RES 2002-02TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2002 - 02 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TO ENTER INTO A TEXPOOL PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH THE COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS; DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Ac;. TEX GOV'T CODE ANN, Chapter 791, and the Public Funds Investment Act, TEX GOV'T CODE ANN, Chapter 2256, provide for the creation of public fund investment pools to which any local government may delegate, by contract, the authority to hold legal title as custodian and to make investments purchased with local investment funds; WHEREAS, TexPool was created on behalf of entities whose investment objectives in order of priority are preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act; WHEREAS, participating in TexPool requires that the Town of Trophy Club enter into a TexPool Participation Agreement with the Comptroller of Public Accounts, acting by and through the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company, trustee of TexPool; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, to invest local funds from the sale of bonds for street improvements in investments that provide for the preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, or his designee, is hereby authorized to enter into a TexPool Participation Agreement with the Comptroller of Public Accounts on behalf of the Town of Trophy Club to establish an account in the name of the Town for the purpose of transmitting local funds for investment in TexPool. Section 2. That a copy of the TexPool Participation Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein as if copied in its entirety. Section 3. That the individuals whose signatures appear in this Resolution are Authorized Representatives of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and are hereby authorized to transmit funds for investment in TexPool and are each further authorized to withdraw funds from time to time, to issue letters of instruction, and to take all other actions deemed necessary or appropriate for the investment of local funds. Changes to Authorized Representatives maybe made as follows: QATOWNSECTending Resolutions\street bond TexPool-0I0202.doc _ I - (a) An Authorized Representative of the Town may be deleted by a written instrument signed by all remaining Authorized Representatives provided that the deleted Authorized Representative is: (1) Assigned job duties that no longer require access to the Town's TexPool account; or (2) No longer employed by the Town. (b) The Town may, by amending Resolution approved by the Town, add an Authorized Representative, providing that the additional Authorized Representative is an officer, employee, or agent of the Town. The following individuals are hereby designated as authorized representatives of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and will be issued P.I.N. numbers. 1. Name: o er Un er Signature 2. Name: Donna Welsh, ,J Signature e'er 3. Name: / Diane Cockrell Signature) M. 4. Name: Cathv Morgas Signature Title: Director of Finance Direct Phone Number: 682-831-4613 Title: Town Manager Direct Phone Number: 682-831-4607 Title: Town Secretary Direct Phone Number: 682-831-4601 Title: District Manager Direct Phone Number: 682-831-4610 The Authorized Representative, as provided above, that will have primary responsibility for performing transactions and receiving confirmations and monthly statements under the Participation Agreement is designated as follows: Name: Roger Unger In addition, and at the option of the Town of Trophy Club, one additional authorized representative can be designated to perform only inquiries of selected information. This limited representative cannot make deposits or withdrawals. If the Town of Trophy Club desires to designate a representative with inquiry rights only, that individual shall be designated as follows: 5. Name: Signature Title: Direct Phone Number: Q:\TOWNSEC\Pending Resoludons\street bond TexPool-010202.doc - 2 - Section 4. That this resolution shall continue in full force and effect until amended or revoked by the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and until TexPool receives a copy of any such amendments or revocation. Section 5. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 7th day of January 2002. Town of TropK Club, Texas ATTEST: Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas Ea1"V V\ f (.i [SEAL] IQ Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas C Iri EFFECTIVE: January 16, 2002 QATOwNSECPending Resolutions\street bond TexPool-010202.doc -3 - RESOLUTION AMENDING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES WHEREAS, Town of Trophy Club ("Participant") is a local government of the State of Texas and is empowered to delegate to a public funds investment pool the authority to invest funds and to act as custodian of investments purchased with local investment funds; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Participant to invest local funds in investments that provide for the preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act; and WHEREAS, the Texas Local Government Investment Pool ("TexPool"), a public funds investment pool, was created on behalf of entities whose investment objective in order of priority are preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: A. That the individuals, whose signatures appear in this Resolution, are Authorized Representatives of the Participant and are each hereby authorized to transmit funds for investment in TexPool and are each further authorized to withdraw funds from time to time, to issue letters of instruction, and to take all other actions deemed necessary or appropriate for the investment of local funds. B. That an Authorized Representative of the Participant may be deleted by a written instrument signed by all remaining Authorized Representatives provided that the deleted Authorized Representative (1) is assigned job duties that no longer require access to the Participant's TexPool account or (2) is no longer employed by the Participant; and C. That the Participant may by Amending Resolution signed by the Participant add an Authorized Representative provided the additional Authorized Representative is an officer, employee, or agent of the Participant; Page 1 of 3 List the Authorized Representatives of the Participant. These individuals will be issued P.I.N. numbers. 1.Name Roger Unger Signature 2. Name 9,Tna Welsh Signature - cz 3. Name D,a.^ari�e Cockrell Signature Title Director of Finance Direct Phone Number 682-831-4613 Title Town Manager Direct Phone Number 682-831-4607 Title Town Secretary Direct Phone Number 682-831-4601 List the name of the Authorized Representative listed above that will have primary responsibility for performing transactions and receiving confirmations and monthly statements under the Participation Agreement. Name Roger In addition and at the option of the Participant, one additional Authorized Representative can be designated to perform only inquiry of selected information. This limited representative cannot make deposits or withdrawals. If the Participant desires to designate a representative with inquiry rights only, complete the following information. 4. Name Title D. That this Resolution and its authorization shall continue in full force and effect until amended or revoked by the Participant, and until TexPool receives a copy of any such amendment or revocation. This Resolution is herebv introduced and adopted by the Participant at its regular/special meeting held on the 7th day January 2002 �1 NAME OF PARTICIPAN B 9 OF r�, OFFICIAL SEAL 0 Scott Smith Printed Name Mayor Title ATTEST: Signature j Diane Cockrell Printed Name Town Secret Title Page 2 of 3 List the Authorized Representatives of the Participant. These individuals will be issued P.I.N. numbers. V\ - 1. Name Cathy Moorg��,as Signature 2. Name N/A Signature 3. Name Signature Title District Manager Direct Phone Number 682-831-4610 Title Direct Phone Number Title Direct Phone Number List the name of the Authorized Representative listed above that will have primary responsibility for performing transactions and receiving confirmations and monthly statements under the Participation Agreement. Name In addition and at the option of the Participant, one additional Authorized Representative can be designated to perform only inquiry of selected information. This limited representative cannot make deposits or withdrawals. If the Participant desires to designate a representative with inquiry rights only, complete the following information. 4. Name Title D. That this Resolution and its authorization shall continue in full force and effect until amended or revoked by the Participant, and until TexPool receives a copy of any such amendment or revocation. This Resolution is herebv introduced and adopted by the Participant at its regular/special meeting held on the 7th day January ,20 02 NAME OF PARTICIPANT: TownTro V Cl BY: I ature Z 19 a, 5 4E OFFICIAL SEAL Scott Smith Printed Name Mayor_ Title 7 ATTEST:_ -le?'tGG Signature Diane Cockrell Printed Name Town Secre Title Page 3 of 3