Minutes TC 10/06/2008MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING/REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, October 6,2008 at 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Public Hearing/Regular Session on Monday, October 6,2008. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Mayor Philip Sterling Mayor Pro Tem Susan Edstrom Council Member Jim Moss Council Member Kathleen Wilson Council Member Glenn Strother Council Member STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town lVIanager Lisa Hennek Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Danny Thomas Fire Chief Scott Kniffen Police Chief Carolyn Huggins Planning and Zoning Coordinator A.1 Mayor Sanders called the Town Council to order at 7:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present. Mayor Sanders wished Town Manager Emmons a happy birthday. A.2 Council member Wilson offered the Invocation. A.3 Council member Moss led the Pledges. Mayor Sanders moved Item A.5 above A.4. A.4 A presentation on the Proposed Road Bonds was given by Denton County Commissioner Andy Eads. County Commissioner Eads gave a presentation explaining that Vote Yes TRIP '08 will provide Denton County with the tools it needs to further guarantee our roadway system will be able to accommodate the County's future growth. County Commissioner Eads summarized a list of roads the Bond Election will address. A.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation congratulating Samuel Beck Elementary School for their 2008 Lighthouse Blue Ribbon Achievement. Mayor Sanders corrected that the award should be 2008 U. S. Department of Education, No Child Left Behind. Mayor Pro Tem Sterling read the Proclamation. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Wilson to approve the Proclamation. Mayor Sanders presented Principal McCune the Proclamation and congratulated her and the Samuel Beck Staff. Principal McCune said this award is most humbling and accepted the Proclamation on behalf of the staff, students and parents. Principal McCune introduced the staff present. A.6 Citizen Presentations: Ben Merritt, 21 Monterey Drive -Asked the Town Council to readdress the sundown restriction under Section 4.05 of the Solicitor's Ordinance. Mayor Sanders advised that staff requested Item B.6 be pulled and considered on October 20, 2008 and noted one correction, to the September 15, 2008 Minutes (Item B.4) was made. Page 48 of the packet, under Item C.1, students should be swimmers. Motion made by Wilson; seconded by Moss to approve Consent Agenda, Items B.1 through B.5 with the correction to the September 15, 2008 Minutes. Motion carried unanimously without discussion. B.1 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Ratification of an Additional Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group for Professional Services for Construction Administration and Surveying for U.S. Highway 377 Improvements at Northwest Parkway which modifies the main Professional Services Agreement for the Project executed on August, 182008. B.2 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Ratification of an Additional Services Agreement with Jacobs Engineering Group for professional services for Construction Administration and Surveying for Northwest Parkway, Water Distribution Line, which modifies the main Professional Services Agreement for the Project executed on August, 182008. B.3 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, September 8, 2008. B.4 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, September 15,2008. B.5 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated September 29,2008. B.6 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve financials and variance report dated: a. August End of Consent PUBLIC HEARING Council convened into Public Hearing at 7:55 p.m. C.1 Public Hearing regarding a request for Replat of Lots 3R1 and 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, 2.015 Acres. Applicant: Hydra Hotels LLC (RP-Q8-Q15) 2 No public comments were made. Council reconvened into Regular Session at 7:56 p.rn. *REGULAR SESSION D.1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the approval of a Replat of Lots 3R1 and 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, 2.015 Acres. Applicant: Hydra Hotels LLC (RP-08­ 015) Planning and Zoning Commission Chair, Gene Hill stated by a vote of 5: 1, the Commission recommends to the Town Council the approval of the replat. Planning and Zoning Coordinator, Carolyn Huggins reported that the subdivision of these two plats was approved in March 2008. Motion made by Strother, seconded by Moss to approve a Replat of Lots 3R1 and 3R2, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, 2.015 Acres. Applicant: Hydra Hotels LLC (RP-08-015) Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. D.2 Parks and Recreation Director to provide the monthly Park Board update and discussion of same. Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams provided the survey results of the Summer Adventure Camp and updated Council on the Fall Festival Event scheduled for October 18, 2008. Update only, no action taken. D.3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an amendment to Chapter 10, entitled "Public Safety", Article II of the Code of Ordinances of the Town, entitled "Traffic and Vehicles"; by renumbering current Section 2.08 "Penalty" to Section "2.09 Penalty" and adopting a new Section 2.08, entitled "Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations," and prOViding an effective date. Town Manager Emmons said this Ordinance signifies that the Town Council considers air quality to be an important issue. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Sterling to approve amendment to Chapter 10, entitled "Public Safety", Article II of the Code of Ordinances of the Town, entitled "Traffic and Vehicles"; by renumbering current Section 2.08 "Penalty" to Section "2.09 Penalty" and adopting a new Section 2.08, entitled "Locally Enforced Motor Vehicle Idling Limitations." Town Manager Emmons clarified that these restrictions would not apply in the school zones, and would apply only to Commercial vehicles. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. D.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the expenditure of Parkland dedication funds related to the Harmony Park project and authorizing the Town Manager to execute necessary documents. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Moss to approve expenditure of Parkland dedication funds related to the Harmony Park project and authorize the Town Manager to execute necessary documents. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. 3 D.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance repealing Article I entitled "Parks and Recreation Board," of Chapter 9, entitled "Parks and Recreation" of the Code of Ordinances, in its entirety, and adopting a new Article I "Parks and Recreation Board" of Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances. Motion made by Wilson, seconded by Moss to approve an Ordinance repealing Article I entitled "Parks and Recreation Board," of Chapter 9, entitled "Parks and Recreation" of the Code of Ordinances, in its entirety, and adopting a new Article I "Parks and Recreation Board" of Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. D.6 Review and provide input regarding the Town's Property Maintenance Ordinance, (Chapter 3, BUildings and Construction, Article XII -Standards for the Repair, Removal or Demolition of Dangerous or Substandard Buildings, Section 12.06 Minimum Standards; Responsibilities of Owner), and the 2003 International Property Maintenance Code, and take appropriate action to direct staff. Tamara Pearlman, 130 Summit Cove -Said that she has experience working with Building Code enforcement and provided a list of suggested revisions she feels needs to be made to the code. Town Manager Emmons commented that Building Bode is separate from the Property Maintenance Code. Town Manager Emmons assured that the Town staff is taking extreme care monitoring code for the construction of the new homes and that inspections are being met. Council member Moss requested a copy of Frisco's Code. Council member Edstrom asked if this could be incorporated in upkeep on rental property. Sanders suggested that Tarrant County be referenced in the Ordinance such as Denton County and Section 12.03 Procedure #3, that the language under I, Draining of Swimming Pools be the current language approved on August 18, 2008 and that the penalties are consistent throughout the Ordnance. Council member Wilson said that she agrees to the elimination of the Board of Appeals but is in support of a Building Standards Commission as suggested by Council member Edstrom. Council directed staff to draft an Ordinance eliminating the Board of Appeals board and referring the appeals to the Town Council. No action, input only. D.7 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection Services between Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.1, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.2 and the Town of Trophy Club. Town Manager Emmons explained the differences between the version approved by MUD1 and MUD2 and the changes presented to the Council as follows: • The termination clause presente'd in the original document as at will, has been removed as a definitive time of execution should exist. • The term of the contract shall become effective on January 1, 2009 for an initial term of one year. Such one year initial term shall renew annually for a total of ten consecutive terms of one year each, unless terminated by any party at least 60 days prior to the end of the term. 4 • The budget shall be presented to the Town Council for input and consideration prior to final approval of the Master District. • The Funding of all costs associated with Fire Protection Services be levied in accordance with the Public Improvement District Act, Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council member Moss said that he does not know how he feels about these changes and would rather wait to comment until after the MUDs review and comment. Council member Wilson stated that she would like time to read and process the proposed changes and requested that documents, such as these, be forwarded to Council with more time to review. Mayor Sanders stated that MUD 2 does not have a Fire Plan on file andlor approved by TCEQ and questioned who the agreement should be between. Council suggested that language be added regarding the disposition of any remaining funds at the end of the year be reimbursed proportionately to the parties. Town Manager Emmons stated that a copy of this agreement has been provided to MUD Manager, Walter Fitzpatrick. No action taken. 0.8 Items for Future Agenda. Mayor Sanders advised that Items D.6 and D.7 will come back to the Council and do not need to go on the list. Council member Edstrom requested an update on #2 Discuss and receive input regarding an Ordinance amending Article II, 'Traffic and Vehicles" of the. Code of Ordinances relating to the State regulations for speed limit reduction and readdress the speed limit and sign age on Skyline Drive and said she is researching other cities processes on Citizen of the year and will discuss with Council in November. Council member 1\I10ss removed #10 Presentation by Danny Hodges from Oncor Delivery regarding outstanding construction issues (Oak Hill) and discussion of same. Council member Wilson requested that the sundown restriction be reviewed in the Solicitors Ordinance and requested that the Minutes from the September 10th , 2008 Joint Regional meeting be forwarded to the other members of Councilor included in the next packet as they related to the Item added on September 25, 2008, Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the creation of a Trophy Club Park Task Force. 0.9 Reports. (a) Town Manager Emmons gave his report. E.1 Adjourn. Motion made by Wilson, seconded by Edstrom to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. \I~ Q 4~1).l\..............__ J~~.,..------~ennek, Town Secretary Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas 5