Minutes TC 10/03/2011MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, October 3, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular Session on Monday, October 3, 2011. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Connie White Larry Hoover Margi Cantrell Bill Rose Glenn Strother Jeannette Tiffany Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Mike Slye Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Shannon DePrater Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Scott Kniffen Police Chief Danny Thomas Fire Chief Eric Cannon Finance Director Carolyn Huggins Community Development Director Mayor White announced the date of October 3, 2011, called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:05 p.m. WORKSHOP SESSION -6:00 P.M. 1. Presentation from Ray Turco regarding the Citizen Survey Results; discussion of same. Town Manager Slye welcomed Ray Turco. Mr. Turco gave a presentation regarding the Citizen Survey Results and addressed questions from Council. Larry Lentzner, 303 Ridge View Lane, addressed Council regarding the capturing of the demographics used in the survey. Presentation included in the minutes. 2. Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council Agenda for October 3, 2011. 3. Discussion of proposed agenda items for the October 17, 2011 Regular Session Agenda. Mayor White called a short break. CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION -START TIME -7:14 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Police Chief Kniffen. The Pledges were led by Council member Rose. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Larry Lentzner, 303 Ridge View Lane, addressed the Council regarding PD-30 including gas wells, park land dedication and community college or outpatient center will not contribute to the tax base. Peter Wick, 115 Pebble Beach Drive and Rick Chalk, 117 Pebble Beach Drive addressed the Council regarding the area coyote problem. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated September 26, 2011. Council member Rose requested consent agenda #4 be removed from the consent agenda. Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell to approve the Minutes dated September 26, 2011 as amended and placed at the dais. Motion carried unanimously. REGULAR SESSION 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Final Plat for Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2B-1 (5.686 acres) located in Planned Development No. 22. Applicant: Jacobs on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC (FP-11-041) A. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Subdivider's Agreement between the Town and BDMR Development, LLC, for Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2B-1. Community Development Director Huggins introduced this item and addressed questions from Council. Lance Proctor, Lenart Development (on behalf of BDMR Development) and Town Engineer Tom Rutledge also addressed questions from Council. Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Tiffany to approve the Final Plat for Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2B-1 (5.686 acres) located in Planned Development No. 22. and the subdivider's agreement for Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2B-1 as amended at the dais. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the approval of a Resolution of the Town Council repealing Resolution No. 2010-22 and Resolution No. 2011-08 and adopting a new October 3, 2011 Minutes Page 2 of7 Resolution making annual appointments of citizens and Council liaisons to serve Town Boards and Commissions; and providing an effective date. Larry Lentzner, 303 Ridge View Lane addressed Council and asked if Council could make a motion to include the listed alternates in the recommendation, if the Parks & Recreation Board finds they have a vacancy in the near future. Town Manager Slye asked Council to refer to page 34 of the Council packet, showing the list of all the various boards and commissions' applicants and Section 2 of the proposed Resolution lists all the recommendations being made by each board. Council made the decision to discuss each board and then vote on the Resolution as a whole. Economic Development Corporation 4A President Harvey recommends Richard Bell and Greg Wilson. Council Member Cantrell will continue as Council Liaison. Economic Development Corporation 4B The Board recommends Rebecca Shuman, Dean Murray, Larry Mundy, Randall Conn. President Hicks is requesting an exception for Dean Murray to serve on two boards. Council member Cantrell recommends approving the exception. Mayor Pro Tem Hoover asked if the Council was going to approve every exception before them and if so, why did Council make changes to the handbook. Council member Rose stated he had discussions with Dean Murray and Murray would like to stay with the Parks & Recreation Board, he can continue to work with EDC 4B as a resident. Rose proposed switching Dean Murray with Michael Bridges for EDC 4B to allow for new members. Jim Hicks, 209 Phoenix, addressed the Council regarding Mr. Dean Murray's commitment to the Economic Development Corporation 4B and appealed to the Council for this one time exception to take place. Dean Murray, 505 Glenhurst Court, addressed the Council stating he would like to work with the Parks and Recreation Board, if he only can work with one board. Mayor White and Council member Tiffany recommend making the exception for Dean Murray. Mayor Pro Tem Hoover would prefer that Dean Murray be on EDC 4B instead of the Parks & Recreation Board. Hoover will make an exception as long Council does not make an exception for everyone tonight. Council member Strother will continue as Council Liaison. Parks & Recreation Board The Board recommends reappointing Larry Lentzner and Chris McCollister and appoint Glenn Hurst and Louis Hocker. Council member Cantrell is support of the recommendations as it brings both new and reoccurring members. Council member Tiffany will serve as Council Liaison. October 3, 2011 Minutes Page 30f7 Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Hill recommends all three incumbents be reappointed. Community Development Director Huggins explained that five applicants were interviewed by phone and that most had expressed interest in other boards and commissions. Due to the limited amount of applicants for the Zoning Board of Adjustment; the applicants were recommended to ZBA for consideration. Council member Strother expressed his interest in the applicant that works in this field in another city. Community Development Director Carolyn Huggins expressed that the applicant may have conflicts with the days and times the Planning & Zoning Commission meets and that was another reason she was recommended to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Council member Strother asked if it would be possible to remove the Planning & Zoning Commission appOintments and bring back at another time. Town Attorney Adams advised all the terms have expired and the Commission was meeting the next night, reappointments need to be made or extend the current terms for a stated time frame. Discussion was also held on whether or not alternatives could be appointed to the Commission. Council member Cantrell expressed her disappointment that the Planning & Zoning Commission did not come forth with at least one new member. She understands that expertise is needed to serve but she knows that there are people in our community that have that expertise; she would have liked to have seen one new member, as the other Boards have done. This goes back to her reasoning for requesting the handbook to be amended. Council member Rose stated he struggled with is the amount of information in the council packet, a new applicant put forth a nice packet for a position and then an application from an existing member, only their time on the board is listed, no qualifications and then you are supposed to weigh the two, it is very difficult. Mayor White expressed that not only the committee system very important, it is also the way for residents can begin to be involved in the community and learn how this works and hopefully those are the ones that run for office. Mayor White shared that she agrees with Council members Cantrell and Rose. Council member Strother clarified that Council can take the Resolution and vote to extend the 2011 terms on the current board sixty days and then readdress at a later time while having Town Manager Slye express the Council's concerns to Chairman Hill. Town Manager Slye said he and Community Development Director Huggins will take Council concerns to Chairman Hill if Council wants to vote to extend the current 2011 terms and bring back results. Zoning Board of Adjustment Council member Cantrell suggests moving Bob Fair and either make him an alternate or take him off the list; he is already on a Board. Mayor White agrees with Council member Cantrell to switch Bob Fair to an alternate position. Council member Strother asked Town Manager Slye if he could take the Council's concerns to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, just like Planning & Zoning. Council member Rose reminded Council that Bob Downey is currently on two Boards -the Ethics Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. Council member Strother asked Town Attorney Adams if the motion needed to include names, date or number of days. Town Attorney Adams provided a proposed motion: October 3, 2011 Minutes Page 4of7 Motion to approve the Resolution with the changes that have been discussed, which are in blue, naming Council member Cantrell as the Council liaison for EDCA, continuing with Council member Strother as the Council liaison for EDCB, approving those recommendations for Park and Recreation Board with Council member Tiffany as the Council liaison, and extending the term of the existing members of Planning & Zoning to November 30, 2011 and the existing members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment for sixty days which would be November 30, 2011. Council member Hoover moved, seconded by Council member Strother. Dean Murray, Larry Lentzner and Jim Hicks thanked the Council for their consideration. Motion carried unanimously. The following is a list of the new boards and commissions for FY2011-12: Citizen Financial Advisory Board 1. Kathy Carlton (2012) 4. Jim Hase (2014) 2. Michael Buck (2013) 5. Bob Hill (2014) 3. Amanda McGough (2013) Economic Development Corporation A 1. Richard Bell (2013) 3. Bob Fair (2012) 2. Greg Wilson (2013) 4. JD Harvey (2012) Margi Cantrell (Council Liaison) 5. Neil Twomey (2012) Economic Development Corporation B 1. Rebecca Shuman (2013) 5. Nicole Fontayne (2012) 2. Dean Murray (2013) 6. James Hicks (2012) 3. Larry Mundy (2013) 7. Sean Weaver (2012) 4. Randall Conn (2013) Glenn Strother ( Council Liaison) Ethics Commission 1. Ronald Eddins (2012) 4. Tom Setser (2014) Alternate 2. Jennifer Rauch (2013) 5. Ralph Scoggins (2014) Alternate 3. Bob Downey (2014) Parks and Recreation Board 1. Larry Lentzner (2014) 4. David Abdulky (2012) 8. James Hanna (2013) 2. Chris McCollister (2014) 5. Dave Glaser (2012) 9. Louis Hocker (2013) 3. Glenn Hurst (2014) 6. Robbie Thomas (2012) 10. Steven Kohs (2013) 7. Kathy Trotter (2012) Jeannette Tiffany (Council Liaison) 11. Dean Murray (2013) Planning and Zoning Commission 1. Dale Forest (2011) 2. Gene Hill (2011) 3. Clayton Reed (2011) 1. Jim Aenchbacher (2011) 2. Kevin Barry (2011) 3. Bob Downey (2011) Alt. James Isherwood (2011) Alt. Roger Williams (2011) October 3, 2011 Minutes 4. Mike Davidson (2012) 5. Gary Richert (2012) 6. Dennis Sheridan (2012) 7. James Stephens (2012) Zoning Board of Adjustment 4. Elisabeth Kaylor (2012) 5. Bob Radder (2012) Alt. Robert (Bob) Fair (2012) Alt. VACANT (2012) Page 50f7 Council member Cantrell expressed her sincere thanks to all volunteers. 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an interlocal cooperation agreement between Denton County and the Town of Trophy Club for a Shared Governance Communication and Dispatch Services System; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents. Motion made by Council member Rose, seconded by Council member Tiffany to approve an interlocal cooperation agreement between Denton County and the Town of Trophy Club for a Shared Governance Communication and Dispatch Services System; and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and take appropriate action to nominate up to five people to be considered for the Denton County Appraisal District Board of Directors. Town Manager Slye shared that Staff has only received one application, Lourdes Hassler. Motion made by Council member Cantrell, seconded by Council member Tiffany to nominate Lourdes Hassler for consideration to the Denton County Appraisal District Board of Directors. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and take appropriate action to nominate one person to be considered for the Tarrant County Appraisal District Board of Directors. Town Manager Slye expressed that Staff did not receive any applications. No action taken; discussion only. 10. Town Council Liaison Updates; discussion of same: -September 27, 2011 -EDC 4B -Council member Strother Council member Strother updated the Council on the EDC 4B September board meeting and addressed questions. No action taken, update only. 11. Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of the same. -PD-30 on the Town's website Town Manager Slye updated the Council and addressed questions. No action taken, update only. 12. Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational seSSions, and regional meetings; discussion of same. -September 30, 2011 -Metroport Meals on Wheels -6th Annual Fall Fashion Show & Shopping Bazaar and Presentation of Annual LINK Award Mayor White and Council members gave a brief update of the meetings they attended since the last Council meeting. No action taken, update only. 13. Items for Future Agendas. This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly October 3, 2011 Minutes Page 6of7 scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding procurement policies and their alignment with State statutes. (Rose, 211110) 2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding noise regulations for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Production (Rose, 4126110) 3. Staff proposal regarding the amenity lakes, including associated costs to accept the amenity lakes from the developer. (Stotts, 1014110) 4. Explore the feasibility of combining the EDCs and improved ways of expending EDC funds. (Strother, 212412011) 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the creation of a "Going Green" initiative throughout the Town. (White, 212412011) 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding Goals for the Town Manager. (Stotts, 4/18/2011) 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding updates to the Sign Ordinance (retail windows and political signs) (White and Cantrell, 51212011) 8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding ball park signage. (Cantrell, 61612011) 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Golf Cart Community. (Tiffany, 61612011) 10. Rewrite of Handbook for Elected and Appointed Officials, with projected completion date of February 15,2012. (RoseISlye, 8115111) 11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding splash pad options at Harmony Park, including input/direction from Council to Staff to start construction and have available next summer. (Strother, 81112011) 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Town's park space located just north of the new ball fields at the corner of Parkview and Bobcat Boulevard to investigate whether or not it would be beneficial to place on the ballot, for citizens approval, to sale and rezone as commercial and provide the proceeds towards other parks and recreation needs. (Cantrell, 9/1212011) 13. Schedule a strategic planning session (Strother, 9/1212011) No additional items were added to the list. ADJOURN Motion made by Council Member Cantrell, seconded by Council member Tiffany to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. ~ I C6nnie White, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas October 3, 2011 Minutes Page 7 of7 Town of Trophy Club 2011Citizen Attitude Survey Results Town Council Workshop October 3, 2011 Survey Methodology •402 randomly selected voting households with telephone numbers (+/-5% at 95% confidence) •9,668 telephone contacts made •Average length of interview --16 minutes •Fieldwork took place 6/2/11-6/13/11 •Study area divided into four subsectors Study Area -Neighborhoods •1 -The Highlands – 4% •2 -The Lakes –18% •3 -Trophy Club Dr. – 20% •4 -Indian Creek – 47% Respondent Profile •AGE •20% -under age 44 •21% -ages 45 -54 •26% -ages 55 -64 •33% -65 and older Respondent Profile •PARENTAL STATUS •67% without children under 18 •Those with children: •9% with children ages 0-6 •18% with children ages 6-12 •19% with children ages 13-18 •LENGTH OF RESIDENCE •31% 0-6 year resident •55% over 11 year resident •28% over 20 years Satisfaction With Quality of Life •Very satisfied (58%) + satisfied (40%) = 98% •Very dissatisfied (0%) + dissatisfied (1%) = 1% •No opinion of 1%, satisfaction ratio of 98.0 to one •Very satisfied responses highest in The Highlands (78%) lowest in Trophy Club Dr. (49%) Comparing Satisfaction with Quality of Life Ratings to Other Cities •Benbrook –97% (63% very satisfied) •Trophy Club –98% (58% very satisfied) •Colleyville –98% (58% very satisfied) •Keller –97% (47% very satisfied) •Corinth –95% (41% very satisfied) •Grand Prairie –83% (18% very satisfied) •Greenville -82% (16% very satisfied) Level of Community Involvement •Very involved (7%) + somewhat involved (27%) = 34% •Not involved (36%) + issue-oriented (30%) = 66% •Older the respondent, lower the involved ratings (38%-34%-28%) •Also parents more involved (40%-49%-46%)than nonparents (28%) Most Important Issue Facing Trophy Club •High taxes –20% •Managing growth/growth-related –18% •Lack of commercial tax base/retail development –15% •Budgeting/fiscal responsibility –10% •Traffic –8% Importance of Items in Determining Quality of Life •Provide a safe community –99%-0%, 99.0:1 •Have employees that respond to citizen needs –99%-1%, 99.0:1 •Plan for future needs of residents –97%-1%, 97.0:1 •Keep citizens informed about town business –97%-2%, 48.5:1 •In determining quality: •It was least important to provide community events (79%-19%, 4.2:1) •It was least important to have well-maintained and landscaped medians (88%-10%, 8.8:1) Satisfaction with Various City Actions •Providing a safe community –97%-2%, 48.5:1 •Providing community events –89%-4%, 37.0:1 •Having well-maintained & landscaped medians –91%-6%, 15.2:1 •Providing an adequate forum for public input –81%-13%, 6.2:1 •Least satisfied with: •Planning for future needs of residents (70%-18%, 3.9:1) •Keeping citizens informed about town business (81%-16%, 5.1:1) Comparing Importance with Satisfaction Most Important •Safe Community •Employees respond to citizen needs •Planning for future needs •Keeping citizens informed •Forum for public input •Working with public entities •Landscaped medians •Community events Most Satisfied •Safe Community (1st) •Community events (8th) •Landscaped medians (7th) •Forum for public input (5th) •Working with public entities (6th) •Employees respond to citizen needs (2nd) •Keeping citizens informed (4th) •Planning for future needs (3rd) Satisfaction with Overall Appearance of Town •Very satisfied (50%) + satisfied (48%) = 98% •Very dissatisfied (0%) + dissatisfied (2%) = 2% •Satisfaction ratio of 49.0 to one •Highest Intensity responses were Trophy Club Dr. (57%) and Indian Creek (53%) •Lowest Intensity responses were The Lakes (40%) and The Highlands (43%) •Satisfaction ratios: •100.0:1 in The Highlands •49.0:1 in Trophy Club Dr. •48.5:1 in Indian Creek •24.3:1 in The Lakes Concern with Issues in or around Trophy Club --Major Concerns HIGHEST RATED •Door to door salesmen –34% •Door hangers –33% •Trash and litter –28% •Weeds and unmowed grass –27% •Stray or wild animals –25% LOWEST RATED •Temporary signs on poles and in yards –11% •Crime –22% •Houses in need of repair –23% •Traffic flow into neighborhood –24% Contact with Town Employee in Past Year •Highest contact: •Trophy Club Dr. (72%) •Indian Creek (60%) •The Lakes (55%) •The Highlands (52%) •Subsample most satisfied with: •Directed to correct department (99%-3%, 29.7:1) •Courtesy of person answering telephone (89%-3%, 29.7:1) •Least satisfied: •Follow-up from town to ensure concerns were addressed (46%-24%, 1.9:1) •Problem was dealt with by employee responding (75%-21%, 3.6:1) Quality Ratings of Town Services Highest Rated •Fire/EMS services -87%- 2%, 43.5:1 •Police –92%-5%, 18.4:1 •Maintenance of town facilities –89%-6%, 14.8:1 •Municipal Court –33%-4%, 8.3:1 •Trash collection –90%- 11%, 8.2:1 Lowest Rated •Code enforcement -64%-21%, 3.0:1 •Recreation programs –64%- 16%, 4.0:1 •Communication efforts from the town –78%-19%, 4.1:1 •Sidewalks along major thoroughfares –75%-16%, 4.7:1 •Street maintenance –84%-16%, 5.3:1 Perceptions about Safety in Various Environments •The Town in general –100%-0%, 100.0:1 (74% very safe) •In your neighborhood –99%-1%, 99.0:1 (81%) •Around your home –98%-1%, 98.1:1 (82%) •At town park closest to home –87%-1%, 87.0:1 (59%) •When shopping in Trophy Club –98%-2%, 49.0:1 (70%) Grading of Recreational Characteristics of the Town •Most pleased with pool/splash pad •Overall safety (66%-3%, 22.0:1) •Maintenance (66%-4%, 16.5:1) •Overall quality (68%-6%, 11.3:1) •No opinion responses high, 27%-31%) •Concerned with hike and bike trails •Conveniently located (38%-36, 1.1:1) •Number of trails (42%-34, 1.2:1) •Quality of trails (44-25%, 1.8:1) Parks & Recreation Amenities Support for Various Capital Improvement Projects •General street repairs –91%-8%, 11.4:1 •Drainage improvements –87%-9%, 9.7:1 •Community center -73%-22%, 3.3:1 •Continued development of Trophy Club Park –65%-24%, 2.7:1 •Recreation center –69%-28%, 2.5:1 •Additional sidewalks –65%-30%, 2.2:1 •Joint municipal/public safety facility –45%-34%, 1.3:1 Likely Support for Various Businesses in Trophy Club •Full-service restaurants –92%-8%, 11.5:1 •Retail stores –84%-14%, 6.0:1 •Professional services –84%-15%, 5.6:1 •Family-oriented entertainment –69%-27%, 2.6:1 •Assisted senior living center –68%-27%, 2.5:1 Attitudes Regarding Town Providing Rolling Bins for Trash Collection •Strongly support (23%) + support (27%) = 50% •Strongly oppose (25%) + oppose (20%) = 45% •No opinion –4% •Support ratio of 1.1:0; intensity ratio of 1.0:1 •Majority support in The Highlands (65%) and The Lakes (59%); not Trophy Club Dr. (43%-51%) or Indian Creek (46%-52%) •Long-term residents (59%-51%-38%) and older respondents (60%- 56%-36%) least supportive Usefulness of Various City Sources •Most likely to use: •Public digital marquee signs –77%-18%, 4.3:1 •Town web site –78%-19%, 4.1:1 •Connect CTY–76%-19%, 4.0:1 •Least likely to use: •Town social media sites (23%-67%, 0.3:1) •Public access Channel 27 (22%-60%, 0.4:1) •Town Council meeting replays (22%-61%, 0.4:1) Likelihood of Utilizing Social Media Sites to get Information about Trophy Club •Facebook –24%-54%, 0.3:1 •YouTube –13%-85%, 0.2:1 •Twitter –7%-91%, 0.1:1 •LinkedIn –12%-86%, 0.1:1 •MySpace –1%-97%, 0.0:1 •Follow-up: Residents more unlikely (57%) than likely (41%) to download “Trophy Club” app for smart phone Town of Trophy Club 2011 Citizen Attitude Survey Results Town Council Workshop October 3, 2011