Minutes TC 10/20/2008MINUTES OF REGLILAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, October 20,2008 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, October 20, 2008. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Mayor Philip Sterling Mayor Pro Tem Susan Edstrom Council Member Kathleen Wilson Council Member Jim Moss Council Member Glenn Strother Council Member STAFF AND GlIEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Town Manager Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Lisa Hennek Town Secretary Patricia Adams Town Attorney Danny Thomas Fire Chief Scott Kniffen Police Chief Stephanie Gohlke Interim Finance Director A.1 Mayor Sanders called to order and announce a quorum at 7:00 p.m. A.2 Council member Strother offered the Invocation. A.3 Council member Edstrom led the Pledges. A.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation declaring October 20-24, 2008 as Texas Chamber of Commerce Week. Motion made by Wilson; seconded by Edstrom to approve the Proclamation declaring October 20-24, 2008 as Texas Chamber of Commerce Week. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Sterling read the Proclamation. Mayor Sanders presented the Proclamation to Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce President, Sally Michalak. Ms. Michalak thanked the Town Council for their support. A.5 Citizen Presentations: Alyssa Edstrom, 269 Oak Hill Drive -Requested the Council consider working with the school, as in previous years in order to provide a better and more professional Fall Festival event. 1 • Vicki Hardy, 7 Jennifer Court -Asked the Council to approve the proposed amendments to the Solicitor's Ordinance. B.1 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, September 10,2008. . B.2 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, September 22,2008. B.3 .Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, October 6, 2008. B.4 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve financials and variance report dated: a. August Council member Edstrom clarified that the Council may approve the minutes even if they were absent from a meeting. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling approving Consent Agenda, Items B.1 -B.4. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. TOWN COUNCIL CONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION *REGULAR SESSION C.1 Receive a progress report of the Highlands of Trophy Club Public Improvement District #1 and discussion of the same. Kirk Wilson from Centurion American Development Group was present. Town Manager Emmons stated that a substantial portion of the public improvements for the Highlands at Trophy Club PID #1 is nearing completion and provided a progress report for all of the funded items, whether completed, under construction, or proposed. Council members Edstrom and Wilson are concerned that some of the parks' amenities may be cut from the projects. Kirk Wilson said that the developer has not been involved in any discussions regarding the request to pare down any parks' amenities. A summary of the financial aspects of all projects shows a possible project over run of $214,000 unless projects yet to be completed can be completed under budget. Mayor Sanders inquired as to the intere$t earned on the PID funds that may be used to offset the cost overruns. Town Manager Emmons said that he would continue to provide reports over the next several months. No action taken. C.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the creation of a Trophy Club Park Task Force. Mayor Sanders explained that the creation of a regional task force was briefly discussed at the last Regional Joint Meeting held with Roanoke, NISD and Westlake. It is expected that this topic will come up again for discussion at the Regional Joint Meeting scheduled for January. Council member Wilson provided clarification stating this item is a result of the Regional Joint Meeting and the discussion/dispute regarding the Park. 2 - Council member Edstrom believes creating a Task Force is putting the cart before the horse and that the Town needs to first complete report from the study conducted by Park Master Improvement Plan Committee and LINT. Edstrom said that she hoped the other cities, who had an issue that about not being not consulted when the Town changed the Park's name, understood how tedious the process was and the money the Town has spent changing all the literature. Council member Edstrom stated that the Town of Marshall Creek never held the lease to the Park and the Town took it over to provide something positive. Mayor Sanders said that he does not support a Task Force and feels that Trophy Club and Roanoke Park Boards should meet and discuss these things. Council member Wilson stated that she intended the Task Force might convene as infrequently as only once, depending on outcomes. Wilson did not intend for it to become a permanent thing Council member Edstrom stated that a Task Force might be a consideration in the future, but the Town needs to have the study completed and facts compiled prior to creating a Task Force. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Moss directing Town Manager Emmons to have the Park Board make a presentation at the Joint Regional Meeting in January, providing a brief report on the process followed to change the name to Trophy Club Park and the direction the Town is pursuing with the Park. Mayor Pro Tem Sterling stated that he does not support a Task Force since it creates an additional level of government. Sterling would like to see the Park Board give a presentation at the Joint meeting as well. Motion passed unanimously. Council member Moss said that the Mayor of Roanoke informed him that Roanoke will not contribute any money to the Park unless the name is changed. Moss suggested Town Manager Emmons and City Manager Stathatos meet and negotiate a compromise. Council member Wilson stated that Roanoke Mayor Gierisch has to legitimize Roanoke's budget line items and could not justify with the current Park's name. Wilson stated that Roanoke would love to contribute and provide in the recreational needs on a regional level. Park Board member, Dave Glaser, 15 Overhill Drive -Agreed with Council member Edstrom and that the Town is not ready for a Task Force. Glaser said that he agreed that the Park should be regional and that the Board should first have the facts from the study. Parks Board Vice Chair, Steve Gregory -205 Pebble Beach -Agreed with Glaser. Items C.? and C.8.were moved up. C.3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance repealing Section 4.05 entitled "Approved Times for Solicitation" of Article IV entitled "Peddlers and Solicitors," of Chapter 10, entitled "Public Safety", of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, and adopting a new Section 4.05 entitled "Approved Times for Solicitation" of Article IV, Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances. Pursuant to the direction provided at the October 6, 2008 Council meeting, the Section 4.05 Solicitor's ordinance was revised to approve times for soliciting from 9:00 a.m. to sunset. An alternate section has been provided to allow the time for Charitable Solicitations and Religious Solicitations be waived. . . Motion made by Moss; seconded by Edstrom approving an Ordinance repealing Section 4.05 entitled "Approved Times for Solicitation" of Article IV entitled "Peddlers and Solicitors," of Chapter 10, entitled "Public Safety", of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club so that Section 4.05 Approved Times For Solicitation now states "It shall be unlawful for any Person to conduct Commercial Solicitations before the 3 hour of 9:00 AM and after the hour of 5:00 PM on any day of the week. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, Charitable Solicitations and Religious Solicitations shall not be conducted before the hour of 9:00 AM and after the hour of 7:00 PM on any day of the week." Town lVIanager Emmons explained that charitable and religious groups are included in the current Ordinance and only the time amendment is in question. If necessary, Council may opt to discuss commercial solicitations at another time. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and the Northwest Independent School District for site designation of the water storage facilities and proposed Real Estate Contract. Town Manager Emmons said that this process has evolved over the past year. The Medlin site has a designated elevated storage on their documents that was not included on their site plan. NISD asked the Town to move it and asked for compensation for the property. The Town negotiated to provide football field lighting. Staff has asked the Council to advise where the funding should come from. Council member Moss would like an estimate of how much the operating costs will be to light the fields. Council member Wilson expressed concern that logistically a taxpayer is paying twice. Town Manager Emmons explained the NISD Bond did not include lights since the field was intended to be a practice field only. Thus the residents are not being double taxed. The Council agreed with the option to extend after ten years, suggested striking sections like 5.04 Dumpsters and directed Town Manager Emmons to approach EDC 4A about funding. Council member Wilson stated that she will support moving forward with Council, but would like to see NISD funds used for what it was intended. Council member Strother ran quick numbers and stated that this appears to be a good deal for the Town based on ball field construction costs. Strother suggested Town Manager Emmons have the land appraised. Town Manager Emmons said that NISD was already working on the appraisal. No action taken. C.S Discuss and take appropriate action to approve an amended Interlocal Agreement with Northwest Independent School District for School Resource Officer services for 2008-09. Mayor Sanders made the following corrections under Section VI (Term), the Agreement may be renewed annually for leA five (5) and Agreement may be terminated by either party upon f1iR.et.y-thirty (30) Motion made by Wilson; seconded by Edstrom approving the amended InterloCal Agreement with Northwest Independent School District for School Resource Officer services for 2008-09 with corrections. Council member Edstrom would like a representative from NISD to clarify the proposed change under the Termination section. Council member Wilson withdrew her motion, the second agreed. Council asked that a representative be present at the next meeting to speak to the proposed changes. C.6 Discuss and take appropriate action nominating candidates to the Denton County Appraisal District Appraisal Review Board. . 4 J " Staff was not aware of any residents' interested in being nominated to the Appraisal Review Board. The Council requested this Item come back on November 3rd and directed Town Manager Emmons to advertise to citizens the opportunity to be nominated to serve on the Board. No action taken. C.7 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the approval of an Agreed Termination of the existing contract between the Town and Intermedix for emergency medical billing services and the approval of a new contract with Intermedix for emergency medical billing and related services. Town Manager Emmons said that Town has utilized Intermedix for EMS Billing for the past two years. Intermedix has asked the Town to terminate the existing contract and renew with an upgraded system and itemized fees schedule. There will be a slight fee increase for the new contract. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling approving an Agreed Termination of the existing contract between the Town and Intermedix for emergency medical billing services and the approval of a new contract with Intermedix for emergency medical billing and related services. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. C.O Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending the Town's FY 2007-00 Budget. Town Manager Emmons stated that the purpose of this budget amendment is to ensure that we are in compliance with budgetary guidelines. The auditors look at the Town's ability to end the budget year close to the original projected amount. Generally, the Town will complete two budget amendments each year, the initial budget amendment occurs in March and the second occurring in October after the end of the fiscal year. Staff did not bring a March amendment to Council this year. Motion made by Wilson; seconded by Edstrom approving an Ordinance amending the Town's FY 2007-08 Budget. Stephanie Gohlke, Interim Finance Director spoke to the recreation and street repairs expense. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.9 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the following items proposed by Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc.: A. A Resolution authorizing Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc. (CAPP) to negotiate and enter into an electric supply agreement for the Town to purchase power through CAPP for its electrical needs beginning January 1, 2009 through December 31,2013. Town manager Emmons recommended renewing the Resolution for five years and take no action on B. Motion made by Moss; seconded by Edstrom approving a Resolution authorizing Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc. (CAPP) to negotiate and enter into an electric supply agreement for the Town to purchase power through CAPP for its electrical needs beginning January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2013. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. B. An Ordinance authorizing the Town's participation in the Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc. (CAPP) Long-Term Contract for a period up to 24 years and requiring the Town to make a capacity payment equal to its proportionate amount of debt service obligation for capacity 5 under the Power Purchase Agreement between CAPP and Luminant Generation Company, et al. Town Council took a ten-minute break at 9:44 p.m. C.10 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection Services between Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.1, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.2 and the Town of Trophy Club. Council member Edstrom pointed out two corrections under Section B. Funding; will be is duplicated in the last paragraph and there is a 0 in front of the word boundary in the second to last paragraph. Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Wilson to approve an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection Services between Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.1, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District NO.2 and the Town of Trophy Club with the correction. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. C.11 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance denying the request of Oncor Electric Delivery to increase rates. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling approving an Ordinance denying the request of Oncor Electric Delivery to increase rates. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. C.12 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the repeal of Resolution No. 2007-15 and the adoption of a new Resolution· authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs as authorized by the Town's Procurement Policies and Procedures. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Wilson approving the repeal of Resolution No. 2007-15 and the adoption of a new Resolution authorizing participation in various cooperative purchasing programs as authorized by the Town's Procurement Policies and Procedures. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. C.13 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the name change from Marshall Creek Road to Bobcat Blvd and from Northwest Parkway to Bobcat Blvd. (Previously requested by NISD.) Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling changing the name from Marshall Creek Road to Bobcat Blvd and from Northwest Parkway to Bobcat Blvd as requested by the NISD. Council member Wilson advised that the proposed name change is the same as Krum's mascot and could cause potential confusion when the NISD Bobcats play the Krum Bobcats on Bobcat Blvd. Motion passed 4: 1 with Wilson opposing. C.14 Receive a report regarding the State regulations for speed limit reduction and readdress the speed limit and signage on Skyline Drive, discuss and take appropriate action regarding same. Town Manager Emmons and Chief Kniffen gave a brief report on the speed limit and signage on Skyline Drive. Council member Edstrom said that speed was not the issue but rather the line of sight and parking. 6 I ;; Council member Wilson said that traffic will only increase with the development and the speed needs to be reduced to 25 mph. Town Manager Emmons said that a traffic engineering study would need to be conducted in order to change the speed limit. Council member Strother stated the challenge is if parking is eliminated, people will go faster and asked Council to consider speed bumps. Town Manager Emmons suggested that the Council start with temporary measures for traffic control. C.15 Items for Future Agenda. Council asked that the following Items be placed on the November 3, 2008 Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action regarding crosswalks going from Summit Cove, crossing Trophy Club Drive to the Country Club (Wilson -4/21/08) An Item providing a list of businesses currently allowed under the CG Zoning regUlations for Council's review. The following items were added the list for future agendas: Discuss and receive an update on the Comprehensive Land Plan. (Edstrom -10/20/08) Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the continuation of the traffic calming lanes along Trophy Club Drive to Municipal Drive. (Edstrom -10/20/08) 0.1 Adjourn. Motion made by Sterling, seconded by Wilson to adjourn. ~O i/L.a 4 L Lisa Hennek, Town Secretary Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas 7