Monday, January 22,2007
7:00 P.M.
The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Public Hearing and Regular Session on Monday,
January 22, 2007. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Nick Sanders
Roger Williams
Pam Cates
Susan Edstrom
Philip Sterliqg
Gregory Lamont
Brandon Emmons
Lisa Ramsey
Patricia Adams
Scott Kniffen
Kerin Fleck
Adam Adams
Mike Pastor
Danny Thomas
Sakura Moten-Dedrick
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Town Manager
Town Secretary
Town Attorney
Police Chief
Planning Coordinator
Parks and Recreation Director
IS Manager
Fire Chief
Finance Director
A.l Mayor Sanders called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present.
A.2 Mayor Sanders gave the Invocation.
A.3 Mayor Pro Tem Williams led the Pledges.
A.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a Proclamation recognizing Founder's Day in Trophy Club.
Mayor Sanders read the proclamation and thanked the founders and volunteers for their endeavors helping make
Trophy Club a great place to call home.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Williams to approve the Proclamation.
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
Mayor Sanders acknowledged Connie White, resident of 27 years and author of the article featured in the Jerry
Svore dedication, Bob Downey who first moved to Trophy Club in 1980, transferred with IBM after a few
years and then returned in 1985 and Annie Camp, resident of 24 years.
A.5 Town Council to announce the "Citizen of the Year for 2006" and to present a certificate of recognition to
the recipient.
Mayor Sanders introduced the nominees Sheree Gardner, nominated for her contribution spearheading the
Breast Friends 3-Day walk for Brest Cancer, Barbie Kadow for her invaluable help and assistance with the 2006
4th of July Celebration, Bernice Smith, for her volunteerism with Meals on Wheels, and Neil Twomey, for his
tireless efforts serving on various committees, boards and advisory groups.
Mayor Sanders announced Steven Kohs as this years Citizen of the Year recipient. Mr. Kohs was nominated for
his contribution to the 4'h of July Celebration, volunteering on the Fall Festival, Marshall Creek Committee, Tree
Board, Parks and Recreation Board and served as the Civilian Chairman of Trophy Clubs Explorer Post 953. Mr.
Kohs additionally founded the ASA charity, belongs to the Trophy Club Bikers and serves as the Official North
Texas Ride Captain of the Patriot Guard Riders, who escorts many soldiers killed in action to their hometowns.
This club has ridden over 20,000 miles honoring our military hero's.
A.6 Citizen presentations: this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter whether or
not it is posted on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take action on or discuss any
presentations made to the Council at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Council
will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Council addressing those items.
Denton County Commissioner Andy Eads congratulated the Town on their volunteerism and presented a
Proclamation from the Denton County Commissioners Court.
Mayor Sanders congratulated Mr. Eads on his new term as Denton County Commissioner
All matters listed as Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by
one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be
removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.
Mayor Sanders removed Item 8.3.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Lamont to approve the Consent Agenda, Items B.l and B.2
Motion passed unanimously without any discussion.
B.l Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, December 18, 2006.
8.2 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Minutes dated, January 8, 2007.
8.3 Consent Agenda: Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Interlocal Agreement between the
Town and Denton County for the rental of Election equipment for the May 12, 2007 Election.
Mayor Sanders explained the 1,000 paper ballots mentioned in the explanation, should be 2,000, as we are
required to provide a number of ballots equal to at least the percentage of voters who voted in the most recent
corresponding election plus 25%. This total is 1,380 ballots. The ballots can only be delivered in increments of
1,000. Therefore, the Town will need to order 2,000.
Motion made by Williams, seconded by Lamont to approve with changes.
Motion passes unanimously without further discussion.
End of Consent Agenda
C.l Public Hearing: Hold the first public hearing to consider the involuntary annexation and service plan for
approximately 21.1346 acres in the M. Medlin Survey, A-832. The property to be annexed is within the
Town's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is generally located along Marshall Creek Road adjacent to the
northeast boundary.
Public Hearing Opened at 7:23 p.m.
Town Manager Emmons explained the requirements for annexation is two Public Hearings and the Town is
required to notify the other taxing entities this will affect. Also as required the service plan was included and
reflects any costs associated with this annexation. The second Public Hearing is scheduled for January 29Ih
No one addressed council.
Public Hearing Closed at 7:24 p.m.
Mayor Sanders requested to move up Item D.6. Financials and noted no objections from the Council.
D.l Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat approval for an approximate
147.509 acre tract of land generally described as R. Allen Survey, Abstract N0.5; R. Allen Survey,
Abstract No. 17; J. Eads Survey, Abstract No. 392; J Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529; W Medlin Survey,
Abstract No. 829, and J. Michael Survey, Abstract No. 820, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club,
Neighborhoods 3 & 4. Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., authorized agent of K. Hovnanian Companies
and Standard Pacific Homes. (PP-06-012)
David Vanderslice from K. Hovananian Companies, Bill Conger from Standard Pacific Homes and Brian Carlock
from Hillwood introduced themselves to Council.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Cates to approve.
Brian Carlock complimented the staff for their professionalism and diligence in representing the Town over the
last eight weeks. Carlock added that Hillwood is committed to quality development in all of North Texas and is
proud to be a part of the continued growth. The Highlands at Trophy Club was a large plan that broke into smaller
neighborhoods, Hillwood is branding Neighborhoods 3 & 4 as Turnberry and provided the history on this name.
Carlock presented a residential overview, their commitment to quality and details and their familiarity in
developing around golf course communities.
Bill Conger said as a 50% owner of this beautiful property he is pleased to be a part of development in such a
dynamic community with Trophy Club being their largest capital commitments in the metroplex. Conger gave a
brief presentation on the history of Standard Pacific Homes.
David Vanderslice from K. Hovananian Companies, also known as Goodman Homes, is the sixth largest builder
in the country. Vanderslice added K. Hovananian Companies strives to take care of their customer and produce a
quality product. Vanderslice presented photos of homes that would be built in Trophy Club and presented entry
and landscape concept plans.
Council member Edstrom asked that the presentation, along with details and timeframes be added to the Town's
website. The builders will provide a site plan.
Mayor Sanders thanked the representatives for their presentation.
Planning and Zoning Chairman, Gene Hill reported on January 4, 2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission
received a presentation on the proposed Preliminary Plat, similar to the one presented tonight. Following the
applicant's satisfactory response to staffs comments and minor items, the Commission noted with favor, the
proposed increase in the size of some lots and a minor reduction in the total number of lots in Neighborhoods 3 &
4. By unanimous vote of 7:0, the Commission recommends the Town Council approve the proposed Preliminary
Plat for Neighborhoods 3 & 4.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams asked if some of the Ordinances are being reviewed to allow development to begin in
March. Chairman Hill responded staff and engineers are looking into how it can be incorporated without having to
go through the whole process of the Developer's Agreement prior to dirt removal.
Town Manager Emmons advised staff has looked at other cities that authorize early grading permits, primarily the
city of Dallas and Fort Worth. Staffs recommendation to change the process would require engineer approval in
order to ensure that we get the product that we deserve.
Applicant, Jim Wingret from Carter and Burgess and Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge from Teague, Nall and
Perkins were also in attendance for questions.
Council member Edstrom highlighted the number of lots is down and lot sizes are up and hopes the residents are
more comfortable with the process and procedure.
Council member Lamont is truly pleased that Hillwood is involved and believes the original plan submitted was far
less than the Town deserves. Lamont is thankful the golf course designed by Hogan is being respected as it is a
major asset of the Town and that the values of the homes are higher.
Council member Cates believes Lamont's statement was unfair and inaccurate as it does not reflect the time
invested by this Council ensuriug that the Town had a great product as originally submitted and the plans for what
will be built are very similar to what was presented in the first go around.
Mayor Sanders called Council's attention back to the action of the motion.
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
D.2 Discuss and take appropriate action on a request for Preliminary Plat approval for an approximate 19.231
acre tract of land legally described as J. Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, known as The Highlands at
Trophy Club, Neighborhood 9. Applicant: Carter & Burgess, Inc., authorized agent of 831 Trophy L.P.
(PP-06-0 14)
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Williams to approve.
Planning and Zoning Chairman, Gene Hill reported proposed Preliminary Plat came before the Commission on
January 4, 2007. Staff's comment for the submission indicated compliance with the checklist of comments
received by the applicant's engineering representative. By unanimous vote, the Commission recommends the
Council's approval for the proposed Preliminary Plat for Neighborhood 9.
Council member Cates asked if the ditch was addressed. Chairman Hill said this ditch does not run through it.
Mayor Sanders referenced exhibit DEX and asked if the flowage ditch that is north of this property will flow onto
Trophy Club Drive. Jim Wingert from Carter and Burgess explained between Lots 11 and 10 and the inlet on the
junction box between Lots 6 and 7 are the low points. There are inlets between Lots 1 and 2 and between 5 and
6, the arrow below Lillyfield Drive is going the wrong way, the water will not dump onto Trophy Club Drive but will
go to the existing ditch. Wingret estimated worst-case scenario for water to drop in the open area is 46.9 cfs 125-
year period; the ditch will handle more than 900 cfs. Mayor Sanders clarified his concern is for the drainage to be
adequately addressed, therefore not creating any drainage issues.
Council member Cates is very concerned about drainage ditches and asked if they have researched the effect of
water dumping into the ditches. Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge responded this is not addressed at the preliminary
stage but will have the opportunity to address the details at the final plat stage. During the final plat state the
calculations to support the size of the storm drain and discharge velocity will be reviewed in order to determine
what will work best.
Town Manager Emmons advised staff met today with Jim Wingret to identify options for underground drainage
between the swim facility and the new park area. Staff's suggestions and recommendations will be brought back
to Council at a later time.
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
D.3 Discuss and provide input relative to an amendment to Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town,
entitled "Administration", Article VIII, entitled "Schedule of Fees", regulating Parks and Recreation Use
Mayor Sanders spoke about the discussions that took place during the budget process regarding the costs
associated with running the Parks; explaining that the largest expense items are labor, electricity and water.
Mayor Sanders also stated that the maintenance issues concerning the pool over the last several years have
been expensive. Marshall Creek Park's operational cost had also been previously discussed as a budget that
needed to be addressed. Per the Mayor's direction, Town Manager Emmons was instructed to have staff take
several proposed fee changes to the Parks and Recreation Board for review, and present the recommendations
of the Board to the Council. Sanders added this item was posted for input only.
Sam Hightower, 14 Crestwood - Spoke against sports association user fees, requesting the Council focus on the
economic development in the front of the Town and the field development in order to allow 3-day tournaments
which will generate revenue for hotel lodging and restaurants.
Mayor Sanders reminded the citizens of Town Council and EDC's recent approval of the $400,000 improvements
to Harmony Park for shading and restroom facilities.
Town Manager Emmons explained that Parks and Recreation Director, Adam Adams and Recreation Supervisor,
Mindy Herring surveyed user fees in surrounding cities. Emmons hoped Council would consider and determine at
what level the Town would operate the facilities and if it is acceptable to expend 100% of funds on the operations
without any additional revenue being established. The operational costs of the swimming pool have been off set
by the EDC's the last few years, with this year being the last one for such operations. Emmons said one of the
issues with the facilities is that they need to be improved, and that the Town spends the money budgeted on the
status quo without raising revenues either through taxation or user fees. The Council will need to decide where
the money will be cut from the existing budget. Emmons asked the Council to look seriously at the priorities and
what areas need to be funded.
Parks and Recreation Director, Adam Adams explained the different types of fees enclosed in the packet. The
fees on page 67 are the current fees. Adams said that staff was recommending sessions at one-hour increments.
Beck Park was reserved at least two dozen times last year with the Sports Association being immune from
reservation fees.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams asked if an out-of-Town team is charged to play in a tournament in the Town, and if the
Sports Association pays an entry fee. Adams responded there is not a tournament fee charged when the teams
play under the Sports Association umbrella.
Wade Mullis, President of the Trophy ClubIRoanoke Baseball Association explained various people run the
tournaments and the teams pay an entry fee to the Association hosting the tournament. The fees profited by
these tournaments are minimal and are reinvested back into the fields for screening, green screen mesh, field
maintenance, batting cages and stations. Mullis added they would be investing $4,000 worth of improvements at
Independence Park this season.
Council member Edstrom commented the Sports Associations pay for trophies, the umpires and chalk. The
concession stand has not been fixed yet and it is not likely that insurance will cover the cost to repair.
Council member Lamont thinks the non-resident fees for Beck Park should be higher.
Mayor Pro Tem confirmed the State does not have a problem with the Town charging fees to non-residents at the
State Parks.
Council member Edstrom supports the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation for the fees at Beck Park.
Council member Cates also supports the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation and feels the non-
resident fees should be raised $5.00.
Mayor Sanders moved to the fees under Independence Park
Council member Sterling is concerned that we are very loose with the keys to the lights. Mayor Sanders
confirmed there is no deposit required for reserving the parks. Adarns advised that they would be approaching
the EDCs with a package called Sky Lighting to program the lights.
Council member Lamont questioned if the Sky Lighting is budgeted. Council member Cates questioned the cost
of the proposal of the programming package to control the lights.
Mayor Sanders refocused the discussion back to fees.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams suggested an agreement with the Sports Association where would be charged a fee if
they left the lights on.
Council member Edstrom redirected the discussion to the fee issue.
Mayor Sanders summarized the Council's consensus to raise the non-resident fees and directed discussion to
Marshall Creek.
Adams explained that currently fees are charged for both the entry vehicle and the vehicle being towed. Staff
recommended the fees only be charged to the vehicle based on the activity of the user.
Although hard to project, Adarns does not foresee a decline in usage as questioned by Council member Sterling.
Council member Cates stated a group in Farmers Branch that uses Marshall Creek Park for AN purposes felt the
recommended fees were appropriate.
Council member Lamont questioned enforcement of the lockbox. Adarns said they were trying to be fair to the
user groups and enforcement would be harder to address. Adarns said the revenue during the week rarely
exceeds the cost of manning the gate. The user will now have a sticker to place on their car with the other half of
the sticker being deposited with the money into the lockbox. The park will be manned on Saturday and Sunday,
as they are the heaviest usage days. Adarns continued they are trying to decrease the police involvement now
that the Parks and Recreation Department is fully staffed. The Department's staff can patrol the park and call the
police if necessary.
Council member Cates questioned if the Parks and Recreation Board considered fees for horse back riding.
Adarns responded the fees are based on motorized vehicles and therefore no fee would be charged for the horse
or the trailer. Adarns added the COE has already designated Walnut Grove Trail and would probably receive
negative feedback by charging a fee.
Council members Edstrom, Cates and Sterling agreed with the Park Board recommendation. Mayor Pro Tem
Williams is in favor of raising the vehicle fee by $5.00 and Council member Lamont feels there should be a fee of
$5.00 to walk or run in the Park.
Adarns said Trophy Club residents comprised the highest percentage of people that completed the survey.
In respect to Pool fees, Council member Edstrom said the Town previously told residents that they could own and
operate the pool less expensively than the CIA, and that although the EDC involvement is decreasiug, Edstrom
disagrees and is opposed to charging or taxing families for using the swimming pool. Just as the Sports
Associations do not want the Town to tax the kids for playing ball the Town should not tax the kids for using the
swimming pool. The Swim Team pays the fees for their coach and the swim meet brings revenue to the Town.
She would oppose anything other than a non-resident fee.
Mayor Sanders clarified the recommendation is only for fees to resident, non-resident for after hours use.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams stated that the Town should charge pool fees as other communities do. Over 1 million
dollars is budgeted to the Parks and Recreation Department budget and that budget does not include any other
departments that support the parks and the costs will only increase.
Mayor Sanders asked Council to keep their remarks on the fees provided on the proposed schedule.
Council members Lamont and Sterling stated that the fees are reasonable. Sterling asked that staff rephrase *All
pool rental fees are based on a minimum of 2 hours, to a per hour rate at a minimum of two hours.
Council member Edstrom agrees with fees recommended for residentlnon-resident.
Mayor Sanders asked the Council to provide direction regarding fee structure to the staff.
Council member Cates confirmed this would be revisited with the addition of a new pool provided by the new
development. As a long-time resident, Cates said she first paid CIA dues annually for upkeep of the pool and was
not charged any additional user fees. Cates was against user fees for the pool and for the Sports Association as
the kids need an outlet and the fees are taken care of through taxes.
Council member Sterling commented the user fees in question are not significant fees and the residents are
incurring an expense to belong to the Sports Associations in order to play ball. The cost of chemicals increases
with the increase of people using the pool. Sterling supported a modest entrance fee.
Council member Lamont said the difference between the pool and the Sports Associations was that in the case of
the pool the Town employed paid staff. Out of 23 cities surveyed 17 charge fees. Lamont recommended kids
under 6 be admitted free, residents be charged $3.00 and non-residents $5.00.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams was in favor of fees, stating that the kids pay a fee to join the Sports Association to pay
for the umpires and the upkeep of those facilities. Williams suggested a season pass of $50.00 and feels the kids
will still go swimming as they do in other cities.
Council member Edstrom commented the Swim Team pays for the organized portion for the use of the pool just
as the Sports Associations pay for use of the fields. Edstrom suggested Park improvements in the way of bonds.
Kathleen Wilson, 34 Meadowbrook Lane - Spoke against resident user fees at the pool and commented the
impression that Roanoke charges residents fee at the pool are erroneous. Wilson said when the CIA dissolved,
residents were told in good faith the money would go towards supporting the pool and requested Council look at
non-resident fees.
Adams confirmed Roanoke's website show resident fees and has no way of knowing if these fees are enforced.
Mayor Sanders responded it would be inappropriate for a Council to take action that would bind another Council
in such a manner as to say that fees would never be charged.
Adams advised the Parks and Recreation Board is against charging the Sports Association a fee.
Mayor Sanders instructed Town Manager Emmons to bring back user fees for the pool after staff has the
opportunity to confirm with Roanoke what fees they are enforcing.
The Council agrees that the Sports Associations should not be charged. Williams asked Adams to work with the
Association regarding the lighting situation.
Adams explained the Swim Team is being absorbed by the Town and will operate differently.
Steve List, 101 Lakeside Drive - Thanked the Council for the debate and spoke against user fees List believes
the Council is misinformed, as community pools are free and requested the Council not tax the kids for use of
parks and pools but focus more of their efforts on economic development.
Annie Camp, 42 Cimarron Drive - Spoke against user fees asking the Council to keep in mind the type of pool
other cities have compared to the Towns.
Chris Perryman, 121 Trophy Club Drive - Spoke against user fees urging the Council to consider the volunteers
should they impose user fees on the Sports Association. Perryman does not feel Trophy Club can compete with
the other city pools if they charge a fee.
Mayor Sanders commented a PID might have paid for some of the other community pools.
David Jahn, 1 Gentry Court - Spoke against user fees regardless of the activity, as they are the largest unifying
organization in the community. Jahn requested Council charge for the services in Marshall Creek as it is one of
five parks in the area.
Mark Venator, 23 Creekside Drive - Spoke against user fees, as they are a determent to the community.
Terry Flickinger, 24 Hillcrest - Spoke against user fees requesting the Council focus on revenue rather user fees.
Council member Sterling responded the Town is actively pursuing business and considering paying $60,000 for a
psychographics study. Mayor Sanders stopped Sterling advising the discussion is not on economic incentives.
Pauline Twomey, 203 Oakmont Drive - Spoke against user fees suggesting we keep our kids busy with activities
that attract families to buy into Trophy Club.
Town Manager Emmons stated that he would like to address this issue and move forward in the budget
preparation, suggesting it would be better to consider implementation of pool user fees next year after the EDCs
are no longer funding the operation of the pool and when the Parks and Recreation equipment line will be larger
due to the maintenance of the pool. Emmons equated the lifeguards to the umpires and referees that the Sports
Association pays for; stating the operation of the pool comes directly out of the budget in the amount of
approximately $180,000 excluding capital expenses. Emmons appreciates the Councils input and would like to
bring it back during the budget process.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams commented over the next 2-3 years the Town will be adding 3,000 plus residents and
will need another pool; however a bond will result in a tax increase. Williams questioned what is more important,
spending more on Parks and Recreation and less on street improvements.
Mayor Sanders clarified Council's direction to bring back an Ordinance with the suggestions provided for the
Parks fees, exclusive of the swimming pool, which will be considered in the next budget session. Emmons
responded this year's fees are budgeted for operations; staff can bring back a proposal to become effective next
fiscal year.
Council member Edstrom commented Marshall Creek and non-resident fees need to be brought back now.
Emmons stated staff will bring back all fees.
Mayor Sanders confirmed all fees will be brought back to the Council, with some fees being considered for the
next fiscal year. Sanders thanked the residents for their input.
D.4 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the calling of a potential Charter Amendment Election in
May 2007 and Charter amendments to be submitted to the voters.
Town Manager Emmons advised if Council approved a Charter Election the ballot language would need to be
ready by the February 5th meeting when the Council calls the election. Town Manager Emmons, Town Attorney,
Patricia Adams, Mayor Pro Tem Williams and Council member Lamont met and discussed suggested
amendments provided by some members of Council and residents. The list includes some of the points but is not
all inclusive. Emmons asked Council if they wanted to move forward on a Charter Amendment election in May
and for guidance with the ballot language.
Council member Cates thinks this is rushed and does not feel that there has been a lot of citizen input. Cates is
concerned as the original issue of a non-binding referendum which sparked the creation of this committee is not
on the list. Cates views this as political flavor that is not the democratic process. This has the appearance of
moving in more of a political direction rather than addressing the issues that need to be address. Cates is in favor
of holding the election in November so that it can be done right.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams disagrees with moving it to November, as the May election will have a larger voter
turnout. Williams is concerned with the item suggesting the Mayor be allowed to vote as it could result in a lot of
tie votes and feels the Council needs to understand districts before they create them.
Council member Edstrom is opposed to holding the election in May and does not feel there has been enough
input between staff or council regarding these items. The items listed are more than housekeeping and require
significant resident debate considering it is changing how the form of the Town's government.
Council member Lamont explained the creation of districts was a citizen's suggestion as various other items
listed. Under the three-year term a vacancy could be filled by an election rather than waiting the rest of the year
to fill.
Council member Sterling feels the public debate is at the election when they vote on the issue.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams said information requesting recommendations were posted on the website and in the
listserve for several months and yet they only received three recommendations from citizens.
Mayor Sanders had hoped there would be time to have a public forum and debate. The decision tonight is
whether to include on the next agenda when the election is called. Sanders asked council to use their
wisdom and address some of the issues on the list that could be easily drafted and debated in May,
assuming the Council wanted to move forward, every item would be voted on. Town Attorney, Patricia
Adams cautioned the change could possibly affect another area.
Council member Cates voiced concern as the list was just provided to them and they have not had enough time to
review or consider public debate.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams commented the Council received the first list in December and the public debate is in the
Council member Lamont clarified that a Charter Amendment election can only occur once every two years and
would prefer to do it all at once, rather than only making minor changes.
Council member Sterling agrees with Williams that most items are cut and dry and easy to word and is in favor of
Neil Twomey, 203 Oakmont Drive - Spoke against a Charter Election in May and would like to see pros and cons
on all items as well as more public input.
Mayor Sanders questioned the workload of Town Manager Emmons and Town Attorney Adams over the next two
weeks. Town Manager Emmons replied Town Attorney Adams is working diligently on the PID and
continually meeting with several others.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams believes the PID is more important than a referendum.
Mayor Sanders summarized the Council's consensus not to take action at the next meeting. Sanders requested
staff put together a timeline for the Election in November.
D.5 Items for Future Agenda.
Council member Edstrom would like phase two of the striping of the sidewalk on the radar in order to take
advantage of the bond process, which was missed in this years grant process for sidewalks. Town Manager
Emmons commented the TXDOT programs for this were suspended for this year and the staff will put it on their
Council member Cates said since the PID is the most important numbers 1 and 2 could be dealt at a later date.
Mayor Sanders asked Town Manager Emmons to look at the dates listed and reassign if necessary
1. Discuss and receive input relative to an Ordinance amending Article IV, "Sign Regulations", Chapter 5 of the
Code of Ordinances, entitled "General Land Use", by amendirlg Sections 4.05. (relative to political signs and
quantity per commercial lot.) (215)
2. Discuss and take appropriate action relative to an Ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances
of the Town, entitled "Nuisances", to address standing or stagnant water. (215)
3. Ordinance to designate The Town of Trophy Club a "Smoke Free" Town. (215)
4. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Investment Banking Agreement with Banc of America
Securities to provide underwriting and related banking services for the Public Improvement District Bonds
related to the Highlands at Trophy Club.
5. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the PID Agreement.
6. Ordinance to remove uninsured vehicles from the streets of Trophy Club by impounding the vehicle until the
vehicle is properly insured and inspected. (2119)
7. Ordinance to impound any vehicle that is being driven on the streets of Trophy Club when the driver does not
have a current or valid Drivers License. (2119)
8. Discuss and take appropriate action relative to an Ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances
of the Town, entitled "Nuisances", Article Ill, entitled "Weeds", amending Section 3.01, entitled "Unlawful to
Permit Weeds, Grass or any other Plant to Grow Higher than Twelve Inches."
9. Discuss and consider an Ordinance requiring bicycle helmets and bicycle laws.
10. Review of the Property Maintenance Ordinance.
11. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance amending Chapter 14 entitled "Design
Standards", Figures 1-7, 1-8 and 1-9 of Section 1 entitled "Roadway Design" of the Code of Ordinances of the
12. Discussion about storm water discharge from pools.
13. Discussion of drainage ditch that runs between Village Trail and Lakeshore Drive and consideration of
improvements for an area to create a linear park.
14. Discuss and take appropriate action to repeal Ordinance 1987-07 and approve an Ordinance establishing the
Town's Emergency Management System.
D.6 Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the financials and variance report dated December 2006.
lblotion made by Williams, seconded by Edstrom to approve with changes.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams questioned why the sales tax was lower than projected. Finance Director, Sakura
Moten-Dedrick explained certain numbers increase with quarterly payers. Dedrick added this is currently running
at 7% more than last year and does not see a problem with meeting the $425,000 budgeted.
Mayor Pro Tem Williams commented on the billing issues and low EMS runs. Both Dedrick and Fire Chief
Thomas explained the old billing company owes the Town money and payment is expected next month.
Williams asked about the gas well revenue. Town Manager Emmons said as a result of the unionization, they
paid more than they should have in the previous year so the Town is ahead of scheduled.
Williams clarified the longevity pay is expensed annually in December.
Motion passed unanimously without further discussion.
D.7 Reports. There will be no action taken regarding any individual project posted under this item and
discussion will be limited. If extensive discussion is required, the item may be placed on a future agenda.
(a) Town Council report from EDC 4B Liaison, Council member Sterling.
\, (b) Town Manager's Report.
E.l Adjourn.
Motion made by Edstrom, seconded by Williams to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
/' 7, ' Miss Ramsey, Town Secretary / Nick Sanders, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas