Minutes TC 06/16/2008 - Budget WorkshopMINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP AND REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Monday, June 16, 2008, at 5:30 P.M. Trophy Club MUD Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy ChJb, Texas. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in a Budget Workshop Session with the Ways and Means Advisory Group and in Regular Session Monday, June 16,2008, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Mayor Philip Sterling Mayor Pro Tem Susan Edstrom Council Member Jim Moss Council Member Kathleen Wilson Council Member TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Glenn Strother Council Member STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Town Manager Patricia Adams . Town Attorney Lisa Ramsey Town Secretary Scott Kniffen Police Chief Danny Thomas Fire Chief Sakura Dedrick Finance Director Mike Pastor Information Systems Director Adam Adams Parks and Recreation Director Carolyn Huggins Planning and Zoning Coordinator Stephanie Gohlke Financial Analyst .I.D. Harvey Ways & Means A.1 Mayor Sanders called to order and announced a quorum at 5:32 P.M. Mayor Sanders announced Council member Strother's absence. A.2 Budget Workshop Session: Review and Discuss FY08-09 Preliminary Budget. Town Manager Emmons said the workshop is a broad overview. Staff has been working diligently on the budget and although it still needs a lot of work, the document presented is a good starting point. Emmons thanked the Finance Department and the Assistant Town Manager for their hard work getting the budget to this point. J.D. Harvey represented the Ways and Means Advisory Group. Harvey stated that the Ways and Means Advisory Group has reviewed the document being presented and would entertain the Council's questions. Finance Director, Sakura Dedrick presented the budget calendar, budget process, explained the development schedule, review of revenues, PID assessment and Hotel/Motel fund. Town Manager Emmons said expenditures would be covered at the JUly 7 meeting along with the concept for a new Fire and Police Department facility and would begin working on the numbers for the needs assessment study and land purchases. Emmons stated he would use the savings from the Police Department building maintenance to fund the study. Council is in favor of the needs assessment study occurring in the FY08 budget. Scott Voigt, 540 Timber Ridge Drive -Said he would like to see the Town prepare for the increased service needs of the pending development and prefers tax increases a little at a time over the next few years rather than one huge increase all at once. Council recessed for ten minutes. A.3 Town Manager Emmons led the pledges. A.4 Fire Chief Thomas gave the invocation. A.5 Citizen Presentations: No citizens addressed the Council. CONSENT AGENDA Council member Edstrom pulled Item B.2. Motion made by Wilson; seconded by Sterling to approve the Consent Agenda, Item B.1. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. B.1 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve a Beautification and Utility Fund bank resolution naming authorized representatives on First Financial Bank. B.2 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, June 2, 200a. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Moss to approve the Minutes dated, June 2,2008 as corrected, with the correction under C.7: Council member Sterling confirmed that the flooding issue behind Summit Cove has not yet been resolved. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. END OF CONSENT REGULAR SESSION C.1 Highlands Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H. Discuss and take appropriate action on a request from Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of High Trophy Development, LLC to approve a Final Plat of Lots 5-15, Block X and Lots 11-31, Block BB, The Highlands at Trophy Club Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H (11.047 acres) (FP-Oa-026) Planning and Zoning Chair, Gene Hill stated the Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed this request on June 5, 2008 and approved unanimously. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling to approve a Final Plat of Lots 5-15, Block X and Lots 11-31, Block BB, The Highlands at Trophy Club Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H. (11.047 acres) (FP-08-026) Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.2 Water's Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2. Discuss and take appropriate action on a request from Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to approve a Final Plat of Lots 1-5, Block K, Lots 1-5, Block L, Lots 7-42, Block L, and Lots 1-3, Block M, Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2 (26.925 acres) (FP-08-027) Planning and Zoning Chair, Gene Hill said the Commission reviewed and discussed this request at their June 5th meeting. In response to a question by Commissioner Sheridan, the applicant stated that Lot 6, Block L was taken out of the plat because part of that land was being negotiated as a land swap with the previous owner and confirmed that it will not be left as vacant land and will be platted in the future. Discussion ensued as to why parkland is not dedicated on this plat. It was noted that the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, which requires 1-acre of parkland per 44 dwelling units on a Final Plat, further states that any parkland of less than 5-acres is impractical and the Town can then require cash in lieu of land from the developer. The Chairman noted that the Commission's responsibility with a Final Plat proposing fewer than 220 dwelling units (equivalent to 5-acres of parkland due the Town), is to consider the validity of the Final Plat and, in its recommendation to the Town Council, note that parkland is not addressed and the Council should determine the cash due in lieu of land. Town Manager Emmons elaborated on the Town's methodology to determine and ensure receipt of the cash due in lieu of land. By vote of 5 favoring and 1 opposing, the Commission recommended approval of a Final Plat of lots 1-5 Block K, Lots 1-5 Block L Lots 7-42 Block L and Lots 1-3 Block M, Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2 (28.925 acres), with a notation that the applicant has not met the Parkland Dedication requirement and it is passed on to the Council for determination of cash due in lieu of land. Town Manager Emmons stated in December 2006 there was a proposal to swap two triangular parcels of land in order to clean-up the property lines. The swap never occurred so this lot was left out of the plat pending resolution. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Moss to approve a request from Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to approve a Final Plat of Lots 1-5, Block K, Lots 1-5, Block L, Lots 7-42, Block L, and Lots 1-3, Block M, Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2 (26.925 acres) (FP-08-027) Council member Edstrom questioned if the note included on the plat adequately confirms that the parkland dedication has not been decided. Town Attorney Adams confirmed that the note added to the plat is sufficient and that the parkland dedication will be addressed in the subdivider's agreement. Mehrdad Moayedi, Centurion American Development Group said when they purchased the property, Beck Properties told them that the parkland dedication was taken care of, which he now understands is not the case. Centurion will be addressing this issue with Beck Properties separately, and asked for Council's direction on how to proceed with the parkland dedication. Mr. Moayedi assured the Council that Centurion will the pay cash due in lieu of land or they will deliver Beck Park back to the Town. Mayor Sanders asked the Council if they wished to pursue Beck Park rather than cash. Council member Wilson agreed with Commissioner Sheridan saying that a check for $310,000.00 needs to be in hand at the time the subdivider's agreement is approved. Mayor Sanders clarified that Commissioner Sheridan was out of order at the Planning and Zoning meeting as it is not that Commission's purview to deal with parkland dedication. Mr. Moayedi said they have agreed to pay the $196,000.00 in lieu of parkland dedication and will pursue Beck Properties in other methods. Council member Moss encouraged Mr. Moayedi with his pursuit of Beck Park. Moss agreed with Council member Edstrom that the Town needs parkland, providing it does not take a long time to resolve. Edstrom modified her motion and the second by Moss agreed to approve the plat and provide direction to the developer to pursue parkland dedication in the form of land and cash that will be fully discussed at subdividers agreement. The mover amended the motion to include and / or; the second agreed. The motion 'to approve the plat and provide direction to the developer to pursue parkland dedication in the form of land and/or cash that will be fully discussed at subdividers agreement," passed unanimously without further discussion. C.3 Canterbury Hills, Phase 1. Discuss and take appropriate action on a request from Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to approve a Final Plat of Lots 8·22 and 30·32, Block A, Lots 2·19, Block B, Lots 1·5 and 10·14, Block C, Lots 1-18, Block 0, Lots 1-2, Block F, Lots 1-4, Block H, and Lots 1·20, Block J, Canterbury Hills, Phase 1 (42.434 acres). (FP·08-025) Planning and Zoning Chair, Gene Hill said that this item was also reviewed at their June 5 meeting. Chairman Hill noted that the Indian Creek Drive dead ends within the development and asked if "Street A" is the only potential location for a road connection across Corps of Engineers land to the Highlands properties. The developer's representative stated that sheet two of four indicates Street A as dedicated for the access of a loop road. Commissioner Sheridan's inquiry determined that connecting Indian Creek Drive with lOOp road right-of-way will be by deed in the event a loop road comes to fruition. Mayor Sanders attended the June 5, Planning and Zoning meeting and asked who would be responsible for maintenance of common areas shown adjacent to Indian Creek Drive and other locales within the development. Mr. Moayedi stated that an HOA will be created to maintain the common areas, that it might be annexed to another HOA, or they may come back and ask to gate Asheville Lane as a private community. Two small common areas (areas 3 and 4) will probably be dedicated to the golf course, as they are adjacent to the golf course and are not right-of-way. Bya vote of 5:1, the Commission recommended approval of a Final Plat of Lots 8-22 and 30-32 Block A, Lots 2­ 19 Block B, Lots 1-5 and 10-14 Block C, Lots 1-18 Block D, Lots 1-2 Block F, Lots 1-4 Block H, and Lots 1-20 Block j, Canterbury Hills Phase 1 (42.434 acres), with Council for determination of cash due in lieu of land. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling to approve a request from Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to approve a Final Plat of Lots 8-22 and 30-32, Block A, Lots 2-19, Block B, Lots 1-5 and 10-14, Block C, Lots 1-18, Block D, Lots 1-2, Block F, Lots 1-4, Block H, and Lots 1-20, Block J, Canterbury Hills, Phase 1 (42.434 acres). (FP-08-025) . Council Edstrom questioned the weird parcels of land and the impression of an HOA being created. Mr. Moayedi said that Hogan's Glen HOA does not currently have enough homes to function and he would like to annex the homes into this HOA to help service. The Council questioned wrought iron fences. Planning and Zoning Coordinator, Carolyn Huggins explained this is straight zoning and the Town cannot require wrought iron fences. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding amendments to the Subdivider's Agreements for the following neighborhoods of The Highlands at Trophy Club: A. Neighborhood 1, Phase 1C·1 B. Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A C. Neighborhood 2, Phase 1B D. Neighborhood 5, Phase 10·1 E. Neighborhood 9 Town Manager Emmons referred to page 58 of the packet and provided that BDMR Development, LLC, requests amendments to the following subdivider's agreements to allow for issuance of building permits prior to Final Acceptance of these neighborhoods. The following items must be completed prior to issuance of any building , permits: Streets, Drainage and Storm Sewer, Sewer, Water Distribution System, and Signs. Building permits for 20% of the total homes proposed to be constructed in each neighborhood may be issued prior to the completion of the following: Landscaping, Subdivision Wall, Driveways and Walkways, Lights, and Common Area(s). Certificates of occupancy will not be issued until all items have been completed and approved by the Town. Motion made by Sterling; seconded by Edstrom to approve the amendments to the Subdivider's Agreements for the following neighborhoods of The Highlands at Trophy Club: A. Neighborhood 1, Phase 1C-1 B. Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A C. Neighborhood 2, Phase 1B D. Neighborhood 5, Phase 1D-1 E. Neighborhood 9 Mayor Pro Tem Sterling encouraged the residents to drive through and tour the new development. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a rate increase for solid waste collection and disposal services provided by Allied Waste. Town Manager Emmons stated that Allied Waste has proved a rate increase for solid waste collection and disposal services by providing a ninety-five gallon trash cartand changing to once a week collection. Tim Powell, General Manager presented the increased services levels with automation. Mayor Pro Tem Sterling said Allied is looking at a considerable savings by implementing the automation which reduces man power, and reducing weekly pick-Ups, thereby saving in fuel. Sterling said that he does not completely oppose the idea of carts, but Allied carts are too big and their surcharge is too high considering their service cutbacks. Trophy Club's contract expires in two years and it will take five years to amortize the carts. Mr. Powell recommended extending the contract to seven years. Council member Edstrom said the Public Works Advisory Group previously looked at this and did not receive positive citizen support. The size and space is not accommodating for the elderly and Edstrom is not a proponent because of the size of the cart. Edstrom requested the Public Works Advisory Group first review the automation proposal and asked that a soft copy of this presentation be forwarded to the Council. Steven Kohs, 18 Over Hill Drive -Is not in favor of the automation. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Moss to move forward with the price increase of $10.36 per home for fuel increase plus disposal, without automation. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. Council directed staff to have the Public Works Advisory Group to review carts and automation. C.6 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the award of bid for the Street Bond project (Oak Hill, Avenue 20, Brook Hollow Lane and Brook Hollow Court) and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary contract documents. Town Manager Emmons stated this is a continuation of the 2001 Street Bond project and is the final construction project utilizing those funds. After the first phase of this program, the Town had $3.26 million available for street repairs on approved streets. The Town expended $1.67 million for repairs on Timberline, Greenleaf, and Trophy Club Drive, leaving approximately $1.58 million to use on Oak Hill, Avenue 20, Brook Hollow Lane, and Brook Hollow Court. Also included was a paving and sub-drain project in this bid package for Timber Ridge. Timber Ridge is not eligible for bond proceeds. Town Manager Emmons explained that of the six bids, Conaster was the low bidder at approximately $1,793,600. A drainage and paving project on Timber Ridge was also included in this amount. Town staff and Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge, have reviewed the bids and references and recommends awarding the bid to Conastar. Conaster has confirmed in writing their understanding of the specific construction requirements for these projects. The recommendation letter is only for the projects that will be funded by bond funds. Council has the opportunity to recommend whether they want to include the drainage and paving project on Timber Ridge project in the contract. Mayor Sanders said Council member Strother has worked with Con aster in his personal business and they do both utilities and paving. Strother reviewed the bid tabulation and contract document and he is in favor of awarding the bid to Conaster. Motion made by Edstrom;, seconded by Wilson to award the bid for the Street Bond project (Oak Hill, Avenue 20, Brook Hollow Lane and Brook Hollow Court) not to exceed $1,927,799.50; including a paving and sub-drain project in this bid package for Timber Ridge and the portion for water line replacement paid by the Utility District not to exceed $300,000.00, and authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary contract documents to Conastar. Town Manager Emmons said staff will hold a Town Hall meeting and bring back the contract for ratification at the July 7 meeting. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.7 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an interlocal agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and Tarrant County for reimbursement for road repairs on Trophy Club streets located within Tarrant County. By entering into this agreement, the Town of Trophy Club will be able to seek reimbursement for repairs made to streets located within Tarrant County. Staff has identified portions of four streets that are in need of repair and the estimate cost to perform these repairs is $50,000. Staff recommends entering into this agreement with Tarrant County. Motion made by Wilson;, seconded by Edstrom to enter into the interlocal agreement between the Town of Trophy Club and Tarrant County for reimbursement for road repairs on Trophy Club streets located within Tarrant County. Council member Edstrom thanked Town Manager Emmons for working on this and bringing it forward. Motion passed unanimously without further discussion. C.8 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town providing written consent to the annexation of an approximate 2.503 acre tract of land situated in the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 829 and located within the Town's corporate boundaries, into the boundaries of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District NO.2. Town Manager Emmons advised that the Town received the Petition from MUD 2 on June 5, 2008; this is neighborhood 3 of the Turnberry addition. Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling to approve the Resolution of the Town providing written consent to the annexation of an approximate 2.503 acre tract of land situated in the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 829 and located within the Town's corporate boundaries, into the boundaries of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.2. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. C.9 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the dates of the regularly scheduled Town Council meetings for September, 2008. Because of the Labor Day holiday staff requests Council to consider rescheduling the regularly scheduled meetings on September 1 and 15 to September 8 and 22. Moving the September meetings would still allow one week between the September 22 and October 6th meeting. . Motion made by Wilson; seconded by Edstrom to move the September meeting to the 8 and 22. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. C.10 Discuss and provide input regarding amendments to Article I, "Parks and Recreation Board" of Chapter 9, "Parks and Recreation," of the Code of Ordinances At their April 1, 2008 meeting, Park Board voted in favor of adopting the proposed revisions made to the current Park Ordinance pending Council approval. Pending Council's input on the proposed revisions, the ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances will be put in final form and submitted to Council for final action. Mayor Sanders stated his concern that Absences, under section three, is too vague. Parks and Recreation Director, Adam Adams said the intent was for the Board to consider every absence as excused or unexcused and section three would allow for an agenda item. Council asked that this section be clarified and to proceed with the amendments and final form for consideration at their July 7 meeting. No action taken, input only. C.11 Items for Future Agenda. Council member Wilson said she received a response on the sound barrier and would like to work with ToWn Manager Emmons on a rebuttal. C.12 Reports. (a) Town Manager Emmons gave his report. (b) Town Council report from EDC 4B Liaison, Council member Strother was absent and unable to provide the report from EDC 4B. C.13 Adjourn Motion made by Edstrom; seconded by Sterling to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously without any discussion. Meeting adjourned at 9:39 p.m. ~~L Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas ShCAnnOn DtPro.1U. Dtpui~ Town SQ.CKttOJ~