RES 2007-23TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2007 - 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING THE TAX ROLL OF THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Denton Central Appraisal District has presented a certified tax roll to the Town of Trophy Club, Texas which includes all taxable property within Trophy Club that is located in both Denton and Tarrant Counties; and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to approve and accept such certified roll, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. That the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas for the year 2007, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A and incorporated herein, is approved and accepted. Such tax roll shall constitute the Town's tax roll for the 2007 tax year. Section 2. That Exhibit "B" specifying the net taxable appraised value, the current 2007 tax rate approved by the Town Council, and the total tax actually levied for real, personal property and minerals, is hereby approved and accepted. A copy of Exhibit "B" is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this the 241h day of September, 2007. own of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: ,- ,. APPROVED AS TO FORM: , .. , ./' ' /' .,'2 j4(-b uT?own ~ecret'aiy I Town Attorney Town of ~rophy Club, Texas Town of ~ro~h~ Club, Texas {SEAL] CERTiFlCATiON OF 2007 APPRAISAL RECORDS JULY 20,2007 included in the records all property that am aware determined as required by law." NOTARY PUBLIC EXPIRES: 02/08/2011 Assessment Roll Grand Totals Re~ort OENTON PRODUCTION sm TexYeer: 2007 &oC Ccrtlncallon C26 -Town 0rTmphy Club (ARB Approved Tnlsls) Numb~r of Propcrtles: 3255 Land Totals Land - Homeslie I+) S138.828.015 Lend - Non Homesite Lsnd - Ag Mahel Land -TIrnbsrMaikel . . Land - Exempt AgmmbeiMarliel (+I SO Tolal Land Market Value 1;) $208,779,501 (+) $206,779,801 mpmvrrnent Tota Mlneliib (1) 59,178,570 (t) $9,178,570 Tolal MarkslValua I? Sn9,915,075 $779,915,075 Towl Homaatood Cap Adlusfmsnt (283) (-1 $3,379,593 Total Exempl Pmperty (in) (4 516,181,235 .'" 065 Frcezc Totils Freeze Asse8sed $81,123,899 .-' oG5 TranshrTotola Transier Asiossod S849.998 TmnsrerTaxable 5814.996 PoII-Percenl Taxable S709.142 TraneierAdjuslmsnl(1) 5105.655 Pilnlsd on 0712112007 a14:20 PM Page 55 oi 167 Assessment Roll Grand Totals Report DENTON PRODUCTION SITE Tar Year: 2007 As 06 CcrliR~aUon Fneze AdjusledTarabfs (Nelhrabfo- Frooze Taxable -Trander Adjustmenl) li) $660,65DpZB '" DP Frecre Tolale free^^ Assessed 53,920,053 FreereTanabl~ 53,906.063 Transler Adluslmsnl(0) $0 Fnters Adjusted Tarable (NolTnxnblo - FresreTnxeble -Translor Adjusfmsnll PI $655,941,565 Assessment Roll Grand Totals Re~ort DENTDN PRODUCTION SITE Tax Year: 2001 As ol: Certln~atlon C29 -Town of Trophy Club (Undor ARB RovlowTotalsJ Number of Propsnlcs: 59 Land Totals Land - Hornsalls l+l S23.414 Lend- No" Hmesite Land - Ag Markst Lend-Tlrnbsr Marltel Land - Exempl Agmmbsi Marlist (+I 50 Tnhl Lnnd Market Valua (=I 547,124,445 (+I $17,124,445 Psrronal Pmpsrty (4) Sl88,573 (+I 5188.573 Tolal MilrhotVaiva (=I $25,457,995 $25,451,995 Tolal Homestead Cap Adlustmcnt (01 (-1 $0 ~olal ~xompt Prwperhr (01 1-1 $0 Pmdustlvlty Talals Tolal ProducUvlly Mariiel (Non Exempt) (+I 54,574,014 As Ues (131 1-1 518.008 Tlmher Ura (01 1-1 $0 Tolal Pmdudlvlty Loss PI 54,556,005 1-1 $4,558,005 Total Asssssod (=I S20,401,990 ""065 Frcarc Totals Fmczo Aasorrcd 50 Freeze Taxable SO Fraere Cslllng (0) 50.00 "" OGS Transfer Totals Tremlsi Assearad SO TrenrlsrTanbls SO P~sl-P~r~~ntTa~~ble SO Transfer Adjuslmenl(0) SO Frooza Adjusted Taxable (NclTarablc -FrcezeTanblc -Transfar Adjustment) (=I 520,901,990 "' DP Freeze Totals Freeze A53essed SO Prinled on 0712112007al4:20 PM PageSol151 Assessment Roll Grand Totals Report DENTON PROOUCT~ON SITE Tax Ye% 2007 As ol: Certlflcallon Frseze Csiiing (0) 50.00 EXHIBIT "B" 2007 TAX ROLL FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Based on the 2007 certified roll dated July 20, 2007 from the Denton Central Appraisal District, the net taxable appraised value (before freeze), which was ARB approved, was listed as $749,901,959. The current 2007 tax rate ($.43051/$100 assessed value) approved by the Town Council, which has been imposed on each property included on the certified appraisal roll for the Town for 2007, totals $3,228,403 levy (before freeze). The appraisal roll of $3,228,403 levy (before freeze) upon approval by the Town Council, shall constitute the 2007 tax roll for the Town of Trophy Club.