Monday, July 7, 2008
5:30 P.M.
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on Monday, July?, 2008. The
meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Nick Sanders Mayor
Philip Sterling Mayor Pro Tem
Susan Edstrom Council Member
Jim Moss Council Member
Glenn Strother Council Member
Kathleen Wilson Council Member
Brandon Emmons Town Manager
Stephen Seidel Assistant Town lVIanager
Shannon DePrater Deputy Town Secretary
Patricia Adams Town Attorney
Danny Thomas Fire Chief
Scott Kniffen Police Chief
Adam Adams Parks & Recreation Director
Sakura Moten-Dedrick Finance Director
Stephanie Gohlke Financial Analyst
Mike Pastor Information Systems Director
Ed Helton Streets Superintendent
Chris King Building Inspector
Dean Henry MUD 1 President
Bill Rose CRC Chairman
Gene Hill Planning & Zoning Chairman
Steven Kohs MUD 1 Director
Todd Price Southwest Downs
Alvin Jackson Centurion American
A.1 Mayor Sanders called the Budget Works Session to order at 5:33 p.m. noting a quorum was
A.2 Budget Workshop Session: Review and Discuss FY08-09 Preliminary Budget.
Town Manager Emmons shared that expenditures will be reviewed tonight. Finance Director Sakura Moten
Dedrick gave a presentation of Assumptions and Expenditures by Departments to Council and answered
Council directed staff to add $15,000 to Professional Outside Services for Legal.
Council member Edstrom stated that she is not in favor of any type of staff time reimbursement from the
Economic Development Corporations. Funds can be better spent on needed projects.
Council took a five minute recess.
A.3 Mayor Pro Tem Sterling gave the Invocation.
A.4 Council Member Strother led the pledges.
A.5 Citizen Presentations:
No presentations were made.
A.6 Receive a report from Lewis McLain with CityBase.Net on the Town/MUD water study and
discussion of same.
No report was given.
Council convened into Public Hearing at 7:42 p.rn.
C.1 Public Hearing for a Request for a Zoning Change from "R-15" Single Family Residential to "PD
29" Planned Development No. 29 for Churchill Downs Subdivision. Applicants: Todd (George)
Price, Southwest Downs, and Michelle Brown, Owners. (ZCA-08-013)
No presentations were made.
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:43 p.rn.
D.1 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance effecting a zoning change from "R
15" Single Family Residential to "PD-29" Planned Development No. 29 for Churchill Downs
Subdivision. Applicants: Southwest Downs, George Price, and Michelle Brown, Owners. (ZCA-08
1\J1r. Gene Hill, Planning & Zoning Chairman shared the following with Council: In a June 19,2008 Public Hearing
and Regular Session the Commission heard and considered the applicant's request for a zone change for
Churchill Downs from the current R-15 Single Family Residential to PD Planned Development No. 29.
Following discussion with the applicants concerning minimum lot sizes, design standards that will apply to each
lot, minimum home sizes, and some specific architectural feature requirements, the Commission recommended
approval of the zoning change request to PD Planned Development No. 2.9 with stipulations that:
• There be no driveways entering on Derby Way,
• Garage doors must be cedar, and
• Any portion of exterior masonry that is not directly supported by the masonry brick ledge must have
engineered stamped drawings.
The Commission's vote was 5 favoring, 0 opposed, 1 absent and 1 position is vacant.
Council member Strother moved to approve the Ordinance affecting a zoning change. Council member Moss
seconded; motion carried 3:1, with Council member Edstrom opposing.
Carolyn Huggins asked for direction regarding fees.
Mayor Pro Tem Sterling made a motion to waive the rezoning and replaUing fees for a total of $1300. Motion died
for lack of second.
Council member Strother made a motion to waive the replatting fees only for a total of $550. Mayor Pro Tem
Sterling seconded; motion carried unanimous.
0.2 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the approval of the contract for the Street Bond
project (Oak Hill, Avenue 20, Brook Hollow Lane and Brook Hollow Court) with Conatser and
authorizing the Mayor or his designee to execute all necessary contract documents.
Council member Edstrom moved to approve the contract for the Street Bond Project with Conatser. Council
member Moss seconded; motion carried unanimous.
0.3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Community Sign Program Proposal and site
plan for Trophy Club Drive.
Mr. Alvin Jackson, Marketing Director, represented High Trophy Development, LLC and Centurion American
Town Manager Emmons updated Council as to the reasoning behind the Community Sign Program Proposal.
Emmons would like Council to give direction as to what type of sign to allow and materials to use.
Mr. Jackson presented the differences between proposed signs and the locations Centurion American is
proposing to begin the signs.
Mayor Sanders asked if either proposed sign had issues with the current sign ordinance. Mayor Sanders would
like some written instrument showing the signs will become permanent at the end of build out. Mayor Sanders
would prefer the masonry type sign.
Council member Moss likes the existing signs and would like the new signs to follow suit.
Council member Edstrom prefers consistency with all signs and put Trophy Club at the top of each sign. Edstrom
would like to also include some existing Town amenities on the directional signs.
Mayor Pro Tem Sterling suggested two alternate designs.
Council member Strother commented Mr. Jackson and Town Manager Emmons meeting and go through all
signs, branding and placement.
Mayor Sanders summarized by asking Council to allow Mr. Jackson to work on creating a more modern sign and
come back with a final proposal.
Town Manager Emmons asked Council if they would consider giving Mr. Jackson permission for one temporary
sign for a period of one year and come back with a final proposal for more permanent signs. Council agreed to
allow one temporary sign for a period of one year.
No action taken.
0.4 Discuss the progress of the Charter Review Commission regarding their pending proposed
amendments and the proposed amendment log, prOVide direction regarding the same and
preparation for November election.
Mr. Bill Rose, 219 Inverness Drive addressed the Council.
Council will have the report of proposed amendments on Friday, July 11. The Charter Review Commission will be
meeting on Thursday, July 10 to finish up their report. Mr. Rose asked if Council could meet with the Charter
Review Commission in a workshop next week to discuss the proposed amendments.
Council agreed to meet with the Charter Review Commission in a joint workshop on Thursday, July 17 at 7:00
Council member Edstrom does not agree with the proposed amendment for reimbursement to Council members.
Edstrom asked for clarification on the guidelines for reforms, if the Commission will be able to provide reasoning
for the amendments and if staff has had a chance to provide input.
No action taken, Council will wait until joint workshop to discuss further.
D.5 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution of the Town of Trophy Club
authorizing the Town to join the Alliance of TXU/Oncor Customers (ATOC) in participating in the
Oncor electric rate proceedings; authorizing intervention in the PUC proceeding; authorizing
representation of the Town and providing an effective date.
Town Manager Emmons provided history of the ATOC.
Council member Moss moved to approve the Resolution. Council member Strother seconded.
Council member Moss amended the motion to adopt the Resolution with an effective date of July 7, 2008 and
appoint Town Manager Emmons as the Town Representative. Council member Strother seconded; motion
carried unanimously.
D.6 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Chapter 1, entitled
"Administration", Article VIII entitled "Schedule of Fees" revising Section 8.16, entitled "Public
Works for Public Improvement District No.1" of the Code of Ordinances of the Town.
Town Manager Emmons updated Council on past conversations regarding the different size meters used and the
associated fees. Current design standards state a one inch meter is the smallest allowed throughout the Town.
This ordinance amending Chapter 1 will allow for a flat fee of $2300.
Mayor Pro Tem Sterling moved to approve the Ordinance amending Chapter 1, entitled "Administration." Article
VIII entitled "Schedule of Fees", Section 8.16. Council member Edstrom seconded; motion carried unanimously.
D.7 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the First Modification of Contract for Water
Supply and Wastewater Treatment Between the Town, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.1
and Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 2 to comply with the amendment to Chapter 1,
Article VIII, Section 8.16, entitled "Public Works for Public Improvement District No.1" of the Code
of Ordinances.
Council member Edstrom moved to approve the First Modification of Contract for Water Supply and Wastewater
Treatment Between the Town, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No.1 and 2 to comply with the amendment to
Chapter 1, Article VIII, Section 8.16, entitled "Public Works for Public Improvement District NO.1" of the Code of
Ordinances. Council member Moss seconded; motion carried unanimously.
D.8 Discuss and take appropriate ~C;TjION regarding the First Modification to the Highlands at Trophy
Club Development and Public Improvement District Agreement, amending Article III, Section 3.3
of that Agreement to comply with the amendment to Chapter 1, Article VIII Section 8.16, (Public
Works for Public Improvement District No.1) of the Code of Ordinances of the Town.
Council member Strother moved to approve the First Modification to the Highlands at Trophy Club Development
and Public Improvement District Agreement, amending Article III, Section 3.3 to comply with the amendment to
Chapter 1, Article VIII Section 8.16, (Public Works for Public Improvement District No.1) of the Code of
Ordinances. Council member Moss seconded; motion carried unanimously.
D.9 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a preliminary drainage study, not to exceed
$12,000 on Timber Ridge Drive.
Town Manager Emmons and Council member Moss gave a brief history of this agenda item to Council.
Mr. Bruce Morey, 546 Timber Ridge addressed the Council and presented the Council with a petition of 44
residents of Timber Ridge, Skyline and Overhill to fix the drainage issue. (petition saved under Q/Council Packet,
Mr. Dave Glaser, 15 Overhill briefly addressed the Council stating Mr. Morey expressed his thoughts.
Council member Edstrom asked what the cost would be for a comprehensive Town-wide study. Town Manager
Emmons estimated the cost to be between $120,000 -150,000.
Mayor Sanders asked Town Manager Emmons where the funds for the study would come from. Emmons
expressed the funds would come from the drainage fees.
Emmons expressed that a comprehensive study needs to be performed.
Council member Moss would like to perform the preliminary drainage study of Timber Ridge Drive.
Council directed Town Manager Emmons to meet with Tom Rutledge, look at funding and come back to Council
with options as soon as possible.
0.10 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a professional services agreement with Brinkley
Sargent to conduct a needs assessment for police services.
Town Manager Emmons shared the needs assessment would coincide with the possible plans of the Municipal
Utility Districts to purchase land for a joint Police and Fire facility.
Town Manager Emmons stated the funding for the $18,000 will come from building maintenance and Police
Contract Labor.
Council Member Moss moved to approve the professional services agreement with Brinkley Sargent to conduct a
needs assessment for police services. Council member Edstrom seconded; motion carried unanimously.
0.11 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the award/rejection of bids and approval of the
contract for the Harmony Park Parking Lot Expansion Project in an amount not to exceed
$207,400.00; and authorizing the Town Manager to execute the contract documents.
Town Manager Emmons explained the bids ranged from $207,000 to $260,000 and stated funding will come from
bond proceeds, parkland dedication funds and park improvement grant.
Council member Moss moved to approve the bid to 2L Construction in the amount of $207,400. Mayor Pro Tem
Sterling seconded; motion carried unanimously.
0.12 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the award/rejection of bids and the approval of the
contract for the Harmony Park bathroom expansion in an amount not to exceed $131,210.00; and
authorizing the Town manager to execute the contract documents.
Council member Moss moved to approve the bid to Raven Building & Supply in the amount of $140,810. Council
member Edstrom seconded; motion carried unanimously.
0.13 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Resolution approving the submission of the
Grant application for the Special Criminal Investigator Program for the 2008·09 fiscal year.
Chief Kniffen briefed Council on the Grant Application. The grant would fund the salary and benefits for the
position for one year as well as equipment and training for the investigator. The total would equate to $86000.
After one year, the Town would be required to reapply for an extension for the salary, benefits, and training. If it
was not funded again, the Town would have to fund the position locally or eliminate the position.
Council member Strother moved to approve the Resolution as amended by removing the second whereas clause.
Mayor Pro Tem Sterling seconded; motion carried unanimously.
0.14 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Amendment No. 1 to the Advance Funding
Agreement for the Safe Routes To School Project between the Town and the Texas Departmentof
Council member Moss moved to approve Amendment No.1 to Advance Funding Agreement for the Safe Routes
to School Project between the Town and the Texas Department of Transportation. Council· member Strother
seconded; motion carried 3:1 with Mayor Pro Tem Sterling and Council members Strother and Moss voting for
and Council member Edstrom voting against.
0.15 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, June 16, 2008.
Council member Moss moved to approve the June 16, 2008 minutes as written. Mayor Pro Tem Sterling
seconded; motion carried 3:0:1 with Council member Strother abstaining.
0.16 Items for Future Agenda.
No items added.
0.17 Reports. There will be no action taken regarding any individual project posted under this item and
discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the item may be placed on a future
(a) Town Manager's Report.
Town Manager Emmons gave his report.
Council convened into Executive Session at 10:40 p.rn.
E.1 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, Section 551.072, Deliberation
Regarding Real Property and Section 551.071 (1) and (2) "Consultation with Attorney", the Council
will enter into executive session to discuss the following:
(1) Potential purchase of land at 300 Trophy Club Drive andlor additional locations within the
Town for future joint Police and Fire facility and legal advice related to future sites and land
Council reconvened into Regular Session at 11 :00 p.m.
Council member Strother moved to continue past 11 :00 p.m. Council member Edstrom seconded; motion carried
Council reconvened into Executive Session at 11:03 p.m.
Council reconvened into RegUlar Session at 11:47 p.m.
E.2 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to Executive Session Item Number E1.
No action taken. '
F.1 Adjourn.
Mayor Pro Tem Sterling moved to adjourn at 11 :48 p.m. Council member Strother seconded; motion carried
unani ously.
Nick Sanaers, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas