenues.Thebudgetwillassurethatcurrent expendituresarefundedwithcurrentrevenues.Currentoperatingexpenseswillnotbecapitalized orfundedthroughtheuseoflong-term debt. (Ordinance 2015-25 adopted 9/8/15) Sec. 1.02.032Revenue policies (a)Revenuegoal.Thetownshallattempttomaintain a diversifiedandstablerevenuestreamto shelteritfromshort-runfluctuationsin any onerevenuesource. (b)Developmentofrevenueprojection.Thetownshallestimateitsannualrevenuesusingan objectiveanalyticalprocess.Eachyear,thetownshallprojectrevenuesforthebudgetyearand two(2)subsequentyears;andtheseprojectionsshallbeupdatedannually.Eachexistingand potentialrevenuesourceshallbe examined annually. (c)Fundbalancepolicy.Thetownhasadoptedapolicysettingguidelinesforfundbalanceto provideforthefinancialstabilityofthetowninaccordancewithGovernmentalAccounting StandardsBoardStatementNo.54,andshallupdatethatpolicyasnecessary.Unassignedfund balanceisanimportantmeasureofeconomicstability;therefore,thetownshallmaintain adequatelevelsofunassignedfundbalancetomitigatefinancialriskthatcanoccurfrom unforeseenrevenuefluctuations,unanticipatedexpenditures,andsimilarcircumstances.Thefund balanceshallalso be maintainedtoprovidecashflowliquidityforthetown’sgeneraloperations. (Ordinance 2015-25 adopted 9/8/15) Sec. 1.02.033Councilsubcommittee AtthefirstmeetinginJuneofeachyear,thetowncouncilshalltakeactiontodesignatethree(3) ofitsmemberstoserveonacouncilsubcommitteeformedforthepurposeofprovidingfiduciary oversightofthebudget,aswellasprovidinginputregardingtheadministrationofthebudgetand thebudgetprocess.Thesubcommitteeshallmeetwithtownstaffandshallprovideupdatestothe full councilasthe budgetis developed.(Ordinance2015-25 adopted9/8/15) 1-14Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 146 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions * ARTICLE 1.03 TOWNCOUNCIL Division 1. Generally Secs. 1.03.001–1.03.030Reserved † Division 2.Meetings andRulesofProcedure Sec. 1.03.031Authority Pursuanttosection3.11ofthehomerulecharterofthetown,thetowncouncilshalldetermineits ownrulesofprocedure.(2006Code,ch.1,sec.6.01(A).Seeendofthisdivisionforfullhistory forthisdivision.) Sec. 1.03.032Generalrules (a)Meetingstobepublic.Allofficialmeetingsofthetowncouncilandallsessionsofa subcommitteeofthetowncouncilconsistingofaquorumofthecouncilshallbepublicunless otherwisespecified by council. (b)Quorum.Thegoverningbodyofthetown consistsofamayorandsix(6) councilmembers. Attendanceatacouncilmeetingbyfour(4)oftheseven(7)membersofthetowncouncil constitutes aquorumforthe purposeof aregular orspecialmeeting. Charterreference– Quorum,section3.12. (c)Attendance.Asspecifiedinthetowncharter,shouldamemberofthetowncouncilfailto attendthreeconsecutiveregularmeetingswithoutbeingexcusedbythecouncil,his/heroffice maybedeclaredforfeitedbythecouncil.Amemberofthetowncouncilwhoisunabletoattenda councilmeetingshallnotifythetownsecretaryofhis/herinabilitytoattendthemeetingandshall provideanexplanationoftheconflictorotherreasonthatpreventshis/herattendance.Noticeto thetownsecretaryshallbeprovidedassoonaspracticableafterthememberbecomesawarethat he/shewillbeabsent.Thetownsecretaryshallnotifythecounciloftheabsencepriortothe beginning ofthecouncilmeetingfromwhichthememberwillbeabsent. Charterreference– Forfeitureofoffice,section3.04. (d)Misconduct.Thetowncouncilmaypunishitsownmembersformisconductasauthorized bystatelawandtown charter. (e)Minutesoftowncouncilmeetings.Anaccountofallproceedingsofthetowncouncilshall bekeptbythetownsecretaryandshallbeenteredintoabookconstitutingtheofficialrecordof thetown council. * Charterreferences– Council,articleIII;nominationsandelections,articleV;recall,articleVI;initiative and referendum,articleVII. † Charterreference– Rulesofthecouncil,section3.11. Statelawreference– Openmeetings,V.T.C.A.,GovernmentCode,ch.551. 1-14.1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 147 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (f)Questionstocontainonesubject.Allquestionssubmittedforavoteshallcontainonlyone subject.Iftwoormorepointsareinvolved,anymembermayrequireadivision,ifthequestion reasonably admits ofa division. (g)Righttofloor.Anytowncouncilmemberdesiringtospeakshallberecognizedbythe chairman/mayor.Nomembershallbeallowedtospeakmorethanonceonanyonesubjectuntil everymemberwishingtospeakshall havespoken. (h)Townmanager.Thetownmanager or assistanttownmanager or actingtownmanager,shall attendallmeetingsofthetowncouncilunlessexcusedbythemayorortowncouncil.Thetown manager,assistanttownmanager,oractingtownmanagermaymakerecommendationstothe towncouncilandshallhavetherighttotakepartinalldiscussionsofthetowncouncil,butshall havenovote.Thetownmanagermayplaceanitemfordiscussionand/oractiononthecouncil agenda. (i)Townattorney.Thetownattorneyoractingtownattorney,shallattendallmeetingsofthe towncouncilunlessexcusedbythemayorortowncouncilandshall,uponrequest,givean opinion,eitherwrittenororal,onquestionsoflaw.Thetownattorneyshallactasthetown council’sparliamentarian. (j)Townsecretary.Thetownsecretaryoractingtownsecretary,shallattendallmeetingsof thetown council unless excused bythemayor ortown council, and shallkeeptheofficialminutes and performsuch otherduties asmay be requestedofhim/her bythetown council. (k)Officersandemployees.Anyofficeroremployeeofthetown,whenrequestedbythetown manager,shallattend anymeeting ofthetowncouncil.Ifrequestedtodoso bythetownmanager, theymay presentinformationrelatingtomatters beforethetowncouncil. (l)Rulesoforder.Robert’sRulesofOrderNewlyRevised,asamendedbythecouncil,shall governthe proceedings ofthetowncouncil. (m)Suspensionofrules.Anyprovisionoftheserulesmaybetemporarilysuspendedbyatwo- thirdsvoteofallmembersofthetowncouncilinattendance.Thevoteonanysuchsuspension shall betaken by a show ofhandsand enteredintotherecord. 1-14.2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 148 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (10)Afterterminationofserviceoremploymentwiththetown,appearbeforeanyboard orcommission ofthetowninrelationtoanycase,proceedingorapplicationinwhich hepersonallyparticipatedorwhichwasunderhisactiveconsiderationduringthe periodof hisserviceor employment. (11)Transactanybusinessinhisofficialcapacitywiththetownwithabusinessentityin whichhe hasasubstantialinterest. (12)Performorrefusetoperformanyactinordertodeliberatelythwarttheexecutionof town ordinances,rules orregulationsorthe achievement ofofficialtown programs. (Ordinance 2011-03,sec.2(17.04), adopted 2/7/11) Sec. 1.05.005Disclosureofinterest; abstentionfrom voting (a)Votenotallowed.Exceptasexpresslyprovidedinsubsection(b)ofthissection,ifatown official,candidate,appointeeoremployeehasasubstantialinterestinabusinessentityorreal propertyinvolvedinamatterpendingbeforesuchtownofficial,candidate,appointeeor employee,orthebodyofwhichheisamember,suchtownofficial,candidate,appointeeor employeeshalldisclosesuchinterestasprovidedinsubsection(c)ofthissectionandshallnot voteordiscussthesubstanceofthematteratanytimewithanyothermemberoftheboardof whichheisamemberoranyotherbodywhichwillvoteonorotherwiseparticipateinthe considerationofthematter. (b)Voteallowed.Ifanyofthefollowinginterestsareinvolvedinanymatterpendingbefore anytownofficial,candidate,appointeeoremployee,orthebodyofwhichheisamember,such townofficial,candidate,appointeeoremployeeshalldisclosesuchinterestasprovidedin subsection(c)ofthissection,butheshallbepermittedtovoteonandparticipateinthe considerationofsuchmatter: (1)Amatterconcerningabankorotherfinancialinstitutionfromwhichthetown official,candidate,appointeeoremployeehasahomemortgage,automobileloan,or otherinstallmentloan,iftheloanisnotcurrentlyindefault,wasoriginallyforaterm ofmorethantwo(2)yearsandcannotbeacceleratedexceptforfailuretomake payments accordingtothetermsthereof: (2)Amatterconcerningabankorotherfinancialinstitutioninwhichthetownofficial, candidate,appointeeoremployeeholdsasavingsaccount,checkingaccountor certificateofdepositandwhichisfullyinsuredbytheU.S.governmentoranagency thereof; (3)Amatterconcerningabusinessentitywithwhichthetownofficial,candidate, appointee oremployee hasaretailorcreditcard account; (4)Amatterconcerningtheapprovalofsubstitutionofcollateralbyatowndepository bank; 1-27Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 149 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (5)Amatterconcerningrealpropertyorabusinessentityinwhichthetownofficial, candidate,appointeeoremployeehasasubstantialinterestiftheactiononthematter wouldnothaveaspecialeconomiceffectonthevalueofthepropertyorbusiness entity, distinguishablefromtheeffect onthe public. (c)Affidavitandreportingrequirement.Atownofficial,appointeeoremployeeshalldisclose theexistenceofasubstantialinterestinabusinessentityorrealpropertyinvolvedinanymatter pendingbeforesuchtownofficial,appointeeoremployee,orthebodyofwhichheisamember orservesasthestaffliaison.Tocomplywithsubsection(a)ofthissection,atownofficial, appointeeoremployeeshall,priortoanydiscussionordeterminationofthematter,filean affidavitofdisclosureasrequiredbysection171.004oftheTexasLocalGovernmentCode,as amended,withthetownsecretary.Tocomplywithsubsection(b)ofthissection,atownofficial, employeeorappointeeshallpubliclydiscloseintheofficialminutesofthebodythenatureofhis interest.Tocomplywithsubsection(b)ofthissection,anemployeeshallnotifythetown managerorhisdesigneeinwritingofthenatureofanysubstantialinterestthatheorafamily memberhasinabusinessentityorrealpropertywhichwouldbeaffectedbyanexerciseof discretionaryauthoritybytheemployeeandsuchmattershallberegulatedinaccordancewith town policies andprocedures. (Ordinance 2011-03,sec.2(17.05), adopted 2/7/11) Sec. 1.05.006Ethics reviewcommission (a)Established.Anethicsreviewcommission(commission)isherebyestablishedtobe composedofthree(3)membersandtwo(2)alternatemembers,allofwhomshallresideinthe town andshallbe appointed bymajorityvote ofthetown council. (b)Appointmenttopositions.Eachcommissionmembershalloccupyapositiononthe commission,such positions being numbered 1through 3. (c)Termofoffice.Thecommissionmembersshallbeappointedtotwo(2)yearstaggered terms.Position1shallserveanimplementationtermthatshallexpireonSeptember30thof2016 andshallexpirethereafterineven-numberedyears.Thetermforposition2shallalsoexpirein even-numberedyears.Thetermforeachalternatememberandposition3shallexpireinodd- numberedyears.Nomembershallserveformorethantwo(2)consecutivefullterms. Implementationtermsshall not be countedasfullterms. .Allvacanciesshallbefilledfortheunexpiredterm.Amembershallholdoffice (d)Vacancies untilhissuccessorhasbeenappointedbythetowncouncilandshallcontinuetoholdofficeafter hissuccessorhasbeenappointedbythetowncouncilforthelimitedpurposeofthedispositionof allcomplaintsfiledduringthatmember’sterm.Nonewmembermayparticipateinadecision regardingacomplaintfiledpriortotheexpirationofthepreviousmember’sterm,butnew membersshallaccomplishthedutiesofofficewithrespecttoallcomplaintsfiledafterthe previousmember’sterm. (e)Chairmanandvice-chairman.Thecommissionshallelectachairmanandavice-chairman toserveone(1)yearterms.Thevice-chairmanshallactaschairmanintheabsenceofthe chairman. 1-28Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 150 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (f)Quorum.Three(3)membersofthecommissionshallconstituteaquorum,andnoactionof the commissionshall be ofanyforce oreffect unlessitis adopted bythefavorablevote oftwo(2) ormoremembers. (g)Meetings.Thecommissionshallmeetatleastonceayeartoreviewthisarticleandmay makerecommendationstothetowncouncilfor amendments hereto. (h)Issuanceofadvisoryopinions.Thecommissionshallrenderadvisoryopinionsonpotential conflictsofinterestorviolationofthisarticleattherequestofatownofficial,candidate, appointee oremployeesubjecttotheterms ofthis article. Such advisory opinionshall berendered withinareasonabletime,butinnoeventlaterthanthirty(30)daysafterarequestisreceivedby thecommission.Acopyofanadvisoryopinionissuedtoanemployeeshallbeforwardedtothe townmanager.Acopyofanadvisoryopinionissuedtoanappointeeshallbeforwardedtothe town council. (i)Advisoryopinionasdefense.Itshallbeadefensetoanallegedviolationofthisarticlethat thepersonaccusedpreviouslyrequestedanadvisoryopinionofthecommissionandactedon suchopinioningoodfaith,unlessmaterialfactswereomittedormisstatedbytheperson requestingtheopinion.Suchadvisoryopinionshallalsobebindingonthecommissioninany subsequent charges concerningthe personrequestingthe opinion. (j)Legalcounsel.Thetownattorneyorindependentlegalcounselshallbeutilizedtoadvise thecommissionandparticipateinhearings.Thetowncouncilshallannuallydesignateandretain independentcounsel,whoshall be a dulylicensedattorneyinthestate. (k)Jurisdiction.Thecommissionshallhavejurisdictiontoreviewandmakefindings concerninganallegedviolationofthisarticlebyapersonsubjecttoitsprovisions,ifawritten complaintmeetingtherequirementssetforthhereinistimelyfiledinaccordancewithsection 1.05.007(c)ofthisarticle. (Ordinance 2011-03,sec.2(17.06), adopted 2/7/11;Ordinance 2015-28 adopted9/22/15) Charterreference– Ethicscommission,section11.14. Sec. 1.05.007Dispositionof alleged violations (a)Formandcontentsofcomplaint.Inordertofileacomplaintunderthisarticle,a complainantshallsubmitawrittensworncomplainttothetownsecretary,whichshallbe notarizedandshallbeintheformspecifiedbelow.Asworncomplaintshallbebasedupon personalknowledge,shallallegeaviolationofthisarticle,shallspecifytheprovision(s)ofthis articleallegedtohavebeenviolated,andshallnamethetownofficial,candidate,appointee,or employee being charged. THESTATEOFTEXAS: COUNTYOFDENTON: TO:THEETHICSREVIEWCOMMISSIONOFTHETOWNOFTROPHYCLUB, TEXAS: COMESNOW(complainant),andmakesthiscomplaint,UPONHIS/HERPERSONAL KNOWLEDGEANDUNDEROATHagainst(nameofpersoncomplainedagainst),and 1-29Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 151 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions wouldshowtheCommissionthat:Onoraboutthe______dayof____________,____, (insertdateoftheaction,oromission,complainedof)____________,(nameofperson complainedagainst)a/an(insertappropriatedesignation;TownOfficial,Candidate, Appointee,orEmployee)oftheTownofTrophyClub,Texas,violatedthefollowing provision(s)ofCodeofEthicsandConductOrdinance,TownofTrophyClub,Texas,to wit:(specifybysection,subsectionandparagraphnumbertheprovision(s)alleged violated) by committingthefollowing act,or omission,towit: Bythemakingandfilingofthisaffidavit,Icertifyunderoaththatthestatementscontained hereinaretrue andcorrect. (Originalsignatureand executed notary blockmust be included.) (b)Considerationofcomplaints.Uponthefilingofawrittensworncomplaintmeetingall requirementsofthissection,thecommissionshallconsiderpossibleviolationsofthisarticleby town officials, candidates,appointeesand employees. (c)Timelyfilingrequired.Asaconditionprecedenttocommissionconsiderationofa complaint,suchcomplaintshallbetimelyfiled.Acomplaintallegingaviolationofthisarticle shallbefiledwiththetownsecretarywithinone(1)yearafterthedateoftheallegedviolationin ordertobeconsideredtimely.Eachofthefollowingcomplaintsshallbedeemeduntimelyfiled andshall bereturnedtothecomplainant: (1)A complaintalleging a violationthatoccurred beforethe effectivedateofthisarticle; (2)Acomplaintallegingaviolationthatoccurredmorethanone(1)yearbeforethedate thatthe complaintisfiled;and (3)Acomplaintfiledwithintheperiodbeginningonthe60thdaypriortothefirstdate ofearlyvotingforatownelectionandendingonthelateroftheregularelectiondate orrunoffelection dateforsuchelection. .Thetownsecretaryshall,inwriting,advisethe personfilinga (d)Falsestatementsnotification complaintthatfalselyaccusingsomeoneofaviolationofthisarticlemayresultincriminal prosecution,underpenaltyofperjury,ofanyonewhoknowinglymakesafalseaccusation.The townsecretaryshall,inwriting,advisethepersonchargedinthecomplaintthatfalsely respondingtoacomplaintmayresultincriminalprosecution,underpenaltyofperjury,ofanyone whoknowinglymakes a falseresponse. .Complaintsshallbeprocessed asfollows: (e)Processing of complaint (1)Acknowledgementofreceipt;distributionofcopies.Notlaterthanthree(3)business daysafterthetownsecretaryreceivesasworncomplaint,thetownsecretaryshall acknowledgethereceiptofthecomplainttothecomplainant,and,ifthecomplaintis 1-30Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 152 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions Division 2.OpenRecords Sec. 1.07.061Useoffacsimileor protected documentformatforprovidinginformation ThetownwillprovideinformationrequestedpursuanttotheTexasOpenRecordsActbyuseof facsimilemachinesorbyusingaprotecteddocumentformat,providingthatinformationreleased byuseoffacsimiledoesnotexceedthreepagesandinformationreleasedbyuseofaprotected documentformatdoesnotexceedfifty(50)pages.(Ordinance2006-18,sec.II,adopted6/19/06; 2006Code,ch. 1,sec.13.01) Sec. 1.07.062Thirty-six hour timelimit PursuanttoandsubjecttothelimitationsinV.T.C.A.,GovernmentCode,section552.275,the towncouncilherebyestablishesthirty-six(36)hoursasareasonablelimitontheamountoftime thatpersonnelofthetownarerequiredtospendproducingpublicinformationforinspectionor duplicationbyarequestor,orprovidingcopiesofpublicinformationtoarequestor,without recoveringitscostsattributabletothatpersonneltime.Costsfortimerecoverableunderthis sectionshallaccrueinaccordancewiththetown’sscheduleoffees.(Ordinance2012-13,sec. 2.01, adopted 5/21/12) * ARTICLE 1.08 PARKSANDRECREATION Division 1. Generally Secs. 1.08.001–1.08.030Reserved Division 2.ParksandRecreationBoard Sec. 1.08.031Definitions Forthepurposeofthisdivision,thefollowingterms,phrases,wordsandtheirderivationsshall havethemeaninggiven herein: Adult.A personeighteen(18)yearsof ageor older. Amplifieddevice.Anysoundsystemorotherdevicewhichhastheabilitytoincreaseormake louderanyvoiceorothersoundornoiseandwhichtransmitssuchvoice,soundornoisetothe generalpublicor personsinthevicinity. Baseballfacility(ies).AllstructuresorgroundswithinIndependenceEast andIndependence West that are utilizedforbaseball ort-ballactivities. Director.Thedirectorof parks and recreationforthetown or his designee. Park.Apark,playground,recreationcenteroranyotherareaorfacilityowned,used,controlled, orleased bythetown anddevotedtoactive orpassiverecreation. * Statelawreference– Authoritytoacquireandmaintainparks,museumsandhistoricsites,V.T.C.A., LocalGovernmentCode,ch.331. 1-45Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 153 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions Parkproperty.Apark,playground,athleticfacilityoranyotherarealocatedwithinthe incorporatedlimitsofthetown,thatisownedorleasedbythetown,anddevotedtoactiveor passiverecreation,including all creeks, ponds andlakesmaintained bythetown. Parksandrecreation board or board.Thetown parks and recreationboard appointed bythetown council. Person.Individual(s)or a partnership, corporationorany otherlegalentity. Specialevent permit.A permitissued bythetown pursuanttothetown’sspecial event ordinance. Tournamentdirector.Thepersonorhisidentifieddesigneewhoisinchargeofatournamentand whoisalso designated asthe primary pointof contactwiththetown during atournament. Townmanager.Thetownmanager or hisdesignee. (Ordinance 2005-27sec. 2,adopted 12/5/05; 2006Code, ch. 9, sec. 1.01;Ordinance 2008-32,sec. 2, adopted10/6/08;Ordinance 2013-10,sec. 2.01,adopted3/4/13) Sec. 1.08.032Board established;membership;meetings Theparksandrecreationboardconsistingofseven(7)regularmembersisherebyestablishedas follows: (1)Qualifications.Membersshallberesidentsofthetown. (2)Compensation.Membersshallservewithoutcompensation. (3)Staggeredterms.Members’termsshallbefortwo(2)yearseachandexpirationof thosetermsshallbestaggered.Placesontheboardshallbenumbered1through7. Places1through3ontheinitialboardshallserveforatermoftwo(2)years,and places4through7shallserveaninitialtermofone(1)year.Uponexpirationofthat one(1)yearterm,membersappointedtothoseseatsshallserveonaregulartwo(2) yearterminterval. (4)Hold-overwhenreplacementmemberhasnotqualified.Ifareplacementhasnot qualifiedupontheexpirationofamember’sterm,thenthatmembershallcontinue his/hermembershipuntilreplaced. (5)Officers.Thecouncilshallannuallyelectachairperson.Theboardshallannually elect a vice-chairperson and a secretary. (A)Thechairpersonshallpresideovermeetingsandshallbeentitledtovoteupon eachissue.Theboardshallconductitsmeetingsinaccordancewiththetown’s board,commissionandcommittee handbook. (B)Thevice-chairpersonshallassistthechairpersonindirectingtheaffairsofthe board.Intheabsenceofthechairperson,thevice-chairpersonshallassumeall dutiesofthechairperson.Intheeventthatthevice-chairpersonisabsent,the proceedingsshallbe conductedinaccordancewithRobert’sRules ofOrder. 1-46Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 154 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions (C)Thesecretaryshallreviewminutesofallmeetings,andinthesecretary’s absencethechairpersonshalldesignateanothermembertoactassecretary. Uponapprovalbytheboard,thesecretaryshallsigntheofficialcopyofthe minutes.Thesecretaryshalldistribute,onceayearatthefirstregularmeeting, a copy ofthecurrent parks and recreationordinance. (6)Directorparticipation.Thedirectoroftheparksandrecreationdepartmentshallbein attendanceatthe boardmeetings.The directorshallparticipateinmeetingstoprovide staffassistance,reports,andrecommendations asrequested bytheboard. (7)Directortobeex-officiomember.Thedirectorshallbeanex-officiomemberofthe board,withtheresponsibilitytoparticipateindiscussionsbutwithouttherightto vote. (8)Absencefrommeetings. (A)Amember’sabsencefromthree(3)meetingsannuallywithoutformalconsent oftheboardshallbedeemedtoconstitutetheresignationofthatmemberand shallbecertifiedbythechairpersontothetowncouncil.Amember’sabsence willbeconsideredatthenextregularlyscheduledmeetingfollowingthe absence. (B)Membersshouldattempttomakeallregularmeetings;however,ifamember findsdifficultyinmaintainingregularattendance,itissuggestedthatthe memberconsiderwhetherhe/shehassufficienttimetobeaneffectivemember. Itistheresponsibilityofamemberinthispositiontoinitiateadiscussionwith thechairorstaffliaisonaboutattendance. (C)Thechairpersonoftheboardistomaintainachartedattendancerecordforall members.Ifattendancebecomesanissue,thestaffliaisonwillattemptto secure a writtenresignation. (9)Meetings.Regularmeetingsshallbeheldatleastonceamonthonthedateandatthe timeestablishedbytheboardasprovidedinthisdivision,unlessthechairperson designatesanothertime,dateandplaceandallmembersoftheboardarenotifiedat leastseven(7) daysinadvance. .Amajority ofmembersshall constitute a quorum. (10)Quorum (11)Minutes.Minutesofeachboardmeetingshall befiledwiththetownsecretary. (Ordinance2005-27,sec.3,adopted12/5/05;2006Code,ch.9,sec.1.02;Ordinance2008-32, sec.II, adopted 10/6/08;Ordinance 2015-22 adopted8/25/15) Sec. 1.08.033Powers and duties (a)Generally.Theparksandrecreationboardshallhavethefollowingpowersandperformthe following duties: (1)Advisorycapacitytocouncil.Theboardshallactprincipallyinanadvisorycapacity tothetownstaffandthetowncouncilinallmatterspertainingtoparksand 1-47Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 155 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter1:General Provisions recreation;shallacquaintitselfwithandmakeacontinuousstudyofthecomplete parksandrecreationservicesofthetown;andshalladvisethestaffandtowncouncil fromtimetotimeastothepresentandfuturepolicies,maintenance,operation, planning, acquisition, development, and enlargementofthetown parks and recreation services.Theboardshallalsohavesuchauthorityasdesignatedtoitbytown ordinance. (2)Studyanddevelopmentofparksandrecreationareas.Theboardshallstudyand encouragethedevelopmentofparksandrecreationareasandthedevelopmentof recreationforallresidentsofthetown. (3)Advisorycapacitytodirector.Itshalladvisetheboard\[director\]onproblemsof developmentofrecreationareas,facilities,programsandimprovedrecreation services. (4)Recommendationofstandards.Itshallrecommendtheadoptionofstandardsfor areas,facilities,programsandfinancialsupportforparks and recreation purposes. (5)Recommendationsoncapitalimprovementprogramsandacquisitions.Theboard shalladviseandrecommendtotheparksandrecreationdirectorthedevelopmentof long-rangecapitalimprovementprograms,and,whentheneedexistsforadditional parkandrecreationalfacilities,theboardshallmakeappropriaterecommendationto thetowncouncil.Itmayalsorecommendtheacquisitionofadditionalparks,park andrecreationalequipment and supplies. (6)Solicitationofgrants.Theboardmaysolicitgrantsonbehalfoftheparksand recreationboard;provided,however,thattheacceptanceofanysuchgrantissubject tothe approvalandacceptanceofthetowncouncil. (7)Cooperativeopportunities.Theboardmaycooperatewithothergovernmental agencies, civicorganizations and allcitizens ofthetownintheadvancement ofsound parks andrecreationplanning and programming. (8)Amendments.Theboardmay,fromtimetotime,recommendtothetowncouncil amendmentstothisdivision. (9)Reports.Theboardshall,throughitschairpersonorhis/herdesignee,makeanoral andwrittenreportsemi-annuallytothetowncouncilconcerningitsactivitiesduring thepastyear anditsproposalsforthe comingyear. (10)Reviewofbudget.Theboardshallreviewtheproposedbudgetfortheparksand recreationdepartment,andmakeanyrecommendationstotheparksandrecreation directordeemednecessary.Theboardisnotauthorizedtoadd,deleteorchangein anywaythe budget aspreparedbythe parks andrecreation director. (11)Adoptionofadditionalrules.Theboardshallhaveauthoritytoadoptsuchadditional rulesthatarenotinconflictwiththisdivisionthatitdeemsnecessarytocarryoutthe purpose andintentofthisdivision,subjecttotowncouncil approval. 1-48Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 156 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Sec. 2.04.002Appointment;terms ThemembersoftheTrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoardshallserveatthepleasureof thetowncouncil.Members’termsshallbestaggeredassetforthherein,andtermsshallexpireon September30thofthedesignatedyear.Positionsontheboardshallbenumbered1through6. Position1shallserveanimplementationtermthatshallexpireonSeptember30thof2016and shallexpirethereafterineven-numberedyears.Thetermsofpositions2and3ontheboardshall alsoexpireineven-numberedyears.Thetermsofpositions4,5,and6shallexpireinodd- numberedyears.Uponexpirationoftheimplementationtermsetforthabove,allsix(6)seats shallbeappointedtoserveonaregulartwo(2)yearterminterval.(Ordinance2013-19,sec.3, adopted8/5/13;Ordinance2014-24 adopted8/26/14;Ordinance2015-27 adopted 9/22/15) Sec. 2.04.003Staffliaison Thechiefofpoliceorhisdesigneeshallserveasaliaison(hereinafter“staffliaison”).Thestaff liaisonshallbethepointofcontactformembers,anditshallbetheresponsibilityofthestaff liaisontoschedulemeetings,topostagendas,andtoprovideinformationnecessaryforthe TrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoardtoperformitsduties.(Ordinance2013-19,sec.4, adopted8/5/13) Sec. 2.04.004Dutiesof board Dutiesoftheboardshallincludethemakingofrecommendationstothetowncouncilconcerning thetown’sanimalshelterandtheshelter’scompliancewithchapter823oftheHealthandSafety Code,asamended,andallotherapplicablestateandlocallaws.(Ordinance2013-19,sec.5, adopted8/5/13) Sec. 2.04.005Meetings AllmeetingsshallbeopentothepublicandshallbeheldinaccordancewiththeTexasOpen MeetingsAct andwiththeparameterssetforthinthisarticle.Thestaffliaisonshallworkwiththe TrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoardtodetermine appropriatemeetingdatesandtimesas necessarytofulfillalllegalobligations,withaminimumofthree(3)meetingsoftheboardbeing required annually.(Ordinance 2013-19,sec.6, adopted8/5/13) Sec. 2.04.006Staffliaison duties Thestaffliaisonshallattendallmeetings,shallberesponsibleforpreparationandpostingofthe meetingagendas,andshallensurethatminutesarepreparedfortheboard’sreviewandaction. Thestaffliaisonshallberesponsibleforensuringthatallclericalsupportisprovidedbytown staff.(Ordinance 2013-19,sec. 7,adopted8/5/13) 2-31Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 157 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 158 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 CHAPTER3 BUILDINGREGULATIONS ARTICLE 3.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS.................................................................................3-7 Sec. 3.01.001Formssurvey.........................................................................................3-7 ARTICLE 3.02 BUILDINGOFFICIAL......................................................................................3-7 Sec. 3.02.001Appointment..........................................................................................3-7 Sec. 3.02.002Authority...............................................................................................3-7 ARTICLE 3.03 TECHNICALANDCONSTRUCTIONCODESAND STANDARDS............3-7 Division1.Generally.................................................................................................................3-7 Division2.BuildingCode.........................................................................................................3-8 Sec. 3.03.051Adoption................................................................................................3-8 Sec. 3.03.052Amendments..........................................................................................3-8 Division3.ResidentialCode...................................................................................................3-25 Sec. 3.03.101Adoption..............................................................................................3-25 Sec. 3.03.102Amendments........................................................................................3-25 Division4.ElectricalCode......................................................................................................3-38 Sec. 3.03.151Adoption..............................................................................................3-38 Sec. 3.03.152Amendments........................................................................................3-38 Division5.MechanicalCode..................................................................................................3-43 Sec. 3.03.201Adoption..............................................................................................3-43 Sec. 3.03.202Amendments........................................................................................3-43 Division6. PlumbingCode.....................................................................................................3-47 Sec. 3.03.251Adoption..............................................................................................3-47 Sec. 3.03.252Amendments........................................................................................3-48 Division7.EnergyConservationCode...................................................................................3-56 Sec. 3.03.301Adoption..............................................................................................3-56 Sec. 3.03.302Amendments........................................................................................3-56 Division8. PropertyMaintenanceCode..................................................................................3-57 Sec. 3.03.351Adoption..............................................................................................3-57 Sec. 3.03.352Amendments........................................................................................3-57 Division9. FuelGasCode.......................................................................................................3-58 Sec. 3.03.401Adoption..............................................................................................3-58 Sec. 3.03.402Amendments........................................................................................3-58 Division10. FireCode............................................................................................................3-64 Sec. 3.03.451Adoption..............................................................................................3-64 Sec. 3.03.452Amendments........................................................................................3-64 ARTICLE 3.04 JOB SITEMAINTENANCE............................................................................3-87 Sec. 3.04.001Applicability........................................................................................3-87 Sec. 3.04.002Definitions...........................................................................................3-87 Sec. 3.04.003Cleanlinessandwaste disposal............................................................3-87 ARTICLE 3.05 DANGEROUSOR SUBSTANDARDBUILDINGS......................................3-88 Sec. 3.05.001Definitions...........................................................................................3-88 Sec. 3.05.002Minimumstandards;responsibilities of owner...................................3-90 3-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 159 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations ARTICLE 3.06 ROOFINGREQUIREMENTS.........................................................................3-97 Sec. 3.06.001Definitions...........................................................................................3-97 Sec. 3.06.002Penalty.................................................................................................3-97 Sec. 3.06.003Roofrepairpermit...............................................................................3-97 Sec. 3.06.004Appeals................................................................................................3-97 Sec. 3.06.005Architectural orlaminatedshinglesrequired.......................................3-97 Sec. 3.06.006Woodshingles and woodshakes prohibited........................................3-98 Sec. 3.06.007Compliancewiththebuilding codes...................................................3-98 ARTICLE 3.07 SWIMMING POOLSAND SPAS...................................................................3-98 Division1.Generally...............................................................................................................3-98 Sec. 3.07.001Definitions...........................................................................................3-98 Sec. 3.07.002Penalty.................................................................................................3-99 Sec. 3.07.003Applicability; prohibitions.................................................................3-100 Sec. 3.07.004Exceptions.........................................................................................3-100 Sec. 3.07.005Notice ofviolation;failureto complywith notice............................3-101 Sec. 3.07.006Abatementwithout notice..................................................................3-102 Sec. 3.07.007Appeals..............................................................................................3-102 Division2. Permit...........................................................................................................3-103 Sec. 3.07.031Application........................................................................................3-103 Sec. 3.07.032Fees....................................................................................................3-103 Division3. Standards.............................................................................................................3-104 Sec. 3.07.061Fencerequirements............................................................................3-104 Sec. 3.07.062Formsurveyrequired........................................................................3-104 Sec. 3.07.063Inspections.........................................................................................3-105 Sec. 3.07.064Lighting.............................................................................................3-105 Sec. 3.07.065Plumbing and electricalwork............................................................3-105 Sec. 3.07.066Locationof pool................................................................................3-105 Sec. 3.07.067Draining of pool................................................................................3-106 Sec. 3.07.068Screening...........................................................................................3-106 Sec. 3.07.069Health andsafetystandards; clarity ofwater.....................................3-106 Sec. 3.07.070Locationof equipment.......................................................................3-107 ARTICLE 3.08 MOBILEHOMES,MANUFACTUREDHOMES,TRAILERSAND SIMILAR STRUCTURES....................................................................................................3-107 Division1.Generally.............................................................................................................3-107 Sec. 3.08.001Definitions.........................................................................................3-107 Sec. 3.08.002Penalty...............................................................................................3-108 Division2.MobileHomes and ManufacturedHomes..........................................................3-108 Sec. 3.08.031Mobilehomesrestricted....................................................................3-108 Sec. 3.08.032Replacement ofmobile homes..........................................................3-108 Sec. 3.08.033Permitrequiredforinstallation,maintenanceor alteration...............3-108 Sec. 3.08.034Applicationforpermit.......................................................................3-108 Division3. Storage and Occupancy ofTrailers,Boats,CommercialVehiclesand RecreationalVehicles........................................................................................................3-109 Sec. 3.08.071Boatsortrailerstiedinto utilityservice;constructiontrailers...........3-109 Sec. 3.08.072Screening orenclosureofcommercialvehicles, boats andtrailers...3-109 Sec. 3.08.073Recreationalvehicles.........................................................................3-109 Sec. 3.08.074Presumptionthatregistered ownerisresponsibleforviolation.........3-110 3-2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 160 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations ARTICLE 3.09 SIGNS.............................................................................................................3-110 Division1.Generally.............................................................................................................3-110 Sec. 3.09.001Definitions.........................................................................................3-110 Sec. 3.09.002Penalty...............................................................................................3-118 Sec. 3.09.003Declaration, purposeandintent.........................................................3-118 Sec. 3.09.004Measurementofsign height..............................................................3-119 Sec. 3.09.005Conformancewithother codes..........................................................3-119 Sec. 3.09.006Permit................................................................................................3-119 Sec. 3.09.007Signs notrequiring permit.................................................................3-121 Sec. 3.09.008Temporary permits............................................................................3-122 Sec. 3.09.009Nonconforming uses..........................................................................3-122 Sec. 3.09.010Meritoriousexceptionsand appeals..................................................3-123 Sec. 3.09.011Maintenance......................................................................................3-124 Sec. 3.09.012Violations..........................................................................................3-124 Sec. 3.09.013Enforcement procedure.....................................................................3-124 Sec. 3.09.014Enforcementremedies.......................................................................3-125 Sec. 3.09.015Prohibitedsigns.................................................................................3-126 Sec. 3.09.016Trafficsafety.....................................................................................3-127 Sec. 3.09.017Illuminatedsigns...............................................................................3-127 Sec. 3.09.018Miscellaneoustypesofsigns.............................................................3-128 Sec. 3.09.019Billboardsigns,CEVMSand electronicmessage boardsigns..........3-128 Division2.Temporary Signs.................................................................................................3-129 Sec. 3.09.061Generalregulations............................................................................3-129 Sec. 3.09.062Politicalsigns....................................................................................3-131 Sec. 3.09.063Bannersigns......................................................................................3-133 Sec. 3.09.064Realestatesigns-limitedpurpose on-premisessigns......................3-133 Sec. 3.09.065Specialpurposesigns.....................................................................3-134.1 Sec. 3.09.066Religiousinstitutionalsigns...........................................................3-134.2 Sec. 3.09.067Governmentsigns...........................................................................3-134.2 Division3.Commercial andInstitutionalSigns.................................................................3-134.2 Sec. 3.09.091Generalregulations.........................................................................3-134.2 Sec. 3.09.092Tableofsignage criteria.................................................................3-134.3 ARTICLE 3.10 APARTMENTCOMPLEXLICENSING...................................................3-134.5 Sec. 3.10.001Definitions......................................................................................3-134.5 Sec. 3.10.002Penalty............................................................................................3-134.7 Sec. 3.10.003Licenserequired.............................................................................3-134.7 Sec. 3.10.004Applicationforlicense; expiration;change of ownership or management.....................................................................................3-135 Sec. 3.10.005Licensefee.........................................................................................3-136 Sec. 3.10.006Display oflicense;replacementlicense;transfer..............................3-136 Sec. 3.10.007Licensingstandards...........................................................................3-136 Sec. 3.10.008Inspections;cancellationoflicense...................................................3-137 Sec. 3.10.009Appeals..............................................................................................3-138 ARTICLE 3.11 SINGLE-FAMILYRESIDENCELICENSING.............................................3-139 Sec. 3.11.001Definitions.........................................................................................3-139 Sec. 3.11.002Penalty...............................................................................................3-140 Sec. 3.11.003Licenserequired................................................................................3-141 3-3Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 161 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.11.004Applicationforlicense; expiration;change of ownership or management.....................................................................................3-141 Sec. 3.11.005Licensefee.........................................................................................3-142 Sec. 3.11.006Display oflicense;replacementlicense;transfer..............................3-142 Sec. 3.11.007Licensingstandards...........................................................................3-142 Sec. 3.11.008Inspections;cancellationoflicense...................................................3-143 Sec. 3.11.009Appeals..............................................................................................3-144 ARTICLE 3.12 HOTELS.........................................................................................................3-145 Sec. 3.12.001Definitions.........................................................................................3-145 Sec. 3.12.002Penalty...............................................................................................3-147 Sec. 3.12.003Permit................................................................................................3-147 Sec. 3.12.004Guestregistrationrequirements.........................................................3-149 Sec. 3.12.005Standardsfor premises andequipment..............................................3-149 Sec. 3.12.006Inspections;cancellationof permit....................................................3-152 Sec. 3.12.007Appeals..............................................................................................3-154 ARTICLE 3.13 FLOODDAMAGE PREVENTION..............................................................3-155 Sec. 3.13.001Findings offact..................................................................................3-155 Sec. 3.13.002Statement ofpurpose.........................................................................3-155 Sec. 3.13.003Methodsofreducingfloodlosses......................................................3-156 Sec. 3.13.004Definitions.........................................................................................3-156 Sec. 3.13.005Generalprovisions.............................................................................3-161 Sec. 3.13.006Administration...................................................................................3-162 Sec. 3.13.007Floodhazardreductionstandards......................................................3-166 Sec. 3.13.008Violations..........................................................................................3-171 ARTICLE 3.14 RUNOFFCONTROL,EROSIONCONTROLANDDISCHARGES TOSTORMDRAINAGE SYSTEM....................................................................................3-171 Sec. 3.14.001Generalprovisions.............................................................................3-171 Sec. 3.14.002Definitions.........................................................................................3-173 Sec. 3.14.003Penalty...............................................................................................3-181 Sec. 3.14.004Administration and enforcement.......................................................3-182 Sec. 3.14.005Illegal dischargestostorm drainagesystem......................................3-185 Sec. 3.14.006Nuisances...........................................................................................3-187 Sec. 3.14.007Runofffrom constructionactivity.....................................................3-188 Sec. 3.14.008Stormwaterpollutionprevention anderosion control.......................3-190 Sec. 3.14.009Maintenance ofcontrol devices;records...........................................3-197 ARTICLE 3.15 BUILDING STANDARDSCOMMISSION..................................................3-197 Sec. 3.15.001Created...............................................................................................3-197 Sec. 3.15.002Members............................................................................................3-197 Sec. 3.15.003Meetings............................................................................................3-198 Sec. 3.15.004Authority–Generally..........................................................................3-199 Sec. 3.15.005Same–Substandardhousing...............................................................3-200 Sec. 3.15.006Rulesgoverning proceedings............................................................3-201 Sec. 3.15.007Criteriafordeterminingsubstandard condition.................................3-201 Sec. 3.15.008Notice................................................................................................3-201 Sec. 3.15.009Action;timeframes...........................................................................3-202 3-4Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 162 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.15.010Feesforappeals.................................................................................3-203 Sec. 3.15.011Failuretocomplywith order.............................................................3-203 Sec. 3.15.012Final decision....................................................................................3-204 Sec. 3.15.013Judicialreview...................................................................................3-204 Sec. 3.15.014Authority;penalties...........................................................................3-205 \[Nextpageis 3-7.\] 3-5Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 163 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 164 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Exception :Open,unenclosedstairwellsinhistoricbuildingsdesignatedashistoricundera stateorlocal historic preservationprogram. (Ordinance2004-28sec.IV,adopted8/30/04;2006Code,ch.3,sec.9.02;Ordinance2012-32, sec. 2,ex.A,adopted 12/10/12) ARTICLE 3.04 JOB SITE MAINTENANCE Sec. 3.04.001Applicability Thisarticleshallapplytoallnewconstruction,remodeling,andotherconstructionactivities withinthetownthatrequireabuildingpermit.(Ordinance2011-25,sec.2(18.01),adopted 6/20/11) Sec. 3.04.002Definitions Constructiondebris.Debrisandotherwastebuildingmaterialsresultingfromnewconstruction anddemolitionoperationsonpavements,buildingsandotherstructures;provided,however,that thetermshall notincludehazardouswaste. Container.Ametal containersupplied bythesolidwasteprovider. Debris.Alldirt,concrete,rocks,bricks,wood,buildingmaterials,orothertrash,refuse,orwaste materials,notincluding hazardouswaste,generated by or asaresultof aconstruction project. Hazardouswaste.Petroleumandpetroleumproducts,radioactivematerials,asbestosinanyform thatisorcouldbecomefriable,ureaformaldehydefoaminsulation,transformersorother equipmentthatcontainspolychlorinatedbiphenyls,andradongas,andanyotherchemicals, materialsorsubstancesdefinedasorincludedinthedefinitionof“hazardousmaterials,” “hazardouswastes,”“hazardoussubstances,”“toxicwastes,”“toxicpollutants,”“contaminates,” “pollutants,”“infectiouswastes,”“medicalwastes,“radioactivewastes,”“sewagesludges”or wordsofsimilarimport underany applicableenvironmentallaw. .Debrisandotherwastebuildingmaterialsresulting Remodelingandrepairconstructiondebris fromremodelingand/orrepair;provided,however,thatthetermshallnotincludehazardous waste. Solidwasteprovider.Theentitywithwhichthetownhascontractedtoprovideexclusivesolid wasteandrecyclablematerialscollection,transportationanddisposalservicesforandwithinthe townlimits. (Ordinance2011-24,sec.2(18.01),adopted6/20/11;Ordinance2011-25,sec.2(18.02),adopted 6/20/11) Sec. 3.04.003Cleanliness andwastedisposal (a)Generalrequirementsfornewconstruction.Allnewresidentialandcommercial constructionjobsiteswithinthetownshallbemaintainedinsuchamannersoastobefreeofall constructiondebrisfromthecommencementofpermittedconstructionactivitythroughthedate offinal permit approval. 3-87Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 165 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (b)Containerrequired.Allconstructiondebrisgeneratedbyorrelatedtoanewresidentialor commercialconstructionjobsiteshallbewhollycontainedinacontainer.Thecontainershallbe ofsufficientcapacitytopreventspillage,blowingdebrisorotherunsightlyorunsanitary conditions.Eachnewresidentialandcommercialconstructionjobsitewithinthetownshall utilizeatleastone(1)container,exceptasotherwiseexpresslyprovidedherein.Suchcontainer shallbelocatedwhollyonthesingleconstructionjobsitewhichitisservicing;provided, however,thatwheretwo(2)constructionjobsitesareadjacent,one(1)containerplacedata centrallocationonone(1)ormoreofthosejobsitesmaybeutilizedtoservicebothjobsites. Eachcontainershallbeofsufficientsizetoaccommodatedisposalofallconstructiondebrisfrom thejobsite orsitesforwhichthecontainerisservicing. (c)Timeframeforplacementandremovalofcontainer.Acontainershallbeplacedonthejob site(s)onorbeforethedateofthefirstfoundationinspectionandshallbemaintaineduponthe jobsite(s) untilfinal brick completion.Thereafter,thecontainermay be removed; however,waste containmentshall beinaccordancewiththissection. (d)Otherreceptacles.Aftertheremovalofacontainer,constructiondebrisshallbecontained inaproperwastedisposalreceptaclesothatdebrisiswhollycontainedandnotvisiblefromthe street. (e)Remodelingandrepair.Allresidentialandcommercialremodelingandrepairjobsites withinthetownshallbemaintainedinsuchamannersoastobefreeof allremodelingandrepair constructiondebrisfromthecommencementofpermittedconstructionactivitythroughthedate offinalpermitapproval.Remodelingandrepairconstructiondebrisshallbecontainedina containerorshall beremovedfromthejobsitedaily. (Ordinance2011-24,sec.2(18.02),adopted6/20/11;Ordinance2011-25,sec.2(18.03),adopted 6/20/11) * ARTICLE 3.05 DANGEROUSOR SUBSTANDARDBUILDINGS Sec. 3.05.001Definitions Thefollowing definitionsshall applyintheinterpretation and enforcementofthisarticle: .Buildingsofanynaturethatarefoundtobedangerous,thatarecalculated Dangerousbuildings toincreasethefirehazard,thatinjure,hurtorharmindividualsorthatmaydamageorinjure contiguousoradjacentlands,orwhichendangerlifeorhealthoraresubversiveofthepublic * Editor’snote– Ordinance2015-13,sec.2.01,adopted6/23/15repealedanddeletedsections3.05.002– 3.05.007,3.05.009andredesignatedsection3.05.008tosection3.05.002.Priortothesesectionsbeing deletedtheyderivedfromthefollowing:Ordinance97-13,secs.2–5,7–8,10,adopted5/13/97;2006Code, ch.3,secs.12.02–12.05,12.07–12.09;andOrdinanceadoptingCode. Statelawreference– Authorityofmunicipalityto regulatedangerousandsubstandardstructures,V.T.C.A., LocalGovernmentCode,sec.214.001etseq. 3-88Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 166 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations health,safetyandwelfareandwhichhaveanyoneorallofthefollowingdefects,andshall include,butnotbelimitedto,thefollowing: (1)Thosebuildingswhich,exclusiveofthefoundation,showthirty-threepercent(33%) ormoreofdamageordeteriorationofthesupportingwalls,beams,orothermember ormembersofthebuildingorfiftypercent(50%)ofdamageordeteriorationofthe nonsupporting enclosing or outsidewallsor covering ofthe building. (2)Those buildingswhichhavebeendamagedbyfire,windorothercausesso asto have becomedangeroustolife,safety,moralsorthegeneralhealthandwelfareofthe occupants orthepeopleofthetown. (3)Thosebuildingswhichhavebecomeoraresodilapidated,decayed,unsafe, unsanitaryorwhichutterlyfailtoprovideamenitiesessentialtodecentlivingthat theyareunfitforhumanhabitationorarelikelytocausesicknessordiseasesoasto workinjurytothe health,morals,safety orgeneralwelfareofthoselivingtherein. (4)Thosebuildingsthathavelight,airandsanitationfacilitieswhichareinadequateto protectthe health,morals,safety orgeneralwelfareofthoselivingtherein. (5)Thosebuildingshavinginadequatefacilitiesforegressincaseoffireorpanic,or thosehavinginsufficientstairways,elevators,fireescapesorothermeansof communication. (6)Thosebuildingswhichhavepartsthereofwhicharesoattachedthattheymayfall andinjuremembers ofthepublicor property. (7)Thosebuildingswhichhaveafoundationthatisnotsofreeofholes,cracks, buckling, crumbling anddefectsastosupport adequatelythe dwellingstructure. (8)Thosebuildingswhichdonothaveafloor,exteriorwallandroofthatissofreeof holes,cracksandloose,rotten,warpedorprotrudingboardsastoprotectthe occupantsofthedwellingordwellingunitreasonablyfromweatherelementsand from damage of collapse. (9)Thosebuildingsexistinginviolationofanyprovisionsofthebuildingcodeofthe town orany provisionofthetownfire codeor othercodesofthetown. Urban nuisance.A premises orstructurethat: (1)Isreasonablydangeroustothephysicalhealthorsafetyofanoccupantorother persons; or (2)Itsstateofdisrepairissuchthatitcouldreasonablycauseinjury,damage,harmor inconveniencetothecommunityandtheuseandenjoymentofproperty,materially interferingwiththepropertyuseorcomfortandenjoymentofsurroundingproperty, takingintoconsiderationthenatureanduse ofthepropertiesinthe area and character 3-89Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 167 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations ofthecommunityinwhichtheyaresituated,whichconditionwouldbesubstantially offensiveandannoyingtopersonsofordinarysensibilities,tasteandhabitslivingin thecommunity. (Ordinance 97-13,sec. 1, adopted 5/13/97; 2006Code, ch. 3, sec.12.01) Sec. 3.05.002Minimumstandards;responsibilities ofowner (a)Propertystandards.An ownershall: (1)Eliminateahole,excavation,sharpprotrusion,andanyotherobjectorconditionthat existsontheland andisreasonably capableof causinginjuryto a person; (2)Securely cover or closeawell, cesspoolor cistern; (3)Providesolidwastereceptacles orcontainerswhenrequired bythetown; (4)Providedrainagetopreventstandingwater andflooding on theland; (5)Removedeadtreesandtreelimbsthatarereasonablycapableofcausinginjurytoa person;and (6)Keepthedoorsandwindowsofavacantstructure\[or\]portionofastructuresecurely closedto prevent unauthorized entry. (b)Structuralstandards.An ownershall: (1)Protecttheexteriorsurfacesofastructurewhicharesubjecttodecaybyapplication of paintorother coating; (2)Fillhollowmasonrysupportingpiers,ifused,withconcrete,andanchorthepiersto concretefootingswitha 5/8-inchsteel dowel; (3)Provideandmaintainrailingsforstairs,steps,balconies,porchesandelsewhereas specifiedinthetown’s building code; (4)Repairholes,cracksandotherdefectsreasonablycapableofcausinginjurytoa personinstairs, porches,steps and balconies; (5)Maintainastructureintendedforhumanoccupancyandits\[any\]structureusedasan accessorytoastructureintendedforhumanoccupancyinaweathertightand watertightcondition; (6)Maintainfloors,walls,ceilings,andallsupportingstructuralmembersinasound condition,capableof bearingimposedsafetyloads; (7)Providecross-ventilationas prescribedinthebuildingcode; (8)Repair orreplace chimneyfluesandattachmentsthatdo notfunction properly; 3-90Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 168 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (9)Repairholes,cracks,breaks,andloosesurfacematerialsthatarehealthorsafety hazardsinor onfloorsinor on floors,wallsandceilings; (10)Provideandmaintainamoisture-resistantfinishormaterialfortheflooringor subflooring ofeachbathroom,showerroom, and toiletroom; (11)Provideeveryhabitableroomwithatleastonewindoworskylightfacingdirectlyto the outdoors; (12)Provideeveryhabitableroomwithatleastonewindoworskylightwhichcanbe easily opened, orsuchother deviceaswill adequately ventilatetheroom; (13)Provideeverybathroomwiththelightandventilationrequirementsforhabitable rooms,exceptthatnowindoworskylightshallberequiredinadequatelyventilated bathrooms equippedwith an approvedventilatingsystem; (14)Providethatcommonhallsandinsidestairwaysineverybuilding,otherthanone- familydwellings,beadequatelylightedatalltimeswithanilluminationofatleast one(1)footcandleintensity atthefloorinthedarkestportion ofthe normallytraveled stairs and passageways; (15)Provideandmaintainthebuildingfoundationsysteminasafemannerandcapableof supportingtheloadwhichnormal usemay causeto be placedthereon; (16)Providethateveryexteriorwallbefreeofholes,breaks,looseorrottingboardsor timbers,andanyotherconditionswhichmightadmitrainordampnesstotheinterior portions ofthewallsortothe occupiedspaces ofthe building; (17)Provideroofswhicharestructurallysoundandmaintainedinasafemannerand whichhavenodefectswhichmightadmitrainorcausedampnessinthewallsor interiorportion ofthebuilding; (18)Provideandmaintainallportions,additionsorsectionsofaroof,includingbutnot limitedtofascia,eaves,soffit,sheathing,raftertails,bargerafters,ventscreening, gutters, downspouts,roofjackets andlead ormetalflashing; (19)Provideandmaintaineverydwellingunitwithsafe,unobstructedmeansofegress withaminimumceilingheightofsevenfeet(7')leadingtoasafeandopenspaceat groundlevel.Stairsshallhaveaminimumheadroomofsixfeet(6'),eightinches (8"); (20)Provideandmaintainprotectiverailingsonanyunenclosedstructureoverthirty inches(30")fromthegroundlevelor onanysteps containingfourrisers ormore; (21)Provideandmaintaineverywindowsubstantiallyweathertight,watertightand rodent-proof, andkeepinsoundworking conditionandgoodrepair; (22)Provideeveryexteriordoor,basementorcellar doorandhatchwaytobesubstantially weathertight androdent-proof, andkeptinsoundworking conditionandgoodrepair; 3-91Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 169 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (23)Provideeveryexteriordoorwithproperlyinstalledhardwarethatismaintainedto insurereasonableeaseofoperationtoopen,closeandsecureinanopenorclosed position, asintended bythemanufacturer ofthedoor andtheattachedhardware; (24)Provideexteriordoorframesbeproperlymaintainedandaffixedwithweather- strippingandthresholdsasrequiredtobesubstantiallyweathertight,watertightand rodent andinsectrestrictivewhenthe doorisinaclosed position; (25)Provideexteriordoorjambs,stops,headersandmoldingssecurelyattachedtothe structure,maintainedingoodconditionwithoutsplittingordeteriorationthatwould minimizethestrength andsecurity ofthedoorina closed position; (26)Provideallexteriorwoodsurfaces,otherthandecay-resistantwoods,protectedfrom theelementsanddecay by painting orotherprotectivecovering ortreatment; (27)Provideandmaintaingarages,storagebuildingsandallotheraccessorystructuresin goodrepairandsoundstructuralcondition; (28)Provideeveryfloor,interiorwallandceilingbesubstantiallyrodent-proof,keptin soundconditionandgoodrepairandsafetouseandcapableofsupportingtheload which normal usemay causetobe placedthereon; (29)Provideeverytoilet,bathroomandkitchenfloorsurfaceconstructedandmaintained soastobesubstantiallyimpervioustowaterandsoastopermitsuchfloortobe easilykeptinacleanandsanitary condition; (30)Maintaineverystructuralelementofthedwellingstructurallysoundandshowno evidenceofdeteriorationwhichwouldrenderitincapableof carrying normalloads; (31)Provideandmaintaininteriorstairsandstairwellsmorethanfour(4)risershighwith handrailslocatedinaccordancewiththerequirements ofthebuildingcode.Handrails orprotectiverailingsshallbecapableofbearingnormallyimposedloadsandbe maintainedingood condition. (Ordinance97-13,sec.6,adopted5/13/97;2006Code,ch.3,sec.12.06;Ordinance2015-13,sec. 2.01, adopted 6/23/15) \[Continued on page 3-97.\] 3-92Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 170 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (2)LocationandlegaldescriptionoftheHUD-codemanufacturedhomeordesignated mobile home park; (3)A description oftheHUD-codemanufactured home; (4)Such otherinformation asthetownofficialsreviewingtheapplicationmayrequire. (Ordinance1999-02,sec.V,adopted1/19/99;Ordinance2002-36,sec.V,adopted10/7/02;2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 1.05) Secs. 3.08.035–3.08.070Reserved Division 3. Storage andOccupancy ofTrailers,Boats,CommercialVehiclesand RecreationalVehicles Sec. 3.08.071Boatsortrailerstiedintoutilityservice; constructiontrailers Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontolocateormaintainanyboatortrailerwhichistiedinto utilityservicewithinthetown,exceptthattrailersusedexclusivelyinconjunctionwith constructionprojectsshallnotbesubjecttotheprohibitionofthissection.Suchconstruction trailersshallbelocatedontheconstructionsiteandmustberemovedfromsaidsitenolaterthan seven(7)daysaftercompletionofconstruction.(Ordinance1999-02,sec.VI,adopted1/19/99; Ordinance2002-36,sec.VI, adopted 10/7/02; 2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 1.06) Sec. 3.08.072Screeningor enclosureofcommercial vehicles, boats and trailers (a)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersonwhoisaresidentofthetowntolocateormaintainany truckorcommercialmotorvehiclewitharegisteredgrossvehicleweightoftenthousand (10,000)poundsorgreater,aboat,oratrailerwithinthetownformorethantwo(2)daysper monthunlessthetruckorcommercialmotorvehicle,boat,ortrailerisenclosedinagarageor screenedbehindasolidfencenogreaterthansix(6)feetinheight,oreight(8)feetinheight whereallowedbyordinance,andisnotvisiblefromapublicstreet.Atruckorcommercialmotor vehicle,boat,ortrailershallbedeemedscreenedbehindasolidfencewhennoportionofthe truck,commercialmotorvehicle,boatortrailerisvisiblethroughthefencefromapublicstreet, andnomorethaneighteen(18)inchesofsuchtruck,commercialmotorvehicle,boatortraileris visibleabovethetopofthefencefromapublicstreet.Garages,fencesandscreeningmaterials shall beincompliancewith all othertownordinancesandregulations. (b)Asusedherein,theterm“commercialmotorvehicle”shallmeananymotorvehicle,other thanamotorcycle,designedorusedforthetransportationofpropertyorpersons,including, withoutlimitation,vehicles usedfordelivery purposes. (Ordinance1999-02,sec.VII,adopted1/19/99;Ordinance2002-36,sec.VII,adopted10/7/02; 2006Code,ch. 5,sec.1.07;Ordinance2010-19,sec.II, adopted8/2/10) Sec. 3.08.073Recreationalvehicles (a)Itshallbeunlawfulforanyresidenttolocateormaintainarecreationalvehiclewithinthe townformorethantwo(2)dayspermonthunlesssuchrecreationalvehicleislocatedwithina fullyenclosedstructure.Forpurposesofthissection,“structure”shallmeananenclosedbuilding 3-109Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 171 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations withfourwallsandaroofwhichisconstructedofmaterialallowedforaccessorystructuresinthe town’szoningordinanceforthezoningdistrictinwhichthestructureislocated,andsuchterm does notincludeatarporothercloth coverage. (b)Anyguestofaresidentofthetownmaylocatearecreationalvehiclewithinthetownfora periodnottoexceedforty-eight(48)consecutivehours.Itshallbeunlawfulforanysuchguestto locatearecreationalvehicleinthetownfora period exceedingforty-eight hours. (c)Anyresidentwhohasaguestwhowilllocatearecreationalvehiclewithinthetownas describedinsubsection(b)ofthissectionmustregistersuchrecreationalvehiclewiththe planningandzoningadministratorbeforethetimesaidrecreationalvehicleislocatedwithinthe town. Suchregistrationshallconsistoftheaddresswheretherecreationalvehicleshall belocated, thedurationtherecreationvehicleistoremainattheaddress,andthenameofthepersonwho resides attheresidence. (Ordinance1999-02,sec.VIII,adopted1/19/99;Ordinance2002-36,sec.VIII,adopted10/7/02; 2006Code,ch. 5,sec.1.08) Sec. 3.08.074Presumptionthatregisteredownerisresponsiblefor violation Whenanytruckorcommercialvehicle,recreationalvehicle,boatortrailerisfoundlocatedor parkedinviolationofanyprovisionofthisarticleorothercodesofthetown,suchfactshallbe primafacieevidencethatthepersoninwhosenameitisregisteredlocatedorparkedthevehicle. (Ordinance1999-02,sec.IX,adopted1/19/99;Ordinance2002-36,sec.IX,adopted10/7/02; 2006Code,ch. 5,sec.1.09) * ARTICLE 3.09 SIGNS Division 1. Generally Sec. 3.09.001Definitions Unlessotherwiseprovidedforherein,thefollowingtermsshallhavetherespectivemeanings ascribedtothem. Awning.Aroof-likestructure,usuallymadeofcanvas,thatservesasashelter,asovera storefront,window,doorordeck.Also,anarchitecturalprojectionthatprovidesweather protection,identity ordecoration, andissupported bythe buildingtowhichitisattached. Changeableelectronicvariablemessagesign(CEVMS).Asignwhichpermitslighttobeturned onoroffintermittentlyorwhichisoperatedinawaywherebylightisturnedonoroff intermittently,includinganyilluminatedsignonwhichsuchilluminationisnotkeptstationaryor constantinintensityandcoloratalltimeswhensuchsignisinuse,includinglightemittingdiode (LED)orelectronicmessageboardordigitalsign,andwhichvariesinintensityorcolor.A CEVMSdoesnotincludeasignlocatedwithintheright-of-waythatfunctionsasatraffic-control deviceandthatisdescribedandidentifiedintheManualonUniformTraffic-ControlDevices,as amended. * Statelawreference– Authorityofmunicipalitytoregulatesigns,V.T.C.A.,LocalGovernmentCode,ch. 216. 3-110Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 172 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Designated official.Thetownmanager or hisorherdesignee. Dilapidatedordeterioratedcondition.Anysign,whichinthereasonablediscretionofthe designatedofficial, hasany one ormore ofthefollowing characteristics: (1)Whereelementsofthesurfaceorbackgroundcanbeseen,asviewedfromtheright- of-way,tohaveportionsofthefinishedmaterialorpaintflaked,brokenoff,or missing, or otherwisenotin harmonywiththerestofthesurface; (2)Wherethestructuralsupportorframemembersarevisiblybent,broken,dented,or torn; (3)Wherethepanelisvisiblycracked,orinthecaseofwoodandsimilarproducts, splinteredinsuchaway asto constitutean unsightly or harmfulcondition; (4)Wherethesignoritselementsaretwistedorleaningoratanglesotherthanthoseat whichitwasoriginally erected(suchasmayresultfrom being blown or bythefailure of a structuralsupport);or (5)Wherethemessageorwordingcan no longerbeclearlyreadbyapersonwithnormal eyesight under normalviewing conditions. Electronicmessageboard.Asignwithafixedorchangingdisplay/messagecomposedofaseries oflightsthatmaybechangedthroughelectronicmeans.Signswhosealphabetic,pictographic,or symbolicinformationalcontentcanbechangedoralteredonafixeddisplayscreencomposedof electricallyilluminatedsegments.Thetermincludesaprogrammed electronicdisplay. Graffiti.Anymarking,including,butnotlimitedto,anyinscription,slogan,drawing,painting, symbol,logo, name, character,orfigurethatismadein anymanner ontangibleproperty. \[Guardian.\] (1)A personwho, undercourtorder,istheguardianofthe person ofaminor; or (2)A public or private agencywithwhom a minor hasbeen placed by a court. .Asappliedtoasign,heightshallbemeasuredastheverticaldistancebetween Heightofsigns thehighestpartofthesignoritssupportingstructure,whicheverishigher,andnaturalgradeat thecenterofthebaseofthesign. Illumination,direct.Lightingbymeansofanunshieldedlightsource,includingneontubing, strobes,etc.,whichiseffectivelyvisibleaspartofthesign,wherethelighttravelsdirectlyfrom thesourcetotheviewers eye. Illumination,indirect.Lighting bymeans of a lightsource, notitselfvisible,whichis directedata reflectingsurfaceinsuchawayastoilluminatethesign,oralightsourcewhichisprimarily designedtoilluminatetheentirebuildingfacadeuponwhichasignisdisplayed.Indirect illuminationdoesnotincludelightingwhichisprimarilyusedforpurposesotherthansign illumination,e.g.,parkinglotlightsorlightsinsideabuildingwhichmaysilhouetteawindow sign butwhichareprimarilyinstalledtoserve asinsideillumination. 3-111Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 173 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Illumination,internal.Lightingbymeansofalightsourcewhichiswithinasignhavinga translucentbackground,silhouettingopaquelettersordesigns,orwhichiswithinlettersor designsthat arethemselvesmade of a translucentmaterial. Lightsources.Neonlights,fluorescentlights,incandescentlights,halogenlightsandany reflectingsurface,which,becauseofitsconstructionand/orplacementbecomesineffectasource oflight emission. Logo.Adesign,registeredtrademarkorinsigniaofanorganization,individual,company,or productwhichiscommonlyusedinadvertisingtoidentifythatorganization,individual,company or product. Masonry.Formedconcrete,concreteblock,cinderblockorsimilarmaterialwithfacingaddedto theirexposedsurface. Median.Alandmass,mostlycoveredbygrassand/orotherlandscapingmaterials,enclosedin concretecurbingplacedbetweenstreetsandroadsseparatingopposingtraffic,ortotherightof streetsorroadsseparatingstreetsorroadsfromoneway,singlelane,sliproadaccesstoprivate real properties. Minor.Apersonunder18yearsofagewhoisnotandhasnotbeenmarriedorwhohasnothad hisdisabilitiesofminorityremovedforgeneralpurposes. Owner.Anypersonwiththelegalorequitablerightofpossessiontoanyproperty,including withoutlimitation,anypersonhavingcustodyorcontrolovertheproperty,orhisorher authorizedagent orrepresentative. Parent.Themother,amanpresumedtobethebiologicalfatheroramanwhohasbeen adjudicatedtobethebiologicalfatherbyacourtofcompetentjurisdiction,oranadoptivemother orfather,butdoesnotincludeaparentastowhomtheparent-childrelationshiphasbeen terminated. Premises.Land,includinganystructuresbuiltuponit, building(s) or a part ofabuilding. Privaterealproperty.Land,withinthecorporatelimitsorextraterritorialjurisdictionofthetown, thatanyperson,firm,corporation,partnership,soleproprietorship,homeowners’associationor other privateentityrecognizedinlaw, owns,leases,claims, occupiesor hassupervisionor control of,whethersuchrealpropertyisoccupiedor unoccupied,improved or unimproved. .Anydisplayinwhichlampsareusedtogiveinformationsuch Programmedelectronicdisplay as,butnotlimitedto,time,temperature,stockmarketdataandwhichmayormaynotbe electronically programmedto deliverdifferentmessages. Property.Anytangiblepersonalorreal property. Raceway.Arectangulartubeusedforthepurposeofenclosingelectricalcomponentssuchas wiring,transformers,etc. 3-112Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 174 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Right-of-way.Astripofland,thefirsteleven(11)feetasmeasuredfromthebackofcurb,or,if nocurb,thefirst eleven(11)feetmeasuredfromtheedgeoftheroadwaypavement,includingthe adjacentarea,usedorintendedtobeused,whollyorinpart,asapublicstreet,alley,crosswalk, sidewalk, drainageway orother publicway. Sign.Anydeviceorsurfaceonwhichletters,illustrations,designs,figuresorsymbolsare painted,printed,stamped,raised,projectedorinanymanneroutlinedorattached,andusedfor advertisingpurposes;temporarymobilesignsandprivatedirectionalsignsshallbeconsidered signsforpurposesofthisarticle,regardlessofthecontentofthemessageorwordingthereon. Politicalsigns,exceptasexpresslyprovidedherein,mobileadvertising,hand-carriedsigns,and vendingmachinesignsshallnot beconsideredsignsforpurposesofthisarticle.Signsincludebut arenotlimitedtothefollowing: A-frame/sandwichboardsign.Aselfsupporting“A”shapedsignwithtwovisiblesides thatissituatedonor adjacentto a sidewalk. Apartmentsign.Asignidentifyinganapartmentbuildingorcomplexofapartment buildings. Awningsign.Anawning displaying a businessname orlogo. Banditsign.Handbills,lostandfoundnotices,advertisementsheets,and/orgaragesale signsattachedtoatree,utilitypole,trafficpole,fencepostorotherfeatureorstructurethat isnotdesignednorintendedtobeapartofthestructure.Thesedonotincludewarning signsorothersignsrequiredbystatelawtobeplacedonautilitypole,trafficpoleorfence post. .Atemporaryadvertisingdevicecomposedprimarilyofcloth,paper,fabric,or Bannersign othersimilarnonrigidmaterial,supportedbywire,rope,orsimilarmeans;itmayalsobe attachedtoabuildingorotherstructure,andmaybemountedverticallyorhorizontally. Bannersignsalsoincludeteardropflags, bowflags,and othersimilartypesofsigns. Billboardsign.Anoff-premisessignconsistingofanyflatsurfaceerectedonaframework oronanystructure,orattachedtopostsandused,ordesignedtobeusedforthedisplayof bills,postersorotheradvertisingmaterial,forthepurposeofadvertisingabusinessor activitynotlocatedonthesamepremisesasthesaidadvertisingmaterial.Mobile advertising,hand-carriedsigns,andpoliticalsignsshallnotbeconsideredabillboardfor purposesofthis article. Buildersign.Atemporaryon-premisessignidentifyingthebuilderorgeneralcontractorof aresidential constructionsite. Bulletinboardsign.Apermanenton-sitesignprovidingpublicinformationtothe residentialsubdivisionwithinwhichitislocated. Businesssign.Apermanenton-premisessignthatisusedtoidentifyabusiness,profession, apartmentcomplex,organization,institution,service,activityorothernonresidentialuse conducted,soldorofferedonthesitewheresuchsignislocated.Thissignmayalso identifythenameofthesiteordevelopmentormayidentifytheoccupantswithinthesite or development. 3-113Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 175 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Canopysign.Acanopysignisasignpaintedoraffixedtoaroof-likestructurethatshelters ausesuchas,butnotrestrictedto,agasolinepumpisland,andissupportedbyeitherone ormorecolumnsorbythebuildingtowhichitisaccessoryandisopenontwoormore sides. Developmentsign.Atemporary,on-premisespromotionalsignpertainingtothe developmentoflandorconstructionofbuildingsonthesitewherethesigniserected.In residentialdistricts,theintentofthesignshallbetopromoteasubdivisionandnotany particular builder. Directionalsign.Apermanenton-premisessignintendedtoaidinvehicularmovementon thesite. Directionalrealestatesign.Off-premisessign,intendedtodirectpersonstopremises offeredforlease,rent,orsale,includingbutnotlimitedto,“openhouse”anddirectional signs orsale. Directorysign.Asignlistingtheoccupantswithinashoppingcenter,retaildistrict,office districts, and commercialsiteslocated onthesame premises. Electronicdisplaysign.Referto “programmed electronicdisplay.” Featherflag.Asignwithorwithoutcharacters,letters,illustrations,orornamentations appliedtocloth,paper,flexibleplastic,orfabricofanykindwithonlysuchmaterialfor backing.Featherflagsmaybeasinglesignormultiplesignsattachedtoasupportpoleor post,typically have a 4:1heighttowidthratio, andmayresemble a sail. Fencesign.Asignthatis affixedorattachedtoafence,whetherpermanentortemporary. Flashingsign.Asign,whichcontainsanintermittentorflashinglightsourceorwhich includestheillusionofintermittentorflashinglightbymeansofanimationorany externallymountedlightsource.Electronicdisplaysignsarenotconsideredflashingsigns forthepurposeofthisarticle. Flag.Adisplayonclothorotherflexiblematerialgenerallyattachedononlyoneside, usuallyusedasasymbolofagovernment,school,orreligion,andnotcontaininga commercialmessage. Governmentsign.Signs,permanentortemporary,requiredbygovernmentalbodiesor specificallyauthorizedforapublicpurposebyanyadministrativepolicyorguideline,code orotherlaw.Suchsignsmayalsoincludetrafficorsimilarregulatorydevices,legal notices,warningsatrailroadcrossings,andotherinstructional,informative,orregulatory signs necessarytoservethegeneralwelfare, health, andsafety ofthecommunity. Groundsign.Anysignconnectedtothegroundbylegs,poles,orothersupportsandwhich is not anattached,portable,monument, orvehicularsign. 3-114Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 176 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Illegalnonconformingsign.Asignwhichwasinviolationofanyofthecodesofthetown governingtheerectionorconstructionofsuchasignatthetimeofitserection,andwhich hasneverbeenerectedordisplayedinconformancewithalldulyenactedcodes,including butnotlimitedto,signswhicharepasted,nailed,hung,paintedorotherwiseunlawfully displayed uponstructures,utility poles, posts,trees,fencesorotherstructures. Illuminatedsign.Asignthathascharacters,letters,figures,designsoroutlinesilluminated by electricallights,luminoustubesorothermeans. Inflatablesign.Atemporary hollowsign expanded orenlarged bythe useof airorgas. Institutionalsign.Apermanenton-sitesignusedtoidentifygovernmentalandmunicipal agencies,public/privateschools,orsimilarpublicinstitutions,andusedtocommunicate messages of publicimportancetothegeneral public. Legalnonconformingsign.Asignwhichwaslawfullyerectedandmaintainedpriortothe enactmentofthesigncodeandanyamendmentsthereto,andwhichdoesnotconformto current applicableregulations andrestrictionsofthesign code. Modelhomesign.Atemporarysign,identifyinganewhome,eitherfurnishedor unfurnished,as beingthe builderor contractorsmodelopentothe publicforinspection. Monumentsign.Asignmountedonasolidbaseorpedestalwithnovisiblespacebetween thesignandthebaseorpedestal.Thesignisnotmountedonvisiblepoles,struts,wires,or othervisiblestructures.Thesign base orpedestalshallbe constructedofmasonrymaterial. Nameplatesign.Asignthatidentifiesonlythenameofanindividual,firm,orcorporation, whichisattachedtoastructureandmaycontainthesuitenumberorotherdirectory informationconcerningthelocationoftheindividual,firmorcorporationwithinthe building. Obsoleteleasespremisessign.Anon-premisessignorsignstructurethatpreviouslywasa legalsign,oralegal,nonconformingsign;however,itremainsonleasedpropertyafterthe second anniversary ofthedatethetenantceasesto operate onthepremises. Obsoletesign.Anon-premisessignorsignstructurethatpreviouslywasalegalsign,ora legal, nonconformingsign; however,itremains on the property afterthefirst anniversary of thedatethebusiness,personoractivitythatthesignorsignstructureidentifiesor advertises ceasestooperate on the premises on whichthesign orsignstructureislocated. .Asignlocateduponapremiseswhichdirectsattentiontothe Off-premisesrealestatesign sale,lease,rental, orconstruction of a structure or a lot, otherthanthe premises uponwhich suchsignislocated. Off-premisessign.Asignlocateduponapremiseswhichdirectsattention(a)togoods;(b) toabusiness,commodity,service,orproduct;or(c)toanentertainmentlocation,other thanthepremises upon whichsuchsignislocated. On-premisesrealestatesign.Asignwhichdirectsattentiontothesale,lease,rental,or constructionof a structureor alot,uponthepremiseswheresuchsignislocated. 3-115Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 177 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations On-premisessign.Asignwhichdirectsattention(a)togoods;(b)toabusiness, commodity,service,orproduct;or(c)toanentertainmentlocation,uponthepremises wheresuchsignislocated. Permanent commercialsign.A permanenton-premisessign advertising a business. Pole(orpylon)sign.Anyfreestanding,on-premisessignsupportedfromthegroundby uprightstructuraland/or horizontalcrossmembers. Politicalsign.Atemporarysignthatpromotesapoliticalissueoracandidateorcandidates forpublicoffice,includingwithoutlimitation,asignofanypoliticalparty,group,oridea that containsprimarily a politicalmessageor othersimilar noncommercialspeech. Portablesign.Asignutilizedbyagovernmententityandthatisnotattachedoraffixedto theground,abuildingorotherfixedstructureorobject.Portablesignsincludethosesigns installedonmobilestructures. Projectingsign.Asign,exceptanawning,whichprojectsfromabuilding,andhasoneend attachedtoabuildingorotherpermanentstructure,includingbutnotlimitedto,amarquee sign. Protectivesign.Asignthatcommunicates a warning. Realestatesign.Alimitedpurposeon-premisessignsupportedbyuprightand/or horizontalcrossstructuralmembersandwhichpertainstothesale,rentalorleaseofthelot ortractoflandonwhichthesignislocated,ortothesale,rentalorleaseofoneormore structures, ora portionthereoflocatedthereon. Religiousinstitutionalsign.On-premisessignplacedonpropertybelongingtoachurchor otherreligiousinstitutionforpurposesofconveyingreligiousmessagesorprovidingthe publicwithotherinformationrelatedtothechurchorreligiousinstitutionorother noncommercial purpose. Religioussign.Asign containing a religious orothersimilar noncommercialmessage. Ridersign.Asupplementalsignattachedtoaboveorbelowrealestatesign,oritssignpost thatprovideslimitedbutadditionalinformationpertainingtothepremisesonwhichthe real estatesignisplaced. Roofsign.Anysignsupportedbytheroofofabuilding,paintedontherooforeavesofa building,orplacedabovetheapparentflatrooforeavesofabuildingasviewedfromany elevation. Servicecontractorsign.Anon-premisestemporarysignidentifyingthecontractor(s) responsibleforwork. Signwalker.Apersonoranimal,visiblefromthepublicright-of-way,wearinglights,or wearingacostume,and/orholding,twirling,orwearingasign,foranypurpose,including withoutlimitation,makingastatement,solicitingdonationsorbusiness,ordrawing attentionto abusiness,project,placeor event. 3-116Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 178 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Specialpurposedirectionalsign.Atemporarysignthatiseitheron-premisesoroff- premisesthatprovideslocationinformation,directspersonsalongaroute,orotherwise directspersonstoapremisesorlocationuponwhichaspecialeventoroccurrence sponsoredbyanonprofit,civic,orotherorganizationtowhichaspecialeventpermithas beenissued bythetown. Specialpurposesign.Atemporarysignthatiseitheron-premisesoroff-premisesthat providesidentificationorinformationpertainingtoaspecialeventoroccurrencesponsored byanonprofit,civic,orotherorganizationtowhichaspecialeventpermithasbeenissued bythetown. Structurallyaltersign.Tochangetheform,shapeorsizeofanexistingsignorany supportiveorbracingelementsofsaidsignexcludingtemporaryembellishmentsona changeable copysign. Structurallyrepairsign.Thereconstructionorrenewalofanypartofthesupportiveor bracing elementsofan existingsign. Temporarypolesign.Afreestanding,on-premisessigndisplayedforatemporaryperiodof timeasprovidedinthisarticleandsupportedfromthegroundupbyuprightstructural members. Temporarysign.Asignwhichincludes,butisnotlimitedto,asign,banner,pennant,flag, searchlight,inflatable,outsidedisplayofmerchandiseorsimilardevicewhichistobe displayedfor alimited period oftime. Vehiclemountedsign.Anysign,notincludingbumperstickers,onorinavehiclemoving alongthegroundoronanyvehicleparkedtemporarily,incidentaltoitsprincipalusefor transportation.Thisdefinitionshallnotincludesignswhicharebeingtransportedtoasite ofpermanenterectionorletteringofacompanyvehiclethatadvertisesonlythecompany nameandaddress,ortemporarysigns(withanareaoflessthan3squarefeet)attachedto vehicleswhichmay be removed daily. .Asignattachedoraffixedparallelorflattoanexteriorwallsurfaceofa Wallsign building. Winddevicesign.Apennant,streamer,inflatableballoonorsimilardevicemadeofcloth, canvas,plastic,orothersimilarflexiblematerial,withorwithoutaframeorother supportingstructure,andused asasign. Windowsign.Asignpaintedonorpermanentlyaffixedto awindoworwindowareaorany signlocatedontheinternaland/orexternalsurfaceofthewindow,orislocatedwithintwo inches(2") ofthewindow,of any establishment. Signpermit.Apermitissuedundertheauthorityofthetowntoerect,move,structurallyalteror structurallyrepairanyspecificbillboard,signorotheroutdooradvertisingwithinthecorporate limitsofthetown. Signstructure.Anyportionofanadvertisingdevice,inclusiveofitssupports,oranydevice solely designedfor carrying an advertisingmessage. 3-117Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 179 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Visiontriangle.Anareaofvisibilityonastreetcorner,includingwithintheright-of-way, allowingforsafeoperationofvehicles,pedestriansandcyclistsintheproximityofintersecting streets,sidewalks and bicycle paths.At a minimum,the area ofthetriangleshallbe determined as follows:extendingstraightlinesfromthenearestpointatwhichthepavedareaofthetwostreets intersecttoapointontheedgeofeachoftheintersectingstreetsthatis25feetfromthepointof beginning. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.II,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.2,adopted2/7/05;2006 Code,ch.5,sec.4.01;Ordinance2008-15,secs.2.01,2.02,adopted5/19/08;Ordinance2015-23, sec. 4.01, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.002Penalty Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontoviolateanyprovisionofthisarticle,andanyperson violatingorfailingtocomplywithanyprovisionofthisarticleshallbefined,uponconviction, notlessthanonedollar($1.00)normorethantwothousanddollars($2,000.00),andaseparate offenseshallbedeemedcommitteduponeachdayduringoronwhichaviolationoccursor continues.Thepenaltyprovidedhereinshallbecumulativeofallotherremediesavailablefor enforcementoftheprovisionsofthisarticle.(Ordinance2004-02,sec.XIX,adopted1/19/04; Ordinance2005-03,sec.21,adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.16;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 6, adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.003Declaration, purpose andintent (a)Declarations.Thetownispredominatelyaresidentialcommunity,smallportionsofwhich have been zonedforcommercialandother nonresidentialuses.Theprotectionand preservationof therightsandvaluesofprivacy,aesthetics,andsafetyareofgreatimportancetotheresidentsof thetownandsubstantiallycontributetothespecialambiance,qualityoflife,andgeneralwelfare ofthecommunity.Thepropertyvaluesinthetownandthegeneralwelfareofitsresidentsare enhancedbythemaintenanceofthehigheststandardsofprivacy,aesthetics,andsafetyforthe benefit ofallitsresidents;therefore: (1)Itisherebydeclaredthattheproliferationofanunlimitednumberofsignsinprivate, residential,commercial,nonresidential,andpublicareasofthetownwouldcreate ugliness,visualblightandclutter,tarnishthenaturalbeautyofthelandscapeaswell astheresidentialandcommercialarchitecture,impairpropertyvalues,substantially impingeupontheprivacyandspecialambienceofthecommunity,andmaycause safety and traffichazardstomotorists, pedestrians, and children. (2)Itisherebydeclaredthatthetownwishestoallowspeechandexpressionthroughthe mediumofsignssolongasthetownisprotectedagainsttheproliferationofan unlimitednumberofsignsandunnecessarilylargesignsthatwouldsubstantially impingeuponthetown’sinterestsinprivacy,aesthetics,safetyandadverselyimpact thevalue ofproperty owned byitsresidents. (3)Itisherebydeclaredthatthetime,place,andmanneroftheregulationofsigns describedinthisarticlearenecessarytoprotectandpreservethetown’saforesaid interestsinprivacy, aesthetics,safety, and propertyvalues. 3-118Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 180 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (b)Purpose, applicability andintent. (1)Thepurposeofthisarticleistoprovidereasonableregulationsfortheerectionand displayofsigns.Theseregulationsareintendedtopromotethepublichealth,safety andgeneralwelfarethroughacomprehensivesetofreasonablestandardsand requirementswhich preservetheappearanceofthetown. (2)Theseregulationsarenotintendedtoprohibittheerectionordisplayofasignwitha religiousorpoliticalmessage,oranysignallowedorrequiredbystateorfederallaw; providedthatanysuchsignconformstothesizerequirementsandotherreasonable requirements ofthisarticle. (3)Thepurposeofthisarticleistoprotectthoseareasbothwithinthecorporatelimits andwithintheextraterritorialjurisdictionofthetownfromvisualclutterandsafety hazardsresultingindriverdistraction.Theregulationscontainedinthisarticleare applicabletotheincorporatedlimits andthe extraterritorialjurisdiction ofthetown. (Ordinance2008-15,sec.2.04,adopted5/19/08;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.03(A);Ordinance2015- 23,sec. 4.00,adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.004Measurement ofsigns height Signheightshallbemeasuredastheverticaldistancebetweenthehighestpartofthesignorits supportingstructure,whicheverishigher,andnaturalgradeatthecenterofthebaseofthesign. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.III(A),adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.4(A),adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.03(B);Ordinance2008-15,sec.2.03,adopted5/19/08;Ordinance2015- 23,sec. 4.03(A),adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.005Conformancewithothercodes Allsignsmustconformtotheregulationsanddesignstandardsofthebuildingcode,UL standardsandothercodesofthetown.Wiringofallelectricalsignsmustconformtothecurrent electricalcodeofthetown.(Ordinance2004-02,sec.III(B),adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005- 03,sec.4(B),adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.03(C);Ordinance2008-15,sec.2.03, adopted5/19/08;Ordinance 2015-23,sec. 4.03(B),adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.006Permit (a)Required.Exceptasexpresslyprovidedherein,nosignshallbeerected,placed,displayed orlocatedwithoutfirstobtaining a sign permitfromthetown. (b)Applicationforpermit.Applicationforapermitforapermanentsignshallbemadein writinguponformsfurnishedbythedesignatedofficialauthorizedandsodesignatedtodosoby thetownmanager.The applicationforasign permitshallcontainthefollowinginformation: (1)Applicant’sname, addressandtelephonenumber. (2)Name,addressandtelephonenumberoftheownerofthepropertyonwhichthesign isto belocated. (3)Name, addressandtelephone number ofthelesseethesignisto benefit,if applicable. 3-119Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 181 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (4)Name, addressandtelephone number oftheperson/contractorerectingthesign. (5)Name, addressandtelephone number oftheelectricalsubcontractor,ifapplicable. (6)Type ofsign anduseclassification. (7)Scaledsiteplanshowing: (A)Thelocationofthebuilding,structureortracttowhichoruponwhichthesign isto beattachedor erected; (B)The positionofthesigninrelationtonearbystructuresor othersigns; (C)Dimensionsofsetbacks,buildinglines,distancesbetweenthesignandstreets and propertylines; and (D)Scaleddrawingsofthesignsincludingheight,width,area,design,textand logo. (8)Thedesignatedofficialmayrequirethefilingofadditionalplansorpertinent informationwhich,intheofficial’sopinion,arenecessarytoensurecompliancewith this article. (c)Terminationofpermit.Asignpermitmaybeterminatedinaccordancewiththefollowing provisions: (1)A permitshall be activeforthelife ofthesign, aslong asitisin compliancewiththis article. (2)Apermitshallexpireifthesignforwhichithasbeenissuedhasnotbeenconstructed within ninety(90)daysfromthe dateofissuance. (3)Apermitissuedforanysignincludingitssupportingstructureshallautomatically expireintheeventthesignshallfailinspectionandsuchfailureisnotcorrected withinsixty(60) days. (4)Thedesignatedofficialmaysuspendorrevokeanypermitwheneveritisdetermined thatthepermithasbeenissuedinerrororonthebasisofincorrectorfalse informationsupplied,orwheneversuchpermitwasissuedinviolationofthesign code,anyothercodeofthetown,thelawsofthestateorthefederalgovernment. Suchrevocationshallbeeffectivewhencommunicatedinwritingtothepersonto whomthepermitisissuedortheownerofthesignortheownerofthepremiseson whichthesignislocated.Anysignforwhichapermithasbeenrevokedshallbe immediatelyremovedbythepersonincontrolofthesignorpremises uponwhichthe signislocatedwithinfifteen(15)businessdaysofthereceiptofthewrittennoticeof revocation. 3-120Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 182 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (5)Anypersonmayappealtherevocationofthesignpermitbyfilingwrittennoticeof theintentiontoappealwiththeplanningofficialnomorethanten(10)businessdays afterthereceiptofwrittennoticeoftherevocation.Theappealwillbeforwardedto theplanningandzoningcommissionforreview.Thecommissionshallforwarda recommendationtothetowncouncilforfinaldetermination.Thedecisionofthe town councilshall befinal. (d)Permitfees.Asignpermitfeeshallbepaidtothetowninaccordancewiththemostcurrent feeschedule adoptedbythetown. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.X,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.3,adopted2/7/05;2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 4.02;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.02,adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.007Signs not requiring permits Thefollowingsignsshallbesubjecttoalllimitationsandprovisionsprovidedinthisarticle,and shallnotrequireasignpermit.Theseexceptionsshallnotbeconstruedasrelievingtheownerof thesignfromtheresponsibilitiesofitserection,maintenance,anditscompliancewiththe provisionsofthisarticleorany otherlawor coderegardingthesame: (1)Changeablecopy.Thechangingofadvertisingcopyormessageonapaintedor printedsign,orthechangingofadvertisingcopyormessageonachangeablereader boardspecificallydesignedforuseofreplaceablecopy,nottoincludeprogrammed electronic display. (2)Holidaydecorations.Signsormaterialsdisplayedinatemporarymannerduring traditional,civic,patrioticorreligious holidays. (3)Internalsigns.Signsvisibleonlyfromthepremisesonwhichlocatedorvisiblefrom offthepremisesonlythrough a window orwindowsfromwhichthey areset back. (4)Memorialsigns.Markers,plates,plaques,etc.,whendeemedanintegralpartofa structure,building orlandscape. (5)Nationaland/orstateflag.Display offlagsisallowed. (6)Vehiclemountedsigns.Exceptasotherwiseregulatedherein,signslocatedonmotor vehiclesortrailersbearingcurrentlicenseplatesandinspectionstickers,when appropriate,whicharetravelingorlawfullyparkeduponpublicroadwaysorlawfully parkeduponanyotherpremisesforaperiodnottoexceedfour(4)hoursorfora longerperiodwheretheprimarypurposeofsuchparkingisnotthedisplayofany sign. (7)Othersigns.Asspecificallyidentified herein. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.IX,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.8,adopted2/7/05;2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 4.07;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.10,adopted 10/13/15) 3-121Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 183 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.09.008Temporary permits Thedesignatedofficialofthetownuponapplicationfromanindividualorcompanymaygrant temporarypermits orwaiverstohangbanners and/orsignsforcommercialpurposesortemporary governmentsignsassetforthindivision2-temporarysigns,ofthisarticle.Signsapprovedby thedesignatedofficialasmeetingthecriterianecessarytosatisfytheprovisionsfoundindivision 2,ofthisarticlemaybedisplayedonatemporarybasisnotexceedingasix(6)weekperiod.The lengthofthetemporarypermitwillbeatthediscretionofthedesignatedofficial,notexceeding themaximumsix(6)weekperiodatthediscretionofthedesignatedofficial,unlessgoodcauseis shownbythepermitapplicantthatpublicinterestornecessityrequiresalongerperiodforthe temporary permit.The designated officialmay extendthetemporary permitforfour(4) additional consecutivethirty(30)dayperiodsprovidedthateach extensionshall beatthedesignated official \[location\].Atthetimeofexpirationofthetemporarypermitorwaiver,itshallbethe responsibilityoftheapplicanttoremovethebannerorsign.Theapplicationprocessfora temporarypermitorwaivershallbegovernedbythesameguidelinesassetforthinsection 3.09.006,herein.Apermitforatemporarypolesignmaybeissuedforaninitialperiodnotto exceedone(1)year.Anapplicantmayrequestone(1)additionalrenewalforaperioduptoone (1)year.Suchrenewalmay,withinthediscretionofthedesignatedofficial,begrantedifthesign isingoodandsoundconditionandmeetstherequirementsofthisarticle.Appealsofdecisionsof thedesignatedofficialunderthissectionshallbeallowedundersection3.09.010(meritorious exceptionsandappeals).(Ordinance2004-02,sec.XI,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec. 9, adopted2/7/05; 2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 4.08;Ordinance 2015-23,sec. 4.11,adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.009Nonconforming uses (a)Generally.Anyexistingsignthatdoesnotconformtotheregulationsstatedhereinshallbe deemedanonconformingsignandshallbesubjecttotheprovisionsofsection3.09.011ofthis article.Itisthedeclaredpurposeofthissectionthatnonconformingsignsandsignsdirecting attentiontononconforminguseseventuallydiscontinueandthesignagecomplywiththe regulationsstated herein,having due regardfortheinvestmentinsuchsigns. (b)Authoritytoremove certainsigns.The designated official,afterten(10) dayswritten notice totheownerofthepremisesonwhichthesignislocated,shallhavetheauthoritytoremoveany nonconformingsignwhicheither: (1)Wasnotpermanently affixedtothegroundontheeffective dateofthisarticle;or (2)Waserectedinviolationofthisarticleorothertowncodeineffectatthetimeofits erection. .Thetowncouncilmayordernonconformingsignstoberemovedupon (c)Ordertoremove andsubjecttocompliancewithchapter216,TexasLocalGovernmentCode,asamended, providedthatthesigns: (1)Are not permanently affixedtothegroundontheeffective dateofthisarticle; (2)Wereerectedinconformitywiththisarticleand/orothertowncodesineffectatthe time oftheirerection;and (3)Remainin placeaftersix(6)monthsfromthe effective dateofthisarticle. 3-122Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 184 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (d)Signsonpremisesofnonconforminguseorbuilding.Anownerofanylawfullyexisting nonconforminguseorbuildingmayerectandmaintainasigninaccordancewiththeregulations contained herein. (e)Moving,relocating,oralteringofsigns.Nononconformingsignshallbemoved,altered, removedandreinstalled,orreplacedunlessitisbroughtinto compliancewiththerequirementsof this article. (f)Changeinuseoroccupantofastructure.Anynonconformingsignmaycontinuetobe utilizedaslong asthe occupancywithinthestructureremainsthesame. When a use changesfrom oneoccupancycategorytoanother,orwhenthereisachangeinoccupant,allsignsservingthat occupant,shallbe broughtinto conformancewiththeprovisionsofthisarticle. (Ordinance 2004-02,sec.XII, adopted1/19/04;Ordinance 2005-03,sec.10, adopted 2/7/05; 2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 4.09;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.12,adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.010Meritorious exceptionsand appeals (a)Inthedevelopmentofthesecriteria,aprimaryobjectivehasbeenensuringagainstthekind ofsignagethathasledtolowvisualquality.Ontheotherhand,anotherprimaryobjectivehas beentheguarding againstsignage over-control. (b)Itisnottheintentionofthesecriteriatodiscourageinnovation.Itisentirelyconceivable thatsignageproposalscouldbemadethat,whileclearlynonconformingtothisarticleandthus notallowableunderthesecriteria,haveobviousmeritinnotonlybeingappropriatetothe particularsiteorlocation,butalsoinmakingapositivecontribution,tothevisualenvironment. Uponrequestofaninterestedparty,thetowncouncil,uponrecommendationbytheplanningand zoningcommission,shallhear\[andfairly\]considerarequestforameritoriousexceptionunder thissection. (c)Inordertodeterminethesuitabilityofalternatematerialsandmethodsofconstructionand toprovideforreasonableinterpretationoftheprovisionsofthisarticle,thetowncouncilshall hearappealswithrespecttoanyactionsofthedesignatedofficialintheinterpretationand enforcementofthisarticle.Anysuchappealshallbebrought,bywrittenapplicationfiledbyan interestedparty,tothedesignatedofficialwithinten(10)daysaftertheactionofthedesignated officialwhichisthesubjectoftheappeal.Enforcementofthisarticleshallbestayedpending suchappeal.Inhearingsuchappeals,theplanningandzoningcommissionshallreviewthe determinationofthedesignatedofficialand,indoingso,mayconsiderwhetherornotthe regulationsandstandardsofthisarticlewill,byreasonofexceptionalcircumstancesor surroundings,constituteapracticaldifficultyorunnecessaryhardship.Theplanningandzoning commissionshallforwardarecommendationtothetowncouncil,whoshallactonthesubjectof theappeal.A decisionofthe councilshall befinal. (d)Uniquesignsthatdemonstrateincreasedqualityandstandardsbutdonotmeetthe dimensionstandardsprovidedinthissectionmaybepermittedbymeansof“meritorious exception”as providedinthissection. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.XIII,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.11,adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.10;OrdinanceadoptingCode;Ordinance2015-23,sec.4.13,adopted 10/13/15) 3-123Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 185 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.09.011Maintenance (a)Generally.Eachsignallowedbythisarticleshallbemaintainedinasafe,presentable,and goodcondition,includingthereplacementofdefectivepartsandotheractsrequiredforthe maintenanceofsuchsign,withoutalteringthebasiccopy,designorstructureofthesign.The buildingofficialshallrequirecomplianceorremovalofanysigndeterminedbythebuilding officialtobeinviolationofthissectioninaccordancewiththeenforcementprovisionssetforth below. (b)Dilapidatedordeterioratedsigns.Nopersonshallmaintainorpermittobemaintainedon anypremisesownedorcontrolledbyhimorheranysignwhichisinadilapidatedordeteriorated condition as defined herein.Upon noticeofviolation,anysuchsignshall be promptlyremoved or repairedbytheownerofthesignortheownerofthepremisesuponwhichthesignislocatedin accordancewiththeenforcement provisionssetforthbelow. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.12,adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.11;Ordinance2015-23, sec. 4.14, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.012Violations (a)A personshallberesponsibleforaviolation ofthisarticleifthepersonis: (1)The permit holder, owner, agent, orperson(s) havingthe beneficialuseofthesign; (2)The owner oftheland orstructure on whichthesignislocated;or (3)The personin charge of erectingthesign. (b)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontoerect,replace,alter,orrelocateanysignwithinthe town,orcausethesametobedone,withoutfirstobtainingapermittodosofromthebuilding officialofthetown, exceptas expressly allowedbythis article. (c)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontouse,maintain,orotherwiseallowthecontinued existenceof anysignforwhichtherequired permitwas notobtained. (d)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontoinstall,construct,ordisplayaprohibitedsign,as definedherein,oranysigninviolationoftheprovisionsofthisarticlewithinthetownorits extraterritorialjurisdiction. (e)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontointentionally,knowinglyorrecklesslyviolateany term or provision ofthisarticle. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.13,adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.12;Ordinance2015-23, sec. 4.15, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.013Enforcement procedure (a)Authority.The designatedofficialis hereby authorizedto ordertherepairorremoval of any dilapidated,deteriorated,abandoned,illegalorprohibitedsignsfrompropertywithinthe corporatetownlimitsoritsextraterritorialjurisdiction,inaccordancewiththeenforcement mechanismssetforthinthissection. 3-124Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 186 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (b)Noticeofviolation.Whenthedesignatedofficialdeterminesthatasignlocatedwithinthe corporatetownlimitsorextraterritorialjurisdictionofthetownisdilapidated,deteriorated, illegal,prohibitedorabandoned,heshallissueanoticeofviolationtotheownerofthesignorto the owner,occupant,orpersonin controlofthe property on whichthesignislocated. (1)Contentsof noticeofviolation.The notice ofviolationshall contain: (A)Nameoftheowner,occupant,managerorotherpersonincontrolofthe property. (B)Streetaddresssufficienttoidentifythepropertyonwhichtheallegedviolation occurred. (C)Descriptionofallegedviolationsandreferencetotheprovisionsofthisarticle that have beenviolated. (D)Statementoftheactionrequiredtocorrecttheviolationandadeadlinefor completingthe correctiveaction. (E)Statementthatfailuretotakethecorrectiveactionwithinthetimespecified mayresultinoneor bothofthefollowing consequences: (i)Acriminalpenaltynotexceedingthemaximumamountallowedbylaw foreachviolation; (ii)Thetownfilingacivilactionagainstownerseekinginjunctiverelief and/orcivilpenaltiesuptoonethousanddollars($1,000.00)perdayfor eachviolation. (F)Statementinformingrecipientoftheirrighttoappealthedecisionofthe designatedofficial. (2)Serviceofnoticeofviolation.Thedesignatedofficialshallserveawrittennoticeof violationontheownerofthesign,ortheowner,occupant,orpersonincontrolofthe propertyonwhichthesignislocated.Thenoticeofviolationshouldbeservedby eitherhanddeliveryorbycertifiedmail,returnreceiptrequested.Servicebycertified mailshallbe effectivethree(3)days afterthe dateofmailing. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.14,adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.13;Ordinance2015-23, sec. 4.16, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.014Enforcementremedies .Anyperson,firmorcorporationviolatinganyoftheprovisionsorterms (a)Criminalpenalties ofthisarticleshallbe deemedguilty ofamisdemeanor, and upon convictionthereof, besubjectto afine notexceedingtwothousand dollars($2,000.00)foreachoffense,and eachand every day or portionthereofthatsuchviolationshallcontinueshallconstitute a separate offense. 3-125Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 187 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (b)Civilremedies.Thetownmayfileacivilactioninstatedistrictcourttoenforcethe requirementsofthisarticle,seekinginjunctivereliefand/orcivilpenaltiesuptoonethousand dollars($1,000.00)perdayforeachoffenseasauthorizedbytheTexasLocalGovernmentCode, as amended,or any otherapplicablelaw. (c)Emergencyremovalofsign.Thetownmayremoveasign,whichthedesignatedofficial findstobeanimmediateandimminentthreattothepublicsafetybecauseofitsdilapidated, deterioratedorstructural condition. (d)Remediescumulative.Allremediesauthorizedunderthisarticlearecumulativeofall othersunlessotherwiseexpresslyprovided.Accordingly,thefilingofacriminalactionshallnot precludethepursuitofaciviloradministrativeactionforviolationofthisarticlenorshallthe filingofacivilactionprecludethepursuitofanyotheractionorremedy,administrativeor criminal. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.15,adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.14;Ordinance2015-23, sec. 4.17, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.015Prohibitedsigns Allsignsnotspecificallyauthorizedbythisarticleshallbeprohibited.Thefollowinglistis illustrative andis notintendedtobean exhaustivelisting of prohibitedsigns: (1)Obsoletesigns.Nopersonshallerectorallowtobedisplayeduponpremisesowned or controlled bythem, an obsoletesign. (2)Obstructingsigns.Nopersonshallerectorallowtobedisplayeduponpremises ownedorcontrolledbythem,asignthatpreventsfreeingresstooregressfromany door,window orfireescape. (3)Signs displayingmaterialsdeterminedto be obsceneby a courtoflaw. (4)Signsplacedinanylocationwhichbyreasonoftheirlocationwillobstructtheview ofanyauthorizedtrafficsign,signal,orothertraffic-controldevicebyvehicularor pedestriantraffic.Nosignshallbeerectedwhich,byreasonofshape,color,size, designorposition,wouldbereasonablylikelytocreateconfusionwith,tobe confusedas,ortointerferewithanytrafficsignalordevicewhichisauthorizedby theappropriatestateorlocalgovernmentalauthorities.Further,nosignshallbe placedinalocationthatwillobstructvisionofavehicleoperatorwhileentering, exiting,ortravelinguponthepublicright-of-way,includingwithoutlimitation,a visiontriangle. (5)Signsplacedsoastopreventorinhibitfreeingresstooregressfromanydoor, window,oranyexitwayrequiredbythebuildingcodeofthetownorbyfire departmentregulations. (6)A-frame and sandwich boardsigns. (7)Signslocatedonpublicproperty,includingbutnotlimitedtosignsattachedtoany publicutilitypoleorstructure,streetlight,tree,fence,firehydrant,bridge,curb, sidewalk, park bench, orotherlocation on publicproperty. 3-126Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 188 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (8)Roofsigns. (9)Signs attachedto a standpipe orfireescape. (10)Banditsigns. (11)Awningsigns. (12)Fencesigns. (13)Flashingsigns. (14)Off-premises(except asexpressly allowedinthis article). (15)Projectingsigns. (16)Nopersonshallattachanysign,paperorothermaterial,orpaint,stencilorwriteany name,number(excepthousenumbers)orotherwisemarkonanysidewalk,curb, gutter,street,utilitypole,publicbuilding,orstructure exceptasotherwiseallowedby this article. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.XIV,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.16,adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch. 5,sec.4.15;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.18, adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.016Trafficsafety (a)Conflictswithpublicsigns.Nosignshallbeerectedormaintainedatanylocationwhere by reasonofitsposition,size,shapeorcolor,itmayobstruct,impair,obscure,interferewiththe viewof,orbeconfusedwithanytraffic-controlsign,signalordevice,orwhereitmayinterfere with,misleador confusetraffic. (b)Sightvisibilityrestriction.Nosignshallbelocatedinanyvisiontriangleasdefinedin section3.09.001(definitions). (Ordinance2004-02,sec.IV,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.5,adopted2/7/05;2006 Code, ch. 5,sec. 4.04;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.04,adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.017Illuminatedsigns Signswithexternallightingshallbedown-lighted.Thelightsourceshallbefullyshieldedsuch thatitcannotbeseenfromthepropertylineofthesiteonwhichthesignislocated.Althoughthe lightcastfromthesourcemaybevisibleatthepropertylineofanabuttingresidentialproperty, anyspilloverlightattheabuttingresidentialpropertylineshallnotexceed0.02footcandleof luminance.Neonsignsshallbepermittedbymeritoriousexceptionasprovidedforinsection 3.09.010(meritoriousexceptionsandappeals).(Ordinance2004-02,sec.III(C),adopted1/19/04; Ordinance2005-03,sec.4(C),adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.03(D);Ordinance2008- 15,sec. 2.03,adopted5/19/08;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.03(C), adopted 10/13/15) 3-127Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 189 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.09.018Miscellaneoustypes ofsigns Thefollowing provisionsshall applytoallareasandzoning districtsofthetown: (1)Governmentalsigns.Nothinginthisarticleshallbeconstruedtopreventthedisplay ofanationalorstateflag,ortolimitflags,insignias,legalnotices,orinformational, directionalortrafficsignswhicharelegallyrequiredornecessarytotheessential functionsofgovernmentagencies(state,federal,andthetownonly).Stopsignsand streetsigns placedwithinthetownshall conformtothe designspecifiedinthetown’s subdivisionregulationsandotherstandardsadoptedbythetown.Temporary governmentsignsmaybeutilizedbyanygovernmentalagencyandshallmeetthe requirementsofsection3.09.067inadditiontootherapplicablerequirementsofthis article. (2)Addresses.Addressnumeralsandothersignsrequiredtobemaintainedbylawor governmentalorder,ruleorregulationareallowed,providedthatthecontentandsize ofthesign do notexceedtherequirementsofsuchlaw, order,ruleorregulation. (3)Protectivesigns.Theoccupantofapremisesmayerectnotmorethantwo(2) protectivesignsinaccordancewiththefollowing provisions: (A)Eachsignmust not exceedone(1)squarefootineffective area; (B)Detachedsignsmust notexceedtwo(2)feetinheight;and (C)Lettersmust notexceedfour(4)inchesinheight. .Temporary holiday decorations are permitted. (4)Holiday decorations (5)Vehicularsigns.Vehicularsignsareprohibitedexceptasspecificallyallowedbythis article;however,vehicularsignsshallbeallowedonconstructiontrailers,on constructionsites,ontransportvehiclesbeingloadedorunloaded,andonpassenger vehicles parked attheowner’soruser’splaceofresidenceor business. (6)Exemptbannersigns.Bannersignsnotusedforcommercialpurposes,whenlocated whollyonprivaterealproperty,shallnotbeconsideredsignsforthepurposesofthis articleandarethereforeexemptfromitsregulations. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.VII,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.4(D),adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.03(E);Ordinance2008-15,sec.2.03,adopted5/19/08;Ordinance2015- 23,sec. 4.03(D),(G), adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.019Billboardsigns,CEVMSand electronicmessage boardsigns .Pursuanttosection3.09.092,billboardsigns (a)BillboardsignsandCEVMSbillboardsigns arenotallowedwithinthetownorits extraterritorialjurisdictionunlessspecificallyauthorizedby thetowncounciluponrecommendationofthetownplanningandzoningcommission.The erectionofnewCEVMSbillboardsignsorthemodificationorconversionofexistingbillboard signsintoCEVMSwithinthetownlimitsandtheextraterritorialjurisdictionofthetownis hereby expressly prohibited. 3-128Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 190 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (b)CEVMSorelectronicmessageboardsignsotherthanbillboardsigns.ForCEVMSorsigns withelectronicmessageboards,otherthanbillboardsigns,theapprovaloftowncouncilupon recommendationofthetownplanningandzoningcommissionisrequiredtoconvertanyexisting signintoortoconstructanynewsignasaCEVMSortoconstructanyexistingsignintoorto convertany newsignintoasignwithanelectronicmessage board. (2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.03(F),(G);Ordinance2008-15,sec.2.04,adopted5/19/08;Ordinance 2015-23,sec. 4.03(E)–(F),adopted 10/13/15) Secs. 3.09.020–3.09.060Reserved Division 2. TemporarySigns Sec. 3.09.061Generalregulations Exceptasspecificallyprovidedinthissectionorinsection3.09.062politicalsigns,section 3.09.064realestatesigns-limitedpurposeson-premisessigns,orsection3.09.066religious institutionalsigns,thefollowingregulationsshallapplytoalltemporarysignsasidentified herein,includingbutnotlimitedtobannersigns,buildersigns,developmentsigns,inflatable signs,modelhomesigns,servicecontractorsigns,andspecialpurposedirectional(specialevent permit only)signs. (1)Duration.Alltemporarysignsmeetingtherequirementsofthisarticle,shallonlybe erectedormaintainedinalocationallowedunderthisarticleforamaximumperiod ofsixty(60)daysbeforethesignsmustbereplacedorremovedasrequiredbythis article.Temporarysignsshallbekeptingoodrepairandproperstateofpreservation duringtheentiretimethattheyareerected.Temporarysignsadvertisinganevent, election,functionoractivityshallberemovedwithinthree(3)daysfollowingthe dateofsuchevent,election,functionoractivity.Failuretoremovesuchsignswithin thethree(3) day periodshallgivethe designated officialthe authoritytoremovesuch signswithout notice. (2)Town-owned/leased property. (A)Medians/right-of-way/Highway114.Exceptfortemporarysignsplacedonthe publicright-of-wayportionofeitherresidentiallyornonresidentiallyzoned privaterealpropertywiththepermissionofthepropertyowner,andmeeting therequirementsofsection3.09.062(d)(1)orsection3.09.062(d)(2),as applicable,notemporarysignshallbeerectedorplacedontown-ownedor leasedproperty,includingwithoutlimitation,themedianandright-of-way. Townright-of-wayincludestheright-of-waywithinthetown’scorporatelimits alongstateHighway114.Notwithstandingtheforegoing,temporarysigns allowedpursuanttoaspecialeventpermitorasotherwiseexpresslyauthorized bythisarticleshallbeallowedontown-ownedorleasedpropertyin accordancewiththetermsofanapprovedspecialeventpermitorspecific provision ofthisarticle. .Signwalkerswithtemporarysignsshallbe (B)Signwalkerswithtemporarysigns prohibiteduponalltown-ownedproperty,includingwithoutlimitation,public medians and publicright-of-way. 3-129Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 191 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (3)Safetyhazardprohibited.Temporarysignsshallnotbeinstalledinanymannerthat mayresultinapotentialsafetyhazardofanytype,including,butnotlimitedto placementinanytownright-of-way and/orwithinin a visiontriangle. (4)Privaterealproperty. (A)Nonresidentialzoning.Notemporarysignshallbeerectedorplacedonprivate realpropertyzonedfornonresidentialuse,includingbutnotlimitedtovacant lotsortracts,unlessthepropertyowneruponwhichsuchsignisplacedhas givenwrittenpermissionandsuchdocumentationisprovidedtothetown secretary,ordesignee,atleastone(1)businessdaypriortotheplacementof thesignontheproperty.Writtenpermissionshallbevalidforone(1)calendar yearfromthedateuponwhichpermissionisprovided.Temporarysignsfor whichpermissionhasbeenauthorizedshallcomplywithallapplicable requirements ofthisarticle. (B)Residentialzoning.Notemporarysignshall beerected or placed on privatereal propertyzonedforresidentialuse,includingbutnotlimitedtopropertyowned byahomeowners’association,unlessthepropertyowner,hasgivenverbalor writtenpermission.Theownermayremoveanddiscardanysuchsignsplaced onthepropertyinviolationofthissectionwithoutpriornotice.Temporary signsforwhichpermissionhasbeenauthorizedshallcomplywithall applicablerequirementsofthis article. (5)Number,size and placement. (A)Atemporarysignshallnotexceedthemaximumheightandsizelimitationsas setforthinthisarticle,includingwithoutlimitation,section3.09.092,ofthis article.Nomorethanone(1)ofsuchsignsshallbeerectedonanyparcelof landunlessexpresslyauthorizedforthesigntypeinsection3.09.092.Asused inthissection“parcel”shallmeanapieceoflandhavingfixedboundaries, whetherthoseboundaries arefixed by plat or bymetes and bounds. (B)Thefrontandbacksurfaceofatemporarysignshallconstituteone(1)sign. Forsignswiththree(3)ormoresurfaces,eachsurfaceshallconstitutea separatesignforpurposesofsizerequirements.Signswiththree(3)ormore surfacesareprohibitedonresidentiallyzoned parcelsofland. (C)Intheeventthatthenumberoftemporarysignsuponalotorpropertyexceeds thetotalnumberpermittedbythisarticle,thesignsinexcessofthenumber permittedshallbedeemedtobeinviolationofthisarticle.Fornonresidentially zoneddistricts,thedesignatedofficialshallhavetheauthoritytoimmediately removethesignsandshallholdthesignsforfive(5)calendardaysfor disposal. (6)Removal.Anytemporarysignplaced,erected,ormaintainedinviolationofthis articlemayberemovedbythedesignatedofficial,propertyownerwithoutprior noticeof anykind. 3-130Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 192 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (7)Vehiclemountedtemporarysigns.Atemporarysignwhichismountedorplacedon anytrailerorvehicleandwhichisnotpermanentlyaffixedtothetrailerorvehicleis permitted.Avehiclewithsuchasignmaybeparkedonapublicstreetinaccordance withthetown’sparkingregulations.Forpurposesofthissubsection,atemporary sign otherwiserequiredbythis articletobesupportedbythegroundis notrequiredto besupportedbythegroundifitismountedorplacedonatrailerorvehiclein accordancewiththissection. (8)Exemptionfrompermit/regulations.Temporarysignsshallnotrequireasignpermit unlessspecificallyrequiredbythisarticleorbythescheduleoffeesadoptedbythe town. (9)Zoningdistricts.Temporarysignsshallonlybeallowedinthosezoningdistricts designatedforthespecificsigntypeinaccordancewithsection3.09.092,ofthis article. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.6(A),adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.05(A);Ordinance2015- 23,sec. 4.08,adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.062Politicalsigns (a)Duration.Allpoliticalsignsmeetingtherequirementsofthisarticle,shallonlybeerected ormaintainedinalocationallowedunderthisarticleforamaximumperiodofsixty(60)days beforethesignsmustbereplacedorremovedasrequiredbythisarticle.Politicalsignsshallbe keptingoodrepairandproperstateofpreservationduringtheentiretimethattheyareerected. Politicalsignsadvertisinganevent,election,functionoractivityshallberemovedwithinthree (3)daysfollowingthedateofsuchevent,election,functionoractivity.Failuretoremovesuch signswithinthethree(3)dayperiodshallgivethedesignatedofficialtheauthoritytoremove suchsignswithout notice. (b)Town-owned/leased property. (1)Medians/right-of-way/Highway114.Exceptforpoliticalsignsplacedonthepublic right-of-wayportionofeitherresidentiallyornonresidentiallyzonedprivatereal propertywiththepermissionofthepropertyowner,andmeetingtherequirementsof subsection(d)(1)or(d)(2)below,asapplicable,nopoliticalsignshallbeerectedor placedontown-ownedorleasedproperty,includingwithoutlimitation,themedian andright-of-way.Townright-of-wayincludestheright-of-waywithinthetown’s corporatelimitsalongstateHighway114.Notwithstandingtheforegoing,political signsallowedpursuanttoaspecialeventpermitorasotherwiseexpresslyauthorized bythisarticleshallbeallowedontown-ownedorleasedpropertyinaccordancewith theterms ofan approvedspecial event permit. (2)Signwalkerswith politicalsigns. Signwalkerswith politicalsignsshall be prohibited uponalltown-ownedproperty,includingwithoutlimitation,publicmediansand publicright-of-way. (c)Safetyhazardprohibited.Politicalsignsshall notbeinstalledinanymannerthatmayresult inapotentialsafetyhazard ofanytype,including,but notlimitedtoplacementinanytownright- of-way and/orwithinin a visiontriangle. 3-131Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 193 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (d)Privaterealproperty. (1)Nonresidentialzoning.Nopoliticalsignshallbeerectedorplacedonprivatereal propertyzonedfornonresidentialuse,includingbutnotlimitedtovacantlotsor tracts,unlessthepropertyownerorotherpersonhavingcustodyorcontroloverthe propertyuponwhichsuchsignisplacedorhisorherauthorizedagentor representativehasgivenwrittenpermissionandsuchdocumentationisprovidedto thetownsecretary, or designee, atleast one (1) business day priortothe placement of thesignontheproperty.Suchwrittenpermissionfiledwiththetownshallonlybe validuntilDecember31stoftheyearinwhichitwassubmitted.Politicalsignsfor whichpermissionhasbeenauthorizedshallcomplywithallapplicablerequirements ofthisarticle.Thepropertyownermayremoveanddiscardanysuchsignsplacedon thepropertywithout permission. (2)Residentialzoning.Nopoliticalsignshallbeerectedorplacedonprivatereal propertyzonedforresidentialuse,includingbutnotlimitedtopropertyownedbya homeowners’association,unlessthepropertyownerhasgivenverbalorwritten permission.Politicalsignsforwhichpermissionhasbeenauthorizedshallcomply withallapplicablerequirementsofthisarticle.Thepropertyownermayremoveand discardanysuchsigns placed on thepropertywithoutpermission. (e)Number,size and placement. (1)Apoliticalsignshallnotexceedthirty-six(36)squarefeetinareanorexceedeight feet(8')inheight,asmeasuredfromtheground.Apoliticalsignmaynotbe illuminatedorhaveanymovingelements.Nomorethanone(1)ofsuchsignsfor each political candidateandtwo(2) ofsuchsigns perissue ontheelection ballotshall beerectedonanyparcelofland.Asusedinthissection“parcel”shallmeanapiece oflandhavingfixedboundaries,whetherthoseboundariesarefixedbyplatorby metes and bounds. (2)Thefrontandbacksurfaceofapoliticalsignshallconstituteone(1)sign.Forsigns withthree(3)ormoresurfaces,eachsurfaceshallconstituteaseparatesignfor purposesofsizerequirements. Signswiththree(3)ormoresurfacesare prohibited on residentiallyzoned parcelsofland. (3)Intheeventthatthenumberofpoliticalsignsuponalotorpropertyexceedsthetotal numberpermittedbythisarticle,the politicalsignsinexcess ofthenumberpermitted shall bedeemedtobeinviolationofthisarticle. .Thedesignatedofficialshallhavetheauthoritytoimmediatelyremovesignsin (f)Removal violationofthisarticleandshallholdthesignsforfive(5)calendardaysfordisposal. Additionally,anypoliticalsignplaced,erected,ormaintainedinviolationofthisarticlemaybe removedbytheownerofthepropertyuponwhichthesignhasbeenplacedwithoutpriornotice of anykind. 3-132Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 194 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (g)Vehiclemountedpoliticalsigns.Apoliticalsignwhichismountedorplacedonanytrailer orvehicleandwhichisnotpermanentlyaffixedtothetrailerorvehicleispermitted.Avehicle withsuchasignmaybeparkedonapublicstreetinaccordancewiththetown’sparking regulations.Forpurposesofthissubsection,apoliticalsignotherwiserequiredbythisarticleto besupportedbythegroundisnotrequiredtobesupportedbythegroundifitismountedor placed onatrailerorvehicleinaccordancewiththissection. (h)Exemptionfrompermit/regulations.Politicalsignsshallnotrequireasignpermit,and exceptasregulatedbythissection,areexemptfromtheremainderoftheregulationscontainedin this article. (i)Zoningdistricts.Politicalsignscomplyingwiththerequirementsofthisarticleshallbe allowedinallzoning districtsofthetown. (j)Illumination.Politicalsignsshallnotbeilluminatedandshallcomplywithallother requirements ofthisarticle. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.V,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.6(B),adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.05(B);Ordinance2007-10adopted3/5/07;Ordinance2008-11,sec.II, adopted3/3/08;Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.05,adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.063Bannersigns (a)Number,sizeandplacement.Onlyone(1)bannersignperpremisesorleasespaceshallbe allowed.Thesizeofsuchsignshallbenomorethanthirty-six(36)squarefeetperpremisesor leasespace.Displayofbannersignsshallcomplywiththerequirementsofsubsection(b)ofthis sectionandshallbe allowed no morethantwo(2)times annually. (b)Duration.Bannersignsshallbepermittedfornomorethanthirty(30)consecutivedays.At leastninety(90)daysshalllapsebetweentheendofthefirstperiodofdisplayandthebeginning ofthesecondperiodofdisplay. (c)Zoning districts.Bannersignsshall only be allowedinnonresidentialzoning districts. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.6(C),adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.05(C);Ordinance2015- 23,sec. 4.08,adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.064Realestatesigns-limitedpurpose on-premisessigns Realestatesignsareauthorizedasalimitedpurposeon-premisessignforprivaterealproperty zonedforresidentialandnonresidentialuseaswellastown-ownedpropertyandmaybeerected, in additiontopermanentsignage,in accordancewiththissection: (1)Duration.Allrealestatesignsmeetingtherequirementsofthisarticle,shallbe maintainedingoodconditionandshallberemovedwithinthree(3)daysfollowing thesale,leaseorrentalofthepropertyuponwhichtheyarelocated.Failureto removesuchsignswithinthethree(3)dayperiodshallgivethedesignatedofficial theauthoritytoremovesuchsignswithout notice. 3-133Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 195 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (2)Town-owned/leased property. (A)Medians/right-of-way/Highway114.Norealestatesignshallbeerectedor placedontown-ownedorleasedproperty,includingwithoutlimitation,ina publicmedianorapublicright-of-way.Anyrealestatesignsoerectedor placedupontown-ownedorleasedpropertymayberemoved bythedesignated officialwithoutnotice. (B)Signwalkerswithrealestatesigns.Signwalkerswithrealestatesignsshallbe prohibiteduponalltown-ownedproperty,includingwithoutlimitation,public medians and publicright-of-way. (3)Openhousesigns.Onlyon-premises“openhouse”signsshallbeallowed.Suchsigns shallnotbeplacedinavisiontriangle.Intheeventthatanysuchsignisnotin compliance,thedesignatedofficialofthetownmayremovethesignwithoutprior notice.Signsshallnotbepermittedtobewithinanymedianorright-of-wayinthe town. (5)Safetyhazardprohibited.Realestatesignsshallnotbeinstalledinanymannerthat mayresultinapotentialsafetyhazardofanytype,includingbutnotlimitedto placementinanytownright-of-way and/orwithinin a visiontriangle. (6)Privaterealproperty-residentialandnonresidentialzoning.Norealestatesignshall beerectedorplacedonprivaterealpropertyzonedforeitherresidentialor nonresidentialuse,includingbutnotlimitedtovacantlotsortracts,unlessthe propertyownerhasgivenverbalorwrittenpermission.Onlyon-premisesrealestate signsmeetingtherequirementsofthisarticleshallbeallowed.Realestatesignsshall notbeilluminatedandshallcomplywithallotherrequirementsofthisarticle.Riders maybeattachedtorealestatesignsasallowedbythisarticle.Realestatesignsfor whichpermissionhasbeenauthorizedshallcomplywithallapplicablerequirements ofthisarticle.Thepropertyownermayremoveanddiscardanysuchsignsplacedon thepropertywithout permission. .Exceptasspecificallyallowedforspecialevents,off- (7)Directionalrealestatesigns premisesdirectionalsignsforrealestateoropenhousepurposesshallnotbeallowed withinthetown. . (8)Number,size, andlocation (A)Arealestatesignshallcontainnomorethantwo(2)sidesandshallnotexceed six(6)squarefeetoftextareaoneachside,includinganyriders.Signslarger thansix(6)squarefeetoftextareashallbeconsideredasbeingpermanent commercialsignsorinstitutionalsignsandshallbesubjecttosection3.09.091 ofthisarticle. (B)Themaximumheightofsuchsignsorsignpostverticalmembershallnot exceedsix(6)feet, asmeasuredfromtheground. 3-134Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 196 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (C)Onalllotsotherthangolfcourselots,realestatesignsshallbelimitedtoone (1)advertisingsignandone(1)“openhouse”signperlot.Onlotsadjoininga golfcourse,one(1)additionalrealestateadvertisingsignmaybeplacedto facethegolfcourse.One(1)ridermaybeplacedoneachrealestatesign allowed bythissection. (9)Removal.Thedesignatedofficialshallhavetheauthoritytoimmediatelyremove signsinviolationofthisarticleandshallholdthesignsforfive(5)calendardaysfor disposal.Additionally,anyrealestateplaced,erected,ormaintainedinviolationof thisarticlemayberemovedbytheownerofthepropertyuponwhichthesignhas beenplacedwithout priornoticeof anykind. (10)Vehiclemountedrealestatesigns.Arealestatesignwhichismountedorplacedon anytrailerorvehicleandwhichisnotpermanentlyaffixedtothetrailerorvehicleis permitted.Avehiclewithsuchasignmaybeparkedonapublicstreetinaccordance withthetown’s parkingregulations. For purposes ofthissubsection, a real estatesign otherwiserequiredbythisarticletobesupportedbythegroundisnotrequiredtobe supportedbythegroundifitismountedorplacedonatrailerorvehiclein accordancewiththissection. (11)Exemptionfrompermit/regulations.Realestatesignsshallnotrequireasignpermit, andexceptasregulatedbythissection,areexemptfromtheremainderofthe regulations containedinthis article. (12)Zoningdistricts.Realestatesignscomplyingwiththerequirementsofthisarticle shall beallowedinallzoning districtsofthetown. (13)Illumination.Realestatesignsshallnotbeilluminatedandshallcomplywithall otherrequirementsofthisarticle. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.VI,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.6(D),adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch. 5,sec.4.05(D);Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.06, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.065Special purposesigns Specialpurposesignscomplyingwiththeprovisionsofthissectionshallbeallowedin conjunctionwithspecialeventsprovidedthataspecialeventpermitissuedpursuanttoarticle 1.09ofthiscodehasbeenobtainedfortheevent.Specialpurposesignsmaybepostedforevents thatareexpresslyexemptfromtherequirementsofarticle1.09ofthiscodeprovidedhowever thatallsuchsignsshallcomplywiththerequirementsofthissectionandotherapplicable provisionsofthisarticle. (1)Number,size and placement. (A)Bannersigns.One(1)banner,nottoexceedfifty(50)squarefeet,shallbe allowedonthespecialeventsite.Placementofthebannershallbesubjectto therequirementsofthespecialeventpermitortheapprovalofthecommunity developmentdirectorwhenaspecialeventpermitisnotrequired.Abanner shallnotbestrungbetweentrees,butshallbesecurelyattachedtoabuilding, orsecurelystrung betweentwo(2)temporary poles. 3-134.1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 197 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (B)Informationalanddirectionalsigns.Specialpurposesigns,includingwithout limitation,directionalsignsanddirectionalrealestatesigns,shallonlybe allowedforspecialeventspursuanttoaspecialeventpermit.Exceptas specificallyallowedforinthissection,directionalsignsshallnotbeallowed withinthetown.Inadditiontotherequirementtoobtainaspecialeventpermit, priortotheplacementofaspecialpurposesign,anypersonorentityplacing suchasignshallalsohavereceivedauthorizationorapprovalforsuch placementfromtheownerofthepropertyuponwhichsuchsignisplaced,and shall complywithapplicable notificationrequirementssetforthinthis article. (2)Duration.Specialpurposesignsauthorizedbythissectioninaccordancewithavalid specialeventpermitshallbealloweduptofourteen(14)dayspriortothedateofthe event.Allsignageshallberemovedwithintwenty-four(24)hoursfollowingthe conclusionofthe event. (Ordinance2005-03,sec.6(E),adopted2/7/05;2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.05(E);Ordinance2011- 14,sec.2.02,adopted4/4/11;Ordinance2012-09,sec.2.09,adopted5/7/12;Ordinance2015-23, sec. 4.08, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.066Religiousinstitutionalsigns (a)Generally.Religiousinstitutionalsignsshall not contain any commercialmessage. (b)Zoningdistricts.Religiousinstitutionalsignscomplyingwiththerequirementsofthis articleshall be allowedin allzoning districts ofthetown. (Ordinance 2015-23,sec.4.07, adopted10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.067Governmentsigns Temporarygovernmentsignsmayincludethosesignsofanygovernmentagency,including agenciesotherthanthestategovernment,federalgovernmentorthetown,andmaybeplacedfor alimitedtimetoprovidetimespecific,seasonal,orothernecessarypublicserviceorregulatory informationtothecommunity.Thesesignsshallrequireatemporarypermitandshallotherwise complywithallrequirementsofthisarticle,includingwithoutlimitation,allregulations governingtemporarysigns.(Ordinance 2015-23,sec.4.08, adopted10/13/15) Secs. 3.09.068–3.09.090Reserved Division 3. CommercialandInstitutionalSigns Sec. 3.09.091Generalregulations Permanentcommercialsignsandinstitutionalsignsshallincludethefollowingsigntypesand shall besubjecttothefollowing provisions: (1)On-premisessigns(monumentandwall).Signsinareaszonedfornonresidential purposesshallbe on-premisessigns. (2)Maximumgrosssurface area.Thefaceof each signshall not exceedthegrosssurface areaasoutlinedinthisdivision. 3-134.2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 198 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (3)Height ofmonumentsigns.Monumentsignsshallnot exceedtenfeet(10')in height. (4)Signspaintedonbuilding.Nocommercialsignshallbeallowedwhichispaintedon thewallofany building oron any part ofa building. (5)Exemptions.Signsowned,constructedandusedbythetowntoprovideinformation, directionand enforcementshall be exemptfromtheserequirements. (6)Wallsigns.Wallsignsshallbecenteredhorizontallyonthestorefrontagefora tenant’sspace.Themaximumcopyheightshallnotexceedtwofeet(2'),sixinches (6").Theminimumcopyheightshallbeonefoot(1'),twoinches(2").Themounted copydepthshallbefiveinches(5").Wallsignsshallnotprojectmorethantwelve inchesfromthewallsurface. (7)Illumination ofsigns. (A)Internallylit,individualaluminumchannellettersshallhavea1/8"Plexiglas front.Theracewayshallbepaintedtomatchthesurfaceuponwhichitis mounted. (B)Theracewayshallallowappropriateinternalreinforcingandadequateservice accessforallhardware.Nowiring,angleironorothersupportsshallbe exposed.Theracewayshall containalltransformers andwiringfortheletters. (C)Illuminatedsignswhicharevisiblethroughthewindowofatenant’sspace shallbesetbackaminimumoftwo(2")inchesfromthefaceofthewindow. Thedistanceshallbemeasuredfromthefrontsurfaceofthesigntothefaceof thewindow.Ifthefrontsurfacecontainslettersorothersymbolsthatproject outward,thenthedistanceshall be measuredfromthatpoint. (Ordinance2004-02,sec.VIII,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.7(A),adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch. 5,sec.4.06(A);Ordinance2015-23,sec. 4.09, adopted 10/13/15) Sec. 3.09.092Tableofsignagecriteria Thefollowingtableentitled“signagecriteria”containsregulationsapplicabletothesigntypes listedbelow.Nopersonshallconstruct,allow,maintainorallowtheconstructionormaintenance ofsigninviolationof anyoftheregulationsprovidedbelow: SignTypeMaximumNumberMaximum Size&MaximumZoningPermanent/ HeightDurationDistrictTemporary A-frame/sandwichProhibited board Apartment1perentry50sq.ft. Lifeofpermit ResidentialPermanent AwningProhibited BanditProhibited Banner,featherflag,1perpremisesorleasespace36sq.ft.N/A30daysNonresidentialTemporary teardropflag,windnomorethan2times device,bowflagannually 3-134.3Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 199 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations SignTypeMaximumNumberMaximum Size&MaximumZoningPermanent/ HeightDurationDistrictTemporary BillboardAlongpropertywhichabutsTobedeterminedbythetowncouncilNonresidentialPermanent StateHighway114uponrecommendationoftheplanning &zoningcommission Builder/contractor2perpremises6sq.ft.4ft.RemoveduponAlldistrictsTemporary sale,lease, rental BulletinboardTobedeterminedbythetowncounciluponrecommendationoftheResidentialPermanent planning&zoningcommission Canopy25sq.ft.or10%ofthefaceofthecanopyofwhichLifeofstructureNonresidentialPermanent itisapartofortowhichitisattached,whicheveris greater ContractorserviceNolimitprovidedtotal6sq.ft.4ft.14daysafterAlldistrictsTemporary combinedsq.footagedoescompletionof notexceed6sq.ft.service CEVMS1perpremiseswithapproval50sq.ft.4ft.LifeofpermitAlldistrictsPermanent ofthetowncouncilupon recommendationofthe planningandzoning commission;notallowedon billboards Development1perproject/premises32sq.ft.5ft.Residential:AlldistrictsTemporary 90%ofall lots/housessold Commercial: Completionof project Directional6sq.ft.3ft.LifeofpermitAlldistrictsPermanent DirectionalProhibitedexceptasallowedwithaspecialeventpermitTemporary temporaryrealestate Directory1perpremisesTobedeterminedbythetowncouncil NonresidentialPermanent uponrecommendationoftheplanning &zoningcommission Electronicmessage1perpremiseswithapproval 50sq.ft.4ft.LifeofpermitAlldistrictsPermanent boardsofthetowncouncilupon recommendationofthe planningandzoning commission;notallowedon billboards FenceProhibited FlashingProhibited GovernmentNolimit-asrequiredAlldistrictsPermanent permanent GovernmentRestrictedTemporary temporary Ground1perentry/premises16sq.ft.4ft.LifeofpermitAlldistrictsPermanent Illuminated1perpremises50sq.ft. Lifeofpermit NonresidentialPermanent Inflatable1perpremisesTobedeterminedbythetowncouncilAlldistrictsTemporary uponrecommendationoftheplanning &zoningcommission Institutional1perentry/premises50sq.ft.4ft.Lifeofpermit NonresidentialPermanent Modelhome1permodelhome16sq.ft.4ft.RemoveduponResidentialTemporary sale,lease,districts rental 3-134.4Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 200 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations SignTypeMaximumNumberMaximum Size&MaximumZoningPermanent/ HeightDurationDistrictTemporary Monument1perentry/premises50sq.ft.10ft.LifeofpermitAlldistrictsPermanent Nameplate1perleasespace2sq.ft.1ft.Lifeofpermit NonresidentialPermanent Off-premisesProhibited Political36sq.ft.8ft.60daysAlldistrictsTemporary PortableRestricted ProjectingProhibited Protective2perpremises1sq.ft.2ft.LifeofstructureAlldistrictsTemporaryor Permanent RealestateRestricted RiderAllowedwithrealestatesign RoofProhibited Specialpurpose1perpremises/lot6sq.ft.4ft.14daysprior/24AlldistrictsTemporary hrfollowing Temporarypole1perpremises/lot32sq.ft.5ft.1yearfromAlldistrictsTemporary temporary permitissuance Wall1perleasespace40sq.ft.ortheLifeofpermit NonresidentialPermanent productof2times thelinealwidthof thewall, whichevergreater. Shallnotexceed 75%ofthewidth ortheheightofthe availablewallarea orstorefrontage foratenant’sspace WindowNolimitprovidedtotalcombinedsq.footagedoesLifeofpermit NonresidentialPermanent notexceed25%ofthevisiblewindowarea availableintheabsenceofanysigns (Ordinance2004-02,sec.VIII,adopted1/19/04;Ordinance2005-03,sec.7(B),adopted2/7/05; 2006Code,ch.5,sec.4.06(B);Ordinance2008-15,secs.2.05,2.06,adopted5/19/08;Ordinance 2015-23,sec. 4.09,adopted 10/13/15) ARTICLE 3.10 APARTMENTCOMPLEXLICENSING Sec. 3.10.001Definitions Forthepurposeofthisarticle,thefollowingwordsandphraseshavethemeaningsrespectively ascribedtothem bythissection: .Alicenseissuedbybuildinginspectorpursuanttothisarticle,and Apartmentcomplexlicense referredto as “license”inthisarticle. Bedroom.Aroomusedorintendedtobeusedforsleepingpurposesandnotasakitchen, bathroom,livingroom, closet, hallway, utilityspace,entryway,garage, patioorbreezeway. Buildinginspector.The chief building official ofthetown or his designatedrepresentative. 3-134.5Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 201 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Dwellingunit.Astructure,orthatpartofastructure,whichmaybeusedasahome,residenceor sleepingplacebyoneormorepersonsmaintainingacommonhouseholdtotheexclusionofall others. Efficiency unit.Is defined astheequivalent ofa one-bedroom unit. Family.Anynumberofindividualslivingtogetherasasinglehousekeepingunit,inwhichnot morethanthree(3)individualsareunrelatedbyblood,marriageoradoption.Fosterchildren,for the purposeofthisdefinition,shallbe considered as beingrelatedtotheirfoster parent orparents. Landlord.Anyowner,residentornonresident,wholeasesorrentshissingle-familyresidenceto another. Multiple-familydwellingcomplex.Referredtoasan“apartmentcomplex”inthebodyofthis article.Anybuilding,orportionthereof,whichisrented,leasedorlettobeoccupiedfor compensationasthree(3)ormoredwellingunitsorwhichisoccupiedasahomeorplaceof residencebythree(3)ormorefamilieslivinginindependentdwellingunitslocatedinthetown, andwhich dwelling unitsarelocated onasingle plat. Owner.Apersonclaiming,orinwhomisvested,theownership,dominionortitleofreal property,including butnotlimitedto: (1)A holder offeesimpletitle; (2)A holder ofalife estate; (3)A holder ofaleasehold estateforaninitialterm offiveyears ormore; (4)The buyerin a contractfordeed; (5)Amortgagee,receiver,executorortrusteeincontrolofrealproperty,butnot includingtheholderofaleaseholdestateortenancyforaninitialtermoflessthan fiveyears. .Includesanindividual,corporation,businesstrust,estate,trust,partnershipor Person association,twoormorepersonshavingajointorcommoninterest,oranyotherlegalor community entity. Premises.Alot,plotorparcelofland,includinganystructurethereon,andfurthermoreincluding adwellingunit,appurtenancesthereto,groundsandfacilitiesheldoutfortheuseoftenants generally and any otherarea orfacilitythe use ofwhichispromisedtothetenant. Propertymanager.Apersonwhoforcompensationhasmanagingcontrolofasingle-family residencefora nonresidentowner. Residentmanager.Apropertymanageroragentofapropertymanagerwhoresidesinthesingle- familyresidence. Singlelocation.Propertyheldincommonownershipthatiscompactandcontiguousproperty separated only by publicstreets. 3-134.6Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 202 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Tenant.Anypersonwhooccupiesadwellingunitforlivingordwellingpurposeswiththe landlord’sconsent. (Ordinance 86-06,sec.II, adopted 2/10/86; 2006Code, ch. 3, sec.13.01) Sec. 3.10.002Penalty Anypersonwillfullyviolatinganyoftheprovisionsofthisarticleshallbesubjecttoafine,upon convictioninthemunicipalcourt,ofnotlessthenonedollar($1.00)normorethantwothousand dollars($2,000.00),andeachandeverydaythattheprohibitedconditionremainsandrestoration, ifrequired,notaccomplished,shallconstituteaseparateoffense.Thosefinesshallbeinaddition toandcumulativeoftheprovisionsfortheabatementofanuisanceandtheobtainingof injunctiverelief.(Ordinance86-06,sec.X,adopted2/10/86;Ordinance98-28,sec.7,adopted 10/20/98; 2006 Code,ch. 3,sec.13.09) Sec. 3.10.003License required (a)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontoown,operate,manageormaintainanapartment complexinthetownwithoutacurrentandvalidlicensehavingbeenissuedforsaidapartment 3-134.7Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 203 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 204 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (B)Attheendofthetwenty-four(24) hourcureperiod,thetownshallreinspectthe site.If,atthetimeofsuchreinspection,theerosioncontroldevicesatthesite havenotbeenbroughtintocompliancewiththeapprovederosioncontrolplan, thetownmayissueastopworkorderandissueacitationforeachviolationof theapprovederosioncontrolplanforsaidsite.Toobtainareinspectionfor removalofthestopworkorder,arequestforreinspectionmustbesubmitted alongwith payment of areinspectionfeeasset bythetown council. (e)Removaloferosioncontroldevices.Uponfinaloccupancyoruponestablishingpermanent groundcoveronalot,alltemporaryerosioncontroldevicesshallberemoved.Failuretodoso shall beaviolationofthis article. (Ordinance 2005-04,sec.VII, adopted3/21/05;2006Code, ch.11,sec. 6.06) Sec. 3.14.009Maintenanceof controldevices; records (a)Maintenance oferosion andsedimentcontrol devices. (1)Allpersonssubjecttotherequirementsofthisarticleshallmaintaintherequired erosionandsedimentcontroldevicesinacleanandoperationalstate.Suchperson shallinspecteacherosionandsedimentcontroldeviceaftereachrainfalleventthat exceedsone-halfinch(1/2")intwenty-four(24)hours,oreveryfourteen(14) calendardays,whicheveroccursfirst.Suchpersonshallrepair,replace,orremove sedimentas necessary. (2)Suchpersonshallalsocomplywithanymaintenanceorrepairdirectivegivenbythe town’sinspector.Failuretocomplywithatowndirectivemayresultindeductions fromtheerosioncontroldepositaccountorstopworkordersasprovidedbythis article. .Personsresponsiblefortheoperationofastormwatermanagementfacilityshall (b)Records makerecordsoftheinstallationandrepairs,andshallretaintherecordsforatleasttwo(2)years. Theserecordsshallbemadeavailabletothetownduringinspectionofthefacilityandatother reasonabletimes uponrequest. (Ordinance 2005-04,sec.VIII, adopted3/21/05; 2006Code, ch. 11,sec. 6.07) ARTICLE 3.15 BUILDING STANDARDSCOMMISSION Sec. 3.15.001Created Thereisherebycreatedabuildingstandardscommission(“thecommission”)inaccordancewith theprovisionsofsubchapterCofchapter54oftheLocalGovernmentCode,V.T.C.A.,as amended.(Ordinance 2015-13,sec. 2.02, adopted 6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.002Members .Thecommissionshallconsistoffive(5)regular (a)Number,appointment,qualifications memberseachtobeappointedbythetowncouncil.Thetowncouncilmayalsoappointupto eight(8)alternatememberswiththesamedutiesandresponsibilitiesasregularmemberswho 3-197Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 205 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations shallserveintheabsenceofone(1)ormoreregularmemberswhenrequestedtodosobythe townmanager,ordesignee.Allcasesshallbeheardbyatleastfour(4)members.Eachmember, whetherregularoralternate,shallbeappointedbymajorityvoteofthetowncouncil.Tothe extentpossible,membersofthecommissionshouldbequalifiedinone(1)ormoreofthefields offireprevention,buildingconstruction,sanitation,plumbing,electricity,mechanicalsystems, engineering,architectureorpublichealth.Failureofapersontobequalifiedinanyofsuchfields shall notpreventor disqualifythatpersonfromsittingonthecommission. (b)Termsofoffice.Eachregularandalternatememberofthecommissionshallbeappointed bythetowncouncilforatermoftwo(2)yearswithstaggeredappointmentssothatnomorethan three(3)members’termsshallexpireinanyoneyear.TermsshallexpireonSeptember30thof eachyear. (c)Removal,fillingofvacancies.Anymember,whetherregularoralternate,ofthe commissionmay be removedfor cause on a written charge.Ifrequested bythemembersubjectto theremovalaction,thetowncouncilshallholdapublichearingonthematterbeforeadecision regardingremovalismadeinaccordancewithstatelaw.Anyandallvacanciesshallbefilledby appointmentbaseduponamajorityvoteofthetowncouncilandshallbefortheunexpiredterm ofthevacant position. (d)Officers.Thetowncouncilshallappointamemberofthecommissiontoserveas chairperson.The commissionshallannuallyelectavice-chairperson,eachofwhomshallperform the dutiessetforthinthisarticle. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.003Meetings (a)Meetingsofthecommissionshallbeheldatthecallofthecommissionchairpersonandat othertimesasdeterminedbythecommission.Allmeetingsofthecommissionshallbeopento thepublic.Theconcurringvoteofamajorityofthemembersofthecommissionshallberequired foranyactiontakenbythecommissionunderstatelaworordinanceadoptedbythetown.The chairperson,orinthechairperson’sabsencetheactingchairperson,mayadministeroathsand compeltheattendance ofwitnesses. (b)Thecommissionshallkeepminutesofitsproceedingsshowingthevoteofeachmemberon eachquestionorthefactthatamemberisabsentorfailstovote.Thecommissionshallkeep recordsofitsexaminationsandotherofficialactions.Theminutesandrecordsshallbefiled immediatelyinthe buildinginspectiondepartmentaspublicrecords. (c)Thebuildingofficialorhisdesigneeshallpresentallcasesbeforethecommission.Asused inthischapter,theterm“buildingofficial”shallmeanthe“buildingofficial”forthetownora person designated bythebuilding official ortownmanager. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) 3-198Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 206 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.15.004Authority–Generally (a)Ordinances.The commissionshall havetheauthoritygrantedinthis article and, in addition, shallhaveauthoritytohearanddeterminecasesconcerningallegedviolationsoftown ordinances: (1)Forthepreservationofpublicsafety,relatingtothematerialsormethodsusedto constructabuildingorimprovement,includingthefoundation,structuralelements, electricalwiring or apparatus, plumbing and fixtures,entrances,or exits; (2)Relatingtothefiresafetyofabuildingorimprovement,includingprovisionsrelating tomaterials,typesofconstructionordesign,warningdevices,sprinklersorotherfire suppressiondevices,availabilityofwatersupplyforextinguishingfires,orlocation, design, orwidth of entrances orexits; (3)Relatingtodangerously damaged or deteriorated buildings orimprovements; (4)Relatingtoconditionscausedbyaccumulationsofrefuse,vegetation,orothermatter that createsbreeding andliving placesforinsects androdents; or (5)Relatingtoabuildingcodeortothecondition,use,orappearanceofpropertyinthe town. (b)Otherfunctions.Inadditiontotheauthoritygrantedinthischapter,thebuildingstandards commission,initscapacityasareviewboardforthetown,shallhavethefollowingdutiesand powersincluding, but notlimitedto: (1)Studyingproposedcodeamendmentsandmakingrecommendationstothetown councilregarding any proposed amendmentstothe building andfirecodes. (2)Hearingfromanypersonrequestingachangetothebuildingandfirecodesas adopted bythetown. (3)Serving as an advisortothe building official and/orfire chief. (4)Hearing appealsfrom decisionsofthe building official and/orfire chief pertainingto: (A)Useofalternatematerialsandconstructionmethods.Inthecaseofarequestto usealternatematerialsorconstructionmethods,thebuildingstandards commissionshalldeterminewhetherornotsuchalternatematerialor constructionmethodisinfactequaltothestandardsoftheapplicablebuilding orfirecode,consideringadequacy,stability,strength,sanitation,andsafetyfor thepublic’shealthandwelfare.Asusedinthissection,buildingcodeorfire codeshallincludewithoutlimitationtownadoptedbuilding,electrical, plumbing,mechanical,andfirecodes,andabatementofdangerousbuilding, fence, andswimming pool; 3-199Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 207 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (B)Interpretationsrelatedtothebuildingcodeorfirecodeasadoptedbythetown, includingwithoutlimitation,building,electrical,plumbing,mechanical,and fire, and abatementof dangerous building,fence, andswimming pool); and (C)Decisionsregardingsubstandardbuildings asfurtherprovidedinthisarticle. (5)Orderingtherepair,withinafixedperiod,ofbuildingsfoundtobeinviolationofan ordinance. (6)Declaringabuildingsubstandardinaccordancewiththepowersgrantedbythis articleand/orotherlocal orstatelaw. (7)Adoptingandenforcingregulationsrelatingtofloodplainmanagementwithinthe townandorderingcompliancewithfloodplainregulationspursuanttotheauthority grantedinthis article,statelaw and/orfederallaw. (c)Variances.Thebuildingstandards commissionshall not be authorizedtograntvariances. (d)Statestatute.Inadditiontotheauthorityoutlinedinthisarticle,thecommissionmay exercisesuchotherpowersandauthorityconferreduponitbysubchapterCofchapter54and subchapterAofchapter214“dangerousstructures”oftheTexasLocalGovernmentCode,as amended, or by otherstatutes orordinances. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.005Same–Substandard housing Thebuildingstandardscommissionmayhearcasesregardingasubstandardstructureifthe structureis: (1)Dilapidated,substandard,orunfitforhumanhabitationandahazardtothepublic health,safety, and welfare;or (2)Regardlessofitsstructuralcondition,unoccupiedbyitsowners,lessees,orother inviteesandisunsecuredfromunauthorizedentrytotheextentthatitcouldbe enteredorusedbyvagrantsorotheruninvitedpersonsasaplaceofharborageor couldbe enteredorused by children;or (3)Boarded up, fenced,or otherwisesecuredinanymannerif: (A)Thebuildingconstitutesadangertothe publiceventhoughsecuredfromentry; or (B)Themeansusedtosecurethebuildingareinadequatetopreventunauthorized entry oruseofthe buildinginthemannerdescribed bysubsection(2)above. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) 3-200Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 208 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.15.006Rules governing proceedings Thebuildingstandardscommissionshalladoptrulestogovernitsproceedingsprovided, however,thatsuchruleshallnotbeinconsistentwiththisarticleorlawsofthestate.Therules shallestablishproceduresforuseinhearings,providingampleopportunityforpresentationof evidenceandtestimonybyrespondentsorpersonsopposingchargesbroughtbythetownorits officialsrelatingtoallegedviolationsofordinances.(Ordinance2015-13,sec.2.02,adopted 6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.007Criteriafor determiningsubstandard condition Astructureshallbe consideredsubstandardif: (1)Itisinaconditionsuchthatitfailstocomplywiththeminimumstandardssetforth inthetown’sordinances,includingbutnotlimitedtotheadoptedbuilding,electrical, plumbing,mechanical, andfire codes; and (2)Suchconditionexiststotheextentthatthelife,health,property,orsafetyofthe publicoritsoccupantsis endangered. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.008Notice (a)Notice ofallproceedingsbeforethe commissionshallbegiven: (1)Bycertifiedmail,returnreceiptrequested,totherecordownersoftheaffected property,andeachholderofarecordedlienagainsttheaffectedproperty,asshown bytherecordsoftheofficeofthecountyclerkofthecountyinwhichtheaffected propertyislocatedifthe address ofthelienholder canbe ascertainedfromthe deed of trustestablishingthelienand/orotherapplicableinstrumentsonfileintheofficeof thecountyclerk;and (2)Toallunknownowners,bypostingacopyofthenoticeonthefrontdoorofeach improvementsituatedontheaffectedpropertyorasclosetothefrontdooras practicable. (b)Thenoticeshallbemailedandpostedonorbeforethe10thdaybeforethedateofthe hearingbeforethecommissionandshallstatethedate,time,andplaceofthehearing.Thenotice shallalsoincludeastatementthatatthehearing,theowner,lienholder,ormortgageeshallbe requiredtosubmitproofofthescopeofanyworkthatmayberequiredtocomplywithapplicable ordinance(s)andtheamountoftimethatsuchpersonallegesthatitwilltaketoreasonably performthework.Inaddition,thenoticeshallbepublishedinanewspaperofgeneralcirculation inthetown on one(1) occasionon orbeforethe10thday beforethe datefixedforthehearing. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) 3-201Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 209 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations Sec. 3.15.009Action;timeframes (a)Commissionorders.Afternoticeandhearinganduponfindingthatastructureis substandard,thecommissionmay orderany one (1) ormore ofthefollowing actions: (1)Ordertherepairofasubstandardstructure,withinafixedperiodasprovidedinthis articleand/orstatelaw; (2)Order,in anappropriatecase,theimmediateremovalofpersonsorpropertyfoundon privateproperty,orderentryonprivatepropertytosecuretheremovalifitis determinedthatconditionsexistonthepropertythatconstituteaviolationofan ordinance,and/ororderactiontobetakenasnecessarytoremedy,alleviate,or remove anysubstandard buildingfoundtoexist; (3)Ifthestructureisnotvacated,secured,repaired,removed,ordemolished,orthe occupantsarenotrelocatedwiththetimeallottedbythecommission,thetownmay vacate,secure,removeordemolishthebuildingorrelocatetheoccupantsatitsown expense.Thetownmayassesstheexpensesonandhavealienagainsttheproperty onwhichthestructurewaslocated,unlessitisahomesteadasprotectedbythestate constitution; (4)Issueordersordirectivestoanypeaceofficerofthestate,includingasheriffor constableorthechiefofpoliceofthetown,toenforce andcarryoutthelawfulorders or directives ofthecommission; and (5)Determinetheamountanddurationofthecivilpenaltythatmayberecoveredbythe townasauthorizedbysubchapterCofchapter54,TexasLocalGovernmentCode,as amended.Inassessingacivilpenalty,thecommissionshallconsidertheseverityof violationspresent,thehistoryofcomplianceofthepropertyortheowner,andthe effortstaken,if any,tocorrecttheviolations. (b)Timeframesforcompliance.Aftermakingafindingthatabuildingissubstandard,the commissionshall complywiththefollowingtimeframes: (1)30-daytime period.Exceptas otherwise providedinthis article,the commissionshall requiretheowner,lienholder,ormortgageeofasubstandardbuildingtowithinthirty (30)days ofthedate ofthehearing: (A)Securethe buildingfrom unauthorizedentry; or (B)Repair,removeordemolishthebuilding,unlesstheownerorlienholder establishesatthehearingthattheworkcannotreasonablybeperformedwithin thirty(30) days. .Ifthecommissionallowstheowner,lienholder,or (2)30to90-daytimeperiod mortgageemorethanthirty(30)daystorepair,remove,ordemolishthebuilding,the commissionshallestablishspecifictimeschedulesforthecommencementand performanceoftheworkandshallrequiretheowner,lienholderormortgageeto securethepropertyin a reasonablemannerfrom unauthorized entrywhiletheworkis being performed, as determinedatthehearing. 3-202Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 210 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (3)Timeperiodinexcessof90days.Thecommissionmayonlyallowtheowner, lienholderormortgageemorethanninety(90)daystorepair,remove,ordemolish thebuildingorfullyperformallworkrequiredtocomplywiththeorderiftheowner, lienholder,ormortgagee: (A)Submitsadetailedplanandtimeschedulefortheworkatthecommission hearing; (B)Establishesatthehearingthattheworkcannotreasonablybecompletedwithin ninety(90)days becauseofthescope andcomplexity ofthework; and (C)Regularlysubmitsprogressreportstothetowntodemonstratecompliancewith thetimeschedulesestablishedbythecommissionforcommencementand performanceoftheworkaswellasothersecurityrequirementsimposedbythe commission. (4)Bondrequirement.Ifthecommissionallowstheowner,lienholder,ormortgagee morethanninety(90)daystocompleteanypartoftheworkrequiredtorepair, remove,ordemolishthebuilding,theorderofthecommissionmayrequirethatthe owner,lienholder,ormortgageeorhisdesigneeappearandprovidedocumentation thatthecommissiondeterminesnecessarytodemonstratecompliancewith commissionestablishedtimeschedules.Iftheowner,lienholderormortgageeowns property,includingstructuresorimprovementsonproperty,withinthetown boundariesthatexceeds$100,000.00intotalvalue,thecommissionmayrequirethe owner,lienholder,ormortgageetopostacashorsuretybondinanamountadequate tocoverthecostofrepairing,removing,ordemolishingthebuildingorbuildingsas authorizedbytheprovisionsofthisarticle.Inlieuofabond,thecommissionmay requiretheowner,lienholder,ormortgageetoprovidealetterofcreditfroma financialinstitutionoraguarantyfromathirdpartyasapprovedbythetown.The bondshallbeposted,ortheletterofcreditorthird-partyguarantyprovidednotlater thanthethirty(30)days afterthe datethecommissionissuestheorder. (c)Burdenofproof.Theowner,lienholder,ormortgageeshallhavetheburdenofproofto demonstratethescopeofanyworkthatmayberequiredtocomplywithtownordinancesandthe timethatitwilltaketoreasonably performthework. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.010Feesfor appeals AfeeassetforthinthefeescheduleinappendixAofthiscodeisherebyrequiredforappeals heardatregularlyscheduledmeetingsofthebuildingstandardscommission.Forappealsthat mustbeheardataspecialcalledmeetingofthebuildingstandardscommission,anadditionalfee assetforthinthefeescheduleinappendixAofthiscodeshallberequired.Allfeesshallbedue and paidatthetime an appealisfiled.(Ordinance 2015-13,sec. 2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.011Failureto complywithorder (a)If a buildingis notvacated,secured,repaired,removed, or demolished, orthe occupants are notrelocatedwithinthetimeperiodorderedbythecommission,thetownmayvacate,secure, remove, or demolishthe building orrelocatethe occupantsatits own expense. 3-203Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 211 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations (b)Ifthetownincursexpensesunderthissection,thetownmayassesstheexpenseson,and upondoingso,thetownshallhavealienagainst,the propertyonwhichthebuildingwaslocated, unlessthepropertyisahomesteadasprotectedbythestateconstitution.Thelienisextinguished ifthepropertyowner,lienholder,mortgageeorotherpersonhavinganinterestinthelegaltitleto thepropertyreimbursesthetownfortheexpenses.Thelienarisesandattachestothepropertyat thetimethenoticeofthelienisrecordedandindexedintheofficeofthecountyclerkofthe countyinwhichthepropertyislocated.Thenoticemustcontainthenameandaddressofthe ownerifthatinformationcanbedeterminedwithareasonableeffort,alegaldescriptionofthe realpropertyonwhichthebuildingwaslocated,theamountofexpensesincurredbythetown, andthe balance due. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.012Finaldecision (a)Acopyofthefinaldecisionofthecommissionshallbemailedbycertifiedmail,return receiptrequested,toallpersonstowhomnoticewassentundersection3.15.008ofthisarticle. Thecopyshallbemailedpromptlyafterthedecisionofthecommissionbecomesfinalpursuant totherequirementsofthisarticle. (b)Withinten(10)calendardaysafterthedatethattheorderisissued,thecommissionshall fileacopyoftheorderintheofficeofthetownsecretary.Withinten(10)calendardaysafterthe datethefinal decisionofthe commissionismailed,anabbreviatedcopy ofthefinal decisionshall bepublishedone(1)timeinanewspaperofgeneralcirculationinthetown,andsuchnoticeshall includethestreetaddressorlegaldescriptionoftheproperty;thedateofthehearing,abrief statementindicatingtheresultsoftheorder, and instructionsstatingwherea complete copyofthe ordermay be obtained. (c)Ifnoappealsaretakenfromthedecisionofthecommissionwithintherequiredperiod,the decision ofthecommissionis,inallthings,finalandbinding. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.013Judicialreview (a)Anyperson(s)jointlyorseverallyaggrievedbyanydecisionofthecommissionmay presentapetitiontoadistrictcourt,dulyverified,settingforththatthedecisionisillegal,in wholeorinpart,andspecifyingthegroundsoftheillegality.Thepetitionshallbepresented withinthirty(30)calendardaysafterthedateacopyofthefinaldecisionofthecommissionis personallydeliveredormailedbyfirstclassmail,certifiedreturnreceiptrequested,toallpersons towhom noticeisrequiredto besent pursuanttosection 3.15.008ofthisarticle. (b)Proceedingsshallnotbestayedbyanappealandissuanceofawritofcertiorariandshall onlybestayedbythegrantofarestrainingorderorinjunctiongrantedbythedistrictcourt.The districtcourt’sreviewshallbelimitedtoahearingunderthesubstantialevidencerule.Costsmay notbeallowedagainstthecommissionpanel.Ifthedecisionofthecommissionpanelisaffirmed ornotsubstantiallyreversedbutonlymodified,thedistrictcourtshallallowtothetownall 3-204Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 212 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter3:Building Regulations attorney’sfeesandothercostsandexpensesincurredbyitandshallenterajudgmentforthose items,whichmaybeenteredagainstthepropertyownersaswellasallpersonsfoundtobein occupationofthe propertysubjecttotheproceedingsbeforethe commission panel. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) Sec. 3.15.014Authority;penalties (a)Civilpenalty.Thecommissionmayassessacivilpenaltyagainstthepropertyownerfor failuretorepair,remove,ordemolishasubstandardstructureuponproofpresentedbythetown that: (1)Thepropertyownerwasnotifiedoftherequirementsinthetown’ssubstandard building ordinancealongwithnotification ofthe owner’sneedtocomply; and (2)The owner continuedtoviolatethe ordinance afterreceiving notice. (b)Amount.Acivilpenaltyimposedpursuanttothissectionmaynotexceed$1,000.00per dayforeachviolation,unlessthepropertyisshowntobetheowner’slegalhomestead,inwhich casethepenaltyshall notexceed$10.00perdayforeachviolation. (c)Criteriaforassessingcivilpenalty.Inassessingacivilpenalty,thecommissionshall considertheseverityofviolationspresent,the historyofcomplianceofthepropertyortheowner, lienholderormortgagee, andtheeffortstaken,if any,to correcttheviolations. (d)Determinationfinal.Adeterminationmadeunderthissectionisfinalandbindingand constitutesprimafacieevidenceofthepenaltyinanycourtofcompetentjurisdictioninacivil suit brought bythetownforfinaljudgmentinaccordancewiththeestablished penalty. (e)Enforcementofcivilpenalty.Toenforceanycivilpenaltyunderthissection,thetown secretaryshallfilewiththedistrictclerkofthecountyinwhichthetownislocated,acertified copyoftheorderofthecommissionstatingtheamountanddurationofthepenalty.Noother proofisrequiredfora district courttoenterfinaljudgment on thepenalty. (f)Remediescumulative.Theremediesauthorizedunderthisarticleareinclusiveandnot exclusiveandshallinnowaypreventthetownfromexercisinganyandallotherremediesatlaw towhichitmaybeentitled,includingproceedingsunderthejurisdictionofthemunicipalcourtor injunctive orothercivilrelief as allowedbylaw. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) 3-205Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 213 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 214 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 CHAPTER11 TAXATION ARTICLE 11.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS.............................................................................11-7 Sec. 11.01.001Penaltyforcollection costsfordelinquenttaxes and assessments......11-7 ARTICLE 11.02 HOTELOCCUPANCYTAX........................................................................11-7 Sec. 11.02.001Definitions...........................................................................................11-7 Sec. 11.02.002Levy; collection...................................................................................11-8 Sec. 11.02.003Exemptionsandrefunds......................................................................11-9 Sec. 11.02.004Reports andrecords...........................................................................11-10 Sec. 11.02.005Failuretofilereportor paytax..........................................................11-10 Sec. 11.02.006Use ofrevenue...................................................................................11-11 Sec. 11.02.007Criminalpenalty................................................................................11-12 ARTICLE 11.03 SALESANDUSETAX...............................................................................11-12 Sec. 11.03.001Salestax elections..............................................................................11-12 Sec. 11.03.002Tax on telecommunicationsservices.................................................11-13 \[Nextpageis11-7.\] 11-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 215 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 216 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter11: Taxation Sec. 11.03.002Tax on telecommunicationsservices Alocalsalesandusetaxisherebyauthorizedonalltelecommunicationsservicessoldwithinthe boundariesoftheTrophyClubCrimeControlandPreventionDistrict.Forpurposeofthis section,thesaleoftelecommunicationsservicesisconsummatedatthelocationofthetelephone orothertelecommunicationsdevicefromwhichthecallorothercommunicationoriginates.Ifthe pointoforigincannotbedetermined,thesaleisconsummatedattheaddresstowhichthecallor othercommunicationisbilled.Therateofthesalesandusetaximposedbythissectionshallbe thesameasthatratelawfullyimposedbytheTrophyClubCrimeControlandPreventionDistrict forall otherlocalsales andusetaxes as authorized bythelegislatureofthestate,andthestatutory exemptionforsalesandusetaxontelecommunicationsisherebyrepealed.(Ordinance2015-06 adopted4/14/15) 11-13Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 217 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 218 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 CHAPTER12 TRAFFICANDVEHICLES ARTICLE 12.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS.............................................................................12-7 Sec. 12.01.001Definitions...........................................................................................12-7 Sec. 12.01.002Penalty.................................................................................................12-8 Sec. 12.01.003Obstructionstovisibility atintersections............................................12-8 Sec. 12.01.004Applicability oftrafficregulations on privatestreets..........................12-8 Sec. 12.01.005Locally enforcedmotorvehicleidlinglimitations..............................12-9 Sec. 12.01.006Operation oflaw enforcement emergencyvehiclewithout using warning devices...............................................................................12-10 ARTICLE 12.02 TRAFFIC-CONTROLDEVICES................................................................12-11 Division1.Generally.............................................................................................................12-11 Sec. 12.02.001Uniformity; conformancetomanual.................................................12-11 Sec. 12.02.002Obedience..........................................................................................12-11 Sec. 12.02.003Privileges ofdrivers ofauthorized emergencyvehicles....................12-12 Sec. 12.02.004Unauthorizeddevices........................................................................12-12 Sec. 12.02.005Interference........................................................................................12-13 Sec. 12.02.006Manual operationoftrafficsignalsbyschool crossingguard...........12-13 Sec. 12.02.007Installation and maintenance.............................................................12-13 Sec. 12.02.008Evidenceofvalidity...........................................................................12-14 Division2.Locations.............................................................................................................12-14 Sec. 12.02.031Stopsigns..........................................................................................12-14 Sec. 12.02.032U-turns...............................................................................................12-25 Sec. 12.02.033Emergencysigns................................................................................12-25 ARTICLE 12.03 OPERATIONOFVEHICLES.....................................................................12-26 Division1.Generally.............................................................................................................12-26 Division2. SpeedRegulations..............................................................................................12-26 Sec. 12.03.041Maximumspeedgenerally................................................................12-26 Sec. 12.03.042Specialspeedzones...........................................................................12-26 Sec. 12.03.043Signs..................................................................................................12-29 ARTICLE 12.04 PARKING.....................................................................................................12-30 Sec. 12.04.001Definitions.........................................................................................12-30 Sec. 12.04.002Presumptionthatvehicleownerisresponsibleforviolation.............12-30 Sec. 12.04.003Prohibitedparkinggenerally.............................................................12-30 Sec. 12.04.004Parking on unapprovedsurface.........................................................12-31 Sec. 12.04.005Parking nearcertaincrosswalks........................................................12-31 Sec. 12.04.006Exceptionfor emergency vehicles and governmentalvehicles.........12-32 Sec. 12.04.007Parking nearsafetyzone,firelaneorfire hydrant.............................12-33 Sec. 12.04.008Overnight parking..............................................................................12-33 Sec. 12.04.009Parkingfordisabled persons.............................................................12-34 ARTICLE 12.05 COMMERCIALVEHICLES.......................................................................12-35 Division1.Generally.............................................................................................................12-35 12-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 219 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles Division2.OverweightVehicles..........................................................................................12-35 Sec. 12.05.031Compliance; permitforspecialloads................................................12-35 Sec. 12.05.032Weightlimits.....................................................................................12-36 Sec. 12.05.033Permit procedures..............................................................................12-37 Sec. 12.05.034Liabilityfor damage..........................................................................12-38 Sec. 12.05.035Vehiclesusedtotransportsolidwaste...............................................12-38 Sec. 12.05.036Vehiclestransportingready-mix concrete.........................................12-38 Sec. 12.05.037Weighing ofvehicles by police officers;procedurewhenweight exceedspermittedweight................................................................12-39 ARTICLE 12.06 MOTOR-ASSISTED SCOOTERS,MINI-MOTORBIKESAND POCKETBIKES...........................................................................................................12-40 Sec. 12.06.001Definitions.........................................................................................12-40 Sec. 12.06.002Penalty...............................................................................................12-41 Sec. 12.06.003Operation...........................................................................................12-41 ARTICLE 12.07 MOTORIZEDCARTS.................................................................................12-42 Sec. 12.07.001Applicability/exemptions..................................................................12-42 Sec. 12.07.002Definitions.........................................................................................12-43 Sec. 12.07.003Operationalregulations.....................................................................12-45 Sec. 12.07.004Equipment.........................................................................................12-46 Sec. 12.07.005Permits and cartoperationstickers....................................................12-48 \[Nextpageis12-7.\] 12-2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 220 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (c)Thissectionshallnotbedeemedtoprohibittheerectionuponprivatepropertyadjacentto highways,streetsoralleysofsignsgivingusefuldirectionalinformationandofatypethatcannot bemistakenfor officialsigns. (d)Everysuchprohibitedsign,signalormarkingisherebydeclaredtobeapublicnuisance, andthechiefofpoliceorhisauthorizedrepresentativeisherebyempoweredtoremovethesame or causeittobemovedwithout notice. (2006Code, ch.10,sec. 2.03(G). See end ofthisarticleforfullhistoryforthisarticle.) Statelawreference– Displayofunauthorizedsigns,signalsormarkings,V.T.C.A.,TransportationCode, sec.544.006. Sec. 12.02.005Interference Nopersonshallwithoutlawfulauthorityattempttoorinfactalter,deface,injure,knockdownor removeanyofficialtraffic-controldevice,signorsignaloranyrailroadsignorsignalorany inscription,shield,orinsigniathereon,oranypartthereof.(2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.03(H).See end ofthisarticleforfullhistoryforthis article.) Statelawreference– Interferencewithtraffic-controldevicesorrailroadsignsorsignals,V.T.C.A., TransportationCode,sec.544.005. Sec. 12.02.006Manualoperationoftrafficsignals byschoolcrossing guard (a)Theschoolcrossingguardsofficiallydesignatedbythechiefofpoliceareherebyinvested withtheauthoritytomanuallyoperatetraffic-controlsignals,pursuanttosection542.202,Tex. TransportationCodeAnn.(Vernon1998),bywhichtrafficisalternatelydirectedtostopand permittedto proceed. (b)Pursuanttosection542.501,Tex.TransportationCodeAnn.(Vernon1998),itshallbe unlawfulforanypersontowillfullyfailorrefusetocomplywithatraffic-controlsignaloperated by a school crossingguard. (2006Code, ch.10,sec. 2.03(I). See end ofthis articleforfullhistoryforthisarticle.) Statelawreference– Obediencetolawfulorderordirectionofschoolcrossingguard,V.T.C.A., TransportationCode,sec.542.501. Sec. 12.02.007Installation andmaintenance Thetownmanagerordesigneeshallplaceandmaintaintraffic-controlsigns,signalsanddevices whenandasrequiredunderthischapterorothertrafficcodesofthistowntomakeeffectivethe provisionsofthischapterorothercodes,andmayplaceandmaintainsuchadditionaltraffic- controldevicesashemaydeemnecessarytoregulatetrafficunderthischapterorothertraffic codesofthistownorunderstatelaw,ortoguideorwarntraffic.(2006Code,ch.10,sec. 2.03(J); OrdinanceadoptingCode.See endofthisarticleforfullhistoryforthisarticle.) 12-13Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 221 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles Sec. 12.02.008Evidenceofvalidity Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersonnotauthorizedbythetownmanagerordesigneetoinstallor causetobeinstalledanysignal,signordevicepurportingtodirecttheuseofthestreetsorthe activitiesonthosestreetsofpedestrians,vehicles,motorvehicles,oranimals.Proof,inany prosecutionforaviolationofthischapteroranytrafficcodeofthetown,thatanytraffic-control device,sign,signalormarkingwasactuallyinplaceonanystreetshallconstituteprimafacie evidencethatthesamewasinstalledbythetownpursuanttotheauthorityofthischapterorof anothercodedirectingtheinstallationofsuchdevice,signalormarking.(2006Code,ch.10,sec. 2.03(K);OrdinanceadoptingCode. See end ofthis articleforfullhistoryforthis article.) Secs. 12.02.009–12.02.030Reserved Division 2. Locations Sec. 12.02.031Stopsigns Stopsignsshallbeerectedatthefollowingintersections,andsuchintersectionsarehereby designatedasstopintersections.Everydriverofavehicleapproachingastopintersectionshall stopbeforeenteringthecrosswalkonthenearsideoftheintersectionor,intheeventthereisno crosswalk,shallstopataclearlymarkedstopline,but,ifnone,thenatthepointnearestthe intersectingroadwaywherethedriverhasaviewoftheapproachingtrafficontheintersecting roadwaybeforeenteringtheintersection,exceptwhendirectedtoproceedbyapoliceofficeror traffic-controlsignal.Thestopintersections andlocations ofstopsignsshallbe asfollows: (1)Atthecorner of everystreetor courtintersectingwith andenteringontoTrophyClub Drive. (2)Atthe cornerofeverystreetorcourtintersectingwith andenteringontoIndianCreek Drive. (3)Atthe corner ofeverystreetor courtintersectingwith andenteringontoVillageTrail Drive. (4)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofInvernessDriveandForestHillDrive facing east on InvernessDrive. (5)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofPhoenixDriveandPebbleBeachDrive facing east on PhoenixDrive. (6)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofCarnoustieDriveandOakmontDrive facing east on CarnoustieDrive. (7)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheeasternmostsectionoftheintersectionofSeminole Drive and FreshMeadowDrivefacing north on SeminoleDrive. (8)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofPinOakDriveandTrophyWoodDrive facing east on PinOakDrive. 12-14Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 222 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (9)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofPebbleBeachDriveandTrophyWood Drivefacing east on PebbleBeachDrive. (10)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofPebbleBeachDriveandTrophyWood Drivefacingweston PebbleBeachDrive. (11)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofInvernessDriveandTrophyWood Drivefacing east on InvernessDrive. (12)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofInvernessDriveandTrophyWood DrivefacingwestonInvernessDrive. (13)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofSunriseCourtandEastHillsidePlace facing east on SunriseCourt. (14)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofGreenhillTrailSouthandEastHillside Placefacing east onGreenhillTrail South. (15)Atthenortheastcorneroftheintersection ofCrestwoodDrive and EastHillsidePlace facing east on CrestwoodDrive. (16)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofRockwoodDriveandCrestwoodDrive facingsouthonRockwoodDrive. (17)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofCimarronDriveandSonoraDrive facingsouthonCimarronDrive. (18)AtthenorthwestcornerofOverhillDriveandTimberRidgeDrivefacingnorthon OverhillDrive. (19)AtthenorthwestcornerofRockwoodDriveandMeadowbrookLanefacingnorthon RockwoodDrive. (20)AtthenortheastcornerofGreenleafDriveandMeadowbrookLanefacingsoutheast onGreenleafDrive. (21)AtthenorthernmostintersectionofTimberlineDriveandGreenleafDriveonthe southwestcornerfacingwest onTimberlineDrive. (22)AtthenortheastcornerofTimberRidgeDriveandGreenhillDrivefacingeaston TimberRidgeDrive. (23)AtthesouthernmostintersectionofTimberlineDriveandGreenleafDriveonthe northwest corner north onGreenleafDrive. (24)Atthesoutheast corner ofLakeForestDriveandCypressCourtfacingsouthonLake ForestDrive. (25)AtthenorthwestcornerofSummitCoveandMunicipalDrivefacingnorthon SummitCove. 12-15Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 223 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (26)AtthenorthwestcornerofHilltopandOakHillDrivefacing north on Hilltop. (27)AtthesouthwestcornerofOakHillDriveandOakHillDrivefacingwest;thisstreet circlesaroundintoitself. (28)AtthenortheastcornerofOakVillageCourtandOakHillDrivefacingeastonOak VillageCourt. (29)AtthenorthwestcornerofCarnoustieDriveandWilshireDrivefacingnorthon CarnoustieDrive. (30)AtthesoutheastcornerofPortlandDriveandWilshireDrivefacingsouthon PortlandDrive. (31)AtthesoutheastcornerofBerkshireDriveandPortlandDrivefacingsouthweston BerkshireDrive. (32)AtthenortheastcornerofPalmettoCourtandOakmontDrivefacingeaston PalmettoCourt. (33)AtthesouthwestcornerofOakmontDriveandOakmontDrivefacingwest;this street circlesaroundintoitself. (34)AtthesouthwestcornerofShastaDriveandTrophyLakeDrivefacingweston ShastaDrive. (35)AtthenorthwestcornerofLlanoDriveandShastaDrivefacingnorthonLlano Drive. (36)AllfourcornerswhereCimarronDrive and ShastaDriveintersect. (37)AtthesoutheastcornerofShastaDriveandAlamosaDrivefacingsouthonShasta Drive. (38)AtthesoutheastcornerofPagosaCourtandSonoraDrivefacingsouthonPagosa Court. (39)AtthesoutheastcornerofPaloDuroCourtandSonoraDrivefacingsouthonPalo DuroCourt. (40)AtthesoutheastcornerofMesaVerdeCourtandSonoraDrivefacingsouthonMesa VerdeCourt. (41)AtthesoutheastcornerofSalidaDriveandChimneyRockDrivefacingsouthon SalidaDrive. (42)AtthesoutheastcornerofSonoraDriveandMontereyDrivefacingsouthonSonora Drive. 12-16Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 224 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (43)AtthenorthwestcornerofSilverRockDriveandChimneyRockDrivefacingnorth on SilverRockDrive. (44)AtthesouthwestcornerofMontereyDriveandSilverRockDrivefacingweston MontereyDrive. (45)AtthenortheastcornerofChimneyRockDriveandSonoraDrivefacingeaston ChimneyRockDrive. (46)Atthecornerof every courtintersectionwith andentering ontoCreekCourtsDrive. (47)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofOakVillageLaneandOakHillDrive facing east on OakVillageLane. (48)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofJamieCourtandTrophyWoodDrive facingwest onJamieCourt. (49)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofJenniferCourtandMichelleCourt facing east onJenniferCourt. (50)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofGlenwickCourtandMeadowRidge Drivefacingsouth on GlenwickCourt. (51)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofGlenHurstCourtandMeadowRidge Drivefacingsouth on GlenHurstCourt. (52)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofRidgewoodDriveandMeadowRidge Drivefacing north on RidgewoodDrive. (53)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofBriarwoodCourtandMeadowRidge Drivefacingsouth on BriarwoodCourt. (54)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofMeadowLakeDriveandAvalonDrive facingwest onMeadowLakeDrive. (55)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofLakewoodDriveandAvalonDrive facing north on AvalonDrive. (56)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofSilverRockDriveandMcKenzieDrive facing east on SilverRockDrive. (57)Atthesouthwest corner ofthe northernmostintersection ofLakeviewDrive and Lake ShoreDrivefacingwest onLakeviewDrive. (58)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofParkwayCourtandParkLanefacing southon ParkwayCourt. (59)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofParkLaneandParkviewDrivefacing west on ParkLane. 12-17Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 225 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (60)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofCimarronCourtandCimarronDrive facingwest on CimarronCourt. (61)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofRoundRockCourtandLlanoDrive facing east on RoundRockCourt. (62)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofPaintRockCourtandLlanoDrive facing east on PaintRockCourt. (63)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofHannaCourtandTrophyWoodDrive facing east on HannaCourt. (64)AtthecornerofeverystreetorcourtintersectionwithandenteringontoDurango Drive. (65)AtthecornerofeverystreetorcourtintersectionwithandenteringontoSkyline Drive. (66)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofPanoramaCirclegoingwestand PanoramaCirclegoing north. (67)Atthe northwestcorneroftheintersection ofClearVistaDrive and ClearVistaDrive facing north on ClearVistaDrive. (68)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofLakeviewDriveandLakeshoreDrive facing north on LakeshoreDrive. (69)AtthesouthwestcornerofthesouthernmostintersectionofLakeviewDriveand LakeshoreDrivefacingwest on LakeviewDrive. (70)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofLakeviewDriveandLakeshoreDrive facingsouthonLakeshoreDrive. (71)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofTrophyWoodDriveandInverness Drivefacing north onTrophy Wood Drive. (72)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofTrophyWoodDriveandInverness Drivefacingsouth onTrophy Wood Drive. (73)Atthesouthwest corner oftheintersection ofTrophyWoodDrive and StateHighway 114serviceroad,facing northfortrafficturningwest onto StateHighway 114 service road. (74)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofGlasgowDriveandGalloway Boulevardfacingsouth onGlasgowDrive. (75)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAlisaLaneandMcLeanAvenuefacing northeast on AlisaLane. 12-18Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 226 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (76)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAlisaLaneandMontgomerieAvenue facingwest on AlisaLane. (77)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofMontgomerieAvenueandGalloway Boulevardfacing east onMontgomerieAvenue. (78)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofVerandaAvenueandGalloway BoulevardfacingsoutheastonVerandaAvenue. (79)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofCarrickDriveandVerandaAvenue facing eastsoutheastonCarrickDrive. (80)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofStirlingAvenueandCarrickDrive facing northwest on StirlingAvenue. (81)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofStirlingAvenueandGalloway Boulevardfacing east on StirlingAvenue. (82)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofPrestwickAvenueandGalloway Boulevardfacingsouthsoutheaston PrestwickAvenue. (83)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofPrestwickAvenueandCarrickDrive facing north on PrestwickAvenue. (84)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofCarrickDriveandEdinburghAvenue facing northwest on CarrickDrive. (85)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAberdeenDriveandEdinburghAvenue facingwest on AberdeenDrive. (86)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAberdeenDriveandPrestwickAvenue facing northeast on AberdeenDrive. (87)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofGallowayBoulevardandEdinburgh Avenuefacing northwestonGallowayBoulevard. (88)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofHighlandsDriveandGalloway Boulevardfacing north onHighlandsDrive. (89)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandHighlandsDrive facingwest onMonaValeRoad. (90)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofBellshillLaneandMonaValeRoad facing north on BellshillLane. (91)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofRalstonDriveandStrathfieldLane facingsouthonRalstonDrive. (92)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofRalstonDriveandLilyfieldDrive facing north on RalstonDrive. 12-19Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 227 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (93)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofLilyfieldDriveandMonaValeRoad facing northwest on LilyfieldDrive. (94)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofStrathfieldLaneandLilyfieldDrive facing northeast onStrathfieldLane. (95)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofRoseburyLaneandLilyfieldDrive facing east on RoseburyLane. (96)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofBroadwayDriveandRosevilleDrive facing east on BroadwayDrive. (97)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofBroadwayDriveandMosmanLane facingwest on BroadwayDrive. (98)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofMosmanLaneandMorganLanefacing southwestonMosmanLane. (99)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofMorganLaneandRosevilleDrive facing northeast onMorganLane. (100)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofRosevilleDriveandBobcatBoulevard facing north on RosevilleDrive. (101)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofBroadwayDriveandHighlandsDrive facing east on BroadwayDrive. (102)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofBroadwayDriveandTrophyPark Drivefacing northwest onBroadwayDrive. (103)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofWaverlyDriveandBroadwayDrive facing northeast onWaverlyDrive. (104)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofDerbyWayandTrophyParkDrive facingsouthonDerby Way. (105)Atthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionof Strathfield and Lilyfieldfacingsouth. (106)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofParkviewandBobcatBoulevardfacing south. (107)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofMarshallCreekandBobcatBoulevard facingsouthwest. (108)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofKensingtonLaneandRosevilleDrive facing east. (109)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofKensingtonLaneandGenevaCourt facing north. 12-20Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 228 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (110)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofKensingtonLaneandRoseBayCourt facing north. (111)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofKensingtonLaneandBalmainCourt facingwest. (112)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofMorganLaneandBronteCourtfacing south. (113)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMorganLaneandWillowLanefacing north. (114)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofYorkshireDriveandSherwoodDrive facingsouth. (115)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofYorkshireDriveandEarlDrivefacing west. (116)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofEarlDriveandSheffieldDrivefacing north. (117)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofSheffieldDriveandSherwoodDrive facing east. (118)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofEdinburghAvenueandMalinDrive facingwest. (119)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofAbbyLaneandVerandaAvenuefacing east. (120)Atthenortheastcorneroftheintersection ofVerandaAvenue and MalinDrivefacing east. (121)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofEarlDriveandExeterDrivefacing west. (122)Atthe northwest corneroftheintersectionofExeterDrive and SheffieldDrivefacing north. (123)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofKentStreetandMonaValeRoadfacing east. (124)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandMarrickville Drivefacing north. (125)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofDarlinghurstRoadandMarrickville Drivefacing north. (126)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofCastlereachStreetandMarrickville Drivefacing north. 12-21Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 229 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (127)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofDarlinghurstRoadandCastlereach Streetfacing east. (128)Atthesouthwest corneroftheintersection ofCastlereach Street andMonaValeRoad facingwest. (129)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofChatswoodDriveandWaverlyDrive facing north. (130)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofKingLaneandChatswoodDrivefacing southeast. (131)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofKingLaneandAnnadaleDrivefacing north. (132)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAnnadaleDriveandWaverlyDrive facing north. (133)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofWaverlyDriveandBalmoralDrive facingwest. (134)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofBalmoralDriveandTrophyParkDrive facing north. (135)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofGreenanDriveandMontgomerieDrive facingwest. (136)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofGreenanDriveandMcLeanDrive facing north. (137)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofDerbyCourtandGallowayBoulevard facing north. (138)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandYorkStreet facing east. (139)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandCromwellCourt facing north. (140)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandBrunswickCourt facing north. (141)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandMartinCourt facing north. (142)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandRanwickCourt facing north. (143)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofMonaValeRoadandHighlandsDrive facing east. 12-22Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 230 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (144)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofHydeCoveandWaverlyDrivefacing north. (145)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofRamseyTrailandFisherDrivefacing south. (146)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofAbbotLaneandRamseyTrailfacing east. (147)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofDoverLaneandRamseyTrailfacing east. (148)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofTenisonTrailandDoverLanefacing north. (149)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofDoverLaneandBecketPlacefacing south. (150)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofBecketPlaceandDoverLanefacing east. (151)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofTaitCourtandTenisonTrailfacing south. (152)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofExeterDriveandNottinghamDrive facingsouth. (153)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAnnandaleDriveandNottingham Drivefacing north. (154)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofChatswoodDriveandWaverlyDrive facing north. (155)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAnnandaleDriveandTrophyPark Drivefacing north. (156)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofAnnandaleDriveandTrophyPark Drivefacing east. (157)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofEnfieldDriveandWaverlyDrive facingwest. (158)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofEnfieldDriveandChatswoodDrive facingsouth. (159)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofAnnandaleandWaverlyDrivefacing north. (160)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofMorganLaneandHighlandsDrive facingwest. 12-23Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 231 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (161)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofMorganLaneandHighlandsDrive facing east. (162)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofArgyleLaneandMorganLanefacing south. (163)Atthenorthwest corner oftheintersection ofArgyleLane and BroadwayLanefacing north. (164)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofBroadwayLaneandMossmanDrive facingwest. (165)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofBroadwayLaneandMossmanDrive facing east. (166)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofMeadowRidgeDriveandWinstead Courtfacing east. (167)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofLakeCircleCourtandLakeCircle Drivefacingwest. (168)AtthesoutheastcorneroftheintersectionofLakeCircleDriveandLakesideDrive facingsouth. (169)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofLakesideDriveandMeadowLake Drivefacingwest. (170)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofGreenbrookCourtandCreeksideDrive facingwest. (171)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofCambriaCourtandCreeksideDrive facing north. (172)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofParkviewDriveandCreeksideDrive facing north. (173)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofSeminoleDriveandFreshMeadow Drivefacing north. (174)AtthenorthwestcorneroftheintersectionofClearVistaDriveandEaglesCourt facing north. (175)AtthenortheastcorneroftheintersectionofwestboundPlazaDriveandnorthbound TrophyWoodDrive,facingeastfortrafficturningnorthorsouthonTrophyWood Drive orcontinuingweston PlazaDrive. (176)AtthesouthwestcorneroftheintersectionofeastboundPlazaDriveandsouthbound TrophyWoodDrive,facingwestfortrafficturningnorthorsouthonTrophyWood Drive orcontinuing east on PlazaDrive. 12-24Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 232 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (177)Atthesoutheastcorneroftheintersection ofPlazaDrive and T.W.KingRoad,facing westfortrafficturning north orsouthonT.W.KingRoad. (2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.03(B);Ordinance2015-45adopted2/9/16.Seeendofthisarticlefor full historyforthisarticle.) Statelawreferences– Authoritytodesignatethroughhighwaysandstopandyieldintersections,V.T.C.A., TransportationCode,secs.542.202,544.003;mannerofstoppingatstoporyieldsign,V.T.C.A., TransportationCode,sec.544.010. Sec. 12.02.032U-turns (a)Restrictions. (1)Itshallbeunlawfulforthedriverofanyvehicletoturnsuchvehiclesoastoproceed intheoppositedirectionortomakeaonehundredeighty(180)degreeturn(U-turn) onanystreetpostedbythetownwithasignorsignsindicatingthatsuchamovement isprohibited.U-turnsshallbepermittedatlocationswherenosignorstatelaw prohibitssuchturn. (2)ItshallbeunlawfulforthedriverofanyvehicletomakeaU-turnunsafely,orby backing, orwhensuchturncausesinterferencewithothertraffic. (b)Prohibitedlocations.U-turnsignsshallbeerectedatthefollowinglocations,andsuch locationsareherebydesignatedasprohibitedU-turnlocations.TheprohibitedlocationsofU- turnsshall beasfollows: (1)Thesouthend ofthemedian abuttingthe StateHighway 114 serviceroad and west of 353TrophyLakeDrive.Thisprohibition applies onlytotrafficnorth bound. (2)ThesouthendofthemedianofTrophyClubDriveabuttingtheStateHighway114 serviceroadandwestof99TrophyClubDrive.Thisprohibitionappliesonlyto trafficnorth bound. (3)AlongParkviewDrivebetweenParkLaneandtheentrancetotheTrophyClub CommunityPoolparkinglotentrance.Thisprohibitionappliesonlyduringposted school hours. (2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.03(C);Ordinance2015-18,sec.2.01,adopted8/11/15.Seeendofthis articleforfullhistoryforthisarticle.) Sec. 12.02.033Emergencysigns TwoemergencysignsshallbelocatedonTrophyClubDrive.Thesignfornorthboundtraffic shallbelocated242feetsouthoftheintersectionofTrophyClubDriveandMunicipalDriveon the eastsideofTrophyClubDrive.Thesignforsouthboundtrafficshallbelocated 343 feet north 12-25Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 233 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles oftheintersectionofTrophyClubDriveandMunicipalDriveinthecentermedianofTrophy ClubDrive.(2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.03(L).Seeendofthisarticleforfullhistoryforthis article.) (Ordinance2004-09,sec.IV,adopted2/16/04;Ordinance2005-26,sec.IV,adopted10/3/05; Ordinance2006-19,sec.II,adopted6/19/06;2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.03;Ordinance2008-38, sec.II,adopted12/1/08;Ordinance2009-32,sec.II,adopted11/16/09;Ordinance2011-02, adopted1/17/11;Ordinance 2011-37, adopted 10/17/11;Ordinance 2013-01 adopted 1/7/13) * ARTICLE 12.03 OPERATIONOFVEHICLES Division 1. Generally Secs. 12.03.001–12.03.040Reserved † Division 2. SpeedRegulations Sec. 12.03.041Maximumspeed generally (a)Exceptasprovidedbysection12.02.003ofthiscode,nopersonshalldriveavehicleona streetorhighwaywithinthetownataspeedgreaterthanisreasonableandprudentunderthe circumstancesthenexisting. (b)Themaximumrateofspeedonallofthestreets,roadsandhighwayswithinthecorporate limitsofthetownshallbethirty(30)milesperhour,exceptindesignatedschoolzonesas providedherein. (c)Themaximumrateofspeedonallofthealleyswithinthecorporatelimitsofthetownshall be(15)fifteenmilesperhour. (2006Code, ch.10,sec. 2.02(A). See end ofthisdivisionforfullhistoryforthisdivision.) Statelawreference– Maximumspeed requirement,V.T.C.A.,TransportationCode,sec.545.351. Sec. 12.03.042Specialspeedzones Thefollowingareas,streetsorportionsthereofshallbedesignatedspecialspeedzonesandit shallbeunlawfulforanypersontodriveanyvehiclethereonataspeedgreaterthantwenty(20) miles perhour duringthe designatedtimes: (1)OnVillageTrailRoadfromthe0blocktothe300block,betweenthehoursof7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and betweenthe hoursof2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on schooldays. \[Continued on page 12-29.\] * Statelawreference– Operationandmovementofvehicles,V.T.C.A.,TransportationCode,ch.546. † Statelawreferences– Authoritytoestablishoralterprimafaciespeedlimits,V.T.C.A.,Transportation Code,sec.542.202(12);speedrestrictions,V.T.C.A.,TransportationCode,sec.545.351etseq.;authority ofmunicipalitytoalterspeedlimits,V.T.C.A.,TransportationCode,sec.545.356. 12-26Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 234 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles areabeinglocatedapproximatelyone-fourth(1/4)milefromtheintersectionof TrophyClubDriveandStateHighway114),andwhichareaisdesignatedand markedbystripingorotherwiseasaparkingareawherevehiclesmaypark,stopor standfornomorethanfive(5)minutesforthepurposeofreviewingthe information/mapsign; (4)TrophyLakeDrive; (5)Alongthesouthside oftheentirelengthof FairwayVillageDrive; (6)Alongthesouthside oftheentirelengthof SummitCoveDrive; (7)AlongtheeastandwestsidesofParkviewDrivefromParkLaneto500Parkview Drivebetweenthehoursof7:00a.m.and9:30a.m.andbetweenthehoursof2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on school days; (8)AlongtheeastandwestsidesofParkviewDrivefrom500ParkviewDrivetoBobcat Boulevardbetweenthehoursof7:00a.m.and9:30a.m.andbetweenthehoursof 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. onschool days; (9)Between22 and42WestHillsidePlace; (10)On a sidewalk; (11)Infront ofa public orprivatedriveway; (12)Withinanintersection; (13)On a crosswalk; (14)Withintwenty(20)feetofa crosswalk at anintersection; (15)Withinfifteen(15)feetofafire hydrant; or (16)Wheresigns are erectedorcurbs are paintedindicatingthatsuchis not allowed. (2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.05(B);OrdinanceadoptingCode;Ordinance2015-18,sec.2.02, adopted8/11/15. See end ofthisdivisionforfull historyforthisdivision.) Sec. 12.04.004Parking on unapprovedsurface Apersoncommitsanoffenseifhestops,standsorparksamotorvehicleonalot,unlessthe vehicleisonanapprovedpavedsurface.(2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.05(C)(1).Seeendofthis divisionforfull historyforthis division.) Sec. 12.04.005Parkingnearcertaincrosswalks Itshallbeunlawfultoparkamotorvehiclewithintwentyfeet(20')ofthemarkedcrosswalksat thefollowinglocations: (1)BobcatBlvd. 400'south ofthetownlimits. 12-31Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 235 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles (2)BobcatBlvd. atMarshallCreekRd. (3)BobcatBlvd. atParkview. (4)(2)BobcatBlvd. atTrophyClubDr. (5)404 ParkviewDr. (6)410 ParkviewDr. (7)500 ParkviewDr. (8)(2)ParkviewDr. atDurango. (9)(2)Durango atParkview. (10)197Durango. (11)(2)Durango atVillageTrl. (12)(2)VillageTrl. atDurango. (13)VillageTrl.atSonora. (14)VillageTrl.atSundanceCt. (15)TrophyLake atVillageTrl. (16)TrophyClubatMeadowCreekCt. (17)(2)TrophyClubatTrophyLake. (18)TrophyClubatDurango. (2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.05(C)(2);OrdinanceadoptingCode.Seeendofthisdivisionforfull historyforthisdivision.) Sec. 12.04.006Exceptionforemergencyvehicles and governmental vehicles Allemergencyvehiclesshallbeexemptfromtherestrictionsassetforthinsections12.04.003, 12.04.004and12.04.005hereof.Emergencyvehiclesshallincludeambulances,firetrucksand equipment,policevehiclesandallgovernmentalvehiclesusedfornecessarygovernmental purposes.(2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.05(D).Seeendofthisdivisionforfullhistoryforthis division.) 12-32Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 236 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles Sec. 12.04.007Parkingnearsafetyzone,firelane orfire hydrant Exceptwherenecessarytoavoidconflictwithothertraffic,orincompliancewithlaworthe directionofapoliceofficerorofficialtraffic-controldevice,nopersonshallstop,standorparka vehicle: (1)Betweenasafetyzoneorfirelaneandtheadjacentcurborwithinthirtyfeet(30')of pointsonthecurbimmediatelyoppositetheendsofasafetyzone,unlessadifferent lengthisindicated bysignsormarkings. (2)Adjacenttoafirehydrantwithinfifteenfeet(15')ofpointsonthecurbdirectly adjacenttoafire hydrant,unless a differentlengthisindicatedbysigns ormarkings. (2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.05(H);OrdinanceadoptingCode.Seeendofthisdivisionforfull historyforthisdivision.) Sec. 12.04.008Overnight parking Aftertheeffectivedateofthissection,onlytemporarypermitsshallbeissuedbythetown. Annualpermitsissuedonorbeforetheeffectivedateofthisarticle(Friday,January1,2016), shallremainineffectaslongastheconditionsofthissectionaremet.Suchpermitsshallnotbe transferableandshallonlycontinuetobevalidwhenutilizedattheaddresstowhichtheywere originallyissuedandiftheannualrenewalfeeassetforthinthefeescheduleinappendixAof thiscode,perpermithasbeenpaidandremainscurrent.Ifapermitlapsesforfailuretopaythe applicablefee orifthepermitistransferredto a differentaddress,itshallbevoid. (1)Prohibition-restrictedhours.Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontostandorparkany motorvehicle,trailer,mobilehome,motorhome,otherrecreationalvehicle,orboat alongoruponanypublichighway,street,alleyorotherpublicright-of-waylocated withinthetownbetweenthehoursof3:00a.m.and5:00a.m.eachday(hereinafter “restrictedhours”).Thisprohibitionshallnotbeapplicabletoanymotorvehicle whichisbeingusedforemergencypurposes,totheoperationofanymotorvehicle beingusedbyautilitycompanyforrepairpurposes,ortoanygovernmentalvehicle beingusedfornecessarygovernmentalpurposes.Nothinginthisarticleshallbe construedtoauthorizetheparkingofanymotorvehicle,trailer,mobilehome,motor home,otherrecreationalvehicle,orboatinviolationofanyotherordinanceofthe townspecifically applicabletosuchvehicles. (2)Authoritytoparkduringrestrictedhours-byspecialpermission.Specialpermission toparkonanypublichighway,street,alleyorotherpublicright-of-wayduringthe restrictedhoursmaybegrantedbythechiefofpoliceorhisdesigneeinaccordance withthissection.Apersonmayparkorstandamotorvehicle,trailer,mobilehome, motorhome,otherrecreationalvehicle,orboatownedorcontrolledbyhim/herona publicstreet,highwayorotherpublicright-of-waybetweenthehoursof3:00a.m. and 5:00 a.m., providedthat notice ofsuchparking orstandingisgiventothechief of policeordesigneebynolaterthan5:00p.m.oftheimmediatelyprecedingday.Such parkingorstandingshallnotexceedseven(7)consecutivedaysinanyone(1)thirty (30)dayperiod.Anyvehicleparkedaspermittedbythissectionshallbeparked directlyinfrontoftheresidencebeingvisitedinsuchamannerasnottoobstruct 12-33Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 237 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter12: TrafficandVehicles accesstotheprivatedrivewaysofneighboringresidents.Undernocircumstances shall permissiontopark duringrestrictedhours be grantedifinthesoledetermination ofthe chief of police orhisdesignee,therequestmayresultin a traffic hazard ormay impedetheaccessof emergency or othervehicles. (3)Authoritytoparkduringrestrictedhours-temporaryparkingpermit-fee.Any personwhodesirestostandorparkamotorvehicleuponapublichighway,street, alleyorotherpublicright-of-wayduringrestrictedhoursbeyondthetimeperiod approvedbythe chief ofpoliceor designeepursuanttosubsection(2) aboveandwho meetstherequirementsofthissectiontoqualifyforatemporaryparkingpermit,shall purchaseatemporaryparkingpermitfromthetown.Atemporaryparkingpermit shallonlybeallowediftherearefour(4)ormorevehiclesattheaddressofthe personrequestingthepermit.Amaximumofone(1)temporaryparkingpermitmay beissuedperaddress.Suchpermitshallbedisplayedinthefrontwindshieldofa motorvehiclelocatedattheaddressoftheapplicantsothatthepermitisplainly visibletoapersonstandingoutsideofthemotorvehicle.Atemporaryparkingpermit maybetransferredtoanyvehicleatthat address;however,itshallnot betransferable toathirdpartyforuseatanaddressotherthantheaddressforwhichitwas purchased.Atemporaryparkingpermitauthorizedbythissectionshallbeissuedfor aperiodnottoexceedninety(90)consecutivedayswithinone(1)yearfromthedate ofissuance.Thetemporaryparkingpermitfeeassetforthinthefeeschedulein appendixAofthiscode,shallbevalidforone(1)yearfromthedateofissuanceof thepermit.Iftheneedforatemporaryparkingpermitresultsfromdrivewayrepairs beingperformedbyaresidentorunderthedirectionofapublicutilitycompanyora governmentalentity,includingwithoutlimitationthetownorMUD1,thepermitfee imposedbythissectionshallbewaived.Anymotorvehicleparkedaspermittedby thissectionshallbeparkedinfrontoftheresidenceforwhichthetemporarypermit hasbeenissuedinsuchamanner asnottoobstructaccesstothe privatedrivewaysof neighboringresidents.Undernocircumstancesshallapermittoparkduring restrictedhoursbegrantedifinthesoledeterminationofthechiefofpoliceorhis designee,therequestmayresultinatraffichazardormayimpedetheaccessof emergency or othervehicles. (4)Motorvehiclesineligibleforrestrictedhoursparkingpermit.Parkingpermitsissued toresidencesunderthissectionshallnotbeallowedforuseinsemi-trailers,trailers, truck-tractorsor nonoperablemotorvehicles. (2006Code,ch.10,sec.2.05(E);OrdinanceadoptingCode;Ordinance2015-40adopted12/8/15. See endofthis divisionforfull historyforthisdivision.) Sec. 12.04.009Parkingfordisabledpersons (a)Postingofsign;widthofspaces.Thetown,oranyprivatepropertyownerwithinthetown, whovoluntarilydesignatesaparkingspaceorareaspecificallyforapersonwhoisdisabledby reasonofmobilityproblemsthatsubstantiallyimpairtheperson’sabilitytoambulateorwhois legallyblind,mustpostasignthatconformstothedesignestablishedandapprovedbythestate departmentoftransportationandthespaceorspacesprovidedmustconformtothewidth requirementsset bythedepartment. 12-34Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 238 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 CHAPTER14 ZONING ARTICLE 14.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS.............................................................................14-7 ARTICLE 14.02 ZONINGORDINANCE.................................................................................14-7 Division1.Generally...............................................................................................................14-7 Sec. 14.02.001Shorttitle.............................................................................................14-7 Sec. 14.02.002Purpose................................................................................................14-7 Sec. 14.02.003Officialzoningmap.............................................................................14-7 Sec. 14.02.004Rulesforinterpretation of districtboundaries.....................................14-8 Sec. 14.02.005Generalprovisions...............................................................................14-9 Sec. 14.02.006Newly annexedterritory....................................................................14-10 Sec. 14.02.007Zoning designation ofvacatedstreets andalleys..............................14-10 Sec. 14.02.008Waterareas........................................................................................14-10 Division2.Definitions..........................................................................................................14-10 Sec. 14.02.051Catchlines..........................................................................................14-10 Sec. 14.02.052General definitions............................................................................14-11 Division3.EstablishmentofDistricts...................................................................................14-28 Sec. 14.02.101Districtclassifications.......................................................................14-28 Sec. 14.02.102Classificationof newandunlisted properties....................................14-29 Sec. 14.02.103Usetable............................................................................................14-30 Division4.DistrictRegulations............................................................................................14-33 Sec. 14.02.151R-15 Single-FamilyDistrictregulations............................................14-33 Sec. 14.02.152R-12 Single-FamilyDistrictregulations............................................14-36 Sec. 14.02.153R-11 Single-FamilyDistrictregulations............................................14-39 Sec. 14.02.154R-10 Single-FamilyDistrictregulations............................................14-42 Sec. 14.02.155R-9 Single-FamilyDistrictregulations..............................................14-45 Sec. 14.02.156R-8 Single-FamilyDistrictregulations..............................................14-48 Sec. 14.02.157R-FV Single-FamilyDistrictregulations..........................................14-51 Sec. 14.02.158R-TTTwentyinTrophy Single-FamilyDistrictregulations.............14-54 Sec. 14.02.159R-OHOakHill Single-FamilyDistrictregulations...........................14-56 Sec. 14.02.160R-OHPOakHill PatioSingle-FamilyDistrictregulations...............14-59 Sec. 14.02.161R-S Summit Single-FamilyDistrictregulations................................14-62 Sec. 14.02.162MHHUD-CodeManufacturedHome and IndustrializedHousing Districtregulations..........................................................................14-65 Sec. 14.02.163PD PlannedDevelopmentDistrictregulations..................................14-70 Sec. 14.02.164NSNeighborhoodServiceDistrictregulations.................................14-74 Sec. 14.02.165CGCommercialGeneralDistrictregulations...................................14-77 Sec. 14.02.166CRCommercialRecreationDistrictregulations...............................14-82 Sec. 14.02.167PO ProfessionalOfficeDistrictregulations......................................14-87 Sec. 14.02.168GUGovernmentUseDistrictregulations.........................................14-92 Sec. 14.02.169HHistoricLandmarkDistrictregulations.........................................14-94 Division5. SupplementaryDistrictRegulations...................................................................14-95 Sec. 14.02.251Temporary uses.................................................................................14-95 Sec. 14.02.252Saleofalcoholicbeverages...............................................................14-97 14-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 239 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning Sec. 14.02.253Accessorystructures and uses.........................................................14-105 Sec. 14.02.254Heightlimits....................................................................................14-109 Sec. 14.02.255Requiredyards.................................................................................14-109 Sec. 14.02.256Projectionsintorequiredyards........................................................14-110 Sec. 14.02.257Right-of-way and easement dedicationrequirements......................14-110 Sec. 14.02.258Nonconforming uses andstructures................................................14-110 Sec. 14.02.259Siteplanrequirements.....................................................................14-113 Sec. 14.02.260Wirelessantennas andantennafacilities......................................14-114.1 Sec. 14.02.261Home occupations...........................................................................14-124 Sec. 14.02.262Oil andgaswell drilling and production.........................................14-125 Division6.Conditional and SpecificUses..........................................................................14-139 Sec. 14.02.301Conditionalusepermits...................................................................14-139 Sec. 14.02.302Specific use permit..........................................................................14-142 Division7.DevelopmentandDesign Standards.................................................................14-145 Sec. 14.02.351Fencing,retainingwalls andscreening............................................14-145 Sec. 14.02.352Landscapingregulations..................................................................14-154 Sec. 14.02.353Off-street parkingregulations..........................................................14-161 Sec. 14.02.354Off-streetloadingregulations..........................................................14-164 Sec. 14.02.355Parking and loadingareadevelopmentstandardsfor nonresidential uses.........................................................................14-165 Division8.AdministrationandEnforcement......................................................................14-166 Sec. 14.02.401Administration and enforcement.....................................................14-166 Sec. 14.02.402Certificates ofoccupancyand compliance......................................14-169 Sec. 14.02.403Amendments....................................................................................14-169 Sec. 14.02.404Planning and zoning commission....................................................14-171 Sec. 14.02.405Zoning board ofadjustment.............................................................14-173 Sec. 14.02.406Public hearings................................................................................14-175 Sec. 14.02.407Exceptions andexemptions notrequiredtobe negated...................14-175 Sec. 14.02.408Penalty.............................................................................................14-176 Division9.Illustrations.......................................................................................................14-176 Sec. 14.02.451Firstfloor designationandmeasurement ofheightofstructure......14-176 Sec. 14.02.452Heightmeasurementforprimarystructureand accessory building..........................................................................................14-177 Sec. 14.02.453Determiningsetback distancealong curved propertylines.............14-177 Sec. 14.02.454Methodofmeasuringfront yard......................................................14-178 Sec. 14.02.455Frontyardwherezoning changesina block...................................14-178 Sec. 14.02.456Lotwidth.........................................................................................14-179 Sec. 14.02.457Lot depth..........................................................................................14-179 Sec. 14.02.458Yards...............................................................................................14-180 Sec. 14.02.459Obstructionzones............................................................................14-180 Sec. 14.02.460Sight distancezone(planview).......................................................14-181 ARTICLE 14.03 OILANDGAS WELLS.............................................................................14-181 Division1.Generally...........................................................................................................14-181 Sec. 14.03.001Penalty.............................................................................................14-181 Sec. 14.03.002Developmentsiteplanrequirements...............................................14-181 Division2.Drilling and ProductionStandards....................................................................14-183 Sec. 14.03.031Applicability....................................................................................14-183 Sec. 14.03.032Generalstandards............................................................................14-183 14-2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 240 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning Sec. 14.02.259Siteplanrequirements Wheneverasiteplanisrequiredbythisordinance,suchsiteplanmustconformtothe requirementsofthissection.Exceptasotherwiseprovidedherein,allsiteplansmustbeapproved bythetowncounciluponrecommendation oftheplanning and zoning commission. (1)Requirementpriortobuildingpermit.Whenrequiredbythisordinance,asiteplan must be approved priortoissuanceof a building permit bythetown. (2)Changestothesiteplan.Changestothesiteplanshallbeprocessedinthesame manner astheoriginal approvedsite plan. (A)Exceptasotherwiseprovidedinsubsection(2)(C)ofthissection,anysiteplan thatisamendedshallrequireapprovalofthetowncouncilupon recommendationoftheplanning and zoning commission. (B)Changestothesiteplanwhichwill affecttheuseofthelandshallrequireeither anamendmenttoaPDorarezoningofproperty,whicheverapplies,andshall requirethe appropriatepublic hearings. (C)Minorchangesofdetailswithinasiteplan,whichdonotcreateasignificant changetothephysicalandaestheticcharactertoapreviouslyapprovedsite planasapprovedbythetowncouncil,maybeauthorizedbythetownmanager ortheirdesigneewhensuchminorchangeswillnotcauseanyofthefollowing circumstancesto occur: (i)Changestoanydevelopmentrequirementand/orpreferenceimposedby thetown councilas a conditionofapproval ofthesiteplan; or (ii)Anychangetoalandscaping,buildingdesignorotherrequirementthatis notgenerallyconsistentwiththeapprovedplan(s)andfailstomeetthe minimumrequirementsofanytownordinance,pertinentPDdistrict, specificorconditionalusepermit,oranyothervalidlegislative regulationimposed onthesite;or (iii)Achangeinfloorareaand/ortheratioofthegrossfloorareasin structurestothe areaof anylot;or (iv)A changeintheintensity of use and/or density ofresidentialunits; or (v)A changeintheoriginally approvedseparationsbetween buildings; or (vi)Achangeinanyimpactsrelatedtotrafficcirculation,publichealthand safety, utility construction;or (vii)Achangeinanyeffectofthedevelopmentupononadjacentproperty includinglight, noise, odorandvisual obstruction;or (viii)A changeintheoriginally approvedsetbacksfrom propertylines;or (ix)A changeinheightof anystructures;or 14-113Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 241 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning (x)A changeinground coverage bystructures;or (xi)Achangeintheratioofoff-streetparkingandloadingspacetogross floorareainthestructures;or (xii)Achangeinthesubject,size,lighting,flashinganimationororientation of originally approvedsigns;or (xiii)Anychangethatwouldrequiretheapprovalofavarianceorwaiverto any code orzoning districtrequirementwherenonecurrently exists. (3)Councilapproval.Uponrecommendationbytheplanningandzoningcommission, councilapprovalofasiteplanthataccompaniesazoningchangerequestshall becomepartoftheamendedordinance.Hearingsheldbythecouncilfor considerationofapprovalofsuchzoningchangeandaccompanyingsiteplanshallbe conductedinaccordancewiththe provisionsofsection14.02.406,PublicHearings. (4)Compliancewithtowndesignstandards.Thesiteplanmustcomplywithdesign standards,policies,andanydesigncriteriadeemednecessarytothesafety,health, andwelfareofthetown. (5)Siteplancontents.Thesiteplanshallcontaintheinformationlistedbelowandanyor alloftherequiredfeaturesmaybeincorporatedonasingledrawingifsuchdrawing isclearandcapableofevaluationbytheplanningandzoningcommission,thetown councilandthestaffpersonnelrequiredto enforce andinterpretthisordinance. (A)Thelocationofallexistingandplannedstructuresonthesubjectpropertyand approximatelocationsofstructuresonadjoiningpropertywithinonehundred feet(100'). (B)Lightingand/orfencingand/orscreeningofyardsandsetbackareasand proposed changes. (C)Design ofingressand egress. (D)Off-streetparkingandloadingfacilities,andcalculationsshowinghowthe quantitieswere obtained. (E)Height ofallstructures. (F)Proposed uses. (G)Landscapeplan. (H)Treesurveyindicatinglocation,size,andtypeofallexistingtrees. (I)Thelocationandtype ofallsigns,includinglighting and heights. (J)Elevation drawingsciting proposed exteriorfinishmaterial. 14-114Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 242 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning (K)Streetnames on proposedstreets. (L)Proposedwater,wastewatercollection,andstormsewerlines;proposed grading and drainage patterns. (M)Engineeringdrawingsofallimprovementstobe dedicatedtothetownorMUD ifthepropertyisnottobefinalplattedorifengineeringdrawingshavenot beenpreviouslysubmittedforthesite.Ifthepropertyistobefinalplatted, thesemay be providedatthattime. (N)Utility anddrainageeasementsfor dedicatedinfrastructure,ifrequired. (O)Suchadditionaltermsandconditions,includingdesignstandards,asthe planning and zoning commissionandthetown council deem necessary. (Ordinance98-29,sec.XLI,adopted12/1/98;Ordinance2000-06,sec.XLI,adopted3/21/00; 2006Code,ch. 13,sec. 5.09;Ordinance 2015-04 adopted5/26/15) Sec. 14.02.260Wireless antennas and antennafacilities (a)Purpose.Wirelesstelecommunicationsfacilitiesusedintransmittingandreceivingsignal energyareessentialandpromotethehealth,safety,andgeneralwelfareofthecitizensofthe town.Thepurposeofthissectionistogoverntheplacement ofthesefacilitiesto: (1)Assurethattheirlocationandusedonotcompromisetheaestheticqualityofthe community; (2)Encourageoperatorsofantennafacilitiesandantennastolocatetheminareaswhere theadverseimpact onthe communityisminimal; (3)Encourage co-location on both newand existing antennafacilities; (4)Encourageoperatorsofantennafacilitiesandantennastoconfiguretheminaway thatminimizesthe adversevisualimpactthrough careful design,landscapescreening, andinnovativestealthtechniques; 14-114.1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 243 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 244 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning Sec. 14.02.405Zoning board of adjustment (a)Creatingzoningboardofadjustment.Thereisherebycreatedazoningboardofadjustment whichshallconsistoffive(5)regularmembers,eachtobeappointedbyamajorityofthetown councilforaterm oftwo(2)years. (b)Membership.Inadditiontothefive(5)regularmembersofthezoningboardofadjustment, four(4)alternatemembersofthezoningboardofadjustment,whoshallserveintheabsenceof oneormoreregularmemberswhenrequestedtodosobythemayor,shallbeappointedbya majorityofthetowncouncil,sothatallcasesheardbythezoningboardofadjustmentwill always be heard by a minimum offour(4)members. (c)Termofmembership.Regularmembersandalternatemembersofthezoningboardof adjustmentshallserveatermoftwo(2)yearsanduntiltheirsuccessorsareappointedand qualified.Regularandalternatemembersofthezoningboardofadjustmentmayberemoved from officeforcause bythetown council uponwrittenchargesandafter apublic hearing. (d)Officers.Thechairmanofthezoningboardofadjustmentshallbeselectedbythetown council.Thezoningboardofadjustmentshallselectfromamongitsregularmembers,avice- chairmanto actinthe absenceofthe chairman, and asecretary. (e)Rulesgoverningzoningboardofadjustment.Thezoningboardofadjustmentmayadopt rulestogovernitsproceedingsandconductofthebusinessbeforetheboard.Anyruleorrules shallbeadoptedbyaresolutionbytheboard,enteredupontheminutesoftheboardandacopy thereofshallbefiledwiththetownsecretary. (f)Meetings.Meetingsofthisboardshallbeheldatthecallofthechairman,andatsuchother timesastheboardmaydetermine.Suchchairmanor,inhisabsence,theactingchairman,shall administeroathsandcompelattendanceofwitnesses.Allmeetingsoftheboardshallbeopento thepublic.Theboardshallkeepminutesofitsproceedingsshowingthevoteofeachmember uponsuchquestionor,ifabsentorfailingtovote,indicatingsuchfact,andshallkeeprecordsof itsexaminationsandotherofficialactions,allofwhichshallbefiledintheofficeoftheboard andshallbeapublicrecord.Allmattersbeforetheboardofadjustmentonmattersofappeal, variance,specialexception,orothermatterasspecifiedbyordinance,shallbeheldasapublic hearinginaccordancewiththeprovisionsofsection14.02.406, PublicHearings. (g)Appealstozoningboardofadjustment.Appealstothezoningboardofadjustmentmaybe takenbyanypersonaggrieved,orbyanyofficer,department,board,bureauoragencyofthe townaffectedbyanydecisionofthebuildinginspectororotheradministrativeofficerofthetown relativetothezoningordinance.Suchappealshallbetakenwithinfifteen(15)daysafterthedate ofthedecisionofthebuildinginspectororotheradministrativeofficerhasbeenrendered,by filingwiththeofficerfromwhomtheappealistakenandwiththezoningboardofadjustmenta noticeofappealspecifyingthegroundsthereof.Theofficerfromwhomtheappealistakenshall forthwithtransmittotheboardallpapersconstitutingtherecordfromwhichtheappealwas taken. (1)Afilingfeeintheamountestablishedbythefeescheduletohelppayapartofthe costoflegalpublication,accumulatingengineeringdata,andotheradministrative costsshallaccompanyeachnoticeofappealfiledwiththezoningboardof adjustment. 14-173Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 245 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning (2)Anappealshallstayallproceedingsinfurtheranceoftheactionappealedfrom, unlesstheofficerfromwhomtheappealistakencertifiestothezoningboardof adjustmentafterthenoticeofappealshallhavebeenfiledwithhimthatbyreasonof factsstatedinthecertificateastaywould,inhisopinion,causeimminentperiltolife orproperty.Insuchcaseproceedingsshallnotbestayedotherwisethanbya restrainingorderwhichmaybegrantedbythezoningboardofadjustmentoracourt ofrecordon applicationor noticetotheofficerfromwhomthe appealistaken and on due causeshown. (3)Thezoningboardofadjustmentshallfixareasonabletimeforthehearingofan appeal,givenoticethereof,aswellasduenoticetothepartiesininterest,anddecide thesamewithinareasonabletime.Uponhearing,anypartymayappearinperson,by agent or byattorney. (h)Authorityofzoningboardofadjustment.Thezoningboardofadjustmentshallhavethe following powers: (1)Tohearanddecideappealswhereitisallegedthereiserrorinanyorder, requirement, decisionor determinationmade by an administrative officialofthetown inthe enforcement ofthisordinance. (2)Tohearanddecidespecialexceptionstothetermsofthisordinanceuponwhichthe boardisrequiredto pass underthis ordinance,ifany. (3)Toauthorizeuponappealinspecialcases,suchvariancesfromthetermsofthis ordinanceaswillnotbecontrarytothepublicinterest,where,owingtospecial conditions,theliteralenforcementoftheprovisionofthisordinancewillresultin unnecessaryhardship,sothatthespiritofthisordinanceshallbeobservedand substantialjustice done. (4)Topermitinanydistrictsuchmodificationoftherequirementsofthedistrict regulationsastheboardmaydeemnecessarytosecureanappropriatedevelopment ofalotwhereadjoiningsuchlotontwo(2)ormoresidestherearelotsoccupiedby buildingswhich do notconformtotheregulationsofthe district. (i)Exercisingofpowers.Inexercisingitspowers,thezoningboardofadjustmentmay,in conformitywiththeprovisionsofthisordinanceandtheprovisionsofchapter211oftheTexas LocalGovernmentCode,asamended,reverseoraffirm,whollyorpartly,ormaymodifythe order,requirement,decisionordeterminationappealedfromandmaymakesuchorder, requirement,decisionordeterminationasshouldbemade,andtothatendshallhaveallthe powersoftheofficerfromwhomthe appealistaken. (1)Theconcurringvote offour(4)members ofthe boardshall be necessarytoreviseany order,requirement,decisionordeterminationofanysuchadministrativeofficial,or todecideinfavoroftheapplicantonanymatteruponwhichitisrequiredtopass undertheordinance,ortoeffectanyvariationtothis ordinance. (2)Anypersonorpersons,jointlyorseverally,aggrievedbyanydecisionofthezoning boardofadjustment,oranytaxpayer,oranyofficer,department,boardorbureauof thetownmaypresenttoacourtofrecordapetition,dulyverified,settingforththat 14-174Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 246 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning suchdecisionisillegal,inwholeorpart,specifyingthegroundsoftheillegality. Such petitionshall be presentedtothe courtwithinten(10)days afterthefiling ofthe decisionintheoffice ofthezoning boardof adjustment. (j)Waitingperiod.Noappealtothezoningboardofadjustmentshallbeallowedonthesame pieceofpropertyoronthesameorsimilarquestionpriortotheexpirationofoneyearfromthe dateofarulingofthezoningboardofadjustmentonanyappealtosuchbodyunlessother propertyinthesamezoningareashallhave,withinsuchone-yearperiod,beenalteredorchanged byarulingofthezoningboardofadjustment,inwhicheachsuchchangeofcircumstancesshall permittheallowanceofanappeal. (Ordinance98-29,sec.LV,adopted12/1/98;Ordinance2000-06,sec.LV,adopted3/21/00;2006 Code, ch. 13,sec. 8.05;Ordinance adoptingCode;Ordinance2015-46 adopted 12/8/15) Charterreference– Zoningboard ofadjustment,section8.05. Sec. 14.02.406Publichearings (a)Requirementsforpublichearing.Thetownplanningandzoningcommissionshallholda publichearingonanyamendment,supplement,or changeinzoningclassification priortomaking itsrecommendationandreporttothetowncouncil.Writtennoticeofallpublichearingsbefore thetownplanningandzoningcommission,onaproposedamendment,supplementorchange shallbesentto allownersofrealpropertylyingwithintwohundredfeet(200')ofthepropertyon whichthechangeisrequested.Suchnoticeshallbegivennotlessthanten(10)daysbeforethe datesetforhearing,bydepositinganoticeproperlyaddressedandpostagepaidintheUnited Statespost officetosuchpropertyowners astheownership appears onthelastapprovedtowntax roll. .Apublichearingshallbeheldbythetowncouncilbefore (b)Noticeofpublichearing adoptinganyproposedamendment,supplement,orchangeinzoningclassification.Atleast fifteen(15)days’noticeofthetimeandplaceofsuchhearingshallbepublishedintheofficial newspaperofthetown.Suchhearingmaybeheldjointlywiththehearingbeforethetown planning and zoning commissionrequired pursuanttosubsection(a)ofthissection. .Thesechangesareusuallyassociated (c)Zoningchangesthatdonotaffectspecificproperty withtextualchanges.Whenanyproposedamendment,supplement,orchangeofzoningmapor textofthiszoningordinancedoesnotaffectthelandusecharacterorzoningclassificationof specificproperty,noticeofpublichearingoftheplanningandzoningcommissionshallbegiven by publicationina newspaper ofgeneral circulationinthetownwithoutthe necessity of notifying propertyownersbymail.Suchnoticeshallstatethetimeandplaceofsuchhearingandthe nature ofthesubjectto be considered.Suchnoticeshall bepublishednotlessthanfifteen(15)daysprior tothe public hearing. (Ordinance98-29,sec.LVI,adopted12/1/98;Ordinance2000-06,sec.LVI,adopted3/21/00; 2006Code,ch. 13,sec. 8.06) Sec. 14.02.407Exceptions and exemptions notrequiredto be negated Inanycomplaintandinanyactionorproceedingbroughtfortheenforcementofanyprovisionof thisordinance,itshallnotbenecessarytonegateanyexception,excuse,provisionorexception containedinthisordinance,andtheburdenofproofofanysuchexception,excuse,provisionor 14-175Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 247 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter14: Zoning exemptionshallbeuponthedefendant.(Ordinance98-29,sec.LVII,adopted12/1/98;Ordinance 2000-06,sec.LVII, adopted 3/21/00; 2006 Code,ch.13,sec.8.07) Sec. 14.02.408Penalty Anyperson,firmorcorporationviolatinganyoftheprovisionsofthisordinanceshallbe punishedbyapenaltyoffinenottoexceedthesumoftwothousanddollars($2,000.00)foreach offenseandeachandeverydaysuchoffenseshallcontinueshallbedeemedtoconstitutea separate offense.(Ordinance 2000-06,sec.V,adopted3/21/00;2006Code, ch. 13,sec. 8.08) Secs. 14.02.409–14.02.450Reserved Division 9.Illustrations Sec. 14.02.451Firstfloordesignation andmeasurementofheight ofstructure (Ordinance98-29,app.A,adopted12/1/98;Ordinance2000-06,app.A,adopted3/21/00;2006 Code, ch. 13,sec. 9.01) 14-176Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 248 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 APPENDIXA FEESCHEDULE ARTICLEA1.000GENERAL PROVISIONS...........................................................................A-7 Sec.A1.001Applicability; conflicts;waivers...........................................................A-7 Sec.A1.002Building definitions..............................................................................A-8 Sec.A1.003Community development department................................................A-10 Sec.A1.004Planning and zoning department........................................................A-16 Sec.A1.005Zoning board ofadjustment................................................................A-20 Sec.A1.006Animal control....................................................................................A-21 Sec.A1.007Emergencymedicalservices..............................................................A-22 Sec.A1.008Fireplanreview..................................................................................A-25 Sec.A1.009Firedivision........................................................................................A-26 Sec.A1.010Municipalcourt..................................................................................A-27 Sec.A1.011Police department...............................................................................A-28 Sec.A1.012Parks andrecreation andspecial events.............................................A-29 Sec.A1.013Administrativefees.............................................................................A-31 Sec.A1.014Waterandwastewaterfeesfor PublicImprovementDistrictNo.1...A-33 Sec.A1.015Businessfees......................................................................................A-35 Sec.A1.016Buildingstandards commission..........................................................A-35 \[NextpageisAppendixA-7.\] AppendixA-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 249 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 250 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule (r)Placesof assembly*: $50.00. (s)Pyrotechnicalspecial effectsmaterial*: $50.00. (t)Temporarymembranestructures,tents and canopies*:$25.00. (u)After-hoursinspections: $125.00firsthour; $35.00 each additional hour. (v)Commercialfireplancheckfee*: (1)0- 100,000 squarefeet: $0.020squarefoot. (2)100,001- 300,000 squarefeet: $2,000.00forthefirst100,000squarefeet. (3)100,001squarefeet plus: $0.018foreachadditionalsquarefoot ofarea. (4)300,001+squarefeet: $5,600.00forthefirst 300,000squarefeetplus$0.012for each additionalsquarefoot ofarea orfractionthereof. (w)Residentialsubdivisionreviewfee: (1)0- 50 lots:$500.00. (2)50- 101: $750.00. (3)100+:$1000.00. (x)Platreviewfees: $350.00. *Thesefeesareimposedbyofficialactionofthetownmunicipalutilitydistricts,theyare includedfortheconvenienceofthecustomers,residentsandstaff.Thetownhastakennoofficial actionwithregardtothesetting ofthesefees. (Ordinance2004-12,ex.A,adopted3/15/04;Ordinance2005-10,ex.A,adopted5/2/05;2006 Code, ch. 1,sec. 8.09) Sec.A1.010Municipal court (a)Warrantfee: $50.00. (b)Capiasfee:$50.00. (c)Transcriptionfee: $25.00. (d)NSF checkfee: $25.00. (e)Drivingsafetyfee: $9.90. (f)Courtbuildingsecurityfee: $3.00 perviolationas authorized bystatelaw. (g)Courttechnologyfee: $4.00 perviolationasauthorized bystatelaw. AppendixA-27Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 251 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule (h)Creditcardprocessingfee:5%or percentage chargedby credit card company. (i)Deferreddispositionadministrativefee:$25.00. (Ordinance2004-12,ex.A,adopted3/15/04;Ordinance2005-10,ex.A,adopted5/2/05;2006 Code,ch.1,sec.8.10;Ordinance2011-38,sec.2.03,adopted10/17/11;Ordinance2013-40 adopted 10/21/13) Sec.A1.011Police department (a)Accidentreports:$6.00. (b)Administrativefeeforabatement ofweeds:$100.00. (c)Good conductrecord: $5.00. (d)Fingerprints:$10.00/percard. (e)Reserved. (f)Reserved. (g)Annualrenewalpervehicle: $10.00. (h)Transferfee(notto extendtheterm ofthe permit): $10.00. (i)Temporary parking: (1)Permit: $50.00. (2)Renewalfee: $100.00. (j)Soliciting permit: (1)Commercial:$50.00. (2)Charitable: $10.00. (k)Alarmfees: (1)Permitforsingle-family: $50.00. (2)Multifamily: $50.00 + $5.00 perpermitforeachunit. (3)Commercial:$100.00. AppendixA-28Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 252 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule (l)False alarmservicefees: (1)Eachfalsealarmnotificationemittedfromanalarmsitethatisinexcessoffive(5) falsealarms: $25.00. (2)Multifamilydwellingissuedasoneprotectedpropertyforeachfalsealarm notificationinexcessoften: $25.00. (m)Overweightvehicletransport: $50.00. (n)CHL class: $50.00perperson. (o)Homefirearmssafety class: $15.00 perperson. (p)Motorizedcarts: (1)Initialinspectionby policedepartment:$25.00(includes permit/sticker). (2)Reinspectionbypolicedepartment(ifamotorizedcartfailstheinitialinspection): $10.00. (3)Bi-annualrenewal ofthepermit: $25.00. (4)Replacementsticker: $10.00. (Ordinance2004-12,ex.A,adopted3/15/04;Ordinance2005-10,ex.A,adopted5/2/05;2006 Code,ch.1,sec.8.11;Ordinance2008-37,sec.II,adopted11/17/08;Ordinance2013-11adopted 4/22/13;Ordinance2013-24adopted9/3/13;Ordinance2014-07adopted3/17/14;Ordinance adoptingCode;Ordinance2015-40 adopted12/8/15) Sec.A1.012Parks and recreation andspecialevents (a)Allfeesaretobepaidatthetimeofreservationandarebasedonavailability.Ratesshown areforeachreservationandarebasedonatwo-hourminimumrentalperiod,unlessotherwise specified. (b)Additionalrentalhourswillbechargedatone-half(1/2)ofthe2-or4-hourratefeeset forth below. (c)Fees arenotapplicabletomembersoftheTrophyClubyouthsportsassociationswhenthey areparticipatinginTrophyClubyouthsportsassociationsponsored activities. (d)Reservations. ResidentNonresident Harmony Soccer Field-Lighted$50.00 $80.00 Harmony Soccer Field-Unlighted$30.00 $60.00 IndependenceBaseball Field #1 - #4-Lighted $50.00 $80.00 AppendixA-29Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 253 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule ResidentNonresident IndependenceBaseball Field #1 - #4-$30.00 $60.00 Unlighted IndependenceMulti-Use Field #1 $30.00 $60.00 IndependenceMulti-Use Field #2 -Lighted $50.00 $80.00 IndependenceMulti-Use Field #2 -Unlighted $30.00 $60.00 PavilionRental(Harmony Park)$50.00fora$100.00fora 4- 4-hour periodhourperiod Baseballtournamentgatefees$150.00per$150.00perteam team Tournament overflowgamefee$85.00 per$85.00 pergame game (e)TrophyClub Park. Generalvehicleentry$2.00 ATV/OHV$15.00 ATV/OHV pass(10visits)$120.00 Boat entry$5.00 Horseentry$3.00 Residentvehicularannualpass$10.00 Nonresidentvehicularannual pass$20.00 Large pavilionrental(4 hours)$50.00 (f)Community poolfees. Poolrentalfeeslistedbelow areforaminimumtwo-hour period. Residentrates* Dailyrate$4.00/individual Individualseason pass$25.00 Family pass(5passes)**$75.00 Additionalfamilymembers$10.00/member Residentguest pass(unassigned passvalidforentireseason)$20.00/pass Single entryguestpass(aresidentmustaccompanythe$4.00/guest guest(s)) Localbusinessgrouprate***(with a minimum of 8 bathers)$3.00 per user Non-local businessgrouprate**(withaminimum of 8 bathers)$4.00 per user *Resident(s) and/orguest(s)under35inches admittedfree ofcharge. **Withthepurchaseofafamilyseasonpass,youautomaticallyreceivefive(5)passes. Allnonassignedpasseswillbeplacedonyouraccounttobeusedbyyourguest(s) when a family passmember accompaniesthem. ***Inordertoreceivethelocalbusinessgrouprate,groupshallscheduledate(s),time(s) ofusewiththeparksandrecreationdepartment,andprovidethephysicallocationof the business. AppendixA-30Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 254 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule PoolRentalRates Residentialrentalrate Large poolrental$300.00 Spray pad rental(Friday p.m. and Saturday-Sunday)$300.00 Spray pad rental(Monday–Friday a.m.)$225.00 Pavilionreservation$100.00 Community pool complexrental$700.00 Nonresidentrentalrates Large poolrental$330.00 Spray pad rental(Friday p.m. and Saturday-Sunday)$330.00 Spray pad rental(Monday–Friday a.m.)$225.00 Community pool complexrental$770.00 Theminimumrentaltime allowedistwo(2)hours. Additionalrentalhourswillbechargedatone-half(1/2)ofthetwo(2)hourratefeeset forthabove.Cancellationswithlessthanatwenty-four(24)hournoticewillresultinthe forfeitureoftherentalcost. Cancellationswithlessthanaone(1)weeknoticewillresultintheforfeitureoffifty percent(50%)oftherentalcost. (g)Specialevent permitfee:$50.00. (Ordinance2004-12,ex.A,adopted3/15/04;Ordinance2005-10,ex.A,adopted5/2/05;2006 Code,ch.1,secs.8.12,8.15;Ordinance2007-09,sec.II,adopted2/19/07;Ordinance2010-15, sec.2,adopted5/17/10;Ordinance2011-07,sec.2.04,adopted2/24/11;Ordinance2012-12 adopted5/21/12;Ordinance2013-26,secs.2.01,2.02,adopted9/3/13;OrdinanceadoptingCode; Ordinance2015-26adopted9/8/15;Ordinance2015-37adopted10/27/15;Ordinance2016-08 adopted3/8/16) Sec.A1.013Administrativefees Thefollowingisasummaryofthechargesforcopiesofpublicinformationthathavebeen adopted bythecommission: (1)Standardpaper copy: $0.10 perpage. (2)Colorpaper copy:$1.00each. (3)Nonstandard-size copy: (A)Diskette: $1.00each. (B)Magnetictape:Actual cost. (C)Datacartridge:Actual cost. AppendixA-31Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 255 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule (D)Tape cartridge:Actualcost. (E)VHSvideocassette: $2.50 each. (F)Audiocassette:$1.00each. (G)Oversized papertray copy:$0.50 each. (H)Mylar,blueline/blueprint paper(allwidths):Actual cost. (i)3mil.: $0.85/linearfoot. (ii)4mil.: $1.10/linearfoot. (iii)5mil.: $1.35/linearfoot. (I)RewritableCD(CD-RW):$1.00. (J)Non-rewritableCD(CD-R): $1.00. (K)Digitalvideodisc(DVD):$3.00. (L)Otherelectronicmedia:Actualcost. (4)Personnel charge: (A)Programming personnel:$28.50/hour. (B)Otherpersonnel: $15.00/hour. (5)Overhead charge: 20%ofpersonnel charge. (6)Microfiche ormicrofilm charge: (A)Papercopy: $0.10 per page. (B)Ficheorfilm copy:Actualcost. (7)Remote documentretrievalcharge:Actualcost. (8)Computerresourcecharge: (A)Mainframe: $10.00/minute. (B)Midsize:$1.50/minute. (C)Client/server: $2.20 per hour. (D)PC orLAN: $1.00 per hour. AppendixA-32Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 256 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule (9)Miscellaneoussupplies:Actual cost. (10)Postage andshipping charge:Actual cost. (11)Photographs:Actual cost. (12)Othercosts:Actualcost. (13)Outsourced/contractedservices:Actual cost. (14)Nosalestax:Nosalestaxshall be appliedtocopiesofpublicinformation. (15)Personnelchargesinexcessof36hours.Notwithstandinganyprovisioncontained hereintothecontrary,anyrequestorofpublicinformationwillbechargedpersonnel costsinaccordancewithV.T.C.A.,GovernmentCode,section552.275foralltimein excessofthirty-six(36)hoursspentbypersonnelofthetowninproducingpublic informationforinspectionor duplication by a requestor, orproviding copies ofpublic informationtoarequestorduringatwelve-monthperiodcommencingonOctober1 ofeachyear.Therecordsmanagementofficershallberesponsibleforprovidingall noticesrequired bylaw. (Ordinance2004-12,ex.A,adopted3/15/04;Ordinance2005-10,ex.A,adopted5/2/05;2006 Code, ch. 1,sec. 8.13;Ordinance2012-13,sec. 2.02,adopted 5/21/12) Sec.A1.014Water andwastewaterfeesforPublicImprovementDistrictNo. 1 (a)Connectionfee- 1": $2,300.00. (b)Impactfee- 1"meter: $1,173.00. Impactfeesformetersizeslessthanorgreaterthan1"shallbebaseduponthefeecharged bytheTrophyClubMunicipalUtilityDistrictNo.1(“MUD1”)inaccordancewithitsduly adoptedrate order. (c)Meterfee-Domestic 1"meter: $343.00. Meterfeesformetersizeslessthanorgreaterthan1"shallbebaseduponthefeecharged bytheTrophyClubMunicipalUtilityDistrictNo.1(“MUD1”)inaccordancewithitsduly adoptedrate order. (d)Monthlyresidential(single-family homes) and commercialwaterfees: (1)Baserates: MetersizeMonthly base rate 5/8"& 3/4"$12.99 1"$20.39 1.5"$32.23 AppendixA-33Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 257 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule MetersizeMonthly base rate 2"$46.43 3"$79.58 4"$126.93 6"$245.29 (2)Volumetricrates: Gallons usedRate per 1,000gallons 0to 6,000$3.03 6,001to 17,000 $3.53 17,001to 25,000$4.09 25,001to 50,000$4.75 50,001 + $5.52 (e)Multi-unitbuildings:Eachmulti-unitbuilding(apartments,businesscomplex,etc.)served byasinglemetershallbebilledthebaserateforthemetersizeservicingthebuildingmultiplied bythe number ofunitsinthe building or complex. (f)Monthlyresidential(single-family homes)wastewaterfees: (1)Baserate: $15.35. (2)0–18,000gallons permonth: $2.63/1,000gallons. Residentialsewer usageshallbecapped at18,000gallons permonth. (g)Monthly commercialwastewaterfees: (1)Baserate 1"meter:$15.35. (2)Volumetricrate: $2.63/1,000gallons. Commercialsewerusageshall be billedbased upon actualwaterusage permonth. (h)Multi-unitbuildings:Eachmulti-unitbuilding(apartments,townhomes,businesscomplex, etc.)shallbebilledthebaserateforeachmeterservicingthebuildingandsewerusagewillbe billedbased on actualwater usage permonth. (i)Surcharge: $8.90 permonth. (j)Returnedchecks:$25.00. (k)Security deposits: (1)Builders: $75.00. (2)Residential owners:$75.00. AppendixA-34Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 258 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix A:FeeSchedule (3)Residentiallessees: $150.00. (l)Servicelineinspectionandleadtest: $150.00. (m)Waterandwastewaterratesandfeesarethesameforallpropertieswithinthecorporate boundariesofthetownwhetherserviceisreceiveddirectlyfromMUD1orserviceisreceived fromtown asawholesale customer ofMUD1. (n)TownfeesassetforthaboveareapplicabletotheboundariesoftheTrophyClubPublic ImprovementDistrictNo.1andarebaseduponarateorderadoptedbyTrophyClubMunicipal UtilityDistrictNo1(“MUD1”).Customersofthetownreceivingservicetopropertylocated withintheboundariesofthePIDshallbesubjecttothedulyadoptedMUD1ServiceRulesand Policies,includingallfeesimposedthereby, as amendedfromtimetotime. (o)RatesandfeesforwaterandwastewaterserviceapplicabletotheboundariesofMUD1are imposed pursuantto a rateorder duly adopted byMUD1. (p)Annualcapitalimprovement and maintenancecharge:$0.63(monthlyfee per connection). (2006Code, ch.1,sec.8.16;Ordinance2008-10,sec.II,adopted 3/3/08;Ordinance2008-17,sec. II,adopted7/7/08;Ordinance2008-37,sec.II,adopted11/17/08;Ordinance2008-42,sec.II, adopted12/15/08;Ordinance2014-16adopted6/16/14;Ordinance2014-32adopted9/23/14; Ordinance2015-24 adopted 8/25/15;Ordinance 2016-01 adopted1/12/16) Sec.A1.015Businessfees (a)Sexually oriented businessannuallicense: $1,000.00. (b)Portable homestorage unit(PODS): (1)Thirty-day permit: $25.00. (2)Permit extension: $50.00for additionalthirty-day period. (Ordinance adoptingCode) Sec.A1.016Buildingstandards commission (a)Feefor appealsatregularlyscheduledmeetings:$150.00. (b)Feeforappealsthatmustbeheardataspecialcalledmeeting:Anadditionalfeeof $150.00. (c)Allfeesshallbe due andpaidatthetime an appealisfiled. (Ordinance 2015-13,sec.2.02, adopted6/23/15) AppendixA-35Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 259 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 260 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix B:CodeComparativeTable 2006CODEOFORDINANCES2016CODEOFORDINANCES Sec.1.05ProhibitedactionsagainstanimalsSec.2.01.008 Sec.1.06SanitaryconditionsSec.2.01.009 Sec.1.07DefecationofanimalsonpublicandprivatepropertySec.2.01.010 Sec.1.08AnimalsatlargeSec.2.01.011 Sec.1.09AnimalnoiseSec.2.01.012 Sec.1.10ImpoundingofanimalsSec.2.02.001 Sec.1.11Authoritytoimpound,destroy,killormuzzlecertainSec.2.01.013 animals Sec.1.12DangerousdogsSec.2.01.014 Sec.1.13FeesSec.2.01.004 Sec.1.14ReleaseofunvaccinatedanimalsSec.2.02.002 Sec.1.15AdoptionSec.2.02.003 Sec.1.16Livestock,wildorprohibitedanimalsSec.2.01.015 Sec.1.17Confinement requiredofanimalallegedlyinvolvedSec.2.01.016 inattack Sec.1.18ViciousanimalsSec.2.01.017 Sec.1.19VaccinationSec.2.01.018 Sec.1.20LicensesandtagsSec.2.01.019 Sec.1.21Special requirementsforkeepingminiaturepigsandSec.2.01.020 ferrets Sec.1.22ExceptionsSec.2.01.005 Sec.1.23Certificateof registrationfordangerouswildanimalsSec.2.03.041 Sec.1.24Certificateof registrationapplicationfordangerousSec.2.03.042 wildanimals Sec.1.25Denialor revocationofcertificateof registrationforSec.2.03.043 dangerouswildanimals;appeal Sec.1.26Effectivedateforcertificateof registrationforaSec.2.03.044 dangerouswildanimal Sec.1.27Displayofcertificateof registrationSec.2.03.045 Sec.1.28 Inspection relatedtodangerouswildanimalsSec.2.03.001 Sec.1.29RelocationordispositionofadangerouswildanimalSec.2.03.002 Sec.1.30Attackbyadangerouswildanimal;escapeofSec.2.03.003 dangerouswildanimal;liabilityfordangerouswild animal Sec.1.31Care,treatmentandtransportationofdangerouswildSec.2.03.004 animals Sec.1.32LiabilityinsurancefordangerouswildanimalsSec.2.03.005 Sec.1.33Transfer ofownershipofadangerouswildanimal Sec.2.03.006 Sec.1.34OffenseandpenaltyfordangerouswildanimalsSec.2.03.007 Sec.1.35CivilpenaltyandcostsspecifictodangerousanimalsSec.2.03.008 Sec.1.36ApplicabilitySec.2.03.046 Sec.1.37PenaltySec.2.01.002 CHAPTER3 - BUILDINGSANDCONSTRUCTION ArticleIBuildingOfficial Sec.1.01AppointmentSec.3.02.001 Sec.1.02AuthorityofbuildingofficialSec.3.02.002 ArticleII FormsSurveys Sec.2.01FormsurveySec.3.01.001 ArticleIIIInternationalBuildingCode Sec.3.01ApplicabilityDltd.byOrd. 2012-27 Sec.3.02AdoptionSec.3.03.051 AppendixB-3Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 261 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendix B:CodeComparativeTable 2006CODEOFORDINANCES2016CODEOFORDINANCES Sec.3.03Amendmentstothe2003 InternationalBuildingSec.3.03.052 Code Sec.3.04 BoardofappealsDltd.byOrd. 2012-27 Sec.3.05PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-27 ArticleIVInternationalResidentialCode Sec.4.01AdoptionSec.3.03.101 Sec.4.02Amendmentstothe2003 InternationalResidentialSec.3.03.102 Code Sec.4.03 BoardofappealsDltd.byOrd. 2012-28 Sec.4.04PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-28 ArticleVNationalElectricalCode Sec.5.01AdoptionSec.3.03.151 Sec.5.02Amendmentstothe2002National ElectricalCode Sec.3.03.152 Sec.5.03PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-35 ArticleVIInternationalMechanicalCode Sec.6.01AdoptionSec.3.03.201 Sec.6.02Amendmentstothe2003 International MechanicalSec.3.03.202 Code Sec.6.03PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-30 ArticleVIIInternational PlumbingCode Sec.7.01AdoptionSec.3.03.251 Sec.7.02Amendmentstothe2003 InternationalPlumbingSec.3.03.252 Code Sec.7.03PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-29 ArticleVIIIInternationalEnergyConservationCode Sec.8.01AdoptionSec.3.03.301 Sec.8.02Amendmentstothe2003 InternationalEnergySec.3.03.302 ConservationCode Sec.8.03PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-31 ArticleIXInternational FireCode Sec.9.01AdoptionSec.3.03.451 Sec.9.02Amendmentstothe2003 InternationalFireCode Sec.3.03.452 Sec.9.03PenaltyDltd.byOrd. 2012-32 ArticleXRESERVED ArticleXIRoofingRequirements Sec.11.01DefinitionsSec.3.06.001 Sec.11.02Architecturalorlaminatedshingles requiredSec.3.06.005 Sec.11.03 WoodshinglesandwoodshakesprohibitedSec.3.06.006 Sec.11.04Roof repair permit requiredSec.3.06.003 Sec.11.05CompliancewiththeUniformBuildingCode Sec.3.06.007 Sec.11.06AppealprocessSec.3.06.004 Sec.11.07PenaltySec.3.06.002 ArticleXIIStandards for theRepair,RemovalorDemolitionof DangerousorSubstandardBuildings Sec.12.01DefinitionsSec.3.05.001 Sec.12.02PowersofcouncilArt.3.05,editor’snote Sec.12.03ProceduresArt.3.05,editor’snote Sec.12.04Order oftowncouncilArt.3.05,editor’snote Sec.12.05FailuretocomplywithtownorderArt.3.05,editor’snote Sec.12.06Minimumstandards; responsibilitiesofownerSec.3.05.002 Sec.12.07Recoveryofexpenses;lienArt.3.05,editor’snote Sec.12.08AdoptionofuniformcodeArt.3.05,editor’snote Sec.12.09PenaltyArt.3.05,editor’snote AppendixB-4Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 262 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 92-21,Sec.VII Manual resetSec.4.02.006CA cont’d. Sec.VIIIUseof relayingintermediarySec.4.02.007CA Sec. IXAlarm reportingSec.4.02.008CA Sec.XRecordsofalarmbusinessesSec.4.02.009CA Sec.XIAutomaticdialingprohibitedSec.4.02.010CA Sec.XIIOperatinginstructionstobeSec.4.02.011CA maintainedatalarmsite Sec.XIIIDispatch recordsSec.4.02.012CA Sec.XIVSystemperformance reviewsSec.4.02.013CA Sec.XVFalsealarmservice feesSec.4.02.014CA Sec.XVIGroundsfor revocationSec.4.02.043CA Sec.XVIIResponsibilityforactsbySec.4.02.015CA agents Sec.XVIIAppealsSec.4.02.044CA Sec.XVIIIForfeitureoffeeuponSec.4.02.045CA revocationofpermit Sec.XIXReapplicationafter revocationSec.4.02.046CA Sec.XIXApplicabilitytogovernmentSec.4.02.004CA bodies Sec.XXIIIOffenses;penaltySec.4.02.003CA 92-22 2/15/92Peddlersandsolicitors Sec. II DefinitionsSec.4.03.001CA Sec. III CommercialsolicitationSecs.4.03.031–4.03.039 CA Sec. IVCharitablesolicitationSecs.4.03.071–4.03.077 CA Sec.VReligioussolicitationSecs.4.03.101–4.03.104 CA Sec.VIChildsolicitorsSec.4.03.040CA Sec. IXPenaltySec.4.03.002CA 95-12 7/18/95Swimmingpools Sec. II DefinitionsSec.3.07.001CA Sec. III Applicability;prohibitionsSec.3.07.003CA ExceptionsSec.3.07.004CA Sec. IV Permitapplication;feesSecs.3.07.031,3.07.032 CA StandardsSecs.3.07.061–3.07.070 CA Sec.VAppealsSec.3.07.007CA Sec.VIIIPenaltySec.3.07.002CA 95-22 11/21/95Roofing requirements Sec. II DefinitionsSec.3.06.001CA Sec. IVWoodshinglesandwoodshakesSec.3.06.006CA prohibited Sec.VRoof repair permitSec.3.06.003CA Sec.VICompliancewithUniformSec.3.06.007CA BuildingCode Sec.VIIIPenaltySec.3.06.002CA 87-05A5/7/96 Weeds, refuseorother objectionable matter Sec. I ProhibitedconditionsonprivatepropertySec.8.09.001CA ProhibitedconditionsinareabetweenSec.8.09.002CA propertylineandstreet AppendixC-5Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 263 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 1997-05 3/18/97Flooddamageprevention Art. I FindingsoffactSec.3.13.001CA StatementofpurposeSec.3.13.002CA Methodsof reducingfloodlossesSec.3.13.003CA Art. II DefinitionsSec.3.13.004CA Art. III GeneralprovisionsSec.3.13.005CA Art. IVAdministrationSec.3.13.006CA Art.VFloodhazard reductionstandardsSec.3.13.007CA 97-08 3/18/97 Weeds, refuseorother objectionable matter Sec. I ProhibitedconditionsonprivatepropertySec.8.09.001CA ProhibitedconditionsinareabetweenSec.8.09.002CA propertylineandstreet Noticeofviolation;performanceofworkSec.8.09.005CA bytown Assessmentoftown’sexpenses;Secs.8.09.006,8.09.007 CA abatementofweedswithoutpriornotice 97-13 5/13/97Dangerousbuildings Sec.1DefinitionsSec.3.05.001CA Sec.2PowersoftowncouncilArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA Sec.3HearingproceduresArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA Sec.4OrderoftowncouncilArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA Sec.5FailuretocomplywithorderArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA Sec.6 Minimumstandards;Sec.3.05.002CA responsibilitiesofowner Sec.7Lienfortown’sexpensesandcivilArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA penalty;civilactionto recoverexpenses Sec.8UniformCodefortheAbatementArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA ofDangerousBuildingsadopted Sec.10PenaltyArt.3.05,editor’snoteCA 1998-07 4/7/98Sexuallyorientedbusinesses Sec. I PurposeandintentSec.4.04.001CA Sec. II DefinitionsSec.4.04.002CA Sec. III ClassificationsSec.4.04.003CA Sec. IVLicense required;applicationSec.4.04.031CA Sec.VLicenseissuanceSec.4.04.032CA Sec.VILicensefeeSec.4.04.033CA Sec.VII InspectionsSec.4.04.034CA Sec.VIII ExpirationSec.4.04.035CA Sec. IXSuspensionSec.4.04.036CA Sec.XRevocationSec.4.04.037CA Sec.XIAppealsSec.4.04.038CA Sec.XIITransferSec.4.04.039CA Sec.XIIILocation restrictionsSec.4.04.061CA Sec.XIV ExemptionfromlocationSec.4.04.062CA restrictions Sec.XVAdditional regulationsfornudeSec.4.04.091CA escortagencies AppendixC-6Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 264 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2010-03 2/1/10Swimmingpools Sec. II Applicability;prohibitionsSec.3.07.003CA 2010-04 2/15/10AmendsPD-15,"TheLakesofTrophyNICCA Club" 2010-05 2/15/10CallssalestaxelectionNICCA 2010-06 2/15/10Amendsch.12,sec.8.08;tree removalSec.10.02.248CA and replacement 2010-05A3/8/10Calls May8,2010electionNICCA 2010-07 3/8/10Amendsbudget,FY09-10NICCA 2010-08 3/8/10Amendsbudget,FY09-10NICCA 2010-09 4/26/10 Issuesgeneralobligationbonds,seriesNICCA 2010 2010-10 4/26/10Amendszoning;setbackfromanexisting wellheadtoahabitablestructure. Sec.3OilandgaswelldrillingandSec.14.02.262CA production 2010-11 4/26/10ApprovesHarmonyparklandtransactionNICCA swap 2010-12 4/26/10AmendsPD-27NICCA 2010-16 4/26/10CallspublichearingtoamendPD-27,NICCA knownasTheHighlandsatTrophyClub 2010-13 5/17/10AmendsPD-27,knownasTheHighlandsNICCA 2010-14 5/17/10CanvassesgeneralelectionNICCA 2010-15 5/17/10Amendsfeeschedule Sec.2Parksand recreationSec.A1.012CA 2010-16 4/26/10AmendsPD-27NICCA 2010-17 7/19/10Amendsbudget,FY09-10NICCA 2010-18 7/19/10Amendsbudget,FY09-10NICCA 2010-19 8/2/10Mobilehomes,manufacturedhomes, trailers Sec. II ScreeningorenclosureofSec.3.08.072CA commercialvehicles,boatsandtrailers 2010-20 8/2/10AmendsPD-21,inordertoallowoutdoorNICCA displayofpropane 2010-21 9/13/10AmendsOrd. 2003-30designatingNICCA officialnewspapertoStar-Telegramor itsaffiliates 2010-22 9/20/10 IssuanceofgeneralobligationrefundingNICCA bonds,series2010 2010-239/27/10AcceptsserviceandassessmentplanforNICCA authorizedemergencyservicesand assessment rollforPID1 2010-24 9/27/10AcceptsupdateoftheserviceandNICCA assessmentplanandupdatedassessment rollforPID1 2010-25 9/27/10Adoptsbudget,FY10-11NICCA 2010-26 9/27/10Taxlevy,FY10-11NICCA 2010-27 9/27/10AmendstariffsofAtmos EnergyNICCA Corporation 2010-28 10/4/10AmendsPD-13;"Village"NICCA AppendixC-39Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 265 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2010-29 10/18/10Addsch.10,art.XIV,illegalsmoking productsandmaterials Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendment–Adoptionofarticle XIVofchapterX Sec.14.01DefinitionsSec.8.07.001CA Sec.14.02Purpose–RestrictedsmokingSec.8.07.002CA materialsprohibited Sec.14.03Sale,delivery,offer or gift Sec.8.07.003CA Sec.14.04Useorpossessionof restrictedSec.8.07.004CA smokingmaterial Sec.14.05Useorpossessionof restrictedSec.8.07.005CA smokingparaphernalia Sec.14.06DefensestoprosecutionSec.8.07.006CA 2010-30 12/6/10Amendsch.7,art. II, sec.2.01,NICCA appointments;appointspresidingjudge andalternatejudges 2011-01 1/3/11Addsch.1,art.XVI,citizensfinancialRpld.byOrdinanceadoptingCA advisoryboardCodeandOrd. 2015-25 2011-02 1/17/11Amendsch.10,art. II, sec.2.03(B),stopSec.12.02.031(166)–(170) CA signs,addssubsecs.166–170 2011-03 2/7/11Addsch.1,art.XVII,codeofethics Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendment–Adoptionofarticle XVII ofchapter 1 2.01Adoptsart.XVII,codeofethics Sec.17.01Policy;applicabilitySec.1.05.001CA Sec.17.02Principlesofconduct Sec.1.05.002CA Sec.17.03DefinitionsSec.1.05.003CA Sec.17.04Standardsofconduct Sec.1.05.004CA Sec.17.05Disclosureofinterest Sec.1.05.005CA Sec.17.06 Ethics reviewcommissionSec.1.05.006CA Sec.17.07DispositionofallegedSec.1.05.007CA violations Sec.17.08Requestfor reviewSec.1.05.008CA Sec.17.09Culpablementalstate Sec.1.05.009CA Sec.17.10FalsecomplaintsSec.1.05.010CA Sec.17.11PenaltySec.1.05.011CA 2011-04 2/7/11Amendsbudget,FY10-11NICCA 2011-05 2/7/11Amendsbudget,FY10-11NICCA 2011-07 2/24/11Amendsch.1,art.VIII,feeschedule Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendments 2.01Amendsch.1,sec.8.04(T),Sec.A1.004(t)CA conditionalusepermit 2.02Amendsch.1,sec.8.06,animal control,subsecs.C.,G. C.ImpoundfeeSec.A1.006(c)CA G. EuthanasiaSec.A1.006(g)CA AppendixC-40Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 266 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2011-14,Sec.15.11AppealsSec.1.09.008CA cont’d. 2.02Amendsch.5,art. IV,sec.4.05(E),Sec.3.09.065CA specialpurposesigns 2011-15 4/18/11Amendsch.4,art.1,sec.1.05,subsec.Sec.3.13.005(b)CA B.,basisforestablishingareasofspecial floodhazard 2011-16 5/2/11Amendsch.1,art.XVI,sec.16.03(A),Rpld.byOrdinanceadoptingCA citizensfinancialadvisoryboardCodeandOrd. 2015-25 2011-17 5/2/11Amendsch.13,zoning;saleofalcoholic beveragesforoff-premisesconsumption Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendments 2.01Renamesand renumbersch.13,sec.Sec.14.02.103,titleCA 3.02,classificationofnewandunlisted properties,assec.3.03,usetable Amendssec.3.03,usetable,subsec.G,Sec.14.02.103(g)CA retail,toaddclassificationforliquor store 2.02Amendsch.13,sec.5.02,saleofSec.14.02.252(a)CA alcoholicbeverages,subsec.A, definitions,addsdefinitionofliquor store 2.03Amendsch.13,sec.5.02,saleofSec.14.02.252(f)(3),firstCA alcoholicbeverages,firstparagraphofparagraph subsec.F.3,compliance-on-premises saleandconsumption 2.04Amendsch.13,sec.5.02,saleofSec.14.02.252(f)(4)CA alcoholicbeverages,addssubsec.F.4., compliance-off-premisesconsumption 2.05Amendsch.13,sec.5.02,saleofSec.14.02.252(g),firstCA alcoholicbeverages,firstparagraphofparagraph subsec.G.,criteriaandprocessingof SUP 2.06Repealsch.13,sec.5.02,saleofNICCA alcoholicbeverages,subsec.G.8, conditionsofspecialusepermit 2.07Amendsch.13,sec.5.02,saleofSec.14.02.252(h)CA alcoholicbeverages,addssubsectionH., denialofSUP 2.08Renumbersch.13,art.5,sec.NICCA 5.02(H)–(L)as (I)–(M) 2011-18 5/2/11Amendsch.3,art.XV,swimmingpools Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendments 2.01Amendssecs.15.02,applicability andprohibitedconduct,subsecs.A., E. A.Sec.3.07.003(a)CA E.Sec.3.07.003(e)CA 2.02Amendssec.15.04,subsec. I., Sec.3.07.067CA drainingofswimmingpools AppendixC-43Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 267 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2011-18,2.03Amendssec.15.04.K,clarityofSec.3.07.069(e)CA cont’d.water,subsec.5 2.04Repealssec.15.04K,clarityofNICCA water,subsec.6 2011-19 5/23/11ResultsofgeneralelectionandspecialNICCA electionheldon May14,2011 2011-20 5/23/11SettlementwithOncor ElectricDeliveryNICCA CompanyLLC 2011-21 6/6/11Repealsand replacesch.10,art.V, firearms Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendment 2.01Amendsch.10,art.V,dischargeof firearmsand regulationofweapons Sec.5.01DefinitionsSec.8.05.001CA Sec.5.02Dischargeof firearmsSec.8.05.002CA prohibited Sec.5.03FirearmsdealersSec.4.01.001CA Sec.5.04OtherweaponsSec.8.05.003CA Sec.5.05HuntingSec.8.05.004CA 2011-22 6/6/11Addssec.2.01toch.1,art. II,signatureSec.1.02.001CA authorityofmayorandtownmanager 2011-23 6/20/11Addsch.10,art.VII,sec.7.1(C),Sec.9.02.002CA responsetoemergency;emergency roadwayaccess 2011-24 6/20/11Addsch.3,art.XVIII,jobsite maintenance Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendments Art.XVIII.Jobsitemaintenance Sec.18.01DefinitionsSec.3.04.002CA Sec.18.02WorksitecleanlinessandSec.3.04.003CA wastedisposal 2011-25 6/20/11Amendsch.3,art.XVIII,jobsite maintenance Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendments Art.XVIII.Jobsitemaintenance Sec.18.01ApplicabilitySec.3.04.001CA Sec.18.02DefinitionsSec.3.04.002CA Sec.18.03WorksitecleanlinessandSec.3.04.003CA wastedisposal 2011-26 7/18/11AmendsOrds.2010-28,2006-15,2002-NICCA 23,97-23,97-16,95-20,planned developmentno.13,exhibitC 2011-27 7/18/11AmendsOrds.2010-20,2010-14,99-17,NICCA planneddevelopmentno.21,exhibitC 2011-28 8/1/11Adoptsnew rateswithAtmosMid-TexNICCA 2011-29 8/15/11Amendsbudget,FY10-11NICCA 2011-30 9/12/11Amendsch.10,art. II, sec.2.02(B),speedSec.12.03.042CA ofvehicles AppendixC-44Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 268 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2014-16 6/16/14Amendsch.1,sec.8.16;publicworksforSec.A1.014CA publicimprovementdistrict1fee schedule 2014-17 7/22/14Deletesch.6,sec.2.12;snowconeNICCA establishments 2014-18 7/22/14Amendsbudget,FY13-14NICCA 2014-19 7/22/14AmendsOrd. 2014-29;ReinvestmentNICCA ZoneNo.1 Sec.1 IncorporationofpremisesNICCA Sec.2Amendments Sec.2.01Amendsch.10,sec.4.01;Sec.4.03.001CA definitions Sec.2.02Amendsch.10,sec.4.02(G)(5);Sec.4.03.037(5)CA commercialsolicitationprohibited conduct Sec.2.03Amendsch.10,sec.4.06;addsSec.4.03.004CA donotsolicit/noknocklist Sec.2.04Amendsch.10,sec.4.07;Sec.4.03.002CA penalty 2014-22 8/12/14Amendsch.1,sec.16.02;citizensRpld.byOrdinanceadoptingCA financialadvisoryboardtermsCodeandOrd. 2015-25 2014-23 8/12/14Callsspecialelectionto fillvacantNICCA councilseat 2014-24 8/26/14AmendsOrdinance2013-19,sec.3;Sec.2.04.002CA animalshelteradvisoryboardstaggered terms 2014-25 8/26/14 Issuanceandsaleoftaxnotes,series2014NICCA 2014-26 9/9/14AcceptsserviceandassessmentplanforNICCA PID1 2014-27 9/15/14Amendsbudget,FY13-14NICCA 2014-28 9/23/14Adoptsbudget,FY14-15NICCA 2014-29 9/23/14AcceptsserviceandassessmentplanforNICCA emergencyservicesPID1 2014-30 9/23/14Adoptseconomicdevelopmentbudget,NICCA FY14-15 2014-31 9/23/14Taxlevy,TY14-15NICCA 2014-32 9/23/14Amendsch.1,sec.8.16;addsannualSec.A1.014CA capitalimprovementsandmaintenance fee (PID1) 2014-33 10/14/14Amendssec.2.04(B);foodestablishmentSec.4.06.041CA permitsandexceptions 2014-34 10/28/14Amendsch.10,sec.2.02(B)(6);schoolSec.12.03.042(6)CA zoneTrophyClubDr. 2014-35 11/13/14Canvassesspecialelection returnsNICCA (councilmember) 2014-36 11/13/14AmendsOrd. 2007-15;PD-27;TheNICCA HighlandsatTrophyClub 2014-38 11/25/14RepealsOrd. 2014-09and2014-19; TIRZNICCA 2 2014-40 11/25/14TMRS;increasein retirementannuitiesNICCA AppendixC-53Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 269 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2015-01 1/13/15AppointsjudgeandalternatejudgesNIC1 2015-02 2/10/15Calls May9,2105;generalelectionNIC1 2015-03 2/10/15Amendscitizensfinancialadvisoryboard;Rpld.byOrdinanceadopting1 members,termsCodeandOrd. 2015-25 2015-04 5/26/15Amendszoning;changestothesiteplanSec.14.02.259(2)(C)1 2015-05 3/10/15Cancels May9,2015,generalelection;NIC1 unopposedcandidates 2015-06 4/14/15TaxontelecommunicationsservicesSec.11.03.0021 2015-07 4/14/15Amendsbudget,FY14-15NIC1 2015-08 4/14/15Amendsplanneddevelopmentno.13NIC1 2015-09 4/28/15Ordinancetabled 2015-10 5/26/15ApprovingsettlementwithAtmosNIC1 2015-11 5/26/15Amendsplanneddevelopmentno.13NIC1 2015-12 5/26/15SpecificusepermitNIC1 2015-13 6/23/15Amendsbuilding regulations 2.01 Repealsanddeletessecs.3.05.002–Art.3.05,editor’snote1 3.05.007,3.05.009 Renumberssec.3.05.008to3.05.002andSec.3.05.002(a)(3)1 amendssubsec. (a)(3) 2.02 BuildingstandardscommissionSecs.3.15.001–3.15.014 1 FeesSec.A1.0161 2015-14 7/14/15Amendsbudget,FY14-15NIC1 2015-15 7/14/15Generalobligation refundingbonds,NIC1 series2015 2015-16 8/11/15CallsNovember 3, 2015,bondelectionNIC1 2015-17 8/11/15CallsNovember 3, 2015,specialelection;NIC1 charteramendments 2015-18 8/11/15Amendstrafficandvehicles 2.01U-turnlocationsSec.12.02.032(b)(3)1 2.02ProhibitedparkinggenerallySec.12.04.003(7)–(8)1 2015-19 8/11/15ConditionalusepermitNIC1 2015-20 8/25/15RezoningNIC1 2015-21 8/25/15RezoningNIC1 2015-22 8/25/15Amendsparksand recreationboard;Sec.1.08.032(3),(5)1 membershipandofficers 2015-23 10/13/15Repealsand replacessign regulations 4.00Declaration,purposeandintent Sec.3.09.0031 4.01DefinitionsSec.3.09.0011 4.02Permit requirementsSec.3.09.0061 4.03Generalstandards A. Measurementofsignheight Sec.3.09.0041 B.ConformancewithothercodesSec.3.09.0051 C. IlluminatedsignsSec.3.09.0171 D. MiscellaneoustypesofsignsSec.3.09.0181 E.Billboardsigns–CEVMS Sec.3.09.019(a)1 AppendixC-54Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 270 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2015-23,F.CEVMSorelectronicmessageSec.3.09.019(b)1 cont’d.boardsigns G. ExemptbannersignsSec.3.09.018(6) 4.04TrafficsafetySec.3.09.0161 4.05PoliticalsignsSec.3.09.0621 4.06RealestatesignsSec.3.09.0641 4.07ReligiousinstitutionalsignsSec.3.09.0661 4.08Temporarysigns General regulationsSec.3.09.0611 BannersignsSec.3.09.0631 SpecialpurposesignsSec.3.09.0651 GovernmentsignsSec.3.09.0671 4.09Commercialandinstitutionalsigns General regulationsSec.3.09.0911 TableofsignagecriteriaSec.3.09.0921 4.10Signsnot requiringpermitSec.3.09.0071 4.11TemporarypermitsSec.3.09.0081 4.12NonconformingusesSec.3.09.0091 4.13 MeritoriousexceptionsandappealsSec.3.09.0101 4.14 MaintenanceSec.3.09.0111 4.15ViolationsSec.3.09.0121 4.16 EnforcementprocedureSec.3.09.0131 4.17 Enforcement remediesSec.3.09.0141 4.18ProhibitedsignsSec.3.09.0151 Sec.6PenaltySec.3.09.0021 2015-24 8/25/15AmendswaterandwastewaterfeesforSec.A1.0141 PID#1 2015-25 9/8/15 Budgetadministrationanddevelopment Secs.1.02.031–1.02.033 1 2015-26 9/8/15AmendsTrophyClubParkfeesSec.A1.012(e)1 2015-27 9/22/15Amendsanimalshelteradvisoryboard;Sec.2.04.0021 appointment;terms 2015-28 9/22/15Amendsethics reviewcommission;termSec.1.05.006(c)1 ofoffice 2015-29 9/22/15AmendsOrd. 2014-08,combinationtaxNIC1 and revenuecertificatesofobligation, series2014 2015-30 9/–/15GrantsAtmosEnergyfranchiseNIC1 2015-31 9/22/15Taxlevy,FY15-16NIC1 2015-32 9/22/15Adoptsbudget,FY15-16NIC1 2015-33 9/22/15Adopts EDC4Bbudget,FY15-16NIC1 2015-34 9/22/15AcceptsserviceandassessmentplanforNIC1 emergencyservicesPID1 2015-35 9/22/15AcceptsserviceandassessmentplanforNIC1 emergencyservicesPID1 2015-36 9/22/15ConditionalusepermitNIC1 2015-37 10/27/15Amendsparksand recreation; reservationSec.A1.012(d)1 fees AppendixC-55Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 271 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesAppendixC:OrdinanceDispositionTable Ord.No.Date DescriptionDispositionSupp. No. 2015-38 11/13/15CanvassesNov.3,2015,bondelectionNIC1 2015-39 11/13/15CanvassesNov.3,2015,specialelectionNIC1 results 2015-40 12/8/15AmendsovernightparkingSecs.12.04.008,A1.011 1 2015-41 11/13/15Amendscharter,sec.9.02;budgetCharter,sec.9.02CA submission 2015-42 11/23/15Specialassessment revenue refundingNIC1 bonds,series2015 2015-43 12/8/15Amendsclericalerrorsincharter Sec.2.01Amendssec.4.08;dutiesoftheCharter,sec.4.08CA townsecretary Sec.2.02Renumbersand reorderssec.Charter,sec.9.04CA 9.04;budget Sec.2.03CorrectsgrammaticalerrorinCharter,sec.11.15CA sec.11.15;charterreviewcommission 2015-44 12/8/15AmendsOrdinance2002-41;PD25NIC1 2015-45 2/9/16Repealsand replacesstopsignSec.12.02.0311 intersections 2015-46 12/8/15Amendszoningboard ofadjustment;Sec.14.02.405(d)1 officers 2016-01 1/12/16AddsanannualcapitalimprovementsandSec.A1.014(p)1 maintenancechargetoPIDno.1 2016-02 1/26/16Amendsplanneddevelopmentno.13NIC1 2016-03 2/9/16SpecificusepermitNIC1 2016-05 2/9/16OrdinanceadoptingcodePreambletocode1 2016-06 2/19/16Calls May7,2016,generalelectionNIC1 2016-07 2/19/16Calls May7,2016,specialelection;legalNIC1 saleofalcoholicbeverages 2016-08 3/8/16MendscommunitypoolfeesSec.A1.012(f)1 AppendixC-56Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 272 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWNOFTROPHYCLUB CODEINDEX -A- ABANDONEDVEHICLES (Vehicles) see ADMINISTRATIONAND FINANCE BudgetAdministrationandDevelopment -councilsubcommittee...................................................................................................................................1.02.033 -generalregulations........................................................................................................................................1.02.031 -revenuepolicies............................................................................................................................................1.02.032 SignatureAuthorityof MayorandTown Manager............................................................................................1.02.001 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ( SexuallyOrientedBusinesses) see ALARM SYSTEMS AlarmReporting................................................................................................................................................4.02.008 ApplicabilitytoGovernmentBodies.................................................................................................................4.02.004 AutomaticDialingProhibited............................................................................................................................4.02.010 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................4.02.002 Disclaimer..........................................................................................................................................................4.02.001 DispatchRecords...............................................................................................................................................4.02.012 FalseAlarm Service Fees...................................................................................................................................4.02.014 ManualReset.....................................................................................................................................................4.02.006 Offenses;Penalty...............................................................................................................................................4.02.003 OperatingInstructionstobe MaintainedatAlarm Site......................................................................................4.02.011 OperationandMaintenance;DutiesofPermittee..............................................................................................4.02.005 PerformanceReviews........................................................................................................................................4.02.013 Permit -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................4.02.044 -duration;transfer...........................................................................................................................................4.02.042 -required;application;issuance......................................................................................................................4.02.041 -revocation forfeitureoffee..........................................................................................................................................4.02.045 grounds......................................................................................................................................................4.02.043 reapplicationafterrevocation.....................................................................................................................4.02.046 RecordsofAlarmBusinesses............................................................................................................................4.02.009 ResponsibilityforActsbyAgents.....................................................................................................................4.02.015 UseofRelayingIntermediary............................................................................................................................4.02.007 see AMBULANCES (Emergency Medical Services) ANIMALCONTROL Animal ShelterAdvisoryBoard -appointment;terms.......................................................................................................................................2.04.002 -creation;organization...................................................................................................................................2.04.001 -duties............................................................................................................................................................2.04.004 -meetings........................................................................................................................................................2.04.005 -staffliaison duties..........................................................................................................................................................2.04.006 generally....................................................................................................................................................2.04.003 I-1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 273 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex ANIMALCONTROL,cont’d. AnimalsatLarge................................................................................................................................................2.01.011 AuthoritytoImpound,KillorMuzzleCertainAnimals....................................................................................2.01.013 DangerousDogs.................................................................................................................................................2.01.014 DangerousWildAnimals -attackbyanimal;escapeofanimal...............................................................................................................2.03.003 -careandtreatment;transportation.................................................................................................................2.03.004 -certificateofregistration application..................................................................................................................................................2.03.042 denialorrevocation....................................................................................................................................2.03.043 display........................................................................................................................................................2.03.045 effectivedate..............................................................................................................................................2.03.044 exemptions.................................................................................................................................................2.03.046 required......................................................................................................................................................2.03.041 -civilpenalty..................................................................................................................................................2.03.008 -inspectionofpremises..................................................................................................................................2.03.001 -liabilityinsurance..........................................................................................................................................2.03.005 -offenses.........................................................................................................................................................2.03.007 -relocationordispositionofanimal................................................................................................................2.03.002 -transferofownership....................................................................................................................................2.03.006 DefecationofAnimalsonPublicandPrivateProperty......................................................................................2.01.010 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................2.01.001 Enforcement.......................................................................................................................................................2.01.003 Exceptions.........................................................................................................................................................2.01.005 Fees...............................................................................................................................................................2.01.004 HumaneCareofAnimals...................................................................................................................................2.01.006 Impoundment -adoptionofimpoundedanimals....................................................................................................................2.02.003 -generally.......................................................................................................................................................2.02.001 -releaseofunvaccinatedanimals....................................................................................................................2.02.002 LicensesandTags..............................................................................................................................................2.01.019 LivestockorWildorProhibitedAnimal;Keeping............................................................................................2.01.015 MaximumNumberofAnimals..........................................................................................................................2.01.007 MiniaturePigsandFerrets; SpecialRequirementsforKeeping........................................................................2.01.020 Noise...............................................................................................................................................................2.01.012 Penalty;InjunctiveRelief..................................................................................................................................2.01.002 ProhibitedActionsAgainstAnimals..................................................................................................................2.01.008 RabiesControl -confinementofanimalinvolvedinattack.....................................................................................................2.01.016 -generally;vaccinationofdogsandcats........................................................................................................2.01.018 SanitaryConditions............................................................................................................................................2.01.009 ViciousAnimals................................................................................................................................................2.01.017 ANIMAL SHELTERADVISORYBOARD Appointment;Terms..........................................................................................................................................2.04.002 Creation;Organization.......................................................................................................................................2.04.001 Duties...............................................................................................................................................................2.04.004 Meetings............................................................................................................................................................2.04.005 StaffLiaison -duties............................................................................................................................................................2.04.006 -generally.......................................................................................................................................................2.04.003 APARTMENTCOMPLEXLICENSING Appeals..............................................................................................................................................................3.10.009 ApplicationforLicense; Expiration;ChangeofOwnershipor Management....................................................3.10.004 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.10.001 DisplayofLicense;ReplacementLicense;Transfer..........................................................................................3.10.006 I-2Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 274 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex APARTMENTCOMPLEXLICENSING,cont’d. Fee...............................................................................................................................................................3.10.005 Inspections;CancellationofLicense.................................................................................................................3.10.008 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................3.10.002 Required.............................................................................................................................................................3.10.003 Standards...........................................................................................................................................................3.10.007 see ARCHERY EQUIPMENT (Weapons) see ARSONINVESTIGATORS (Fire MarshalandArsonInvestigators) -B- BOARDS,COMMISSIONSANDCOMMITTEES Animal ShelterAdvisoryBoard -appointment;terms.......................................................................................................................................2.04.002 -creation;organization...................................................................................................................................2.04.001 -duties............................................................................................................................................................2.04.004 -meetings........................................................................................................................................................2.04.005 -staffliaison duties..........................................................................................................................................................2.04.006 generally....................................................................................................................................................2.04.003 Building StandardsCommission -action;timeframes.......................................................................................................................................3.15.009 -authority generally....................................................................................................................................................3.15.004 substandardhousing...................................................................................................................................3.15.005 -authority;penalties........................................................................................................................................3.15.014 -created...........................................................................................................................................................3.15.001 -criteriafordeterminingsubstandardcondition.............................................................................................3.15.007 -failuretocomplywithorder.........................................................................................................................3.15.011 -feesforappeals.............................................................................................................................................3.15.010 -finaldecision.................................................................................................................................................3.15.012 -judicialreview..............................................................................................................................................3.15.013 -meetings........................................................................................................................................................3.15.003 -members.......................................................................................................................................................3.15.002 -notice............................................................................................................................................................3.15.008 -rulesgoverningproceedings.........................................................................................................................3.15.006 Creation.............................................................................................................................................................1.03.039 EthicsReviewCommission...............................................................................................................................1.05.006 see Planningand ZoningCommission ( ZoningOrdinance) ParksandRecreationBoard -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................1.08.031 -established;membership;meetings..............................................................................................................1.08.032 -powersandduties.........................................................................................................................................1.08.033 -procedures.....................................................................................................................................................1.08.034 see ZoningBoardofAdjustment ( ZoningOrdinance) BOATS see StorageandOccupancy ( MobileHomes, ManufacturedHomes,Trailersand Similar Structures) BUILDINGCODE Adoption............................................................................................................................................................3.03.051 Amendments......................................................................................................................................................3.03.052 I-3Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 275 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex BUILDINGOFFICIAL Appointment......................................................................................................................................................3.02.001 Authority............................................................................................................................................................3.02.002 seealso BUILDINGREGULATIONS (Codes) ApartmentComplexLicensing -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................3.10.009 -applicationforlicense;expiration;changeofownershipormanagement....................................................3.10.004 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.10.001 -displayoflicense;replacementlicense;transfer...........................................................................................3.10.006 -fee...............................................................................................................................................................3.10.005 -inspections;cancellationoflicense...............................................................................................................3.10.008 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.10.002 -required.........................................................................................................................................................3.10.003 -standards.......................................................................................................................................................3.10.007 BuildingOfficial -appointment..................................................................................................................................................3.02.001 -authority........................................................................................................................................................3.02.002 see Building StandardsCommission (Boards,CommissionsandCommittees) DangerousorSubstandardBuildings -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.05.001 -minimumstandards;responsibilitiesofowner..............................................................................................3.05.002 FloodDamagePrevention -administration...............................................................................................................................................3.13.006 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.13.004 -findingsoffact..............................................................................................................................................3.13.001 -floodhazardreductionstandards..................................................................................................................3.13.007 -generalprovisions.........................................................................................................................................3.13.005 -methodsofreducingfloodlosses..................................................................................................................3.13.003 -purpose.........................................................................................................................................................3.13.002 -violations......................................................................................................................................................3.13.008 Forms Survey.....................................................................................................................................................3.01.001 Hotels -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................3.12.007 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.12.001 -guestregistrationrequirements.....................................................................................................................3.12.004 -inspections;cancellationofpermit...............................................................................................................3.12.006 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.12.002 -permit............................................................................................................................................................3.12.003 -standardsforpremisesandequipment..........................................................................................................3.12.005 Job Site Maintenance -applicability..................................................................................................................................................3.04.001 -cleanlinessandwastedisposal......................................................................................................................3.04.003 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.04.002 MobileHomes, ManufacturedHomes,Trailersand Similar Structures -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.08.001 -mobilehomesandmanufacturedhomes mobilehomes -replacement...........................................................................................................................................3.08.032 -restricted...............................................................................................................................................3.08.031 permit -application............................................................................................................................................3.08.034 -requiredforinstallation,maintenanceoralteration...............................................................................3.08.033 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.08.002 -trailers,boats,commercialvehiclesandrecreationalvehicles;storageandoccupancy boatsortrailerstiedintoutilityservice;constructiontrailers....................................................................3.08.071 presumptionthatregisteredownerisresponsibleforviolation..................................................................3.08.074 I-4Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 276 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex seealso BUILDINGREGULATIONS (Codes) MobileHomes, ManufacturedHomes,Trailersand Similar Structures -trailers,boats,commercialvehiclesandrecreationalvehicles;storageandoccupancy,cont’d. recreationalvehicles...................................................................................................................................3.08.073 screeningorenclosureofcommercialvehicles,boatsandtrailers.............................................................3.08.072 see PortableHome StorageUnits (Outdoor StorageorDisplay) RoofingRequirements -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................3.06.004 -architecturalorlaminatedshinglesrequired.................................................................................................3.06.005 -compliancewithbuildingcodes....................................................................................................................3.06.007 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.06.001 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.06.002 -repairpermit.................................................................................................................................................3.06.003 -woodshinglesandwoodshakesprohibited..................................................................................................3.06.006 RunoffControl, ErosionControlandDischargesto StormDrainage System -administrationandenforcement....................................................................................................................3.14.004 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.14.002 -generalprovisions.........................................................................................................................................3.14.001 -illegaldischargestostormdrainagesystem..................................................................................................3.14.005 -maintenanceofcontroldevices;records.......................................................................................................3.14.009 -nuisances.......................................................................................................................................................3.14.006 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.14.003 -runofffromconstructionactivity..................................................................................................................3.14.007 -stormwaterpollutionpreventionanderosioncontrol....................................................................................3.14.008 Signs -billboardsigns,CEVMSandelectronicmessageboardsigns......................................................................3.09.019 -commercialandinstitutionalsigns generalregulations.....................................................................................................................................3.09.091 tableofsignagecriteria..............................................................................................................................3.09.092 -conformancewithothercodes......................................................................................................................3.09.005 -declaration,purposeandintent.....................................................................................................................3.09.003 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.09.001 -enforcement procedure...................................................................................................................................................3.09.013 remedies.....................................................................................................................................................3.09.014 -illuminatedsigns...........................................................................................................................................3.09.017 -maintenance..................................................................................................................................................3.09.011 -measurementofsignheight..........................................................................................................................3.09.004 -meritoriousexceptionsandappeals..............................................................................................................3.09.010 -miscellaneoustypesofsigns.........................................................................................................................3.09.018 -nonconforminguses......................................................................................................................................3.09.009 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.09.002 -permit generally....................................................................................................................................................3.09.006 signsnotrequiringpermit..........................................................................................................................3.09.007 temporarypermits......................................................................................................................................3.09.008 -prohibitedsigns.............................................................................................................................................3.09.015 -temporarysigns bannersigns...............................................................................................................................................3.09.063 generalregulations.....................................................................................................................................3.09.061 governmentsigns.......................................................................................................................................3.09.067 politicalsigns.............................................................................................................................................3.09.062 realestatesigns–limitedpurposeon-premisessigns................................................................................3.09.064 religiousinstitutionalsigns........................................................................................................................3.09.066 specialpurposesigns..................................................................................................................................3.09.065 -trafficsafety..................................................................................................................................................3.09.016 -violations......................................................................................................................................................3.09.012 I-5Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 277 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex seealso BUILDINGREGULATIONS (Codes),cont’d. Single-FamilyResidenceLicensing -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................3.11.009 -applicationforlicense;expiration;changeofownershipormanagement....................................................3.11.004 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.11.001 -displayoflicense;replacementlicense;transfer...........................................................................................3.11.006 -fee...............................................................................................................................................................3.11.005 -inspections;cancellationoflicense...............................................................................................................3.11.008 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.11.002 -required.........................................................................................................................................................3.11.003 -standards.......................................................................................................................................................3.11.007 SwimmingPoolsandSpas -abatementwithoutnotice..............................................................................................................................3.07.006 -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................3.07.007 -applicability;prohibitions.............................................................................................................................3.07.003 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.07.001 -exceptions.....................................................................................................................................................3.07.004 -noticeofviolation;failuretocomplywithnotice.........................................................................................3.07.005 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................3.07.002 -permit application..................................................................................................................................................3.07.031 fees.............................................................................................................................................................3.07.032 -standards drainingofpool..........................................................................................................................................3.07.067 fencerequirements.....................................................................................................................................3.07.061 formsurveyrequired..................................................................................................................................3.07.062 healthandsafetystandards;clarityofwater..............................................................................................3.07.069 inspections.................................................................................................................................................3.07.063 lighting.......................................................................................................................................................3.07.064 locationofequipment................................................................................................................................3.07.070 locationofpool..........................................................................................................................................3.07.066 plumbingandelectricalwork.....................................................................................................................3.07.065 screening....................................................................................................................................................3.07.068 see TechnicalandConstructionCodesand Standards (Codes) BUILDING SECURITY FUND............................................................................................................................7.03.005 BUILDINGSTANDARDSCOMMISSION Action;Time Frames.........................................................................................................................................3.15.009 Authority -generally.......................................................................................................................................................3.15.004 -substandardhousing......................................................................................................................................3.15.005 Authority;Penalties...........................................................................................................................................3.15.014 Created...............................................................................................................................................................3.15.001 CriteriaforDetermining SubstandardCondition...............................................................................................3.15.007 FailuretoComplywithOrder............................................................................................................................3.15.011 FeesforAppeals................................................................................................................................................3.15.010 FinalDecision....................................................................................................................................................3.15.012 JudicialReview..................................................................................................................................................3.15.013 Meetings............................................................................................................................................................3.15.003 Members............................................................................................................................................................3.15.002 Notice...............................................................................................................................................................3.15.008 RulesGoverningProceedings............................................................................................................................3.15.006 I-6Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 278 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex BUSINESSREGULATIONS AlarmSystems -alarmreporting.............................................................................................................................................4.02.008 -applicabilitytogovernmentbodies...............................................................................................................4.02.004 -automaticdialingprohibited.........................................................................................................................4.02.010 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................4.02.002 -disclaimer.....................................................................................................................................................4.02.001 -dispatchrecords............................................................................................................................................4.02.012 -falsealarmservicefees.................................................................................................................................4.02.014 -manualreset..................................................................................................................................................4.02.006 -offenses;penalty...........................................................................................................................................4.02.003 -operatinginstructionstobemaintainedatalarmsite....................................................................................4.02.011 -operationandmaintenance;dutiesofpermittee............................................................................................4.02.005 -performancereviews.....................................................................................................................................4.02.013 -permit appeals.......................................................................................................................................................4.02.044 duration;transfer........................................................................................................................................4.02.042 required;application;issuance...................................................................................................................4.02.041 revocation -forfeitureoffee.....................................................................................................................................4.02.045 -grounds.................................................................................................................................................4.02.043 -reapplicationafterrevocation................................................................................................................4.02.046 -recordsofalarmbusinesses..........................................................................................................................4.02.009 -responsibilityforactsbyagents....................................................................................................................4.02.015 -useofrelayingintermediary.........................................................................................................................4.02.007 see ApartmentComplexLicensing (ApartmentComplexLicensing) FirearmsDealers................................................................................................................................................4.01.001 I-6.1Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 279 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 280 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex CHARTER(Referenceshereinaretosectionsofthetown’sHomeRuleCharter),cont’d. PowersofTown -eminentdomain..................................................................................................................................................2.02 -enumeratedpowersnotexclusive.......................................................................................................................2.01 -powertoacquirepropertyinsideandoutsidetownforanylawfulpurposes......................................................2.03 PropertyNot Subjectto Execution.........................................................................................................................11.03 PublicRecords.......................................................................................................................................................11.02 Recall -officialballot.......................................................................................................................................................6.06 -petition form;oath.........................................................................................................................................................6.03 generally..........................................................................................................................................................6.02 procedureafterfiling........................................................................................................................................6.04 prohibition........................................................................................................................................................6.07 refusal..............................................................................................................................................................6.08 -publicnotice.......................................................................................................................................................6.05 -scopeofrecall....................................................................................................................................................6.01a Renumber,Rename,Rearrange,Clerical, TypographicalandGrammatical ErrorCorrection...............................11.12 SeverabilityClause................................................................................................................................................11.10 SpecialAssessments;PropertyNot Exempt..........................................................................................................11.07 TownNotRequiredtoGive Securityor ExecuteBond.........................................................................................11.04 TransitionalProvisions -contracts,franchisesandsuccessionofrights;continuance..............................................................................12.04 -effectofcharteronexistinglaw........................................................................................................................12.03 -interimmunicipalgovernment..........................................................................................................................12.01 -personsservingonboards,commissionsorcorporations.................................................................................12.02 -submissionofchartertovoters.........................................................................................................................12.05 CODEOF ETHICSANDCONDUCT Culpability.........................................................................................................................................................1.05.009 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................1.05.003 DisclosureofInterest;AbstentionfromVoting.................................................................................................1.05.005 DispositionofAllegedViolations......................................................................................................................1.05.007 EthicsReviewCommission...............................................................................................................................1.05.006 FalseComplaints...............................................................................................................................................1.05.010 Penalties.............................................................................................................................................................1.05.011 Policy;Applicability..........................................................................................................................................1.05.001 PrinciplesofConduct.........................................................................................................................................1.05.002 RequestforReviewofAllegations....................................................................................................................1.05.008 StandardsofConduct;ProhibitedActs..............................................................................................................1.05.004 CODEOFORDINANCES Adoption............................................................................................................................................................1.01.001 AmendmentsorAdditionstoCode....................................................................................................................1.01.007 CatchlinesofArticles,Divisionsand Sections..................................................................................................1.01.003 DefinitionsandRulesofConstruction...............................................................................................................1.01.004 DesignationandCitationofCode......................................................................................................................1.01.002 GeneralPenaltyforViolationsofCode;ContinuingViolations........................................................................1.01.009 RepealofOrdinances.........................................................................................................................................1.01.006 SeverabilityofPartsofCode.............................................................................................................................1.01.005 SupplementationofCode...................................................................................................................................1.01.008 CODES BuildingCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.051 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.052 I-11Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 281 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex CODES,cont’d. ElectricalCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.151 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.152 EnergyConservationCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.301 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.302 FireCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.451 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.452 FuelGasCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.401 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.402 MechanicalCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.201 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.202 PlumbingCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.251 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.252 Property MaintenanceCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.351 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.352 ResidentialCode -adoption........................................................................................................................................................3.03.101 -amendments..................................................................................................................................................3.03.102 COMMERCIALVEHICLES OverweightVehicles -compliance;permitforspecialloads..........................................................................................................12.05.031 -liabilityfordamage.....................................................................................................................................12.05.034 -permitprocedures.......................................................................................................................................12.05.033 -vehiclestransportingready-mixconcrete...................................................................................................12.05.036 -vehiclesusedtotransportsolidwaste.........................................................................................................12.05.035 -weighingofvehiclesbypoliceofficers;procedurewhenweightexceedspermittedweight......................12.05.037 -weightlimits...............................................................................................................................................12.05.032 see StorageandOccupancy ( MobileHomes, ManufacturedHomes,Trailersand Similar Structures) CONSTRUCTION SITES Job Site Maintenance -applicability..................................................................................................................................................3.04.001 -cleanlinessandwastedisposal......................................................................................................................3.04.003 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................3.04.002 see COUNCIL (TownCouncil) COURT ( MunicipalCourt) see -D- DANGEROUSDOGS...........................................................................................................................................2.01.014 I-12Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 282 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex DANGEROUSOR SUBSTANDARDBUILDINGS Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.05.001 Minimum Standards;ResponsibilitiesofOwner...............................................................................................3.05.002 DANGEROUSWILDANIMALS AttackbyAnimal; EscapeofAnimal................................................................................................................2.03.003 CareandTreatment;Transportation..................................................................................................................2.03.004 CertificateofRegistration -application....................................................................................................................................................2.03.042 -denialorrevocation......................................................................................................................................2.03.043 -display..........................................................................................................................................................2.03.045 -effectivedate.................................................................................................................................................2.03.044 -exemptions....................................................................................................................................................2.03.046 -required.........................................................................................................................................................2.03.041 CivilPenalty......................................................................................................................................................2.03.008 InspectionofPremises.......................................................................................................................................2.03.001 LiabilityInsurance.............................................................................................................................................2.03.005 Offenses.............................................................................................................................................................2.03.007 RelocationorDispositionofAnimal.................................................................................................................2.03.002 TransferofOwnership.......................................................................................................................................2.03.006 DISTRICTS (ZoningOrdinance) see DOGS (AnimalControl) see see DRAINAGE ( StormwaterDrainage) DRILLINGOFWELLS (OilandGas Wells) see see DROUGHTRESPONSE (WaterConservationandDroughtResponse) -E- ELECTRICALCODE Adoption............................................................................................................................................................3.03.151 Amendments......................................................................................................................................................3.03.152 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Commitmentof Funds.......................................................................................................................................1.06.007 Emergency ManagementDirector;PowersandDuties......................................................................................1.06.002 Emergency ManagementPlan...........................................................................................................................1.06.003 InterjurisdictionalProgram................................................................................................................................1.06.004 Liability.............................................................................................................................................................1.06.006 Offenses.............................................................................................................................................................1.06.008 Organization......................................................................................................................................................1.06.001 Override.............................................................................................................................................................1.06.005 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................1.06.009 I-13Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 283 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................6.02.001 False Statementof Emergency...........................................................................................................................6.02.007 Fees -duedateforpayment....................................................................................................................................6.02.006 -feeschedule..................................................................................................................................................6.02.004 -responsibilityforpayment............................................................................................................................6.02.005 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................6.02.002 Provisionof ServicebyTown............................................................................................................................6.02.003 EMERGENCYROADWAYACCESS.................................................................................................................9.02.002 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ResponsebyTownPersonnel -emergencyroadwayaccess...........................................................................................................................9.02.002 -generally.......................................................................................................................................................9.02.001 ENERGYCONSERVATIONCODE Adoption............................................................................................................................................................3.03.301 Amendments......................................................................................................................................................3.03.302 ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION see RunoffControl (RunoffControl, ErosionControlandDischargesto StormDrainageSystem) WaterConservationandDroughtResponse -droughtcontingencyplan definitions..................................................................................................................................................1.10.093 enforcement;penalty..................................................................................................................................1.10.094 notificationofdroughtconditions..............................................................................................................1.10.095 policystatement;year-roundwatermanagementandconservationrequirements.....................................1.10.092 policy,purposeandintent;applicability....................................................................................................1.10.091 restrictions -stage1...................................................................................................................................................1.10.096 -stage2...................................................................................................................................................1.10.097 -stage3...................................................................................................................................................1.10.098 -terminationofrestrictions.....................................................................................................................1.10.099 -lawnandlandscapeirrigationconservation appeals.......................................................................................................................................................1.10.065 exemptions.................................................................................................................................................1.10.066 penalty.......................................................................................................................................................1.10.061 rain-sensingdevicesandfreezegauges......................................................................................................1.10.063 restrictions..................................................................................................................................................1.10.062 variances....................................................................................................................................................1.10.064 see EROSIONCONTROL (RunoffControl, ErosionControlandDischargesto StormDrainageSystem) -F- FEESCHEDULE(ReferenceshereinaretosectionsoftheFeeSchedulelocatedasAppendixAtotheCodeof Ordinances) Administrative Fees.............................................................................................................................................A1.013 AnimalControl....................................................................................................................................................A1.006 Applicability;Conflicts;Waivers........................................................................................................................A1.001 BuildingDefinitions............................................................................................................................................A1.002 Building StandardsCommission..........................................................................................................................A1.016 Business Fees.......................................................................................................................................................A1.015 CommunityDevelopmentDepartment................................................................................................................A1.003 Emergency Medical Services...............................................................................................................................A1.007 I-14Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 284 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex PROPERTY,cont’d. Weeds,RefuseorOtherObjectionable Matter -abatementofweedswithoutpriornotice......................................................................................................8.09.007 -assessmentoftown’sexpenses.....................................................................................................................8.09.006 -noticeofviolation;performanceofworkbytown........................................................................................8.09.005 -objectionableandunsightlyvegetationdefined............................................................................................8.09.004 -penalty..........................................................................................................................................................8.09.009 -prohibitedconditionsinareabetweenpropertylineandstreet.....................................................................8.09.002 -prohibitedconditionsonprivateproperty.....................................................................................................8.09.001 -removal.........................................................................................................................................................8.09.003 -requirementspriortofilingofcomplaintorotherlegalaction.....................................................................8.09.008 -Q- QUARANTINE (RabiesControl) see -R- RABIESCONTROL ConfinementofAnimalInvolvedinAttack.......................................................................................................2.01.016 Generally;VaccinationofDogsandCats..........................................................................................................2.01.018 RECORDS OpenRecords -facsimileorprotecteddocumentformat;useforprovidinginformation.......................................................1.07.061 -timelimit......................................................................................................................................................1.07.062 Records Management -alternativestoragemethods..........................................................................................................................1.07.041 -definitions.....................................................................................................................................................1.07.032 -destructionofunscheduledrecords...............................................................................................................1.07.039 -policy............................................................................................................................................................1.07.031 -recordscenter................................................................................................................................................1.07.040 -recordscontrolschedules implementation;destructionofrecordsunderschedule.............................................................................1.07.038 tobedeveloped;approval;filingwithstate...............................................................................................1.07.037 -recordsmanagementofficer designation.................................................................................................................................................1.07.034 duties..........................................................................................................................................................1.07.036 -recordsmanagementplantobedeveloped;approvalofplan;authorityofplan...........................................1.07.035 -townrecordsdeclaredpublicproperty..........................................................................................................1.07.033 RECREATION (ParksandRecreation) see RECREATIONALVEHICLES see StorageandOccupancy ( MobileHomes, ManufacturedHomes,Trailersand Similar Structures) RESIDENTIALCODE Adoption............................................................................................................................................................3.03.101 Amendments......................................................................................................................................................3.03.102 RESIDENTIALRENTALLICENSING see ApartmentComplexes (ApartmentComplexLicensing) see Single-FamilyResidences ( Single-FamilyResidenceLicensing) RESOLUTIONS (OrdinancesandResolutions) see I-25Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 285 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex see RESPONSETO EMERGENCY SITUATIONS (Emergency Situations) RESTRICTED SMOKINGMATERIALS Defenses.............................................................................................................................................................8.07.006 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................8.07.001 Purpose;Applicability.......................................................................................................................................8.07.002 Sale,Delivery,OfferorGiftProhibited.............................................................................................................8.07.003 UseorPossessionofRestrictedSmokingParaphernalia...................................................................................8.07.005 UseorPossessionProhibited.............................................................................................................................8.07.004 RIGHTS-OF-WAY see ManagementofPublicRight-of-WayUsedbyUtilityProviders (Utilities) ROOFINGREQUIREMENTS Appeals..............................................................................................................................................................3.06.004 ArchitecturalorLaminated ShinglesRequired..................................................................................................3.06.005 CompliancewithBuildingCodes......................................................................................................................3.06.007 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.06.001 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................3.06.002 RepairPermit.....................................................................................................................................................3.06.003 WoodShinglesandWood ShakesProhibited....................................................................................................3.06.006 RUNOFFCONTROL, EROSIONCONTROLANDDISCHARGESTO STORMDRAINAGE SYSTEM AdministrationandEnforcement.......................................................................................................................3.14.004 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.14.002 GeneralProvisions.............................................................................................................................................3.14.001 IllegalDischargesto StormDrainageSystem....................................................................................................3.14.005 MaintenanceofControlDevices;Records.........................................................................................................3.14.009 Nuisances...........................................................................................................................................................3.14.006 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................3.14.003 RunofffromConstructionActivity....................................................................................................................3.14.007 StormwaterPollutionPreventionand ErosionControl......................................................................................3.14.008 -S- SALESANDUSE TAX Elections..........................................................................................................................................................11.03.001 TaxonTelecommunications Services.............................................................................................................11.03.002 SANITATION (Healthand Sanitation) see see SCOOTERS ( Motor-Assisted Scooters,Mini-MotorbikesandPocketBikes) SEPTIC TANKS,CESSPOOLSANDPRIVIES................................................................................................13.01.001 SEWERS see StormDrainageSystem ( StormDrainageSystem) SEXOFFENDERRESIDENCYRESTRICTIONS CulpableMentalStateNotRequired.................................................................................................................8.06.004 Defenses.............................................................................................................................................................8.06.005 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................8.06.001 Evidentiary Matters; Measurements..................................................................................................................8.06.003 Offenses.............................................................................................................................................................8.06.002 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................8.06.006 Safety Zone Map................................................................................................................................................8.06.007 I-26Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 286 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex SEXUALLYORIENTEDBUSINESSES Amendments......................................................................................................................................................4.04.006 Classifications....................................................................................................................................................4.04.003 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................4.04.002 Enforcement;Penalties;Defenses......................................................................................................................4.04.004 InjunctiveRelief................................................................................................................................................4.04.005 License -appeals..........................................................................................................................................................4.04.038 -expiration......................................................................................................................................................4.04.035 -fee...............................................................................................................................................................4.04.033 -inspections....................................................................................................................................................4.04.034 -issuance.........................................................................................................................................................4.04.032 -required;application.....................................................................................................................................4.04.031 -revocation.....................................................................................................................................................4.04.037 -suspension.....................................................................................................................................................4.04.036 -transfer..........................................................................................................................................................4.04.039 Location -exemptionfromrestrictions..........................................................................................................................4.04.062 -restrictions....................................................................................................................................................4.04.061 OperationalRegulations -adultmotels..................................................................................................................................................4.04.094 -adulttheatersandadultmotionpicturetheaters............................................................................................4.04.093 -displayofsexuallyexplicitmaterialtominors.............................................................................................4.04.096 -exhibitionofsexuallyexplicitfilmsorvideos..............................................................................................4.04.095 -nudeescortagencies.....................................................................................................................................4.04.091 -nudemodelstudios.......................................................................................................................................4.04.092 PurposeandIntent.............................................................................................................................................4.04.001 SIGNS Billboard Signs,CEVMSandElectronic MessageBoard Signs........................................................................3.09.019 CommercialandInstitutionalSigns -generalregulations........................................................................................................................................3.09.091 -tableofsignagecriteria.................................................................................................................................3.09.092 ConformancewithOtherCodes.........................................................................................................................3.09.005 Declaration,PurposeandIntent.........................................................................................................................3.09.003 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.09.001 Enforcement -procedure......................................................................................................................................................3.09.013 -remedies........................................................................................................................................................3.09.014 Illuminated Signs...............................................................................................................................................3.09.017 Maintenance.......................................................................................................................................................3.09.011 Measurementof SignHeight.............................................................................................................................3.09.004 Meritorious ExceptionsandAppeals.................................................................................................................3.09.010 MiscellaneousTypesof Signs............................................................................................................................3.09.018 NonconformingUses.........................................................................................................................................3.09.009 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................3.09.002 Permit -generally.......................................................................................................................................................3.09.006 -signsnotrequiringpermit.............................................................................................................................3.09.007 -temporarypermits.........................................................................................................................................3.09.008 Prohibited Signs.................................................................................................................................................3.09.015 SellingVehicle;DisplayingorPosting Sign......................................................................................................8.01.001 I-27Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 287 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex SIGNS,cont’d. Temporary Signs -bannersigns..................................................................................................................................................3.09.063 -generalregulations........................................................................................................................................3.09.061 -governmentsigns..........................................................................................................................................3.09.067 -politicalsigns................................................................................................................................................3.09.062 -realestatesigns–limitedpurposeon-premisessigns...................................................................................3.09.064 -religiousinstitutionalsigns...........................................................................................................................3.09.066 -specialpurposesigns....................................................................................................................................3.09.065 Traffic Safety.....................................................................................................................................................3.09.016 Violations...........................................................................................................................................................3.09.012 SINGLE-FAMILYRESIDENCELICENSING Appeals..............................................................................................................................................................3.11.009 ApplicationforLicense; Expiration;ChangeofOwnershipor Management....................................................3.11.004 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.11.001 DisplayofLicense;ReplacementLicense;Transfer..........................................................................................3.11.006 Fee...............................................................................................................................................................3.11.005 Inspections;CancellationofLicense.................................................................................................................3.11.008 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................3.11.002 Required.............................................................................................................................................................3.11.003 Standards...........................................................................................................................................................3.11.007 SMOKING see Restricted Smoking Materials (Restricted Smoking Materials) SOLICITORS (PeddlersandSolicitors) see SOLID WASTE (Wastes) see see SPAS ( SwimmingPoolsandSpas) SPECIAL EVENTS Appeals..............................................................................................................................................................1.09.008 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................1.09.001 MiscellaneousRequirements.............................................................................................................................1.09.011 Numberof Events;HoursofOperation;Duration.............................................................................................1.09.009 ParkingRequirements; FireLanes.....................................................................................................................1.09.010 Permit -application....................................................................................................................................................1.09.004 -denialorrevocation......................................................................................................................................1.09.007 -fee;reimbursablecosts..................................................................................................................................1.09.005 -indemnification,insuranceandbonding.......................................................................................................1.09.006 -required;exemptions....................................................................................................................................1.09.003 Special EventsCoordinator................................................................................................................................1.09.002 SPEEDREGULATIONS Maximum SpeedGenerally.............................................................................................................................12.03.041 Signs.............................................................................................................................................................12.03.043 Special SpeedZones........................................................................................................................................12.03.042 STORMWATERDRAINAGE see Dischargesto System (RunoffControl, ErosionControlandDischargesto StormDrainageSystem) StormwaterDrainageUtility -definitions...................................................................................................................................................13.03.001 -exemptions..................................................................................................................................................13.03.005 I-28Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 288 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex SWIMMINGPOOLSAND SPAS AbatementWithoutNotice................................................................................................................................3.07.006 Appeals..............................................................................................................................................................3.07.007 Applicability;Prohibitions.................................................................................................................................3.07.003 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................3.07.001 Exceptions.........................................................................................................................................................3.07.004 NoticeofViolation; FailuretoComplywithNotice..........................................................................................3.07.005 Penalty...............................................................................................................................................................3.07.002 Permit -application....................................................................................................................................................3.07.031 -fees ...............................................................................................................................................................3.07.032 Standards -drainingofpool............................................................................................................................................3.07.067 -fencerequirements........................................................................................................................................3.07.061 -formsurveyrequired.....................................................................................................................................3.07.062 -healthandsafetystandards;clarityofwater.................................................................................................3.07.069 -inspections....................................................................................................................................................3.07.063 -lighting..........................................................................................................................................................3.07.064 -locationofequipment...................................................................................................................................3.07.070 -locationofpool.............................................................................................................................................3.07.066 -plumbingandelectricalwork........................................................................................................................3.07.065 -screening.......................................................................................................................................................3.07.068 -T- TAXATION DelinquentTaxesandAssessments;PenaltyforCollectionCosts..................................................................11.01.001 HotelOccupancy Tax -criminalpenalty..........................................................................................................................................11.02.007 -definitions...................................................................................................................................................11.02.001 -exemptionsandrefunds..............................................................................................................................11.02.003 -failuretofilereportorpaytax....................................................................................................................11.02.005 -levy;collection...........................................................................................................................................11.02.002 -reportsandrecords......................................................................................................................................11.02.004 -useofrevenue.............................................................................................................................................11.02.006 SalesandUseTax -elections......................................................................................................................................................11.03.001 -taxontelecommunicationsservices............................................................................................................11.03.002 TECHNOLOGY FUND........................................................................................................................................7.03.004 TEXAS MUNICIPALRETIREMENT SYSTEM(TMRS) Ordinanceson File.............................................................................................................................................9.04.001 TOWNCOUNCIL MeetingsandRulesofProcedure -authority........................................................................................................................................................1.03.031 -chairman.......................................................................................................................................................1.03.034 -committees,boardsandcommissions;creation............................................................................................1.03.039 -generalrules..................................................................................................................................................1.03.032 -orderofbusiness;agenda..............................................................................................................................1.03.035 -ordinances,resolutionsandmotions.............................................................................................................1.03.036 -parliamentarymotionsandprecedence.........................................................................................................1.03.038 -rulesofdecorum...........................................................................................................................................1.03.037 -typesofmeetings..........................................................................................................................................1.03.033 I-31Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 289 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesCodeIndex seealso TRAFFICANDVEHICLES (Vehicles) CommercialVehicles -overweightvehicles compliance;permitforspecialloads........................................................................................................12.05.031 liabilityfordamage..................................................................................................................................12.05.034 permitprocedures....................................................................................................................................12.05.033 vehiclestransportingready-mixconcrete.................................................................................................12.05.036 vehiclesusedtotransportsolidwaste......................................................................................................12.05.035 weighingofvehiclesbypoliceofficers;procedurewhenweightexceedspermittedweight...................12.05.037 weightlimits............................................................................................................................................12.05.032 Definitions.......................................................................................................................................................12.01.001 IdlingLimitations;Local Enforcement............................................................................................................12.01.005 Law Enforcement EmergencyVehicles;OperationWithoutUsingWarningDevices....................................12.01.006 Motor-Assisted Scooters, Mini-MotorbikesandPocketBikes -definitions...................................................................................................................................................12.06.001 -operation.....................................................................................................................................................12.06.003 -penalty........................................................................................................................................................12.06.002 MotorizedCarts -applicability;exemptions............................................................................................................................12.07.001 -definitions...................................................................................................................................................12.07.002 -equipment...................................................................................................................................................12.07.004 -operationalregulations................................................................................................................................12.07.003 -permitsandcartoperationstickers..............................................................................................................12.07.005 ObstructionstoVisibilityatIntersections........................................................................................................12.01.003 OperationofVehicles -speedregulations maximumspeedgenerally.......................................................................................................................12.03.041 signs.........................................................................................................................................................12.03.043 specialspeedzones..................................................................................................................................12.03.042 Parking -definitions...................................................................................................................................................12.04.001 -exceptionforemergencyvehiclesandgovernmentalvehicles...................................................................12.04.006 -overnightparking........................................................................................................................................12.04.008 -parkingfordisabledpersons.......................................................................................................................12.04.009 -parkingnearcertaincrosswalks..................................................................................................................12.04.005 -parkingnearsafetyzone,firelaneorfirehydrant......................................................................................12.04.007 -parkingonunapprovedsurface...................................................................................................................12.04.004 -presumptionthatvehicleownerisresponsibleforviolation.......................................................................12.04.002 -prohibitedparkinggenerally.......................................................................................................................12.04.003 Penalty.............................................................................................................................................................12.01.002 Private Streets;ApplicabilityofTrafficRegulations.......................................................................................12.01.004 Traffic-ControlDevices -authorizedemergencyvehicles;privilegesofdrivers.................................................................................12.02.003 -evidenceofvalidity.....................................................................................................................................12.02.008 -installationandmaintenance.......................................................................................................................12.02.007 -interference.................................................................................................................................................12.02.005 -locations emergencysigns.......................................................................................................................................12.02.033 stopsigns.................................................................................................................................................12.02.031 U-turns.....................................................................................................................................................12.02.032 -obedience....................................................................................................................................................12.02.002 -schoolcrossingguards;manualoperationoftrafficsignals.......................................................................12.02.006 -unauthorizeddevices..................................................................................................................................12.02.004 -uniformity;conformancetomanual............................................................................................................12.02.001 I-32Supp.No. 1 Town CouncilPage 290 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-181-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation proclaiming April 2016 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:PRO 2016-04 - National Child Abuse Prevention Month.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationproclaimingApril2016asNationalChildAbuse Prevention Month in Trophy Club; and providing an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 291 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2016-04 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE MONTH OF APRIL 2016 AS NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTHIN TROPHY CLUB. WHEREAS, in Federalfiscalyear2013,52Statesreported678,932 victimsof childabuse or neglect;and WHEREAS, childabuse is aserious problemaffectingeverysegmentof ourcommunity,and findingsolutionsrequiresinput andactionfromeveryonein ourcommunity;and WHEREAS, ourchildren areour most valuableresourcesandwill shape the futureof theTown of Trophy Club, Texas; and WHEREAS, childabusecanhavelong-termpsychological,emotional,andphysicaleffectsthat canhavelifelongconsequencesfor victimsof abuse; and WHEREAS, protective factorsareconditionsthatreduce oreliminateriskandpromotethe social, emotional,anddevelopmentalwell-beingofchildren;and WHEREAS, effective child abuse preventionactivities succeedbecauseofthe meaningful connectionsandpartnershipscreated between child welfare,education,health, communityandfaith basedorganizations,businessesandlawenforcementagencies; and WHEREAS, communitiesmust make everyeffortto promoteprogramsandactivitiesthat benefitchildrenandtheirfamilies;and WHEREAS, weacknowledge that wemust worktogetheras a communitytoincrease awareness aboutchild abuseandcontributetopromotethe socialandemotionalwell-beingofchildrenandfamilies in a safe,stable,nurturingenvironment;and WHEREAS, preventionremainsthebestdefenseforour childrenandfamilies. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM: The month of April 2016 as National ChildAbusePrevention Month in the Town of Trophy Club. Further, I urge all citizens torecognize this month bydedicatingourselves to thetask ofimprovingthe qualityoflifeforallchildren andfamilies. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town ofTrophy Club, Texas, this 12th day of April 2016. _______________________________ ________________________________ Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town CouncilPage 292 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-191-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution repealing Resolution No. 2015-26 to make an appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the remainder of an unexpired term, reaffirming existing appointments, and providing an effective date (Staff). Attachments:RES 2016-09 - P&Z Vacancy Appointment and reaffirming Annual Appointments.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaResolutionrepealingResolutionNo.2015-26tomakeanappointment tothePlanningandZoningCommissiontofilltheremainderofanunexpiredterm,reaffirmingexistingappointments,and providing an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 293 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2015-26AND ADOPTING A NEW RESOLUTION FILLING ONE (1) VACANCY FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION; REAFFIRMING EXISTING APPOINTMENTS; AND REAFFIRMING THE CHAIR TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards,Commissionsand Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is charged with the responsibility of making appointments to the Boards, Commissions and Corporationsserving the Town whose terms are expiring and to replace members who have resigned; and WHEREAS , on September 22, 2015,the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club adopted Resolution No.2015-26,making annual appointments, appointing a Chair, and reaffirming existing appointments to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commissionfor fiscal year 2015-2016; and WHEREAS, the Town Council generally takes action in September of each year to appoint residents to serve on various Town Board, Commission and Corporation seats; and WHEREAS , subsequent to the September appointments, a vacancy occurred on the Planning and Zoning Commission necessitating a mid-term appointment; and WHEREAS ,by passage of this Resolution,the Town Council hereby finds it appropriate to repeal Resolution No. 2015-26and to adoptthis Resolution filling one (1) vacancy for the remainder of an unexpired term,reaffirmingexisting appointments, and reaffirming the Chairto serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission for fiscal year 2015-2016. NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE , TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1.That the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein as if written word for word. Section 2.That the Town Council hereby repeals Resolution No. 2015-26 appointing persons to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission and adoptsthis Resolution to appoint or reaffirm, as applicable, the following individuals to serve on the Town CouncilPage 294 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commissionwith respective terms of service ending on September 30 of the year specified below for each individual: Planning and Zoning Commission 1._________(2017)5.Frank Snell(2016) 2.LuAnne Oldham(2017)6.Dennis Sheridan(2016) 3.Dwight “Dee” Baron(2017)7.Susan Ross (2016) 4.Darrell Windland(2017) Dennis Sheridan shall serve as Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Section 3.This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 12thday of April 2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2016-09 Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 295 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-208-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/6/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance providing for the Issuance of Town of Trophy Club, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016 in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $5,400,000; awarding the sale thereof; levying a tax in payment thereof; awarding the sale of the Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement approving the Official Statement; and enacting provisions incident and relating to the subject and purposes of the Ordinance (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - 2016 General Obligation Bonds.pdf ORD 2016-14 - General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceprovidingfortheIssuanceofTownofTrophyClub,Texas, GeneralObligationBonds,Series2016intheapproximateaggregateprincipalamountof$5,400,000;awardingthesale thereof;levyingataxinpaymentthereof;awardingthesaleoftheBonds;authorizingtheexecutionanddeliveryofa PayingAgent/RegistrarAgreementapprovingtheOfficialStatement;andenactingprovisionsincidentandrelatingtothe subject and purposes of the Ordinance (Staff). Town CouncilPage 296 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: 2016 General Obligation Bonds Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance providing for the Issuance of Town of Trophy Club, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2016 in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $5,400,000; awarding the sale thereof; levying a tax in payment thereof; awarding the sale of the Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement approving the Official Statement; and enacting provisions incident and relating to the subject and purposes of the Ordinance (Staff). Explanation: Town Staff has worked with our financial advisor, Mark McLiney, of SAMCO Capital Markets to issue the 2016 General Obligation Bondsin the approximate principal amount of $5.4M. This issuance has been proposed in conjunction with the Town’s 2016 Certificates of Obligation Issuance in order to achieve economies of scale as it related to the professional service fees and issuance costs associated with debt issuances. The $5.4M is to be used to fund the Town Hall project. The 2016 debt issuances have been discussed in various Council meetings since the beginning of the FY 2016 budget process in May 2015. Pricing will occur on April 12, 2016 and pricing information will be available at the Council meeting that night. Attachments: Ordinance No. 2016-14 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance and sale of the bonds. Town CouncilPage 297 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-14 relating to $___________ TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATIONBONDS SERIES 2016 Dated: May 1, 2016 Adopted: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 298 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND OTHER PRELIMINARY MATTERS Section 1.1.Definitions.................................................................................................. 2 Section 1.2.Findings..................................................................................................... 3 Section 1.3.Table of Contents...................................................................................... 3 Section 1.4.Interpretation.............................................................................................. 4 ARTICLE II SECURITY FOR THE BONDS; INTEREST AND SINKINGFUND Section 2.1.Tax Levy.................................................................................................... 4 Section 2.2.Interest and Sinking Fund.......................................................................... 5 ARTICLE III AUTHORIZATION; GENERAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS REGARDING THE BONDS Section 3.1.Authorization.............................................................................................. 5 Section 3.2.Date, Denomination, Maturities and Interest.............................................. 5 Section 3.3.Medium, Method and Place of Payment.................................................... 6 Section 3.4.Execution and Registration of Bonds......................................................... 7 Section 3.5.Ownership.................................................................................................. 8 Section 3.6.Registration................................................................................................ 8 Section 3.7.Cancellation............................................................................................... 9 Section 3.8.Temporary Bonds...................................................................................... 9 Section 3.9.Replacement Bonds.................................................................................10 Section 3.10.Book-Entry Only System..........................................................................11 Section 3.11.Successor Securities Depository; Transfer Outside Book-Entry Only System.....................................................................................................12 Section 3.12.Payments to Cede & Co..........................................................................12 ARTICLE IV REDEMPTION OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY Section 4.1.Limitation on Redemption........................................................................13 Section 4.2.Optional Redemption...............................................................................13 Section 4.3.Partial Redemption..................................................................................13 Section 4.4.Mandatory Sinking Fund Redemption......................................................14 Section 4.5.Notice of Redemption to Owners.............................................................14 Section 4.6.Payment Upon Redemption.....................................................................15 Section 4.7.Effect of Redemption...............................................................................15 Section 4.8.Conditional Notice of Redemption...........................................................16 (i) Town CouncilPage 299 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE V PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR Section5.1.Appointment of Initial Paying Agent/Registrar..........................................16 Section 5.2.Qualifications...........................................................................................16 Section 5.3.Maintaining Paying Agent/Registrar.........................................................16 Section 5.4.Termination..............................................................................................17 Section 5.5.Notice of Change to Owners....................................................................17 Section 5.6.Agreement to Perform Duties and Functions...........................................17 Section 5.7.Delivery of Records to Successor............................................................17 ARTICLE VI FORM OF THE BONDS Section 6.1.Form Generally........................................................................................17 Section 6.2.Form of the Bonds...................................................................................18 Section 6.3.CUSIP Registration..................................................................................24 Section 6.4.Legal Opinion...........................................................................................25 Section 6.5.Statement of Insurance............................................................................25 ARTICLE VII SALE AND DELIVERY OFBONDS, DEPOSIT OF PROCEEDS Section 7.1.Sale of Bonds..........................................................................................25 Section 7.2.Control and Delivery of Bonds.................................................................26 Section 7.3.Deposit of Proceeds.................................................................................26 ARTICLE VIII INVESTMENTS Section 8.1.Investments.............................................................................................27 Section 8.2.Investment Income..................................................................................27 ARTICLE IX PARTICULAR REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS Section 9.1.Payment of the Bonds..............................................................................27 Section 9.2.Other Representations and Covenants....................................................27 Section 9.3.Provisions Concerning Federal Income Tax Exclusion............................28 Section 9.4.Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations...........................................................30 ARTICLE X DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Section 10.1.Events of Default.....................................................................................30 Section 10.2.Remedies for Default...............................................................................31 (ii) Town CouncilPage 300 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 10.3.Remedies Not Exclusive..........................................................................31 ARTICLE XI DISCHARGE Section 11.1.Discharge.................................................................................................31 ARTICLE XII CONTINUING DISCLOSURE UNDERTAKING Section 12.1.Annual Reports........................................................................................31 Section 12.2.Disclosure Event Notices.........................................................................32 Section 12.3.Limitations, Disclaimers and Amendments..............................................33 ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS Section 13.1.Amendments............................................................................................35 ARTICLE XIV MISCELLANEOUS Section 14.1.Changes to Ordinance.............................................................................35 Section 14.2.Partial Invalidity........................................................................................35 Section 14.3.No Personal Liability................................................................................36 ARTICLE XV EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Section 15.1.Effective Immediately...............................................................................36 (iii) Town CouncilPage 301 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2016-14 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $___________ TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATIONBONDS, SERIES 2016; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF; LEVYING A TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF; AWARDING THE SALE OF THE BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT; AND ENACTING PROVISIONS INCIDENT AND RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AND PURPOSES OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS , a portion of the bonds hereinafter authorized were duly and favorably voted, as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, at an electionheld in the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), on November 3, 2015; and WHEREAS , at an electionheld on November 3, 2015, the following is the purpose and amountof the bonds which were authorized, reflecting any amount previously issued pursuant to each voted authorization, the amount therefrom being issued pursuant to this Ordinance, and the balance that remains unissued after the issuance of the bonds herein authorized, to wit: and Amount Election Amount Being Unissued PurposeDateVotedIssuedBalance Joint Town Hall/Policy Facility11/03/2015$5,400,000$5,400,000$-0- WHEREAS , the TownCouncil of the Townhereby finds and determines that the issuance and delivery of the bonds hereinafter authorized is in the public interest and the use of the proceeds in the manner herein specified constitutes a valid public purpose; and WHEREAS , theTownCouncil has found and determined that it is necessary and in the best interest of the Townand its citizens that it authorize by this Ordinance the issuance and delivery of the bonds at this time, all in a single series; and WHEREAS , the meeting at which this Ordinance is considered is open to the public as required by law, and the public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended; therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNCOUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB: Town CouncilPage 302 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND OTHER PRELIMINARY MATTERS Section 1.1.Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly provided or unless the context clearly requires otherwise in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings specified below: “Bond” means any of the Bonds. “Bond Date” means the date designated as the date of the Bonds by Section3.2(a) of this Ordinance. “Bonds” means the Town’s bonds authorized to be issued by Section3.1 of this Ordinance and designated as “Town of Trophy Club, Texas, General ObligationBonds, Series 2016.” “Closing Date” means the date of the initial delivery of and payment for the Bonds. “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including applicable regulations, published rulings and court decisions. “Designated Payment/Transfer Office” means (i) with respect to the initial Paying Agent/Registrar named in this Ordinance, the Designated Payment/Transfer Office as designated in the Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, or at such other location designated by the Paying Agent/Registrar and (ii) with respect to any successor Paying Agent/Registrar, the office of such successor designated and located as may be agreed upon by the Townsuch successor. “DTC” means The Depository Trust Company of New York, New York, or any successor securities depository. “DTC Participant” means brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations on whose behalf DTC was created to hold securities to facilitate the clearance and settlement of securities transactions among DTC Participants. “EMMA” means the Electronic Municipal Market Access System. “Event of Default” means any event of default as defined in Section10.1 of this Ordinance. “Initial Bond” means the Initial Bond authorized by Section3.4 of this Ordinance. ORD 2016-14Page 2 of 36 Town CouncilPage 303 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 “Interest and Sinking Fund” means the interest and sinking fund established by Section2.2 of this Ordinance. “Interest Payment Date” means the date or dates on which interest on the Bonds is scheduled to be paid until their respective dates of maturity or prior redemption, such dates being March1 and September 1, commencing March1, 2017. “MSRB” means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. “Original Issue Date” means the date designated as the initial date of the Bonds by Section 3.02(a) of this Ordinance. “Owner” means the person who is the registered owner of a Bond or Bonds, as shown in the Register. “Paying Agent/Registrar” means initially BOKF, N.A., or any successor theretoas provided in this Ordinance. “Record Date” means the last business day of the month next preceding an Interest Payment Date. “Register” means the Register specified in Section3.6(a) of this Ordinance. “Representation Letter” means the Blanket Letterof Representations between the Townand DTC. “Rule” means SEC Rule 15c2-12, as amended from time to time. “SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. “Unclaimed Payments” means money deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds as the same come due and payable and remaining unclaimed by the Owners of such Bonds after the applicable payment or redemption date. Section 1.2.Findings. The declarations, determinations and findings declared, made and found in the preamble to this Ordinance are hereby adopted, restated and made a part of the operative provisions hereof. Section 1.3.Table of Contents. Titles and Headings. The table of contents, titles and headings of the Articles and Sections of this Ordinance have been inserted for convenience of reference only and are not to be considered a part hereof and shall not in any way modify or restrict any of the terms or ORD 2016-14Page 3 of 36 Town CouncilPage 304 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 provisions hereof and shall never be considered or given any effect in construing this Ordinance or any provision hereof or in ascertaining intent, if any question of intent should arise. Section 1.4.Interpretation. Unless the context requires otherwise, words of the masculine gender shall be construedto include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa, and words of the singular number shall be construed to include correlative words of the plural number and vice versa. This Ordinance and all the terms and provisions hereof shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes set forth herein. ARTICLE II SECURITY FOR THE BONDS; INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Section 2.1.Tax Levy. (a)Pursuant to the authority granted by the Texas Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas, there shall be levied and there is hereby levied for the current year and for each succeeding year hereafter while any of the Bonds or any interest thereon is outstanding and unpaid, an ad valorem tax on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property within the Town, at a rate sufficient, within the limit prescribed by law, to pay the debt service requirements of the Bonds, being (i) the interest on the Bonds, and (ii) a sinking fund for their redemption at maturityor a sinking fund of two percent (2%) per annum (whichever amount is greater), when due and payable, full allowance being made for delinquencies and costs of collection. (b)The ad valorem tax thus levied shall be assessed and collected each year against allproperty appearing on the tax rolls of the Townmost recently approved in accordance with law and the money thus collected shall be deposited as collected to the Interest and Sinking Fund. (c)Said ad valorem tax, the collections therefrom, and all amounts on deposit in or required hereby to be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund are hereby pledged and committed irrevocably to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when and as due and payable in accordance with their terms and this Ordinance. (d)If the lien and provisions of this Ordinance shall be released in a manner permitted by ArticleXI hereof, then the collection of such ad valorem tax may be suspended or appropriately reduced, as the facts may permit, and further deposits to theInterest and Sinking Fund may be suspended or appropriately reduced, as the facts may permit. In determining the aggregate principal amount of outstanding Bonds, there shall be subtracted the amount of any Bonds that have been duly called for redemption ORD 2016-14Page 4 of 36 Town CouncilPage 305 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 and for which money has been deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar for such redemption. Section 2.2.Interest and Sinking Fund. (a)The Townhereby establishes a special fund or account, to be designated the “Town of Trophy Club, Texas, General ObligationBonds,Series 2016, Interest and Sinking Fund,” said fund to be maintained at an official depository bank of the Town separate and apart from all other funds and accounts of the Town. (b)Money on deposit in or required by this Ordinance to be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the interest on and principal of the Bonds when and as due and payable in accordance with their terms and this Ordinance. ARTICLE III AUTHORIZATION; GENERAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS REGARDING THE BONDS Section 3.1.Authorization. The Town’s bonds, to be designated “Town of Trophy Club, Texas, General ObligationBonds,Series 2016,” are hereby authorized to be issued and delivered in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas,including specifically Chapter1331, Texas Government Code, as amended, and ArticleXIII, Section1 of the Charter of the Town. The Bonds shall be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $___________, for the purpose of: (a)providing funds for payment of the costs of issuing the Bondsand(b) providing funds for designing, developing, constructing and equipping a joint police and town hall facility and the acquisition of land therefor. Section 3.2.Date, Denomination, Maturities and Interest. (a)The Bonds shall be dated May 1, 2016. The Bonds shall be in fully registered form, without coupons, in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, and shall be numbered separately from one (1) upward, except the Initial Bond, which shall be numbered T-1. (b)The Bonds shall mature on September 1 in the years and in the principal amounts set forth in the following schedule: ORD 2016-14Page 5 of 36 Town CouncilPage 306 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Serial Bonds PrincipalPrincipalInterest YearAmountInterest RateYearAmountRate 20172027 20182028 20192029 20202030 20212031 20222032 20232033 20242034 20252035 20262036 Term Bonds YearPrincipal AmountInterest Rate 20__$_______________% (c)Interest shall accrue and be paid on each Bond respectively until its maturity or prior redemption, from the later of the date of their Original Issue Date, most recent Interest Payment Date to which interest has been paid or provided for at the rates per annum for each respective maturity specified in the schedule containedin subsection (b) above. Such interest shall be payable on each Interest Payment Date until maturity or prior redemption. Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated on the basis of a three hundred sixty (360) day year composed of twelve (12) months of thirty (30) days each. Section 3.3.Medium, Method and Place of Payment. (a)The principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America. (b)Interest on the Bonds shall be payable to each Owner as shown in the Register at the close of business on the Record Date. (c)Interest shall be paid by check, dated as of the Interest Payment Date, and sent by the Paying Agent/Registrar to each Owner, first class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address of each Owner as it appears in the Register, or by such other customary banking arrangement acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Owner; provided, however, the Owner shall bear all risk and expense of such other banking arrangement. At the option of an Owner of at least $1,000,000 principal amount of the Bonds, interest may be paid by wire transfer to the bank account of such Owner on file with the Paying Agent/Registrar. ORD 2016-14Page 6 of 36 Town CouncilPage 307 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (d)The principal of each Bond shall be paid to the Owner thereof on the due date (whether at the maturity date or the date of prior redemption thereof) upon presentation and surrender of such Bond at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar. (e)If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are required or authorized by law or executive order to close, the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions are required or authorized to close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due and no additional interest shall be due by reason of nonpayment on the date on which such payment is otherwise stated to be due and payable. (f)Unclaimed Payments shall be segregated in a special account and held in trust, uninvested by the Paying Agent/Registrar, for the account of the Owner of the Bonds to which the Unclaimed Payments pertain. Subject to Title 6 of the Texas Property Code, Unclaimed Payments remaining unclaimed by the Owners entitled thereto for three (3) years after the applicable payment or redemption date shall be applied to the next payment or payments on the Bonds thereafter coming due and, to the extent any such money remains after the retirement of all outstanding Bonds, shall be paid to the Townto be used for any lawful purpose. Thereafter, neither the Town, the Paying Agent/Registrar nor any other person shall be liable or responsible to any holders of such Bonds for any further payment of such unclaimed monies or on account of any such Bonds, subject to Title 6of the Texas Property Code. Section 3.4.Execution and Registration of Bonds. (a)The Bonds shall be executed on behalf of the Townby the Mayor and the TownSecretary, by their manual or facsimile signatures, and the official seal of the Townshall be impressed or placed in facsimile thereon. Such facsimile signatures on the Bonds shall have the same effect as if each of the Bonds had been signed manually and in person by each of those officers, and such facsimile seal on the Bonds shall have the same effect as if the official seal of the Townhad been manually impressed upon each of the Bonds. (b)In the event that any officer of the Townwhose manual or facsimile signature appears on the Bonds ceases to be such officer before the authentication of such Bonds or before the delivery thereof, such manual or facsimile signature nevertheless shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if such officer had remained in such office. (c)Except as provided below, no Bond shall be valid or obligatory forany purpose or be entitled to any security or benefit of this Ordinance unless and until there appears thereon the Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar substantially in the form ORD 2016-14Page 7 of 36 Town CouncilPage 308 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 provided herein, duly authenticated by manual execution by an officer or duly authorized signatory of the Paying Agent/Registrar. It shall not be required that the same officer or authorized signatory of the Paying Agent/Registrar sign the Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar on all of the Bonds. In lieu of the executed Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar described above, the Initial Bond delivered at the Closing Date shall have attached thereto the Comptroller’s Registration Certificate substantially in the form provided herein, manually executed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, or by his duly authorized agent, which Certificate shall be evidence that the Bond has been duly approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and that it is a valid and binding obligation of the Town, and has been registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. (d)On the Closing Date, one initial Bond representing the entire principal amount of all Bonds, payable in stated installments to the Purchaser, or its designee, executed by the Mayor and TownSecretary of the Townby their manual or facsimile signatures, approved by the Attorney General, and registered and manually signed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, will be delivered to the Purchaseror its designee. Upon payment for the InitialBond, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall cancel the Initial Bond and deliver to DTC, on behalf of the Purchaser, one typewritten Bond for each maturity representing the aggregate principal amount for each respective maturity, registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee for DTC. To the extent the Paying Agent/Registrar is eligible to participate in DTC’s FAST System, as evidenced by agreement between the Paying Agent/Registrar and DTC, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall hold the definitive Bonds in safekeeping for DTC. Section 3.5.Ownership. (a)The Town, the Paying Agent/Registrar and any other person may treat the person in whose name any Bond is registered as the absolute owner of such Bond for the purpose of making and receiving payment as provided herein (except interest shall be paid to the person in whose name such Bond is registered on the Record Date), and for all other purposes, whether or not such Bond is overdue, and neither the Townnor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be bound by any notice or knowledge to the contrary. (b)All payments made to the Owner of a Bond shall be valid and effectual and shall discharge the liability of the Townand the Paying Agent/Registrar upon such Bond to the extent of the sums paid. Section 3.6.Registration. Transfer and Exchange. (a)So long as any Bonds remain outstanding, the Townshall cause the Paying Agent/Registrar to keep at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office a register in which, subject to such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall provide for the registration and transfer of Bonds in accordance with this Ordinance. ORD 2016-14Page 8 of 36 Town CouncilPage 309 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (b)The ownership of a Bond may be transferred only upon the presentation and surrender of the Bond at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar with such endorsement or other evidence of transfer as is acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar. No transfer of any Bond shall be effective until entered in the Register. (c)The Bonds shall be exchangeable upon the presentation and surrender thereof at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar for a Bond or Bonds of the same maturity and interest rate and in any denomination or denominations of any integral multiple of $5,000 and in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unpaid principal amount of the Bonds presented for exchange. The Paying Agent/Registrar is hereby authorized to authenticate and deliver Bonds exchanged for other Bonds in accordance with this Section. (d)Each exchange Bond delivered by the Paying Agent/Registrar in accordance with this Sectionshall constitute an original contractual obligation of the Townand shall be entitled to the benefits and security of this Ordinance to the same extent as the Bond or Bonds in lieu of which such exchange Bond is delivered. (e)No service charge shall be made to the Owner for the initial registration, subsequent transfer, or exchange for any different denomination of any of the Bonds. The Paying Agent/Registrar, however, may require the Owner to pay a sum sufficient to cover any taxor other governmental charge that is authorized to be imposed in connection with the registration, transfer or exchange of a Bond. (f)Neither the Townnor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue, transfer, or exchange any Bond called for redemption, in whole or in part, where such redemption is scheduled to occur within forty-five (45) calendar days after the transfer or exchange date; provided, however, such limitation shall not be applicable to an exchange by the Owner of the uncalled principal balance of a Bond. Section 3.7.Cancellation. All Bonds paid or redeemed before scheduled maturity in accordance with this Ordinance, and all Bonds in lieu of which exchange Bonds or replacement Bonds are authenticated and delivered in accordance with this Ordinance, shall be cancelled and proper records shall be made regarding such payment, redemption, exchange or replacement. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall dispose of cancelled Bonds in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Section 3.8.Temporary Bonds. Following the delivery and registration of the Initial Bond and pending the preparation of definitive Bonds, the proper officers of the Townmay execute and, upon the Town’s request, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall authenticate and deliver, one or more temporary Bonds that are printed, lithographed, typewritten, mimeographed or ORD 2016-14Page 9 of 36 Town CouncilPage 310 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 otherwise produced, in any denomination, substantially of the tenor of the definitive Bonds in lieu of which they are delivered, without coupons, and with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions and other variations as the officers of the Town executing such temporary Bonds may determine, as evidenced by their signing of such temporary Bonds. (a)Until exchanged for Bonds in definitive form, such Bonds in temporary form shall be entitled to the benefit and security of this Ordinance. (b)The Town, without unreasonable delay, shall prepare, execute and deliver to the Paying Agent/Registrar the Bonds in definitive form; thereupon, upon the presentation and surrender of the Bonds in temporary form to the Paying Agent/Registrar, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall cancel the Bonds in temporary form and shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefor Bonds of the same maturity and series, in definitive form, in the authorized denomination, and in the same aggregate principal amount, as the Bonds in temporary form surrendered. Such exchange shall be made without the making of any charge therefor to any Owner. Section 3.9.Replacement Bonds. (a)Upon the presentation and surrender to the Paying Agent/Registrar of a mutilated Bond, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefor a replacement Bond of like tenor and principal amount, bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding. The Townor the Paying Agent/Registrar may require the Owner of such Bond to pay a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge that is authorized to be imposed in connection therewith and any other expenses connected therewith. (b)In the event that any Bond is lost, apparently destroyed or wrongfully taken, the Paying Agent/Registrar, pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of Texas and in the absence of notice or knowledge that such Bond has been acquired by a bona fide purchaser, shall authenticate and deliver a replacement Bond of like tenor and principal amount, bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding, provided that the Owner first: (i)furnishes to the Paying Agent/Registrar satisfactory evidence of his ownership of and the circumstances of the loss, destruction or theft of such Bond; (ii)furnishes such security or indemnity as may be required by the Paying Agent/Registrar to save it and the Townharmless; (iii)pays all expenses and charges in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, printing costs,legal fees, fees of the Paying Agent/Registrar and any tax or other governmental charge that is authorized to be imposed; and ORD 2016-14Page 10of 36 Town CouncilPage 311 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (iv)satisfies any other reasonable requirements imposed by the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar. (c)If, after the delivery of such replacement Bond, a bona fide purchaser of the original Bond in lieu of which such replacement Bond was issued presents for payment such original Bond, the Townand the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be entitled to recover such replacement Bond from the person to whom it was delivered or any person taking therefrom, except a bona fide purchaser, and shall be entitled to recover upon the security or indemnity provided therefor to the extent of any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by the Townor the PayingAgent/Registrar in connection therewith. (d)In the event that any such mutilated, lost, apparently destroyed or wrongfully taken Bond has become or is about to become due and payable, the Paying Agent/Registrar, in its discretion, instead of issuing a replacement Bond, may pay such Bond if it has become due and payable or may pay such Bond when it becomes due and payable. (e)Each replacement Bond delivered in accordance with this Sectionshall constitute an original additional contractual obligation of the Townand shall be entitled to the benefits and security of this Ordinance to the same extent as the Bond or Bonds in lieu of which such replacement Bond is delivered. Section 3.10.Book-Entry Only System. (a)Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, upon initial issuance of the Bonds, the ownership of the Bonds shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. The definitive Bonds shall be initially issued in the form of a single separate fully registered certificate for each of the maturities thereof. (b)With respect to Bonds registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, the Townand the Paying Agent/Registrar shall have no responsibility or obligation to any DTC Participant or to any person on behalf of whom such a DTC Participant holds an interest in the Bonds. Without limiting the immediately preceding sentence, the Townand the Paying Agent/Registrar shall have no responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the accuracy of the records of DTC, Cede & Co. or any DTC Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Bonds, (ii) the delivery to any DTC Participant or any other person, other than a Bondholder, as shown on the Register, of any notice with respect to the Bonds, including any notice of redemption, or (iii) the payment to any DTC Participant or any other person, other than a Bondholder, as shown in the Register of any amount with respect to principal of or interest on the Bonds. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance to the contrary, the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be entitled to treat and consider the person in whose name each Bond is registered in the Register as the absolute owner of such Bond for the purpose of payment of principal of and interest on such Bonds, for the purpose of all matters with respect to such Bond, for the purpose of registering transfer with respect to such Bond, and for all other purposes whatsoever. The Paying ORD 2016-14Page 11of 36 Town CouncilPage 312 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Agent/Registrar shall pay all principal of and interest on the Bonds only to or upon the order of the respective owners, as shown in the Register as provided in this Ordinance, or their respective attorneys duly authorized in writing, and all such payments shall be valid and effective to fully satisfy and discharge the Town’s obligations with respect to payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. No person other than an owner, as shown in the Register, shall receive a certificate evidencing the obligation of the Townto make payments of amounts due pursuant to this Ordinance. Upon delivery by DTC to the Paying Agent/Registrar of written notice to the effect that DTC has determined to substitute a new nominee in place of Cede & Co., the word “Cede & Co.” in this Ordinance shall refer to such new nominee of DTC. (c)The Representations Letter previously executed and delivered by the Town, and applicable to the Town’s obligations delivered in book-entry-only form to DTC as securities depository, is hereby ratified and approved for the Bonds. Section 3.11.Successor Securities Depository; Transfer Outside Book-Entry Only System. In the event that the Townor the Paying Agent/Registrar determines that DTC is incapable of discharging its responsibilities described herein and in the Representations Letter of the Townto DTC, or in the event DTC discontinues the services described herein, the Townor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall (i) appoint a successor securities depository, qualified to act as such underSection17(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, notify DTC and DTC Participants of the appointment of such successor securities depository and transfer one or more separate Bonds to such successor securities depository or (ii) notify DTC and DTC Participantsof the availability through DTC of Bonds and transfer one or more separate Bonds to DTC Participants having Bonds credited to their DTC accounts. In such event, the Bonds shall no longer be restricted to being registered in the Register in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, but may be registered in the name of the successor securities depository, or its nominee, or in whatever name or names Bondholders transferring or exchanging Bonds shall designate, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 3.12.Payments to Cede & Co. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance to the contrary, so long as any Bonds are registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, all payments with respect to principal of, premium, if any, and intereston such Bonds, and all notices with respect to such Bonds, shall be made and given, respectively, in the manner provided in the blanket letter of representation of the Townto DTC. ORD 2016-14Page 12of 36 Town CouncilPage 313 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE IV REDEMPTION OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY Section 4.1.Limitation on Redemption. The Bonds shall be subject to redemption before scheduled maturity only as provided in this ArticleIV. Section 4.2.Optional Redemption. (a)The Townreserves the option to redeem Bonds maturing on and after September 1, 2026 in whole or any part, in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof before their respective scheduled maturity dates, on September 1, 2025, or on any date thereafter, at a price equal to the principal amount of the Bonds called for redemption plus accrued interest to the date fixedfor redemption. (b)The Town, at least forty-five (45) days before the redemption date, unless a shorter period shall be satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar, shall notify the Paying Agent/Registrar of such redemption date and of the principal amount of Bonds to be redeemed. Section 4.3.Partial Redemption. (a)If less than all of the Bonds are to be redeemed pursuant to Section4.2 hereof, the Townshall determine the maturity or maturities and the amounts thereof to be redeemed and shall direct the Paying Agent/Registrar to call by lot the Bonds, or portions thereof, within such maturity or maturities and in such principal amounts for redemption. (b)A portion of a single Bond of a denomination greater than $5,000 may be redeemed, but only in a principal amount equal to $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. If such a Bond is to be partially redeemed, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall treat each $5,000 portion of the Bond as though it were a single Bond for purposes of selection for redemption. (c)Upon surrender of any Bond for redemption in part, the Paying Agent/Registrar, in accordance with Section3.6 of this Ordinance, shall authenticate and deliveran exchange Bond or Bonds in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion of the Bond so surrendered, such exchange being without charge. (d)The Paying Agent/Registrar shall promptly notify the Townin writing of the principal amount to be redeemed of any Bond as to which only a portion thereof is to be redeemed. ORD 2016-14Page 13of 36 Town CouncilPage 314 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 4.4.Mandatory Sinking Fund Redemption. (a)The Bonds maturing on September1, 20__ and September1, 20__ (the “Term Bonds”) are subject to scheduled mandatory redemption and will be redeemed by the Town, in part at a price equal to the principal amount thereof, without premium, plus accrued interest to the redemption date, out of moneys available for such purpose in the Interest and Sinking Fund, on the dates and in the respective principal amounts as set forth below. Term Bonds Maturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity Term Bonds Maturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity (b)At least forty-five (45) days prior to each scheduled mandatory redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select for redemption by lot, or by any other customary method that results in a random selection, a principal amount of Term Bonds equal to the aggregate principal amount of such Term Bonds to be redeemed, shall call such Term Bonds for redemption on such scheduled mandatory redemption date, and shall give notice of such redemption, as provided in Section4.05. (c)The principal amount of the Term Bonds required to be redeemed on any redemption date pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this Section4.03 shall be reduced, at the option of the Town, by the principal amount of any Term Bonds which, at least 45 days prior to the mandatory sinking fund redemption date (i) shall have been acquired by the Town at a price not exceeding the principal amount of such Term Bonds plus accrued interest to the date of purchase thereof, and delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation, or (ii) shall have been redeemed pursuant to the optional redemption provisions hereof and not previously credited to a mandatory sinking fund redemption. Section 4.5.Notice of Redemption to Owners. (a)The Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice of any redemption of Bonds by sending notice by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, not less than thirty ORD 2016-14Page 14of 36 Town CouncilPage 315 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (30) days before the date fixed for redemption, to the Owner of each Bond (or part thereof) to be redeemed, at the address shown on the Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the date of mailing such notice. (b)The notice shall state the redemption date, the redemption price, the place at which the Bonds are to be surrendered for payment, and, if less than all the Bonds outstanding are to be redeemed and subject to Section3.12 hereof, an identification of the Bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed. (c)Any notice given as provided in this Sectionshall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given, whether or not the Owner receives such notice. Section 4.6.Payment Upon Redemption. (a)Before or on each redemption date, the Townshall deposit with the Paying Agent/Registrar money sufficient to pay all amounts due on the redemption date and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall make provision for the payment of the Bonds to be redeemed on such date by setting aside and holding in trust such amounts as are received by the Paying Agent/Registrar from the Townand shall use such funds solely for the purpose of payingthe principal of, redemption premium, if any, and accrued interest on the Bonds being redeemed. (b)Upon presentation and surrender of any Bond called for redemption at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar on or after the date fixed for redemption, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and accrued interest on such Bond to the date of redemption from the money set aside for such purpose. Section 4.7.Effect of Redemption. (a)Notice of redemption having been given as provided in Section4.5 of this Ordinance, and subject to any conditions or rights reserved by the Townunder Section4.8, theBonds or portions thereof called for redemption shall become due and payable on the date fixed for redemption and, unless the Towndefaults in its obligation to make provision for the payment of the principal thereof, redemption premium, if any, or accruedinterest thereon, such Bonds or portions thereof shall cease to bear interest from and after the date fixed for redemption, whether or not such Bonds are presented and surrendered for payment on such date. (b)If the Townshall fail to make provision for payment of all sums due on a redemption date, then any Bond or portion thereof called for redemption shall continue to bear interest at the rate stated on the Bond until due provision is made for the payment of same by the Town. ORD 2016-14Page 15of 36 Town CouncilPage 316 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 4.8.Conditional Notice of Redemption. The Townreserves the right to give notice of its election or direction to redeem Bonds conditioned upon the occurrence of subsequent events. Such notice may state (i) that the redemption is conditioned upon the deposit of moneys and/or authorized securities, in an amount equal to the amount necessary to effect the redemption, with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or such other entity as may be authorized by law, no later than the redemption date, or (ii) that the Townretains the right to rescind such notice at any time on or prior to the scheduled redemption date if the Towndelivers a certificate of the Townto the Paying Agent/Registrar instructing the Paying Agent/Registrar to rescind the redemption notice and such notice and redemption shall be of no effect if such moneys and/or authorized securities are not so deposited or if the notice is rescinded. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall give prompt notice of any such rescission of a conditional notice of redemption to the affected Owners. Any Bonds subject to conditional redemption and such redemption has been rescinded shall remain Outstanding and the rescission of such redemption shall not constitute an event of default. Further, in the case of a conditional redemption, the failure of the Townto make moneys and or authorized securities available in part or in whole on or before the redemption date shall not constitute an event of default. ARTICLE V PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR Section 5.1.Appointment of Initial Paying Agent/Registrar. BOKF, N.A., is hereby appointedas the initial Paying Agent/Registrar for the Bonds. Section 5.2. Qualifications. Each Paying Agent/Registrar shall be a commercial bank, a trust company organized under the laws of the State of Texas, or any other entity duly qualified and legally authorized to serve as and perform the duties and services of paying agent and registrar for the Bonds. Section 5.3.Maintaining Paying Agent/Registrar. (a)At all times while any Bonds are outstanding, the Townwill maintain a Paying Agent/Registrar that is qualified under Section5.2 of this Ordinance. The Mayor ishereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Paying Agent/Registrar specifying the duties and responsibilities of the Townand the Paying Agent/Registrar. The signature of the Mayor shall be attested by theTownSecretary of the Town. The form of the Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement presented at this meeting is hereby approved with such changes as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town. ORD 2016-14Page 16of 36 Town CouncilPage 317 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (b)If the Paying Agent/Registrar resigns or Otherwise ceases to serve as such, the Townwill promptly appoint a replacement. Section 5.4.Termination. The Town, upon not less than sixty (60) days’ notice, reserves the right to terminate the appointment of any Paying Agent/Registrar by delivering to the entity whose appointment is to beterminated written notice of such termination. Section 5.5.Notice of Change to Owners. Promptly upon each change in the entity serving as Paying Agent/Registrar, the Townwill cause notice of the change to be sent to each Owner by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, at the address in the Register, stating the effective date of the change and the name and mailing address of the replacement Paying Agent/Registrar. Section 5.6.Agreement to Perform Duties and Functions. By accepting the appointment as Paying Agent/Registrar and executing the Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, the Paying Agent/Registrar is deemed to have agreed to the provisions of this Ordinance and that it will perform the duties and functions of Paying Agent/Registrar prescribed thereby. Section 5.7.Delivery of Records to Successor. If a Paying Agent/Registrar is replaced, such Paying Agent/Registrar, promptly upon the appointment of the successor, will deliver the Register (or a copy thereof) and all other pertinent books and records relating to the Bonds to the successor Paying Agent/Registrar. ARTICLE VI FORM OF THE BONDS Section 6.1.Form Generally. (a)The Bonds, the Registration Certificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the Certificate of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and the Assignment form to appear on each of the Bonds, (i) shall be substantially in the form set forth in this Article, with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions, and other variations as are permitted or required bythis Ordinance, and (ii) may have such letters, numbers, or other marks of identification (including identifying numbers and letters of the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures of the American Bankers Association) and such legends andendorsements (including any reproduction of an opinion of counsel) thereon as, consistently herewith, may be ORD 2016-14Page 17of 36 Town CouncilPage 318 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 determined by the Townor by the officers executing such Bonds, as evidenced by their execution thereof. (b)Any portion of the text of any Bonds maybe set forth on the reverse side thereof, with an appropriate reference thereto on the face of the Bonds. (c)The definitive Bonds shall be typewritten, printed, lithographed, or engraved, and may be produced by any combination of these methods or produced in any other similar manner, all as determined by the officers executing such Bonds, as evidenced by their execution thereof. (d)The Initial Bond submitted to the Attorney General of the State of Texas may be typewritten and photocopied or otherwise reproduced. Section 6.2.Form of the Bonds. The form of the Bond, including the form of the Registration Certificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the form of Certificate of the Paying Agent/Registrar and the form of Assignment appearing on the Bonds, shall be substantially as follows: (a)Form of Bond. REGISTEREDREGISTERED No. __________$________ United States of America State of Texas County of Tarrant TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATIONBOND SERIES 2016 INTEREST RATE:MATURITY DATE:ISSUE DATE:CUSIP NUMBER: ________%September1, ____May 1, 2016______ ___ The Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), in the Countiesof Tarrantand Denton, State of Texas, for value received, hereby promises to pay to __________________________ or registered assigns, on the Maturity Date specified above, the sum of ___________________ DOLLARS ORD 2016-14Page 18of 36 Town CouncilPage 319 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 unless this Bond shall have been sooner called for redemption and the payment of the principalhereof shall have been paid or provided for, and to pay interest on such principal amount fromthe later of the DeliveryDate specified above or the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or provided for until payment of such principal amount has been paid or provided for, at the per annum rate of interest specified above, computed on the basis of a three hundred sixty (360) day year of twelve (12) thirty (30) day months, such interest to be paid semiannually on March1 and September1of each year, commencing March1, 2017. The principal of this Bond shall be payable without exchange or collection charges in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of this Bond at the corporate trust office in Dallas, Texas (the “Designated Payment/Transfer Office”) of BOKF, N.A., as Paying Agent/Registrar or, with respect to a successor Paying Agent/Registrar, at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office thereof. Interest on this Bond is payable by check dated as of the interest payment date, and will be mailed by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the registered owner at the address shown on the registration books kept by the Paying Agent/Registrar or by such other customary banking arrangement acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar and the registered owner; provided, however, such registered owner shall bear all risk and expense of such other banking arrangement. At the option of an Owner of at least $1,000,000 principal amount of the Bonds, interest may be paid by wire transfer to the bank account of such Owner on file with the Paying Agent/Registrar. For the purpose of the payment of interest on this Bond, the registered owner shall be the person in whose name this Bond is registered at the close of business on the “Record Date,” which shall bethe last business day of the month next preceding such interest payment date. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on this Bond shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions in the city where the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are required or authorized by law or executive order to close, the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions are required or authorized to close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due and no additional interest shall be due by reason of nonpayment on the date on which such payment is otherwise stated to be due and payable. This Bond is dated May1, 2016 and is one of a series of fully registered bonds specified in the title hereof issued in the aggregate principal amount of $___________ (herein referred to as the “Bonds”), issued pursuant to a certain ordinance of the Town (the “Ordinance”) for the purpose of providing funds with which to make various permanent public improvements for and within the Town, and to pay the costs of issuing the Bonds. The Townhas reserved the option to redeem the Bonds maturingon or after September 1, 2026, in whole or in part before their respective scheduled maturity dates, onSeptember 1, 2025, or on any date thereafter, at a price equal to the principal ORD 2016-14Page 19of 36 Town CouncilPage 320 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 amount of the Bonds so called for redemption plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. If less than all of the Bonds are to be redeemed, the Townshall determine the maturity or maturities and the amounts thereof to be redeemed and shall direct the Paying Agent/Registrar to call by lot the Bonds, or portions thereof, within such maturity and in such principal amounts, for redemption. The Bonds maturing September1, 20__ and September1, 20__ (the “Term Bonds”) are subject to scheduled mandatory redemption and will be redeemed by the Town, in part at a price equal to the principal amount thereof, without premium, plus accrued interest to the redemption date, out of moneys available for such purpose in the Interest and Sinking Fund, on the dates and in the respective principal amounts as set forth below. Term Bonds Maturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity Term Bonds Maturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity At least forty-five (45) days prior to each scheduled mandatory redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select for redemption by lot, or by any other customary method that results in a random selection, a principal amount of Term Bonds equal to the aggregate principal amount of such Term Bonds to be redeemed, shall call such Term Bonds for redemption on such scheduled mandatory redemption date, and shall give notice of such redemption, as provided in the Ordinance. In lieu of calling the Term Bonds described above, for mandatory redemption, the Town reserves the right to purchase such Term Bonds at a price not exceeding the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest, with (a) moneys on deposit in the Interest and Sinking Fund which are availablefor the mandatory redemption of such Term Bonds or (b) other lawfully available funds. Upon any such purchase in lieu of redemption, not less than five (5) days prior to a mandatory redemption date, the Town shall deliver such Term Bonds to the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the selection of the Term Bonds for redemption and the ORD 2016-14Page 20of 36 Town CouncilPage 321 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 principal amount so delivered shall be credited against the amount required to be called for redemption in that year. Notice of such redemption or redemptions shall be given by first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than thirty (30) days before the date fixed for redemption, to the registered owner of each of the Bonds to be redeemed in whole or in part. Notice having been so given, the Bonds or portions thereof designated for redemption shall become due and payable on the redemption date specified in such notice; from and after such date, notwithstanding that any of the Bonds or portions thereof so called for redemption shall not have been surrendered for payment, interest on such Bonds or portions thereof shall cease to accrue. The Townreserves the right to give notice of its election or direction to redeem Bonds conditioned upon the occurrence of subsequent events. Such notice may state (i) that the redemption is conditioned upon the deposit of moneys and/or authorized securities, in an amount equal to the amount necessary to effect the redemption, with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or such other entity as may be authorized by law, no later than the redemption date, or (ii) that the Townretains the right to rescind such notice at any time on or prior to the scheduled redemption date if the Towndelivers a certificate of the Townto the Paying Agent/Registrar instructing the Paying Agent/Registrar to rescind the redemption notice and such notice and redemption shall be of no effect if such moneys and/or authorized securities are not so deposited or if the notice is rescinded. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall give prompt notice of any such rescission of a conditional notice of redemption to the affected Owners. Any Bonds subject to conditional redemption and such redemption has been rescinded shall remain Outstanding and the rescission of such redemption shall not constitute an event of default. Further, in the case of a conditional redemption, the failure of the Townto make moneys and or authorized securities available in part or in whole on or before the redemption date shall not constitute an event of default. As provided in the Ordinance, and subject to certain limitations therein set forth, this Bond is transferable upon surrender of this Bond for transfer at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar with such endorsement or other evidence of transfer as is acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar; thereupon, one or more new fully registered Bonds of the same stated maturity, of authorized denominations, bearing the same rate of interest, and for the same aggregate principal amount will be issued to the designated transferee or transferees. Neither the Townnor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue, transfer or exchange any Bond called for redemption where such redemption is scheduled to occur within forty-five (45) calendar days of the transfer or exchange date; provided, however, such limitation shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the uncalled principal balance of a Bond. The Town, the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any other person may treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as the owner hereof forthe purpose of ORD 2016-14Page 21of 36 Town CouncilPage 322 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 receiving payment as herein provided (except interest shall be paid to the person in whose name this Bond is registered on the Record Date) and for all other purposes, whether or not this Bond be overdue, and neither the Townnor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that the issuance of this Bond and the series of which it is a part is duly authorized by law, and has been authorized by a vote of the properly qualified electors of the Town; that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of the Bonds have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by law; and that ad valorem taxes upon all taxable property in the Townhave been levied for and pledged to the payment of the debt service requirements of the Bonds, within the limit prescribed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Townhas caused this Bond to be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor of the Townand countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the TownSecretary of the Town, and the official seal of the Townhas been duly impressed or placed in facsimile on this Bond. _______________________________ _______________________________ TownSecretary,Town of Trophy Club, TexasMayor, Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ORD 2016-14Page 22of 36 Town CouncilPage 323 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (b)Form of Comptroller’s Registration Certificate The following Comptroller’s Registration Certificate may be deletedfrom the definitive Bonds if such Certificate on the initial Bond is fully executed. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER § OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS § REGISTER NO.__________ OF THE STATE OF TEXAS § I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this Bond has been examined by him as required by law, that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and that this Bond has this day been registered by me. Witness my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, ________________. _______________________________ Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas \[SEAL\] (c)Form of Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar The following Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar may be deleted from the Initial Bond if the Comptroller’s Registration Certificate appears thereon. CERTIFICATE OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR The records of the Paying Agent/Registrar show that the Initial Bond of this series of bonds was approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, and that this is one of the Bonds referred to in the within-mentioned Ordinance. BOKF, N.A. as Paying Agent/Registrar Dated: _________________________ By: Authorized Representative ORD 2016-14Page 23of 36 Town CouncilPage 324 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (d)Form of Assignment ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto (print or typewrite name, address and Zip Code of transferee): _______________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (Social Security or other identifying number: ____________________) the within Bond and all rights hereunder and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints ___________________ attorney to transfer the within Bond on the books kept for registration hereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: NOTICE: The signature on this Assignment must correspond with the Signature Guaranteed By:name of the registered owner as it appears on the face of the within Bond in every particular and must be guaranteed in a Authorized Signatorymanner acceptable to thePaying Agent/Registrar. (e)The Initial Bond shall be in the form set forth in subsections (a), (b) and (d) of this Section, except for the following alterations: (i)immediately under the name of the Bond, the headings “INTEREST RATE” and “MATURITY DATE” shall be completed with the words “As shown below”; (ii)in the first paragraph of the Bond, the words “on the Maturity Date specified above” shall be deleted and the following will be inserted: “on September1in each of the years, in the principal installments and bearing interest at the per annum rates in accordance with the following schedule: YearsPrincipal InstallmentsInterest Rates (Information to be inserted from schedule in Section3.2 of this Ordinance); and Section 6.3.CUSIP Registration. The Townmay secure identification numbers through the CUSIP Global Services, managed by S&P Capital IQ on behalf of the American Bankers Association, and may authorize the printing of such numbers on the face of the Bonds. It is expressly provided, however, that the presence or absence of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds shall be of no significance or effect as regards the legality thereof and neither the Townnor ORD 2016-14Page 24of 36 Town CouncilPage 325 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 the attorneys approving said Bonds as to legality are to be held responsible for CUSIP numbers incorrectly printed on the Bonds. Section 6.4.Legal Opinion. The approving legal opinion of Bracewell LLP, Bond Counsel, may be printed on the reverse side of each Bond over the certification of the TownSecretary of the Town, which may be executed in facsimile. Section 6.5.Statement of Insurance. A statement relating to a municipal bond insurance policy, if any, to be issued for the Bonds may be printed on or attached to each Bond. ARTICLE VII SALE AND DELIVERY OFBONDS, DEPOSIT OF PROCEEDS Section 7.1.Sale of Bonds. Official Statement. (a)The Bonds, having been duly advertised and offered for sale at competitive bid, are hereby officially sold and awarded to __________________ (the “Purchaser”) for a purchase price equal to the principal amountthereof plus a cash premium of $___________,being the bid whichproduced thelowest true interest cost to the Town. The Initial Bond shall be registered in the name of the Purchaser or its designee. (b)The form and substance of the Preliminary Official Statement, and any addenda, supplement or amendment thereto, are hereby in all respects approved and adopted and is hereby deemed final as of its date within the meaning and for the purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of Rule 15c2-12 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The final Official Statement (the “Official Statement”) presented to and considered at this meeting is hereby in all respects approved and adopted and the Mayor and the TownSecretary of the Townare hereby authorized and directed to execute the same and deliver appropriate numbers of executed copies thereof to the Purchaser. The Official Statement as thus approved, executed and delivered, with such appropriate variations as shall be approved by the Mayor of the Townand the Purchaser, may be used by the Purchaser in the public offering and sale thereof. The TownSecretary is hereby authorized and directed to include and maintain a copy of the Official Statement and any addenda, supplement or amendment thereto thus approved among the permanent records of this meeting. The use and distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement, as supplemented, and the preliminary public offering of the Bonds by the Purchaser, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. (c)All officers of the Townare authorized to execute such documents, certificates and receipts as they may deem appropriate in order to consummate the delivery of the Bonds in accordance with the terms of sale therefor. Further, in ORD 2016-14Page 25of 36 Town CouncilPage 326 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 connection with the submission of the record of proceedings for the Bonds to the Attorney General of the State of Texas for examination and approval of such Bonds, the appropriate officer of the Townis hereby authorized and directed to issue a check of the Townpayable to the Attorney General of the State of Texas as a nonrefundable examination fee in the amount required by Chapter 1202, Texas Government Code (such amount to be the lesser of (i) 1/10th of 1% of the principal amount of the Bonds or (ii) $9,500). (d)The obligation of the Purchaser identified in subsection (a) of this Sectionto accept delivery of the Bonds is subject to the Purchaser being furnished with the final, approving opinion of Bracewell LLP, Bond Counsel for the Town, which opinion shall be dated and delivered the Closing Date. Section 7.2.Control and Delivery of Bonds. (a)The Mayor of the Townis hereby authorized to have control of the Initial Bond and all necessary records and proceedings pertaining thereto pending investigation, examination and approval of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and registration with, and initial exchange or transfer by, the Paying Agent/Registrar. (b)After registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, delivery of the Bonds shall be made to thePurchaserunder and subject to the general supervision and direction of the Mayor, against receipt by the Townof all amounts due to the Townunder the terms of sale. (c)In the event the Mayor or TownSecretary is absent or otherwise unable to execute any document or take any action authorized herein, the Mayor Pro Tem and the Assistant TownSecretary, respectively, shall be authorized to execute such documents and take such actions, and the performance of such duties by the Mayor Pro Tem and the Assistant TownSecretary shall for the purposes of this Ordinance have the same force and effect as if such duties were performed by the Mayor and TownSecretary, respectively. Section 7.3.Deposit of Proceeds. (a)Proceeds of the Bonds in the amount of $__________, including premium in the amount of $__________,shall be deposited to a special construction fund of the Town, such monies to be dedicated and used solely for the purposes for which the Bonds are being issued as provided in Section3.1(b). (b)Premium in the amount of $___________ receivedon the Closing Date, shall be deposited to a special account of the Townand used for the payment of the costs of issuing the Bonds. Any amounts not needed for the payment of costs of issuance shall be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund. ORD 2016-14Page 26of 36 Town CouncilPage 327 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE VIII INVESTMENTS Section 8.1.Investments. (a)Money in the Interest and Sinking Fund created by this Ordinance, at the Town’s option, may be invested in such securities or obligations as permitted under applicable law. (b)Any securities or obligations in which money is so invested shall be kept and held in trust for the benefit of the Owners and shall be sold and the proceeds of sale shall be timely applied to the making of all payments required to be made from the fund from which the investment was made. Section 8.2.Investment Income. (a)Interest and income derived from investment of the Interest and Sinking Fund shall be credited to such Fund. (b)Interest and income derived from the investment of the funds deposited pursuant to Section7.3 hereof shall be credited to thefund or account where deposited until the construction of the projects for which the Bonds are issued is completed; thereafter, to the extent such interest and income are present, such interest and income shall be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund. ARTICLE IX PARTICULAR REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS Section 9.1.Payment of the Bonds. On or before each Interest Payment Date for the Bonds and while any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, there shall be made available to the Paying Agent/Registrar, out of the Interest and Sinking Fund, money sufficient to pay such interest on and principal of the Bonds as will accrue or mature on the applicable Interest Payment Date or date of prior redemption. Section 9.2.Other Representations and Covenants. (a)The Townwill faithfully perform at all times any and all covenants, undertakings, stipulations, and provisions contained in this Ordinance and in each Bond; the Townwill promptly pay or cause to be paid the principal of and interest on each Bond on the dates and at the places and manner prescribed in such Bond; and the Townwill, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this Ordinance, deposit or cause to be deposited the amounts of money specified by this Ordinance. ORD 2016-14Page 27of 36 Town CouncilPage 328 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (b)The Townis duly authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to issue the Bonds; all action on its part for the creation and issuance of the Bonds has been duly and effectively taken; and the Bonds in the hands of the Owners thereof are and will be valid and enforceable obligations of the Townin accordance withtheir terms. Section 9.3.Provisions Concerning Federal Income Tax Exclusion. (a)General. The Townintends that the interest on the Bonds shall be excludable from gross income for purposes of federal income taxation pursuant to sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”); and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (the “Regulations”). The Towncovenants and agrees not to take any action, or knowingly omit to take any action within its control, that if taken or omitted, respectively, would cause the interest on the Bonds to be includable in the gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Code, of the holders thereof for purposes of federal income taxation. In particular, the Towncovenants and agrees to comply with each requirement of this Section9.3; provided, however, that the Townshall not be required to comply with any particular requirement of this Section9.3 if the Townhas received an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel (“Counsel’s Opinion”) that (i) such noncompliance will not adversely affect the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest onthe Bonds or (ii) that compliance with some other requirement set forth in this Section9.3 will satisfy the applicable requirements of the Code and the Regulations, in which case compliance with such other requirement specified in such Counsel’s Opinion shall constitute compliance with the corresponding requirement specified in this Section9.3. (b)No Private Use or Payment and No Private Loan Financing. The Town shall certify, through an authorized officer, employee or agent, that, based upon all facts andestimates known or reasonably expected to be in existence on the date the Bonds are delivered, the proceeds of the Bonds will not be used in a manner that would cause the Bonds to be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of section 141 of the Code and the Regulations. The Towncovenants and agrees that it will make such use of the proceeds of the Bonds, including interest or other investment income derived from Bond proceeds, regulate the use of property financed, directly or indirectly, with such proceeds, and take such other and further action as may be required so that the bonds will not be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of section 141 of the Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder. (c)No Federal Guaranty. The Towncovenants and agrees not to take any action, or knowingly omit to take any action within its control, that, if taken or omitted, respectively, would cause the Bonds to be “federally guaranteed” within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations, except as permitted by section 149(b)(3) of the Code and the Regulations. (d)No Hedge Bonds. The Towncovenants and agrees not to take any action, or knowingly omit to take any action, that, if taken or omitted, respectively, would cause ORD 2016-14Page 28of 36 Town CouncilPage 329 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 the Bonds to be “hedge bonds” within the meaning of section 149(g) of the Code and the Regulations. (e)No-Arbitrage Covenant. The Towncovenants and agrees that it will make such use of the proceeds of the Bonds including interest or other investment income derived from Bond proceeds, regulate investments of proceeds of the Bonds, and take such other and further action as may be required so that the Bonds will not be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of section 148(a) of the Code and the applicable Regulations promulgated thereunder. Moreover, the Townshall certify, through an authorized officer, employee or agent, that, based upon all facts and estimates known or reasonably expected to be in existence on the date the Bonds are delivered, that the proceeds of the Bonds will not be used in a manner that would cause the Bonds to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of section 148(a) of the Code and the applicable Regulations promulgated thereunder. (f)Arbitrage Rebate. If the Towndoes not qualify for an exception to the requirements of Section148(f) of the Code, relating to the required rebate to the United States, the Townwill take all necessary steps to comply with the requirement that certain amounts earned by the Townon the investment of the “gross proceeds” of the Bonds (within the meaning of section 148(f)(6)(B) of the Code), be rebated to the federal government. Specifically, the Townwill (i) maintain records regarding the investment of the gross proceeds of the Bonds as may be required to calculate the amount earned on the investment of the gross proceeds of the Bonds separately from records of amounts on deposit in the funds and accounts of the Townallocable to other bond issue of the Townor moneys which do not represent gross proceeds of any bonds of the Town, (ii) determine at such times as are required by the applicable Regulations, the amount earned from the investment of the gross proceeds of the Bonds which is required to be rebated to the federal government, and (iii) pay, not less often than every fifth anniversary date of the delivery of the Bonds or on such other dates as may be permitted under the Regulations, all amounts required to be rebated to the federal government. Further, the Townwill not indirectlypay any amount otherwise payable to thefederal government pursuant to the foregoing requirements to any person other than the federal government by entering into any investment arrangement with respect to the gross proceeds of the Bonds that might result in a reduction in the amount required to be paid to the federal government because such arrangement results in a smaller profit or a larger loss than would have resulted if the arrangement had been at arm’s length and had the yield on the issue not been relevant to either party. (g)Information Reporting. The Towncovenants and agrees to file or cause to be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury, not later than the 15th day of the second calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter in which the Bonds are issued, an information statement concerning the Bonds, all under and in accordance with section 149(e) of the Code and the applicable Regulations promulgated thereunder. (h)Record Retention. The Townwill retain all pertinent and material records relating to the use and expenditure of the proceeds of the Bonds until six years after the ORD 2016-14Page 29of 36 Town CouncilPage 330 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 last Bond is redeemed, or such shorter period as authorized by subsequent guidance issued by the Department of Treasury, if applicable. All records will be kept in a manner that ensures their complete access throughout the retention period. For this purpose, it is acceptable that such records are kept either as hardcopy books and records or in an electronic storage and retrieval system, provided that such electronic system includes reasonable controls and quality assurance programs that assure the ability of the Town to retrieve and reproduce such books and records in the event of an examination of the Bonds by the Internal Revenue Service. (i)Registration. The Bonds will be issued in registered form. (j)Continuing Obligation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance, the Town’s obligations under the covenants and provisions of this Section9.3 shall survive the defeasance and discharge of the Bonds. Section 9.4.Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. The Town hereby designates the Bonds as “qualified tax-exempt obligations” for purposes of section 265(b) of the Code. In connection therewith, the Town represents (a) that the aggregate amount of tax-exempt obligations issued by the Town during calendar year 2016, including the Bonds, which have been designated as “qualified tax- exempt obligations” under section 265(b)(3) of the Code does not exceed $10,000,000, and (b) that the reasonably anticipated amount of its tax-exempt obligations which will be issued by the Town during calendar year 2013, including the Bonds, will not exceed $10,000,000. For purposes of this Section9.11, the term “tax-exempt obligations” does not include“private activity bonds” within the meaning of section 141 of the Code, other than “qualified 501(c)(3) bonds” within the meaning of section 145 of the Code. In addition, for purposes of this Section9.11, the Town includes all governmental units which are aggregate with the Town under section 265(b) of the Code. ARTICLE X DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Section 10.1.Events of Default. Each of the following occurrences or events for the purpose of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an Event of Default: (i)the failure to make payment of the principal of or interest on any of the Bonds when the same becomes due and payable; or (ii)default in the performance or observance of any other covenant, agreement or obligation of the Town, which default materially and adversely affects the rights of the Owners, including but not limited to, their prospect or ability to be repaid in accordance with this Ordinance, and the continuation ORD 2016-14Page 30of 36 Town CouncilPage 331 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 thereof for a period of sixty (60) days after notice of such default is given by any Owner to the Town. Section 10.2.Remedies for Default. (a)Upon the happening of any Event of Default, then any Owner or an authorized representative thereof, including but not limited to, a trustee or trustees therefor, may proceed against theTownfor the purpose of protecting and enforcing the rights of the Owners under this Ordinance, by mandamus or other suit, action or special proceeding in equity or at law, in any court of competent jurisdiction, for any relief permitted by law, including the specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein, or thereby to enjoin any act or thing that may be unlawful or in violation of any right of the Owners hereunder or any combination of such remedies. (b) It is provided that all such proceedings shall be instituted and maintained for the equal benefit of all Owners of Bonds then outstanding. Section 10.3.Remedies Not Exclusive. (a)No remedy herein conferred or reserved is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or under the Bonds or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity; provided, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance, the right to accelerate the debt evidenced by the Bonds shall not be available as a remedy under this Ordinance. (b)The exercise of any remedy herein conferred or reserved shall not be deemed a waiver of any other available remedy. ARTICLE XI DISCHARGE Section 11.1.Discharge. The Bonds may be defeased, discharged or refunded in any manner permitted by applicable law. ARTICLE XII CONTINUING DISCLOSURE UNDERTAKING Section 12.1.Annual Reports. (a)The Townshall provide annually to the MSRB, (1) within six months after the end of each fiscal year of the Town, financial information and operating data with respect to the Townof the general type included in the final Official Statement, being information described in Tables 1-12,including financial statements of the Townif ORD 2016-14Page 31of 36 Town CouncilPage 332 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 audited financial statements of theTownare then available, and (2) if not provided as part such financial information and operating data, audited financial statements of the Town, when and if available. Any financial statements so to be provided shall be (i) prepared in accordance with the accounting principles prescribed by the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or such other accounting principles as the Townmay be required to employ, from time to time, by State law or regulation, and (ii) audited, if the Towncommissions an auditof such statements and the audit is completed within the period during which they must be provided. If the audit of such financial statements is not complete within 12 months after any such fiscal year end, then the Townshall file unaudited financial statements within such 12-month period and audited financial statements for the applicable fiscal year, when and if the audit report on such statements becomes available. (b)If the Townchanges its fiscal year, it will notify the MSRB of thechange (and of thedate of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the Town otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. (c)The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Sectionmay be set forth in full in one or more documents or may be included by specific referenced to any document (including an official statement or other offering document, if it is available from the MSRB) that theretofore has been provided to the MSRB or filed with the SEC. Section 12.2.DisclosureEvent Notices. (a)The Townshall notify the MSRB, in a timely manner not in excess of ten (10) Business Days after the occurrence of the event, of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds: (i)Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii)Non-payment related defaults, if material; (iii)Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (iv)Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (v) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (vi)Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701 -TEB) or other material notices or determinations with respect to the ORD 2016-14Page 32of 36 Town CouncilPage 333 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 tax status of the Bonds, or other material events affecting the tax status of the Bonds; (vii)Modifications to rights of holders of the Bonds, if material; (viii)Bond calls, if material, and tender offers; (ix)Defeasances; (x)Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Bonds, if material; (xi)Rating changes; 1 (xii)Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the Town; (xiii)The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the Townor the sale of allor substantially all of the assets of the Town, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuantto its terms, if material; and (xiv)Appointment of a successor Paying Agent/Registrar or change in the name of the Paying Agent/Registrar, if material. (b)The Townshall provide to the MSRB, in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB, in a timely manner,notice of a failure by the Townto provide required annual financial information and notices of material events in accordance with Sections 12.1 and 12.2. All documents provided to the MSRB pursuant to this section shall be accompaniedby identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. Section 12.3.Limitations, Disclaimers and Amendments. (a)The Townshall be obligated to observe and perform the covenants specified in this Articlefor so long as, but only for so long as, the Townremains an “obligated person” with respect to the Bonds within the meaning of the Rule, except that 1 For the purposes of the event identified in (xii), the event is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent, or similar officer for an obligated person in a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person. ORD 2016-14Page 33of 36 Town CouncilPage 334 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 the Townin any event will give notice of any redemption calls and any defeasances that cause the Townto be no longer an “obligated person.” (b)The provisions of this Articleare for the sole benefit of the Owners and beneficial owners of the Bonds, and nothing in this Article, express or implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The Townundertakes toprovide only the financial information, operating data, financial statements, and notices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Articleand does not hereby undertake to provide any other information that may be relevant or material to a complete presentation of the Town’s financial results, condition, or prospects or hereby undertake to update any information provided in accordance with this Articleor otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The Towndoes not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Bonds at any future date. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE TOWNBE LIABLE TO THE OWNER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY CERTIFICATE OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE TOWN, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS ARTICLE, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. (c)No default by the Townin observing or performing its obligations under this Articleshall constitute a breach of or default under the Ordinance for purposes of any other provisions of this Ordinance. (d)Nothing in this Articleis intended or shall act to disclaim, waive, or otherwise limit the duties of the Townunder federal and state securities laws. (e)The provisions of this Articlemay be amended by the Townfrom time to time to adapt to changed circumstances that arise from a change in legal requirements, a change in law, or a change in the identity, nature, status, or type of operations of the Town, but only if (1) the provisions of this Article, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell Bonds in the primary offering of the Bonds in compliance with the Rule, taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule to the date of such amendment, as well as such changed circumstances, and (ii) either (A) the Owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provisions of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the Outstanding Bonds consent to such amendment or (B) an entity or individual person that is unaffiliated with the Town(such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determines that such amendment will not materially impair the interests of the Owners and beneficial owners of the Bonds. If the Townso amends the provisions of this Article, it shall include with any amended financial information or operating data next provided in accordance with Section12.1 an explanation, in narrative form, of the ORD 2016-14Page 34of 36 Town CouncilPage 335 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 reasons for the amendment and of the impact of any change in type of financial information or operating data so provided. ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS Section 13.1.Amendments. This Ordinance shall constitute a contract with the Owners, be binding on the Town, and shall not be amended or repealed by the Townso long as any Bond remains outstanding except as permitted in this Section. The Townmay, without consent of or notice to any Owners, from time to time and at any time, amend this Ordinance in any manner not detrimental to the interests of the Owners, including the curing of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or formal defect or omission herein. In addition, the Town may, with the written consent of the Owners of the Bonds holding a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding, amend, add to, or rescind any of the provisions of this Ordinance; provided that, without the consent of all Owners of outstanding Bonds, no such amendment, addition, or rescission shall (i) extend the time or timesof payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, reduce the principal amount thereof, the redemption price, or the rate of interest thereon, or in any other way modify the terms of payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds, (ii) give any preference to any Bond over any other Bond, or(iii) reduce the aggregate principal amount of Bonds required to be held by Owners for consent to any such amendment, addition, or rescission. ARTICLE XIV MISCELLANEOUS Section 14.1.Changes to Ordinance. The Mayor and Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with Bond Counsel, is hereby authorized to make changes to the terms of this Ordinance if necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes hereof or in connection with the approval of the issuance of the Bonds by the Attorney General of Texas. Section 14.2.Partial Invalidity. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of the Ordinance. ORD 2016-14Page 35of 36 Town CouncilPage 336 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 14.3.No Personal Liability. No recourse shall be had for payment of the principal of or interest on any Bonds or for any claim based thereon, or on this Ordinance, against any official or employee of the Townor any person executing any Bonds. ARTICLE XV EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Section 15.1.Effective Immediately. Notwithstanding the provisions of the TownCharter, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption at this meeting pursuant to Section1201.028, Texas Government Code. PRESENTED, FINALLY PASSED AND APPROVED, AND EFFECTIVE on the th 12day of April, 2016, by a vote of_____ ayes and _____ nays at a regular meeting of the TownCouncil of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Julie KL. Partain, Bond Counsel Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2016-14Page 36of 36 Town CouncilPage 337 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-209-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/6/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance authorizing the Issuance of Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016 in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $4,400,000; levying a tax, and providing for the security for and payment of said Certificates; awarding the sale of the Certificates; authorizing the execution and delivery of a Paying Agent Agreement; approving the Official Statement; enacting other provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an effective date (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - 2016 Certificates of Obligation.pdf ORD 2016-15 - Certificates of Obiligation, Series 2016.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceauthorizingtheIssuanceofTownofTrophyClub,Texas, CombinationTaxandRevenueCertificatesofObligation,Series2016intheapproximateaggregateprincipalamountof $4,400,000;levyingatax,andprovidingforthesecurityforandpaymentofsaidCertificates;awardingthesaleofthe Certificates;authorizingtheexecutionanddeliveryofaPayingAgentAgreement;approvingtheOfficialStatement; enacting other provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an effective date (Staff). Town CouncilPage 338 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: 2016 Certificates of Obligation Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance authorizing the Issuance of Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016 in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $4,400,000; levying a tax, and providing for the security for and payment of said Certificates; awarding the sale of the Certificates; authorizing the execution and delivery of a Paying Agent Agreement; approving the Official Statement; enacting other provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an effective date (Staff). Explanation: Town Staff has worked with our financial advisor, Mark McLiney, of SAMCO Capital Markets to issue the 2016 Certificates of Obligation in the approximate principal amount of $4.4M. This issuance has been proposed in conjunction with the Town’s 2016 General Obligation Bond Issuance in order to achieve economies of scale as it related to the professional service fees and issuance costs associated with debt issuances. The $4.4M is to be used to help fund a portion of the Town Hall project applicable to the Police Department – to be repaid by the CCPD, and street reconstruction projects. The 2016 debt issuances have been discussed in various Council meetings since the beginning of the FY 2016 budget process in May 2015. Council approved a notice of intent related to this issuance at the February 23, 2016 Council meeting. Pricing will occur on April 12, 2016 and pricing information will be available at the Council meeting that night. Attachments: Ordinance No. 2016-15 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance and sale of the certificates of obligation. Town CouncilPage 339 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ORDINANCE 2016-15 relating to $____________ TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION SERIES 2016 Adopted: April 12, 2016 Dated: May 1, 2016 Town CouncilPage 340 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND OTHER PRELIMINARY MATTERS Section 1.01.Definitions. ..............................................................................................................2 Section 1.02.Findings. .................................................................................................................4 Section 1.03.Table of Contents, Titles, and Headings. ..........................................................5 Section 1.04.Interpretation. .........................................................................................................5 ARTICLE II SECURITY FOR THE CERTIFICATES; INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Section 2.01.Payment of the Certificates. ................................................................................5 Section 2.02.Interest and Sinking Fund. ...................................................................................6 ARTICLE III AUTHORIZATION; GENERAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS REGARDING THE CERTIFICATES Section 3.01.Authorization. .........................................................................................................7 Section 3.02.Date, Denomination, Maturities, and Interest. ..................................................7 Section 3.03.Medium, Method, and Place of Payment. .........................................................8 Section 3.04.Execution and Registration of Certificates. .......................................................9 Section 3.05.Ownership. ...........................................................................................................10 Section 3.06.Registration, Transfer, and Exchange. ............................................................10 Section 3.07.Cancellation. ........................................................................................................11 Section 3.08.Temporary Certificates. ......................................................................................12 Section 3.09.Replacement Certificates. ..................................................................................12 Section 3.10.Book-Entry-Only System. ...................................................................................13 Section 3.11.Successor Securities Depository; Transfer Outside Book-Entry-Only System. ....................................................................................................................14 Section 3.12.Payments to Cede & Co. ....................................................................................15 ARTICLE IV REDEMPTION OF CERTIFICATES BEFORE MATURITY Section 4.01.Limitation on Redemption. .................................................................................15 Section 4.02.Optional Redemption. .........................................................................................15 Section 4.03.Mandatory Sinking Fund Redemption. ............................................................15 Section 4.04.Partial Redemption. ............................................................................................16 Section 4.05.Notice of Redemption to Owners. .....................................................................17 Section 4.06.Payment Upon Redemption. .............................................................................17 Section 4.07.Effect of Redemption. .........................................................................................17 Section 4.08.Conditional Notice of Redemption. ...................................................................18 Section 4.09.Lapse of Payment. ..............................................................................................18 (i) Town CouncilPage 341 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE V PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR Section 5.01.Appointment of Initial Paying Agent/Registrar. ...............................................18 Section 5.02.Qualifications. ......................................................................................................18 Section 5.03.Maintaining Paying Agent/Registrar. ................................................................19 Section 5.04.Termination. .........................................................................................................19 Section 5.05.Notice of Change to Owners. ............................................................................19 Section 5.06.Agreement to Perform Duties and Functions. ................................................19 Section 5.07.Delivery of Records to Successor. ...................................................................19 ARTICLE VI FORM OF THE CERTIFICATES Section 6.01.Form Generally. ...................................................................................................20 Section 6.02.Form of the Certificates. .....................................................................................20 Section 6.03.CUSIP Registration. ............................................................................................27 Section 6.04.Legal Opinion. ......................................................................................................27 Section 6.05.Statement Insurance. .........................................................................................27 ARTICLE VII SALE AND DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES; DEPOSIT OF PROCEEDS; FLOW OF FUNDS Section 7.01.Sale of Certificates; Official Statement. ...........................................................27 Section 7.02.Control and Delivery of Certificates. .................................................................28 Section 7.03.Deposit of Proceeds. ..........................................................................................29 ARTICLE VIII INVESTMENTS Section 8.01.Investments. .........................................................................................................29 Section 8.02.Investment Income. .............................................................................................30 ARTICLE IX PARTICULAR REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS Section 9.01.Payment of the Certificates. ..............................................................................30 Section 9.02.Other Representations and Covenants. ..........................................................30 Section 9.03.Provisions Concerning Federal Income Tax Exclusion. ...............................30 Section 9.04.No Private Use or Payment and No Private Loan Financing. ......................31 Section 9.05.No Federal Guaranty. .........................................................................................31 Section 9.06.Certificates are not Hedge Certificates. ...........................................................31 Section 9.07.No-Arbitrage Covenant. .....................................................................................32 Section 9.08.Arbitrage Rebate. ................................................................................................32 Section 9.09.Information Reporting. ........................................................................................32 Section 9.10.Continuing Obligation. ........................................................................................33 (ii) Town CouncilPage 342 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 9.11.Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. ...................................................................33 ARTICLE X DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Section 10.01.Events of Default. ....................................................................................33 Section 10.02.Remedies for Default. .............................................................................33 Section 10.03.Remedies Not Exclusive. .......................................................................34 ARTICLE XI DISCHARGE Section 11.01.Discharge. ................................................................................................34 ARTICLE XII CONTINUING DISCLOSURE UNDERTAKING Section 12.01.Annual Reports. .......................................................................................34 Section 12.02.Material Event Notices. ..........................................................................35 Section 12.03.Limitations, Disclaimers and Amendments. ........................................36 ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS Section 13.01.Amendments. ...........................................................................................38 ARTICLE XIV MISCELLANEOUS Section 14.01.Changes to Ordinance.. .........................................................................38 Section 14.02.Partial Invalidity.. .....................................................................................38 Section 14.03.No Personal Liability.. .............................................................................38 ARTICLE XV EFFECTIVENESS Section 15.01.Effectiveness. ...........................................................................................39 (iii) Town CouncilPage 343 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2016-15 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $____________ TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2016; LEVYING A TAX, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR AND PAYMENT OF SAID CERTIFICATES;AWARDING THE SALE OF THE CERTIFICATES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERYOF A PAYING AGENT AGREEMENT; APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT; ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 271, Subchapter C, as amended, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”), is authorized to issue certificates of obligation for the purposes specified in this Ordinance and for the payment of all or a portion of the contractual obligations for professional services, including that of engineers, attorneys, and financial advisors in connection therewith, and to sell the same for cash as herein provided; and WHEREAS, the Town is authorized to provide that such obligations will be payable from and secured by the levy of a direct and continuing ad valorem tax against all taxable property within the Town, in combination with all or a part of certain revenues of the Town’s municipal drainage utility system (the “System”) remaining after payment of any obligations of the Town payable in whole or in part from a lien on or pledge of such revenues that would be superior to the obligations to be authorized hereinas authorized by Chapter 1502, Texas Government Code; and WHEREAS, the TownCouncil has found and determined that it is necessary and in the best interests of the Town and its citizens that it issue such certificates of obligation authorized by this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution heretofore passed by this governing body, notice of intention (the “Notice of Intention”) to issue certificates of obligation of the Town payable as provided in this Ordinance was published in a newspaper of general circulation inthe Town in accordance with the requirements of law, such certificates of obligation to be issued for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for the purposes set forth in Section3.01 hereof; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Intention stated that the TownCouncil intended to pass an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the Certificates at itsTownCouncil meeting held on the date of adoption of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, no petition of any kind has been filed with the TownSecretary, any member of the TownCouncil or any other official of the Town, protesting the issuance of such certificates of obligation; and ORD 2016-15Page 1 of 39 Town CouncilPage 344 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 WHEREAS, this TownCouncil is now authorized and empowered to proceed with the issuance of said certificates of obligation and to sell the same for cash; and WHEREAS, the meeting at which this Ordinance is considered is open to the public as required by law, and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNCOUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND OTHER PRELIMINARY MATTERS Section 1.01.Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly provided or unless the context clearly requires otherwise in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings specified below: “Business Day” means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday or other day on which banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office is located are required or authorized by law or executive order to close. “Certificate” means any of the Certificates. “Certificate Date” means the date designated as the initial date of the Certificates by Section3.02(a) of this Ordinance. “Certificates” means the certificates of obligation authorized to be issued by Section3.01 of thisOrdinance and designated as “Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016. “Closing Date” means the date of the initial delivery of and payment for the Certificates. “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including applicable regulations, published rulings, and court decisions. “Designated Payment/Transfer Office” means (i) with respect to the initial Paying Agent/Registrar named herein, its office in Dallas, Texas, or at such otherlocation designated by the Paying Agent/Registrar and (ii) with respect to any successor Paying Agent/Registrar, the office of such successor designated and located as may be agreed upon by the Town and such successor. ORD 2016-15Page 2 of 39 Town CouncilPage 345 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 “DTC” means The Depository Trust Company of New York, New York, or any successor securities depository. “DTC Participant” means brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations on whose behalf DTC was created to hold securities to facilitatethe clearance and settlement of securities transactions among DTC Participants. “EMMA” means the Electronic Municipal Market Access System. “Event of Default” means any event of default as defined in Section10.01 of this Ordinance. “Fiscal Year” means such fiscal year as shall from time to time be set by the TownCouncil. “Initial Certificate” means the initial certificate authorized by Section3.04(d) of this Ordinance. “Interest and Sinking Fund” means the interest and sinking fund established by Section2.02 of this Ordinance. “Interest Payment Date” means the date or dates upon which interest on the Certificates is scheduled to be paid until their respective dates of maturity or prior redemption, such dates being March1 and September1 of each year commencing March1, 2017. “MSRB” means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. “Net Revenues” means the gross revenues of the System less the expenses of operation and maintenance as said expenses are defined by Chapter 1502, Texas Government Code, as amended. “Ordinance” means this Ordinance. “Owner” means the person who is the registered owner of a Certificate or Certificates, as shown in the Register. “Paying Agent/Registrar” means initially BOKF, N.A.,Dallas, Texas, or any successor thereto as provided in this Ordinance. “Prior Lien Bonds” means any and all bonds or other obligations of the Town presently outstanding or that may be hereafter issued, payable from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues orby a lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues subordinate to a first lien and pledge of such Net Revenues but superior to the lien and pledge of the Surplus Revenues made for the Certificates. ORD 2016-15Page 3 of 39 Town CouncilPage 346 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 “Record Date” means the last Business Day of the month next preceding an Interest Payment Date. “Register” means the Register specified in Section3.06(a) of this Ordinance. “Representations Letter” means the Blanket Letter of Representations between the Town and DTC. “Rule” means SEC Rule 15c2-12, as amended from time to time. “SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. “SID” means any person designated by the State of Texas or an authorized department, officer or agency thereof, as and determined by the SEC or its staff to be a state information depository within the meaning of the Rule from time to time. “Special Payment Date” means the Special Payment Date prescribed by Section3.03(b). “Special Record Date” means the Special Record Date prescribed by Section3.03(b). “Surplus Revenues” means the revenues of the System remaining after payment of all operation and maintenance expenses thereof, and all debt service, reserve, and other requirements in connection with the Town’s Prior Lien Bonds; provided, however, that the amount of such Surplus Revenues pledged to the payment of the Certificates shall be limited to $1,000. “System” as used in this Ordinance means the Town’s municipal drainage utility system, including all present and future additions, extensions, replacements, and improvements thereto. “Town” means the Town of Trophy Club, Texas. “Unclaimed Payments” means money deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of principal of, redemption premium, if any, or interest on the Certificates as the same come due and payable or money set aside for the payment of Certificates duly called for redemption prior to maturity. Section 1.02.Findings. The declarations, determinations, and findings declared, made, and found in the preamble to this Ordinance are hereby adopted, restated, and made a part of the operative provisions hereof. ORD 2016-15Page 4 of 39 Town CouncilPage 347 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 1.03.Table of Contents, Titles, and Headings. The table of contents, titles, and headings of the Articles and Sections of this Ordinance have been inserted for convenience of reference only and are not to be considered a part hereof and shall not in any way modify or restrict any of the terms or provisions hereof and shall never be considered or given any effect in construing this Ordinance or any provision hereof or in ascertaining intent, if any question of intent should arise. Section 1.04.Interpretation. (a)Unless the context requires otherwise, words of the masculine gender shall be construedto include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa, and words of the singular number shall be construed to include correlative words of the plural number and vice versa. (b)This Ordinance and all the terms and provisions hereof shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes set forth herein. ARTICLE II SECURITY FOR THE CERTIFICATES; INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Section 2.01.Payment of the Certificates. (a)Pursuant to the authority granted by the Texas Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, there shall be levied and there is hereby levied for the current year and for each succeeding year thereafter while any of the Certificates or any interest thereon is outstanding and unpaid, an ad valorem tax on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property within the Town, at a rate sufficient, within the limit prescribed by law, to pay the debt service requirements of the Certificates, being (i) the interest on the Certificates, and (ii) a sinking fund for their redemption at maturity or a sinking fund of two percent per annum (whichever amount is the greater), when due and payable, full allowance being made for delinquencies and costs of collection. (b)The ad valorem tax thus levied shall be assessed and collected each year against all property appearing on the tax rolls of the Town most recently approved in accordance with law, and the money thus collected shall be deposited as collected to the Interest and Sinking Fund. (c)Said ad valorem tax, the collections therefrom, and all amounts on deposit inor required hereby to be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund are hereby pledged and committed irrevocably to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates when and as due and payable in accordance with their terms and this Ordinance. ORD 2016-15Page 5 of 39 Town CouncilPage 348 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (d)The amount of taxes to be provided annually for the payment of principal of and interest on the Certificates shall be determined and accomplished in the following manner: (i)The Town’s annual budget shall reflect (i) the amount of debt service requirements to become due on the Certificates in the next succeeding Fiscal Year of the Town and (ii) the amount on deposit in the Interest and Sinking Fund, as of the date such budget is prepared (after giving effect to any payments required to be made during theremainder of the then current Fiscal Year), and (iii) the amount of Surplus Revenues estimated and budgeted to be available for the payment of such debt service requirements on the Certificates during the next succeeding Fiscal Year. (ii)The amount required to be provided in the succeeding Fiscal Year of the Town from ad valorem taxes shall be the amount, if any, the debt service requirements to be paid on the Certificates in the next succeeding Fiscal Year of the Town exceeds the sum of (i) the amount shown to be on deposit in the Interest and Sinking Fund (after giving effect to any payments required to be made during the remainder of the then current Fiscal Year) at the time the annual budget is prepared, and (ii) the Surplus Revenues shown to be budgeted and available for payment of said debt service requirements. (iii)Following the final approval of the annual budget of the Town, the governing body of the Town shall, by ordinance, levy an ad valorem tax at a rate sufficient to produce taxes in the amount determined in paragraph (ii) above, to be utilized for purposes of paying the principal of and interest on the Certificates in the next succeeding Fiscal Year of the Town. (e)The Town hereby covenants and agrees that the Surplus Revenues are hereby irrevocably pledged equally and ratably to the payment of the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates, as the same become due. (f)If the liens and provisions of this Ordinance shall be released in a manner permitted by ArticleXI hereof, then the collection of such ad valorem tax may be suspended or appropriately reduced, as the facts may permit, and further deposits to the Interest and Sinking Fund may be suspended or appropriately reduced, as the facts may permit. In determining the aggregate principal amount of outstanding Certificates, there shall be subtracted the amount of any Certificates that have been duly called for redemption and for which money has been deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar for such redemption. Section 2.02.Interest and Sinking Fund. (a)The Town hereby establishes a special fund or account to be designated the “Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016, Interest and Sinking Fund” (the “Interest and Sinking Fund”) ORD 2016-15Page 6 of 39 Town CouncilPage 349 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 said fund to be maintained at an official depository bank of the Town separate and apart from all other funds and accounts of the Town. (b)Money on deposit in or required by this Ordinance to be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the interest on and principal of the Certificates when and as due and payable in accordance with their terms and this Ordinance. ARTICLE III AUTHORIZATION; GENERAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS REGARDING THE CERTIFICATES Section 3.01.Authorization. The Town’s certificates of obligation to be designated “Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2016” (the “Certificates”), are hereby authorized to be issued and delivered in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, specifically Subchapter C, Chapter 271, Texas Local Government Code. The Certificates shall be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $____________for the following purposes, to wit: (i)designing, developing, constructing, improving, extending, and expanding streets, thoroughfares, sidewalks, bridges, and other public ways of the Town, including streetscaping, streetlighting, right-of-way protection, utility relocation, and related storm drainage improvements; andacquiring rights-of-way in connection therewith, (the “Project”) and (ii) to pay professional services of attorneys, financial advisors and other professionals in connection with the Project and the issuance of the Certificates. Section 3.02.Date, Denomination, Maturities, and Interest. (a)The Certificates shall be dated May 1, 2016. The Certificates shall be in fully registered form, without coupons, in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof and shall be numbered separately from one upward, except the Initial Certificate, which shall be numbered T-1. (b)The Certificates shall mature on September1in the years and in the principal amounts set forth in the following schedule: Serial Certificates Principal Interest Principal YearsAmountRateYearsAmountInterest Rate 20172027 20182028 20192029 20202030 20212031 ORD 2016-15Page 7 of 39 Town CouncilPage 350 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 20222032 20232033 20242034 20252035 20262036 Term Certificates YearPrincipal AmountInterest Rate 20__ 20__ (c)Interest shall accrue and be paid on each Certificate respectively until its maturity or prior redemption from the later of the Certificate Date or the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or provided for at the rates per annum for each maturity specified in the schedule contained in subsection (b) above. Such interest shall be payable semiannually on March1 and September1 of each year commencing March 1, 2017, and shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months. Section 3.03.Medium, Method, and Place of Payment. (a)The principal of, redemption premium, if any,and interest on the Certificates shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America. (b)Interest on the Certificates shall be payable to the Owners as shown in the Register at the close of business on the Record Date; provided, however, in the event of nonpayment of interest on a scheduled Interest Payment Date and for 30 days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a “Special Record Date”) shall be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the Town. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (the “Special Payment Date,” which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five Business Days prior to the Special Record Date by United States mail, first class, postage prepaid, to the address of each Owner of a Certificate appearing on the Register at the close of business on the last Business Day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. (c)Interest shall be paid by check, dated as of and mailed on the Interest Payment Date, and sent by the Paying Agent/Registrar to each Owner, first class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address of each Owner as it appears in the Register, or by such other customary banking arrangement acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Owner; provided, however, that the Owner shall bear all risk and expense of such alternative banking arrangement. At the option of an Owner of at least $1,000,000 principal amount of the Certificates, interest may be paid by wire transfer to the bank account of such Owner on file with the Paying Agent/Registrar. ORD 2016-15Page 8 of 39 Town CouncilPage 351 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (d)The principal of each Certificate shall be paid to the Owner thereof on the due date, whether at the maturity date or the date of prior redemption thereof upon presentation and surrender of such Certificate at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar. (e)If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the paying Agent/Registrar is located are required or authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions are required or authorized to close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due and no additional interest shall be due by reason of nonpayment on the date on which such payment is otherwise stated to be due and payable. (f)Unclaimed Payments shall be segregated in a special escrow account and held in trust, uninvested by the Paying Agent/Registrar, for the account of the Owners of the Certificates to which the Unclaimed Payments pertain. Subject to Title 6 of the Texas Property Code, Unclaimed Payments remaining unclaimed by the Owners entitled thereto for three years after the applicable payment or redemption date shall be applied to the next payment or payments on the Certificates thereafter coming due and, to the extent any such money remains after the retirement of all outstanding Certificates, shall be paid to the Town to be used for any lawful purpose. Thereafter, neither the Town, the Paying Agent/Registrar, nor any other person shall be liable or responsible to any Owners ofsuch Certificates for any further payment of such unclaimed moneys or on account of any such Certificates, subject to Title 6 of the Texas Property Code. Section 3.04.Execution and Registration of Certificates. (a)The Certificates shall be executed on behalf of the Town by the Mayor and the TownSecretary, by their manual or facsimile signatures, and the official seal of the Town shall be impressed or placed in facsimile thereon. Such facsimile signatures on the Certificates shall have the same effect as if each of theCertificates had been signed manually and in person by each of said officers, and such facsimile seal on the Certificates shall have the same effect as if the official seal of the Town had been manually impressed upon each of the Certificates. (b)In the event that any officer of the Town whose manual or facsimile signature appears on the Certificates ceases to be such officer before the authentication of such Certificates or before the delivery thereof, such manual or facsimile signature nevertheless shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if such officer had remained in such office. ORD 2016-15Page 9 of 39 Town CouncilPage 352 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (c)Except as provided below, no Certificate shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any security or benefit of this Ordinance unless and until there appears thereon the Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar substantially in the form provided herein, duly authenticated by manual execution by an officer or duly authorized signatory of the Paying Agent/Registrar. It shall not be required that the sameofficer or authorized signatory of the Paying Agent/Registrar sign the Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar on all of the Certificates. In lieu of the executed Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar described above, the Initial Certificate delivered at the Closing Date shall have attached thereto the Comptroller’s Registration Certificate substantially in the form provided herein, manually executed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, or by his duly authorized agent, which Certificate shall be evidence that the Certificate has been duly approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, that it is a valid and binding obligation of the Town, and that it has been registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. (d)On the Closing Date, one initial Certificate (the “Initial Certificate”) representing the entire principal amount of all Certificates, payable in stated installments to the initial purchaser, or its designee, executed by the Mayor and TownSecretary of the Town, approved by the Attorney General, and registered and manually signed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, will be delivered to the initial purchaser or its designee. Upon payment for the Initial Certificate, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall cancel the Initial Certificate and deliver to DTC on behalf of the initial purchaserone registered definitive Certificate for each year of maturity of the Certificates in the aggregate principal amount of all Certificates for such maturity, registered inthe name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. Section 3.05.Ownership. (a)The Town, the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any other person may treat the person in whose name any Certificate is registered as the absolute owner of such Certificate for the purpose of making and receiving payment as herein provided (except interest shall be paid to the person in whose name such Certificate is registered on the Record Date or Special Record Date, as applicable), and for all other purposes, whether or not such Certificate is overdue, and neither the Town nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be bound by any notice or knowledge to the contrary. (b)All payments made to the Owner of a Certificate shall be valid and effectual and shall discharge the liability of the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar upon such Certificate to the extent of the sums paid. Section 3.06.Registration, Transfer, and Exchange. (a)So long as any Certificates remain outstanding, the Town shall cause the Paying Agent/Registrar to keep at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office a register (the “Register”) in which, subject to such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, the ORD 2016-15Page 10of 39 Town CouncilPage 353 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Paying Agent/Registrar shall provide for the registration and transfer of Certificates in accordance with this Ordinance. (b)The ownership of a Certificate may be transferred only upon the presentation and surrender of the Certificate at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar with such endorsement or other evidence of transfer as is acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar. No transfer of any Certificate shall be effective until entered in the Register. (c)The Certificates shall be exchangeable upon the presentation and surrender thereof at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar for a Certificate or Certificates of the same maturity and interest rate and in a denomination or denominations of any integral multiple of $5,000, and in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unpaid principal amount of the Certificates presented for exchange. The Paying Agent/Registrar is hereby authorized to authenticate and deliver Certificates exchanged for other Certificates in accordance with this Section. (d)Each exchange Certificate delivered by the Paying Agent/Registrar in accordance with this Sectionshall constitute an original contractual obligation of the Town and shall be entitled to the benefits and security of this Ordinance to the same extent as the Certificate or Certificates in lieu of which such exchange Certificate is delivered. (e) No service charge shall be made to the Owner for the initial registration, subsequent transfer, or exchange for a different denomination of any of the Certificates. The Paying Agent/Registrar, however, may require the Owner to pay a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge that is authorized to be imposed in connection with the registration, transfer, or exchange of aCertificate. (f)Neither the Town nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue, transfer or exchange any Certificate called for redemption, in whole or in part, within 45 calendar days prior to the date fixed for redemption; provided, however, such limitation shall not be applicable to an exchange by the Owner of the uncalled principal balance of a Certificate. Section 3.07.Cancellation. All Certificates paid or redeemed before scheduled maturity in accordance with this Ordinance, and all Certificates in lieu of which exchange Certificates or replacement Certificates are authenticated and delivered in accordance with this Ordinance, shall be canceled and proper records made regarding such payment, redemption, exchange, or replacement. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall then return such canceled Certificates to the Town or may in accordance with law dispose of such cancelled Certificates. ORD 2016-15Page 11of 39 Town CouncilPage 354 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 3.08.Temporary Certificates. (a)Following the delivery and registration of the Initial Certificate and pending the preparation ofdefinitive Certificates, the proper officers of the Town may execute and, upon the Town’s request, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall authenticate and deliver, one or more temporary Certificates that are printed, lithographed, typewritten, mimeographed, or otherwise produced, in any denomination, substantially of the tenor of the definitive Certificates in lieu of which they are delivered, without coupons, and with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions, and other variations as the officers ofthe Town executing such temporary Certificates may determine, as evidenced by their signing of such temporary Certificates. (b)Until exchanged for Certificates in definitive form, such Certificates in temporary form shall be entitled to the benefit and security of this Ordinance. (c)The Town, without unreasonable delay, shall prepare, execute and deliver to the Paying Agent/Registrar the Certificates in definitive form; thereupon, upon the presentation and surrender of the Certificate or Certificates in temporary form to the Paying Agent/Registrar, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall cancel the Certificates in temporary form and shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefor a Certificate or Certificates of the same maturity and series, in definitive form, in the authorized denomination, and in the same aggregate principal amount, as the Certificate or Certificates in temporary form surrendered. Such exchange shall be made without the making of any charge therefor to any Owner. Section 3.09.Replacement Certificates. (a)Upon the presentation and surrender to the Paying Agent/Registrar of a mutilated Certificate, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefor a replacement Certificate of like tenor and principal amount, bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding. The Town or the Paying Agent/Registrar may require the Owner of such Certificate to pay a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge that is authorized to be imposed in connection therewith and any otherexpenses connected therewith. (b)In the event that any Certificate is lost, apparently destroyed or wrongfully taken, the Paying Agent/ Registrar, pursuant to the applicable laws of the State of Texas and in the absence of notice or knowledge that such Certificate has been acquired by a bona fide purchaser, shall authenticate and deliver a replacement Certificate of like tenor and principal amount, bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding, provided that the Owner first complies with the following requirements: (i)furnishes to the Paying Agent/Registrar satisfactory evidence of his or her ownership of and the circumstances of the loss, destruction, or theft of such Certificate; ORD 2016-15Page 12of 39 Town CouncilPage 355 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (ii)furnishes such security or indemnity as may be required by the Paying Agent/Registrar to save it and the Town harmless; (iii)pays all expenses and charges in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, printing costs, legal fees, fees of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any tax or other governmental charge that is authorized to be imposed; and (iv)satisfies any other reasonable requirements imposed by the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar. (c)If, after the delivery of such replacement Certificate, a bona fide purchaser of the original Certificate in lieu of which such replacementCertificate was issued presents for payment such original Certificate, the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be entitled to recover such replacement Certificate from the person to whom it was delivered or any person taking therefrom, except a bonafide purchaser, and shall be entitled to recover upon the security or indemnity provided therefor to the extent of any loss, damage, cost, or expense incurred by the Town or the Paying Agent/Registrar in connection therewith. (d)In the event that any such mutilated, lost, apparently destroyed, or wrongfully taken Certificate has become or is about to become due and payable, the Paying Agent/Registrar, in its discretion, instead of issuing a replacement Certificate, may pay such Certificate when it becomes due and payable. (e)Each replacement Certificate delivered in accordance with this Sectionshall constitute an original additional contractual obligation of the Town and shall be entitled to the benefits and security of this Ordinance to the same extent as the Certificate or Certificates in lieu of which such replacement Certificate is delivered. Section 3.10.Book-Entry-Only System. (a)Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, upon initial issuance of the Certificates, the Certificates shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. The definitive Certificates shall be initially issued in the form of a single separate certificate for each of the maturities thereof. (b)With respect to Certificates registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall have no responsibility or obligation to any DTC Participant or to any person on behalf of whom such a DTC Participant holds an interest in the Certificates. Without limiting the immediately preceding sentence, theTown and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall have no responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the accuracy of the records of DTC, Cede & Co. or any DTC Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Certificates, (ii) the delivery to any DTC Participant or any other person, other than an Owner, as shown on the Register, of any notice with respect to the Certificates, including any notice of redemption, or (iii) the payment to any DTC Participant or any other person, ORD 2016-15Page 13of 39 Town CouncilPage 356 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 other than an Owner, as shown in the Register of any amount with respect to principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Certificates. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance to the contrary, the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be entitled to treat and consider the person in whose name each Certificate is registered in the Register as the absolute owner of such Certificate for the purpose of payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on Certificates, for the purpose of giving notices of redemption and other matters with respect to such Certificate, for the purpose of registering transfer with respect to such Certificate, and for all other purposes whatsoever. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall pay all principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates only to or upon the order of the respective Owners as shown in the Register, as provided in this Ordinance, or their respective attorneys duly authorized in writing, and all such payments shall be valid and effective to fully satisfy and discharge the Town’s obligations with respect to payment of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. No person other than an Owner, as shown in the Register, shall receive a certificate evidencing the obligation of the Town to make payments of amounts due pursuant to this Ordinance. Upon delivery by DTC to the Paying Agent/Registrar of written notice to the effect that DTC has determined to substitute a new nominee in place of Cede & Co., the word “Cede & Co.” in this Ordinance shall refer to such new nominee of DTC. (c)The Representations Letter previously executed and delivered by the Town, and applicable to the Town’s obligations delivered in book-entry-only form to DTC as securities depository, ishereby ratified and approved for the Certificates. Section 3.11.Successor Securities Depository; Transfer Outside Book-Entry- Only System. In the event that the Town or the Paying Agent/Registrar determines that DTC is incapable of discharging its responsibilities described herein and in the Representations Letter of the Town to DTC, and that it is in the best interest of the Town and the beneficial owners of the Certificates that they be able to obtain certificated Certificates, or in the event DTC discontinues theservices described herein, the Town shall (i) appoint a successor securities depository, qualified to act as such under Section17(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, notify DTC and DTC Participants of the appointment of such successor securities depository and transfer one or more separate Certificates to such successor securities depository; or (ii) notify DTC and DTC Participants of the availability through DTC of certificated Certificates and cause the Paying Agent/Registrar to transfer one or more separate registered Certificates to DTC Participants having Certificates credited to their DTC accounts. In such event, the Certificates shall no longer be restricted to being registered in the Register in the name of Cede & Co.,as nominee of DTC, but may be registered in the name of the successor securities depository, or its nominee, or in whatever name or names Owners transferring or exchanging Certificates shall designate, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. ORD 2016-15Page 14of 39 Town CouncilPage 357 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 3.12.Payments to Cede & Co. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance to the contrary, so long as the Certificates are registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, all payments with respect to principal of, premium, if any, and intereston such Certificates, and all notices with respect to such Certificates shall be made and given, respectively, in the manner provided in the Representations Letter of the Town to DTC. ARTICLE IV REDEMPTION OF CERTIFICATES BEFORE MATURITY Section 4.01.Limitation on Redemption. The Certificates shall be subject to redemption before scheduled maturity only as provided in this ArticleIV. Section 4.02.Optional Redemption. (a)The Town reserves the option to redeem Certificates maturing on and after September 1, 2026 in whole or any part, before their respective scheduled maturity dates, on September 1, 2025 or on any date thereafter, such redemption date or dates to be fixed by the Town, at a price equal to the principal amount of the Certificates called for redemption plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. (b)If less than all of the Certificates are to be redeemed pursuant to an optional redemption, the Town shall determine the maturity or maturities and the amounts thereof to be redeemed and shall direct the Paying Agent/Registrar to call by lot the Certificates, or portions thereof, within such maturity or maturities and in such principal amounts for redemption. (c)The Town, at least 45 days before the redemption date, unless a shorter period shall be satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar, shall notify the Paying Agent/Registrar of such redemption date and of the principal amount of Certificates to be redeemed. Section 4.03.Mandatory Sinking Fund Redemption. (a)The Certificates maturing on September1, 20__and September1, 20__ (the “Term Certificates”) are subject to scheduled mandatory redemption and will be redeemed by the Town, in part at a price equal to the principal amount thereof, without premium, plus accrued interest to the redemption date, out of moneys available for such purpose in the Interest and Sinking Fund, on the dates and in the respective principal amounts as set forth below. ORD 2016-15Page 15of 39 Town CouncilPage 358 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Term CertificatesMaturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity Term CertificatesMaturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity (b)At least forty-five (45) days prior to each scheduled mandatory redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select for redemption by lot, or by any other customary method that results in a random selection, a principal amount of Term Certificates equal to the aggregate principal amount of such Term Certificates to be redeemed, shall call such Term Certificates for redemption on such scheduled mandatory redemption date, and shall give notice of such redemption, as provided in Section4.05. (c)The principal amount of the Term Certificates required to be redeemed on any redemption date pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this Section4.03 shall be reduced, at the option of the Town, by the principal amount of any Term Certificates which, at least 45 days prior to the mandatory sinking fund redemption date (i) shall have been acquired by the Townat a price not exceeding the principal amount of such Term Certificates plus accrued interest to the date of purchase thereof, and delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation, or (ii) shall have been redeemed pursuant to the optional redemption provisions hereof and not previously credited to a mandatory sinking fund redemption. Section 4.04.Partial Redemption. (a)A portion of a single Certificate of a denomination greater than $5,000 may be redeemed, but only in a principal amount equal to $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. If such a Certificate is to be partially redeemed, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall treat each $5,000 portion of the Certificate as though it were a single Certificate for purposes of selection for redemption. (b)Upon surrender of any Certificate for redemption in part, the Paying Agent/Registrar, in accordance with Section3.06 of this Ordinance, shall authenticate and deliver an exchange Certificate or Certificates in an aggregate principal amount ORD 2016-15Page 16of 39 Town CouncilPage 359 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 equal to the unredeemed portion ofthe Certificate so surrendered, such exchange being without charge. (c)The Paying Agent/Registrar shall promptly notify the Town in writing of the principal amount to be redeemed of any Certificate as to which only a portion thereof is to be redeemed. Section 4.05.Notice of Redemption to Owners. (a)The Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice of any redemption of Certificates by sending notice by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, not less than 30 days before the date fixed for redemption, to the Owner of each Certificate (or part thereof) to be redeemed, at the address shown on the Register at the close of business on the Business Day next preceding the date of mailing such notice. (b)The notice shall state the redemption date, the redemption price, the place at which the Certificates are to be surrendered for payment, and, if less than all the Certificates outstanding are to be redeemed, an identification of the Certificates or portions thereof to be redeemed. (c)Any notice given as provided in this Sectionshall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given, whether or not the Owner receives such notice. Section 4.06.Payment Upon Redemption. (a)Before or on each redemption date, the Town shall deposit with the Paying Agent/Registrar money sufficient to pay all amounts due on the redemption date and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall make provision for the payment of the Certificates to be redeemed on such date by setting aside and holding in trust such amounts as are received by the Paying Agent/Registrar from the Town and shall use such funds solely for the purpose of paying the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and accrued interest on the Certificates being redeemed. (b)Upon presentation and surrender of any Certificate called for redemption at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar on or after the date fixed for redemption, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and accrued interest on such Certificate to the date of redemption from the money set aside for such purpose. Section 4.07.Effect of Redemption. (a)Notice of redemption having been given as provided in Section4.05 of this Ordinance, the Certificates or portions thereof called for redemption shall become due and payable on the date fixed for redemption and, unless the Town defaults in its obligation to make provision for the payment of the principal thereof, redemption premium, if any, or accrued interest thereon, such Certificates or portions thereof shall ORD 2016-15Page 17of 39 Town CouncilPage 360 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 cease to bear interest from and after the date fixed for redemption, whether or not such Certificates are presented and surrendered for payment on such date. (b)If the Town shall fail to make provision for payment of all sums due on a redemption date, then any Certificate or portion thereof called for redemption shall continue to bear interest at the rate stated on the Certificate until due provision is made for the payment of same by the Town. Section 4.08.Conditional Notice of Redemption. The Town reserves the right to give notice of its election or direction to redeem Bonds conditioned upon the occurrence of subsequent events. Such notice may state (i) that the redemption is conditioned upon the deposit of moneys and/or authorized securities, in an amount equal to the amount necessary to effect the redemption, with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or such other entity as may be authorized by law, no later than the redemption date, or (ii) that the Town retains the right to rescind such notice at any time on or prior to the scheduled redemption date if the Town delivers a certificate of the Town to the Paying Agent/Registrar instructing the Paying Agent/Registrar to rescind the redemption notice and such notice and redemption shall be of no effect if such moneys and/or authorized securities are not so deposited or if the notice is rescinded. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall give prompt notice of any such rescission of a conditional notice of redemption to the affected Owners. Any Bonds subject to conditional redemption and such redemption has been rescinded shall remain Outstanding and the rescission of such redemption shall not constitute an event of default. Further, in the case of aconditional notice of redemption, the failure of the Town to make moneys and or authorized securities available in part or in whole on or before the redemption date shall not constitute an event of default. Section 4.09.Lapse of Payment. Money set aside for the redemption of Certificates and remaining unclaimed by the Owners of such Certificates shall be subject to the provisions of Section3.03(f) hereof. ARTICLE V PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR Section 5.01.Appointment of Initial Paying Agent/Registrar. BOKF, N.A., Dallas, Texas, is hereby appointed as the initial Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates. Section 5.02.Qualifications. Each Paying Agent/Registrar shall be a commercial bank, a trust company organized under the laws of the State of Texas, or other entity duly qualified and legally ORD 2016-15Page 18of 39 Town CouncilPage 361 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 authorized to serve as and perform the duties and services of paying agent and registrar for the Certificates. Section 5.03.Maintaining Paying Agent/Registrar. (a)At all times while any of the Certificates are outstanding, the Town will maintain a Paying Agent/Registrar thatis qualified under Section5.02 of this Ordinance. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Paying Agent/Registrar specifying the duties and responsibilities of the Town and the Paying Agent/Registrarin substantially the form presented at this meeting, such form of agreement being hereby approved. The signature of the Mayor shall be attested by the TownSecretary of the Town. (b)If the Paying Agent/Registrar resigns or otherwise ceases to serve as such, the Town will promptly appoint a replacement. Section 5.04.Termination. The Town, upon not less than sixty (60) days’ notice, reserves the right to terminate the appointment of any Paying Agent/Registrar by delivering to the entity whose appointment is to be terminated written notice of such termination. Section 5.05.Notice of Change to Owners. Promptly upon each change in the entity serving as Paying Agent/Registrar, the Town will cause notice of the change to be sent to each Owner by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, at the address thereof in the Register, stating the effective date of the change and the name and mailing address of the replacement Paying Agent/Registrar. Section 5.06.Agreement to Perform Duties and Functions. By accepting the appointment as Paying Agent/Registrar and executing the Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, the Paying Agent/Registrar is deemed to have agreed to the provisions of this Ordinance and that it will perform the duties and functions of Paying Agent/Registrar prescribed thereby. Section 5.07.Delivery of Records to Successor. If a Paying Agent/Registrar is replaced, such Paying Agent/Registrar, promptly upon the appointment of the successor, will deliver the Register (or a copy thereof) and all other pertinent books and records relating to the Certificates to the successor Paying Agent/Registrar. ORD 2016-15Page 19of 39 Town CouncilPage 362 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE VI FORM OF THE CERTIFICATES Section 6.01.Form Generally. (a)The Certificates, including the Registration Certificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the Certificate of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and the Assignment form to appear on each of the Certificates, (i) shall be substantially in the form set forth in this Article, with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions, and other variations as are permitted or required by this Ordinance, and (ii) may have such letters, numbers, or other marks of identification (including identifying numbers and letters of the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures of the American Bankers Association) and such legends and endorsements (including any reproduction of an opinion of counsel) thereon as, consistently herewith, may be determined by the Town or by the officers executing such Certificates, as evidenced by their execution thereof. (b)Any portion of the text of any Certificates may be set forth on the reverse side thereof, with an appropriate reference thereto on the face of the Certificates. (c)The definitive Certificates, if any, shall be typewritten, photocopied, printed, lithographed, or engraved, and may be produced by any combination of these methods or produced in any other similar manner, all as determined by the officers executing such Certificates, as evidenced by their execution thereof. (d)The Initial Certificate submitted to the Attorney General of the State of Texas may be typewritten and photocopied or otherwise reproduced. Section 6.02.Form of the Certificates. The form of the Certificates, including the form of the Registration Certificate of theComptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the form of Certificate of the Paying Agent/Registrar and the form of Assignment appearing on the Certificates, shall be substantially as follows: (a)Form of Certificate. REGISTEREDNo._________REGISTERED$_________ United States of America State of Texas Countiesof Tarrantand Denton TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION SERIES 2016 ORD 2016-15Page 20of 39 Town CouncilPage 363 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 INTEREST RATE:MATURITY DATE:DATED DATE:CUSIP NUMBER: ______%September1, ____May 1, 2016______ ___ The Town of Trophy Club(the “Town”), in the Countiesof Tarrantand Denton, State of Texas, for value received, hereby promises to pay to _____________________________ orregistered assigns, on the Maturity Date specified above, the sum of _______________________ DOLLARS unless this Certificateshall have been sooner called for redemption and the payment of the principal hereof shall have been provided for, and to pay interest on such principal amount from the later of DatedDate specified above or the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or provided for until payment of such principal amount has been provided for, at the per annum rate of interest specified above, computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months, such interest to be paid semiannually onMarch 1 and September 1 of each year, commencing March 1, 2017. The principal of this Certificate shall be payable without exchange or collection charges in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentation and surrender of this Certificateat the designated office in Dallas, Texas, of BOKF, N.A.,as Paying Agent/Registrar (the “Designated Payment/Transfer Office”), or, with respect to a successor paying agent/registrar, at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of such successor Paying Agent/Registrar. Interest on this Certificate is payable by check dated as of the interest payment date, and will be mailed by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the registered owner at the address shown on the registration books kept by the Paying Agent/Registraror by such other customary banking arrangement acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar and the registered owner; provided, however, such registered owner shall bear all risk and expenses of such customary banking arrangement. At the option of an Owner of at least $1,000,000 principal amount of the Certificates, interest may be paid by wire transfer to the bank account of such Owner on file with the Paying Agent/Registrar. For the purpose of the payment of interest on this Certificate, the registered owner shall be the person in whose name this Certificate is registered at the close of business on the “Record Date,” which shall be the fifteenth business day of the month next preceding such interest payment date; provided, however, that in the event of nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date and for 30 days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a “Special Record Date”) shall be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the Town. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (the “Special Payment Date,” which date shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States mail, first class, postage prepaid, to the address of each Owner of a Certificate appearing on ORD 2016-15Page 21of 39 Town CouncilPage 364 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 thebooks of the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on this Certificate shall be a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are required or authorized by law or executive order to close, the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which banking institutions are required or authorized to close, and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due and no additional interest shall be due by reason of nonpayment on the date on which such payment is otherwise stated to be due and payable. This Certificate is one of a series of fully registered certificates specified in the title hereof issued in the aggregate principal amount of $____________(herein referred to as the “Certificates”), issued pursuant to a certain ordinance of the Town (the “Ordinance”) for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for authorized public improvements (the “Project”) as described in the Ordinance, and to pay the contractual obligations for professional services of attorneys, financial advisors and other professionals in connection with the Project and the issuance of the Certificates. The Certificates and the interest thereon are payable from the levy of a direct and continuing ad valorem tax within the limits prescribed by law, against all taxable property in the Town and from a pledge of certain Surplus Revenues (not to exceed $1,000) of the Town’s municipal drainage utility system, all as described and provided for in the Ordinance. The Town has reserved the option to redeem the Certificates maturing on or after September 1, 2026, in whole or in part, before their respective scheduled maturity dates, on September 1, 2025, or on any date thereafter, at a price equal to the principal amount of the Certificates so called for redemption plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. If less than all of the Certificates are to be redeemed, the Town shall determine the maturity or maturities and the amounts thereof to be redeemed and shall direct the Paying Agent/Registrar to call by lot or other customary method that results in a random selection the Certificates, or portions thereof, within such maturity and insuch principal amounts, for redemption. The Certificates maturing September1, 20__and September1, 20__(the “Term Certificates”) are subject to scheduled mandatory redemption and will be redeemed by the Town, in part at a price equal to the principal amount thereof, without premium, plus accrued interest to the redemption date, out of moneys available for such purpose in the Interest and Sinking Fund, on the dates and in the respective principal amounts as set forth below. ORD 2016-15Page 22of 39 Town CouncilPage 365 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Term CertificatesMaturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity Term CertificatesMaturing September1, 20 Redemption DateRedemption Amount September1, 20__ September1, 20__* *maturity At least forty-five (45) days prior to each scheduled mandatory redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select for redemption by lot, or by any other customary method that results in a random selection, a principal amount of Term Certificatesequal to the aggregate principal amount of such Term Certificates to be redeemed, shall call such Term Certificates for redemption on such scheduled mandatory redemption date, and shall give notice of such redemption, as provided in the Ordinance. In lieu ofcalling the Term Certificates described above, for mandatory redemption, the Townreserves the right to purchase such Term Certificates at a price not exceeding the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest, with (a) moneys on deposit in the Interest and Sinking Fund which are available for the mandatory redemption of such Term Certificates or (b) other lawfully available funds. Upon any such purchase in lieu of redemption, not less than five (5) days prior to a mandatory redemption date, the Town shall deliver such Term Certificates to the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the selection of the Term Certificates for redemption and the principal amount so delivered shall be credited against the amount required to be called for redemption in that year. Notice of such redemption or redemptions shall be given by first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than 30 days before the date fixed for redemption, to the registered owner of each of the Certificates to be redeemed in whole or in part. Notice havingbeen so given, the Certificates or portions thereof designated for redemption shall become due and payable on the redemption date specified in such notice; from and after such date, notwithstanding that any of the Certificates or portions thereof so called for redemption shall not have been surrendered for payment, interest on such Certificates or portions thereof shall cease to accrue. The Town reserves the right to give notice of its election or direction to redeem Certificatesconditioned upon the occurrence of subsequent events. Such notice may ORD 2016-15Page 23of 39 Town CouncilPage 366 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 state (i) that the redemption is conditioned upon the deposit of moneys and/or authorized securities, in an amount equal to the amount necessary to effect the redemption, with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or such other entity as may be authorized by law, no later than the redemption date, or (ii) that the Town retains the right to rescind such notice at any time on or prior to the scheduled redemption date if the Town delivers a certificate of the Town to the Paying Agent/Registrar instructing the Paying Agent/Registrar to rescind the redemption notice and such notice and redemption shall be of no effect if such moneys and/or authorized securities are not so deposited or if the notice is rescinded. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall give prompt notice of any such rescission of a conditional notice of redemption to the affected Owners. Any Certificates subject to conditional notice of redemption and such redemption has been rescinded shall remain Outstanding and the rescission of such redemption shall not constitute an event of default. Further, in the case of a conditional redemption, the failure of the Town to make moneys and or authorized securities available in part or in whole on or before the redemption date shall not constitute an event of default. As provided in the Ordinance, and subject to certain limitations therein set forth, this Certificate is transferable upon surrender of this Townfor transfer at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar with such endorsement or other evidence of transfer as is acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar; thereupon, one or more new fully registered Certificates of the same stated maturity, of authorized denominations, bearing the same rate of interest, and for the same aggregate principal amount will be issued to the designated transferee or transferees. Neither the Town nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue, transfer or exchange any Certificate called for redemption where such redemption is scheduled to occur within 45 calendar days of the date fixed for redemption; provided, however, such limitation shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the uncalled principal balance of a Certificate. The Town, the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any other person may treat the person in whose name this Certificate is registered as the owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment as herein provided (except interest shall be paid to the person in whose name this Certificate is registered on the Record Date, or the Special Record Date, as applicable) and for all other purposes, whether or not this Certificate be overdue, and neither the Town nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that the issuance of this Certificate and the series of which it is a part is duly authorized by law; that all acts, conditions, and things to be done precedent to and in the issuance of the Certificates have been properly done and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form, and manner as required by law; that ad valorem taxes upon all taxable property in the Town have been levied for and pledged to the payment of the debt service requirements of the Certificates within the limit prescribed by law; that, in addition to said taxes, further provisions have been made for the payment of the debt service requirements of the ORD 2016-15Page 24of 39 Town CouncilPage 367 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Certificates from a pledge of a limited amount of the Surplus Revenues, as described in the Ordinance, derived by the Town from the operation of the municipal drainage utility system in an amount limited to $1,000, that when so collected, such taxes and Surplus Revenues shall be appropriated to such purposes; and that the total indebtedness of the Town, including the Certificates, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town has caused this Certificate to be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor of the Town and countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the TownSecretary, and the official seal of the Town has been duly impressed or placed in facsimile on this Certificate. _______________________________ Mayor, Town of Trophy Club, Texas TownSecretary, Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] (b)Form of Comptroller’s Registration Certificate. The following Comptroller’s Registration Certificate may be deletedfrom the definitive Certificates if such certificate on the Initial Certificate is fully executed. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER § OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS § REGISTER NO.____________ OF THE STATE OF TEXAS § I hereby certify that there is on file and of recordin my office a certificate of the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this Certificate has been examined by him as required by law, that he finds that it has been issued in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas; and that this Certificate has this day been registered by me. Witness my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, _____________________. _______________________________ Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas (c)Form of Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar. The following Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar may be deleted from each Initial Certificate if the Comptroller’s Registration Certificate appears thereon. ORD 2016-15Page 25of 39 Town CouncilPage 368 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR The records of the Paying Agent/Registrar show that the Initial Certificates of this series of Certificates was approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the Stateof Texas, and that this is one of the Certificates referred to in the within-mentioned Ordinance. BOKF, N.A., as Paying Agent/Registrar Dated: ________________By: ___________________________ Authorized Signatory (d)Form of Assignment. ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto (print or typewrite name, address and Zip Code of transferee): ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (Social Security or other identifying number: ____________________) the within Certificate and all rights hereunder and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints ____________________ attorney to transfer the within Certificate on the books kept for registration hereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: __________________ Signature Guaranteed By: NOTICE: The Signature on this ____________________________________ Assignment must correspond with the name of the registered owner as it ____________________________________ appears on the face of the within Authorized Signatory Certificate in every particular and must be guaranteed in a manner acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar. (e)The initial Certificate shall be in the form set forth in subsections (a) through (d) of this Section, except for the following alterations: (i)immediately under the name of the Certificate, the headings “INTEREST RATE,” and “MATURITY DATE” shall both be completed with the words “As Shown Below” and the words “CUSIP NO.” shall be deleted; (ii)in the first paragraph of the Certificate, the words “on the Maturity Date specified above, the sum of ____________________ DOLLARS” shall be ORD 2016-15Page 26of 39 Town CouncilPage 369 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 deleted and the following will be inserted: “on the first day of Septemberin the years, in the principal installments and bearing interest at the per annum rates set forth inthe following schedule: YearPrincipal AmountInterest Rate (Information to be inserted from Section3.02(c) hereof). (iii)the Initial Certificate shall be numbered T-1. Section 6.03.CUSIP Registration. The Town may secure identification numbers through the CUSIPGlobal Services, managed by S&P Capital IQ on behalf of the American Bankers Association, and may authorize the printing of such numbers on the face of the Certificates. It is expressly provided, however, that the presence or absence of CUSIP numbers on the Certificates shall be of no significance or effect in regard to the legality thereof and neither the Town nor the attorneys approving said Certificates as to legality are to be held responsible for CUSIP numbers incorrectly printed on the Certificates. Section 6.04.Legal Opinion. The approving legal opinion of Bracewell LLP, Bond Counsel, may be attached to or printed on the reverse side of each Certificate over the certification of the Town Secretary of the Town, which may be executed in facsimile. Section 6.05.Statement Insurance. A statement relating to a municipal bond insurance policy, if any, to be issued for the Certificates, may be printed on each Certificate. ARTICLE VII SALE AND DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATES; DEPOSIT OF PROCEEDS; FLOW OF FUNDS Section 7.01.Sale of Certificates; Official Statement. (a)The Certificates, having been duly advertised and offered for sale at competitive bid, are hereby officially sold and awarded to _____________________ (the “Purchaser”) for a purchase price equal to the principal amount thereof plus a cash premium of $__________, being the bid which produced the lowest true interest cost to the Town. The Initial Certificate shall be registered in the name of the Purchaser or its designee. (b)The form and substance of the Preliminary Official Statement and any addenda, supplement or amendment thereto, are hereby in all respects approved and ORD 2016-15Page 27of 39 Town CouncilPage 370 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 adopted and is hereby deemed final as of its date within the meaning and for the purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of Rule 15c2-12 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Mayor and TownSecretary are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be prepared a final Official Statement (the “Official Statement”) incorporating applicable pricing information pertaining to the Certificates, and to execute the same by manualor facsimile signature and deliver appropriate numbers of executed copies thereof to the Purchaser. The Official Statement as thus approved, executed and delivered, with such appropriate variations as shall be approved by the Mayor and the Purchaser, maybe used by the Purchaser in the public offering and sale thereof. The TownSecretary is hereby authorized and directed to include and maintain a copy of the Official Statement and any addenda, supplement or amendment thereto thus approved among the permanent records of this meeting. The use and distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement, and the preliminary public offering of the Certificates by the Purchaser, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. (c)All officers of the Town are authorized to execute such documents, certificates and receipts as they may deem appropriate in order to consummate the delivery of the Certificates in accordance with the terms of sale therefor including, without limitation, the Purchase Contract. Further, in connection with the submission of the record of proceedings for the Certificates to the Attorney General of the State of Texas for examination and approval of such Certificates, the appropriate officer of the Town is hereby authorized and directed to issue a check of the Town payable to the Attorney General of the State of Texas as a nonrefundable examination fee in the amount required by Chapter 1202, Texas Government Code (such amount per series to be the lesser of (i) 1/10th of 1% of the principal amount of such series of the Certificates or (ii) $9,500.) (d)The obligation of the Purchaserto accept delivery of the Certificates is subject to the Purchaser being furnished with the final, approving opinion of Bracewell LLP,bond counsel for the Town, which opinion shall be dated and delivered the Closing Date. (e)The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contractual agreement with Southwest Securities, Inc. setting forth such firm’s responsibilities as financial advisor to the Town, and the terms thereof in the form presented at this meeting is hereby approved and accepted. Section 7.02.Control and Delivery of Certificates. (a)The Mayor of the Town is hereby authorized to have control of the Initial Certificate and all necessary records and proceedings pertaining thereto pending investigation, examination, and approval of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and registration with, and initial exchange or transfer by, the Paying Agent/Registrar. ORD 2016-15Page 28of 39 Town CouncilPage 371 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (b)After registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, delivery of the Certificates shall be made to the Underwriter or a representativethereof under and subject to the general supervision and directionof the Mayor, against receipt by the Town of all amounts due to the Town under the terms of sale. (c)In the event the Mayor or TownSecretary is absent or otherwise unable to execute any document or take any action authorized herein, the Mayor Pro Tem and the Assistant TownSecretary, respectively, shall be authorized to execute such documents and take such actions, and the performance of such duties by the Mayor Pro Tem and the Assistant TownSecretary shall for the purposes of this Ordinance have the same force and effect as if such duties were performed by the Mayor and TownSecretary, respectively. Section 7.03.Deposit of Proceeds. (a)First: All amounts received on the Closing Date as accrued interest on the Certificates from the Certificate Date to the Closing Date, plus premium received on the Certificates in the amount $___________,shall be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund. (b)Second:Proceeds of the Certificates in the amount of $____________ The remaining balance received on the Closing Date,shall be deposited to a special account of the Town, such moneys to be dedicated and used solely for the purposes for which the Certificates are being issued as herein provided in Section3.01(i). (c)Third: Premium received on the Certificates in the amount of $_________ shall be used to pay the cost of issuing the Certificates. To the extent any of such amountis not used for such purposes, such excess shall be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund. ARTICLE VIII INVESTMENTS Section 8.01.Investments. (a)Money in the Interest and Sinking Fund created by this Ordinance, at the option of the Town, may be investedin such securities or obligations as permitted under applicable law. (b)Any securities or obligations in which such money is so invested shall be kept and held in trust for the benefit of the Owners and shall be sold and the proceeds of sale shall be timelyapplied to the making of all payments required to be made from the fund from which the investment was made. ORD 2016-15Page 29of 39 Town CouncilPage 372 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 8.02.Investment Income. (a)Interest and income derived from investment of the Interest and Sinking Fund be credited to such fund. (b)Interest and income derived from investment of the funds to be deposited pursuant to Section7.03(b) hereof shall be credited to the account where deposited until the acquisition or construction of said projects is completed and thereafter, to the extent such interest and incomeare present, such interest and income shall be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund. ARTICLE IX PARTICULAR REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS Section 9.01.Payment of the Certificates. On or before each Interest Payment Date for the Certificates and while any of the Certificates are outstanding and unpaid, there shall be made available to the Paying Agent/Registrar, out of the Interest and Sinking Fund, money sufficient to pay such interest on and principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates as will accrue or mature on the applicable Interest Payment Date, maturity date and, if applicable, on a date of prior redemption. Section 9.02.Other Representations and Covenants. (a)The Town will faithfully perform, at all times, any and all covenants, undertakings, stipulations, and provisions contained in this Ordinance and in each Certificate; the Town will promptly pay or cause to be paid the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on each Certificate on the dates and at the places and manner prescribed in such Certificate; and the Town will, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this Ordinance, deposit or cause to be deposited the amounts of money specified by this Ordinance. (b)The Town is duly authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to issue the Certificates; all action on its part for the creation and issuance of the Certificates has been duly and effectively taken; and the Certificates in the hands of the Owners thereof are and will be valid and enforceable obligations of the Town inaccordance with their terms. Section 9.03.Provisions Concerning Federal Income Tax Exclusion. The Town intends that the interest on the Certificates shall be excludable from gross income for federal income taxation pursuant to sections 103 and 141 through 150 of theInternal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (the “Regulations”). The Town covenants and agrees not to take any action, or knowingly omit to take any action within its control, that ORD 2016-15Page 30of 39 Town CouncilPage 373 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 if taken or omitted, respectively, would cause the interest on the Certificates to be includable in gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Code of the holders thereof for purposes of federal income taxation. In particular, the Town covenants and agrees to comply with each requirement of Sections 9.03 through 9.10, inclusive; provided, however, that the Town shall not be required tocomply with any particular requirement of this Sections 9.03 through 9.10 of the holders thereof for purposes of federal income taxation, if the Town has received an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel (“Counsel’s Opinion”) that such noncompliance will not adversely affect the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Certificates or if the Town has received a Counsel’s Opinion to the effect that compliance with some other requirement set forth in this Sections 9.03 through 9.10, inclusive, will satisfy the applicable requirements of the Code and the Regulations, in which case compliance with such other requirement specified in such Counsel’s Opinion shall constitute compliance with the corresponding requirement specified in Sections 9.03 through 9.10, inclusive. Section 9.04.No Private Use or Payment and No Private Loan Financing. The Town shall certify, through an authorized officer, employee or agent, that, based upon all facts and estimates known or reasonably expectedto be in existence on the date the Certificates are delivered, that the proceeds of the Certificates will not be used in a manner that would cause the Certificates to be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of section 141 of the Code and the Regulations. The Town covenants and agrees that it will make such use of the proceeds of the Certificates, including interest or other investment income derived from Certificate proceeds, regulate the use of property financed, directly or indirectly, with suchproceeds, and take such other and further action as may be required so that the Certificates will not be “private activity bonds” within the meaning of section 141 of the Code and the Regulations. Section 9.05.No Federal Guaranty. The Town covenants and agrees not to take any action, or knowingly omit to take any action, and has not knowingly omitted and will not knowingly omit to take any action within its control, that, if taken or omitted, respectively, would cause the Certificates to be“federally guaranteed” within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations, except as permitted by section 149(b)(3) of the Code and the Regulations. Section 9.06.Certificates are not Hedge Certificates. The Town covenants and agrees that it has not taken and will not take any action, and has not knowingly omitted and will not knowingly omit to take any action within its control, that, if taken or omitted, respectively, would cause the Certificates to be“hedge bonds” within the meaning of section 149(g) of the Code and the Regulations. ORD 2016-15Page 31of 39 Town CouncilPage 374 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 9.07.No-Arbitrage Covenant. The Town shall certify, through an authorized officer, employee or agent, that, based upon all facts and estimates known or reasonably expected to be in existence on the date the Certificates are delivered, the Town will reasonably expect that the proceedsof the Certificates will not be used in a manner that would cause the Certificates to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of section 148(a) of the Code and the Regulations. Moreover, the Town covenants and agrees that it will make such use of the proceeds of the Certificates, including interest or other investment income derived from Certificate proceeds, regulate investments of proceeds of the Certificates, and take such other and further action as may be required so that the Certificates will not be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of section 148(a) of the Code and the Regulations. Section 9.08.Arbitrage Rebate. If the Town does not qualify for an exception to the requirements of Section148(f) of the Code, the Town will take all necessary steps to comply with the requirement that certain amounts earned by the Town on the investment of the “gross proceeds” of the Certificates (within the meaning of section 148(f)(6)(B) of the Code), be rebated to the federal government. Specifically, the Town will (i) maintain records regarding the investment of the gross proceeds of the Certificates as may be required to calculate the amount earned on the investment of the gross proceeds of the Certificates separately from records of amounts on deposit in the funds and accounts of the Town allocable to other issues of the Town or moneys which do not represent gross proceeds of any issues of the Town, (ii) calculate at such times as are required by the Regulations the amount earned from the investment of the gross proceeds of the Certificates which is required to be rebated to the federal government, and (iii) pay, not less often than every fifth anniversary date of the delivery of the Certificates or on such other dates as may be permitted under the Regulations, all amounts required to be rebated to the federal government. Further, the Town will not indirectly pay any amount otherwise payable to the federal government pursuant to the foregoing requirements to any person other than the federal government by entering into any investment arrangement with respect to the gross proceeds of the Certificates that might result in a reduction in the amount required to be paid to the federal government because such arrangement results in a smaller profit or a larger loss than would have resulted if the arrangement had been at arm’s length and had the yield on the issue not been relevant to either party. Section 9.09.Information Reporting. The Town covenants and agrees to file or cause to be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury, not later than the 15th day of the second calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter in which the Certificates are issued, an information statement concerning the Certificates, all under and in accordance with section 149(e) of the Code and the Regulations. ORD 2016-15Page 32of 39 Town CouncilPage 375 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Section 9.10.Continuing Obligation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance, the Town’s obligations under the covenants and provisions of Sections 9.03 through 9.09, inclusive, shall survive the defeasance and discharge of the Certificates. Section 9.11.Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. The Town hereby designates the Certificates as “qualified tax-exempt obligations” for purposes of section 265(b) of the Code. In connection therewith, the Town represents (a) that the aggregate amount of tax-exempt obligations issued by the Town during calendar year 2013, including the Certificates, which have been designated as “qualified tax-exempt obligations” under section 265(b)(3) of the Code does not exceed $10,000,000, and (b) that the reasonably anticipated amount of its tax- exempt obligations which will be issued by the Town during calendar year 2013, including the Certificates, will not exceed $10,000,000. For purposes of this Section9.11, the term “tax-exempt obligations” does not include “private activity bonds” within the meaning of section 141 of the Code, other than “qualified 501(c)(3) bonds” within the meaning of section 145 of the Code. In addition, for purposes of this Section9.11, the Town includes all governmental units which are aggregate with the Town under section 265(b) of the Code. ARTICLE X DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Section 10.01.Events of Default. Each of the following occurrences or events for the purpose of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be anEvent of Default: (i)the failure to make payment of the principal of, redemption premium, if any, or interest on any of the Certificates when the same becomes due and payable; or (ii)default in the performance or observance of any other covenant, agreement, orobligation of the Town, which default materially and adversely affects the rights of the Owners, including but not limited to their prospect or ability to be repaid in accordance with this Ordinance, and the continuation thereof for a period of sixty (60)days after notice of such default is given by any Owner to the Town. Section 10.02.Remedies for Default. (a)Upon the happening of any Event of Default, then any Owner or an authorized representative thereof, including but not limited to a trustee or trustees therefor, may proceed against the Town for the purpose of protecting and enforcing the ORD 2016-15Page 33of 39 Town CouncilPage 376 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 rights of the Owners under this Ordinance by mandamus or other suit, action or special proceeding in equity or at law in any court of competent jurisdiction for any relief permitted by law, including the specific performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein, or thereby to enjoin any act or thing that may be unlawful or in violation of any right of the Owners hereunder or any combination of such remedies. (b)It is providedthat all such proceedings shall be instituted and maintained for the equal benefit of all Owners of Certificates then outstanding. Section 10.03.Remedies Not Exclusive. (a)No remedy herein conferred or reserved is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or under the Certificates or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity; provided, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance, the right to accelerate the debt evidenced by the Certificates shall not be available as a remedy under this Ordinance. (b)The exercise of any remedy herein conferred or reserved shall not be deemed a waiver of any other available remedy. ARTICLE XI DISCHARGE Section 11.01.Discharge. The Certificates may be defeased, discharged or refunded in any manner permitted by applicable law. ARTICLE XII CONTINUING DISCLOSURE UNDERTAKING Section 12.01.Annual Reports. (i)The Town shall provide annually to the MSRB, (1) within six months after the end of each fiscal year of the Town, financial information and operating data with respect to the Town of the general type included in the final Official Statement, being information of the type described in the Pricing Certificate, including financial statements of the Town if audited financial statements of the Town are then available, and (2) if not provided as part such financial information and operating data, audited financial statements of the Town, when and if available. Any financial statements to be provided shall be (i) prepared in accordance with the accounting principles appended to the Official Statement, or such other accounting principles as the Town may be required to employ from time to time pursuant to state law or regulation, and (ii) audited, if the Town commissions an audit of such financial statements and the audit is completed ORD 2016-15Page 34of 39 Town CouncilPage 377 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 within the period during which they must be provided. If the audit of such financial statements is not complete within 12 months after any such fiscal year end, then the Town shall file unaudited financial statements within such 12-month period and audited financial statements for the applicable fiscal year, when and if the audit report on such statements becomes available. (ii)If the Town changes its fiscal year, it will notify the MSRB of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the Town otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. (iii)The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Sectionmay be set forth in full in one or more documents or may be included by specific referenced to any document (including an official statement or other offering document, if it is available from the MSRB) that theretofore has been provided to the MSRB or filed with the SEC. Section 12.02.Material Event Notices. (a)The Town shall notify the MSRB, in a timely manner not in excess of ten (10) Business Days after the occurrence of the event, of any of the following events with respect to the Certificates: (i)Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii)Non-payment related defaults, if material; (iii)Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (iv)Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (v)Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (vi)Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701-TEB) or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the Certificates, or other material events affecting the tax status of the Certificates; (vii)Modifications to rights of holders of the Certificates, if material; (viii)Certificate calls, if material, and tender offers; ORD 2016-15Page 35of 39 Town CouncilPage 378 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 (ix)Defeasances; (x)Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Certificates, if material; (xi)Rating changes; 1 (xii)Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the Town; (xiii)The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the Town or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Town, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; and (xiv)Appointment of a successor Paying Agent/Registrar or change in the name of the Paying Agent/Registrar, if material. (b)The Town shall provide to the MSRB, in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB, in a timely manner, notice of a failure by the Town to provide required annual financial information and notices of material events in accordance with Sections 12.01 and 12.02. All documents provided tothe MSRB pursuant to this section shall be accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. Section 12.03.Limitations, Disclaimers and Amendments. (a)The Town shall be obligated to observe and perform the covenants specified in this Articlefor so long as, but only for so long as, the Town remains an “obligated person” with respect to the Certificates within the meaning of the Rule, except that the Town in any event will give notice of any redemption calls and any defeasances that cause the Town to be no longer an “obligated person.” (b)The provisions of this Articleare for the sole benefit of the Owners and beneficial owners of the Certificates, and nothing in this Article, express or implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The Town undertakes to provide only the financial information, operating data, 1 For the purposes of the event identified in (xii), the event is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent, or similar officer for an obligated person in a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the obligated person. ORD 2016-15Page 36of 39 Town CouncilPage 379 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 financial statements, and notices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Articleand does not hereby undertake to provide any other information that may be relevant or material to a complete presentation of the Town’s financial results, condition, or prospects or hereby undertake to update any information provided in accordance with this Articleor otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The Town does not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Certificates at any future date. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE TOWN BE LIABLE TO THE OWNER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY CERTIFICATE OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE TOWN, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS ARTICLE, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. (c)No default by the Town in observing or performing its obligations under this Articleshall constitute a breach of or default under the Ordinance for purposes of any other provisions of this Ordinance. (d)Nothing in this Articleis intendedor shall act to disclaim, waive, or otherwise limit the duties of the Town under federal and state securities laws. (e)The provisions of this Articlemay be amended by the Town from time to time to adapt to changed circumstances that arise from a change in legal requirements, a change in law, or a change in the identity, nature, status, or type of operations of the Town, but only if (i) the provisions of this Article, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell Certificates in the primary offering of the Certificates in compliance with the Rule, taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule to the date of such amendment, as well as such changed circumstances, and (ii) either (A) the Owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provisions of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the Outstanding Certificates consent to such amendment or (B) an entity or individual person that is unaffiliated with the Town (such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determines that such amendment will not materially impair the interests of the Owners and beneficial owners of the Certificates. If the Town so amends the provisions of this Article, it shall include with any amended financial information or operating data next provided in accordance with Section12.01 an explanation, in narrative form, of the reasons for the amendment and of the impact of any change in type of financial information or operating data so provide. ORD 2016-15Page 37of 39 Town CouncilPage 380 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE XIII AMENDMENTS Section 13.01.Amendments. This Ordinance shall constitute a contract with the Owners, be binding on the Town, and shall not be amended or repealed by the Town so long as any Certificate remains outstanding except as permitted in this Section. The Town may, without consent of or notice to any Owners, from time to time and at any time, amend this Ordinance in any manner not detrimental to the interests of the Owners, including the curing of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or formal defect or omission herein. In addition, the Town may, with the written consent of the Owners of the Certificates holding a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Certificates then outstanding, amend, add to, or rescind any of the provisions of this Ordinance; provided that, without the consent of all Owners of outstanding Certificates, no such amendment, addition, or rescission shall (i)extend the time or times of payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates, reduce the principal amount thereof, the redemption price, or the rate of interest thereon, or in any other way modify the terms of payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates, (ii)give any preference to any Certificate over any other Certificate, or (iii)reduce the aggregate principal amount of Certificates required to be held by Owners for consent to any such amendment, addition, or rescission. ARTICLE XIV MISCELLANEOUS Section 14.01.Changes to Ordinance. The Mayor and theChief Financial Officer, in consultation with Bond Counsel, are hereby authorized to make changes to the terms of this Ordinance if necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes hereof or in connection with the approval of the issuance of the Certificates by the Attorney General of Texas. Section 14.02.Partial Invalidity. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall notaffect any of the remaining provisions of the Ordinance. Section 14.03.No Personal Liability. No recourse shall be hadfor payment of the principal of or interest on any Certificates or for any claim based thereon, or on this Ordinance, against any official or employee of the Town or any person executing any Certificates. ORD 2016-15Page 38of 39 Town CouncilPage 381 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 ARTICLE XV EFFECTIVENESS Section 15.01.Effectiveness. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this April 12, 2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Julie KL. Partain, Bond Counsel Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2016-15Page 39of 39 Town CouncilPage 382 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-196-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/30/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding design elements of Trophy Club Town Hall; discussion of same (Staff). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding design elements of Trophy Club Town Hall; discussion of same (Staff). Town CouncilPage 383 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-184-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award or rejection of bids for soccer field improvement at Lakeview Elementary School; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Lakeview Soccer Fields .pdf 2016-03-24 TRO16006 Bid Tab.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheawardorrejectionofbidsforsoccerfieldimprovementatLakeview Elementary School; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Town CouncilPage 384 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Adam Adams, Parks and Recreation Director Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Lakeview Soccer Fields Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the award or rejection of bids for soccer field improvement at Lakeview Elementary School; authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary documents (Staff). Explanation: In the summer of 2014 Council recognized the need to improve the soccer practice fields adjacent to Lakeview Elementary. The youth soccer association had discontinued the use of the fields due to the poor soil conditions which had reduced the ability to utilize this facility. The construction estimate amount for this project at that time was $200,000 for the 2014/15 Town budget. The project included new irrigation, the addition of four inches of top soil and new sod.The project was unable to move forward on the project due primarily to the loss of key personnel within the NISD administration. NISD requested that we hold off on this project until they had hired a new Executive Director to replace Dennis McCreary. That meeting took place in November of 2015. Following an extended bid period the Town received four bids for this project with a low bid of $207,348.70 from Greenscaping. Staff directed Teague, Nall & Perkins to work with the winning bidder to reduce the price to the original 2014 estimate amount of $200,000. The only way to achieve that goal was to reduce the amount top soil being applied by one-half inch. An issue with Lakeview is the poor condition of the existing soil and the almost complete absence of any organic material within the ground. Thus, the additional topsoil would benefit the turf especially a few years from now. We are also exploring ways we can improve the soil within our maintenance budget prior to construction to provide some organic and nutrient elements. Attachments: Project Bid tabulation Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval and award of this bid to Greenscaping. Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 385 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 2016 12, April Date: Meeting 445 of 386 Page Council Town Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-186-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding holding an educational seminar on coyote awareness; receive an update from Susan Edstrom and the ACO; discussion of same (G. Reed). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Considerandtakeappropriateactionregardingholdinganeducationalseminaroncoyoteawareness;receiveanupdate from Susan Edstrom and the ACO; discussion of same (G. Reed). Town CouncilPage 387 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-185-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and provide direction to Town Staff regarding proposed amendments to the Animal Control Ordinance for keeping of fowl, tethering of dogs, and related matters (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Animal Ordinance Revisions.pdf Animal Control Ordinance Amendment Items for Consideration.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandprovidedirectiontoTownStaffregardingproposedamendmentstotheAnimalControlOrdinancefor keeping of fowl, tethering of dogs, and related matters (Staff). Town CouncilPage 388 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Patrick Arata, Police Chief CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Animal Control Ordinance Amendments Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and provide direction to Town Staff regarding proposed amendments to the Animal Control Ordinance for keeping of fowl, tethering of dogs, and related matters (Staff). Explanation: The Trophy Club Animal Shelter Board and the Animal Control Officer have reviewed the Animal Control Ordinance and provided three options to be discussed before Council: Chickens as pets and/or raising them for egg production: Option 1: Allow Fowl (Amending Section 2.01.020) Option 2: Prohibit Fowl (Amending Section 2.01.015) Tethering and or other prohibited actions against animals: Option 3: Tethering (Amending Section 2.01.008) Attachments: Animal Control Ordinance Amendment Options Recommendation: Staff requests Council discuss proposed options and provide direction as to what options they would like to see placed in the Ordinance. Ordinance will be brought back to Council at the April 26, 2016 meeting. Town CouncilPage 389 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration Section 2.01.001 Definitions Amendment Animal : Shall mean any living creature, classified as a member of the animal kingdom including but not limited to: dogs, cats, cows, horses, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, insects, fowl, and livestock, but specifically excluding human beings. Collar: Shall mean any collar constructed of nylon, leather, or similar material, specifically designed to be used for a dog. Coop: An enclosure in which Fowl are confined. Fowl : Chickens, turkeys, pheasants, peacocks, quail, geese, ducks, or similar feathered animals, regardless of age, sex, or breed, excluding Roosters. Livestock : Shall mean any Animal that is not normally considered a domesticated breed and is typically found on a farm, includingwithout limitation, horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, hogs, Fowl, goats and sheep, and shall include both the male and female species of such animals. Prohibited Animal(s) : Shall mean an Animal not normally considered a domesticated breed, including but not limited to: venomous lizard, poisonous snake, boa, python, raccoon, skunk, fox, bear, elephant, kangaroo, monkey, chimpanzee, antelope, deer, any protected, threatened, or endangered species as defined by the Texas Wildlife Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or any other Wild Animal capable of, or inflicted to do, serious bodily harm to humans or other Animals of any kind.” Properly fitted : Shall mean, with respect to a collar, a collar that measures the circumference of a dog’s neck plusat least one inch. Restraint : shall mean a chain, rope, tether, leash, cable, or other devise that attached a dog to a stationary object or trolley system. Green highlighted definitionsare added forthe amendment to section 2.01.008; to prohibit tethering Statute has a definition for Owner that is different than what we currently have in our ordinance so we need to amend our currentdefinition: Owner :A person who owns, has custody or control,harbors, keeps, possesses, or permits to be controlled,harbored, kept, or possessed an animal in his care, on or about his premises, without regard to title, purchase, or acceptance of the animal as a gift. Town CouncilPage 390 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration OPTION 1: Allow Fowl(Amending Section 2.01.020): Section 2.01.020Special Requirements for Keeping Miniature Pigs, Ferrets,and Fowl C. Fowl Location and Maximum Number . Fowl shall only be allowed on property zoned for single-familyresidential use. It shall be unlawful for any Person to keep, harbor, maintain, or allow more than four (4)Fowl of any species six (6) months of age or older upon property owned, leased or controlled by such Person within the corporate limits of the Town of Trophy Club. Roosters Prohibited . It shall be unlawful for any Person to own, control, keep, harbor, maintain, or allow one (1) or more Roosters upon property owned, leased,or controlled by such Person within the corporate limits of the Town of Trophy Club. Coop Required – Permit Required for Maximum Size . A permit shall be required for the constructionof a Coop. Fowl shall be secured in a Coop at all times, in order to provide safe and healthy living conditions for the animals and to minimize negative impact on neighbors. It shall be unlawful for a Person to keep, harbor, maintain, or allow Fowl to roam at large, whether upon property owned by the Person owning, controlling, keeping, harboring,or maintaining the Fowl or upon the property owned by another Person. The maximum size of a Coop shall be of one-hundred and twenty (120) square feet.The Coop shall be enclosed on all sides, shall include a roof, and all openings shall be covered with predator and bird proof wire. It is not required that the Coop contain any masonry materials. Location and Other Requirements for Coops . A Coop shall complywith the following requirements. A Coop shall: Be a minimum of twenty feet (20’) from any street right-of-way; and Be located a minimum of ten feet (10’) from rear and side lot lines; and Not be located in any front or side yard(s); and Be fully screened from public viewin accordance with applicable Town regulations. Nuisance - It shall be unlawful for any Person who owns, controls, has custody of, keeps, maintains, or harbors Fowl to intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause, allow, or maintain property, including but not limited to yards, pens, sheds, Coops, or other enclosures in which Fowl are confined, in such a manner as to give off odors offensive to persons of ordinary sensibilities residing in the vicinity; or in such condition as to attractflies, mosquitoes or other noxious insects or rodents and/or the breeding of flies, mosquitoes or other noxious insects or rodents; or in any manner or condition that endangers the public health, safety or welfare, or creates a public nuisance as defined herein or by state law; or to cause or allow the encroachment of associated debrisof any nature or fecesacross any property line.” Town CouncilPage 391 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration OPTION 2: Prohibit Fowl(Amending 2.01.015): Section 2.01.015 Livestock, Fowl, Wild or Prohibited AnimalsProhibited A.It shall be unlawful to own, control, keep, or harbor any Livestock, Fowl, Wild or Prohibited Animal within the Town, except at commercial establishments dealing in the sale or handling of such Animals, upon land having proper zoning for such commercial enterprises and having proper facilities for the care and restraint of such Animals, or on land zoned for agricultural uses where the Town’s zoning ordinance expressly allows the ownership, control, keeping, or harboring of such Livestock, Fowl, Wild or Prohibited Animal. B.In accordance with conditions approved by the Town Council, a Person may to own, control, keep, or harbor Livestock, Fowl, Wild or Prohibited Animals in the Town on a temporary basis for a period of time and under such conditions as authorized by the Town Council.” C.Removal period - Fowl. Within forty-five (45) days from the effective date of this Section, a Person shall remove all Fowl, owned, controlled, kept, or harbored upon land within the corporate limits of the Town in violation of this Section. Town CouncilPage 392 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration OPTION 3: Tethering (Amending Section 2.01.008) Section 2.01.008 Tethering and other prohibited actions against animals (a)Tethering. (1)Unlawful Restraint of Dog: (A)An owner shallnot leave a dog outside and unattended by use of a restraint that unreasonably limits the dog's movement: (i)between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.; (ii)within 500 feetof the premises of a school; (iii)in the case of extreme weather conditions, including conditions in which: a.the actual or effective outdoor temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit; b.a heat advisory has been issued by a local or state authority or jurisdiction; or c. a hurricane, tropical storm, or tornado warning has been issued for the jurisdiction by the National Weather Service. (B)In this section, a restraint unreasonably limits a dog's movement if the restraint: (i)uses a collar that is pinch-type, prong-type, or choke-type or that is not properly fitted to the dog; (ii)is a length shorter than the greater of: a.five times the length of the dog, as measured from the tip of the dog's nose to the base of the dog's tail; or b.10 feet; (iii)is in an unsafe condition; or (iv)causes injury to the dog. Town CouncilPage 393 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration (C) Exceptions: It shall be an exception to prosecution that: (i)a dog restrained to a running line, pulley,or trolley system is not restrained to the running line, pulley, or trolley system by means of a pinch-type, prong-type, choke-type, or improperly fitted collar; (ii)a dog is restrained in compliance with the requirements of a camping or recreational area asdefined by a federal, state, or local authority or jurisdiction; (iii)a dog is restrained for a reasonable periodof timeandthe restraint is for a period no longer than is necessary for the owner to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained; notwithstanding the foregoing, the period of restraintshall not exceed three (3) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period; (iv)a dog is restrained while the owner is engaged in, or actively training for, an activity that is conducted pursuant to avalid license issued by the State of Texasif the activity for which the license is issued is associated with the use or presence of a dog; (v)a dog is restrained while the owner is engaged in conduct directly related to the business of shepherding or herding cattle or livestock; or (vi)a dog is restrained while the owner is engaged in conduct directly related to the business of cultivating agricultural products, if the restraint is reasonably necessary for the safety of the dog. (D) Penalty A person commits an offense if the person knowingly violates Section (i) 2.01.008 (a) A peace officer or animal control officer who has probable cause to (ii) believe that an owner is violating this subchapter shall provide the owner with a written statement of that fact. The statement shallbe signed by the officer and plainly state the date on which and the time at which the statement is provided to the owner. A person commits an offense if the person is provided a statement (iii) described by Subsection (ii) and fails to comply with the requirements of this Section within twenty-four (24) hours of the time the owner is provided the statement. Town CouncilPage 394 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration If a person fails to comply with this Sectionwith respect to more than one (iv) (1)dog, the person's conduct with respect to each dog constitutes a separate offense. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor, unless at the (v) time of the offense a person has been previously convictedof an offense under this Section. In the event of previous convictions, state law penalties shall apply. If conduct constituting an offense under this section also constitutes an (vi) offense under any other law, the actor may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both. (b)Prohibited actions. It is a violation of this section if intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly: (1)A person fails to provide an animal under his control and/or ownership with adequate wholesome food and water, proper shelter, and protection from inclement weather, and veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering; (2)A person having charge or custody of an animal places or confines such animal, or allows such animal to be placed or confined, in a motor vehicle, trailer or other enclosure under such conditions, or for such a period of time, as to endanger the health of the animal due to heat, lack of food or water, or such other circumstances as may cause injury or death to the animal; (3)A person treats an animalin an inhumane or cruel manner as defined by V.T.C.A., Penal Code section 42.09 and V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code ch. 821; (4)A person knowingly owns, harbors, trains, sells or offers for sale any animal which is to be used for the purpose of fighting, or to be trained, tormented, badgered or baited for the purpose of causing or encouraging the animal to attack human beings or animals when not provoked, except that this section shall not apply to guard dogs; (5)A person mutilates any animal, whethersuch animal is dead or alive. This subsection does not apply to medical or veterinary medical research, medical or veterinary medical autopsies, or biology class use of animals for educational purposes; (6)A person causes an animal to fight another animal or person; (7)A person other than a licensed veterinarian docks an animal’s tail, or crops an animal’s ears, or castrates an animal; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to normal livestock operations occurring within the town; Town CouncilPage 395 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Animal Control Ordinance Items for Consideration (8)A person dyes or colors chicks, ducks, rabbits, reptiles or birds; (9)A person transporting an animal fails to effectively restrain an animal so as to prevent the animal from leaving or being accidentally thrown from a vehicle during normal operation of the vehicle, or fails to effectively restrain an animal so as to prevent infliction of bodily harm to passersby; provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit a person from transporting an effectively confined or tethered dogin the open bed of a pickup truck; (10)A person is in control of a motor vehicle which strikes a domestic animal or livestock within the corporate limits of the town and fails to report the accident to a law enforcement officer as soon as practical; (11)A person abandons any animal, including the abandonment of an impounded animal at the animal shelter, with the intent to readopt the animal to avoid impoundment fees; or (12)A person places any substance or article, which has in any manner been treated with any poisonous substance in any place accessible to human beings, birds, dogs, cats, or other animals with the intent to kill or harm animals or with reckless disregard for the harm or injury that could reasonably occur. This shall include anti-freeze intentionally or recklessly left exposed to poison animals. This section, however, does not preclude the use of commercially sold rodent poisons when applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions for such use. Town CouncilPage 396 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-188-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding Harmony Park parking lot and Independence Park West parking lot adjacent to the Veterans Memorial; receive a presentation from Teague Nall & Perkins; discussion of same (Staff). Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingHarmonyParkparkinglotandIndependenceParkWestparkinglot adjacent to the Veterans Memorial; receive a presentation from Teague Nall & Perkins; discussion of same (Staff). Town CouncilPage 397 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-189-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Capital Projects that were discussed at the Council Retreat in January 2016; discussion of same (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - Parks CIP.pdf Parks CIP.pdf 2016-04-07 - Harmony Park Parking Lot Improvements.pdf 2016-04-07 -Veterans Parking Lot Improvements.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ReceiveanupdatefromTownStaffregardingCapitalProjectsthatwerediscussedattheCouncilRetreatinJanuary 2016; discussion of same (Staff). Town CouncilPage 398 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Adam Adams, Parks and Recreation Director Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Parks CIP Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Receive an update from Town Staff regarding Capital Projects that were discussed at the Council Retreat in January 2016; discussion of same (Staff). Explanation: Staff has laid out a five-year plan to accomplish the Capital Improvement items related to the Parks Department that Council expressed interest in during the January 2016 Council retreat. Teague, Nall, and Perkins has prepared cost opinions for two parking lots deemed as important items at the retreat. Two other items, the Veteran’s Memorial and a drive approach and parking lot at “Canterbury Hills Park”are currently being studied by Teague, Nall, and Perkins as well with cost opinions to follow at a later Council date. Funding sources for the plan include residual bond proceeds, general fund operating funds, hotel occupancy taxes, general fund equipment replacement funds, and potential reimbursements from TCRYBA. Items that Council did not approve at the retreat have been eliminated from the list and items that Council may or may not want more information on have been included as unfunded projects. Attachments: Parks CIP Harmony Park Parking Lot Improvements Veterans Parking Lot Improvements Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 399 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town of Trophy Club - Parks Capital Improvement List Funded Projects ProjectDecriptionStatusFunding SourceFY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 2020 Pave gravel parking lot with 27 spaces, golf cart parking, lighting, 2010 Bond & General Harmony Park Parking LotEngineering $ 199,000 Fund Operations irrigation, landscaping and trail connection into Harmony Park Pave open space south of Independence Park West with 32 Veteran's Memorial Parking LotEngineeringHotel Occupancy Tax $ 230,000 parking spaces, golf cart parking, irrigation, landscaping and lighting Construct Veteran's Memorial as Veteran's MemorialEngineeringHotel Occupancy Tax With TNP approved in 2012 Canterbury Hills Park Drive Add drive approach and parking lot EngineeringGeneral Fund Operations With TNP Approach and Parking Loton USACE property Sandblast and paint outside Indepence Park West Facility structure, reconfigure restrooms, fix Equipment Replacement - Planning $ 140,000 ImprovementsGeneral Fund plumbing issues, add new fixtures, and new flooring, etc. Replace asphalt trail with 6 or 8 ft. Lakes TrailPlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 120,000 concrete trail Resurface large pool at aquatics Equipment Replacement - Resurface Large Pool $ 75,000 facilityGeneral Fund Replace chanin link fence at Harmony Park with wroght iron & Fence InstallationPlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 36,000 add wroght iron fence along creekline at Lakeview Park Redesign trail near entrance to Trail RedesignPlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 12,000 Shanklin property Install four scoreboards at General Fund Operations ScoreboardsPlanning$ 32,500 Independence Park West for (repaid by TCRYBA) Baseball Add shade structure to Independence West playgroundand Shade StructuresPlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 80,000 on splash pad decking at aquatics facility Resurface the tennis courts at Harmony Park and Independence Equipment Replacement - Tennis Court ResurfacePlanning $ 23,000 General Fund West and add pickball stripping at Independence West Add automated gate system to dog Automated Gate SystemPlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 30,000 park at Freedom Park Create trail entrance from TCP into Trail Entrance into TCPthe Town's trail system - clear bursh PlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 11,000 area and add amenities Add aerating fountian on amenity FountainPlanningGeneral Fund Operations $ 22,000 pond #2 Replace playground equipment at Equipment Replacement - Harmony Park Playground Harmony Park along with the canvas Planning General Fund portion of the shade structure $ 245,000 Total $ 429,000 $ 140,000 $ 243,000 $ 165,500 $ 278,000 Unfunded Projects DecriptionStatus Project Add nature themed playground, bathrooms, pavilion, monument sign, water Canterbury Hills Park Planning fountain Recrown sports fields at Harmony Park, remove old irrigation system and install Recrown Harmony Park FieldsPlanning new system Adds field lighting to unlit fields and remove light poles that remain without Lights at Harmony ParkPlanning lights attached Storage Solution at Harmony ParkCreate storage at Harmony Park that is within the Town code of ordinancesPlanning Pier on Pond #2Either remove the concrete for the pier or add the pier on pond #2Planning Town CouncilPage 400 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST HARMONY PARK PROJECT:DATE:4/7/2016 Trophy Club, Texas TNP JOB # TRO 16006 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQTY. UNITUNIT COSTTOTAL IPARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS 1 Remove Concrete Pavement & Curb40SY$10.00$400.00 2 Unclassified Grading & Excavation1LS$15,000.00$15,000.00 3 6" Lime Stabilized Subgrade1,576SY$3.00$4,728.00 4 Lime for Stabilization (36#/SY)29TON$150.00$4,350.00 5 Barrier Free Ramps1EA$1,000.00$1,000.00 6 4" Concrete Flatwork419SF$5.00$2,095.00 7 5" Concrete Pavement1,385SY$35.00$48,475.00 8 6" Monolithic Curb697LF$2.00$1,394.00 9 Pavement Striping1LS$2,500.00$2,500.00 10 Signage1LS$1,500.00$1,500.00 11 Erosion Control1LS$3,000.00$3,000.00 12 Landscaping 1LS$10,000.00$10,000.00 13 Irrigation1LS$10,000.00$10,000.00 14 Site Lighting8EA$3,000.00$24,000.00 15 Electrical for Lighting1LS$15,000.00$15,000.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST$144,000.00 20% CONTINGENCY$29,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST$173,000.00 ENGINEERING FEES$18,000.00 SURVEYING FEES$4,000.00 CONSTRUCTION STAKING$4,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST$199,000.00 * Construction must be sequenced in such a manner to allow traffic flow. ** Cost does not include any franchise utility relocations. Basis for Cost Projection No Design Completed Preliminary Design Final Design Town CouncilPage 401 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK PROJECT:DATE:4/7/2016 Trophy Club, Texas TNP JOB # TRO 16006 ITEMDESCRIPTIONQTY. UNITUNIT COSTTOTAL IPARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS 1 Remove Trees3EA$150.00$450.00 2 Remove Sidewalk23SY$5.00$115.00 3 Remove Concrete Pavement & Curb17SY$10.00$170.00 4 Unclassified Grading & Excavation1LS$20,000.00$20,000.00 5 6" Lime Stabilized Subgrade1,868SY$3.00$5,604.00 6 Lime for Stabilization (36#/SY)34TON$150.00$5,100.00 7 Barrier Free Ramps2EA$1,500.00$3,000.00 8 4" Concrete Flatwork662SF$5.00$3,310.00 9 6" Concrete Pavement937SY$40.00$37,480.00 10 5" Concrete Pavement762SY$35.00$26,670.00 11 6" Monolithic Curb755LF$2.00$1,510.00 12 Concrete Flume321SF$5.00$1,605.00 13 Pavement Striping1LS$2,500.00$2,500.00 14 Signage1LS$1,500.00$1,500.00 15 Erosion Control1LS$3,000.00$3,000.00 16 Landscaping 1LS$10,000.00$10,000.00 17 Irrigation1LS$10,000.00$10,000.00 18 Site Lighting5EA$4,000.00$20,000.00 19 Electrical1LS$15,000.00$15,000.00 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST$168,000.00 20% CONTINGENCY$34,000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST$202,000.00 ENGINEERING FEES$20,000.00 SURVEYING FEES$4,000.00 CONSTRUCTION STAKING$4,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST$230,000.00 * Construction must be sequenced in such a manner to allow traffic flow. ** Cost does not include any franchise utility relocations. Basis for Cost Projection No Design Completed Preliminary Design Final Design Town CouncilPage 402 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-197-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/1/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the acceptance of the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) (Staff). Attachments:Staff Report - FY 15 PAFR.pdf FY 2015 PAFR.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the acceptance of the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) (Staff). Town CouncilPage 403 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From: Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: PAFR Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding the acceptance of the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) (Staff). Explanation: The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) established the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Awards Program (PAFR Program) in 1991 to encourage and assist state and local governments to extract information from their comprehensive annual financial report. The purpose was to produce high quality, financial reports specifically designed to be readily accessible and easily understandable to the general public and other interested parties without a background in public finance, as well as to recognize individual governments that are successful in achieving that goal. This is the Town’s second PAFR submission. The Town received the Award for Outstanding Achievement from GFOA for its FY 2014 PAFR. Attachments: FY 2015 PAFR Recommendation: Staff recommends acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2015PAFR. Town CouncilPage 404 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 405 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Table of Contents Organizational Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Message from the ATM/CFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 About the Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Town Council & Strategy Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Award-Winning Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Financial Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Long-Term Financial Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Long-Term Capital Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2015 Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2016 Look Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Shop Local to Make a BIG Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Come Stay & Play in Trophy Club! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PID Refunding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Parks & Amenities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Organizational Chart TROPHY CLUB CITIZENS Mayor & Council Town SecretaryTown Judge Infrastructure Assistant Town Economic PoliceEMS& Community Manager/CFODevelopment Development Finance & CourtHuman Resources 1 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 406 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 MESSAGE FROMTHE Assistant Town Manager / CFO Dear Citizens, The Town of Trophy Club is proud to present the Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2015. Throughout the duration of the year, the Finance Department Department endeavors to promote the Town’s mission by creating strong partnerships and encouraging are a part of the Town of Trophy Club’s 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is prepared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and is audited . Worth, TX. The CAFR contains additional detailed and extensive information, such as notes, statistical information, investments, and debt service obligations. The purpose of the PAFR is to convey the information presented in the CAFR in a more easily comprehensible format. position, local taxing information, and economic climate. The PAFR represents another indication of . If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Town of Trophy Club Finance Department at 682-831-4607, or you may email me at sglickman@trophyclub.org. Thank you for your time, Steven Glickman, CPA 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 2 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 407 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 About the TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB The Town of Trophy Club was incorporated in 1985 as Texas’ community and is located in the DFW metroplex. This area of the state has proven to be one of the top growth areas in Texas and the United States. In 2016, Trophy Club is pleased to welcome several new businesses, including Meat U Anywhere BBQ, Bread Winners & Quarter Bar, Homewood Suites, and Holiday Inn. The Town currently occupies a land area of just over four square miles and serves a growing population of approximately 13,000 residents. Trophy Club has operated as a Home Rule municipality utilizing a Council-Manager form of government since 2004. Policy-making and legislative authority are vested in the Town Council consisting of the Mayor and six Council Members elected on a non-partisan, at-large basis. 4A Amidst its many responsibilities, the Council passes ordinances and resolutions, adopts the budget, appoints boards and committees, and hires the Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Town Secretary. The Town Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the Town Council, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the government, and appointing the heads of various Town departments. The Town of Trophy Club provides a full range of municipal services including general government, public safety (police and EMS), streets, parks and recreation, community development, code enforcement, and drainage utilities. Utility District #1. Trophy Club’s location is ideal for both businesses and residents, many of whom commute to Dallas, Denton, Las Colinas, and Fort Worth. Trophy Club maintains a small- town feel with the advantages of nearby metro areas. The superior public safety services resulting in one of the lowest crime rates in the State. Two 18-hole golf courses anchor the community, including the only course designed by legendary golfer Ben Hogan. Pleasant residential neighborhoods, excellent educational institutions, and numerous recreational activities truly make Trophy Club “” A Great Place to Call Home. 3 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 408 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Demographics Size: 4.2 square miles (2,688 acres) Households: 4,365 Population: 13,000+ Average Household Income: $124,000 Median Home Sales Price: $357,500 Education: 63% have a bachelor’s degree or higher A Great Place to Call Home Outstanding Schools: Beck & Lakeview Elementary Schools, Medlin Middle School, and Byron Nelson High School Strong Housing Market: Home prices range from the $180,000’s to $1,200,000+, and average home values have increased for the past seven years Financial Status: AA+ Standard and Poor’s Bond Rating Pristine Parks: 9 parks, 3 playgrounds, world-class dog park, golf, tennis and basketball courts, workout stations, nature trails, nature preserve, MX and ATV areas, pavilions and picnic areas, land access to Lake Grapevine via Trophy Club Well Recognized: Ranked '5 th Best Neighborhood in DFW' by Dallas Morning News (2015); Ranked '36 th Best Suburb in America’ by Business Insider (2015); Ranked the ‘3rd Healthiest Community in North Texas’ by Dallas Morning News (2014) Active Community Community Features: 40+ miles of trails and sidewalks, and 1,000+ acres of parks Annual Events: Easter Eggstravaganza, Back to Nature, July 4th Celebration, TCWC Garden & Holiday Home Tours, Fall Family Festival, PetFest, and Christmas Celebration Youth & Adult Sports Leagues: Bocce Ball League (adult), Kickball League (adult), Trophy Club/Roanoke Football Association, Greater Northwest Soccer Association, Trophy Club/Roanoke Baseball Association, Trophy Club/Roanoke Track and Field Association, and Bobcat Wrestling Club Community Organizations: Trophy Club Women’s Club, Trophy Club Families, Keep Trophy Club Wild, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and a Trophy Club Veterans Group 4 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 409 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town Council 5 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 410 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Award-Winning Reporting Town of Trophy Club, TX Financial Reporting for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report consecutive year. by a government and its management. The CAFR is compiled by the accountants. The purpose of the CAFR is to give a detailed overview of service obligations. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award The Town has earned the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from year. principles of governmental budgeting and the award represents a . The budget presents the plan for accomplishing . Preparation of this document requires a comparison of the anticipated revenues with adopted programs and priorities that are based on Town Council’s priorities, service demands, and prior year project commitments. Town of Trophy Club, TX Texas Comptroller Leadership Circle group of municipalities in Texas to achieve the new Platinum award for . The Platinum designation was implemented in 2014 and highlights entities . The award recognizes local governments across Texas that implement a high level of of government spending in a user-friendly format. Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award The Town has earned the Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for the 2014 Popular Annual Financial Report(PAFR) from the Government . The PAFR program was established to encourage and assist state and local governments to extract information from their CAFRs to produce high quality reports the general public and other interested parties without a background in . 6 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 411 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Financial Highlights The Town, like other state and local governments, utilizes fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate . A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is . the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Grant Fund, and Capital Projects Fund. More information can be found in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) on the Town’s website at www. trophyclub.org. Changes in Net Position The Statement of Net Position presents information on all of the Town’s Increase of reported as net position. Over time, increases or decreases in net position $2,656,304 or Town is improving or declining. In total, the Town’s total net position 4.59% increased $2,656,304 accounting principle (GASB 68 and 71). The increase was primarily due to developer contributions in the amount of $1,254,997 and operating grants in the amount of $550,495. Total Net Position of resources by $57,884,288, which is the Town’s net position. The 4.22% 1.43% largest portion of the Town’s net position, $54,615,788 or 94.35%, is in capital assets (land, buildings, infrastructure, equipment, and construction in progress), less any related debt used to acquire those 94.35% assets that is still outstanding. The Town uses these assets to provide services to its citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. Although the Town reports its capital assets net of related debt, the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. A portion of the Town’s net position is restricted resources of $826,260 or 1.43%, which are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. The remaining balance of unrestricted net position, $2,442,241 or 4.22%, may be used to meet the government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. The Town has two funds that are not included in total net position of the primary government, both of which are considered discretely presented component units: the 4B Economic Development Corporation (EDC 4B) Fund and the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ#1). The Town Council appoints the EDC 4B and the TIRZ#1 boards and can impose its will on their day-to-day operations. which is unrestricted.. Capital Assets The Town’s net investment in capital assets for its governmental and business-type activities at the . The investment in capital assets includes land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, utility system, machinery and equipment, and construction in progress. The total increase in the Town’s investment in capital 7 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 412 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 assets for the current year was 3.6%. following: road reconstruction in progress for Pebble Beach, Timberline, and Pin Oak; Town Hall land acquisition and design; completion of Indian Creek Drive reconstruction; Timber Ridge/Fresh Meadow drainage improvements; completion of the Dino Playground at Freedom Park; Bobcat track . Governmental Fund Balance and balances of spendable resources. Total Governmental Fund Balance requirements. In particular, the unassigned fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government’s net resources 11.76% . At the end combined fund balance of $6,223,583, a decrease of $1,906,791 or 23.45%, which is due to the use of prior year debt proceeds on 27.46% 58.85% capital projects throughout the Town. The General Fund is the main operating fund of the Town. At the 1.92% was $3,691,189, of which $3,261,235 was unassigned. The fund balance of the General Fund increased by $646,168 during the . The increase can be attributed to budgeted transfers- over the budgeted amounts from ad valorem (property), sales, and franchise tax. The Capital Projects Fund experienced a decrease in fund balance of $2,810,727 due to the construction of major capital assets with debt proceeds obtained in prior years. General Fund Budgetary Highlights Actual expenditures of $7.9 million were $374,710 less than budgeted due to an ambulance purchase deferred to a subsequent year coupled with personnel savings in various departments. The Police Department came in $57,502 under budget primarily General Fund Budgetary Comparison due to personnel expenditure savings. The Parks Department came in $32,870 under budget primarily due to personnel expenditure and capital outlay savings. budget due to personnel expenditure savings. The Recreation Department had a budget savings of $66,753 due to decreased water usage and personnel savings. The Streets and Finance Departments had budget savings of $58,907 and $23,322 respectively, year. Actual revenues of $8.6 million were $30,703 greater than budgeted primarily due to sales tax revenues being $53,377 higher than budgeted. revenues included: ad valorem taxes (property tax) revenue was $38,971 over budget; licenses and permits were ($13,253) under budget; revenues from charges for services were ($17,895) under budget; and miscellaneous revenue was ($29,557) under budget. 8 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 413 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Total Governmental Funds Revenue The total revenue of governmental funds for Revenue Categories . Ad valorem Ad Valorem Taxes $ 6,712,712 taxes, the Town’s largest revenue source, comprised $6,712,712, or 60.8%, of the total Sales and Mixed Beverage 1,104,298 Taxes year. Sales and mixed beverage taxes are the Franchise Taxes 811,052 second largest revenue source for the Town Occupancy Taxes 264,708 and comprised $1,104,298, or 9.9%, of the total . Licenses and Permits 697,378 Franchise taxes and licenses and permits, which Intergovernmental 326,195 are the 3rd and 4th largest revenue sources for the Town, respectively, comprised $811,052, or Charges for Service 293,011 7.3%, and $697,378, or 6.3%, of the total revenue Fines and Fees 580,648 . Other revenue sources include occupancy taxes, Investment Income 10,921 intergovernmental revenue, charges for service, Miscellaneous 99,872 and miscellaneous revenue. These categories, in Grant Revenue 147,691 total, comprised $1,723,046, or 15.7%, of the total Total Revenues $11,048,48 6 . 9.9% 10.0% 7.3% 2.4% 6.3% 3.0% 2.7% 60.8% 5.3% 0.1% 0.9% 1.3% This information was taken from the Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 9 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 414 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Total Governmental Funds Expenditures The total expenditures of governmental funds Expenditure Categories . General General Government $ 1,760,574 Emergency Medical Services 865,699 Human Resources, Finance, Information Services, and Legal) expenditures totaled $3,922,874, or 30.2% 1,030,977 Human Resources 99,862 year. Expenditures related to Public Safety (Police, Finance 345,775 EMS, and Court) totaled $3,130,835, or 24.2%, of Information Services 509,302 year. Parks and Recreation expenditures totaled Legal 176,384 $1,972,726, or 15.2%, of the total governmental Court 86,675 . Expenditures Police 2,178,461 related to Streets totaled $1,734,106, or 13.3%, of Recreation 558,954 year. Debt service expenditures totaled $1,562,815, Facilities Management 108,065 or 12.0%, of the total governmental expenditures. Parks 1,413,772 Expenditures related to Community Development Community Development 562,496 and Facilities Management, respectively, totaled Streets 1,734,106 $562,496, or 4.3%, and $108,065, or 0.8%, of the . Debt Service: 1,562,815 Included within the categories above are $3,466,307 Total Expenditures$12,993,917 in Capital Outlay expenditures. 13.3% 4.3% 12.0% 10.9% 13.5% 0.8% 4.3% 6.7% 16.8% 7.9% 0.8% 0.7% 1.4% 2.7% 3.9% This information was taken from the Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 10 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 415 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Long-Term Financial Planning FY 15 FY 16 FY 17FY 18FY 19FY 20 EstimateAdoptedPlanningPlanningPlanningPlanning General Fund Five Year Forecast Beginning Fund Balance $ 3,045,021 $ 3,662,226 $ 3,745,717 $ 3,315,847 $ 3,544,633 $ 3,572,096 Revenue: Property Tax 5,220,298 5,801,544 6,132,903 6,306,686 6,402,741 6,517,666 Franchise Fees 835,341 947,257 951,693 952,372 967,668 983,430 Sales Tax 720,501 753,125 882,131 905,191 929,015 953,644 Licenses and Permits 723,794 558,606 281,326 247,560 199,482 189,520 Fines and Fees 523,856 420,359 426,793 433,626 439,458 446,589 Intergovernmental 126,134 - - - - - Charges for Service 310,278 274,909 279,096 283,996 289,011 294,144 Interest Revenue 7,000 18,000 22,000 26,000 30,000 35,000 Grant Revenue 77,018 - - - - - Miscellaneous 89,105 240,000 85,050 86,823 88,618 90,438 Total Revenue 8,633,325 9,013,800 9,060,992 9,242,254 9,345,993 9,510,431 Expenditures: Personnel 5,923,406 6,245,821 6,517,342 6,762,600 7,016,972 7,281,022 Services/Supplies 1,892,203 2,137,625 2,142,396 2,193,218 2,137,145 2,189,052 Capital 211,511 272,863 442,125 168,650 275,413 187,337 Total Expenditures 8,027,120 8,656,309 9,101,863 9,124,467 9,429,530 9,657,411 Other Sources (Uses): Transfers In 11,000 111,000 111,000 111,000 111,000 111,000 Transfers Out - (385,000) (500,000) - - - Total Other Sources (Uses) 11,000 (274,000) (389,000) 111,000 111,000 111,000 Net Increase (Decrease) 617,205 83,491 (429,871) 228,787 27,463 (35,980) Ending Fund Balance $ 3,662,226 $ 3,745,717 $ 3,315,847 $ 3,544,633 $ 3,572,096 $ 3,536,116 Fund Balance as % of Expenditures45.62%43.27%36.43%38.85%37.88%36.62% 11 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 416 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Long-Term Capital Planning Projects in Progress and Currently Funded Projects Total Project Project NameFunding SourceDescriptionPrior FY 2016FY 2017Total Phase Funding Reconstruction of a 2014 Tax Note / neighborhood street and Fund Balance / Pin Oak Court Constructionany needed storm drainage $ 59,000 $ 277,739 $ - $ 336,739 Drainage Fund infrastructure repair or Operations replacement Reconstruction of a neighborhood street and Timberline 2014 Tax Note / Constructionany needed storm drainage $ 24,000 $ 155,858 $ - $ 179,858 CourtFund Balance infrastructure repair or replacement 2013 CO / 2014 Tax Note / Reconstruction of Pebble Beach Pebble Beach Fund Balance / ConstructionDrive from Indian Creak to $400,000 $ 333,934 $ - $ 733,934 Drive Drainage Fund North Cul-De-Sac Operations 2013 CO / Cypress Court Install drainage inlets along Drainage Fund Construction $ 74,756 $ 20,000 $ - $ 94,756 Drainage InletsCypress Court Operations Broadway Creek 2013 CO / Drainage improvements to Improvements Drainage Fund EngineeringBroadway Creek and Amenity $ 48,845 $ 100,000 $ - $ 148,845 and Amenity OperationsLake Slopes Lake Slopes 2012 Tax Note Construction of joint Town Municipal and / 2014 CO / Hall / Police Station on land Police Services Proposed Bonds/ Engineering $ - $ 6,000,000 $ 2,900,000 $ 8,900,000 FacilityCCPD / Fund Trophy Wood Drive Balance Trophy Club Dr. Paving and storm drainage Proposed Bonds / (Roundabout to Engineeringimprovements from the $ - $ 2,000,000 $ 1,235,000 $ 3,235,000 Fund Balance Meadow Creek)roundabout to Meadow Creek Construct youth (under age Lakeview 2014 Tax Note / Practice Soccer Engineering $ 150,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ 200,000 Fund Balanceon leased land from NISD by Fields Lakeview Elementary Replace monument signs at Harmony Park, Independence Park Monument 2010 Tax NotePlanning $ - $ 41,000 $ - $ 41,000 Park West, and the Pool and Signs add a sign at Freedom Park Harmony Replaces the NEOS system at Park Toddler 2010 GO / General Harmony Park with a small Planning $ - $ 72,000 $ - $ 72,000 Playground and Fund Operationstoddler playground and shade Shade Structurestucture Subtotal: Projects in $756,601 $9,050,531 $4,135,000 $13,942,132 Progress/Currently Funded Future Funded Projects Project NameFunding SourceProject PhaseDescriptionFY 2018FY 2019FY 2020 Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive from Meadowbrook to Indian Creek DriveProposed BondsPlanning x x Harmony Park Trophy Club DriveProposed BondsPlanningStreet reconstruction southbound from Durango to Bobcat x x Reconstruction of a neighborhood street and any needed Phoenix DriveProposed BondsPlanning x x storm drainage infrastructure repair or replacement Trophy Lake DriveProposed BondsPlanningStreet reconstruction from Village Trail to SH 114 x x Street reconstruction Municipal DriveStreet Maintenance Sales TaxPlanning x 12 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 417 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 2015 Annual Report looking at ways to make the community better. Providing a glimpse of what we do gives our stakeholders an idea of how the community has grown and changed, as well as what can be expected in the future. The information below provides an overview of 2015 accomplishments. 2015 Accomplishments The Town also made several technology In 2015, Trophy Club celebrated 30 years of improvements. YouTube now hosts the Town incorporation and the Anniversary Committee Council meeting videos, which reduced cost and held several events to honor the milestone, increased accessibility, and we also rolled out including a Founder’s Day Reception at the Trophy Club Country Club, an art contest to get of all Town meetings for public use, including youth involved, booths at Back to Nature, the board and commission meetings. Additionally, July 4th Celebration, Easter Eggstravaganza, and the Christmas Celebration. searchability and rolled out an online forms manager to make online applications and Town Council hired Town Manager, Stephen form submission easier for the user and more Seidel, who has done a great job working with . Council and managing the organization through a prosperous year with many accomplishments. Major steps were made towards building a new Town Hall & Police facility, including earning We issued 158 residential permits totaling voter approval to issue $5.4 million in general $81.5 million in value. New home construction obligation bonds in the November election averages approximately $515,600 per home. and purchasing 5.56 acres in the Trophy Wood Property values increased by 13% over the prior District for the new site. year and the current average home value in Trophy Club is $352,731. Economic Development The Town established several safety Meat U Anywhere BBQ (MUA) will open a improvements, including the installation second restaurant in Trophy Club in 2016, after . MUA owner Andy Sedino has actively embraced the Trophy adoption of the police K9 program to assist with Club community and has noted that the Trophy drug detection and search & rescue. . Bread Winners restaurant & The Quarter Bar in 2016, and will also serve as the corporate catering hub for the west side of the Metroplex. Undeveloped land is limited and the Trophy Club EDC 4B purchased 7.5 acres of land in the Trophy Wood District for the purpose of economic development and to continue to diversify the Town’s revenue base. 13 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 418 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 2016 Look Ahead Residential including moving a play system to Independence There are approximately 180 lots left in town, Park, installing a toddler playground with some with pending building permits in-house. The Public Improvement District (PID) is spray pad features at the community pool and almost totally developed with approximately resurfacing the kiddie pool, and installing new 40 undeveloped lots remaining. We anticipate . issuing 100 residential building permits in 2016, Street reconstruction and storm drainage and the property tax base is expected to increase improvements will continue this year for several by 10% over last year due to new growth and residential streets. increased values on existing properties. In May 2015, the Town purchased 5.56 acres for $1.35 million for the new Town Hall and planning for the facility continues. We anticipate dirt work to begin this spring for the approximately 24,648 square foot building, which includes: • Approximately 9,810 sq ft for the Police Department including an animal holding facility; • Approximately 6,383 sq ft of common space for lobby areas, a community meet- ing room, a training & voting room, public restrooms and Council chambers; • Commercial which includes all Town departments, ex- Meat U Anywhere BBQ is under construction cept Fire/EMS whom will remain at the and anticipates opening its doors in early May. Fire Station. Bread Winners & The Quarter Bar is currently under construction and could open as early as the end of 2016. Homewood Suites and Holiday Inn are also expected to open in 2016. We will continue to seek out private partners and prospective restaurants and businesses that vacant acreage in the Trophy Wood District, which is approximately 9.5 acres. We also have a Montessori School and retail center across from Byron Nelson High School projected to open around September 2016. Both building permits were issued in October 2015. Public Amenities We are planning for a major signage overhaul directional signage, and park signage. This year we plan to make several improvements to parks, 14 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 419 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Shop Local to Make a BIG Impact Shopping locally gives back to the community! When businesses in Trophy Club that support a high quality of life for the community and the people who live here. Not only does shopping local support small business, it also serves as an investment into the operations, programs and initiatives that keep Trophy Club ‘A Great Place to Call Home’. Two pennies for every dollar spent on sales taxable goods purchased in Trophy Club go towards funding community needs, including: One Penny • Public Safety goes to • Road Repairs General Fund • Park Improvements • Economic Development Initiatives & programs • • Infrastructure Improvements • Community Events 25% Once the Town’s portion of sales tax revenues are received, the CCPD two pennies are allocated into four funds: 50% General Fund EDC 4B 25% Receives One Penny Street Helps fund general operations of Town government. Maintenance Economic Development Corporation 4B Fund (EDC 4B) Receives Half-a-Penny Promotes economic development programs and initiatives in town to support and increase local business. Crime Control & Prevention District Fund (CCPD) Receives a Quarter-of-a-Penny . Street Maintenance Fund Receives a Quarter-of-a-Penny Funds expenses associated with providing a safe, clean and well-maintained roadway system in Trophy Club. Shopping Local is a WIN for Trophy Club! 15 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 420 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Come Stay & Play in Trophy Club! As the Trophy Club community grows, so does the hospitality, dining and recreational opportunities in town! Hospitality Two new hotels will open in 2016, and another is planned for the Trophy Club Town Center. Make sure your weekend and holiday guests are comfortable in one of our hotels! Hampton Inn & SuitesHomewood Suites Holiday Inn Value Place Hotel Opening in 2016Opening in 2016 525 Plaza Drive2900 E SH 114725 Plaza Drive306 Trophy Branch Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club, Texas 76262 682-831-1572469-223-3078214-634-1800817-491-1118 hamptontrophyclub.comhomewoodsuites.hilton.comholidayinn.comvalueplace.com Dining Coming to Trophy Club in 2016: Meat U Anywhere BBQ & Bread Winners / The Quarter Bar! . Treat your visitors and guests to a delicious local meal where the owner welcomes you at the door and servers know you by name! Christina’s Mexican Fish & Knife Hot & Creamy Papa Murphy’s Hong Kong Express RestaurantJapanese CuisineDonutsPizza Trophy Club Vinny’s Italian StarbucksSubwayTom Thumb Country ClubRestaurant Recreation & Fun You will never run out of fun things to do in Trophy Club - just ask the locals! 16 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 421 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 PID Refunding Trophy Club is making history State of Texas to achieve an investment grade rating on a Public Improvement District (PID) bond and to realize over $16.4 million in total savings with a subsequent . The refunding for PID residents resulted in approximately $11,675 savings in future assessments over the life of the bond to each property owner who had not . As a premier North Texas community, Trophy Club continues . “I was Mayor in 2007 when we worked on the PID project and am so proud of the high quality development that The Highlands has become. To realize such a large savings for PID residents due to . the box and working hard to save Trophy Club residents money,” said Mayor Nick Sanders. “Council’s .” assessed each year to pay for the PID’s infrastructure. Known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, the PID assessments are based on lot types determined by size..5 million in debt was issued for the infrastructure at an interest rate of 7.75% and a 30-year term. At the time investors took a risk by investing in undeveloped land, and the debt was not rated by any debt ratings agency . Today the PID has 1,407 lots and to date has added $560 million in taxable value to Trophy Club. PID debt in order to take advantage of historically low interest rates and the possibility that the . On August . 3.75% which saves the PID residents almost $16.4 million in assessments over the life of the debt. . The net present value savings totals $8.8 million, or over 33% of the refunded amount. . 4A a lower interest rate and lower your monthly payments. This is exactly what we did; we lowered the interest rate and lowered the annual payments for over 1,400 residences.” 17 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 422 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Park 2885 Trophy Park Drive Park Skyline Park | 304 Ridge View Lane Harmony Park | 599 Indian Creek Drive Lakeview Park | 100 Village Trail Independence Park West | 501 Parkview Dr. Community Pool | 500 Parkview Drive Independence Park East | 500 Parkview Dr. Linear Park North (north of The Highlands) Freedom Park | 2675 Trophy Park Drive Trophy Club Park | 2885 Trophy Park Drive 18 | Town of Trophy Club Popular Annual Financial Report Town CouncilPage 423 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Stay Informed & Engaged with the Town! The Town of Trophy Club has many options for residents, businesses and visitors to stay updated on the latest news and information. As a bustling, dynamic community where activities abound and news cycles daily, stay informed on all things Trophy club with a variety of online tools: info@trophyclub.org www.TrophyClub.org www.TC-Exchange.org www.TCParks.org www.TrophyClubPark.org www.fb.com/TrophyClubGov www.twitter.com/TrophyClubGov www.youtube.com/TrophyClubGov Town CouncilPage 424 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-195-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/30/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Subsection (23) of Section 1.08.061, “Park property generally; prohibited acts” of Division 3, “Park Regulations”, of Article 1.08, “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1, “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to allow a change in park hours; providing a penalty not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense; and providing an effective date (N. Sanders and G. Reed). Attachments:Staff Report - Park Hours.pdf ORD 2013-10 - Current Park Ordinance.pdf ORD 2016-16 - Amending Park Hours Section 1_08_061.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardinganOrdinanceoftheTownamendingSubsection(23)ofSection 1.08.061,“Parkpropertygenerally;prohibitedacts”ofDivision3,“ParkRegulations”,ofArticle1.08,“Parksand Recreation”ofChapter1,“GeneralProvisions”oftheTownofTrophyClubCodeofOrdinancestoallowachangeinpark hours;providingapenaltynottoexceedthesumoffivehundreddollars($500.00)foreachoffense;andprovidingan effective date (N. Sanders and G. Reed). Town CouncilPage 425 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 To: Mayor and Town Council From:Steven Glickman, Assistant Town Manager/CFO CC: Stephen Seidel, Town Manager Adam Adams, Parks and Recreation Director Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Park Hours Town Council Meeting, April 12, 2016 Agenda Item: Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town amending Subsection (23) of Section 1.08.061, “Park property generally; prohibited acts” of Division 3, “Park Regulations”, of Article 1.08, “Parks and Recreation” of Chapter 1, “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to allow a change in park hours; providing a penalty not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense; and providing an effective date (N. Sanders and G. Reed). Explanation: This item wasrequestedby Councilthat the hours of operation for the Park System be evaluated within the current park ordinance to make all regular park operational hours identical. The proposed amendment to the park ordinance would make the regular park hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Currently, lit areas, such as baseball fields, tennis courts, etc. are allowed to be open until 10:00 p.m., but other portions of the park are closed. Recommendation: Staff recommends the park hours be consistent for all Town Parks with operational hours of 6 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Attachments: Current Park Ordinance No. 2013-10 Proposed Ordinance No. 2016-16 Page 1 of 1 Town CouncilPage 426 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 427 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 428 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 429 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 430 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 431 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 432 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 433 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 434 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town CouncilPage 435 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2016-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; AMENDING SUBSECTION(23)OF SECTION 1.08.061, “PARK PROPERTY GENERALLY; PROHIBITED ACTS” OF DIVISION 3, “PARK REGULATIONS”, OF ARTICLE 1.08, “PARKS AND RECREATION” OF CHAPTER 1, “GENERAL PROVISIONS” OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ALLOW A CHANGE IN PARK HOURS;PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF PREMISES, PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the “Town”) is a home rulemunicipality empowered to do all acts and make all regulations which may be necessary or expedient for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare; and WHEREAS , the Park Board, along with Staff, has reviewed the existing Ordinance governing the use of park property within the Town and has determined it necessary and appropriate to recommend that Council make various amendments thereto; and WHEREAS , the establishment of additional regulations and prohibitions is needed to create operational parameters for current and additional park properties and facilities; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has reviewed the proposed amendments and finds them appropriate. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREMISES All of the above premises are true and correct and are hereby incorporated in the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Town CouncilPage 436 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 SECTION 2. AMENDMENT 2.01 Subsection (23) of Section 1.08.061, “Park Property Generally; Prohibited Acts: of Division 3, “Park Regulations”, of Article 1.08, “Parks and Recreation”, of Chapter 1, “General Provisions” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinancesis hereby amended to allow a change in park hoursand is hereby adoptedso that subsection (23) shall be and read in its entirety as follows: “CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS . . . ARTICLE 1.08 PARKS AND RECREATION . . . Division 3. Park Regulations Section 1.08.061 Park Property Generally; Prohibit Acts Except as otherwise expressly provided, no person shall engage in any conduct prohibited by any section of this division, including but not limited to one or more of the following acts, while in or upon park property located within the incorporated limits of the town: .. . (23)To remain in or upon any Park Property at a time when the Park Property is closed. Signs indicating hours of operation shall be posted at conspicuous locations to give notice thereof. Hours of operation for Park Property shall be as follows: A.Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all Town Park Property shall be open for use by the public from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., unless the use of such Park Propertieshas been scheduled with the Town for an athletic use, a special event, or a program, in which case use shall be restricted to persons engaged in or attending. B.For tournament play, the Facilities located at Harmony, Independence East, and Independence West Parks may be open on Friday and Saturday until 11:00 p.m. and on Sundays until 10:30 p.m., except that for Friday through Sunday play only, upon request from the Tournament Director, the Town Manager or his designee may authorize a thirty (30) minute extension for play.” ORD 2016-16Page 2 of 4 Town CouncilPage 437 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 SECTION 3. SAVINGS AND REPEALER That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting rules of procedure and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Home Rule Charter of the Town. SECTION 6. PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this Ordinance, and any person violating or failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined, upon conviction, not less than One Dollar ($1.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 7. PUBLICATION The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to publish, the Caption, Penalty and Effective Date Clause of this Ordinance as required by Section 52.011 of the Texas Local Government Code. ORD 2016-16Page 3 of 4 Town CouncilPage 438 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption and publication as provided by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 12th day of April2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: Patricia A. Adams , Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas ORD 2016-16Page 4 of 4 Town CouncilPage 439 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-192-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for April 26, 2016 meeting; and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff). Attachments:April 26, 2016 Upcoming Agenda.pdf Items for Future Agendas updated 3-23-2016.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult ItemsforFutureAgendastoincludediscussionofAgendaItemsforconsiderationontheupcomingRegularSession Council Agenda for April 26, 2016 meeting; and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list (Staff). Town CouncilPage 440 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Meeting Date 4/26/2016 No. Announcements & ReportsFile IDDept Town Manager Seidel's update regarding the following; discussion and provide 1Town Mgr input regarding same (Staff). Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same (Staff). 2Town Sec STAFF No. ConsentRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheMinutesdatedMarch22, 3Town Sec 2016 (Staff). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheMinutesdatedMarch29, 4Town Sec 2016 (Staff). Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Chapter 5Police 2, Animal Control, of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances (Staff). STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Recognitionofthe2015CitizenoftheYearNomineesandannouncethe 6Marketing recipients; discussion of the same (Staff). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaProclamationoftheTown 7Town Sec Council declaring May 5, 2016, as Day of Prayer in Trophy Club (I. Thomas). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingTrophyClubParkConceptPlan; 8Parks discussion of same (Staff). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingaMaintenanceAgreement betweentheTownandTxDOT;andauthorizingtheMayororhisdesigneeto 9Com Dev execute all necessary documents (Staff). ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingtheMid-YearFinancialReportfor 10Finance Fiscal Year 2016 (Staff). STAFF No. Upcoming Agenda & Council Future Agenda Items List UpdateRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Items for Future Agendas to include discussion of Agenda Items for consideration on the upcoming Regular Session Council Agenda for March 22, 2016 meeting; 11Town Sec and discussion of the Town Council Future Agenda Items list, to include discussion of the below item from the Future Agenda Items list: A) Item No. 8 - Discussion and consideration of laws related to texting while driving inside the Town. (Reed 1/26/2016) B) Item No. 9 - Discussion of Interlocal Agreements with TCMUD No. 1 for Fire services and building services such as trash, drainage, etc. (Sanders 1/26/2016) STAFF No. Executive SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into 12Town Sec executive session to discuss the following: A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Town Attorney, Patricia Adams STAFF No. Regular SessionRESORDPROCFile IDDept RPT Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Town Sec 13 Town CouncilPage 441 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Town Council Future Agenda Items List (Updated 3/23/2016) 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding signage in medians at Trophy Club Drive, Trophy Wood Drive, Indian Creek and possibly Bobcat. (Sanders 7/22/2014) (1-Oct 28, 2014) (2-Feb 10, 2015)(3-May 12, 2015) (4-August 11, 2015)(5-December 8, 2015) (6-March 8, 2016)(7-June 14, 2016) 10/28/2014 – Council discussed and would like a plan brought back on a future agenda. 2/10/2015 – Mayor Sanders provided update including examples of Southlake signage. 5/12/2015 – No new update provided. 7/15/2015 – Will be placed on the August 25, 2015 agenda for an update. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 12/8/2015 - Assistant Town Manager/CFO Glickman advised that the Town is in the process of going out for bids regarding park monument signage and wayfinding signage. 3/8/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 2.Review ordinances regarding Town Homes, Condos and apartments. (Sanders 8/4/2014) (1- Nov 13, 2014) (2-Feb 24, 2015) (3-May 26, 2015) (4-August 11, 2015) (5-December 8, 2015) (6-March 8, 2016) (7-June 14, 2016) 2/24/2015 – Acting Town Manager Seidel provided update (waiting to fill vacant Planning position). 5/12/2015 – Mayor Sanders provided an update that this item will be discussed once the vacant Planning position is filled. 7/15/2015 – Will be placed on the August 25, 2015 agenda for an update. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 12/8/2015 - Mayor Sanders advised that he was concerned that the restrictions for condos and apartments, such as multiple families living at one address, may be insufficient. 3/8/2016 – Discussed that this item could be addressed during the Comprehensive Plan process. 3. Discussion of possible uses of hotel occupancy tax funds, including the ability to use the funds for Trophy Club Park. (Lamont and Kurtz 4/14/2015) (1-July 14, 2015) (2-December 8, 2015) (3-March 8, 2016) (4-June 14, 2016) 7/14/2015 – Discussed having this item for an update on the August 25, 2015 agenda. 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 12/8/2015 - Mayor Sanders advised that he would like additional information on specific items that hotel occupancy tax funds could be used for. 3/8/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 4. Discussion and action related to town garage/special/estate/moving sales, etc. (Sanders 4/28/2015) (1-July 28, 2015) (2-December 8, 2015) -March 8, 2016) (4-June 14, 2016) (3 7/14/2015 – Discussed having this item for an update on the August 25, 2015 agenda. Page 1 of 2 Town CouncilPage 442 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 8/25/2015 – Mayor Sanders commented to possibly look at this item at the end of the year in time for the next Women’s Garage Sale. 12/8/2015 - Discussion took place that Town Staff is continuing to work on this item. 3/8/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 5. Establish a reserve policy for Trophy Club Park. (Sanders 5/26/2015) (1-August 25, 2015) (2- December 8, 2015) -March 8, 2016) (4-June 14, 2016) (3 8/25/2015 – Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 12/8/2015 – Discussion took place to have the ability to pay for certain Parks personnel cost out of the general fund and at the end of the year the Parks budget would reconcile those costs. 3/8/2016 - Town Manager Seidel advised that Town Staff are continuing to work on this item. 6. Review negotiating with the Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to transfer the title for the land that the Annex Building is built on. (Lamont 11/10/2015) (1-February 9, 2016) (2-May 10, 2016) 1/12/2016 – At the January 12, 2016 Council meeting, Council made TCMUD No. 1 an offer regarding the Annex Building. 7. Discussion to change park hours to stay open until 10 p.m. and clearly note change on new signage. (Reed 1/12/2016) (1-April 12, 2016) 3/22/2016 – Item placed as an action on the April 12, 2016, Council agenda. 8. Discussion and consideration of laws related to texting while driving inside the Town. (Reed 1/26/2016) (1-April 26, 2016) 9. Discussion of Interlocal Agreements with TCMUD No. 1 for Fire services and building services such as trash, drainage, etc. (Sanders 1/26/2016) (1-April 26, 2016) 10. Discussion of Trophy Club Park concept plan. (Sanders 2/23/2016) (1-May 24, 2016) 11. Discussion of form liners for the sound wall along State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) 12. Discussion of Blue Ribbon grants for the beautification along the sound wall on State Highway 114. (Sanders 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) 13. Explore regulations and guidelines to allow for golf cart use and parking in Town parks. (Shoffner and Reed 3/8/2016) (1-June 14, 2016) Page 2 of 2 Town CouncilPage 443 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-194-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Executive Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: 1.Town Secretary/RMO, Holly Fimbres 2.Town Manager, Stephen Seidel Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PursuanttothefollowingdesignatedsectionoftheTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Chapter551(TexasOpen Meetings Act), the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: A)Todeliberatetheappointment,employment,evaluation,reassignment,duties,discipline,ordismissalofapublic officer or employee: 1.Town Secretary/RMO, Holly Fimbres 2.Town Manager, Stephen Seidel Town CouncilPage 444 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-193-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/29/2016 In control:Town Council On agenda:4/12/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Town CouncilPage 445 of 445Meeting Date: April 12, 2016