ORD 1991-01HORDINANCE 91--01 H TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 91- 01 H AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-01, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN, AS FOLLOWS: AMENDING THE SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-15, R-12, R-11, R-10, R-9, R-8, R - FAIRWAY VILLAGE, R -TWENTY 1N TROPHY, R -OAK HILL, R -OAK HILL PATIO, AND R -SUMMIT SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS BY REQUIRING A SITE PLAN IN THOSE DISTRICTS FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL USES ONLY; PROVIDING THAT A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE WITH MORE THAN ONE STORY MAY INCLUDE THE GARAGE AREA IN CALCULATING THE FIRST -FLOOR MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE IN THE R-15, R-12, R- 11 AND R-10 SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS; AMENDING THE SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-15, R-12, R-11, R-10 AND R-9 SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS BY ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN STRUCTURES ON CONTIGUOUS LOTS WITH FLEXIBILITY IN THE WIDTH OF THE SIDE YARD; REQUIRING A GARAGE WITH MINIMUM INTERIOR MEASUREMENTS OF 21 BY 22 FEET IN THE R - FAIRWAY VILLAGE, R -TWENTY IN TROPHY, R -OAK HILL, R -OAK HILL PATIO, AND R -SUMMIT SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DETACHED GARAGES IN SECTION 35 (ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES) APPLY TO THE SAID ZONING DISTRICTS AND TO THE R-8 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; REQUIRING CERTAIN OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE MH -HUD CODE MANUFACTURED HOME AND INDUSTRIALIZED HOUSING DISTRICT, INCLUDING A GARAGE WITH MINIMUM INTERIOR MEASUREMENTS OF 21 BY 22 FEET; PROVIDING A ONE (1) YEAR TIME LIMIT WHERE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS GRANTED; AMENDING SECTION 37 BY DELETING THEREFROM THE AVERAGE CALCULATION FOR IMPROVED AREAS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND THAT ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED TO THE EXTENT OF SUCH CONFLICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town"), in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan, heretofore adopted a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the Town, the same being Ordinance No. 91-01 of the Town (the "Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance"); and WHEREAS, the Town Council is, pursuant to Chapter 211, Tex. Loc. Gov. Code (Vernon), as amended, authorized and empowered to amend the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has adopted and approved this Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance taking into consideration the character of each district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, with a view of conserving the value of buildings and -I- encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Council hereby finds that the adoption of this Ordinance promotes the health and general welfare of the citizens of the Town; and WHEREAS, public notice of a meeting to consider changes to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance were given in compliance with State law and the said Ordinance, which notice provided for a hearing to be conducted on July 7, 1994 on which date the said public hearing was continued by both the Town Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council to a date certain, the matter coming on for public hearing on July 7, 1994; and WHEREAS, after considering the information submitted at the said public hearing and all other relevant information and materials, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town has recommended to the Town Council the adoption of the amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as set forth in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after due deliberations and consideration of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the information and other materials received at the public hearings, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interests of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas and of the public health, safety and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. Incorporation of Preamble. That the above and foregoing preamble is true and correct and is incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied herein in its entirety. Section 2. Amendments to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Ordinance No. 91-01 of the Town, the same being the Town's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended in the following particulars, and that all other Articles, chapters, sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words are not amended but are hereby ratified, verified, approved and affirmed: A. Section 14 (R-15 Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D.2, F.4, and F.7 thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D.2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements." "F.4. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways an porches, shall be 2,500 square feet. Residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet Lincluding garage area)" "F.7. Width of Side Yardel, a minimum of twelve and one-half (12.5) 44e feet-, provided,_ however, that if the distance -2- between buildings and structures on contiauous lots remains a minimum of 25 feet the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 7.5 feet" B. Section 15 (R-12 Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D.2, F.4, and F.7 thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D.2. Site Plan: A Site PIan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements." "F.4. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance with the following: Type of Structure One story residence One and one-half story or two story residence Residence on corner lot Golf Course Lots All Other Lots 2,500 2,000 2,500* 2,000* 2,500* 2,500* *Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet (including, garage„a;rea)” "F.7. Width of Side Yard side a minimum of ten (10) feet, provided, however ._.... that if the distance between buildin s and structures on contiguous lots remains a minimum of 20 feet the width of the side Lard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet" C. Section 16 (R-11 Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D.2, F.4, and F.7 thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D.2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements." "F.4. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance with the following: Type of Structure One story residence Golf Course Lots 2,500 -3- All Other Lots 2,000 One and one-half story 2,500* 2,000* or two story residence Residence on corner lot 2,500* 2,500* *Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet (including garage area)" "F.7. Width of Side Yardmen side a minimum of ten (10) feet: provided, however, that if the distance between buildings and structures on contiguous lots remains a minimum of 20 feet the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet" D. Section 17 (R-10 Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D.2, F.4, and F.7 thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D.2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential use has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site PIan Requirements." "F.4. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance with the following: Type of Structure One story residence One and one-half story or two story residence Residence on corner lot Golf Course Lots All Other Lots 2,250 2,000 2,250* 2,000* 2,250* 2,250* *Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 1,800 square feet {including_ garage area)" "F,7. Width of Side Yard -fin- n Side a minimum of ten (10) feet, provided, however. that if the distance between buildings and structures on contiguous lots remains a minimum of 20 feet the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet" E. Section 18 (R-9 Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D.2, and F.7 thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: -4- "D.2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements." "17.7. Width of Side Yard—,-on-eaeh Side a minimum of seven and one-half (7.5) feets provided. however, that if the distance between buildings and structures on contiguous lots remains ,a minimum of 15 feet the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet" F. Section 19 (R-8 Single Family Residential. District) shall be amended by amending paragraph D.2 thereof so that it shall hereafter read as follows: "D.2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements." G. Section 20 (R -Fairway Village Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D., G. and H. thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located. A Site Plan for all non-residential uses must be provided meeting the conditions g&provided in Section 41 Site Plan Requirements." "G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of motor vehicles atitafflebile on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, ex. ceotwith the exeeption e being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include the permanent parking of any vehicle, including recreational vehicles,ah or a -Y vehicles in a state of disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 47, Off -Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. EveEy residence shall have a garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 by 22 feet." "H. Garages: Attached and detached garages shall not face a golf course. Detached garages shall comply with Section 35 AccessoU Uses and Structures." H. Section 21 (R -Twenty In Trophy Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D., G. and H. thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located. A Site Plan for all non-residential uses must be provided meeting, the conditions as provided in Section „41, Site Plan Requirements." -5- "G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of motor vehicles automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, extentwith the exeeptien e beixg that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include the permanent parking of an vehicle including recreational vehicles, ethe - ;,,-ehieles or any vehicles in a state of disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 47, Off -Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. Every residence shall have ,a -garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 h -22 feet." "H. Garages: Attached and detached garages shall not face a golf course, r Detached -g_araces shall comply_Section 35. Accessory Uses and Structures." with 1. Section 22 (R -Oak Hill Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D., G. and H. thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: '1D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located. A Site Plan for all non-residential uses must be provided meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements." "G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of motor vehicles auternabiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, ex. centwith the exeeptiefi a beim that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include the permanent parking of any vehicle,_ including recreational vehicles, other- vehiele or any vehicles in a state of disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 47, Off -Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. Every_ residence shall have a garage. which shall have a minimum_ interior measurement of 21 by 22 feet." "H. Garages: Attached and detae ed garages shall not face any public dedicated right-of-way or a golf course. Detached garages shall. comply with Section 35. Accessory Uses and Structures." J. Section 23 (R -Oak Hill Patio Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D., G. and H. thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located. A Site Plan for all non-residential uses must be provided meeting the conditions as provided in Section 41, Site Plan Requirements "G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of motor vehicles autei:nebiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that 0 such shall not be located on a required front yard, exceptwith the emeeptien e being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include the permanent parking of any vehicle including -recreational vehicles, R*'»r- UP];veltieles or aay vehicles in a state of disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 47, Off -Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. Every residence shall have a _garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 by 22 feet." "H. Garages: Attached and detached garages shall not face a golf course. Detached garages shall comply with Section 35 Accessory Uses and Structures." K. Section 24 (R -Summit Single Family Residential District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs D., G. and H. thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: "D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located. A Site ' Plan for all non-residential uses must be provided meeting, the- conditions as p1ovided in Section 41 Site Plan Re uirements." "G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of motor vehicles Etuterflebiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, except with the exeepfion-af being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include the permanent parking of any_ vehicle, including recreational vehicles, oth-ef , -phiel s or my vehicles in a state of disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 47 -37, Off -Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. Every residence shall have a garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 by 22 feet." "H. Garages: Attached and detached garages shall not face a golf course. Detached garages shall comply with Section 35 Accessory Uses and Structures." L. Section 25 ("MH" HUD -Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District) shall be amended by amending paragraphs N. and O. thereof so that they shall hereafter read as follows: N. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the Varking of motor vehicles on paved „ surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, except that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporgU and may not include the.permanent parkin g, of any vehicle, ncluding recreational vehicles, or . _ i,,, any vehicle in a state of disrepair. Off-streetap rking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 47 -Off -Street Parking_ Requirements, and all other a licable ordinances of the Town. EveEy residence shall have a Rarage or.carport which shall have a minimum._ interior measurement of 21 by 22 feet. -7- "O. Garages: Attached wid demehed garages shall not face any public dedicated right-of-way or golf course. Detached garages shall comply with Section 35 Accessory Structures and Uses." M. Section 35 (Accessory Structures and Uses) shall be amended by amending paragraph G. thereof so that it shall hereafter read as follows: "G. Garage Requirements: A detached garage permitted as an accessory use in a residential district shall be a minimum interior dimension of 21 by 22 feet, and shall be constructed so as to accommodate the enclosed parking of at least two automobiles. In addition, all detached garages shall be located at least forty- five (45) feet from the from property line of a residential lot. This .,..b, eefi, n Twenty in Tfe-phy, R Oak 14M, R Gak- Hill Patio, afid R Sufflfflit of this di N. Section 37 (Required Yards) shall be amended by deleting in its entirety paragraph B. ("Average Calculation for Improved Areas") and by relettering paragraph C. as paragraph B. O. Section 38 (Projections Into Required Yards) shall be amended by amending paragraph C. thereof so that it shall hereafter read as follows: "C. Patios and 9perr porches may be located no closer than five (5) feet to any side yard property line nor closer than ten (10) feet to the rear property line unless approved by the Town Zoning Administrator designer-. In the case of a corner lot, patios or porches shall be subject to the regular street side yard requirements of the district." P. Section 42 (Conditional Uses) shall be amended by amending paragraph L. thereof so that it shall hereafter read as follows: "L. Period of Validity: No conditional use permit shall be valid for a period longer than one (1) year from the date on which the Town Council grants the conditional use unless within such one (1) year _period: 1. A building permit is obtained and the erection or alteration of a structure is started; or 2. an occupancy ermit is obtained and a use commenced. The Town Council may rant one additional extension not exceeding one 1 Year Won -written application, without notice or hearing No additional., extension shall be granted without complying with the notice and hearing requirements for an in,,i7tialFapplication for a conditional use permit. A eoa i fiana4 use pefRii�* oe Section 3. Rearrangement and Renumbering. There is hereby authorized the renumbering and/or rearrangement of the articles, sections, paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of effecting the amendments to the said Ordinance set forth herein; provided, however, that no such renumbering and/or rearrangement shall change the meaning or effect of any such part of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Such a renumbering and/or rearrangement is hereby deemed and found to be a non - substantive change to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Section 4. Savings. This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section S. Severability. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of adoption as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the qtr day of July _ , 1994. ATTEST: Town Secretary, Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney, Town of Trophy Club, Texas 0 , Town of Trophy Snub, Texas TOWN / TROPHY PAVING, DRMNAGE ANl] UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS A-444 e . r • ..,.. �.. LARIN' SC; UE'j IN ' `4....,........... n_. ...... , .. ' 42247 /N 9- !B - 90 SEPTEViBEP, 1990 INDEX SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01-05 II PREPARATION OF RIGHT OF WAY 06-07 III CLEARING AND GRUBBING 08 IV GRAVING 09 V SUBGRADE PREPARATION 10-17 VI REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET PAVING 18-41 PLATES 6.1-6.19 VII CURB AND GUTTER Q3-43 PLATES 7.1-7.2 VIII SIDEWALKS/DRIVEWAYS/PEDESTRIAN & BICYCLE PATHS 44-45 PLATES 8.1-8.3 Ix PAINTING `T'RAF'FIC S'T'RIPE Q6-51 PLATES 9.1-9.2 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS 52-55 PLATES 1.0.1.-10.2 nI SUBSURFACE INTERCEPTOR DRAIN 56-59 PLATES 11.1.-11.3 :TTI SOLID CONCRETE INTERLOCKING PAVERS 60 PLATES 12.1-12.2 HIII SANITARY SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES 61-63 XIV -A WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES 64-70 INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS 71--83 nV STORM DRAINAGE & APPURTENANCES 34-96 PLATES 15.1-15.5 INDEX (crnt'd.) XVS TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY PROTECTION 97 i'VII FINAL CLEAN-UP 98 XVIII FINAL ACCEPTANCE 99 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAVEMEAIT, DRAINAGE A11D UTILITIES PLACED ON STREETS WITHIN THE TOWN Of TROPHY CLUB These design standards shall govern improvements, including excavation, fills, the preparation of subgrade and the placement of all types and classes of pavement, curbs, curbs and gutters, driveway approaches, sidewalks, and similar construction. I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS r.. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (1) The typical sections of street pavements, curbs, curbs and gutters, driveway approaches, sidewalks and similar construction shall be as shown on the Town of Trophy Club Standard Paving detail sheets, which are an integral part of these design standards. If not shown on the plans, the typical sections shall be as approved by the designated official in charge of Public Works, or his authorized representatives, hereinafter termed. "Engineer". (2) The areas between the backs of curbs and the street right of way lines shall be graded to slope to the top of curb 1/4 inch per foot. The back slopes in cuts and fills shall be entirely on the abutting property, and no part of the necessary steps of risers on sidewalk approaches in cut sections constructed on the street right of way. in case this procedure works a hardship on the property, it may be varied by the Engineer. (3) Reinforced Concrete Pavement shall be used in all areas. In areas where subgrade soils have a P.I. (plasticity index) of ten (10) or less, the subgrade shall be wetted to optimum moisture and thoroughly mined and compacted to a depth of six (6) inches. If the P.I. is more than 10 but less than 20, lime or Portland Cement shall be incorporated in the top six (6) inches of subgrade. If the P.I. is 20 or more, Portland cement shall be incorporated in the top eight (8) inches of subgrade. (4) General requirements for concrete streets: a. 50 Foot Right of Way - 27 Foot Back to Back in width, Local Street. 6 Inches thick, with integral curbs, of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. September, 1990 b. 60 Foot Right of way -- 41 Foot Back to Back in width, Minor Collector. 6 1/2 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,400 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. C. 70 Foot Right of way -- 44 Foot Back to Back in width, Minor Collector. 6 1/2 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. d. 90 Foot Right of Way - 25 Foot Back to Back in width dual, Major Collector with Sidewalk.. 7 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. e. 90 Foot Right of Way - 25 Foot Back to Back in width dual, Major Collector with Bicycle and Pedestrian Path. 7 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. B. SEQUENCE OF PAVING OPERATIONS (1) No street pavement or base shall be placed until the water and sewer line trenches have been properly jetted and allowed to settle and dry in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. (2) Completion of street pavement, curbs and/or curb and gutter construction will be required prior to construction of driveway approaches, sidewalks, and bicycle and pedestrian ways. (3) In subdivision construction, if the location of the driveway is known, the developer will designate the location, prior to the placement of the pavement in order to prevent the removal of curbs for the construction of driveway approaches. All driveway approaches shall be placed to the back line of the sidewalk and shall be formed and reinforced to conform to the typical sections. (4) No sidewalks pedestrian and bicycle paths shall be constructed until completion of the pavement. The driveway approaches and sidewalks may be poured integrally. The sidewalk shall be poured from property line to property line. Any deviation from the Standard Sidewalk detail mast be approved by the Engineer in writing. The sidewalk shall be a minim -Lin of four (4) inches thick, four (4) feet wide, and the concrete shall have a compressive strength of 2,500 P.S.I. at the twenty-eight (28) day test. September, 1990 2 (5) All driveway approaches and sidewalks to be built in connection with proposed developments shall be constructed to the same standards as the street pavement and controlled by the Town of Trophy Club. 6) Concrete streets shall be marked by means of a substantial stamp or die (design to be approved by the Engineer) making an impression in the finish of the concrete, designating the farm name or Contractor, and the month and year in which the work is done. (7 ) irrigation sleeves -All medians shall be provided with below grade sleeve accesses for all future lawn irrigation lines. Sleeves shall be sued a minimum of 4 inch diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe. Permanent markers on concrete curbs shall indicate the location of all sleeve locations. A minimum of one sleeve: shall be supplied at center point of each block. All sleeves shall be located a minimum of 0 inches below subgrade measured to top of pipe sleeve. Each end of sleeve shall be capped. C . BONDS (1) Before any street paving construction work is began., the developer shall obtain, execute and return to the Engineer four (4) copies of an approved contract form, Performance Bond, Maintenance Bond and Payment Bond. A Performance bond in favor of the Town of Trophy Club and the developer in the amount of the total bid price for street paving must be attached. This bond shall be executed by the Contractor as principal and by a corporate surety, such as an Insurance Company or a Bonding Company. No individual surety will be accepted. A Power of Attorney for the Attorney -In -Fact who signs for the surety must be attached. (2) Maintenance Bond in favor of the Town of Trophy Club in the amount of the total bid price must be attached. This bond secures maintenance of the improvements by the Subdivider or Developer for two (2) years on all construction from the date of acceptance by the Town. It shall be executed by the Subdivider or Developer as Principal and by a Corporate Surety, such as an Insurance Company or a Bonding Company. No individual surety will be accepted. A Power of Attorney for the Attorney -In -Fact who signs for the Surety must be attached. D. INSURANCE A Certificate of Insurance must be attached showing that the Contractor has coverage with liability limits of not less than those specified below: September, 1990 3 (1) workmen's Compensation: Providing for payment of benefits as specified by the workmen's Compensation Law of the State of Texas. (2) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. Amounts: Bodily Injury $300,000 each occurrence Property Damage S 25,000 each occurrence $100,000 for aggregate (3) comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance. Amounts: Bodily Injury $100,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence Property Damage 8 25,000 each occurrence The Town shall be included as an "Additional Insured" by Endorsement to policies issued for coverages listed in 2 and 3 above. E. FEES Upon approval of the plans and the submission of the approved contract forms, Performance Bond and Maintenance Bond to the Town of Trophy Club, the developer shall deposit 1.0% of the total estimated contract price for Paving, Drainage and Utility Improvements to insure that the development is put in accordance to the Town of Trophy Club's Design Standards. F. LINES AND GRADES (1) Prior to construction beginning, the developer's engineer shall set line and grade stapes. such stakes shall be set after the developer's engineer has properly staked on the ground with iron pins all points of curves, all points of tangencies and all block corners within the subdivision. The developer's engineer shall notify the Town of Trophy Club Engineer after the lines and grades are established as set out above and prior to construction beginning. (2) Layout and drainage shall be so designed and arranged that a minimum street grade of 0.5% will be maintained between intersections and 0.6% across intersections which carry surface flow. September, 1990 a G. DEFINITIONS (1) Where the term Town of Trophy Club Engineer is used it is referring to the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative. (2) The term The City, or The Town, means the Town of Trophy Club acting through the Town Council and its administrative branch. (3) The term Developer means the party subdividing the land. (4) Where the term Engineer is used it is referring to the Developer's Engineer or his authorized representative. (5) The term Contractor means the party contracted to perform the Paving, Drainage. and Utility Improvements. END OF SECTION September, 1990 5 ii PREPARATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY A. DESCRIPTION (1) This item shall consist of preparing the right-of-way for construction operations by the removal and disposal of all obstructions from the right-of-way and from designated easements, where removal of such obstructions is not otherwise provided for in the plans and specifications. (2) such obstructions shall be considered to include remains of houses not completely removed by others, foundations, floor slabs, concrete, brick, lumber, plaster, cisterns, water wells, septic tanks, basements, abandoned utility pipes or conduits, underground service station tanks, equipment or other foundations, fences, retaining walls, shacks, and all other debris. (3) This item shall also include the removal of trees, stumps, bushes, shrubs, curb and gutter, driveways, paved parking areas, miscellaneous stone, brick, concrete, sidewalks, drainage structures, manholes, inlets, abandoned railroad tracks, scrap iron, all rubbish and debris whether above or below ground except live utility facilities. (4) It is the intent of this Design standard provide for the removal and disposal of all obstructions and objectionable materials not specifically provided for elsewhere by the plans and specifications. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (1) The entire right-of-way for this project and such additional areas, including public or corporate areas, including public or corporate lands, as made available for construction of this project shall be cleared of all structures, obstructions and vegetation, as defined above, except trees or shrubs specifically designated by the Engineer for preservation. Trees and shrubs designated for preservation shall be carefully trimmed as directed and shall be protected from scarring, barking, or other injuries during construction operations. Exposed ends of pruned limbs shall be treated with an approved asphaltic material. (2) Culverts, storm sewers, manholes and inlets shall be removed in proper sequence for maintenance of traffic and drainage, Unless otherwise indicated on plans, all foundations and underground obstructions shall be removed to the following depths: a. In areas to receive embankment, 2 feet below natural ground. September, 1990 6 b. in areas to be excavated, 2 feet below the lower elevation of the excavation. c. All other areas, 1 foot below natural ground. (3) Trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish and other objectionable Fatter shall be removed in accordance with the Section FII "Clearing and Grubbing." (4) All basement walls and floors, cisterns, sceptic tanks and storage tanks within the limits of the right of way shall be removed and the resulting hales backfilled with approved material as directed by the Engineer. (5) Holes remaining after removal of all obstructions, objectionable material, trees, stumps, etc. shall be backfilled and tamped as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall complete the operation of preparing right of way by blading, bulldozing, or by other approved methods, so that the prepared right of way shall be free of holes, ditches and other abrupt changes in elevations and irregularities of contour. (C) The remaining ends of all abandoned storm sewers, culverts, sanitary sewers, conduits, and water or gas pipes over 3 inches in diameter, shall be plugged with an adequate quantity of concrete to form a tight closure when backfilling is required. (7) Abandoned water wells shall be removed to the grade indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION September, 1990 7 owl CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. DESCRIPTION "Clearing and Grubbing" shall consist of the removal and disposal of trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish and other objectionable matter. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (S) The entire right-of-way shall be cleared of all trees, stumps, brush, logs and rubbish, except such trees and brush as may be designated by the Engineer for preservation. Trees and brush designated to be left in place shall be carefully trimmed as directed and shall be protected from scarring, barking or other injuries during construction operations. Pruned limbs small be treated by painting the exposed ends with an approved asphaltic material. (2) Areas required for embankment construction; for roadway, channel and structural excavation; and for borrow sites and material sources shall, be cleared and grubbed. on areas required for roadway, channel, or structural excavation, all stumps, roots, etc., (except for designated trees and brush) shall be removed to a depth of at least 2 feet below the existing ground surface. All holes remaining after clearing and grubbing shall be backfilled and tamped as directed by the Engineer and the entire area bladed to prevent ponding of water and to provide drainage, except in areas to be immediately excavated the Engineer may direct that the holes not be backfilled. When permitted by the plans, trees and stumps may be cut off as close to natural, ground as practical on areas which are to be covered by at least three feet of embankment. On areas required for borrow sites and material sources, stumps, roots, etc., (except for designated trees and brush) shall be removed to the complete extent necessary to prevent such objectionable matter becoming mixed with the material to be used in construction. (3) All cleared and grubbed material shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Unless otherwise provided, all merchantable timber removed as above required shall become the property of the Contractor. September, 1990 8 IV GRADING A. DESCRIPTION Grading shall consist of the required excavation and embankment within the limits of the right of way; the removal and proper utilization or disposal of all excavated materials and the constructing, shaping and finishing of all earth work on the entire project and approaches to conform with the required lines, grades and typical cross sections and in accordance with the pertinent specifications. B. CLASSIFICATION All authorized excavation will be unclassified as to dirt, rock, gravel or other miscellaneous material. C. EQUIPMENT No equipment will be used on the project which will damage or endanger existing structures above ground or underground utilities. Where heavy equipment is to cross existing ,structures and/or streets, suitable protection shall be provided to prevent damage. D. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (1) All excavation and corresponding embankment shall be performed in accordance with lines, grades and typical cross sections as shown on the plans. Excess excavation or material unsuitable for embankment shall be removed from the Town of Trophy Club and disposed of as described under Section II "Preparation of Right -Of -Way" or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Engineer. (2) Should unsuitable materials be encountered within the top 6 inches of the finished grade it shall be removed and replaced by suitable. materials. Suitable materials are described in section V "Subgrade Preparation." E. COMPACTION All embankment shall be compacted to 95% standard Proctor at optimum moisture or above. The natural ground upon which embankment is to be placed shall be scarified and brought to the same density as above. END OF SECTION September, 1990 9 V SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. DESCRIPTIONS (1.) This item shall consist of preparing the top portion of the finished grade for pavement and/or curb and gutters, Subgrade preparation will be considered for that portion of Subgrade under pavements and two feet outside the back of curbs. (2) Irrigation sleeves shall be furnished and installed as indicated under item B.7 of section I "General Requirements." (3) Subgrade soils shall be classed for this purpose under three classifications: namely P.I.'s of 10 or less, P.I.'s of more than 10 but less than, 20, and P.I.'s of 20 and above. The plasticity index (P.I.) shall be determined by an independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer. B. SUBGRADE PREPARATION FOR SOILS WITH A P.I. OF 10 OR LESS. (1) When the excavation or fill has been constructed to subgrade elevation, the Engineer will have the laboratory take samples and determine the characteristics of the soil and the density requirements at optimum moisture. (2) The subgrade shall then be scarified and wetted to optimum moisture or above. The moisture shall be thoroughly mixed into the six inch Subgrade by discing, blading or other methods approved by the Engineer. (3) The Contractor shall then proceed to compact the six inch subgrade by means of sheep foot, pneumatic or other type of compaction equipment to 95 percent of standard Proctor. (4) When density tests have been made and it is determined that the subgrade is to the proper required density, the contractor will smooth the subgrade by means of motor grader or other approved blading equipment and rolled with a 10 ton flat wheel roller to obtain smooth densely compacted finish at grade + 1/4 inch. (5) The Contractor may now proceed to set forms for concrete. pavement. September, 1990 10 C. SUBGRADE PREPARATION FOR SOILS WITH A P.I. OF MORE THAN 10 BUT LESS THAN 20. (1) Wherever the preexisting subgrade soil has a plasticity index (P.I.) of more than 10 but less than 20, the subgrade shall be prepared by mixing thoroughly into the top six inches of soil the following minimum stabilization to the degree indicated: a. Lime - 6% by weight, unless determined otherwise by laboratory tests. b. Protland cement - 4% by weight, unless determined otherwise by laboratory tests. (2) Preparation and standards for Lime Modified Soils. a. Hydrated lime and lime slurry where allowed, shall meet the requirements of State Department of Highways and Public Transportation specification (S.D.H.P.T.) No. Item 264. b. When the independent testing laboratory has determined the optimum percentage of lithe, the contractor shall scarify the subgrade and spread the required amount of lime thereon. He shall then thoroughly mix and blade the lime uniformly throughout the subgrade with the addition of water to insure thorough mixing. Next the contractor shall begin mixing operations with approved pulvi- m ixers which are in good working condition. This operation shall continue until the lime is thoroughly incorporated in the subgrade, water being added as required. C. The subgrade thus prepared shall be left to cure a minimum of three days while moisture is being added as needed and as directed by the Engineer. After the minimum three day curing period, the contractor will be required to mix lime stabilized subgrade soil again until it is thoroughly fluffed and of uniform consistency. d. After the subgrade has been left to cure and remixed, the Contractor shall begin compacting the subgrade, being sure that at least optimum Moisture is incorporated, by means of sheep foot, pneumatic or other approved compaction equipment to 95 percent Standard Proctor density at optimum moisture or above. September, 1990 11 e. When the subgrade has been thoroughly stabilized and compacted, the finished subgrade shall be carefully bladed to within 1/4 inch of finished grade and compacted and rolled with a 10 ton flat wheel roller. f. The subgrade now having been prepared, the Contractor may proceed with setting the pavement forms. (3) Preparation and standards for Portland Cement Modified Soils. a. Portland Cement shall be Type I conforming to the requirements of A.S.T.M. designation C150 or the requirements of S.D.H.P.T. Specification No. Item 272. b. Cement shall be spread only on that area where the mixing and compaction can be completed during the same working day in one continuous operation. The application and mixing of cement with the material shall be accomplished by the method hereinafter described as "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing„. When the independent testing laboratory has determined the optimum percentage of cement, the contractor shall scarify the subgrade and spread the required amount of cement thereon. He shall then thoroughly mix and blade the cement uniformly throughout the subgrade with the addition of water to insure thorough mixing. Next the contractor shall begin mixing operations with approved pulvi- mixers which are in good working condition. This operation shall continue until the cement is thoroughly incorporated in the subgrade, water being added as required. C. The cement shall be spread by an approved spreader at the rates to obtain the desired percent by weight or as directed by the Engineer. The cement shall be distributed at a uniform rate and in such manner as to reduce the scattering of cement by wind to a minimum. Cement shall not be applied when wind conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, are such that blowing cement becomes objectionable to traffic or adjacent property owners. A motor grader shall not be used to spread the cement. September, 1990 12 d. Where slurry placement is to be used, the cement shall be mixed with water to form a slurry of the solids content designated by the Engineer. The distributor truck shall be equipped with an agitator which will keep the cement and water in a uniform mixture. e. The mixing procedure shall be the same for "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing" as described herein. The material and cement shall be thoroughly maxed by approved road mixers or other approved equipment, and the mixing shall continue until, in the opinion of the Engineer, a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and cement is obtained, free from all clods or lumps. Materials containing plastic clays or other material which will not readily mix with cement shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible at the time of the cement application and brought to the proper moisture content. The material shall be kept moist as directed by the Engineer. If the soil binder -cement mixture contains clods, they shall be reduced in size by raking, blading, discing, harrowing, scarifying or the use of other approved pulverization methods so that when all nonslaking aggregates retained on the No. 4 sieve are removed, the remainder of the clay material without cement mixed throughout shall meet the following requirements when tested dry by laboratory sieves; Minimum Passing 1-3/4" Sieve ...... 100a Minimum Passing 3/4" Sieve...... 75% Minimum Passing No. 4 Sieve...... 45% f. Compaction of the mixture shall begin immediately after mixing. The material shall be aerated or watered as necessary to provide the optimum moisture. compaction shall begin at the bottom and shall continue until the entire depth of mixture is uniformly compacted. Compaction shall be in six (6) to eight (8) inch loose lifts. The course compacted to the specified below Standard Proctor Relationship, shall be sprinkled as required and extent to provide the density as determined by the use of the (ASTM D 698) Moisture/Density September, 1990 13 Description: For cement treated subgrade that will receive subsequent courses. Density, Percent: Not less than 95 at optimum moisture or above, except when shown otherwise on the plans. The testing will be as outlined in Test Method ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017 or other approved methods. In -Place Density tests shall be performed at the rate of three per 500 linear feet of paving for two (2) lanes. The suitability of the stabilization shall be confirmed by Atterberg Limit testing at the rate of one test per 2,500 cubic yards of processed material. In addition to the requirements specified for density, the full depth of the material shown on the plans shall be compacted to the extent necessary to remain firm and stable under construction equipment. After each section is completed, tests as necessary will be directed by the Engineer. If the material fails to meet the density requirements, it shall be reworked as necessary to meet these requirements. Throughout this entire operation the shape of the course shall be maintained by blading, and the surface upon completion, shall be smooth and in conformity with the typical section shown on the plans and to the established lines and grades. Should the material due to any reason or cause, loose the required stability, density and finish before the next course is placed or the work is accepted, it shall be recompacted and refinished at the sole expense of the Contractor. g. After the cement treated subgrade has been compacted, it shall be brought to the required lines and grades in accordance with the typical sections. The completed section shall then be finished by rolling as directed with a pneumatic tire or other suitable roller sufficiently light to prevent hair cracking. (4 ) The subgrade now having been prepared, the Contractor may proceed with setting the pavement forms. September, 1990 14 D. SUBGRADE PREPARATION FOR SOILS WITH A P.T. OF 20 OR MORE (1) Wherever the preexisting subgrade soil has a plasticity index (P.I.) of 20 or more, the subgrade shall be prepared by mixing thoroughly into the top eight inches of soil, the following minimum stabilization, to the degree indicated: a. Portland Cement - 8% by weight unless determined otherwise by laboratory tests. (2) Preparation and standards for Portland Cement Modified Soils. a. Portland Cement shall be Type I conforming to the requirements of A.S.T.M. designation 0150 or the requirements of s.D.H.P.T. Specification No. Item 272. b. Cement shall be spread only on that area where the nixing and compaction can be completed during the same working day in one continuous operation. The application and mixing of cement with the material shall be accomplished by the method hereinafter described as "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing". When the independent testing laboratory has determined the optimum percentage of cement, the contractor shall scarify the subgrade and spread the required amount of cement thereon. He shall then thoroughly mix and blade the cement uniformly throughout the subgrade with the addition of water to insure thorough mixing. Next the contractor shall begin mixing operations with approved pulvi- mixers which are in good working condition. This operation shall continue until the cement is thoroughly incorporated in the subgrade, water being added as required. C. The cement shall be spread by an approved spreader at the rates to obtain the desired percent by weight or as directed by the Engineer. The cement shall be distributed at a uniform rate and in such manner as to reduce the scattering of cement by wind to a minimum. Cement shall not be applied when wind conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, are such that blowing cement becomes objectionable to traffic or adjacent property September, 1990 15 owners. A motor grader shall not be used to spread the cement. d. Where slurry placement is to be used, the cement shall be mixed with water to form a slurry of the solids content designated by the Engineer. The distributor truck shall be equipped with an agitator which will keep the cement and water in a uniform mixture. e. The mixing procedure shall be the same for "Ery Placing" or "Slurry Placing" as described herein. The material and cement shall be thoroughly mixed by approved road mixers or other approved equipment, and the mixing shall continue until, in the opinion of the Engineer, a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and cement is obtained., free from all clods or lumps. Materials containing plastic clays or other material which will not readily mix with cement shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible at the time of the cement application and brought to the proper moisture content. The material shall be kept moist as directed by the Engineer. If the soil binder -cement mixture contains clods, they shall be reduced in size by raking, blading, discing, harrowing, scarifying or the use of other approved pulverization methods so that when all nonslaking aggregates retained on the No. 4 sieve are removed, the remainder of the clay material without cement mixed throughout shall meet the following requirements when tested dry by laboratory sieves: Minimum Passing 1-3/4" Sieve ..... 100% Minimum Passing 3/4" Sieve..... 750 Minimum Passing No. 4 Sieve..... 450 f. Compaction of the mixture shall begin immediately after mixing. The material shall be aerated or watered as necessary to provide the optimum moisture. Compaction shall begin at the bottom and sham, continue until the entire depth of mixture is uniformly compacted. Compaction shall be in six (6) to eight (S) inch loose lifts. The course compacted to the specified below Standard Proctor Relationship. shall be sprinkled as required and extent to provide the density as determined by the use of the (ASTM E 698) Moisture/Density September, 1990 16 Description: For cement treated subgrade that will receive Subsequent courses. Density, Percent: Not less than 95 at optimum moisture or above, except when shown otherwise on the plans, The testing will be as outlined in Test method ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017 or other approved methods. In -Place Density tests shall be performed at the rate of three per 500 linear feet of paving for two (2) lanes. The suitability of the stabilization shall be confirmed by fi.tterberg Limit testing at the rate of one test per 2,500 cubic yards of processed material. In addition to the requirements specified for density, the full depth of the material shoran on the plans shall be compacted to the entent Necessary to remain firm and stable ender construction equipment. After each section is completed, tests as necessary will be directed by the Engineer. If the material fails to meet the density requirements, it shall be reworked as necessary to meet these requirements. Throughout this entire operation the shape of the course shall be maintained by blading, and the surface upon completion shall be smooth and in conformity with the typical section shown on the plans and to the established lines and grades. :should the material due to any reason or cause, lose the required stability, density and finish before the next course is placed or the work is accepted, it shall be recompacted and refinished at the sole expense of the Contractor. g. After the cement treated subgrade has been compacted, it shall be brought to the required lines and grades in accordance with the typical sections. The completed section shall then be finished by rolling as directed with a pneumatic tire or ether suitable roller sufficiently light to prevent hair cracking. . (3) The subgrade now having been prepared, tI-je Contractor may proceed with setting the pavement forms. END OF SECTION September, 1990 17 VI REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET PAVING A. MATERIALS (1) cement cement shall be of Type I (Normal) Portland cement which shall conform to the requirements of the current specifications for Portland cement A.S.T.M. Designation 0- 150. Cement in bulk meeting the above requirements may be used provided the manner and method of handling is approved by the Engineer. Type III (High Early Strength) may be used by the Contractor to facilitate his operations provided the permission of the Engineer is obtained in writing. There shall not be Less than five (5) sacks of cement used per cubic yard of concrete for machine finished and six (G) sacks per cubic yard of concrete for hand finished and intersection paving. (2) Fine Aggregate a. Description Fine aggregate shall consist of sand or a mixture of sands with or without a mineral filler. The sand particles shall consist of clean, hard, durable, uncoated grains. b. Deleterious Substances The maximum amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following percentages by weight: Material removed by decantation 3% Clay Lumps 0.5% Fine Aggregate shall be free from a harmful excess of salt or alkali. An additional 2% loss by decantation will be allowed provided this additional loss is of material of the same quality as specified for the fine aggregate or mineral filler. September, 1990 is C. organic impurities When subjected to the color test for organic impurities (A.S.T.M. Designation C-40), the sand or mixture of sands shall not show a color darker than the standard color. d. Gradation The sand or mixture of sands shall be well graded from coarse to fine, and when tested by laboratory methods shall meet the following requirements for percentages by weight: Retained on 1/4 inch sieve 0% to 50 Retained on ;,20 mesh sieve 15% to 50% Retained on #.100 mesh sieve 85% to 95% If it is economical to use two sands of different gradations which when combined will meet the specifications, each sand shall be measured separately and in such proportions as the Engineer may direct and shall not be mixed prior to batching. e. Mineral Filler Mineral Filler shall consist of stone dust, crushed sand or other inert material approved by the Engineer, and may be added in amounts not to exceed 10 percent of the weight of the sand or mixture of sands, to improve the workability or plasticity of the concrete mix. Such mineral filler mast be of the quality specified for fine or coarse aggregate and when tested by laboratory methods shall meet the following requirements for percentages by weight: Retained on r;30 mesh sieve 0 to 5% Retained on ,;100 mesh sieve 0 to 300 Where a mineral filler is used, it shall be measured by weight separately. All fine aggregate shall be stockpiled for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use. September, 1990 19 (3) Coarse Aggregate a. Description Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone or a combination of crushed stone and washed gravel using a minimum of 50 percent by weight of crushed stone. Pit -run aggregate will not be allowed. Gravel and crushed gravel shall consist of clean, hard, durable particles, free from adherent coatings, thin or elongated pieces, soft or disintegrated particles, dirt organic or injurious matter. Crushed stone shall consist of the clean, dustless product resulting from crushing stone. There shall be no adherent coatings, clay, loam organic or injurious matter. Coarse aggregate shall have a percent of wear of not more than 45 when tested according to A.A.S.H.O. Method No. T-96. All coarse aggregate shall be handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent size segregation and contamination by foreign substances. When segregation is apparent, the aggregate shall be re -mixed. At the time of its use, the aggregate shall be free from frozen material, and aggregate containing foreign materials shall be rejected. Coarse aggregate which contains more than 0.5% free moisture by weight shall be stockpiled for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use. b. Deleterious substances The maximum amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following percentage by weight: Materials removed by decantation 1.0o Shale, Slate or other similar materials 1.0% Clay lumps .25q Other deleterious substances including friable, thin elongated or laminated pieces 5.0% September, 1990 20 Coarse aggregate shall be free from a harmful excess of salt, alkali, vegetable matter, or other objectionable matter occurring either free or as adherent coatings. C. Gradation The coarse aggregate shall be well graded in size from coarse to fine, and when tested by laboratory methods shall meet the following requirements for percentages by weight: Retained on 3 inch sieve 0% Retained on 2 inch sieve 0 to 200 Retained on 3/4 inch sieve 35 to 70% Retained on 1/4 inch sieve 95 to 100% Where coarse aggregate is delivered to the job in two or more sizes or types, each size or type shall be separately and accurately measured by volume or weighed separately in such proportions as the Engineer may direct and shall not be mixed prior to batching. At the beginning of each paving project, and at other times the Engineer deems necessary, the Contractor shall take samples and furnish reports of laboratory test on the gravel to be used. (4) Water Water used for mixing and curing shall be clear and clean and shall be free from oil, acid, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances. The maximum allowable water shall be 6 1/2 gallons per sack of cement. (5) Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be deformed steel bars as shown on the plans, conforming to the requirements of the current specifications for Billet Steel concrete reinforcement bars, A.S.T.M. Designation A-15 or for Rail Steel concrete reinforcement bars, A.S.T.M. Designation A-16. Steel wire fabric will not be permitted. Deformed bars meeting these specifications shall be used for the tie bars joining slabs together across longitudinal hinged joints. Dowels across expansion joints shall be smooth, round bars without barred ends, as shown on the plans, or as approved by the Engineer. September, 1990 21 TOWN / TROPHY PAVING, DRMNAGE ANl] UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS A-444 e . r • ..,.. �.. LARIN' SC; UE'j IN ' `4....,........... n_. ...... , .. ' 42247 /N 9- !B - 90 SEPTEViBEP, 1990 INDEX SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01-05 II PREPARATION OF RIGHT OF WAY 06-07 III CLEARING AND GRUBBING 08 IV GRAVING 09 V SUBGRADE PREPARATION 10-17 VI REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET PAVING 18-41 PLATES 6.1-6.19 VII CURB AND GUTTER Q3-43 PLATES 7.1-7.2 VIII SIDEWALKS/DRIVEWAYS/PEDESTRIAN & BICYCLE PATHS 44-45 PLATES 8.1-8.3 Ix PAINTING `T'RAF'FIC S'T'RIPE Q6-51 PLATES 9.1-9.2 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS 52-55 PLATES 1.0.1.-10.2 nI SUBSURFACE INTERCEPTOR DRAIN 56-59 PLATES 11.1.-11.3 :TTI SOLID CONCRETE INTERLOCKING PAVERS 60 PLATES 12.1-12.2 HIII SANITARY SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES 61-63 XIV -A WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES 64-70 INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS 71--83 nV STORM DRAINAGE & APPURTENANCES 34-96 PLATES 15.1-15.5 INDEX (crnt'd.) XVS TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY PROTECTION 97 i'VII FINAL CLEAN-UP 98 XVIII FINAL ACCEPTANCE 99 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAVEMEAIT, DRAINAGE A11D UTILITIES PLACED ON STREETS WITHIN THE TOWN Of TROPHY CLUB These design standards shall govern improvements, including excavation, fills, the preparation of subgrade and the placement of all types and classes of pavement, curbs, curbs and gutters, driveway approaches, sidewalks, and similar construction. I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS r.. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (1) The typical sections of street pavements, curbs, curbs and gutters, driveway approaches, sidewalks and similar construction shall be as shown on the Town of Trophy Club Standard Paving detail sheets, which are an integral part of these design standards. If not shown on the plans, the typical sections shall be as approved by the designated official in charge of Public Works, or his authorized representatives, hereinafter termed. "Engineer". (2) The areas between the backs of curbs and the street right of way lines shall be graded to slope to the top of curb 1/4 inch per foot. The back slopes in cuts and fills shall be entirely on the abutting property, and no part of the necessary steps of risers on sidewalk approaches in cut sections constructed on the street right of way. in case this procedure works a hardship on the property, it may be varied by the Engineer. (3) Reinforced Concrete Pavement shall be used in all areas. In areas where subgrade soils have a P.I. (plasticity index) of ten (10) or less, the subgrade shall be wetted to optimum moisture and thoroughly mined and compacted to a depth of six (6) inches. If the P.I. is more than 10 but less than 20, lime or Portland Cement shall be incorporated in the top six (6) inches of subgrade. If the P.I. is 20 or more, Portland cement shall be incorporated in the top eight (8) inches of subgrade. (4) General requirements for concrete streets: a. 50 Foot Right of Way - 27 Foot Back to Back in width, Local Street. 6 Inches thick, with integral curbs, of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. September, 1990 b. 60 Foot Right of way -- 41 Foot Back to Back in width, Minor Collector. 6 1/2 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,400 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. C. 70 Foot Right of way -- 44 Foot Back to Back in width, Minor Collector. 6 1/2 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. d. 90 Foot Right of Way - 25 Foot Back to Back in width dual, Major Collector with Sidewalk.. 7 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. e. 90 Foot Right of Way - 25 Foot Back to Back in width dual, Major Collector with Bicycle and Pedestrian Path. 7 Inches thick, with integral curbs of 3,000 P.S.I., 5 sack minimum concrete with 6 sack at intersections. B. SEQUENCE OF PAVING OPERATIONS (1) No street pavement or base shall be placed until the water and sewer line trenches have been properly jetted and allowed to settle and dry in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. (2) Completion of street pavement, curbs and/or curb and gutter construction will be required prior to construction of driveway approaches, sidewalks, and bicycle and pedestrian ways. (3) In subdivision construction, if the location of the driveway is known, the developer will designate the location, prior to the placement of the pavement in order to prevent the removal of curbs for the construction of driveway approaches. All driveway approaches shall be placed to the back line of the sidewalk and shall be formed and reinforced to conform to the typical sections. (4) No sidewalks pedestrian and bicycle paths shall be constructed until completion of the pavement. The driveway approaches and sidewalks may be poured integrally. The sidewalk shall be poured from property line to property line. Any deviation from the Standard Sidewalk detail mast be approved by the Engineer in writing. The sidewalk shall be a minim -Lin of four (4) inches thick, four (4) feet wide, and the concrete shall have a compressive strength of 2,500 P.S.I. at the twenty-eight (28) day test. September, 1990 2 (5) All driveway approaches and sidewalks to be built in connection with proposed developments shall be constructed to the same standards as the street pavement and controlled by the Town of Trophy Club. 6) Concrete streets shall be marked by means of a substantial stamp or die (design to be approved by the Engineer) making an impression in the finish of the concrete, designating the farm name or Contractor, and the month and year in which the work is done. (7 ) irrigation sleeves -All medians shall be provided with below grade sleeve accesses for all future lawn irrigation lines. Sleeves shall be sued a minimum of 4 inch diameter schedule 40 PVC pipe. Permanent markers on concrete curbs shall indicate the location of all sleeve locations. A minimum of one sleeve: shall be supplied at center point of each block. All sleeves shall be located a minimum of 0 inches below subgrade measured to top of pipe sleeve. Each end of sleeve shall be capped. C . BONDS (1) Before any street paving construction work is began., the developer shall obtain, execute and return to the Engineer four (4) copies of an approved contract form, Performance Bond, Maintenance Bond and Payment Bond. A Performance bond in favor of the Town of Trophy Club and the developer in the amount of the total bid price for street paving must be attached. This bond shall be executed by the Contractor as principal and by a corporate surety, such as an Insurance Company or a Bonding Company. No individual surety will be accepted. A Power of Attorney for the Attorney -In -Fact who signs for the surety must be attached. (2) Maintenance Bond in favor of the Town of Trophy Club in the amount of the total bid price must be attached. This bond secures maintenance of the improvements by the Subdivider or Developer for two (2) years on all construction from the date of acceptance by the Town. It shall be executed by the Subdivider or Developer as Principal and by a Corporate Surety, such as an Insurance Company or a Bonding Company. No individual surety will be accepted. A Power of Attorney for the Attorney -In -Fact who signs for the Surety must be attached. D. INSURANCE A Certificate of Insurance must be attached showing that the Contractor has coverage with liability limits of not less than those specified below: September, 1990 3 (1) workmen's Compensation: Providing for payment of benefits as specified by the workmen's Compensation Law of the State of Texas. (2) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. Amounts: Bodily Injury $300,000 each occurrence Property Damage S 25,000 each occurrence $100,000 for aggregate (3) comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance. Amounts: Bodily Injury $100,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence Property Damage 8 25,000 each occurrence The Town shall be included as an "Additional Insured" by Endorsement to policies issued for coverages listed in 2 and 3 above. E. FEES Upon approval of the plans and the submission of the approved contract forms, Performance Bond and Maintenance Bond to the Town of Trophy Club, the developer shall deposit 1.0% of the total estimated contract price for Paving, Drainage and Utility Improvements to insure that the development is put in accordance to the Town of Trophy Club's Design Standards. F. LINES AND GRADES (1) Prior to construction beginning, the developer's engineer shall set line and grade stapes. such stakes shall be set after the developer's engineer has properly staked on the ground with iron pins all points of curves, all points of tangencies and all block corners within the subdivision. The developer's engineer shall notify the Town of Trophy Club Engineer after the lines and grades are established as set out above and prior to construction beginning. (2) Layout and drainage shall be so designed and arranged that a minimum street grade of 0.5% will be maintained between intersections and 0.6% across intersections which carry surface flow. September, 1990 a G. DEFINITIONS (1) Where the term Town of Trophy Club Engineer is used it is referring to the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative. (2) The term The City, or The Town, means the Town of Trophy Club acting through the Town Council and its administrative branch. (3) The term Developer means the party subdividing the land. (4) Where the term Engineer is used it is referring to the Developer's Engineer or his authorized representative. (5) The term Contractor means the party contracted to perform the Paving, Drainage. and Utility Improvements. END OF SECTION September, 1990 5 ii PREPARATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY A. DESCRIPTION (1) This item shall consist of preparing the right-of-way for construction operations by the removal and disposal of all obstructions from the right-of-way and from designated easements, where removal of such obstructions is not otherwise provided for in the plans and specifications. (2) such obstructions shall be considered to include remains of houses not completely removed by others, foundations, floor slabs, concrete, brick, lumber, plaster, cisterns, water wells, septic tanks, basements, abandoned utility pipes or conduits, underground service station tanks, equipment or other foundations, fences, retaining walls, shacks, and all other debris. (3) This item shall also include the removal of trees, stumps, bushes, shrubs, curb and gutter, driveways, paved parking areas, miscellaneous stone, brick, concrete, sidewalks, drainage structures, manholes, inlets, abandoned railroad tracks, scrap iron, all rubbish and debris whether above or below ground except live utility facilities. (4) It is the intent of this Design standard provide for the removal and disposal of all obstructions and objectionable materials not specifically provided for elsewhere by the plans and specifications. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (1) The entire right-of-way for this project and such additional areas, including public or corporate areas, including public or corporate lands, as made available for construction of this project shall be cleared of all structures, obstructions and vegetation, as defined above, except trees or shrubs specifically designated by the Engineer for preservation. Trees and shrubs designated for preservation shall be carefully trimmed as directed and shall be protected from scarring, barking, or other injuries during construction operations. Exposed ends of pruned limbs shall be treated with an approved asphaltic material. (2) Culverts, storm sewers, manholes and inlets shall be removed in proper sequence for maintenance of traffic and drainage, Unless otherwise indicated on plans, all foundations and underground obstructions shall be removed to the following depths: a. In areas to receive embankment, 2 feet below natural ground. September, 1990 6 b. in areas to be excavated, 2 feet below the lower elevation of the excavation. c. All other areas, 1 foot below natural ground. (3) Trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish and other objectionable Fatter shall be removed in accordance with the Section FII "Clearing and Grubbing." (4) All basement walls and floors, cisterns, sceptic tanks and storage tanks within the limits of the right of way shall be removed and the resulting hales backfilled with approved material as directed by the Engineer. (5) Holes remaining after removal of all obstructions, objectionable material, trees, stumps, etc. shall be backfilled and tamped as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall complete the operation of preparing right of way by blading, bulldozing, or by other approved methods, so that the prepared right of way shall be free of holes, ditches and other abrupt changes in elevations and irregularities of contour. (C) The remaining ends of all abandoned storm sewers, culverts, sanitary sewers, conduits, and water or gas pipes over 3 inches in diameter, shall be plugged with an adequate quantity of concrete to form a tight closure when backfilling is required. (7) Abandoned water wells shall be removed to the grade indicated on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION September, 1990 7 owl CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. DESCRIPTION "Clearing and Grubbing" shall consist of the removal and disposal of trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish and other objectionable matter. B. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (S) The entire right-of-way shall be cleared of all trees, stumps, brush, logs and rubbish, except such trees and brush as may be designated by the Engineer for preservation. Trees and brush designated to be left in place shall be carefully trimmed as directed and shall be protected from scarring, barking or other injuries during construction operations. Pruned limbs small be treated by painting the exposed ends with an approved asphaltic material. (2) Areas required for embankment construction; for roadway, channel and structural excavation; and for borrow sites and material sources shall, be cleared and grubbed. on areas required for roadway, channel, or structural excavation, all stumps, roots, etc., (except for designated trees and brush) shall be removed to a depth of at least 2 feet below the existing ground surface. All holes remaining after clearing and grubbing shall be backfilled and tamped as directed by the Engineer and the entire area bladed to prevent ponding of water and to provide drainage, except in areas to be immediately excavated the Engineer may direct that the holes not be backfilled. When permitted by the plans, trees and stumps may be cut off as close to natural, ground as practical on areas which are to be covered by at least three feet of embankment. On areas required for borrow sites and material sources, stumps, roots, etc., (except for designated trees and brush) shall be removed to the complete extent necessary to prevent such objectionable matter becoming mixed with the material to be used in construction. (3) All cleared and grubbed material shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Unless otherwise provided, all merchantable timber removed as above required shall become the property of the Contractor. September, 1990 8 IV GRADING A. DESCRIPTION Grading shall consist of the required excavation and embankment within the limits of the right of way; the removal and proper utilization or disposal of all excavated materials and the constructing, shaping and finishing of all earth work on the entire project and approaches to conform with the required lines, grades and typical cross sections and in accordance with the pertinent specifications. B. CLASSIFICATION All authorized excavation will be unclassified as to dirt, rock, gravel or other miscellaneous material. C. EQUIPMENT No equipment will be used on the project which will damage or endanger existing structures above ground or underground utilities. Where heavy equipment is to cross existing ,structures and/or streets, suitable protection shall be provided to prevent damage. D. CONSTRUCTION METHODS (1) All excavation and corresponding embankment shall be performed in accordance with lines, grades and typical cross sections as shown on the plans. Excess excavation or material unsuitable for embankment shall be removed from the Town of Trophy Club and disposed of as described under Section II "Preparation of Right -Of -Way" or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Engineer. (2) Should unsuitable materials be encountered within the top 6 inches of the finished grade it shall be removed and replaced by suitable. materials. Suitable materials are described in section V "Subgrade Preparation." E. COMPACTION All embankment shall be compacted to 95% standard Proctor at optimum moisture or above. The natural ground upon which embankment is to be placed shall be scarified and brought to the same density as above. END OF SECTION September, 1990 9 V SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. DESCRIPTIONS (1.) This item shall consist of preparing the top portion of the finished grade for pavement and/or curb and gutters, Subgrade preparation will be considered for that portion of Subgrade under pavements and two feet outside the back of curbs. (2) Irrigation sleeves shall be furnished and installed as indicated under item B.7 of section I "General Requirements." (3) Subgrade soils shall be classed for this purpose under three classifications: namely P.I.'s of 10 or less, P.I.'s of more than 10 but less than, 20, and P.I.'s of 20 and above. The plasticity index (P.I.) shall be determined by an independent testing laboratory approved by the Engineer. B. SUBGRADE PREPARATION FOR SOILS WITH A P.I. OF 10 OR LESS. (1) When the excavation or fill has been constructed to subgrade elevation, the Engineer will have the laboratory take samples and determine the characteristics of the soil and the density requirements at optimum moisture. (2) The subgrade shall then be scarified and wetted to optimum moisture or above. The moisture shall be thoroughly mixed into the six inch Subgrade by discing, blading or other methods approved by the Engineer. (3) The Contractor shall then proceed to compact the six inch subgrade by means of sheep foot, pneumatic or other type of compaction equipment to 95 percent of standard Proctor. (4) When density tests have been made and it is determined that the subgrade is to the proper required density, the contractor will smooth the subgrade by means of motor grader or other approved blading equipment and rolled with a 10 ton flat wheel roller to obtain smooth densely compacted finish at grade + 1/4 inch. (5) The Contractor may now proceed to set forms for concrete. pavement. September, 1990 10 C. SUBGRADE PREPARATION FOR SOILS WITH A P.I. OF MORE THAN 10 BUT LESS THAN 20. (1) Wherever the preexisting subgrade soil has a plasticity index (P.I.) of more than 10 but less than 20, the subgrade shall be prepared by mixing thoroughly into the top six inches of soil the following minimum stabilization to the degree indicated: a. Lime - 6% by weight, unless determined otherwise by laboratory tests. b. Protland cement - 4% by weight, unless determined otherwise by laboratory tests. (2) Preparation and standards for Lime Modified Soils. a. Hydrated lime and lime slurry where allowed, shall meet the requirements of State Department of Highways and Public Transportation specification (S.D.H.P.T.) No. Item 264. b. When the independent testing laboratory has determined the optimum percentage of lithe, the contractor shall scarify the subgrade and spread the required amount of lime thereon. He shall then thoroughly mix and blade the lime uniformly throughout the subgrade with the addition of water to insure thorough mixing. Next the contractor shall begin mixing operations with approved pulvi- m ixers which are in good working condition. This operation shall continue until the lime is thoroughly incorporated in the subgrade, water being added as required. C. The subgrade thus prepared shall be left to cure a minimum of three days while moisture is being added as needed and as directed by the Engineer. After the minimum three day curing period, the contractor will be required to mix lime stabilized subgrade soil again until it is thoroughly fluffed and of uniform consistency. d. After the subgrade has been left to cure and remixed, the Contractor shall begin compacting the subgrade, being sure that at least optimum Moisture is incorporated, by means of sheep foot, pneumatic or other approved compaction equipment to 95 percent Standard Proctor density at optimum moisture or above. September, 1990 11 e. When the subgrade has been thoroughly stabilized and compacted, the finished subgrade shall be carefully bladed to within 1/4 inch of finished grade and compacted and rolled with a 10 ton flat wheel roller. f. The subgrade now having been prepared, the Contractor may proceed with setting the pavement forms. (3) Preparation and standards for Portland Cement Modified Soils. a. Portland Cement shall be Type I conforming to the requirements of A.S.T.M. designation C150 or the requirements of S.D.H.P.T. Specification No. Item 272. b. Cement shall be spread only on that area where the mixing and compaction can be completed during the same working day in one continuous operation. The application and mixing of cement with the material shall be accomplished by the method hereinafter described as "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing„. When the independent testing laboratory has determined the optimum percentage of cement, the contractor shall scarify the subgrade and spread the required amount of cement thereon. He shall then thoroughly mix and blade the cement uniformly throughout the subgrade with the addition of water to insure thorough mixing. Next the contractor shall begin mixing operations with approved pulvi- mixers which are in good working condition. This operation shall continue until the cement is thoroughly incorporated in the subgrade, water being added as required. C. The cement shall be spread by an approved spreader at the rates to obtain the desired percent by weight or as directed by the Engineer. The cement shall be distributed at a uniform rate and in such manner as to reduce the scattering of cement by wind to a minimum. Cement shall not be applied when wind conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, are such that blowing cement becomes objectionable to traffic or adjacent property owners. A motor grader shall not be used to spread the cement. September, 1990 12 d. Where slurry placement is to be used, the cement shall be mixed with water to form a slurry of the solids content designated by the Engineer. The distributor truck shall be equipped with an agitator which will keep the cement and water in a uniform mixture. e. The mixing procedure shall be the same for "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing" as described herein. The material and cement shall be thoroughly maxed by approved road mixers or other approved equipment, and the mixing shall continue until, in the opinion of the Engineer, a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and cement is obtained, free from all clods or lumps. Materials containing plastic clays or other material which will not readily mix with cement shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible at the time of the cement application and brought to the proper moisture content. The material shall be kept moist as directed by the Engineer. If the soil binder -cement mixture contains clods, they shall be reduced in size by raking, blading, discing, harrowing, scarifying or the use of other approved pulverization methods so that when all nonslaking aggregates retained on the No. 4 sieve are removed, the remainder of the clay material without cement mixed throughout shall meet the following requirements when tested dry by laboratory sieves; Minimum Passing 1-3/4" Sieve ...... 100a Minimum Passing 3/4" Sieve...... 75% Minimum Passing No. 4 Sieve...... 45% f. Compaction of the mixture shall begin immediately after mixing. The material shall be aerated or watered as necessary to provide the optimum moisture. compaction shall begin at the bottom and shall continue until the entire depth of mixture is uniformly compacted. Compaction shall be in six (6) to eight (8) inch loose lifts. The course compacted to the specified below Standard Proctor Relationship, shall be sprinkled as required and extent to provide the density as determined by the use of the (ASTM D 698) Moisture/Density September, 1990 13 Description: For cement treated subgrade that will receive subsequent courses. Density, Percent: Not less than 95 at optimum moisture or above, except when shown otherwise on the plans. The testing will be as outlined in Test Method ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017 or other approved methods. In -Place Density tests shall be performed at the rate of three per 500 linear feet of paving for two (2) lanes. The suitability of the stabilization shall be confirmed by Atterberg Limit testing at the rate of one test per 2,500 cubic yards of processed material. In addition to the requirements specified for density, the full depth of the material shown on the plans shall be compacted to the extent necessary to remain firm and stable under construction equipment. After each section is completed, tests as necessary will be directed by the Engineer. If the material fails to meet the density requirements, it shall be reworked as necessary to meet these requirements. Throughout this entire operation the shape of the course shall be maintained by blading, and the surface upon completion, shall be smooth and in conformity with the typical section shown on the plans and to the established lines and grades. Should the material due to any reason or cause, loose the required stability, density and finish before the next course is placed or the work is accepted, it shall be recompacted and refinished at the sole expense of the Contractor. g. After the cement treated subgrade has been compacted, it shall be brought to the required lines and grades in accordance with the typical sections. The completed section shall then be finished by rolling as directed with a pneumatic tire or other suitable roller sufficiently light to prevent hair cracking. (4 ) The subgrade now having been prepared, the Contractor may proceed with setting the pavement forms. September, 1990 14 D. SUBGRADE PREPARATION FOR SOILS WITH A P.T. OF 20 OR MORE (1) Wherever the preexisting subgrade soil has a plasticity index (P.I.) of 20 or more, the subgrade shall be prepared by mixing thoroughly into the top eight inches of soil, the following minimum stabilization, to the degree indicated: a. Portland Cement - 8% by weight unless determined otherwise by laboratory tests. (2) Preparation and standards for Portland Cement Modified Soils. a. Portland Cement shall be Type I conforming to the requirements of A.S.T.M. designation 0150 or the requirements of s.D.H.P.T. Specification No. Item 272. b. Cement shall be spread only on that area where the nixing and compaction can be completed during the same working day in one continuous operation. The application and mixing of cement with the material shall be accomplished by the method hereinafter described as "Dry Placing" or "Slurry Placing". When the independent testing laboratory has determined the optimum percentage of cement, the contractor shall scarify the subgrade and spread the required amount of cement thereon. He shall then thoroughly mix and blade the cement uniformly throughout the subgrade with the addition of water to insure thorough mixing. Next the contractor shall begin mixing operations with approved pulvi- mixers which are in good working condition. This operation shall continue until the cement is thoroughly incorporated in the subgrade, water being added as required. C. The cement shall be spread by an approved spreader at the rates to obtain the desired percent by weight or as directed by the Engineer. The cement shall be distributed at a uniform rate and in such manner as to reduce the scattering of cement by wind to a minimum. Cement shall not be applied when wind conditions, in the opinion of the Engineer, are such that blowing cement becomes objectionable to traffic or adjacent property September, 1990 15 owners. A motor grader shall not be used to spread the cement. d. Where slurry placement is to be used, the cement shall be mixed with water to form a slurry of the solids content designated by the Engineer. The distributor truck shall be equipped with an agitator which will keep the cement and water in a uniform mixture. e. The mixing procedure shall be the same for "Ery Placing" or "Slurry Placing" as described herein. The material and cement shall be thoroughly mixed by approved road mixers or other approved equipment, and the mixing shall continue until, in the opinion of the Engineer, a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and cement is obtained., free from all clods or lumps. Materials containing plastic clays or other material which will not readily mix with cement shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible at the time of the cement application and brought to the proper moisture content. The material shall be kept moist as directed by the Engineer. If the soil binder -cement mixture contains clods, they shall be reduced in size by raking, blading, discing, harrowing, scarifying or the use of other approved pulverization methods so that when all nonslaking aggregates retained on the No. 4 sieve are removed, the remainder of the clay material without cement mixed throughout shall meet the following requirements when tested dry by laboratory sieves: Minimum Passing 1-3/4" Sieve ..... 100% Minimum Passing 3/4" Sieve..... 750 Minimum Passing No. 4 Sieve..... 450 f. Compaction of the mixture shall begin immediately after mixing. The material shall be aerated or watered as necessary to provide the optimum moisture. Compaction shall begin at the bottom and sham, continue until the entire depth of mixture is uniformly compacted. Compaction shall be in six (6) to eight (S) inch loose lifts. The course compacted to the specified below Standard Proctor Relationship. shall be sprinkled as required and extent to provide the density as determined by the use of the (ASTM E 698) Moisture/Density September, 1990 16 Description: For cement treated subgrade that will receive Subsequent courses. Density, Percent: Not less than 95 at optimum moisture or above, except when shown otherwise on the plans, The testing will be as outlined in Test method ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017 or other approved methods. In -Place Density tests shall be performed at the rate of three per 500 linear feet of paving for two (2) lanes. The suitability of the stabilization shall be confirmed by fi.tterberg Limit testing at the rate of one test per 2,500 cubic yards of processed material. In addition to the requirements specified for density, the full depth of the material shoran on the plans shall be compacted to the entent Necessary to remain firm and stable ender construction equipment. After each section is completed, tests as necessary will be directed by the Engineer. If the material fails to meet the density requirements, it shall be reworked as necessary to meet these requirements. Throughout this entire operation the shape of the course shall be maintained by blading, and the surface upon completion shall be smooth and in conformity with the typical section shown on the plans and to the established lines and grades. :should the material due to any reason or cause, lose the required stability, density and finish before the next course is placed or the work is accepted, it shall be recompacted and refinished at the sole expense of the Contractor. g. After the cement treated subgrade has been compacted, it shall be brought to the required lines and grades in accordance with the typical sections. The completed section shall then be finished by rolling as directed with a pneumatic tire or ether suitable roller sufficiently light to prevent hair cracking. . (3) The subgrade now having been prepared, tI-je Contractor may proceed with setting the pavement forms. END OF SECTION September, 1990 17 VI REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET PAVING A. MATERIALS (1) cement cement shall be of Type I (Normal) Portland cement which shall conform to the requirements of the current specifications for Portland cement A.S.T.M. Designation 0- 150. Cement in bulk meeting the above requirements may be used provided the manner and method of handling is approved by the Engineer. Type III (High Early Strength) may be used by the Contractor to facilitate his operations provided the permission of the Engineer is obtained in writing. There shall not be Less than five (5) sacks of cement used per cubic yard of concrete for machine finished and six (G) sacks per cubic yard of concrete for hand finished and intersection paving. (2) Fine Aggregate a. Description Fine aggregate shall consist of sand or a mixture of sands with or without a mineral filler. The sand particles shall consist of clean, hard, durable, uncoated grains. b. Deleterious Substances The maximum amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following percentages by weight: Material removed by decantation 3% Clay Lumps 0.5% Fine Aggregate shall be free from a harmful excess of salt or alkali. An additional 2% loss by decantation will be allowed provided this additional loss is of material of the same quality as specified for the fine aggregate or mineral filler. September, 1990 is C. organic impurities When subjected to the color test for organic impurities (A.S.T.M. Designation C-40), the sand or mixture of sands shall not show a color darker than the standard color. d. Gradation The sand or mixture of sands shall be well graded from coarse to fine, and when tested by laboratory methods shall meet the following requirements for percentages by weight: Retained on 1/4 inch sieve 0% to 50 Retained on ;,20 mesh sieve 15% to 50% Retained on #.100 mesh sieve 85% to 95% If it is economical to use two sands of different gradations which when combined will meet the specifications, each sand shall be measured separately and in such proportions as the Engineer may direct and shall not be mixed prior to batching. e. Mineral Filler Mineral Filler shall consist of stone dust, crushed sand or other inert material approved by the Engineer, and may be added in amounts not to exceed 10 percent of the weight of the sand or mixture of sands, to improve the workability or plasticity of the concrete mix. Such mineral filler mast be of the quality specified for fine or coarse aggregate and when tested by laboratory methods shall meet the following requirements for percentages by weight: Retained on r;30 mesh sieve 0 to 5% Retained on ,;100 mesh sieve 0 to 300 Where a mineral filler is used, it shall be measured by weight separately. All fine aggregate shall be stockpiled for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use. September, 1990 19 (3) Coarse Aggregate a. Description Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone or a combination of crushed stone and washed gravel using a minimum of 50 percent by weight of crushed stone. Pit -run aggregate will not be allowed. Gravel and crushed gravel shall consist of clean, hard, durable particles, free from adherent coatings, thin or elongated pieces, soft or disintegrated particles, dirt organic or injurious matter. Crushed stone shall consist of the clean, dustless product resulting from crushing stone. There shall be no adherent coatings, clay, loam organic or injurious matter. Coarse aggregate shall have a percent of wear of not more than 45 when tested according to A.A.S.H.O. Method No. T-96. All coarse aggregate shall be handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent size segregation and contamination by foreign substances. When segregation is apparent, the aggregate shall be re -mixed. At the time of its use, the aggregate shall be free from frozen material, and aggregate containing foreign materials shall be rejected. Coarse aggregate which contains more than 0.5% free moisture by weight shall be stockpiled for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to use. b. Deleterious substances The maximum amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following percentage by weight: Materials removed by decantation 1.0o Shale, Slate or other similar materials 1.0% Clay lumps .25q Other deleterious substances including friable, thin elongated or laminated pieces 5.0% September, 1990 20 Coarse aggregate shall be free from a harmful excess of salt, alkali, vegetable matter, or other objectionable matter occurring either free or as adherent coatings. C. Gradation The coarse aggregate shall be well graded in size from coarse to fine, and when tested by laboratory methods shall meet the following requirements for percentages by weight: Retained on 3 inch sieve 0% Retained on 2 inch sieve 0 to 200 Retained on 3/4 inch sieve 35 to 70% Retained on 1/4 inch sieve 95 to 100% Where coarse aggregate is delivered to the job in two or more sizes or types, each size or type shall be separately and accurately measured by volume or weighed separately in such proportions as the Engineer may direct and shall not be mixed prior to batching. At the beginning of each paving project, and at other times the Engineer deems necessary, the Contractor shall take samples and furnish reports of laboratory test on the gravel to be used. (4) Water Water used for mixing and curing shall be clear and clean and shall be free from oil, acid, alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances. The maximum allowable water shall be 6 1/2 gallons per sack of cement. (5) Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be deformed steel bars as shown on the plans, conforming to the requirements of the current specifications for Billet Steel concrete reinforcement bars, A.S.T.M. Designation A-15 or for Rail Steel concrete reinforcement bars, A.S.T.M. Designation A-16. Steel wire fabric will not be permitted. Deformed bars meeting these specifications shall be used for the tie bars joining slabs together across longitudinal hinged joints. Dowels across expansion joints shall be smooth, round bars without barred ends, as shown on the plans, or as approved by the Engineer. September, 1990 21 (6) Joint Filler Joint Filler shall consist of asphalt impregnated fiber board. a. Asphalt Board. Asphalt board shall be of required size and uniform thickness. When used in joints, it shall conform approximately to the shape of the pavement crown as shown on plans. Asphalt board shall consist of two suitable asphalt impregnated liners filled with a mastic mixture of asphalt and vegetable fiber and/or mineral filler. Boards shall be smooth, flat and straight throughout, and shall be sufficiently rigid to Permit easy installation. Boards that crack or shatter during installing and finishing operations will not be acceptable. Boards shall be furnished in lengths equal to one-half of pavement width or in lengths equal to the width between longitudinal joints and may be furnished in strips or scored sheets of the required shape. When tested in accordance with Test Method Tex -524-C the asphalt boards shall not deflect from the horizontal more than 3/4 inch in 3 1/2 inches. {7} Silicone Joint Sealant The sealant shall be furnished in a one part silicone formulation which does not require a primer for bond to concrete. The compound shall be compatible with the surface to which it is applied. Acid cure sealants are not acceptable for use on concrete. The sealant shall be applied with a pressure applicator that forces it into the joint. Silicone rubber joint seals shall exhibit an adequate bond to concrete when subjected to testing. The silicone sealant shall meet the requirements of Table V1-1. Sealant may be accepted for immediate use on the basis of manufacturer's certified test results which indicate the material meets the requirements of Table VI -1. Each lot of sealant shall be delivered in containers plainly marked with the manufacturer's name or trademark and a lot number. The manufacturer shall furnish certified test results of each lot of joint sealant shipped to the project. The manufacturer shall also indicate the date of shipment on each lot. Material shall not be used after 6 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer without first being sampled and tested. Foam back-up rod may be accepted based on visual inspection by the Engineer. September, 1990 22 TABLE VI -1 SILICONE SEALANT REQUIREMENTS Item Requirement Flow 0.3 inches maximum Extrusion rate 75-350 grams/minute Tack free time @77 degree 20 - 90 minutes F + 3 Specific Gravity 1.010 - 1.515 Du ometer hardness, Shore A. (7 days cured @ 77 degree F + 3 and 45-554 Relative Humidity) Tensile stress @ 1504 elongation (7 day cure @ 77 degree F ± 3 and 45-554 Relative Humidity) Elongation: (7 day cure @ 77 degree F + 3 and 45-554 Relative Humidity) Ozone and UV Resistance Movement Capability and Adhesion Shelf Life 10 - 25 (0 degree F) 45 psi maximum 7004 minimum Test Method MIL S 8802 ASTM D 2202 MIL S 8802 MIL S 8802 ASTM C 679 ASTM D 792, Method A ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 412 (Die C) ASTM D 412 (Die C) No chalking, ASTM D 793 cracking, or bond loss after 5,000 hours +100% and -504; ASTM C 719 No adhesive or cohesive failure after 10 cycles at 0 degree F 6 months from date of shipment from manufacturer Silicone sealant material shall meet or exceed Federal Specifications TT -S -001543A (COM -MBS) and TT -S-002300 (COM - NB S) . September, 1990 23 (8) Curing Materials (a) Burlap for curing shall weigh not less than ten (10) ounces per ten (10) square feet and shall not have been previously used for any other purpose than concrete curing. (b) =Cotton mats shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Cotton Mats for curing concrete pavements of the A.A.S.H.o. Designation M73-38. (c) Impervious membrane seal coat, approved by the Engineer, may be used for curing the concrete. The curing compound shall contain a quick fading dye of suitable color to assure visibility during applications and shall be of such ingredients as will not permanently alter the natural color of the concrete. Under normal conditions suitable for pavement operations, the curing compound after application shall dry to touch in one hour and shall dry through in not more than four hours. The curing compound shall provide a film which will have retained within the specimen the following percentages of the moisture present in the specimen when curing compound applied: At lease 97% at the end of 24 hours, at least 95% at the end of three (3) days, and at least 91% at the end of seven (7) days, when tested in accordance with current A.S.T.M. procedure C-156. The curing compound shall conform to the requirements of A.A.S.H.O. Specifications M-148. (9) Air Entrainment All concrete shall be air entrained and the volume of air in the freshly mixed concrete shall be 5% plus or manus 1% of the total volume. The entrained air shall be obtained either by using air entrained cement or air entraining admixture. B. EQUIPMENT (1) Cement weighing equipment for weighing bulk cement shall be scales of either the beam or springless dial type accurate to within a tolerance of four (4) pounds per one thousand (1,000) pounds net load. The value of the minimum graduation of any scale shall not be greater than five (5) pounds. September, 1990 24 (2) Aggregate bins shall be substantial and tight enough to prevent leakage of aggregate. The weight box shall be of suitable size and tight to prevent leakage of aggregate. The weight box shall be supported entirely upon the scales and shall be otherwise free; this box shall be so constructed that excess material may be readily removed. A catch shall be provided on the discharge gate to hold it tightly closed while the weight box is being filled. The scales for weighing the aggregate may be either the horizontal beam or the springless dial type, designed as an integral unit of the batching plant; it shall be of substantial construction to withstand hard usage due to the working conditions, and with a maximum error of 0.50 of net load and with minimum graduations not greater than five pounds. Poises shall be designed for locking in any position and to prevent any unauthorized changes. The tell-tale dial of the beam type and the pointers of the dial type shall be enclosed by a glass cover in front of the dial. The scales shall be tested prior to beginning operations and at such time as the Engineer may direct. Aggregate bins and weight scales shall be erected and left fully loaded over night before testing the scales. (3) The size of the mixer shall not be less than that of a 27-E paver, as established by the Mixer Manuf. Bureau of the A.G.C. The mixer shall be equipped with a power controlled boom and bucket, so designed as to permit uniform distribution of the concrete on the entire subgrade. The mixer shall be operated at a drum speed of not less than 16 rpm and not more than 20 rpm. The mixer shall be provided with a batch timing device which will automatically lock the batch discharging device the full mixing time and release it at the end of the mixing period. The timing device shall have a bell which will automatically ring at the end of the mixing period. The tuning device shall be subject to inspection and adjustment by the Engineer at any time. The mixer shall not be operated unless the timing device is functioning properly. Dual drum mixers will be permitted provided their operation is properly synchronized and the mixing time shall be exclusive of the time required to transfer concrete from the first to the second drum. (4) Subgrade template shall be provided which have adjustable rods projecting downward at one foot (12 inches) intervals. The bottom of these rods shall be adjusted to the true cross section of the bottom of the slab when the template rests upon the side forms. The template shall be of such strength and rigidity that if the support is transferred September, 1990 25 to the center, there will not be a deflection of more than one -eight (1/8) inch. A subgrade planer may be used in lieu of the subgrade template. (5) Side forms shall be of steel of approved cross- section and length, except on curves of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet radius. on curves of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet radius, wood forms or built-up metal forms may be used but shall be sufficiently rigid to hold true to grade and alignment under all working conditions. (6) Finishing equipment shall be mechanical type except where warped surfaces or unusual conditions require hand finishing and where such practice is approved by the Engineer. The longitudinal float will not be required when the mechanically vibrated strike -off template is used; however, the use of the mechanically vibrated strike -off template will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of securing the specified surface finish, which must be checked ahead of the final belting with a 10 foot steel straight -edge. There shall be provided a sufficient number of bridges for finishing expansion and construction joints, and the necessary edging and finishing tools to complete the pavement slab according to the plans and specifications. The belt for finishing the slab shall be of canvas or canvas -rubber composition, two (2) to four (4) Ply, not less than six (6) inches nor more than ten (10) inches wide, and at least two (2) feet longer than the width of the pavement. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least two (2) standard ten (10) foot steel straight edges on the job at all times. (7) Placing and Removing Forms a. Forms shall be set true to line and grade in advance of the placing of the concrete for a distance sufficient to permit a finished subgrade for a length of one hundred (100) feet ahead of the concrete. They shall be joined neatly and tightly and shall be set with exactness to the established grade and alignment. All forms must be in firm contact with the subgrade throughout their entire length and base width and securely staked with at least three (3) pins per ten (10) foot section. If the subgrade becomes unstable or wet the forms shall be removed, the subgrade dried out and the forms reset using heavy stakes or other additional supports, such as may be required, to September, 1990 26 provide sufficient stability to withstand vibrations and movements of all equipment operated thereon. b. If the forms settle over one-eighth (1/8) inch during finishing operation, the paving shall be stopped; forms shall then be reset to line and grade, and pavement brought up to standard section and thickness. C. Forms must be cleaned and oiled before concrete is placed against them. d. Forms shall remain in place until the concrete is at least twelve (12) hours old, and removal of forms shall be followed immediately by banking earth against the sides of the slab and wetting same. (8) Slipform Paving Instead of using fixed forms, the contractor may place concrete with a slipform paver designed to spread, consolidate, screed, and float -finish the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass of the machine. The slipform paver shall be operated with as nearly a continuous forward movement as possible and all the operations of mixing, delivering, and spreading concrete shall be so coordinated as to provide uniform progress with stopping and starting of the paver held to a minimum. The subgrade and slipform paver track area shall be brought to proper grade and cross section by means of a properly designed and operated machine. Disturbed grade shall be properly recompacted. If any traffic is allowed to use the prepared grade, the grade shall be checked and corrected immediately ahead of placing the concrete. (9) Joints Joints shall be used where shown on the plans or where directed by the Engineer. The plane of all joints shall make a right angle with the surface of the pavement. No joint shall have an error in alignment of more than one- half (1/2) inch at any point. The concrete along the face of all joints, except dummy joints, shall be thoroughly spaded to insure a surface which is free from honeycombing. All joints shall be constructed in accordance with the Town of Trophy club standard Joint Details. September, 1990 27 a. Transverse Joints Transverse joints shall be expansion, contraction or construction joints. They shall mane a right angle with the surface and with the centerline of the pavement and extend through for the full width of the pavement. b. Expansion Joints Expansion joints shall extend entirely through the depth and width of the pavement. They shall be of the design, width and spacing shown on the plans, or as approved by the Engineer. Expansion joints will be required at street intersections, to separate the pavement slab from any rigid structures such as manholes, etc., coming within the area of pavement, and at the center of all blocks over 600 feet in length. An asphalt impregnated fiber board joint filler one (1) inch in width accurately shaped to the cross section of the bottom and top of the concrete section and of depth sufficient to provide a seal space of the depth shown on the plans or as approved by the Engineer, shall be securely fastened in place and in contact with the subgrade for its entire length. Holes of the proper size to hold the center of the dowel bars accurately in position and of a diameter not more than one-eighth (1/8) inch greater than the dowel bar diameter, shall be cut in the correct location to secure the dowel bar spacing required by the plans, or as approved by the Engineer. The top of each joint shall be filled with the specified seal material. The concrete shall be clean and the surface dry when the seal is placed. C. Transverse Contraction Joints Transverse contraction joints shall be spaced as shown on the plans, with minimum spacing of ten (10) feet and maximum spacing of fifteen (15) feet. They shall be of the depth and width as shown on the Town of Trophy club Standard Joint Details and shall be formed by sawing. After the concrete has hardened and the groove sawed it shall be filled with specified joint sealing material. September, 1990 28 d. Transverse Construction joint Transverse Construction joint shall be constructed wherever the placing of concrete is suspended for thirty (30) minutes or more. Any concrete in excess of that needed to form the joint shall not be used in the pavement. However, such construction joints shall not eliminate the placing of expansion or construction joints at the locations required by the plans and specifications. A construction joint occurring at the dummy joint shall be provided with dowels. The Contractor shall furnish a bulkhead shaped to the concrete sections. This bulkhead shall be drilled to permit the continuation of all longitudinal reinforcing steel through the construction joint. An edge created by a construction joint shall have a standard sawed joint which shall be sealed as required. e. Longitudinal joints shall be contraction or construction joints. Longitudinal joints shall be constructed along the centerline of the concrete pavement or parallel thereto as shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. Tied longitudinal joints shall be constructed on the abutting edges of all slabs built in separate longitudinal strips. f. Cleaning Joints Immediately after sawing the joint, the resulting slurry shall be completely removed from the joint and the immediate area cleaned by flushing with a jet of water under pressure, and by the use of other tools as necessary. After flushing, the joint shall be blown out with compressed air. When the surfaces are thoroughly clean and dry and just before the joint sealer is placed, compressed air having a pressure of at least 90 psi shall be used to blow out the joint and remove all traces of dust. Air compressors used for cleaning joints shall be equipped with suitable traps capable of removing all surplus water and oil in the compressed air. I. In the event freshly cut sawed joints become contaminated before they are sealed, they shall be re -cleaned as outlined above. September, 1990 29 2. Cleaning methods shall not alter the joint profile including rounding of the top corners, or alter the texture of the concrete riding surface. Cleaning of the joint faces shall be accomplished by sandblasting. g. Installing Backer -Rod in ,joint Prior to placing the backer -rod, the joint must be thoroughly dry and clean. Any necessary cleaning, air blasting, or air -drying will be completed before placing backer -rod and sealant. If backer -rod specified for applicable joint detail are on joints less than one (1) inch wide after cleaning, a round backer -rod of resilient material, compatible with silicone sealant, and slightly oversized to prevent movement during the sealing operation will be installed in the joint at the depth specified on the appropriate joint detail in the Plans. The thickness of the backer -rod will be greater after squeezing it into the joint and some "rebound" may occur --allowance must be made for this to ensure placing at correct depth. Backer - rod shall be a readily compressible, non-reactive, non-absorptive type material such as expanded closed cell polyethylene foam rod. h. Installing Silicone Sealant The installation of the silicone sealant is to be done as soon after cleaning and after placing the backer -rod as reasonably possible to ensure that joint is still clean and dry. In the event the joint does become contaminated, damp, or wet, the backer -rod is to be removed, the joint cleaned and dried, and a new backer -rod reinstalled prior to placing the sealant material. The sealant material used shall be a low modulus silicone sealant material as specified. The temperature of the concrete surface and air at time of placement must be 40 degrees F. or higher. The silicone sealant shall be applied by pumping only. The pump shall be of sufficient capacity to deliver the necessary volume of material to completely fill the joint to the specified width and height of sealant in one pass. The nozzle shall be of sufficient size and shape to closely fit into the joint and introduce the sealant inside September, 1990 30 the joint with sufficient pressure to prevent voids occurring in the sealant and to force the sealant into contact with the joint faces. The sealant, after being placed, shall be tooled to provide the specified recess depth, thickness, and shape of sealant as shown on the plans. Sufficient force or pressure shall be applied to the sealant in this tooling operation to force the sealant against the joint faces to ensure satisfactory wetting and bonding of the sealant to the joint faces. The silicone sealant is not self -leveling and will not position itself correctly in the joint under its own weight. The sealant shall be placed to reasonably close conformity with the dimensions and shape shown on the Plans. Any unreasonable deviation will be cause for rejection and necessary corrective action will be made by the Contractor. i. Special Requirements The following special requirements apply to this work. 1. After a joint has been sealed, all surplus sealant or other residue on the pavement or structure surfaces shall be promptly removed. 2. If a primer is recommended by the manufacturer, it shall be used in accordance with such recommendations. When required, primer will be installed before installing backup material. 3. Air compressors used for cleaning joints shall be equipped with suitable traps capable of removing all surplus water and oil in the compressed air. The compressed air will be checked daily by the Engineer for contamination, No contaminated air shall be used. The compressor shall be capable of delivering compressed air at a continuous pressure of at least 90 psi. 4. Traffic shall not be permitted over sealed joints until the sealant is tack free, cured sufficiently to resist displacement of the sealant due to slab movement or other causes, and until debris from traffic does not imbed into the sealant. September, 1990 31 5. Any failure of the sealed joint: due to: (a) adhesion or cohesion failure of joint material (b) unsatisfactory or improper workmanship by contractor (e) damage by Contractor's operations or public traffic (d) damage to the sealant due to displacement of the sealant from slab movements or insufficient cure before opening to traffic will be cause for rejection and the joint shall be repaired. (10) Dowels Dowels shall be round, smooth bars of the size shown on the plans, or as approved by the Engineer, and shall be installed at the spacing as specified. The dowels shall be held in position exactly parallel to surface and centerline of the slab, by a metal device that is left in the pavement. This device shall hold each dowel in exactly the correct position so firmly that the dowel's position cannot be altered by concreting operations. None of the members of the device shall restrict the free opening and closing of the expansion joint nor make planes of weakness in the pavement. Expansion joint dowel bars shall be completely coated with a thin uniform coating of grease or other satisfactory lubricant. A close fitting metal sleeve with one end closed shall be provided for the end of each expansion joint dowel as shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. (11) Integral Curb Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab. The concrete for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty (30) minutes after the concrete in the slab. (12) Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be placed at locations shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer, and shall be supported above the sub -grade on chairs approved by the Engineer. All intersections of longitudinal transverse bars shall be securely tied together to resist displacement during the concreting operations. September, 1990 J2 (13) Concrete a. Design Strength 1. Concrete shall be proportioned to have a minimum compressive strength at the age of twenty-eight (28) days as specified below in Table VI -2, or as designated on the plans, as determined by the current Methods of Making Compression `rests of Concrete, A.S.T.M. Designation C-39, TABLE VT -2 Required Compressive Strength 7 Days 28 Days Max. Slump 2200 3000 3" Machine Finished 2200 3000 4" Hand Finished The concrete shall be uniform and workable and of such a consistency as to produce a slump of not less than one (1) inch nor more than three (3) or four (4) inches as noted above and determined by the current Standard Slump Test, A.S.T.M. Designation C-143. concrete test cylinders shall be molded as specified in the. current Standard Method of Making and Curing Concrete Flexure and Compression Test Specimens in the Field, A.S.T.M. Designation C-31. 2. A set of three (3) test specimens shall be made at intervals to represent 600 S.Y. of the pavement being constructed. Each set of test specimens shall be composed of three (3) molded concrete cylinders. The compressive strength of each set of cylinders shall represent the compressive strength of that portion of the pavement which lies on both sides of the cylinders, half of the distance from these cylinders to the adjacent set of test specimens. Each specimen shall be plainly marked and a record kept, showing date and the exact section of pavement represented by it. One (1) of the specimens will be tested at the age of seven days. should the September:, 1990 33 results of this test cause the Engineer to decide that the minimum ultimate strength will not be obtained, then the Engineer may order a change in the mix design as he deems necessary to give the specified minimum ultimate compressive strength of the concrete. The failure of the Engineer to predict the strength of the concrete from the date from these tests, or the failure to order a change in mix design, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to obtain the specified strength, nor will be grounds for waiving the penalty for low compressive strength concrete. If the results of the initial test are unsatisfactory, the remaining two (2) specimens will be tested at the age of twenty-eight (28) days. The average strength of these three specimens will be used to represent the strength of the concrete in that Portion of the pavement represented by these test specimens. The Engineer may disregard the results of any test which, in his opinion, is not representative of the quality of the concrete actually placed in the pavement. 3. Should any set of specimens fail to meet the strength requirements for that particular section, or should the Contractor feel that the specimens are not representative of the entire section of pavement, the limits of which are outlined above, the Contractor shall have the privilege of cutting cores from that section of the pavement. The cores shall be cut within thirty (30) days, from locations designated by the Engineer for the Town. These cores shall be crushed under usual laboratory methods, and their strength shall be conclusive. The cost of cutting cores and making repairs to the pavement shall be at the expense of the Contractor. b. Mixing 1. Mixing of the concrete shall continue for not less than one (1) minute after all the materials, except water, are in the drum. The required water small be introduced into the mixing drum during the first fifteen (15) seconds of mining. The revolutions per minute September, 1990 34 of the mixer drum shall conform to the rating of the manufacturer. The volume of mixed concrete shall not exceed the mixer manufacturer's rated capacity of the drum by more than twenty (20) percent. 2. 1f spillage occurs during mixing, the batch size shall be reduced. The use of centrally mixed and truck mixed concrete is permitted under these specifications provided there is no segregation of materials when the concrete is placed on the subgrade. Transportation of concrete in dump trucks will not be permuted. samples of concrete for tests shall be taken after the concrete is on the subgrade. C. Depositing Concrete 1. The mixed concrete shall be deposited rapidly on the subgrade to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement section, in successive batches and in a continuous operation, without the use of intermediate forms of bulkheads between joints. while being placed, the concrete shall be vigorously sliced and spaded with suitable tools to prevent the occurrence of voids or honeycomb pockets. The concrete shall be especially well spaded and tamped along the forms. 2. In no case shall concrete be placed upon a frozen subgrade nor shall it be mixed and placed when the atmospheric temperature is below freezing. if at any time the air temperature is likely to drop to or is already at or below thirty --eight (38) degrees F., the concrete shall not be mixed or deposited unless the mix can be brought to a temperature of not less than fifty degrees (50) F. Concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than fifty degrees (50 degrees F.) for five days after placing. 3. Concrete shall not be placed before the time of sunrise and shall not be placed later than will permit the finishing of the pavement during sufficient natural light. September, 1990 35 d. Machine Finishing 1. The pavement shall be struck off and consolidated with a mechanical finishing machine. The machine shall strike off the concrete at such a height that, after consolidation and final finishing, it shall be at the exact elevation and have the exact crown shown on the plans. 2. After finishing has been completed with the transverse finishing machine, the longitudinal float shall be operated to smooth and finish the pavement to the required grade; or the mechanically vibrated strike -off template may be used in place of the longitudinal float. 3. After floating is complete and while the concrete is still workable, the surface shall be tested for trueness with an approved 10 foot steel straightedge. The straightedge will be placed on the surface parallel to the centerline and at not more than five (5) foot intervals transversely. After each test the straightedge shall be moved forward one-half its length and the operation repeated. When irregularities are discovered, they shall be corrected by addition or removing concrete and by operating the longitudinal float over the area. The surface test with the straightedge will then be repeated. a. While the surface shall operated with rapid advance shall produce texture. e. Hand Finishing concrete is still workable, the be belted with an approved belt, short transverse strokes and a longitudinally. This operation a uniform surface of a gritty 1. Hand finishing shall be resorted to only in those conditions provided for above, and upon specific authorization by the Engineer. When hand finishing is permitted, the concrete shall be struck off with an approved strikeoff screed. surface of the pavement shall conform to the required section and grade. The strike template shall be moved forward with a September, 1990 36 combined transverse and longitudinal motion in the direction the work is progressing, maintaining a slight excess of material in front of the cutting edge. The concrete shall then be tamped with an approved tamping template to compact the concrete thoroughly, and eliminate surface voids, and the surface screeded to required section. 2. After completion of a strike -off, consolidation, and transverse screeding, a hand -operated longitudinal float shall be operated to test and level the surface to the required grade. Workmen shall operate the float from approved bridges riding on the forms and spanning the pavement. The longitudinal float shall be held in contact with the surface and parallel to the center line, and operated with short longitudinal strokes while passed from one side of the pavement to the other. If contact with the pavement is not made at all points, additional concrete shall be used to produce a satisfactory surface. Care shall be exercised to keep the ends of the float from digging into the surface of the pavement. After a section has been smoothed so that the float maintains contact with the surface at all points, in being passed from one side to the other, the bridges may be moved forward half the length of the float, and the operation repeated. 3. other operations and surface tests shall be as required for machine finishing. f. surface Testing After the concrete has been placed 12 hours or more, the Engineer will test the surface of the pavement with a ten foot straightedge placed parallel to the centerline. The surface shall not vary from the straightedge by more than one-eighth (1/8) inch per foot from the nearest point of contact, and in no case shall the maximum ordinate from a ten foot straightedge to the pavement be greater than one-fourth (1/4) inch. Any high spots causing a departure from the straightedge in excess of that specified shall be ground down by the Contractor to meet the surface test requirements. September, 1990 37 g. Curing - Curing of concrete shall continue for seventy-two (72) hours. 1. Initial curing shall began immediately after the finishing operations have been completed. Regardless of the method of final curing, except for membrane curing, the entire surface of the newly laid concrete shall be covered with the specified wetted burlap or cotton mats laid directly upon the finished surface. This covering shall be kept continuously saturated with water until removed. It shall not be allowed to become displaced or be removed earlier than the morning of the day following its application. In all cases in which curing requires the use of water, the curing shall have prior rights to all water. Failure to comply with curing requirements shall be cause for immediate suspension of concreting operations. 2. Final curing may be performed by one of the following methods. a. Burlap or cotton mats shall be kept completely saturated at all times for a period of at least seventy-two (72) hours after the concrete is placed. b. Waterproofed paper of sufficient strength and of a type approved by the Engineer may be used for final curing. Waterproofed paper shall be prepared to form blankets of sufficient width to cover the entire surface and both edges of the concrete section to be cured, and shall not be more than sixty (50) feet in length. All joints in the paper shall lap not less than five (5) inches and shall be sealed with asphaltic cement having a melting point of approximately one hundred eighty (180) degrees F. Blankets shall be Placed to secure an overall lap twelve (12) inches, and this lap shall be securely weighted to form a closed joint. Paper blankets may be rejected by the Engineer at any time when, in his opinion, they do not provide an airtight covering. The paper blankets shall remain in place for a period of not less than seventy-two (72) hours. September, 1990 38 C. Impervious membrane shall be applied uniformly to the pavement promptly after the surface water sheen has disappeared. The membrane curing compound shall be sprayed in one application at the rate of not less than one gallon to two hundred (200) square feet of pavement when applied mechanically or one gallon to one hundred fifty (150) square feet if applied by hand sprays. The concrete surface to which membrane curing compound has been applied shall be protected from abrasion or damage which results in perforation of the membrane film during the first seventy-two (72) hours after application. h. Protection of Pavement and opening to Traffic I. Protection of the concrete pavement shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Suitable barricades, signs, and lights shall be furnished and erected by the Contractor to exclude traffic from the new pavement, but these barriers shall be so arranged as not in any way to impede public traffic on any area intended to be kept open. Any part of the pavement damaged by traffic or other causes occurring prior to its final acceptance shall be repaired or replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 2. Concrete pavement shall be closed to all traffic, including vehicles of the Contractor, until the concrete is not less than seven (7) days old and has attained the required compressive strength. This period of closure to traffic may be extended if, in the opinion of the Engineer, weather or other conditions make it advisable to provide an extension of time of protection. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide and have available on the job site at all times a sufficient supply of polyethylene or vinyl of sufficient strength to protect the surface finish for 500 feet of paved street. This shall be laid on the surface of the most recently finished pavement and made fast in case it starts raining before the concrete has taken its initial set. September, 1990 39 C. FAILURE OF CONCRETE TO MEET REQUIREMENTS (1) If the concrete as indicated by the test cylinders does not meet the minimum requirements for strength, the contractor shall have core samples made at the location of the failing cylinders. He shall take as many core samples as he wishes to determine the area of failure. Penalty as outlined below shall be levied against the Contractor. The limits of the deficient pavement either for strength or thickness shall be determined by the core samples that are taken. a. If the ultimate strength of the concrete falls below the minimum requirements specified in the contract by not more than five hundred (500) pounds per square inch, an amount of fifty (50) cents per square yard shall be deducted from payment due or to become due to the Contractor, and shall be paid to the Town of Trophy Club to defray the cost of extra street maintenance. b. If the ultimate strength of the concrete pavements falls below the minimum requirements specified in the contract by more than five hundred (500) but less than one thousand (1,000) pounds per square inch, an amount of one dollar ($1.00) per square yard shall be deducted from payments due or to become due to the Contractor, on that portion of the street deemed to be deficient, and shall be paid to the Town of Trophy Club to defray the cost of extra street maintenance. C. If the ultimate strength of the concrete falls below the minimum requirements specified in the contract by more than one thousand (1,000) pounds Per square inch, the concrete pavement shall be completely removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. d. If the average thickness of the pavement is not deficient by more than 1/8 inch, the paving will be considered acceptable and no penalty will be assessed. If the average thickness of the pavement is deficient by more than 1/8 inch but less than 1/4 inch from the minimum specified thickness, an amount of 80.50 cents per square yard will be deducted from the payment due or to become due to the Contractor on the portion of the street deemed to be deficient and shall be paid to the Town of Trophy club to defray the cost of the extra street maintenance. If the average thickness of the Pavement is deficient by more than 1/4 inch but September, 1990 40 less than 1/2 inch of the specified thickness an amount of $1.00 per square yard shall be deducted from the payments due or to become due to the Contractor on that portion of the street deemed to be deficient and shall be paid to the Town of Trophy Club to defray the cost of the extra street maintenance. If the average thickness is deficient by more than 1/2 inch of the specified thickness, the Contractor shall remove and replace the deficient section at the Contractor's entire expense. e. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to withhold from the partial payment to the Contractor, a sufficient amount of money to cover the cost of any penalties due to the Town of Trophy Club because of defective concrete as outlined above. The developer shall be notified of any deficiency. f. B=fore final acceptance is given on the street, it shall, be the responsibility of the Paving Contractor to see that all water valve boxes, manhole zings and covers and cleanouts and other appurtenances to the water and sewer system are brought to the finished grade of the paving and are left in such condition that they can readily be found at all. times. END OF SECTION September, 1990 41 0 � Q � w po 4 .w o a Af Q a -o 0 � � m o Plate (40 (n � w po 4 .w Af 0 � � m o Plate 4 tin h Plate 6.2 c 4j.- Q a� mm z O }c ts Q ' 4 E � Q G'3 j 0 tf- •'' h `o�o a � 4 Q •� � o e Iz N e Qi O C�! j c �44 �1 .O E � C C (. a ° o ° Plate 6.2 c 4j.- a a� mm Q h E y 4 E � Q G'3 j 0 tf- •'' h `o�o a � 4 Q •� � o e Iz Plate 6.2 c a� mm Q h E y E � Q h a a � 4 Q •� � o e Iz N e O v c �44 to E � Q a ° o ° l-tz a o, cz- C-1 l o Q a a a a � 4 Q •� � n e m v O to c c o ° l-tz a o, tf) 0 wog �1` -- O O � v h Lo .A 0 b v ' .y lb tz E O �Q � .o � 'N. ' �a � E 'h O O � v' b V v .A Q b v ' .y E O �Q � .o � 'N. ' �a � E 'h k qb Q c TZ cV b b Q p v' b A �o -Af0J � �R O Plate 6.3 ''� CO .c v .A Q b v ' .y E O �Q � b 'N. ' �a � E 'h k qb Q A �o -Af0J � �R O Plate 6.3 ''� CO C v � Q b v ' .y E E a a � v a � E 'h k qb Q c TZ cV b b Q p o V � h Q � qu � b In b � o a _ c Q � C Q a � v a E 'h o b b Q p c •c � o � b b O Ui Q � vy C .Moir 0 0 •c �: h a � a rrZ C , d a, 3 }� � 4 4 0 E 0 0 oit �03 ItIci io N N -k O hb N �� � Hca Moi Plate 6.4 o P/o t e 6.5 M� ZI" I�, a m m 0 0 1 41 v Back Of Curl # 3 Bars Each Way HA L F PLAN ®25 e CONC. Pio VEMEN7' Not To Sc a I e Plate 6.6 #3Bars Each Way E Not ro Scole Plate 6.7 `� 77ent Back Of Curb 3 Bars Each Way 3 1 6 ., I 10,-6 „ /0 - 0 ,. 12 S ces 20" C/C ,Trans. CanMoctian Jr IMEMIN WEE! 6" Irons Contraction ✓t. 1"A Smooth Dowel 6" I Spaces Cz) 12"CIC M ti i Pavement .-M HA L E PLAN - 4 P C®C PAvE E ! Not To Sca/e Plate 6.8 ti Back Curb # 3 Bac Each 22=6" I /0'- 6 " 12r- Orr 3" /3 S ace$ 2011 C/C 4" 3" nj ti cement SIAL. F PL AN ® 4.5'' CONI PAyEmENT Not To Scale Plate 6.9 �o .ti o, c � � v O V V N � O O h m � v 1. q y k a) m O cement SIAL. F PL AN ® 4.5'' CONI PAyEmENT Not To Scale Plate 6.9 Silicone Joint Sealer 3/8 '�t //l6" 8ocker Rod 5/8" fila. SAlWE® AND SEALED JO11V r Not To Scale Plate 6. lO •1 '� r•r:. /., a � -, �� : Ip � . 1 •, ,. . ;til: :,• ..'; . •� , ,_ I/8 "Nominal 8ocker Rod 5/8" fila. SAlWE® AND SEALED JO11V r Not To Scale Plate 6. lO Formed Groove Edges Rounded To 114" Radius Emergency /I Only `3 Bers @ 20 It c /c See Half Plan Details For Distribution Bar Spacing, Silicone Joint Sealing Compound See Detail For Sawed And Sealed Joints 2 2" Stabilized Subgrade Lop Bars 30 Dla. Q Tie 1"0 Smooth Dowel 9 12" CIC 18"Long Lubricate One End rRANSVERSE CONMACTION 8 CONSTRUCTION JOINr Not ro Scale Vertical Saw Cut Silicone N 3/B'r Wide .hint Scaling aWWaA?d See Detail For Sawed An d Stabilized Subgrade3 Bars 20 c w ' LONGITUDINAL OR TRANSVERSE -(SAWED CONMACrTON JOIN, Not To Scale Note: Pavement Thickness Dimension "T " /s 6,6 1124"or T "As Shown On Plans, Plate 6, // See Half Plan Detail For Distribution Bar Spacing See Detail For Sawed i. -,---And Sealed Joints Formed Groove Edges Silicone Rbuna' To L14 mRddlus _1�01n t Sealing Compound Emere7ency Jt. On/ �LF !_95aWD Pou),�" IRS PO(IR- d� A 03 Bars 24"c -c 2 Stabilized Subgrode #4 Def. 7-4 Bars- 2t-6"Long Lap Bars 30 DId. 8 Tie LONGITUDINAL CONSMUCrION JOINT (PL A NIVED — USED AT NCRUAL JOINT SPACINGS) Not To Scale 18 SmoolhDowel Spocea`0712"6 /0 11 Dowel Cooling Silicone W sp il Aholl 7-oProvide Joint Sealing Compound 2"Min. Slippage see Plate 6 15 "Minimum Clearance T 7 '.9 Dowel Sleeve To Fit ir lk L_ J Dowel And Be Secured Closed End Premolded Asphaltic Type Expansion Joint Filler Dowel Support Or Basket -See Detail See Half Plan Detail For See Detail For Sawed And Sealed Joint Distribution Bar Spacing -TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINT Not To Scale Notes: Pavement Thickness Dimension "T" Is 6" 6 112 "'Or 7 "As Shown In Plans. 1p Transverse 8 Longitudinal R81nf. Not Shown For Clority, Rail7f. Does Not Cross Joint. End 2'vBack From Joint. Maximum Spacing Of 600' To Be Used On Expansion Joints Plate 6.12 z Q J O O M c �.J Q3 �to 0 o Q oW 3yo-ta ZZ, CSE � ° m •c � o � c b •c a c o ni of a .o q, m O z Q J O O M c �.J Q3 �to Plato 6. /3 OLk h Z O G Q Z Q C ,coc•� Q ZZ, CSE � ° m ni of Plato 6. /3 OLk h Z O G Q Z Q C 0 0 LLI 0) Q � v � m as 0 � J p V m� m J will0 � m 0 0 LLI 0) Q � v � v 0 °m p V ca J will0 � m 3 � 0 0 LLI 0) Q � v � v 0 °m p V ca J � m 0 0 LLI 0) Plate 6. 14 q) O 104 O V Q � v � v O QCz, Plate 6. 14 q) O 104 O V / Top Of Pavement C\j %8 "Back -Up Rod ,•;;`rC -1"Expansion Filler And Assembly TRANSVERSE ExpANSI®N clolw Not To Scale Plate 6. /5 m Y'SbUl y -ION auo 7 111 f4l 9pfou1o,9 al SNIOP uoil a o4ua0 1ou1pnj1fuo 7 Qaods Plate 6.16 *- o (r)�o�coa� Q h a� c Sz W Ui z Q 7' L2 0 mV 0 C o 4b cz o q,-3� q3 �QWQov Joint Sealing Compound Exp. Board Exist. Pvmt. ko #3 Bars M T/2 9 „ 18 it l2" UNDERCUT READER Not To Scale Plate 6. 17 �C a �o Ito Q o h j CZ qtn �m� mQa c o �o oW E c .� .v • C it t - . ,•, 1. �C a �o n 8/ O V P/ote b. 18 Ito Q o a3 j CZ qtn �m� mQa c o �o oW E c n 8/ O V P/ote b. 18 /r_'C" t— 2 I 112"R 3" — #3 Bars On 20 "C /C TYPICAL CURD AND GUTTER Not To Scale It I /.n It TYPICAL CURD DETAIL Not To Scale Plate 6.19 F/2 "R - #30 Cont. W/#3 � upports @¢ 4'-O "OC.. Typ. enc. Pavement / //2 /0 '12" 6' 3n 2r'R t "o - t— 2 I 112"R 3" — #3 Bars On 20 "C /C TYPICAL CURD AND GUTTER Not To Scale It I /.n It TYPICAL CURD DETAIL Not To Scale Plate 6.19 F/2 "R - #30 Cont. W/#3 � upports @¢ 4'-O "OC.. Typ. enc. Pavement VIZ CURB AND GUTTER A. DESCRIPTION "Concrete Curb and Gutter" shall consist of Portland cement combined concrete curb and gutter or separate concrete gutter with reinforcing steel as required, constructed on an approved subgrade or foundation material in accordance with these specifications, in conformity with the lines and grades established by the Engineer, and details shown on the plans. B. MATERIALS Materials and proportions for concrete used in construction under this item shall conform to the requirements as specified in Section VI, "Reinforced Concrete Street Paving." Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements as specified on the detail sheet. Expansion, joint filler shall be premolded material meeting the requirements as specified. C. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The subgrade or foundation shall be excavated and shaped to line, grade and cross section, and, if considered necessary in the opinion of the Engineer, hand tamped and sprinkled. If dry, the subgrade or foundation material shall be sprinkled lightly immediately before concrete is deposited thereon. Curb and gutter construction shall not begin until the subgrade has been prepared in accordance with Section V, "subgrade Preparation" and has been accepted by the Engineer. (1) Outside forms shall be of wood or metal, of a section satisfactory to the Engineer, straight, free of warp and of a depth equal to the depth of the curb and gutter. They shall be securely staked to line and grade, and maintained in a true position during the depositing of concrete. Inside forms for the curb shall be of approved material, shall be of such design as to provide the curb required and shall be rigidly attached to the outside forms. (2) The reinforcing steel shall be placed in position as shown on the typical sections. Care shall be exercised to keep all steel in its proper location. (3) Concrete for curb and gutter shall be mixed in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. The curb and gutter shall be poured in sections of the length indicated on the plans, and each section shall be separated by a premolded fibre board joint of cross section specified for the curb and gutter, and of the thickness indicated on the plans. September, 1990 42 (4) After the concrete has been poured it shall be struck off with a mule which will leave the concrete one half inch shy of finished grade. Before the concrete has reached its initial set, the grout or mortar shall be placed on the curb and gutter and struck off to finished grade and cross-section by another mule. The grout shall consist of one part Portland cement to three parts of fine aggregate. Before the grout reaches its final set, it shall be smoothed with a wooden float or trowel and properly edged on the face of gutter and back of curb. (5) Curbs, and/or curb and gutter shall be sawed into uniform length sections as directed by the Engineer. (6) The completed curb and gutter shall be cured in accordance with the requirements of Section VI, "Reinforced Concrete Street Paving," (7) The curb and gutter shall be backfilled to the full height of the concrete, tamped and sloped. END OF SECTION September, 1990 43 //8" S/ope O Slope To Malate Slreel Slope 2„R ° l/2"Expansion Joint RecessedlAnd Filled WJSilicone Sealant .---_-5/006 l�"PerFA. OTCaTpact Fi// To 95 % Phxlor �nsily h LO l 411Concrele Median JBars20"O.C. EW \ POVYnq,Reinforced With 6 x 6 No. 6 Wire Mesh, STANDARD MEDIAN CURB 8 GUTTER Plate 7 / } 3 ,► 1/2"R vii'I� 3rr #3 Bars On X 2„ TYPICAL CURB AND GUTTER Not To Scale 1/2'$R /- ##30 Cont. W/#3 ¢ 5upports @q 4'-0 r'OC. Typ• TYP/CA! CUR® DETAIL Not To Scale Plate 72 onc. Pavement VIII SIDEWALKS/DRIVEWAYS/PEDESTRIAN & BICYCLE PATHS A. DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of sidewalks, driveways, pedestrian and bicycle paths with reinforcing steel, composed of Portland cement concrete, constructed as herein specified on an approved subgrade, in conformity with the lines and grades established by the Engineer, and the details shown on the plans. B. MATERIALS Materials and proportions used in construction under this .tem shall conform to the requirements as specified in Section Vi "Reinforced concrete Street Paving." Reinforcing steel is required for sidewalks, driveways, pedestrian and bicycle paths and shall conform to the requirements as specified on the detail sheet. Expansion joint filler shall be premolded material meeting the requirements specified in the plans. C. CONSTRUCTION METHODS The subgrade shall be excavated and shaped to line, grade and cross section and if considered necessary in the opinion of the Engineer hand tamped and sprinkled. The subgrade shall be moist at the time the concrete is placed. (1) Forms shall be of wood or metal, of a section satisfactory to the Engineer, straight, free from warp, and of a depth equal to the thickness of the finished work. They shall be securely staked to line and grade and maintained in a true position during the depositing of concrete. (2) The reinforcing steel shall be placed in position as shown on the plans. Care shall be exercised to keep all steel in its proper locations. (3) Sidewalks shall be constructed in sections of the lengths shown on plans. The different sections shall be separated by a premonlded joint material of the thickness shown on the plans, placed vertically and at right angles to the longitudal axis of the sidewalk. Where the sidewalk or driveways abut a curb or retaining wall, approved expansion material shall be placed along their entire length. Similar expansion material shall be placed around all obstructions protruding through sidewalks or driveways. September, 1990 44 (4) concrete shall be mixed in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, placed in the forms to the depth specified and spaded and tamped until thoroughly compacted and mortar entirely covers the surface. The top surface shall be floated and given a broom finished texture. The outer edges and joints shall then be rounded with approved tools to the radii shown on plans. (5) Sidewalks shall be marked into separate sections, each 4 feet in length, by the use of approved jointing tools. (G) When completed, the sidewalks and driveways shall be cured in accordance with the requirements of Section VI, "Reinforced Concrete Street Paving." SND OF SECTION September, 1990 45 uln" e' n l • fir•_ , ,�' t, I 1!! Plate 8. l v h O S .0 a j C O it 1 cat y m l a� j a • n �V 'o a QL uln" e' n l • fir•_ , ,�' t, I 1!! Plate 8. l v h O S C^, ^W Y.l a 'I O k Plate 8.2 r` 0 Lu � a ' i 4 y p C � J O J Qs 4 'o ) IZI Eo m qj =� C OC Q° Z 0 Q ° a J -C p •� QJ E c° rz Q3 fiG ICA Q tj V j E c L Qo o q) :oCZL a3 4 Z eco o` a �� % •• �3 C^, ^W Y.l a 'I O k Plate 8.2 r` 0 Lu ki � a i 4 y p C � J O J Qs ow 'o ) IZI Eo m qj =� C OC Q° Z 0 Q ° a J -C p •� QJ E c° rz Q3 fiG ICA Q tj V j E c L Qo o q) ki i 4 y C CZ J Qs O ) IZI Eo •C C � a V OC Z 0 VQ a J -C p •� QJ E c° rz Q3 fiG E Q j E c L Qo o q) a3 4 Z eco o` a �� % •• �3 F A Width `I w r' Varies Provide Expansion Joinl Minimum l/ Only If Connecting Ta Existing Concrete Drive. R.O. W, L /ne -ik3Bars Al /8 Sc' E14' Standard Sidewalk I I f I 1 LA nWu f 9+ PLAN VIE rA " Parkway Width "B If 4 ` Sidewalk 2„ :.a � •ter o• Sidewalk Section Thrm Driveway To Be Poured Same Thickness As Driveway Sidewalk Slope At //4"Per Fool To Top of Curb. /"Sand Cushlbn, #3Bars At /8"% Ew SECTION A -A Parkway Width /O' /' g' /O' l3' OR 15' l"OR 3 12' 16' 171 Plate 8.3 a Stabilized Subgrade DRI VE WA Y DE TA IL S No t To Scale .IX PAINTING TRAFFIC STRIPE A. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of furnishing and applying reflectorized Traffic Line Paint in accordance with these requirements and these Specifications. Painted Stripes shall consist of either solid or broken (skip) lines of the color and at the location designated on the Plans. skip Traffic Stripes consist of painted segments between painted gaps in a designated sequence with a ratio of 1:3 (10 foot segment and 30 foot gap). The location and color will be as designated on the Plans This Item shall also include the application of words and symbols in accordance with Plan details, the provisions of the Specifications and the requirements of the current "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, State of Texas". S. MATERIALS Materials for painting Traffic Stripe, Words and Symbols shall meet the following requirements: The color of the yellow paints shall visually match color No. 13538 of Federal Standard No. 595a. Federal Highway Administration color tolerance chart, December 1972, shall be used for color tolerance limits. The finished paints shall be free of skins, pigment aggolomerates, and foreign matter. C. FAST --DRY TRAFFIC PAINT The ingredients, paint composition, and properties of finished paint shall meet the following designated specifications or stated requirements. (1) INGREDIENTS a. Alkyd Resin Solution. The alkyd resin solution shall be composed of a pure drying resin dissolved in VM & P naphtha. Type of oil Nonvolatile matter Phthalic anhydride* Acid value* oil acids* Viscosity, Gardner-Holdt September, 1990 46 Soya, linseed, or both 59 to 610 30% min, 10. max. 50% min. Z to Z color, Gardner-Helliage 9. max. Rosin or rosin deritives none Compatibility. A solution of alkyd resin solution, chlorinated rubber, and solvents in paint composition proportions shall be clear, transparent, and shall show no separation after 24 hours storage in a 3/4 -full test tube at 80 degrees F. plus or minus 5. s Nonvolatile basis b. Chlorinated Rubber. The chlorinated rubber shall be Parlon 520. C. Chlorinated Paraffin. Fed. Spec. MID -C -429a, Type I (43o chlorine). d. Methyl Ethyl Ketone. ASTM D 740 e. Toluene. ASTM D 352 f. Heptane. Normal hepta, technical grade g. Titanium Dioxide, anatase. ASTM D 476, Type I h. Medium Chrome Yellow. ASTM D 211, Type III i. Zinc Oxide, American process. ASTM D 79 j. Calcium Carbonate. ASTM D 1199, Type PC, Grade I or II k. Magnesium Silicate, 325 grade. ASTM D 605 1. Antiskinning Agent. Exkin or equivalent m. Antisettling Agent. Bentone 38 or Claytone 40. n. Stabilizer. The stabilizer shall be propylene oxide, styrene oxide, Thermolite 813, Interstab T-878, or diglycidal ether of bisphenol A. The diglycidal ether shall meet the following requirements: Epoxide Equivalent weight 180-220 Viscosity at 25 deg. C. 1.00-160 poises Hydrolyzable chlorine 2% max. Density, pounds per gallon 9.55-9.75 (2) PAINT COMPOSITION. All percentages are by weight. a. Pigment, (white or yellow paint) 48.0 to 50.0G b. Pigment Composition: September, 1990 47 WHITE YELLOW Titanium Dioxide, min. 30.0% 10.50 Medium Chrome Yellow, min. ---- 13.0% Zinc Oxide, min. 8.5% 8.2% Calcium Carbonate, max. 28.0% 35.00-. Magnesium Silicate, max. 36.5% 35.0% Antisettling Agent 0.6 to 0.80 0.6 to 0.80 c. Vehicle Composition: WHITE OR YELLOW Allyd Resin solution, min. 21.5% Chlorinated Rubber, min. 16.10 Chlorinated Paraffin, min. 12.0% Methyl Ethyl Ketone 22 to 230 Toluene 19 to 21% Heptane 4 to 6% Lead Driver, 24% 0.3% Cobalt Driver, 65. 0.15% Antiskinning Agent 0.50 Methyl Alcohol 0.2% Stabilizer: Use the following amount per 100 gallons of paint of one of the specified stabilizers: Styrene or propylene oxide 3 lb. Thermolite 813 0.5 Ib. Interstab T 878 0.625 lb. Diglycidal ether 2 lb. (3) PROPERTIES OF FINISHED PAINT. a. Weight per Gallon at 77 degree F: White - 11.9 lb., min. Yellow - 12.0 lb., min. b. Consistency at 77 degree F - 75 to 82 K.U. C. Nonvolatile matter - 69.0%, min. d. Grind, Hegman - 2, min. E. Dry Time, set -to -touch, 10 mils wet - 4 minutes, max. f. Storage stability. The paint shall not curdle, gel, or settle hard when stored for up to 12 months following the date of delivery and shall be easily redispersed to a homogeneous state. When tested in accord with ASTM D 1309 and evaluated in accord with ASTM D 869, the paint shall have a minimum acceptable rating of 5. September, 1990 48 (4) CONSTRUCTION: a. Cleaning of surface: All surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, grease, oil and all other foreign matter before application of the paint. b. Alignment: Traffic stripes small be of the length, width and placement specified. on sections where no previously applied markings are present, the Contractor shall establish control points, satisfactory to the Engineer, spaced at intervals that will insure accurate locations of the stripe. C. Application: Traffic Stripe paint shall be applied by machine except for special areas and markings that are not adaptable to machine application, in which case hand application will be permitted. No paints shall be applied to areas of pavement when: (1) any moisture or foreign matter is present on the surface; (2) the air temperature in the shade is below 50 degrees F.; or (3) wind conditions are such as might cause dust to be deposited on the prepared areas or to prevent satisfactory application of the paint and beads. Painting shall be done only during daylight hours and all painted areas shall be dry enough, before sunset, to permit crossing by traffic. All protective devices shall be removed not later than sunset to allow free movement of traffic at night. Traffic Stripe paint shall be thoroughly mixed in the shipping container before placing in the machine tank. The paint machine tank, connection and spray nozzles shall be thoroughly cleaned with thinner before starting each day's work. The minimum wet film thickness for all painted areas shall be 15 mils. The minimum rate of application for 4" width traffic stripe shall be as follows: Solid Traffic Stripe Paint: Rate of application -20 gallons per mile, minimum. Skip Traffic Stripe Paint: Rate of application -5.0 gallons per mile, minimum. (Note: Change minimum rate proportionately for varying width of stripe.) September, 1990 49 Immediately following the application of the paint, a uniform application of glass beads shall be applied at a minimum rate of 6 pounds of beads to each gallon of paint. d. Protective Measures: When painting is done under traffic, the Contractor shall furnish and place all warning and directional signs necessary to direct, control and protect the traffic during the striping operations. Warning signs shall be set up before the beginning of each operation and extra signs shall be kept well ahead of the painting equipment. when necessary, a pilot car shall be used to protect both the traffic and the painting operation. The freshly painted stripe shall be protected by cones or other satisfactory devices. All stripes damaged by traffic, or pavement marked by traffic crossing wet paint, shall be repaired or corrected. e. Tolerance and Appearance: No stripe shall be less than the specified width. No stripe shall exceed the specified width by more than 1/2 inch. The length of the 10 foot painted segment for skip stripe may vary plus or minus one foot, and the 30 foot gap between segments may vary plus or minus one foot. The alignment of the stripe shall not deviate from the intended alignment by more than one inch on tangents and on curves up to and including one degree. on curves exceeding one degree, the alignment of the stripe shall not deviate from the intended alignment by more than 2 inches. Continued deviation from stated dimensions will be cause for stopping the Work and removing the nonconforming stripe. All stripes and segments of stripes shall present a clean cut, uniform and workmanlike appearance. All markings which fail to have a uniform, satisfactory appearance, either day or night, shall be corrected by the contractor at his expense. (5) EQUIPMENT The traveling traffic stripe painter shall be adaptable to traveling at a uniform, predetermined rate of speed both uphill and downhill in order to produce a uniform application of paint. The paint machines shall be of the spray type, capable of satisfactorily applying the paint under pressure with a uniformity of feed through nozzles spraying directly upon the pavement. Each machine shall be capable of applying three separate stripes, either solid or skip, in any specified pattern by utilizing 3 adjacent spray nozzles at the September, 1990 50 same time. Each paint tank shall be equipped with a mechanical agitator. Each nozzle shall be equipped with satisfactory cutoff valves which will apply broken or skip lines automatically. Each nozzle shall have a mechanical bead dispenser that will operate simultaneously with the spray nozzle and distribute the beads in a uniform pattern at the rate specified. Each nozzle shall also be equipped with suitable line guides consisting of metallic shrouds or air blasts. Gleaning equipment shall consist of the necessary brushes, brooms, scrapers, grinders, high pressure water jets and air blasters required to satisfactorily remove all foreign matter, from the surfaces: to be painted, without damage to the underlying pavement. The traveling traffic stripe painter shall also be equipped with paint meters which will indicate the amount of paint dispensed from each tank. Small, portable applicators or other special equipment may also be required. END OF SECTION September, 1990 51 C C — u O n ab C J V 0 0 d - K 13! ME O QjZ q3 OQQ .i o .. p ai th c m Q. cz oc, p Q 05 3 E .j a o o y q) -)C ca � � COQ• CSO ' Ls.QyC� o � lU (t aci w k� CZt LLo mlU Cj �p Q]m a LLC-3Ly � .E � � qS i im y Q a, %PL Q Q Q m ZZq)93 Q E a� � 4 �� o 0 0 0 a o D c►3 ZZ :Z- Q o �O lb 0 0 a c � � J O m a� Plate 9. L 0 Z O 0 h O 0 n C `�• as `gym C� C ` O ~ v y O,c.ev o e C �m p Q w •c a "� 'th c e E o� a� c •a .o O W z Q �J .J 4t L m -m L N m 3 FEZ CZcz m .O v h C V �� c o C v LLJ t3 1 c v C5 O C v v Z v ok cri c c W 6Qz Q Qc w3 m y � L O ,q E C p o o f � O tT v o .° o C a � U a� q3 m o q3 Q X RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS A. DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of furnishing and placing Raised Pavement Markers of the type specified on the Plans at locations shown, or where directed by the Engineer. The markers shall conform to the shape, dimensions, and tolerances shown on the Plans. B. MATERIALS All materials shall meet the requirements of the following Standards: The markers shall comply with the requirements of the State of Texas Departmental Material specification D9-4200, "Pavement Markers (Reflectorized)", and the adhesion requirements of Test Method Tex 611-3. Adhesive shall conform to the Item, "Epoxy"; and/or "Bituminous Adhesive". Marker types. Pavement markers shall be of the following types: Type I -A shall contain one face that reflects amber light and the body other than the reflective face shall be yellow. Type I -C shall contain one face that reflects white light and the body other than the reflective face shall be white, silver white or light gray. Type I -R shall contain one face that reflects red light and the body other than the reflective face shall be white, silver white or light gray. The body may be one-half red on the side which reflects red light. Type II -A -A shall contain two reflective faces each of which shall reflect amber light and the body other than the reflective faces shall be yellow. Type II -C-R shall contain two reflective faces, one of which reflects white light and one of which reflects red light; the body other than the reflective faces shall be white, silver white or light gray or may be one-half white, silver white or light gray on the side that reflects white light and one-half red on the side that reflects red light. The reflective faces of the Type II markers shall be located so that the direction of reflection from one face shall be directly opposite the direction of reflection of the other face. September, 1990 52 C. EQUIPMENT All equipment necessary for the placement of markers shall be clean and, if applicable, in proper mechanical condition before construction is initiated. If epoxy is to be hand mixed, all containers and stirring devices (paddles, propellers for drills, etc.) shall be clean before mixing is begun. Mechanical automatic mixing equipment shall be maintained in a sound mechanical condition, and the mixing head shall be cleaned whenever the steady progress of the work is halted for any extended period of time. The allowable down, time will be dependent on the pot life of the adhesive system being used. The automatic mixing device shall be equipped in such a manner that the separate components are delivered to the mixing head in a one to one ratio by volume. The lines feeding the mixing head shall be equipped with suitable valves that will allow samples to be taken for checking the ratio of each component. All equipment necessary for the melting, stirring, and dispensing of bituminous adhesive shall be clean, in proper mechanical condition, and conform to the Bituminous Adhesive manufacturer's requirements. D. INSTALLATION Markers shall be cemented to the pavement surfaces with an epoxy resin adhesive conforming to either Type I -R, Type I -S Epoxy, or a bituminous adhesive conforming to the appropriate specification. Markers shall be spaced as shown on the Plans. Type I -R shall be used when the pavement temperature is above 50 degree F., or when traffic conditions require a rapid setting system. Type I -S shall be used when the pavement temperature is above 60 degree F. and traffic conditions permit a slower setting system. Bituminous adhesive shall be used when the pavement temperature is above 50 degree F. or when traffic conditions require a rapid setting material. Markers shall not be placed over joints in rigid pavements or when the pavement temperature is below 50 degree F. The portion of the highway surface on which the marker and adhesive are to be placed shall be free of dirt, curing compound, grease, oil, paint, moisture, loose or unsound layers, or other material which would impair the bond between the adhesive and the roadway surface. cleaning shall be done by either sandblasting or grinding equipment, and the resulting dust removed before placing the marker. Air lines shall be deposited on the road surface. When practical, a waiting period of 60 to 90 days should be allowed before markers are placed on newly constructed asphaltic concrete pavements. When epoxy adhesive is used it shall be furnished as two separate components. Immediately prior to use the individual components shall be thoroughly redispersed by stirring which separate paddles. Any material showing a permanent increase in viscosity or any settling of pigments, filler or thixotropic additives that cannot September, 1990 53 be redisper,sed readily shall be rejected. After the separate components have been agitated, the two components shall be mixed in a one to one ratio and thoroughly blended until a uniform color, without streaks is obtained. Unless otherwise specified, the temperature of bath components shall be from 60 degrees F. to 80 degrees F. at the time of mixing. Any heating of the components shall be done by the application of indirect heat in such a manner as to avoid the possibility of locally overheating and, decomposing the material. No adhesive shah be heated above 120 degrees F. The adhesive shall be placed uniformly on thecleaned pavement or on the bottom of the marker in a quantity sufficient to result in complete coverage of the contact area of the marker. The marker shall be placed in position and pressure applied until firm contact is made with the pavement. A slight bead, of epoxy adhesive shall be extruded from underneath all edges of the marker after it has been placed on the pavement. Any adhesive on the face of the marker or any excessive bead of adhesive which obscures the face of the marker shall be removed. No thinners or solvents shall be used .for cleaning epoxy adhesives from the pavement markers. The markers shall be placed between the time of mixing of the epoxy system and the termination of the pot life of the system. Due to the influence of environmental factors on the pot life of a system, the allowable pot life shall be designated by the Engineer. However, in any case, no mixed system shall be utilized after it has acquired a partial set and does not readily extrude around the perimeter of the marker when the marker is pressed into place on the roadway surface. when an approved fast setting epoxy system is used, the separate components shall be mixed by a two -component type automatic mixing and extrusion apparatus, and the markers shall be placed immediately after the epoxy system has been mi_,ed and extruded. When bituminous adhesive is used it shall he furnished in approximately 30 -pound cubes, which are to be heated in an oil jacketed malting pot. The bituminous adhesive shall be maintained at the manufacturer's recommended temperature during placement of the markers. Bituminous adhesive which has been heated above 450 degrees F. shall be discarded.. The bituminous adhesives shall be placed uniformly on the cleaned pavement in a quantity sufficient to result in complete coverage of the contact area of the marker. The marker shall be placed in position and pressure applied until firm contact is made with the pavement. A slight bead of adhesive shall be extruded from underneath all edges of the marker after it has been placed on the pavement. Any adhesive on the face of the marker or any excessive bead of adhesive which obscures the face of the marker shall be removed. The marker shall be placed before the bituminous adhesive September, 1990 54 cools to the point that it does not readily extrude around the perimeter of the marker when the marker is pressed into place on the roadway. EMD OF SECTION September, 1990 55 c Q M 0 0 q) .c J 0 0 0 Plate /O. I I Q 0 0 0 0 ,•i 0 0 ob C -1 CZ 0 J q) n o Q 0 O h N.' t I n I 1� c b Q 5 L'i �I SUBSURFACE INTERCEPTOR DRAIN A. DESCRIPTION (1) Geocomposite interceptor drains shall be installed as directed by the Engineer in areas where subsurface drainage is saturating the subgrade soils. (2) The geocomposite drain shall be used in subsurface drainage applications for pavement edge drains, or retaining wall drains as indicated on the drawings. The geocomposite drain shall provide long term performance with high water removal ability utilizinci non -blocking geotex-tile with a high density, flexible polyethylene. _core . B. MATERIALS (1) POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) DRAIN PIPE a. PVC gravity drain pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM 3034. The pipe shall be jointed with an integral bell, ball and spigot type rubber Basketed joint. Gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477 and joilxts shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D3212. (3) GEOCOMPOSITE a. The geocomposite will be a composite of cuspated plastic care formed from high density polyethylene. The core will have a minimum crush strength of 20 psi. The overall thickness of the core will be 1-1/2" (* 1/8") and the spacing of the crowns of the cuspations (wavelength) will be. 2" when measured along the longitudinal rows. The core will be formed so that the formed protrusions (cusps) are present on, both sides of the core, and shall be egt;ally formed so that water carrying capacity is essentially the same on both sides. The width of the geocomposite drain will be as shown on the project drawings. b. The polyethylene core will be fully overwrapped with a ge.otextile meeting or exceeding properties specified below. C. The longitudinal overlapped fabric seam will be continuously glued at the point of manufacture. September, 1990 56 (3) GEOTEXTILE a. The geotextile shall be a nonwaven fabric consisting of continuous chain polymeric filaments or yarns of polyester, formed into a stable network by needle punching. The fabric shall he inert to commonly encountered chemicals; hydrocarbons, mildew and rot resistant, resistant to ultraviolet light exposure, insect and rodent resistant, and conform to the properties in the following table. The average roll minimum value (weakest principle direction) for strength properties of any individual roll tested from the manufacturing lot or lots of a particular shipment shall be in excess of the average roll minimum value (weakest principle direction) stipulated herein. h. Test Requirements: Physical Properties Average Rall Minimum Value (Weakest Principle Direction)" Grab Tensile Strengths* 190 ASTM D1682 (Lbs.) Elongation at Failures* 70 ASTM D1682 (`n) Mullen Burst Strength 270 ASTM D3726 (PSI) Permittivity: gal/min/ft(2) 110 Equivalent (Apparent) Opening Size (U.S. Standard Sieve No.) CW -02215 U.S. Std. Sieve No. not less than 70 Tapezoid Tear Strengths* 80 ASTM 1117 (Lbs.) Puncture Strength 00 ASTM D751 (modified) (Lbs.) Vertical Water Flow (gpm/f+2)(5inches 115 constant head) (4) PACKAGING AND IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS a, The geocomposite and geote the shall be provided in rolls wrapped with protective covering to protect the fabric I rom maid, dirt, dust, and debris. Both materials shall be free of defects or flaws which September, 1990 57 significantly affect its physical properties. Each roll of geocomposite and geotextile in the shipment shall be labeled with a number or symbol to identify that production run. (5) SAMPLING AND COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS a. A competent laboratory must be maintained by the producer of the materials at the point of manufacture to insure quality control in accordance with ASTM testing procedures. That laboratory shall maintain records of its quality control results and provide, upon request of the Engineer prior to shipment, a manufacturer's certificate. The certificate shall include: (1) Name of manufacturer (2) Chemical composition (3) Product description (4) Statement of compliance to specification requirements. (5) signature of legally authorized official attesting to the information required. C. INSTALLATION (1) Installation of the geocomposite subsurface interceptor drain will be by direct burial in a trench with a minimum excavation width of 411. The backfill material will be typical concrete sand. Clay may not be used as the backfill material and must be replaced with sand. Sharp stones are not permitted. Granular backfills will be tamped to eliminate voids and to prevent settlement. (2) Joining ends of geocomposite drain material will be accomplished by slitting the geotextile on the wide part of the drain for a distance of 3 inches - 4 inches". Roll back the geotextile on both ends to be joined, overlap and interlock the core for a distance of 3" minimum. The geotextile is then rolled back over the core and fully overlapped, then all seams are glued and taped with high quality, heavy duty polymeric tape. Absolute care must be taken to tape all open seams to prevent soil entering the drain. (3) Drain spacing and outletting shall be located as requested by the Engineer. Outlets will be constructed using PVC pipe that has been slotted to receive the full width of the geocomposite material, which is pushed into a 1-1/2" wide slot in the pipe. Overlap the geotextile as shown in the details, glue and tape joints leaving no openings for soil to enter the drain. Cap the vertical PVC pipe section, then connect the bottom of this terminal piece to an elbow for assembly of the outlet drain. (4) Place two pieces of geotextile on top and bottom overlapping each other as shown on the detail. Glue and tape all joints and ;seams with manufacture recommended glue and tape. September, 1990 58 (5) handling, storage and backfilling will be in accordance with the geocomposite material manufacturer's instructions and will be such as to insure no damage to the core or geote<tile; and that all joints and seams are sewed to prevent soil entering the drain. D. LAYING PIPE Pipe shall be laid in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This includes making sure that the bell and spigot is clean, and that the spigot is inserted the prescribed amount to allow for expansion and contraction due to the temperature change. Joint lubrication shall be used as recommended. E. CONCRETE STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS (1) where PVC pipe extends into an existing drainage structure wall, a form of special wall fitting must be provided as leakage around the pipe through the wall connection will not be acceptable. P ring water stop as an integral part of the wall fitting or a comparable water stop shall be provided in the form of one of the f011owing: a. Structure couplings providing elastomeric gasket seal with coupling grouted into structure wall and pipe inserted into coupling. b. Waterstop in the form of flexible boot or sleeve or rubber O-ring gasket grouted or locked into structure wall and pipe inserted into waterstop. (2) Geocomposite subsurface interceptor drain pines shall connect to storm drain, inlet, or a location approved by the Engineer. ENT} OF SECTION September, 1990 59 I %2" 6" Portland Cement Concrete I/8"Slope � I/2 "R #3 Bars to 2„R ,¢� ,: r � r Top So ll r � #3 Bars ` Select Backfill 11t -e N Material Geocomposite Drain l q Note Geocomposite Interceptor Drain Shall Be Installed As Directed By The Engineer In Areas Where Subsurface Drainage Is Saturating The Subgrode Soils. T YP/CAL PA VEMEN7” SUBSURFACE INiERCEPrOR DRAIN Not To scale Plate //.I Cut Fabric As Shown On Opposite Edges And Fold Back Geocomposite Drain Material Peeled Back Fabric Lapped Around P.V.C. Drain Pipe /P2" Geocomposite Drain 1112")(24"510 Cut In PVC. Pipe Folded Back Fabric Cut B Dispose End Section Glue And Tape Full Length Of Fabric Joint W/Polymeric Tape .Insert Geocomposite Materia I AYainst Inside Wal/ Of 4 Drain Pipe ��-'— 4 "Overlap Glue And Tape Geotextile Fabri c ToP V. C. Pipe 4 "SDR 35 W/Polymeric rape P.VC. Pipe 17EOCOMPOSI rE OUTLEr DRAIN CONNECT'/ON PLAN Not To Scale Plate I/.2 .2 Pieces Of Geotextile Fabric 24"x 36"Min. Each For Overlapping Outlet Drain Connection 12 " Min. I `Geocomposite Drain Glue And Tape Fabric Joints And Edges W/Polymeric Tape P. VC. Cap 3 "Min. Lap Fabric Glue And Ta) Joint W/Polymeric Tape Top Piece Of Geotextile Tc Lap Over Bottom Fabric Pie fi"Min. 4 "SDR 35 P V. C. Drain Pipe To Curb Inlet GE'OCOMPOSME OUiLEr ®RAIN CONNECT)®N EL EVA 7-10N Not To Scale Plate 11.3 3 18"Concrete Curb 8 Gutter Pavers Top Of Concrete I "Sand Bedding Curb B Gutter Coarse h) h � Integral Curb Reinf. Concrete Paving J c #3 Bars (4) Stabilized Subgrade 20"C/C TYPICAL CONCRETE PAVER DETAIL Not To Scale Reinf. Concrete Paving 8 Concrete Curb 8 Gutter --� 3 %8" Concrete Pavers /" Sand Bedding Coarse P-6 6 " Stabilized Subgrade 1* 4 Def. Tie Bars # 3 Bors Ca) 20 "CIC 2'- 6"L on @q 2'- 6 " Can ters TYPICAL CONCRETE PAVER/CURB DETAIL No t To Sca /e Plate /2.l /r_ 6r1 1112 " /01/2 It ,) 0 2" TYPICAL CURE AND MUTTER Not To Scale F 7®YPICA L CURD DETAIL Not To Scale Plate /2. 2 //2 "R l - #3 0 Cont. W/#-3 0 ivpports @ 4 O "O.C. Typ. 'onc. Pavement 3►► I/2"R 3 Bars On 20 CIC 2" TYPICAL CURE AND MUTTER Not To Scale F 7®YPICA L CURD DETAIL Not To Scale Plate /2. 2 //2 "R l - #3 0 Cont. W/#-3 0 ivpports @ 4 O "O.C. Typ. 'onc. Pavement XII SOLID CONCRETE INTERLOCKING PAVERS A. DESCRIPTION (1) The following specifications shall control the installation of solid concrete interlocking paving stones at intersections and crosswalks. Mork shall consist of all labor, materials, equipment and accessories required for installation of sand laying course, interlocking concrete pavers and all edge restraints over concrete paving sub -surface. E. MATERIALS (1) Paving stones shall meet all requirements of ASTM C936-82, and shall be a minimum thickness of 3 1/8" (3 cm) thick. Compressive strength shall be a minimum 8000 psi. Portland cements shall conform to ASTH 0150. The average absorption rate shall not be greater than 5" Calor and design shall be as selected by owner. (") The sand laying course shall be well graded, clean, washed, sharp sand with 100% passing a 3/S" sieve size and a maximum of 3`0 passing a No. 200 sieve size. DO NOT USE MASON SAND for laying course. Clean masonry sand may be used as joint filler sand, over finish paver stone surface. (3) All edges of the installed paving stone shall be restrained,. In the longitudinal direction the concrete curb and gutter shall be the edge restraint. In the transverse direction the concrete paving shall be the edge restraint. C. INSTALLATION (1) The installation of the sand laying course and lay of solid interlocking concrete paver stones shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved by engineer prior to beginning installation. Minimum requirements shall be as indicated on the details included. END OF SECTION September, 1990 60 SANITARY SEWED LINES AND APPURTENANCES A. DESCRIPTION This section contains design standards for materials used in the construction of sanitary sewer lines. The intent of the standards is to indicate the minimum standard of quality to be met by the materials used and work done in the installation and completion of sewer limes and appurtenances. Better or a higher quality of material may be used where the quality specified is not available and written approval is obtained. No added compensation for such substitution will be allowed without prior written approval. The phrase "approved equal" contained in these standards shall mean written approval by the Engineer representing the Trophy Club Municipal Utility Districts. B. MATERIALS (1) Vitrified Clay Pipe - a. All vitrified clay pipe shall meet ASTM Designation 0261 specifications for standard and ASTM Designation 0278 for extra strength vitrified clay pipe respectively. Standard strength pipe may be used up to 12 feet of cover. Over 12 feet of cover, extra strength clay pipe shall be installed. Over 16 feet shall require special approval by the Engineer representing the Trophy Club municipal Utility Districts. b. Vitrified clay pipe joints shall have resilient properties and conform to the current ASTH Specification C425 for factory -made compression type joint on vitrified pipe company of Mineral Wells, Texas or approved equal, (2) P.V.C. or Plastic Pipe All P.V.C. or plastic pipe shall be a minimum of S.D.R. 35, A.B.S. or P.V.C. solvent weld or rubber ring joints will be allowed. Joint tightness of 25 psi for one. (1) hoer will be required. (3) Ductile Iron Pipe Ductile ton pipe used in sanitary sewer lines shall conform to class 50 of the following standards: .ASA A21.3, ASA A21.6, and ASA A21.11 unless pressurized. Ductile shall be Class 51. (4) Pressure Lines and Siphons September, 1990 61 P.V.C. pipe may be used in pressure lines and inverted siphons where the pipe is filled with liquid at all times or as noted on the plans. It shall conform to S.D.R. 13 or as designated on the plans. C. JOINTING (1) Joints of pipe shall conform to,, ASTM Designation C425-77 for compression joints for vitrified clay bell and spigot pipe and ASA A21.11, AWWA 0111 for rubber gasket joints for other pipe and. fittings. (7) Joints shall sustain a maximum limit of 500 gallons per inch of diameter per day per mile when field tested by actual infiltration conditions. If exfiltration testing is required or necessary, the joints shall perform equally well, except that an allowance of an additional ten (10) percent of gallonage shall be permitted for each additional two --foot head over a basic two -foot minimum internal head. (3) All pipe joints shall meet the requirements set forth; however, the whole of a section of serer, such as that part between consecutive manholes, or some similar increment of distance, shall be considered when measuring infiltration-exfiltration results, rather than the results obtained by observing a single joint. All known joint leakage shall be repaired. D. TRENCHING Trench sides shall be as near vertical as possible. Trenches for sanitary sewer pipe lines shall be straight from manhole except where curves or anglepoints are provided on the plans. The bottom of the trench shall be excavated no lower than necessary to provide for embedment material below the pipe. where such excavation is made, the fill back to grade shall be mechanically compacted to the density of the adjacent material. Where trench is made more than 18 inches (46 cm) wider than the outside diameter of the pipe provision shall be made to protect the pipe from backfill load by using embedment as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. E. PIPE LAYING The pipe shall be laid to line and grade as designated by the Engineer. Pipes may be lined by eye in the trench finless the pipe layer can not maintain a straight line to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer may require a straight line along the side of the pipe. Each length of pipe as it is laid shall be checked from a gradeline or laser above the trench.. The pipe layer shall take all care in malting joints in order to make each joint tight. Leakage tests shall be rigidly enforced. September, 1990 62 F. EMBEDME14T Embedments shall conform to the Town of Trophy Club Municipal Utility Districts appurtenance details and specifications. G. SERVICE COTINECTIONS Where service connections are made to new sewer mains, the connection shall be made with a wye connection installed as the line is laid with the opening point upgrade, and to the side. The wye and bend shall be supported in concrete. The wye and service line shall be installed in the same manner specified above. H. MANHOLES On lines up to 24 inches inside diameter, the manholes shall be -four (4) feet inside diameter. on pipe larger than 24 inches inside diameter, the manholes shall be twice the diameter inside as the largest pipe connected to it. Manholes shall be water tight; constructed of concrete and may be prefabricated, or monolithic concrete. Details of standard of drop manholes shall be as shown on the plans. Grade adjustments shall be brick or prefabricated grade rings. I. MANHOLE CASTINGS Manhole rinds and covers shall be gray iron castings boldly filleted at angles and the corners and edges shall be sharp and perfect. The castins shall be true to pattern form in dimensions, free from cracks, sponginess, blowholes, or other poring faults affecting their strength and free from burnt sand and shall be reasonably smooth. Runners, riser, fins, and other cast -on pieces shall be removed from the surface. Paved areas will require a 400 --pound manhole ring. Non --paved areas will require a 300 -pound ring. END OF SECTION September, 1990 63 XIV - A WATER LINES AND APPURTENANCES A. DESCRIPTION This section contains the design standards for materials used in the construction of grater lines. The intent of the design standards is to indicate the minimum standard of quality to be met by the materials used and work done in the installation and completion of water lines and appurtenances. Better or higher quality of materials may be used where the quality specified is not available and upon approval of the Engineer representing the Trophy Club Municipal Utility Districts. No added compensation for such substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Engineer. The term "approved equal" shall mean prior written approval by the Engineer representing the Trophy Club Municipal Utility Districts. All references to standards shall mean the latest edition of that standard. B. MATERIALS (1) Ductile Iron Pipe This material Standard covers the furnishing and coating of ductile iron pipe for use in water and sewer projects as designated on project drawings. Unless specified otherwise, installation shall be governed by Section XIV --B. Except as otherwise specified herein, the pipe and fittings shall be fabricated in accordance with the Standard specifications of the American Water Works Association, as follows: a. ASA A21.4/AWWA 0104 "Cement-Motar Lining for Cast -Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe and fittings for Water". b. ASA. A21.6/AWWA 0106 "Cast -Iron Pipe Centrifugally Cast in Metal molds, for Water or Other Liquids". c. ASA A21.10/AWWA 0110 'Gray -Iron and Ductile -Iron Fittings, 2 Inch through 38 -Inch, for Water and Other Liquids". d. ASA A21.11/AWWA 0111 "Rubber Gasket ioints for Ductile - Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings". e. ASA A21/50/AWWA 0150 "Thickness Design of Ductile --Iron Pi pe" f. ASA. A21.51/AWWA 0151 "Ductile -Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Holds or Sand -Lined Molds, for Water or Other Liquids". All Ductile -iron pipe purchased under this Material standard shall be September, 1990 64 designed for Type 2 laying condition, thickness class 51, 12 feet of cover and iron grade 60--42-10 (60,000 psi tensile strength, 42,000 psi yield strength and minimum 10% elongation). (2) Ductile Iron Pipe, Lining, Coatings, Etc. Ductile iron pipe furnished under this standard shall provide a proper joint along any portion of the pipe barrel When reduced in length by field cut-offs. a. The entire length, of the pipe barrel shall be essentially true and concentric. The pipe manufacturer shall perform such random gauging of outside diameters along the pipe barrel as are necessary to properly control the pipe against mold imperfections or eliptical barrel shapes. b. The pipe barrel thickness tolerances required under ANSI Specification A211.51 shall be met. C. The full length of the pipe shall be cleaned prior to pipe barrel gauging and coating applications. d. All ductile iron pipe shall have a "Standard Outside Coating" (Bituminous, either coal -tai: or asphalt base) in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.6 (AWWA 0106) e. The pipe shall have a cement-motar lining conforming to the requirements for a "Standard Thickness Lining" as defined in ANSI Specification A21.4 (AWWA C104). A bituminous seal coat as specified in ANS A21.4 (AWWA 01.04). A bituminous seal coat as specified in ANSI Specification A21.4 shall also be required over the cement-motar lining. f. All with AN (3) Joint T Ductile iron pipe manufactured with joint type is not project plans and furnished. ductile iron pipe shall be marked in accordance SS Specification A2I.51. ypes For Ductile Iron Pipe purchased under this Material Standard shall be either "Push -on" or mechanical type joints. When specifically designated on purchase orders or specifications, "Push -on" joints shall be Both joint types shall be manufactured in full accordance with ANSI Specification A21.11 (0111) with the stipulation that the glands for mechanical joints be made of ductile iron and the mechanical joint belts and nuts be made of a corrosive --resistant steel alloy equal to Cor -Ten. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that under ANSI Standard A21.11, joint configurations shall be qualified for no leakage when September, 1990 65 hydrostatically tested to twice a minimum working pressure of 350 psi (700+ psi) in positions of axial alignment, and in positions of maximum design joint deflection. The joints shall also be tested under the conditions specified with the results stated while off -set laterally. It shall be noted here that cast iron requirements of these Design standards with the installation of ductile iron iron fittings and specials as well as shall be wrapped with polyethylene. (4) Tests and Reports fittings conforming to the shall be used in conjunction pipe. in general, all cast the ductile iron pipe installed a. Contractor requirements - when ductile iron pipe is furnished as part of a construction contract, the Contractor shall furn.ishL the Town with at least two copies, of the manufacturer's sworn test certificates in the form of test reports (see sub -paragraph c. below) which indicate that each run of pipe furnished has met specifications, that all control point inspections have been made, and that tests have been performed as required by ANS I specifications A21.51 and A21.11. certified test reports relating to ductile iron pipe furnished for contract installation must be supplied to the Engineer not later than two weeks after beginning construction, when the pipe is furnished by a company whose material of a similar nature has been previously approved by the Town, or prior to start of construction when the pipe is furnished by a company whose similar material has not previously been approved. b. Town Purchase Requirements - The manufacturer's certified test reports in the quantity and scope indicated in sub -paragraphs a. and c., must be furnished by the supplier for all pipe purchased directly by the Town. Certification records shall have the Engineer's approval before final payment will be rude. C. Manufacturer's Certification - Each manufacturer's certified test report shall include a statement, either written or graphic or a combination of both, which clearly indicates the methods and procedures used to derive the inspection, test or laboratory data reported. The certified test report data shall reflect chemical composition of each melt used in the pipe manufacture and shall contain, as a minimum, representative data indicating compliance with specified controls of the following requirements: 1. ,joint qualification 2. Tensile strength September, 1990 66 3. Yield strength 4. Notched Charpy tests, 5. Pipe barrel thickness dimensions See XIV-A,D.:, above and ANSI Specification A21.11. Stich joint qualification may be by similarity, provided the manufacturer requalifies joints in all sizes specified at regular and sufficient intervals to assure the integrity of all molds and processes used to manufacture the pipe. However, joints found to lean in field installations shall be sufficient grounds for the Engineer to disqualify joints and reject pipe, if he so chooses. (5) Rejection The failure of any ductile iron pipe sample to meet the minimum inspection or test requirements provided in ANSI Standards A21.51 and A21.11, or the amended requirements specified in this Material standard, shall be cause for mandatory rejection of ductile iron pipe represented by the sample, and such rejected pipe shall not be supplied as part of the order. Should any ductile iron pipe be shipped that is represented by a sample evidencing sub -standard inspection or test data, the Contractor ( or supplier in the case of Town purchase) shall be required to provide acceptable substitute pipe and shall absorb all costs associated with the exchange. Should local inspection or field operation reveal that the ductile iron pipe does not meet this Material Standard requirements, the pipe shall be rejected, and the Contractor and supplier, as applicable shall replace the ductile iron pipe with acceptable pipe at no additional cost to the Town. (G) Fittings Ductile iron fittings shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C110- 82 (ANSI A21.10-1982) designed for a working pressure of not Jess than 150 psi. (7) Service Lines All service lines shall meet AWWA Standard C800, Type "KII copper (ASTM 88) shall be used for sizes 3/4 inches through 2 inches. Larger services shall conform to water main specifications contained herein. Service saddles to be all bronze or approved equal and shall be used on service sizes over 1 inch and through 2 inches. Fittings shall be of red brass conforming to AST%I E62, being 85% copper and 5% each of lead, tin, and zinc. Thread form for the inlet end of the corporation stop shall be American rational Taper Pipe threads. Dimensions of all threads shall conform to details given in AWWA standard for underground service line fittings AWWA 0800-E6. No joining of copper service lines shall be permitted where the joint will be under pavement, (8) Iron Pipe Protection September, 1990 67 Protection of iron pipe shall conform to AWWA Standard 0105. Ductile encased, as it is placed, in a loose sleeve or 8 mil polyethelene 66 plastic. Where the sleeve i, not practical to install, a sheet overlapping one half of the circumference of the pipe, tied or taped in place to give 100% coverage of the pipe, valve fittings, and lineup to fire hydrants, shall be used. (9) Pretensioned Concrete Lined Cylinder Pipe a. For all pipe diameters greater than 12 inches reinforced concrete cylinder pipe shall be used. b. Concrete cylinder pipe, pretensioned reinforcement, shall comply with the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard C-301 and C-308, latest edition. C. The pipe manufacturer shall have had a successful experience record in the design and manufacture of concrete cylinder pipe and shall have had a substantial footage of pipe of similar size and with the same joint as offered for this project in successful operation for at least five (5) years. All pipe and fittings shall have be designed for the worsting pressure or classes and the external load shown on the plans. (10) P.V.C. Pipe Polyvinyl chloride pipe for water main use shall meet AWWA standard C-900. Sizes 6 inches, 8 inches and 10 inches shall be Class 200 (DR 14), larder sizes shall be minimum Class 150 (DR 18). Outside diameters small conform to that of ductile iron pipe. C. GATE VALUES FOR ORDINARY WATER WORKS SERVICE Resilient seat (wedge) gate valves which are to be installed as shown on the drawings shall coliform strictly to the AWWA Standard Specifications for Gate valves, AWWA 0500-71. Unless otherwise specified, all gate valves shall have non -rising stems and shall turn counter -clockwise to open. Valves shall have wrench nuts for operation unless otherwise specified. In the event the top of the operating art€t is more than six (61) feet deep from the existing ground elevation, valve stem extensions shall be furnished by the Contractor to bring the operating nut to within three (31) feet of the existing ground level. No separate payment shall be made for furnishing and installing the necessary valve stem extensions, but will be considered subsidiary to the unit price bid for the valve. All valves shall be for vertical installation. September, 1990 68 D, AIR VALVES The Contractor shall furnish and install air release valve assemblies at locations and as shown on the drawings. The assembly shall include air valve, gate valve, main line flanged outlet, vault, etc., as shown on the drawings. Air valves shall be for heavy duty use and shall be of the combination -type to exhaust air when line is filling and allow air to enter when the line drains. The valves shall be APCO "Heavy -Duty„ combination Air Release Valves, Madel No. 1450.1 for two (211) inch, Model No. 1470.1 for three (311) inch, 1490.1 flanged for four (411) inch, and 1510.1 flanged for eight (8") inch, or an approved equivalent. Valves shall have stainless steel floats and ductile iron bodies, with an interior coating of rust inhibitor. Gate valves for isolating the air valves shall be as specified elsewhere in these standards. Air valve vaults shall be as shown on the drawings. Concrete shall be 3000 psi unless otherwise shown on the details. Payment for two (2") inch, three (31E) inch, four (411) inch and eight (E") inch air valves shall include all labor and materials, including the required gate valves, necessary to make the complete installation, including vaults. E. VALVE BOXES AND COVER Valve boxes and covers shall be of cast iron of three pieces, base housing, extension hollow shaft, and cover. The cover shall have the word "WATER" cast in raised letters in its upper surface. Boxes furnished shall be adjustable and the extension hollow shaft shall have a 5 inch minimum diameter to readily admit a valve wrench. Boxes shall be required on all valve locations and shall be adjusted to proper grade when cleanup work is done. After adjustment to proper grade, the upper 4 inch of the box shall be set in concrete forming a square 2 foot g 2 foot. All valve boxes shall be compatible with the Tyler standard 5 1/4 inch drop lid. F. FIRE. HYDRANTS (1) Fire hydrants shall meet AWWA C502 specifications. (2) Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Improved Centurion, or approved equal, and: a. open left (counterclockwise) b. Have G inch ductile iron pipe inlet with not less than 5 1/4 inch net valve opening. C. Equipped with two hose nozzles with 2-1/2 inch National Standard Thread, and one pumper nozzle with a 4 inch National Standard Thread. d. Have flanged, swivel, or slip joint with harnessing lugs for restrained joints. e. Have tapered pentagon operating nut, 1-1/4 inch point to face at the base and 1-1/3 inch point to face at the top of the nut. September, 1990 69 (3) All fittings and valves used on fire hydrant installation shall utilize a flanged, mechanical or other approved restraining joint from the main liII9 to the connection at the hydrant. Hydrant leads shall be of polywrap ductile (Class 51) or Class 200 P.V.C. pipe (that portion between the valve and fire hydrant). 68 (4) Hydrants shall be of the compression -type which close with the pressure and sl -}all be so designed as to provide for two drain ports that are an integral part of the main valve assembly and work automatically when the hydrant is operated. The main valve shall remain closed without loss of water in the even of an accidental removal of the top. The barrel shall be provided with a safety flange assembly located at a point approximately 2!1 above the ground line, and shall consist of a two-piece stem and two-piece barrel. The safety flange assembly and stem shall be designed to preferentially break in the event of a lateral. impact. (5) Hydrants shall be of the dry -top design with all wonting parts and operating threads sealed away from the water in any Position. 13011 ring seal packing shall be used to prevent water and oil leakage between the barrel and dry top of the hydrant. The stem shall be bronze lined where it passes through the „011 ring seals. A lubrication system shall be provided whereby oil is stared in a reservoir and all bearing surfaces are completely force lubricated by the normal operation of the hydrant and oil can be added without the removal of the hydrant bonnet. (6) Hydrants shall be designed so that regular maintenance, including the installation of extension sections, may be performed above the ground with no excavation necessary and, by means of swivel flange, face the hydrant nozzles in any desired position. (7) Iron castings shall be made from a superior quality of iron with even grain and shall possess a tensile strength of not less than 32,000 pounds per square inch. Bronze castings shall be made from bronze having a tensile strength of not less than 30,000 pounds per square inch. END OF SECTION September, 1990 70 XIV - E INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS A. DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, materials, and appurtenances to make the installation and perform the work in a workmanlike manner. AWWA C--600, C503 standards shall apply. E. ALIGNMENT AND GRADE (1) The water main shall be laid and maintained to the required line and grade with fittings, valves and hydrants at the required locations; spigots centered in bells and all valve and hydrant stems plumb. €21 Whenever obstructions not shown on the plans are encountered during the progress of the work and interfere to such an extent that an alteration in the plan is required, the Engineer shall have the authority to change the plans and order a deviation from the line and grade. Utility or service lines broken in the process of construction shall be repaired and service restored. (3) No ornamental shade or forest trees shall be cut without written permission of the Engineer. In general where trees are encountered, the Contractor will be required to tunnel under them. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to adjacent trees, plants, shrubbery, etc. Where culverts, concrete walks or curbs exist, under which the new water lines are to be laid, they shall be tunnelled in order to avoid injury to such structures. No extra compensation shall be paid for such work. Damages to such structures shall be the responsibility of the contractor. C. EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH The trench shall be dug so that the pipe can be laid to the alignment and depth required. No excavation shall be in excess of 300 feet from the end of the finished pipeline. The sides of the excavation shall be cut and maintained as nearly vertical as possible. D. PROPER DRAINAGE OF DITCH The excavated trench shall be so drained that the workmen may safely work therein and so that the presence of water shall not interfere with the proper construction of the water line. The Contractor shall have available at all times all necessary equipment in proper working order to dewater the trench. All water removed from excavations shall be disposed of in a manner approved by the. Engineer and shall, in no case, create unsanitary conditions, cause injury to persons or property, or damage the work in progress. Nor shall it interfere September, 1990 71 unduly with the use of streets, private driveways or entrances. The expense of pumping, bailing, draining, etc. shall be borne by the Contractor. E. BELL HOLES Bell holes shall be provided at each joint. F. PIPE FOUNDATION The trench shall be excavated to a depth so as to provide a uniform and continuous bearing and support for the pipe on sand embedment, as shown on the plans, at every point between bell holes. Ally part of the bottom of the trench excavated below the specified grade shall be corrected with approved material, thoroughly compacted as directed by the Engineer. Ledge rock, boulders and large stones shall be removed to provide a clearance of at least six (G) inches below and on each side of all pipe and, fittings. Where the bottom of the trench is found to be unstable or to include ashes, cinders, all types of refuse, vegetable or other organic material, which, is in the judgement of the Engineer should be removed, the contractor shall excavate and remove such unsuitable material to the width and depth determined by the Engineer. Before the pipe is placed, the subgrade shall be made by backfilling with an approved material thoroughly compacted as directed by the Engineer. G, BACKFILL LL Backfill is divided into two, major categories, embedment, and trench backfill material. (1) Embedment is the material upon which the pipe rests, and which covers sewer lines to a depth of (1') foot and water lines to a depth of six (G") inches. Embedment shall be composed of (a) six (G'=) inches of Crushed Limestone bedding material upon which the pipe rests and extends to the pipe spring line with the remaining portion of the embedment consisting of granular embedment, or (b) all granular embedment. Unless otherwise specified, sewer pipe embedment and large water rain pipe, 16 inches in diameter and larger, embedment shall consist of alternate (a) above. a. Trench Foundation Materials 1, Washed Gravel is a clean Mashed gravel ranging in size from 1 inch to 1!4, inch not to exceed. 10 of fines, or 5% of coarser materials. Washed gravel shall in no event contain in excess of 5% clay. 2. Ballast Mone is washed stone ranging fry n 3 -inch to 6 -inch in greatest dimension. 3. Crushed Limestone conforming to the requirements the Material Requirements of these Design standards may September, 1990 72 be used in lieu of washed gravel for Bret trench C0TIS UL€Ct10I3. b. Granular Emlb-ediment shall be defined as free flowing sandy material which contains no clay and is reasonably free of organic material and meets the following requirements: 1. Gradation: Sieve Size 271 ill 4 0 =200 °3 Retained 0 0--10 0-a0 95 nein. 2. Scil Resistivity: Material furnished for use as embedment for water mains must have a resistivity of not less than 5,000 ohms/cm3. 1t shall be subject to testing for compliance to this requirement at the time of delivery, and if not meeting this resistivity shall be removed from the project and disposed of at the Contractor's expense. 3. Granular embedment shall not form muck nor mud when wet. (2) Trench backfill material is material required to fill the trench from the top of the granular embedment to ground elevation or subgrade of a street. a. Street Backfill: crushed limestone will be used for trench backfill in finished streets. sand material obtained from an approved source consisting of durable particles, free of thin or elongated pieces, lumps of clay, soil, loam or vegetable matter and meets the following gradation may be used in lieu of crushed limestone for street backfill with the approval of the Engineer. Size Sieve Passing size Sieve Passing 100 "50 20-40 1C 60--100 1,�iioo 10-40 "200 0-10 Compaction shall be of 95% Proctor density. b. Trench Back -fill: Type B and C backfill for trenches shall meet the following requirements: September, 1990 73 Type Backfill B C MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Sandy Trench _ Gravel Excavation ROCK of rock by volume allowed regard -- less of trench width 50% 50 Greatest dimension of rock allowed in trenches a feet or Less in width 3 inch 3 inch of maximum allowable dimension rock to total backfill volume, regardless of trench width 3% 36 Greatest dimension of rock allowed in trenches greater than 4 feet in width. Total volume not to exceed 1% of backfill 6 inch 6 inch All rock must be reasonable uniform in distribution throughout the backfill material in order to be considered acceptable for use, regardless of the width of trench, in which the material is to be used. CLAY OR GUMBO % of backfill, by volume, of clay or gumbo lumps permitted, regardless of trench width 25% 25% Largest dimension of clay or gumbo lump in trenches 4 feet or less in width 6 inch 6 inch Largest dimension of clay or gumbo lump permitted in trenches greater than 4 feet in width. Total volume not to exceed 10 10 inch 10 inch All lumps must be reasonable uniform in distribution throughout the backfill material in order to be considered acceptable for use regardless of the width of trench in which the material is to be used. C. Additional backfill requirements when approved for use in streets: 1. Type B backfill a. Maximum liquid limit shall be 35 September, 1990 74 b. % or less of total volume shall pass Q00 sieve C. Maximum plastic index (PI) shall be 8 2. Type C backfill a. Material meeting requirements and having a PI of 8 or ,less shall be considered as suitable for compaction by jetting. b. Material meeting requirements and having a PI of 9 or more shall be considered for use only with mechanical compaction. C. Material shall be of such characteristic that it will stabilize without the use of lime or other similar additive and foam a suitable street sub- base material. d. Material unsuitable for use as Type C backfill shall be considered as spoil, and Type E backfill will be used. d. Alternate Allowable for Type C backfill 1. Type C: when Type C backfill material is not available in sufficient quantities from trench excavation, the Contractor may be allowed to bring in material which does not meet the requirements for Type B backfill if the following conditions are complied with. a. Engineer's approval must be obtained before being brought in and Used. b. Superior soil characteristics for use in street subgrades to that of excavated material being used on the project as Type C backfill material, but of lower quality than Type B. C. 35% or less of the total volume shall pass 1200 sieve. d. Soil characteristics that will stabili2e without the use of lime or other similar additives and form an acceptable street sub -base material. September, 1090 7J H. COMPACTION METHODS (1) General: Granular embedment, in all cases, shall be compacted. Compaction of embedment and backfill shall be accomplished either by jetting with water or by mechanical tamping, or by a combination of such methods, unless otherwise specified. (2) Compaction by Jetting: Compaction of any backfill material by flooding will not be permitted. After sufficient time has elapsed for the free moisture to be gone from the embedment material, the remaining bacl•_=ill shall be placed in layers, not exceeding three (3') feet in depth, and thoroughly settled by jetting with water. The water for compacting backfill in trenches will be available to the Contractor at the nearest fire hydrant. All such connections shall be properly maintained to prevent leakage, damage, interference with traffic, or unsightliness. The Contractor shall mate arrangements with the municipal Utility District to pay for this service. (3) Compaction by Tamping: After the free water has disappeared from the embedment material, material suitable for mechanical compaction may be used as backfill. If hand pneumatic tampers are used, the backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding three (31') inches, and thoroughly tamped in place. If heavier tampers are used, that is, operated by combustion engine, electric motor, or hydraulic cylinder, the thickness of the layers may be increased to a maximum of thirty (3011) inches, provided the required density is obtained. Such backfill shall be placed in uniform layers completely across the trench and compaction shall progress in an orderly and uniform manner. Utmost care must be taken with tamping in this manner to prevent injury to the pipe. If compaction by use of a sheep's foot roller is elected, the backfill shall be placed in lifts not exceeding eight (S") inches in thickness. I. BEDDING AND EMBEDMENT INSTALLATION (1) Sanitary Sewer Pipe, and Water Pipe 16 Inches and Larger: The initial bedding layer placed to receive sanitary sewer pipe or large water mains, 16" inches in diameter and larger, shall be crushed limestone conforming to Material Standards, the initial bedding layer shall be a minimum of six (6") inches thick which shall be brought up to a grade slightly higher than that required for the bottom of the pipe, and shall have recesses scooped out to receive the pipe bells. The pipe shall be placed on the initial bedding and brought to grade by tamping. Each pipe section shall have uniform bearing on the bedding for the length of the pipe, except immediately at the joint. Wedging or blocking up pipe will not be permitted. With the pipe set firmly on grade, bell holes shall be filled and the crushed limestone bedding material extended to the pipe spring line. Granular embedment material shall then be added to a compacted depth September, 1990 7G of six (G") inches above water mains or twelve (1211) inches above sewer pipe. (2) Water Distribution Pipe 12 inches and Less: Bedding and embedment for small water pipe (pipe diameters 12 inches or less) shall consist of embedment material conforming to the requirements of the Material Standard. This material shall extend from six (611) inches below the pipe, filling the trench to a compacted depth of six (G") inches above the pipe. (:1) Acceptable Trench Material: Where sand of a quality meeting the requirements for granular embedment is encountered in the trench excavation, it may be hauled and used alone the route of the trench. If the line is located in an easement, the Contractor must obtain the permission of the property owner before removing the material outside the limits of the property on which it is found to another location for installation. (4) Material Stockpiling: When excavated material is to be used as embedment, the material must be carefully segregated in stockpiles to prevent its becoming contaminated by unsuitable material. J. Th.E14CH BACKFILL 1. Paved Streets and Special Situations a. Paved streets: Trenches in the roadway of paved streets shall be backfilled with crushed limestone backfill compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density, and the 'top 9 inches shall be compacted to a minimum of 100% Standard Proctor Density. Trenches in the area between the roadway and the street right-of-way shall be backfilled as specified for Unpaved Streets below. b. Special Situations: in areas specifically designated in the plans and specifications, the entire trench shall be backfilled above the embedment material with crushed limestone backfill compacted to obtain a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density. in certain areas other than those delineated in the plans and specifications, such as driveways and similar traveled areas, the trench above granular embedment shall, at the direction of the Engineer, be backfilled with crushed limestone backfill compacted to achieve a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density. C. The Contractor shall obtain the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform soil density tests on all water and sanitary sewer trench backfill under existing or proposed pavement or gravel. surfacing September, 1990 77 and curbs and gutters, in Street R.O.W., Parking bots, Driveways and Emergency Accesses. Tests shall be performed at two (2) feet vertical intervals beginning at a level 2 feet above the top of all installed pipes and continuing to the top of the completed backfill, at intervals along the trench of not to exceed 2030 linear feet, to assure a minimum density of 95% Standard Proctor Density. Test reports shall be furnished to the Engineer upon completion of testing, as part of the qualification for acceptance of the installed pipe. The Municipal Utility Districts expects to perform unannounced spot checks of the compaction tests for verification and control purposes. The cast for the testing described herein shall be considered as subsidiary to the pipeline installation and no other compensation will be allowed. Any compaction tests performed by the Municipal Utility Districts as described above will be performed by the Municipal Utility Districts at their expense and will not be charged to the Contractor. However, the cost of providing access to the level of trench backfill to be tested will be a cost to the Contractor. (2) Type C Backfill: Excavated material used for Type C backfill must be mechanically compacted unless the contractor can furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the P.I. of the excavated material is less than 8. Such evidence shall be a test report from an independent testing laboratory and must include representative samples of soils in all involved areas, with a map showing the location and depth of the various test holes. (3) Unpaved Streets: a. General: Trenches in unpaved streets shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment with Type "C" backfill materials. When the required amount of Type "C" backfill material is not available from trench excavation, and at the direction of the Engineer, Type "B" materials shall be used. All backfill material shall be compacted to a minimum of 9Oo Standard Proctor Density by means of jetting, tamping, or a combination of such methods. b. Alternate Allowable: The Contractor may elect to haul in materials from sources outside the project to minimize or eliminate the possible need of tamping. Should the Contractor so elect, materials hauled in shall meet requirements of Type "B" backfill. c. Gravel Surfaced Streets: Trenches in gravel surfaced streets shall be backfilled as prescribed above for Unpaved Streets up to a point 9 inches below street surface. The top 9 inches of trench shall be backfilled with modified Type "A" of "flexible base" crushed September, 1990 78 limestone compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. (4) Paved Alleys: Trenches in paved alleys shall be backfilled as described for Paved Streets, (5) Unpaved Alleys: Trenches in unpaved alleys shall be backfilled as prescribed above for backfill of trenches in Unpaved Streets. (G) Gravel Surfaced Allays: Trenches in gravel surfaced alleys shall be backfilled as prescribed above for backfill of trenches in Gravel Surfaced Streets. (7) Locations Other Then Streets or Alleys: sinless otherwise specified in the Special Contract Documents, no density determinations will be made on backfill of trenches outside streets and alleys. Compaction shall be accomplished by jetting or other method acceptable to the Engineer and the entire construction area shall be left in a neat and orderly condition with excess material mounded over the trench.. After a length of time deemed by the Engineer to be suitable permit settlement of the trench surface, and prier to final acceptance of the project, the trench surface shall be brot:ght to a smooth grade, with a maximum crown of G inches to 1 foot. (8) Backfilling Around Structures: Excavation around structures shall be backfilled with excavated or other material (as required above, depending on location) to the elevation shown on the plans. The backfill material shall be placed in layers not exceeding four (41") inches in thickness, adding sufficient water to moisten the materials, and shall be compacted until the material is of the same density as the undisturbed earth in the walls of the excavated area around such structures. K. BLASTING No blasting will be allowed. L. SHEETING, SHORING AND BRACING See Town of Trophy Club design standard Section XVII "Trench Excavation Safety Protection". M. INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE No valve or other control on the existing system shall be operated for any purpose by the Contractor without supervision by the Engineer and the Town of Trophy Club Municipal utility Districts' representative. The Contractor shall operate all valves, hydrants, blowoffs, and curb close valves on any of the water lines, the Contractor will be required to give ample notice to customers before the water is shut off. September, 1990 79 'i. LAYING OF PIPE (1) Proper implements, tools and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. All pipe, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully delivered to the site and lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to water main materials, protective coating or lining. Upon no circumstance, shall water main materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. (2) The pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects and while suspended, be rung with a light hammer to detect cracks. All lumps, blisters and excess coating material shall be removed from the bell and spigot ends of each pipe and the inside of the bell or coupling, and outside of the spigot shall be wirebrushed and wiped clean and dry and free of all objectionable material before the pipe is laid. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. Each length of pipe shall be swabbed with a suitable swab before being placed. If the pipe -laying crew cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place without getting earth into it, the Engineer may require a heavy tightly woven canvas bag of suitable size be placed over each end and left in place until connection is ready to be made. wring laying operations, no debris, tools, clothing, or other material shall be placed in the pipe. After placing the length of the pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and forced home and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be secured in place with embedment material tamped under it. (3) At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Engineer. This provision shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. If water is in the trench, the seal shall remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry and in no case shall the pipe be used to drain the trench. (4) The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure, shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. The flame cutting of pipe by means of a torch, electric or oxyacetylene, or with a chisel or cold cut and sledge will not be permitted. (5) The pipe shall be laid with bell or coupling ends facing in the direction of laying, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. (G) Wherever it is necessary to deflect the pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid obstructions or plumb stems or on long radius curves, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that recommended by the manufacturer and shall be approved by the Engineer. September, 1990 SO 0. JOINTING No lead or cement joint material shall be permitted. Jointing of pipe shall be with self-sealing gasket of material meeting the requirements of AWWA CIII-72 standards or approved by the Engineer. P. CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE LAYING AND JOINTING (1) Concrete cylinder pipe, fittings, specials and valves are to be installed at locations shown on the plans. (2) Unless otherwise indicated, pipe in trenches shall be laid to the grade shown on the approved shop drawings. Each joint of pipe shall be laid on an even and uniform grade and to the elevations shown to avoid the requirements of additional special pipe and/or fittings. The grade line shown on the plans is -the invert or flow line of the pipe line. The Contractor shall establish the grade line in the trench or excavation from grade stakes established by the Engineer. Q. VALVE AND FITTING SETTING (1) Valves shall be located as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. (2) Valves, fittings, plugs, and caps shall be set and jointed on pipe in the manner heretofore specified for cleaning, laying and jointing pipe. Valves shall be carefully handed and lowered into position in such a manner as to prevent damage to any part of the valve. The valve shall be placed in proper position with the stem truly vertical. Valve bores shall be placed over all valves and shall not transmit shock or stress to the valve. The box shall he centered and plumb over the wrench nut of the valve and brought to grade during the cleaning up process. The upper 4 inches of each box shall be encased in a concrete square 2 feet X 2 feet in size. R. WET CONNECTION (1) where an existing water line, G inches or larger, is to be cut for the purpose of malting a tie-in, setting a valve or fitting, and it is necessary to drain the line, the operation will be considered a wet connection. The extension to any existing line which does not require cutting, but simply the removal of a plug or where tapping sleeves and valves are installed, will not be considered a wet connection even though it may be necessary to drain water from the existing lime. Wet connections shall require disinfecting to spe-�!ifications enumeri ed later in this document. (2) Price bid for wet connection shall include the cutting off of all valves and turning on the same valves when the operation is completed. This operation of the valves will not be done by the September, 1990 81 Municipal utility Districts forces, but will be done by the Contractor under the supervision of the Trophy Club Municipal Utility Districts. S. HYDROSTATIC TEST (1) Before final acceptance by the Town of Trophy Club, all water lines shall be filled with water from the distribution system of 'the Trophy Club municipal Utility Districts, and examined for leakage. Any leaks occurring must be repaired and left in an absolutely tight condition before being covered up. (2) In the event the Contractor elects to backfill the ditch before the pipes are filled with water and tested, he shall apply a hydraulic test pressure of not less than 750 pounds per square inch, and maintain same over a continuous period of not less than four hours. He shall furnish adequate and satisfactory equipment and supplies necessary to make such hydrostatic tests. Accurate measurement of the water added to the lines during the test shall be made and if the tests indicate a leakage in excess of a rate equal to fifty gallons per inch or nominal diameter of pipe per mile over 24 hours, then the Contractor will be required to find the leaks and eliminate them. S. STERILIZATI"ON DE WATER LINES AND FITTINGS (1) Water main sterilization shall be in accordance with AWWA Specification 601. The Contractor shall sterilize all gaskets, pipe lines, and appurtenances installed by him before they are put into service. sterilization shall be dome in the following manner: (2) All gasket material shall be dipped in a strong solution of HTH, or similar chlorine compound solution just before use in the pipe. (s) Prior to chlorination, the main shall be flushed as thoroughly as possible with the water pressure and outlets available. Each valved section of newly laid pipe shall be flushed independently. This shall be done after the pressure test and may be done either before or after the trench shall have been backfilled. METHODS: a. Chlorine Liquid or Gas b. Hypochlorite Solution c. Dry Hypochlorite (4) A chlorine gas -water mixture shall be applied by means of a solution -feed chlorinating device. The dry gas may be fed directly through proper devices for regulating the rate of flow and providing effective diffusion of the gas into the water within the pipe being treated. Chlorinating devices for feeding solutions of the chlorine gas or the gas itself must provide means for preventing the backflow of hater into the chlorine cylinder. September, 1990 82 (5) On approval by the Engineer, a mixture of water and chlorine bearing compound of known chlorine content may be substituted as an alternate for liquid chlorine. (G) The point of application shall be at the point of filling of the pipeline extension, or any valved section of its, and through a corporation stop inserted in the top of the newly laid pipe. The water injector for delivering the chlorine -bearing solation into the pipe should be supplied from a tap on the pressure side of the elate valve controlling the flow into the pipeline e�_tension. (7) As a joint of clean pipe is laid and just prior to the laying of the succeeding joint, a measured amount of HTH or equal shall be placed in the joint with a spoon. When new lines are ready for the water test, they shall be filled very slowly so as not to wash the chlorine compound to one end of the newly laid line. (8) The strength of the chlorine mixture in the pipe line shall be such that, after filling, it shall test at least 50 parts per million. The solution shall remain in the pipeline for at least 6 hours. At the end of the 6 -hour period if it does not test 10 ppr7, it shall remain in the line an additional hour for each part below 10 ppm. (9) Where existing mains are cut, when that portion is pat back or reconnected, it shall be treated with a strong solution of HTH or equal. END OF SECTION September, 1990 83 ORDINANCE 1991-02 ORDINANCE 200505 ORDINANCE, NO. 91-02 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-02 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 0 91-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ADOPTING DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PAVING, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. The Design Standard for Paving, Drainage and Utility Improvements appended to this Ordinance (the "Design Standards") are hereby approved and adopted by the Town of Trophy Club, Texas. Section 2. The Design Standards shall govern the construction, installation, use, maintenance and operation of paving, drainage, utility and other improvements (including all types and classes of pavement, curbs and gutters, driveway approaches, sidewalks and similar construction) within the Town of Trophy, Texas, upon, subject to and to the extent provided in the laws and ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas and the State of Texas, including, without limitation, the Subdivision Regulations adopted by Town ordinance No. 91- 03 , as amended from time to time hereafter. Section 3. if any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance or the Design Standards, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or the Design Standards, and the Town Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions despite such invalidity, which such remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 15th day of January, 1991. yor, Town of rophy Club, Texas 0619X/5 ATTEST. Z To n`ttecretary, Town, of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 - &" �- Town Attorney, Town of Trophy Club, Texas -2- 08].9X/6 STORM DRAINAGE & APPURTENANCES A. DESCRIPTIONS The purpose of these design standards is to protect the general health, safety and welfare of the public by reducing flooding potentialities, controlling excessive runoff, minimizing erosion and siltation problems, and eliminating damage to public facilities resulting from uncontrolled storm water runoff. E. PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE STUDY The subdivider shall be responsible for submitting a preliminary drainage study. Each drainage study shall address the upstream acreage, drainage areas on site, existing topographic contour lines, on a basis of five (51) foot vertical. interval. The scale shall not be smaller than one inch (111) = two hundred feet (2001) unless a variation is specifically approved by the Town Engineer. The time of concentration for each drainage area on site and drainage through the site, runoff coefficient for each area, 5 --year, 25 -year and 100 -year flows for each drainage area, preliminary street grades, proposed rerouting of natural drainage ways, proposed and existing inlets and storm sewer locations, proposed easements (including width of easement and configuration of channels), downstream conditions, all- weather access, and the developed 100 -year flood plain without channelization. The preliminary study shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas. The preliminary drainage study shall be submitted along with the Preliminary Plat or site plan, where required. After the staff has reviewed the submission and all requirements are met, recommendations will be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission, then to the Town Council. The storm drainage calculations for the subdivision shall be summarized in a table form. The format shall be in accordance with the Storm Drainage Summary table shown in Appendix E. This table should correspond to the drainage may and preferably be in close proximity to that map on the engineering drawings. C. EASEMENT Natural waterways and channels should be used wherever practical to carry runoff. Any modification to existing waterways and channels must be approved by the Engineer. where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, natural channel or streams, there shall be provided an easement or right-of-way conforming substantially to the limit of such water course, plus additional width to accommodate future needs. September, 1990 84 (1) Storm drainage easements of fifteen (151) feet minimum width small be provided for e.,cisting and proposed enclosed drainage systems. Easements shall be centered on the systems. Larger easements, where necessary, shall be provided as directed by the Engineer. (2) storm drainage easements along proposed or existing open channels, shall provide sufficient width for the required channel and such additional width as may be required to provide ingress and egress of maintenance equipment; to provide clearance from fences and space for utility poles; to allow maintenance of the channel bank; and to provide adequate slopes necessary along the bank. (3) Storm drainage easements shall be provided for emergency overflow drainage ways of sufficient width to contain within the easement storm water resulting from a 100 -year frequency storm less the amount of storm water carried in an enclosed system. D. FLOOD HAZARDS (1) New Development: Level of the 100 -year Flood - it is hereby required, until a regulatory floodway is designated, that no new construction, substantial improvements, or other development (including fill) shall be permitted in an area having special flood hazards, unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the 100 -year flood at any point within the. Town's subdivision jurisdiction.. (2) 100 -year Flood Hazard Areas on plats - New subdivision in an area having special flood hazards shall show the following on the plat: a. A flood easement for that area which is subject to inundation by the 100 -year flood. b. The surface elevation of the 100 --year flood at intervals of at Least every five hundred (500) lineal feet. This must be based on a certified engineering survey taking into consideration the full development of the watershed. (3) Access to Subdivisions - New "island" subdivisions, lots or streets teat would: be surrounded by the flood grater of the 100 -year flood, unless the area is accessible to high ground by a street elevated above the 100 --year flood level. E. GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (1) The purpose of this section is to establish standard criteria, principles, procedures and practices for design of storm drainage facilities. September, 1990 25 a. The design factors, formulas, graphs and procedures presented or referred to herein are intended for use as engineering guides in the design of drainage facilities and in the solution of drainage problems involving the quantity, method of collection, transportation and disposal of storm water. b. Methods of design other than those indicated or referred to herein may be considered in complex and difficult cases where experience clearly indicates they are preferable; however, these deviations shall not be attempted until approval has been obtained from the Engineer. C. The methods outlined or referred to herein include accepted principles of surface drainage engineering and should be a working supplement to basic design information obtainable from text books and publications on drainage. d. Developers Design, Responsibility - The requirements set forth herein are considered minimum requiremelats. The developer or subdivider and lais engineer shall bean: the total responsibility for the adequacy of design. (2) The three different types of basic drainage features are as follows: a. closed systems b.Reinforced Concrete Lined Open Channels C. Natural Channels (3) Storm water runoff shall be carried in storm sewer pipe when either of the following apply: a. The runoff can be carried in a pipe of sixty (60") inches in diameter or smaller; or b. Where it is necessary for the protection of adjacent facilities that the storm water be carried in an enclosed facility Headwalls and energy dissi,oators shall be constructed at the outfall of all storm sewer systems. When it is mutually agreeable to both the Town and the owner or subdivider, a concrete lined channel may be used in lieu of the closed pipe. (4) Reinforced concrete lined opera channels should be Used when the criteria outlined in Section XV E (?)(a) is exceeded: a. Reinforced concrete lined channels shall conform to the following: September, 1990 86 I. Channels draining an area with a "CA" factor of 250 or less shall be lined with reinforced concrete in an manner which will contain the design frequency storm plus one foot (1') of freeboard within the concrete lining. 2. Channels draining an area with a "CA" factor of more than 250 but less than 500 shall be concrete lined to contain the runoff from a five (5) year return frequency storm with the balance of the required design frequency storm contained within grassed slopes no steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical and with a minimum of one foot (11) freeboard. 3. Channels draining an area with a "CA" factor of more than 500 but less than 2,000 shall be constructed with a reinforced concrete pilot channel not less than twelve feet (12') in width and have a. least six inch (G") curbs, a four inch (_=") depressed invert, and an appropriate edge protection as accepted by the Town Engineer. The remainder of the channel shall consist of earthen side slopes with proper vegetation cover on slopes not steeper than 3 to 1. 4. Channels draining an area having a "CA" factor of more than 2,000 shall be governed by the criteria outlined in section XV E(5). b. The ma _imam permissible average velocities in channels shall conform to the velocities as shown in Table "Z -V-1 unless otherwise approved in writing by the Town Engineer. (5) Natural channels may be preserved when the criteria in Section XV E(4)(a)(4) above are met or when the developer desires to preserve natural channels within his addition for purposes of aesthetics and/or open space. The following criteria shall apply when natural channels are to be preserved: a. An application for preservation of a natural channel shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer prior to approval of the preliminary plat. This application shall contain the following information furnished by the developer or subdivider. 1. Topographic, hydrologic and hydraulic information sufficient to properly evaluate the proposal and showing that: (i) before any site work has begun, all land having an elevation below the twenty-five. (25) year return September, 1990 87 frequency flood elevation is contained within an easement dedicated to the public for the purpose of providing drainage; (ii) the channel easement has a minimum hydraulic capacity to accommodate a twenty-five (25) year return frequency storm based on a fully developed water shed; ( iii) that all minor channel improvements, such as reshaping, realignment, etc., are protected with sodding, backsloping, cribbing, or other hank: protection that is designed and constructed to control erosion from the twenty-five (25) year return frequency flood.. An analysis shall also be made to determine the effects of the 100 --year flood as required by Section XV E(7)(e)(1). September, 1990 88 Table zV-1 MINIMUM ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS AND MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VELOCITIES FOR CHANNELS September, 1990 °0 Coefficient Max. Permissible of Roughness Mean Velocity Channel DescriRtion "n" fps I. MINOR NATURAL STREAMS A. Fairly regular section 1. Some grass and weeds; little or no brush................0.030 3 to 8 2. Dense growth of weeds, depth of flow materially greater than weed height .......... 0.035 3 to 8 3. Some weeds, light brush on banks ..........................0.035 3 to 8 c. Some weeds, heavy brush on banks..........................0.050 3 to 8 5. Some weeds, dense willows on banks ..........................0.030 3 to 8 6. For trees within channels with branches submerged at high stage, increase all values above by... ............ ... 0.010 B. Irregular section with pools, slight channel meander, use Al to A5 above, and increase all values by............................0.010 C. Flood Plain - Pasture 1. Short grass .......................0.030 3 to 8 c. Tall grass ........................01.035 3 to 3 D. Flood. Plain -- Cultivated Areas 1. No crop...........................0.030 3 to 8 2. Mature row crops..................0.035 3 to 8 September, 1990 °0 Table XV -1 (continued) MINIMUM ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS AND MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VELOCITIES FOR CHANNELS Coefficient Max. Permissible of Roughness Mean Velocity Channel pe_scription "n" fas 3. Mature field crops................0.040 3 to 8 E. Flood Plain - Uncleared 1. Heavy weeds, scattered brush.............................0.050 3 to 8 2. Wooded............................0.120 3 to 8 II. MAJOR NATURAL STREAMS Roughness coefficient is usually less than for minor streams of similar description on account of less effective resistance offered by irregular banks or vegetation on banks. Values of "n" for larger streams of mostly regular Sections, with no bounders or brush may be in the ranee form 0.028 to 0.033. III.UNLINED VEGETATED CHANNELS Clays (Bermuda Grass).............0.035 5 to 8 Sandy and Silty Soils (Bermuda Grass)...................0.035 3 to 5 IV. UNLINED NON -VEGETATED CHANNELS Sandy Soils 0:.030 1.5 to 2.5 Silts 0.030 0.7 to 1.5 Clays 0.030 3.0 to 5.0 Coarse Gravels 0.030 5.0 to 8.0 Shale 0.030 6.0 to 10.0 Rock 0.025 15 V. LINED CHANNELS Meat Concrete... .................. 0.015 15 Riprap (Broken Concrete and Rubble)...........................0.030 15 September, 1990 90 2. when the natural channel to be preserved is one which has had a Flood Plain Information report prepared on it by the Corps of Engineers, the 100 -year return frequency storm shall be as shown in that particular report unless otherwise directed by the Town Engineer or his authorized designee. (6) Determination of Design Discharge: a. The two (2) methods acceptable for use in the Town of Trophy Club are: 1. Design Runoff - The Modified Rational Method of computing runoff will be used on small watersheds of 1000 acres or less. The Modified Rational Method is expressed by the following equation: Q = CC IA, where A a = peak runoff in cfs C = runoff coefficient C = antecedent precipitation factor A I = average rainfall intensity in inches per hour for the time of concentration A = drainage area C = values to be used in this formula are A shown in Table XV -2 Table XV --2 ANTECEDENT PRECIPITATION FACTOR "C " Recurrence Interval (years) C A 2 to 10 1.0 25 1.1 50 1.2 100 1.25 ldote: The product of (C) (C ) should not exceed 1.0 A b. Unit hydrograph techniques shall be used for areas greater than 1,000 acres. The technique and the data to be used for the determination of the design discharge shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the calculations being completed. A complete set of all detail calculations must be submitted to the Town. Engineer for approval prior to completion of the plans for the drainage system. September, 1990 91 (7) Drainage Area: a. Area of the watershed shall be determined using the information required by Section XV -B. b. outline of drainage areas must follow natural drainage features in nonurbanized areas. Consideration shall be given to many -made features in urbanized areas, C. Runoff Coefficient - The runoff coefficient for undeveloped land shall be in accordance with the ultimate land use as shown on the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the Town of Trophy Club. The runoff coefficient for land uses shall be determined as shown in Table XV --3. d. Time of Concentration - The time of concentration is defined as the longest time, without unreasonable delay, that will be required for a drop of water to flow from the upper limit of the drainage area to the point of concentration. Time of concentration is composed of the inlet time and the time of flow in the storm drainage facility. Inlet time is composed of overland flow time plus the time of flow in the gutter required to reach the inlet. The minimum inlet time of concentration shall be in accordance with Table XV -4. Under circumstances which will produce times of concentrations its excess of those as shown in Table XV -4, the time of concentration shall be determined by using Figure XV -1, the Nomograph for Time of Concentration. (see next page for Figure XV -1) e. Design storm Frequencies - The design storm frequencies shall be as shown in Table XV --5. 1. In connection with the design of facilities such as Low Point Inlets, Culverts, Bridges, Channels and Creeks shown above, the discharge for a 100 -year return frequency storm and the resulting possible damages therefrom shall be evaluated to determine if said damages are sufficient to warrant the enlargement of the planned facility. In any areas where storm water runoff concentrates at low points of grade or where discharge in excess of the design discharge flows across private property, the following information shall be shown: a. The 100 -year design discharge. b. The depth of inundation of this discharge. C. An evaluation of the possible damages resulting from the above information. September, 1990 92 A it 0.40 (AV, GRASS) n s 0.02 e ■ 1.094 r = 1,0% Ir■ 20 YIN. I<< 2.4 MIN. 20 TOTAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION+20.042.4+22-4 YIN. NOMOGRAPH FOR TIME OF CONCENTRATION Figure XV -1 u L — 40 4 QTs]I �w _2 a 1— 20 E-- 2 15 k_ L5 S k—OA 5 h -Os 4 OA 3 O.3 _r I— z w ca � w w 0 _J0 w vI � ZLn J LL) c 4 -a E- Y O LLJ tr Y- 7 Z W O 0_ uj U *00 z aal 900 a � 600 = O U U 700 a tn 0.02(PVMT) – —600 O to w N SOO I" OAI z la ( r 0.03 W U 400 a.o+ a10 /� ,: 3� 0.10Z 0, Ld `\ BARE PACKED SOIL) ' / 0 W W ' W 11., 0.02 rp Z t �♦ 0.20 1.00 Z X200 0-30 (POOR GRASS) / �dl Z ISO`{y p;!O iAV.GRA55! � LLJ Q U 5.0 LL z V) ` _ - _ w Ia.O O O a06 � 0$OtDENSE�RASSJ D Ioo `�/ 20.0 Q 40 1.00 O 60 0.10 J W Li 70 U Z —60 O U 50 W O 40 W I OVERLAND FLOW GUTTER FLOW P 30 1 200L , 4C0' A it 0.40 (AV, GRASS) n s 0.02 e ■ 1.094 r = 1,0% Ir■ 20 YIN. I<< 2.4 MIN. 20 TOTAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION+20.042.4+22-4 YIN. NOMOGRAPH FOR TIME OF CONCENTRATION Figure XV -1 u L — 40 4 QTs]I �w _2 a 1— 20 E-- 2 15 k_ L5 S k—OA 5 h -Os 4 OA 3 O.3 Table XV -3 Runoff Coefficient for Land Use Types Type of Land Use Table XV -5 Runoff Coefficient "C" Facility HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUPS Storm sewers (with inlets on grade) A B C D Parks or Open Areas (Lots over 1.0 Acres) years channels and czee]:s* 25 years (Lots 1.0 Acre or Less) .35 .37 .39 .41 Residential (lysin. 7200 sq.ft. Lots) .50 .52 .55 .58 Residential (Min. 6000 sq.ft. Lots) .60 .63 .66 .70 Industrial .65 .68 .72 .76 Apartments .65 .70 .77 .80 Business .65 .71 .87 .90 Mercantile .95 .96 .98 1.00 SOIL GROUP CLASSIFICATION Grouj2 A Deep sand, GROUP C Clay Loam, shallow sandy aggregated silts loam, Group B sandy loam Group D Heavy plastic clays Table XV -4 Minimum Inlet Time of Concentration Type of Land Use Minimum Inlet Time Park and Open Areas 20 minutes Residential 10 minutes Industrial 10 minutes Business 10 minutes Mercantile Distract 5 minutes channels and creels shall have at least one (1) * Large bridges are those that span greater than fifty (50) feet. September, 1990 93 Table XV -5 Design Storm Frequencies for Storm Drainage Facilities Facility Storm Design Frequency Storm sewers (with inlets on grade) 5 years Storm sewers draining low point inlets 25 years channels and czee]:s* 25 years Culverts and small bridges 25 years Large bridges** 50 years Floodways between building lines 100 years channels and creels shall have at least one (1) * Large bridges are those that span greater than fifty (50) feet. September, 1990 93 Table XV -6 Permissible Spread of Water TVPe of Street Major Collector (Divided) Minor Collector Local (Standard) Local (split curb grades) Low gutter flow High gutter flow Spread of Water one lane each side Two outside lanes Height of curb Height of curb * Higher of crown elevation or low gutter elevation f. Rainfall Intensity - The relationship between rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency shall be determined by Figure XV -2. These curves have been developed from the U.S. Weather Bureau Technical Paper No. 40. (8) Permissible Spread of Water in Streets - In order that excess storm water will not collect in streets or thoroughfares during a storm of the design frequency, the following spread of water values as shown in Table XV -6 shall be used for the various types of streets. (9) Head Losses: The design techniques and methods used in the determination of all head losses shall be approved by the Engineer. (10) Flow in Gutters: The drainage capacities of streets and gutters shall be determined by Manning's formula using an "n" value of 0.013 for concrete streets. Streets shall be designed to flow not more than curb sleep during a five (5) year return frequency storm. (11) Curb Inlets -- Inlets shall preferably be located at street intersections, at low prints of grade or where gutter flow exceeds the permissible spread of water criteria. Inlets shall be constructed in accordance with the standard details shown in this section. a. Gutter Depression - A gutter depression of six (6) inches shall be constructed for all curb inlets within the corporate limits of the Town of Trophy Club. b. Recessed Inlets - Inlets located on Major Collector streets shall be recessed in order to minimise interference of the gutter depression with travel lanes. At locations where pedestrian activity will be crossing the inlet, a recessed inlet will not be September, 1990 94 N U > Q W O W = x a LL) w ua W ~ LL Of m a w " t� C) J =1N aa. z O .1 Z V w0 m -� ma (D (—D z F' w x z �' tt. Cr n. o Q� Nr z Q coo LL cn w w a s ,Q = H t-3� D 3LL iv I O W ... Z � 11.1 w z� Al L 7Z Q�1 7Z �O 7/// \ Q 8 0 m 0 r oO N g N N 0 Q O n m -1 J r U< - m Z Q D o n o n N n n !r r n N m m r; V n c nO 2.. r n n r n N - 0 o o 0 o 6 0 0 0 8nOH aid S31HONI-AiISN31NI -1-1d3NWJ permitted, and a depression of less than six (6) inches may be required. These locations may require additional inlet width to compensate for the reduced depression. C. Carry-over Flow - If the inlet cannot capture one hundred (100%) percent of the flow, then the amount of flow which passes the inlet must be added to the next downstream inlet. (12) Flow in Storm Drains and Their Appurtenances a. Minimum Grades - Storm drains should operate with velocities of flow sufficient to prevent excessive deposits of solid materials. Storm drains shall be designed to have a minimum mean velocity flowing full of two and one half (2.5) feet per second (f.p.s.) Minimum grades for both concrete pipe with n = 0.013 and flowing at two and one half (2.5) f.p.s, are shown in Table .XV -7. TABLE XV -7 minimum Grades for Storm Drain Pipelines Pipe Size Slope Pipe size inches) (ft/ft) (inches) slope (_ftlft_)_ 15 0.0023 45 0.0005 18 0.0018 48 0.0005 21 0.0015 54 0.0004 24 0.0013 60 0.0004 27 0.0012 66 0.0003 30 0.0009 72 0.0003 33 0.0008 78 0.0003 36 0.0007 84 0.0003 39 0.0006 96 0.0002 42 0.0006 b. Maximum Velocities -- The slope of a storm sewer should be such that excessive velocities will not damage the pipeline or drainage structures. The maximum desirable velocities for storm sewers is as shown in Table XV -8. Descriiation Table XV -8 Maximum Desirable Velocity in storm Drains Maximum Desirable Velocity Culverts (all types) 15 f.p.s. Storm Drains (Inlet Laterals) Poo limit Storm Drains (Collectors) 15 f.p.s. Storm Drains (Mains) 12 f.p.s. September, 1990 95 C. Pipeline Located. in Streets - All storm drain pipelines located in streets shall be installed at a depth sufficient to permit all water lines to be above the storm drain pipelines when the water line has a minimum cover of three (3) feet. d. Discharge of Storm Drain. - Where storm drain pipelines discharge in to water courses, the invert of the pipe shall be at the same grade as the low point of the water course. The storm drain shall have a headwall constructed where it discharges into the water course. Adequate riprap or other erosion protection shall be provided. (13) Manholes - Storm drain manholes shall be located at intervals not to exceed five hundred (500) feet for twenty-four (34) inch in diameter or smaller pipes. In general, manholes should be located at street intersections, storm pipe junctions or changes of grade and changes of alignment. Storm drain manholes for pipelines greater than twenty-four (24) inches in diameter shall be located at points where design indicates entrances into the pipe are desirable. In no case shall the distance between manholes be greater than eight hundred (800) feet. (14) Lateral Lines - The minimum size storm sewer line from the inlet boy: to the collector lines shall be eighteen (18) inches in diameter. (15) Culvert Design - The design of culverts shall be adequate for the maximum discharge expected.. The standards of Design for culverts shall conform to the latest edition of the "Hydraulic Manual" of the Texas Highway Department. END OF SECTION September, 1990 96 0 O k w i 1 L 0 Cp C .01 ,. j lZ 4�c�r�� ��°� do 13 �b � � a tr) v o a j v O oOaa q) 'R a a m Z ,: C. -b y C 4c V V p�tit�OQm Z� a .c j > j zz Plate 13 �b � � a tr) v o a j v O oOaa q) 'R a a m Z ,: C. -b y C 4c V V p�tit�OQm Z� a W 2 Q Y P/ol e l5.2 J < J O Q W W n V .O o ~ > � c o O 2 Q Y P/ol e l5.2 J < J O Q W W n Plate /5 -3 5 MOM 0 O „O ;91 a/gnijon m a .0 3 Baa �� e Qi �ZOj�y 0 ooNE N Q(eo ,a L i IZ, m qj m p Vth 7 O Q �c� 4 V All- Eiji LQ 1 • Cy,1 N .0 „O ;91 a/gnijon H _ /gals aa� ��� 'I 8-p a�o/d a/npa��s 'X10Y HDM aaS a� N Plate /5.4 T m a op 3 Baa �� e Qi �ZOj�y 0 ooNE Q(eo U trp L i IZ, m qj m p Vth H _ /gals aa� ��� 'I 8-p a�o/d a/npa��s 'X10Y HDM aaS a� N Plate /5.4 T 3 Baa �� e Qi �ZOj�y 0 ooNE Q(eo IZ, i p 4 j Eiji H _ /gals aa� ��� 'I 8-p a�o/d a/npa��s 'X10Y HDM aaS a� N Plate /5.4 T Plate /5.5 VQj 0 0 0 Q V w W N m Z J O O � J 3 3 0' o � � 0 0 z Plate /5.5 Curb Curb Radius Tangent Natural Gutter Grade Top Of Curb I � L3/4"Chamfer �t 3'-- O'► Length "L ,► 31W0„ ELEVATION STANDARD CURB INLETS 8 ' AND /O' CURB INLETS GENERAL NOTES 1. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES CLEAR CONCRETE COVER ON REINFORCING FOR TOP SURFACE OF INLET AND MANHOLE COVERS. 2. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 1-1/2 INCHES CLEAR CONCRETE COVER ON REINFORCING FOR INLET AND MANHOLE MALLS AND BASES. 3. TRIM STEEL TO CLEAR PIPE AT OUTLET. Plal e 15.6 XVI TRENCH E'CAVATION SAFETY PROTECTION A. DESCRIPTION This item will consist of the basic requirements which the Contractor must comply with in order to provide for the safety and health of workers in a trench. The contractor shall develop, design and implement the trench ei,:cavation safety protection system. The Contractor shall bear the sole responsibility for the adequacy of the trench safety system and providing "a safe place to work." for the workman. The trench excavation safety protection system shall be used for all trench excavations deeper than five (5) feet. The Excavating and Trenching Operation Manual of the occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, shall be the minimum governing requirement of this item and is hereby made a part of this specification. The Contractor shall, in addition, comply with all other applicable federal, state and local rules, regulation and ordinances. END OF SECTION September, 1990 97 xv I I FINAL CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion of the pavement, and before acceptance and final payment will be made, the paving Contractor shall backfill behind the curbs with selected material, level off the area between the curbs and street right of way lines to provide a normal 1/4 inch per foot slope from the top of the curb as outlined under "General Requirements", or as shown on the plans. The Contractor shall clean and remove from the site of the work all surplus and discarded materials, temporary structures and debris of every kind. The Contractor shall leave the site of the work in a neat and orderly condition, flush with curb and sidewalk or sidewalk grade. surplus and waste materials removed from the site of the work shall be disposed of by the Contractor at locations outside the limits of the Town of Trophy Club. B. in subdivision development, before final acceptance is given on the street, within the subdivision adjacent to the street which has been improved, cleaned and at a grade approved by the Engineer which will provide proper drainage, and that the area between the back of curbs and street lines is graded as called for above, or as shown on the plans. Any surplus material that has been placed shall be- removed eremoved and disposed of in a manner suitable to the Engineer. C. Utility Appurtenances: Prior to final acceptance and before a letter of acceptance will be issued the paving Contractor shall bring all water valves, sewer manholes, sewer cleanouts and all other water, sewer appurtenances that are in the paving up even with the finished grade of the paving. where utility appurtenances are not completed the paving shall be blocked out and the paving Contractor shall not be held responsible for the replacing of the paving after the completion of the utility appurtenances. END OF SECTION September, 1990 98 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. FINAL ACCEPTANCE When the improvements provided by the specifications and the contract shall have been completely performed on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer that the improvements are ready for final inspection. The Engineer will then make such final inspection, and if the work is satisfactory and in accordance with the specifications and contract, he will issue a letter of acceptance to the Contractor with a copy to the developer and the Town of Trophy Club. It shall be the responsibility of the .Developer to obtain from the Town of Trophy club a letter of acceptance for the paving in the subdivision. it shall be the responsibility of the developer to withhold the final payment until such time as a letter of acceptance has been issued by the Town of Trophy Club. In subdivision developments, water connections will not be made for the individual lots until a letter of acceptance for the paving has been obtained by the Contractor. Before a letter of acceptance is issued by the Engineer, the Contractor shall test all sewer mains by means of a "ball test" or other suitable means approved by the Engineer to make sure all sanitary sewer mains within the project are free from dirt or other foreign materials. A representative of the Town and/or Municipal Utility District (MUD) shall be present when the Contractor is testing the sewer mains. The letter of acceptance will not be given by the Town of Trophy Club until copies of all test results as well as Maintenance Bonds are submitted and accepted by the Town of Trophy Club. END OF SECTION September, 1990 99