Monday, November 17, 2008
7:00 P.M.
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session
on Monday, November 17, 2008. The meeting was held within the boundaries of
the Town and was open to the public.
Nick Sanders Mayor
Philip Sterling Mayor Pro Tern
Susan Edstrom Council Member
Kathleen Wilson Council Member
Jim Moss Council Member
Glenn Strother Council Member
Brandon Emmons
Town Manager
Stephen Seidel
Assistant Town Manager
Lisa Hennek
Town Secretary
Patricia Adams
Town Attorney
Danny Thomas
Fire Chief
Scott Kniffen
Police Chief
Adam Adams
Parks and Recreation Director
A.1 Mayor Sanders called to order and announce a quorum at 7:00 p.m.
A.2 Parks and Recreation Director Adams offered the Invocation.
A.3 Council member Moss led the Pledges.
A.4 Citizen Presentations:
Bob Radder, 1 Lee Court - Asked that the McLain study be put on the website
and accessible to all.
B.1 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve
Minutes dated, October 27, 2008.
November 17, 2008 Minutes 1
Motion made by Wilson, seconded by Edstrom to approve Consent Agenda, Item
Motion passed unanimously without discussion.
CA Staff to present Master Park" Plan and Council to discuss and take
appropriate action regarding the plan and further direction to staff.
Parks and Recreation Director Adam Adams gave a brief presentation of the
Master Plan. Adams stated that Carter & Burgess (Jacobs), the Park Plan Task
Force, Park Board and staff worked on the document for approximately one year.
The Park Board and the Task Force approved the document with only very minor
editorial changes. Adams said that Jacobs will provide a conclusion page that
summarizes -the Plan.
Town Manager Emmons agreed that a Town Hall meeting, possibly in January
and after the Council approves the Plan was a good idea. Council member
Edstrom and Wilson suggested it be presented as a concept plan and explained
that there are economic limitations.
Council member Wilson thanked the Park Board and Director Adams for their
work and presentation.
C.2 Discuss and take appropriate action to award a contract in the
amount of $25,000 for professional consulting services to Dr. Joseph
Walker of the University of North Texas for the creation of a Master
Park Plan for Trophy Club Park and approving the funding from
EDC4A in an amount not to exceed $27,500.00.
Town Manager Emmons stated that the Town received two proposals; one from
Jacob's Engineering and one from the University of North Texas, ranging from
$25,000 to $83,000. The proposals have been reviewed by the Park Board and
sub -committee, who recommend the University of North Texas. EDC 4A
authorized funding for $25,000 for professional consulting services and an
additional $2,500 for add-ons, total amount not exceeding $27,500.
Council member Moss asked for Town Manager Emmons or Parks Director
Adams to comment why the Town should do this. Town Manager Emmons
stated the primary reason: is that the updated plan will provide better idea of land
usage. Entering into the agreement shows that the Town is taking a proactive
approach to build this Park. Adams stated that the CORPs Lake Manager is
aware of the publicity surrounding the Park and believes this is a proactive
approach that allows the Town the ability to continue to acquire grants.
November 17, 2008 Minutes 2
Park Board member, J.D. Stotts stated that the Park is a unique amenity that the
Town has control over. The Board is very happy with the detail of the RFP that
will address the regional aspects as well. The detail in the RFP is imperative in
order to have a successful working relationship with the CORPs.
Council member Wilson asked if there were allowances and if the Council was
amenable for other communities to buy into other aspects -of this plan in the
future. Town Manager Emmons said that the Town Council would need to
discuss at a later date.
Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Strother to award a contract in the
amount of $25,000 for professional consulting services to Dr. Joseph Walker of
the University of North Texas for the creation of a Master Park Plan for Trophy
Club Park and approving the funding from EDC4A in an amount not to exceed
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
C.3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding amendments to the
New Intergovernmental Contract for Employee Services (2008)
between the Town and the Trophy Club Master District.
Town Manager Emmons recommended that the Council not take action on the
Intergovernmental Contract as there is work to be done between attorneys and
Town Attorney Adams is not ready to discuss.
Item moved forward to a meeting more appropriate.
CA Fire Chief Thomas to present the new ISO Rating for the Town of
Trophy Club and discussion of same.
Fire Chief Thomas presented the new rate ISO Rating. Thomas stated that in
May 2007 the Trophy Club Fire Department began gathering information to
determine whether our community was eligible for a reduction factor in our
insurance rates from the Texas Department of Insurance using ISO. On April 30,
2008, ISO submitted a letter of rate adjustment to the Texas Department of
Insurance, State Fire Marshal's office for the Class 3 Classification. The rate
was effective and available to citizens on November 1, 2008.
Discussion only, no action taken.
C.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance
amending various sections of Article Vill, "Schedule of Fees",
Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled Administration", and
amending Article III, entitled "Weeds" of Chapter 8 entitled
November 17, 2008 Minutes 3
Town Manager Emmons introduced the item as general housekeeping that
amends current code due to changes made to the fee structure.
Motion made by Wilson, seconded by Moss to approve an Ordinance amending
various sections of Article VIII, "Schedule of Fees", Chapter 1 of the Code of
Ordinances, entitled Administration", and amending Article III, entitled "Weeds" of
Chapter 8 entitled "Nuisances".
Town Attorney Adams clarified that the change to Preliminary Platt was only a
title change. Additionally, the code no longer requires animal trap rental, only a
deposit. Staff said the fee for euthanasia was not included in the Ordinance and
staff will bring back another amendment at the second meeting in December.
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion.
C.6 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the MUD proposed
amendments to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire
Protection Services between the Town and the Municipal Utility
Districts and regarding the term and effective dates for the
Mayor Sanders referenced Section 1.02, changing the term to nine months, and
the phrase on page 4, under B.5, documenting Fire Department rent expense
paid to MUD1 and MUD2 at 50/50.
Motion made by Strother, seconded by Moss to approve the amendments to the
Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection Services between the Town
and the Municipal Utility Districts and regarding the term and effective dates for
the Agreement.
Town Manager Emmons stated no objection to the first change since it does not
affect the Town. Emmons said that there were several discussions regarding the
proposed amendment under section B.5, and whether it is appropriate since it
has no contractual bearing.
Town Attorney Adams stated she does not understand the change and what
obligation the change would impose on the Town.
Town Manager Emmons and Town Attorney Adams were under the impression
that the ILA was to go back to the sub -committee. Adams requested that the
language be clarified prior to advising Council.
MUD 1 Director Dean Henry agreed that this was to go back to the sub-
November 17, 2008 Minutes 4
Motion made by Sterling, to strike section B.5. Motion died for a lack of second.
A substitute motion was moved by Edstrom; seconded by Wilson to refer the
Agreement back to the sub -committee and requested Town Manager Emmons
and Town Attorney Adams relay Council's comments regarding the proposed
change to Section B.5.
Motion passed 4:1; with Sterling opposing.
C.7 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Citizen of the Year
guidelines, criteria and voting process and consider moving the date for
submission and selection of Citizen of the Year until May 2009.
This Item was placed on the Agenda per Council member Edstrom.
Town Manager Emmons gave the history of Citizen of the Year.
Council member Edstrom stated that she would like to move the Citizen of the
Year to a later date rather than awarding at Founder's Day as it reduces the
impact. Edstrom stated that 98% of Citizen of the Year Awards are awarded by
various chambers of commerce, rather than the municipality. Edstrom said that
former recipients felt that the award should include regional philanthropy and
include a youth category.
Council member Moss stated that there are a number of people who make
significant contributions though out the year and believes the acknowledgement
needs to be broadened.
Mayor Pro Tern Sterling agreed that in order to avoid potential conflicts it is good
to remove the Town staff. Sterling is in favor of expanding the award and
including a Junior Citizen of the Year.
Council member Wilson supports what has been suggested and discussed this
far and suggested a survey on the website.
Council member Strother suggested changing the title to Trophy Club Stars.
Staff may have to compile the nominations and then allow the community to
Bob Radder, 1 Lee Court — Stated he likes Strother's idea.
Council members Edstrom and Wilson agreed to work together and revamp the
program and report back prior to the end of the year.
November 17, 2008 Minutes 5
C.8 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the extension of
traffic calming lanes on both sides of the street between Oak Hill
Drive, Trophy Club Drive and Municipal Drive.
Robert Hoch, 245 Oakhill Drive — Recommended that the north side of Trophy
Club Drive, between Municipal Drive and Oak Hill Drive remain unmarked with
traffic calming stripes.
Council member Edstrom clarified that the traffic calming is not on both sides.
Mayor Sanders said that he is not in favor of striping on the Country Club side of
the street.
Motion made by Moss; seconded by Wilson to extend the traffic calming lanes
from where it currently ends to Municipal Drive on south side, along Trophy Club
Drive to Municipal and provide a turn lane from where it ends down to Municipal
Council agreed that the motion should be general direction provided to staff to
take care of.
No vote was taken.
C.9 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the award/rejection of
bids for a 500,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Water Tank, and
authorizing the Town Manager or his designee to execute all
necessary contract documents.
Town Manager Emmons stated the bids were opened on November 10, 2008.
$1.2 million was originally budgeted for this project, with $960,000 being part of
the PID bond funds. The low bid received was $1.47million, total cost of the
tank. In addition to the other estimated costs associated to construction, $75,000
for inspection cost and $80,000 for insuring design and project administration; a
budgeted cost of $1.6 million. The PID construction and funding agreement
requires that the developer or owner is responsible for the construction cost .
overruns. Centurion American will be responsible for approximately $600,000 as
opposed to $260,000 originally estimated and budgeted. Emmons has been
unable to speak to the owner and recommended the Council refer this item to the
December 1, 2008 meeting.
C.10 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Library Focus
Group or other plan for exploring options and compiling data for a
future library.
This Item was requested by Council member Wilson.
Council member Wilson stated that she envisioned a five person group with one
Council liaison and volunteered to be the liaison. Wilson foresees the Library
November 17, 2008 Minutes 6
Focus Group as a stepping stone who can take recommendations to Town
Manager Emmons to provide to NISD. Wilson said the librarian for the new
Haslet library is a Trophy Club resident and has already agreed to serve on the
The Council discussed how the group would be selected, if applications would be
received, or if that is too formal for the group.
Council member Edstrom asked that more information be provided; the scope of
the group and the suggested start and end dates for the group.
Council member Wilson preferred that no action be taken tonight and that the
item was just an opportunity to present the vision and find out if Council would be
amenable to the idea.
Council member Strother is open to process and would like a more defined plan.
This item will come back to Council when the ideas have been formulated.
C.11 Receive a progress report on the Highlands of Trophy Club Public
Improvement District #1, discussion and appropriate action
regarding same.
Town Manager Emmons stated that Trophy Club Master Improvement projects,
Phase II has been finalized. The total contracted price was $5.45 million,
$25,000 less than projected. Emmons explained one change to the Northwest
Park drainage ditch project, and stated that preliminary grading on the amenity
lake and the landscaping for all medians has begun.
Mayor Sanders asked Town Manager Emmons to thank the staff for their
C.12 Items for Future Agenda.
Council member Wilson asked Town Manage Emmons to work with Roanoke
City Manager Stathatos on the sound barrier issues on the east side.
D.1 Adjourn.
Motion made by Sterling, seconded by Strother to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
C �/J
ZUA�Henne�k, Town Secre ary Nick Sanders, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas
November 17, 2008 Minutes 7