ORD 2002-19TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2002- 19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS, INCLUDING THE RETURNS OF EARLY VOTING BALLOTS CAST IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE JOINT GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 4, 2002, AS SUCH RETURNS RELATE TO THE ELECTION OF THREE (3) COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS EACH TO THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CANVASS OF THE JOINT GENERAL ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on February 4, 2002, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town") passed and approved Ordinance No. 2002-10, which Ordinance ordered a Joint General EIection between the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1, and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 2 for the purpose of electing three (3) Council Members for two (2) year terms each to the Town Council, three (3) Directors to Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 for four (4) year terms each, and two (2) Directors to Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 2 for four (4) year terms each; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2002-10 also ordered the appointment of a Presiding Election Judge and an Alternate Presiding Election Judge for the purpose of conducting such election; and, WHEREAS, the appropriate authority of the Town heretofore caused to be posted and published, in accordance with the election laws of the State of Texas, notice of the Joint General Election; and WHEREAS, the Joint General Election was duly and legally held on May 4, 2002, in the Town and in conformity with the election laws of the State of Texas, and the results of the Joint General Election, including the early voting results, have been certified and returned to the proper judges and clerks thereof; and WHEREAS, the official returns of the presiding judges of the Joint General Election, including the returns of early voting ballots in connection therewith, and as such returns are related to the election of three (3) Council Members for two (2) year terms each for the Trophy Club Town Council, have been presented to the Town Council acting in its capacity as the Canvassing Board; and WHEREAS, the official returns of the presiding judges of the Joint General Election, including the returns of early voting ballots in connection therewith, and as such returns are related to the election of three (3) Directors to Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 for four (4) year 1 Q:ITOWNSECIPending OrdinanceslCANVASS2002 JOINT GEN ELECT FINAL051002.DOC terms each and two (2) Directors to Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 2 for four (4) year terms each, have been presented to those respective entities, who shall convene separately at appropriately posted meetings to canvass their respective returns in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered the returns of the Joint General Election as related to the election of three (3) Council Members for two (2) year terms each to the Trophy Club Town Council, including the returns of early voting ballots cast in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the returns of the Joint General Election, including the returns of the early voting ballots, duly and legally made, and as related to the election of three (3) Council Members for two (2) year terms each to the Trophy Club Town Council, showed that each candidate for the office of Council Member, received the following votes: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO 2 YEAR TERMS NAME OF CANDIDATE TOTAL NUMBER OF EARLY VOTING VOTES RECEIVED TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED AT POLL ON ELECTION DAY TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES RECEIVED Beverly Foley 299 499 798 Jim Moss 282 426 708 Brad Glasco 221 417 638 Susan Edstrom 263 522 785 Doyle A. Nicholson 285 420 705 Bill Matthai 257 482 739 and; WHEREAS; pursuant to State Law, in order to be declared elected, a candidate must receive the highest number of votes of the entire Town cast for the office for which such person is a candidate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. Incorporation of Premises. The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 2. Confirmation of Vote Tabulations. The results of the Joint General Election, as related to the election of three (3) Council Members for two (2) year terms each to the Town Council, and as canvassed and tabulated above, reflect the expressed desires of the resident, qualified voters of the Town. 2 Q:ITO\ NSECIPending Ordinances\CAN VAS S2002 JOINT GEN ELECT FINAL051002.DOC Section 3. Elected Officials, Terms of Office. In accordance with the canvass and tabulation of the results of the Joint General Election, the duly elected Council Members elected on May 4, 2002, and the corresponding terms of office, subject to the taking of the oaths of office as required by State Law, are as follows: OFFICE TERM NAME Council Member Two (2) Years Beverly Foley Council Member Two (2) Years Susan Edstrom Council Member Two (2) Years Bill Matthai Section 4. Issuance of Certificates of Election. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver Certificates of Election to the successful candidates elected at the Joint General Election, as specified in Section 3 hereof. Section S. Issuance of Canvass of Joint General Election. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Canvass of the Joint General Election, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", in accordance with the election laws of the State of Texas, and to take all other action necessary in connection therewith. Section 6. Engrossment_ and Enrollment. The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the Caption and Effective Date in the minutes of the Town Council and by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records ofthe Town. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so ordained. 3 QATOWNSEC\Pending Ordinances\CANVASS2002 JOINT GEN ELECT FINAL051002.DOC I PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town C o ciloif e Town ofTropli'y Club, Texas, this 10" day of May, 2002. /�I I/ 1% ATTEST'' ,,-% Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: -td.J-p-te'�1 ytdl Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Club, Texas Q:ITOWNSEC\Pciiiding Ordinanm\CANVASS2002 10INT GEN ELECTPINAL051002.DOC EXHIBIT "A» TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS CANVASS OF JOINT GENERAL, ELECTION I, the undersigned Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and Presiding Officer of the Canvassing Authority of the Town, met on May 10, 2002, with the Town Council of the Town, sitting as the Canvassing Board to canvass the returns of the Joint General EIection held on May 4, 2002, at the Trophy Club Town Hall Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, as such returns related to the election of three (3) Council Members to the Town Council. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the figures on the tally sheets correspond with the figures on the returns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and,c-aused the seal of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas to be affixed hereto, this 10th day of May, 20'02.{ (Seal) 'Mayor and Ptesiding Officer of the Canvastg Authority Trophy Club, Texas 5 QATOWNSECIi'ending OrdinanceslCANVAS52002 JOINT GEN ELECT FINAL051002.BOC s� r8 cry `. CCD 9 4 Nd o 'Mayor and Ptesiding Officer of the Canvastg Authority Trophy Club, Texas 5 QATOWNSECIi'ending OrdinanceslCANVAS52002 JOINT GEN ELECT FINAL051002.BOC 17 11{7 Reluras (186) Prescribed by Secretary ufState Section 65.014, V.T.C.A., Elecfion Code Pct. No, Authority conducting election (Nran. de Pct.) (Anloridadadminisirando laelecrian) RETURN SHEET 400/401 Town of TRophy Club & (PAGINA DEDA TOS SOBRE �! r EL RESULTADO DE LA ELECCION)' Date a do la Ele (TipsTypad E leccio (Feeha de la ElercianJ (Tipp de Elearian) ' 5-4-02 CP_nPrn1 Total number orvoterswho voted aAindicated bypoll list,f rip Election Day/ ar y Total Voters (Numera total de votanres quo volaron segun to liria do vat anles. f / .7— / / �,�j -r _ S ZZ t, the undersigned, the presidingiudge for the above described election held at the above designated election precinct, do hereby certify that the above return is a true and correct return for said election. (Yo, el dbpjoJumada jut_ presidenie de la elecci❑n senalada arriba quo se !levo a Cabo en el precinto electoral dpsignado arriba, par la preserve cerrifico que las darns de arriba son 10s resuhados vardaderas y c❑rrerros de dicha elercion.) Total Registered Voters 5,143 DATED this the --/Y—day of�Approximate Population 7,732 (FECHADAeste dia de , 20.,,,_9 Presiding Judge .."� Uue: Presidente) Name orcandidate(ar "For" and "Against") (Nambre del randidaiv) (a ' t favor de"y "En rawra de '7 TOWN GENERAL Office Sough[ or Proposition (Puesl❑ a frialsolicirada a f rp osicion P J. No. of votes received (Num. de vatas recibidas) Foley Council Member 9'8 Moss Council Member 709 Glasco Edstrgm Nicholson Council Member Council Member Council Member -3 g 7 25 - 7 0� Matthai Council Member 3 M[1D ' Obermeier Director 70 White Liles Director Director 35-1 7 Robison Director / / % 9 Kills Director � �3 MUD V 2 Fitzpatrick Director of % Borges Director 9 Navarre Director Hale Director ESPECIAL 014MN PROPOSITION #1 FOR ?S 19 AGAINST *Indicates highest vote getters Total number orvoterswho voted aAindicated bypoll list,f rip Election Day/ ar y Total Voters (Numera total de votanres quo volaron segun to liria do vat anles. f / .7— / / �,�j -r _ S ZZ t, the undersigned, the presidingiudge for the above described election held at the above designated election precinct, do hereby certify that the above return is a true and correct return for said election. (Yo, el dbpjoJumada jut_ presidenie de la elecci❑n senalada arriba quo se !levo a Cabo en el precinto electoral dpsignado arriba, par la preserve cerrifico que las darns de arriba son 10s resuhados vardaderas y c❑rrerros de dicha elercion.) Total Registered Voters 5,143 DATED this the --/Y—day of�Approximate Population 7,732 (FECHADAeste dia de , 20.,,,_9 Presiding Judge .."� Uue: Presidente)