ORD 1985-10ORDINANCE NO. p 85_10 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING CERTAIN -TARIFF SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS FILED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A DIVISION OF TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1: That Texas Power & Light Company, having filed on the 27 day of Ma Taiff Book containing a set of electric TariffgSc dules85 , itsand.rthe Service Regulations referred to therein, with the City Secretary, the same are hereby approved as the Schedules of Tariffs under which said Company is authorized to collect charges from its customers for the sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of the City of Trophy Club until such time as said Tariff Schedules and Service Regulations may be changed, modified, amended., or withdrawn. Section 2: The filing of the Tariff Schedules and Service Regulations, and the approval of same by the City Council shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity, within the City of Trophy Club, of the availability and application of such Tariff Schedules and Service Regulations. Section 3: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of by the Mayor. its passage and approval PASSED AND APPROVED at aCal Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Trophy Club, Texas, this the 27th day of May 85 . ' Mayor ,-