Minutes TC 05/21/2001MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE SESSION REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB MAY 21, 2001 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in Regular Session and Executive Session on Monday, May 21, 2001. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Marshall Engelbeck Susan Edstrom Barry Huizenga Bill Matthai Scott Smith Barb Tweedie Scott Spence Roger Williams STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Donna Welsh Diane Cockrell Cathy Morgas Jim Buxton Bill LeGrand Paul Rosenberger David Miller Patricia Adams Kelly Butler REGULAR SESSION Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member, Mayor Elect Council Member Council Member Elect Council Member Elect Town Manager Town Secretary MUD Manager Finance Director Director of Public Works Assistant to Town/MUD Managers Director of DPS Town Attorney Human Resources Director CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: Mayor Engelbeck called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., noting a quorum was present. INVOCATION: Council Member Tweedie gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAG: Paul Rosenberger led the pledges. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL IS NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE ACTION ON OR DISCUSS ANY PRESENTATIONS MADE TO THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME CONCERNING AN ITEM NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL WILL HEAR PRESENTATIONS ON SPECIFIC AGENDA ITEMS PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL ADDRESSING THOSE ITEMS. There were no presentations made. Page 2 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES (FIVE-MINUTE TIME LIMIT) EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD — GENE HILL Mr. Hill commented that the June issue of the Around the Town is being prepared. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION- GENE HILL Commissioner Hill reported that the Commission is continuing to update and make revisions to the Sub Regulations and anticipate recommendations to the Council later this summer. Lake Cities Church of Christ has requested a moratorium to the Sign Ordinance for their new site on Indian Creek Drive. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE — JIM BEST - No report WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE — DAVID NEAL—No report COMMISSIONER'S COURT REPORT— BILL LEWIS — No report TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AFFECTING PARTICIPATION OF TOWN EMPLOYEES IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY AUTHORIZING ELIGIBILITY UNDER SECTION 854.202(8) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, WHICH ALLOWS A QUALIFIED MEMBER WITH AT LEAST TWENTY (20) YEARS OF CREDITED SERVICE PERFORMED FOR ONE (1) OR MORE MUNICIPALITIES TO RETIRE AND RECEIVE A SERVICE RETIREMENT BENEFIT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom made a motion to adopt the Ordinance as written. Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF A PUBLIC NATURAL SURFACE MULTI-PURPOSE TRAIL AROUND LAKE GRAPEVINE• SUPPORTING EFFORTS TO OBTAIN GRANT FUNDING AND THE FILING OF GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO TRAILS; DESIGNATING A PERSON TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE NECESSARY TO DEMONSTRATE THE TOWN'S SUPPORT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Matthai made a motion to discuss this agenda item. Council Member Tweedie seconded; motion carried unanimously. Paul Rosenberger introduced this Resolution as showing support to the Cross Timbers Equestrian Trails Association to develop trails on the Corp of Engineers' property. Council Member Matthai made a motion to adopt the Resolution with the following amendment: Section 2. The Town Council hereby authorizes Paul Rosenberger, Assistant to the Town Manager, and/or an authorized designee, to provide assistance in this effort to the extent he reasonably deems such assistance necessary to demonstrate the Town's support of the Initiative and efforts to secure public grant funding. Council Member Huizenga seconded; motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL NOT BE A SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A. REGULAR SESSION MINUTES DATED MAY 7, 2001 B. SPECIAL SESSION MINUTES DATED MAY S, 2001 Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items as written. Council Member Huizenga seconded, motion carried unanimously. Page 3 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 REMARKS TO/FROM OUTGOING MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER Jim Carter of 204 Fresh Meadow addressed the Council. For the Record, Marshall Engelbeck stated It has been an honor for me to have served the citizens of Trophy Club for the last twelve years and as YOUR Mayor the past two years. I wish to thank all who have supported me for their dedication and hard work. I am proud of what Team Trophy Club has accomplished in the past two years. The results achieved in this short time is a credit to the Town employees and resident volunteers. It certainly sets a high standard for future Councils and Mayors to be measured by. Since January 1999, our population has increased 30% necessitating the opening of two new schools. The number of students attending school in Trophy Club has increased from around 500 to approximately 1,100. Because the average age of our citizens has decreased to 38 the recreation needs have changed. I am delighted the Town was able to upgrade our few ball fields and little league baseball has returned to our town. There has been a significant increase in the number of children participating in soccer, softball, and basketball. The formation of youth basketball leagues was possible because the Town and the NWISD are working closer together than ever before. In business they tell you to plan your work, and then work your plan. Trophy Club's Plan is outlined in Vision 2008. It was developed by the residents and unanimously accepted by the Town Council on December 15, 1998. Some of the major things we have accomplished working the plan are, (a) receipt of a $500,000 matching grant to build a community park between Beck and Medlin schools; (b) opening of Trophy Club Plaza anchored by Tom Thumb; (c) implementation of a program to stop the deterioration of our streets; (d) the Fourth of July returned to Trophy Club, and (e) the creation of the Joint Trophy Club -Westlake Department of Public Safety (DPS). The cost sharing arrangement of the joint DPS permits us to now have two paramedics on duty 24 hours a day 7 day a week and an additional ambulance. This agreement also permitted us to cut this years police and EMS budgets by $53K. All this has been done without an increase in the tax rate. In truth the tax rate is approximately 1% less than it was in 1998. The Town last fiscal year ended with a budget surplus of $147,000 and a cash reserve equal to 90 days operating expenses in an interest bearing account. These facts were confirmed in an independent audit report accepted unanimously by the Town Council on March 19, 2001. IT WAS NOT LUCK! How does Trophy Club fiscal management rate over all? In a recently TEL/GROG published report comparing financial performance for fourteen towns in the area In the area of cost per resident for the current fiscal year --ten of the fourteen had a higher cost per -resident than did the town of Trophy Club including the two MUDS. Unfortunately there are five issues that have not been resolved. These include (1) future growth; (2) the question of locating a high school east of 1-35; (3) closure of the T.W. King/Kirkwood by Sabre Corporation; (4) Right to vote in a wet dry election; and (5) future of the C.I.A. The following is a status report as to where we stand today on each of these subjects. • 1 view the question of who pays for the construction of a thoroughfare, commonly called the loop road, is a red herring that has diverted our attention from the real question. The real question is -- Do the residents of Trophy Club want the Town to grow? Having a loop road is key to growth. It has been widely reported that the developer understood the cost of the infrastructure was entirely theirs when they purchased the land 9 years ago. The only written agreement I can find on the subject was one executed when Beck purchased the land from the bankruptcy court talks only about water lines and sewers -- roads are not mentioned. The agreement also says everything is negotiable. Page 4 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 In 1997 as a member of the Town Council I remember the Town Engineer established the meets and bounds for the loop road which was approved by Planning and Zoning and the Council as part of an update to die Master Plan. Beck properties then deeded the land for the loop road to the Town. I also believe the residents of Trophy Club are subject to a double standard. Denton County Officials advocate the use of tax payer funds to assist development everywhere but in Trophy Club. Robison Ranch is the prime example (The $750,000 that has been committed by Denton County we is bond monies. It is half of the amount allocated in die Bond election of January 1999 to repair Marshall Creek Road.) • Many residents tell me they want a high school east of 1-35. The School Board has ruled, and rightfully so, building of a high school depends upon population. Its location also depends on having a access to the school site. Because we are the largest town in the NWISD east of 1-35 if we are going to have a high school sooner rather than later-- we must have a thoroughfare. The Town has been working hard to keep T.W. King open for residents desiring to exit die east side of Trophy Club and travel east on SH 114. We spent over $20,000 in lawyer fees and designing alternative routes. Legal opinion after legal opinion has told us the Town, nor its residents, have no legal standing on the matter. Our initial negotiating position with Southlake was hindered by the fact Trophy Club's Mayor reneged on a verbal commitment made to the Southlake Town Council on June 5, 1995 to enter into an inter local agreement over the use of the road. (I have listened to die tape.) We were able to get a fifteen -month delay. In our last meeting with Sabre a few weeks ago, they reported their recent business arrangement with ENS made having a secure campus even more. They confirmed T.W. King and Kirkwood would be closed to traffic around December first. The right to vote issue. I would judge the question I received most frequently in the last eight months was why can't the Town hold a local option election. As most of you know because we are in two counties, Tarrant and Denton, the right to hold an election is controlled by the state legislature which meets every two years. I began talking to Representative Vickie Truitt in July of 2000. We were one of five towns in the bill she sponsored this session. She was forced to drop three of the five towns from her bill in order to get it something. Representative Denny, who was a supporter of Vickie Truitt's bill, picked up the cause and with our assistance sponsored which was voted out of committee on May 6's. However, it was not placed on the House calendar for this session. The C.I.A. is a non-profit corporation that is separate from the Town. It is governed by an independent board of directors. An election was held in early April and a new C.I.A. board is in place. The C.I.A. pool is a vital part of the Town's summer recreation program. An average of 177 people use the pool on a daily basis, not counting the usage by the Trophy Club Swimming Team. The good news is the C.I.A. has entered into an agreement to use the Country Club Pool this summer. C.I.A. recently received approval of a loan to build the pool. The initial one page design submitted by the C.I.A.'s contractor in March 01 in an attempt to obtain a building permit was returned with a list of information needed in order to determine if constructor meet established health and ADA standards. As far as the Town assuming the majority of duties of the C.I.A. The next board has requested time to determine where they stand prior to entering into any discussions on the subject. I trust this added time will permit the contractor to provided this needed information. On a personal note as for our future, this summer Ronnie and I plan to visit relatives and to learn to fish in Minnesota. I just completed a textbook on acquisition management, which is scheduled to be published this July, and I plan to return to teaching. To Scott Smith and the new Town Council we extend to each of you our best wishes. Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom addressed Barb Tweedie and Marshall Engelbeck with the following words, Tonight we are thanking two of our Council Members for their services on the to the Town. First, to Barb Tweedie. This has been a really enjoyable two years for me for the opportunity to work close with Barb on a lot of Town issues and to sit with her as Trophy Club representatives in the Women in Government Group of elected women representatives from area governments addressing issues of common interests to Towns and Cities Page 5 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 in our area. Her thoughtful and concerned attention to issues before us has added to her reputation as a kind and gracious lady. Barb has long had the reputation in all she does in Trophy Club whether as a Council Member, as a member of various Town volunteer committees and as a long time leader in the Trophy Club Women's Club as the person who could get things done. When jobs have needed to be done and done right, the guarantee of success has been to put Barb Tweedie in charge. We are going to miss her kind and gentle yet firm attention to the details of our Council deliberations. Barb has often been the one to remind us of the reasons she loves Trophy Club and to remind us of the really important things in our Town life as we have deliberated some knotty and sometimes difficult issues. Fortunately, for us, Barb is not going anywhere soon. She has graciously agreed to move back into leadership of the Public Relations Committee to help guide major Town events like the upcoming Fourth of July Celebration and other activities to promote our Town. So Barb, from all of us who have served with you on die Council, from the Town Staff, from grateful residents and with a special personal thanks from me for being a good friend and a partner in many activities these past two years, we present you with this gift as a token of thanks for all you have done and we look forward to your continuing contributions to helping Trophy Club continue to grow as a great place to call home. And to Marshall Engelbeck, where do you begin? With over a decade of service to the Town as Mayor and as a member of the Council, your contributions truly are too many to list, so I won't try to do that here. There are some important highlights of your leadership as our Mayor that I want to point out not just because of the deeds themselves or because of your leadership successes but more because of what they represent as your vision for our future and your huge personal commitment to the success of the Town. In this past two years we have for the first time instituted a strategic plan to provide a roadmap for the future of the Town. We have set aside new park land and created the opportunity for significant recreational areas in the future through the Corps land lease, and we have had a renewed dedication to youth sports. We completed the second commercial construction with significant tax contribution potential in the Tom Thumb Center, we constructed a Clock Tower as the focal point of the community and put in place beautification programs to enhance our entrances and public areas. We developed a joint DPS drat will not only save residents money over the years but also will also provide the best in Fire and Police protection for our residents and those of Westlake. For the first time we have a strong working relationship with our School District leading to the sharing of facilities for the benefit of our residents both young and old and we have in place a long term road repair plan to protect our infrastructure investment, and a solid financial management plan and money in the bank. All that plus an almost thirty percent growth in our population in the past two years adds up to the most dynamic period in our Town's history. I do not believe we could have accomplished all that and managed it so smoothly with out the commitment, the leadership, and the management skills you have brought to die Town as our Mayor. As a military commander, as a decorated combat veteran, as a businessman, as an educator and as our Town leader you have demonstrated for all of us the true meaning of the words dedication, commitment, hard work, leadership and personal integrity. We owe you a great deal for what you have accomplished on our behalf but perhaps more important is what we owe you for the solid base you have helped us achieve and the vision for our future. We are all extremely grateful and we present you with this token of our gratitude and appreciation and we look forward to your help and your sage advise as we grow into the future. Donna Welsh expressed appreciation to Barb Twecdie and Marshall Engelbeck. Council Member Huizenga described Barb Tweedie as always having her heart in the right place and communicated to Marshall Engelbeck that is he a leader in negotiating and wished both of them the best. Council Member Matthat announced that he had tremendous pleasure working with both Barb Tweedie and Marshall Engelbeck. Council Member Tweedie welcomed the new Council Members and let it be known that six or eight months ago her doctor asked her to resign. She went to Marshall and the Town attorney and Marshall has helped her to continue to be involved. Council Member Smith claimed that lie will not miss Barb Tweedic because she will stay involved and expressed his respect to Marshall, told him that he wants him to continue to be involved and that he has set the bar very high. Page 6 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 OATH OF OFFICE TO BE ADMINISTERED TO THE INCOMING COUNCIL MEMBERS Municipal Court Judge Mark Chambers administered the oath of office to Scott Spence, Roger Williams and Scott Smith. 5 -MINUTE RECESS The Council recessed at 8:26 p.m. Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 8:36 p.m. REMARKS TO/FROM INCOMING MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Spence said thank you, so far, to his supporters Council Member Williams said thank you to his supporters, listed some of the issues facing Trophy Club and reported that he is looking forward to working with the Council. Pearl O. Ford of 2 Spring Creek Court addressed the Council. Mayor Smith recognized everyone that voted in this past election, it's exercising your constitutional right to vote, it is the best way to influence your government and I thank you very much. I want to welcome our two Council Members, they are good guys, they are smart guys and they will be a much-needed addition to our Council. I will try to utilize their knowledge and talents to the max. Welcome. I also want to thank the men and women who run our elections, they donate countless hours, unselfishly and are dedicated to always managing a fair and effective election free of controversy and I applaud them. A lot of times they just do not get recognized like they should and they're a key element to our democratic way. Of course, I want to thank my campaign team, I look out there in the audience and of course there is Carol Cotton sitting right up front and she was my main guy, if I can say that, and Kelly Hughes, Chris Clark, Don Cotton, Ron Moranville and I know I'm missing a lot of folks but you guys made it happen and I want to thank you very much, you are the best. Someone told me not to forget to thank my mother, so thanks mom and dad, I want to make sure that I get that in. It was obvious that the residents voted for change and if you would have suggested a few years ago, maybe just two years ago, that our next mayor would be elected from the west side of town, most people would not have believed it. Well, that's a change and you won't hear me refer to Trophy Club as the west, east or middle any more. That's the first time and last time I'll say that, maybe not the first time, but the last time. I pulled a majority from all sections of ages and votes and this election was for all of Trophy Club and I think that shows we are not divided but that we are very unified. We can now move forward together as one, just like Pearl mentioned. That's my utmost goal. Once again, I ask Marshall to continue to stay involved and I hope he will do that and also Barb Tweedie, who has already promised me that she will continue to be involved. I'm very grateful for that. One of the first things that I would like to introduce will be to allow our citizens to not only speak at the beginning of an agenda item, but to have the ability to address the Council at the end of the discussion. A citizen's right to speak, this is their best means of communication to the Council and I want to broaden where applicable. I want to also offer my services to the CIA and to help in any way I can to get the pool issue resolved and get the pool built. East entrance must be resolved and I have some ideas on strengthening the Ways and Means Committees. I also, like Marshall mentioned, about the breakfasts with Keith Sockwell and Northwest Independent School District, I will definitely continue to do that. I think we can gain so much from joint usage with the school district and that will benefit us immensely. With no further to do, I guess we should get down to business and once again, I'd like to thank you for being here tonight and thank you for your support. I will do my best to live up to your expectations. Thank you. Page 7 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, APPROVING THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BEHALF OF THE TOWN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Matthai made a motion to bring this agenda item up for discussion. Council Member Huizenga seconded; motion carried unanimously. Paul Rosenberger presented this Resolution sharing that this Resolution allows cities to come together and purchase energy in volume. The Town would be allowed to ride on the coat tails of Arlington, Ft. Worth and Lewisville. The fee for Trophy Club to join is $416.54. Jim Buxton added that this is strictly for the Town and MUD electrical use, it will not be available to the residents at this time. Council Member Matthai made a motion to amend Section 5 of the Resolution to add and/or authorized designee. Council Member Huizenga seconded. Council Member Matthai made a motion to approve the Resolution with the following amendment: Section 5 The Town of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints Paul Rosenberger, Assistant to the Town Manager, and /or an authorized designee, to serve as the Town's representative to the corporation and to act on the Town's behalf. Council Member Huizenga seconded; both motions carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURE OF 52700.00 FROM THE MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING SECURITY FUND FOR THE PURCHASE OF A VIDEO SECURITY SYSTEM FOR THE BUILDING COURT IS OFFICED IN. Barbara Allen explained that charging a fee on each citation derives this fund. There are specific uses on how this money can be spent. She is requesting two microphones, two cameras inside the lobby and two cameras outside the building, in the parking lot. Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom made a motion to approve this request. Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried unanimously. For the record, Mayor Smith read the duties of the Mayor Pro Tem: The mayor pro tempore is a member of the council who performs the mayor's duties during the mayor's incapacity or absence. The mayor pro tem is selected by majority vote of the council from among its own membership. The mayor pro tern's term is one year. The mayor pro tem retains the right to vote on all matters before the council (and not just to break a tie) while performing the duties of the mayor. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Council convened into Executive Session at 9:11 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTION 551.074, PERSONNEL MATTERS, THE COUNCIL WILL ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM AND TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES OF COUNCIL MEMBERS AS COMMITTEE LIAISONS TOWN COUNCIL TO CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION Council closed Executive Session at 9:30 pm. Page 8 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 TOWN COUNCIL TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Council reconvened into Regular Session at 9:30 p.m. REGULAR SESSION TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 551.074. TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM AND TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES OF COUNCIL MEMBERS AS COMMITTEE LIAISONS Council Member Huizenga made a motion to appoint Council Member Edstrom as Mayor Pro Tem and to appoint the following Council Liaisons to the appropriate committees as listed: DPS Board — Council Member Spence EDC 4B — Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom Information Technology — Council Member Matthai Master District Board — Council Member Spence Parks and Recreation — Council Member Matthai Public Relations — Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom Public Works — Council Member Huizenga Utility Franchise — Council Member Williams Ways and Means — Council Member Williams EDC 4A — Council Member Huizenga Council Member Matthai seconded; motion carried unanimously. REPORTS AND COMMENTS A. STAFF Donna Welsh reminded Council and Staff that the Council Retreat will be held within the neat two weeks. Diane Cockrell reported that Bill Lewis has resigned from the Commissioner's Court Committee and asked the Council to make note that the committee chairs are supposed to make the committee reports or send a committee representative to make the report. Patricia Adams announced that the Seminar for training City Officials and employees is Thursday, June 10i. Bill LeGrand communicated that he is trying to get the street repairs underway and that a Crack and Joint Seal presentation will come to the Council on June 18". David Miller welcomed the new Mayor and Council Members. Barb Tweedie announced that the Women's Club is hosting a fundraiser, for Greg Tucker, Fire Chief; Judy Williams and Carol Cotton will co-chair this event. B. COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Huizenga stated that he would like the street repair discussion to be held when he will be in attendance. Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom shared that the contributions for the July 4" celebration are coming in and that the committee is looking for volunteers. The Council Members will be hosting the dunking booth. Council Members need to get their friends to ante up and see which Member can mise the most money. American Flags are also on Page 9 EXECUTIVE AND REGULAR SESSION May 21, 2001 sale; the Public Relations Committee is hoping that every home in Trophy Club will fly an American Flag on July 4°i. Roger Williams reported that the names of committee members need to be updated on the website and inquired about the Ways and Means chairman. Donna Welsh reported that David Neal had offered his resignation however it has not been received. Mayor Smith thanked everyone for sticking it out. He looks forward to working with the staff and Council. ADJOURN Mayor Pro Tem Edstrom made a motion to adjourn at 9:55 p.m. Council Member Huizenga seconded, motion carried unanimously. / �\ A11E : -C�tG Town Secretary, To n of Trophy Club, Texas