Minutes TC 10/17/1989 - Special SessionMINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS > ) COUNTY OF DENTON > The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 17, 1989. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carter George Doran Marilyn Hallgren Terry Vance Bob Sylvia Marshal Engelbeck Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Also present were members of the Town Staff: John Hill Jack Jacobs Donna Welsh CALL TO ORDER Attorney Treasurer Administrator Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION Council Member Engelbeck gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Marshal Jenkins led in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Council Member Hallgren made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 19th regular meeting as written, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 25th special meeting as written, Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Doran made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 25th regular meeting as amended, Council Member Vance seconded, motion carried unanimously. Page 2 Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 3rd meeting as written, Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried with Mayor Pro Tem Doran abstaining. He was unable to attend the meeting. RESOLUTION: TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION THE NEED FOR MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS AND NEW POINTS OF ACCESS TO I1+ -35W IN ORDER TO SERVE EXISTING AND PROJECTED TRAVEL DEMAND WITHIN THE AREA BETWEEN PROPOSED SH 170 AND SH 114 IN TARRANT AND DENTON COUNTY. Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the Resolution as written, Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION: Mr. John Hill, Town Attorney, reported on Independent American filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy and explained how it would effect the Town. Mr. Hill explained that Independent American did not owe any back taxes and the 1989 taxes have just been sent out. PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL AND CITIZENS Filed with the minutes of this meeting. FINANCIAL REPORTS Council Member Sylvia made a motion to approve the financial statement as presented, Mayor Pro Tem Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Filed with the minutes of this meeting. MRS. JANICE FLYNN OF HOME VIDEO OF TROPHY CLUB TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL CONCERNING A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO THE SIGN ORDINANCE., Mayor Carter introduced Mrs. Flynn and stated that the request for a variance had been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and passed on to the Council. Mrs. Flynn explained that she would like to have a three foo -1 banner placed on Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive for three Saturday's in a row advertising her new business. She explained that her family had bought the business in the summer after it had been closed for a short period of time. Page 3 During the discussion, the question came up that this might be considered a discontinued use according to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. If this is the case, the request would go before the Zoning Board of Adjustments. The Council tabled the request until the staff an Mr. Hill could review the request. MR. WAYNE HUMMER, 23 CREEKMERE DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL CONCERNING A VARIANCE TO THE SATELLITE DISH ORDINANCE. Council Member Engelbeck made a motion to approve the variance for a 10 foot satellite dish as long as it does not exceed the top of the fence line by 18 inches. Council Members Engelbeck, Hallgren and Vance voted for the motion, Mayor Pro Tem Doran and Council Member Sylvia voted against. Motion carried. During the discussion the Council noted the requests for variances that have come before the Council have been for 10 foot dishes. The current ordinance calls for 8 foot dishes. The Council asked the Public Works Committee to see what the availability of 8 foot dishes is in today's market. The Council also noted the reason given for residents wanting to install the dishes was because of the problems with the cable service in the Town. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 86-19 CONCERNING SIGNS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. The Council discussed the changes in the ordinance and felt the ordinance needed to be formatted by subject such as directional signs, political signs, etc. be put in order by type. Also the Council felt in section "J" concerning the hours for open house signs to be displayed was too lenient. Council Membe- Sylvia made a motion to send the ordinance back to the Planning anH Zoning Commission for further consideration, Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried with Council Member Vance opposing. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 89-04 CONCERNING FENCE CONSTRUCTION. The Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended that all finished sides of a fence be facing out as outlined in Item I on page 3. Page 4 Council Member Vance made a motion to approve the ordinance as recommended by the P & Z. Council Member Engelbeck seconded, motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT WITH DENTON COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. Mr. Hill had suggested several changes in the contract- that ontractthat had been in the previous contracts with Denton County Sheriffs Department. Sheriff Robinson had reviewed the request for changes and had agreed with only a few of the changes requested by the Town. Mayor Carter offered to meet with Sheriff Robinson to try and resolve these issues. No action was taken on this agenda item. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Council adjourned into Executive Session at 10:17 to discuss the following items: A) Town Council to consider settlement negotiations with Indiana Lumbermans Mutual Ins. Company concerning Harmony Park and/or contemplative litigation with Indiana Lumbermans Inc. B) Town Council to discuss committee appointments and committee duties. OPEN SESSION: The Town Council took action on the following Executive Session items: A) Council Member Vance made a motion to accept the resolution to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Lumbermans for the completion of Harmony Park that will release the bonding company from the performance of bond and allow the Town to complete the construction of the park. Mayor Pro Tem Doran seconded, motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN Council Member Vance made a motion to Sylvia seconded, moti _ adjourn, Council Member sly. S E kCC$, E T A R Y