ORD 2000-19TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2000 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2001, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES; PROVIDING FOR FILING OF DOCUMENTS; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town") has caused to be filed with the Town Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2000, and ending September 30, 2001; and WHEREAS, the budget shows as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the budget for each of such projects; and WHEREAS, public notice of a public hearing on the proposed annual budget, stating the date, time, and place and subject matter of the public hearing, was given as required by the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has studied the budget and listened to the continents received at the public hearing and has determined that the budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the Town of Trophy Club. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section t. The budget attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is approved and adopted for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2001; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated and for such purposes, respectively, such sums of money for such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the attached budget. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE - Page I of 3 QATOWNSECIPENDING ORDINANCESIBUDGET8292000.DOC Section 2. No expenditure of the fiends of the Town shall hereafter be made except in compliance with the budget; provided, however, that in case of grave public necessity emergency expenditures to meet unusual and unforeseen conditions, which could not by reasonable, diligent thought and attention have been included in the original budget, may from time to time be authorized by the Town Council as amendments to the original budget. Section 3. Prior to the expenditure of any moneys in the emergency reserve fund, the question of the expenditure of such moneys shall be submitted to the Ways and Means Committee, which Committee shall review the proposed expenditure and timely make its recommendation to the Town Council. Section 4. The Mayor shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved budget, along with this Ordinance, with the Town Secretary and in the office of the County Cleric of Denton County, Texas. Section 5. Any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules or regulations in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of the conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. The Town Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the caption and effective date clause in the minutes of the Town Council and by filing this. Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. Section S. This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its date of adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 29th day of August, 2000. �1— Mayor, own of Trophy ub, Texas TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE - Page 2 of 3 Q:ITOWNSECIPENDING ORDINANCESIBUDGET8292000.DOC ATTEST: Town Secretary, Town of Trophy Club, Texas [Seal] APPROVED AS TO FORM: -11 ILS. -6 TownrMey, Town of Trophy Club, Texas TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB ORDINANCE - Page 3 of 3 Q:ITOWNSECIPENDING ORDINANCESIBUDGET8292000.DOC PROJECTED 1999-2000 Revenues 2,552,678 Expenditures: Administration Public Works Parks Planning & Zoning Capital Items Total Expenditures Non Specific Requests: Public Relations Franchise Task Force Total Expenditures Excess (Deficit) 1,427, 314 1,078,857 148,295 26,675 2,681,141 2,681,141 (128,463) TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY 2000/2001 PROPOSED 2000/2001 3,250,077 1,366,330 1,255,418 569,950 50,412 3,242,110 3,242,110 7,967 9:34 AM6/29/01 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PROJECTED REVENUES 2000/2001 TAXES 4,005 PROPERTY TAXES 4,006 PROPERTY TAXES ! PRIOR YEARS 4,011 PENALTIES & INTEREST (TAX) 4,020 CITY SALES TAX EDC Sales Tax - Parks & Rec 4,030 MIXED BEVERAGE TAX TOTAL TAXES 1,557,071 1,527,210 1,562.505 1,831,145 9,000 8,726 10,200 9,500 6,500 4,952 10,000 6,500 214,871 63,284 214,871 336,000 35,000 24,882 24,882 168,000 4 200 1,588 _ 4,200 5,000 1,791,642 1,605,760 1,801,776 2,356,145 FRANCHISE PEES 3,390 7,000 7,OOC - 4,105 TU ELECTRIC COMPANY 203,874 204,539 204,539 205,000 4,110 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 43,341 25,124 43,341 45,000 4,115 CHARTER CABLE COMPANY 35,000 24,882 24,882 25,000 TRINITY 15,000 5,947 12,000 12,000 4,125 Til-Courity Electric - _ - - TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 297,215 260,492 284,762 287,000 PERMITS, LICENSES AND FEES 4,205 MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 4,210 AMBULANCE FEES 4,212 ANIMAL REGISTRATION 4,215 BUILDING PERMITS 4,216 PLUMBING I IRRIGATION 4,217 ENGINEERING INSPECTION SERVICES 4,220 COURT FINES, FEES 4,221 COURT SECURITY 4,225 DEVELOPER FEES 4,228 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENCE LICENSE 4,237 PLATTING FEES 4,238 PRIVATE CLUB LICENSE 4,260 WESTLAKE INTER -LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4,261 INTERLOCAL - CIRCLE T MUD 4,268 ZONING FEES TOTAL PERMITS, LICENSES, FEES 7,000 3,390 7,000 7,OOC - 4,390 4,390 *' 250 - 11,500 ** 500,000 324,156 350,000 175,000 - 12,272 12,272 INTEREST INCOME 6,400 6,410 6,410 5,000 2,000 905 1,000 - 1,500 2,135 2,135 1,500 2,500 2,170 2,500 2,500 519,650 355,828 385,707 191,000 `* MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 4,503 CONTRIBUTIONS - 11,500 11,500 4,505 EMSICOUNTY REIMBURSEMENT - _ .* 4,515 INTEREST INCOME 40,000 21,404 23,000 45,000 4,530 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4,500 12,574 12,600 4,500 4,536 REVENUE/ COP GRANT - 33,333 33,333 4,539 TCLEOSE Reimbursement _ .w Y TRASH SERVICE BILLINGS 90,000 - - 222,432 CIA Contribution for assumption of areas 24,000 Developer payments for Parks - - - 120,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 134,500 78,811 80,433 415,932 TOTAL REVENUES 2,743,007 2,300,891 2,552,678 3,250,077 Now in DPS Budget 9;34 AM6129/01 ADMINISTRATION BUDGET 2000/2001 Account ;; f PRO- PROPOSEC Increase Number; Deacrl'ption,_.,.,,. ; BUDGET EXPT}fRU JECTED BUDGET (Decrease 1999/2000 5131100 9/30100 2000/2601 PERSONNEL SERVICES 5010 SalanesAVages 251,346 204,723 251,540 290,045 5060 DPS Administrative Reimb. (4,1,5951 (32.2981 41,985 (38,6641 Net Wages 209,361 172,425 209,955 251,351 5015 Employee Overtime & Holiday Pay 1,000 3,206 4,500 7,000 5016 Vehicle Allowance 4,800 3,800 4,800 4,800 $020 Socfal Security 15,583 12,886 16,0135 19,179 5021 Medicare Taxes 3,545 3,117 3,762 4,486 5022 Unemployment Taxes 1,158 755 400 500 5636 Employee Insurance 15,250 13,910 17,173 20,000 5049 Employee Retirement 13,824 5,111 13,824 30,563 5050 Workels Compensation 702 577 577 700 5051 Longevity Payrruillen! Merit /Incentive pa 7,500 0 7,500 7,500 5052 Pro -Employment Physicals 500 469 469 700 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 273,323 216,250 279,045 346,089 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5105 Advertising 1,500 2,168 2,200 1,509 5110 Bank Charges 200 14 50 50 5122 Contingency 25,000 1,472 34,250 25,000 5123 Copies 5,000 2,650 3,000 4,CDO 5130 Schools 8 Training 7,000 3,007 7,000 5,000 5135 Elections 2,000 2,978 6,000 4,000 5138 Equipment Malnlenance 3,500 1,535 3,500 3,030 5145 Insurance 15,000 14,335 14,396 15,000 5150 Meals On Wheels 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,500 5160 Mlsceltaneous 1,500 561 1,500 1,500 5162 NowslatlerfPublPeations 6,000 4,343 7,260 8,500 5170 Office Supplies 3,000 2,965 4,000 4,000 5171 Maintenance 8 Supplies 1,309 470 1,000 1,300 5100 Postage 4,000 5,024 5,200 5,200 5185 Printing 2,000 610 1.0c0 3,000 5200 Sullding,Maintenance 10,000 8,145 10,000 1000 5200 Special Events/ Employee relations 8,000 2,304 8,690 8,000 5218 Telephone 6,000 8,971 12,000 13,000 5211 Telephone -Mayor 2,500 1,635 2,500 2,500 5216 TravelIlncidentals-Mayor 3,000 2,044 2,200 1,500 5218 Dues & Memberships & RT 7,500 11,636 7,500 6.435 5219 Travel & Incidentals (Stafrl 3,500 2,600 3,500 3,500 5220 Dues & Memb reduced by EDC conbtributfon (11,000) (6,600) 5221 Copier Lease 3,600 - 5,000 5225 Public Relations 10 000 4 328 10.000 6,800 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 733,600 75,303 148,499 134,605 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6065 Appraisal Fees 15,000 13,797 18,200 20,000 Goes Tax Administrative Pees 1,500 1,808 1,692 2,000 6018 Audit 7,500 6,750 8,750 7,000 6028 Independent Labor 200 10,290 15,000 400 6040 Logat Fees 22,000 46,134 68,000 50,000 6050 Records Retention 1,000 0 1,000 3,700 6053 Small Equipment 2,000 252 2,000 2,000 Gass Professional ouWde Services 4,000 2,649 4,000 4,000 6057 Information SenlfCeS Budget (Total) 31803 31 B03 _ 31,803 19.563 TOTAL PROF. & CONTRACTUAL SERI 55,003 113,491 148,445 _ 106,683 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 9001 OPS Joint Venture Contrihution 640,362 639,386 639,366 507,000 Replentish 90 day fund Balance 137,000 DPS Exlm Payment 159,847 159,847 159.847 - 9505 Office FumiturefEqulpment 2,009 2,030 2,000 2,000 6506 Building Payment 35,000 14,738 35,000 35,000 9543 Systems-Compuler Payment 15810 15y33 15.093 15.093 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 853.019 _ 631,234 !151.326 7_`76 093093 _ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,344,945 1,236,284 1,427,314 1,366,330 - 9:31 AM6129f01 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Proposed Budget - Public Works 200012001 9:30 AM5129101 PERSONNEL SERVICES 5010 Salaries/Wages 175,079 127,562 165,276 1118,803 5015 Employee Overtime & Holiday Pay 1,500 3,254 6,000 6,000 5016 Vehicle Allowance 3,600 3,788 5,000 - 5020 Social Security 10,856 8,238 10,810 12.264 5021 Medicare Taxes 21539 1,916 2,500 2,868 5022 Unemployment Taxes 600 575 600 BOO 5030 Employee Insurance 17,792 10,827 15,DOO 18,000 5040 Employee Retirement 9,830 2,196 9,000 19,543 5045 Pre•Empioymeni Testing 1,000 1,000 6050 Worker's Compensation 1,134 1,61a 1,619 1,900 5051 Longevity paylruhionlMertiAncentive F 2,200 425 425 3,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 224,930 160,200 218,230 254,176 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5123 Caples 600 1,143 2,000 1,600 5124 Advertising 1,500 5130 Schools & Continuing Education 3,300 1,627 3,300 5,500 5138 Equipment Maintenance 1,200 100 1,200 600 5140 Vehide Maintenance 1,400 597 1.400 1,900 5145 Insurance 6,000 5,185 5,185 6,000 5170 OfficeSuppfies 2,000 1,567 2,200 2,300 5171 Maintenance Supplies 600 598 1,000 1,000 5172 Cleaning Services 1,300 - 1,300 1,300 5180 Postage 1,400 479 200 1,500 5185 Printing 1,000 774 1,000 1,000 5200 Rent 5,600 4,293 5,600 5,600 5210 Telephone 3,500 2,463 3,800 5,000 5218 Dues & Memberships 400 651 800 1,000 5219 Travel & Incidental 800 149 BOO 1,500 TOTAL. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 29,300 19,026 29,785 37,300 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6028 Independent Labor 15,000 6.763 15,000 15,000 8030 Landscape Maintenance 145,000 77,237 130,000 138,436 6040 LegalFeas 3,000 10,289 16,000 6,200 6042 UIllily Franchise Services 10,000 8,636 10,000 20,000 6045 Engineering Services 15,000 20,307 25,000 10,000 6046 Health Inspector Fees 2,500 1,040 1,120 2,503 6070 Trash Removal/Recycling 208.500 136.750 208,500 222,432 TOTAL PROF & CONTRACTUAL SE 397,000 261,022 403,620 414,568 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATING EXPENSES 7002 Property Maintenance 8,000 11,773 20,000 15,000 7003 Code Enforcement 6,000 2,856 6,000 6,000 7004 Building Maintenance - 10,000 7010 Efectneity 50,000 31,414 50,0DO 50,000 7014 Flag and Repairs 2,600 1,957 2,800 3,000 7018 Irrigation Repairs 10,500 1,275 5,000 6,000 7025 GasolinaJOil 2,000 240 500 3,000 7070 Hardware 1,500 1,192 1,500 1,500 Lang -Term Street Repairs 222,432 Traning ( Management & Safely) 1,580 7040 Street Repairs 150,000 127,075 150,000 150,000 7041 Street Sweeping 9,000 2,1150 5,000 9,000 7045 StreetlTmfric SignslCro8swaiks 30,500 1,753 30,500 20,000 7080 Water 18,000 28,642 40,000 20,160 7061 Uniforms & Accessories 500 500 1,500 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIN 248,600 211,027 311,000 519,172 CAPITAL EXPENSES 9015 PW Bu€lding 9,500 4,417 9,500 3,000 9020 Vehicle Equipment - - 1,200 9505 Office Fum;ture & Equipment 3,200 915 875 - 9510 Vehicles 17,500 16.047 16,047 21,000 Town Survey 75,000 - 75,000 Harmony Park AOA Renovations 10,000 10,000 9525 Moble Telephone 506 - - 9527 Mobile Radio 13,905 2,000 5,000 9520 Drip Irrigation System 2,000 2,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 117,700 35,284 115,422 30,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,057,730 686,569 1,078,657 1,255,418 9:30 AM5129101 PARKS BUDGET 2000/2001 CAPITAL EXPENSES Play Equipment & Sprinkler System 3,677 - 3,677 Baseball Fields 120,000 2,318 2,318 310,000 Corp Property - Environmental Assessment 25,000 - 40,000 Harmony Park ADA Required improvements - - - 51,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 148,677 2,318 5,995 401,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 291,121 69,960 148,295 569,950 9:31 AM6/29/01 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5,140 Vehicle Maintenance 500 - - 5,171 Maintenance Supplies 750 199 250 750 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 1,250 199 250 750 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Legal Park Land Dedication 8 Ordinances 5,000 6,028 Independent Labor 7,000 4,503 7,000 10,000 6,030 Landscape Maintenance 70,744 40,966 70,744 70,750 Arts Council entertainment activities 6,054 Consultants 2,500 5,106 5,106 12,000 6,080 Portable Toilets 6,750 3,084 5,000 6,750 TOTAL PROF 8, CONTRACTUAL SERVICE: 86,994 53,659 87,850 104,500 PARKS OPERATING EXPENSES 7,302 Property Maintenance 25,000 6,169 25,000 25,000 7,303 Playground 8, Bali Field Materials 4,500 2,059 4,500 4,500 7,304 Park Equipment Replacement Fund 7,000 7,310 Electricity 3,000 1,673 3,000 5,500 7,318 Irrigation Repairs 4,500 925 4,500 4,500 7,325 GasolinelOil 1,000 - 1,000 - 7,330 Hardware 200 - 200 200 7,380 Water 16,000 2,958 16,000 17.,000 TOTAL PARKS OPERATING EXPENSES 54,200 13,784 54,200 63,700 CAPITAL EXPENSES Play Equipment & Sprinkler System 3,677 - 3,677 Baseball Fields 120,000 2,318 2,318 310,000 Corp Property - Environmental Assessment 25,000 - 40,000 Harmony Park ADA Required improvements - - - 51,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 148,677 2,318 5,995 401,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 291,121 69,960 148,295 569,950 9:31 AM6/29/01 PLANNING ZONING 2000/2001 Request CAPITAL EXPENSES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 35,854 43,698 19,000 17,217 25,575 50,412 9:32 ANi6129101 PERSONNEL SERVICES 5010 SalarieslWages 15,000 5015 Employee Overtime & Holiday Pay 1,200 5020 Social Security 1,013 5021 Medicare Taxes 237 5022 Unemployment Taxes 50 5030 Employee Insurance 1,550 5040 Employee Retirement 1,614 5050 Worker's Compensation 100 5051 Longevity payliuillonfMetiUincenlive pay 138 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 20.902 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 5105 Advertising - 262 200 16 100 100 5123 Copies 28 176 175 318 175 300 5130 Schools & Training 450 205 400 330 400 800 5160 Miscellaneous 2 34 100 1 50 50 5162 Newsleller/PLWcatlons 717 395 450 255 450 450 5170 office supplies 104 500 1,300 693 1,300 1,300 5180 Postage - 116 125 109 125 200 5165 Printing 44 341 200 - 100 50 5217 Plat Filing Fees 172 132 150 65 150 - 5218 Dues & Memberships 160 140 200 110 175 200 5219 Travel & Incidentals 51 334 100 - 50 200 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 1,748 2,039 3,400 1,699 3,075 3,650 PROFESSIONAL & CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6005 Appraisal Fees - 600 400 400 400 400 6025 Town Planner 24,948 24,079 5,000 11,252 15,000 16,000 - 6040 Legal Fees 3,720 3,935 4,000 626 2,000 4,000 - 6643 LegallOrdinances - 1,375 1,000 - 1,000 1,000 6045 Engineering Services 4,436 5,967 4.000 3,040 4,000 3,260 TOTAL PROF & CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 33,106 36,156 14,400 15,318 22,400 24,550 PLANNING & ZONING OPERATING EXPENSES 7106 Computer Mapping 1,000 5,103 1,200 - 1,200 1,200 TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING OPERATINC 1,060 5,103 1,200 - 1,200 1,200 - CAPITAL EXPENSES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 35,854 43,698 19,000 17,217 25,575 50,412 9:32 ANi6129101 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TAX RATE CALCULATION 1999/2000 Assessed valuation (Preliminary) 443,027,870 Collection rate of 99% INTEREST & SINKING FUND 438,597,591 TAX RATE TOTAL 0.06600 289,474 OPERATING FUND 0.39451 1,730,311 0.46051 2,019,785 9:35 AM6129I01 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB INTEREST SINKING FUND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 199912000 Int only new 3MM Bond Principal Interest Fees Reserve Payment Total Budget Less Interest Income Net Budget 2000 Certified Assessed Valuation Certified Tax Value at 99% collection rate Bond Payment due September 30, 2001 Indicated Tax Levy for Unlimited Tax Debt Purposes at 99 % collections Rate used Last year's rate: .04551 Estimated revenue 90,000 75,000 120,921 1,000 9,250 296,171 8,000 288,171 443,027,870 438,597,591 289,000 0.0465 0.04301 J 9:35 AM6129101