Minutes TC 10/20/1998 - Joint SessionMINUTES OF JOINT SESSION WITH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/ REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING/ FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB OCTOBER 20, 1998 THE STATE OF TEXAS § W111191 V&41 0 113101 OWN The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, met at 7:00 p.m. in a public hearing /regular session on Tuesday, October 20,1998. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. rceligusm-01NOW -21"ffwlym Jim Carter Marshall Engelbeck zn Ben Brewster Kay Pratt Susan H. McCabe COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Carr STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Donna Welsh Diane Cockrell Cathy Morgas David Miller Bill LeGrand Pam Liston Roger Unger C, Mike Hamper Gene Hill Clayton Reed Rick Gilliland Roger Williams Donald Cotton Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member (Arrived 8:06 p.m.) (Arrived 7:09 p.m.) Town Manager Town Secretary Planning Director Director of Public Safety Director of Public Works Interim Town Attorney MUD Manager Chairperson Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Page 2 Town Council/P & Z Joint Session October 20, 1998 PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBERS ABSENT David Schaaf Commissioner CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m., noting a quorum was present. f i►`I�L�Z�Tylll[��► Director of Public Safety, David Miller gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags was led by Council Member Brewster. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: THIS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL IS NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE ACTION ONANY PRESENTATION MADE TO THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME CONCERNING AN ITEM NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL WILL HEAR PRESENTATIONS ON SPECIFIC AGENDA ITEMS PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL ADDRESSING THOSE ITEMS: Dave Robison, 2 Crickett Court, addressed the Council regarding a recent article in the Trophy Club BUZZ. PRESENTATIONS TO COUNCIL: A. PAT MORROW, CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER AND PAUL GORDON INSTALLATION MANAGER FOR MARCUS CABLE TO ADDRESS COUNCIL CONCERNS REGARDING: IMPROVEMENT OF CABLE SERVICE, IMPROVED CUSTOMER SERVICE (COMPLAINT CALL HANDLING AND CABLE DOWN TIME), ADDRESS CABLE LINES NOT COVERED ON GOLF COURSE AND ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, AND GIVE AN UPDATE ON PROGRESS OF CONVERSION TO NEW SERVICE: Pat Morrow, Customer Service Manager for Marcus Cable addressed the Council regarding concerns about the cable service improvements. ■ Next day service. • Uncovered cable lines should be buried within three to four weeks. Most problems are caused by cut cables. ® Residents can request 1/30`" rebate, customer can cancel service within 60 days. Page 3 Town Council/P & Z Joint Session October 20, 1998 Fiber optic coaxial is currently being installed and the installation should be completed in six to eight weeks. ■ After coaxial is installed, customer cable boxes will be replaced, this should take approximately two weeks to complete. Terry Christlieb, 43 Cimarron Drive, addressed the Council in regard to the cable service. B. EARLY WARNING SYSTEM PRESENTATION BY LOU OPIPARE, FIRE CHIEF Lou Opipare, Fire Chief, made a brief presentation regarding an Early Warning System for Trophy Club residents. The items required are: sirens, low wattage a/m radio and an auxiliary power system. There were two cost estimates given, they were: Federal brand $87,235.80 and Wheelen brand $85,972.00. The Economic Development Corporation is funding $42,000 of the cost of the sirens. The balance of $46,135 that needs to be funded is the cost for the low wattage a/m radio and auxiliary power system. Each of the three pieces of equipment are stand alone and operate off battery power. The Council directed the Finance Committee review at this at their October 21, 1998 meeting. TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO CONVENE INTO JOINT SESSION. The Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission convened into joint session. JOINT SESSION PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO OPEN JOINT SESSION WITH TOWN COUNCIL. Commissioner Hill moved to open the joint session with the Town Council at 7:48 p.m. Commissioner Reed seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO OPEN JOINT SESSION WITH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Council Member Brewster moved to open the joint session with the Planning & Zoning Commission. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN • TO OBSERVE PRESENTATION' • 1 ZONING COMMISSIONTROPHY Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Hamper asked for Council approval of the Pathway study and presented the results which included: ® 1) Modify the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. ■ 2) That there will be no striping of any streets. ® 3) Implement interim alternatives to address school access concerns. ® 4) Pathways which developers have recently committed to build. Page 4 Town Council/P & Z Joint Session October 20, 1998 Chairman Hamper introduced Dan Boutwell, Town Planner and his associate Barry Hudson Planner for Municipal Planning Resources Group, Inc. Mr. Boutwell relayed that the first Comprehensive Plan actually had walkways around the loop roads and into some of the park areas. The walkways have been updated in the most recent Comprehensive Land Use Plan to provide a linkage of parkways to incorporate any type of pathway. Each subdivision that has come before the Planning and Zoning Commission has been asked how their subdivisions will link with the previous subdivision. We discovered that there were two products to offer to Trophy Club, the products are: • The overall detailed study • Updating the Comprehensive Land Use Plan by adding a section that deals solely with pathways in Trophy Club. Mr. Hudson shared concern that the level of service would be restricted if the loop roads were striped for walkways, there are several types of pathways for a total of seventeen and one- half miles of pathways within the Town and over half of these will be constructed by developers as development occurs. The pathways in the public right-of-ways would be maintained by the Town and some of the pathways would be maintained by homeowner's associations. There is also a perimeter pathway to allow pedestrians to be separated from vehicular traffic, and also designated pathways on the streets that have signage to show alternative routes to get to a park or to schools. There would also be maps that could be distributed to the residents to show the alternative routes. Every neighborhood would be able to connect with each other. Commissioner Hamper added that everything in this plan falls within the Town limits. The Corp of Engineers Property has great value and there is a plan incorporated in this proposal to connect with this property if and when it becomes available. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO ADOPT THE PATHWAY PLAN AS PART OF THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN. Council Member McCabe expressed concerns for school children getting to and from the three schools. It is a safety hazard for children walking or riding bicycles. There are grants available. Council Member McCabe stated "for the record": "that I don't appreciate that when it comes up for final review to the Council that people (Council Members) say they did not know what was going on." The pathway plan is a concept and can be altered, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan gives the Planning and Zoning Commission guidelines for developers. The following residents addressed the Council regarding the pathway plan: Peter Stebbins, 2 Timberline Court Bill Matthai, 500 Indian Creek Drive Bill Lewis, 6 Timberline Court Mayor Pro Tern Engelbeck moved to adopt the pathway plan as part of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan including the attached Memorandum from the Planning and Zoning Commission in regard to the Pathway Plan. Council Member McCabe seconded. Council Member Brewster asked to table the motion. Page 5 Town Council/P & Z Joint Session October 20, 1998 Mayor Carter called for a break at 9:07 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:22 p.m. The Mayor called for a vote in regard to the motion by Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck; motion passed unanimously. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO ADJOURN JOINT SESSION WITH TOWN COUNCIL. Commissioner Hill moved to adjourn the joint session with the Town Council. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO ADJOURN JOINT SESSION WITH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Mayor Pro Tem moved to adjourn the joint session with the Planning and Zoning Commission, Council Member Brewster seconded; motion passed unanimously. END OF JOINT SESSION WITH PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION Town Council reconvened into regular session. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 92-08 OF THE TOWN RELATING TO TRAFFIC CONTROL AND CONTROL OF STREETS BY ADDING A SCHOOL ZONE LOCATION WHERE THE MAXIMUM SPEED ON THE ROAD BETWEEN CERTAIN HOURS SHALL BE 20 MILES PER HOUR; PROVIDING A PENALTY"NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member McCabe moved to adopt the Ordinance in regard to the School Zone. Council Member Brewster seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBERS: 98-07,96-03,95-12,95- 04, 8-07,96-03,95-12,95- 04, 92-03, 87-07, 87-06, 87-05, 86-28, 86-07, 86-06, 86-02, 85-26, 85-23, 85,19, 85-15 OF THE TOWN RELATING TO VARIOUS OFFENSES PUNISHABLE BY FINE; PROVIDING REVISED PENALTY AMOUNTS FOR EACH OFFENSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck moved to adopt the motion as read. Council Member Pratt seconded; motion carried unanimously. Page 6 Town Council/P & Z Joint Session October 20, 1998 TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING THE TAX ROLL OF THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck moved to adopt the resolution regarding the Tax Roll. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER AGENDA ITEM 15, CONSENT AGENDA, ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE TOWN COUNCIL AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL NOT BE A SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. A. MINUTES OF JULY 7, 1998 MEETING. B. MINUTES OF AUGUST 4, 1998 MEETING. C. MINUTES OF AUGUST 18, 1998 MEETING. D. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 MEETING. E. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1998 MEETING. Council Member Pratt made a motion to accept the minutes as read in items A through E. Council Member Brewster seconded; motion carried with Council Member McCabe abstaining on July 7th and September 15th and Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck abstaining on August 18th and September 25th. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Planning Director, Cathy Morgas, reported that John Harbin of Beck Properties has discussed a concept for Eagles Ridge Phases II and III, and Eagles Nest with the Planning and Zoning Commission. She also, informed the Council that there was a meeting this morning for construction drawings for the Estates of Hog Glen Town Manager, Donna Welsh, informed the Council that as requested the Administrative Committee has reviewed services offered by Ray & Associates for an employee salary survey. The committee recommended option "A" (will copy to Council) and recommends Option A. Public Works Director, Bill LeGrand, updated the Council on the status of Harmony Park. MUD Manager, Roger Unger, reported that the MUD I tax rate is down one cent, MUD II tax rate is down four cents. We just finished the fiscal year with approximately 570 million gallons of water in sales and that is almost 9 million more than the previous high year. There has still has not been a day under a million gallons and usually by this time of year we are down to 700,000 due to new homes and users. EMS call volume is up, at least two to four calls a week to the new schools. Two employees just graduated from paramedic school. Justin Sifford and Richard Todd. We just hired an additional firefighter/ paramedic to start October 29`''. Page 7 Town Council/P & Z Joint Session October 20, 1998 Pam Liston, Interim Attorney, suggested to the Council that until they adopt a parliamentary procedure, that Municipal Planning Resources Group, Inc. has a "Robert's Rules" that the Council may want to use. Diane Cockrell, Town Secretary, reported that Council Member Pratt has questioned, in addition to Pam Cates, of the Economic Development Corporation, what would be involved to add a wet/dry option to the May Election. The information provided by Tim Hodges, Denton County Clerk: Must be requested by petition, application for petition requires the signatures of ten registered voter, the petition would require 35% of registered voters in Trophy Club to qualify for an election. Dave Robison, Member of the Finance Committee reported that they will meet tomorrow night, October 21, 1998. Gene Hill, Chairman of the Land Acquisition Task Force, there is a meeting scheduled Friday morning. October 14`h they met with Dale King who outlined the fundamentals of what we would need to do to petition for use of the Corp of Engineers property. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL. Council Member Brewster (Council Liaison to Public Relations) relayed the success of the Appreciation Dinner for Town Volunteers that was held on Sunday, October 18"' . There were 115 in attendance. Thanks to Town staff and Public Relations Committee. He expressed his sympathy to Dave Robison for the editorial opinion that appeared in the "BUZZ" that attacked him. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck reported that the Economic Development Corporation met last night. The Corporation has anticipated a budget of approximately $80,000. The Corporation has budgeted $42,000 for the early warning system and the balance to go to the Public Relations to produce a video to promote Trophy Club. Mayor Carter explained the importance of an Early Warning System to the residents of Trophy Club and thanked Interim attorney, Pam Liston for stepping in for our past attorney. He also explained to the Council that he, Town Manager, Donna Welsh and Council Member McCabe will be interviewing attorney firms and will forward the best applicants to the Council for their review by the end of the year. Council Member McCabe made a motion to adjourn at 9:58 p.m. Council Member Engelbeck econded; motion ca d ftanimously. "? (Seal) s _ � Town Secretary