Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 5:30 P.M.
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and the Board of Directors of Trophy Club MUD 1,
of Denton and Tarrant Counties, met in a Joint Session on July 19, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was
held within the boundaries of the Town and the District, and was open to the public.
Connie White
Larry Hoover
Margi Cantrell
Bill Rose
Glenn Strother
Jeannette Tiffany
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Jim Thomas
Jim Moss
Kevin Carr
Bill Armstrong
Nick Sanders
Vice President
Mike Slye Town Manager
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Patricia Adams Town Attorney
Eric Cannon Finance Director
Danny Thomas Fire Chief
Adam Adams Parks and Recreation Director
April Reiling PIO/Marketing
Mike Pastor Information Systems Director
Carolyn Huggins Community Development Director
Robert Scott District Manager
Mary Moore MUD Secretary
Sue Moss Trophy Club Drive
Greg Lamont 15 Avalon Drive
Robbie Thomas 12 Sunrise Court
Pat Kennedy Kraftsman representative
Citizen Presentations
No citizens addressed the Board during Citizens Presentations.
Reports & Updates:
1. Receive Update from Town Manager Slye regarding the following; discussion of same:
a. Widening of Municipal Drive -Town Manager Slye advised that the Town applied for and
received a $2 million grant from Denton County, and the Town included the widening of Municipal
Drive in the proposal to Denton County.
b. Effluent Irrigation for Medians and Parks -Town Manager Slye presented some options and
asked for both the Board's and Council's interest in supplying effluent to water the medians and
parks. District Manager Scott advised that if we had a holding tank for our effluent in the winter
months, we could water year round with effluent. Director Sanders supported the idea and
concept of the MUD and Town working together toward a meaningful solution to water
efficiencies. Currently, from June to September the Country Club utilizes all the effluent
produced. District Manager Scott advised that Fort Worth Water is proposing a water rate
increase from $1.57 to $1.73. Director Armstrong and Council member Rose were both receptive
to working together. Town Manager Slye advised that both entities would like to work together
and look at all available options.
c. Elevated Tank -foundation is poured; testing is coming back positive, currently in the process of
conducting a survey soliciting input for a logo to place on the tank.
d. Town Budget -Town Manager Slye presented a brief overview of the Town's budget; stating the
MUD will see a $49,000 decrease in cost in the SEMO contract.
2. Receive Update from District Manager Scott regarding the following; discussion of same:
a. MUD Budget -District Manager Scott advised that he will be going out this week for the MUD's
portion of the widening of the Municipal Drive and should be available for the MUD Directors to
review at their August meeting. Council member Cantrell asked if it would be prudent to have
both entities come together again and discuss budget issues.
Mayor White asked Town Manager Slye and District Manager Scott to get together and come up
with a date and an agenda for a joint budget session.
Action Items
3. Discuss and take appropriate action awarding the contract for the construction of the Spray
Pad at Harmony Park to Kraftsman for an amount not to exceed $225,000 and authorizing the
Town Manager or his designee to negotiate and execute all necessary documents; discuss
and take appropriate action regarding the construction, maintenance and operation of the
spray pad.
Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams offered a presentation on the benefits of a small to medium
size Spray Pad to both the Council and Board. Mr. Adams asked the MUD for no charge for the return of
the effluent and either a lower or no cost for the water to the Spray Pad. Mr. Adams advised that the
Town would control the cycles; annual water cost to the MUD is 4,680 million gallons of water for five
months of use, which equals $10,800 a year.
Director Carr moved to supply fresh water and accept the effluent from the Splash Pad at Harmony Park.
Director Armstrong seconded the motion; floor opened for discussion. Council member Cantrell asked
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about the template, the gallons and the cost. Council member Rose offered the numbers should the pad
be used at 100 percent of capability. Director Sanders called the question, Director Thomas seconded;
motion carried to close the debate. Motion to supply the fresh water and accept the effluent carried 4-1-0
with Director Sanders voting against.
Council member Strother moved to table the remaining agenda items, and add the Spray Pad to the next
agenda. Strother advised he was not able to attend the meeting the last time this came up on the
agenda, and thanked the MUD for their offer; however, Strother has a problem putting the Pad in the
meeting at this time. Council member Rose seconded the motion, floor opened for discussion; after much
discussion, the motion to table, passed 4-1-0 with Council member Hoover voting against.
Directors Sanders moved to recess the meeting at 8:00 p.m., Director Thomas seconded. Motion carried
4-1-0, with Director Carr voting against.
Meeting resumed back into session at 8:20 p.rn.
Director Sanders moved to remove the item from the table; Council member Rose seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
Council member Hoover, thanked the MUD, and reminded the Board that the Spray Pay is paid for with
Bond Issued funding.
Robbie Thomas, 12 Sunrise Court, Trophy Club, addressed the Board.
Council member Hoover moved to award the contract for the construction of the Spray Pad at Harmony
Park to Kraftsman for an amount not to exceed $225,000 and authorize the Town Manager or his
designee to negotiate and execute all necessary documents. Council member Tiffany seconded the
motion and the floor opened for discussion. Mayor White and Director Carr addressed comments made
by Council member Rose. Pat Kennedy, Kraftsman representative, addressed both Boards and spoke of
the benefits of a Kraftsman Spray Pad.
Council member Cantrell is concerned about drought conditions, and whether or not this is the best use of
Bond money, believes the Spray Pad should be smaller. Mr. Kennedy advised that the quote provided is
from May of 2010. Council member Tiffany asked about cost benefit and is of the opinion that we have up
to three years to complete an amenity. Council member Strother is not for the Spray Pad at this time.
Council member Cantrell called the question, Council member Rose seconded the motion; motion carried
Mayor White asked for the vote: motion failed 2-4-0 with Mayor White and Council member Hoover voting
for and Council members Rose, Tiffany, Cantrell and Strother voting against.
4. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the award/rejection of proposals for Municipal
Management Software, the execution of a contract with the apparent best qualified vendor,
and authorizing execution of all necessary documents.
Town Manager Slye addressed the Board and CounCil, and offered a presentation on the three software
vendors -Incode, Springbook, and STW. Town Manager Slye advised that it is the Town Staff's
recommendation to go with InCode, with proposed implementation of January 2012. Director Carr feels
that STW does a better job for Utility Billing than Incode. Director Carr also has some concerns regarding
our costs.
Director Sanders stated that he initially had a hard time paying the extra money for software; however,
when looking at this software long term, Director Sanders believes that this may be a better fit. Director
Sanders liked the Online Bill Pay and Paperless Statements. Director Sanders would not recommend
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going online with Utility Billing until Version 10 is complete and is disappointed that InCode is not browser
Director Thomas stated he has a hard time spending $82,000 for the software when they currently have
STW, which is working well. Director Sanders stated that if the Town is willing to spend $75,000 on
software then the MUD should be willing to spend $80,000.
Council member Strother moved to begin negotiations with InCode, with the Town paying two-thirds of
the acquisition cost, Council member Rose seconded. Floor opened for discussion.
Council member Cantrell called the question, Council member Tiffany seconded. Motion carried 4-1-0
with Mayor White voting against.
Director Sanders moved to authorize District Manager Scott to work with Town Manager Slye to better
understand the pricing structure of Incode and bring those numbers back to the MUD Board. Director
Carr amended the motion to include a comparison to STW. Director Carr seconded; motion carried
5. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding SEMO and/or the Intergovernmental Contract
for Employee Services between the Town of Trophy Club and Trophy Club MUD 1.
Town Manager Slye advised that this is a living, working document and is not ready to bring before both
Boards and requested that this item be tabled.
6. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Joint Session Minutes for January 14, 2011.
Council member Cantrell moved to approve the Joint Session Minutes dated January 14, 2011; Council
member Rose seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning Water Conservation in Trophy Club.
Director Sanders moved to adjourn and allow the Town Manager and District Manager administratively
handle the remaining items, seconded by Council member Hoover. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Discussion regarding future Joint Session agenda items.
9. Set next Joint Meeting date; action regarding same.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
/Connie White, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
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Kevin R. Carr,
MUD 1 SecretarylTreasurer
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