Minutes TC 05/05/1998MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING/ REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS May 5, 1998 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a public hearing/regular session/ public hearing Tuesday, May 5, 1998. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Carter Marshall Engelbeck Edwin "Ed" Decker Susan H. McCabe Kevin Carr STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Donna Welsh Karen Sadri Bill LeGrand Greg Guilluame David Miller Pam Liston Roger Unger Lou Opipare Kay Pratt Ben Brewster CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Town Manager Town Secretary Director of Public Works Senior Accountant Director of the DPS Town Attorney Municipal Utility District Manager Chief, TCFD/Info. Systems Specialist Newly elected Town Council Member Newly elected Town Council Member Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., noting a quorum was present. INVOCATION: Roger Unger, gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAG: The Invocation and pledge of allegiance to the American and Texas Flags was led by Lou Opipare. wig, !7 Council Member Decker moved to open the public hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. Page 2 Town Council Meeting May 5, 1998 TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO THE FOLLOWING: A. TO ANNEX CERTAIN PROPERTY (166 ACRES; NORTH OF MARSHALL CREEK ROAD CONTIGUOUS WITH A PORTION OF TROPHY CLUB'S NORTHERN BOUNDARY) INTO THE TOWN, FILED BY JOHN HARBIN, BECK PROPERTIES INC. There were no citizen presentations. TOWN COUNCIL TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AND/OR CONTINUE TO A DATE CERTAIN: Council Member McCabe moved to close the public hearing. Council Member Carr seconded; motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION CITIZENS PRESENTATIONS: THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSTED ON THE AGENDA. TIIE COUNCIL IS NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE ACTION ON ANY PRESENTA TION MADE TO THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME CONCERNING AN ITEM NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. THE COUNCIL WILL HEAR PRESENTATIONS ON SPECIFIC AGENDA ITEMS PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL. ADDRESSING THOSE ITEMS: No citizen presentations. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: Cathy Morgas, P&Z Administrator, updated the Council. Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works, updated the Council. Lou Opipare, Chief, TCFD & Information Systems Specialist, updated the Council. Donna Welsh, Town Manager, updated the Council on the status of Channel 10, 241 Oak Hill and preliminary tax evaluations. Greg Guilluame, Senior Accountant, updated the Council. Dave Robison, Finance Committee member, updated the Council. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE RECOMMENDATION FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REGARDING THE FIFTEEN (15) YEAR STREET REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works, gave a presentation to the Council on a 15 year street replacement program. Following comments and discussion by the Council the general consensus was to send this to the Finance Committee for potential funding options. Page 3 Town Council Meeting May 5, 1998 PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL: Council Member Carr, asked the Council to consider giving the Public Relations committee some direction with respect to recognizing the Town staff and all the volunteers. He also had some suggestions for the P&Z. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck, extended an invitation to the Council to attend the TCEDC meeting in June for a presentation from the North Texas Commission. The Finance committee and Public Relations committee have also been invited. Council Member Decker asked the Council to continue looking closely at animal control in the Town. He also spoke out very strongly about the cheap shots taken at certain candidates, by uninformed persons, during the recent campaign. TOWN COUNCIL TO RECESS FROM REGULAR SESSION: Council Member Carr moved to recess from regular session at 7:39 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING #2 TOWN COUNCIL TO CONVENE INTO A SECOND PUBLIC HEARING: Council Member McCabe moved to convene into a second public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Council Member Carr seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO THE FOLLOWING: A. TO ANNEX CERTAIN PROPERTY (166 ACRES; CONTIGUOUS WITH A PORTION OF TROPHY CLUB'S NORTHERN BOUNDARY) INTO THE TOWN FILED BY JOHN HARBIN, BECK PROPERTIES INC. There were no citizen presentations. John Hai -bin, Vice President, Beck Properties, Inc., answered questions from the Council. The Town Council will vote on this at the .Tune 2, 1998 meeting. TOWN COUNCIL TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AND/OR CONTINUE TO A DATE CERTAIN: Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck moved to close Public Hearing #2. Council Member Carr seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION: The Town Council reconvened into regular session at 7:42 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Page 4 Town Council Meeting May 5, 1998 TOWN COUNCIL TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS CANVASSING THE RETURNS, INCLUDING THE RETURNS OF EARLY VOTING BALLOTS CAST IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF (I) THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 2, 1998 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE(3) COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS EACH, AND (II) THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 2, 1998 FOR ONE (1) COUNCIL MEMBER TO SERVE A ONE (1) YEAR TERM IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE TERM OF OFFICE CREATED BY A VACANCY ON THE COUNCIL; AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION AND THE SPECIAL ELECTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: The Town council reviewed the master copy of the tally lists of the May 2, 1998, General and Special elections. There was no discussion. Council Member Carr moved to adopt the ordinance canvassing elections and declaring the results of the elections held on May 2, 1998. Council Member Decker seconded; motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS TO OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS: There were no presentations. PRESENTATIONS BY OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS: The following Council Members and Staff made presentations to the outgoing Council Member Ed Decker: ► Mayor Jim Carter ► Mayor Pro Tem Marshall Engelbeck ► Council Member Susan McCabe ► Council Member Kevin Carr ► Donna Welsh, Town Manager ► Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works ► Roger Unger, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Manager ► Lou Opipare, Chief, TCFD ► David Miller, Chief, TCPD Council Member Decker addressed the Council Members, present and new. He asked that the Council: ♦ support the staff ♦ continue to issue citations for Westlake and Trophy Club ♦ for the Public Works dept. to continue with the streets issues ♦ develop a 5 year plan for everything ♦ lower the speed limits or increase patrols ♦ maintain the C.O.P.S. program rather than implement a Teen Curfew ♦ consider a helipad for the future ♦ consider an animal holding facility for the future ♦ consider doubling the liability coverage for public officials ♦ consider expanding the Parks & Recreation committee to adequately represent the citizen makeup of the Town. ♦ be kind to each other and drop the malicious intent, work together for the good of the Town. He ended his presentation by saying it had been a great pleasure to serve, that he learned a lot. Page 5 Town Council Meeting May 5, 1998 OATH OF OFFICE TO BE ADMINISTERED TO THE INCOMING COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Carter congratulated all who participated in the election. Mayor Carter gave the Oath of Office to newly elected Town Council Members: ► Marshall Engelbeck ► Susan McCabe ► Ben Brewster ► Kay Pratt PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS TO INCOMING COUNCIL MEMBERS: The following citizen(s) addressed the incoming Council Members: ♦ Barry Huizenga 208 Pebble Beach Dr. ♦ Ed Decker 207 Inverness Dr. ♦ Pete Stebbins 28 Salida Dr. The following Council Members and Staff addressed the incoming Council Members: ► Mayor Jim Carter ► Mayor Pro Tem Marshall Engelbeck ► Council Member Kevin Carr ► Donna Welsh, Town Manager ► Cathy Morgas, Asst. Manager, TCMUD, P&Z Admin. for the Town ► David Miller, Chief, TCPD ► Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works ► Roger Unger, Manager, TCMUD ► Lou Opipare, Chief, TCFD PRESENTATIONS BY INCOMING COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Carter addressed the issue of Mr. Brewster being on both the Home Rule Charter Commission and the Town Council. Mayor Carter announced that former Trophy Club Police Chief, Don Franklin, was recently appointed as the City Manager of Highland Village. Council Member Pratt said " I accept my election to the Town Council with a mixture of pride and humility. In the race for my seat the vote count makes it very clear to me that no one candidate received a clear majority or mandate to follow one specific course. Tonight, I pledge my best efforts to be for the benefit for all the residents of our Town. We must prioritize needs and wants, establish a five year plan, and with teamwork help the create the growth I feel is necessary for our Town. Council Member Brewster said he feels honored and eager to start working with the Council and staff. Mayor Pro Tem Engelbeck stated how much he enjoyed the campaign and was looking forward to this term . Page 6 Town Council Meeting May 5, 1998 Council Member McCabe had a prepared statement. " As a long time resident and public official of Trophy Club, I was saddened to see Trophy Club politics reach a new low during this election. False statements, incorrect comments and lies were spread around this community with alarming ease by many individuals. We had an individual making incorrect statements and quotes in his editorial comments of his quote, unquote newspaper. We had another individual in the guise of "A concerned resident" making incorrect comments and statements without verification, and his behavior on the Internet in my opinion is an embarrassment to Trophy Club. We had other individuals going door to door telling residents incorrect information and lies on many of the issues. The truth to these issues is easily verified by examining the minutes of Council meetings and other documents within the Town. Once again, we cloud the issues so that no resolution will be found, and the losers will be the residents of Trophy Club. Despite these groups concerted and concentrated efforts of false statements and rumor, I was re-elected by many of the residents of Trophy Club. Honor, integrity and truth occasionally prevail. I am honored that many residents of varying age groups within the Town pledge their trust in me and re-elected me to the Council. My job is to represent these individuals to fullest extent and try to make this a Town for all residents not just a select group that now has a majority on the Council. My challenge to the remainder and the new people on the Council is to rise above their personal agendas and select group focus and make decisions to benefit the whole of Trophy Club, which include families and children. My challenge to the Mayor, is to run productive meetings where issues can be aired, discussed and resolved, and not buried and lost. My challenge to the residents who did not vote is to become involved and see what you did on the May 2nd election by choosing not to exercise your right to vote. I feel Trophy Club is in for bumpy times and without the right direction and involvement and the discarding of personal agenda items the Town will never be all it can be, which would allow us to ease the tax burden on the residents and provide a quality of lifestyle of all ages. I am very glad I am back and I am glad for the people of Trophy Club that I represent had their faith in me to re-elect me. I hate to be the damper but after all the years I've been out here and run in public elections, I found this one to be the most distasteful. I hope in the future we can rise above it and deal with issues and deal with the whole of Trophy Club and move forward, because that is my goal, and I believe that's why the people that I represent put me here, to make this a whole town. Thank You." ADJOURN: Council Member Decker moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously. (Seal) i Town Secretary 06/16/98 klm RETURN SHEET (PAGINA DE DA TOS SOBRE EL RESULTADO DE LA ELECCION) — -- -- U o f—.)& C ti 3 -3 - Su 3Sv ,�v�-;' ,�1� C,.q �3 � a = EE-L C 717 w 73(S C—AP r 1, S LI C -Q 7- SM, t ;y ti tq Tota) number of voters who voted as indicated by poll list. &Z1' m 'Nuero total de votantes que votaron Begun la lista de votantes.) 0 -+ I J 5 U Q C� 4 5 I, the undersigned, the presiding judge for the above described election held at the above designated election precinct, do hereby certify that the above s a true and correct return for said election. return ( Yo, el abajo firmado juez presidente de la eleccion senalada arriba que se Ilevo a cabo en el precinto electoral designado arriba, por to presente certifico que los (atos de arriba son los resultados verdaderor v corrector de dicha eleccion.) i q, z D a )ATED this the e— day of 19 FECHADA este dia de 19u Presiding Judge (Juez Presidente) PLACE THIS COPY IN Ei< vrue)p;r m^ 7 _ wLj,,