Minutes TC 01/17/2011MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, January 17, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular Session on Monday, January 17, 2011. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Connie White Mayor Bill Rose Mayor Pro Tern Margi Cantrell Council Member Larry Hoover Council Member Glenn Strother Council Member TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: J D Stotts Council Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Mike Slye Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Shannon DePrater Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Scott Kniffen Police Chief Kathy Dubose Finance Director Carolyn Huggins Community Development Director Mayor White announced the date of January 17, 2011; called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:03 p.m. Mayor announced CounCil member Stotts would be absent. WORKSHOP 1. Discussion of Trophy Club Commons Development and related agenda items posted on the Regular Session Council Agenda for January 17, 2011. Community Development Director Huggins addressed Council; stating that Management is asking Council to approve the entire project, knowing that management will review the site plan once FEMA approves the CLOMR, and grant the authority to the Town Manager to approve at a later date. Council member Hoover asked if the roundabout design would be changed due to this project. Community Development Director Huggins stated that the developer has already made the necessary change to include the left turn lane and the change was approved in the construction planes 2. Discussion of agenda items posted for consideration on the Regular Session Council Agenda for January 17, 2011. Council took a short break and resumed at 7:07 p.m. REGULAR SESSION -START TIME 7:07 P.M. The Invocation was offered by Police Chief Kniffen. The Pledges were led by Finance Director Kathy DuBose. Citizen Presentations: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items. You may speak up to three (3) minutes or the time limit determined by the Mayor or presiding officer. To speak during this item you must complete the Speaker's form that includes the topic(s) of your statement. Topics of presentation should be limited to matters over which the Council has authority. Jeanette Tiffany, 44 Cypress Court, addressed the Council. Tiffany stated she represented 56 volunteers who collected signatures for a local option election petition. At this time, 1123 signatures have been collected with another 75 expected. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 3. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of The Town of Trophy Club, Texas Amending Subsection "B", "Stop Signs", of Section 2.03 "Traffic Control Devices" of Article II, "Traffic & Vehicles" of Chapter 1 0 "Public Safety" of The Code of Ordinances of the Town to designate additional stop intersections and authorize the placement of additional stop signs at those intersections; providing for a penalty; and providing an effective date. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. Council convened into Public Hearing at 7:24 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING 4. Public Hearing regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sullon Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (SP-09-01 0) No citizens addressed the Council. Council reconvened into Regular Session at 7:24 p.m. REGULAR SESSION 5. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sullon Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (PP-09-017) Motion made by Mayor Pro Tern Rose, seconded by Council member Hoover, to approve a Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. January 17, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 2 of 6 6. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (FP-09-031) Motion made by Council member Cantrell, seconded by Council member Strother to approve a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. 7. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (SP-09-010) A. Developer's Agreement. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of a Developer's Agreement for Trophy Club Commons between the Town and Trophy Club Equities. Jim Hicks, 227 Phoenix Drive, addressed the Council as President of EDC 4B and related that EDC 4B has worked closely with Staff. Staff does an exceptional job and recommends that Staff be entrusted with overseeing this project. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to approve a Site Plan of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, and the amended Developer's Agreement; granting a waiver for the front setback for Building No.2, granting the Town Manager authority to approve revisions to the site plan for accommodation of the final engineered roundabout deSign, and granting the Town Manager authority to approve changes to the Site Plan, if needed, once FEMA approval is obtained. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. B. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the First Modification to the Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood B, Phase 1, Subdivider's Agreement by and between the Town and Lennar Homes of Texas, and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to approve the First Modification to the Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 8, Phase 1, Subdivider's Agreement by and between the Town and Lennar Homes of Texas as amended, and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to execute all necessary documents. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. 9. Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, amending the Code of Ordinances of The Town by adding Article XVII entitled "Code of Ethics and Conduct" to Chapter 1 entitled "Administration" of the Code of Ordinances by adopting an Ethics Policy, establishing an Ethics Commission, and providing for the disposition of alleged violations; providing a penalty; and providing an effective date. Town Manager Slye stated that Staff met with Mayor Pro Tem Rose that afternoon and changes were made to the Ordinance and those changes have been placed before them and that Council would be approving the hard copy in front of them, not what is in the packet. Mayor Pro Tem Rose stated that an effective date April 15, 2011 was used to allow Council enough time to appoint individuals to the Commission. January 17, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 3 of 6 Greg Lamont, 15 Avalon Drive, addressed the Council and asked if Council could add that no one on Council could gut or remove items, and that enhancements to the Ordinance would be okay. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to approve Ordinance 2011-03, amending the Code of Ordinances of The Town by adding Article XVII entitled "Code of Ethics and Conduct" to Chapter 1 entitled "Administration" of the Code of Ordinances by adopting an Ethics Policy, establishing an Ethics Commission, and providing for the disposition of alleged violations; providing a penalty; and providing an effective date. Council member Hoover had an issue with granting judicial approval to an appointed body; he cannot support this methodology. Mayor White questioned if Council would view the complaint. Town Attorney Adams explained prior drafts stated Council would view the complaint, but the current draft does not allow for Council to see the complaint. Mayor Pro Tem Rose explained that the Charter states that the Commission must be independent and if Council would see the complaint and make a decision, the Commission would not be independent. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to remove motion on the table. No action taken. 10. Consider and take appropriate action establishing goals and objectives for FY 2011-12. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to establish the Vision as "Trophy Club a Great Place to Call Home." Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. Motion made by Council member Cantrell, seconded by Mayor White to establish the Mission as "Through dedicated innovative leadership, provide superior municipal services and facilities in a highly effective, efficient manner to make the Town of Trophy Club a great place to call home." Motion failed 3- 2-0 with Mayor White and council members Cantrell and Hoover voting for and Mayor Pro Tem Rose and Council member Strother voting against. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Strother to establish the Mission as "Be a great place to call home through dedicated innovative leadership, while providing superior municipal services and facilities in a highly effective, efficient manner." Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to carry forward Council's Legacy Priorities. Motion carried unanimously. Town Council's Legacy Priorities are: • Safe and Secure • Friendly, Responsive • Clean, Well Kept • Healthy and Vibrant • Sustainable Economic Development and Strong Financial Health Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell, to adopt Goals 1 -5 under the column 2011-2012 and forward to the Town Manager as Council input's as Goals for FY2011- 2012. Motion carried unanimously. Town Council Goals for FY 2011-2012 are: Goal #1: Safe and secure community. January 17, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 4 of 6 Maintain low crime rate Increase citizen awareness and involvement in crime prevention Provide superior Emergency Services Improve data security Goal #2: Business-Friendly Economic Development Create effective working relationships with businesses and developers Retain / Develop existing businesses Promote new commercial opportunities Goal #3: Strong Partnerships and Community Involvement Create a positive regional identity Foster a well informed community Enhance citizen volunteer opportunities Expand and promote recreational/active live style opportunities for all ages Forge collaborative relationships with other governmental and public entities Goal #4: Picturesque and Environmentally Sound Maintain neat and tidy appearance Improve property maintenance standards and code enforcement Develop / Enhance environmental and sustainability standards and programs Goal #5: Financial and Operational Stewardship Hire, develop, and retain quality staff Implement strong financial management standards Improve effectiveness and efficiency of operational processes Maintain / Improve infrastructure and assets Provide cost-effective services Deliver responsible customer service Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Strother, to adopt the core values. Motion carried unanimously. Town Council Core Values include: • Integrity and trust • Accountability • Teamwork • Innovation • Pride and Service Commitment 11. Consider and take appropriate action appointing Council members to serve on the Audit Subcommittee. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Hoover, to appoint Mayor White and Council member Cantrell to serve on the Audit Subcommittee. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. 12. Consider and take appropriate action regarding financial and variance report dated December 2010. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Cantrell to approve the financial and variance report dated December 2010 as presented. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. January 17, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 5 of 6 13. Consider and take appropriate action to recognize and support a "Neighbor Helping Neighbor" program in the Town of Trophy Club. Mayor White explained the Neighbor Helping Neighbor Program to Council and asked for a motion of support of the program, not financial support. Town Manager Slye asked Council if the Town website could be utilized as a tool for advertiSing/marketing the program. Motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Rose, seconded by Council member Strother, showing support of the Neighbor Helping Neighbor Program. Motion carried unanimously without further discussion. 14. Town Manager Slye's update regarding the following; discussion of the same. Citizens Police Academy TML IEBP Board Meeting· January 26 • 28, 2011 Community Clean Up Event· April 9, 2011 Update on Independence Park East and Freedom Park Construction Update on Hiring of Engineering Firm for Drainage Analysis Town Manager Slye updated the Council and answered questions. No action taken, update only. 15. Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities, educational sessions, and regional meetings; discussion of same. Mayor White gave a brief update of the meetings she attended since the last Council meeting. No action taken, update only. 16. Items for Future Agendas. This item allows Council to request the placement of items on upcoming agendas when the topic of discussion requires research and review that cannot be accomplished in the time frame between regular Council meetings. However, a Council Member may request that an item be placed on the next regularly scheduled meeting without first placing that item on the Future Agenda Items list. All requests for agenda items must comply with Charter requirements. No changes were made to the Items for Future Agendas list. ADJOURN Motion made by Council member Hoover, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rose to Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Connie White, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas January 17, 2011 Regular Session Minutes Page 6 of 6