Minutes TC 03/17/2008MINUTES OF REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION:100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE,TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS Monday,March 17,2008 7:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas,mel in a Regular Session on Monday,March 17,2008. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Susan Edstrom Pam Cales Jim Moss Philip Sterling TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Kathleen Wilson STAFF AND GUEST(S)PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Stephen Seidel Usa Ramsey Patricia Adams Danny Thomas Scott Kniffen Adam Adams Sakura Moten-Dedrick Tammy Ard Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Town Manager Assistant Town Manager Town Secretary Town Attorney Fire Chief Police Chief Park and Recreation Director Finance Director HR Coordinator A,1 Mayor Sanders called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m.noting a quorum was present. A.2 Police Chief Kniffen gave the Invocation. A.3 Fire Chief Thomas led the pledges. A.4 Citizen presentations: Roger Williams.215 Phoenix -Requested the Town take a position against the MUD1 Bond as the citizens do not have enough details to build the station.Mr.Williams suggested that the Town should have a referendum allowing all the citizens to vote fro a new stalion. A.S Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation recognizing April as Friends of the Family,Sexual Assault Awareness month. Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom read the Proclamation. Motion made by Moss,seconded by Cates to approve the Proclamation.Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. March 17,2008 1 Mayor Sanders introduced Tiffany Coleman from Friends of the Family.Ms.Coleman thanked the Council and Community for their support since 2002. A.6 Presentation by Wellspring Insurance Company,Rodney Dryden regarding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)and discussion of same. As requested by Council during the last budget cycle,Rodney Dryden from Wellspring Insurance Company gave a brief presentation explaining Health Savings Accounts and Health Reimbursement Arrangements. A.7 Receive update and recommendations from the Public Safety Advisory Group regarding a potential amendment to Chapter X,entitled "Public Safety",of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club to enact Article XIV,regulating the use of mobile phones and entitled "Use of Hand-Held Mobile Telephones Prohibited In School Zones",and discussion of same. Lou Opipare from the Public Safety Advisory Group gave a presentation listing the Group's considerations for evaluating a Cellular Telephone Ordinance.The Public Safety Advisory Group identified potential hazards and options for enforcement.The Group recommends that if the Council decides to ban hand-held cellular phones in the school zones,then they should ban their use throughout the entire town. Barbie Kadow,322 Village Trail-Spoke against an Ordinance banning cell phones in a school lones. Town Council Candidate,Michael Zerger,220 Oak Hill Dr.-Suggested people speaking on cell phones are as dangerous as drunk drivers,and agreed with the Public Safety's Advisory Group's recommendation of prohibiting handheld cell phones for the entire community should Council ban in school lanes. Council member Sterling does not feel the Town has the necessary resources to enlorce and that public awareness is a more effective tool. Council member Cates agreed with Sterling that the Council should not legislate this and encouraged people not to drive while talking on a cell phone. Council member Moss said it is impossible to regulate people with rules that Ihey are nol going to pay attention 10. Mayor Sanders advised this item was posted for Council input only.Staff should not pursue an amendment to Chapter X,entitled "Public Safety",of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club to enact Article XIV, regulating the use of mobile phones and entitled "Use of Hand-Held Mobile Telephones Prohibited In School Zones",due to lack of support from the Council. Consent Agenda Motion made by Edstrom,seconded by Sterling to approve Items B.1 -B.4.Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. 6.1 Consent Agenda:Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Joint Election Contract between the Town of Trophy Club and the Northwest Independent School District. 8.2 Consent Agenda:Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated,December 3, 2007. 6.3 Consent Agenda:Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated,February 4, 2008. 6.4 Consent Agenda:Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated,February 18, 2008. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONVENE INTO PUBLIC HEARING March 17.2008 2 PUBLIC HEARING C.l Public Hearing to request a Replat of Lot 3,Block A,Trophy Wood Business Center.Applicant: Highway 114 Prospect,LTD (RP-OB-013) Public Hearing opened at 7:55 p.m. Rick Horn from Pate Engineering and representative for the owner of PD·25 introduced himself. No speakers addressed the Council Public Hearing closed at 7:59 p.m. Mayor Sanders requested Item 0.4 be considered next. TOWN COUNCIL TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION "REGULAR SESSION 0.1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a request for Replat of Lot 3,Block A,Trophy Wood Business Center.Applicant:Highway 114 Prospect,LTD (RP-08-013) Planning and Zoning Chairman,Gene Hill advised lhallhe applicant,Highway 114 Prospect,Ltd.,came before the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 21,2008 with a request for replat of Lot 3,Block A,Trophy Wood Business Center.The raplat will divide Lot 3,Block A,into two lots,Lot 3A1 (Tract 7)of approximately 2.024 acres and Lot 3R2 (Tract 6)of approximately 0.938 acres,in order to match the concept plan outlined in Planned Development No.25 (PD·25)regulations which governs the development and use of these lots.The replat will not change the zoning or uses of the tracts.Information provided by Staff to the Commission noted the site is zoned as Planned Development 25.The PD·25 concept site plan and zoning were approved in December 2002.The Town's Thoroughfare Plan requirements have been previously met when the developer built Trophy Wood Drive and Plaza Drive.The site is within an area identified on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for CommerciaVProfessional uses and the replat adheres to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.As required by ordinance,a notice of Public Hearing was published in the Town's ollicial newspaper on February 29,2008. Property owner notification was sent to owners within 200-11.of this replat although it was not a requirement to do so.Staff reviewed the Town's Code of Ordinances requirements for plat approval and discovered that the replat complies with the Subdivision Regulations,Comprehensive Land Use Plan,Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the intent of Planned Development No.25.Based on these actions and findings,Staff recommended to the Planning and Zoning Commission that the developer's replat request be approved. At its February 21,2008,meeting the Commission heard,reviewed and discussed the developer's request for replat of Lot 3,Block A into Lots 3R1 and 3R2,Trophy Wood Business Center. By a vote of 5-2,with Commissioners Sheridan and Ashby voting against,the Commission recommended approval of the replat request to the Town Council. Motion made by Moss,seconded by Edstrom to approve a replat of Lot 3,Block A,Trophy Wood Business Cenler.Applicant:Highway 114 Prospect,LTD (RP-08-013). Council member Cates questioned why the owner wanls to divide the Lot.Town Manager Emmons responded that no format plans have been presented to the Town and deferred to Rick Horn,representative for the applicant. Mr.Horn said that there are no specific plans as of yet. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. 0.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the acceptance of the fiscal year audit ending September 30,2007. March 17,2008 3 Managing Partner Shawn Parker from Weaver and Tidwell was present.Finance Director Sakura Dedrick gave a brief synopsis of the audit process.Mr.Parker announced the Town received an unqualified opinion with two material weaknesses. Neil Twomey and J.D.Harvey from the Audit Committee were present.Mr.Twomey asked the Council to recognize that the control procedures were not questioned like last year and commended Finance Director Moten for her help and hard work.Mayor Sanders and Town Manger Emmons complimented Council Member Cates for her weekend work helping to implement controls and doing internal audits of P·card transactions. Motion made by Edstrom,seconded by Sterling accepting of the fiscal year audit ending September 30,2007. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. 0.3 Review and discuss Comprehensive Land Use Plan Revision Proposals from Town Consultants. Town Manager Emmons said on January 21,2008,the Town Council discussed and considered conducting a land use study for all commercially zoned properties.The Council directed that he bring back an outline of the process necessary to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Comp Plan). On February 12,2008,Town Manager Emmons met with Town Engineering Consultants,Teague,Nail &Perkins (TNP)10 discuss a timetable and Comprehensive Plan scope.TNP was directed to return a proposal lor review of the Comprehensive Plan.The proposal was emailed to the Council on Friday,March 14,2008.Currently Ihe funds are budgeted for the Comprehensive Plan Review.This project will need at be deferred until next fiscal year. D.4 Discuss and take appropriate action to amend Chapter 3,Article XV of the Code of Ordinances of the Town,entitled "Swimming PoolsM ;by amending Section 15.01 "Definitions",Section 15.02 "Applicability and Prohibited Conduct",and Section 15.04 (I)"Draining of Swimming Pools",and providing an effective date. Town Manager Emmons referenced the Storm Water Management Plan adopted by Council in February and the discussions regarding pool discharge and backwash requirements mandated by TCEQ.Staff was previously advised by TCEQ that filtered backwash of pools is considered elicit and unauthorized.As of Friday,March 14, 2008,TCEQ informed Town Staff that elicit discharge would not be considered unauthorized.Town Manager Emmons asked the Council to determine if they are going to set policy lor pool compliance now or wait until the State mandates.Emmons recommended Council not take action tonight and wait until staff receives the additional information they have requested from TCEQ. Council member Cates would like to wait until the State mandates and requested TCEQ submit their decision in writing to the Town.Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom is frustrated that Staff is receiving two different stories form TCEQ and requested a representative speak to the Council on record.Mayor Sanders acknowledged the Cities 01 Arlington,Grapevine,Farmers Branch and Southlake have adopted similar ordinances. Larry Hoover,1118 Berkshire Court -Spoke against this Ordinance and is upset with the information previously provided by staff regarding this issue. Peggy Sweeney,51 Meadowbrook -Thanked the Council and staff who worked on the revisions to the proposed Ordinance. J.D.Harvey,5 Sunrise Court -Spoke against this Ordinance. Ryan Chitwood.10 Overhill Drive -Expressed disappointment that Council would consider waiting for Slate mandates to approve. Council member Moss defended the Council advising they reviewed the information provided and proceeded according to legal requirements. Motion made by Edstrom,seconded by Moss to refer to a date uncertain.Motion passed unanimously without any further discussion. March 17.2008 4 0.5 Discuss and take appropriate action authorizing staff to purchase two inspection trucks. Town Manager Emmons stated the purpose of this purchase is to adequately equip the inspectors for the Public Improvement District (PID)projects.As part of the approved project cost,the Town charges a flat fee of 5%of the construction for inspections services.The prevailing rate for a full-time contract inspector is approximately S80 per hour.The Town will be able to hire a full-time inspector and provide the necessary equipment at a significantly reduced rate from that of an outside contractor inspector.One truck will be used by the new inspector and the second will be used by our current inspector,who is currently using his personal vehicle.The vehicles will be purchased using PID funds and will not have an impact on the current budget.Town Manager Emmons provided a cost analysis as requested by Council member Cates.Mayor Sanders confirmed that the Town is not going to finance the vehicles.PIO Funds ae budgeled to pay for the vehicles and they are dedicated to inspections. Motion made by Moss,seconded by Edstrom authorizing staff to purchase two inspection trucks.Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. 0.6 Discuss and provide input regarding Council's process and procedures for issuing performance reviews on the Town Manager,Town Attorney and Town Secretary. Mayor Sanders suggested the reviews occur at the April meeting and suggested reviewing the Town Attorney and Town Secretary at one meeting and the Town Manager at the other.Sanders asked the three individual to provide a self evaluation and Council requested that the three to advise them how they are working together and oller any suggestions on how this process might be improved.Mayor Pro Tern Edstrom and Council member Cates acknowledged the employment agreement requested last year by the Town Secretary and suggested the Town Secretary bring forth ffer any such agreement for consideration. Pearl Ford,P.O.Box 301 -Suggested the Council wait until Staff's next review before changing the evaluation forms and offered to assist in revising.In addition,Ms.Ford suggested Council only review one person per meeting. Council agreed with the suggestion of only doing one review per meeting.There was no objection from Adams, Ramsey or Emmons to Council conducting one review per meeting,even though it would require that one individual's review will occur in May. 0.7 Items for Future Agenda. Mayor Sanders requested Item 3 Discuss and receive input regarding an Ordinance amending Section 4.05(8)(2) of Article IV,Chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances relating to number,size and placement of political signs,be removed from the list and Item 4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance for the Indemnification of Officers as it relates to section 3.21 of the Town Charter,be researched and brought back on April 7,2008.Sanders would like a presentation from the MUDs regarding the funding of the proposed Fire Station,and add an item for Council discussion related to how Council plans to address the financial statement proposition that was noted in the most recent Audit. 0.8 Reports. (a)Town Manager Emmons'gave his report (b)EDC 48 Staff Liaison,Stephen Seidel gave the report since Council Liaison Sterling was absent from the meeting. (c)Parks and Recreation Director,Adam Adams gave a brief update. E.1 Adjourn. Motion made by Sterling,seconded by Edstrom to adjourn. Meeling adjourned at 9:45 p.m. March 17,2008 5 Town of Trophy Club,Texas March 17,2008 Nick Sanders.Mayor Town of Trophy Club,Texas 6