Monday, March 8, 2010 7:00 PM
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club , Texas , met in a Regular Session on Monday,
March 8, 2010 The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the
Connie White Mayor
Glenn Strother Mayor Pro Tem
Susan Edstrom Council Member
Philip Sterling Council Member
Bill Rose Council Member
Brandon Emmons Town Manager
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Lisa Hennek Town Secretary
Patricia Adams Town Attorney
Scott Kniffen Police Chief
Danny Thomas Fire Chief
Kathy DuBose Finance Director
Carolyn Huggins Planning and Zoning Manager
Adam Adams Parks Director
Mayor White announced the date of March 8, 2010, called to order and announced a
quorum at 7:04 p.m.
Invocation offered by Council member Sterling.
Pledges led by Council member Rose.
Deandra Pugh, 2 Chimney Rock -Presented for ASA Liaison Wanda Franklin . announcing two
informational meetings scheduled for March 9 , 2010 at 1000 am . and 700 pm . Ms. Pugh
Invited anyone wanting to participate in ASA
Sandra Ludwig . 130 Carnoustie Drive -Spoke in favor of a dog park.
Mayor White pulled Item 3 as requested by Staff.
Town Council Minutes dated March 8.2010 1
1. 2010-12-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated January
2. 2010-52-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated January
3. 2010-91-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated February
Motion made by Edstrom , seconded by Strother to approve the Consent Agenda, Items 1 -3,
with the corrections made to the January 25, 2010 Minutes.
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion
4. 2010-133-T Consider and take appropriate action amending Ordinance 2010-05 calling
Joint/General/Special Election for May 8, 2010 for the purpose of specifying dates,
times, and locations for early voting by personal appearance.
Considerar y adoptar medidas apropiadas que modifica la Ordenanza 2010-05
lIamando a la elecci6n en Conjunto/ General/ Elecci6n Especial el8 de Mayo, 2010 con
el prop6sito de especificar fechas, horas y ubicaciones para la votaci 6n anticipada en
Mayor White stated that Section 8 of the English Ordinance listed March 3fd as the last date to file
and it should be March 8th The Spanish Ordinance is correct.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose to approve the Ordinance 2010-05 calling
JoinUGenerallSpecial Election for May 8 , 2010 for the purpose of specifying dates, times ,
locations for early voting by personal appearance and changing Section 8 of the English
Ordinance to March 8 , 2010
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion
5. 2010-108-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation proclaiming
March 14 -20,2010 as Poison Prevention Week.
Mayor Pro Tem Strother read the proclamat ion .
Motion made by Edstrom , seconded by Strother proclaiming March 14 -20, 2010 as Poison
Prevention Week .
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion .
6. 2010-109-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation of Fair
Campaign Practices for the May 8, 2010 Election.
Council member Rose stated that he reviewed the Proclamation as presented in the packet and
noticed that it is only applicable to incumbents running for Council and should apply to all council
members . The Council did not object.
Mayor Pro Tem Strother read the re vised proclamation as presented by Council member Rose .
Town Council Minutes dated March 8, 2 010 2
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose proclaiming Fair Campaign Practices for the May 8,
2010 Election
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion.
7. 2010-104-T Public Hearing to Consider Site Plan approval for a new Fire Station to be
built on the site of the existing Fire Station, located at Lot 1, Block 1, Municipal Utility
District No. 1 Complex, including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Irrigation, and
Building Elevations. Applicant: Municipal Utility District No.1, represented by BRW
Architects and Fire Chief Danny Thomas. (SP-09-011)
Fire Chief Thomas stated that the Fire Department is 25 years old and introduced Ray Holiday
and Matt Faulkner from BRW Architects
The Architects presented the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations,
Lighting, Retaining Wall/Fencing between Residential and Fire Station Site and Center Medians
Staff recommends approval of the Fire Station Site Plan, Landscape and Irrigation Plan, and
Building Elevations
Conrad Sharp, 102 Summit Cove -Spoke in favor.
Vicki Hardy, 7 Jennifer Court -Spoke in favor.
Lou Opipare, 32 Crestwood Drive -Spoke in favor.
8. 2010-113-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Audit and Annual
Financial Report dated September 30, 2009.
Finance Director, Kathy DuBose pointed out several Fiscal Highlights.
John Daborow and John Hayes from Weaver and Tidwell made four recommendations to the
internal controls:
1) The Town evaluate the benefits of preparing its own financial statements at year end
against the cost to do so.
2) The Town segregate the duties of processing payments and entering new vendors into
the payables system
3) That department head purchasing card transactions be reviewed and approved by
someone in upper management.
4) That the capital assets software be updated to reflect all capital assets activities on a
regular basis and that the subsidiary ledger be reconciled to the capital assets
acquisitions and dispositions recorded in the general ledger at least semi-annually The
auditor further recommended that any reconciling items noted should be researched and
resolved on a timely basis
Director of Finance, Kathy DuBose stated that Management agreed with the recommendations,
and have already begun implementing changes to address items 2, 3 and 4. DuBose also stated
that due to the financial impact of item 1, it would be discussed during the upcoming budget
Town Council Minutes dated March 8, 2010 3
Mot ion made by Edstrom , seconded by Sterling accepting the Audit and Annual Financial Report
dated September 30 , 2009 .
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion .
9. 2010-139-T Review, consider and take appropriate action regarding the timetable and
regarding authorization for the Town's Financial Advisor, Southwest Securities, the
Town's Bond Counsel, Vinson & Elkins, and Town officials to proceed with the bond
issuance process related to the $5 million Park Improvements.
Mayor White stated on November 3, 2009 voters approved a $5 million bond election for park
improvements. The attached timetable details the bond issuance process going forward with the
plan to review competitive bids and authorize sale of the bonds at the April 26 , 2010 regular
Council meeting . On January 19, 2010, the Council approved a reimbursemen t resolut ion
enabling Management to go forward with some of the preliminary expenses associated with the
park projects . The Resolution allows us to use a portion of our General Fund unallocated fund
balance and reimburse those expenditures with the proceeds of the bonds , once issued . The
bonds are scheduled to be issued at the April 26 , 2010 Council Meeting .
Town Manager Emmons said the primary reason for this item is to provide an update and to ask
the Council for direction regarding the Bond Issuance . Emmons stated two key dates as April
15 , 2010 Rating meeting and tour with Moody's and S&P and April 26 , 2010 as a Regular Town
Council meeting to review bids for the Bonds and adopt the Ordinance authorizing and selling the
Bonds .
Council member Rose confirmed that Town Manager Emmons is comfortable with the timeline .
Larry Lentzner, 303 Ridgeview Lane -Spoke in favor of th e bond issuance and thanked the Staff
and Council for their support.
Motion made by Edstrom , seconded by Rose authori z ing the Town's Financial Advisor,
Southwest Securities , the Town 's Bond Counsel , Vinson & Elkins , and Town officials to proceed
with the bond issuance process related to the $5 million Park Improvements .
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion .
10. 2010-105-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding Site Plan approval for a
new Fire Station to be built on the site of the existing Fire Station, located at Lot 1,
Block 1, Municipal Utility District No. 1 Complex, including a Landscape Plan and
Plant List, Irrigation, and Building Elevations. Applicant: Municipal Utility District No.
1, represented by BRW Architects and Fire Chief Danny Thomas. (SP-09-011)
Planning and Zoning Chair, Gene Hill stated that on February 18, 2010 the Planning and Zoning
Commission took under consideration the Site Plans for a new Fire Station to be built on the site
of the existing station, including a Landscape Plan and Plant List , Irrigation and building
elevations Fire Chief Danny Thomas introduced the proposal and the architectural firm 's
representatives .
The architectural firm's personnel made their Power Point presentation of the proposed Fire
Station, previewing proposed parking areas, exterior renderings and floor plans for included truck
bays , administrative facilities, living accommodations , safety e lements , power sources , etc .
T own Coun c il Minut e s d a te d March 8 , 2010 4
Through their discussions, the Commissioners determined that the designed facility will provide
appropriate ingress and egress for the vehicular equipment, adequate drainage for storm waters,
provisions for all necessary emergency power sources, etc., and that the Fire Station is
architecturally appropriate for this location.
Town Council approval of the proposed Site Plan for the new Fire Station is recommended by the
Commission on a unanimous vote of 7 favoring, none opposed.
Planning Manager Carolyn Huggins confirmed that grading plans were approved by the Town
Engineer, prior to going to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Council member Rose suggested that the landscape and irrigation plan come back at a later time
for the Council to review. Planning Manager Huggins explained that the Municipal Utility District
is exempt from the landscape requirement. The landscape was reviewed thoroughly and she
would be reluctant to change the plan. Council member Rose asked that the Council review the
landscape plan and suggested his preference to have the area zero-scaped and had concerns
about the Leland Cypress.
Town Attorney Patricia Adams confirmed that the Municipal Utility District does not have to
change the landscape plan.
Parks Director Adam Adams said the Lelands are a fast growing tree and might have some space
Mayor White confirmed that the landscape plan is not for Council's consideration under the Site
Plan and that Council is not approving the landscape plan, it was added only for Council's
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by White approving the Site Plan approval for a new Fire
Station to be built on the site of the existing Fire Station, located at Lot 1, Block 1, Municipal Utility
District No.1 Complex.
Council member Rose offered a substitute motion, approving the Site Plan approval for a new
Fire Station to be built on the site of the existing Fire Station, located at Lot 1, Block 1, Municipal
Utility District No.1 Complex, excluding the landscape plan, plant list and irrigation plan including
in the packet.
Mayor White confirmed that the landscape plan (plant list and irrigation plan) are not part of the
Site Plan and therefore doe not need to be excluded from the motion.
Substitute motion failed for a lack of a second.
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
11. 2010-77-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding granting a Special
Privilege Request to the Trophy Club Women's Club to hold two Community Garage
Sale Events in 2010. Applicant: Dianne Rabbe, President, and Kathy Carlton, Garage
Sale Chair, on behalf of Trophy Club Women's Club.
Representing the Trophy Club Women's Club (TCWC) , Diane Rabbe, TCWC President stated
that two Community Garage Sale Events will be conducted on Saturday, April 10, 2010 and
Saturday, October 9,2010. Each event will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., without provision
for alternate rain days. Ms. Rabbe requested the permit fee be waived
Town Council Minutes dated March 8, 2010 5
Planning and Zoning Chair, Gene Hill advised that as required by ordinance, the Police Chief has
reviewed this request and given DPS approval.
The Commission recommends approval of the Women's Club request by a unanimous vote of 7
in favor, none opposed. The Commission also supports the Women's Club request for waiver of
the $25 per event fees.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose granting a Special Privilege Request to the Trophy
Club Women's Club to hold two Community Garage Sale Events in 2010 and waiving the $25 per
event fee.
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion.
12. 2010-12S-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending
the FYOS-10 Budget in accordance with the Town Charter (Budget Amendment NO.2)
making a supplemental appropriation for the purchase of land for a water tower, the
repair and resurfacing of the small Trophy Club pool, and the use of beautification
funds; and providing an effective date.
Mayor White stated on November 3, 2008 the Town Council authorized the purchase of 1.723
acres from Northwest ISO for the purpose of constructing a 500,000 gallon elevated water
storage facility. On June 8, 2009 the Town of Trophy Club and [\IISD entered into a real estate
contract for the purchase of the water tower site not to exceed $108,500. The closing on the
property occurred on February 26, 2010 and with closing costs, the total amount expended was
$110,626. The funds to complete this transaction will come from the PID Restricted Reserve
The repair and resurfacing of the pool may be funded with GASB Reserves. The total amount
needed for that project is $17,400.
The Town has had a beautification account for several years and has previously used funds to
purchase patriotic signage and pole brackets. Additional funding in the amount of $7,852 is now
needed to purchase additional banners and brackets for year round use. This item is funded with
Beautification Reserves.
Council member Edstrom confirmed that bricks may still be purchased for the Clock Tower even
though the Town does not own the land Town Manager Emmons added that bricks recognizing
Citizen of the Year have been added.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Strother approving an Ordinance amending the FY09-10
Budget in accordance with the Town Charter (Budget Amendment No.2) making a supplemental
appropriation for the purchase of land for a water tower, the repair and resurfacing of the small
Trophy Club pool, and the use of beautification funds; and providing an effective date.
Council member Rose confirmed that this pool repair takes care of the structural crack. Parks
Director Adam Adams said that it should be sufficient as the pool is not currently losing water.
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion.
13. 2010-140-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending
the FYOS-10 Budget (Budget Amendment No.3) making appropriations for the cost
of the November, 200S park bond election and for costs associated with the
expansion of the parking lot at Harmony Park.
Town Council Minutes dated March 8, 2010 6
Mayor White stated that the November Park Bond Election invoiced us a $13 ,000 expense and
the Town expects a slight refund of approximately $1 ,300 . There is potential for a May run-off
election which will also increase the election cost.
Town Manager Emmons explained the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 General Fund Expenditure Budget
Increase specified below is a result of costs associated with the November, 2009 Park Bond
Election and the completion of the expansion of the Harmony Park parking lot.
Original Budget Amendment Amended Budget
Election $ 10 ,660 $ 13 ,300 $ 23 ,960
Harmony Park
Capital Expense $ -0-$ 13 ,800 $ 13 ,800
Town Manager Emmons stated that this Item is important to comply with the Charter. The
Council agreed that this was a "supplemental appropriation" and that funding was coming from
reserves . Because the base proposal only increased the budget line items without a source of
funds , we need to include a "supplemental appropriation and funding source was general
reserves" statement.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose approving an Ordinance amending the FY09-10
Budget (Budget Amendment No . 3) making appropriations for the cost of the November , 2009
park bond election and for costs associated with the expansion of the parking lot at Harmony
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion .
14. 2010-138-T Consider and provide input regarding Freedom Park amenity options,
establishing a construction schedule, and funding options.
Town Manager Emmons said that this item 's purpose is to keep Council up to date on the capital
projects . This project will utilize two funding streams : PIO and the soon to be issued 2010
General Obligation Bonds .
Council member Edstrom stated the sub-committee met Friday and reviewed the funds and
current engineering costs . The sub -committee allocated funds and came up with new numbers
which will still include all the amenities , however the timeline needs to be adjusted . The delay of
Freedom Park will allow the Town Engineer to move forward with Northwest Park . The original
estimate for the dog park was $250 ,000 for this section only . Edstrom ensured people that
Council was supportive of a dog park ; however a key catalyst for putting the Bond together was
for additional sports fields . Edstrom requested the sub-committee realign the plans to be closer
to that of the original plan .
Mayor White cla rified that Freedom Park is only delayed as the Bond was presented for sports
and dog park amenities . White suggested a sub-committee to look at the dog park .
Park Member Larry Lentzner , 30 3 Ridgeview Lane -Explained that Freedom Park is still on the
radar ; however the sub-committee is waiting on the bid numbers from Northwest Park before
moving forward on Freedom Park
Town Coun c il Minutes dated Marc h 8, 2 010 7
Sandra Ludwig , 130 Carnoustie Drive -Supports a dog park and suggested that the park need
not be super fancy and requested it be maintained with organic as opposed to chemical fertilizer
and pest control. Ms . Lugwig mentioned several dog parks that should be visited.
Council member Edstrom thanked Town Engineer Rutledge for putting together options .
Input only , no action
15. 2010-128-T Consider and take appropriate regarding the award/rejection of bids for
the Spray Pad, apparent low bidder Ridgemont Company, in an amount not to
exceed $1,198,712 and authorizing Town Manager Emmons or his designee to
execute all necessary documents.
Mayor White said that this bid came in higher than the estimates due to the additional
reconstruction of the present entrance.
Town Manager Emmons stated that bids were opened on February 23, 2010 and received seven
separate bids that qualified.
Mayor White asked Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge if he was comfortable with Ridgemont
receiving the bid . Mr Rutledge said that he was.
Park Board Chair, J . D. Stotts, 1 Narrow Creek Court -Stated that the overall numbers remaining
from Northeast Park and the Spray Park are still in the black . Parks Director Adam Adams said
this will be a magnet to everyone in the community . Adams anticipates a grand opening around
July 4, 2010 as the project will begin next week .
Mayor White requested a chart of the status and costs of Northwest Park. JD Stotts and Town
Manager Emmons both expressed that it was too early to give cost estimates.
J .D. Stotts said the $3 .7 million easily covers what Carter and Burgess put forth for Northwest
Park .
Mayor White supports the splash park and asked that staff keep it in balance so that there is
money for the other parks and amenities.
J. D. Stotts thanked the Council for the time and recognized the other members of the Park Board
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Rose awarding bids for the Spray Pad , apparent low
bidder Ridgemont Company, in an amount not to exceed $1 ,198,712 and authorizing Town
Manager Emmons or his designee to execute all necessary documents .
Mayor Pro Tem Strother confirmed that Alternate 1 is with the time extension; starting
construction next week with final acceptance June 15, 2010 . Without the extension it would have
been six months out.
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion .
16. 2010-93-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the purchase of a 2011
Ford F250 XL Super Crew Truck for the Parks department, and authorizing the Mayor
or her designee to execute necessary documents.
Town Council Minutes dated March 8 , 2010 8
Motion made by Strother, seconded by Edstrom approving the purchase of a 2011 Ford F250 XL
Super Crew Truck for the Parks department, and authorizing the Mayor or her designee to
execute necessary documents with the revised quote not to exceed $27,787
Council member Rose said that when he ran the numbers he pulled in numbers approximately
$11,000 more, so Staff did a great job
Town Manager Emmons said that the budget will not need to be amended .
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
17. 2010-134-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the SEMO report and/or
the Intergovernmental Contract for Employee Services between the Town of Trophy
Club and TCMUD No.1.
Mayor White said that the proposal the Town made to TCMUD No . 1 previously, was turned
down TCMUD No. 1 is determined to have their own Finance and Human Resources and
suggested the Council look at option two which combines all employees and the Town provides
HR for Fire and EMT and Payroll for everyone.
Town Manager Emmons said after TCMUD No.1 met in February, where option E was approved,
he spoke with MUD Manager Robert Scott , asking that MUD Manager Scott continue to work with
him on the best scenario The Option being presented tonight is based on Town Manager
Emmons and MUD Manager Scott's discussion and is a derivative of Option 2 . This is a lease
agreement , where all 15 employees are under the total control of the MUD Manager, but they are
still considered Town employees in order to continue receiving the Town benefits. The
departmental cost to provide Payroll and HR portions to the MUD District is roughly $45,653 this
year and $47 ,479 next fiscal year with a cost of living increase. Emmons questioned who would
be paying the remaining shared employees salaries, who would be responsible for the
administrative overhead for those employees, and who will still be providing a benefit to the MUD
organization . Emmons stated that TCMUD No.1 requested a proposal for payroll services and
agreed to continue paying for the Fire Department Administrative Assistant, Permit Clerk and the
IT Department and will have one person solely dedicated as their Finance person. Emmons
questioned how this one Finance person will provide sufficient backup every day of the work
week, every week of the year Emmons said that he proposed an annual quote of approximately
$18 ,068/year, based on the cost to provide one employee from the Town Staff to perform in the
absence of the TCMUD No. 1 Finance employee The SEMO group did not receive this well and
want to calculate on an hourly basis .
Mayor White said that this option is a means to minimize the Town 's loss . If the Town and
TCMUD No . 1 separate it will likely increase the employee's insurance cost, create issues with
the employees' TMRS and will cost the residents more money. Given the fact that the MUDs
want to separate, this is one option that may minimize the impact to the residents and employees
Council member Rose stated that there is a question about workload amongst employees and the
differences as the Town Manager Emmons has expressed. However, when you transfer a cost
from TCMUD No . 1 to the Town, you transfer the cost from a larger tax base or larger water user
base to a smaller tax base, therefore for the same amount cost in the left hand you are going to
wind up paying more in the right hand, that is if the he basic number was the same across the
board Rose questioned the current Employment Lease Agreement and said that it is not
defined Under the current Agreement, the District Manager has operational control and the
payroll services and health insurance is provided by the Town. Rose does not encourage a split
and yet he understands the problem with shared employees and two bosses .
Town Council Minutes dated March 8 , 2010 9
Mayor White said that both she and Town Manger Emmons worked really hard at TCMUD No. 1's
February meeting and could not make it work. Mayor White stated that this offer, again, is not
what she likes however is the best option at this time. White does not feel that TCMUD No.1
completely understands all of what the Town does and this option will not be as much of an
interruption and easier to put back together.
Council member Edstrom stated that the Town currently provides these services to the MUD and
the Town does it well. Certain issues have been identified and the Town is working towards
improving these areas Edstrom said that the Town should be negotiating from a position of
strength and that the Town needs to be working and making decisions that are in the best interest
of the Town.
The Council discussed the Town's proposal for contract services at a flat fee as opposed to
hourly. Mayor White tried to sell the flat fee and took a pretty firm stand. White said that she was
very confident with the proposal and was very frustrated with TCM U D No. 1's response.
Bob Radder, 1 Lee Court -Advised the Council that there are legal ramifications with leased
employees Radder questioned how much would it cost the Town and what the potential savings
would be
Mayor White said that at this time Fire/EMS, will not be impacted and cautioned the Council that
they needed to be careful not to impact the other employees as well. White said that the Town
presented TCMUD No.1 with a really good proposal. Council member Edstrom commented that
the Town is not the catalyst for what will happen to the employees
Mayor Pro Tem Strother said that all scenarios and options pose an impact to the employees.
Strother stated that the current option will allow TCMUD No.1 to save money and be able to
reduce taxes' however the Town's expenses and ultimately taxes will increase. Regardless of the
pocket, Town or MUD, it is ultimately affects the resident's pocket.
Council member Rose said that once again the Council has a proposal in their hands that was not
approved or directed by the TCMUD NO.1. Rose said that the Council and TCMUD No.1 need
to meet again
Council member Edstrom suggested the Town provide a standard set of SLAs and requested that
Town Attorney Patricia Adams put together the details of the standard SLAs Town Manager
Emmons said the thought one governing body penalizing the other within the same community is
Town Manager Emmons explained that Finance functions are so intertwined on a daily basis.
Emmons stated that Finance is only one of the administrative functions Utility Bills include
garbage and drainage rates, which Finance separates accordingly. Has TCMUD No. 1
considered billing the residents separately? Emmons questioned if TCMUD No.1 truly realizes
the intertwining of job functions and cautioned that splitting will cost a lot of money. Mayor White
said that is why she feels this is the best option right now, until this is realized, this option is the
less expensive
Council member Sterling does not feel this Will get any better as the MUD jammed a big hole in
the Town and now the Town has to fix the hole. Sterling favors status quo as the best option only
if TCMUD No.1 can be agreeable of the certain criterion expected from the Town.
Steven Kohs, 1 Overhill Drive -Stated as a citizen that the Mayor is correct and the MUD
Directors are not listening. After the May election there might be new ears who may realize that
we are all the same tax payer, residents, friends and the Town needs to negotiate and operate
from strength.
Town Council Minutes dated March 8, 2010 10
Council member Edstrom said that former Administration has worked very hard to build a jOint
partnership . The residents vote to consolidate the MUDs was not a vote for the MUDs to
completely split from the Town . Edstrom stated that another Joint Session needs to be held
onsite, and be recorded so that the residents can see the detriment that a split will cause . People
need to realize that the Council is making a concerted effort to make this work .
Mayor Pro Tem Strother agreed that in an effort to move forward there are certainly differences
that the residents need to hear. These changes will go live October 1, 2010 and there is still time
to reach a compromise . Strother feels that there was some progress at the last Joint Session, yet
feels that a sub-committee from each might help speed up a compromise that works for all.
Mayor White stated that neither entity can wait until after the election to start the budget process .
White said that some of Strother's suggestions have a lready been tried . White said that she has
heard from both the Town Manager and MUD Manager that they reach an agreement that the
SEMO group changes after the fact.
Bill Armstrong , 18 Avenue 20 -Asked who of the 10 MUD Directors are causing all of the
problems . Mayor White said that the vote to separate from the Town was unan i mous , of the
Director who were present.
Mayor White said that there is an unwillingness to look at the work that has been made and then
determine what is best. Council Edstrom appreciated Mayor White 's comments and said that she
thought TCMUD No . 1 would have changed their mind with one of their own now at the helm .
Town Manager Emmons advised that it is not just Finance affected but also HR and possibly
permitting affected too .
No action taken
18. 2010-112-T Consider and take appropriate action scheduling quarterly Special/Joint
Sessions with Trophy Club MUD 1 as discussed on February 6,2010.
Mayor White suggested that the Council ask Trophy Club MUD No . 1 at their next meeting to
consider another joint session .
Mayor Pro Tem Strother said that the Council first needs to see if the TCMUD No . 1 is willing to
meet, pr ior to scheduling a meeting . Strother reiterated that it is too difficult to try and get 16
people to agree and suggested that a sub-committee of each board first negotiate details to be
presented to the entire group Mayor Pro Tem Strother and Counc il member Rose agreed to
participate in meeting With the SEMO Committee prior to planning quarterly meetings .
Counci l directed Town Manager Emmons to work on specific issues/questions with MUD
Manager Robert Scott.
No action taken .
19. 2010-111-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding Citizen Contact Report
for 2009. (Racial Profile Report)
Motion made by Edstrom , seconded by Strother accepting the Citizen Contact Report for 2009 .
(Racial Profile Report)
Town Coun c il Minutes dated Marc h 8 ,2010 11
Council member Sterling said this report, while a good intent, does the exact opposite of what the
report it supposed to do. Mayor White and Mayor Pro Tem Strother explained that the report is
mandated by Legislation.
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion .
20. 2010-131-T Town Manager Emmons to provide an update on Bobcat Blvd;
discussion of same.
Town Manager Emmons stated estimated completion date is mid-May.
Update only, no action .
21. 2010-137-T Consider and take appropriate action appointing a member of Council to
serve as a liaison to TCMUD No.1; discussion of same.
Mayor White would like TCMUD No . 1 to provide a MUD Liaison to Council as well. Council
member Rose said that he generally attends the TC MUD No . 1.
Mayor Pro Tem Strother and Council member Sterling recommended Council member Rose to
serve as a liaison to TCMUD No 1.
22. 2010-116-T Receive a progress report from Council Member Rose regarding the
February 16, 2010 TCMUD1 Meeting; discussion of same.
Council member Rose reported on the following
1. Sale of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No 1 Unlimited Tax Bonds
2. Election Agreements and Actions
3. Discussion regarding restructuring the MUD 1 Rate Order
4. Action taken based on SEMO Committee meetings and findings
23. 2010-115-T Mayor and Council Updates regarding training opportunities,
educational sessions, and regional meetings; discussion of same.
Mayor White provided a brief update on her attendance at the following meetings and events:
-Northeast Tarrant County Transportation Summit
-DFW Connector Groundbreaking
-Town 25th Anniversary Meeting
-Metroport Cities Partnership
-North Texas Super Bowl XLV Host Committee Council of the Mayors
-TML Budgeting Performance
-Burgess Town Hall Meeting
-Community Storehouse Hope Dinner
-Chamber Luncheon
-City of Euless Roundtable
-Vision North Texas Summit
24. 2010-117-T Items for future Agendas.
Town Council Minutes dated March 8, 2010 12
Edstrom requested that the conversation regarding joint services with Byron Nelson occur soon.
Council member Rose would like to work with Staff on #7. Consider and take appropriate action
regarding an Ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances entitled "Buildings and
Construction" of Article XV, entitled "Swimming Pools. (Rose 211110)
Motion to adjourn made by Sterling , seconded by Edstrom Meeting adjourned at 11 :20 p.m .
¥o C) 4"'OaA
Lisa Hennek, Town Secretary Connie White, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Town C oun c il Minutes dated Ma rc h 8 , 2010 13