Minutes TC 01/18/1994MI VU i3 JV�iv i PtJLI �IV ANIG%'! ^i V CUl1IVC�L EC SVG T 0TDH ( J t -t 1 A R Y , i y H S i T V f i ,moi' u' 'UN i ( i U=IV�CJi3 '1e I owr, '.��'i. i c � I o' vine Town ii Oi I rvp'r�;j/ U%�, Texas met t in a Jo41 r, t Pu b I _ Hearl ng w h the P I anni ng a n a Zoning G'+iiiii SS 3 i o,r uesaay, Januar 1�, :J',:J4�. ine meeting was OT 7-1'1e Tow- a, d was ub i Council Members Presen i,,m Carter Mayor Marshall Engel becr: Council Member Doug Giaspeil Council Member Gene Hill Mayor Pro Tem Cotton Moore Council Member Patti Stoltz Cour c i i member Planning and Zoning Commission Members Present: Mike Hamper T om Mayfield Bob Paige Roger Williams Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioners Booker, Cotton, and Schaaf were not aide to attend. Also present were guests and staff members: John Hl i i Dan Boutwei Paul i ne Sha. Karen Sadri Bili LeGrand Jeff ��os- 1ey Judge Hap Daggett Millard French Town Attorney Town Planner Director of P i anti i ng ix Lon , ng Town Secretary Director of Public Wcr'Ks Denton County Judge `J -ce-Pres i dent , Beet Properties, Inc. Justice of the Peace Candidate Staff members not able to attend were: Donna Welsh, von Franklin, and Jac< Jacobs. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter caned the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed Council Members, guests, and staff. image `, JC i nt Publ i c Hear? r g% own Comic- ! Meet -1 ; j, U 1 % `'- An invoc� �i on 'was g i ver ii ley 't= i inai :'e �:Cimmi ttee U i reds--. Car UG 0HLLh,A Ai4 i I U i HE h1_ 1� r-,1iv iU I -r ri5 Lr, la I ne p i ecge oT R I I eg- ante Lo ane American anG , exas - i ags 'rbas ed by P l anti ng an " mon i ng Coiiliii- sS i criier , l ob Pu gG . Judge imose'Iey presented a Very pCSitiVe and encouraging outlook for Denton County . He Was enthusiastic about the new employment opportunitI (Ali -once Airport and Federal Express), low unemployment, a slight tax reduction, creational growth, and overa'i i economic stab -1 ity. His major concern Was the continual added Jail and corrections vu rden . For the future he sees the County tak ;rig the lead of the twenty -One county I-357 Corridor Coal i t- cn . PUBLIC HEARING TROPHY OPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A jOTNT PUBLIC HEARING WITH H IHC F'LAiVIV'llVlz AND LOfViIVCi Cl1Mi'i155'1UN 1 U UUNbiUCi{ I Ht FOLLOWING: A. REZONING OF A CERTAIN TRACT i OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWN AND GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEING GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS THE CLUB AT TROPHY CLUES, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, INCLUDING THE GOLF CLUB HOUSE, GOLF COURSE AND ALL OTHER PARIS OF IFIE CLUB AT TROPHY CLUB, AND CONTAINING 294.663-1 ACRES OF LAND, AND AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES ES HND BOUNDS IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERE I O A' Nu INCORPORATED HEREIN, BY GRANTING ON THE SAID TRACT, CURRENTLY ZONED CR -COMMERCIAL RECREATION, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ON -PREMISE SALE, SERVING, CONSUMPTIO S I ORAvc AND/OR POSSESSION OF ALC -O'HOLIC BEVERAGES, AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS " (SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES) AND 42 (CONDITIONAL AND SPECIAL USE) OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZOiJiiVG ORDINANCE, IN ACC;ORDAi V- "iiTH THE TUVi"W 1PrRFHENSIVE ZONl Au ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 9 , PRO'r I.DIG AN EFFECT _''i - -DAT`. 5. COBBLESTONE TEXAS lvC.'S (OWNERS OF THE CLUB AT TROPHY CLUES) REQUEST FOR; A CO vDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ON- PRF,v'iISF ALCOHOLIC SALES IN ACCORDANCE WITH H THE TOWN'S COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE 91-01. Iaycr Pro Tem Hill made a motion to approve calling a joint public nearing regarding the rezoning of certain tract of ,and generally described as The Club at Trophy Club; granting Page Joint Public hearing/ i own Councl I -,eeting, a Conditional Use Permit for on -premise sale of a-icchc'14- beverages as authcl-47ed by the Town's C-cimprenensive Lcni�r-� Card 'inarce. C'ounC 4? 7 Member G! aspel 11 seccnl-,' ed ; mo -t- ion p a sSr'-: unan i mous! -.hairmar. Hamper r o - the -- . - - l e Piannllng and Zoning Ccs missicn op e: that meeting a quorum ,,,,as present. Commissioner ?,10� 4 aige made a L11on to open 1-^E? Jo' n"7- Puciic Hearing-. c n e 0 W 4 mnm s 'E� i ,- i 71 11 i asci` s e c oiced m c t i on passed urian imous iy. Mayor Pro T em H41 1! made a mo -ti on to open the joi nt --ut)l 4, C Hear 4 ing for the Town Council. Council Member Englebeck ,econded; mo -tion passed unanimously. Tcwn Planner, Dan Boutwell, recommended the applicant's request be granted since the site plan and legal description adequately met the Conditional Use Permit req U4 L, i r e me S Aiter some discussion Chairman Hamper's concerns were alleviated by Town Planner Boutweli, Town Attorney . H"iil, and . Beck Prope rt4eS, Inc. representative, Hap Baggett, that this � 4 Conditional Use Permit will contain the same regulations as the previous private club's permit. CommissionerWilliams noted the need of using the legal name, The Club at Trophy Club, in the ordinance. Attorney H4111 will make those corrections and reissue a new ordinance. Public Works Director, Ms. Pauline Shaw, commended Beck Properties, Inc. for voluntarily applying for permits and meeting ordinance standards. Citizen Y. O. Boychuk, 2213' Oak Hill Drive, questioned the necessity of a Conditional Use Permit, if a walk-in could purchase liquor, and if the zoning will remain CR -Commercial Recreation. TOWN COUNCIL TO CLOSE THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING AND;"OR CONTINUE TO A DATE '1--Er-,T �IL N Commissioner W417liams made a motion to close the joint Public Hearing. Commissioner Mayfield Seconded; ed; motion passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Hill then made a motion to close the joint, m Dub 14 c Hearing. Council Member Moore seconded; motilin passed I I Lj unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-Oi OF Page 4, Joint Pub i i c Hea—J ng% 1 o'wni Council Meeting, i I 0`4N, T HE SAi°iE EEI�N' . '{ HE 'COMPREHENSIVE ZONING URUINAtvC'E, .E rMEND 1NG THE JF ICIA,L ZG7)I,II G MA OF T HE 10WiN BY CHA ai"v'a THE UIV1 JUON' A ERT' IN RAC OF LHNU LUU1 k i EU WIT' i i1iN I t -1E I UWiJ r..INU CaEivE4;,aLLY UESURIBED AS FOLLOWS: btiNli UENERALLY vE i jC AS THE CLUB A I I fCUPH'Y �.,L'v'�, f fKUPH'( i LOU, i tAAb, 1i '.'LUUiN Ti -IL uvLF ULUB HOLJ.:�E, GULF UUURSE HNU ALL UT -1 t - PA RT OF T t,E C:LU,B t, 1 T R C; P C L IJ C., H i',," -D CION I A—i-iININU Gy4. Ul D i 1 EU v Li I'v ', A LU AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES U EO' li3D:- iN EXH1E11 r i i tiU E J HERE! U AND INCORPORATED _. Ly- ( 'a r`. �! 1 1ii1E ri PCHL Pr Ui'LiR I Y L` INFO C COMMERCIAL RECREATION A. CONDITI.ONAL USE PERMIT FUR THE ON- PREiiSE ALE, SERVZN CONSUMPTION, STORAGE AND/OR PUSSESSiU1 OF L� it %L'1C tSEVE t/�UES, AS �U'IHORIZED BYSEC:;T'ic"N'S 2 (SALE OF A_COHOLIC BEVERAGES) AND 42 (COiiDITIONAL AND SPECIAL USE) OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY �LAUS-; PROV7D7NG A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Paige made a motion to recommend that the Town Council grant the Conditional Use Permit with the addition of private club added to the text or the Ordinance and to include the legal name, The Club At Trophy Club. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Hili then made a motion to accept the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission with the stated amendments. Council Member Glaspeli seconded; motion passed unanimously. Chairman Hamper asked that the joint meeting be closed. Commissioner Paige made a motion to adjourn the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at 7:136 p.m. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF T,=OPHY CLUB, TEXAS REQUIRING THE DEDICATION OF PARK LAND TO THE TOWN CONCURRENT WITH SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL, PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT IN LIEU OF SUCH DEDICATION AND A PROCEDURE FOR DEIERM1idIiNS FAIR MARKET VALUE OF LAND; PRC1 IU1N',�; THE CHARACTE API'D m1Ni'MUM AREA OF UEUICATEU LAND; PRO''JIDINa FUR THE MAINTLNANC;E OF DEDICATED PARK. LAND; REPEALING ORU11'aAi E NO. 87-09 AND NO. 86-30 RELATING TO THE DEDICATION OF THE PARK L'4,'f,vuIUINU A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. After suggesting that independent appraisals determine fair market value, Council Member Glaspeli made a motion to adopt the ordinance as stated. Council Member Engelbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. Page 5, joint Public Hearing/Town Council Meeting, 01/102/94 CONSENT AIC�EINDA v; a . I U member - . I - hound . I I I vo- Carter as i any Melnl0e- OT the i own i i wi Shed 4 to remove any ;tell} from the Consent Agenda ""'or TUI 1 u41SCUSS4I0n. No request was made to remove any item. However-, 'Mayor Pro m I ,-i4 i , 1 i requested a S7 !i1ght ame�-,cment to the minutes under the " P E_ E� E_ T T 10 N S BY C I TI_ -,tem CO inciUde the date December,-:, 9 Council Member,Engellbeclil'l then made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items as amended. Mayor Pro Tem H-i'll seconded; motion passed unanimously. the approved items are as follows: A. Minutes of the December 7, i993 Council Meeting. B. Financial Reports Ending !1/030/913 C. Financial reports ending 12/31/913 TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER GRANTING THE PROPOSED PETITION ALLOWING FOR RURAL LOCAL SB 632 FOR THE TOLL-FREE CALLING AREA OF SMALL TOWNS TO CALL TOLL-FREE WITHIN 22 MILES OR 50 MILES. Public Works Chairman, Nestor Karlis, presented research for Rural Local calling. He was concerned that the Town could lose some of its present advantages. Council Member Glaspell made a motion to table the proposed petition until the resolution is received. Mayor Pro Tem Hill seconded; motion passed unanimously. Mayor Carter then asked that the resolution be placed on the next council meeting agenda. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER GRANTING THE PURCHASE OF A SOFTWARE S_YSTEM "BUILDING BLOCKS-" FOR PERI TT DEPARTMENT AND TAKE APPRO PR _L 7 ATE ACTION. After diSCUSS4 ns the 1nc7fus4on OT a laser printer in the software package, Mayor Pro Tem, Hill made a motion to grant this purchase as originally requested. Council Member Moore seconded; motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZZENOS Mayor Carter recognized Willard French, candidate for justice of the Peace of Pre C4I nct 4. After Mr. French read his press release promoting a satellite JP office, he wanted Trophy Club residents to be assured that the Roanoke JP office will Page 6, Joint Publ 'to Hear -ing/Town Council Meet 1/ i'S/'94 remain where its '--�en. Beck Properties, inc. Vice -President, Hap Daggett, reiterated E'--ieit- desire to c3op=-ratemore ti sari expected by s expecteby the T own . ilurrent projects GlUde home construction, a fourth 9 hole Imaster plan development with Trophy Club -�' Jo course, and a rt `venture. i"11 r . Bagget-t stated a letter would be 70r --:'i- coming to request- 2, tracts of land 1 I4.6 and 1 3.2 acres) be annexed into the -town olf Trophy Chit and an easement throug I n Li e resIder t"al, p;-operty at the end of Trophy Wood will be given to the Town for an East Entrance. STAFF SAND COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 1- '4 F-,nance Committee Chairman, John Carter, reported that the Comm 41 ttlee met last week and commended the star for the f 4 rst quarter financial standings. He also recommended the Town Council approve those statements. Public Works Director, Ms. Pauline Shaw, informed the Council that bids -f-or street repairs have been issued. No other Committees had reports. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL The Council had no presentations but wanted to commend the Public Works Committee for their work on the recycling program. EXECUTIVE SESSION the Town Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:29 p.m. to discuss and consider committee appointments to the Public Works Committee. OPEN SESSION Council reconvened into open session at 8:37 p.m. Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to approve the committee appointments of Allen Bush and Greg Webb with Glenn Carlson as an alternate. mayor Pro Tem Hill seconded; motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. and to meet again on Tuesday, February 15, 1994. Council Member Glaspell seconded; motion passed unanimously. Page 7, Joint Public Hearing/Town Council Meeting, 01/18/94 RECORDING SECRETARY PLANNING AND ZZNTNn CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING SECRETARY