Nick Sanders Mayor
Jim Moss Council Member
Kathleen Wilson Council Member
Brandon Emmons Town Manager
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager
Lisa Ramsey Town Secretary
Adam Adams Parks and Recreation Director
Scooter Gierisch Mayor
Holly Gray-McPherson Mayor Pro Tem
Brian Darby Council Member
Kevin Stillwell Council Member
Melvin Smith Council Member
Jimmy Stathatos City Manager
Debra Wallace Assistant City Manager
Ronnie Angel Parks and Recreation Director
Cody Petree Public Works Director
Gary Johnson Police Chief
Brad Goudie Dep. Fire Chief
Kim Barnes City Secretary
Laura Wheat Mayor
Carol Langdon Alderman
Rebecca Rollins Alderman
Larry Corson Alderman
Tim Britten Alderman
Thomas Brymer Town Manager
Kim Sutter Town Secretary
Dr. Karen Rue Superintendent
Dennis McCreary Assistant Superintendent for Facilities,
Planning, and Construction
Devonna Holland Board Member
Mayor Gierisch, City of Roanoke, called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m.
Mayor Sanders, Town of Trophy Club, stated Trophy Club did not have a quorum.
Mayor Wheat, Town of Westlake, called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
Members of each Town/City and Board were introduced at this time.
Dennis McCreary, NISD Assistant Superintendent for Facilities, Planning, and
Construction gave a presentation regarding the Northwest NISD district growth and
development. There is a new proto-type design being used for the last six schools built
that has saved the district $300,000 per school on design fees. Byron Nelson High
School, which is 70% completed at this time, was discussed as well as new school
locations. NISD is the 3 rd largest district with 324 square miles. As of 09/09/2008 the
district had 13,026 students enrolled, which is an 11 % growth. It is projected that there
could be 93,000 students enrolled in less than 20 years. Mr. McCreary notes that they
appreciate the voters and would not be able to do it without them. Martha Llewellyn, a
Trophy Club resident, asked if there will be another elementary school built in Trophy
Club. Mr. McCreary stated there is not a need at this time due to other construction.
Council Member Smith asked when the portable buildings will be removed from the
Roanoke Elementary campus. Mr. McCreary stated that they will be removed when the
new elementary school opens in 2010, which will be located in the Briarwyck
Subdivision. Dr Rue stated you can go online to the NISD website to access
information regarding new school locations. Mayor Pro Tem Gray-McPherson hopes
that an Interlocal agreement can be worked out that a joint facility can be used by all
without billing each other. All entities pay school taxes, why should we double bill each
1. Discuss and receive input regarding Library.
Mayor Sanders stated there was a task force formed between the school district
and the residents of Trophy Club to explore joint use facilities more than just the
library. Discussions were held on how the library can be isolated from the high
school. If it was able to be workable, the library could be staffed outside of
school hours and on weekends. Trophy Club does not currently have a library for
residents' use. Details still need to be worked out. Summer months will require
staffing that could possibly be funded though an Interlocal agreement of both
Roanoke and Trophy Club. There are examples of other areas such as College
Station and Bryan that have done the same. Mayor Pro Tem Gray-McPherson
asked what the process to move forward is. Dr. Rue replied that the cities just
need to pull together and say they want to start having conversations. Mayor
Sanders stated that they already had some open conversations regarding joint
uses. Mayor Gierisch mentioned that one challenge Roanoke would face is that
there is already a public library. Mayor Wheat said The Town of Westlake is in a
bit of a different situation; they are divided among three school districts but would
love to be involved. City Manager Stathatos said that Roanoke is interested in
using all of the schools facil·ities including the library even though Roanoke may
expand their own. Martha Llewellyn does not believe that we need to have a joint
library in a school setting. It would not meet all the needs of the residents in
regards to material suitable for different age groups. Believes we need a
separate facility. Dr. Rue commended those comments stating those are the
details we need. But this can help and be like a starter situation until a building
can be built. Council Member Wilson responded to a question asked earlier by
Ms. Llewellyn by stating that "it's a stair step launching point" to get us going.
Alderman Britton stated that the biggest detail to deal with is land, being
centralized and the cost associated with the land. Mayor Sanders said we know
it is not a long term solution but it is a partial solution. There are some
challenges to overcome. Let's try to do away with the borders and not worry
about where it's located but that it's a regional benefit to our citizens. The
challenge will be funding. How can you build something, for example, in Trophy
Club and tax residents in Roanoke? We need to explore funding mechanisms.
Grants may be one way. City Manager Stathatos spoke about County money
being allocated for public library. They give you a certain amount of money
based on the capita you serve, however, if you charge a fee then you are not
eligible for the funds. So about seven or eight years ago we tried to do this with
Trophy Club and Westlake. The amount needed versus the Grant did not make
sense. That is why Roanoke currently charges a fee. When multiple taxing
entities are joined together, you can jump to the top of the list.
2. Discuss and receive input regarding park facilities:
a) Each entity provide brief overview of current and future park plans
Ronnie Angel, Roanoke, gave a status report of the Roanoke park facilities. He
stated that the Recreation Center has been open for three years and has
doubled in membership (6300 members). City Manager Stathatos mentioned the
possibility of a land acquisition to expand the park area. It is approximately 120
acres. It may be able to offer things not currently offered. Mayor Sanders spoke
of the types of fields that each City/Town offers. He asked if all areas should
support multiple sports. As the area grows, the associations may split. He stated
that Trophy Club submitted a master plan on "the Park" which he states was
renamed, by Trophy Club, from Marshall Creek Park to Trophy Club Park at Lake
Grapevine. Discussions took place on the correct name of the park. City
Manager Stathatos said that other cities should have been consulted about the
plans. Trophy Club, Roanoke, and Westlake cannot stand alone. Stathatos said
Roanoke believes the p'ark was in Marshall Creek, and Trophy Club believes
differently; the reality is that it doesn't matter and proposed naming it something
else all together. Town Manager Emmons said that Trophy Club has the right to
name it because they are supporting it right now. It is Corps of Engineers
property not located in either city limits, questions are as to who's ETJ it resides
in; boundaries are irrelevant. The facility is never going to be developed by either
city as long as the Corps of Engineers controls it. It will always be a park;
residents will always be able to use it.
Adam Adams, Trophy Club, gave a status report of Trophy Club park facilities.
RFQs were received last week for the Corps property. We will be working with
other cities on that park. It will be a regional park, a federal park.
Dr. Rue wanted to thank the Roanoke Recreation staff for providing the venue for
Alliance Corporate Challenge ..
b) Discussion of Marshall Creek Park
Council Member Wilson would like to have a regional joint task force. They can
sit down and incorporate the dollars that have been put in or can be put in. Have
this task force work out the details and name issue. Mayor Gierisch said we
could schedule a meeting with the three (3) cities to start this process. Alderman
Corson stated he had a document handed out earlier that can help with this. Mr.
Walker, Roanoke resident, once heard a State Senator say that economic
development is not city versus city and that is high school football. Economic
development is about cities working together. That is what you are trying to do
tonight, there is strength in numbers. Mayor Gierisch believes we are moving in
a direction that is positive for each and every entity. We are neighbors, we are
friends. Maybe we can vote on a task force committee at the next meeting. Ms.
Llewellyn suggests a regional contest to name "the park." Council Member
Wilson believes it can be healing to have a new name for this park. There are no
historical memories there.
c) Discussion of natatorium facility
Dr. Rue announced that the NISD is doing a feasibility study for the time and
placement of a natatorium. We currently rent, from the City of Keller, a facility for
$15,000 a year. Mayor Pro Tem Gray-McPherson asked when the study will be
started. Mr. McCreary stated in the spring. The cost is not justified currently per
Dr. Rue. Mr. McCreary stated that they have a five (5) year deal with the City of
Keller and that our immediate needs are being met.
3. Discuss and receive input regarding Highway 170 -Highway 114 Interchange.
Mayor Gierisch asked Mayor Sanders to speak on this subject. Mayor Sanders
commented that the design is the same as it was prior. The continuation of
Highway 114 to side roads in Trophy Club, heading west, is estimated at $33.9
million dollars. Funds are allocated. The levy date is September 2011. He
noticed that the access to Byron Nelson Parkway would be an overpass going
over Highway 114. How do you provide access to the commercial property? He
encourages all involved to stay on top of it. There are plans to continue 114 to
the Wise County line. We are excited it is coming, but it will be quite and
undertaking for all the overpasses to get from 170 to 114, to get from 114 main
lanes to side roads and exits. Mayor Gierisch spoke of similar locations and said
maybe we can get copies of those plans.
4. Discuss and receive input regarding inter-community development
communication and development along Highways 114 and 170 of mutual interest
to all communities.
Alderman Corson worked with three (3) Colorado Counties in a similar situation
and provided a document that was used in that case. They came together and
produced this document, which has mutual agreement with all involved. He
pointed out certain sections that outlined this agreement. Section 3 speaks to
the methodology by which we came to an agreement on what should be the
trigger points. Section 7 identified the goal, Section 10 started to define the
process, Section 17 reminds everyone of the statutory authority. He believes this
absolutely applies to 114 and other shared boundaries. Council Member Wilson
said this was a great document, it shows good faith and that the Town should do
this. Mayor Sanders suggested to Town Manager Emmons to get approval from
Council to develop some kind of document to move forward and encourages all
of us to take this action. Maybe we can have some kind of draft document at the
next quarterly meeting that can be commented on.
5. Schedule future meetings.
Next meeting tentatively scheduled to take place on Thursday, January 29, 2009
in Westlake.
1. Motion made by Melvin Smith, seconded by Kevin Stillwell to adjourn the meeting
at 8:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Rollins, seconded by Carol Langdon to adjourn the meeting at
8:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
~o4anLLSaHennek, TOWnsecretary Nick Sanders, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas