Minutes TC 03/19/1996MINUTES OF REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS MARCH 19, 1996 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a workshop/regular session on Tuesday, March 19, 1996. The meetings were held within the boundaries of the Town and were open to the Public. Council Members Present: Gene Hill Marshall Engelbeck Doug Glaspell Cotton Moore Patti Stoltz Council Members Absent: Jim Carter Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Mayor Also present were guests and staff members: John Hill Donna Welsh Pauline Shaw Bill LeGrand David Miller Karen Sadri Diane Cockrell Ron Hobbs John Harbin Staff Members Absent: Jack Jacobs Arrived 7:58 Town Attorney Town Manager Planning & Zoning Administrator Public Works Director Police Chief Town Secretary Police Dept. Secretary Architect Beck Properties Inc., Applicant Town Treasurer CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Pro Tem Hill called the workshop to order at 6:18 p.m., noting a quorum was present. WORKSHOP SESSION. Town Manager, Donna Welsh, explained that workshops help the regular meetings run more smoothly and quickly and that several area entities have these as standard business practice. Mayor Pro Tem Hill then asked that citizen presentations, agenda item K, be moved to the beginning of the meeting. He also verified which Council Members abstain from the Page 2, Regular Town Council Meeting, 03/19/96 minutes listed under the Consent Agenda, item J. Police Chief Miller then introduced Ron Hobbs, the architect who designed the police building. Using colored renderings of plans, he gave a brief explanation of the concepts, requirements and limited expansion of the building. Council Member Stoltz asked about protection for the police cars, and it was determined that one end of the building could serve that purpose. Mayor Pro Tem Hill adjourned the workshop at 6:50 p.m. REGULAR SESSION. At 7:03 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Hill called the regular session to order, noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed Council Members, guests, and staff and read a memo from Mayor Carter explaining his absence. INVOCATION. An Invocation was given by Chief David Miller. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAGS. The pledge of allegiance to the American and Texas Flags was led by Council Member Moore. *PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS. Mayor Pro Tem Hill then announced that agenda item K would precede other business matters. No presentations were given by citizens. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR "EAGLES RIDGE", PHASE I BEING A TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE M. MEDLIN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 832 AND BEING PART OF A 107.2750 TRACT OF LAND WHICH IS NORTH OF SKYLINE DRIVE AND WEST OF T.W. KING ROAD AND CONSISTS OF SIXTY-TWO (62) LOTS. Using colored architectual renderings John Harbin, applicant of Beck Properties, Inc., reviewed the concepts for "Eagles Ridge". He explained that all engineering concerns except two have been met and that final filing will be delayed until these are reviewed and agreed upon by the Planning and Zoning Commission. He reminded the Council that the dedicated park land will be used to create trails and picnic areas, and not used for a high activity area that needed parking space. At this time Planning and Zoning Administrator, Pauline Shaw, stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the final plat after meeting with the Town engineers. Page 3, Regular Town Council Meeting, 03/19/96 Council Member Glaspell then made a motion to accept the Planning and Zoning's recommendation including contingencies to approve the final plat of "Eagles Ridge". Council Member Stoltz seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING. Police Chief Miller introduced Ron Hobbs, Architect, who has experience designing police buildings that meet both State and Federal mandates. Using colored renderings Mr. Hobbs described the site location, foundation, building materials, room designations, and safety features of the police department building. Responding to Council Member Stoltz's question about covered parking for the patrol cars, Mr. Hobbs explained that this was an easy addition that could be done now or in the future. He suggested that vendor bids include a quote for it. Discussion ensued regarding long term usage, future conversion to office space, brick to match the M.U.D. building's and that a preliminary site plan is open to modifications. It was noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended this site plan to the Council. Council Member Glaspell then made a motion to approve the police department's site plan. Council Member Moore seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR INSPECTION SERVICES BETWEEN THE TOWN AND TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Moore made a motion to table this resolution until the April 16th meeting. Council Member Stoltz seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING THE CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION FOR CERTAIN FINANCIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY KELLER STATE BANK ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND OTHER NECESSARY TOWN REPRESENTATIVES TO EXECUTE THE RESOLUTION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Stoltz made a motion to adopt the resolution. Council Member Glaspell seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ADOPTING ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER, NEWLY REVISED (9TH EDITION) PUBLISHED BY SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY, AND Page 4, Regular Town Council Meeting, 03/19/96 SUCH LATER EDITIONS OF ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER AS MAY BE PUBLISHED; AS THE RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Council Member Glaspell made a motion to table this resolution to a future meeting. Council Member Moore seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND APPROVE BY MOTION THE PURCHASE/ LEASE OF A 1986 CHEVROLET PICK-UP TRUCK FROM THE M.U.D. FOR $1.00. Council Member Glaspell made a motion to purchase the pick- up truck for a $1.00. Council Member Stoltz seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO ADDRESS ORDINANCE 87-05 SECTION 1 (b) WITH RESPECT TO LOTS, TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND OF TWO (2) OR MORE ACRES UNDER SINGLE OWNERSHIP, THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE AREA WITHIN ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET FROM ANY ADJACENT PROPERTY UNDER DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP AND ANY ADJACENT OR CONTIGUOUS STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, ALLEY, UTILITY EASEMENT OR OTHER PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. STAFF REQUEST DIRECTION TO CHANGE SECTION 1 (b) SO PROPERTY IS TO BE MOWED IN ITS ENTIRETY. Due to excessive dry weather and for general safety reasons, Planning and Zoning Administrator, Pauline Shaw, requested a consensus from the Council to amend ordinance 87-05. After a short discussion Council Member Glaspell made a motion to recommend an amendment to ordinance 87-05. Council Member Stoltz seconded; motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA. As no one asked to remove any items, Council Member Glaspell made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda with the following abstentions due to absences: Mayor Pro Tem Hill Council Member Moore Council Member Stoltz Council Member Engelbeck February 16, 1996 December 5, 1995 January 16, 1996 February 8, 1996 January 16, 1996 March 7, 1996 Council Member Stoltz seconded; motion passed unanimously. The approved items are as follows: A. Minutes of the November 21, 1995 Joint Public Page 5, Regular Town Council Meeting, 03/19/96 Hearing/Planning and Zoning Commission. B. Minutes of the December 5, 1995 Regular Town Council Meeting. C. Minutes of the January 16, 1996 Regular Town Council Meeting. D. Minutes of the February 8, 1996 Joint Session/ M.U.D. No.1 and No.2/Planning and Zoning Commission. E. Minutes of the February 13, 1996 Joint Public Hearing/Planning and Zoning Commission. F. Minutes of the February 16, 1996 Emergency Town Council Meeting. G. Minutes of the March 7, 1996 Joint Public Hearing/Planning and Zoning Commission. H. Financial reports ending January 30, 1996. I. Financial reports ending February 29, 1996. J. Proclamation recognizing the 10th anniversary of the Adopt -A -Beach Program. K. Proclamation declaring April 21-27 as National Volunteer Week. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Town Manager, Donna Welsh, announced a presentation on April 4th at 3:00 p.m. regarding the a U.T.A. project on the Town and M.U.D. Planning and Zoning Administrator, Pauline Shaw, informed the Council of a P. and Z. workshop to discuss subdivision regulations and changes to include 3 car garages and the zoning of land for Phase II of "Eagles Ridge". She also said the Zoning Board of Adjustments would meet on April 3rd. The status of the candidates for the May general elections was given by Town Secretary Sadri. Bill LeGrand, Public Works Director, told the Council that street construction at the front entrance is being held up because of Southwestern Bell. He also said that the Parks and Recreation Committee met with the Soccer Association to coordinate schedules for use of Harmony Park. Page 6, Regular Town Council Meeting, 03/19/96 Police Chief Miller asked direction from the Council about the unneeded current 4 -way stop signs at Inverness and Trophy Wood Drives. After a short discussion, the consensus was to temporarily remove the signs but monitor that intersection closely. He then reported on radar trailers and a portable photography system which act as traffic speed deterrents and enforcement tools. At $15,000.00 and $81,000.00 respectively both were found cost prohibitive at this time. Chief Miller reminded everyone about the Police Awards Banquet on March 28th at 7:00 p.m. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Council Member Engelbeck reminded those present that an April trip to Austin is planned to visit the Legislature regarding Highway 114 construction in this area. Council Member Moore remarked about the sudden increase of mail box vandalism. It was noted that this is spring break for area schools. ADJOURN Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Council Member Glaspell seconded; motion passed unanimously. The next scheduled meeting is April 16th. MA R PRO fEM H L -/L TOWN SECRETARY