Minutes TC 08/01/2010 and 08/02/2010 - Council RetreatMINUTES FROM SPECIAL WORKSESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Sunday, August 1, 2010 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club , Te xas , met in a Special Workshop Session on Sunday, August 1, 2010 . The meeting was held at Robson Ranch , 9501 Robson Blvd . Denton , TX 7620 7 and was open to the public . TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Connie White Mayor Bill Rose Mayor Pro Tem J.D . Stotts Council Member Margi Cantrell Council Member Larry Hoover Council Member Glenn Strother Council Member arrived at 4.45 p .rn STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Wendy Skinner President Wendy Skinner and Associates Stephen Seidel Acting Town Manager Lisa Hennek Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Mayor White announced the date of August 1, 2010, called to order and announced a quorum at 12:12 p.m. The Agendas for both Se ss ion s are a tt ached. 1. Review and refine the Town's strategy and identify opportunities for action regarding the following related items: A. Setting the Stage B. Context for Strategic Planning C . ViSion , Mission and Values D. Strengths , Weaknesses , Opportun ities , & Threats Analysis Mayor White welcomed everyone and introduced Wendy Skinner from Wendy Skinner and Associates . Wendy Skinner gave a brief history of her experience and specialization in strategic management. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 6 :00 p .m . MINUTES FROM SPECIAL WORKSESSION TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday,August2,2010 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas , met in a Special Workshop Session on Monday, August 2 , 2010 . The meeting was held at Robson Ranch, 9501 Robson Blvd . Denton, TX 76207 and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Connie White Mayor Bill Rose Mayor Pro Tem JO. Potts Council Member Margi Cantrell Council Member Larry Hoover Council Member Glenn Strother Council Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Wendy Skinner President Wendy Skinner and Associates Stephen Seidel Acting Town Manager Patricia Adams Town Attorney Mayor White announced the date of August 2,2010, called to order and announced a quorum at 8:10 a.m. Continue review and refinement of the Town's strategy and identify opportunities for action regarding the following related items: A Recap of work completed on Sunday, August 1, 2010 B. Town Council Goals and Objectives C. Ideas for Action D. Idea Prioritization E . Session Wrap and Next Steps A synopsis from both sessions is attached. ADJOURN Meeting adjourned at 2 :08 p .m . Connie White, Mayor Town of Trophy 2 to.:::. C 1 Agenda Day 1 Setting the Stage • Strategic Management Overview Vision, Mission and Values SWOT Review Day 2 • Trophy Club Goals and Priorities • Ideas for Action • Prioritizing the Landscape Next Steps Setting the Stage -Why We're Here Objectives for the Retreat • Build awareness and understanding of Strategic Management and its potential benefits for the Town Develop a shared view and alignment on Town's strategy and goals -clarify what they are and what they mean Determine and agree on appropriate service levels for Town services Identify and prioritize the actions to achieve the goals • Discuss roles and responsibilities for on-going management activities Agree on next steps Strategic Management What it is and Why it is Important Strategic Management is a discipline . It is a set of key processes integrated into an overall management system. Strategic Management System -The Council agreed the Town could benefit from implementing a strategic management approach ,> The Council self-assessment is on the next slide Focus thus far has been primarily on Formulate/Review strategy • Still requires work on customer insight which will be achieved via a citizen survey Next areas of focus: 8 Developing Operational Plans Continue work on departmental business plans ~ Develop key performance indicators to measure performance against plan " Build Alignment Develop a communications strategy and plan 8 Monitor Perfonnance , Establish a regular reporting schedule A Great Strategy + Flawless Execution =Impressive Results Strategic Management -Town Council Self-Assessment Scores represent an average of the Town Council's individual assessments Scores are typical for an organization in the early stage of implementation, with higher scores in the Formulate/Review phase and progressively lower in the following phases Organizations usually see scores improve to the 4-5 range in all phases 24-36 months into implementation Formulate I Review Strategy DevelopMonitor Strategic OperationalManagementPerformance System Plans Rating Scale: 5 -We are great at this 4 -We are good at this 3 -We are okay at this 2 -We are not good at thisBuild Alignment 1 -We do not have this Strategic Management High Level Timeline -Example • •Strategic * *= Retreats Planning Workshop Develop Dept. Plans and Budgets, Prioritize Initiatives Review Dept. Plans/ Adopt Plan Budgets, Finalize and Budget Budget Projections Begin execution of annual plans ) Ongoing Performance Monitoring and Reporting -Monthly Meetings / Performance Data Collection, Issue Resolution and Communications 1Q Report 2Q Report 3Q Report 4Q Report to Council to Council to Council to Council Vision, Mission and Values Setting the Foundation When done well, vision and mission statements give an organization a compelling sense of purpose and direction Mission Focuses on the present and defines the fundamental purpose of an organization, describing why it exists and how it will achieve its desired vision. Vision Describes the desired future state of an organization in terms of its strategic direction and what will be achieved if the organization is successful. V isit M issionStatements .com for a wide variety of examples. The Town of Trophy Club's vision statement remains unchanged TROPHY CLUB ... A Great Place to Call H ome! The Town of Trophy Club's mission statement was refine d s lightly to clarify purpose Current. .. Accomplish the Vision through dedicated innovative leadership, while providing superior municipal services and facilities in a highly effective, efficient manner. Proposed... Mission Statement Through dedicated innovative leadership, provide superior municipal services and facilities in a highly effective, efficient manner to make the Town of Trophy Club a great place to call home. 2(10 \·Venn.' ~~ It et a"o A~SOCtl1tes /-· lll1l .:~j· ~ <eser'\lec Trophy Club -Town Council Values Values Core values and beliefs are shared among the people of an organization. The values must align with the vision and nlission of the organization and define the acceptable standards which govern individual behaviors. After completing a team activity, the Town Council identified the following list of common, shared values: Integrity and Trust Accountability Teamwork Innovation Pride and Service Commitment Note: The Council needs to decide on a definition for each value and may consider adopting the definitions previously developed by the Town Staff in a similar activity. Tips for Bringing Values to Life Incorporate the values into the stated goals and priorities of the organization Communicate the values constantly -in various ways ­ internally and externally Use the values in employee hire, promotion and performance review processes . Reward and recognize people whose actions and work exemplify the values • Ensure people are "walking the value talk" and when behaviors are out of alignment -confront and correct SWOT Analysis Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats The SWOT helps inform strategy development and action plans Strengths What are our strengths and how do we build upon them? Opportunities What are our opportunities and how do we take advantage of them? Weaknesses What are our weaknesses and how do we reduce or eliminate them? Threats What our threats and how do we overcome or minimize them? Analysis of the Internal Environment Current Performance 0: Services Cost Structure Employee Skills F=> Processes Technology Communications Culture Other A nalysis of the External Environment Citizens • Town Council • Economic Conditions F=> Regulation • Uncertainties Supply Chain Partnerships Other Town Council SWOT -Updated from November 2009 Strengths • Window of opportunity with new council members • Dedicated employees • Staff event management capabilities • Staff very responsive to issues • Stable financial management • Improving strategic management , business planning • High standards for performance • Improved Town I MUD relationship Weaknesses • Alignment on strategy, goals and direction • Own worst enemy -don't see the big externa picture • Isolationist view - we don 't see that other communities are in our same situation ­ instead we reinvent the wheel • Aging infrastructure • Communications • Not creative or proactive in dealing with financial issues • Understanding cost of services • Growth of operational costs associated with Bond packages • Poor decision making on land development • Resist involvement I use of volunteers • Lack of joint planning with MUD Town Council SWOT -Updated from November 2009 -- Opportu n ities • "Town" and "Club" emphasize nucleic value of community (inclusive) • People come here with a purpose (not just 'passing through ') • Residential stability, neighborhood feel -single family Residents sports/fitness oriented • Involved community -leverage for volunteer activity • Location -central, convenient, yet on the fringe • Solana: changes revenue picture ; people who work there may be future Trophy Club residents • 114 -reduce accidents, increase convenience • Acquire development land , use of Village property • Utilize progressive zoning • Commercial growth • Regionalization of services (ie ., Library, Parks , Police , Fire/EMS, Schools , other partnerships , etc.) • PID: growth and amenities • Trophy Club Park -big attraction for people outside too • Popularity of Town events -expand to draw more visitors • Byron Nelson HS , education for all grades now available Threats • Bedroom community -people go home and then don 't go out again • Not welcoming (differences of opinion on whether this is the perception) • Vocal opposition to almost anything • Neighboring communities , becoming the "donut hole" • How demographic changes will impact town ( aging residents, newt younger residents/families) • Tax threshold • 114 -passing us by • No through traffic -tucked away • Congestion -here and beyond • Limited commercial opportunities -constrained by size of Town • We don 't control the land • PID : cost of growth and maintenance needs • Cost of parks • High School will tax police Strategic Goals Town Council Priorities : 01 0 ~:V endv Sl(lllner 4Jt ..: ;'~s.(lLt3tes (.. II R lgh1S Re~t:rvE:U Town Council FY 2010-11 Goals and Objectives ­ Current The current goals and objectives were developed during the November 2009 Town Council planning session. After discussion, the Council agreed that some of the objectives were similar and should be combined. Goal 5: Community in which the Goal 1: Safe Secure Community Infrastructure Support Its Residents Combine Goal 8: Economically Diverse, +-.--+-.Goal 2: Business-Friendly Community Prosperous Community Combine Goal 6: Vibrant, Inclusive Community Goal 3: Community With Shared Vis,ion .-~----~ with Involved, Caring Residents Combine Goal 7: Environmentally Sound Goal 4 : Picturesque Town • • Community See next slide for revised Goals and Objectives 2010 We'ldy Sklnnel ana AssocIates AI Q'9hls Reservec Town Council FY 2010-11 Goals and Objectives ­ Proposed The proposed strategic objectives reflect the combination of several the prior goals and include one new objective to address operations. This reduced the total number of objectives from eight to six which is more manageable. Goal 1: Safe and Secure Goal 2: Business-Friendly Economic Development Goal 3: Strong Partnerships and Community Involvement Goal 4: Picturesque and Environmentally Sound Goal 5: Infrastructure and Asset Management Goal 6: Financial and Operational Stewardship Ideas for Action Town of Trophy Club Goals -Ideas for Action Goal 1 : Safe and Secure -Maintain Trophy Club's low crime rate Increase positive visibility through community policing initiatives Provide superior Emergency Services Increase citizen awareness of and involvement in crime prevention activities Improve data security Additional Council Ideas r Continue to implement community policing efforts I " Increase disaster preparedness • Planning o Ensure escape route -complete the connector • Emergency management training Build sidewalks on main thoroughfare Evaluate 25 MPH zones Safety and security training programs for citizens 9 Neighborhood watch programs • Self-defense Obtain funding from schools for security patrols • Share services regionally Data secu rity ~ Re-evaluate back-up procedures • Secure offsite data back-up Town of Trophy Club Goals -Ideas for Action Goal 2: Business-Friendly Economic Development Provide environment to retain/ develop existing businesses Promote new commercial opportunities Create effective working relationships with developers and businesses Enact progressive economic initiatives Investigate Progressive Zoning Concept Additional Council Ideas Investigate land acquisition Develop a Town identity for development Develop a long term master plan Evaluate package sales Look at possible incentives to retain current businesses • Identify lessons learned from previous development activities (successes and failures) Rezone to priorities I i) Continue pursuing Trophy Club Park development opportunities Town of Trophy Club Goals -Ideas for Action Goal 3: Strong Partnerships and Community Involvement Forge collaborative relationships with other governmental/public entities Create a positive regional identity Foster a well informed community Promote and support active lifestyle Develop/expand citizen volunteer involvement opportunities Expand recreational opportunities for all ages Additional Council Ideas r-.-o-e-ve-Io-p-Town I MU010 year plan ------------, Identify I develop partnerships : • Churc hes -partner for volunteer activit ies , use to get info out • Schools (ie , trails, athletic fa c ilities) • Associations (athletic field development and upkeep) • Courts • Other cities -inter-lo cal agreements • Boards and Comm ittees • TCCC developers I Provide public informationlTown Newsletter Volunteer programs Evaluate volunteer program opportunities (i .e , senior assistance) " Train staff on volunteer use and management Post volunteer opportunities on the website Provide education and awareness programs for Real Estate agents Conduct neighborhood events -know your neighbor e Implement Round Table communications with neighborhoods and community groups Create a citizen university I ~ Provide event training -Promote events better (i .e., July 4th parade , Easter Egg Hunt) Look at regional theater concept Research potential community "give back" opportunities (i.e" food drive) Town of Trophy Club Goals -Ideas for Action Goal 4: Picturesque and Environmentally Sound ~ Maintain neat and tidy appearance Review and improve property maintenance standards and code enforcement Be recognized for our aesthetics • Initiate Going Green Programs 0;> Promote recycling '" Evaluate environmental health • Promote environmentally conscious building standards Additional Council Ideas Implement more recycling • Push for park recycling program Evaluate median maintenance alternatives • Native grasslands • Native hardwoods • Zero-scaping Outsource median maintenance Improve trails .. Back to nature programs Wildlife watch program • Fit cities push ~ Neighborhood themes (i.e., at Christmas time) Town of Trophy Club Goals -Ideas for Action Goal 5: Infrastructure and Asset Management Develop a realistic Capital Improvement Plan Complete long term plan for addressing drainage study results Provide necessary resources to maintain all improvements, new and existing " Build a premier parks system Attract visitors to park destinations Additional Council Ideas r· Improve drainage • Conduct survey and action plan $ Force new development to control drainage ~ Assess creek drainage problems ~ Evaluate storm drain fee to prepare for drainage needs , Evaluate costs / ongoing maintenance costs for concrete vs. asphalt roads Investigate Town facilities needs • Buildings • Analyze maintenance equipment storage needs Develop road replacement plan -500-750 annually Focus on trails improvement • Plan upgrades to aging infrastructure Build a community center / rec center • Install UV system at community pool Rename Trophy Club Park to regional name Pursue "destination theme" concept for parks Town of Trophy Club Goals -Ideas for Action Goal 6: Financial and Operational Stewardship Implement strong financial management practices • Improve operational processes to increase effectiveness and efficiency Provide superior services • Develop better understanding of cost of services Enhance business planning ~ Provide responsive customer service • Hire, develop and retain quality staff 2C10 We-on\, s ~ Inner an d hsso:.;. ra tp.s An R~mls Reserved Additional Council Ideas • Identify service level needs / costs for all Town services " Develop long term goals and plans • Establish key metrics and performance scorecards • Report on performance against targets Conduct organization design analysis " Evaluate compensation and benefits • Conduct a salary benchmark study -Not limited to TML • Need better understanding on Impact of medical insurance increases • Pay vs time off Create a finance advisory board Conduct a citizen survey -ensure all demographics covered • Ensure budget for new O&M Develop creative funding solutions for key projects Identify revenue growth opportunities e. Improve performance .. Implement leadership program -future leaders Make Town website more user friendly Ideas Prioritization Prioritization Grid Low High Feasibility Research alternative solutions or other ways to lower cost. Act now -expedite validation and implementation. Watch over time- revisit if risk and cost situation chan ges. Identify ways to miti gate or elim in ate t h e ris k. High ~(-----------------+) Low Cost to Implement Top Ideas Prioritized Goal 2: Business Friendly Economic Development A. Be proactive on business and development opportunities B. Evaluate land acquisitions C. Concentrate funding for development -find creative funding solutions Goal 3: Strong Partnership and Community Involvement D. Evaluate volunteer programs -Cities of Service* E. Evaluate resource sharing options I regionalization opportunities F. Create Town newsletter Goal 4: Picturesque and Environmentally Sound G . Establish beautification committee H. Implement zero-scape medians* • Goal 5: Infrastructure and Asset Management I. Create regional parks board J Conduct drainage study* Goal 6: Financial and Operational Stewardship K. Establish citizen finance advisory board L. Conduct citizen survey* M. Conduct organization design analysis * Currently planned or in-progress Each Council member selected three ideas from the total pool of ideas generated resulting in 13 ideas placed on the grid (some ideas were duplicative and combined into one idea). No ideas related to the Safe and Secure Goal were selected for prioritization. Low II Act now -expedite validation and implementation High ~----------------~--------------~ High ~(~------------------------~) Low Cost to Implement Work Session Wrap and Next Steps Session Feedback t rke II. .. Good participation and discussion Open and honest communication Creating more buy-in and alignment on goals Trust built Positive atmosphere Smooth mix of topics Great location, no cost Even Better f .. Timing of retreat -conduct one in June to bring new council members on board prior to discussion of goals Joint session with full staff at some point in the future MUD representation at working session Ajoint Town Council and MUD working session Follow-up sessions conducted • Commit to strategic management process over long term • More time Parking Lot Topics These items were identified by the team as needing attention, but were not in the scope of this retreat. These will be reviewed and appropriate action taken as needed. Determine how to pay for key projects and maintain assets Discussion on specific volunteer programs / opportunities Town charter -timing of requirement to have strategic goals defined in January precedes tinling of election in May • Need new council member participation and buy-in of strategy and goals 9 Next Steps Document and review output of retreat -determine additional follow-up actions needed Use SWOT analysis and Ideas for Action to ensure staff business plans are aligned, prioritized and gaps identified Conduct a citizen survey: Identify what programs and services are important !) Determine satisfaction with how the Town is performing those programs and services • Determine other important citizen issues • Develop a communications strategy and plan Move on time sensitive and/or budget related ideas • Follow-up with MUD to do sonle joint planning • Develop a longer ternl master plan, focused on the big ideas