Minutes TC 06/05/1996 - Joint SessionMINUTES OF JOINT SPECIAL SESSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JUNE 5, 1996 The Councilmen of the Town of Trophy Club met in joint special session with Trophy Club MUD #1 and MUD #2 Board of Directors on June 5, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Trophy Club Administrative Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COUNCILMEN PRESENT James P. Carter Town Mayor Doug Glaspell Mayor Pro Tem Cotton Moore Councilman Marshall Engelbeck Councilman Susan H. McCabe Councilman Ed Decker Councilman MUD 41 DIRECTORS Constance S. White T.A. Neidenberger R. Peter Reincke, Jr. John V. Peters MUD #2 DIRECTORS James C. Thomas James P. Budarf Walter R. Fitzpatrickjr James L. Tracy PRESENT: President Vice President Director Director PRESENT: President Ass't Sec.-Treas. Director Director STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT Donna Welsh Town Manager Bill LeGrand Public Works Director Lou Opipare Fire Chief David Miller Police Chief Pauline Shaw 'Town Staff Karen Sadri Town Secretary Diane Cockrell Town Staff Barbara Allen Town Staff Roger Unger District Manager Cathy Morgas Ass't District Manager Debbie Williams Recording SecJN4U­D #2 Ron Butler MUD Fire Fighter Mary Horn Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector Page 2 Joint Session June 5, 1996 Gene Hill Resident Wayne Obermeir Resident Doyle Krause Resident Riley Mills Resident Mayor Jim Carter called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at which he noted a quorum was present. Invocation was led by Councilman, Cotton Moore. The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag was led by Councilman, Doug Glaspell. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING DENTON COUNTY ACTING AS TAX COLLECTOR FOR THE THREE TAXING ENTITIES FOR THE 1996 TAX YEAR: (Due to the appearance of Mary Horn, this agenda item was moved up in the meeting.) Cathy Morgas, Tax Assessor/Collector, introduced Mary Horn, Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector. Discussion followed with Ms. Horn and Ms. Morgas regarding the possibility of going to the county for the collection of the 1996 taxes, The cost savings to the residents of Trophy Club is significant when sending collections to the county. Ms. Morgas would continue to be the contact person for the three taxing entities, MUD #1, MUD #2, and Town. She would continue to follow the delinquencies and work with the tax attorney on delinquent accounts. By having the county collect the taxes, all four entities (Town, NH Ds, County and Northwest I.S.D.) would appear on one statement, giving residents and mortgage companies only one contact place for questions and payments. Mayor Pro Tern Glaspell moved to approve Denton County Tax Department as the tax collector for the 1996 taxes, with Cathy Morgas, RTA, being the contact person for the Town of Trophy Club. Councilmember Moore seconded; motion carried unanimously. The Trophy Club MUD #I and MUD #2 Board of Directors also approved going to the county to collect the 1996 taxes. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS): Police Chief David Miller gave background information on the reasons for developing a department of public safety (DPS). Directors and council members held a discussion with the DPS committee, consisting of the David Miller, Lou Opipare and Roger Unger, to further define DPS. Following the discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Glaspell moved to approve the idea of a DPS, combining fire, EMS and police departments administratively and instructing the committee to Page 3 Joint Special Session June 5, 4996 develop a comprehensive plan, putting "meat on the bones" of the plan and present back to the MUD Boards and Town Council. Councilmember McCabe seconded; motion carried unanimously. Both the MUD #1 and MUD #2 Board of Directors approved the motion. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A JOINT PURCHASE OR LEASE OF A PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO REPLACE THE MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT'S WATER PLANT TRAILER: Due to space limitations in the administrative building and the need to replace the MUD's water trailer, Town Manager Donna Welsh presented to the Directors and Council members the idea of jointly purchasing or leasing a modular building to be used as a public works building. The MUD and Town staff to be officed in the public works building would consist of P&Z, public works, and water billing departments and field supervisory offices. Discussion was held with the Directors and Council members. The lease on the building would be in the area of $600 a month for four years, with an approximate of $15,000 extra for completing the office environment. Councilmember Decker moved to approve the concept of a joint lease and sharing of office maintenance costs of a modular building with MUD #I and MUD #2 to be used as a public works office building, meeting ADA requirements and having adequate security for anyone working in the building alone. Mayor Pro Tem Glaspell seconded; motion carried unanimously. The Trophy Club MUD #I and MUD #2 Directors also approved the concept of a joint lease and sharing of office maintenance costs. DISCUSSION OF OTHER MATTERS THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE BOARD: The needs assessment committee will meet on Wednesday, July 24th, at 7:00 p.m. in the board room. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Councilmember McCabe moved to adjourn at 9:28 p.m.. Councilmember Moore seconded, motion carrier unanimously. Karen Sadri, Secretary