ORD 1992-18TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 92-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1992 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town") has caused to be filed with the Town Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 and ending September 30, 1993; and WHEREAS, the budget shows as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the budget for each of such projects; and WHEREAS, public notice of a public hearing on the proposed annual budget, stating the date, time, place and subject matter of the public hearing, was given as required by the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, such public hearing was held on September 10 , 1992, and all those wishing to speak on the budget were heard; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has studied the budget and listened to the comments received at the public hearing and has determined that the budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the Town of Trophy Club. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. That the budget attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is approved and adopted for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 and ending September 30, 1993; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated and for such purposes, respectively, such sums of money for such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the attached budget. Section 2. That no expenditures of the funds of the Town shall hereafter be made except in compliance with the budget; provided, however, that in case of grave public necessity emergency expenditures to meet unusual and unforseen conditions, which could not, by reasonable, diligent thought and attention have been included in the original budget, may from time to time be authorized by the Town Council as amendments to the original budget. -1- Section 3. Prior to the expenditure of any moneys in the emergency reserve fund, the question of the expenditure of such moneys shall be submitted to the Town Finance Committee, which Committee shall review the proposed expenditure and timely make its recommendation to the Town Council. Section 4. The Mayor shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved budget, along with this Ordinance, with the Town Secretary and in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas. Section 5. Any and all ordinances, resolution, rules or regulations in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of the conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its date of adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 10th day of _September 1, 1992. ATTEST: a 'lawn Secr tary, Town of. Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPRriYED AS TO FORM: Tow Attorney, To of Trophy Club, Texas -2- May r, Town o7Tophy Club, Texas TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB OPERATING BUDGET 77`; FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PAGE 1 REVENUE BUDGET 1992-1993 ACCTNO DESCRIPTION BUDGET 4001 TAXES 4005 Property Taxes (95% } 692,640 4010 Penalties & Interest/Property Taxes 7,500 4020 City Sales Tax 55,200 4030 Mixed Beverage Tax 2,600 TOTAL TAXES ------------ 757,940 4100 FRANCHISE FEES 4105 TU Electric Company (3X gross) 102,500 4110 Southwestern Bell Telephone 26,800 4115 Planned Cable Services 15,000 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 144,300 4200 PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES 4205 Alarm Permits 3,500 4210 Ambulance Fees 4,000 4212 Animal Registration 500 4215 Building Permits 27,000 4220 Court Fines, Fees 17,600 4228 Multi -Family Residence License 6,476 4230 Parking Permits 200 4235 Park Use Fees 500 4236 Patient Transports 3,500 4236 Private Club License 1,400 4240 Satellite Dish Permits 50 4260 Westlake Interlocal Agreement 10,000 TOTAL PERMITS, LICENSES, FEES 74,725 4500 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 4505 EMS/County Reimbursement 7,000 4515 Interest Income 15,000 4530 Miscellaneous Income 0 4535 Revenue from CIA 4,500 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE ^ 26,500 4600 RESERVES 4605 Reserve for Emergency Contingency 100,000 TOTAL RESERVES - 100,000 TOTAL REVENUE 1,103,465 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PAGE 2 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET 19921993 ACCTNO DESCRIPTION BUDGET 5001 PERSONNEL SERVICES 5010 Salaries 110,500 5015 Employee Overtime 3,300 5020 Payroll Taxes 9,200 5030 Employee Insurance 15,425 5040 Employee Retirement 6,100 5050 Worker's Compensation 840 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ------------ 145,365 5100 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5105 Advertising 2,000 5110 Bank Charges 100 5115 Computers and Office Equipment 3,000 5118 Copier Charges 3,000 5122 Contingency 15,000 5125 Court Costs 11,000 5130 Dues, Schools, Memberships 4,000 5135 Elections b00 5138 Equipment Maintenance 1,500 5145 Insurance 15,500 5155 Metroport 250 5160 Miscellaneous 600 5162 Newsletter 1,250 5165 Office Furniture & Equipment i00 5170 Office Supplies 2,000 5175 Ordinances 300 5180 Postage 3,000 5185 Printing 1,500 5195 Publications apo 5200 Rent (1575.00 per qtr.) 6,300 5203 Roanoke Library 2,000 5206 Software and Support 2,850 5208 Special Events/Fourth of July 2,750 5210 Telephone 6,000 5215 Travel & Incidentals 5,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES ------------ 90,500 6000 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6005 Appraisal Fees 7,250 6010 Audit 5,000 6040 Legal Fees 24,000 T TOTAL PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL �� 36,250 TOTAL GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE EXP. 272,115 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB EMS BUDGET 1992-1993 PAGE 3 ACCTNO DESCRIPTION BUDGET 5001 EMS PERSONNEL SERVICES 3,500 5010 Salaries 0 5015 Employee Overtime 0 5020 Payroll Taxes 0 5030 Employee Insurance 0 5040 Employee Retirement 0 5050 Worker's Compensation (volunteers) 5,000 8038 TOTAL EMS PERSONNEL SERVICES ------------ 5,000 5100 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,500 5130 Dues, Schools, Memberships 9,900 5145 Insurance 2,500 5170 Office Supplies 500 TOTAL EMS ADMINISTRATIVE EXP. 12,900 8000 EMS OPERATING EXPENSES 8015 Communications 3,500 8020 Equipment 3,000 8021 Equipment Maintenance 5,000 8025 Gasoline 550 8030 Immunizations 2,000 8032 Insurance/New Ambulance 7,000 8036 Medical Control 700 8038 Medical Supplies 2,100 8041 Old Ambulance 2,500 8042 Oxygen 500 8045 Pharmacy 500 8065 Texts, Slides, Etc. 1,500 8075 Vehicles 14,604 8076 Vehicle Maintenance 500 TOTAL EMS OPERATING EXPENSES 43,954 TOTAL EMS EXPENSES 61,854 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PAGE 4 POLICE DEPT. BUDGET 1992-1993 ACCTNO DESCRIPTION BUDGET 5001 PERSONNEL SERVICES 4,000 5010 Salaries 172,000 5015 Employee Overtime 2,500 5018 Housing Allowance 4,000 5020 Payroll Taxes 14,550 5030 Employee Insurance 27,000 5040 Employee Retirement 8,900 5050 Worker's Compensation 17,000 8050 TOTAL POLICE PERSONNEL SERVICES r 245,950 5100 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 7,500 5130 Dues, Schools, Memberships 1,500 5145 Insurance 6,400 5160 Miscellaneous 250 5170 Office Supplies 1,000 TOTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE EXP. ------------ 9,150 8000 POLICE OPERATING EXPENSES 8006 Animal Control 4,000 8015 Communications 7,500 8012 Clothing Allowance 600 8020 Equipment 3,000 8021 Equipment Maintenance 750 8023 Friends of the Family 1,000 8025 Gasoline 7,000 8032 Insurance/Vehicles 5,200 8050 Programs & Special Projects 1,000 8070 Uniforms & Accessories 7,500 8075 Vehicles 14,000 8076 Vehicle Maintenance 3,500 TOTAL POLICE OPERATING EXPENSES - 55,050 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENSES 310,150 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB P&Z/PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET 1992-1993 ACCTNO DESCRIPTION 6000 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES JL�m BUDGET 6015 Building Inspections 7,500 6025 Consulting Engineers 12,000 6026 Drainage Study 50,000 6030 Landscape Maintenance 65,080 6070 Trash Removal 113,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 247,580 7000 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATING EXPENSES 7002 Abandoned Property Maintenance 1,500 7006 Computer Mapping 2,000 7009 East Entrance 50,000 7014 Flag and Repairs 2,200 7018 Irrigation Repairs 3,000 7020 Miscellaneous on Property 600 7025 Pest Control 4,200 7035 Street Lights 37,000 7040 Street Repairs 50,000 7045 Street/Traffic Signs, Crosswalks 3,000 7080 Water 6,000 ------------ TOTAL PUBLIC WKS. OPERATING EXPENSE 159,500 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSES 407,080 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PARKS BUDGET 1992-1993 PAGE 6 ACCTNO DESCRIPTION BUDGET 5100 PARKS ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5145 Insurance 1,800 ------------ TOTAL PARKS ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 1,800 6000 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6030 Landscape Maintenance 21,616 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,616 7000 PARKS OPERATING EXPENSES 7005 Casual Labor 6,000 7008 Dirt, Sand, Gravel 500 7010 Electricity & Lighting 3,000 7012 Equipment and Maintenance 500 7018 Irrigation Repairs 900 7020 Miscellaneous on Property 200 7022 Perimeter Fencing 4,400 7030 Recreational Equipment 500 7060 Supplies 350 7070 Vandalism 1,000 7080 Water 11,500 TOTAL PARKS OPERATING EXPENSE 28,850 TOTAL PARKS DEPT. EXPENSES 52,266 ------------ TOTAL EXPENSES 1,103,465