Minutes TC 01/16/1996MINUTES OF REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS JANUARY 16, 1996 THE STATE OF TEXAS � � COUNTY OF UENT0N � The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a regular session on Tuesday. January 16, 1996. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Council Members Present: Jim Carter Gene Hill Marshall Engelbeck Doug Glaspell Council Members Absent: Cotton Moore Patti Stoltz Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were Quests and staff members: John Hill Donna Welsh Pauline Shaw Bill Le8rand David Miller Karen Sodri Barbara Allen Mike Hamper Gary Teague Roland Des'erdine Staff Members Absent: Jack Jacobs CALL TO ORDER. Town Attorney Town Manager Planning & Zoning Administrator Public Works Director Police Chief Town Secretary Court Clerk Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Teague, Nall and Perkins, Town Engineers Applicant Fence Variance Town Treasurer Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. noting the delay was due to a lack of a quorum' He then welcomed Council Members, guests, and staff. During the delay Mayor Carter introduced Judge Cunningham who announced his candidacy for constable and asked for the support of those present. Page 2, Regular Town Council Meeting, 01/16/96 INV()CATI0N, An Invocation was given by Chief David Miller. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAGS. The pledge of allegiance to the American and Texas Flags was led by Public Works Director, Bill LeArand. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF CLARIFICATION TO ORD. 95-16 OF THE FINISHED SIDE OF A FENCE AND CHALLENGES THE STAFF INTERPRETATION TO MR. R0LAND DESJ4RDINS OF 8 FAIR GREEN DRIVE AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. Mayor Carter stated that this request actually involved two issues. The request for interpretation, and a variance of Ord. 95-10 After Mr, Deejardins passed pictures of the shadow box fence which encloses the pool area, he questioned the definition of an unfinished side and declared the economic hardship of removing 17 posts to the inside. Planning and Zoning Chairman, Mike Hamper, agreed that the fence is satisfactory but does not meet the definitions of the long standing ordinance. He then suggested that the posts be enclosed instead of pulled and replaced to the inside. Public Works Director Le8rmnd reminded the Council that posts are not a finished side because the supports are exposed. Town Attorney Hill added that past administrative usage of the ordinance regarded the finished side being the smooth side of the fence. After some discussion the Council suggested that Mr. Dee'ardinG contact the fence contractor for recourse. Nr. Des'ardinn thanked the Council but emphasized the need Of explicit wording in the ordinance that all posts are to be on the inside. At this time Council Member 8laspell made a motion to deny the request for a variance and require the applicant to move all posts to the inside. Mayor Pro Tem Hill seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER /\ RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ACCEPTING A 8ZO FROM AND AWARDING A BID TO J.L. BERTRA4 CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING INC. FOR CERTAIN STREET REPAIRS TO TROPHY CLUB DRIVE (BETWEEN STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND INDIAN CREEK DRIVE) AND TO INDIAN CREEK DRIVE (FROM TROPHY CLUB DRIVE TO BROOK HOLLOW COURT) IN THE AMOUNT OF EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND ONE DOLLARS AND 35CENTS Page 3, Regular Town Council Meeting, 01/16/88 (� AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO �� EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR THE SAID STREET REPAIRS WITH J.L. BERTRAM CONSTRUCTION &INC.,INC. PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Town Engineer` Gary Teague of Teague, Nall and Perkins, informed the Council that his firm prepared the bid Sheet and the additional irrigation system reconstruction as an alternate part of the bid. He highly recommends the construction company because of its solid twenty year reputation. Council Member Engelbech who is also liaison with the Public Works Committee added that this bid was 10% lower than any of the others for this 7 month project. He then made a motion to accept the bid as presented and recommended by the Public Works Committee. Mayor Pro Tem Hill seconded; motion passed unanimously. At this time Mayor Carter asked to proceed to agenda item 8 and return to items 8 and 7. TOWN COUNCIL TO RECEIVE A PROGRESS REPORT ON TEEN COURT FROM COURT CLERK, BARBARA ALLEN. While proceeding with the basics for joining the Keller, Watauga Teen Court program, the Colleyville, Grapevine, 8nuthlake Teen Court invited us to join them. Court Clerk Allen recommends that the offer be accepted because Trophy Club teens want to associate with their socio-economic peers, and the CGS Teen Court cost is on a straight percentage basis. The KW Teen Court agreed to release Trophy Club from any further obligations, and June is the target date to Join CGS. The consensus of the Council was to move to the CGS Teen Court and direct Town Attorney Hill to create a resolution absolving Trophy Club from KN and an agreement with CGS. Court Clerk Allen's complete report and survey analysis is attached to these minutes. Mayor Carter then announced the return to agenda items h and 7. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS APPROVING THE 1885 TAX ROLL FOR THE TOWN AS SUBMITTED BY THE TOWN'S AD VALOREM TAX ASSESSOR; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to approve the 1995 Tax Roll as submitted. Council Member Glaepell seconded; motion passed unanimously. Page 4, Regular Town Council Meeting, 01/16/86 TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER GRANTING THE STAFF REQUEST OF $ 2,200.00 TRANSFER FROM CONTINGENCY (LINE ITEM 10-5122) TO SPECIAL EVENTS (LINE ITEM 10-5208) FOR THE JANUARY RETREAT EXPENDITURES. After commenting that the money was well spent, Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to transfer the money. Council Member Engglbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. Mayor Carter announced agenda item 8. TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS PARLIAMENTARY LAN AND PROCEDURE. Mayor Carter asked to table this item On Robert's Rules of Order to the February agenda. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tem Hill a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as is. Council Member 8l8apell seconded; motion passed unanimously. The approved items are as follows: A. Financial reports ending November 30. 1995. Again Mayor Carter asked to move to agenda item 18 and return to closed -door session items 11 and 12. *PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS No presentations were given by Citizens. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Police Chief Miller the announced the diligent preparation with the architects for the police building. Chairman Hamper stated that the P. & Z. Commission will review the concept presented by Beck Enterprises for the East and Northeast sections of the Town. Town Manager Welsh reported that Town Planner Boutwell will begin updating the Comprehensive Plan, and that Dr. Paul Geigel of U.T.A. has been contacted about a needs assessment for the Town and N.U.D. Also, on February 8th a joint meeting of the Town, M.U.D. 1, M.U.D. 2, Planning and Zoning Commission and all Committees will be held for a presentation of the future of Trophy Club. It will be the same information learned at the January retreat. Town Attorney Hill was directed to prepare a* sales tax ordinance for the May election. Page 5` Regular Town Council Meeting` 01 /16/96 PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Council Member EnQelbeck reminded everyone that Highway 114 construction is not a high priority with the Texas Department of Transportation and that a letter writing campaign be started. Council Member Glaspell' representing the Parka and Recreation Committee, asked that serious consideration be taken about the future purchase for larger plots of land. The meeting returned to agenda items 11 and 12. CLOSED -DOOR SESSION: TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A CLOSED -DOOR SESSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 551, GOVERNMENT CODE, VERNON'S TEXAS CODES, ANNOTATED (0PEN MEETINGS LAW), SECTION 551.074 PERSONNEL. A. TO CONSIDER THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS COMMISSION. Town Council adjourned into Closed -door Session at 8:33 p.m. to discuss and consider item A. Planning and Zoning Administrator, Pauline Shaw, reminded the Council that these appointments were serving only as alternates. Five* alternates were suggested, but only four could be contacted and agreed. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION: TOWN COUNCIL TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO TAKE NECESSARY ACTION REGARDING THE MATTERS DISCUSSED IN CLOSED -DOOR SESSION PURSUANT TO AGENDA ITEM A. The Council reconvened into open session at 8:38 p.m, Mayor Pro Tern Hill made a motion to appoint Jeff Curry, Pearl Ford, John Ward, and Quann8 Williams as alternates to the Zoning Board of Adjustments Commission. Council Member Engelbech seconded; motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to adjourn at 8:38 p.m. and meet jointly with the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 13th. Council Member Engelbenk seconded; motion passed unanimously. MAY R CARTER 77�> TOWN SECRETARY TEEN COURT UPDATE January 16, 1996 Last summer our presiding and associate judges got together to discuss a teen court program for Trophy Club. The CGS Teen Court program was overloaded and there wasn't any possibility of our joining them. Mayor Carter and Judge Bradley contacted Keller to discuss their interest in a program, and from that discussion a meeting was setup in September between Trophy Club, Roanoke, Keller, Watauga, Haltom City, the involved school districts and the Justice of the Peace. Judge Bradley from the CGS Teen Court also attended our meetings on an advisory basis, and started sending some of our teens through his teen court program while we were setting up our program. As you know, we have proceeded with the KWTC Teen Court program meetings and are making great strides towards completing the basics for the program. During the same period of time, the CGS Teen Court Coordinator resigned her position and was replaced by Kathleen Farrell. Kathleen immediately started making some changes in their program which helped them get caught up on backlogged cases, and, in fact, left open spots on the hearing schedules. Unbeknown to us, she approached Judge Bradley and asked if, since there were now openings in her court program, and since she was now a resident of Trophy Club and would like to do something for the town besides taking a few of our teens into her teen court, could Trophy Club join the CGS Teen Court program on a permanent basis. Last week Judge Bradley called to schedule a meeting with Kathleen Farrell, Mayor Carter and myself to extend an offer for Trophy Club to join their teen court program. Mayor Carter had concerns regarding this offer that he discussed with Donna Welsh and myself, the basic concern being our commitment to the KWTC program. Mayor Carter and I met last night with Keller and Watauga for our monthly planning meeting. Mayor Carter eloquently discussed with committee members of Keller and Watauga the opportunity that had been presented to us, and the concerns he had about the ongoing teen court project without Trophy Club's financial involvement. The consensus was that we must do what was right for our teens, and they could handle the financial loss. The opportunity for our teens to interact with their socio-economic peers in the CGS Teen Court program dictates that we need to consider absolving the previous resolution while at the same time adopting a new resolution allowing us to join the CGS Teen Court program. After the offer was made by Judge Bradley, I started doing some research and comparisons that should help answer the questions I know you have for Mayor Carter and me. TEEN COURT - January 16, 1996 I have projected expenses for the KWTC Teen Court per discussions at our meetings, done a survey among teens who have gone through our court that are eligible to attend Teen Court, and have questions that need to be addressed. KWTC Teen Court is looking at a first year budget of approximately $30,000. The towns committed to a half year payment to get started, however, T.C. is the only town to actually have a correct figure on a year basis. T.C. - $2000., Keller - $3500 and Watauga - $5000. This is how I see the breakdown, using a $30,000.00 budget figure and a total of 44,910 residents. Town Population Percent First Year Cost Trophy Club 5,300 11.8014% $ 3,540.42 Keller 18,610 41.4384% $12,431.52 Watauga 21,000 46.7602% $14,028.06 Expenses: The main expense will be the coordinator salary. I feel that we need to look at a full time person to handle the case load. Salary $23,000.00 FICA 1500.00 Medicare 350.00 Unemployment 432.00 Worker's Comp 148.00 $25,430.00 No insurance 720.00 Mileage 200 miles per month at $.30/mi (enough - ?) $26,150.00 3,000.00 Insurance added (figure is yearly average per state) $29,150.00 This would leave approximately $850.00 plus $10. per teen that attends teen court (approximately 25 cases per month? x $10. _ $3,000.00 per year), which gives you an expense budget of $3,800.00 yearly. This would be used for all expenses; telephone, postage, supplies (whatever schools could not supply), court costs, training costs, food. Teen Court - Page 2 January 16, 1996 We have had an offer from GCS Teen Court to join them. They have a new coordinator for their program who has made changes in their program, which allows for another participant in their program.. Financial Council Approved Established Court NWISD Support - $$$ Limit # of Teens Court held at T.C. KWTC � LM $3600 $6500 ($4125 /l/2 yr) Yes No, haven't been told yet No Yes No Yes Yes Concerns: Questions that have come up from different persons - Ers Yes Do we do what's best for all teens, or be mainly concerned about the teens going through our court? Would school rivalries be a concern? Would Trophy Club's "rich kids" have a problem in Watauga Teen Court? Would there be a problem with distances when sending our teens to Watauga for community service work opposed to Grapevine/Southlake? Who do our teens associate with? Keller/Watauga or Grapevine, Colleyville, Southlake teens. Teen Court - Page 3 January 16, 1996 If we don't join Keller/Watauga, would that jeopardize the teen court program there? If it would, what happens if after the first year we decide that it is not working and we want to drop out? Does the whole program fold? What happens if Watauga wants out and we have to help pick up the lost contributions? Is the offer from GCS good for now, or will it be available in the future? I took it upon myself to do a survey last week and over the weekend with teens that have come through our court. This survey covered only moving violations, no possession or MIP charges. It also includes teens that have already been assigned to teen court with the GCS Teen Court. Although I list K/W, not one teen was willing to go to Watauga or do community service in Watauga. If the teens only attend court in T.C. or the town they live in, the program is doomed. The cases and juries must be a mixture of the three towns. # of teen contacted Would you use a teen court program If you have a choice, which court would you use There was 1 undecided. 2 don't care answers went to K/W along with the undecided. Would you go to teen court if only K/W is offered? 37 Yes - 29 K/W - 4 No -8 GCS - 24 Yes - 10 (but only to Keller) These teens were all from the Southlake and Grapevine areas. There was 1 from Colleyville. We had 1 ticket on an 18 y.o. from Keller picked up on Hwy 114 (would not qualify, out of school), and no tickets from Watauga. One ticket for a teen from Argyle. Kathleen Farrell has a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and a Master's in Public Administration. Teen Court meets on Monday evenings: 1st Southlake 2nd Grapevine 3rd Colleyville 4th Trophy Club, if we want Per Brad, study just done on all teen courts - results show reduction in juvenile tickets "C" by 40 to 60%. Budget year runs Sept 1 to August 30. We would join as of Jan. 1 and pay for V2 year, $3250.00. Next year cost (Sept 1) will probably be $6500.00 We would have 1 space on the Budget Committee - usually city manager We would have 2 spaces on the Advisory Comm.