RES 2008-08Town 01 Trophy Club Resolution No.2008-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS,SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF THE NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT'S $260,000,000 BOND PROPOSAL ON MAY 10,2008. WHEREAS,THE Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club recognizes that the Northwest ISO student population is anticipated to increase by 5950 students over the next three years;and WHEREAS,the Town Council recognizes that the pursuit of high quality academics requires adequate facilities 10 provide appropriate teacher-to-student ratios;and WHEREAS,THE Northwest ISO Long-Range Planning Committee has recommended to the Northwest ISO Board of Trustees the following bond projects to accommodate the anticipated student growth: •School site purchases (8 elementary school sites and 1 middle school sile) •Seven new elementary schools •One new middle school •Classroom additions to Samuel Beck Elementary School •HVAC replacements at Lakeview,Haslet and Justin Elementary schools and the District Support Services facility. •Technology to accommodate growth and upgrades;infrastructure for new schools,five year technology replacement cycle and instruction initiatives. •Educational Programs;orchestra classrooms,Career Pathways/Academies,Feasibility stUdy to prepare for future natatorium. WHEREAS,The Northwest ISD Board of Trustees has called a $260,000,000 bond election for May 10,2008 to provide for the needed facilities; and WHEREAS,the bonds will be sold as demographics warrant over the course of the three year period with a maximum I&S tax rate of $0.3350;and WHEREAS,the 1&5 tax rate of $0.3350 is the same maximum rate guaranteed in the 2001 and 2005 bonds,and 1 WHEREAS,the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club has determined that the passage of this bond is needful for the pursuit of high quality academics; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas: Section 1.The Town Council supports and encourages the passage of the May 10,2008 Northwest ISO $260,000,000 bond. Section 2.The resolution shall take effect from and after the date of passage. PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas on this 7'''day of April 2008. e~~ Mayor of Trophy Club,Nick Sanders, ATIEST: own Secretary,Lisa Ramsey APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney,Patricia Adams 2