RES 1998-07k • • •' •
WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Council, comprised primarily of local elected
officials, is the regional transportation policy body associated with the North Central Texas
Council of Governments, the Metropolitan Planning Organization, and has been and continues
to be a forum for cooperative decisions on transportation; and,
WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Council is charged with the responsibility of
preparing and maintaining the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Dallas -Fort Worth
Metropolitan Area in accordance with applicable federal regulations; and
WHEREAS, Mobility 2020: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is the Metropolitan
Transportation Plan for the Dallas -Fort Worth Metropolitan Area as adopted by the Regional
Transportation Council on December 12, 1996; and
WHEREAS, Mobility 2020: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan contains $32.6
billion in transportation needs, resulting in a financial program calling for $6.8 billion in
additional revenue; and
WHEREAS, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
expired on September 30, 1997, and the six-month ISTEA extension bill will expire on April 30,
1998; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Senate, on March 12, 1998, voted to approve S.B. 1173 (ISTEA
II), which will provide $214 billion in contract authority for the nation's transportation needs
over the next six years (1998-2003), and the U.S. House of Representatives is awaiting action
on H.R. 2400 (BESTEA), which proposes $218 billion in contract authority for the nation's
transportation needs over the next six years (1998-2003); and
WHEREAS, the funding equity issue to "donor states" as outlined in the Streamlined
Transportation Efficiency Program for the 21st Century (STEP 21), now included in both ISTEA
II and BESTEA legislation, is of critical importance to rapidly growing states such as Texas; and
WHEREAS, the principal issue remaining for donor states in the ISTEA reauthorization
debate is the percentage of total funds on which the rate of return to donor states is calculated;
DOC #: 592360
WHEREAS, both the Senate's ISTEA II and House's BESTEA legislation contain
language for a 90 cents on the dollar guaranteed return on highway formula programs for Texas;
WHEREAS, it is estimated by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) that
the funding return to Texas as provided in the ISTEA II legislation is 87 cents per every dollar
contributed by Texas to the Highway Trust Fund, and as proposed in the BESTEA legislation,
the return is 82 cents per every dollar contributed by Texas to the Highway Trust Fund; and
WHEREAS, Texas and the North Central Texas region need a valid and certain 90
percent return on the total highway program in order to keep pace with the projected increases
in both population and vehicular travel demand in our state and region.
Section 1. The Town of Trophy Club applauds the continuous efforts by members of
both the House and Senate in supporting legislation that increases the nation's investment in
transportation infrastructure over the next six years.
Section 2. The Town of Trophy Club continues to support federal transportation
legislation that guarantees a 90 percent return on the total highway program and a 90 cent return
to Texas for every dollar Texas contributes to the Highway Trust Fund.
Section 3. This resolution be transmitted to members of the Texas Congressional
delegation and the NCTCOG Regional Transportation Council.
Section 4. This resolution shall be in effect immediately upon its adoption.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas,
this 7th day of April, 1998.
Town Secretary,
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
DOC #: 592360
Town of Trophy Club, Texas