Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday,
September 3, 2013.
The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to
the public.
April Reiling
Connie White
Jeannette Tiffany
Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2
Bill Rose
Council Member, Place 1
Clint Schroeder
Council Member, Place 3
Danny Mayer
Council Member, Place 4
Greg Lamont
Council Member, Place 5
Mike Slye
Town Manager
Amy Piukana
Town Secretary
April Reiling
PIO/Marketing Manager
Patricia Adams
Town Attorney
Danny Thomas
Fire Chief
Scott Kniffen
Police Chief
Carolyn Huggins
Community Development Director
Adam Adams
Parks and Recreation Director
Mayor White announced the date of September 3, 2013, called the meeting to order and announced
a quorum at 6:02 p.m.
INVOCATION - The invocation was offered by Council Member Schroeder.
PLEDGES — The Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags were led by Police Chief
Scott Kniffen.
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the
agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at
this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda
items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit
determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form
that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the
Council has authority.
There were no resident(s) who wished to speak under citizen presentations.
All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by
one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be
removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated:
- August 8, 2013
- August 19, 2013
2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement
between the Town and Northwest Independent School District for School
Resource Officer services for Fiscal Year 2013-2014; and authorizing the
Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents.
3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an agreement between the
Town and Brian Hall, d/b/a Brian The Animal Guy for animal control services;
and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary
4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement between
the Town and Denton County for Shared Governance Communications and
Dispatch Services System; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute
all necessary documents.
5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement
between the Town and the Texas Department of Public Safety for the purchase
of various law enforcement supplies, including alcohol blood test kits, urine
specimen kits, and gunshot residue kits; and authorizing the Mayor or her
designee to execute all necessary documents.
6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of an
Amended Plat for Neighborhood 7, Phase 2G, approximately 32.297 acres
located in The Highlands at Trophy Club, east of Broadway Drive, north of
Trophy Park Drive, and west of Freedom Dog Park.
7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the following Ordinances
amending the Town's Fee Schedule:
- (A) An Ordinance repealing Section 8.03, "Community Development Department"
of Article VIII, Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town relative to fees for
various commercial and miscellaneous permits; and adopting a new Section 8.03,
"Community Development Department" establishing fees for various commercial and
miscellaneous permits; providing for publication; and providing an effective date.
- (B) An Ordinance amending Section 8.11, "Police Department" of Article VIII, of
Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances relative to fees for participation in Concealed
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Handgun Licensing classes conducted by the Trophy Club Police Department;
providing for publication, and providing an effective date.
Council Member Rose made a motion to approve Consent Items 1-7, as amended.
Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany. Motion approved unanimously.
8. Presentation of a proclamation for United Way declaring September as "Live
United Month".
Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany read a proclamation declaring the month of September as
"Live United Month" in the Town of Trophy Club.
Motion made by Council Member Rose to approve a proclamation for United Way
declaring September as "Live United Month". Motion seconded by Council
Member Schroeder. Motion approved unanimously.
9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution creating a Blue
Ribbon Panel to study the current governmental structure within the Town of
Trophy Club and to make a recommendation to the Town Council; appointing
members to serve on the Panel; and providing an effective date.
Town Manager Slye provided a brief overview regarding this item.
Motion made by Council Member Mayer to approve a Resolution creating a Blue
Ribbon Panel to study the current governmental structure within the Town of
Trophy Club and to make a recommendation to the Town Council; appointing
members to serve on the Panel; and providing an effective date. Motion
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany.
Motion made by Council Member Rose to align the number of individuals
selected from the MUD District and PID to four (4) from the PID and eight (8) from
the MUD No.1. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany. Motion failed by vote
of 2-4, Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, Council Member Mayer, Schroeder
voting against.
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany to add one (1) candidate for position of
secretary to the committee to provide administrative duties for the committee.
Motion seconded by Council Member Mayer.
Motion to amend by Council Member Mayer to make this person without voice and
without vote. Motion seconded by Council Member Lamont. Motion approved by
vote of 5-1, Mayor White voting against.
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The main motion to add a 13th member (without voice and without vote) to the Blue
Ribbon Panel was approved unanimously.
Motion made by Council Member Lamont to add two (2) alternates to the Blue
Ribbon Panel. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany.
Motion to amend made by Council Member Schroeder to add two (2) alternates one
from the MUD District and one (1) from the PID. Motion seconded by Council
Member Mayer. Motion approved unanimously.
Motion to add (2) alternates to the Blue Ribbon Panel, failed by vote 0-6, all voting
Motion made by Council Member Rose to amend Section 5, page 80, to read, "All
meetings of the Panel, including meetings of any subcommittee of the Panel, shall
be open to the public and shall be held in accordance with the Texas Open
Meetings Act and with the parameters set forth in this Resolution." The rest of the
paragraphs shall be replaced with, "The panel shall proceed with its tasks in an
orderly and timely fashion." Motion seconded by Council Member Mayer. Motion
approved unanimously.
Motion made by Council Member Rose to appoint the following residents to the Blue
Ribbon Panel:
1. Joe Hennig, MUD
2. Ronald Eddins, MUD
3. Ronald Bieker, MUD
4. Nicole Fontayne, MUD
5. Patrick Arata, MUD
6. Wesley Carlton, MUD
7. James Como, PID
8. Timothy Gamache, PID
9. Mitchell Christoffer, PID
10. Robert Duncan, PID
11. Robert Hillman, PID
12. Wanda Franklin, PID
13. Sandra Millett, Board Secretary
Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany. Motion approved unanimously.
The following resident(s) addressed Council regarding this item:
Sandra Millet - asked clarifying questions regarding her duties as Secretary to the
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10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending
Section 8.12, "Parks and Recreation" of Article VIII, of Chapter 1 of the Code of
Ordinances relative to fees for Trophy Club Park and for the Community Pool;
providing for publication, and providing an effective date.
Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams provided an overview regarding this
Motion made by Council Member Rose to approve Ordinance No. 2013-26,
amending Section 8.12, "Parks and Recreation" of Article VIII, of Chapter 1 of the
Code of Ordinances relative to fees for Trophy Club Park and for the Community
Pool; providing for publication, and providing an effective date. Motion seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany.
Motion made by Council Member Rose to amend the wording under pool residential
rate (Item Number 5) to include the wording "weekend only", and also under the
residential and non residential pool rate section.
Motion to amend the motion made by Council Member Rose to add the wording
"Saturday - Sunday", also under non residential rental rates to add the wording
"Saturday - Sunday".
Motion made by Council Member Rose to table this item to a later time in the
meeting. Motion seconded by Council Member Schroeder. Motion approved
11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending
Section 1.20 "Licenses and Tags" of Article I, "Animals" of Chapter II,
"Animal Control" and amending Subsection "A", "Registration" of Section
8.06, "Animal Control" of Article VIII, "Schedule of Fees" of Chapter 1,
"Administration" of the Code of Ordinances of the Town relative to animal
registration and the related fee; providing for publication; and providing for an
effective date of January 1, 2014.
Police Chief Scott Kniffen provided an overview regarding this item.
Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2013-25,
amending Section 1.20 "Licenses and Tags" of Article I, "Animals" of Chapter II,
"Animal Control" and amending Subsection "A", "Registration" of Section 8.06,
"Animal Control" of Article VIII, "Schedule of Fees" of Chapter 1, "Administration" of
the Code of Ordinances of the Town relative to animal registration and the related
fee; providing for publication; and providing for an effective date of January 1, 2014.
Motion seconded by Mayor White.
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Council Member Mayer spoke in opposition to the proposed Ordinance, raising
concerns regarding the Police Department enforcing the Ordinance, staff time,
manpower necessary to register animals and overall management of the database.
The main motion failed by vote of 0-6, Mayor White abstained from voting.
12. Update and discussion regarding Section 551.006 of the Texas Government
Code "Written Electronic Communications Accessible to Public" (effective
September 1, 2013); consider and provide direction to staff regarding same.
Town Attorney Patricia Adams provided Council an overview.
Council urged staff to research and provide a breakdown of any costs associated
with this additional social networking service being added to the Town's website.
Mayor White recessed for a short break.
13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a
Site Plan on Lot 2R1, Block B of Trophy Wood Business Center.
Community Development Director Carolyn Huggins provided an overview to Council
regarding this item.
Motion made by Council Member Rose to approve a Site Plan on Lot 2R1, Block B
of Trophy Wood Business Center with variances to east and west elevation
signage. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany.
Motion to amend the motion made by Council Member Rose, to require sidewalks
along Hwy 114 on the site plan. Motion seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany.
Motion approved unanimously.
Council skipped to Item 10.
10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending
Section 8.12, "Parks and Recreation" of Article VIII, of Chapter 1 of the Code of
Ordinances relative to fees for Trophy Club Park and for the Community Pool;
providing for publication, and providing an effective date.
Motion made by Council Member Rose to remove Ord. 2013-26 from the table.
Motion seconded by Council Member Schroeder. Later in the meeting, Parks and
Recreation Director Adam Adams provided an updated fee Ordinance at the dais
reflecting changes previously discussed by Council.
Motion made by Council Member Schroeder to add the wording to Section 2 of
Rental Rates "2 Hour rental rate". Motion seconded by Council Member Rose.
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Motion approved unanimously.
The main motion to approve Ordinance 2013-26, as amended, was approved 5-1,
Council Member Schroeder voting against.
14. Town Manager's Update; discussion of same.
- November 5, 2013 Election Update
- Transportation Update Hwy 114/170
- Indian Creek Project Update
- TIRZ No. 1 Board Applicant Update
- TCEQ Update
Town Manager Slye updated Council on the above items.
15. Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational
sessions, and regional meetings; discussion of same.
- August 23, 2013 - Northeast Courthouse groundbreaking
- August 23, 2013 - Women in Government luncheon
Mayor White updated Council on the events above.
16. Future Agenda Items.
No action taken on this item.
17. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code,
Annotated, Chapter 551 (the Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into
closed executive session to discuss the following:
(A) Texas Government Code Section 551.071(2). Consultation with Attorney on a
matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the
Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict
with the Open Meetings Act:
Water and wastewater services for PID; alternative services for the PID; terms of
representation; terms of interlocal agreement for provision of water and wastewater
services; Town assets and related matters.
(B) Texas Government Code Section 551.074(a) "Personnel Matters", to discuss or
deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or
dismissal of a public officer or employee: Town Secretary, Amy Piukana
18. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session.
Council Member Schroeder made a motion to accept the resignation of Town Secretary
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Amy Piukana. Motion seconded by Council Member Rose. Motion approved by vote of
5-1, Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany voting against.
Council Member Mayer made a comment regarding the newspaper ad signed by the
five members of the MUD Board and the recent MUD mailer mailed out to all residents.
Council Member Mayer was opposed to the information sent out stating this is
misinformation and disinformation used to illicit fear. Council Member Mayer urged
residents to ask the MUD to provide evidence and/or documentation regarding the
Council wanting to raise property taxes and water rates.
Motion made by Council Member Schroeder to adjourn. Motion seconded by Council
Member Rose. Motion approved unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 10:11 p.m.
Att Signed:
T y AWIlown Secretary onnie White, Mayor
Town of Tr�ohy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas
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