Minutes TC 05/21/1996MINUTES OF REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL ME'11,,,., TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS MAY 21, 1996 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in regular session on Tuesday, May 21, 1996. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Council Members Present: Jim Carter Mayor Edwin Decker Council Member Marshall Engelbeck Council Member Doug Glaspell Council Member Susan H. McCabe Council Member Edwin "Cotton" Moore Council Member Also present were guests and staff members: John Hill Donna Welsh Pauline Shaw Bill LeGrand Karen Sadri Terry Vance Bill Matthai Jerry Slyman John Carter Staff Members Absent: Jack Jacobs David Miller Town Attorney Town Manager Planning & Zoning Administrator Public Works Director Town Secretary Chairman, Parks and Recreation Committee Participant/Harmony Park Workshop Participant/Harmony Park Workshop Chairman, Finance Committee Town Treasurer Chief of Police CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT. At 7:03 p.m. Mayor Carter called the regular session to order, noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed Council Members, guests, and staff. INVOCATION. An Invocation was given by Terry Vance, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAGS. The pledge of allegiance to the American and Texas Flags was also led by Chairman Vance. Page 2, Regular Town Council Mee—,r.g, 05/21/96 At this time Mayor Carter acknow-ipdged and thanked Terry Vance for his active participaticr, as a Town Council and Committee Member and wished him the very best on his move to Minnesota. He then presented former Mayor Pro Tem, Gene Hill, and Council Member, Patti Stoltz, with thank you gifts for their dedication and involvement in the Town's governmental processes. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A WORKSHOP REGARDING HARMONY PARK. PARTICIPANTS: BILL MATTHAI OF 500 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE JERRY SLYMAN OF 229 PHOENIX DRIVE TERRY VANCE, CHAIRMAN OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Bill Matthai gave a comparative presentation with pictures taken of Harmony Park's poorly conditioned soccer fields to those of five area cities' well maintained fields. He also included parking and bleacher availability and the sanitary conditions of rest rooms and concession stands. Mayor Carter thanked him for his time and effort with this independent research and concern of the children's soccer program. Jerry Slyman then emphasized that the five area cities had the common thread of full time parks maintenance staff, turf experts and horticulturists or a combination of in-house staff and contracted green industry consultants. He then pointed out that Trophy Club only has a contract for landscape maintenance which lacks the inclusion for any expertise of high traffic and high use field sports like soccer and softball. Participant Slyman then offered possible short and long term solutions. The short term fix asked for immediate extra mowings, dirt, and grass planting. The long term suggestions which would require the budget be separated into landscape maintenance (medians) and park maintenance included: 1. contract for a turf/green industry expert to do only the soccer and softball fields 4 2. hire a full time employee with turf/green industry background 3. hire an employee or have volunteer work under a contracted turf/green industry expert Mayor Carter also thanked Mr. Slyman for his extensive research and efforts. Chairman Vance again thanked both men and commented how Mr. Matthai and Mr. Slyman's volunteer endeavors are key support to any committee. He agreed that Harmony Park's sports fields are in poor condition and presented a two pronged recommendation to the Council. The present short term plan Page 3, Regular -ounci l Meeting, 05/21/96 would boost the con a -I t. i on of the soccer and softball playing fields with aggressive fertilizing, watering, and mowing. The addition of three overseedings and fertiiizings would cost $ 3,500.00. Also the request to the Northwest Independent School District of the use of Lakeview Elementary fields as alternate practice fields would require rolling and mowing and cost another $ 1,500.00. This was a total request of $ 5,000.00. The second prong long term recommendation would follow the research and suggestions of Mr. Slyman. The consensus of the Council accepted the Parks and Recreation Committee's $ 5,000.00 request and directed the staff to have a resolution to that effect placed on the next meeting agenda. Greg Ryback of 103 Forest Hill Drive who started the Trophy Club Soccer Club reminded the Council that the original plans for the fields were designed for heavy use, but lack of maintenance over the past years has made Harmony Park a liability more than an asset for sports playing. Other resident concerns included: 1. updating the playground equipment and moving it closer to the playing fields, so parents can watch their younger children while the older ones participate in sports 2. placing safety and health first by removing the deep ruts and holes, rocks, above ground sprinkler heads, fire ants, and unsanitary rest room conditions 3. adding more parking space TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS LEVYING A SALES AND USE TAX WITHIN THE TOWN AT THE RATE OF ONE-HALF OF ONE PER CENT (1/2%) PURSUANT TO SECTION 4B OF ARTICLE 5190.6, V.T.C.S., THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ACT OF 1979; PROVIDING THAT THE SALES TAX COLLECTED SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSES SET FORTH IN SECTION 4B; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO NOTIFY THE STATE COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE RESULTS OF THE SALES AND USE TAX ELECTION HELD WITHIN THE TOWN ON MAY 4, 1996; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Town Attorney, John Hill, explained that after this ordinance is adopted and the materials sent to the State Comptroller's office; the Town has to wait an entire quarter before being able to collect the extra tax. The collection of this tax will then start on October 1, 1996. As no discussion ensued, Council Member Glaspeli made a Regular Town Council Meeting, 05/21/96 mot*ron to adopt the sales and use tax. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE TROPHY CLUB ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; AUTHORIZING THE TOWN SECRETARY TO FILE THE ARTICLES WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. After Town Attorney Hill explained the articles of incorporation, the Town Council decided to appoint the seven directors of the Economic Development Corporation in closed - session. Council Member Engelbeck then made a motion to adopt the resolution. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING A LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000.00 FROM NORTHWEST BANK IN ROANOKE, TEXAS, THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH SHALL BE USED BY THE TOWN TO CONSTRUCT A POLICE BUILDING; PROVIDING THAT ALL PAYMENTS UNDER THE TERMS OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BY THE TOWN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND TOWN MANAGER OF THE TOWN TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO SECURE THE LOAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. After Council Member Decker questioned why the Police Chief and not the Finance Committee was involved with this loan, he made the motion to adopt the resolution approving it. Council Member Glaspell seconded; motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Council Member Engelbeck requested that Agenda item A be removed for further discussion. Council Member Glaspell made a motion to adopt agenda item B as it stands. Council Member Moore seconded; motion passed unanimously. At this time Council Member Engelbeck requested that Council Member Decker's comments opposing the current police building construction project be included on page three of the minutes. Council Member Glaspell then made a motion to adopt the minutes as amended. Council Member Englebeck seconded; motion passsed with Council Members Engelbeck, Glaspell, and Moore for and Council Members Decker and McCabe abstaining. The approved items are as follows: A. Amended Minutes of the April 16, 1996 Regular Town Council Meeting. Page 5, Regular Town Council Meeting, 05/21/96 B. Financial reports ending 04/30/96. Mayor Carter announced that Town business would move to agenda items 11, 12, and 13 and return to items 9 and 10. *PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS* Doyle Krauss of 549 Indian Creek Drive expressed concerns about the heavy truck traffic at the north end of Trophy Club due to the new residential development. He suggested approaching the City of Southlake to discuss an access now to alleviate any more wear and tear on the Town's streets. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. Public Works Director, Bill LeGrand, informed the Council that concrete was being poured for the front road and that the Public Works Committee would discuss the last expenditures of the bond street money at their next meeting. Planning and Zoning Administrator Shaw stated that eleven new homes were started worth 1.9 million dollars. Town Secretary Sadri told about the vacancy on the Board of Managers of DENCO 911 and that former Trophy Club Police Chief, Don Franklin, could be nominated for another two year term. Town Manager Welsh announced the Town Council and Municipal Utility Districts I and 2 joint meeting on June 5th to discuss capital expenditures. She also reminded them of the R.T.C.W. Chamber mixer on Thursday the 23rd. No committee chairman had reports. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL. Council Member Glaspell welcomed the recently elected members to their first Council Meeting. Council Member Engelbeck emphasized the need to regard the park and school fields as long term projects. He also mentioned the increase of vandalism to contractors equipment and suggested reconsidering a curfew ordinance. Council Member Decker stated that of the residents list of concerns safety to the park and sports fields is the most inexpensive with the fastest visible results. Mayor Carter then announced the return to agenda items 9 and 10. CLOSED SESSION: TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A CLOSED -DOOR SESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 551, GOVERNMENT CODE, VERNON'S TEXAS CODES, ANNOTATED (OPEN MEETINGS LAW), SECTION Page 6, Regular Town Council Meeting, 05/21/96 551.074 PERSONNEL. A. TO CONSIDER THE OFFICE OF MAYOR PRO TEM. B. TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENTS TO THE TOWN'S COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES. C. TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT OF THE PRESIDING JUDGE FOR MUNICIPAL COURT. Town Council adjourned into closed -door session at 9:43 p.m. to consider and discuss the office of Mayor Pro Tem and the appointments to commissions, committees and municipal court. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION: TOWN COUNCIL TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO TAKE NECESSARY ACTION REGARDING THE MATTERS DISCUSSED IN CLOSED -DOOR SESSION PURSUANT TO AGENDA ITEMS A, B, AND C. Town Council reconvened into regular session at 10:50 p.m. A. Council Member Moore made a motion to appoint Council Member Glaspell as Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously with Council Member Glaspell abstaining. B. Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to approve the following appointments: Dan Gordon to the Parks and Recreation Committee and William "Bill" Pollick as its Chairman Patti Stoltz as Chairman to the Public Relations Committee Riley Mills to the Public Works Committee All other committees would retain their current Chair Persons and members with the exception of replacing three members each on Public Works and Public Relations. Mayor Pro Tem Glaspell seconded; motion passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Glaspell then made motion to appoint Council Member Engelbeck as the Council representative to the seven member Board of Directors of the Sales and Use Tax Economic Corporation. Council Member Moore seconded; motion passed unanimously. At this time Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to appoint John Carter, Robert Burns, and David Garlitz of the Finance Committee as Directors of the Economic Corporation. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously. The Council agreed to advertising the open volunteer positions for the committees and sales and use tax economic corporation in the Town newsletter. Page 7, Regular Town Council Meeting, 05/21/96 C. No action was taken on this agenda item to appoint a Municipal Court Judge. ADJOURN Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to adjourn at 10:55 p.m. Council Member McCabe seconded; motion passed unanimously. The next regularly scheduled meeting is June 18th. 4JMES P. CA R, MAYOR TOWN SECRETARY