ORD 1991-05r c—r. u i - - -LU: x_11 t -U i k._ri! .tJ_'i'i L= J i LL O-',iA_:{,_._r I TOWN OF TRO RY CLUB ; TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 0 91-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, CALLING A GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 4, 1991, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND TWO (2) COU CILMEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS EACH AND ONE (l.) COUNC I LMEMBE'R EC -?. A ONE (1) YEAR TERM; ACKNOWLEDGING THE RESIGNATION OF A COUNCTLNMEMSER; DESIGNATING THE ENTIRE TOWN AS ONE ELECTION PRECITICT AND DESIGNATING A, POLL IVG PLACE WITHIN SAID TOWN; APPOINT,NG A PRESTDING ELECTION JUDGE AND AN ALTERNATE PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGE; ESTABLISHING OTHER PRO>:'EL UIZES FOR THE CONDUCT OF TETE ELECTION; ESTABLISFING A DATE; FOR CANVASSING RETURNS; AND PROVIDING All EFFECTIVE DATE. F'. C1 WHEREAS, Section 41.001 of tile, Texas Election Carie, a2� af-tiended (the "Code") specifies that the first Sat,ar.day in May. shall be a "uniform election date" and that a general electric.- F a torn may be held can such clay; and WHEREAS, the Town Council or the Town, of Trophy C1..ib; Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "Town") has determinef that the Towil shall conduct its general municipal election, on the first Saturday in May, 1991; and WHEREAS, Councilmember George, Doran, whose term acs a. r: 1992, has this day delivered his jsrevocable f:esignation as a member of the Town Council (subject tc auty to remain in cftice until ha.a successor i s chore n ..y qualified) so as t„a create a vacancy thereor. Wh,;-rh may be filled for its unexpired term at the election callad by this Cud xiance, and the Town Council desires hereby to acknowledge and, accept said resignation and to provide for the filling of vacancy at such elution; and W,HE,REkS, by `Uhl -'S Or'dirl x7Ge, it is ihi :t:n`:e:7tJ-on �,f 'wh Council to., (i) call for said general electricr, be _Td an said date, ("Li) designate the entire Town .- j�-- e ection precinct, ;iii) designate a polling nli3ce C) j: the election, (iv) appoint necessa ry al,ection officers, (s) establish and sets forth for conducting the election; ?nd (y i) ec;._':it_.1iSh for cT':1vasa �:ing the .'.'l ..erns 0,I." sai. `lHEEPEEORE , a}71DA N1-:. a BY Tsar TOT4114 OF THE t TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ?...... f 4 ._ QD. U i 21 IUMh9L� �_.r11'-,�.u�l-i r'Y': �_� �I1_''I'L� L�1-:UUF� D K 03 Ingo r u -='titin —a Pram atj. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are Worpot6ted into the laod.y of this Ordinance as if copied herein in their entirety, sact i -on- 1 . Z Iactign ,.,._yafP_ur�� ._---off L" 1t ktion off inera and Terms or -K&K. That a general election shall, be held in and throughout the Town on Saturday, May 4, 1991, for the purpose of electing the .Eo lowing officers; A Mayor and two (2) Councilmemberr, for twc (2) year terms each and rine (1) couznci lmember for a one (1) year term. S ctic,n _. R 1 i a i b i I jt ' t _anj =X. In accordance, with Section 22,032 of V,T,C.A„ Local Governments code and writ i, Sectrian 141.001 of v.T.C,A, Election Code, and among other requirements set forth therein, no person shall be eligible for the 0f•fice Of Mayor or Councilmember unless that person is a registered voter who resides, on eiection day, in the Town and has resided within the Mate of Teras far at least twelve (12) months and in the corporate limits Of the Town .for at least= twelve i 12) months (in the case 0f. candidates for X[ayor-) , or sig, (S) months (in the case of candidates for Council member) preceding the elate of the regular filing deadline for a candidate's applWati= for a place on the ballot. Section 1. Ajj1.aL n -ILLr_a I .ans h -e 1 t , 1n ac:c,crC ante with Section 143.007 of the Code, any eligible and qualified person may have h.is/her name printed upon the official ballot as a candidate for the offices hereinbefore set forth by filing his/her sworn application with the Town Secretary not earlier than February 18, 1991 and not later than 5:O0 p,m. on March 20, 1991.. Each ;Ycrh appkicatioa Shall be on a form as prescribed, by Section 131.031 of the Code. The order 1n which the names of th8 candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determines' by a Hawing by the Torn Secretary as provided by Section 52.094 of the Code. Notice of the time and place for, such drawing shall be given in accordance with the Code, r i �;, kuno_i�f E1 �Wri X11 In accordance with the Cade and a resolution of the Tows±. Council heretofore adopted, in the event of a tie, there shall be a runoff election held on May 18, 1991, if a runoff elect:io% is necessary, it shall be ordered by the Mayor not later than fiv4 (5) clays after the canvassing of the returns of the general election, Section k.a,�3_ .mid. • The entire Town of Trophy Club, hexa., shall comfit ute One (1) election for true eleCtion, and the polling place is hereby designat=ed to be located at the Municipal Utility Districts Bldg., 1.08 Municipal Dr., Trophy Club, Texas, y- 2 ... 021Se/42 r r -r.. U, i 3 L-: UZ; rii_t6. TYLE SRCr 01-.S F, C4 in accordance wjt;J'L and pursuant Lo the reigjirements of the Code, said polling place shall br open from 7:00 a.m. tc-� 7:00 p.m. on the data: or th-- electJor, Sac t ,o n 7. ' rt §- m Li . f a p S$_,Li tz c� E 1 i s riiur ct 2nd an Alternate S e.r •,,. _ 7. � 1.2 n f a r m a t i n,., f A a c e D-L.._ApPA-71-tmeThe following named, individuals, re.siding• at the respective addresses, are hereby appointed '---oserve as Presiding Flection judge and A I t e rnatC, Presiding Election Judge, respectively, at the electio..: Presiding Election Judges: Name: Pat Blauvelt Address: 5 Colonial Court Trophy Club, Texas riae Pr _ i i.n F1 i n Judge. Name: Address: AlElection Judges shall be qualified voters of the Town, By approvinq and, signing this Ordinance, the Mayo, of the Tawe officially confirms the appointment of the aforesaid election, officers and those hereinafter aPPoixated pursuant: to Sections B and 13 of this Ordinance to serve at: said election, and by passing this Ordinance, the Town Ccuncil approves and concurs in the apiani.ntme:it Of the aforesaid election officers. The Town Secretary shall, in acccrdance with Section 32.009 of the Code, deliver to the Presiding Election O'udge and the ,alternate Presiding E]Iaction Judge votive of their app�oin:.r�ents not latex' than twenty (20) days fzom the effactive mate of this Ordinance. Ott n_.8.LRIOM __...._ C1 .r � The Presiding Election Judge hey sin appointed shall appoint: not less than two (2) nor more than six (6) qualified elec,tior, clerks to sdrve and assist in the conduct of the e1.ection, provider, however, that if the Presiding Election Judge named herein actually serves as expacted, the Alternate Pre iding Judge shall be ani: (1) of such clerks. All election clerks shall be qualified voters of the Town, of ..__:� .;. n .utlaPs Electign C1e:- JX..9 . The Presiding Election Judge, Alternate Presid-Ing Election Judge and, each zl ert;i on Cler•]iL shall be compensated at the rave of $5.00 per hour ir, accordance with Section 32,091 pf the Cede, Me D-res-iding Election Fudge shall also be paid the additional sum of $2.5.00 for delivering the 0.218e/43 ��. �! I -'I 1W;W-4 n2!--.r1-�:_A'i 1:0_3'i Lt 1 P. returns of the election, Such Payments shall not eyceed the maximum amounts set forth in Sectionz 32,091 and 32.092 of the Code. Sltion lo. Keth"d—A-A&W01 _) ec .0iaQ5. The Town Secretary is hereby authorized and instructed to provide and furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct the election. Voting at the electiori shall be by use of paper ballots. Preparation of the official ballots ,f.or the election shall Conform to the :equirements of the Code, and in so doing shall permit the voter to vote for a Mayor and three (3) Councilmembers, with the two (2) candidates raCeiving the first and second highest nutuber, of votes to serve for two (2j year terMs each and the candidate rscelving the third highest nUMber of votes to serve a one (1) year term. NO elector shall place an "X" in the space provided beside each candidate's name that he/she wishes to vote for, provided, rjowgever, that no elector shall vote for more then one (1) candidate for Mayor and three (3) candidates for Councilmenber, SectiQ,r,. 1i*_...i�3�?--�21aa1f.s...��. The election shall be hald in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Texas and the Code, and all resident, qualified, electors of the Town shall, be eligibi e to vote at the election, in addition, the alectiori Materials enumerated in the Cade shall be printed in Loth English and Spanish for use at the polling place and for a1 oentee voting .for the election. lection 12, Pub i t.i.c�r� ani. � . wo �. Notice of the election shall be given by posting a notice of eleC iopj in both English and Spanish at the Town Municipal Utility Districts building, 100 MuniCipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas at the bulletin board or other location used for posting notices of the meetings ref the Town Council and three (3) of > public, places within the `Cows not less than twenty-one (21) days (April 13, 1991) prior to the date upon which the election is to be held, and by publication of said notice at least once in a fewaspager of general circulation within the Town, the date of said publication to be not less than ter: (1.0) days (April 24, 1991.) nor more than thirty (30) days (April 4, 1991) prior to the slate set for the election, 1n addition thereto, a copy CE the notice also be filed with the Town Secretary a.t Least towenty-or+e (21.) days (April 13, 199.1) before the election. Upon Publication of the election notice, the 'down Secretary shall secure a publisher's affidavit which WmPlies with they requirements of the C, � ?-m.TAnti g • Ab s,; entre voting by personal appearence:, shall be ConducLed by the Town Secretary, who is hereby appointed the Absentee voting Clerk, at the office of they Town Secretary located at the Municipal utility Districts building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. For the period absentee voting for the election is permitted, by -4- 0218e/44 -L-. t-- Z l J.U: v -1 rIL)E-._r-I1caJ1 1 _ k_F ID-� ( LL 'h"-�[,-ry°,b I , F. 06 law, the A.bsontee Voting Clerk shall keep said office open for absentee voting by personal a: Pearanc=e during regular hours on each day e:,.cept Saturday, Sunday, and Official State and/or national holidays, which hours shall be from 8:oo a.m, to 5:00 P.m-, commencing On Monday, April 15, 1991, and terminating on Tuesdey, April 20, 1991., Absentee voting or. a Satuzdayr or Sunday, if any, shall be conducted an acC O: dance with the requirements of the Code. Applications for absentee voting by mail shall be delivered to the Absentee Voting Clerk at; the same address not earlier than March 5, 1991, and not -Later than the close of business on April 26, 1991, Absentee voting, both by personal QPearance a.r€d by mail, shall be by paper hcal..l.ots, which ballot~ shall conform to that requirements of the Corse, and in so doing shall permit the voters Co vote for a Mayor and three (3) Counci.lmembers, with the two (2) candidates receiving the first and second highest numbers of votes to Serve for two (2) year terms each and the candidate receiving the third highRK number of votes to serve a one (1) year term. Each elector snail indicate his/her vote by placing an "X" in the space Provided beside each candidate's name that he/she wishes to gate for;, provided, however, that no elector shall vote for mare 'than. rade (1) candidate for trig:yor and three (3) candidates for Councilmembers, The Absentee ballots shall, be canvassed by the absentee ballot Board,, which is hereby created. The presiding Election Judge and the ?alternate Presiding Election drudge appointed herein shall serve as the Presiding officer and the alternate Presiding r." icer, respectively, of the ,Absentee Ballot Soard, The other election officers serving at the election shall serve as the ether members of the Absentee Ballot Board foy the election. Tn accordance with. Sec, 66.C)51 of : Cotte, i.ritrrrediately afteiY the closing of the poll on the day of the election, the election officers named in tjzis Ordinance shall make and deliver the returns oif the election in quKrupli_ :,tea as follows: one crapyr shall. be ,retained by the Presiding Election dU ge, one copy shah be delivered to the Mayor of the Town, one copy shall be delivered to the voter registrar, and one copy of the .returns, together with the ballet bogies and all, election supplies, shall be de'i,vered to the Town Secretary. All election records and supplies shal.1 be preserved by the Town Secretary in accordance with the Cod=s. 5ecti,C,r, 15. Ca va j4n --�'' e€rr.a, irk accordance with the Code, the Town Council of the Town shall convene on May 6, 1991, at 7:00 t: lc.Ie)ck a,m., t0 canvass the returnz of the election. p219e%�5 r cL. W 7�1 IU: €_'Jr, -i_i I'vrii a_R'f 1=F' i t Ali. €'Lt �;h'r._u_i} ,_; T: r.0 Sectian-1 6, '� `� � '". Thi mayor snd the Town Secretary Of the Town, in consultation i cL the Town Attorney, are: heresy authorized and directed to tame any and all actions: necessary to comply with the provj8ions A the Code in carrying out and conducting the election, whether or not expressly authorized herein. 119tion 17, ..�� ... � � This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council ref the Towr. of Trophy Club, Texas, this ME da of February, 1991. Mayor, Town of Trophy' Club, TexaS ATTE T: retary, Toon of T'iophy Club, Texas [ SEAL I APPROVED AS TO FOR. mrd. Town Attorney, Town OF TLophy CIubP T xaE'II 0218e/46