RES 1992-01Town of Trophy Club 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 (817) 491-9693 P. L11' 0- C'L U mi 10 N R 92-01 0 SPRING OUR OF NFEW HOMES r -L 1-7 1 2 t t-1 PrI.L.0 11--) - 3, 1992' W - 1- HEDREAS, , the Duilders Association of" Fort Worl Tai rant and Denton C'ounty, provLde growth to tilecommnunLty _oy ercipLoy ing our c'.1ttens ; ana WHEREAS, tiey st'rive to prov-Lde better tiousing and -Lies such as parks, so -hoo -'s, and 1 brario --1 es fr pubi-ic �-acl-L"LC J,- -L L Citi citizens in tfte commmunity; and WIT LEREAS, our c-L-tizens recocmize the horvie b u 1 -1d, 1 n g Jndlustry and its a -L con v-tJ tr�11� U Im '1ion to civic and economic progress in our commiunity. C THEREFORE., Thie Town Councli of the Town of Trophy U� 15 -May 3NEW HOMEWEE S K I b Iftereby procia-Lms Aprii In-- -L , 1992 as and urge the citizeins of our town to recognize tiles-week deC'L1-Lcate(-A' to building 1better housing and' n ncreasing the quality os--- life J -n our commmnity. --- --------- MA"'-,R