Minutes TC 09/23/2013MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, September 23, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, September 23, 2013. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Connie White Mayor Jeannette Tiffany Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Greg Lamont Council Member, Place 5 Danny Mayer Council Member, Place 4 Clint Schroeder Council Member, Place 3 Bill Rose Council Member, Place 1 (via Skype) STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Mike Slye Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Tammy Ard Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Adam Adams Director of Parks & Recreation Danny Thomas Fire Chief Scott Kniffen Police Chief Steven Glickman Finance Director Mike Pastor Director of Information Systems Mayor White announced the date of September 23, 2013, called the Town Council to order and announced a quorum at 6:03 p.m. WORKSHOP SESSION 1. Interview of candidates for appointment to the Board of Directors of the Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Town of Trophy Club, Texas; discussion of same. Town Manager Slye noted that, to our knowledge, according to the Director of Information Resources at the state this is the first Council Meeting being broadcast the way we are doing it. This past legislature adopted new laws & rules to allow absent Council Members the ability to Skype into a meeting to register their vote as if the Council Member was there in person. We will register Council Member Rose's vote by him raising his right hand. Major kudos to our IT & Legal Staff to making sure we are compliant with state law. The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board (TIRZ Not) will be composed of five (5) members (two (2) will be dedicated seats and three (3) citizens). Dedicated seat - Tarrant County Precinct 3 Representative, will be Carolyn Simms Dedicated seat — EDC -413, recommendation is David Brod We have four applicants for the three (3) citizens to serve on the board, three of the four are here to night and the fourth is Jeremy Lua, who interviewed for the Blue Ribbon Panel unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Interviewed Jared King, Adam Broyles & Daryl Howard 2. Discussion of Council procedures related to Public Hearings. 3. Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council Agenda for September 23, 2013. 4. Discussion of proposed agenda items for the October 7, 2013 Regular Session Agenda. CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME — 6:35 P.M. The Invocation was offered by Police Chief Kniffen. The Pledges were led by Fire Chief Thomas. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. No citizens addressed the Council. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. S. Discussion of proposed agenda items for the October 7, 2013 Regular Session Agenda. 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement for Participation in Fort Worth's Environmental Collection Center Household Hazardous Waste Program, designating the Town Manager, or his designee as the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Coordinator and designating the Assistant Town Manager as the alternate. 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town Council finding it necessary and appropriate to obtain a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for Water and Sewer Services for all land located within the boundaries of the Town that is not within the boundaries of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1; directing the Town Manager to proceed with the filing of an application with the TCEQ; authorizing the Town Manager to execute and deliver all necessary documents and providing an effective date. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, to approve the Consent Agenda as corrected at the dais. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. September 23, 2013 Minutes Page 2 of 7 Town Manager Slye introduced Tammy Ard as the new Town Secretary and Steven Glickman as the new Finance Director. Moved to item #17 & 18 as the public hearing is published for a start time of 7:00 p.m. 17. Consider and take appropriate action regarding nominations to the Board of Directors for Denton County Appraisal District. Council Member Mayer has expressed a desire to be nominated. 21 votes of a possible 5,000 Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, seconded by Council Member Schroeder, to nominate Council Member Mayer to the Board of Directors for Denton County Appraisal District. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 18. Consider and take appropriate action regarding monthly financials for August 2013. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, to approve financials for August 2013. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 6:55 short recess taken. CONVENE INTO PUBLIC HEARING - START TIME — 7:08 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING 8. Town Council to conduct a Public Hearing relative to the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) for the Trophy Club Public Improvement District No.1 (The Highlands at Trophy Club), the proposed Assessment Roll, and the levy of Special Assessments against the property in PID No. 1 and matters contained in the proposed Ordinance. 9. Town Council to conduct a Public Hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget for the Town of Trophy Club, making appropriations and providing for expenditures. CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME — 7:48 P.M. REGULAR SESSION 10. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club accepting and approving an update of the Service and Assessment Plan for Authorized Services (Emergency Services) and an Assessment Roll for the Town Of Trophy Club Public Improvement District No. 1 (The Highlands At Trophy Club); making a finding of special benefit to the property in the District; levying special assessments against property within the district; providing for payment, method of assessment, penalties and interest; and providing an effective date. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, to approve Ordinance 2013 - 32 setting the Emergency Services Assessment at $0.08738 per $100 of taxable value. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2014, for September 23, 2013 Minutes Page 3 of 7 Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 4B; making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; and providing an effective date. Motion made by Council Member Mayer seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, to adopt Ordinance 2013 - 34 of the Economic Development Corporation 4B budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2014. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2014 for the Town of Trophy Club, making appropriations; providing for expenditures as allowed by applicable law; providing for filing of documents; repealing conflicting ordinances; and providing an effective date. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany, seconded by Council Member Mayer, to accept Ordinance 2013 - 33 adopting and approving the Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2014. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013, and ending September 30, 2014; directing the assessment thereof; and providing an effective date. Larry Hoover, 1118 Berkshire Court addressed the Town Council by reading a letter he wrote regarding the proposed tax rate for 2014. Roll Call Vote to approve Ordinance 2013 - 31 fixing and levying Municipal Ad Valorem Taxes for the Town for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2013, and ending September 30, 2014. Council Member Lamont — in favor Council Member Mayer — in favor Council Member Schroeder — in favor Mayor White — in favor Mayor Pro Temp Tiffany — in favor Council Member Rose — in favor Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) and Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) for 2013; and providing an effective date. Certified values were provided to the Town by the Appraisal Districts on July 25, 2013. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Temp Tiffany, to approve Resolution 2013 - 23 approving the tax roll of the Denton Central Appraisal District (DCAD) and Tarrant Appraisal District (TAD) for 2013. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 15. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, amending the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (Budget Amendment No. 4); providing for the incorporation of premises; providing for an amendment to appropriate funds needed for interfund transfers for the retirement of debt service; providing a savings and repealer clause; providing for severability; providing for engrossment and enrollment; and providing an effective date. September 23, 2013 Minutes Page 4 of 7 Motion made by Council Member Schroeder, seconded by Mayor Pro Temp Tiffany, to approve Ordinance 2013 - 35 of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, amending the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (Budget Amendment No. 4); providing for the incorporation of premises; providing for an amendment to appropriate funds needed for interfund transfers for the retirement of debt service; providing a savings and repealer clause; providing for severability; providing for engrossment and enrollment. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution making annual appointments of citizens to serve Town Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; appointing Town Council Liaisons; and providing an effective date. Animal Shelter Advisory Board Motion made by Council Member Danny Mayer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany for the Council to approve appointment of Susan Edstrom as the citizen representative to the Animal Shelter Advisory Board as established by Ordinance 2013 - 19 effective immediately and additional appointment of Lisa Hunter to become effective upon Council approval of an amendment to Ordinance 2013-19 to increase the number of seats for citizen representatives from one to two at the next scheduled Council meeting. Also included on the board would be Veterinarian, Dr Bruce Fusselman, Municipal Officer, Sergeant Tony Simmons, Animal Shelter Operations, Kelly Akin, and Animal Welfare Representative, Danielle Stewart. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. CFAB Town Manager Slye mentioned it is very difficult to get a quorum together and the board has not been able to convene to make a recommendation and request that the Council allow the opportunity to amend the current resolution. Currently there are no applications for the vacancy. Mike Buck would like to be reappointed. No action taken. Will bring back in October. EDC -4B Town Manager Slye read the staff report indicating that Directors Shuman, Murray and Conn applied for reappointment. Director Mundy did not seek reappointment due to work obligations and the inability to commit to attend regular meetings at this time. After reviewing a total of seven applicants the board recommended the following applicants to the Town Council Rebecca Shuman, Dean Murray, Randall Conn and Gregory Wilson. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Council Member Schroeder for the Council to approve Rebecca Shuman, Dean Murray, Randall Conn and Gregory Wilson for appointment to EDC -4B. Motion carried 6-0- 0. Motion passed unanimously. Ethics Commission Town Manager Slye noted that the Ethics Commission is only required to meet once and year and they have; however, it was not to appoint members to fill vacancies. Only one applicant, Greg Wilson. No action taken. Will bring back in October. Parks and Recreation Board The Parks & Recreation Board recommended the reappointment of James Hanna, Louise Hocker, Tom Mills and Dean Murray. The Board recommended that Patrick Arata take the vacant seat of Board Member Stacey Everett. Board recommended that Jay Basantrumar assume Chairman Larry Lentzners seat upon his resignation at the October 8, 2013 regular Parks & Recreation Board meeting. Jessica Nichols was recommended as an alternate if any seats become vacant during the year. Jessica currently does not meet the residency requirements. Motion made by Council Member Schroeder, seconded by Council Member Mayer for the Council to approve the appointments James Hanna, Louise Hocker, Tom Mills, Dean Murray and Patrick Arata for all expiring positions. Also makes a motion to approve Jay Basantrumar to assume Chairman Larry Lentzners seat upon resignation September 23, 2013 Minutes Page 5 of 7 October 8, 2013 and to appoint Jessica Nichols as an alternate. Council Member Schroeder amended his motion to remove the appointment of Jessica Nichols, seconded by Council Member Mayer. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. Planning and Zoning Commission Town Manager Slye noted that there were two vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Dale Forest submitted his letter of resignation and Garrett Reed is up for reappointment. The Board is recommending the reappointment of Garrett Reed, and appoint Larry Vowell and Brent Card to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Council Member Schroeder for the Council to approve the recommendation of appointment of Garrett Reed, Larry Vowell and Brent Card to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. Board of Directors Reinvestment Zone No. 1, Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town Manager Slye reminded Council that there are two dedicated seats: Dedicated seat - Tarrant County Precinct 3 Representative, will be Carolyn Simms Dedicated seat— EDC -4B, recommendation is David Brod Motion made by Council Member Mayor, seconded by Council Member Rose for Council to appoint, Darrell Howard, Jared King, Adam Broyles to the Tax Reinvestment Zone No. 1. Motion carried 4-2-0 with Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany and Council Members Rose and Mayer voting for and Council Members Lamont and Clint Schroeder voting against. Zoning Board of Adjustment Town Manager Slye informed Council that we have two members on ZBA, Bob Radder, Elisabeth Kaylor and Marshall Engelbeck as an alternate and noting staff's recommendation of moving Marshall Engelbeck up to a vacancy and appoint Joe Henning and Lou Opipare to fill the vacancies and continue to recruit alternates. Bob Radder, 1 Lee Court addressed the Council, clarifying the recommendations and noting he is the senior member of this board and has been on ZBA for eight years. Radder briefly discussed the nominees. Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded by Council Member Schroeder for Council to appoint Lou Opipare, Marshall Engelbeck, Patia Boomma and Joe Henning as an alternate to ZBA. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. Staff Liaisons Council Member Schroeder requested to stay as staff liaison for Parks & Recreation Council Member Mayer requested to stay as staff liaison for EDC -4B Motion made by Council Member Schroeder, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiffany for Council to approve Resolution 2013 - 22 with the recommended appointments continuing Council Member Schroeder to the Parks & Recreation Board as Council Liaison and Council Member Mayer to the EDC -4B as Council Liaison. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion passed unanimously. 19. Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of same. - Election Update - Transportation Update Hwy 114/170 -TML IEBP Board Meeting - NTC Annual Meeting Update - PID Communication Policy Town Manager Slye updated the Council and addressed questions; no action taken, update only. September 23, 2013 Minutes Page 6 of 7 20. Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational sessions, and regional meetings; discussion of same. - Metroport Chamber Luncheon - Mayor's Roundtable - BNHS Homecoming Parade Mayor White and Council Members updated the Council and addressed questions regarding meetings attended; no action taken, update only. 21. Future Agendas Items. Mayor Pro Tem Jeannette Tiffany asked when will the Town Logo be on the agenda Town Manager Slye indicated that we would have information on the Town Logo & Message Boards out by late October EXECUTIVE SESSION 22. Pursuant to the following designated sections of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (the Texas Open Meetings Act), the Council will convene into closed executive session to discuss the following: (A) Texas Government Code Section 551.071(2). Consultation with Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act: Water and wastewater services for PID; CCN; alternative services for the PID; legislative processes and actions; terms of representation; terms of interlocal agreement for provision of water and wastewater services; Town assets and related matters. CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME — 8:58 P.M. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME —10:04 P.M. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 23. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session. Council Member Schroeder requested we go back to future agenda items, and requested we add a future agenda item to appoint a committee of Council Members for Legislative Office interactions. Town Manager Slye indicated we will add this to the next agenda. Motion made by Council Member Mayer to adjourn, seconded by Council Member Schroeder, to adjourn at 10:05 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Mayer, seconded unanimously. Meeting adjour ed at 10:05 p.m. Tm y Ard, wn Secretary T n of Trophy Club, Texas by Council Member Schroeder, to adjourn. Motion carried W -al Aonniehite, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas September 23, 2013 Minutes Page 7 of 7