Monday, January 3, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular Session on Monday, January 3,
2011. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Connie White
Bill Rose
Margi Cantrell
Larry Hoover
JD Stotts
Glenn Strother
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Mike Slye Town Manager
arrived at 7:12 p.m.
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Shannon DePrater Interim Town Secretary
Patricia Adams Town Attorney
Scott Kniffen Police Chief
Danny Thomas Fire Chief
Kathy Dubose Finance Director
Carolyn Huggins Community Development Director
Adam Adams Parks and Recreation Director
Mayor White announced the date of January 3, 2011; called the meeting to order and announced a
quorum at 7:01 p.m.
The Invocation was offered by Fire Chief Danny Thomas.
The Pledges were led by Parks & Recreation Director Adam Adams.
1. Presentation of Gold Leadership Circle Award by Town Manager Mike Slye.
Town Manager Mike Slye presented the Gold Leadership Circle Award to Council and thanked Finance
Director Kathy DuBose, Information Systems Director Mike Pastor and Interim Town Secretary Shannon
DePrater for their effort in achieving this award.
Citizen Presentations
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the
agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council
at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific
agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the
time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the
Speaker's form that inclUdes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to
matters over which the Council has authority.
Jeanette Tiffany, 44 Cypress Court, asked Council for their help in assisting with the collection of
signatures for a Local Option Election Petition to allow voters the opportunity to vote on the issue during
the May 2011 Election.
All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be
enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired,
that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
Mayor White pulled Item #2 from the consent agenda.
2. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated December 6, 2010.
Motion made by Council member Cantrell, seconded by Council member Strother to approve consent
agenda items 2 as presented with changes. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion.
Council convened into Public Hearing at 7: 17 p.m.
3. Public Hearing regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club
Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the
J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy
Club Equities (SP-09-01 0)
The applicant, Trophy Club Equities, requested this item be continued to the January 17, 2011, Council
agenda at which time the plats and site plan for Trophy Club Commons will be heard by the Council. The
continuation of the public hearing, plats, and site plan was requested in order to give the applicant and
staff additional time to finalize details of the Developer's Agreement for Trophy Club Commons.
Mayor White recessed the Public Hearing to the January 17, 2011 Town Council meeting.
Council reconvened into Regular Session at 7: 18 p.m.
4. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving an Investment Policy
for the Town of Trophy Club, and providing an effective date.
Mr. Patrick Shinkle, Director for the Center for Public Management at the University of North Texas, was
present to introduce this agenda item and answer any questions from Council.
Mayor White shared that the policy has primary objectives including:
1. Safety and preservation of principal
2. Maintenance of sufficient liquidity to meet operating needs
3. Public trust from prudent investment activities
4. Optimization of interest earnings on the portiolio
Motion made by Council member Cantrell, seconded by Council member Stotts, to approve Resolution
January 3, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 2 of 7
Mayor Pro Tem Rose questioned whether or not this item should be an Ordinance rather than a
Resolution. Town Manager Slye and Mr. Shinkle assured Rose that the Resolution is approving an
Investment Policy per the Public Funds Investment Act and that the Resolution is enforceable.
Motion carried unanimously without further discussion.
Council Member Strother submitted a Conflict of Interest Affidavit for Agenda item Number 5 and excused
himself from the Council Chambers for the duration of the discussion and vote on the agenda item.
5. Consider and take appropriate regarding the award/rejection of bids for Freedom Park and
Independence East Park, apparent best qualified bidder Schmoldt Construction, in an amount
not to exceed $3,941,627 and authorizing Town Manager Slye or his designee to execute all
necessary documents.
Proposals were submitted and opened on December 9, 2010 for the construction of Freedom and
Independence East parks and subsequently discussed/analyzed at the December 15, 2010 Park Board
meeting. The Board reviewed, voted, and prioritized all of the alternates for both parks; based on the
selection of those alternates, four members of staff and the Town engineer individually scored the
Chuck Berberich, 200 Skyline Drive, addressed the Town Council and expressed his concerns regarding
what he believes is an incomplete package because of cost overruns and explained his research of
engineering costs.
Larry Lentzner, 303 Ridge View Lane, asked Council to award the bid to Schmoldt and shared that he
and fellow Park Board members would be available throughout the discussion if Council has any
Town Engineer Tom Rutledge explained the engineering costs for the splash pad, Independence Park
and Freedom Park.
Council member Cantrell expressed her frustration with the numbers presented and the over estimates
and how we, as a community, are faced with the issue with paying for amenities.
Town Manager Slye read an email from Mr. Tony Shuman, 25 Ridgewood Drive, Trophy Club, into the
I'm not sure if I can make it to the Council meeting on Monday evening so I thought I would send you a
note. I understand you will be discussing the boll field project feasibility and the bids to complete the
project. It is also my understanding that the project has already been "value engineered", resulting in 3
ball fields instead of 4. It is my hope that the Council will go ahead with project, even if it only includes 3
fields. As a Trophy Club resident and the father of a 10year old boy who ploys baseball year round, I see
firsthand the need for these fields. We just don't have enough field space to accommodate all the kids
who want to play, and ploy at reasonable times/days. Because my son plays at a "higher level" of
baseball, our proctices/games are often held on Sundays or in the evenings on school nights. I
wholeheartedly support the philosophy that the field priorities begin with the Recreation leagues as
more kids play Rec ball than select, however when we have games that interfere with Church (Sundays)
or end after 9pm on school nights, I begin to question whether to allow my son to play on these teams. A
majority of that conflict could be avoided if we had more field space.
As the President of the YMCA, I also urge you to move forward with the project as well. Kids need a place
to run and play. Unfortunately our society has driven families to "progrom" their kids, instead of just
January 3, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 3 of 7
going to the pork and playing. If we are going to progrom our children, we need to have enough space
for them to play, and at times/days that their parents will feel comfortable. We have to start with the
kids, or this sedentary lifestyle will continue, and children and adults will not leorn to be/stay active. Our
health crisis in America will cantinue.
Thank you for your time and leadership.
Council member Stotts asked for figures for the fourth field and is in favor of building the fourth field;
would not like to utilize the EDCs to purchase the field, rather for economic development projects.
Mayor White clarified that the bid before the Council does not include any options for a fourth field.
Council member Hoover is ready to move forward with the bid with three baseball fields and stop
discussions tonight regarding the fourth baseball field. There are many other amenities that have not
been discussed.
Motion made by Council member Hoover, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to award the bid for
Freedom Park and Independence East Park, to apparent best qualified bidder Schmoldt Construction, in
an amount not to exceed $3,941,627 and authorizing Town Manager Slye or his designee to execute all
necessary documents.
Stotts asked about the fourth ball field, and if Council can discuss this item again and how does it effect
the work of the current project; Rutledge explained that construction will start January 17 if the contracts
get executed in a timely manner and suggested to have the discussion of the fourth ball field within the
next four to six weeks.
Motion carried unanimously without further discussion.
Council took a short break and resumed at 9:25 p.m.
6. Consider and take appropriate action to authorize the Town Manager to enter into negotiations
with three qualified engineering firms, beginning with the top ranked firm, in order to contract
a single firm to conduct a drainage analysis of the Town, authorizing the Town Manager to
execute all necessary documents with the firm determined to be best qualified to meet the
needs of the Town.
In September 2010, the Town of Trophy Club invited qualified engineering firms to submit a Statement of
Qualifications (SOQ) for the analysis of drainage for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas.
The drainage analysis will determine the most efficient and cost effective way to manage and/or repair
drainage issues. This study is meant to analyze streams and infrastructure and make recommendations
and provide solutions to decrease the number of drainage related issues in the future.
Due to budget constraints, the study will be conducted in two phases. It is anticipated that one phase will
be completed in Fiscal Year 2010-11 and the other in Fiscal Year 2011-12. Both phases will provide
recommendations of possible courses of action to correct any deficiencies.
Council discussed phasing and funding. Town Manager Slye offered to prepare a Town Master Plan first
and then address the issues.
Mayor White clarified that if Council approved the agenda item, it would only allow for Town Manager
Slye to begin negotiations, not a way to implement the plan. Once Slye has the discussions, he will bring
back proposals back to Council for approval.
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Motion made by Council member Stotts, seconded by Council member Hoover, to authorize the Town
Manager to enter into negotiations with three qualified engineering firms, beginning with the top ranked
firm, in order to contract a single firm to conduct a drainage analysis of the Town, authorizing the Town
Manager to execute all necessary documents with the firm determined to be best qualified to meet the
needs of the Town.
Council member Stotts clarified that Council will have one more discussion; Town Manager Slye will bring
back a fair negotiated scope, price and recommendation.
Council member Strother called for the vote; vote carried unanimously.
Motion carried unanimously without further discussion.
7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance Amending the Code of
Ordinances of The Town of Trophy Club by Adding Article XVI, Entitled "Citizens Financial
Advisory Board", to Chapter 1 entitled "Administration" of The Code of Ordinances
Establishing a Citizens Financial Advisory Board; and providing an effective date.
Mayor White asked about the scope as determined by Council under Section 16.03 A. Advisory
Capacity to Council. "The Board shall act principally in an advisory capacity to the Town council and
Town staff in Budget matters. The Board shall only accomplish those tasks directed or approved by
Council members Cantrell and Stotts have concerns with the word "only" in the last sentence of Section
16.03 A. Advisory Capacity to Council. "The Board shall only accomplish those tasks directed or
approved by CounciL"
Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to adopt Ordinance 2011-
01 establishing a Citizens Financial Advisory Board.
Council member Cantrell is in favor of a Citizen Financial Advisory Board and believes that the word
"only" needs to be removed from the last sentence of Section 16.03 A. Advisory Capacity to Council. "The
Board shall only accomplish those tasks directed or approved by CounciL"
Mayor Pro Tem Rose offered a solution to empower the Board and if it does not work, Council can
remove them. Rose is in favor of the word "only." the last sentence of Section 16.03 A. Advisory Capacity
to Council. "The Board shall only accomplish those tasks directed or approved by CounciL"
Mayor Pro Tem Rose amended the motion to delete the last sentence of Section 16.03 A. Advisory
Capacity to Council. Motion died due to a lack of second.
Motion made by Mayor White; seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rose to amend as "The Board shall focus on
those tasks directed or requested by CounciL" Motion carried 4-2-0 with Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem
Rose and Council members Stotts and Cantrell voting for and Council members Hoover and Strother
voting against.
Original motion carried 4-2-0 with Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tem Rose and Council members Stotts and
Cantrell voting for and Council members Hoover and Strother voting against.
8. Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated November
Motion made by Council member Cantrell, seconded by Council member Hoover, to accept the
November 2010 Financials as amended. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion.
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9. Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of the same.
Council Retreat Update
Town Manager Slye updated the Council and answered questions.
No action taken, update only.
10. Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational sessions, and
regional meetings; discussion of same.
Mayor White gave a brief update of the meetings she attended since the last Council meeting.
No action taken, update only.
11. Receive Mayor Pro Tern Rose's liaison report regarding the December 14, 2010 TCMUD No.1
Meeting; discussion of same.
Water Conservation Plan
Trinity Well No.2 Project
President Thomas information "Considerations Concerning Need for Additional Water
Mayor Pro Tem Rose updated the Council with regards to the December 14, 2010 TCMUD No.1 meeting
and addressed questions.
No action taken, update only.
12. Items for Future Agendas.
Council member Cantrell added an item regarding Planning & Zoning readiness if the Local Option
Election Petition is successful.
Agenda item 1 was removed.
Interim Town Secretary Shannon DePrater excused herself from the Executive Session Chambers prior
to Council convening into Executive Session.
Council convened into Executive Session at 11: 1 0 p.m.
13. Council to convene into executive session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated,
Subchapter 551, Section 551.074(a) "Personnel Matters, to discuss the appointment,
employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or
(1) Discussion regarding the hiring of a Town Secretary
Council reconvened into Regular Session at 11 :35 p.m.
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14. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Executive Session.
Motion made by Council member Stotts; seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, to appoint Shannon
DePrater as Town Secretary and authorize Town Manager Slye to negotiate benefits and salary. Motion
carried unanimously without further discussion.
Motion made by Council member Stotts; seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rose to Adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at11 :37 p.m.
C6nnie White, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
January 3, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 7 017
LOCATION: 9400 Ed Robson Boulevard, Building A
Denton, Texas 76207
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Council Retreat Session on Friday,
January 7, 2011. The meeting was held at Robson Ranch, 9400 Ed Robson Boulevard, Building A,
Denton, Texas 76207 and was open to the public.
Connie White Mayor
Bill Rose Mayor Pro Tem
J.D. Stotts Council Member
Margi Cantrell Council Member
Larry Hoover Council Me""'''",r
Glenn Strother Council Me
Mike Slye Town Ma
Stephen Seidel Assistan'
Shannon De Prater Town Sr
Patricia Adams Town A
Wendy Skinner Presidf
Mayor White announced thr
12:02 p.m.
-Setting the Stage
-Strategic Management I
-Strategic Progress -R(
-Challenges and Opportunities
-Strategy Update -Refine
-Strategy Execution
-Feedback and Next Steps
announced a quorum at
Town Manager Slye welcomed everyone and expressed his excitement to have Wendy Skinner facilitate
the workshop with the Council.
Recap presentation by Wendy Skinner attached.
Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
vJ7a..YU1.UYl I .. qiM E ~ (SlJannon DePrater, ~Secretary
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
C6nnie White, Mayor
Town of Trophy